ivi THE RACING PIGEON. ADVERTISEMENTS.-SUPPLEMENT. UCTOBER ~V, J :1.'),)'. LONDON AUCTION SALES - NOVEMBER s REMOVAL SALE BERT. DONACHYt Famous East Londonert at 73 years must sell owing to removal after nying successfully for over 60 years. One of the greatest Winning Lofts in East London. Won the East Lon• don federation more times than most, p!'Obably more than any other funcier, but since Mr. Donnchy has not kept these records, flying purely for the JOV6 of the game, he does not lay claim to the latter, A close friend of the famous including E. H. LUlham (f!'Om wholll he purchased over a hundred birds), Dr. W. Anderson, the late C. L. Drinkwater and Warburton Bros. i;.- -The name of Donachy is another word for honesty. I've yet to meet a straighter man than Bert.-"F.\V.S.H." Head through al1(\ judge for yourself the quality of this grand collection. Every onc a picture of good health and racing ability. Sale takes place SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, lit the Club and Institute Union, 127, Clertl.enwell Road, E,C.1. Birds on view 11.15 a,m. Sales conducted by frank Hall (Enfield) Ltd. will commence at 2.15 p.m. Auctioneer: f. W. S. HALL, 41, Park Crescent, Enfield. Tel.: Enfield 6743. 81 Lots, including 62 pigeons, two lofts, ten baskets, two clocks, nest bowls, without reserve (with exception of the clocks). OLD COCKS Sire, B.C. Pied Cock, 42A1488. 2nd Morpeth, descending from Wallington's 5003 and 584, 1st Fed. Lot 1.-Red Cheq., NU52L1814i. flew £25 a-side race single-up from Berwick, which 1002, 1st fed., 96, 2nd Combine fraserburgh /lnd Lot 2.-Red. Cheq., NU5:!S4811. he won, 3rd East London fed. Lerwlck (194,j), then 448, 1st Combine frasertJurgh. Dam of 168,4:1,NU Lot 3.-Red. Cheq., NU52LISI31. 2nd East London fed. Lerwick (1946), 23rd S.E. 4653]6, ,Jurvis, whose sire 35 was 2nd London All nown through to Fraserburgh 1954 and 1955, Section North Rd. Champ. Club, winning E. and f. Thurso Club nnd u big Combine winner. Sian• and Thurso 1954. No Thu:so race 1955, owing to poOls, His dlillghter und her otl~pring bred Buglass Roberto blood, closely related to Hughes of Liver• the mil strike. Bros. CLeyton) 20 winners. poot, Young bird said for £125. 16843 has all the Sire of Lot I, 2 :md 3, R.C.C. HW4iL8463, from Dam of G"y Pied Cock is NURP43~1;".343, known best blood-lines of the champions. L. Duke of Sawston. Last son of his Champion Red as the Good LOOking Hen. 1st Roding Valley Mor• Lot 15.-Red Cheq. Pled Cock, NURP5IEF!I,'i4. Cheq. Cock 74 when paired to the Perth Hen, twice peth, 2nd Selby, 3rd East London fed. Hi!xham flown all stages North, then kept for stock. He 1st Perth, only bird on day on one occasion. 8463 (winners only race, 1947). Won £40 from fnser• breeds bculltiful youngsters. He is from un own was the cock of the famous Duke Pair. B•.ed for burgh with the L.N.R. Combine. She was a nest• brother to Moss Side Topper. Moss Side Topper stock, not raced until 1950, when he narrowly, lost mate to the mother of Stan Biss's 1st London See• and Moss Side Reliance won nearly £1,ZOO for Wa.r• n £ 10 side bet with ~1r. P. Cope. ~1r. Duke laid tion Lerwlck, N. R.C.C. She bred Agnes, who in burton Bros. 10 to 1 odds on 8463 and ~1r. Cope had about 12 tum bred Blss's 2nd Combine Berwick 1955. Her Lot 16.