5500 Ox Rd. Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Living Savior Lutheran Church Fifth Sunday of Easter 703-352-1421 and Preschool May 2, 2021 Pastor 11:00 A.M. Rev. Andrew C. May 2, 2021 Lissy 703-830-8947 (h) Fifth Sunday of Easter
[email protected] 11:00 AM Welcome to Worship! Today on this Fifth Sunday of Easter, we are reminded that Jesus is the vine and we are His branches. We are connected with the Vicar Tim Schulte One who gives us life, Eternal Life! As Jesus gives us life and loves us, let us vicar@livingsavior share His love AND our love with the world. lutheran.org Minister of Prelude “Lift Your Voice Rejoicing, Mary” Wilbur Held, composer Worship/Music Dr. Wallace Horton, organist Dr. Wallace Horton Welcome Worship/Music Entrance Hymn “O Sing to the Lord” # 808 Associate Dr. Meghan Benson Accompanist Candie Jefferson Music Director Lois Finnern Pastor Emeritus Rev. Fred Klein Preschool Director Liz Smith Preschool phone 703-352-4208 preschool@living 3 So dance for our God saviorlutheran.org And blow all the trumpets. Admin. Secretary So dance for our God secretary@living And blow all the trumpets. saviorlutheran.org So dance for our God _____ And blow all the trumpets. Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11:00 AM www.livingsaviorlutheran.org And sing to our God, And sing to our God. 4 O shout to our God, loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as Who gave us the Spirit. ourselves. We justly deserve your present and eternal punishment.