Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 31-8-1914 5.30am Left bivouacs. 1.00pm Crossed river Aisne. 3.30pm Arrived Leversine. Bivouacked in hollow commanded by hills on either side. ‘A’ company (Captain Mayne) night outpost. 1-9-1914 Leversine 1.30pm via Villers – Cottfret arrived 3.00pm entrenched position covering village. 2-9-1914 2.15am Left Couverant, arrived Vincy – Sam. Took up rear guard position H.L.I on left Connought Rangers on right. Remained in position till 12noon, no sign of enemy. Retired to Chauconin – arrived 7.00pm 3-9-1914 3.00am Left Chauconin. Reached Petit Courais Transport through Meaux at 1.00pm delayed through sheep hill – very hot. 4-9-1914 Left Petit Courais and marched south to line road- 7.30pm to Guiremontiers arrived 10.30pm 5-9-1914 5.30am Left Guiremontiers, arrived Marles 6.00pm. Capt CT Martin and 1st line reinforcement s (104) arrived 6-9-1914 6.30am Left Marles and marched north to Paradis – Advance advanced position took over from 16th Lancers. ‘B’ and ‘C’ began companies took up position for night. Left ???? 7-9-1914 1.30pm Left Paradis and marched to St Simeon and bivouac where Germans had just left. 8-9-1914 6.30am Parade and reached La Tetroir 10.00am. Petit Lte Lilburn Morin river held by the Germans. Battalion ordered up in and 50 NCO’s support of 4th (Guards) Brigade which had suffered and men severely. Crossed river without opposition. Made right joined the flanking movement, our advance stopped by our artillery reinforcement shelling us. Bivouacked near Bassville where a draft joined s- 2men us. 14 German prisoners taken during the day. wounded. 9-9-1914 Left Bassville at 12 noon and marched to River Marne which was crossed at Charlie Sur Marne, then to Domptin where the Battalion bivouacked. 10-9-1914 4.30am Parade and marched to Bonissier where the Battalion A few deployed for attack. Made a long advance across corn fields, Germans But did not come into action until Monnes was reached captured

Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 10-9-1914 when the Battalion came under shell fire. Bivouacked cont at Monnes. 11-9-1914 5.00am Left Monnes and marched to Beugereux. Very wet. 12-9-1914 Left at 5.00am. Battalion advanced guard to brigade. ‘B’ company (Captain Gausson) vanguard. Took up position in succession. Crossed river Vessel near Courcelles by token bridge repaired by RE and advanced to Vieilarcy where the Battalion billeted. Very wet. 13-9-1914 4.00pm Paraded and crossed river Aisne at Pont Arcy by repaired bridge and position Brigade. Shelled whole company crossing, but no damage done. Battalion took up outpost position at Verneuil. 14-9-1914 Ordered to reinforce troops holding the top of Verneuil bridge at 12noon. Enemy driven back. After dark advanced with Brigade as far as Chemin des Dames. Brigade not supported on right or left, so returned to Verneuil. During the day part of ‘D’ company under Sir AC Gibson Craig charged the enemy and killed a large number. 15-9-1914 Returned to Verneuil ridge at daybreak and dug in. Heavy shelling all day. 16-9-1914 Germans attacked about 10.00am, but it was not pushed home. Very heavy shelling all day. 17-9-1914 Battalion remained in trenches on the ridge all day subjected to very heavy shell fire. The Worcester Regiment took over trenches at night and the Battalion withdrew to billets in Verneuil at night. th th 13 -17 Killed:- Sir AC Gibson Craig Best, 2nd Lte RCH Powell, 10 NCO’s and men. Wounded:- Captain CT Martin, Lte JMcD Latham, 2nd Lte R Whister, 79 NCO’s and men. Missing:- 14 NCO’s and men. 18-9-1914 Battalion all day in village of Verneuil. Returned to 1 man trenches on hill at night. wounded 19-9-1914 In trenches on Verneuil ridge all day. Continued shelling. 2 men wounded 20 -9-1914 Heavy rifle fire at 6.00am. Attack repulsed. Germans noticed to be entrenching themselves about 300yards from our advanced trenches. 2 platoons under Lte Lilburn (‘B’ company) with two companies of Worcester regiment made a gallant, but unsuccessful attack on German trenches. Killed:- 2nd Lte JA Fergussson, CL MacKenzie, ERHK McDonald, J O’Connor (RAMC), 15 NCO and men.

Remarks and Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information References To Appendices 20-9-1914 Wounded:- Captain AWD Gausson, Lte R Lilburn, 69 Con’t NCO’s and men. Missing:- 15 NCO’s and men 21-9-1914 In trenches all day. At 7.00pm trenches taken over by 1st Battalion Black Watch. Battalion marches to Dhuizel about 6 miles. 22-9-1914 Arrive Dhuizel at 4.00am and take over billets. Men all very 5 men worn out with severe fighting of the previous few days. wounded A draft of 102 NCO’s and men under 2nd Lte Mylles join. 23-9-1914 At Dhuizel resting. Enemy shelled rear ridge with big guns. 24-9-1914 Dhuizel- During the night Battalion dug trenches for 2nd line of defence. 25-9-1914 Dhuizel – In billets all day. Weather fine. 26-9-1914 Received orders to be ready to move. Order afterwards cancelled. 27-9-1914 At Dhuizel. Sergeant F Nicholson and L/C Webber received DC Medal from Sir J French at Bourg. 28-9-1914 Enemy shelled Dhuizel at noon. 29-9-1914 At Dhuizel. Battalion ordered to move. 3 men wounded 30-9-1914 Battalion left Dhuizel at 2.00am and marched to Courtonne a distance of 4 miles. Took over billets from Welsh Regiment. 1-10-1914 White frost- fine day- continued defences in wood. Relieved by Royal Munster Fusiliers at dusk, marched to trenches North of Soupir at 7.00pm and took over from South Staffords and Royal Fusiliers. Bright morning. Good position on edge of wood with ground falling sharply in rear. 2-10-1914 Quiet night (1-2) order of companies from right BCDA. Improved trenches and communications. Sniping all day – mist. 1 NCO and 1 man killed by shrapnel. 3-10-1914 Sniping, otherwise quiet. 4-10-1914 Oxford Light Infantry on our left had 22 casualties. Heavy shell fire, but did not touch HLI patrol ‘D’ company out at night, located patrol of enemy. 5-10-1914 Quiet day. Sergeant Baillie and patrol did good work at night. th 2nd Lte McLellend joined with 4 reinforcements of 97 NCO’s and men. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 6-10-1914 ’C’ company sapped to front and made new communications trench, can now go under cover from one end of line (1200yards) to the other. 7-10-1914 Quiet day. 2 men of ‘B’ company out to reconnoitre 200yards in front of companies at dusk where German snipers in habit of hiding behind, one of our men slightly wounded, this put an end to enemy’s sniping at that point. 8-10-1914 Quiet day. Sergeant Baillie and 3 men patrolled at dusk, reported enemy quiet. Following officers, NCO’s and men mentioned in despatches dated 8/10:- Lte AA Wolfe Murray, Lte Sir AC Gibson Craighart, Lte APD Telfer Smollett, no7936 Sgt F Nicholson, no 8944 Pte Webber, no 9812 Pte J Campbell, no 9553 Pte G Wilson. 9-10-1914 Heavy shrapnel fire 11.30am – 12.15pm. Pte Carty (HLs 5th Brigade cook)’ killed by shell. RE out at night putting up wire entanglement -1 RE wounded. 10-10-1914 Cold misty day – all quiet. 11-10-1914 Shrapnel fire am. Sgt Howe and 4 men wounded. Pte Hills killed. 12-10-1914 Quiet by day. Some firing at night, but no movement. 13-10-1914 Relieved by 48th French Regiment at 10.00pm. Marched to Vauxcelle arrived at 5.00am. Total losses at Soupir :- 2 NCO’s and 5 men killed. 9 wounded. 14-10-1914 Quiet day in billets. Left Vauxcelle at 7.00pm and marched to Fismes (4 miles) and entrained. Train left 12.50am. Captain and adjutant JH Hope awarded the Legion d’honneur, Medal Militaire awarded to no 10901 Pte Scott. 15-10-1914 In train all day. Passed, Amiens, Etaples, Boulogne, , St Omer. 16-10-1914 Arrived at Hazebrouck, 3.00am detrained very quickly at 8.00am. Marched to Morbecque (2miles) good billets. 17-10-1914 Marched in Brigade at 7.15am to Godesverheld, arrived at 1.00pm. Halted 2 hours for French to vacate billets. Cold day. Men cooked on roadside- very comfortable billets. 18-10-1914 Quiet day. Visited by Sir Douglas Haig. 19-10-1914 Quiet day in billets. Paraded at 7.00pm and marched 7 miles to Poppringhe. Large town – good billets.

Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 20-10-1914 Paraded 5.30 HLI (less 2 companies) acted as advanced guards to flank guard, saw many French troops. Crossed Steenstraate bridge over Yser Canal and entrenched a position in it. 21-10-1914 5.00am Paraded and marched to Brigade rendezvous near St Jean. Attacked NE Worcester and Oxford LI front line. HLI supported Dse LI on left. Advanced to within 1 mile of Poelchapelle then came under heavy fire from left. Took up position along main road. Captain and Adjutant JH Hope, Lte CW Hooper – wounded. 14 NCO’s and men killed. 80 NCO’s and men wounded. 8 NCO’s and men missing. 22-10-1914 Remained in position. Germans attacked at 6.00pm, but were repulsed with loss. Moved back to position 300yds in rear, but order cancelled. 23-10-1914 Heavy shelling and much sniping. Relieved at 10.00pm by 128th French Regiment. Attacked while relieving, but made no headway – marched to Halte arriving there at 5.00am. 24-10-1914 Ordered to clear Polyglone wood. Germans having broken through line. HLI on right, Worcester on left cleared wood and took up position facing east on edge of wood. 25-10-1914 Remained in position. Attack on 4th Guards Bde on our right repulsed. 26-10-1914 Relieved by Grenadier and Coldstream- to bivouac at NE corner of wood. Went to support 6th Brigade on left, but not required and back to same bivouac. Good night. 27-10-1914 Ordered to attack at 8.30am. Connaught Rangers in front, no forward movement practicable. Relieved King’s Regiment at 8.00pm. 28 -10-1914 Heavy shelling and considerable sniping. Lte Telfer–Smollet acting adjutant wounded. 29 -10-1914 Brigade ordered to attack 9.30am, but after reconnaissance found it impracticable, remained in the same position. 30-10-1914 Very wet night. ‘D’ company relieved, ‘A’ ‘C’ and ‘B’ companies in trenches. Captain Oppenheim wounded at transport. 31-10-1914 H2 farm shelled – took to dug out – no movement by enemy. Lte Gerard (acting Adj) wounded. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 1-11-1914 Relieved by French at night. Battalion to bivouac near 6th Inf Bac HQ’s? 2nd Lte hall and 41 NCO’s and men arrved. Captain Mayne DSO and 2nd Lte Francis wounded. 8 NCO’s and men killed, 10 NCO’s and men wounded. 2-11-1914 In bivouac till 1pm ‘D’ company (Captain Chichister) to reinforce French line on left at 3.00pm. Relieved Connought Rangers in trenches East of Beceleare-Paschendeale road (L3A) at night. Difficult position, relief not furnished till 4.30am. 3 NCO’s and men killed, 11 NCO’s and men wounded 3-11-1914 Quiet day on the whole. ‘D’ company ordered forward to occupy position in SE corner of small wood on west side of big ridge. 3 NCO’s and men killed, 9 NCO’s and men wounded 4-11-1914 Quiet night, considerable fire from German trenches after dusk, but no attack. 1 man killed, 2men wounded 5-11-1914 Gun of 15th Battery shelled ruined house and redoubt (at 500yards) range on left of ‘B’ company trench at daylight. Partly demolished house. Heavy shelling pm, rain at night. 2 men killed, 1 NCO’s and 2 men wounded. 6-11-1914 Heavy shelling all day. RE made closed works to hold ten men each in rear of trenches. 2 men wounded. 7-11-1914 Enemy made heavy attack on ‘B’ company‘s trench at See Appendix 4.30am and occupied part of trench. They lost 54 prisoners A and 80 killed and wounded. Captain Buisk, Lte Brodie, Lte Dalrymple and 6NCO’s and men’s names submitted for gallantry. Lte Brodie subsequently received Victoria Cross. 16 NCO’s and men killed, Lte Dalrymple and 125 NCO’s and men wounded 3 missing. 8-11-1914 Germans still occupied part of trench separated by barricade. Major Hill reconnoitred position at dusk and consulted with Major Prentice and Captain Buisk as to attacking German part of trench, but it was considered impracticable. Heavy shelling on ‘D’ company and Battalion’s HQ. 2nd Lte Whitson wounded. 1 man killed, 6 NCO’s and men wounded. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 9-11-1914 Quiet day. Relieved by Royal Berkshire and 2/KRR’s at dusk, very dark night; to bivouac men near 6th 10-11-1914 QuietInfantry day Brigade in bivouac. HQ at 1.00am. Heavy artillery fire all C/Sergeantnight. 1 NCO Mears killed, and 15 C/SergeantNCO’s and Mumfordmen wounded. received 10-11-1914 commission. continued 12 NCO’s and men wounded 11-11-1914 Battalion (less ‘D’ company) ordered to nE corner of C1ontinued Polyglone wood at 9.00am. Found 1 Brigade had been forced to leave trenches. Ox and Bucks LI Northampton’s and 5th Company rE attacked the rough wood successfully, but had to evacuate trenches won owing to being shelled by French. ‘C’ company (HLI) did some excellent practice at Germans crossing open space between woods and accounted for about 20. 2nd Lte Mears killed. He had only received commission previous day. 4 men killed, 8 NCO’s and men killed, 20 NCO’s and men wounded. 12-11-1914 Paraded 12.30am in support of OX and Bucks LI to attack trench at NW corner of the wood. Considered impracticable by Lte Col Davies. Returned to bivouac at 4.30am. 9.30am Battalion (less ‘C’ company Major Prentice) ordered to 6th Brigade H2 part of French line on left having been forced. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies to dug-outs near top of hill (L2b). British line 6th brigade with drain to line of main road at night. ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies occupied trenches ‘B’ on right ‘D’ and ‘A’. 2 men killed, 20 NCO’s and men wounded. 13-11-1914 Our trenches very heavily shelled, large shells bursting on them. ‘A’ company stuck well to trenches after both their officers had been killed. Captain Chichister, Lte Cornish-Hall killed, CSM McPhail killed, 8 NCO’s and men killed, 2nd Lte McLellan and 22 NCO’s and men wounded, 2 men missing. 2nd Lte Ashton and 283 Nco’s and men arrived. 14-11-1914 More heavy shelling, relieved at night by S Stafford. Marched to farm at 3Kilo stone on Yres-Menin Rd. 2nd Lte Dickson killed. 17 NCO’s and men killed, 31 NCO’s and men wounded, 5 men missing. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 15-11-1914 Quiet day, visited by GOC 2nd Division. Took over trenches from 2nd brigade at night immediately N of Ypres- Menin road. ‘D ‘company in trenches, ’B’ in support, ‘A’ and ‘C’ 16-11-1914 Quietcompanies day, in Relieved reserve. by French at night, marched to Ypres 2viand Ltelight Ashton railway. wounded. 1 man killed, 3 men wounded. 17-11-1914 Arrived at Ypres 3.00am. Remained all day in billets. 18-11-1914 Marched 4.30pm to Locre. Breakfasted and arrived Bailleul 5.00pm to rest and refit. 19-11-1914 Brigadier General Haking returned. Quiet day, rain, very cold night, frost and snow. 20-11-1914 Very cold and frosty. Visited by GOC 2nd Division. Half the officers proceeded home on leave. 21-11-1914 Bomb dropped on hospital, a very large supply of comforts for men arriving daily. 22-11-1914 Presbyterian Divine service 11.00am. 23-11-1914 Route march 10.00am. Glasgow Highlanders (9th HLI) arrived to join Brigade. Turned out to cheer them. 24-11-1914 Quiet day. 25-11-1914 Marched to Kemmel at 3.00pm and took over trenches from Welsh Regiment and SWB. Difficult line. Much sniping at night and heavy fire to our right 26-11-1914 Dull, misty day. Quiet. 2 men wounded. 27-11-1914 Quiet night, very fine day. Relieved by 5th Fusiliers at night. Marched back to Bailleul, arriving 1.00am. 5 men wounded, 1 man killed 2nd half of officers proceeded home on leave. 28-11-1914 Practiced making trenches; various types. St Hughes R/War Regiment and 189 NCO’s and men arrived. 29-11-1914 Presbyterian Divine service 11.00am. 30-11-1914 Rifle exercises and marching by companies. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 7-11-1914 The Germans attacked ‘B’ company (Captain Buist) Appendix A trenches (L.3.A) about 4.40am. It was a very misty morning; Reference Map their strength is roughly estimated at 300. Owing to proximity 1/40000 of German trenches (varying from 50.15yards) there was little line of fire and it immediately became a hand to hand fight. Lte WH Brodie subsequently awarded VC i/c machine gun behaved with great promptitude and pluck. He called on the men near him, bayoneted 4 Germans, himself, shot 4 or 5 more and mounted a machine gun on a travesse and fired it down the trench. The Germans actually occupied the part of the trench marked A.B.C. on accompanying diagram, but 54 of them were taken prisoners and about 80 more were killed and wounded. 1-12-1914 Windy and wet. Battalion route march pm. 2-12-1914 Company training, bomb throwing practice. 3-12-1914 His Majesty the King drove round in motor; Battalion lined the road with the rest of Brigade. 4-12-1914 Captain Pollok- Morris went with Private Wilson to St Omen where HM the King presented them with Victoria Cross for gallantry on 14th Sept 1914. 5-12-1914 Company training and route march. 6-12-1914 Quiet day, Presbyterian service 11.00am. 7-12-1914 Route march am. 8-12-1914 Brigadier General Haking called to say that Captain WH Appendix A Brodie had been awarded the Victoria Cross for his gallantry on 7th Nov (see appendix A). Companies practiced in fire control judging distance etc. 9-12-1914 Fine day. Company training – ground very wet. 2nd Lte Caird (3rd KOSB) arrived to be attached. 10-12-1914 Bomb throwing practiced. New method of making charcoal tried with success. 4 new travelling kitchens arrived. 11-12-1914 Route march am. Greatcoats on field service jackets and goat skin coats in valise. 12-12-1914 Company training N of Bailleul stopped by heavy rain. Bomb throwing practice pm. 13-12-1914 GOC visited billets 10.00am. Presbyterian service 11.00am. 14-12-1914 Brigade in reserve under C-in-C ordered to be ready to move at 1 hours notice. 15-12-1914 1 hours drill by companies. Whole Battalion washed at wash house in hot baths. 16-12-1914 Company parades am. Battalion route march pm, very wet. 17-12-1914 Battalion route march am. Company parades pm. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 18-12-1914 Companies were to have gone out for training am, but cancelled owing to likelihood of move route march by companies pm. 19-12-1914 Company parades. 20-12-1914 Presbyterian service 10.00am. 21-12-1914 Companies trained near St Jean-Capelle road. Heavy rain. 22-12-1914 Stood by waiting to move from 2.00pm. 23-12-1914 Paraded 2.00am and went in motor-buses to -a long 24-12-1914 coldQuiet night. day, inArrived billets. 10.00am Hard frost.. Met 1st Battalion HLI on 25-12-1914 Christmasroad. The 2day. Battalions Commanding had not officer met since and 1874.company commanders went with Colonel Davies (acting Brigadier) to see trenches to be taken over on 27th went round trenches with OC 2nd Ghurkas. 26-12-1914 Companies employed making Fascines and gabions. Visited by GOC 2nd Division (Major General Munro). 27-12-1914 Very wet and cold. Paraded 3.15pm and took over trenches from 2nd Ghurkas. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies in trenches, ‘C’ in support and ‘D’ company in reserve. 28-12-1914 Wet – ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies improved communication trenches. Some water in trenches. RE began closed work in rear of trench on left of line. Sniping at night. 29-12-1914 Fine. ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies gathered wood and took into trenches for floor and reveting. 1 man killed, 2 men wounded. 30-12-1914 ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies made fascines and took them to trenches at night. 31-12-1914 Quiet day, Relieved at night by Oxford LI, marched to Richebourg. To Brigade reserve. 1-1-1915 Quiet day in billets. Weather cold.

2-1-1915 Captain and Adjutant JH Hope rejoined from sick leave 2nd January. Battalion relived the Worcestershire Regiment at night. ‘C’ and ‘A’ companies fire trenches, ‘D’ support, ‘B’ reserve. Military Cross awarded to Captain APD Telfer-Smollett. Distinguished Conduct medals:- No11113 CSM Simpson No10225 Corporal Bradford No9946 Sergeant Nisbet No9276 Sergeant Baillie 3-1-1915 Quiet day except for constant sniping by the Germans. 1 man killed ( Sergeant Armour). Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 4-1-1915 Quiet day. Weather wet and cold. Trenches in very bad state from constant rain. Lte Jones (KOSB) attached. 1 man wounded. 5-1-1915 Quiet day. Battalion relieved by 2nd Battalion Worcester Regiment in the trenches. 2 companies remain in reserve. HQ and 2 companies return to billets at Richeboure. 1 man killed 2men wounded 6-1-1915 In billets, weather very wet. DSO medals awarded to No 9117 Sergeant J Buchanan (killed), No 8467 Private D Gidey, No 7081 Pte Hunt. 7-1-1915 In Billets. Weather very wet. 8-1-1915 Battalion left Richebourg at 10.30am and marched to Les Choquaux. 5th Brigade in corps reserve. Weather wet. Billets very crowded. Draft arrived, 1 Sergeant, 1 corporal 2 men. 9-1-1915 Route march and company parades. Wet. 10-1-1915 Half Battalion wash at Vielle-Chapelle. Wet. Bomb throwing practice under RE. 11-1-1915 Bomb throwing practice under RE. Company parades. 12-1-1915 Route march by companies. 13-1-1915 Washing parade at Vielle-Chapelle. Very Wet 14-1-1915 Battalion paraded at 2.00pm and marched to Fesuilbert where it relieved the Royal Berkshire Regiment. ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies in trenches. ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies in reserve. 15-1-1915 Quiet day. Trenches too full of water to hold. Line thinly held by men in breastworks. 1 man killed 3 men wounded 16-1-1915 Quiet day. Germans not using their artillery. 17-1-1915 Quiet. ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies’ relieved ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies in trenches. 2 men wounded 18-1-1915 Germans put two heavy artillery shells in Fesuibert killing and wounding several men of the Worcestershire Regiment and RE employed working at a post in the village. 1 man killed, 1 man wounded 15-1-1915 Germans shelled Fesuibert and wounded 3 men of a working party of Wocester Regiment. Very little sniping. 1 killed,1 wounded Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 20-1-1915 Quiet day. The Battalion was relieved by the 2nd Battalion Worcester Regiment in the trenches. Battalion marched to Gorre to reserve. 21-1-1915 Company parades near billets. Weather wet. 22-1-1915 Fatigue parties digging trenches. Company parades. Weather fine. 23-1915 Parades and Battalion fatigues. Weather fine. Frost during night. 24-1-1915 Church parades at 11.00am and 12 noon. Weather fine. 25-1-1915 At 9.00am received orders to be ready to move and at 11.00am ordered to proceed to Givenchy for night. HQ and ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies returned to Gorre at 8.00pm. Givenchy heavily shelled all day. No casualties. 26-1-1915 Quiet day. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies rejoined at Gorre. 27-1-1915 Quiet day. Company parades and drills. 28-1-1915 Battalion ordered to be ready to move at short notice. No casualties. 29-1-1915 Battalion relieved 2nd Battalion Regiment in firing line Fetubert. ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies in trenches. ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies in support. Weather dry. 30-1-1915 Quiet day. Very little sniping or artillery fire. Weather fine. 1 man killed. 4 men wounded. 31-1-1915 Quiet day very little firing. Large fatigue parties working at night on breastworks. Captain Russell to hospital sick 1-2-1915 Quiet day on our front. Heavy firing on section of line to our right near Givenchy. 1 man killed Draft 3NCO’s and 48 men arrive from base. 2-2-1915 Quiet day. ‘C’ and ‘A’ companies relieve ‘B’ and ‘D’ in the trenches. 3-2-1915 Quiet day. Few shells fell near village. 1 man wounded. 4-2-1915 Festubert shelled. Major R Grant, Brigade Major, 5th Brigade wounded in village while inspecting defences with Brigadier General Chichester. Lte BH Francis 3rd Battalion Royal Scotts (attached0 killed Lte CW Hooper rejoined from sick leave (wounded) 5-2-1915 Quiet day. Weather fine. Major Prentice rejoins from leave and takes over the duties of Brigade Major, 5th Brigade. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 6-2-1915 Battalion HQ shelled in morning, village and trenches during the afternoon. Battalion relieved by Worsester Regiment in evening and march to Les to billets. Battalion in divisional reserve. 7-2-1915 In billets. Received orders to be ready to move at short notice about 3.30 pm. Order afterwards cancelled. 8-2-1915 Route marches, company parades and drill in billets. Captain Gaussen rejoins from sick leave (wounded) 8-2-1915 Ltes Crossley and Chilliemore join from 3rd Continued Battalion HLI 9-2-1915 Company route marches and parades. 10-2-1915 Company route marches and parades. Weather fine. Major Prentice rejoins Battalion. 2nd Lte Lyle joins. 11-2-1915 Company route marches, parades and drills. Weather good. 12-2-1915 Company route marches, parades and drills. Weather fine 13-2-1915 Company parades. Weather good. 14-2-1915 Relieve 2nd Wocestershire Regiment in front line at Festubert. ‘B’ and ‘D ‘companies in trenches. ‘A’ and ‘C’ in support. Weather wet. 15-2-1915 Quiet day. Very little firing. British artillery bombarded enemy’s line during the day. 1st Battalion HLI (71st) occupied trenches on our immediate left. The 2 Battalions last met in Malta in 1874. See diary 23rd December 1914. Major GR Hill in command of 1st Battalion. 16-2-1915 Quiet day in trenches. Very little firing except by German anti- aircraft guns. 1 man killed by sniper. 17-2-1915 Quiet day. Very little firing. Weather very wet. 18-2-1915 Quiet day, very little firing. ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies relieve ‘B ‘and ‘D’ companies in trenches. Major RSS Prentice leaves to take over Brigade major ship of 2nd Brigade, 1st Division. 19-2-1915 Quiet day. Very little firing. Fatigue parties from several companies work at breastworks at night. Fine. 20-2-1915 Quiet day. Fatigue parties at night for work on breastwork. Weather fine. 21-2-1915 Quiet day. Very little firing. Draft of 40 NCO’s and men arrived from base. Worcester Regiment takes over trenches at Fishubert in the 22-2-1915 evening. Battalion marches to Gorre to reserve and take over billets from Enniskillen Fusilliers. 23-2-1915 Company parades and inspections in billets. Weather fine. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 24-2-1915 Company route marches and parades. Snow and rain in the afternoon. 25-2-1915 Battalion relieved at Gorre by 2nd Battalion Munster Fusilliers and marched to Bethune where it was quartered in Montmoreny barracks. 26-2-1915 Company parades and route marches. 27-2-1915 Company parades and route marches. 28-2-1915 Battalion relieved Hertford Territorial Battalion at . ‘C’ company in supporting trench about 800yards th from front trenches. 4 (guards) Brigade relieved by 5th Brigade. The following NCO’s and men were mentioned in despatches, London Gazette on 17-2-1915:- Lte Colonel AA Wolfe-Murray, Major SR Hill, Major RSS Prentice, Captain KL Buist, Captain JH Hope, Captain WL Brodie ‘VC’, Lte JD Dalrymple, Lte BC Mylles, No 9117 Sergeant Buchanan, 9946 Sergeant Nisbet, 9281 L/C Hunt, 9198 L/C McGill, 9789 L/C Stewart, 11615 Pte Adams, 11651 Pte Angus, 9435 Pte Martin, 8467 Pte Sidey. The following order was also conferredto the order of Companion of the Bath to Lte Colonel AA Wolfe- Murray. 1-3-1915 In billets at Anniquin. 1 company in Guivanchy, support trench. Weather very wet and cold. To be brevet Lte Colonel Major- ER Hill to be brevet Major. Captain KL Buist Military Cross awarded to Lte JD Dalrymple, Lte CC Mylles. 2-3-1915 Relieved the Worcestershire Regiment in the trenches at Guivanchy. ‘A’,’C’ companies in firing line. ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies in support trenches. 3-3-1915 Heavy rifle and artillery fire was opened by the enemy about 6.30am lasting (about 30 minutes) during which several casualties occurred and trench parapet blown in about 3.30pm. Shelling was renewed, but no further damage was done. ’C’ company lost some men from a trench mortar bomb. 3 men killed, 11 wounded. Draft of 20 men arrived, SM Macfarlane, Sergeant Baillie and Sergeant Walker being with them. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 4-3-1915 Front trenches shelled by the enemy during the morning. During company relief in the afternoon several men were hit of trench mortar bomb. ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies relieved by ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies in the firing line. 5-3-1915 Quiet2 killed, day, 15 very wounded. little shelling. Trenches very wet owing to heavy rain in the night. No casualties. 6-3-1915 Very wet morning. In the afternoon our artillery opened a very heavy fire on all German trenches to support a French attack on our right. Very little fire in reply. Battalion was relieved by Worcestershire Regiment about 6.00pm. Battalion marched to Bethune (about 5miles) and went into billets then. 7-3-1915 Billets at Bethune 8-3-1915 Company parades and route marches. Ordered to be ready to move. Draft of 24 NCO’s and men arrived under Sergeant H o w e . 9-3-1915 Company parades and route marches. 10-3-1915 Battalion paraded at 5.30am and marched via to Givanchy to be in support of 6th Brigade during attack on German trenches at 8.15am the infantry attacked. The attackers unsuccessful owing to wire entanglements not having been destroyed by artillery fire. Brigade suffered heavy losses. At 2.15pm the artillery commenced a second bombardment, but as the wire was not destroyed no further attempt was made by the infantry to reach the German trenches. The Battalion did not take part in the attack at 9.30pm. The Battalion marched to and took over trenches from the 2nd Worcestershire Regiment. 2 men wounded. 11-3-1915 In trenches at Cuinchy. Artillery bombarded enemy’s trenches during the day and bursts of rifle and machine gun fire were also opened, otherwise quiet day. 3 men wounded. Lte McKenzie and 62 NCO’s and men joined from base. 12-3-1915 Artillery bombardment of hostile position during the day and bursts of rifle, otherwise quiet day. 3 men killed, 9 wounded. 13-3-1915 Quiet day. 14-3-1915 Quiet. Battalion relieved by the 2nd Worcestershire regiment at 3.30pm and marched to billets at Bethune for rest. 2 wounded by snipers. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 15-3-1915 In billets at Bethune. Cleaning up parades by companies billets. Draft 7men arrived from base. 16-3-1915 Billets. Company parades. 17-3-1915 Billets. Company parades. 18-3-1915 Battalion paraded about 1.00pm and marched to Cuinchy to relieve 2nd In Worcester Regiment. Weather fine, but cold. Patrol out under the command of Lte Phillimore. 19-3-1915 Enemy shelled our breach works at intervals during the day, but did not do very much damage. Patrol went out at night under Lte Jebb to reconnoitre the enemy’s wire and trenches. Fall of snow. 3 killed, 4 wounded. 20-3-1915 Enemy shelled our trenches with small gun and trench mortar. Our artillery almost silent. 1 man killed, 8 men wounded. 21-3-1915 Battalion relieved at 10.30am by Royal Berkshire Regiment. Battalion marched to billets at Montmoreney barracks Bethune. 22-3-1915 Billets at Bethune. Lte Oldfield, Lte Craig, Lte William, Lte Gillespie , Lte Kincaid-Smith joined from 3rd ??? Battalion 23-3-1915 At 5.00pm Battalion marched about 1 mile to fresh billets at . Lte Jebb, Lte Hon MB Lyon RS, Lte Campbell, Lte Caird KOSB left to rejoin own unit on 22nd. 24-3-1915 Billets at Essar. Company parade in morning and route marches. 25-3-1915 Billets at Essar. Company parades. 26-3-1915 Billets at Essar. Battalion parade in morning. 27-3-1915 Commanding officers battalion parade at 10.30am. 28-3-1915 Billets at Essars. 29-3-1915 Billets at Essar. Battalion parade under adjutant at 10.30am 30-3-1915 Battalion relieved 2nd Worcester regiment in the trenches at Fesuibert. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies in the breastwork, ’C’ company in village and ‘D’ company in reserve. 31-3-1915 Quiet day, very little firing on either side. No casualties. 1-4-1915 At Festubert, ‘A’ and ‘B ‘companies relieved in the breastworks by ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies. Quiet day. No casualties. 2-4-1915 Good Friday. Very quiet day. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 3-4-1915 Quiet day, ‘A’ and ’B’ companies relieved ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies in the breastworks. 4-4-1915 EasterNo casualties Sunday.. Very little firing on either side. Bishop of Khartoum conducted a short service at Battalion HQ. 5-4-1915 2Quiet men day, wounded ‘A’ and. ‘B’ Company relieved. 6-4-1915 Quiet day, very wet. 7-4-1915 Quiet day, Battalion relieved by the Worcester Regiment and marched to billets at Gorre. 8-4-1915 Billets at Gorre. 9-4-1915 Billets at Gorre. Route marches and parades for physical drill, handling of arms etc., morning and afternoon. Lte Whistle returned to duty. Captain Hope gave up adjutancy succeeded by Lte Wallace. 10-4-1915 Billets at Gorre. Company route marches and drill parades, morning and afternoon. 11-4-1915 Divine service for all denominations. 12-4-1915 Billets at Gorre. Company route marches and practice in bomb throwing. 13-4-1915 Billets at Gorre. Company bathing parades for baths in Bethune. 14-4-1915 Billets at Gorre. Company running and drill parades morning and afternoon. 2nd Lte Wilson returned to duty 15-4-1915 To the trenches at Festubert to relieve 2nd Battalion Worcester Regiment. ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies in firing line. ‘A’ in support and ‘B’ in reserve. Germans shell road from Festubert to breastworks during the night. 2nd Lte Campbell-Irons arrived. 16 -4-1915 Very quiet day. No activity on the part of the Germans. 2 men wounded. Captain Coghill goes on sick leave. 17-4-1915 Quiet day. ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies relieved in front line by ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies. 2 men wounded. 18-4-1915 Breast works shelled and damages slightly. 1 man wounded. 19-4-1915 Quiet day. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies relieved in front line by ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies. 20-4-1915 Quiet day. Barbed wire improved and parapet repaired. 1 man wounded. 21-4-1915 Quiet day. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies relieve ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies in firing line. ‘D’ company to support billets. ‘C’ in reserve. Colonel Wolfe-Murray goes on sick leave. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 22-4-1915 Quiet day. Very little activity on either side. 23-4-1915 Quiet day. Relieved by 18th London Regiment (London Irish) and marched to billets in Essars, last 24-4-1915 companyBattalion arrivingparade at about 11.30am 10.45pm. and marched to billets at Beuvry .Where we in support to 6th Brigade in case of necessity. 25-4-1915 Divine service for all denominations. BEUVRY Companies field training and drilling. Working party of 250 26-4-1915 men for Rue L’Epinette. Lte Whistler returned to duty. 2 men wounded. Captain As ? Leaving for 1st Battalion ...... ? BEUVRY Route marches and company training, working parties of 250 27-4-1915 men for Rue L’Epinette. 7 men wounded. Draft of 48 other ranks. BEUVRY Early run, bomb throwing and signallers exercised. 28-4-1915 Company training and route marches. BEUVRY Company training and route marches. 29-4-1915 BEUVRY Early morning run, company training and route marches. 30-4-1915 BEUVRY Battalion training and bathing parades in Bethune 1-5-1915 BEUVRY Battalion training, practiced assaulting trenches??? GOC 2-5-1915 2nd Division present. BEUVRY Battalion route march. 3-5-1915 BEUVRY Company training and parades for physical drill, handling of 4-5-1915 arms etc. BEUVRY Battalion field day in conjunction with artillery near Bois des 5-5-1915 Dames. BEUVRY Company training. 6-5-1915 BEUVRY Company training. 7-5-1915 BEUVRY Company training. 8-5-1915 LOISNE Battalion paraded at 2.00am and marched to breastworks at th 9-5-1915 Loisne where 5 Infantry Brigade was in reserve to 1st Division attacking from the Rue Dubois. The attack having failed. The Brigade marched all night and relieved 1st Division in breastworks S of Rue Dubois. ‘C’ and ‘D’ companies in front line. ‘A’ and ‘B’ and HQ in 2nd line. companies relieve Royal Berks Regiment North of the nd 52 LI. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices RUE DU BOIS Battalion heavily shelled during morning especially 2nd line. 10-5-1915 C’ and ‘D’ companies relieved by 52nd LI. ‘A’ and ‘B’ nd companies relieve Royal Berks Regiment North of the 52 LI. 4 killed, 29 wounded. RUE DU BOIS Heavy artillery duel all day. C’ and ‘D’ companies relieve 11-5-1915 ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies in front line. 2 killed, 8 wounded. RUE DU BOIS Artillery duel. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies relieve C’ and 12-5-1915 ‘D’ companies. RICHEBOURG ST Very heavy artillery duel. C’ and ‘D’ companies relieved by VAAST 6th Brigade. ‘A’ and ‘B’ by Enniskillen Fusiliers. Battalion 13-5-1915 goes into .....? billets in Richebourg St Vaast. 7 killed, 14 wounded. RICHEBOURG ST Several shells fall in and around ‘D’ company’s VAAST billets. 6 killed, 8 wounded. 14-5-1915 RICHEBOURG ST Billets again shelled. Companies march independently to VAAST breastworks ? Windy corner. The Battalion 15-5-1915 being in position there at 10.30pm to support 5 th Brigade attack to start at 11.00pm. 1 man wounded RUE DU BOIS 1.00am Received orders to send working party of 100men to 16-5-1915 dig communication trench from breastworks just NE of Cinder track to 1st line German trench just captured by Inniskillings. Lte Whistler wounded. 3.00am Received orders for Battalion to move to breastworks in rear of Oxfords. Lte Hughes killed. 4.00am Battalion formed up in breastworks from which the Brigade had attacked. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies in 1st line. C’ and ‘D’ companies in 2nd line with what remains of Inniskillings in 1st line German trench NE of Cinder Track and Oxfords moving up to reinforce them. Very heavy shelling all day, especially in the 2nd line. 15 Other ranks killed, 97 wounded. 8.30pm Received orders to relieve Oxfords in captured German position. Relief completed by 2.30am. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices RUE DU BOIS 9.30am ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies attacked Ferme du Bois 17-5-1915 with 5th Brigade on right. Attack repulsed with heavy losses. Losses due to flanking fire from left, machine gun fire in front and on left flank. Also heavy shell fire. Captains Gaussen and Johnston-Stewart, Ltes Croxly and Oldfield killed. 32 Other ranks killed, 176 wounded 2.30-3.00pm Heavy bombardment of Ferme du Bois. 3.00pm Bombing party worked up German communication trench towards Ferme Du Bois and reported Germans still in strength in trenches near the farm. No further attack was attempted owing to the difficulty in supporting the attack on account of the narrowness of the communication trenches and the overcrowding of them. Also the heavy shell fire to which our trenches were continually subjected all day and the exhausted condition of the men. Ltes Lyle, Williams and Kincaid-Smith wounded. Relieved by 1st Battalion HLI. ‘B’, ‘C’ and part of ‘A’ companies got clear before daylight. Remainder of ‘A’ and ‘D’ companies could not be relieved and had to remain in the trenches. 18-5-1915 4.30am B’, ‘C’ and part of ‘A’ companies in billets in Rue des Chevattes. 2.00pm Brigade marched via Le Touret, Avelettes, Hinges to billets in Bellerive. ‘D’ company and remainder of ‘A’ companies relieved by 1st Battalion after dark and spent the night at Richebourg St Vaast. Lte Craig wounded. 4 Other ranks killed, 47 wounded. BELLFRIVE ‘D’ company and the remainder of ‘A’ company arrived 19-5-1915 about 12.30pm. Draft 113 OR’s arrived. Moved off at 8.00am via , Busnettes, 20-5-1915 Bats Rieux to billets in Burbure. BURBURE Company inspections and general cleaning up. Inspected and 21-5-1915 addressed by GOC 2nd Division. BURBURE Company training and route marches. 22-5-1915 Ltes Clayton, Porter and Davies arrived also 2nd Lte McCulloch. BURBURE Battalion bathing parade in Rambert. 23-5-1915 BURBURE Company training, physical drill and route marches. 24-5-1915 BURBURE Company training, physical drill and route marches. 25-5-1915 Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices BURBURE Inspected at company training by Brigadier. 26-5-1915

BURBURE Received orders that we were to relieve the French near 27-5-1915 . Order cancelled. BURBURE Standing by ready to relieve French at Vermelles. 28-5-1915 BURBURE Paraded at 2.00pm and marched via , Marle-les- 29-5-1915 Mines, La Buissiere, , Noeux-les-Mines to Halte Vermelles and relieved French battalions in trenches SE of 1 1 Vermelles. 1 /2 companies in firing line, /2 ‘A’ company in reserve in La Philosophe- communication trench nearly 2 miles long. PHILOSOPHE Very quiet day, very little shelling and practically no 30-5-1915 sniping. No casualties. Lte Richardson and 350 other ranks arrived. PHILOSOPHE Very quiet day, making alterations to trench and patrol work 31-5-1915 by night. No casualties. LA PHILOSOPHE Quiet day, Improving trenches day and night. 1-6-1915 1 man wounded.