-Gay Pied Cock, XURP53ED2024. War• entries, one of which just beat the Duke cock. Sire sire was 315 Lulham, new Lerwick four times, win• burton, RHced 100 miles then stock. Anothe~ of 8463,. 38RTDi4 won 1st Northallerton, 2nd fed., nlng the £10 Club. I lent 5:143 for one year to Dr. breeder of real beauties. Sire, Pure W.T, Rimer. 2nd Durham, 3rd Durham, 3rd fed., 1st Club and Anderson, who WliSa very good friend of mine. He Dam,· B.C. Pied Hen, own daughter of Moss Side Championship Banff, again 1st Club Banff and 1st made repeated requests to buy her, but I wouldn't Money Spinner, who won £580 for WartJurton Bros. Border Championship, Banff, then 2nd G.N.R. Com- let her go. I refused £10 for him only a month ago. blne, 10th N.R.C.C. He was sire of many winners:- Lot 7.-Blue Cheq. Cock, XU5:1L4j21. Lot 17.-Blue Cock, SURP44676. Pure Sion from Dam of 8463, HRI3I:1, Westcott, 3rd York, 4th Lot 8.-Blue Cheq. Cock, NU53L4541. Hodge of Sauthport. He won three or four prizes up fed" 1st York, 3rd Sleaford, 4th Gainsborough, 3rd Jarvis and Glts, Both nown fraserburgh, 1951i. to 206 miles Rnd new Paris and Nantes (45] mi]e~). Berwick, 1st and only bird in race time Perth, 3rd Sire of Lots i /llId 8, NURP4!1AIi83, Jarvis direct. He cOlltllins the blood of Sion's Le Rousselet an,l Gainsborough. 1st Perth. Stock only. Dam of i and 8. NURP44Bi!J23, Glts, the Black Pied Cock. This Is an old bird, but he _ Dam of Xos. I, 2 und :J. Red Pied Hen, NUHW bred hy J. and A. Hodge, Southport. flown Guern• stili breeds well. 42A8;,41, known as Duke's Red Hen. 1942, 2nd sey, DOl, Vitre, paris, etc. She won many prizes Lot 18.-Red Cheq. Cock, NURP50W95]!I. LuJ• Doncaster, 1st Club, 1st Fed. Durham. 1943, and was dam of Club and fed. winners. Sire of ham. Bred for ~tock, at which he is a great success, Several good wins. 1944, 1st Doncaster, 1st Banff, i923 18i6, sire of many good birds. Dum of. i923 136, being the sire of m~.. chllmpion hen 1812i (lot 3] thiF 2nd Championship, 6th fed. 1945, 1st York, well one of HodKe's best mcers. i923 goes buck to list). Any bird which can breed a hen like 18127 I! up in N.R.C.C. Thurso, when Mr. Duke was beaten Georges Gits'~ best, including GGIO. GG66, ]5680:!:1. worth having whatever the price. by 2 yards for the two-blrd average. 1946, 2nd Ler- 6332233, 264038 /lnd 1.~68033, /Ill bred by Georges Lot 19.-Blue Cheq. Cock, NURP49A583. Stock, wick, bellten for first posit,ion, Club and Fed. by loft GUs. i alld 8 /Ire pigeons of high potential contuin• A direct son of the great Jarvis pair, (See Lot H mate. 1947, 1st Berwick, 1st Thurso. 1948, 1st ing all the best possible blood. this ]ist.) Banff. 1949, 2nd Northallerton, then to Lerwlck, Lot 9,-Red. Pied Cock, NU54LPC389, C. L. OLD HENS from where she retul'Iled badly hllrt. Her sire, Red Drinkwater. Lot 20:-Blue Cheq. Pled Hen, NU52L18141i, Rowl' Pied Cock from ~lr. Westley of SlIwston, son of a Lot 10.