Data Structures
KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY DATA STRUCTURES BCA I SEMESTER SUBJECT CODE: BCA 04 SUBJECT TITLE: DATA STRUCTURES 1 STRUCTURE OF THE COURSE CONTENT BLOCK 1 PROBLEM SOLVING Unit 1: Top-down Design – Implementation Unit 2: Verification – Efficiency Unit 3: Analysis Unit 4: Sample Algorithm BLOCK 2 LISTS, STACKS AND QUEUES Unit 1: Abstract Data Type (ADT) Unit 2: List ADT Unit 3: Stack ADT Unit 4: Queue ADT BLOCK 3 TREES Unit 1: Binary Trees Unit 2: AVL Trees Unit 3: Tree Traversals and Hashing Unit 4: Simple implementations of Tree BLOCK 4 SORTING Unit 1: Insertion Sort Unit 2: Shell sort and Heap sort Unit 3: Merge sort and Quick sort Unit 4: External Sort BLOCK 5 GRAPHS Unit 1: Topological Sort Unit 2: Path Algorithms Unit 3: Prim‘s Algorithm Unit 4: Undirected Graphs – Bi-connectivity Books: 1. R. G. Dromey, ―How to Solve it by Computer‖ (Chaps 1-2), Prentice-Hall of India, 2002. 2. M. A. Weiss, ―Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C‖, 2nd ed, Pearson Education Asia, 2002. 3. Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein and A. M. Tenenbaum, ―Data Structures using C‖, Pearson Education Asia, 2004 4. Richard F. Gilberg, Behrouz A. Forouzan, ―Data Structures – A Pseudocode Approach with C‖, Thomson Brooks / COLE, 1998. 5. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, ―Data Structures and Algorithms‖, Pearson education Asia, 1983. 2 BLOCK I BLOCK I PROBLEM SOLVING Computer problem-solving can be summed up in one word – it is demanding! It is an intricate process requiring much thought, careful planning, logical precision, persistence, and attention to detail.
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