LA PHILOSOPHE Quiet day. Relieved by 9th Highland LI and go into billets 2-6-1915 in La Philosophe. 2 men wounded. LA PHILOSOPHE Owing to our billets being in view of German 3-6-1915 observing stations no parades or movement possible. LA PHILOSOPHE Working party at night. 4-6-1915 LA PHILOSOPHE Working party at night. 5-6-1915 2nd Lte Hutton reported himself for duty. LA PHILOSOPHE Divine service for all denominations. Working party at night. 6-6-1915 3 men wounded. LA PHILOSOPHE Battalion paraded at 8.00pm and marched via 7-6-1915 ,Noeux les Mines Vaudricourt, to billets in arriving 12.45am. LA PUGNOY Company inspections and bathing parades. 8-6-1915 LA PUGNOY Companies field training and drilling. Bathing parades in 9-6-1915 afternoon. LA PUGNOY Companies field training and drilling. 10-6-1915 LA PUGNOY Companies field training and drilling. rd nd 11-6-1915 2nd Lte Douglas, 3 Royal Highlanders and 2 Lte Ritchie, 3rd Royal Scots arrive. LA PUGNOY Companies route marching and field training and bathing. 12-6-1915 Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices LA PUGNOY Companies route marching and field training. 13-6-1915 LA PUGNOY Battalion route march via Burbure. 14-6-1915 LA PUGNOY Battalion paraded at 5.00pm and marched via La Beuyriere, 15-6-1915 , Bethune, Laburse, Sally-La-Bourse to billeting in the ruins of Vermelles vacated by 1st battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment (6th Infantry Brigade). Lte Colonel Wolfe-Murray CL returned. VERMELLES No movement possible owing to enemy aeroplanes. Drill 16-6-1915 parades by sections. Working party at night. VERMELLES Section parades. Working party at night. 17-6-1915 VERMELLES Section parades. Working party at night. 18-6-1915 VERMELLES Relieved 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment in the 19-6-1915 trenches E of Vermelles. ‘A’ company on right. ‘B’ company on left. ‘C’ in support, ‘D’ in reserve in billets in Vermelles. Quiet night. VERMELLES Quiet day. 20-6-1915 Ltes Austin-Cartmell and Medley joined. VERMELLES GOC 5th Brigade visited our trenches. Quiet day. 21-6-1915 VERMELLES Quiet day, Germans cheering at night. ‘A’ company 22-6-1915 captured a German patrol consisting of 3 privates who stated that cheering had been for the fall of Lembedg. 2nd Lte Inglis, 3rd Royal Highlanders arrived. VERMELLES Quiet day. Relieved after dark by 2nd Worcester 23-6-1915 Regiment and went into billets at Noyelles les Vermelles. NOYELLES LES Company bathing parades and inspections. Working VERMELLES parties at night. 24-6-1915 NOYELLES LES Arms drill and physical drill in morning. Bathing parades VERMELLES in afternoon. 25-6-1915 NOYELLES LES Company drill parades. Working party at night. VERMELLES 26-6-1915 NOYELLES LES Company parades. Working party at night. VERMELLES 27-6-1915 NOYELLES LES Relieved at 10.00pm by 4 RWF and marched to billets in VERMELLES Bethune. 28-6-1915 BETHUNE Company parades and route marches. 29-6-1915 BETHUNE Relieved 2nd Battalion Scots Guards in the trenches at 30-6-1915 Givenchy. Quiet night. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices GIVENCHY C’ and ‘D’ companies in firing line, ‘A’ company in redoubt 1-7-1915 and support trench, ‘B’ company in village. GIVENCHY Work3 men done wounded. on front line and wire put out at night. Quiet day. 2-7-1915 3 men killed, 7 men wounded. GIVENCHY Several large shells landed near the keep. 3-7-1915 GIVENCHY Relieved about 8.00pm by 2nd Worcestershire Regiment 4-7-1915 and marched to billets at Le Quesnoy. LE QUESNOY General cleaning up and bathing parades. 350 men working 5-7-1915 on front trenches all night. LE QUESNOY Company training, bomb throwing and bathing parades. 6-7-1915 350 men again out at night. LE QUESNOY Divine service for all denominations. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies 7 -7-1915 working all night. 1 man wounded. LE QUESNOY Paraded at 3.00pm and marched to trenches at Givenchy to 8-7-11915 relieve 2nd Worcester Regiment. ‘A’ company on the right, ‘B’ company on the left, 2 platoons of ‘D’ company in front line, 2 in the village. ‘C’ company in redoubt and support line. Quiet night. 1 man wounded. LE QUESNOY Much work done on front line and dug- outs commenced 9-7-11915 in support line. Quiet day, LE QUESNOY Our trenches enfiladed by German field guns from 10-7-11915 the direction of Auchy – right of our line damaged by minenwerfer. Lte Mumford wounded, 1 man killed. LE QUESNOY Quiet day, with the exception of a few German Minenwerfer. 11-7-11915 ‘C’ company relieved ‘A’ in front line. 1 man wounded. LE QUESNOY German, French mortars and minenwerfers 12-7-11915 active. 1 man wounded. LE QUESNOY A good deal of shrapnel from the Germans in the morning 13-7-11915 doing little harm. Relieved about 5.30pm by South Staffordshire Regiment (1V Brigade) and marched to billets in Bethune (cemetery area). 1 man killed, 4 men wounded. BETHUNE Kit inspections and general cleaning up. Bathing 14-7-1915 in swimming Bath. BETHUNE Company training and route marches. 15-7-1915 BETHUNE Company training, bathing and route marches. Battalion 16-7-1915 concert in the theatre Bethune. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices BETHUNE Company training. Brigade water polo competition. HLI lost 17-7-1915 to 2nd Worcestershire Regiment. BETHUNE Divine service for all denominations. Germans shelled 18-7-1915 Bethune wrecking the station. BETHUNE Company route marching and drill parades. 19-7-1915 BETHUNE Battalion parade at 7.00am. Company training and 20-7-1915 Brigade sports in the afternoon. BETHUNE Company running parades at 7.00am. Drill in the morning. 21-7-1915 At 3.30pm the Battalion marched to billets in Beuvry. Draft 45 OR. BETHUNE Billets in Beuvry. 22-7-1915 BETHUNE Company drill and bathing parades. 23-7-1915 BETHUNE Beuvry shelled, one hit ‘A’ company billets causing 24-7-1915 numerous casualties. 11 men wounded. BETHUNE Paraded at 12.30pm and marched to trenches at Cuinchy 25-7-1915 to relieve 2nd Worcester regiment. Quiet night. CUICHY ‘D’ company with its left on the canal, ‘C’ company in the 26-7-1915 brickstacks. ‘A’ company in support and ‘B’ in reserve in the village. Quiet day, a few rifle grenades and shells from the Germans. 2 men killed, 1 man wounded. BETHUNE ‘B’ company relieved, ‘C’ and ‘A’ relieved ‘D’ in front 27-7-1915 line. Quiet day. BETHUNE Germans bombed our saps and caused casualties among 28-7-1915 working party. 1 man killed, 1man wounded. BETHUNE Our trenches shelled by howitzers and considerably 29-7-1915 damaged. Relieved about 5.30pm by 2nd Worcestershire Regiment and marched to billets in Beuvry. Lte A Douglas wounded. 1 man killed, 3 men wounded. BETHUNE General cleaning up and bathing parades. 30-7-1915 BETHUNE ‘B’ company on fatigue near the trenches, remainder 31-7-1915 company training. BEUVRY Company training. 1-8-1915 BEUVRY Paraded at 1.15pm and marched to Cuinchy where we 2-8-1915 relieved the 2nd Worcestershire Regiment. ‘A’ and ‘B’ companies in front line. ‘C’ in support. ‘D’ in reserve. 2 men wounded. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices BEUVRY French mortars active on both sides. Barbed wire erected 3-8-1915 in front of front line. BEUVRY Quiet day. ‘C’ company relieved ‘B’ in front line. ‘D’ 4-8-1915 relieved ‘A’, ‘B’ in support & in reserve. Germans opened bursts of rapid fire during the night. BEUVRY Quiet day. Bombing in the saps and trench mortars active. 5-8-1915 4 men wounded. Draft 45 OR’s BEUVRY Trenches visited by French chief engineer. ‘D’ company 6-8-1915 rather heavily shelled. 1 man killed, 4 men wounded. BEUVRY Quiet day. Relieved about 4.30am by 2nd Battalion South 7-8-1915 Staffordshire regiment and marched to billets in Bethune (Montmorency Barracks) 2 men killed, 8 men wounded. BETHUNE Voluntary church parades. 8-8-1915 BETHUNE All companies fired in rifle ranges drill parades. 9-8-1915 BETHUNE Companies’ route marches and drill parades. 10-8-1915 BETHUNE Company training. 11-8-1915 BETHUNE Battalion route march via La Beuvrier and home by 12-8-1915 Annequin. BETHUNE Drill parade and company training. 13-8-1915 BETHUNE Company training and bathing parades. 14-8-1915 GIVENCHY Relieved 3rd Coldstream Guards at Givenchy about 15-8-1915 5.00pm. Germans sent over a number of rifle grenades and minenwefers. ‘A’ company on right, ‘B’ company on left. ‘C’ in support, ‘D’ in reserve. rd 2nd Lte RF Ritchie, 3 Royal Scots killed. GIVENCHY Quiet day. A lot of work done on the trenches. 16-8-1915 GIVENCHY Very wet. Trenches became very muddy and required a lot of 17-8-1915 attention. 3 men wounded. GIVENCHY ‘C’ company relieved ‘A’ in front line and ‘D’ relieved ‘B’. 18-8-1915 ‘A’ company in support, ‘B’ in reserve. 6 men wounded. GIVENCHY Quiet day. A few minenwarfers sent over by the Germans. 19-8-1915 1 man wounded. Draft 35 OR’s. LE PREOL Relieved about noon by Glasgow Highlanders and marched 20-8-1915 to Le Preol. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices LE PREOL General cleaning up and bathing parades. 21-8-1915 Draft 12 OR’s. LE PREOL Company training. 22-8-1915 LE PREOL Musketry and bathing parades. 23-8-1915 GIVENCHY Marched at 9.30am to relieve Glasgow Highlanders at 24-8-1915 Givenchy. ‘A’ company in reserve, ‘B’ in support. ‘C’ right firing line. **‘B’ left – Germans very busy working at a new trench. **In diary as ‘B’ should it be ‘D’**? GIVENCHY Our 6inch howitzer bombarded the Germans front line, 25-8-1915 slight retaliation on the part of the Germans. New saps in our front line commenced. 2nd Ltes Gillespie and Austen Cartmell wounded, and 2 men wounded. GIVENCHY ‘D’ company relieved ‘B’ and ‘A’ relieved ‘C’ in front line. 26-8-1915 ‘B’ in support and ‘C’ in reserve. Quiet day. 2 men wounded. GIVENCHY Quiet day. A few big German shells around Givenchy 27-8-1915 Keep. 1 man wounded. BETHUNE Relieved by Yorkshire Regiment and marched to billets in 28-8-1915 Bethune (Montmorency). 1 man wounded. BETHUNE Cleaning up and bathing parades at the swimming baths. 29-8-1915 BETHUNE Companies firing on the rifle range. Drill parade. 30-8-1915 BETHUNE Battalion route march via D’Avelettes, Hinges 31-8-1915 and . BETHUNE Company training and bathing parades. 1-9-1915 BETHUNE Drill parades. Hot baths for the men in Seminaire St Vaast. 2-9-1915 BETHUNE Paraded at 2.00pm and marched to billets in Le Preol. Very 3-9-1915 wet night. LE PREOL Several large shells fell near ‘D’ company billets. 4-9-1915 Company training and bathing parades. LE PREOL Divine service for all denominations. 5-9-1915 GIVENCHY Paraded at 3.00pm and marched to trenches at Givenchy to 6-9-1915 relieve 2nd Worcestershire Regiment. ‘A’ company on right, ‘D’ on left, ‘C’ in support and ‘B’ in reserve. Mine blown by the Germans followed by rapid fire. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices GIVENCHY Quiet day. 2nd Lte Rolls claims to have shot a German 7-9-1915 officer. 1 man wounded. LE PREOL Relieved by 2nd Worcestershire Regiment and marched to 8-9-1915 billets in Le Preol. LE PREOL Large working parties sent to the trenches. 9-9-1915 1 man wounded. GIVENCHY Paraded at 2.30pm and marched to Givenchy to relieve 2nd 10-9-1915 Worcestershire Regiment. German aeroplane brought down behind German lines in the direction of Festubert. ‘C’ company on right, ‘B’ on left, ‘A’ in support and ‘D’ in reserve. About 9.00am the Germans blew up a mine in front of ‘C’ company and opened rapid fire accompanied by a few shells. The crater was about 20yds from our parapet and the explosion obliterated about 40yards of our parapet and damaged most of it. Saps to the crater were immediately commenced and rear lip occupied. Captain Hope injured. 16 men wounded and injured. GIVENCHY Quiet day. Took up battle positions in the afternoon. 11-9-1915 GIVENCHY ‘D’ company relieved, ‘B’ in front line and ‘A’ relieved ‘C’ 12-9-1915 company, ‘B’ in support, ‘C’ in reserve. 2 men wounded. ESSARS Relieved about 4.00pm by the Cameronians (19th Brigade) 13-9-1915 and marched to billets round Essars. Companies very scattered. 7 men wounded. ESSARS General cleaning up and bathing parades. 14-9-1915 ESSARS Company training. 15-9-1915 ESSARS Company drill parades. 16-9-1915 Draft 76 OR’s ESSARS Company training. 17-9-1915 ESSARS Company training. 18-9-1915 ESSARS Paraded at 3.00am and marched to Givenchy to relieve 1st 19-9-1915 Queens Regiment. ‘A’ and ‘D’ companies in front line. ‘C’ in support, ‘B’ in reserve. About 20French aeroplanes passed over flying East. GIVENCHY Our bombers very active in the crater saps. Also trench 20-9-1915 mortars. Accessories placed in the trenches during the night. 1 man wounded. GIVENCHY Our bombardment commenced about 9.00am and continued 21-9-1915 all day. Practically no retaliation by the Germans. Relieved about 5.30pm and returned to our billets in the Essars area. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices ESSARS General cleaning up and bathing parades. 22-9-1915 GIVENCHY Marched at 3.00pm to trenches at Givenchy and relieved the 23-9-1915 1st Queens. ‘B’ company on the right, ‘C’ on the left, ‘D’ in support and ‘A’ in reserve. Kept up burst of rapid fire all night to prevent Germans mending the wire. Very wet and trenches in a shocking state. Our bombardment continues. 1 man wounded. GIVENCHY The Battalion formed part of the 5th Brigade which attacked 25-9-1915 the enemy’s lines at Givenchy. The Brigade was formed up in front line trenches and support trenches as follows. From right to left Glasgow Highlanders (9th HLI) canal bank. th (To attack in conjunction with 6 Brigade on their right) 2nd Highland Light Infantry 1st Battalion the Queens. nd 2nd Oxford and Bucks LI (This battalion, the old 52 was in the same Brigade as the 71st at Waterloo) In reserve 2nd Worcestershire Regiment: 7th Battalion, The Kings (Liverpool Regiment).

The enemy’s wire had been cut been the artillery the previous 4 days. At 6.00am the Brigade advanced to the assault. The 2nd HLI occupied the German 1st line trench without suffering many casualties. ‘B’ company (Captain Hooper’s) led the attack followed by ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies. Some of them got into the German supporting line after severe hand to hand fighting. Here they were met by strong German bombing parties which forced them back. Our bombs were chiefly the ‘Ball’ pattern, the fuse being ignited on a ...... stlit? wilt prepared material on it as on a safety match box. The weather was wet and most of the fuses would not ignite. The German bombs were more powerful than ours and having handles they were able to throw them further. Our men fought gallantly and well, but were gradually forced back and finally had to vacate the German trenches and retire to our own trenches as best they could. The same happened to the Queens and Oxfords and Bucks LI on the and by 9.00am the whole Brigade was back in their original lines. GIVENCHY Steady bombardment of German lines. In the evening the 24-9-1915 Battalion took up its battle formation. Glasgow Highlanders on our right, 1st Queens on our left, 2nd Worcestershire Regiment in reserve. 1 man wounded. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices The losses of the 2nd LHI were 8 officers and 321 Other Ranks:- Captain CW Hooper, Lte HW Whitson killed. Captain HM Coghill, 2nd LTES BA Medley, and W Rollo Wounded and missing. 2nd Lte CH Shipton missing 2nd Lte WT Davies wounded 2nd Lte HJ McBeath injured knee.

The following names were submitted for mention:- Captain CW Hooper, Lte H Whitson, 2nd Lte B Medley, 2nd Lte H McCulloch, Captain and adjutant CJ Wallace.

8893 Sergeant MacGuire, 9614 Private Regan, 9948 Private Marchant, 10233 Private Diamond, 10355 Private Campbell, 1335 L/Corporal Hendrie, 9153 Private Hall. GIVENCHY Quiet day. Very wet, all available hands for cleaning and 26-9-1915 repairing trenches. 2 men wounded. Draft of 80 OR’s GIVENCHY Very quiet day and night. 27-9-1915 Captain Thackery rejoined. Ltes Stalker, Leslie and MacRae joined. Draft 15 OR’s. 2 men wounded. GIVENCHY Relieved about 8.00pm by 1st Battalion HLI and marched 28-9-1915 to billets in Montmorency Barracks at Bethune. BETHUNE Paraded at 3.00pm and marched to billets in Le Preol. 29-9-1915 LE PREOL Cleaning up and drill parades. 30-9-1915 LE PREOL Battalion marched to Vermelles and after dark took over 1-10-1915 trenches occupied by 2nd Bedfordshire Regiment, 21st Brigade. These trenches formed part of the German trenches captured on the 25th September and were very narrow and shallow. The night before we took over the Germans had GUN TRENCH recaptured part of the trench called Gun Trench. ROAD ‘B’ and ‘C’ companies were in the front line, ‘A’ and ‘D’ companies being ...... lined? back on their right, opposite the recaptured part of the trench. Oxfords were on our right on south of Hulluch Road. GUN TRENCH Brigade was ordered to take part of Gun Trench held by HULLUCH ROAD enemy. A preliminary bombardment was started at 4.00pm 2-10-1915 and lasted until 8.30pm, when assault was timed to take place. The assault was undertaken by ‘A’ and ‘D’ companies. These companies got into the trench and stayed there for Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices GUN TRENCH some considerable time in spite of a heavy counterattack by Unable to read HULLUCH ROAD the enemy, but were eventually were compelled to withdraw all remarks ie 2-10-1915 continued to the original line. stats. 8 men killed, 2nd Lte Leslie killed. 3 men missing, 2Ltes Laydon and Inglis ???????? GUN TRENCH The line was heavily shelled from 4.00pm to 5.00pm. Unable to read HULLUCH ROAD Very little damage was done, however. all remarks 3-10-1915 ...... ?????, 3 OR killed, 11 OR wounded, 2 men missing. GUN TRENCH After dark we were relieved by the Scots Guards of 3rd HULLUCH ROAD Guards Brigade and we marched back to billets in Beuvry 4-10-1915 which was reached at 6.00am. BEUVRY In billets in Beuvry. 5-10-1915

BEUVRY Company training. 6-10-1915 BEUVRY Company training. 7-10-1915 BEUVRY Company training. Standing by ready to move. 8-10-1915 BEUVRY Company training. 9-10-1915 BEUVRY Company training. Billets heavily shelled. 10-10-1915 BEUVRY Company training. Billets heavily shelled. 11-10-1915 BEUVRY Company training. Billets heavily shelled. 12-10-1915 1 man wounded. BEUVRY Company training. Standing by ready to move. 13-10-1915 BEUVRY BEUVRY shelled about midnight. 14-10-1915 2 men wounded. Moved at 12 noon to relieve 9th HLI in trenches SE of 15-10-1915 Cambrin. ‘C’ company on left. ‘D’ company on right. ‘B’ company left support, ‘A’ company on right support, 52nd LI on right, 1st Gordons on left. Quiet day and night. CAMBRIN Our artillery very active, otherwise quiet. 16-10-1915 CAMBRIN ‘B’ company relieved ‘D’ company, ‘A’ company relieved 17-10-1915 ‘C’ company. Quiet day. CAMBRIN Relieved by 9th HLI at 3.30pm and moved to billets in 18-10-1915 Beuvry. 1 man killed, 3 men wounded. CAMBRIN Cleaning up 19-10-1915 Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices 20-10-1915 Bathing Parades 21-10-1915 Moved via Bethune to billets in Gonnehem. 22-10-1915 Company training. 2310-1915 Company training. 24-10-1915 Company training. 25-10-1915 Company training. 26-10-1915 Company training. 27-10-1915 Company training. GONNEHEM Moved to billets in Montmorency barracks, Bethune. 28-10-1915 1 man wounded. BETHUNE Relieved 1st Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders in 29-10-1915 trenches east of Cambrin. ‘C’ company on left, ‘A’ company centre, ‘B’ company right and ‘D’ company in support. Quiet day and night. CAMBRIN Quiet day. 30-10-1915 1 man wounded. CAMBRIN Quiet day. 31-10-1915 3 men wounded. TRENCHES NEAR Quiet day, very bad weather. Every available man rebuilding CAMBRIN trenches. 1-11-1915 Major (temporary Colonel) ACS Prentice reported for duty to command ?????? Lte Colonel A Wolfe-Murray...? TRENCHES NEAR Relieved at noon by 2nd Worcestershire Regiment, moved CAMBRIN to billets in Monmorency Barracks, Bethune. 2-11-1915 BETHUNE Cleaning up and kit inspected. 3-11-1915 BETHUNE Range practice. 4-11-1915 BEUVRY Moved at 10.00am to billets in Bouvry. 5-11-1915 BEUVRY Paraded at 10.30am and relieved 2nd Worcestershire 6-11-1915 Regiment in trenches near Cambrin. ‘D’ company on left, ‘A’ company centre, ‘B’ company right and ‘C’ company in support. 5th Scottish rifles on left, 9th HLI on right. BEUVRY Quiet day, some action on part of snipers and 7-11-1915 bombers. 3 men wounded. BEUVRY Quiet day, Germans bombers very active during the night. 8-11-1915 1 man killed, 5 men wounded. BEUVRY Quiet day, very wet. Trenches falling in, all hands busily 9-11-1915 engaged. 2 men wounded. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices BEUVRY Relieved about 11.30am by 2nd Worcestershire 10-11-1915 Regiment, and moved to billets in Cambrin. 2 men wounded. BETHUNE Moved to billets in Monmorency Barracks, Bethune. 11-11-1915 3 men wounded. BETHUNE Companies parades for rifle and kit inspections. 12- 11-1915 BETHUNE Bathing parades. 13-11-1915 BETHUNE Moved to billets in Gonnehem. 14-11-1915 GONNEHEM Company drill parades. 15-11-1915 GONNEHEM Company route marches. 16-11-1915 GONNEHEM Drill parades and bathing in village. Very wet. 17-11-1915 1 man wounded. GONNEHEM Battalion route march. 18-11-1915 GONNEHEM Company parades for handling of arms. 19-11-1915 5 men wounded. GONNEHEM Company training and route marches. 20-11-1915 BOUVRY Battalion moved at 10.00am to billets in Bouvry (north). 21-11-1915 CUINCHY Relieved Royal Worcestershire Regiment in trenches, 22-11-1915 forest of Cuinchy. ‘C’ company on right, ‘D’ company on left, ‘A’ company in support, and ‘B’ company in billets in Beuvry. 4 platoons of 21st Battalion Royal Fusiliers nd attached for instructions, 52 LI on right, 2nd Worcestershire Regiment on left. Quiet day and night. 1 man killed. CUINCHY Germans working on embankment west of railway, 23-11-1915 dispersed by machine gun fire. 1 man killed, 1 man wounded. CUINCHY ‘D’ company relieved by company of 20th Royal Fusiliers 24-11-1915 and marched to billets in Annequin. ‘C’ company relieved by ‘B’ company. 1 man killed, 6 men wounded. CUINCHY Quiet day, Fusilier company relieved by another company of 25-11-1915 Sum. Regiment and night. 1 man wounded. LE PREOL Relieved at 10.00am by 9th HLI and moved to billets in Le 26-11-1915 Preol. 1 man wounded. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices LE PREOL Cleaning up. 27-11-1915 GIVENCHY Relieved 2nd Worcestershire Regiment in trenches SE of 28-11-1915 th Givenchy. Wiltshire Regiment on left, (7 Division) 9th HLI on right. Quiet day and night. Hard frost. ‘D’ company on left, ‘C’ company on right ‘B’ company in redoubts and billets at Don’t Fixe. GIVENCHY Quiet day, Mine exploded by enemy in front of the Battalion 29-11-1915 on our right. GIVENCHY B’ company relieved ‘D’ company, ‘A’ company relieved 30-11-1915 ‘C’ company, 4 platoons 24th Royal Fusiliers attached for instruction. 2 men wounded. th GIVENCHY Very wet day, trenches in a very bad state. Company of 24 1-12-1915 Fusiliers attached relieved by company of Sum. Regiment. BETHUNE Relieved at 2.00pm by 1st Battalion Queens Regiment and 2-12-1915 moved to billets in Bethune. BETHUNE Bathing in Ecole de Jeune Filles. 3-12-1915 CUINCHY Paraded at 9.00am and marched to Cambrin to relieve 2nd 4 -12-1915 Worcestershire Regiment in trenches east of Cuinchy. Owing to communication trenches being waist deep in places in mud and water, relief was not completed until 8.00pm. ‘C’ company on right, ‘D’ company on left, ‘A’ company in th support, ‘B’ company in Harley St. 9 HLI on right, 1st Queens in left. Trenches very wet. CUINCHY Every available hand repairing and cleaning trenches. Very 5-12-1915 little shooting by enemy. 1 man wounded. CUINCHY ‘A’ company relieved ‘D’ company overland after dark and 6-12-1915 ‘B’ relieved ‘C’ company, ‘D’ company to billets in Le Preol, 4 platoons, 24 th Royal Fusiliers attached for instruction. 1 man wounded. CUINCHY Cleaning up and repairing trenches. 7-12-1915 HARLEY ST Relieved at 7.00pm by 2nd Worcestershire Regiment, 8-12-1915 moved to billets in Harley St. HARLEY ST Cleaning up. 9-12-1915 ANNEQUIN Battalion moved at 10.00am to billets in Annequin (north). 10-12-1915 1 man wounded. ANNEQUIN Bathing in Annequin. Large working parties detailed for 11-12-1915 trenches. Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices CUINCHY Company of 13th Essex Regiment attached for instruction, 12-12-1915 relieved 2nd Worcestershire Regiment in trenches east of CUINCHY. Company of 13th Essex on left, ‘C’ company on right, 1st Queens on right.

CUINCHY Quiet day. 13-12-1915 1 man wounded. CUINCHY ‘D’ company relieved company of 13th Essex, ‘B’ 14-12-1915 company relieved C’ company, ‘A’ company in Harley St. CUINCHY 2 men wounded 15-12-1915 BOUVRY Relieved by 52nd LI about 6.00pm and march to billets in 16-12-1915 Beuvry (north). 1 man wounded BOUVRY Cleaning up. Bathing parades. 17-12-1915 BOUVRY Companies route marches. 18-12-1915 BOUVRY Divine services for all denominations. 19-12-1915 1 man wounded CUINCHY Battalion relieved 52nd LI in trenches east of CUINCHY 20-12-1915 (Brickstacks). ‘A’ company on left, ‘C’ company right and th th ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies in Harley St, 9 HLI on right, 24 Battalion Royal Fusiliers on left, north of canal. Trenches heavily shelled from 11.00pm until 12.00 midnight and intermittently for remainder of night. 2 men suffering from gas inhalation. CUINCHY Enemy artillery active day and night. 21-12-1915 3 men wounded CUINCHY ‘D’ company relieved ‘A’ company and ‘B’ relieved ‘C’ 22-12-1915 company. Battalion our left heavily shelled at night. CUINCHY Front line support line shelled intermittently all 23-12-1915 day, considerable damage to trenches. CUINCHY Trenches heavily shelled with shrapnel and HE. Several 24-12-1915 direct hits were obtained on our communications trenches completely wrecking them. Relieved at 6.30pm by 9th HLI and moved to billets in Annequin (north). 2 men wounded ANNEQUIN Bathing parades and kit inspections. 25-12-1915 CUINCHY Relieved 52nd LI in trenches se of CUINCHY astride the 26-12-1915 Bethune- La Bassee Road. C’ company on right, ‘A’ company on left, ‘B’ company in support and ‘D’ company in reserve. Relief completed by 12.30pm. Quiet day, enemy Place, Date, Hour Summary of Events and Information Remarks and References To Appendices th th CUINCHY rather noisy singing lustily at night. 9 HLI on left, 99 26-12-1915 Brigade on the right. continued CUINCHY ‘D’ company relieved ‘A’ company, Quiet day and 27-12-1915 night. 1 man wounded CUINCHY Relief by 19th Royal Fusiliers starts at 11.00am. Owing to 28-12-1915 presence of German aeroplane, the communication trenches and La Bassee road was very nearly shelled all morning and afternoon. Relief complete 1.00pm. Moved to billets in Bouvry. 1 man wounded Paraded at 8.00am and marched via Bethune- Choques- 29-12-1915 to billets in Bourecq. BOURECQ Bathing parades and kit inspections. 30-12-1915 BOURECQ Company training. 31-12-1915

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st January 1916 – 31st January 1916 BOURECO G.O.C. inspected all reinforcements who had joined the Battalion since 01-01-1916 November 1915. Observed as a holiday for all ranks. BOURECO Divine Service for all denominations. Lt H. McCulloch awarded 02-01-1916 Military Cross and No 9434 Pte Campbell, No 7807 Pte Savage and No B9510 Pte Dinelly P. awarded D.C.M. BOURECO Company route marches. Lecture by C.O. to Officers and N.C.O.s above 03-01-1916 the rank of corporal. BOURECO Brigade, M.G. Company formed. 2nd/Lt T.R. Gibbs and 2nd/Lt R.G.

04-01-1916 Kinsey with 33 other ranks joined the Company and were struck off the strength of the Battalion. BOURECO Battalion parade at 7.30am for saluting. Company training during 05-01-1916 morning, one Coy on range. BOURECO Company training and shower baths allotted to the Battalion. Lewis 06-01- 1916 Gunners organised. BOURECO Battalion moved off at 9.50am to take part in the Brigade Route March. 07-01- 1916 BOURECO Training continued, musketry, wiring, smoke helmet drill and bombing. 2 N.C.O.s 08-01- 1916 The Battalion played the 52nd --- in the Brigade football competition, by bomb. result – draw 2 goals each. BOURECO Divine Service of all denominations. 09-01-1916 BOURECO Training scheme continued in morning. th nd 10-01-1916 Football match of the 8 replayed. Result = a win 2 goals, 52 --, 1 goal.

BOURECO Training scheme continued. 11-01-1916 BOURECO Training scheme continued. 28 men attached to the Brigade M.G. 12-01-1916 Company. BOURECO Training scheme continued. Played off final of Brigade football 13-01-1916 competition against 24th Royal Fusiliers, result a loss, nil, 24th R.F. 2 goals. BOURECO Training scheme continued. 14-01-1916 BOURECO Training scheme continued. 15-01-1916 LA PERRIERE The battalion left BOURECO at 9.30am for LA PERRIERE where it 16-01-1916 went into billets. LA PERRIERE Kit inspections. 17-01-1916 BELLERIVE The battalion left LA PERRIERE at 9am for BELLERIVE where it went 18-01-1916 into billets. BELLERIVE Company drill parades. 19-01-1916 BELLERIVE Company parades. 20-01-1916 BELLERIVE Company parades. 21-01-1916 BELLERIVE Company parades. 22-01-1916 BELLERIVE Company parades 23-01-1916 BELLERIVE Inspection of billets and kit. 24-01-1916 BELLERIVE Company parades. 25-01-1916 BELLERIVE Company Training. 26-01-1916 BELLERIVE Left BELLERIVE at 9.45am and took over billets from 1st Berkshire 27-01-1916 Regiment at LE TOURET. LE TOURET Stand to from 6-15am to 7.30am. Working parties of 350 men during 28-01-1916 night. LE TOURET Stand to from 6-15am to 7.30am. Working parties of 350 men during 29-01-1916 night. LE TOURET Stand to from 6-15am to 7.30am. Took over “C” sector FESTOBERT th 30-01-1916 from 24 R.F. LE TOURET Lt Col R.E.S. Prentice took command of the Brigade during the Killed 1 OR 31-01-1916 temporary absence of Brigadier. Quiet day. Wounded 1 OR

J.S. Thackery Major Comdg. 2nd High. L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st February 1916 – 29th February 1916 FESTUBERT Much work to be done to trenches. Quiet day. 2 OR wounded 01-02-1916 FESTUBERT Enemy very active. Lewis Gunners observed and “B” Coys team all 8 OR wounded 02-02-1916 wounded. Otherwise quiet day. FESTUBERT Quiet day. Enemy lit 3 large oil fires in front of their parapet. Battalion 1 OR wounded 03-02-1916 relieved by 24th R.F.about 9pm and marched to billets in LE TOURET. LE TOURET In Brigade Reserve. 04-02-1916 LE TOURET In Brigade Reserve. 05-02-1916 LE TOURET In Brigade Reserve. Divine service of all denominations. 06-02-1916 FESTUBERT Relieved 24th R.F. in FESTUBERT. “A” rt front. “C” left front, 07-02-1916 “B” support and “D” in reserve. FESTUBERT Two companies of 6th R.I.R. relieved “A” and “B” Coys who 08-02-1916 marched back to billets in ESSARS. FESTUBERT Quiet day. 09-02-1916 FESTUBERT Quiet day. 10-02-1916 HINGETTE “A” and “B” companies relieved and marched from ESSARS to 11-02-1916 HINGETTE. Comd “D” companies relieved by 1st Hertfordshires and reached HINGETTE early morning of 12th. HINGETTE In billets HINGETTE. 12-02-1916 HINGETTE Divine Service of all denominations. One company entrenching 13-02-1916 in Divisional Area. HINGETTE Company Route Marches. One company entrenching in 14-02-1916 Divisional Area. HINGETTE Two companies route marching and two companies entrenching. 15-02-1916 Very stormy day. HINGETTE Very strong gale. 16-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE The Battalion left HINGETTE at 9.00am and went into billets in 17-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE at 12noon. LA PIERRIERE Company parades for drill and musketry instruction. 18-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve. 19-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve 20-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve 21-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve 22-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve 23-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve. Reinforcements joined 3 Officers and 24-02-1916 23 O.R.

LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve 25-02-1916 LA PIERRIERE Brigade in Divisional Reserve 26-02-1916 FOSSE 10 Battalion marched from billets LA PIERRIERE to LILLERS. 27-02-1916 Entrained there at 3.50pm. Detrained at NOEUX- LES-MINES and billeted in FOSSE.10. FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade Reserve. Supplied working parties to front line and 28-02-1916 communication trenches. FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade Reserve. Supplied working parties to front line and 29-02-1916 communication trenches.

Signed C Martin, Lieut. Col Commanding 2nd Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st March 1916 – 31st March 1916 FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade Reserve. Supplied working parties to front line and 2 O.R. wounded 01-03-1916 communication trenches.

FOSSE 10 Relieved 24th R.F. in line between points M.20.C.0.1 and M20.C.0.0. 02-03-1916 “A” Coy on left front. “B” Coy centre front. “D” Coy right front and “C” Coy in support. CALLONE “A” Coy relieved by 6th Brigade and relieved Company of 17th R.F. 3 O.R. wounded Sector on our right. 03-03-1916 CALLONE The left and centre front Companies relieved by 24th R.F. “C” Coy and 1 O.R. wounded Sector “B” Coy relieved 2 Companies of 17th R.F. on our right. Quiet day. 04-03-1916 Heavy snow all day. CALLONE Transport brought supplies up to Support line during night. Quiet day. Sector 05-03-1916 CALLONE Battalion relieved by 52nd L.I. Relief starting at 10am with interval of 2 Sector hours between Companies, lasting all day. On relief marched back to 06-03-1916 same billets in FOSSE 10. FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade Reserve. Supplied parties for work on 07-03-1916 Communication trenches. FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade Reserve. Supplied parties for work on 08-03-1916 Communication trenches. FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade Reserve. Supplied parties for work on 09-03-1916 Communication trenches. CALLONE Battalion relieved 52nd L.I. in the line. “A” Coy left front, “D” Coy Sector centre front, “B” Coy right front, “C” Coy in support. Day relief by 10-03-1916 companies at 2 hours interval. CALLONE Little activity on either side. Chief work was carrying up bombs and Sector ammunition from Brigade store for which pack mules were used. 11-03-1916 CALLONE Little activity on either side. Chief work was carrying up bombs and Sector ammunition from Brigade store for which pack mules were used. 12-03-1916 CALLONE Little activity on either side. Chief work was carrying up bombs and Lt J.C. Bevis Sector ammunition from Brigade store for which pack mules were used. wounded 13-03-1916 3 O.R. wounded FOSSE 10 Battalion relieved by Companies at 2 hours interval by day, by 52nd 3 O.R. wounded 14-03-1916 L.I. and returned to billets in FOSSE 10

FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade reserve. Small working parties supplied. 15-03-1916

FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade reserve. Small working parties supplied. 16-03-1916

FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade reserve. Small working parties supplied 17-03-1916

FOSSE 10 Battalion in Brigade reserve. Small working parties supplied 18-03-1916 COUPIGNY Battalion relieved in FOSSE 10 by 17th R.F. at 6.30pm and marched 19-03-1916 to billets in COUPIGNY.

OURTON Battalion left COUPIGNY at 11.30am and marched to billets 20-03-1916 in . OURTON Time spent regaining smartness, re-equipping and resting. 21-03-1916 OURTON Time spent regaining smartness, re-equipping and resting 22-03-1916 OURTON Time spent regaining smartness, re-equipping and resting 23-03-1916 OURTON Working party of 250 was taken to GOUY – in lorries for work 1 Officer 24-03-1916 in back lines. Reinforcement OURTON Training continued as far as possible. Weather bad. 25-03-1916 OURTON Training continued as far as possible. Weather bad 26-03-1916 OURTON 1Vth Corps Commander Lieut Gen. Sir H.H. Wilson, KCB, inspected 1 Officer 27-03-1916 the 5th Brigade. DSO. Brigade in quarter column, battalion on left of the Reinforcement line. COUPIGNY Battalion proceeded to billets in COUPIGNY by road and rail. 28-03-1916 Entraining at and detraining at HERSIN arriving in billets about 1pm. COUPIGNY The Brigade in reserve and supplying working parties for use in support 29-03-1916 and communications trenches. The Battalion had to find working parties of 250 men every night, working from 7pm to 1.30am. COUPIGNY The Brigade in reserve and supplying working parties for use in support 30-03-1916 and communications trenches. The Battalion had to find working parties of 250 men every night, working from 7pm to 1.30am. COUPIGNY The Brigade in reserve and supplying working parties for use in support 31-03-1916 and communications trenches. The Battalion had to find working parties of 250 men every night, working from 7pm to 1.30am.


Lieut Col. Commanding 2nd Highland Light Infantry.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st April 1916 – 30th April 1916 COUPIGNY Company training and working parties. 01-04-1916 BRUAY Battalion paraded at 11.15am entraining at HERSIN at noon, 02-04-1916 detrained at BRUAY and marched to billets in FOSSE 3. BRUAY Drill parades and kit inspections. 03-04-1916 BRUAY Bathing parade. 04-04-1916 THEROUANNE Battalions paraded at 10am and marched to CALUNNE-RICOURS 05-04-1916 where Battalion entrained. Arrived AIRE about 2pm marched to billets in THEROUANNE arriving about 5.15pm. THEROUANNE Battalion paraded at 9.15am marched via DELETTE to 1st Army 06-04-1916 training area. Companies exercised in attack and advance in artillery formalin. THEROUANNE Battalion paraded at 8.15am and marched via DELETTE to training 07-04-1916 area. Brigade field day witnessed by General JOFFRE, G.O.C. 1st Army and G.O.C. 4th Corps. THEROUANNE 08-04-1916 Paraded at 8.35am. Brigade field day. BRUAY Battalion paraded at 11am and marched to AIRE entraining at 2pm, 09-04-1916 detrained at CALUNNE-RICOURS at 3.15am. Marched to billets in BRUAY (FOSSE 3) BRUAY Kit inspection and drill parades. 10-04-1916 BRUAY Church Parade. 11-04-1916 BRUAY Entrained at BRUAY STN at 10am for HERSIN. Marched to billets 12-04-1916 in COUPIGNY for work under 23rd DIVISION COUPIGNY “C” and “D” Coys out at night on working parties. 13-04-1916 COUPIGNY “A” and “B” Coys out at night on working parties. 14-04-1916 COUPIGNY Company parades. 15-04-1916 REACHES Companies moved off at half hour interval starting at 10-30am for (Augres Sector) BULLY-GREANY. Commenced to relieve 8th West Yorkshire Regt. 16-04-1916 in Sector at 1pm. Relief complete 3.30pm. “C” Coy centre – “D” Coy left – “B” Coy support. 17th Bn Royal Fusiliers on right – 68th Brigade on left – D/103 Bty R.F.A. in support. Quiet night nothing to report. REACHES (Augres Sector) S.W. wind cold and showery. Enemy fired a number of rifle grenades 1 man killed 17-04-1916 into “D” Coy trenches. Little shelling by either side. Captain Bailey slightly wounded. REACHES (Augres Sector) S.W. wind cold and wet. Enemy rifle grenade shooting stopped by Lt Howason in 18-04-1916 retaliation with grenades and Trench mortars. 71st and 15th Bty hospital. R.F.A. relieved D/103 in support sector. Very wet night. Patrols had nothing to report. Casualties NIL.

REACHES (Augres Sector) S.W. wind wet and cold. A good deal of rifle grenade shooting in which 19-04-1916 we got the upper hand. Our trench round crater (“D”) Coy blown in by heavy trench mortar bomb about 7.30pm. 1 man killed and 2 wounded. Very wet night. REACHES (Augres Sector) S.W. wind cold and showery. Heavy shelling on our crater and vicinity 20-04-1916 between 2pm and 3pm while 24th Bn Royal Fusiliers were starting to relieve the Battalion. Relief complete at 4.30pm. No casualties. Battalion moved to billets in FOSSE 10. FOSSE 10 “A” “B” and “C” Companies in fatigue in trenches. 21-04-1916 FOSSE 10 Very heavy rain all day. “A” and “B” Coy on fatigue, 22-04-1916 FOSSE 10 “A” “C” and “D” Coy in fatigue in trenches. 23-04-1916 FOSSE 10 S.W. wind. Companies moved off at 12.15pm at half hour interval to 24-04-1916 relieve 24th Royal Fusiliers in ANGRES sector. Relief complete.345pm. Considerable activity of enemy machine guns and trench mortars. Usual exchange of rifle grenades. “C” Coy on right, “B” Coy centre, “D” Coy left, “A” Coy in support. 1 man wounded. PRETYCHAES Wind NE. A few H.E. shells fired at the sector during the Capt Craig from 25-04-1916 morning. Afternoon quiet. 1 man wounded. hospital. PRETYCHAES Wind NE. Fine warm day. Intense bombardment at 3.30am and again 26-04-1916 at 7pm about 2 miles south of us. Trench mortars and rifle grenades caused damage and casualties in “D” Coy. 1 man killed 7 wounded. PRETYCHAES Wind E. Heavy bombardment at 5.30am North of us. Quiet day in our 27-04-1916 sector. Practice Gas alarm at 7pm last man adjusted helmet at7.7pm. 1 man killed, 2 wounded. BULLY-GRENAY Wind S.S.E. Relieved by 24th Bn Royal Fusiliers at 3.45pm. Bn HQ, 28-04-1916 “B” and “C” Coys moved to billets in BULLY-GRENAY. “A” and “D” Coy in reserve in trenches. BULLY-GRENAY Wind E. At 4-30am gas was smelt coming from either Shells or 29-04-1916 HULLUCK where the Germans released gas opposite 18th Division. Companies on carrying fatigues and bathing parades. BULLY-GRENAY Wind E. A few light shells into our billets in the morning. Divine 30-04-1916 Service for all denominations in the afternoon. “B” Coy relieved “A” Coy in reserve trenches. Lt Col Comd 2/High Lt Inf.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st May 1916 – 31st May 1916 BULLY-GRENAY Usual working parties. 01-05-1916 BULLY-GRENAY Relieved 24th Battalion Royal Fusiliers. “C” Coy on right, “B” 02-05-1916 centre, “A” right, “D” reserve. Quiet night. BULLY-GRENAY Fine warm day. Cleared craters at 4pm for bombardment by our trench 03-05-1916 mortars. German front line considerably damaged. 1 man wounded. BULLY-GRENAY Wind E. Very quiet day. Cleared crater trench at 11pm.? R.A. shot at 04-05-1916 German working parties. 1 man wounded 1 man killed. BULLY-GRENAY Quiet day. 05-05-1916 FOSSE 10 Relieved by 24th Royal Fusiliers and moved to billets in FOSSE 06-05-1916 10. Enemy bombarded Crater trench at 4am. 1 man wounded. FOSSE 10 Companies out in working parties. 07-05-1916 FOSSE 10 Companies out in working parties. 08-05-1916 FOSSE 10 Very wet high wind. 09-05-1916 TRENCHES Relieved 24th Battalion R.F. “D” Coy right, “B” centre, “A” left, “C” 10-05-1916 support. Quiet night. TRENCHES Trench mortars shelled German front line opposite craters from 12noon 11-05-1916 to 1pm.Enemy retaliated with ------and light mortars damaging crater trench. We again replied with heavy mortars and enemy retaliated with 5.9 hourly? Which damaged front line of left Coy and support line of right Coy. Quiet night. COUPIGNY Relieved by 8th Yorkshire Regt and moved to huts in COUPIGNY. Reinforcements 12-05-1916 1 man wounded. joined - 91 OR COUPIGNY Heavy rain all day. 13-05-1916 COUPIGNY Wet morning. Working parties at night. Reinforcements 14-05-1916 joined - 13 OR COUPIGNY Working parties at night 15-05-1916 COUPIGNY Working parties and company parades. 16-05-1916 PERNES Paraded at 12.30pm and marched via HOUDAIN and to 17-05-1916 billets in PERNES. PERNES Battalion detailed for fatigues for IV Corps schools. 18-05-1916 PERNES Battalion detailed for fatigues for IV Corps schools 19-05-1916 PERNES Battalion detailed for fatigues for IV Corps schools 20-05-1916 OURTON Battalion marched at 9am to billets in OURTON. Reinforcements 21-05-1916 joined - 80 OR OURTON Company training. Ordered to standby to move at 1 hours notice. 22-05-1916 OURTON Company parades. 23-05-1916 OURTON Company parades 24-05-1916 OURTON Company parades 25-05-1916 PRESNICOURT Battalion moved to billets in PRESNICOURT. 26-05-1916 PRESNICOURT Company parades and working parties. 27-05-1916 PRESNICOURT Company parades and working parties 28-05-1916 PRESNICOURT Company parades and working parties. 1 man wounded. 29-05-1916 PRESNICOURT Company parades and working parties 30-05-1916 PRESNICOURT Company parades and working parties 31-05-1916 ? Martin Lt Col Comd 2/ High. Lt. Inf.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st June 1916 – 30th June 1916 PRESNICOURT Working parties. 01-06-1916 TRENCHES Battalion relieved 22nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers. 99th Inf Bde 02-06-1916 in dugouts on BETHUNE and Road about one mile S of . Relief completed at 7.30pm. TRENCHES All Companies working in front and support lines at night. 03-06-1916 TRENCHES All Companies working in front and support lines at night. 04-06-1916 TRENCHES All Companies working in front and support lines at night. 3 Officers 05-06-1916 joined. TRENCHES Relieved 24th Bn Royal Fusiliers in BERTHONUAL sector. Relief 06-06-1916 complete at midnight. Trenches occupied very shallow owing to the new line having had to be taken up recently 300yrds behind the original line captured by the Germans on the night 21st – 22nd May – 40 OR reinforcements joined. TRENCHES Quiet day. All hands employed consolidating and improving positions. 07-06-1916 TRENCHES Quiet day. Very wet night. 2 men wounded. 08-06-1916 TRENCHES Wet day. Large parties of Germans visible working on their front line 1 man killed 09-06-1916 parapets after dark. CAMBLAIN L’ABBE Battalion relieved by 24th Royal Fusiliers and moved to billets in 10-06-1916 CAMBLAIN L’ABBE BOIS, Companies reached billets between 3am and 5am. CAMBLAIN L’ABBE Cleaning up. 11-06-1916 CAMBLAIN L’ABBE Very wet day. Bathing in VILLERS AU BOIS. 11 OR reinforcements 12-06-1916 joined. CAMBLAIN L’ABBE Very wet day. A Service was in memory of Lord Kitchener in the 13-06-1916 theatre CAMBLAIN L’ABBE at which the Battalion was well represented. Three men of this Battalion and men of other units were decorated with the D.C.M. ribbon by Major General Walker at 2nd Divisional Hqrs, about 100 Officers and OR attended. 1 Officer joined. CAMBLAIN L’ABBE Left billets in CAMBLAIN L’ABBE and relieved 24th Royal 14-06-1916 Fusiliers in the BERTHONVAL 1 Sector. Sth of Souchez, “B” Coy right – “C” Coy Centre, “A” Coy Left, “D” Coy Support. Relief complete about 11pm. TRENCHES 14- Rained most of the day and night. Enemy quiet. Work started by 06-1916 (Contd) relieved Batt. in New Front Line, first and second supports and deep dugouts carried on. TRENCHES Rained most of the day and night. Both sides very quiet. Trenches in 15-06-1916 very bad state, work continued as stated, with baling in addition. About 12 deep dugouts under construction. TRENCHES Rained in the morning, fine afternoon. Hostile Artillery shelled front 16-06-1916 and support lines with light Slowitzers and Field Guns. Six men of “B” Coy killed, four of “C” Coy wounded. Work continuing. 5 OR killed and 4 OR wounded. TRENCHES Weather fine, wind N.E. Gas Alert “ON”. Hostile Artillery 17-06-1916 shelled, ZOUAVE Valley. Support Coy dugouts, no damage, also Left Coy. C.S.M. and one man wounded. Sixteen deep dugouts now under construction. 3 OR wounded. TRENCHES Weather fine. Hostile Artillery active during the day, very little damage 4 OR wounded 18-06-1916 was done. Relieved by 13th Essex, 6th Bgde. Relief complete 12 midnight. Battalion billet in GOUR SERVINS. GOUR SERVINS Cleaning up, resting and inspections. 19-06-1916 GOUR SERVINS Battalion out on working parties from 2am – 4am, 21st inst. 20-06-1916 GOUR SERVINS Bathing in GOUR SERVINS. Instruction in (a) Grenade Throwing and 21-06-1916 (b) Lewis Guns. GOUR SERVINS Instruction in “a” and “b” continued. Drill for Companies in the 22-06-1916 morning. All Companies in working parties during night of 22nd/23rd. GOUR SERVINS Fine morning, rained heavily in the afternoon. Instruction in “a” and “b” 23-06-1916 continued. A letter was received from O.C. 13th Essex thro’ the 6th and 5th Brigades complimenting the battalion on the amount of good and hard work done in the trenches under very unfavourable conditions. 9 OR reinforcements joined. GOUR SERVINS Half the Battalion went out on working parties starting at 2-30am. 24-06-1916 Working parties for night of 24th - 25th cancelled owing to heavy rain. GOUR SERVINS Fine day. Instructions continued. Baths at G. SERVINS all day. Divine 25-06-1916 Service was held in the afternoon. GOUR SERVINS Instructions continued. Companies held parades for handling Arms, 1 Officer and 7 OR 26-06-1916 communication drill etc. Range practice for Bantams in the afternoon. Accidentally Lieut CRAIG and several NCOs and men wounded through wounded at premature explosion of Rifle Grenade during instruction. Grenade firing practice. GOUR SERVINS Instruction continued. Companies held parades for Drill. Rained all day. 27-06-1916 Battalion moved from billets about 7pm and relieved the 1st BERKSHIRE Regt 99th Bgde in CARENET SECTOR, S.E. of Souchez. Relief complete about 11-30pm. Trenches in shocking condition. Right Coy held the line only with Bombing Posts. Rained all night. 1 OR wounded. 4 Officers joined. GOUR SERVINS Rained all day. At about 7am. Enemy blew in Carnouflet, which blew 28-06-1916 in one of our mineshafts for about 60yds, two men who went to investigate afterwards were slightly gassed. 1 OR wounded and 1 OR affected by gas. GOUR SERVINS Enemy had out big wiring parties in early morning, our Lewis Guns 29-06-1916 fired on them causing it to disperse and one man was seen to fall. Battalion working day and night deepening trenches, building fire strips. Revelting and wiring GOUR SERVINS Same work continued. Trained all morning, fine afternoon. At 11-30pm 30-06-1916 our batteries opened intense fire in enemy communication trenches, cross roads etc. Their retaliation did no damage. 1 OR wounded, 1 Officer and 12 OR reinforcements joined.