-Mealy Cock, NU!J4L] 6828, C. L. Drlnk• fraserburgh 1955 Rnd Thurso 1954. From the Duk. Duke bird that bred muny winners. Her dam was water. Both flown Northallerton and Berwick. Sire pair. (See Lots 1 and 2 this list.) All the long• a mam'e hen, bred from a pair of the original West- of 9 and 10, B.C. Pied Cock, Drinkwater, NU52L distance blood anyone could reqUire. cotts that bred Club and Fed. winners gulore., 181:19. '-flown Thurso. Dam, XU,j2LI8142. flown Lot 21,-Blue Cheq. Pled Hen (feather-legged), The Duke pair listed ubo"e hHve a racing and Thurso. I did not get detHils of this pair, but I XU52L18122. flown Berwick and Thurso (lin breeding record second to no other pair In the know they lire of Drinkwater's best. club) J !lii4. Sire RP42V8iOIi, flown Lerwlck three times and fraserburgh Hnd Thurso and was /I greftj country,chance ofandtakingtheseafterthreethem.birdsTheyfor aresalelovelyhuve birds,every flownLot Berwick11.-Bule 195$,$heq.WarburtonPled Cock,Bros. SireNU54L16824.of 16824, racer for Drinkwater. De8cended from 661 man) !lnd will grace any loft. my good Guy Pied Cock, grlllld90n of Moss S:de times Thurso IInd one of the best Cheq. Hens Drink· Lot 4.-Red Cheq. Cock, XU52L8113, C. L. Money Spinner, which won £580 for WarJlurton water ever had Rml 4i]6, bred hv Warburton Bros Drinkwater. Bros. (see Lot 16). Dam, Cheq, Pied Hen ,j2EDI:!61, from their hest Topper IInd Reliance blood. ]8122 i, Lot 5.-Red. Cheq. Cock, NU.~2L]8]52. C. L:- bred by Warburton Bros. (Lot 34 in list). Warbur- a powerful hen, good both at racing and breeding. Drinkwater. ton Bros. do not give details with the few birds they Lot 22.-Blue Cheq. Hen, NU52L18]50. FJowr Both nown fraserburgh 1954 and 1955, and Thurso part with bllt their reputation Is world-wide and fraserburgh 1!llili. 1954. ]6824 is a fine example of their family. Lot 23.-Blue Cheq. Hen, NU52L18115. Flowr Thurso 1954, fraserburgh'1955. Sire of Lots 4 and 5, Drinkwater Cock, NU48L Lot 12.-Red Cheq. Cock, XU53L4498. flown Lot 226180!lO. not rar"" winller of over £550 for Warburton Bras, in the Lot 14.-Blue Cheq, Cock, XU,j·iL]6843. Savage, until 1!I;;4 then through to fraserburgh 1955. Sir. Lanes. Nantes Club. from Jarvis. Flown stages to Berwick 19:;5. Sire, the Old Gay Pled Cock nown Thurso four times (1.0 Lots 4 and 5 are pedigree plus performance birds B.C.C. H\V44VIM, Jan'is, 1st York 4 times and f\ this list) Dam Bricoux Hen :Jln, Dr. Anderson /lnd are bound to do we]], I had the very best from flew Perth Rnd Banff. His sire. 2608. flown Thurso from Rosicrucian, bred by Dr, Bricoux Hnd oold I" t.ho late C. Drinkwater, since wc were great friends. and a winner of several prizes, inf'luding £39 in Dr. Anderson In 1942 for £30, There could be nj I sold 15 and 5116 for £50. L.N.R. Combine. Descended from 119, R yerv bi!.! better blood than this. Lot 6,-Gay Pied Cock, XU48Li920. 4th fraser- winner up to Thurso, 480 bred by Savage, 8939' bred Lot 29.-Mealy Hen, Nl1;i4LPC788, kept for stock burgh and nown Thurso four times, winning £40 by J. B. Joel from his best, and 8287, 1st Combine Sire R,.d Chef(. COf'k. NURP50\v!l519, ",hidl wa for a novice, and has bred me some beautiful birds, Thurso. Darn of ]M, E.19, nestml1te to Champion father to my champion hen 18127 (Lot :11 this Ji~t) "hich perform well whatever the conditions. E.20, winner of 10 firsts, three times 1st fed. and (Continlled 011 following pHge) OCTOBER 2\), H}j5. THE RACING PIGEON. ADVERT1SE~IENTS.