Signed Lieut Col Commanding 2nd Bn High L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st July 1916 – 31st July 1916 TRENCHES Weather fine. Quiet morning, in the afternoon enemy shelled and 01-07-1916 mortared front support and reserve line. We sustained several casualties. Dressing station was blown in, Doctor, Orderlies and several patients sustaining shocks. TRENCHES At 12-30am Battalion opened an intense bombardment of enemy front 02-07-1916 and support lines in the BERTHUNVAL and SECTOR of the VIMT Ridge S. of SUACHEZ. At about 12-35am the 13th ESSEX 6th Brigade in the BERTHENVAL Sector in our right raided the enemy trenches staying there about 45 minutes and taking several prisoners and inflicting about 50 casualties, enemy retaliated heavily for about 1 hour. Remainder of the day was quiet, weather fine. Relieved by 24th Royal Fusiliers, completed about 11-45pm. TRENCHES Weather fine; quiet all day, at 10-45pm we blew to mines in 03-07-1916 CARENCY Sector. 24th R.F. consolidated near lips, enemy put up heavy barrage. Temp/Capt H. McCulloch wounded. TRENCHES At 12-15am a mine was blown in BERTHUNVAL.2 Sector, 1st King’s 04-07-1916 Regt. raided enemy trenches. Rained most of the day and night, trenches in very bad state. TRENCHES Working parties all day. Day and night quiet, heavy showers. 05-07-1916 TRENCHES Enemy shelled and mortared front, support and reserve lines 06-07-1916 considerable damage to the trenches and damaging two Lewis Guns. Rained most of the day. Relieved the 24th R.F. in CARENCY 1, completed about 1am 7th inst. Trenches in very bad state. TRENCHES Battalions working in all trenches. We trench mortared enemy 07-07-1916 trenches with 60 pounders; enemy retaliated with trench mortars of all calibres doing considerable damage. Rained all day. TRENCHES At 1am 17th R.F. in CARENCY 2 raided enemy trenches. 08-07-1916 Enemy trench mortared heavily the CARENCY sector during the day, Howitzers retaliated. Temp/Capt Hutton killed. TRENCHES Weather fine. Trenches dried up. About 7pm enemy threw a small mine 09-07-1916 about 200yds to the left of the Battalion. Hostile artillery remained quiet in Battalion front. Relieved by 24th R.F. completed 12-30am. VILLERS au BOIS Moved back to billets in VILLERS au BOIS, S.W. of CARENCY. 10-07-1916 Battalion resting and cleaning up. VILLERS au BOIS Baths and Inspections all day. Carrying parties at night. 11-07-1916 VILLERS au BOIS Drill for all Companies in the morning. “D” Coy had a boxing competition 12-07-1916 in the afternoon. Concert in the evening. Small carrying parties at night. GOUT SERVINS Drill and Inspections. Battalion moved to billets in GOUT SERVINS. 13-07-1916 GOUT SERVINS Orders received to move to DIEVAL area. 07a Sheet 36b. 1/40, move on 14-07-1916 15th inst. DIEVAL Battalion left GOUT SERVINS about 9am; at about 12-30pm the 15-07-1916 Battalion marched past IVth Corps Commander, he remarked to the G.O.C. 5th Brigade that he was extremely pleased with the turnout and general appearance of the Battalion. Arrived in billets at DIEVAL about 5pm. Fine day. DIEVAL Rained most of the day. Divine services in the afternoon. Colonel Prentice 16-07-1916 left at about 5pm to take up the duties of Brigadier General 1st Naval Brigade. DIEVAL BattalionThe Battalion practiced gave ceremonialhim a hearty parade send off preparatory and Pipe forband inspection played him by away. 17-07-1916 G.O.C. IVth Corps.

BOURS Battalion left DIEVAL about 1.30pm and arrived in BOURS at about 18-07-1916 2.30pm. Rained in the morning, fine afternoon. BOURS Drill for all Companies. Fine day. 19-07-1916 BOURS Battalion paraded at 11am and marched to Pernes Station where they 20-07-1916 entrained at 4-45pm. Detrained at Saleuse Station, W. of Amiens, about 11pm where a halt was made and tea served. VAUX –SUR-SOMME Battalion left Saleuse at 1-45am and marched to VAUX –SUR-SOMME, 21-07-1916 a distance of about 21 miles, where they went under canvas. At 4-30am packs were taken by transport (motor). Weather was excellent in the VAUX –SUR-SOMME Companyevening. Bathing parades parades and inspections took place in inthe the afternoon, lake near bathing the Camp parades again 22 -07-1916 for all Companies. HAPPY VALLEY Weather still fine. Battalion moved from VAUX at 10-30am and reached 23-07-1916 Happy Valley, 3 Miles S.E of Montanban in the afternoon where they bivouacked. HAPPY VALLEY Company parades in the morning. Service at 2-30pm. Soccer match with 24-07-1916 the 2nd R.S.F. in the evening in which several Officers took part. A draw was the result. 1 Officer has joined from Trench Martine. TRENCHES The morning was taken up with fitting out men with extra C.A.A. bombs, 25-07-1916 sand bags. At about 5pm moved off by Companies to take up position in trenches near WATERLOT FARM just South of DELVILLE WOOD. TRENCHES WeatherAfter two still hours fine. march Our trenchesvia Carmoy, were the heavily communication shelled and trench casualties was for the 26-07-1916 26th/27thentered. The amounted trench was to – heavily 1 Killed barraged and 24 Wounded.and we suffered “C” Coy – 1 sufferedOfficer mostwounded, on account 1 Officer of theirslightly position gassed at andDELVILLE 14 OR casualties. WOOD. The Battalions TRENCHES we relieved were the 2nd Royal Scots, D.S.L.I. and the E. Yorks. They wereBattalion all very again depleted. suffered casualties from shelling as 99th Brigade on our 27-07-1916 left attacked at 7-10am DELVILLE WOOD and captured it. We assisted the 60th on our left considerably by supplying them with bombs, SAA and when their stores were exhausted and by placing some of our platoon at their disposal to be used in case of great emergency. General Kellith, 99th Brigade personally thanked us for this assistance; which he said was of great assistance to him during the night s 26th/27th. A patrol of 1 Officer, 2 OR were sent out. Nothing has since been heard of them.

TRENCHES Casualties 27th/28th were 1 Officer killed, 2OR killed and 21 OR 27-07-1916 contd wounded. TRENCHES Night 28th/29th Battalion relieved by 52nd. During tour 9 Germans came 28-07-1916 into us, including a ration party of 4 who lost their way in Delville Wood. Our total casualties were - 1 Officer Killed, 1 Officer Missing, 1 Officer Wounded and 71 OR. TRENCHES Battalion reached their billets in Dugout Trench, near Montauban at 6am. MONTAUBAN About 5pm we went back to BARNAFAY WOOD as a reserve for the 29-07-1916 attack to be made by part of our Brigade on the morning of the 30th. TRENCHES Barnafay As a reserve, in were not required to move up. We got shelled by gas and Wood other shells and had a few casualties. About 10 – 11am a shell hit the side 30-07-1916 of Head Quarters, unfortunately slightly wounding Col Craigie – Hulkett and Captain T.R. Gibbs, our Adjutant. The Colonel was quite able to walk down but the Adjutant, who was injured in several places, had to be taken on a stretcher. Captain H. Ross Skinner took over temporary command with 1st Lt F.B. Muir as acting Adjutant. TRENCHES About 12.30 am orders were received to relieve the 52nd less 1 Coy 31-07-1916 immediately as well as the 24th R.F. When we arrived at trenches about 3am heavy hostile artillery fire was in progress and we lost 2 Officers Killed and 31 OR casualties. 1 Officer took seriously ill and so our Officer strength was still further depleted.

H. Ross Skinner Capt. Comdg. 2nd High. L.I. WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st August 1916 – 31st August 1916 TRENCHES Battalion relieved by 52nd less 1 Coy + 24th R.F. less 3 Coys about Lient Ellis 01-08-1916 10pm. During the day we had a good many casualties due to the hostile Captn Birley shooting but were lucky with our relief suffering no casualties. 3 Coys Lieut Craig. returned to Barnafay Wood in reserve. 1 Coy in Trones Wood. Two Officers left us, one to join R.F.C. the other to act as Draft Conducting Officer. One Officer rejoined from hospital. Casualties; 1 OR Killed – 18 OR wounded. TRENCHES Battalion supplied several carrying parties, one patrol and a covering 02-08-1916 party. Companies in Barnafay Wood suffered considerable discomfort from teen shells, smoke helmets proved very satisfactory. Casualties; 1 O.R. Killed. 9 O.R. Wounded. TRENCHES Weather still fine. During the night 2nd/3rd orders were suddenly Lt Beck W. 03-08-1916 received to move up the three Companies from Barnafay Wood Lt Gormlie to various trenches between Barnafay, Trones and Waterlot Lt Bevis. Farm. Battalion Headquarters remained at Barnafay Wood. Companies, during night were employed carrying up various stores and improving trenches. 1 Officer slightly wounded and went down to hospital Casualties – 5 O.R. Killed – 8 O.R. wounded TRENCHES All Companies had a quiet day; there was practically no hostile fire. 04-08-1916 Coys by night improved existing trenches and cut several new posts. 1 Officer left for the R.F.C. “Lt Hamilton”? attached to Trench Mortars went down to hospital with shell shock. TRENCHES Another quiet and fine day. Between 6pm – 11pm Battalion were 05-08-1916 relieved by S. Staffr. Regiment. Battalion went into trenches in the old British Line, W of Montavean and during ---- had no casualties. Lt Col Craigie-Hulkett returned from hospital. Major C. Martinne joined from the 14th Bn H.L.I. The latter had been sent for when Col Craigie-Hulkett was wounded on 30/7/1916. 1 Officer sent down to Hospital sick. TRENCHES All Companies cleared up trenches. Lieut Smitn ---- 06-08-1916 ? TRENCHES All Companies cleared up trenches and after mid day had baths in 07-08-1916 a “carriers sheet”? sent by Brigade. TRENCHES Major C.T. Martin took over command of the Battalion from this date 08-08-1916 and Capt H. Ross Skinner appointed Adjutant. Orders for 3rd Brigade to move to rest billets cancelled. TRENCHES “Bn”? placed at the disposal of G.O.C. 6th Brigade as a reserve. 09-08-1916 6th Brigade attacking close to GUILLEMONT STATION. TRENCHES After 6th Brigade had been relieved, 5th Brigade moved back about 4 10-08-1916 miles to the Sand Pits near MEAULTE. Bn arrived there about midday. VILLE-SUR-ANCRE After bivouacking the night of 10th/11th, Brigade marched back about 4 11-08-1916 miles further to Ville-sur-Ancre, which was reached about 4.30pm. Many troops including several Scottish battalions were met on the way. Roads were very dusty and the heat exceedingly trying. VILLE-SUR-ANCRE In the morning all Companies inspection and drill, in the afternoon, 12-08-1916 bathing parades to the ANCRE. At 3.15pm a service was held by the chaplain. VILLE-SUR-ANCRE After numerous alterations in movement orders, Bn alternately 13-08-1916 marched out at 2.20pm to entrain at MERICOURT L’ABBE, 2 miles off. Entrainment was completed before 4pm but train did not leave till 6pm. SALEUX was reached at 8.30pm. Bn disentrained and marched without packs to billets at BREILLY (on the R Somme) a distance of 10 miles. BREILLY Bn in billets by 1.45am. Bn parade was held at 3.30pm. 14-08-1916 BREILLY Adjutants Parade was at 7am. During the morning all Companies had 15-08-1916 Kit inspections and bathing parades. In the afternoon, “A”& “B” Companies fired at the range. On instructions received from the Division, a motor lorry arrived at 1pm to take 2 Officers, 2 NCOs and 2 OR to AMIENS. Leave passes were granted at 10pm. BREILLY In the morning “A” & “B” Companies fired on the range. 16-08-1916 At 3-10pm Bn left Breilly and marched 5-10 miles north to FLESSELLES, which they reached at 6.30pm FLESSELLES 17-08-1916 9.40am Bn left Flesselles and marched 8 miles north to CANDAS CANDAS 17-08-1916 where billets obtained. 12.30pm Bathing parades for “awareness”? of all Companies in the evening. CANDAS 9.30am – Bn left Candas at 9.30am and marched to BUS-les- 18-08-1916 BUS- ARTOIS about 14 miles distant, which was reached at 5pm., 1 man, les-ARTOIS fell out on the line march. Billets were in a wood, huts and for a few 18-08-1916 Officers few tents. BUS-les-ARTOIS Bathing parades for all Companies during the morning. In the afternoon, 1/Lt D. McAra 19-08-1916 Bn marched Mailly where they entered trenches & went up to the front Lieut Finlayson TRENCHES line. 1?Lt Beck 19-08-1916 5pm Billets in Bus were taken over by the 1st Bn Grenadier Guards & we relieved the 4th Bn G. Guards in the trenches. Relief was completed without casualties. The same afternoon, 1 Officer & 59 OR were sent to the 252nd Tunnelling Coy to be permanently attached. TRENCHES Two Officers re-joined. This part of the line seemed very quiet after the 20-08-1916 SOMME trenches. Trenches were fairly good & Bn Hd Qur excellently situated. Casualties nil. TRENCHES Several minesweepers were sent over & our trenches damaged in Casualties: - 21-08-1916 several places. Patrolling was carried out nightly along one whole front 1 OR wounded. & two bombing posts were held about 60x in front of our line. During the posting of one of these posts an enemy patrol was encountered at close quarters. Rifles bombs & revolvers were used till ammunition was exhausted. We suffered no casualties, whilst we appeared to have inflicted several. Casualties: - 1 N.C.O. wounded. TRENCHES Several new dugouts & a Bn Hd Qrs were carried on with. Numerous Casualties: - 22-08-1916 trench boards laid. In the evening when our bombing parties were 5 OR wounded being posted, enemy sent over many trench mortars. Some of the party were buried but no casualties were experienced although one or two Casualties: - suffered from shock. Post was subsequently posted & enemy were not 2 “m” W. encountered. TRENCHES Bn was relieved during the afternoon by the 24th R.Fs relief was 23-08-1916 completed without casualties. ”A” & “B” Coys went right out of the trenches but “C” & “D” remained in trenches in rear as support. COLINCAMPS “B” Co. remained in COLINCAMPS but Hd Qrs & “A” Co. COURCELLES moved during the afternoon to huts & tents in COURCELLES. 24-08-1916 COLINCAMPS Showery weather. “A” & “B” Coms. Had inspection of hut -? In the 1Lt H.C. Donaldson. COURCELLES morning. “C” & “D” Coms worked on this. Four new Officers arrived 1Lt A.L Bryson 25-08-1916 from home. 1/Lt J S.F. Dick ??????? TRENCHES “C” & “D” Cois at work in their own trenches. “A” & “B” COLINCAMPS furnished carrying parties by night & had bathing parades to baths at COURCELLES COURCELLES from 2pm –5pm. 26-08-1916 TRENCHES Service held by our new Padre for “A” & “B” Cois in the morning. In COLINCAMPS the afternoon, which was very showery, “A” & “B” Cois exchanged COURCELLES billets with “C” & “D” Cois respectively. 27-08-1916 TRENCHES Weather is breaking down & there are many heavy showers. All Cois COLINCAMPS were working the whole morning on the trenches, which were due to be COURCELLES kept up by the Battalion. “C” & “D” Cois furnished carrying parties 28-08-1916 for the R.E. at night. TRENCHES In the afternoon all Cois up and relieved the 24th R.F. Relief complete 29-08-1916 by 6.30pm. No Casualties. During the relief there was a violent thunderstorm which wet all through & through & flooded trenches to in some places knee depth. All Cois baling water out all night. “A” “B” “D” Cois in front line with “C” in support. The three front Cois sent out patrols. TRENCHES A very wet day, which made work of bailing out difficult, & progress Casualties: - 2 OR 30-08-1916 consequently slow. Trench, which had been badly blown in, in two wounded. places, was repaired. Towards evening weather cleared slightly & water was got under to a certain extent. At night, a large quantity of timber, sand bags, scoops, trench bombs & wire unloaded & carried up to different Cois. Each front Coy sent out usual patrols. The making of a new post, battalion HQ, 12 dugouts taken in hand. TRENCHES Weather improved & trenches better, showed the result of the work put Casualties; - 31-08-1916 out on them. Trenches still being pumped & bailed out in some places. 1 OR Gassed Old trench boards lifted, trenches drained & boards re-laid; also new trench boards laid and new bomb stores started. A considerable amount of wiring carried out and a large quantity of timbers, trench boards and sand bags carried up. Enemy was generally quiet & did not shell much.

C.L. Martin Lt/Colonel Commanding 2nd Bn High. L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st September 1916 – 30th September 1916 TRENCHES Weather now dry and all Companies working at laying new trench 01-09-1916 boards, firming dug-out frames for gas blankets, making proper fire- strips, draining & generally improving trenches and “pioneers”? Making new trap-door latrines. Casualties: - 1 OR wounded. TRENCHES All Companies busy re-laying old and nailing down new trench boards. 02-09-1916 New bomb store, dressing station & 17 new trap-door latrines completed. Situation quiet till about 11.30pm when sent over numerous heavy and light trench mortars as well as light shells, wrecking our front line in one place & slightly burying several men. Our artillery retaliated satisfactorily & enemy quietened down. Casualties: - 1 OR wounded TRENCHES Excellent weather. Corps on our right at 5-15pm heavily bombarded 03-09-1916 enemy trenches and infantry took front & support lines, which, however they were unable to hold. This attack brought no artillery retaliation on our frontage. Casualties; - 3 OR W. TRENCHES 6-30pm – All Coms working on trenches. Little hostile artillery fire. Bn 04-09-1916 relieved about 6-30pm by 24th Bn R.F. during relief, casualties Nil. 8pm – On completion of relief Coms marched to huts at COIGNEUX, the reserve battalion area. COIGNEUX 2 Officers & 20 OR “parculul”? At 9-15am in conjunction with 05-09-1916 detachments from 23rd R.F. and 17th Middlesex under Brigade Orders, practiced a scheme for communication between Artillery and Infantry. During the day all rifles were inspected. Brigade A.S. & all Coys had bathing parades to COVIN. In the afternoon Major Craigie Halkett left to take over Command of the 2nd S. Lancs. Reg. COIGNEUX 8am-8.45am - S.M’s Parade. 06-09-1916 During the morning kit inspections and in the afternoon Officers and N.C.Os paraded under R.E. Officers for instruction in divisional system of working parties. At 5pm a “Soccer” match was played between Officers & Lieutenants. A “c----ing” ended in a draw of 1 goal each. COIGNEUX 8am-8.45am - S.M’s Parade. In the morning battalion instructed by 07-09-1916 R.E. Officers in new divisional system for working parties. At 5pm a “Soccer” match was played between Officers & Lieutenants. An “c--- -ing” ended in a draw of 1 goal each COIGNEUX Adjutants parade at 7.30pm-8.30pm. “A” &”B” Coys parade for range 08-09-1916 in the morning. “C” & “D” Coys practiced working parties. Vice Versa in afternoon. Bombing Class taken by Lt Starkey. 2 Officers & 13 OR left for Bombing School. 2nd/Lt MacLeod & men returned from School. Battn paraded at 8-15am for practice working party. Divisional General inspected work. COIGNEUX Battn parade for baths at COVIN. Poor shots of battn were given 09-09-1916 individual instruction. Lt Wynne continued his sniping course. Final of Inter-Companies Football match between “C & “D” Coys, resulting in a win for “B” Coy by 4 goals to 3. COIGNEUX Battn moved into REDAN SECTOR. Inspection of huts by C.O. 10-09-1916 “A” “B” “C” in front line & “D” in Support. COIGNEUX Night of 10/11 exceptionally quiet, except for few minnenweifers on 11-09-1916 “B” Coys front. Some hostile shelling during the day. Our heavy artillery fired short, killing 1 man & wounding 1 NCO. COIGNEUX At 7-30am 2 men were killed by a light enemy shell. Several hits on 12-09-1916 trenches. Enemy’s minnenweifers & light trench mortars very active. Retaliation by our own mortars stopped enemy’s activity. COIGNEUX Lewis Guns in “C” Coy blown to pieces by minnenweifers, no 13-09-1916 casualties. Wire completed in front line. New system of fire steps in construction in front line. Creation of good company posts – good observation. From one of these posts 2 German Officers observed looking through glasses & referring to a map. COIGNEUX Day very quiet. Work continued. 14-09-1916 COIGNEUX Hostile artillery very active. Large increase of artillery on enemy’s 15-09-1916 side.5.9s frequently thrown about. Work continued in front line. Great improvements in trenches. Night of 15th “A” Coy made a raid on enemy’s trench for purpose of obtaining identification. A mine was to explode under enemy’s wire thus enabling “raiders”? to enter enemy’s lines. Raid failure. Enemy’s wire intact. 3 casualties; - Lt Bryson & 3 men hurt by falling debris of mine. COIGNEUX Work continued in trenches – laying of Duckboards & building fire 16-09-1916 steps. BUSTER TRENCH greatly improved. COIGNEUX Battn relieved by 24th R.Fs, “C” & “D” went to COLINCAMPS and 17-09-1916 COURCELLES and “A” to GREEN TRENCH & ELLIS SQUARE. COIGNEUX Companies in trenches, quiet time. “C” Coy were shelled in 18-09-1916 COLINCAMPS. Working parties found by “C” & “D” Coys. COIGNEUX Bde relieved by new Bde. “A” Coy relieved by 12 R Sussex R. Battn 19-09-1916 marched to rest billets at VAUCHELLES. COIGNEUX General cleaning up camp – kit inspections. 20-09-1916 COIGNEUX Sgt Major’s parade from 7-30am to 8-30am. Lt Muir took bombing 21-09-1916 classes and Capt Macfarlane – Grieves practiced digging Fire trenches. Lt Muir, 2nd Lt Walker & 2nd Lt Taylor proceeded to GUTAIE to be instructed in schemes of attack.2nd Lt Keddie exercised Lewis Gun teams. 2nd Lt MacKinnon joined Battn from Bde. COIGNEUX 7am-7-45am an R.S.M’s parade. Bayonet Fighting & Physical 22-09-1916 Training. Battn practised communication between Infantry & Aircraft in conjunction with 15 Squadron R.F.C – 9am to 2pm. Training of Bombers, L. Gunners & snipers by Lt Muir, 2nd Lt Keddie and Lt Wynne respectively. COIGNEUX Battn paraded for practical assaults on imaginary trenches in waves – 23-09-1916 9am-1pm – 2pm-3pm musketry exercises. COIGNEUX Physical Training & Bayonet Fighting under Sgt Major at 7am. 24-09-1916 Battn paraded at 9pm for attack on trenches with timed artillery. Training of L. Gunners, Bombers & Snipers. Lt Wynne practiced bad shots of Battn. Football match between 17th R.F. & 2nd H.L.I. Result 2nd H.L.I. = 2 – 17th R.F.= 1. COIGNEUX Sgt Major’s parade at 7am. Battn paraded for instructions in 25-09-1916 consolidation of trenches. Divisional Bombing School demonstration at which I Officer per Coy and all C Sm. visited. COIGNEUX Sgt Major’s parade at 7am – 7-45am. Battn paraded for practice 26-09-1916 trench building, viz - wiring, revetling, sandbagging. Baths not being available Coys had clothes disinfected. COIGNEUX Physical Training & Bayonet fighting under CSM of Gym Staff. 27-09-1916 Musketry instructions from 10am to 11am. CO Drill parade from 11-30am to 12-30pm. Football match between 17th R.F. & 2nd H.L.I. resulting in a draw. COIGNEUX Physical Training & Bayonet fighting 7-15am to 7-55am. 2 Coys at 28-09-1916 range & 2 consolidating trenches. Boxing Contests between 17th RF & 2nd H.L.I. – Good contests. COIGNEUX Rain – No parades – Lectures by Coy Officers. 29-09-1916 COIGNEUX Physical Training – Companies assault on imaginary Trenches. Sgt 30-09-1916 Major’s parade 2pm to 3.30pm.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st October 1916 – 3rd October 1916 COIGNEUX Physical Training – Bayonet fighting. Church parade at 10-20am 01-10-1916 (Pres), RC at 11am. Football match between 17th R.F’s – 2nd H.L.I. Good game resulting in a big win for 2nd H.L.I. by 7 goals to 2. Night operations in trenches.

COIGNEUX Battn moved to Bus – Poor billets – Raining all day. 02-10-1916 COIGNEUX Battn moved to MAILLY WOOD – Good billets. Working parties 03-10-1916 found by all Companies.

C.L. Martin Lt/Colonel Commanding 2nd Bn High. L.I. Pages 86/87/88 4 Oct 1916 – 31st October 1916 MISSING

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st November 1916 –30th November 1916 MAILLET Large sick parade (44). Divine services (RC). 250 men out in 01-11-1916 working parties. MAILLET Company parades during morning. Baths during the afternoon. 02-11-1916 Bantains inspected by R.Q.M.S. MAILLET Battalion training from 10am to 1pm. Attack in waves etc. 03-11-1916 MAILLET Large working parties 320 men. 04-11-1916 MAILLET Church parades – A draft of 17 O.R. arrived at 18 Bn H.L.I. 2 O.R. wounded 05-11-1916 mostly “boutains”? MAILLET Battn training, attack in waves, consolidation etc. 06-11-1916 MAILLET Working parties. Training impossible on account of rain. 07-11-1916 MAILLET Whole battn out in working parties. 08-11-1916 MAILLET Breakfasts at 9.30am and rest. 09-11-1916 MAILLET Billets shelled. Capt H.A.C. Craig to Bde Staff. 7 O.R. wounded 10-11-1916 REDAN SECTOR Battalion relieved the 24th R.F. – “B” Coy R. post. “D” Coy L post. 11-11-1916 “C” support and “A” in reserve. Bangalore torpedoes fired under enemy’s wire by Lieutenants F.B. Muir and I.B.C. Starkey. REDAN SECTOR “A” and “B” Coys relieved by 24th R.F.and battalion moved into its 12-11-1916 forming up area. Bde moved into WHITE CITY and B.H.Q. into front line. Casualties; - 1 O.R. Killed. 1 O.R. wounded. ENEMY TRENCHES The Battalion attacked and captured the enemy’s front system of 13-11-1916 trenches just north of BEAUMONT HAMEL. All objectives were reached and consolidated.207 unwounded prisoners were captured and sent down. The barrage commenced 5.45am and the enemy’s trenches were entered 6 minutes later. “B” Coy and 2 platoons of “D” Coy formed 1st wave, “C” Coy and 2 platoons of “D” Coy 2nd wave, “A” Coy and machine gunners 3rd wave. Five machine guns, two trench mortars (one 15 inch) and much was material captured. Casualties; - Capt. G.H. Ause, Cartmure, and Lieutenant J.B.C. Starkey – Killed. Capt A Walker Thomas, Lieutenant D. Ross – Missing. 10 Officers – Wounded 16 O.R. - Killed 37 O.R. - Missing 169 O.R. - Wounded. ENEMY TRENCHES Consolidation of position captured. 99th Brigade came through us and 14-11-1916 continued the attack at 6.15am. Casualties; 1 O.R. Killed 9 O.R. Wounded. 4 O.R. Missing ENEMY TRENCHES 32nd Division came through us and attacked. Battalion was relieved by 15-11-1916 152nd M.G. Company, at 10pm. Battalion was taken from MAILLY to BERTRAN COURT in busses were billeted in huts. Casualties; Lieut F.B. Muir and 3 O.R. Killed. 2 O.R. Wounded. 4 O.R. Missing. BERTRAN COURT General rest and cleaning up. Reveille 12 noon. 16-11-1916 BERTRAN COURT Weather very bad. Billets muddy and cold. Preparations to move to 17-11-1916 back area. Mobile reserve of S.A.A. bombs returned. BERTRAN COURT Weather very bad. Billets muddy and cold. Preparations to move to 18-11-1916 back area. Mobile reserve of S.A.A. bombs returned. Battalion marched to AMPLIER. (10 miles) 19-11-1916 PIERRES Battalion marched to PIERRES. (12 miles) 20-11-1916 St LEGER Battalion marched to St LEGER les DOMARTS (6 miles) 21-11-1916 St LEGER Resting 22-11-1916 YURENCH Battalion marched to YURENCH (11.5 miles) 23-11-1916 HIERMUNT Battalion marched to HIERMUNT (4 miles) 24-11-1916 DOMVAIT Battalion marched to DOMVAIT (7 miles) 25-11-1916 DOMVAIT Resting. 26-11-1916 DOMVAIT The Battalion marched to its final rest billets in NOVELLES. 27-11-1916 DOMVAIT Time employed to refit and smarten the Battalion. Kit inspections 28-11-1916 and drill parades. DOMVAIT Time employed to refit and smarten the Battalion. Kit inspections 29-11-1916 and drill parades. DOMVAIT The G.O.C. inspected the Battalion in the 30th and made a “ ------“ 30-11-1916 speech. C. Martin Lieut Col . Comdg 2 High.L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd HLI 1st December 1916 – 31st December 1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company parades at 9.30am for company training – Musketry, CHAUSSEE handling of Arms etc. 01-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company parades for physical training 9.30am then drill parades. CHAUSSEE School parades 9.30am. Lectures by Brigadier General R.O. Kellitt 02-12-1916 at 2.30pm on “Musketry Training. NOYELLE-EN- Battalion paraded for Divine Service. CHAUSSEE 03-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Companies paraded 9am to 1pm for physical training. Handling of CHAUSSEE arms, musketry etc 04-12-1916 School parades 9am. The O.C. 2nd Division Lans inspected Transport 11am. NOYELLE-EN- Companies paraded 9am and carried out training – assaulting in waves CHAUSSEE with Artillery Company. Physical Training drill. School attached to “B” 05-12-1916 Coy for wave training. NOYELLE-EN- Company parade at 9am to carry out Company training. CHAUSSEE 06-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. CHAUSSEE 07-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- The G.O.C. 2nd Division inspected the 5th Brigade on Battalion CHAUSSEE parade ground. 08-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Battalion parade. CHAUSSEE 09-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Battalion parade for Divine Service. CHAUSSEE 10-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. “A”& “B” Companies at Range. CHAUSSEE 11-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. “C”& “D” Companies at Range CHAUSSEE 12-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training CHAUSSEE 13-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. “A”& “B” Companies at Range CHAUSSEE 14-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. “D” Companies at Range CHAUSSEE 15-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. “B”& “C” Companies at Range CHAUSSEE 16-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Battalion in parade for Divine Service. Reinforcement of Six Officers. CHAUSSEE 17-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. CHAUSSEE 18-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training. CHAUSSEE 19-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- The Army Commander inspected the Battalion’s billets and the CHAUSSEE companies in parade. 20-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Battalion Route March. CHAUSSEE 13 O.R. reinforcements. 21-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company training during the morning and Brigade Sports during the CHAUSSEE 22-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Companyafternoon. and bath training. CHAUSSEE 88 O.R. reinforcement. 23-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Divine205 O.R. Service reinforcements. for all denominations. CHAUSSEE 24-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company Training CHAUSSEE 25-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company Training and Musketry in Divisional Range. CHAUSSEE 26-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company Training CHAUSSEE 27-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company Training CHAUSSEE 28-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Company Training. The Corps Commander addressed the Officers in CHAUSSEE 29-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- Companythe Brigade. and Battalion training. CHAUSSEE 30-12-1916 NOYELLE-EN- 1Divine Officer Service and 7 ofO.R. all reinforcement.denominations. CHAUSSEE 31-12-1916 C. Martin Lieut Colonel Comdy 2 Highland L.I. WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st January 1917 – 31st January 1917 NOYELLES-EN- New Years day – Holiday. CHAUSSEE 01-01-1917 NOYELLES-EN- Battalion parade and company training. CHAUSSEE 02-01-1917 NOYELLES-EN- Company training. CHAUSSEE 03-01-1917 NOYELLES-EN- Battalion training, practice communicating with R.F.C. CHAUSSEE 04-01-1917 NOYELLES-EN- Company training. 97th Brigade Special Platoon “gave demonstration” CHAUSSEE before Army. 05-01-1917 NOYELLES-EN- Battalion took part in Brigade Exercise. Corps commander inspected CHAUSSEE Brigade transport. Draft of 27 men joined Battalion. 06-01-1917 NOYELLES-EN- Battalion parades for Divine Service. CHAUSSEE 07-01-1917 NOYELLES-EN- Battalion moved to billets in BEAUMETZ. CHAUSSEE 08-01-1917 BEAUMETZ Battalion moved to billets in GEZAINCOURT 09-01-1917 GEZAINCOURT Company training. 10-01-1917

GEZAINCOURT Battalion moved to billets in RUPUMBRE. 11-01-1917 RUPUMBRE Battalion relieved 7th A&SH in the trenches. Two Companies 12-01-1917 in line and two in support. RUPUMBRE Brigade Commander inspected the line with the Commanding Officer. 13-01-1917 RUPUMBRE Front quiet. 14-01-1917 RUPUMBRE Battalion Headquarters shelled intermittently. 15-01-1917 RUPUMBRE 17th Royal Fusiliers relieved battalion at midnight. 16-01-1917 RUPUMBRE Moved to huts in OVILLIERS and AVELUY 17-01-1917 OVILLIERS Company Kit inspection – All Companies at Baths. 18-01-1917 OVILLIERS Company parades – Company training. 19-01-1917 OVILLIERS HUTS Battalion relieved by 22nd Fusiliers and detailed as “Work Battalion”. 20-01-1917 Moved to billets in WOLFE HUTS, WOLSELEY HUTS, and DONNETS POST. Headquarters in SEALIS. SENLIS Companies detached. Supplying working parties. 21-01-1917 SENLIS Companies detached. Supplying working parties. 22-01-1917 SENLIS Companies detached. Supplying working parties. 23-01-1917 SENLIS Companies detached. Supplying working parties. 24-01-1917 SENLIS Companies detached. Supplying working parties 25-01-1917 SENLIS Companies detached. Supplying working parties 26-01-1917 SENLIS Companies detached. Supplying working parties 27-01-1917 SENLIS Relieved by a Battalion of the 6th Brigade. Moved to billets in 28-01-1917 BOUZINCOURT in “support area” BOUZINCOURT Companies paraded for Company training in the morning. Sports in 29-01-1917 afternoon. BOUZINCOURT Company training in morning. Sports in afternoon. 30-01-1917 BOUZINCOURT Company training. Sports in afternoon. 31-01-1917 Signed

C.T. Martin Lieut Colonel Commanding 2nd Battalion Highland L. I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st February 1917 – 28th February 1917 BOUZINCOURT Company training – handling of Arms etc. 01-02-1917 BOUZINCOURT Company training – route marches and handling of Arms. 02-02-1917 BOUZINCOURT Company training. 03-02-1917 BOUZINCOURT Battalion parades for Divine Service. 04-02-1917 BOUZINCOURT 5th Brigade moved into line – The Battalion relieved the 1st Royal 11 O.R. 05-02-1917 Berks, and was in reserve. reinforcements “A” “B” “C” and Headquarters at WOLFE and OVILLIERS Huts. BOUZINCOURT .Supplying working parties in the line. 06-02-1917 WOLFE HUTS Supplying working parties in the line Reinforcement 07-02-1917 1 Officer WOLFE HUTS Supplying working parties in the line. 08-02-1917 WOLFE HUTS The Battalion relieved the 17th R.F. in the line on the night o 9th-10th 09-02-1917 February. TRENCHES The 17th R.F. made a raid on our front capturing 7 prisoners. “A” 1 Officer wounded. 10-02-1917 Coy attempted to cut enemies wire during the raid. TRENCHES “A” & “B” Companies relieved by “C” & “D” Companies. Reinforcement 11-02-1917 1 Officer TRENCHES Enemy raided “C” Company at 7.55pm, after two minutes 2 O.R. Killed 12-02-1917 intense barrage. 6 prisoners taken and many of the enemy killed 1 O.R. Wounded and wounded. Strength of raiding party was stated by prisoners 7 O.R. Missing to be 70. Picked new men from the regiment. TRENCHES Front heavily shelled in retaliation of raid. Relieved on the night of 1 O.R. Killed 13-02-1917 13th/14th by the 17th R.F. Battalion moved to WOLFE HUTS. 7 O.R. Wounded WOLFE HUTS Battalion resting. “B” Company at Frazer’s post. Reinforcement 14-02-1917 1 Officer WOLFE HUTS Battalion (less “B” Coy) working all day. 15-02-1917 WOLFE HUTS Battalion moved to billets in BOUZINCOURT. Working parties 16-02-1917 supplied. WOLFE HUTS Moved to OVILLIERS HUTS Reinforcements 17-02-1917 5 O.R. 1 O.R. wounded WOLFE HUTS Moved to BOUZINCOURT AREA 3 O.R. wounded 18-02-1917 BOUZINCOURT Changed billets in village, moved to those occupied by 17th R.F. Reinforcement 19-02-1917 5 O.R. BOUZINCOURT Supplied working parties for road repairs. 20-02-1917 BOUZINCOURT Working parties supplied. Reinforcement 21-02-1917 7 O.R. BOUZINCOURT Kit inspection by Commanding Officer. 22-02-1917 BOUZINCOURT Battalion moved into line night of 23rd/24th and relieved the 13th 23-02-1917 ESSEX. TRENCHES On the night of 24th/25th “B” & “D” Companies moved forward 1 Officer Wounded 24-02-1917 accompanied by Major D.M. Murray-Lyon and Captain H. Ross 1 O.R. Killed Skinner, Adjutant to starting position preparatory to going over the 2 O.R. Wounded top. Starting position BELOW SUPPORT. 1 O.R. Missing TRENCHES Advanced in thick mist from BELOW SUPPORT at 6.40am on Reinforcement 25-02-1917 morning of 25th and reached GRUNDY Trench at 8-0am. The two 7 O.R. companies reached their objectives at 9.30am After “D” Coy got to it’s final objective one prisoner was taken and a 1 Officer missing number believed to be wounded. 8 O.R. missing Between BELOW SUPPORT and GRUNDY ROAD trenches a 2 O.R. wounded rearguard of the enemy offered resistance. After passing GRUNDY ROAD the enemy sniped us from the right flank and on the “nust?” lifting our positions were heavily shelled. Touch was gained on our left and right flanks and maintained. 18th Division on left and 2nd Australian Division on our right. TRENCHES Right Company pushed up GALWITZ SWITCH trench where three 3 O.R. killed 26-02-1917 posts were established. Officer Patrols reconnoitred GREVILLERS 13 O.R. wounded trench. The enemy appeared to be holding it very strongly. On the night of 26th two patrols of “C” Coy moved forward with a view to occupying GREVILLERS trench but it was found to be strongly held by machine guns and deeply wired. TRENCHES Companies consolidating positions and reconnoitring patrols out. Left 2 O.R. wounded 27-02-1917 Company reconnoitred flank and commenced to establish flank post. 2 O.R. missing. Battalion was relieved on the night of 27th/28th by the O. & B. L.I. TRENCHES Battalionand moved resting. to WOLFE HUTS. 28-02-1917 Signed

D. Murray-Lyon Major Commanding 2nd Bn. High. L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st March 1917 – 31st March 1917 WOLFE HUTS Battalion resting. 01-03-1917 WOLFE HUTS Company parades. Working party supplied to R.E. 02-03-1917 WOLFE HUTS Working parties supplied. Parties on detachment from 5.0pm. 03-03-1917 Headquarters moved to ALBERT. ALBERT Companies carrying out working parties – parties on detachment. 04-03-1917 ALBERT Companies relieved by 17th & 24th R.F. and moved to billets in Reinforcements 05-03-1917 ALBERT. 6 O.R. ALBERT Company parades. 06-03-1917 ALBERT Company parades 07-03-1917 ALBERT Company parades 08-03-1917 ALBERT Company parades 09-03-1917 ALBERT Divine Service of all Denominations – The battalion moved to WOLF 10-03-1917 CAMP during the afternoon. WOLF CAMP Training of companies and specialists. 11-03-1917 WOLF CAMP Training of companies and specialists 12-03-1917 WOLF CAMP Training of companies and specialists 13-03-1917 WOLF CAMP Small working parties supplied. 14-03-1917 WOLF CAMP Small working parties supplied. 15-03-1917 WOLF CAMP Working in roads in vicinity of COURCELETTE. 16-03-1917 WOLF CAMP Working in roads in vicinity of COURCELETTE 17-03-1917 WOLF CAMP Battalion moved into COURCELETTE and vicinity. 18-03-1917 COURCELETTE Supplied working parties for the forward area – moved to 19-03-1917 OVILLERS HUTS at 4.30pm. OVILLERS HUTS All companies marched to forward area and collected a large 20-03-1917 number of shells into dumps. OVILLERS HUTS The Battalion marched to BOUZINCOURT at 9.35am. 21-03-1917 BOUZINCOURT Company inspections. 22-03-1917 BOUZINCOURT Company training and short route marches. Reinforcements 23-03-1917 83 other ranks RUBEMPRE Battalion marched to RUBEMPRE. Reinforcements 24-03-1917 2 Officers 8 other ranks RUBEMPRE Rested at RUBEMPRE. Divine Services. All “tn?” advanced one hour. 25-03-1917 GEZAINCOURT Marched to billets in GEZAINCOURT. 26-03-1917 NUMCQ Battalion marched to billets in NUMCQ. 27-03-1917 Battalion marched to billets in HERNICOURT. Reinforcements 28-03-1917 2 Officers HERNICOURT Rested at HERNICOURT. 29-03-1917 Capt R.A. Bo--- CAUCHY A LA TOUR Battalion marched to COUCHY a la TOUR. - And another 30-03-1917 joined. CAUCHY A LA TOUR Commenced Training and reorganising. 31-03-1917 Signed C.T. Martin Lieut Colonel Comdg 2nd High. Light. I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st April 1917 – 30th April 1917 CAUCHY A LA TOUR Divine Service for all Denominations. Draft tested in Range Practices. 01-04-1917 CAUCHY A LA TOUR Battalion Training. Lewis Gun and Bombing Classes. Organisation and 02-04-1917 Training of Rifle Bombing Sections. CAUCHY A LA TOUR Battalion Training. 03-04-1917 CAUCHY A LA TOUR Battalion Training. Lieu F. 04-04-1917 Felgratestone and 17 other ranks CAUCHY A LA TOUR Battalion Training. Reinforcements. 05-04-1917 CAUCHY A LA TOUR Good Friday. Observed as a Sunday. Divine Service. Lt Bob 06-04-1917 Martin left to take command of 13th ESSEX. CAUCHY A LA TOUR Battalion Training. 07-04-1917 CAUCHY A LA TOUR Battalion moved to billets in MAGNICOURT-EN-COMTE. 08-04-1917 MAGNICOURT-EN- Battalion Training. A full sized rifle range was available and 10 other ranks COMTE was utilized by all companies. Firing from the hip was 09-04-1917 practised. BRAY Marched to MAROEUIL arriving at 2pm in heavy snowstorm. 10-04-1917 No billets available. Finally accommodated in huts near BRAY. TRENCHES Moved in old German front system of trenches just EAST of ECURIE. 11-04-1917 TRENCHES Remained in old German front system of trenches – Cleared up 1 O.R. wounded 12-04-1917 battlefield – Lieut. Col. John Grahame D.S.O. assumed command on 12th. – Battalion worked on mule tracks. TRENCHES Remained in old German front system of trenches. Battalion worked on 13-04-1917 mule tracks TRENCHES Remained in old German front system of trenches. Battalion worked on 14-04-1917 mule tracks. TRENCHES Moved half a mile forward – Weather and accommodation very bad – 1 O.R. wounded 15-04-1917 continued work in mule tracks. TRENCHES Three companies moved into the JOUR--LINE. 2 O.R. killed 16-04-1917 Captain W.P. Stewart D.S.O. assumed the duties of 2nd in command. 3 O.R. wounded TRENCHES Prepared the Brown Line for defence – organised dumps etc. 1 O.R. wounded 17-04-1917 Weather very bad, heavy rain. TRENCHES Prepared the Brown Line for defence – organised dumps etc. 18-04-1917 Weather very bad, heavy rain. TRENCHES Moved back to trenches 1500 yards South of THELUS. 19-04-1917 ”B” & “D” companies worked on roads in the forward area. TRENCHES All companies dug a new front line 300 yards WEST of OPPY Line. 1 O.R. wounded 20-04-1917 TRENCHES Rested all day – moved back to German front line system in the 2 O.R. wounded 21-04-1917 evening. TRENCHES Whole Battalion got a bath and change of clothing under 22-04-1917 arrangements made by the Quarter Master. TRENCHES Whole Battalion got a bath and change of clothing under 23-04-1917 arrangements made by the Quarter Master. TRENCHES The battalion carried out battalion training under company 24-04-1917 arrangements with a view to immediate offensive operations. TRENCHES The battalion carried out battalion training under company 25-04-1917 arrangements with a view to immediate offensive operations. TRENCHES The battalion moved into the front line between OPPY WOOD and 26-04-1917 ARLEUX, two companies being in the front line and two companies in immediate support trenches just in front of the Sugar Factory. “A”&“B” companies in front, “C”&”D” companies in support. TRENCHES The two companies “A”&”B” were withdrawn from the front line Killed; 27-04-1917 during the day owing to our own line being too close to the enemy line Capt R. Whistler during the bombardment and were accommodated in the support line 5 Other Ranks. 2, Sugar Factory. Wounded; Lt Col J.C. Grahame D.S.O. Major W.P. Stewart D.S.O., Capt R.A.F. Lt/Col J. Grahame Whistler and 4Other Ranks were wounded – 5 Other Ranks were killed Major Stewart by a shell which landed at the 4 Other Ranks Sugar Factory where Battalion HQ --- and caused the German ------D.M. Murray Lyon Major ------lying about to explode. Major D.M. Murray-Lyon M.C. took Command of the Battalion. Tapes for the rear waves of the attack were laid after dark TRENCHES 3-15am – The Battalion moved up into position for attack, in the order 28-04-1917 of Companies “A” right front, “B” left front, “C” right rear, “D” left rear, each company being in depth in two waves, the first two . being accommodated in the newly dug front line and the rear two on 2 . tapes 50 yards distance from the front line and from each other. Heavy . shelling on “C” Company from 4am. 4.25am – Zero Hour. 2nd Ox/-? Bucks L I on the left of the Battalion & 17th Middlesex on the right. Mopping up and Carriers supplied by 1.5 Corps of the 17th R.F. 4 Stokes Guns, 8 Machine Guns accompanied the Battalion. Battalion HQ at Orchard. Frontage B 18 b 28 to B 12 C b 9. Heavy barrage came down within 1 min of our own which was very irregular. Several casualties on the wire, which was badly cut. “A” Company had to cut through and “B” Company found one gap only. Heavy M.G. fire came from OPPY WOOD. Front Companies caught up the barrage at the Support Trench. Touch with the 17thMiddlesex by this time lost. The Blue Line was successfully captured and an advance made to the “?wn” line, but owing to the failure of the 17th Middlesex on the right those who reached it had to return and the Blue Line (German Support) was the line finally consolidated. Sniping and machine gun fire was heavy from the wood and shelling of the new position commenced in the afternoon. Two counter attacks were delivered, in the morning and the afternoon, but both were successfully beaten off. There was much sniping from roofs of houses in OPPY. Casualties; Lieut. W.R. Grieve, 2nd/ Lt G.D. McLellan, 2nd/Lt A.B. Watson, 2nd/Lt J.M. McLean. 38 Other Ranks. Killed. Lt & Adjt H. Ross Skinner, 2nd/Lt (T/Capt) J.C. Picken, 2nd/Lt D. McAra, 2nd/Lt J.A Angus, 2nd/Lt A.D. McLean, 2nd/Lt E.G. Taylor, 2nd /Lt D.M. Frew and 180 Other Ranks Wounded. nd TRENCHES Battalion2 /Lt G.B. still Miller remained Wounded in the positionand missing captured. 42 Otherand an Ranks attack Missing at 29-04-1917 4.30am1 Other of Rank 2 companies Wounded. of 24th R.F. and 99th Brigade failed to improve the position in OPPY WOOD. There was much shelling of new position and much enemy movement. The battalion was relieved by 24th R.F. on the night of 29th/30th and moved into support in front of the Sugar Factory. TRENCHES The day was spent resting in the support line, but a composite Coy 30-04-1917 moved up to relieve the 52nd on the night of 30th/1st.