-SUPPLEMENT. ENTIRE CLEARANCE BY AUCTION AT MANCHESTER ONE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING REAL LONG-DISTANCE RACING GURNAY FAMILIES IN THE COUNTRY Owing to the recent death of lUre A. BROWN, ASTON CROSS, TEWKESBURY, 1Ihs. D. Brown has instructed Mr. R. Mayo to sell the entire loft of Gurnays ut the Zion Institute, Stretford Road, Hulme, Manchester, next SATURDAY, NOVEMRER 5, 1955, at 2.30 p.m. Birds on view from Uu.m. Commissions with remittunco to cover cost may be sent to tho Auctioneer at 96, High Street, Manchester, 4•. Tho lato 1111'.A. 13rown WIISa real long-distance racer of the Gurnays in this country anrl he has ruthlessly raced them both from tho North ancl from tho South and they have been consistent prize winners In National races. The team hus consisted of birds thut have put up good porfonnunces from thol Perth.foHowing raco points-South: Pau, San Sebastian, Bordeaux, Luxemburg, Brussels, Tours, Nantes, Guernsey, Penzallce. North: Lerwlck, Thurso, Banff, 'i'hcse Gurnnys. in the ri(Jht hands, have no equal and certainly'no superior as a first cro-"s for 1011{Jdistance racing. They have been ruthlc,~sly ra&~d keenest cOlf/petitiotl with outstanding 1·esults. Equally (Jood rcsults havc been obtained by other fanciers with birds from 1'.11'. Hrown.-Nou'-WEST. COCKS Lot 28.-Vel. Cock, 53/860, flown Guernsey, YOUNG BIRDS 1955 ~t 1.-Velvet Cock.! 50/2028. 1951 Guern~ey, Renne~ and nantes N.f.C. Sire 1335 (see Lot 1). (Mrs. Brown has been unable to sex tho 19:;;;' 19,,~ Nantes N~F.~., 19,,3 Nantes and Sa~ Sebastian, Dam (HO. 1!J.,1 and 1952 w~n 1~~~Ler~ick. young birds prior to the issue of this sui" Ii."t, bud our 1st bml wmlllng 13th Sec•• he and Ius loft mate Lot 29.-Vel. Pled Cock, u4/1~",. Sire !J4. See they will bo stated on the sale pens) were the only birds tim",d in at Gloucester Clock Lot 8. Dam 645 (Lot 33.). Lot 55.-Vel. 860... Station. A very gallic bird. Sire 48/1335, winnor of Lot 30.-Lt. Red Cheq., 54/9981. Sire 8642. See Lot 56.-Dark 85!J. l~t and sO\'~ral prizes-fir~t bird to loft 5 !Imes run: Lot 51. Dam 8417 (See Lot 34). Lot 57.-Blue Cheq., 1391. . nmg, 3rd bIrd from Lerwlck. Dam 49/62/. HENS. Sire of Lots 55 to 58 is 9083. Lot 3. Dam of Lotsl Lot 2.-Blue Cheq. Cock, 52/ZX61. Flown Nantes Lot 31.~Blue Cheq. Hen, 51/47!J. ~952, Wey- 55 to 58 is 345 reserved for stock. and pau N,F.C., n \'ery game pigeon, grandson of mouth tWICe only, then sent to Worcs. Fed. Mar~n- Lot 58.-Mealy, 581. Sire 1331, Lerwlck. Dam Aston Blue BOY (Seo Lot 18). nes Smash, a very game hen and Dam of Fed. Win- !J985. II Lot 3.-Blue Cock, 51/9083. 1951 1st Weymouth, ners •. Sire Blue Cheq. 50/2026. Dam l3lue, SURP Lot 59.-Vel., 1378. 6th Sec. Guernsey N.F.C. 1952 2nd Sec., Nantes 42/2717 bred by Dr. Anderson, renlised 22gns. at Lot 60.-Blue Cheq., 1379. N.F.C. 1953 13th Sec., Nantes N.F.C. 3,200 birds. s,"le, two,:.>fh?r sons won over £100 from Bord~aux. Sire of Lots 59 and 60 is 3157. Lot 19. Dam of Sire 50/2003 flew Marennes Smash. Dam 47/8641 Sire of 2,~7 IS Ch. Le .Fy~en,. the greatest pIgeon Lots 5911nd 60 is 1252. Lot 44.