D.M. Murray Major Comdg 2/Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st May 1917 – 31st May 1917 TRENCHES Composite Company (4 platoons) joined the Composite Brigade in 1 Other Rank 01-05-1917 support line night of 1st/2nd. Day spent with Battalion HQ and Battalion Wounded. less 3 platoons in support. Three platoons were in the line under orders of 52nd L.I. forming Composite Company. ECURIE The Battalion moved to ECURIE at 3.0am. One Company joined 1 Other Rank 02-05-1917 Composite Brigade. 150 Other Ranks moved to WESTONS DUMP at Killed midday. Battalion moved to “X” huts in the afternoon. ECURIE At “X” huts 3 Other Rank 03-05-1917 Killed ECURIE Battalion moved to . Composite Company rejoined 04-05-1917 Battalion. Lt/Col C.T. Martin took over command of the Battalion. ECURIE Battalion moved to billets in DIEVAL. 150 O.R. from Reinforcement 05-05-1917 WESTONS DUMP rejoined Battalion. 5 O.R. DIEVAL Battalion parades for Divine Service. 3 Officers and O.R. rejoined from Reinforcement 06-05-1917 X111 Corps Training Centre. 120 O.R. DIEVAL Battalion training by Companies – Musketry, Compally organisation, Reinforcement 07-05-1917 handling of Arms etc. 95 O.R. DIEVAL Battalion training by Companies. 08-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion training at Rifle range and Parade Ground. 09-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion training – Rifle range and parade Ground. 10-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion training – Rifle range and parade Ground. 11-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion training by Companies at Range and parade Ground. 12-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion parades for Divine Service. 13-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion training at range and parade Ground. Practising attack. 14-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion training at range and parade Ground. Divisional Commander 15-05-1917 inspected Brigade transport at OURTON The whole transport was turned out at very short notice Extract from report of inspection “2nd Battalion H.L.I. only possible word – Admirable”. DIEVAL Battalion training at range and parade Ground. Practising attack. Reinforcements 16-05-1917 3 Officers DIEVAL The Battalion moved to billets in MONT St ELOY. 17-05-1917 DIEVAL Battalion moved to HULL CAMP Nr . Battalion 18-05-1917 provides working party of 2 Companies for work on the roads. DIEVAL Battalion provides working party of 2 Companies for work at 19-05-1917 ARRAS-BAILLEUL road, remainder of Battalion carried out Company training. HULL CAMP Battalion supplied working party consisting of 2 Companies – 21-05-1917 remainder of Battalion carried out training. HULL CAMP Battalion supplied working party consisting of 3Companies – remainder Reinforcements 22-05-1917 at range. 12 O.R. HULL CAMP Battalion supplied working party consisting of 3Companies – Reinforcements 23-05-1917 remainder at range. Capt. A.A.McFarlane-Grieve left Battalion to take 12 O.R. over Lei in Command of 1st Berks.

FRONT LINE ARLEUX Battalion relieved 1st NORFOLKS in front line system. “A”&”D” 24-05-1917 Companies in front line, “B”&”C” Companies in support. When “A”&”D” Companies were between support and front lines the enemy with 80 men. The raiders were repulsed leaving a wounded Officer and a number of dead behind.put down a barrage and raided the left flank Company FRONT LINE ARLEUX Very quiet day. Digging and wiring in front of front and support lines at Casualties: 25-05-1917 night. 5 O.R. 2nd Lt Evans wounded FRONT LINE ARLEUX Inter Company relief. Companies relieved remained in the front line 26-05-1917 during the night in order to work. Posts dug to be joined later to form a continuous front line. FRONT LINE ARLEUX Large working parties in front line. Two more post built and Reinforcements: 27-05-1917 wiring carried out. Considerable artillery activity. 7 Officers 2 O.R. wounded. FRONT LINE ARLEUX Battalion relieved by 52nd L.I. Proceeded to occupy line east of 2 O.R. Killed 28-05-1917 . Companies were shelled on the road back. 3 O.R. Wounded Reinforcement FRONT LINE ARLEUX Working party supplied at night to dig communication trenches 1s 5N.C.O. O.R. 29-05-1917 between front and support lines. Wounded FRONT LINE ARLEUX Working parties supplied. One party revetling and joining up front Reinforcement 30-05-1917 line posts, second party working on communication. 1 Officer WILLERVAL Very quiet day. The Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. in the front line 1 O.R. wounded. 31-05-1917 system. 2nd/Lt Blackie and 5 O.R. on reconnoitring patrol. They ran up against an enemy picquet and at the same time an enemy patrol of 8 men and a leader approached from the rear. 2nd/Lt Blackie turned his patrol about and opened fire on the enemy patrol, killing three men, of the remaining six only three men were seen to get away. Our party had to withdraw without obtaining identification owing to the proximity of the enemy picquet. Lt Stone also took out a patrol from the left front.

Signed: D M Murray-Lyon Major Commanding 2nd/Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st June 1917 – 30th June 1917 Trenches Very quiet day. Trenches revetted and mud cleared out, rather wet ARLEUX owing to rain on 31-5-17. 01-06-1917 Trenches Quiet day. Inter-company relief somewhat interfered with by the ARLEUX enemy shelling and bright moonlight. 02-06-1917 Trenches Heavy shelling in front of Division on our left and several light ARLEUX barrages on our front and support lines during early hours of the 03-06-1917 morning. Battalion relieved by 13th Essex, relief completed by 12.45am on 4th. Trenches On relief. Battalion proceeded to huts at ECURIE. Company ECURIE inspections. 04-06-1917 Trenches 2 Companies working on roads under R.E. - 2 Companies at ECURIE training, musketry etc. – Camp bombed by enemy aeroplane. 05-06-1917 Trenches Parades and work as on the 5th. – Bge Home Show in afternoon, ECURIE Battalion won Transport Turn Out. Following officer joined Battalion: - 06-06-1917 Captain W.R. Waitson Trenches Parades and working parties as on 5th & 6th. Warm and thundery. ECURIE 2nd/Lt W de B. Maclaren joined Battalion. 07-06-1917 C.O.’s Drill parade 8am – Companies at training and musketry during the morning. TRENCHES RelievedBright with 52 ndshowers. in Support to 99th Brigade. 08-06-1917 First Company left Camp at 11-15 pm 8th relief completed by 3.13am. TRENCHES Very quiet day. “A”&”D” Companies working at night. “A” 09-06-1917 Company digging in front line at OPPY and “D” Company carrying material up to the front line. TRENCHES At night “B”&”C” companies on working parties up to front line. 10-06-1917 Heavy shelling. “A”&”D” companies spent night in revetting and strengthening the trench. TRENCHES “A”&”D” Companies working in front line deepening and 11-06-1917 cleaning trenches and T heads. TRENCHES Battalion relieved by 17th R.F. and proceeded to billets in ST AUBIN. 12-06-1917 ST AUBIN Battalion resting. Inspections in afternoon. “B”&”C” Companies 13-06-1917 supplied working parties for RED Line. ST AUBIN Battalion relieved 1st DCLI in Camp East of ROCLINCOURT. 14-06-1917 ST AUBIN Battalion supplied working parties for strong points in red line. 15-06-1917 ST AUBIN Coy parades in morning. Battalion supplied working parties for 16-06-1917 Comm. trenches to village of ARLEUX. ST AUBIN Battalion paraded for Divine Service in Camp. 17-06-1917 ST AUBIN No working parties today. Battalion parades. 18-06-1917 ST AUBIN Battalion relieved by H.A.C. and marched to billets at MONT St 19-06-1917 ELOI vacated by 17th Midx. ST AUBIN Battalion paraded under Coy arrangements in forenoon. Corps 20-06-1917 Horse Show in the afternoon. ST AUBIN Battalion moved to BETHONE in buses. 21-06-1917 ST AUBIN Battalion relieved 2/9th Manchester Regiment in CANAL 62 O.R. 22-06-1917 CENTRE SECTION. “D”&”A” Companies in front line with Reinforcements “B”&”C” Companies in support. joined. ST AUBIN Defences in sector improved and strengthened. Situation quiet. 240 O.R. 23-06-1917 Reinforcements ST AUBIN Companies worked on support lines and front line defences. joined. 24-06-1917 ST AUBIN Divisional Commander inspected front line. Situation quiet all day. 25-06-1917 ST AUBIN Battalion relieved by 24th R.Fus. and moved to billets in BETHUNE. 26-06-1917 ST AUBIN H.R.H. The Duke of CONNAUGHT inspected the 27-06-1917 Battalion at BETHUNE. The Battalion formed up in line and afterwards marched past in Column of route. (Detailed account of the inspection attached} BETHUNE 3pm – Marched to ANNEQUIN to relieve the 10th D.C.L.I. in 27-06-1917 Brigade Reserve. “B” Coy supplied garrison for BRADDELLS KEEP (24 hrs) plat. & L.G). “C” Coy 2 Platoons – 1 to STAFFORD and 1 to MOUNTAIN KEEPS (night only). “B” Coy (80 O.R.) carrying R.E. material to the line at CANAL CENTRE. ANNEQUIN “D” Coy relieve “B” in BRADDELLS KEEP. “A” Coy garrisons 28-06-1917 MOUNTAIN & STAFFORD KEEPS. “A”&”D” Coys carrying R.E. MATERIAL (No. 1 Special Coy) into line. “C” Coy furnish carrying party for T.M.B.S. – LEWIS GUN & BOMBING classes started. ANNEQUIN “B” Coy relieves “D” in BRADDELLS KEEP. “C” garrison 29-06-1917 MOUNTAIN & STAFFORD. 2 Platoons of “B” Coy filling sandbags in CANAL LEFT for 17th R.F. “A” Coy supplies carrying party for T.M.B’s. “D” Coy party for R.E. ANNEQUIN “D” Coy relieves “B” Coy in BRADDELLS KEEP – MOUNTAIN & 30-06-1917 STAFFORD KEEPS. “A” Coy, “B”&”D” Coys supply 100 men for T.M.B carrying party. “A”&”C” Coys supply 80 men for R.E. carrying party.


C T Martin Lt/Col Commanding 2nd/Bn High. L.I.


This inspection took place on the 27th June 1917at a French town which is so well known to the Regiment that it’s “Map co-ordinates” are unnecessary; the Battalion having been especially withdrawn from the lines the day before.

The Battalion under the command of Lt. Colonel Martin D.S.O. was drawn up in line. On the arrival of the Duke the Royal salute was given. Thereafter His Royal Highness proceeded to inspect the Battalion especially enquiring as to the numbers of all ranks who had been out without a break since August 1914. Of those there were about 50 on parade and H.R.H. spoke to many of them.

The inspection finished the Battalion formed close column of Companies and H.R.H. addressed it as follows: -

Colonel Martin, Officers, NCOs and Men of the Highland Light Infantry, it gives me great pleasure to come here today to inspect this Battalion. I have followed your doings since the beginning of the war with the greatest interest and admiration. Though many regiments have, like you, done well, none has done better in this arduous war and I am proud to be your Colonel-in- Chief. Although you do not wear the kilt you must never forget that you are the second oldest Highland Regiment.

I am glad to see so many old soldiers in your ranks as I myself am getting rather an old soldier too. I am especially pleased with the steadiness on parade and turnout of the Battalion and I now ask you to give three cheers for His Majesty the King taking the time from me.

Needless to say the cheers were given in the proper manner.

The Officers of the Battalion were then presented by Col. Martin to His Royal Highness who shook hand and exchanged a few words with each.

H.R.H. then expressed the desire to see the Battalion march past. This was done in column of route, the pipes and drums being at the saluting base and playing the Regimental quickstep “The Blue Bonnets”.

The march past was carried out to the best traditions of the Regiment the men swinging past in splendid style. Three hours later the Battalion marched up again to the line. All those who were fortunate enough to be on parade that day will certainly never forget the occasion and unique honour of being inspected by His Royal Highness.

In addition to the immediate of the Duke the following were present

H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught The Army Commander Lt Gen Sir H.S. Horne K.C.B. The Corps Commander Maj. Gen. E.K. Perceval C.B. D.S.O. The Divisional Commander Gen. Pereira C.M.G.

The Officers of the Battalion in parade were:

Lt Col. C.T. Martin D.S.O. Capt. W.R. Whitson Hon Capt J.E. Taylor M.C. Capt. J.G.B.P. Graham Capt. T. Black Capt. G. Richardson M.C. Capt. H.E.C. Hamilton Lieut R.K. Clarkson

2/Lt P.H. Graham 2/Lt C.D. Mitchell 2/Lt R.B. Barr 2/Lt W.H. Blackie 2/Lt D.G. Walker 2/Lt P.H.N. Tress 2/Lt G.M. Lang M.C. 2/Lt G.H. Johnstone 2/Lt A.T.A. Whitfield 2/Lt J.T. Tomlinson 2/Lt W.J. Gordon 2/Lt W. Storrie 2/Lt Barclay a/Lt A.K. Maclean a/Lt T.H. Oldershaw a/Lt J.R. Euman a/Lt D. Reid a/Lt N.H. Whistler a/Lt J.B.R. Gemmell a/Lt A.G. Grant a/Lt F.N.J. Black a/Lt W.H. Lawson a/Lt N.B. McColl a/Lt L.C. Bevis a/Lt G. Whittle

WOs, NCOs, & Men of the Battalion on parade who came out with the Battalion at the outbreak of war.

11795 Pte Albert A. 9828 Sgt Brown B. 9805 Pte Brice H. 9775 “ Cole D. 10414 “ Connelly J. 9703 CSM Cramond J. 10913 Pte Crawford J. 10253 “ Crowley J. 11942 “ Clapham W. 11659 Lcpl Dargo W.C. 11873 Pte Day E. 9160 Sgt Douglas A.R. 11730 Pte Dudgeon W. 10233 Sgt Diamond H. 10932 “ Easton G. 11464 Pte Farquar A. 11044 “ Finlay J. 8084 “ Fleming R. 6485 Bds Geddes R. 10172 Cpl Geddes H. 10918 Pte Gillespie E. 11052 “ Gledhill T. 10327 Lcpl Gee W.W. 11397 Sgt Hawkes A.D. 12163 Pte Hogg C. 10892 Cpl Houston T 7138 Pte Henderson W. 9388 “ Jamieson J. 11886 “ Johnstone E. 11297 “ Keenan J. 12001 Lcpl Kinnaird C. 9026 Sgt Lawson J. 11173 Pte Lindsay H. 10240 “ Law P. 6823 “ Lees J. 10966 “ Miller J. 9713 “ Meikle J. 9999 “ Mitchell J. 9099 “ Moore W. 6467 Lcpl Moore S. 9086 Pte Marshall N. 11775 “ Munks A. 10773 Sgt Munn G.H. 10368 “ Newlands C.A. 9979 Pte Nicol W. 11084 “ Oswald R. 11709 “ Pallett S. 10404 “ Perisen H. 11753 “ Sharpe F. 10945 Bug Smith J. 11627 Piper Smith J.S. 7748 Bds Stuart R. 11960 Sgt Smith J. 11183 Pte Sturdy J. 11221 Cpl Stewart J. 11404 Pte Taylor H. 9962 “ Tennant J. 10657 “ Turner E. 8878 Cpl Taylor G.H. 9728 Sgt Young W. 10829 Pte Wilson H. 10266 Sgt Willis W.T. 10908 Cpl Watson E. 9085 Pte McAuley D.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st July 1917 – 30th July 1917 ANNEQUIN “A” Coy relieved “D” Coy (1 platoon) at BRADDELLS 01-07-1917 Keep . MOUNTAIN & STAFFORD KEEPS Garrisons by “C” Coy. Divine Service in Schoolroom at TRENCHES BattalionANNEQUIN relieved. No working24th R.F parties. in CANAL today. CENTRE – “B” Coy CUINCHY Left front – “C” Coy Right front. In support “A” Coy left, “D” 02-07-1917 Coy right. TRENCHES Enemy TMs shelled support lines. Our artillery active. Working CUINCHY parties supplied at night. 03-07-1917 TRENCHES Enemy raided on both banks of CANAL but they did not reach CUINCHY our wire. Battalion on left took one wounded prisoner. Working 04-07-1917 parties as usual at night.

TRENCHES Situation quiet. Enemy dropped a few T.M’s on support CUINCHY positions. Our artillery active. Situation otherwise quiet. No 05-07-1917 working parties. TRENCHES Our artillery active. Situation otherwise quiet. No working CUINCHY parties supplied to frontlines. Companies carried on with 06-07-1917 improvements to trenches. TRENCHES Inter Coy relief took place “A” Coy relieved “B” Coy and “D” CUINCHY Coy relieved “C” Coy in the line. Quiet night. 07-07-1917 TRENCHES Our 4” Stores shelled enemy in conjunction with Gas CUINCHY projectors at 10-45pm. 110 casualties reported. 08-07-1917 TRENCHES Companies carried on in trenches – Trenches and posts improved. CUINCHY 09-07-1917 TRENCHES Usual nightly working parties supplied to Front line Companies CUINCHY by Support Companies. 10-07-1917 TRENCHES Our Artillery very active – shelled back areas. Enemy shelled CUINCHY front and Support lines. 11-07-1917 TRENCHES Companies carried on with improvements to trenches & posts. CUINCHY Artillery active. 12-07-1917 TRENCHES Inter Company relief took place at 10pm. “B” Coy relieved 13-07-1917 “A” Coy in the line – “C” Coy relieved “D” Coy in the line. At 11-30pm enemy sent a number of Gas shells over causing some of our men to be gassed. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to 14-07-1917 frontline Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to 15-07-1917 frontline Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to 16-07-1917 frontline Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to 17-07-1917 frontline Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to 18-07-1917 frontline Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to 19-07-1917 frontline Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Inter Coy relief took place at 10-15pm – “A” Coy relieved “B” 20-07-1917 Coy in the line – “D” Coy relieved “C” Coy in the line. TRENCHES Our Artillery carried out two bombardments at 10pm and 10- 21-07-1917 30pm on our right. TRENCHES Companies carried on with general improvements to the front and 22-07-1917 support lines. Situation quiet all day. TRENCHES Enemy Artillery and T.Ms very quiet. Our Artillery opened on 23-07-1917 enemy working near “H” Brickstack at 10-42pm and 11-25pm. No more was heard from this quarter. TRENCHES Usual working parties supplied to front line Companies. Enemy 24-07-1917 artillery very active. Our Artillery & TMs quieter than usual, six to one retaliation. TRENCHES Work carried on in front and support lines – Our heavy T.Ms 25-07-1917 fired a number of rounds on “A” Brickstack- Our Artillery bombarded enemy lines on our left at 10-30pm. Situation otherwise quiet. TRENCHES Situation quiet during the day. The Battalion raided the enemy 26-07-1917 lines at 12-40am on 27th. Strength of party - 3 Officers and 73 other ranks. Copy of raid orders and report attached. TRENCHES Battalion was relieved by 17th R.F. who took over our left flank. 27-07-1917 52nd L.I. our right front and 24th R.F. support positions. After relief Battalion moved on to billets in LE PREOL. LE PREOL Battalion resting. Kit inspections and cleaning clothes. 28-07-1917 LE PREOL Battalion paraded for Divine Service. 29-07-1917 LE PREOL One platoon per Coy competed in marksman competition. 30-07-1917 Remainder of Battalion carried on with P. Training, handling of LE PREOL Coyarms parades etc. in forenoon. Battalion Acquatic Sports in LA 31-07-1917 BASSEE CANAL in the afternoon.

Signed D.M. Murray-Lyon Major Commanding 2/Bn H.L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st August 1917 – 31st August 1917 LE PREOL Training under Coy arrangement. 01-08-1917 LE PREOL Battalion relieved 52nd L.I. in right sub sector of Brigade front. 02-08-1917 TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties 9 O.R. 03-08-1917 out every night. Situation quiet during this time. Reinforcements. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties 3 O.R. Wounded 04-08-1917 out every night. Situation quiet during this time. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties 05-08-1917 out every night. Situation quiet during this time. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties 06-08-1917 out every night. Situation quiet during this time. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties 1 O.R. 07-08-1917 out every night. Situation quiet during this time. Reinforcement TRENCHES The Battalion was relieved by the 52nd L.I. and took over th 08-08-1917 Brigade Support from the 17 R.F. TRENCHES Companies carried out repairs to trenches. 09-08-1917 TRENCHES Work carried on in trenches. “A” coy bathes in LABASSEE 10-08-1917 CANAL. TRENCHES Working parties and guards supplied – “B” Coy bathes in 11-08-1917 CANAL –“C” Coy bathes in LE PREOL. TRENCHES Working parties supplied – “B” Coy bathes in CANAL. 12-08-1917 TRENCHES Working parties supplied – “D” Coy bathes in CANAL 3 O.R. 13-08-1917 Reinforcements. TRENCHES Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. in the right sector of Brigade front. 7 O.R. 14-08-1917 Reinforcements. TRENCHES Work carried on in trenches – Patrols and wiring parties at 2 O.R. Wounded. 15-08-1917 night. During the afternoon enemy T.Ms active. Our aircraft TRENCHES activeEnemy during artillery the quiet whole all day. day. Our TMs active. 16-08-1917 TRENCHES At 3am we projected gas on enemy position North of LA 2nd/Lt Reid Killed. 17-08-1917 BASSEE Road, very slight enemy retaliation. Enemy retaliated in the afternoon without doing any damage. TRENCHES Daily work carried on as usual. Enemy artillery active on back 18-08=1917 areas. Quiet on front. TRENCHES Very quiet on whole front. Casualties: 1 O.R. Killed. Capt & Adjt H. 19-08-1917 1 O.R. Reinforcement. Ross Skinner. TRENCHES The Battalion was relieved by the 52nd L.I. and moved to LE Joined Battalion. 20-08-1917 PREOL. LE PREOL Kit inspections, cleaning of clothes and baths. 21-08-1917 LE PREOL Company parades – Musketry, Bayonet fighting and drill. 22-08-1917 LE PREOL Company parades. 1 Officer 23-08-1917 Reinforcement LE PREOL Company parades – “C” Coy fired on Range – Lewis Gun 24-08-1917 practice. LE PREOL AllCoy Box parades. respirators 20 men tested per Coywith fired “Liccryinatory at the Range.” and chlorine Gas. 25-08-1917 LE PREOL Battalion paraded for Divine service. Battalion relieved 52nd L.I. 15 O.R. 26-08-1917 in right sub sector. Reinforcements. TRENCHES Improvements and repairs carried on in the trenches – Enemy 27-08-1917 artillery active our TMs retaliated and MG fire was kept up all TRENCHES Dailynight. work carried on – Usual evening patrols and wiring 8 O.R. 28-08-1917 parties out. Artillery and TMs quiet. Reinforcements. TRENCHES Our TMs and MGs active during night - Situation quiet during 29-08-1917 day. TRENCHES The Battalion was relieved by 52nd L.I. in the line and relieved 30-08-1917 the 17th R.F. in Brigade Support. TRENCHES Work in Support line carried on – Companies bathed in CANAL. 31-08-1917 Signed

C.T. Martin Lt/Col Comdg 2nd/Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st September 1917 – 30th September 1917 TRENCHES Battalion in Brigade Support – Companies carried out general CUINCHY improvements to trenches. 01-09-1917 TRENCHES No unusual activity – On night of 2nd/3rd Battalion occupied 2 O.R. Killed. CUINCHY CANAL CENTRE Section. 02-09-1917 TRENCHES Companies carried out in trenches – Artillery activity normal. CUINCHY 20th Battalion C.E.P. (Portuguese) took over CANAL CENTRE rd th 03-09-1917 on night of 3 /4 TRENCHES BattalionSeptember. HQ moved to BRADDELL’S POINT 2 O.R. Killed CUINCHY Headquarters. Companies took over positions in VILLAGE 04-09-1917 LINE. Artillery activity normal. TRENCHES Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. on night of 4th/5th in CANAL CUINCHY RIGHT Sector “A” & “C” Companies in line – “B” & “D” in 05-09-1917 Support. Enemy Artillery active – shelled support trenches. Night patrols out in front line Companies. TRENCHES Companies carried out usual trench work. About midnight CUINCHY enemy sent a lot of Gas shells onto back area. 06-09-1917 TRENCHES Trench work carried on. Usual nightly patrols sent along our 1 O.R. Wounded CUINCHY front. Enemy artillery shelled our C.T’s at intervals during 07-09-1917 the day. Our Artillery and T.M’s active TRENCHES Situation quiet. Night of the 8th/9th the Battalion was relieved by CUINCHY the 52nd L.I. and moved to VILLAGE SUPPORT Line 08-09-1917 TRENCHES The Battalion relieved the Portuguese Battalion in CANAL 10 O.R. CUINCHY Centre. Enemy Artillery active – shelled Battalion HQ and Reinforcements. 09-09-1917 positions N of LA BASSEE CANAL. TRENCHES On night of 9th/10th Battalion moved into Support area with “A” 2 N.C.O’s CUINCHY Coy in Front line South of LA BASSEE CANAL. Died of wounds. 10-09-1917 LE PREOL Battalion was relieved by 52nd L.I. on night of 10th/11th and 11-09-1917 moved to RESERVE Area LE PREOL. Companies bathed at Baths in BEUVRY. LE PREOL Companies fired on range “A”&”B” in morning – “C”&”D” 12-09-1917 Companies in afternoon. Morning and Afternoon parades LE PREOL held.Companies fired on Range – Battalion Lewis Gun and Bombing 13-09-1917 Classes assembled. LE PREOL All Gas helmets were tested at Gas hut GORRE, by Divisional 1 Officer 14-09-1917 Gas Officer. Reinf. Lt J.C. LE PREOL Companies paraded at range for Musketry – Lewis Gunners Colquhoun 15-09-1917 paraded under L.G. Officer. LE PREOL Battalion paraded for Divine Service. 16-09-1917 TRENCHES The Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. in CANAL right Sector 17-09-1917 night 16th/17th no unusual enemy activity – Work carried out TRENCHES inCompanies trenches. carried on with work. Usual night patrols sent out. 18-09-1917 TRENCHES Situation quiet. 19-09-1917 TRENCHES Work carried on in trenches. 20-09-1917 TRENCHES Enemy Artillery active on front line and support lines. Our 21-09-1917 Artillery T.M’s and M.G’s active. TRENCHES Battalion was relieved by 52nd L.I. and relieved the 17th R.F. in 22-09-1917 SUPPORT area TRENCHES Working parties supplied for work in Trenches. 3 O.R. Wounded 23-09-1917 TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to 80 O.R. 24-09-1917 support area trenches. Reinforcements TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to 1 W.O. 25-09-1917 support area trenches. Reinforcement TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to 77 O.R. 26-09-1917 support area trenches. Reinforcements TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to 27-09-1917 support area trenches. TRENCHES Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. in CANAL RIGHT sector on 28-09-1917 night of the 28th/29th – “A” “B” & “D” Companies in front line, TRENCHES “C”General Coy repairs in Support. to trenches. Enemy artillery very quiet – 2 O.R. Wounded 29-09-1917 Aircraft active throughout the day, TRENCHES Work carried on – Usual nightly patrols on our front. 30-09-1917 Signed

D.M.Murray-Lyon Major Commanding 2/Bn H.L.I

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st October1917 – 31st October 1917 TRENCHES Battalion holding CANAL RIGHT. Usual work carried out in the 01-10-1917 line. TRENCHES Situation quiet. Usual nightly patrols out on Coy fronts. 2 O.R. Killed 02-10-1917 TRENCHES Situation quiet. Usual nightly patrols out on Coy fronts. 03-10-1917 Joined Battalion:-Lt P. Brodie – 2nd/Lt D. Sheridan – 2nd/Lt R.E. TRENCHES BattalionMacKinnon was relieved by 52nd L.I. on the night 4/5th. At 11- 04-10-1917 30pm Gas drums and shells were fired over enemy front and selected positions in rear. Artillery and M.G’s and T.M’s cooperated. nd nd LE PREOL JoinedBattalion Battalion: moved -to 2 OBLINGHEM/Lt J.P. Jennett and – 2 joined/LT G.E. the 1 Shoreland.st Corps. 05-10-1917 OBLINGHEM Coy parades for inspections of Kit, equipment etc. 06-10-1917 OBLINGHEM Coy parades for Coy training. Companies bathed. 07-10-1917 OBLINGHEM Battalion moved to . The G.O.C. inspected the 08-10-1917 Brigade on the march. ALLOUAGNE Coy parades for Coy training. 09-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy parades for range practices, platoon and Coy training. 10-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Training in Musketry, extended order drill etc. 11-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy parades and exercised in Attack formations – Companies 12-10-1917 fired on the ranges in the afternoon. Lt W. Neilson joined Battalion. ALLOUAGNE Coy training – C.O’s drill parade on Battalion parade Ground in 13-10-1917 the afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Battalion paraded for Divine Service. 14-10-1917 Lt A.D. McLean rejoined Battalion. ALLOUAGNE Brigade inspected by Army Commander. Usual parades in the 15-10-1917 afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Coy parades under Coy Commander for Training at Range & on 16-10-1917 the Manoeuvre grounds. ALLOUAGNE Coy Training on Manoeuvre areas. 17-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coies occupied all day with Baths, Medical Inspection and Box 18-10-1917 Respirator Tests. ALLOUAGNE Coy Parades for Musketry, Platoon Schemes etc. 19-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy Training for the Attack – Brigade Inspection of Signallers – 20-10-1917 Lt/Col Martin D.S.O. appointed Brigadier General and proceeded to command 151st Infy. Bde. Drums and Pipes played him away. Lt/Col Knight rejoined the Battalion from 1st King’s Regiment to assume command. ALLOUAGNE Battalion Parade for Divine Service – Officer’s 21-10-1917 Reconnaissance of ground for Brigade Scheme. ALLOUAGNE Brigade Schemes on Manoeuvre areas – Divisional Commander 22-10-1917 present. ALLOUAGNE The Battalion put through Gas Chambers – Musketry & 23-10-1917 Platoon exercises –Blast Class for N.C.O’s started in Musketry. ALLOUAGNE All Companies at the 16th Target Range today – Coy Tests & 24-10-1917 Organisation Major D.M. Murray Lyon M.C. took over Command of 1st King’s Regiment – Most successful Battalion Concert held in ALLOUAGNE CINEMA. ALLOUAGNE Battalion Scheme – Special Demonstration Attack – Battalion 25-10-1917 Concert programme repeated at ALLOUAGNE CINEMA for those unable to find room on 24th. The quality of the talent a specially noticeable feature – Concert arrangements by Rev. R.P. ALLOUAGNE AndersonTraining in C.F. Artillery Formations & Platoon Schemes. 26-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy Organisation- Tests – Musketry – N.C.O’s Classes. 27-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Battalion Parades for Divine Service – Lt M. Knight assumed 28-10-1917 temp commanding 5th Infy Bde – Command of Battalion assumed by Capt H. Ross Skinner M.C. ALLOUAGNE Battn Route March with 1st Line Transport – Artillery Formation 29-10-1917 on Manoeuvre area. ALLOUAGNE Battn Attack Scheme – Formation on Discs – Boxing 30-10-1917 Tournament in ALLOUAGNE CINEMA. ALLOUAGNE Musketry practices in 16th Target Range for all companies – During the stay at 31-10-1917 Divisional Musketry Competition – Team consisting of Capt. H. ALLOUGNE Ross Skinner M.C. – Sgt Stevenson & L/Cpl Dalgleish. Fifth Recreational place obtained out of 15 Competing teams – Another Battalion Training carried Concert held tonight at ALLOUAGNE with great success. out successfully. Strength of Battalion actually present & effective at the end of the Marked month:- 48 Officers and 1016 other ranks. improvement noted in health & Signed physical of men, especially enthusiasm shown H. Ross Skinner Captain nd in association Commanding, 2 High. L.I. with Rugby Football.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st November 1917 – 30th November 1917 ALLOUAGNE Battalion took part in Brigade Scheme – Practicing attack 01-11-1917 formations, consolidation etc. Recreational training in the afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Companies bathed at RAIMBERT in the forenoon – 02-11-1917 Company training and range practices in afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Company parade for Coy and Platoon training – Football in the 03-11-1917 afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Battalion parade for Divine Service – Kit inspection and 04-11-1917 inspection of Battalion billets by C.O. ALLOUAGNE Company parades for Company training. 05-11-1917 STEENBECQUE Battalion moved to billets at STEENBECQUE – Afternoon spent 06-11-1917 cleaning clothing etc. EECKE Battalion moved to billets at EECKE. 07-11-1917 REITVELD Battalion moved to billets at REITVELD and KEIRENPUT. 08-11-1917 REITVELD Company parades for Company training – Platoon schemes etc. 09-11-1917 REITVELD Company parades for platoon training and platoon 10-11-1917 schemes. Recreational sports in afternoon. REITVELD Battalion paraded for Devine Service. 11-11-1917 REITVELD Parades under Company arrangements for P.T. B.F. Gas Drill, 12-11-1917 Musketry. Recreational training in the afternoon. REITVELD Company drill, Musketry and platoon attack schemes – Inter 13-11-1917 platoon football and Cross Country run in afternoon. REITVELD Companies bathed at ARNEKE. 14-11-1917 REITVELD Battalion moved to WINNEZEELE and took over “A” Camp 15-11-1917 area. WINNEZEELE Company training – Company tests – Coy tests and Coy 16-11-1917 Organisation. P.T Games and Handling of Arms and steady WINNEZEELE Companydrill. Route march. Artillery formations and Coy schemes 17-11-1917 practiced. Recreational training in afternoon. WINNEZEELE Battalion paraded for Divine Service. A Regimental football 18-11-1917 match took place with the 52nd L. Inf. In the presence of nearly the whole of both Regiments. The time whistle ended a very good game – the score being 3 to 2 for ourselves WINNEZEELE Company parades for Fires work, Artillery formation, platoon 19-11-1917 schemes, Lectures in Map Reading, Compass work etc. WINNEZEELE Companies paraded for Coy and platoon work, attack 20-11-1917 formations, handling of Arms and platoon schemes. A Rugby football match took place with 2nd Divisional team at WORMHOUDT – After a very good game Division beat us by WINNEZEELE 3Coy tries parades to 0. for training – Coy and platoon schemes – Battalion 21-11-1917 Scheme. WINNEZEELE Coy parades for training – Coy and platoon schemes – Battalion 22-11-1917 Scheme. WINNEZEELE Coy training in forenoon – Recreational sports in afternoon. 23-11-1917 WINNEZEELE Battalion moved at 1.0am to CASSEL where we entrained for 24-11-1917 ACHIET LA GRANDE arriving about 4.0pm from where Battalion marched to huts at BEAULIN COURT arriving at 8.0pm. WINNEZEELE Battalion moved to LABOUCQEIRE, billeted in Camp. 25-01-1917 LEBOUCQIERE Companies paraded for Coy training in forenoon. 26-11-1917 LEBOUCQIERE Battalion marched to , the Brigade being in Divisional 27-11-1917 reserve. HERMIES Awaiting orders to move into line. Practice Wiring, 28-11-1917 Bombing & P.T. in forenoon. Battalion equipped to fighting strength. Battalion under two hours notice to move. HERMIES Enemy aeroplane brought down one of our observation balloons 29-11-1917 over HERMIES. An enemy observation balloon N.E. of BOULON WOOD was brought down by our aircraft. HERMIES At 6.30pm Battalion marched to Trenches and took up Support 30-11-1917 position in HINDENBURG line on West bank of CANAL and about 200 yards South of CAMBRAI Road. “A” & “D” Companies (less 1 Officer & 50 O.R. of “D” working as stretcher bearers) sent to reinforce 1st King’s. “B” Coy took up Support position on EAST side of CANAL in Support to 13th ESSEX. Battalion HQ established in HINDENBURG LINE 50 yards South of No6 Lock. On moving into the line Battalion came under administration of 6th Brigade. Strength of Battalion – actually present and effective at end of this month – 48 Officers – 950 Other Ranks.


M. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Bn Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st December 1917 – 31st December 1917 AREA SOUTH OF The disposition of Companies remained as on night of 30th The Battalion was CAMBRAI – Nov/1st Dec. 12noon- The stretcher-bearer party of “D” Coy under the command Road returned from its work of clearing the dead from the Canal of Capt H. Ross 01-12-1917 area & the area of BAPAUME – CAMBRAI about 12noon. Skinner M.C. In the afternoon a very heavy barrage was put down by the during the enemy South of MOEUVRES on the front held by the 1st King’s operations. Regt. With the help of our “A” & “D” Companies this attack was beaten off. Particularly good work done by one of “D” Coy’s Lewis Gunner. The enemy evidently recovered from his hasty retreat northwards then fights with grim tenacity. His new reinforcements men of high fighting quality & considerable courage. 5-30pm – In the evening the same day orders were received to take over the line from the 1st King’s Regt. west of the CANAL DU NORD and South of MOEUVRES. The difficulties of this relief were considerable – For example (1) The Battalion of the 1st King’s was broken up under different regiments. (2) The situation in the front line was obscure. (3) The C.O. 1ST King’s – Lt/Col Murray Lyon M.C. had under his command remnants of five regiments. Midnight – Despite these difficulties the relief was carried out successfully. AREA SOUTH OF By daylight the relief was complete and the Battalion disposed in Casualties – CAMBRAI – theto left front as linefollows: from - right“C” “B” “D” and “A” Companies. 2 O.R. Killed BAPAUME Road “A” Coy of the 1st Battalion, South Stafford was in close Support 11 O.R. Wounded th 02-12-1917 andthe 17two Battalioncompanies Middlesex of Regt. were in Support. During the morning our letter “C” Coy who had taken over a line Coy’swhich flankhad left in the“B” air “bombs” up the trench which gave them All“trench” day our with lines “B” were Coy. harassed with enemy fire & considerable 4casualties-00pm – sustained.At 4pm the shelling increased and by 4-30pm there was a definite and very heavy barrage on our lines with a strongCompanies machine & Headquarters gun fire on our stood parapets. to & manned All the firestefs – SupportReinforcements companies from were the held in readiness. Telephone MOEUVRES Area minutescommunication time. Messages was cut withinhad to 5be sent by runner & to the back 02-12-1917 area4-50pm by pigeon. – About 4.50pm parties of the enemy were seen to be Roadmassing on thein the right Sunken – running North & South through “B” Coy’s lines. The Stokes Guns with great promptitude was in fact before the SOS rocket was put up – opened heavy fire on this road and also in front of the right Company. A Lewis Gun team of the right frontresolute rushed rifle their fire dispersedGuns right the forward parties & on their the fire Sunken combined Road. w Byith Casualties – thetroopsthis Stokes time were bodies Guns advancing &of theenemy from their trenches all along the lines. Our 9 O.R. Killed firerifle and combined Lewis Gun with a very strong & ”accurate” artillery & 21 O.R. Wounded machine gun barrage broke up the enemy masses. ---- attack --- materialise.On the right Coys front – our weakest point – the enemy was ---- determined & succeeded in effecting an entry into our position. CompanyThe O.C. Coy for arapidly counter reorganised attack & with his bombs bayonet the enemy was ejected from our trenches & pushed back beyond our position. This position was found unsuited for our use & 6the-30pm Coy withdrew– By 6-30pm to our the old position position was and quiet proceeded and our toline firmlyconsolidate. held at all points. The remainder of the night was uneventful.

MOEUVRES The hours of daylight were spent in improving our position & a 03-12-1917 maintainedclose watch on was all enemy movement. 4-0pm – About 4pm the short winter afternoon was drawing to a close & once again the enemy attacked with determination – this time on “A” Coy, our left front Coy. Before describing the operationTheir front it lineis necessary was the toHINDENBURG state briefly the front position line held300x by north “A” Coy.HINDENBURGrunning parallel toSupport the Line. The latter was the enemy front Trenchline. A Communicationjoined the two trenches and we held a Bombing Block 4150x-0pm up – theAt 4pmC.T. the enemy made a sudden rush up the Communication Trench. At first he was repulsed but numbers tell& his attack was so determined & incessant that our block was lost& we were pushed down to within 50yds of our front line. The fighting here was long and severe. In fact the best idea of what took place may be gauged by the number of boxes of Rightrifle grenades on till 9pm & -- theills fightingbombs, whichwas carried were freq on. uentlyBy this called time for theand Battalionused. In all relief about was boxes in process. were got up from Battalion Headquarters.The coies in the right were relieved by the 4th Battalion Seaforth th RoyalHighlanders. Scots hadThe been 9 Bn ordered to sideslip “A” Coy Take over “A” Coy front. They did so & --- Prem of “A” Coy fighting for the safe return on our line – having established a new Bombing block nearer the main line. The relief was then completed & the line had been handed over with a gain of 250 yards on the right and intact in the left. On relief the Battalion moved to the trenches NW of Lock 7 CANAL DU NORD. The casualties in MOEUVRES compared to these inflicted in the enemy were slight. A German map of the MOEUVRES Sector was captured & copies of these were given to Companies. One is attached to this Summary as Appendix B & gives the Dispositions of the Battalion in the Sector. Wounded: - Lt Clarkson – Lt Walker – Lt Tress – 2nd/Lt Rae Killed: - 4 Other Ranks – Wounded: - 51 Other Ranks – Missing: - 9 Other Ranks. LOCK 7 For strategically & tactical reasons it was found necessary to CANAL DU NORD order that the positions gained & held on the MOEUVRES – 04-12-1917 WOOD front should be evacuated. After relief on the night of the 3/4th December the Battalion has moved to old trenches due north west of Lock 7 & CANAL DU NORD. On the evening of the 4th December 1917 orders were received to move and occupy the main line of resistance, which had been decided on. The Battalion acting as Rear Guards were the Outposts to this line. This new line of Resistance passed through the junction of the OLD BRITISH LINE and the DENICOURT – MOEUVRES Road to the CRATERS where the HINDENBUG front line crosses the DENICOURT – GRAINCOURT Road. Naturally a large part of this line was only partially dug-in large stretches merely spit locked. Owing to the great length of line, which the Battalion had to hold, it was found necessary to have 3 Companies in the Front line. The Centre Company “B” Coy had to portion off partially dug trench & it was their tasks to dig themselves in by daylight. Posts forward of the main line had been sited and neatly dug. These were manned. Casualties: - Killed – 2 Other Ranks. Wounded: - 19 Other Ranks LOCK 7 The exigencies of the situation demanded that there should be as CANAL DU NORD little movement as necessary. The enemy was entering in the dark 05-12-1917 as was shown by the “stoultory” nature of his shelling and the absence of rifle fire. Our Casualties today were 8 other ranks. Casualties: - Wounded – 6 Other Ranks – Missing – 2 Other Ranks. AREA SOUTH of If by day things were quiet & movement at a minimum by night BAPAUNE – CANBRAI it was a different story. The whole area of the Division was alive Road with workers. Sappers, Pioneers & infantry all working neck v 06-12-1817 crop to form a line, which would baffle the numerous Divisions, the enemy was known to have put against the Sector. The sketch map attached as Appendix “A” to this month's Intelligence Summary gives the general idea of the line completed. Naturally the final intention was to link up the Advance posts & so have substitute a new & strong front line. A small post called ALBERT went out well in front of the advanced posts. By means of a telephone all movement on the front was registered. Tonight 6/7th December 1917 the advanced outposts withdrew through our lines & so we remained as the main line of Resistance with Advanced posts as outposts. Casualties: -Killed -3 Other Ranks. Wounded – 2 Other Ranks. AREA SOUTH of Consolidation proceeded & again there was a busy night. Once BAPAUNE – more ALBERT did good CANBRAI work of telephoning through general situation. AREA07-12 -SOUTH1917 of WorkCasualties: went - onKilled as usual– 4 Other and Ranks. on the night 8/9th December the BAPAUNE – Battalion was relieved by the 1st Battalion Kings Regt. & CANBRAI proceeded to Camp in VELU WOOD. VELU08-12 WOOD-1917 Battalion resting. 09-12-1917 VELU WOOD Company Kit, rifle inspections etc. Inspection of lines by 10-12-1917 Commanding Officer. VELU WOOD Battalion bathed at HAPLIN COURT baths. PT. BF. And 11-12-1917 recreational games by platoons. Casualties: -Wounded -1 Other Rank. VELU WOOD Coy parades – BF. P.T. Games etc. recreational games etc. 12-12 1917 “Detais” bathed at baths in VELU WOOD. The G.O.C. Division visited Battalion and inspected camp. VELU WOOD Coy parades for BF. P.T. games etc. Specialist classes under 13-12-1917 L.G. officer and bombing officer. VELU WOOD Parades as for yesterday – On night of 14/15th 5th Brigade 14-12-1917 relieved 6th Brigade in left Sector of Divisional area. Battalion went into Brigade Support with 2 Companies in O BL and 2 Companies in K 14 b & d relieving one Coy of ESSEX REGT in O BL South of K 14 c.1.0, 1 Coy of ESSEX between K 14.c.1.4 and c.1.6. 1 Coy 17th MIDDLESEX abut K.14 d-35-80 and 1 Coy MIDDLESEX in HUNT AVENUE. CANAL LEFT Support position consolidated – fireships dug in SUPPORT support trenches and general improvements carried 15-12-1917 out. CANAL LEFT Working parties supplied to work under supervision of R.E’s – SUPPORT Improvements to our own trenches carried out. Carrying party of 16-12-1917 2 Officers and 50 Other Ranks supplied to “P” Special Coy to carry projectors to front area. Casualties: -Wounded – 2 Other Ranks. CANAL LEFT Working parties supplied – Work on BETTY AVENUE carried SUPPORT on with object of making it into Communication trench to 17-12-1917 frontline. Carrying party for “P” Special Coy supplied again CANAL LEFT today.Work carried on BETTY AVENUE and in SUPPORT SUPPORT TRENCHES. Situation quiet. 18-12-1917 CANAL LEFT Working parties supplied to R.E’s for work in forward areas. SUPPORT Casualties: -Wounded –2 Other Ranks 19-12-1917 TRENCHES The Battalion relieved the 2nd Oxford & Bucks L.I. in Right 20-12-1917 subsection on night 20th/21st. Companies being disposed on following order – “A” Coy Right front with “C” Coy in Support – “D” Coy left front with “B” Coy in Support. Battalion front was KELLETT TRENCH running from the old HINDENBURG line at K 8 a 9.4 to K 9 a 5.8. with six advanced posts. The relief was performed quietly advanced posts being relieved under cover of a mist. See Appendix “C” attached. TRENCHES General improvements to front line and posts carried on. During 21-12-1917 the forenoon enemy shelled area around Coy Headquarters at K 8 b 10.0 with 5 qs. Visability was bad all day and aerial activity practically nil. TRENCHES EnemyCasualties: artillery - Wounded active around– 2 Other K 8b Ranks.-10-0. The enemy had 3 22-12-1917 observation balloons up – one on our front all day. Aerial activity fairly active all day. One enemy plane brought down behind our lines. We carried out general work and improvement to posts and front line. TRENCHES IntermittentCasualties: - Woundedshelling around -2 Other Coy Ranks. Headquarters but no damage 23-12-1917 done to trench system. Companies carried on with trench work and repairs – Night working parties on posts and front line – One artillery very active in Boche trenches north of CAMBRAI Road. Visibility very good all day but not much aerial activity. On night of 23rd/24th an inter Coy relief took place, “B” Coy relieved “D” Coy and “C” Coy relieved “A” Coy. Relief was conducted quietly. Casualties: -Wounded –3 Other Ranks. TRENCHES 6-30pm – At 6-30pm gas was projected over enemy trenches. 24-12-1917 Enemy retaliated in HUNT AVENUE and BULLEN TRENCH with T.M’s about 7-30pm after which active situation became quiet. Casualties: - 2nd /Lt A.D. McLean and 20 Other Ranks – Wounded (GAS). TRENCHES Work in trenches carried on as usual. Front line and support 25-12-1917 trenches improved. Enemy artillery quiet in forenoon. 6 -30pm –At 6-30pm enemy put down heavy shellfire on front line, around Coy H.Q. and Battalion H.Q. Again at 8-30pm enemy shelled same places in retaliation to Gas on previous night. TRENCHES Morning quiet. Visibility was bad all day and aerial activity 26-12-1917 practically nil. From 1pm enemy shelled intermittently all afternoon. On night of 26th/27th Battalion was relieved by the 22nd R.F. and marched to Camp at BARASTRE arrivingDay spent at midnight.cleaning of equipment and clothing. Kit inspections in 27-12-1917 Roadsafternoon. difficult for marching being coated with frozen snow. Casualties: -Killed – 1 Other Rank. Wounded – 1 Other Rank. BARASTRE Battalion bathing at Baths VELOWOOD – After baths 28-12-1917 Companies were at disposal of O.C. Companies for inspections of Kit, equipment and Coy Stores. BARASTRE Companies at disposal of Coy Commander for P.T. Games and 29-12-1917 platoon route marches. Afternoon spent improving hutments. BARASTRE Battalion paraded for Divine Services. 30-12-1917 BARASTRE Companies at disposal of O.C. Companies for P.T. B.F. handling 31-12-1917 of Arms, Gas drill etc. The end of the month leaves the Battalion with 42 Officers and 788 Other Ranks.


M. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Bn Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY st 1st January 1918 – 31 January 1918 BARASTRE One hours training in forenoon – remainder of day observed as 01-01-1918 holiday – NEW YEARS DAY. BARASTRE Classes paraded under Specialist Officers – remainder of 02-01-1918 Battalion on working parties erecting Nissen Huts. BARASTRE The Battalion moved into Huts at . 03-01-1918 BARASTRE Training commenced by platoons –parades from 8-30am for 04-01-1918 P.T. BF. Steady drill musketry, Bombing, saluting drill etc. Classes for Lewis Gunners, Bombers, Snipers, Scouts under Specialist Officers. BARASTRE Parades for Training – P.T. & BF. Musketry, Steady drill, 05-01-1918 Bombing etc. Lectures and classes in afternoon. BARASTRE Battalion Paraded for Divine Service. Camp inspection by 06-01-1918 Commanding Officer in the afternoon. BARASTRE Parades for training – P.T., Bombing. Platoon route marches 07-01-1918 with protection “C” & “D” Coys. “C” Coy judging distance test in afternoon. BARASTRE Training – P.T. BF. Platoon route marches with protection “A” 08-01-1918 & “B” Companies. “D” Coy I.D. test in the afternoon. C.O. O.C. Companies attended Divisional Conference at ROUOQUIGNT in afternoon. Training of Division, work etc.discussed. BARASTRE P.T. BF, rifle exercises, rapid loading, fire control, Gas drill for 09-01-1918 all Companies. BARASTRE PT. Salutary drill, Fire & movement. Construction of Bombing 10-01-1918 block practised by “A” Coy. BARASTRE P.T. Bombing, Rifle exercises, rapid loading, fire Control Gas 11-01-1918 drill – Organized Games, sports etc in the afternoon. BARASTRE P.T. Fire Control, rapid loading, Construction of Bombing blocks, 12-01-1918 Fire movements. BARASTRE Divine Services. 13-01-1918 BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short 14-01-1918 route marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs. BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short 15-01-1918 route marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short 16-01-1918 route marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short 17-01-1918 route marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs BEAULENCOURT Brigade Training – assault behind barrage and formation of a 18-01-1918 defensive flank. BEAULENCOURT Battalion training continued – all Companies did a lot of 19-01-1918 bombing. BEAULENCOURT Divine Services – All ranks went through gas – New 20-01-1918 line VACARIE Sector reconnoitred. BEAULENCOURT Companies made preparation to go into the line. 21-01-1918 22-01-1918 The Battalion entrained at ROCQUIGNY and detrained at TRESCOULT – had dinner in HAURINCOURT WOOD – marched into the line via BEAUCAMP and VILLERS PLUICH – roads were exceedingly bad – The HAWKE BATTN (63rd Div) was relieved by 11.0pm. 23-01-1918 Battalion held the line without incident – trenches were very muddy and wet – the moon was very bright and enemy M.Gs were active causing considerable inconvenience – much work done in stocking line with S.A.A. and forming dumps. 24-01-1918 Battalion held the line without incident – trenches were very muddy and wet – the moon was very bright and enemy M.Gs were active causing considerable inconvenience – much work done in stocking line with S.A.A. and forming dumps. 25-01-1918 Battalion relieved by the 2nd Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. and marched back to HAURINCOURT WOOD. HAURINCOURT Spent in the wood resting and cleaning up – work done in WOOD improving the tracks in the camp. 26-01-1918 HAURINCOURT Spent in the wood resting and cleaning up – work done in WOOD improving the tracks in the camp – Voluntary Presbyterian 27-01-1918 Service. 28-01-1918 NO ENTRY for 28th

29-01-1918 Battalion entrained and went into Divisional Reserve at MANACOURT. Billets were good. 30-01-1018 All available men were employed constructing back defences and pitching camps near ETRICOURT. 31-01-1018 All available men were employed constructing back defences and pitching camps near ETRICOURT.


G. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Battalion High L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY th 1st February 1918 – 28 February 1918 MANANCOURT Whole Battalion out working again in the vicinity of 01-02-1918 ETRICOURT. MANANCOURT First day we have had without a working party to provide. Usual 02-02-1918 company training carried on in the forenoon. Football match against Divisional H.Qrs. at ETRICOURT in the afternoon, which we succeeded in drawing (2 all) during the last five LA VACQUERIE Ourminutes Brigade of the relieved game. the 99th Brigade in the VACQUERIE SECTOR RIGHT Sector at night. The Battalion relieved the 1st Royal 03-02-1918 Berks in the line and the 52nd L.I. is on our right. ”B” & “C” Coies are in the front line with “A” & “D” in support. The Battalion left billets in MANANCOURT in the early afternoon and after a long journey partly by light railway & mostly on foot, relief was finally reported complete at 10pm The route up the line was the main road through , BEAUCAMP & VILLERS PLOUICH and as it is the only approach to the whole of the Corps front, there was a terrible congestion of transport & infantry going both ways. We trudged along the road, pitted all the way with shell-holes and being held up every 500yds by a block in the traffic. Artillery limbers galloping past splashed us with mud from head to foot, so we were very thankful to get to the end of our journey, even though it was only an elephant shelter amidst a sea of mud. VILLERS PLOUICH was heavily shelled at night just after we had got clear of the village. LA VACQUERIE A very uneventful day. Nothing could be done during the day as SECTOR no movement is allowed over the top and it is not very 04-02-1918 comfortable wading through the trenches. As soon as it became dusk the usual trench routine was carried on working & wiring was soon in progress and continued all night long. LA VACQUERIE Everything was quiet last night till 5.30am this morning when SECTOR the enemy barraged our line for half an hour. We luckily 05-02-1918 escaped without any casualties. LA VACQUERIE There is a great improvement in the trenches already in our SECTOR front. Mainly due to the long spell dry weather we have had 06-02-1918 recently. An inter-Coy relief took place at night, “A” & “D” Coies taking over the front line and “B” & “C” going with support. Our ration limbers were shelled at night and one mule was killed. This is the first Transport animal we have had killed for over two years. LA VACQUERIE Very quiet day. It was very dark at night now as there is no SECTOR moon, so wiring & work is greatly hampered. Weather is very 07-02-1918 mild most unlike February & at night we had the first shower of rain we have had for some considerable time. LA VACQUERIE The result of the rain is that the trenches are again in an SECTOR appalling condition, making going very heavy indeed. 08-02-1918 Exceptionally quiet night. LA VACQUERIE The Division has been reorganised & there are now only three SECTOR Battalions in every Brigade. The 17th RF. has left the 5th 09-02-1918 Brigade and the 52nd L.I. –24th RF and ourselves only are left. All three Brigades are now permanently in the line, having one battalion in the front line, one in support and the other in reserve. At night the battalion moved into support of the centre brigade sector, the 99th Brigade being on our right & the 6th Brigade on our left, the 24th RF taking over the front line. Battalion HQ “A” & “C” Coies are in VILLERS PLOUICH accommodated in dugouts and shelters, “B” & “D” in WOOD. The relief, being naturally complicated owing to brigade having to sideslip and the whole division being on the move at the same time, went off very quietly without a hitch and without any interference from the Hun. LA VACQUERIE The whole day was devoted to improvements of billets and SECTOR strengthening shelters, some of which are not even “whizz- 10-02-1918 bang” proof. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a SECTOR comparatively easy time at present and only provide a working 11-02-1918 party of one company each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a SECTOR comparatively easy time at present and only provide a working 12-02-1918 party of one company each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a SECTOR comparatively easy time at present and only provide a working 13-02-1918 party of one company each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a SECTOR comparatively easy time at present and only provide a working 14-02-1918 party of one company each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Our brigade has taken over a few more posts from the 6th Brigade SECTOR on our left in order to equalise the Brigade Fronts. At night we 15-02-1918 were relieved in support by the 24th RF. and moved back to a camp just S.W. of METZ vacated by the 52nd L.I., who took over the line. The Camp entirely consists of tents, which are scattered all over the countryside, companies being about 300yds apart. METZ The day was chiefly devoted to a thorough cleaning up. One 16-02-1918 Coy is out every night wiring on the Corps defences in front of METZ. “B” Coy while working at night got badly shelled and had 1 NCO killed. Boche aeroplanes came over our line at night from 7 o’clock till midnight and bombed several places round about, especially FINS where our transport lines are, but we escaped altogether mainly due to the fact that we are in a valley & kept our lights out. METZ Church parades & bathing in the morning at METZ. We are 17-02-1918 having a complete change of weather now, hard frost. We had a visit again by Boche aeroplanes, but no bombs dropped near us. METZ Usual out of the line training carried on by Companies. In the 18-02-1918 afternoon the Major General commanding the division, General Pereira CB.after lunching with us, presented Lieut Whittle and 120 Other Ranks with the 1914 Star Medal Ribbon. There were 159 altogether entitled to it but the remainder are not with the Battalion at present. METZ We do Company training in the morning and nearly every 19-02-1918 afternoon scratch football matches between companies. Although it was a very clear night we did not get bombed at all. METZ Normal training carried on. A thaw has set in and we had rain at 20-02-1918 night, which was rather uncomfortable as most of the tents are riddled with shrapnel. METZ The Corps front is to be held with three divisions now instead 21-02-1918 of four, so our division is taking over one brigade front from the 63rd Division on our left. The 5th Bde took over this front at night, the battalion relieving the 1st R.M.L.I. and ANSON BATTN> in the front line with the 52nd L.I. in support and the 24th RF. in HAYRINCOURT WOOD. The front line at present mainly consists chiefly of a sunken road with small saps running out all along. It was a very complicated relief, as we took over from two different battalions and at the same time had to re-organise the whole front so that each Coy in the front line had three platoon posts. In spite of this relief was complete by 10pm. “B” “C” & “D” companies are in the front line with “A” in support near battalion HQrs. VACQUERIE SECTOR We are having a comparatively quiet time except for the 22-02-1918 occasional Trench Mortar “Strafes”. The trenches are in a pretty wet & muddy condition and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the whole front. VACQUERIE SECTOR We are having a comparatively quiet time except for the 23-02-1918 occasional Trench Mortar “Strafes”. The trenches are in a pretty wet & muddy condition and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the whole front. VACQUERIE SECTOR We are having a comparatively quiet time except for the 24-02-1918 occasional Trench Mortar “Strafes”. The trenches are in a pretty wet & muddy condition and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the whole front. VACQUERIE SECTOR We are having a comparatively quiet time except for the 25-02-1918 occasional Trench Mortar “Strafes”. The trenches are in a pretty wet & muddy condition and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the whole front. VACQUERIE SECTOR The difficulties of holding such a lengthy line increase & cause 26-02-1918 some anxiety. One especial difficulty is the left flank (“D”Coy). There has been an increase of artillery activity today. VACQUERIE SECTOR Earlier part of the day uneventful. At about 6pm a very heavy 27-02-1918 T.M. barrage was put down on “D” Coys front although no raid was made, there are grounds for believing, that one was intended. The Battalion was relieved tonight by the 24th R.Fus.On relief the Battalion went into support & relieved 2nd Oxford Bucks L.I. All relief complete by 11-15pm. VACQUERIE SECTOR Ordinary routine today. One may remark that during the 28-02-1918 recent times in the line the arrangement for R.E. material worked smoothly and satisfactorily.

Effective strength at the end of February 1918 – Officers – 39 Other Ranks – 1056.

Signed G. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY st 1st March 1918 – 31 March 1918 LA VACQUERIE LEFT The beginning of a new month found the battalion in support to 01-03-1918 the 24th Royal Fusiliers holding LA VACQUERIE LEFT. The rumours of a coming enemy offensive circle thick and fast. Perhaps the reality of things is brought into bolder relief by the fact of the new work & dumps under construction in the Reserve System of Trenches. Then too the Intelligence information called from HQs Summaries downwards, points to enemy action at an early date. 5am – About 5am a very heavy barrage descended on the Front Support Lines & at 5.30am the SOS was put up by the 24th Royal Fusiliers. Has the offensive started? was the natural query, which sprang to the lips of all. But the offensive had not started & nothing eventuated except one of raids by which the enemy seems at present, to be testing the strength of the front. The barrage had, however, cut all the wires both forward to companies & back to Brigade, so day had dawned before the situation was quite clear. Except for desultory shelling the remainder of today was quiet. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Things quiet on the whole& ordinary routine followed. The 02-03-1918 snow arrived with its consequent mud and this makes the trenches very uncomfortable. Added to a certain apprehensiveness, difficult to diagnose, there is a general restlessness all round. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Things quiet on the whole& ordinary routine followed. The 03-03-1918 snow arrived with its consequent mud and this makes the trenches very uncomfortable. Added to a certain apprehensiveness, difficult to diagnose, there is a general restlessness all round. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Things quiet on the whole& ordinary routine followed. The 04-03-1918 snow arrived with its consequent mud and this makes the trenches very uncomfortable. Added to a certain apprehensiveness, difficult to diagnose, there is a general restlessness all round. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Tonight we were relieved by the 24th Royal Fusiliers who had th 05-03-1918 been relieved by the 29 Oxf & Bucks L.I. On completion of relief the Battalion withdrew to reserve in METZ with one Company in WINCHESTER VALLEY CAMP. METZ Day devoted to general cleaning up. The Battalion in reserve 06-03-1918 has also got to find special working parties for cable – burying. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a 07-03-1918 considerable number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a 08-03-1918 considerable number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a 09-03-1918 considerable number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a 10-03-1918 considerable number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ METZ was heavily shelled about mid-day, and again about 6pm. Lieu. F. Surtees 11-03-1918 About 7-30pm the Battalion proceeded to take over the Front 2nd/Lt W. Storrie nd Line from the 52 L.I. Gas shelling of all back and support DSO areas commenced about this time, unfortunately a good many casualties were the result. “B” Coy specially affected when passing through the valley of VILLERS – PLUICH. As the night advanced the gas shelling increased in intensity. Mustard Gas was largely used. The difficulty of moving the respirators on a very narrow road with limbers in both directions was naturally very great & this was undoubtedly one reason for the number of casualties. Two officers and 75 other ranks were badly affected & had to be evacuated. METZ It was the morning of the 12th before the relief was 12-03-1918 completed. Desultory shelling throughout the day with a renewal of Gas shelling over back areas at night. METZ From the information given by deserters it was thought highly 13-03-1918 probable that the enemy would attack this morning but the forenoon advanced and there was no sign of hostile intention. The effects of Gas shelling on the night of 11th/12th are now making themselves more apparent & men not previously affected show symptoms – especially in the matters of sore eyes & sore throat. Clearly clothing has much to do in retaining this poison gas. The night was quieter & there was less shelling of the back areas. LA VACQUERIE Dawn broke quietly & the day was bright with sunshine. 14-03-1918 Toward evening there was a recommencement of Gas shelling but our immediate area was unaffected. LA VACQUERIE Today showed a slight increase in enemy shelling. A 15-03-1918 light shell fell near Bn HQ wounding slightly Major T. McM Mitchell. LA VACQUERIE Speaking generally things were very quiet, so far the 16-03-1918 expected offensive has not materialised. LA VACQUERIE Tonight saw the Bn relieved by the 24th Royal Fusiliers. On 17-03-1918 relief we relieved the 2nd Oxf/Bucks L.I. in Support in the HIGHLAND RIDGE LINE. LA VACQUERIE Work on DIARMID TRENCH was taken over from 2nd 18-03-1918 Oxf/Bucks L.I. & continued by the Bn. Two Companies were in occupation of the DIARMID LINE by night. By day they went to the HIGHLAND LINE. One Company was in WOOD TRENCH & WOOD SUPPORT East of the ORCHID SWITCH & one Coy WEST of ORCHID SWITCH. LA VACQUERIE Today representatives of the 47th(London) Division were round 19-03-1918 the Bn area with a view to taking over the line. LA VACQUERIE Tonight the Bn was relieved by the 20th London Regt. 20-03-1918 & on relief marched to TRESCAULT. From here the troops went by train to LA VACQUERIE Arrived at LITTLEWOOD CAMP about 5am. Hardly had the 21-03-1918 Bn got settled down in Camp when orders for STAND TO arrived. The Bn was placed at a moment's notice. The German offensive had commenced. All day guns roared. There was great aerial activity. There was tense excitement to know really just what was happening. YTRES 3am – Orders were received from the Bde that 2nd Division was Ref sheet 570 22-03-1918 to be concentrated by 7am in the area BARASTRE – HAMINCOURT. BARASTRE. Kits and blankets had to be left under charge of the Pipers. On arrival at BARASTRE the Bn occupied huts. A reconnaissance was at once carried out of the GREEN LINE. Events moved rapidly & by 2pm the 5th Brigade saw itself under 17th Division as a Reserve Brigade with their HQ at . According to orders the area J33 34 a & c & P4a were occupied. The 52nd Light Infantry & the 2nd Highland L.I. were ordered to occupy trenches north of the CT. running from about P3c 2 8 to J34 C 7.3 – the 52nd L.I. on the right. The 24th Royal Fusiliers were to occupy the above-mentioned C.T. & trenches South of it, but they were only permitted to Coies SE of the CANAL, if a safe crossing were assumed. By 7pm positions were taken up. The general situation was that the 2nd Oxf & Buck L.I. & ourselves were in a cup-shaped hollow occupied by Batteries, “A” “B” & “C” Coies, held the circular crest line, while “D” Coy was a reserve in the valley. The Batteries in the hollow were covering 17th Division and for SOS purposes also the 51st Division. Fighting was going on at HERNIES north east of our position. Trench was gained with the 4th SEAFORTHS & the 17th Division forward. The Battalion was prepared for three eventualities: - (a) To counter attack from the approx line J28 C 9-0 to J28 C0-5 in order restore any break in the line which might have been made between J23 d 8-2 and the junction of JARGON TRENCH with the Third System in J28a (b) To reinforce troops holding the HERMIES defences. (c) To counter-attack HERMIES in the event of its capture by the enemy. We managed to get rations safely up to the positions & also fetched up a large reserve Supply of SAA Grenades from the 57th Brigade Dump at LOCK 7. The night passed uneventfully but the guns were kept busy replying to SOS calls.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st July 1917 – 30th July 1917 ANNEQUIN “A” Coy relieved “D” Coy (1 platoon) at BRADDELLS Keep . 01-07-1917 MOUNTAIN & STAFFORD KEEPS Garrisons by “C” Coy. Divine Service in Schoolroom at ANNEQUIN. No working parties today. TRENCHES Battalion relieved 24th R.F. in CANAL CENTRE – “B” Coy Left CUINCHY front – “C” Coy Right front. In support “A” Coy left, “D” Coy right. 02-07-1917 TRENCHES Enemy TMs shelled support lines. Our artillery active. Working CUINCHY parties supplied at night. 03-07-1917 TRENCHES Enemy raided on both banks of CANAL but they did not reach our CUINCHY wire. Battalion on left took one wounded prisoner. Working parties as 04-07-1917 usual at night.

TRENCHES Situation quiet. Enemy dropped a few T.M’s on support positions. CUINCHY Our artillery active. Situation otherwise quiet. No working parties. 05-07-1917 TRENCHES Our artillery active. Situation otherwise quiet. No working parties CUINCHY supplied to frontlines. Companies carried on with improvements to 06-07-1917 trenches. TRENCHES Inter Coy relief took place “A” Coy relieved “B” Coy and “D” Coy CUINCHY relieved “C” Coy in the line. Quiet night. 07-07-1917 TRENCHES Our 4” Stores shelled enemy in conjunction with Gas projectors CUINCHY at 10-45pm. 110 casualties reported. 08-07-1917 TRENCHES Companies carried on in trenches – Trenches and posts improved. CUINCHY 09-07-1917 TRENCHES Usual nightly working parties supplied to Front line Companies by CUINCHY Support Companies. 10-07-1917 TRENCHES Our Artillery very active – shelled back areas. Enemy shelled front and CUINCHY Support lines. 11-07-1917 TRENCHES Companies carried on with improvements to trenches & posts. Artillery CUINCHY active. 12-07-1917 TRENCHES Inter Company relief took place at 10pm. “B” Coy relieved “A” Coy 13-07-1917 in the line – “C” Coy relieved “D” Coy in the line. At 11-30pm enemy sent a number of Gas shells over causing some of our men to be gassed. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to frontline 14-07-1917 Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to frontline 15-07-1917 Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to frontline 16-07-1917 Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to frontline 17-07-1917 Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to frontline 18-07-1917 Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active TRENCHES Companies carried on as usual supplying working parties to frontline 19-07-1917 Companies at night. Our own and enemy T.M’s fairly active. TRENCHES Inter Coy relief took place at 10-15pm – “A” Coy relieved “B” Coy in 20-07-1917 the line – “D” Coy relieved “C” Coy in the line. TRENCHES Our Artillery carried out two bombardments at 10pm and 10-30pm on 21-07-1917 our right. TRENCHES Companies carried on with general improvements to the front and 22-07-1917 support lines. Situation quiet all day. TRENCHES Enemy Artillery and T.Ms very quiet. Our Artillery opened on enemy 23-07-1917 working near “H” Brickstack at 10-42pm and 11-25pm. No more was heard from this quarter. TRENCHES Usual working parties supplied to front line Companies. Enemy 24-07-1917 artillery very active. Our Artillery & TMs quieter than usual, six to one retaliation. TRENCHES Work carried on in front and support lines – Our heavy T.Ms fired a 25-07-1917 number of rounds on “A” Brickstack- Our Artillery bombarded enemy lines on our left at 10-30pm. Situation otherwise quiet. TRENCHES Situation quiet during the day. The Battalion raided the enemy lines at 26-07-1917 12-40am on 27th. Strength of party - 3 Officers and 73 other ranks. Copy of raid orders and report attached. TRENCHES Battalion was relieved by 17th R.F. who took over our left flank. 27-07-1917 52nd L.I. our right front and 24th R.F. support positions. After relief Battalion moved on to billets in LE PREOL. LE PREOL Battalion resting. Kit inspections and cleaning clothes. 28-07-1917 LE PREOL Battalion paraded for Divine Service. 29-07-1917 LE PREOL One platoon per Coy competed in marksman competition. Remainder of 30-07-1917 Battalion carried on with P. Training, handling of arms etc. LE PREOL Coy parades in forenoon. Battalion Acquatic Sports in LA 31-07-1917 BASSEE CANAL in the afternoon.

Signed D.M. Murray-Lyon Major Commanding 2/Bn H.L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st August 1917 – 31st August 1917 LE PREOL Training under Coy arrangement. 01-08-1917 LE PREOL Battalion relieved 52nd L.I. in right sub sector of Brigade front. 02-08-1917 TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties out 9 O.R. 03-08-1917 every night. Situation quiet during this time. Reinforcements. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties out 3 O.R. Wounded 04-08-1917 every night. Situation quiet during this time. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties out 05-08-1917 every night. Situation quiet during this time. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties out 06-08-1917 every night. Situation quiet during this time. TRENCHES General improvements to trenches. Patrols and wiring parties out 1 O.R. 07-08-1917 every night. Situation quiet during this time. Reinforcement TRENCHES The Battalion was relieved by the 52nd L.I. and took over Brigade th 08-08-1917 Support from the 17 R.F. TRENCHES Companies carried out repairs to trenches. 09-08-1917 TRENCHES Work carried on in trenches. “A” coy bathes in LABASSEE CANAL. 10-08-1917 TRENCHES Working parties and guards supplied – “B” Coy bathes in CANAL – 11-08-1917 “C” Coy bathes in LE PREOL. TRENCHES Working parties supplied – “B” Coy bathes in CANAL. 12-08-1917 TRENCHES Working parties supplied – “D” Coy bathes in CANAL 3 O.R. 13-08-1917 Reinforcements. TRENCHES Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. in the right sector of Brigade front. 7 O.R. 14-08-1917 Reinforcements. TRENCHES Work carried on in trenches – Patrols and wiring parties at night. 2 O.R. Wounded. 15-08-1917 During the afternoon enemy T.Ms active. Our aircraft active during the whole day. TRENCHES Enemy artillery quiet all day. Our TMs active. 16-08-1917 TRENCHES At 3am we projected gas on enemy position North of LA BASSEE 2nd/Lt Reid Killed. 17-08-1917 Road, very slight enemy retaliation. Enemy retaliated in the afternoon without doing any damage. TRENCHES Daily work carried on as usual. Enemy artillery active on back areas. 18-08=1917 Quiet on front. TRENCHES Very quiet on whole front. Casualties: 1 O.R. Killed. Capt & Adjt H. Ross 19-08-1917 1 O.R. Reinforcement. Skinner. Joined Battalion. nd TRENCHES The Battalion was relieved by the 52 L.I. and moved to LE PREOL. 20-08-1917 LE PREOL Kit inspections, cleaning of clothes and baths. 21-08-1917 LE PREOL Company parades – Musketry, Bayonet fighting and drill. 22-08-1917 LE PREOL Company parades. 1 Officer 23-08-1917 Reinforcement LE PREOL Company parades – “C” Coy fired on Range – Lewis Gun practice. 24-08-1917 All Box respirators tested with “Liccryinatory” and chlorine Gas. LE PREOL Coy parades. 20 men per Coy fired at the Range. 25-08-1917 LE PREOL Battalion paraded for Divine service. Battalion relieved 52nd L.I. in right 15 O.R. 26-08-1917 sub sector. Reinforcements. TRENCHES Improvements and repairs carried on in the trenches – Enemy 27-08-1917 artillery active our TMs retaliated and MG fire was kept up all night. TRENCHES Daily work carried on – Usual evening patrols and wiring parties out. 8 O.R. 28-08-1917 Artillery and TMs quiet. Reinforcements. TRENCHES Our TMs and MGs active during night - Situation quiet during day. 29-08-1917 TRENCHES The Battalion was relieved by 52nd L.I. in the line and relieved the 30-08-1917 17th R.F. in Brigade Support. TRENCHES Work in Support line carried on – Companies bathed in CANAL. 31-08-1917 Signed

C.T. Martin Lt/Col Comdg 2nd/Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st September 1917 – 30th September 1917 TRENCHES Battalion in Brigade Support – Companies carried out general CUINCHY improvements to trenches. 01-09-1917 TRENCHES No unusual activity – On night of 2nd/3rd Battalion occupied CANAL 2 O.R. Killed. CUINCHY CENTRE Section. 02-09-1917 TRENCHES Companies carried out in trenches – Artillery activity normal. CUINCHY 20th Battalion C.E.P. (Portuguese) took over CANAL CENTRE on night rd th 03-09-1917 of 3 /4 TRENCHES BattalionSeptembe HQr. moved to BRADDELL’S POINT Headquarters. 2 O.R. Killed CUINCHY Companies took over positions in VILLAGE LINE. Artillery 04-09-1917 activity normal. TRENCHES Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. on night of 4th/5th in CANAL RIGHT CUINCHY Sector “A” & “C” Companies in line – “B” & “D” in Support. Enemy 05-09-1917 Artillery active – shelled support trenches. Night patrols out in front line Companies. TRENCHES Companies carried out usual trench work. About midnight enemy sent CUINCHY a lot of Gas shells onto back area. 06-09-1917 TRENCHES Trench work carried on. Usual nightly patrols sent along our front. 1 O.R. Wounded CUINCHY Enemy artillery shelled our C.T’s at intervals during the day. Our 07-09-1917 Artillery and T.M’s active. TRENCHES Situation quiet. Night of the 8th/9th the Battalion was relieved by the CUINCHY 52nd L.I. and moved to VILLAGE SUPPORT Line 08-09-1917 TRENCHES The Battalion relieved the Portuguese Battalion in CANAL 10 O.R. CUINCHY Centre. Enemy Artillery active – shelled Battalion HQ and Reinforcements. 09-09-1917 positions N of LA BASSEE CANAL. TRENCHES On night of 9th/10th Battalion moved into Support area with “A” Coy in 2 N.C.O’s CUINCHY Front line South of LA BASSEE CANAL. Died of wounds. 10-09-1917 LE PREOL Battalion was relieved by 52nd L.I. on night of 10th/11th and moved to 11-09-1917 RESERVE Area LE PREOL. Companies bathed at Baths in BEUVRY. LE PREOL Companies fired on range “A”&”B” in morning – “C”&”D” 12-09-1917 Companies in afternoon. Morning and Afternoon parades held. LE PREOL Companies fired on Range – Battalion Lewis Gun and Bombing Classes 13-09-1917 assembled. LE PREOL All Gas helmets were tested at Gas hut GORRE, by Divisional Gas 1 Officer Reinf. 14-09-1917 Officer. Lt J.C. LE PREOL Companies paraded at range for Musketry – Lewis Gunners paraded Colquhoun 15-09-1917 under L.G. Officer. LE PREOL Battalion paraded for Divine Service. 16-09-1917 TRENCHES The Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. in CANAL right Sector night 17-09-1917 16th/17th no unusual enemy activity – Work carried out in trenches. TRENCHES Companies carried on with work. Usual night patrols sent out. 18-09-1917 TRENCHES Situation quiet. 19-09-1917 TRENCHES Work carried on in trenches. 20-09-1917 TRENCHES Enemy Artillery active on front line and support lines. Our Artillery 21-09-1917 T.M’s and M.G’s active. TRENCHES Battalion was relieved by 52nd L.I. and relieved the 17th R.F. in 22-09-1917 SUPPORT area TRENCHES Working parties supplied for work in Trenches. 3 O.R. Wounded 23-09-1917 TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to support area 80 O.R. 24-09-1917 trenches. Reinforcements TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to support area 1 W.O. 25-09-1917 trenches. Reinforcement TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to support area 77 O.R. 26-09-1917 trenches. Reinforcements TRENCHES Working parties supplied – Companies carried out work to support area 27-09-1917 trenches. TRENCHES Battalion relieved the 52nd L.I. in CANAL RIGHT sector on night of 28-09-1917 the 28th/29th – “A” “B” & “D” Companies in front line, “C” Coy in Support. TRENCHES General repairs to trenches. Enemy artillery very quiet – Aircraft 2 O.R. Wounded 29-09-1917 active throughout the day. TRENCHES Work carried on – Usual nightly patrols on our front. 30-09-1917 Signed

D.M. Murray-Lyon Major Commanding 2/Bn H.L.I

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st October1917 – 31st October 1917 TRENCHES Battalion holding CANAL RIGHT. Usual work carried out in the line. 01-10-1917 TRENCHES Situation quiet. Usual nightly patrols out on Coy fronts. 2 O.R. Killed 02-10-1917 TRENCHES Situation quiet. Usual nightly patrols out on Coy fronts. 03-10-1917 Joined Battalion:-Lt P. Brodie – 2nd/Lt D. Sheridan – 2nd/Lt R.E. TRENCHES BattalionMacKinnon was relieved by 52nd L.I. on the night 4/5th. At 11-30pm Gas 04-10-1917 drums and shells were fired over enemy front and selected positions in rear. Artillery and M.G’s and T.M’s cooperated. Joined Battalion:- 2nd/Lt J.P. Jennett – 2nd/LT G.E. Shoreland. LE PREOL Battalion moved to OBLINGHEM and joined the 1st Corps. 05-10-1917 OBLINGHEM Coy parades for inspections of Kit, equipment etc. 06-10-1917 OBLINGHEM Coy parades for Coy training. Companies bathed. 07-10-1917 OBLINGHEM Battalion moved to ALLOUAGNE. The G.O.C. inspected the Brigade 08-10-1917 on the march. ALLOUAGNE Coy parades for Coy training. 09-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy parades for range practices, platoon and Coy training. 10-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Training in Musketry, extended order drill etc. 11-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy parades and exercised in Attack formations – Companies fired on 12-10-1917 the ranges in the afternoon. Lt W. Neilson joined Battalion. ALLOUAGNE Coy training – C.O’s drill parade on Battalion parade Ground in the 13-10-1917 afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Battalion paraded for Divine Service. 14-10-1917 Lt A.D. McLean rejoined Battalion. ALLOUAGNE Brigade inspected by Army Commander. Usual parades in the 15-10-1917 afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Coy parades under Coy Commander for Training at Range & on the 16-10-1917 Manoeuvre grounds. ALLOUAGNE Coy Training on Manoeuvre areas. 17-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coies occupied all day with Baths, Medical Inspection and Box 18-10-1917 Respirator Tests. ALLOUAGNE Coy Parades for Musketry, Platoon Schemes etc. 19-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy Training for the Attack – Brigade Inspection of Signallers – Lt/Col 20-10-1917 Martin D.S.O. appointed Brigadier General and proceeded to command 151st Infy. Bde. Drums and Pipes played him away. Lt/Col Knight rejoined the Battalion from 1st King’s Regiment to assume command. ALLOUAGNE Battalion Parade for Divine Service – Officer’s Reconnaissance of 21-10-1917 ground for Brigade Scheme. ALLOUAGNE Brigade Schemes on Manoeuvre areas – Divisional Commander present. 22-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE The Battalion put through Gas Chambers – Musketry & Platoon 23-10-1917 exercises –Blast Class for N.C.O’s started in Musketry. ALLOUAGNE All Companies at the 16th Target Range today – Coy Tests & 24-10-1917 Organisation Major D.M. Murray Lyon M.C. took over Command of 1st King’s Regiment – Most successful Battalion Concert held in ALLOUAGNE CINEMA. ALLOUAGNE Battalion Scheme – Special Demonstration Attack – Battalion Concert 25-10-1917 programme repeated at ALLOUAGNE CINEMA for those unable to find room on 24th. The quality of the talent a specially noticeable feature – Concert arrangements by Rev. R.P. Anderson C.F. ALLOUAGNE Training in Artillery Formations & Platoon Schemes. 26-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Coy Organisation- Tests – Musketry – N.C.O’s Classes. 27-10-1917 ALLOUAGNE Battalion Parades for Divine Service – Lt M. Knight assumed temp 28-10-1917 commanding 5th Infy Bde – Command of Battalion assumed by Capt H. Ross Skinner M.C. ALLOUAGNE Battn Route March with 1st Line Transport – Artillery Formation on 29-10-1917 Manoeuvre area. ALLOUAGNE Battn Attack Scheme – Formation on Discs – Boxing Tournament 30-10-1917 in ALLOUAGNE CINEMA. ALLOUAGNE Musketry practices in 16th Target Range for all companies – Divisional During the stay at 31-10-1917 Musketry Competition – Team consisting of Capt. H. Ross Skinner ALLOUGNE M.C. – Sgt Stevenson & L/Cpl Dalgleish. Fifth place obtained out of Recreational 15 Competing teams – Another Battalion Concert held tonight at Training carried out ALLOUAGNE with great success. successfully. Strength of Battalion actually present & effective at the end of the Marked month:- 48 Officers and 1016 other ranks. improvement noted in health & physical Signed of men, especially enthusiasm shown H. Ross Skinner Captain in association with Commanding, 2nd High. L.I. Rugby Football.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st November 1917 – 30th November 1917 ALLOUAGNE Battalion took part in Brigade Scheme – Practicing attack formations, 01-11-1917 consolidation etc. Recreational training in the afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Companies bathed at RAIMBERT in the forenoon – Company 02-11-1917 training and range practices in afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Company parade for Coy and Platoon training – Football in the 03-11-1917 afternoon. ALLOUAGNE Battalion parade for Divine Service – Kit inspection and inspection of 04-11-1917 Battalion billets by C.O. ALLOUAGNE Company parades for Company training. 05-11-1917 STEENBECQUE Battalion moved to billets at STEENBECQUE – Afternoon spent 06-11-1917 cleaning clothing etc. EECKE Battalion moved to billets at EECKE. 07-11-1917 REITVELD Battalion moved to billets at REITVELD and KEIRENPUT. 08-11-1917 REITVELD Company parades for Company training – Platoon schemes etc. 09-11-1917 REITVELD Company parades for platoon training and platoon schemes. 10-11-1917 Recreational sports in afternoon. REITVELD Battalion paraded for Devine Service. 11-11-1917 REITVELD Parades under Company arrangements for P.T. B.F. Gas Drill, 12-11-1917 Musketry. Recreational training in the afternoon. REITVELD Company drill, Musketry and platoon attack schemes – Inter platoon 13-11-1917 football and Cross Country run in afternoon. REITVELD Companies bathed at ARNEKE. 14-11-1917 REITVELD Battalion moved to WINNEZEELE and took over “A” Camp area. 15-11-1917 WINNEZEELE Company training – Company tests – Coy tests and Coy 16-11-1917 Organisation. P.T Games and Handling of Arms and steady drill. WINNEZEELE Company Route march. Artillery formations and Coy 17-11-1917 schemes practiced. Recreational training in afternoon. WINNEZEELE Battalion paraded for Divine Service. A Regimental football match 18-11-1917 took place with the 52nd L. Inf. In the presence of nearly the whole of both Regiments. The time whistle ended a very good game – the score being 3 to 2 for ourselves WINNEZEELE Company parades for Fires work, Artillery formation, platoon 19-11-1917 schemes, Lectures in Map Reading, Compass work etc. WINNEZEELE Companies paraded for Coy and platoon work, attack formations, 20-11-1917 handling of Arms and platoon schemes. A Rugby football match took place with 2nd Divisional team at WORMHOUDT – After a very good game Division beat us by 3 tries to 0. WINNEZEELE Coy parades for training – Coy and platoon schemes – Battalion 21-11-1917 Scheme. WINNEZEELE Coy parades for training – Coy and platoon schemes – Battalion 22-11-1917 Scheme. WINNEZEELE Coy training in forenoon – Recreational sports in afternoon. 23-11-1917 WINNEZEELE Battalion moved at 1.0am to CASSEL where we entrained for 24-11-1917 ACHIET LA GRANDE arriving about 4.0pm from where Battalion marched to huts at BEAULIN COURT arriving at 8.0pm. WINNEZEELE Battalion moved to LABOUCQEIRE, billeted in Camp. 25-01-1917 LEBOUCQIERE Companies paraded for Coy training in forenoon. 26-11-1917 LEBOUCQIERE Battalion marched to HERMIES, the Brigade being in Divisional 27-11-1917 reserve. HERMIES Awaiting orders to move into line. Practice Wiring, Bombing & 28-11-1917 P.T. in forenoon. Battalion equipped to fighting strength. HERMIES EnemyBattalion aeroplane under two brought hours downnotice one to move. of our observation balloons over 29-11-1917 HERMIES. An enemy observation balloon N.E. of BOULON WOOD HERMIES Atwas 6.30pm brought Battalion down by marchedour aircraft. to Trenches and took up Support position 30-11-1917 in HINDENBURG line on West bank of CANAL and about 200 yards South of CAMBRAI Road. “A” & “D” Companies (less 1 Officer & 50 O.R. of “D” working as stretcher bearers) sent to reinforce 1st King’s. “B” Coy took up Support position on EAST side of CANAL in Support to 13th ESSEX. Battalion HQ established in HINDENBURG LINE 50 yards South of No6 Lock. On moving into the line Battalion came under administration of 6th Brigade. Strength of Battalion – actually present and effective at end of this month – 48 Officers – 950 Other Ranks.


M. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Bn Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HLI 1st December 1917 – 31st December 1917 AREA SOUTH OF The disposition of Companies remained as on night of 30th Nov/1st The Battalion was CAMBRAI – Dec. 12noon- The stretcher-bearer party of “D” Coy returned from under the command BAPAUME Road its work of clearing the dead from the Canal area & the area of of Capt H. Ross 01-12-1917 BAPAUME – CAMBRAI about 12noon. Skinner M.C. during In the afternoon a very heavy barrage was put down by the enemy the operations. South of MOEUVRES on the front held by the 1st King’s Regt. With the help of our “A” & “D” Companies this attack was beaten off. Particularly good work done by one of “D” Coy’s Lewis Gunner. The enemy evidently recovered from his hasty retreat northwards then fights with grim tenacity. His new reinforcements men of high fighting quality & considerable courage. 5-30pm – In the evening the same day orders were received to take over the line from the 1st King’s Regt. west of the CANAL DU NORD and South of MOEUVRES. The difficulties of this relief were considerable – For example (1) The Battalion of the 1st King’s was broken up under different regiments. (2) The situation in the front line was obscure. (3) The C.O. 1ST King’s – Lt/Col Murray Lyon M.C. had under his command remnants of five regiments. Midnight – Despite these difficulties the relief was carried out successfully. AREA SOUTH OF By daylight the relief was complete and the Battalion disposed in the Casualties – CAMBRAI – tofront left line as follows:from right - “C” “B” “D” and “A” Companies. 2 O.R. Killed BAPAUME Road “A” Coy of the 1st Battalion, South Stafford was in close Support and 11 O.R. Wounded 02-12-1917 twothe 17 companiesth Battalion of Middlesex Regt. were in Support. During the morning our letter “C” Coy who had taken over a line which Coy’had lefts flank “B” in the air “bombs” up the trench which gave them “trench” Allwith day “B” our Coy. lines were harassed with enemy fire & considerable 4casualties-00pm – sustained.At 4pm the shelling increased and by 4-30pm there was a definite and very heavy barrage on our lines with a strong machine gunCompanies fire on our& Headquarters parapets. All stood to & manned the firestefs – SupportReinforcements companies from were the held in readiness. Telephone communication MOEUVRES Area minuteswas cut withintime. Messages 5 had to be sent by runner & to the back area by 02-12-1917 pigeon.4-50pm – About 4.50pm parties of the enemy were seen to be massing Roadin the onSunken the right – running North & South through “B” Coy’s lines. The Stokes Guns with great promptitude was in fact before the SOS rocket was put up – opened heavy fire on this road and also in front of the right Company. A Lewis Gun team of the right front rushed their Guns right forwardresolute &rifle their fire fire dispersed combined the with parties the onStoke thes SunkenGuns & Road. the By this time Casualties – troopsbodies wereof enemy advancing from their trenches all along the lines. Our rifle 9 O.R. Killed fireand combinedLewis Gun with a very strong & ”accurate” artillery & machine gun 21 O.R. Wounded barrage broke up the enemy masses. ---- attack --- materialise. On the right Coys front – our weakest point – the enemy was ---- determined & succeeded in effecting an entry into our position. The CompanyO.C. Coy rapidlyfor a counter reorganised attack his & with bombs bayonet the enemy was ejected from our trenches & pushed back beyond our position. This position was found unsuited for our use & the Coy withdrew to our 6old-30pm position – By and 6- 30pmproceeded the position to consolidate. was quiet and our line firmly held at all points. The remainder of the night was uneventful.

MOEUVRES The hours of daylight were spent in improving our position & a close 03-12-1917 maintainedwatch was on all enemy movement. 4-0pm – About 4pm the short winter afternoon was drawing to a close & once again the enemy attacked with determination – this time on “A” Coy, our left front Coy. Before describing the operation it is necessary to stateTheir briefly front linethe positionwas the HINDENBURGheld by “A” Coy. front line 300x north running HINDENBURGparallel to the Support Line. The latter was the enemy front line. A TrenchCommunication joined the two trenches and we held a Bombing Block 150x up 4the-0pm C.T. – At 4pm the enemy made a sudden rush up the Communication Trench. At first he was repulsed but numbers tell& his attack was so determined & incessant that our block was lost& we were pushed down to within 50yds of our front line. The fighting here was long and severe. In fact the best idea of what took place may be gauged by the number of boxes of rifle grenades & --ills bombs, which were frequently called for Rightand used. on tillIn all9pm about the fightingboxes were was got carried up from on. BattaliBy thison time Headquarters. the Battalion relief was in process. The coies in the right were relieved by the 4th Battalion Seaforth th RoyalHighlanders. Scots hadThe been 9 Bn ordered to sideslip “A” Coy Take over “A” Coy front. They did so & --- Prem of “A” Coy fighting for the safe return on our line – having established a new Bombing block nearer the main line. The relief was then completed & the line had been handed over with a gain of 250 yards on the right and intact in the left. On relief the Battalion moved to the trenches NW of Lock 7 CANAL DU NORD. The casualties in MOEUVRES compared to these inflicted in the enemy were slight. A German map of the MOEUVRES Sector was captured & copies of these were given to Companies. One is attached to this Summary as Appendix B & gives the Dispositions of the Battalion in the Sector. Wounded: - Lt Clarkson – Lt Walker – Lt Tress – 2nd/Lt Rae Killed: - 4 Other Ranks – Wounded: - 51 Other Ranks – Missing: - 9 Other Ranks. LOCK 7 For strategically & tactical reasons it was found necessary to order CANAL DU NORD that the positions gained & held on the MOEUVRES – BOURLON 04-12-1917 WOOD front should be evacuated. After relief on the night of the 3/4th December the Battalion has moved to old trenches due north west of Lock 7 & CANAL DU NORD. On the evening of the 4th December 1917 orders were received to move and occupy the main line of resistance, which had been decided on. The Battalion acting as Rear Guards were the Outposts to this line. This new line of Resistance passed through the junction of the OLD BRITISH LINE and the DENICOURT – MOEUVRES Road to the CRATERS where the HINDENBUG front line crosses the DENICOURT – GRAINCOURT Road. Naturally a large part of this line was only partially dug-in large stretches merely spit locked. Owing to the great length of line, which the Battalion had to hold, it was found necessary to have 3 Companies in the Front line. The Centre Company “B” Coy had to portion off partially dug trench & it was their tasks to dig themselves in by daylight. Posts forward of the main line had been sited and neatly dug. These were manned. Casualties: - Killed – 2 Other Ranks. Wounded: - 19 Other Ranks LOCK 7 The exigencies of the situation demanded that there should be as little CANAL DU NORD movement as necessary. The enemy was entering in the dark as was 05-12-1917 shown by the “stoultory” nature of his shelling and the absence of rifle fire. Our Casualties today were 8 other ranks. Casualties: - Wounded – 6 Other Ranks – Missing – 2 Other Ranks. AREA SOUTH of If by day things were quiet & movement at a minimum by night it was BAPAUNE – CANBRAI a different story. The whole area of the Division was alive with Road workers. Sappers, Pioneers & infantry all working neck v crop to form 06-12-1817 a line, which would baffle the numerous Divisions, the enemy was known to have put against the Sector. The sketch map attached as Appendix “A” to this month's Intelligence Summary gives the general idea of the line completed. Naturally the final intention was to link up the Advance posts & so have substitute a new & strong front line. A small post called ALBERT went out well in front of the advanced posts. By means of a telephone all movement on the front was registered. Tonight 6/7th December 1917 the advanced outposts withdrew through our lines & so we remained as the main line of Resistance with Advanced posts as outposts. Casualties: -Killed -3 Other Ranks. Wounded – 2 Other Ranks. AREA SOUTH of Consolidation proceeded & again there was a busy night. Once more BAPAUNE – CANBRAI ALBERT did good 07-12-1917 work of telephoning through general situation. AREA SOUTH of WorkCasualties: went -on Killed as usual – 4 Other and on Ranks. the night 8/9th December the Battalion BAPAUNE – CANBRAI was relieved by the 1st Battalion Kings Regt. & proceeded to Camp in 08-12-1917 VELU WOOD. VELU WOOD Battalion resting. 09-12-1917 VELU WOOD Company Kit, rifle inspections etc. Inspection of lines by Commanding 10-12-1917 Officer. VELU WOOD Battalion bathed at HAPLIN COURT baths. PT. BF. And recreational 11-12-1917 games by platoons. Casualties: -Wounded -1 Other Rank. VELU WOOD Coy parades – BF. P.T. Games etc. recreational games etc. “Detais” 12-12 1917 bathed at baths in VELU WOOD. The G.O.C. Division visited Battalion and inspected camp. VELU WOOD Coy parades for BF. P.T. games etc. Specialist classes under L.G. 13-12-1917 officer and bombing officer. VELU WOOD Parades as for yesterday – On night of 14/15th 5th Brigade relieved 6th 14-12-1917 Brigade in left Sector of Divisional area. Battalion went into Brigade Support with 2 Companies in O BL and 2 Companies in K 14 b & d relieving one Coy of ESSEX REGT in O BL South of K 14 c.1.0, 1 Coy of ESSEX between K 14.c.1.4 and c.1.6. 1 Coy 17th MIDDLESEX abut K.14 d-35-80 and 1 Coy MIDDLESEX in HUNT AVENUE. CANAL LEFT Support position consolidated – fireships dug in support SUPPORT trenches and general improvements carried out. 15-12-1917 CANAL LEFT Working parties supplied to work under supervision of R.E’s – SUPPORT Improvements to our own trenches carried out. Carrying party of 2 16-12-1917 Officers and 50 Other Ranks supplied to “P” Special Coy to carry projectors to front area. Casualties: -Wounded – 2 Other Ranks. CANAL LEFT Working parties supplied – Work on BETTY AVENUE carried on with SUPPORT object of making it into Communication trench to frontline. Carrying 17-12-1917 party for “P” Special Coy supplied again today. CANAL LEFT Work carried on BETTY AVENUE and in SUPPORT TRENCHES. SUPPORT Situation quiet. 18-12-1917 CANAL LEFT Working parties supplied to R.E’s for work in forward areas. SUPPORT Casualties: -Wounded –2 Other Ranks 19-12-1917 TRENCHES The Battalion relieved the 2nd Oxford & Bucks L.I. in Right subsection 20-12-1917 on night 20th/21st. Companies being disposed on following order – “A” Coy Right front with “C” Coy in Support – “D” Coy left front with “B” Coy in Support. Battalion front was KELLETT TRENCH running from the old HINDENBURG line at K 8 a 9.4 to K 9 a 5.8. with six advanced posts. The relief was performed quietly advanced posts being relieved under cover of a mist. See Appendix “C” attached. TRENCHES General improvements to front line and posts carried on. During the 21-12-1917 forenoon enemy shelled area around Coy Headquarters at K 8 b 10.0 with 5 qs. Visability was bad all day and aerial activity practically nil. TRENCHES EnemyCasualties: artillery - Wounded active around– 2 Other K 8b Ranks.-10-0. The enemy had 3 22-12-1917 observation balloons up – one on our front all day. Aerial activity fairly active all day. One enemy plane brought down behind our lines. We carried out general work and improvement to posts and front line. Casualties: -Wounded -2 Other Ranks. TRENCHES Intermittent shelling around Coy Headquarters but no damage done to 23-12-1917 trench system. Companies carried on with trench work and repairs – Night working parties on posts and front line – One artillery very active in Boche trenches north of CAMBRAI Road. Visibility very good all day but not much aerial activity. On night of 23rd/24th an inter Coy relief took place, “B” Coy relieved “D” Coy and “C” Coy relieved “A” Coy. Relief was conducted quietly. Casualties: -Wounded –3 Other Ranks. TRENCHES 6-30pm – At 6-30pm gas was projected over enemy trenches. Enemy 24-12-1917 retaliated in HUNT AVENUE and BULLEN TRENCH with T.M’s about 7-30pm after which active situation became quiet. Casualties: - 2nd /Lt A.D. McLean and 20 Other Ranks – Wounded (GAS). TRENCHES Work in trenches carried on as usual. Front line and support trenches 25-12-1917 improved. Enemy artillery quiet in forenoon. 6 -30pm –At 6-30pm enemy put down heavy shellfire on front line, around Coy H.Q. and Battalion H.Q. Again at 8-30pm enemy shelled same places in retaliation to Gas on previous night. TRENCHES Morning quiet. Visibility was bad all day and aerial activity practically 26-12-1917 nil. From 1pm enemy shelled intermittently all afternoon. On night of 26th/27th Battalion was relieved by the 22nd R.F. and marched to Camp at BARASTRE arriving at midnight. BARASTRE RoadsDay spent difficult cleaning for marching of equipment being coated and with clothing. frozen Kit snow. inspections in 27-12-1917 Casualties:afternoon. -Killed – 1 Other Rank. Wounded – 1 Other Rank. BARASTRE Battalion bathing at Baths VELOWOOD – After baths Companies were 28-12-1917 at disposal of O.C. Companies for inspections of Kit, equipment and Coy Stores. BARASTRE Companies at disposal of Coy Commander for P.T. Games and platoon 29-12-1917 route marches. Afternoon spent improving hutments. BARASTRE Battalion paraded for Divine Services. 30-12-1917 BARASTRE Companies at disposal of O.C. Companies for P.T. B.F. handling of 31-12-1917 Arms, Gas drill etc. The end of the month leaves the Battalion with 42 Officers and 788 Other Ranks.


M. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Bn Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY st 1st January 1918 – 31 January 1918 BARASTRE One hours training in forenoon – remainder of day observed as 01-01-1918 holiday – NEW YEARS DAY. BARASTRE Classes paraded under Specialist Officers – remainder of Battalion 02-01-1918 on working parties erecting Nissen Huts. BARASTRE The Battalion moved into Huts at BEAULENCOURT. 03-01-1918 BARASTRE Training commenced by platoons –parades from 8-30am for P.T. 04-01-1918 BF. Steady drill musketry, Bombing, saluting drill etc. Classes for Lewis Gunners, Bombers, Snipers, Scouts under Specialist Officers. BARASTRE Parades for Training – P.T. & BF. Musketry, Steady drill, Bombing 05-01-1918 etc. Lectures and classes in afternoon. BARASTRE Battalion Paraded for Divine Service. Camp inspection by 06-01-1918 Commanding Officer in the afternoon. BARASTRE Parades for training – P.T., Bombing. Platoon route marches with 07-01-1918 protection “C” & “D” Coys. “C” Coy judging distance test in afternoon. BARASTRE Training – P.T. BF. Platoon route marches with protection “A” & “B” 08-01-1918 Companies. “D” Coy I.D. test in the afternoon. C.O. O.C. Companies attended Divisional Conference at ROUOQUIGNT in afternoon. Training of Division, work etc.discussed. BARASTRE P.T. BF, rifle exercises, rapid loading, fire control, Gas drill for all 09-01-1918 Companies. BARASTRE PT. Salutary drill, Fire & movement. Construction of Bombing block 10-01-1918 practised by “A” Coy. BARASTRE P.T. Bombing, Rifle exercises, rapid loading, fire Control Gas drill – 11-01-1918 Organized Games, sports etc in the afternoon. BARASTRE P.T. Fire Control, rapid loading, Construction of Bombing blocks, Fire 12-01-1918 movements. BARASTRE Divine Services. 13-01-1918 BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short route 14-01-1918 marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs. BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short route 15-01-1918 marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short route 16-01-1918 marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs BEAULENCOURT Weather conditions very bad and all outdoor training except short route 17-01-1918 marches had to be suspended – Platoons carried Musketry & Gas training in their huts. – Much work was done in protecting hut against E.A. bombs BEAULENCOURT Brigade Training – assault behind barrage and formation of a defensive 18-01-1918 flank. BEAULENCOURT Battalion training continued – all Companies did a lot of bombing. 19-01-1918 BEAULENCOURT Divine Services – All ranks went through gas – New line 20-01-1918 VACARIE Sector reconnoitred. BEAULENCOURT Companies made preparation to go into the line. 21-01-1918 22-01-1918 The Battalion entrained at ROCQUIGNY and detrained at TRESCOULT – had dinner in HAURINCOURT WOOD – marched into the line via BEAUCAMP and VILLERS PLUICH – roads were exceedingly bad – The HAWKE BATTN (63rd Div) was relieved by 11.0pm. 23-01-1918 Battalion held the line without incident – trenches were very muddy and wet – the moon was very bright and enemy M.Gs were active causing considerable inconvenience – much work done in stocking line with S.A.A. and forming dumps. 24-01-1918 Battalion held the line without incident – trenches were very muddy and wet – the moon was very bright and enemy M.Gs were active causing considerable inconvenience – much work done in stocking line with S.A.A. and forming dumps. 25-01-1918 Battalion relieved by the 2nd Oxf. & Bucks. L.I. and marched back to HAURINCOURT WOOD. HAURINCOURT Spent in the wood resting and cleaning up – work done in WOOD improving the tracks in the camp. 26-01-1918 HAURINCOURT Spent in the wood resting and cleaning up – work done in WOOD improving the tracks in the camp – Voluntary Presbyterian Service. 27-01-1918 28-01-1918 NO ENTRY for 28th 29-01-1918 Battalion entrained and went into Divisional Reserve at MANACOURT. Billets were good. 30-01-1018 All available men were employed constructing back defences and pitching camps near ETRICOURT. 31-01-1018 All available men were employed constructing back defences and pitching camps near ETRICOURT.


G. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Battalion High L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY th 1st February 1918 – 28 February 1918 MANANCOURT Whole Battalion out working again in the vicinity of ETRICOURT. 01-02-1918 MANANCOURT First day we have had without a working party to provide. Usual 02-02-1918 company training carried on in the forenoon. Football match against Divisional H.Qrs. at ETRICOURT in the afternoon, which we succeeded in drawing (2 all) during the last five minutes of the game. LA VACQUERIE Our Brigade relieved the 99th Brigade in the VACQUERIE SECTOR RIGHT Sector at night. The Battalion relieved the 1st Royal Berks 03-02-1918 in the line and the 52nd L.I. is on our right. ”B” & “C” Coies are in the front line with “A” & “D” in support. The Battalion left billets in MANANCOURT in the early afternoon and after a long journey partly by light railway & mostly on foot, relief was finally reported complete at 10pm The route up the line was the main road through TRESCAULT, BEAUCAMP & VILLERS PLOUICH and as it is the only approach to the whole of the Corps front, there was a terrible congestion of transport & infantry going both ways. We trudged along the road, pitted all the way with shell-holes and being held up every 500yds by a block in the traffic. Artillery limbers galloping past splashed us with mud from head to foot, so we were very thankful to get to the end of our journey, even though it was only an elephant shelter amidst a sea of mud. VILLERS PLOUICH was heavily shelled at night just after we had got clear of the village. LA VACQUERIE A very uneventful day. Nothing could be done during the day as no SECTOR movement is allowed over the top and it is not very comfortable wading 04-02-1918 through the trenches. As soon as it became dusk the usual trench routine was carried on working & wiring was soon in progress and continued all night long. LA VACQUERIE Everything was quiet last night till 5.30am this morning when the SECTOR enemy barraged our line for half an hour. We luckily escaped 05-02-1918 without any casualties. LA VACQUERIE There is a great improvement in the trenches already in our front. SECTOR Mainly due to the long spell dry weather we have had recently. An 06-02-1918 inter-Coy relief took place at night, “A” & “D” Coies taking over the front line and “B” & “C” going with support. Our ration limbers were shelled at night and one mule was killed. This is the first Transport animal we have had killed for over two years. LA VACQUERIE Very quiet day. It was very dark at night now as there is no moon, so SECTOR wiring & work is greatly hampered. Weather is very mild most unlike 07-02-1918 February & at night we had the first shower of rain we have had for some considerable time. LA VACQUERIE The result of the rain is that the trenches are again in an appalling SECTOR condition, making going very heavy indeed. Exceptionally quiet 08-02-1918 night. LA VACQUERIE The Division has been reorganised & there are now only three SECTOR Battalions in every Brigade. The 17th RF. has left the 5th Brigade and 09-02-1918 the 52nd L.I. –24th RF and ourselves only are left. All three Brigades are now permanently in the line, having one battalion in the front line, one in support and the other in reserve. At night the battalion moved into support of the centre brigade sector, the 99th Brigade being on our right & the 6th Brigade on our left, the 24th RF taking over the front line. Battalion HQ “A” & “C” Coies are in VILLERS PLOUICH accommodated in dugouts and shelters, “B” & “D” in HAVRINCOURT WOOD. The relief, being naturally complicated owing to brigade having to sideslip and the whole division being on the move at the same time, went off very quietly without a hitch and without any interference from the Hun. LA VACQUERIE The whole day was devoted to improvements of billets and SECTOR strengthening shelters, some of which are not even “whizz-bang” 10-02-1918 proof. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a comparatively SECTOR easy time at present and only provide a working party of one company 11-02-1918 each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a comparatively SECTOR easy time at present and only provide a working party of one company 12-02-1918 each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a comparatively SECTOR easy time at present and only provide a working party of one company 13-02-1918 each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Nothing of interest to report. The battalion is having a comparatively SECTOR easy time at present and only provide a working party of one company 14-02-1918 each night for work on our new support line. The two companies in HAVRINCOURT WOOD are exceptionally lucky as they have fairly good quarters and little to do in the way of Working Parties. LA VACQUERIE Our brigade has taken over a few more posts from the 6th Brigade on SECTOR our left in order to equalise the Brigade Fronts. At night we were 15-02-1918 relieved in support by the 24th RF. and moved back to a camp just S.W. of METZ vacated by the 52nd L.I., who took over the line. The Camp entirely consists of tents, which are scattered all over the countryside, companies being about 300yds apart. METZ The day was chiefly devoted to a thorough cleaning up. One Coy is 16-02-1918 out every night wiring on the Corps defences in front of METZ. “B” Coy while working at night got badly shelled and had 1 NCO killed. Boche aeroplanes came over our line at night from 7 o’clock till midnight and bombed several places round about, especially FINS where our transport lines are, but we escaped altogether mainly due to the fact that we are in a valley & kept our lights out. METZ Church parades & bathing in the morning at METZ. We are having a 17-02-1918 complete change of weather now, hard frost. We had a visit again by Boche aeroplanes, but no bombs dropped near us. METZ Usual out of the line training carried on by Companies. In the afternoon 18-02-1918 the Major General commanding the division, General Pereira CB.after lunching with us, presented Lieut Whittle and 120 Other Ranks with the 1914 Star Medal Ribbon. There were 159 altogether entitled to it but the METZ Weremainder do Company are not trainingwith the inBattalion the morning at present. and nearly every afternoon 19-02-1918 scratch football matches between companies. Although it was a very clear night we did not get bombed at all. METZ Normal training carried on. A thaw has set in and we had rain at night, 20-02-1918 which was rather uncomfortable as most of the tents are riddled with METZ Theshrapnel. Corps front is to be held with three divisions now instead of four, 21-02-1918 so our division is taking over one brigade front from the 63rd Division on our left. The 5th Bde took over this front at night, the battalion relieving the 1st R.M.L.I. and ANSON BATTN> in the front line with the 52nd L.I. in support and the 24th RF. in HAYRINCOURT WOOD. The front line at present mainly consists chiefly of a sunken road with small saps running out all along. It was a very complicated relief, as we took over from two different battalions and at the same time had to re- organise the whole front so that each Coy in the front line had three VACQUERIE SECTOR Weplatoon are havingposts. In a spitecomparatively of this relief quiet was time complete except by for 10pm. the occasional “B” “C” & 22-02-1918 Trench“D” companies Mortar “Strafes”. are in the Thefront trenches line with are “A” in ain pretty support wet near & muddybattalion conditionHQrs. and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the VACQUERIE SECTOR Wewhole are front. having a comparatively quiet time except for the occasional 23-02-1918 Trench Mortar “Strafes”. The trenches are in a pretty wet & muddy condition and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the VACQUERIE SECTOR Wewhole are front. having a comparatively quiet time except for the occasional 24-02-1918 Trench Mortar “Strafes”. The trenches are in a pretty wet & muddy condition and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the VACQUERIE SECTOR Wewhole are front. having a comparatively quiet time except for the occasional 25-02-1918 Trench Mortar “Strafes”. The trenches are in a pretty wet & muddy condition and require a great deal of work to make them habitable. There was practically no wire, when it was handed over, so companies are putting out 15 coils of wire, on an average each night along the whole front. VACQUERIE SECTOR The difficulties of holding such a lengthy line increase & cause some 26-02-1918 anxiety. One especial difficulty is the left flank (“D”Coy). There has been an increase of artillery activity today. VACQUERIE SECTOR Earlier part of the day uneventful. At about 6pm a very heavy T.M. 27-02-1918 barrage was put down on “D” Coys front although no raid was made, there are grounds for believing, that one was intended. The Battalion was relieved tonight by the 24th R.Fus.On relief the Battalion went into support & relieved 2nd Oxford Bucks L.I. All relief complete by 11-15pm. VACQUERIE SECTOR Ordinary routine today. One may remark that during the recent 28-02-1918 times in the line the arrangement for R.E. material worked smoothly and satisfactorily.

Effective strength at the end of February 1918 – Officers – 39 Other Ranks – 1056.

Signed G. Knight Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY st 1st March 1918 – 31 March 1918 LA VACQUERIE LEFT The beginning of a new month found the battalion in support to the 24th 01-03-1918 Royal Fusiliers holding LA VACQUERIE LEFT. The rumours of a coming enemy offensive circle thick and fast. Perhaps the reality of things is brought into bolder relief by the fact of the new work & dumps under construction in the Reserve System of Trenches. Then to the Intelligence information called from HQs Summaries downwards, point to enemy action at an early date. 5am – About 5am a very heavy barrage descended on the Front Support Lines & at 5.30am the SOS was put up by the 24th Royal Fusiliers. Has the offensive started? was the natural query, which sprang to the lips of all. But the offensive had not started & nothing eventuated except one of raids by which the enemy seems at present, to be testing the strength of the front. The barrage had, however, cut all the wires both forward to companies & back to Brigade, so day had dawned before the situation was quite clear. Except for desultory shelling the remainder of today was quiet. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Things quiet on the whole& ordinary routine followed. The snow 02-03-1918 arrived with its consequent mud and this makes the trenches very uncomfortable. Added to a certain apprehensiveness, difficult to diagnose, there is a general restlessness all round. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Things quiet on the whole& ordinary routine followed. The snow 03-03-1918 arrived with its consequent mud and this makes the trenches very uncomfortable. Added to a certain apprehensiveness, difficult to diagnose, there is a general restlessness all round. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Things quiet on the whole& ordinary routine followed. The snow 04-03-1918 arrived with its consequent mud and this makes the trenches very uncomfortable. Added to a certain apprehensiveness, difficult to diagnose, there is a general restlessness all round. LA VACQUERIE LEFT Tonight we were relieved by the 24th Royal Fusiliers who had been th 05-03-1918 relieved by the 29 Oxf & Bucks L.I. On completion of relief the Battalion withdrew to reserve in METZ with one Company in WINCHESTER VALLEY CAMP. METZ Day devoted to general cleaning up. The Battalion in reserve has also 06-03-1918 got to find special working parties for cable – burying. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a considerable 07-03-1918 number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a considerable 08-03-1918 number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a considerable 09-03-1918 number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ So far as possible training was carried out, but there were a considerable 10-03-1918 number of working parties to be found. Some specialist training of snipers & observers was successfully undertaken, reconnaissance’s by officers & runners of the BILHEN. SWITCH and METZ defences completed. Unfortunately there was not much opportunity for Recreational Training, although one or two football matches were played. METZ METZ was heavily shelled about mid-day, and again about 6pm. Lieu. F. Surtees 11-03-1918 About 7-30pm the Battalion proceeded to take over the Front Line 2nd/Lt W. Storrie from the 52nd L.I. Gas shelling of all back and support areas DSO commenced about this time, unfortunately a good many casualties were the result. “B” Coy specially affected when passing through the valley of VILLERS – PLUICH. As the night advanced the gas shelling increased in intensity. Mustard Gas was largely used. The difficulty of moving the respirators on a very narrow road with limbers in both directions was naturally very great & this was undoubtedly one reason for the number of casualties. Two officers and 75 other ranks were badly affected & had to be evacuated. METZ It was the morning of the 12th before the relief was completed. 12-03-1918 Desultory shelling throughout the day with a renewal of Gas shelling over back areas at night. METZ From the information given by deserters it was thought highly probable 13-03-1918 that the enemy would attack this morning but the forenoon advanced and there was no sign of hostile intention. The effects of Gas shelling on the night of 11th/12th are now making themselves more apparent & men not previously affected show symptoms – especially in the matters of sore eyes & sore throat. Clearly clothing has much to do in retaining this poison gas. The night was quieter & there was less shelling of the back areas. LA VACQUERIE Dawn broke quietly & the day was bright with sunshine. Toward 14-03-1918 evening there was a recommencement of Gas shelling but our immediate area was unaffected. LA VACQUERIE Today showed a slight increase in enemy shelling. A light 15-03-1918 shell fell near Bn HQ wounding slightly Major T. McM Mitchell. LA VACQUERIE Speaking generally things were very quiet, so far the expected 16-03-1918 offensive has not materialised. LA VACQUERIE Tonight saw the Bn relieved by the 24th Royal Fusiliers. On relief 17-03-1918 we relieved the 2nd Oxf/Bucks L.I. in Support in the HIGHLAND RIDGE LINE. LA VACQUERIE Work on DIARMID TRENCH was taken over from 2nd Oxf/Bucks 18-03-1918 L.I. & continued by the Bn. Two Companies were in occupation of the DIARMID LINE by night. By day they went to the HIGHLAND LINE. One Company was in WOOD TRENCH & WOOD SUPPORT East of the ORCHID SWITCH & one Coy WEST of ORCHID SWITCH. LA VACQUERIE Today representatives of the 47th(London) Division were round the Bn 19-03-1918 area with a view to taking over the line. LA VACQUERIE Tonight the Bn was relieved by the 20th London Regt. & on 20-03-1918 relief marched to TRESCAULT. From here the troops went by train to YTRES LA VACQUERIE Arrived at LITTLEWOOD CAMP about 5am. Hardly had the Bn 21-03-1918 got settled down in Camp when orders for STAND TO arrived. The Bn was placed at a moments notice. The German offensive had commenced. All day guns roared. There was great aerial activity. There was tense excitement to know really just what was happening. YTRES 3am – Orders were received from the Bde that 2nd Division was to be Ref sheet 570 22-03-1918 concentrated by 7am in the area BARASTRE – HAMINCOURT. BARASTRE. Kits and blankets had to be left under charge of the Pipers. On arrival at BARASTRE the Bn occupied huts. A reconnaissance was at once carried out of the GREEN LINE. Events moved rapidly & by 2pm the 5th Brigade saw itself under 17th Division as a Reserve Brigade with their HQ at BERTINCOURT. According to orders the area J33 34 a & c & P4a were occupied. The 52nd Light Infantry & the 2nd Highland L.I. were ordered to occupy trenches north of the CT. running from about P3c 2 8 to J34 C 7.3 – the 52nd L.I. on the right. The 24th Royal Fusiliers were to occupy the above-mentioned C.T. & trenches South of it, but they were only permitted to Coies SE of the CANAL, if a safe crossing were assumed. By 7pm positions were taken up. The general situation was that the 2nd Oxf & Buck L.I. & ourselves were in a cup-shaped hollow occupied by Batteries, “A” “B” & “C” Coies, held the circular crest line, while “D” Coy was a reserve in the valley. The Batteries in the hollow were covering 17th Division and for SOS purposes also the 51st Division. Fighting was going on at HERNIES north east of our position. Trench was gained with the 4th SEAFORTHS & the 17th Division forward. The Battalion was prepared for three eventualities: - (a) To counter attack from the approx line J28 C 9-0 to J28 C0-5 in order restore any break in the line which might have been made between J23 d 8-2 and the junction of JARGON TRENCH with the Third System in J28a (b) To reinforce troops holding the HERMIES defences. (c) To counter-attack HERMIES in the event of its capture by the enemy. We managed to get rations safely up to the positions & also fetched up a large reserve Supply of SAA Grenades from the 57th Brigade Dump at LOCK 7. The night passed uneventfully but the guns were kept busy replying to SOS calls.

BERTINCOURT AREA Orders arrived early for the Brigade to move back once again to the 23-03-1918 occupation of the GREEN LINE. By 8am the Battalion was once again in position between BERTINCOURT & HAPLINCOURT. In reality this position was forward of the GREEN LINE. This fact led to some confusion with the Artillery, whose SOS lines were naturally on the map position of the GREEN LINE with a consequent short- shooting in the line actually held by the Battalion. Our withdrawal to this position was necessitated by the Vth Corps finding it expedient to occupy the Second System. Once in position we had two Battalions of the 63rd Division and our right ratio the 52nd L.I Trench on the left was gained with 1st Kings after we had taken over a frontage held by the 17th Royal Fusiliers. The line held could not really be called a trench system. The trenches, which did not exist, were of a very scratchy nature. Wedged on the left was a Coy of the WORCESTERS composed of odd details of the 19th Division, which had not gone back beyond the general line held by the 2nd Division. The day was fairly quiet but ground observers reported much movement on left about VELU WOOD. Small enemy parties were working forward and odd bursts of MG fire showed that at least patrols were forward. While doing liaison with Battalion and the left, the Battalion Intelligence Officer, Lt J. M. MITCHELL was killed by a sniper. Battalion HQ for a part of the day had been in a NISSEN HUT, but owing to an enemy field guns activity a small derelict trench, running out from a shell hole, was worked on. This became a Bn HQ & was organised as a strong point for all-round defence. All night long YTRES dump blazed way in constant explosions and the whole sky was a lurid red. NAPLINCOURT Our outposts & patrols were active & night sniping was undoubtedly of 23-03-1918 great value. Enemy artillery was active on our left and on the Battalion front there was intermittent shelling all night. 2am – About 2am the Brigade informed us that there were good grounds for believing that BUS was in the hands of the enemy. An all round defensive was required. That the situation was one of growing seriousness soon became apparent & the Brigade issued the following message; BM111 – 24.3.18 AAA Situation as follows, aaa will hold the GREEN LINE as before to P2 b 3.1 thence 2 Battalions of the 63rd Division holding the GREEN LINE probably to near YTRES as they stated at 2-30am aaa. They intended to form a defensive flank round YTRES dump had the next troops area 24th Royal Fusiliers HQ & 2 Companies holding the line NE & N of BUS, then 100 men of 1st K.R.R. & Bde HQ about 023 b 9.4 then party of HAWKE Bn north of BUS & party of LONDON Regt South of BUS with right flank in “air” 100 men of 5th Brigade HQ hold BARASTRE BUS Road near BARASTRE + 2 Companies of the 10th DCLI along the bottom line of O 15d. 2 Companies between BARASTRE & O 5d aaa. The Germans area.

BERTINCOURT – Germans are in great strength N & W of one part of the GREEN LINE, KILLED: HAPLINCOURT and they advanced at midnight in the line extending from BUS to Lt J.F. Tomlins 24-03-1918 YTRES & entered YTRES aaa. They were at 4.50am in BUS with 2nd/Lt D.B. Howel Hamienwerfer & then lights of SA fire also coming from O 35 & 36 WOUNDED: aaa. Capt G.C.D. Spence. The Brigade will be ready to put up an all round defence aaa Ends. The Capt J.G.B.P. situation was this to a certain extent, crystallised. Fortunately the Graham. Lt C.D. Battalion rations & water had been got up in the early morning Mitchell Lt L.C. although the flare of YTRES dump burning silhouetted the timbers in Bevis. MISSING: a dangerous manner. Capt M.A. Kincaid Dawn broke brightly & by 8am the day was bright with sunshine. Capt W.J. Donnell 9am – About 9am orders arrived stating that owing to the positions WOUNDED & occupied by the enemy on our right flank a withdrawal was necessary. MISSING: Enemy lights indeed were seen all round – many lights were put up 2nd/Lt D. Sheridan DG from VELU WOOD. The Battalion was ordered to cover the retirement of the 24th Royal Fusiliers& the 2nd Oxf. & Bucks L.I. Once these units had passed through we fell back in an ordered manner. HQ Coy saw all companies through. The line on which we retired was WEST of BARASTRE facing EAST. There was a constant danger in the right flank owing to the uncertainty as to whether or not there were troops in any proper t--el & probably this accounted for the fact of the right of the Brigade being swung back so as to give a defensive flank. This manoeuvre prejudiced the left flanks & with difficulty we got t—el with the 1st Kings. In order to fill up the gap between the Kings & ourselves, patrols were pushed out from the left. Lt D. Sheridan DCM took out a platoon to minimise the danger of the gap on the left flank & gave invaluable assistance with covering fire, which allowed of a gap readjustment in the flank & brought to the 6th Brigade into more even line with the 5th Brigade. This officer, with the majority of his platoon, was wounded, but the difficult duty had been completed. Machine gun fire at this time was withering in its intensity – Shelling with Fld guns was also intense. A general withdrawal on to the RED LINE was found necessary. This line was dug on the hillcrest running NW & SW in front of VILLERS-AU-FLOS. The Trench line in the 5th Brigade Front was already manned by the 24th Royal Fusiliers & on this line the Battalion along with the 52nd L.I retired. This operation was a most difficult one owing to the MG barrage, which the enemy put down. It was only natural that companies should pass through the RED LINE & unless checked, wander off into the Blue. After all, no one had heard of the RED LINE before. About 3pm a diversion was caused by an attempted counter- attack by Tanks was successful. By 4pm, of our tanks, which were engaged, only two got back. 3-30pm – At this time Major H. Ross Skinner DSO. MC. – Captain J. Condra Hamilton who were Acting Adjutants had a Conference with the Commanding Officers of the 24th Royal Fusiliers, the 52nd L.I. & our own Col – Lt/Col Knight. It was eventually agreed that the time had come for a retirement to a line astride the BAPAUME-PERONNE Road. The 24th Royal Fusiliers were to hold on for 15 minutes & cover the retirement of the 18th SR. & 52nd L.I.

RED LINE Major Ross Skinner & Capt Condra Hamilton accordingly set out at 24-03-1918 once to put their order into execution. On arrival at the Road where the th Bn had been collected it was found that the line had given – the 24 Royal Fusiliers, were in actually passing through the Bn. Once again HQ Coy covered the retirement. By this time VILLERS-AU-FLOS was rendered almost impossible & a number of those missing undoubtedly fell into enemy hands, wounded on the retirement through this bloodstained village. Estimated casualties for this day were: Officers – Killed = 2. Wounded = 4 Missing = 3 Other Ranks – Killed, wounded & missing = 150.

The Battalion rallied, reorganised at BEAULENCOURT. Elements of

the 51st Division were holding a covering line here. Orders were

received verbally from the Brigade Major to fall back on LIGNY-

THILLOY & to this place the Battalion moved.

Night fell & the exhausted troops were permitted to sleep for two hours

with outposts on. By this time the situation was very vague but at least

the Brigade were close concentrated here except part of the 24th Royal

Fusiliers who were believed to have gone to .

VILLERS-AU-FLOS 24-03-1918 LIGNY-THILLOY 24-03-1918

LIGNY-THILLOY 3am – The so called line of LIGNY-THILLOY had just been 25-03-1918 occupied when the Brigade received orders to march in Brigade column to COURCELETTE. At 4pm the Brigade marched on to the BAPAUNE-ALBERT en route for COURCELETTE-PYS line, COURCELETTE was reached about 8am and while Commanding Officers had a conference with the Brigadier the men made themselves breakfast with what rations were in possession. In the “connty retired area”, the evacuation of back area troops must have been of a very hasty nature. Whole stores were left undestroyed, as were also railway lines. The proper destruction of trench stores & lines of communication would have most desirable. In conjunction with the 6th Brigade an outpost line was formed on the PYS- COURCELLETE line to cover the retirement of the 99th Infantry Brigade. The Battalion was on the high ground overlooking DYKE VALLEY. As the enemy advanced through LESARS the 6th Brigade fell back and conformed to our line on the left. Our “C” & “B” companies then got trench on the left – Major H Ross Skinner assisted the sentiency Coy. Officer & ---entrained on defence on the left flank. As there now appeared to be a general withdrawal on the flanks & no information or orders had come through from the Brigade Lt Col Knight commanding the Battalion decide along with Lt Col Crosse DSO of the 2nd Oxf & Bucks that their two Battalions should continue to hold the line and the ridge overlooking the COURCELETTE-MIRAUMONT road facing East – approx R17 c& d – 24 a & b. It was now about 3pm. Only later was it learned that previous to this time the Bde had sent orders to withdraw but the orderly had been killed. A warning against proceeding in the direction of MIRAUMONT had also been issued, nor was this received. In the face of it our position was most precarious. Early in the morning COURCELETTE great numbers of the enemy had been seen facing our position on the 25-03-1918 ridges opposite due East. It appeared that these were working down valleys in right and left, if by any chance they were allowed to sweep down to valley of the ANCRE, we should be entirely cut off. Lt/Col Crosse & Lt Col Knight that an ordered withdrawal was imperative & this was done. Eventually we made up to the valley in Q18 d & rested there with outposts on the ridge. At this point it was learned that the Brigade has established a Headquarters somewhere in BEAUMONT-HAMEL road, It was then decided that the Battalion would, pending receipt of orders, reoccupy a position on the ridge in Q 18 c & so ensure crossing at BRIDGE, in Q 24a. About 6-30pm the Battalion was in position – “A”&”D” on the hill crest overlooking the ANCRE and North of HAMEL, “C” in Support with one platoon & 2 Lewis Guns guarding the wire crossing & also the RAILWAY, “B” in Support near Battalion HQ about Q 18 C 3.1 in a tin shed. About 7pm Captain Condra Hamilton met the GSO II of the 63rd (Naval) Division who said that the 63rd Division were holding the ridge at the East Side of the River. This information was at once communicated to the Brigade who were able to arrange the left flank of the Brigade accordingly. Ration limbers were got up to the Battalion, as also were SAA Bombs.

Bn HQ HAMEL 25-03-1918

HAMEL 5am -A readjustment of the position was ordered to commence at 26-03-1918 5am this morning. This meant the re-occupation of the Old British Line. Along with 24th Royal Fusiliers, we were ordered to hold this line from about Q16 central to Q 10 b 0.6. This move was effected. The 1st Berks were on the right. An early relief was promised & also reinforcements. Beyond the 24th Royal Fusiliers on the left was a gap, which was filled up by Divisional Details from Rifleman’s School, Divisional Band, 1 under Major Smith K.R.R. th An enemy attack developed & in conjunction with the 24 Royal Fusiliers the left flank was made defensive. Considerable success was obtained with our rifle & Lewis for fire & the enemy was held in our immediate front. Considerable numbers of enemy were observed trying to walk round in our left flank. About 3pm a NEW ZEALAND Brigade counter attacked through our lines, in fact the Counter attack extended up to HEBUTERNE where Tanks were successfully used. About 7pm we were given permission to withdraw and leave our trenches to the NEW ZEALANDERS. This was done. The Battalion proceeded to MAILLY-MAILLET where hot food was waiting. Men were in Bivouacs in a wood West of the Village (P12d central). Battalion HQ remained for the night in the village. The usual orders to prevent looting were at once issued, because the civilian population of this village having evacuated it a day or so previously.

MAILLY-MAILLET An order arrived for the Colonel to proceed by car to reconnoitre 27-03- 1918 positions & lines of the Reserve System. It was also ordered that the whole Brigade should be concentrated in Square P17. This was done & the men certainly more comfortable. At 12 noon, a Stand To was ordered because the enemy were attacking BEAUMONT HAMEL 6-30pm – At 6-50pm orders came to get ready to move at once to MARTINSART in relief of a Brigade of the 12th Division. The Brigade marched not really knowing what its role was to be. Eventually the Brigade relieved ANSON Brigade. They were a close support, giving backing to elements of the SUSSEX and EAST MARTINSART KENTSBattalion who HQ wereestablished holding in aa somewhathouse in the vague Village. line throughThe night AVELUY passed 28-03-1918 brokeWOODquietly. dull The& & South dayrather of cloudy. MARTINSART. Manoeuvres continued, however, got a good view from the top-room of the house where we were. 9am – At 9am hostile shelling commenced -ren work intense. Very soon the house occupied by Battalion HQ became untenable so a move was made to a cellar underneath the Regtl Aid Post, which was Thereopposite was the desultory CHATEAU, fighting Brigade all day HQ.on the Brigade front although no hand to hand fighting, on an immediate Bde front. A good many Postwounded including passed 3 throughenemy wounded. the Bn – Aid 1 German under-officer also was captured. Although he refused to talk he had on him several valuable maps.Lt Col G.M. Knight departed today. Major H. Ross Skinner DSO. Command.MC took over Into the early afternoon it was possible to send companies the following message: - .X 11. 2873/ aaa. Ref Sheet 57D S.E. aaa. Brigade distributed as follows aaa, 2pmRoyal - Oxfords Fusiliers in inQ34 Q28 a & b b &less Q29c one Company aaa. Fresh which Battalion has reinforced of NEW th ZEALANDERSfront line. 24 are in reserve in Q21 central aaa. Enemy have been tryingW16, &to theirwork snipersup valley reached between x-roads W10 &in W9d. aaa.

MARTINSART Our Machine Guns are x sweeping this valley aaa. They have also 28-03-1918 attempted to get in to the Spin in W16 aaa. Brigades in right and left are very pleased with situation aaa. All companies are in same positions as at 7am this morning but “C” Coy have reconnoitred the ground just South of W3 central & are ready to form defensive flank area. If commanding Lewis Guns positions can be made in houses this should be done for at least one gun per company aaa x-roads aaa. “A”&”D” all companies, repeated 5th Infantry Brigade . Undoubtedly both men and officers were very tired out & a special message to this effect was sent by the Brigade to the Division. 6-15pm – The line was held all day. At 6-15pm a telegram was received stating that the Division could not yet be relieved. The 2nd & 12th Divisions were to hold the line with two Brigades each in the line. 2nd Division to have 99th Brigade on the right between AUTUILLE Bridge & Q29 8 3.5 & 5th Brigade thence to junction with about Q23 C 3.8. The fighting during the day had clarified the situation by work clearly plotting the exact location of the enemy. The Battalion was to be on the night of the Brigade with an inter- battalion boundary at Q29 q 3.3 with 2nd Oxford-Bucks L.I. on the left. The line was not to be taken over as held by the Queen’s Regiment but a new line of dispositions found. 2nd /Lt A.G. Grant was at once sent to forward to arrange about Guides & find out what on positions the Queens had already made He returned with the desired information & the Battalion moved up via MESNIL at 11pm. MARTINSART Battalion HQ were established at the CHATEAU Q28 d 8.5 & ---then 29-03-1918 the O.C. Queens prepared to meet Major Ross Skinner & await relief. The line to be taken over was a difficult one both on account of the sunken road & the Railway. 3am - But at 3am after a personal reconnaissance of the position, Major Ross Skinner DSO we informed the O.C. Queens Regt, he was satisfied. & so relief was complete was complete. The following telegram was then despatched to the Brigadier. Z10. 29/3/18 aaa. Relief complete. Front line held by three companies --- as follows from Q29 d 3.4 to Q29 a 4.3 aaa. Reserve Coy from Q29 c 6.9 to Q29 c 4.5 aaa, Bn HQ at Q28 d 8.5 – Trench on right with R.Berks at Q29 d.4.4 aaa. They seem to be holding then front rather too thinly aaa. Trench in left with Oxfords who are 100 x from the road aaa. A complete post is being formed aaa. A continuous line is not being made because it would be impossible to complete it and it would give away the position aaa A 1RN. 3-30pm – Strict orders were made for an absolute minimum of movement during the day. The day passed uneventfully, in the evening we were relieved by one strong Company of the D.C.L.I. The Battalion marched back via ENGLEBELMER to billets in HEDAUVILLE.

HEDAUVILLE The troops rested all forenoon. 30-03-1918 In the afternoon the Battalion marched to billets in VARENNES in order to vacate HEDAUVILLE for the 6th Infantry Brigade. Both these villages – HEDAUVILLE & VARENNES showed all signs of having been very hastily evacuated by the Civilian population.


D.M. Murray Lyon Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Bn Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd BN HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY 1st April 1918 – 30th April 1918 VARENNES The two last days of March had given the chance of at least one good Lt P. Brodie 01-04-1918 night's rest for all ranks. Today orders arrived that once again the Battalion had to go into the MESNIL sector and relieve the Composite Battalion. This Composite Battalion had been formed from all the reinforcements & casuals who arrived to the Division. It also included men returned from leave and causes of instruction and was strong enough to relieve our new depleted Brigade. 4pm – The Battalion moved off. The side of ENGLEBELMER, to which point the Cookers had gone on ahead, made a halt for tea. Relieved the Composite Battalion in centre sub-section of MESNIL section with Ban HQ at the CHATEAU as before – or to speak more correctly under the CHATEAU. “C” Coy had bad luck going into the line. When passing near Ban HQ, 9 men were knocked out by one shell. MESNIL TheOne nightOfficer passed was wounded.quietly. The 38th Division was due to relieve us, but 02-04-1918 this was cancelled at the last minute and the 63rd Division was detailed for this duty. Representatives of the 4th Bedfordshire Regiment Considerable shelling of MESNIL VILLAGE today. MESNIL The Battalion was relieved tonight in the line by the 4th Bedfordshire 03-04-1918 Regiment. VARENNES On completion of relief, the Battalion marched back & 04-04-1918 occupied the same billets previously occupied in VARENNES. In the afternoon the Brigade marched to THIEVRES via ACHEUX THIEVRES and VAUCHELLES and billeted there for the night. 04-04-1918 THIEVRES The Battalion marched in Brigade column to via 05-04-1918 LUCHEUX. Great number of Chinese working here. The sound of the pipes brought them away in hundreds from their work. It was an amazing spectacle to see this motley crew lining the road & clapping their hands with almost childish glee at the sound of the pipes and IVERGNY drums. The billets allotted to the Battalion in INVERGNY were very 05-04-1918 good. MAGNICOURT SUR Today the Battalion marched to billets in MAGNICOURT sur CANCHE CANCHE a pleasant village enough, partly in a valley and partly on 06-04-1918 the hill slope. Bn HQ was in the Village schoolmaster’s house. Lt/Col D.M. Murray Lyon DSO MC returned to the regiment today and took over command MAGNICOURT SUR Two of the companies had some range practice today. CANCHE The day being Sunday and also warm and bright, there was a Church 07-04-1918 parade in the open. MAGNICOURT SUR Cleaning up and baths were the order of the day. CANCHE 08-04-1918 IVERGNY Owing to some change in CORPS area, orders came for the 09-04-1918 Battalion to return to INVERGNY and billet there. IVERGNY Once again the Battalion at short notice to move. Companies going to 10-04-1918 the LUCHEUX ranges had to go in marching order so as to be ready to march off at short notice. IVERGNY The Battalion moved at very short notice to billets in 11-04-1918 and stayed the night there.

IVERGNY Today the Brigade was close concentrated in . The Battalion 12-04-1918 was at 1 hours notice from 8am to 12noon and 3 hours notice from 12noon to 8am. The Corps Commander of the V1th Corps – Sir Aylmer Haldane KCB visited the Battalion this morning and inspected a draft of recruits. The Colonel and 1 officer per Company went off today to reconnoitre the PURPLE LINE in case of the necessity of relieving the GAURDS DIVISION. The 108 Reinforcements went off today under Lt Keddie to the Div. Draft School. CENTRE SECTION The Brigade ordered to relieve the Centre Brigade of the Guards 13-04-1918 Division in the line tonight – Major H Ross Skinner DSO MC went on to arrange the details of the relief. The Guards Divisional Front is held by 3 Brigades with two battalions of each Brigade in the line. The Battalion ordered to take over from the 1st Coldstream Guards the right sub section of the Centre Brigade – a section of line in front of and MOYENVILLE. The Battalion embossed in the ARRAS road at 6pm and re-embossed at BLAIRVILLE – then marched through HENDECOURT and BOIRY ST MARTIN. The night was inky black. CENTRE SECTION A difficult piece of line had been taken over and owing to the Lt T.H. OLDERSH- 14-04-1918 blackness unfortunately a patrol of one Officer and 3 Other Ranks SHAW went missing. No movement forward of the RESERVE LINE is possible by day. CENTRE SECTION Another patrol was unfortunate in coming suddenly on an unknown 15-04-1918 enemy post. CENTRE SECTION The patrol got back safely to our lines except Officer who is missing. Lt C.F.F. 16-04-1918 Tonight we were relieved by the 2nd Oxf/Bucks L.I. and withdrew to TWYNAM the PURPLE or RESERVE LINE CENTRE SECTION Day spent in general cleaning up. 17-04-1918 CENTRE SECTION Men got baths today and were paid out. 18-04-1918 CENTRE SECTION The Battalion took over the left sub-section tonight from the 24th 19-04-1918 Royal Fusiliers. The companies are dispersed as follows: - Right Front “C” Coy. Left Front 2 Platoon “B” Coy. Support “D” Coy. Reserve “A” Coy. CENTRE SECTION QuietDefended day. Locality Preparations “B” lessin progress 2 platoons. for a raid on enemy posts opposite 20-04-1918 the left Coy, front of the Right Sub Section. It was decided to have a short shoot on the 21st against a suspected post but no artillery preparation or cover for the raiding party was contemplated. Raiding party for their work. Lt D.G. Thorburn M.C. 3 NCOs and LEFT CENTRE 30 men had been selected. The orders for the raid are attached as 21-04-1918 Appendix A. LEFT CENTRE 3.45am – Zero hour for the raid was 3.45am. The posts visited were 22-04-1918 found to have been vacated by the enemy, but identification was obtained. Our casualties were one killed and two missing. The narrative LEFT CENTRE Anof the inter operation Coy relief is attached overnight as Appendixbrought “A” B. Coy & 2 platoons of “D” 23-04-1918 into the Front Line, “B” came to Support & “C” to Reserve. Quiet day. LEFT CENTRE The Sector still remains quiet. 24-04-1918 LEFT CENTRE On the night of 25th/26th the 2nd Oxf & Bucks L.I. relieved the 25-04-1918 Battalion and we withdrew into PURPLE System. LEFT CENTRE Lt/Col W.L. Brodie RC. MC on a GHQ posting took over Command of 26-04-1918 the Battalion. LEFT CENTRE Companies went to Baths at BERLES & BRETENCOURT. Lewis 27-04-1918 Guns were all tested & the Gunners practiced. LEFT CENTRE Any organised training in the RESERVE LINE was of course 28-04-1918 impossible, but rifle practice & Lewis Gun firing was carried on in the Bank near Bn HQ. LEFT CENTRE Tonight the Battalion took over the Right Sub Section from the 24th 29-04-1918 Royal Fusiliers. The Sector still quiet. LEFT CENTRE Movement forward of the Reserve Coy not possible by day. A patrol 30-04-1918 under Lt H.M. Miller MC found the body of Lt C.F.F. Twynam in a sunken road. It was brought in and buried in BLAIRE-VILLE Cemetery. BATTALION ORDER No 55

Lt/Col D.M. MURRAY-LYON DSO. MC. Commanding 2nd Bn. Highland Light Infantry. 1. INTENTION. A Minor operation will be carried out on the night 21/22nd April 1918. 2. OBJECTS (a) To rush the enemy posts at S.29.a.36.23. S.29.a.2.6 and S29.a.50.68.

(b) To kill the enemy. (c) To obtain prisoners.

3. ORGANISATION. The party will consist of LIEUTENANT D.G. THORBURN MC., one Sergeant, two Corporals and 50 men. The party will be sub-divided into three parties of 10 men under N.C.O. These will be known as Right, Centre and Left Parties.

Each party will be again subdivided into two sections of five men each under a selected private as Section leader.

4. ASSEMBLY. The whole party will assemble in the Reserve Coy Trench and will proceed from there to the Front Line via the Railway. They will proceed along the Front Line in the following order Right Party, Centre Party, Left Party.

Each of these parties will proceed along the trench with its right section in front, followed by the left section with its stretcher party immediately in rear. Each party will be halted by Lt THORBURN on reaching its Jumping off point in the trench. When halted in this position there will be an interval of 15 yards from the head of one party to head of another.

5. ACTION At zero hour on the order being given by Lieutenant THORBURN, all three parties will get out of the trench in file and proceed through the Gaps in our wire, when they will kneel down until everyone is in position. They will then be in the following formation. Each party will have its sections in single file with eight paces interval between the sections. The outer sections of the Right and Left Parties will be echeloned back about ten paces. Section Leaders will be at the head of their sections and party leaders at the head of the inner sections of their parties.

Lieutenant THORBURN will be at the head of the Centre Party.

When all the parties are formed up Lieutenant THORBURN will give the order to advance when the two flank parties will move forward in quick time making as little noise as possible until they get up to the enemy posts or until fired upon when they will once rush the posts – right party, right post: left party, left post. The Centre party will be prepared to rush either post if the part specially detailed for it gets held up. Further Action In the event of no serious opposition being met with and centre party not being called upon to assist either of the Flank Parties it will pass right through and bearing round to the left rush the third post (S.29.A.50.68). Flank parties will follow on so soon as they have completed their own tasks and will assist Centre Party. In the event of the Centre Party being required to deal with either of the Flank Posts, the third post will not be attacked unless the parties are in hand and Lieutenant THORBURN gives a definite order for all parties to lead on and rush the third post.

6. WITHDRAWAL When the task is finished parties will withdraw independently to or Front Lines on the Signal for withdrawal being given. The Signal will be the rattling of Gas Rattles – one of which will be carried by Lt THORBURN and the other Sgt JOHNSTONE.

The latter will only use his rattle after hearing Lt THORBURN’s rattle unless Lt THORBURN has become a casualty. The N.C.O. i/c each party will be responsible for checking the numbers of his party before withdrawing. All casualties – killed or wounded – must be brought in. All parties will again be checked after getting into our front line trench. In the event of any man being missing every endeavour must be made to recover him. On the order of Lt THORBURN, parties will return independently to the Reserve Coy Trench.

7. PRISONERS. Any prisoners will be sent back under a small escort to our Front Line, where they will remain until the return of the Raiding Parties. When all parties have been checked, prisoners will be sent to Bn HQ under orders of O.C. Raid.

8. DRESS Equipment will not be worn Every man will carry rifle and fixed bayonet and 9 rounds in the magazine and one in chamber. One bomb per man will be carried in the right hand bottom pocket of the jacket. Cap Conforters – not Steel Helmets – will be worn. Box Respirators will be worn.

9. IDENTIFICATIONS. All identification marks – e.g. Identity discs, papers, pay book etc will be removed before leaving Assembly Positions.

10. MEDICAL A Stretcher Party of two men and a stretcher will be detailed to each of the three parties. They will proceed to the Front Line with their parties and will remain in the trench from the point at which their parties set out. In the event of their seeing any wounded men or being called for, they will at once go out into NO MANS LAND and bring cases in.

The Medical Officer, during the raid, will be at Coy HQ of Left Coy, of Right Bn in S.23.c.5.1.

11. ZERO. Zero hour will be 3.45am.

(sd) J. CONDRA HAMILTON Captain A/Adjutant 2nd Bn. High.L.I. Issued to all concerned. 2nd DIVISION “G” 5th Inf.Bde.No.G.S.740/721/5.

Herewith report by O.C. 2nd Highland L.I on enterprise against three small enemy posts this morning.

It appears that a fire of a 4.5 how. against an awkward M.G. Post yesterday caused the enemy to evacuate these posts and the raiding party had to take on others further within the enemy outposts.

I commend Lt THORBURN, 2nd Highland L.I for determination in continuing the enterprise after finding the first objective evacuated. The three casualties on our side were the result of having to penetrate deeper into enemy outposts.

22/4/1918 (Sd) L. FULLBROOK LEGGATT Captain for Brigadier-General, Commanding 5th Infantry Brigade.

Copies to: - 24th R.F. 52nd L.I. 2nd H.L.I. 6th L.T.M.Bty. Centre Group R.F.A. Headquarters, 5th Infantry Brigade. (C.C. 23)

Herewith report on minor operation carried out this morning.

I would like to bring to notice the very able and gallant manner in which LT D.G. THORBURN MC carried out his duties as O.C. Raid and his quick decision and rapid issuing of orders on finding his objective unoccupied. I would like to mention also the splendid example set by Sgt. Johnston by his coolness and determination.


(Signed) D.M. MURRAY-LYON Lt.Colonel Commanding 2nd Bn. Highland Light Infantry.


The party got into position in our front line without incident and left the trench at 3-45am. They got through the wire and started to advance in good order, there was a slight tendency for the two outdoor parties to close in the centre, but this was easily corrected. The whole party must have inclined to its left for all parties ran up against a post. The Right & Centre ran into two posts originally detailed as the first objective and the left party into the post a S.29.a.60.67. Up to this time the parties had not been spotted by the enemy. All three posts were found to be unoccupied, but showed signs of recent occupation. The hut at S.29.a.50.67 was entered but no sign of a M.G. emplacement was seen. This post had been engaged by 4.5 Hows. the previous day, but no direct hits were obtained. The post in the centre (S.29.A.2.6.) had also been engaged by our 4.6. Hows. and was considerably knocked about, this probably accounted for the posts having been evacuated by the enemy. At this point a Very Light was sent up from about S.29.a.30.25.Lieutenant THORBURN ordered all the parties to lie down & gave orders for all three parties to close in on the Post from which the Very Light had been sent up. All three parties wheeled to their right and marched off. The right party had orders to work round the right flank of the Post, while the left party advanced on it from the left allowing the Right Party time to get round. The Centre party moved off to the Right front, extended and lay down in front of where the Post was thought to be, to give the right party time to work round the flank. The Right Party meanwhile reached the pile of old wire which had been given it as a guide to the position of the post rushed and on passing this point a Very Light was fired from the Right front and rifle fire from 2 or 3 rifles opened up on them from the same direction, mortally wounding one of the party. Sgt. JOHNSTON who was in command of the party at once formed his party half right and continued to advance and rushed the post capturing one man, the other two occupants of the post succeeded in making their escape, although fire was opened on them. Fire was also opened upon the left party, which however had not got within rushing distance before the post was captured.

While this was taking place the Centre Party has also become engaged, Lieutenant THORBURN, who was with the party, having allowed the Right Party time to get round the flank post, was just starting to lead his party forward when fire was opened up on him from the Post afterwards rushed by Sgt Johnston’s (Right) Party. A very heavy fire was also opened up on them a post immediately in front of them and at the same time large numbers of Pineapples started to fall all round the party, wounding one man. This was just about the time that Sgt. JOHNSTON rushed his post. Lieutenant THORBURN made his men get down and after finding out that touch had been lost with the Left Party and that the Right Party had disposed of the enemy post itself, he decided that it was now getting too light to justify his trying to rush the post to his immediate front, the garrison of which was fully alert and keeping up a pretty steady fire. He accordingly gave the signal to withdraw and lead his party back to our lines. The other two parties heard the withdraw signal and withdrew also. During the withdrawal the enemy kept up a rapid fire with granatenwerfers, but luckily caused no further casualties.

The Centre Party had moved too far along to the Right before halting, this accounts for their not seeing Sgt. Johnston’s party which instead of being on their right front was on their left front. The post, which opened fire on the centre party, was about S.29.1.3. (approx) the post, which was rushed, was at about S.29.a.25.25. Granatenwerfer appeared to fire from about R.39.c.1.8.and R.28.d. Central.

When the left party was withdrawing, a number of the enemy appeared from about R.29.a.9.6. But on the leading man being shot they fell back.

On the numbers being checked it was found that three men were missing, one of these however got in all right. Owing to the fact that the light was too bright, it was not feasible to send out a search party for the missing men, it would only have resulted in further casualties. The two missing men are believed to have been over the crest on the enemy side of the slope.

Casualties: - 1 O.R. Killed, 1 O.R. Wounded & Missing, 1 O.R. Wounded. Prisoners: - One, Private 60th R.I.R.


(Signed) D.M. Murray-Lyon. Lt.Colonel Commanding 2nd. Bn. Highland Light Infantry.

WAR DIARY 2nd BN. HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY st 1st May 1918 – 31 May 1918 BOIRT ST MARTIN The new month finds the Battalion in the right sub sector of the 01-05-1918 CENTRE Sector – As the situation was quiet Baths were established in (Right CENTRE HAM) a house in the village, so that men in the Reserve Companies could be bathed. BOIRT ST MARTIN Tonight there was an inter company relief which went smoothly – 02-05-1918 “B” Coy was now in Reserve. (Right CENTRE HAM) BOIRT ST MARTIN There is very little hostile shelling in fact the situation is remarkably 03-05-1918 quiet. Good weather too is the order of the day. (Right CENTRE HAM) BOIRT ST MARTIN The Battalion was relieved in the line tonight 4/5th by the 2nd Oxford & 04-05-1918 Bucks L.I. and on PURPLE LINE relief withdrew into PURPLE RESERVE. (HENDECOURT) Day spent in general cleaning up and bathing. 05-05-1918 HENDECOURT Rifle and Lewis Gun practice carried out in a bank near Bn HQ – rifle 06-05-1918 competitions were arranged and were heavily contested by the Companies. HENDECOURT The weather conditions altered today here was a good deal of rain. 07-05-1918

LEFT CENTRE HAM Tonight 7/8th the Battalion relieved the 24th Royal Fusiliers in the left sub

08-05-1918 Sector of CENTRE HAM. The day passed quietly although in several official quarters an enemy offensive was expected to commence on the morning of the 8th. LEFT CENTRE HAM The situation still quiet. 09-05-1918 Representatives of the 1st DORSET Regt arrived to reconnoitre the Line 10-05-1918 with a view to taking part. LEFT CENTRE HAM 4-30am – Some mustard gas was put in the vicinity of Bn HQ. but no 11-05-1918 damage was done. The Battalion is being relieved in the line tonight 11/12th by the 1st DORSET Regt. LEFT CENTRE HAM 3am – Not until 3am did they arrive. The Dorset Regt had been held up 12-05-1918 by some gas shelling in the Back areas. The relief proceeded & front line companies just cleared before daylight. At BLAIREVILLE the Bn got tea and the proceeded by Lorries to billets in , which was reached about 7-30am. BAVINCOURT The day was spent in general cleaning up and all Companies got Baths. 13-05-1918 Companies were also paid out. BAVINCOURT Range work was started and we got a quite good sight for a Battalion 14-05-1918 Range, which was soon put in readiness for use by the sapping platoon 15-05-1918 – Training in Musketry and platoon work in full swing. 16-05-1918 BAVINCOURT A specialist course for Scouts and Observers was commenced and a 17-05-1918 good training ground at P35d7.7. acquired. 18-05-1918 BAVINCOURT The usual Church Parades today being Sunday – Commanding Officers, 19-05-1918 Conference with Coy Commanders in Training. BAVINCOURT Training goes on apace. Orders have been received that in order to 20-05-1918 accustom all ranks to wearing Small Box Respirators they are to be st th 21-05-1918 worn for one hour daily from 21 –26 May both days inclusive. As all units are under 1 hour’s notice from 6 – 10am, Reveille during the period of Training is ordered for 5am. Hours of Training to be 8 – 12noon. BAVINCOURT The day was given over to Bn Sports, which were very successful – 22-05-1918 The day was bright and warm and there were many visitors and friends of the Battalion present. It so happened that the 15th and 16th Battalions of the Regiment were in the Corps area. Their Pipes and Drums were procured and a brave show was made of three massed bands of Pipes and Drums. BAVINCOURT On the 23rd the Corps Commander inspected the whole Brigade at 23-05-1918 SAULTY. 24-05-1918 Usual training programmes carried out – As the Battalion Range has 25-05-1918 been enlarged and improved on an average everyman in the Battalion fires 20 rounds per diem. Already there is a marked improvement in Musketry. BAVINCOURT Church Parades were held today in the CINEMA. 26-05-1918 BAVINCOURT There were 2nd Divisional Sports today and a good representation 27-05-1918 from the Battalions attended after training for the day finished. BAVINCOURT Company Training now in full swing – All ranks instructed in No36 28-05-1918 Rifle Grenade work, also in the use of Smoke Bombs & Egg Bombs. 29-05-1918 On the morning of the 31st the companies went through the Gas Tent. In 30-05-1918 the afternoon an interesting demonstration of the platoon in the attack 31-05-1918 was given. This demonstration especially showed cooperation between Lewis Gun, Rifle & Grenade & the use of a smoke screen put down by the rifle and grenadiers in front of the attacking party. The end of the month finds the Battalion looking forward to still another week out of the line. The health of the troops is good and the training continued with healthy exercise, football, cricket and other games has done much to strengthen morale.

Commanding 2nd Battalion Highland L.I. Signed DM Murray-Lyon Lt/Col

WAR DIARY 2nd BN. HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY th 1st June 1918 – 30 June 1918 BAVINCOURT There was a Battalion Field Day today – The LA BAZEQUE Training 01-06-1918 Area was placed at the disposal of the Battalion & an attack scheme was carried out. The Battalion marched to the Training Area with 1st line Transport. BAVINCOURT Today being Sunday the usual Church Parades were held in the 02-06-1918 CINEMA. BAVINCOURT The Battalion with 1st Line Transport marched to the BERLES-AU- 03-06-1918 BOIS BAVINCOURT The ordinary parades at BAVINCOURT were carried on today. 04-06-1918 BAVINCOURT The Commanding Officer, Adjutant & Company Commanders 05-06-1918 went up today to reconnoitre the left sub sector of the Light Guards Brigade, as it was intended to take over the line from the 1st Scots Guards. BAVINCOURT Today was spent generally in cleaning up & getting ready for the 06-06-1918 Battalions return to the Line. A very successful Battalion Concert was held in the CINEMA in the evening. The band of the 52nd L.I. performed & the Major General was present. BAVINCOURT The Battalion embossed at BAVINCOURT at 7-45pm & proceeded in 07-06-1918 lorries to the East side of MONCHY where debussing took place. The 1st Bn Scots Guards was relieved in the line by the Battalion. Relief complete was reported at 11-30pm. LEFT SUB SECTOR Day spent in getting to know the Line. Bn Headquarters Io cater at X24 1 O.R. Wounded (Left Brigade) c 2.0 08-06-1918 The Line held by 2 Companies in the Outpost & Picquet Lines – 1 Coy in the Support Line & 1 Coy in the line of Posts in front of the Purple Line & accommodated in the Eastern end of BILLY’S BANK in X 28 a & b. Night passed uneventfully. LEFT SUB SECTOR The general situation quiet & little enemy shelling. 1 O.R. Wounded (Left Brigade) 09-06-1918 10-06-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR The Battalion was relieved in the line on the night 11/12th by the 52nd 11-06-1918 L.I. and withdrew into Reserve with Bn Headquarters at X 19 c 6.2. 12-06-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR The days in Reserve given over to the Baths, general cleaning up 13-06-1918 Musketry & games in the afternoon. Rifle competitions were also 14-06-1918 keenly contested RIGHT SUB SECTOR The Battalion took over the Right Battalion front on the night of th th 15-06-1918 15/16 from the 24 Royal Fusiliers. The relief went smoothly and 16-06-1918 quietly. Battalion HQ located on the Western End of BILLY’S BANK at X27 b 9.3. Two Companies were in the outpost & Piquet Lines, 1 Company in the Support Line & 1 Company in the PURPLE LINE. The companies were disposed – Right Front “D” Coy – Left Front “B” Coy – Support “C” Coy –Reserve “A” Coy. RIGHT SUB SECTOR Situation quiet. Tonight a raid was carried out by the Bn on the left – 1 OR Wounded 17-06-1918 52nd L.I. LEFT SUB SECTOR Situation quiet. There was very little enemy shelling on the forward Lt G.M.Lang MC 18-06-1918 19-06- areas. On the night of 19/20th an inter Coy relief took place after which Rejoined Battalion 1918 20-06-1918 Coy dispositions were – Right Front “C” Coy – Left Front “A” Coy – Support “B” Coy – Reserve “B” Coy. LEFT SUB SECTOR Situation remained quiet & unchanged 21-06-1918 22-06-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR On the night of the 23/24th the Battalion was relieved by the 52nd L.I. 23-06-1918 & withdrew into Reserve. The Companies occupied the same 24-06-1918 positions as previously. LEFT SUB SECTOR The usual Baths for Companies. The benefit of the Reserve area is that 25-06-1918 one can have up regimental workshops & get on with repair of clothes, 26-06-1918 boots etc. The number of suitable banks in the area make it possible for Companies to have good practice in short ranges. At a Brigade Transport Competition the Battalion Transport was given first place. Major D.M. Murray-Lyon DSO. MC. assumed Command of 5th Royal Scottish Fusiliers. Captain M.S. Fox MC. and Captain G.C.D. Spear joined the Battalion. LEFT SUB SECTOR During this time in Reserve inter-company rifle competitions, five- 1 O.R. Wounded. 27-06-1918 aside football, tug-o- war and wiring competitions were organised and proved very successful. LEFT SUB SECTOR On the night of 27/28th June the Battalion went in to the Left Sub Lt A.M. Smith 28-06-1918 sector again relieving the 24th Royal Fusiliers. The Companies were Joined Battalion. disposed- Right “D” – Left “B” Support “A” and Reserve “C”. LEFT SUB SECTOR The situation still very quiet. During the month there has been little 1 O.R. Killed 29-06-1918 shelling in the Brigade area & Transport has been untroubled during 1 O.R. Wounded 30-06-1918 their nightly visits to the Line with Rations. In this Left Brigade area it is possible for Ration numbers to get right up to Front Line Coy HQ. This means a great saving of carrying parties.

Commanding 2nd Battalion Highland L.I.

Signed W L Brodie Lt/Col

WAR DIARY 2nd BN. HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY st 1st July 1918 – 31 July 1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR An Inter- company relief took place tonight which left the Companies 1 O.R. Killed. (OSTRICH) disposed as follows- Left Front “A” Coy, Right Front “C” Coy, Support 01-07-1918 “B” Coy, Reserve “D” Coy. LEFT SUB SECTOR Increased aerial activity on the part of the enemy especially noticeable in (OSTRICH) the early morning, but otherwise the situation very quiet. 02-07-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR Our patrols busy these nights. A very good patrol carried out tonight (OSTRICH) under 2nd/Lt J.D. Allison from the Right front Company. The Patrol 03-07-1918 penetrated the enemy outpost system, and only withdrew when the position was given away by numerous lights & signals sent up by the enemy in response to a minor operation on the Right Divisional Front covered by a heavy bombardment. LEFT SUB SECTOR Situation unchanged. 2nd/Lt Blair wounded on patrol tonight. 2nd/Lt W.A. BLAIR (OSTRICH) Wounded 04-07-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR The Battalion was relieved in the Line tonight by 52nd Light Infantry. (OSTRICH) 05-07-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR The day spent in general cleaning up and Baths. A Sports Programme (OSTRICH) was prepared for the ---- in Reserve. 06-07-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR After Musketry practice in the morning, the afternoon was devoted to 1 O.R. Killed. (OSTRICH) Company P--- B--- - and inters company five-a-side football. 07-07-1918 In the evening there was a Boxing Competition. – Exhibition and Blind fold. The latter proved specially amusing and popular. RESERVE Inter-company “Chatty” Competition held this afternoon resulting in a 08-07-1918 draw between HQ Coy & “D” Coy. RESERVE The finals of the Handball & Football took place. The value of these 09-07-1918 sports during the few days spent out of the line is very great – not only from the point of view of recreation & health but also from the point of view of practical training. Progress in Musketry is specially marked. Tonight the Battalion relieved the 24th Royal Fusiliers in the Right Sub- sector. RIGHT SUB SECTOR Large working parties have now to be found for special Trench work 10-07-1918 under the RE’s. At the VI Corps Show which took place today the Pipes and Drums were placed first in the Pipe & Drum Contest, thus winning the Corps Commander’s Cup. It is also interesting to note that the Pipes & Drums of the 15th Service Battalion Highland Light Infantry were placed second. RIGHT SUB SECTOR Generally speaking things are very quiet & working parties get 11-07-1918 on easily. Work on OSTRICH Support progresses. 12-07-1918 RIGHT SUB SECTOR Inter Company relief tonight went smoothly. “A” Coy went to Left 1 O.R. 13-07-1918 Front, “C” Coy to Right Front, “A” to Support & “B” Coy to Wounded Reserve. RIGHT SUB SECTOR Considerable aerial activity in on part this morning – 21 of our 14-07-1918 planes being in the air together over this sector. RIGHT FRONT The Battalion on the Right (1st Kings) did a very successful raid 14-07-1918 tonight and captured 9 prisoners. RIGHT FRONT Things still very quiet – weather very hot & fine. Today telegraphic 15-07-1918 lens came through that the Germans had attacked on the RHEIMS front and 50 mile front. At 8pm a Chinese Attack took place on the Brigade front. The Barrage was not very heavy & there was very slight retaliation. RIGHT FRONT The situation quiet, but still a good deal of aerial enemy activity. About 16-07-1918 11am one enemy plane was brought down & the observer was seen to fall out from a height of about 900 feet. RIGHT FRONT The day passed uneventfully. The Battalion was relieved by the 17-07-1918 52nd L.I. Relief went smoothly & and relief was complete by 11- 30pm. RIGHT FRONT Baths & Kit inspections in the morning. At 4pm the Corps 18-07-1918 Commander, Gn Aylem Haldane KCB DSO arrived and presented his cup to the Pipes & Drums. RIGHT FRONT Usual morning parade. In the afternoon there was a Rapid Firing 19-07-1918 Competition (Inter Company) and also a Walking Football Competition. RIGHT FRONT Usual Parades again today. In the afternoon Lewis Gun 20-07-1918 Competition. The afternoon sports however rather spoiled by the heavy rain. RIGHT FRONT The Battalion relieved the 24th Royal Fusiliers in the Left sub sector 21-07-1918 tonight. After relief companies were disposed as follows – “B” Coy Left, “D” Coy Right, “A” Coy Support & “C” Coy Reserve. LEFT SUB SECTOR A considerable increase in enemy artillery activity especially in the 4 O.R. 22-07-1918 early morning – Gas shelling in the vicinity of Battalion HQ about Wounded 4am. Remainder of the day quiet. LEFT SUB SECTOR Usual early morning artillery activity. In the afternoon 6 Officers, 15 23-07-1918 Sergeants, 23 Corporals and 7 Runners of the 1st Battalion, 319th Regiment, American Expeditionary Force arrived about 6pm for attachment & instruction in trench duties & routine. They were allotted to the Front Line Companies. LEFT SUB SECTOR A quiet day. The American Officers & NCOs very keen to learn in 24-07-1918 every way trench work, patrol work etc. LEFT SUB SECTOR The American Officers & NCOs left us today & were replaced by a 25-07-1918 similar party who arrived in the evening. Just before their arrival a severe “crash” was put down by enemy artillery on the area between Support & Front Companies. LEFT SUB SECTOR The situation remained quiet for two days. The second batch of 26-07-1918 American Officers & NCOs returned to the Battalion tonight (27th) 27-07-1918 LEFT SUB SECTOR 2-30am – The enemy attempted to raid us on Right front company 28-07-1918 evidently with the intention of securing identification. A party estimated about 12 under an Officer entered the Trench between posts L4 & L5 7 rushed L4. Three of our men were slightly wounded. The German Officer was killed & remained in our hands. His party were scattered & went back to their own line. They ----- suffered casualties. During the remainder of the day the situation was quiet. 3 platoons of American came up tonight for experience in holding the line. 2 of these platoons were put into the Right Front with one Platoon of “A” Coy in Support. One American platoon went into Left Support “C” Coy withdrew from the line to billets in and “B” “C” “A” Boy assumed Command of the 2 Coy front. This relief & rearrangement proceeded quite smoothly. The 2 –in – Commanding the American Battalion remained at Battalion HQ. LEFT SUB SECTOR The day passed quietly save for one hostile “crash” put down about 29-07-1918 noon on the usual area – between Support & Front Companies. The Battalion was relieved in the line by the 52nd Light Infantry. RESERVE Usual day of Kit inspections & cleaning up. 30-07-1918 RESERVE The month of July has on the whole passed uneventfully. 21 days have 31-07-1918 been spent in the Front Line and 10 days in Reserve. Hostile aircraft activity especially noticeable at the beginning of the month has become less owing to our increased superiority in the air. On the other hand the enemy’s artillery has become more active in response to our continuous harassing & destructive fire. There are other instruction & practice in Trench routine & duties.


W L Brodie Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Battalion Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd BN. HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY st 1st August 1918 – 31 August 1918 BDE RESERVE Usual parades and musketry in the morning – In the afternoon there RABBIT WOOD was a keenly contested Inter-company Lewis Gun Competition. HQ 01-08-1918 Coy Teams took first place & “B” Coy Teams second place. BDE RESERVE General preparations for going into the line. The Battalion (less one RABBIT WOOD Company) relieved the 24th Royal Fusiliers in the Right Front. “B” Coy 02-08-1918 went back to shelter in W23a. It was unnecessary to have all four companies in the Line as 3 platoons of “E” Company 2nd Bn 319th Regt American Expeditionary Force were doing a instructional tour in the Right Front under the Command of the Right Front Battalion Commander. RIGHT FRONT Situation in the Right Sub Sector unchanged except for a slight increase 3 O.R. 03-08-1918 in hostile artillery. Wounded 04-08-1918 There was Inter platoon relief of the American platoons. RIGHT FRONT Quiet day. Under a new scheme organised by the 12th Squadron R.A.F. 1 O.R. 05-08-1918 one of their Officers spent a day with the Battalion to study line from the Wounded Infantry standpoint. Company HQ and 3 platoons of “M” C0y 3rd Battalion 319th Regiment A.E.F. relieved the 3 platoons of “E” Coy 2nd Battalion in the line. The night was very wet and muddy & the relief was a late one owing to the American Transport getting into difficulties. RIGHT FRONT Relief of the American platoons complete about 1-30am. 06-08-1918 Remainder of the day uneventful. RIGHT FRONT Major O, Bear, the Commander of the 1st Battalion 319th Regt. 07-08-1918 A.E.F. came to make prelim in any arrangements for relief as his Battalion was due to take over the Right Front on the night of 10/11th. RIGHT SUB SECTOR Quiet“B” Coy day. came Capt. into T.R. Reserve Gibbs tonightevacuated & “A”owing Coy to withdrewsudden illness. to Trenches His in 08-08-1918 Coy,W23a. “B” Coy was taken over by Capt. G.C.D. Spence. RIGHT SUB SECTOR Heavy “crash” put down this morning about 9-30am on BILLY’S 09-08-1918 BANK and round about Battalion HQ. The American platoons of their “M” Coy withdrew tonight. “A” Coy returned to the line & the Battalion was disposed in the usual way – “A Coy Left Front – “C” Coy Right Front – “D” Coy Support and “B” Coy Reserve. RIGHT SUB SECTOR The advance parties of the 1st Ban 319th American Infantry Regt for 10-08-1918 taking over Trench Stores – arrived today about 2pm. The Ban relief worked smoothly save in the case of one Company (American), which lost its Lewis Gun Limber. RESERVE The limber was discovered eventually & relief was complete by 11-08-1918 4-15am. The Ban withdrew to the usual position in Reserve. A special effort is being made for thorough delousing of all companies during this tour in Reserve. The Foden Lorry arrived from the Division about 9am & all clothes and equipment of “A””B”&”C” Companies were put through in the course of the day. RESERVE Usual baths & cleaning up. Inter platoon sports 12-08-1918 RESERVE Clothe of HQ Coy & “D” Coy put through Foden lorry today. 13-08-1918 Usual morning parades & afternoon games. The order of merit in the Inter Coy Lewis Gun Competition was HQ Coy “B” “D” “C” “A” RESERVE Musketry parades in the morning. In the afternoon Lt/Col Pipon 14-08-1918 DSO, acting Brigade Commander, called & informed us that the enemy were reported to be retiring. It was intended to follow the enemy if this report proved true. It was definitely known that he had evacuated a certain portion of his outpost Line. The Ban relieved the 1st Battalion 319th American Infantry Regt. Relief was smooth & was complete by midnight. RIGHT FRONT Patrolling was very active tonight. The enemy was found still to be 2 O.R. Killed 15-08-1918 holding MOYBLAIN TRENCH his main Line in strength. Otherwise the 1 O.R. Wounded day passed uneventfully. RIGHT FRONT Situation normal. Major H. Ross Skinner DSO. MC. Commanding 1 O.R. Wounded 16-08-1918 the Bn in the line went to do tactual liaison on the 17th with the 3rd Bn 17-08-1918 319th Regt. A.E.F. who were under orders to relieve the Bn the line on the night 18/19th August. RIGHT FRONT TLt/Colhe American W.L. Brodie Battalion VC. MC. Commander returned &to thehis Line.staff came up to see the 1 O.R. Wounded 18-08-1918 line this morning & to arrange about relief. The orders for relief by the Americans cancelled in view of offensive against the enemy commencing. RIGHT FRONT The Battalion took over part of the 6th Brigade Front tonight. The 19-08-1918 99th Brigade were withdrawn from the line & the Divisional Front th held by the two Brigades – 5 & 6th. RIGHT FRONT The Battalion Front now extended to North Edge of . 2nd/Lt R. Mathie 20-08-1918 Brigadier had a conference this morning with Battalion Commanders at 2nd/Lt T.F. Doig a Battalion HQ. 17 O.R. It was now definitely announced that an attack on the enemy would take WOUNDED place tomorrow. (GAS) RIGHT FRONT 3.30amabout dawn. -The The Battalion 99th Brigade front evacuated to attack withat 3.30am the Guards to Allen Division of the on the 21-08-1918 2left.nd Guards Brigade going forward to attack. 4.55amOrders arrived – Zero athour. 8-30pm. The barrage came down & the Guards with tanks attacked. Battalion HQ remained in BILLY’S BANK with one Company (“B” Coy) “A” “C” & “D” Companies were disposed in Trenches about HAMEAU SWITCH and the PURPLE RESERVE LINE. The attached reported to be progressing very satisfactorily. No further orders came from the Battalion to work. RIGHT FRONT Warning order received that the Battalion would probably move 22-08-1918 forward tonight with a view to attacking. Orders to prepare to move arrived at 8.30pm. Rations for two days, extra water, SAA, bombs, very lights and flares issued to Companies. RIGHT FRONT 2.30am – By 2.30am companies were concentrated N.W. of 23-08-1918 MOYBLAIN TRENCH – A13b 31.45 to F18 C 10.00 with Battalion HQ about A13 b 20.35. 5am – About 5am the operation orders for the attack to commence at 11am were received. The 3rd Division were attacking GOMIECOURT at dawn. If successful the 2nd Division were ordered to continue the MOYBLAIN TRENCH attack passing through the 3rd Division on the line of the ACHIET LE 23-08-1918 GRAND Railway. The objective for the 5th Brigade were the Villages of BEHAGNIES and SAPIGNES. The Battalion was ordered to lead and attack & capture BEHAGNIES. The Battalion assembled with its right on the ABLAINZEVILLE – COURCELLES Road at A 19 b 50.25 and the left on COURCELLES ALLEY at A 14 C 40.40. “A” Coy on the right directed with “C” Coy on the left. “B” Coy were in Support and “D” in Reserve. The Battalion moved on the line A 19 b 50.25 – A 22d 20.60 (ARRAS – BAPAUNE Railway) skirting to the N.E. end of GOMIECOURT thence S.E. to BEHAGNIES. The formation of the Battalion was excellent and the companies passed steadily through the enemy Carnage. After passing GOMIECOURT machine gun fire became intense and caused numerous casualties. Lt/Col W.L. Brodie VC. MC. was killed about 12.30pm at A 30 d central. Companies pressed on but were held up about G C b 7.9....fire. Companies took up positions here. The Officer casualties for the day in addition to the Commanding Officer, Lt/Col Brodie were – Killed –Lieuts Catto & Bryan MC. Wounded - Captain T.V. Somerville MC. RAMC. -Lieuts Smith & Angus & 2nd Lt Bevan & Robertson. Casualties among the ranks were estimated at 150. CASUALTIES – 3 Officers KILLED 6 Officers WOUNDED 13 Other Ranks KILLED 135 “ “ WOUNDED 16 “ “ MISSING Vicinity of 6pm – Major H Ross Skinner DSO. MC. arrived at the Battalion and BEHAGNIES took Command. The enemy holding BEHAGNIES in strength. 23-08-1918 Various attempts made to push in on the flanks. In the afternoon an 24-08-1918 attempt was made to penetrate BEEWOOD TRENCH but enemy resistance was violent. Captain G.C.D. Spence wounded today. The 62nd Division were in readiness to pass through to attack VRAUCOURT. CASUALTIES – 1 Officer – WOUNDED 2 O.R. - KILLED 9 O.R. - WOUNDED 3 O.R. - MISSING Vicinity of 2am – Orders to attack the village and capture it arrived at 2am. Zero BEHAGNIES hour was 3.30am. Avert heavy barrage was put down by our artillery. 25-08-1918 The attack was made with “A” & “C” Companies in the front line “D” in Support and “B” in Reserve. More or less continuously all night the enemy had gas shelled all approaches to the village & areas around Battalion HQ & the Companies. Fortunately the gas used was Green Cross & Blue Cross so that the effect was more discomfort than fatal. 7am – By 7am the situation was crystallised. BEHAGNIES had fallen to the Battalion and the 24th Royal Fusiliers. was in the hands of the 52nd Light Infantry. 9am – At 9am a Battalion of the 62nd Division (7th Duke of Wellingtons) passed through the village towards their further objective VRAUCOURT. 4pm – In the afternoon permission was given for the Brigade to withdraw – but at 5.30pm a heavy enemy barrage was put down and a counter attack was reported to be imminent. This did not however materialise on our front so the Battalion withdrew to bivouacs & shelters in A 21a about 11pm. COURCELLES CASUALTIES1am – The Companies – 7 O.R. were - KILLED in the Trenches near DOROTHY Vicinity of TREN44 O.R.CH – WestWOUNDED of COURCELLES. Battalion HQ in old gun positions DOROTHY TRENCH A 21a. It was very1 wet O.R. on - arrival MISSING & things were very uncomfortable. 26-08-1918 1am – The Companies were in the old Trenches near DOROTHY TRENCH West of COURCELLES. Battalion HQ in old gun positions in A21 a. It was very wet on arrival & things were very uncomfortable. By midday it was wonderful how comfortable the men had made themselves by solving all kinds of material with which to build shelters. COURCELLES Day spent in general refitting & reorganising The Trench strength now Vicinity of reduced to 310, so companies reorganised with 3 platoons of 3 sections DOROTHY TRENCH each per company. 27-08-1918 The troops all in quite good spirits. Pipes & Drums came up as usual to play in the afternoon. COURCELLES Today is SALVAGE DAY. Every effort was made to Salvage Vicinity of material in the area. During the afternoon the Battalion salvaged DOROTHY TRENCH over £800 worth of material. 28-08-1918 COURCELLES Lt/Col F.W. Thackeray DSO. MC. arrived & took over Command of the Vicinity of Battalion. DOROTHY TRENCH 29-08-1918 COURCELLES Training in Company areas carried out. Lewis Gun class started. Vicinity of DOROTHY TRENCH 30-08-1918 COURCELLES It was wonderful how comfortable the various Coy shelters Vicinity of bivouacs had become. Training carried on. Sports Kit new brought DOROTHY TRENCH up & games organised in the afternoon. Summary of Operations 31-08-1918 attached as Appendix A.

Signed H. Ross Skinner Major for Lt/Col Commanding 2nd Highland Light Infantry.

Appendix A. 2nd High. L.I. SUMMARY of OPERATIONS 20th – 25th Aug 1918. Ref map 1|20000 20th –21st August Shortly after midnight 20th/21st Aug. the battalion withdrew from the front line in F 6a and A 1b, the area being occupied by the 2nd Guards Brigade. Battalion HQ and the reserve company remained in former positions along BILLY’S BANK, while the remaining companies withdrew to the system of trenches just N. of HAMEAU FARM. Zero Hour for the Guards Brigade was at 4-55am and at that hour the battalion was settled down in its new position. The remainder of the day was spent in preparing for a move.

22nd August Final preparations made at 8-30am. Move orders had arrived. By 2.30am the Battalion had concentrated W. of MUYBLAIN TRENCH in A 12b and F 18c with Battalion HQ at A 13b 20.20. and at %am operation orders arrived, the 5th Brigade objectives to be BEHAGNIES and SAPIENIES if the dawn attack by the 3rd Division on GONIECOURT proved successful. BEHAGNIES allotted to 2nd High. L.I. and Zero Hour at 11am. 23rd August At 7.30am companies moved to forming up positions, right flank of battalion resting on ABLAINZEVILLE – COURCELLES road at A 19b 50-25 and left flank on COURCELLES ALLEY at A 14c 4.1.

Orders of the companies - “A” Coy right front – “C” Coy left front – “B” Coy in Support and “D” Coy in reserve. Worm formation adopted and platoon with orders to break into extended order if under MG fire

The advance commenced at 10-10am and at 11am the front

Companies were working the ACHIET-le-GRAND – ARRAS railway in A 22b at the same time our barrage fire opened. Enemy MG fire was already sweeping the railway and heavy hostile artillery fire was upon ground west of the railway.

The battalion advanced steadily and skirted the northern edge of GOMIECOURT. While in this position enemy MG fire harassed severely from the northern flank and direction of ERVILLERS.

At 12oon the battalion swing in S.E. and advanced upon BEHAGNIES. MG fire was now intense. At 12-30pm Colonel Brodie was killed at approx A 30 d 50.50.

The situation at this point was doubtful. At 12-30pm the two front companies had gained a footing on the ridge 500 yards N.W. of BEHAGNIES but further advance was impossible owing to direct MG fire and practically point blank artillery fire from BEHAGNIES. Here Lieutenant Catto, in command of “C” Coy, was killed and Lieutenant Bryan, in command of “A” Coy, was also killed. The support Coy – “B” Coy advanced to trench at H 1 a 30.30 and remained there while remnants of “A” “C” & “D” Coy occupied the banks from G6 b 80.90 to B25 c 50.30.

A defensive flank was formed at B25 a 20.20 facing N.E. of Battalion HQ of the 24th R.F. occupied bank ---- continuing S.W. and Colonel Pipon took command of the Line. The situation was clear by 2-30pm. Major Ross Skinner arrived in the evening and took over command of the battalion. Casualties up to this point:

Officers killed: - Colonel Brodie VC. MC., Lieutenant Catto and Lieutenant Bryan MC.

Officers wounded: - Captain Sommerville MC. R.A.M.C. Lieutenant Smith, Lieutenant Angus, 2nd/Lt Bevan and 2nd/Lt Robertson.

O.R. Casualties: - 154.

The night 23rd/24th was passed without incident and early in the morning reconnoitring patrols were sent forward. A patrol under sergeant Bulloch reached a point of BEEWOOD trench and saw no signs of occupation, but, the patrol was fired on by MG. from northern edge of village and sniping still continued from the village and gas shelling was insistent. In the afternoon parties of the reserve company pushed forward to BEEWOOD trench intending, if only slight resistance were offered, to occupy the trench while advance parties would proceed to the Sunken road in B25d.

The first part under Lieutenant Miller entered trench at A 25 b 20.30 and an NCO with a bombing party advanced down the trench. After proceeding for about 200 yards this party found the enemy in strength. Bombing commenced work at the same time an encircling movement was attempted by the Germans, his Light M.G. Gunners rushing out on the flanks and firing upon our parties. Enemy riflemen also ran forward firing from the shoulder. Enemy Aeroplanes were overhead and bombs and lights were dropped by them, with result that a hostile gas barrage was placed behind our parties. The Company withdrew being given covering fire by L.G’s west of BEE WOOD. Covering fire should also have been given on the right but owing to the right Company Commander being wounded before he reached his L. Gunners this fire was never given.

Casualties during this encounter amounted to 2 O.R. killed and 5 O.R. wounded.

No further probing was attempted.

At 2am on the 25th orders were received to attack BEHAGNIES, Zero Hour to be 3.30am.

The Battalion formed up 500 yards S.E. of consolidated bank and occupied frontage from approx. B 25c 50.50 to H 1a 30.80. The advance was steady despite a very heavy H.E. and Gas barrage stretching from west boundary of village to Battalion HQ. There was little trace of the enemy until the front companies - “A” and “C” Coys reached the sunken road where the enemy was in great strength. The sunken road was cleared and the Companies proceeded forward through the village. The sunken road was finally held as the main line, detached posts being on the astern boundary, of BEHAGNIES. The support companies occupied BEE WOOD trench there capturing 1 Officer, 10 O.R. and Intl. M.G.

At 4.30am the reserve Coy. passed through the two front Companies completed the mopping up and with assistance of a tank captured an M.G. in the western corner of the cemetery killing the gun team. At 7am the village was free of the enemy and the situation was clear. Companies were reorganized and defensive preparations made. Advanced Bn HQ. was now situated in sunken road at H 1 b 80.95.

At 9.03am the 62nd Division was east of the village.

The morning and afternoon were quiet. At 4pm orders for withdrawal arrived and Coys commenced to move. At 5pm Enemy barrage was put down on village and East of village.

At 5.45pm word came through from 62nd Division that the enemy was massing at VERNEUIL WOOD and that a counter attack had commenced. The Companies returned to their former positions in the village while one Company and Bn HQ put the ridge from B 25 c 50.20 to H 1 a 50.70 in a state of defense, the situation was reported normal at 8pm and by 11pm the withdrawal of the battalion was complete.

In the early morning of the 26th August the battalion concentrated in A21d

CASUALTIES 23rd August Officers Other Ranks Killed 3 13 Wounded 4 132 Missing - 19 24thAugust Officers Other Ranks Killed - 2 Wounded 1 9 Missing - 3 25th August Officers Other Ranks Killed - 7 Wounded - 43 Missing - 2 TOTAL 8 230 Prisoners claimed 190 WAR MATERIAL CAPTURED 6 Field Guns, 22 M.Gs., 10 Anti – Tank Rifles Major. Cmdg. 2nd High.L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd BN. HIGHLAND LIGHT INFANTRY th 1st September 1918 – 14 September 1918 COURCELLES After the capture of BEHAGNIES on the 25th August the Battalion had 01-09-1918 moved to rest just south of COURCELLES and there it remained until 02-09-1918 the evening of 2nd September, when it proceeded to DERNY COPSE. 1000* west of BEHAGNIES. BEHAGNES VAULX-VRAUCOURT Again on the 3rd September a move was made to VAULX- 03-09-1918 VRAUCOURT, where the night and the following day was passed. 04-09-1918 In the evening the Battalion took over from 1st K.R.R.C. and now occupied shelters in a sunken road between MONCHIES and BEAUMETZ-les-CAMBRAI. MONCHIES MONCHIES 05- Four nights were passed in this area, the peace interrupted only very 2 O.R. Wounded 09-1918 06-09- occasionally by scattered shelling and night bombing. Reconnaissance 1918 07-09-1918 was carried out daily by Company Officers of the forward positions east of DEMICOURT and HERMIES. MONCHIES On the night of 8th/9th the battalion took over the right of the divisional 1 O.R Killed st th 08-09-1918 front from the 1 Royal Berks – 99 Bde- a front of 2000* practically 5 O.R. Wounded due east of the DEMICOURT- HERMIES road and facing CANAL DU NORD. CANAL DU NORD CANAL DU NORD During the first day in this line, several casualties were caused by 3 O.R. Wounded 09-09-1918 reaching artillery fire and Yellow Cross Gas. The support company - (Gas) “C”- which occupied trenches around HERMIES, suffered especially heavy casualties. CANAL DU NORD Shelling again insistent but never intense. 10-09-1918 CANAL DU NORD 3am – Operation Orders arrived. The 5th Brigade would attack the 2nd/Lt J.R.Eunan 11-09-1918 SPOIL HEAP and CANAL DU NORD at 6-15pm. The crossings on 2n/Lt M. the CANAL would be “secined” and necessary protection given to the Edwards left flank of the 62nd Division who were to attack HAVRIN COURT WOUNDED in the morning of the 12/9/18. 6-15pm – The attack was carried out in a two company front – “B” 6 O.R. KILLED and “D” Companies were to secure the CANAL CROSSINGS, “A” 18 Company occupy the SPOIL HEAP, while “C” Company remained in O.R reserve in the Old British Line – One company of the 24th Royal WOUNDED Fusiliers was attached to the Battalion. Little opposition was encountered and “D” Company “secined” the crossings at KNIGHTS BRIDGE – JERMYN STREET. “B” Company on the right found no crossings opposite their front and therefore crossed on the left front and worked south, to this objectives, which were gained. 8pm – By 8pm the situation was clear on one front – No ouch however could be gained with 52nd L.I. who had attacked on the left. CANAL DU NORD By early morning touch had been gained with one post of 52nd L.I. 12-09-1918 to which however were not in touch with its battalion. 6-25am – At 6-25am 62nd Division attacked HAVRIN COURT and at 7- 05am “D” Coy advanced their front by bombing up of KNIGHTS BRIDGE and JERMYN STREET and reached LONDON SUPPORT. A block was made north of the junctions and the bombers worked in southerly direction. Here opposition was encountered but by 9am the trench was cleared, several prisoners and M.Gs captured and touch gained with 62nd Division at junction of CLARGES AVENUE and LONDON TRENCH. The situation on the left flank was still obscure, so in the afternoon the attached Company of 24th R.F. was set up to bomb north along LONDON TRENCH. This was done and far north as CANAL, but still no touch was gained. The left flank was therefore made secure by a Lewis Gun post being established west of our flank and west of CANAL. Our front line was now strengthened by the presence of “A” Company, who were sent forward from SPOIL HEAP. CANAL DU NORD During the night the 52nd L.I. were relieved by 2nd S. Staff.R. 13-09-1918 with whom one left company held a joint post. Disposition at this point was: Front Line “A” and “D” Coy. Support in SPOIL HEAP – “B” Coy. Reserve in D-E-L. – “C” Coy. In the afternoon of the 13th September a bombing party consisting of half of “B” Coy proceeded forward along a C.T. leading to HINDENBURGH SUPPORT LINE, in order to ascertain the position and strength of the enemy at that point. After advance of 400* they were finally held up by bombing and machine gunning. A block was therefore established – Up to this day three officers had become casualties: 2nd/Lt W.E. Strachan, 2nd/Lt H. Eunan and 2nd Lt H. Edwards all wounded. BEAUMETZ The Battalion was relieved during the night of 13th/14th by the 1st Kings 2 O.R. Killed 14-09-1918 Liverpool Regt., relief complete at 5.35am. The Battalion moved to 6 O.R. Wounded hutments on the western edge of BEAUNETZ –les-CAMBRAI where it remained until morning of 15th September when it marched to Corps Reserve between COURCELLES-le-CONTE and GOMIECOURT. On COURCELLES the 14th September Lt/Col F.S. Thacheray D.S.O. M.C. left the Battalion 15-09-1918 on being appointed to Command a Brigade. COURCELLES FromMajor 15 Rossth September Skinner D.S.O. to 26 thM.C. September was now the temporarily Battalion inremained command. in Marches 15-9-1918 to 26-9-1918 Camp Reserve near Bomiecourt. During this period, command of the Battalion was assumed by Lte Colonel APD Telfer-Smollet MC. In the evening of 26th the Battalion marched to Monchies and settled down on the eastern outskirts for the night. 27-9-1918 At 1130 am on 27th a move forward was made to an area just east of Doignies. The 5th Brigade was now Reserve brigade, the other Brigades having passed through the Guards Division who had attacked across the Canal Du Nord in the morning. Again in the afternoon orders arrived and the position was changed to one approximately 1000yds east of the canal- companies distributed along a sunken road. 28-9-1918 At 0630am we again moved forward, now to a trench system 1000yds 3 OR killed west of Flesquieres, and then again at 0500pm to trenches just west of 5 OR wounded Nine Wood, some 2500yds in advance of Flesquieres 29-9-1918 At 0900pm on 29th September the Battalion moved to trenches west of Novelles. A sunken road was also occupied just outside the village and thus casualties were caused by heavy shelling.

NOVELLES Early in the morning Captain Jones RAMC attached to the Battalion, 3 OR killed 27-9-1918 was killed while attending to the wounded. Ltes E Mclean and GW Stanesby were also wounded at the same time.

NINE WOOD At 0830am the Battalion was ordered back from Novelles to the original position in the trenches west of Nine Wood. This move was CANAL DE ST completed by 1000am. There it remained until 0900pm when it moved QUENTIN across the Canal de St Quentin and took over the left of the divisional front from 1st Berks. Regiment. Relief was complete shortly after midnight. Our dispositions were:- ‘A’ and ’C’ companies holding line of posts on 1000yds frontage, ‘B’ company in support and ‘D’ company in reserve. 7th right flank rested on the road leading to Faubourg De Paris on Cambray.

SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 26-9-1918 – 4-10-1918

26-9-1918 On the conclusion of operations east of Demicourt on 15th September1918, the 15th September 1918, the Battalion had moved into Corps reserve. This was passed in the area between Courcelles-Le-Conte and Gomiecourt. While there the command of the Battalion was assumed by Lte Colonel APD Telfer-Smollett, MC.

During the evening of 26th September, the Battalion moved to , occupying hutments on the eastern outskirts and the night was spent. 27-9-1918 Now in close support to the Guards Division, the Battalion was under half an hour’s notice. At 05.20am the attack across the Canal Du Nord commenced and at 11.30am we marched to J.17.c, east of Doignies. It was expected that the Battalion would stay in this area for the night, but orders again arrived and by dusk companies were distributed along a sunken road 500yards east of the Canal Du Nord in K.9.b.

28-9-1918 Our positions were advanced on two occasions on this day. The 2nd Division had now relieved the Guards Division, the 5thBrigade being in reserve. The first move was at 6.30am to trenches 1000yards west of Flesquieres and again at 05.00pm trenches – Leech Alley and Leech Trench in L.9.c.d. beside Nine Wood. Scattered shelling in this area caused a few casualties.

29-9-1918 A quiet day was passed and at 09.00pm the Battalion was ordered forward to trenches in L.11.c. This move was complete after midnight.

30-9-1918 The trenches, however, proved to be nonexistent so the Sunken Road in L.11.c leading into Noyelles was occupied by two companies. During the early morning there was insistent shelling. All the aid post personnel became casualties and the medical officer, Captain Jones was killed while attending to the wounded, among whom were Lieutenants E McLean and GW Stanesby.

In view of these severe casualties and the exposed position occupied, about 08.00am the Battalion was ordered to withdraw to its original ground in L.9.C. There it remained until 09.30pm when it proceeded to take over the front line from 1st Berks Regiment.

1-10-1918 Relief was completed by 0100am.

Disposition: ‘C’ company in line of posts, front of approx. 1000yards from G.3a.54.90 – G.2.d.60.10. ‘A’ company in support at cross- roads at G2.d.95.90 and in trench at G.2. Central. Disposition cont’d: ‘B’ company on defensive flank facing south east between Range Wood and Marcoign Support. ‘D’ company in reserve in Marcoign Support and Switch in G.1.d with a guard on St Quentin Canal crossing behind ‘B’ Company’s trenches.

Battalion HQ in Margoign Support at G.1.d.30.60.

Shelling during the morning was slight, but machine gun fire harassed the front company, the fire apparently coming from a small group of houses on the road to Cambrai at G.9.a.60.90.

At 12 noon a fighting patrol of ‘C’ company under 2nd Lte taylor made a silent attack on the machine gun nest from NW direction. A slight smoke barrage was put down in front of the houses by a salve of smoke grenades. A ridge had to be crossed before the party could rush the houses, and although supporting LG fire was given from the Northern flank, the party was held up by heavy MG fire from both flanks of the nest. Further advance would have been very costly in casualties and it was decided to hold the ground gained and not to press forward the attack.

At 04.00pm operation orders arrived. The ? Division on our left was to attack at 05.45pm, the Division would attack at 6.30pm.

It was decided that ‘C’ company, half of ‘A’ and half of ‘B’ companies should gain the objective, a line running from G.3.a.80.25 – G.3.a.50.00 – houses at G.9.a.60.90 thence along trench to railway in G.9.b. Half of ‘B’ company to be in support, and ‘D’ company remaining in reserve.

Much of the enemy’s barrage for the 52nd Division attack came down on our front, considerably hampering the assembly of companies. At 06.15pm Captain GOD Spence, while giving final orders to the officers and NCO’s of his half of the company was killed, 2nd Lte Hamilton was wounded and the four section commanders were killed or wounded.

It was therefore found necessary to employ the remaining half of ‘A’ company. The advance was steady until the ridge NW of the Cambrai road was reached. Here heavy MG fire was encountered. This was overcome by the section on the left flank rushing the position, thus allowing the right flank to swing round. Many prisoners and machine guns were captured near the houses on road in G.9.a.

By 07.10pm all objectives had been gained and by 08.30pm the right post was in touch with 24th RF ...? and the situation clear. Touch was also gained with 52nd Division on the left.

It was considered advisable to reconnoiter forward to a house on the railway at G.4c.30.20. This was done at 08.45pm and the house found occupied. Parties of ‘A’ company and of the left company 24th RF were organized and the house was rushed. Two LMG’s were discovered along with much equipment, but the position had been vacated by enemy. The house was held by us as a forward post. Casualties for the attack was slight, but the percentage of killed was high. During the night the front posts were taken over by ‘D’ company. ‘C’ company returning to its original position, while ‘A’ company occupied the reserve trenches.

2-10-1918 On 2nd October a Defense Scheme was issued and lines organized against any possible counter attack. That day and the following night passed without incident. 3-10-1918

Word was received in the morning that owing to the success of the Fourth Army attack, the enemy might make a quick withdrawal from our front. No signs of such, however, were observed.

Orders were received to the effect that the line would be taken over by the 2nd S. Staffs Regiment and from 07.00pm onwards relief was in progress.

At 07.15pm an enemy patrol rushed the house on the railway. Our post was driven back to a support post some 25yards in rear. A party was organized and led by 2nd Lte Wright, again took possession of the house. One prisoner was captured. At this point the enemy was observed approaching in strength. The house was therefore vacated and the support post occupied and the house denied to the enemy.

4-10-1918 Relief was completed by 01.00am.

Battalion dispositions were now: ‘A’ and ‘C’ companies along western bank of Canal De St Quentin in L.6.b.

Battalion HQ in Sunken Road west of Noyelles at L.5.c.00.20.

The brigade was now in Divisional Reserve.

4-10-1918 to 9-10-1918 During these days the Battalion remained in Noyelles in Divisional Reserve – on 8th

September the 99th Brigade was called upon to assist in the attack to encircle Cambrai, but the 5th Brigade was not in any way involved.

On the morning of 9th October the Battalion moved to Corps Reserve between

Demicourt and the Canal du Nord at K.7.b.

Prisoners taken since 26-9-1918: 1 Officer, 54 OR

Material captured (estimated) 12 Heavy and Light Machine Guns

Casualties in Battalion since 26-9-1918

OFFICERS OR Killed 2 22 Wounded 4 47 AD TELFER-SMOLLETT Total 6 69 Lte Col commanding 2nd Bat HLI

NOVELLES During this period the Battalion remained in Brigade reserve at Novelles. 2 OR Killed Lte M 4-10-1918 to 9-10-1918 Training was carried out by the two Companies on the western bank of McLean and 2nd the canal; the two forward companies experienced some difficulty owing Lte McL Hendry to continued shelling. Baths were discovered at the chateau and from UK companies bathed during the afternoon of the 5th instant. Major Paterson MC left to take up duties of second in command of 1/5th KOSB. On the 8th the 99th Brigade were required to assist in the encircling of Cambraia but the 5th Brigade was not included. NOVELLES 1100pm Orders received that Battalion would move next morning 9-10-1918 to ground in K7 central, just east of Demicourt. Transport to move independently. NOVELLES DEMICOURT 0500am Advanced party, proceeded early in order to avoid the barrage, the completion of the encircling movement on Cambrai, moved to commands at 0520am. DEMICOURT The Battalion moved off about 0800am and arrived in the new area at 10-10-1918 1015am. During the remainder of the day company was employed in improvement of accommodation, which comprised a proportion of dug- outs and shelters. DEMICOURT The day of the 11th was spent in cleaning up and checking of 11-10-1918 deficiencies. DEMICOURT A double company range was started in the vicinity of dump and was 2nd Ltes Humphries 12-10-1918 completed on the afternoon of the 12th. and Steele from UK Baths were allotted during the forenoon of the 12th. to Battn Brigade notified a probable move to Rumilly on the 13th during the ....surplus.....rejoined morning. Transport accordingly dispatched on its 1st journey at 0300pm. DEMICOURT At 0800hours moved from Demicourt, arrived Rumilly at RUMILLY 1230hours. Billeting accommodation good. First time the Battalion 13-10-1918 has been in billets since May. RUMILLY Billets being made comfortable. Company inspections. 14-10-1918 RUMILLY Parades under company arrangements, Adjutants parade, 0900- 15-10-1918 0945hours. Range (100yds) used by all companies. Revolver practice took place in the afternoon. RUMILLY The Battalion carried out a practice attack scheme creeping barrage. 16-10-1918 Enemy were represented by HQ company, attack carried out on a two company frontage, first by ‘A’ and ‘C’, then by ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies. RUMILLY All companies on the range. Specialist classes for scouts and Lewis 17-10-1918 gunners. RUMILLY Company training for move in view of the fact that 2nd 18-10-1918 Division were to support guards in the next advance. RUMILLY Advance parties went forward to Boussieres at 0900hours. 1425 BOUSSIERES Battalion moved at 1425hours, arrived at Boussieres at 1745hours just 19-10-1918 as darkness set in. Billets were very good. BOUSSIERES Battalion passed the starting point at 1000hours and moved to St 20-10-1918 Hilaire a distance of some 2miles, accommodation was secured for the whole Battalion in the factory at the northern outskirts of the villages. The enemy shelled at odd intervals with long range guns. nd BOUSSIERES Line reconnoitred with view to forthcoming attack on 23rd instant. Lte Bryson? and 2 21-10-1918 Companies held ...ose?- respirator inspections. Word received that lte Bissell from ? attack by Guards Division was progressing favourably. BOUSSIERES The morning was spent in getting ready for the attack and the relief of Lte AFR Whitfield 22-10-1918 the 1st Grenadier Guards which was to take place that evening. The from UK after light Battalion left Boussieres early in the afternoon and proceeded up the duties. line. FRONT LINE Teas were served from cookers prior to taking over the line. 1930 WEST OF RIVER Relief was completed by 1930hours. Battalion HQ moved forward HARPIES from the Mill to Chile House. Patrols of Grenadier Guards reported that the enemy held line of river Harpiers, 200yards from eastern of bank. Line protected by strong belt of wire. Hostile shelling was not severe during the night. No casualties were reported up to 2400hours. West and East of RIVER Summary of operations attached. Marked : Killed 3, HARPIES Wounded 34 23-10-1918 VERTAIN After relief by 1st Royal Berks on night 23/24th Battalion withdrew to 24-10-1918 billets in Vertain. The day was spent in cleaning up. Battalion HQ moved from Chile Hauss to Vertain. VERTAIN Tubs distributed to companies for bathing. Range constructed. 25-10-1918 VERTAIN Company Training. 26-10-1918 VERTAIN Divine service held at ‘C’ company’s HQ in the village. 27-10-1918 VERTAIN Company training and range practices. 28-10-1918 VERTAIN As reserve to 5th Brigade, Battalion moved t billets in Capelle. The 29-10-1918 whole Battalion accommodated in a large farm building. CAPELLE The billets proved quite comfortable. A range was started and used by 30-10-1918 companies during the morning. CAPELLE Training and range. Line reconnoitred by companies. 31-10-1918


At 01.30 on 22nd October 1918 orders were received to the effect that the Battalion would relieve the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards in the line and that on the morning of the 23rd the Division would continue the advance in conjunction with the Divisions on right and left. On the Divisional front the attack was to be made by the 5th Brigade. The first objective (RED) was to be taken by the 24th Royal Fusiliers on the right and the 2nd Highland Light Infantry on the left. The second and third objectives (GREEN AND BROWN) were to be taken by the 2nd Highland Light Infantry on the left and by the 52nd Light Infantry on the right who were to pass through the 24th Royal Fusiliers.

At 1500 the Battalion marched from billets in St Hilaire and relieved the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards in the line. Relief was complete by 1930 and Companies were disposed as follows:-

‘B’ Company Right Front ‘D’ Company Left Front ‘C’ Company Right Support ‘A’ Company Left Support Battalion HQ at the Mill V.24a.50.85.

The line ran approximately 200yards west of the River Harpies – on a frontage of approximately 1500yards.

In view of the fact that ‘B’ and ‘D’ companies were to attack and capture the first objective (RED) patrols were pushed out 100yards east of the river. Prior to ZERO these were withdrawn. All companies formed up in Artillery formation – sections in worms- 150yards between Front sections and rear sections. All Companies were in their assembly positions by 0300hours. Battalion HQ at Chilli d’Hauss W7d.5.3.

At 0320 the barrage was put down on the line of the river and the Companies moved forward. The river was successfully crossed by both the attacking Companies.

RIGHT COMPANY No opposition was encountered until the line of the first objective was reached. It was here found that a belt of wire still existed uncut in front of the line of the road in W.3.c. The right platoon under 2nd Lte EK Humphreys, penetrated through an existing gap in the wire and reached the RED LINE up to time capturing machine guns and about 40prisoners. They were then able to give assistance by flanking fire to the left platoon although they were troubled by enfilade M.G. fire from the direction of Vertain until 0500. The left platoon found the wire a greater obstacle and had slightly lost direction in penetrating the wire. This left platoon, however, regained its direction and reached the RED LINE some 15minutes later. Touch was then gained with the Right Platoon of the Left Company (D) which had gained its objective up to time.

‘B’ Company then consolidated its line 100yards in front of the road, a Lewis Gun post being established at the road junction in V.3.c. This post was taken over 15 minutes later by the 24th Royal Fusiliers and thus touch was gained and maintained with the Battalion on the right.

O.C. Right Company, Captain Gibbs, found that owing to the long frontage to be held by his Company there was a considerable gap at one portion, and that a pocket of enemy in a sunken road were still undealt with. Promptly realising the danger Captain Gibbs and his Acting Company Sergeant Major, 11960 Sergeant J Smith, DCM, MM rushed the enemy. They emptied their revolvers twice before the whole party surrendered to them. O.C. ‘B’ Company, Captain TR Gibbs, established his HQ at W.3.a.80.10. A reserve rifle section and a Lewis Gun section from the left platoon was placed in this trench at approximatelyW.3.c7.8.

It was now 0700hours and 80 prisoners and 12 machine guns had been captured by the Company whose casualties up to this time were one killed and 8 wounded.

LEFT COMPANY In similar way the left pushed forward at ZERO, but encountered opposition on its left from hostile Machine Guns in W.3a cross-roads which were strongly protected by a belt of wire. This was dealt with by the left platoon who captured it with 20 prisoners and 2 M.G’s. This delay resulted in the barrage being lost, but the platoon succeeded in gaining their first objective and consolidated 200yards beyond. Touch was gained with 19th Division on left, but not until after second Zero with the Right platoon. This platoon had however, gained its objective and was in touch with the Right Company. It had also captured 60 prisoners, 3 H.M.G’s and 1 L.M.g. The gap between the two platoons had been filled up by sections of the Machine Gun Company ‘B’.

RIGHT SUPPORT COMPANY This Company moved behind the Right Front Company and took up a position 200yards east of River Harpies and later was ordered to move forward to assembly positions – on the line of the first objective. They moved forward at 06.30 and escaped the enemy’s protective barrage which came down east of the river on the original assembly position.

At Zero 08.40 the leading sections moved forward. There were some resistance from enemy camouflaged posts in the turnip fields in W.4a central. Numbers of the enemy were killed by our barrage fire in the sunken road in W.4.a &b.

The Company halted short of the objective as our barrage continued on this line. The objective was, however, captured and consolidated by 09.00 touch being maintained with both flanks.

LEFT SUPPORT COMPANY As with the Right support Company, the Left Support moved to assembly positions on the first objective. When so doing the left platoon Commander Lte G Lang, MC at 05.00 saw success signals from the front of the Brigade on the left in Q.33.a&b. Enemy lights however were put up from Fme de Rieux in W.2.b which had been reported as being in our hands.

O.C. ‘A’ Company, Lte Thorburn, MC, at once ordered Lte Lang MC to take his platoon and deal with the Fme de Rieux. It was found strongly held by the enemy. The Farm was surrounded by high wall which had two gaps in it. Lte Lang posted a Lewis Gun at the one gap and under cover of bombs which were flung by the Lewis Gun section through the windows of the house, and under the fire of the Lewis Gun, Lte Lang and his rifle section rushed the house through the other gap killing or capturing the garrison of 1 officer and 25OR’s and 2 machine guns.

The left platoon now returned and took up its assembly positions.

At Zero 08.40, ‘A’ Company moved forward and gained and consolidated the second objective. As with ‘C’ Company the right platoon was hung up by our barrage, but by 09.00 the position was consolidated. The left platoon in its advance to the Green Line captured 1 officer, 22 OR’s and 4 T.M.’s, while the right platoon under Lte McIntosh captured 20 prisoners and 2 x 4.2Howitzers with sights complete. Major Thorburn, MC, RFA, who kept in very close touch with these advancing Companies organised two teams from the Companies and the guns were fired at the retreating enemy.

Orders were issued at 1300hours for the front Companies ‘C’ & ‘A’ to push out patrols to the Ecaillon River, if possible.

PATROLS A patrol from the right Company under Lte M McLean pushed forward towards the river in Q.28.b and 20a. This patrol was held up at the Old Brickfield in Q.28.d by machine gun fire from the railway. The officer, NCO and 2 men were wounded. The remainder consolidated a shell hole, but despite the enemy fire one of the Company runners kept the Company Commander informed of the situation. The patrol returned at dusk.

A patrol of the left Company under Lt G.T. McIntosh similarly pushed forward and by making use of cover reached the copse in Q.28b.21, in spite of heavy MG fire from the north side of the river. The line held by the enemy outpost line was now defined. The patrol accordingly dug in on the sunken road in Q.28.d.1.8.

RELIEF The front Companies then took over the line of the sunken road as the main line of resistance at dusk from Q28.a.8.1 (crossroads) to road junction Q.35.a.20.95 and this line was handed over to the 1st Battalion Royal Berks, relief being completed by 23.00.

The Battalion withdrew to billets in Vertain.

INTERCOMMUNICATION Prior to Zero a report centre with telephone communication back to Battalion HQ was established at W.2.d.4.3 near the river Harpies. This line was later extended to W.3.c.8.9 and this became a relay post. Further extension of wire was not possible owing to its scarcity.

Owing to the ground mist visual was not successful.

Battalion HQ moved forward at 14.30 to W.3.c.7.8.

BARRAGE The barrage put down at first Zero was very accurate and excellent in every way. The second barrage was not quite so satisfactory.

MACHINE GUNS The forward sections of ‘B’ Company, MG Battalion were most useful, Owing to the large frontage, they held the front at parts where otherwise there would have been gaps.

CASUALTIES 1 Officer wounded. 3 OR’s killed. 33 OR’s wounded.

PRISONERS - 303 Machine Guns Light -31 Machine Guns Heavy -21

AD TELFER_SMOLLETT Lte Colonel Commanding 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry

CAPELLE Company training and range practices. 1-11-1918 ST PYTHON The Battalion moved back to billets in St Python, the 2nd Division 2-11-1918 being relieved by the guards and the 62nd Division. 06.00pm Excessive traffic experienced on the march. Arrived at billets at 18.00hours. ST PYTHON Church parades in the Divisional Theatre. Attack commenced on the 3-11-1918 army front. The 2nd Division in support. ST PYTHON Battalion standing by ready to move. 4-11-1918 ST PYTHON At one hours notice to move from 06.00hours. Enemy retiring 5-11-1918 on our immediate front. ST PYTHON Billet inspections and training in billets. Weather very wet. 6-11-1918 ST PYTHON Company training. 7-11-1918 VILLERS-POL. Marched via Vertain and Ruenes to Villers-Pol. 8-11-1918 VILLERS-POL. Cleaning up after march. 9-11-1918 VILLERS-POL. Church parade in the orchard near the church. 10-11-1918 VILLERS-POL. Hostilities ceased at 11.00hours. The pipes and drums played through 11-11-1918 the villages. Weather frosty and clear. VILLERS-POL. Company training, route marches and adjutants parades. General 12-11-1918 to scheme of education circulated to companies. 15-11-1918 PREUX_AU_SART The Battalion marched to Preux-au-Sart. >From this village the 16-11-1918 Battalion commences its forward march to the Rhine on the following day. The 6th Corps forming party of the army of occupation. PREUX_AU_SART Move cancelled. 17-11-1918 DOUZIES Marched to Douzies via Bavay. The Battalion previously passed 18-11-1918 through Bavay during August 1914. DOUZIES Battalion rested for one day. 19-11-1918 GRAND RENG March resumed. Grand Reng reached by 12.00hours. Franco – Belgian 20-11-1918 frontier crossed at 11.30hours. Great hospitality shown by the inhabitants. GRAND RENG Battalion employed in road cleaning. 21-11-1918 GRAND RENG Company training 22-11-1918 GRAND RENG Ceremonial parades at 11.00hours. 23-11-1918 BIENNE_LEZ Marched at 08.30hours – arrived at destination 13.00hours. Billets HAPPART very scattered. 24-11-1918 CHARLEROI Arrived at Charelroi at 13.50hours. Battalion billeted in the Barracks. 25-11-1918 Pipes and drums played in the square at 1500hours. CHARLEROI Company parades. 26-11-1918 CHARLEROI Officers and NCO visited Waterloo. 27-11-1918 PRESLES The Battalion marched to Presles. BHQ in chateau. 28-11-1918 BOIS –DE-VILLERS Arrived at Bois-de-Villers at 12.30hours. Area very 29-11-1918 scattered. BOIS –DE-VILLERS 30-11-1918 Day spent in cleaning up. Passes issued for Namur. BOIS –DE-VILLERS Company parades. Group photographs taken of officers, 1-12-1918 sergeants, transport and companies. BOIS –DE-VILLERS Company route marches. Fort St Heribert (one of the NAmur forts) 2-12-1918 visited by companies. BOIS –DE-VILLERS Company training. 3-12-1918 THON Marched via Weidon (crossed river Meuse) to Thon. Colour party 4-12-1918 consisting of Major H Ross Skinner, DSO,MC: Lte DG Thorburn MC: Lte W Blackley, MC,MM: 7284 C2MS. FC Walker: 10233 Sergeant H Diamond DCM: 10266 Sergeant W. Willis MM: which left the Battalion on 15-11-1918 at Villers. Pol. Rejoined the Battalion bringing with them the colours. GIVES Marched via Andennes to Gives. 5-12-1918 SOMEIT-TINLOT Marched via Huy and Stree to Soheit-Tinlot. 6-12-1918 XHORIS Marched via Ouffet and Camblain La Tour to Xhoris. 7-12-1918 LA GLEIZE Marched via Harze and Stourmont to La Gleize 8-12-1918 MALMEDY Crossed German frontier at 01.00pm and marched to Malmedy. 9-12-1918 Marched past GOC 5th Brigade (Brigadier MALMEDY 9-12- General WL Osborn CMG, DSO) in town square with bayonets 1918 con’t fixed and colours unfurled. MALMEDY Company parades. 10-12-1918 NIDRUM Marched via Weismes to Nidrum. Very wet and stormy. 11-12-1918 KALTER_HERBERG Marched to Kalterherberg. 12-12-1918 LAMMERSDORF Marched to Lammersdorf. Heavy rain all day. 13-12-1918

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 14th December 1918 – 31st December 1918 GEY Marched via HURTGEN to GEY (221) 14-12-1918 KRAUTHAUSEN Marched to KRAUTHAUSEN. 15-12-1918 KRAUTHAUSEN Day spent in cleaning up. Comfortable billets. 16-12-1918

OBEREMOT Marched via DUREN to OBEREMET. On passing through DUREN 17-12-1918 bayonets were fixed and colours unfurled. Divisional Commander took salute in the town. NETTESHEIM Marched to NETTESHEIM. Companies billeted in schools and halls. 18-12-1918 NETTESHEIM Billet inspections and cleaning. Weather very wet and stormy. 19-12-1918 NETTESHEIM Company parades and improvements of billets. 20-12-1918 NETTESHEIM 21-12-Spent in training etc. 1918 22-12-1918 23- Undecided whether NETTESHEIM is to be final destination 12-1918 24-12-1918 or not, but finally decided to move to WORRINGEN. NETTESHEIM Christmas Day. Services in “C” Company billet in morning. 25-12-1918 NETTESHEIM Company parades. 26-12-1918 WORRINGEN Marched to WORRINGEN. Billets not very good. Sports fields 27-12-1918 very good. WORRINGEN 28- Spent in improving billets. Beds and mattresses for all the men, electric 12-1918 29-12-1918 light and stores in billets. Sports grounds marked out and practice 30-12-1918 games of Rugby and Assoc. football played. WORRINGEN Usual Hogmanay festivities. 31-12-1918 Copy of March Table with distances attached as Appendix “B”.

Signed H. Ross Skinner Major Comdg. 2nd High Lt Infy


Malmedy Germany C.X11.18.

My congratulations to the 74th Highland Light Infantry on crossing the enemy frontier today as a result of the battles they have fought this year. It will always be a source of pride to me to have had such a fine Scottish Regiment in the Brigade under my Command and to have saluted their Colours in enemy country.


W.L. OSBORN Brig-General Commanding 5th Infantry Brigade.




Add 5% for Hills between GIVES and GEY8.00 Total Kilos362.00 Total MILES228. Approximate distance between POMMIER & VILLERS-POL = 90 kilos or 52 miles.

Between POMMIER and VILLERS POL was the area over which fighting took place prior to the signing of the Armistice.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 1st January 1919 – 31st January 1919 WORRINGEN Battalion New Year Dinner. 01-01-1919 Company Parades etc. 02-01-1919 03-01-1919 WORRINGEN Association Football match v 52 L.I. Win for Battalion by 3-0 04-01-1919 WORRINGEN Trial Rugby Football match. 05-01-1919 WORRINGEN Company and Sergt Major’s parades. 06-01-1919 WORRINGEN Rugby football match v 2nd BM GC. Win for battalion by 7 points – 3. 07-01-1919 WORRINGEN Usual parades. Small range opened. Inter half Coy football matches. 08-01-1919 WORRINGEN Usual parades. Small range opened. Inter half Coy football matches 09-01-1919 WORRINGEN Inter half Coy football matches. 10-01-1919 WORRINGEN Association Football match v 24th Royal Fusiliers. Win for battalion 11-01-1919 5 – 1. WORRINGEN Rugby Football Match v 52 L.I. Win for battalion by 68 points – 0. 12-01-1919 WORRINGEN Very wet. No parades. 13-01-1919 WORRINGEN Rugby Football match v 24th Royal Fusiliers. Win for battalion by 37 14-01-1919 points – 0. WORRINGEN Association Football match v 5th Bde HQ. Win for battalion by 4 – 0. 15-01-1919 WORRINGEN Usual parades. 16-01-1919 WORRINGEN Battalion Exercise. Inter half Coy football matches. 17-01-1919 WORRINGEN Association Football match v 2 M GC. Win for battalion by 1 – 0. 18-01-1919 WORRINGEN Rugby Football Match v 2nd BMGC. Win for battalion by 6 points – 3. 19-01-1919 WORRINGEN Usual Sgt Major’s & Coy parades. 20-01-1919 WORRINGEN Rugby Football match v 52 L.I. Win for battalion by 42 points – 0. 21-01-1919 WORRINGEN Association Football Match v 52nd L.I. Win for battalion by 2 – 0. 22-01-1919 WORRINGEN Usual parades. Freezing hard. 23-01-1919 WORRINGEN Usual parades. Skating and Ice Hockey. 24-01-1919 25-01-1919 WORRINGEN Heavy snowfall. 26-01-1919 WORRINGEN Battalion exercise. 2nd Div. Concert party gave show. 27-01-1919 WORRINGEN Usual parades. Very cold. Skating and Ice hockey. 28-01-1919 29-01-1919 Signed 30-01-1919 31-01-1919 AD. Telfer Smollett. Lt Col. Commanding 2nd High Lt. Infy.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 1st February 1919 – 28-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Adjutant’s parade. Range practices. Skating. RHEIM 01-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Church parades. RHEIM 02-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Company Training and Range practices. RHEIM Skating and Ice Hockey. 03-02-1919 04-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Baths and Company Training. RHEIM 05-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Battalion and Company Training. Range practices. Inter RHEIM half company football matches. 06-02-1919 Detachment (“B” Coy 5 Officers + 100 Other Ranks) to 07-02-1919 Longerich on 6-2-1919 08-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Church parades. RHEIM 09-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Sergt. Major’s parade. Range practices. RHEIM 10-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Company Training. Inter half Company Football league. RHEIM 11-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Baths and Range practices. RHEIM 12-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Battalion Route March. RHEIM 13-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Sergt. Major’s parade. Company and Range Training. Inter RHEIM half company football league. 14-02-1918 WORRIINGEN-A’ Company Training. Brigade league Football match RHEIM (association) versus 24th R.F. Won 2-0 15-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Church Parades. RHEIM 16-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Sergt. Major’s parade. Company training and Range RHEIM practices. 17-02-1919 Inter half company football league. 18-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Baths and Range practices. RHEIM 19-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Company Training. Inter half company football league. RHEIM 20-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Battalion Route parade. RHEIM 21-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Company and Parade training. RHEIM 22-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Church parades. RHEIM 23-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Sergt. Major’s parade. Company training. RHEIM 24-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Company training and Range practice. Inter half company football RHEIM league. 25-02-1919 WORRIINGEN-A’ Baths and Range practices. RHEIM Semi final Divisional Association Cup at COLOGNE. 26-02-1919 Battalion beat 1st Kings Liverpool Regiment 4 – 1. WORRIINGEN-A’ Battalion Route March. RHEIM 27-02-1919

WORRIINGEN-A’ Company training. Range practices. RHEIM 28-02-1919 Signed

AD. Telfer – Smollett Lieu. Col. Commanding 2nd High. Lt. Infy.

WAR DIARY 2ND Battalion Highland Light Infantry 1st March 1919 – 31st March 1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Adjutant’s parade. Football matches. RHEIN GERMANY 01-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Church parades. RHEIN GERMANY 02-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Company training. Range practices. RHEIN Inter half company football matches. GERMANY Educational classes. 03-03-1919 04-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Baths. RHEIN GERMANY 05-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Commanding Officer’s Ceremonial parade. RHEIN GERMANY 06-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Divisional Commander’s Inspection and farewell address. RHEIN GERMANY 07-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Company Training. RHEIN GERMANY 08-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Church Parades. RHEIN GERMANY 09-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Company training RHEIN Range practices. GERMANY 40 O.R. left the battalion for demobilization. 10-03-1919 11-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Baths. Education classes. RHEIN GERMANY 12-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Range practices & Company parades. RHEIN 80 O.R. left the battalion for demobilization. GERMANY 13-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Company parades. Range practices. Education Classes. RHEIN GERMANY 14-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Eleven Officers and 190 O.R. proceeded to 1/8 Scottish Rifles RHEIN for Army of Occupation. 15-03-1919 WORRIINGEN-AM- Church parades. RHEIN 16-03-1919 LANGEL-AM-RHEIN Battalion moved to new billeting area in LANGEL AM RHEIN. 17-03-1919 Relieved by 52 Rifle Brigade. LANGEL-AM-RHEIN Company Training etc. 18-03-1919 19-03-1919

LANGEL-AM-RHEIN Battalion Route march. 1 Officer + 41 O.R. left battalion for 20-03-1919 demobilization. LANGEL-AM-RHEIN Company training. 21-03-1919 20 O.R. left battalion for demobilization. 22-03-1919 LANGEL-AM-RHEIN Church parades. 23-03-1919 LANGEL-AM-RHEIN 1 Officer + 13 O.R. left battalion for demobilization on 27th. 24-03-1919 to 31-03-1919 2 Officers + 7 O.R. left battalion for demobilization on 29th. 4 O.R. left battalion for demobilization on 31st. Battalion now reduced almost to Cadre strength preparatory to proceeding to England.


AD. Telfer – Smollett Lieu/Colonel Commanding 2nd Battalion High. Lt. Infy.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 16th August 1919 – 19th August 1919. ALDERSHOT to 0700 – “A” and “C” Companies marched off headed by the Pipes and Embarkation TILBURY DOCKS Drums of the 1st. Black Watch. Strength – 16-08-1919 34 Officers Entrained at Government Siding at 0730 hours for Tilbury Docks. The 340 O.R Battalion Baggage accompanied the 1st Train

0815 – “B” and “D” Companies marched off headed by the Band of the 2nd Dublin Fusiliers. Entrained at 0845 hours.

1300 – Embarked on board SS WALLOCHRA lying in midstream off

Tilbury Docks. All Baggage and personnel on board by 1700 hours.

2200 – Cast anchor and steamed slowly downstream, dropped anchor at the bar at 2300 hours. Lieu-Col. CRAIGIE HACKETT C.M.G. D.S.O. took over Command of the Battalion. NORTH SEA 0400 – At Full Tide set out due North up the East Coast of England Capt. DEWAR 17-08-1919 passing LOWESTOFT about 1100 hours and YARMOUTH at 1300 Appointed Ship’s Adjutant. hours. Weather – Bright Sunshine, good visibility, no wind. Voluntary Church Parade held on the Port Main Deck at 1100 hours. Commanding Officer’s inspection of ship at 1000 hours. NORTH SEA 1000 – Companies fell in at alarm stations with life belts; Rafts were Officers Classes in 18-08-1919 proportionately distributed through Companies. Parades from 9 –1140 Lewis Guns.

hours and from 1330 – 1430 hours. Specialist Classes for Signallers, Lewis Gunners and Stretcher Bearers, commenced. 1430 –Games were organised in the afternoon. 1630 – Fire Alarm sounded, all Ranks at allotted stations by 1635 hours. 1700 – Dropped ships Pilot at ABERDEEN and sailed North round CROMARTY FIRTH and past DUNNET HEAD.

NORTH SEA Left the coast of Scotland, passed the ORKNEYS and SHETLAND 19-08-1919 ISLANDS and stood out to sea. Weather continued fair, fresh breeze up from N.N.W. Companies held parades in the morning. Young N.C.O’s class commenced games held in the afternoon. NORTH SEA The weather continued fair, with an exceptional shower of rain on the 20-08-1919 21st. 21-08-1919 Usual parades were carried out by Companies. Games and Concerts organised in the afternoon and evenings. NORTH SEA At dawn the North West coast of NORWAY was sighted and by 12 22-08-1918 noon the NORTH CAPE was rounded. The shore was one succession of unbroken cliffs; no vegetation was visible with the exception of a patch here and there of brownish coloured moss or grass. Several coasting boats were seen during the afternoon and an occasional wooden shelter was sighted on the cliffs. Parades were carried out as usual. Companies were paid in the afternoon. ARTIC OCEAN Owing to thick fog descending, little progress was made. The ship got 23-08-1919 into wireless communication with H.M.S. GLORY at MURMANIA in the Kola Inlet (lat 69d long 33d) during the morning. The pilot ship was picked up late in the evening at the entrance to the inlet. Parades were held as usual. ARTIC OCEAN Anchored during the early morning off Murmania. 24-08-1919 1000 - The vessel was docked at 1000 hours and Medical Officer came on board. Certain details were disembarked for General Maynard’s Forces. The town of Marmania is an ex-convict settlement and is composed of all races. Church parade was cancelled owing to disembarkation of details. 1400 – The ship sailed at 1400 hours. The weather was misty and wet. ARTIC OCEAN Sailed down the Murman Coast towards the White Sea. The weather 25-08-1919 turned warmer. WHITE SEA The ship reached her destination about 0800 hours. Disembarkation ARCHANGEL commenced after dinners at 1300 hours. Companies were distributed in 26-08-1918 the town as local garrisons. Battalion HQ situated at Smolny Camp. ARCHANGEL 1345 -The funeral of the late Lord Seltringham took place. The Battalion 27-08-1918 furnished a Firing and following a party of 10 Officers and 20 O.R., 6 Officers and 100 O.R. Captain Simmons D.S.O. in Command. Parades during the morning were carried out under Company arrangements. ARCHANGEL 1000 – The Battalion marched through Archangel, “D” Company 28-08-1919 arriving by Tug from BAKARITZA. Route TROITSKI – VOLOGODSKAY – PETROGRADSKI – POLITSEISKAY thence to Company Areas, owing to the bad condition of the roads the pace of the Battalion was slow. Ranges were reconnoitred by Company Commanders in the afternoon. ARCHANGEL Companies found guards over Compounds and Stores. Training 29-08-1919 continued as far as circumstances would permit, but owing to most of 30-08-1919 the battalion being on Guards the strength on parade was abnormally 31-08-1919 small. Church Parade was held in Company areas on the 31st. Companies were paid in Russian currency during the weekend.

Smolny 31-8-19

H.M. Craigie Halkett Lieu. Colonel Commanding 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry.

2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry APPENDIX “A” Nominal Roll of Officers embarked for North Russia 16.8.19.

Bt Lt-Colonel H.M.Craigie Halkett. C.M.G. D.S.O. “ W.R.S.Robertson. Major H.H.McD Stevenson. “ H.G.Beven. Bt Major A.P.D.Telfer Smollett. D.S.O. M.C. “ D.K.Leslie. Bt Major L.Gartside. D.S.O. “ B.Sutton. Capt F.K.Simmons. M.V.O. M.C. Capt H.Ross Skinner. D.S.O. M.C. Attached Capt W.C.D.Macfarland. M.C. Captain. J.N.Dewar. Scottish Horse. Capt T.R.Gibbs. M.C. Captain. A.R.Cram. M.C. Medical Officer. Lieu C. Macnab R.A.M.C. “ C.H.Hills. M.C. Revd. J.Jardine. Presbyterian Chaplain. “ F.E.Dunsmuir. M.C. “ W.B. Macgeorge. M.C. “ T. Lett. M.C. “ F.R.J. Black “ E.F. Hayball “ M.G. Campbell “ R.J. Prince “ J. D.T. Brown. “ C.M. Jeffrey. Lieu A.Bennett. M.M. “ B.C. Fletcher. M.C. “ H.W. Struthers. M.C. 2nd/Lt J.A. Ralston. “ C.E.P.Hooker. “ F.G.M.Grey “ R.G.Emery. “ C.J. Buchanan.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 1st September 1919 – 26th September 1919 ARCHANGEL One platoon of “C” Company from MICHIGAN CAMP to 01-09-1919 SOLOMBALA. ARCHANGEL One platoon of “B” Company from SMOLNY CAMP to ARCHANGEL 02-09-1919 PRESTYN. ARCHANGEL The weather continued warm. Parades carried on under Company 03-09-1919 arrangements. Large parties found daily to guard Bolo prisoners, 04-09-1919 training considerably hampered on this account. 05-09-1919 ARCHANGEL The Battalion split up into guards and working parties, very few men 06-09-1919 available for parade. Weather wet and cold. 07-09-1919 08-09-1919 09-09-1919 10-09-1919 ARCHANGEL Orders received for 2 Companies to proceed at once to KEM. “C” and 11-09-1919 “D” Companies under Major Stevenson sailed the same evening. KEM a railway centre and ------post half ------away on lines of communication ---- MURMA. ARCHANGEL Battalion still employed on Working Parties and Guards. 12-09-1919 to 16-09-1919 ARCHANGEL A Detachment of “C” and “D” Companies under Captain McFarland 17-09-1919 proceeded to KEM to join left half battalion under Major Stevenson. ARCHANGEL Preparations preparatory to evacuation of ARCHANGEL. 18-09-1919 to 25-09-1919 ARCHANGEL The Battalion embarked on board S.S. “CZARITSA” at 0900 hours. The 26-09-1919 evacuation was covered by two platoons of “B” Company. The platoons were divided into strong sections and posted at the entrances to SMOLNY COMPOUND; the withdrawal of SMOLNY WHARF was completed by 08.30 hours.

John Grahame Lieu/Col Commanding 2nd Highland L.I.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry 11th September 1919 – 24th September 1919 ARCHANGEL 7-30 pm- “C” Coy embarked on board H.M.T. SYRINGA and sailed for 11-09-1919 POPOFF the port for KEM. POPOFF After a rough passage they disembarked at POPOFF on the evening of 12-09-1919 the 12th Sept. and immediately entrained. MEDVEDJA GORA “C” Coy arrived at MEDVEDJA GORA on Lake ONEGA and remained 13-09-1919 on the train for the night. MEDVEDJA GORA The Coy moved into billets in ZAVOD and were placed in reserve to the 14-09-1919 236th Bde relieving the Royal Marines. MEDVEDJA GORA The Coy remained at ZAVOD and were employed in finding posts on 15-09-1919 to 22-09-1919 the roads leading to MEDVEDIA GORA from the West. Parades were held for Musketry and Lewis Gun firing at the back of billets. MEDVEDJA GORA The Coy was relieved by “A” Coy East Surrey Regt and entrained for 23-09-1919 MURMANSK at 11am. KEM During the stop of the train at KEM orders were received to detrain at 24-09-1919 KANDALAKSHA to join headquarters “D” Coy. At 9.30pm the Coy detrained and went into billets in Government House.

WAR DIARY 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry “D” Coy 12th September 1919 – 23rd September 1919 BATHAUTYN “D” Coy left BATHAUTYN on HMS “NARCISSUS” for the 12-09-1919 MURMANSK front. POPOFF Arrived POPOFF. Entrained 18.30 hours. 13-09-1919 KANDALAKSHA Arrived KANDALAKSHA 16-09-1919 KANDALAKSHA “D” Coy commenced to relieve the 31st Colonial Regt. on bridge quaids 18-09-1919 between KOVDA and IMANDRA, 200 miles apart. KANDALAKSHA Relief of French complete. Three platoons on bridge quaids. One 22-09-1919 platoon Of “C” Coy arrives takes over 4 bridge quaids. 1800 – “D” Coy ordered to round up small party to BOLSHEVISTS in KOLVESTY, a village 15 miles E of KANDALAKSHA on the Coast. Scheme being to surprise them in their beds at dawn. 2100 – Major Gartside, 4 Officers, 34 O.R. and 12 native fishermen set out from K’SHA in four small boats. 23-09-1919 0330 – Party decides to land in creek 8 miles W of KOLVETSY and walk the rest of the way. 0350 – Two boats ------on shore when heavy firing commences from belt of trees 70 yards away. 0450 – One boat gets away, the other is completely lost. 1100 - Three remaining boats return to KANDALAKSHA. CASUALTIES Missing probably killed 2 Intelligence Officers, 6 O.R. “D” Coy, and 3 Russians. Killed 3 O.R. “D” Coy, 1 Russian Died of wounds 1 O.R. “D” Coy Wounded 3 O.R. “D” Coy. KANDALAKSHA Search party organised to visit scenes of action on private steamer 24-09-1919 “KOVDA”. Missing boat found derelict & full of holes. Steel helmets 25-09-1919 and caps found riddled by bullets. “C” Coy arrives 2000 hours. Monitor M23 arrives 0530 hours. “C” Coy 2nd H.L.I. in government house. 26-09-1919 C & D Coys to “C” Coy and HQ “D” Coy parades – “C” Coy casual Musketry parades. 30-09-1919 1st October 1919 – 11th October 1919 01-10-1919 Double Coy, HQ and “D” Coy HQ entrain for NIVA bridge; Major Stevenson takes command of No2 Section railway from IMANDRA to KANDALAKSHA. “D” Coy finding guards along --- railway, “C” Coy remaining at KANDALAKSHA. 02-10-1919 Stood by. 03-10-1919 “C” Coy entrained on the last train from the South, which also picked up the guards of “D” Coy on its way North, reaching NIVA bridge at 1300 hours. 04-10-1919 Arrive MURMANSK early morning. 05-10-1919 0100 – Embarked HMT ULUA. 06-10-1919 Sailed early morning of the 6th. to Uneventful voyage. 11-10-1919 Arrived MEADOWSIDE QUAY, GLASGOW. Disembarked & entrained for RIPON.