1st Y.B. National. Lot 32.-Blue Cheq. Hen, 52/ZXr;~.Hcsorved for Lot 62.-Vel., 7869. Sire 3368. Dam 493!J. ~.resen'edLot 4.-Bluefor stock.Cheq.DumCock,of 1st49/592.Perth, Flown2nd Durham,Lerwlck stock,over bredone mof ,our best Iusstockwmnmgshens. aroSire phenomenal..Blue Cheq .• Lot 61.-Red,63.-Blue 7874.Cheq., Sire84:~.625._ Dam 1252. Lot H. 3 times (see "Squills"), all hard. difficult races. An 51/495, flown Nantes. Dam Black Pled. 51/461, Lot 64.-Blue Cheq., 899. Late bred. outstanding stock bird. Sire the Old lIlealy 45

DamLot53/637.16.-Vel.duughterCock, 54/9968.of 479. LotSire31.1:135.See Lot 1. DamLot 866.44.-BlueLot 34.Hen, ii·I/l2;.2. Sire Aston Blue Boy •••••80Lotto 8384.-Vel.,is :JI64. 881"SireLotJj4. -f12:;5. Lot 2:1. Dam Lot·4S. Lot 17.-Blue Cheq. Cock, 54/3364. Sire 50/2032. see ·'Squills". Dam 8-117. s('e Lot 3-1. Lot 85.-Blue Cheq. 139:J. .• 1951 winner from Weymouth, 1952 winner from Lot 45.-Blue Hen, 54/1240. Sire 53/3939. Dam .-Lot 86.-Red Cheq., 1366./ fYlr .' Guernsey, winner frolTl Weymouth, winner from 52/ZX87. Sire of 85 and 86 is 3371. Lot 26. Dam of 85 and Rennes. Also flew Marennes smash. Da.m 49/63; •• Lot 46.-Blue Cheq. Hen, ii-1/3170. Sire 53/860; 86 is 12ii4, bred same as 9981. Lot 30. resen'ed for stoek. Lot 28. Dam 52/ZX!)6. won 1st Harrol;ate. 1st Our- Lot 87.-Blue Cheq. 3241. Sire 628, flowll •• Lot 18.-Blue Pled Cock, 54/3361. Grandson of ham, 2,.,d Thurs,. flown Guernspv 111111Nantes. Guernsey and Nantes. Dam 3170. Lot 46. Aston Blue BOYa consistent winner from 90 to 602 Lot 47.-Vel. Hen, iil/1236. Sir" ii2/ZX9-1, son of Lot 88.-Vel., 1369. Sire 1335. See Lot 28. Dam miles. Has flown In National races-Brussels, 1111'.Streeter's Spencer Cock, 5 times Lerwlck in 637, daughter of 6:J9, the good Marennes hem Luxemburg, Nantes, pau and San Sebastian. A monp.y twice. Dam H4ii. Lot 33. Lot 89.-Blue Cheq., 137;•. Sire 1224. Lot ~·1. 'worth~' son of the old mealy 451 (see Lot 4). Lot 48.-Blue Cheq Hen, 54/997;-;. Sire 3486. Lot Dam 4(138, duughter of 2032. Seo Lot 17.

I Lot 19.-Blue Cheq. Cock, 54/3157. Gmndson of 5. Dam 53/HR89 Lot 90.-Blue Cheq., 1381. Sir.1I 1244. Lot 12. 9083. Lot 3 Lot 49.-Blue Cheo. Hen, 54/9986. SI~e 51/9083. Dam ZX87, flown Guernsey, daughter of :1186, Lot fi. Lilt 2~-Vel. Cock, 54/3162. Grandson of 94 (seo Lot:J. Dam 52/ZX87. ~ Lot 91.-Blue Cheq., 892, Jate hred. :1.01. 8) and 8-117 (see Lot 34). Lot 50.-Blue Hen. 54/998·L Sire 53/628. Dam Lot 92.-Dark, 1365. Sire of !)1, (12 is 1346. seo . Lot 21.-'Vel. Cock, 54/3161. Sire 53/625, winner 52/ZX90. flown Guernsey and Nantes. Lot 54. Dam of 91. H2 is M5, Lot 33'. lof two firsts. Dam 52/ZX5;. (Lot 52). Lot 51.-Blue Hen, 54/H982. Sire 47/86-12, won Lot 93.-Dark, 875. Sire ZX94, seo Lot 8. Dam Lot 22.-Vel. Cock, 54/3154. 6th Lerwick. Dam 8417. See Lot :J4. 80SH, reserved for stock. Lot 23.-Vel. Cock, 54/1255. Lot 52.-Blue Cheq. Hen, 52/ZX5:;. Sire 51/495. Lot 94.-Blue Cheq., 243. Sire 1253, son of Lot 3. Sire of Lots 22. 23 is 19083. Lot 3. Dam 52/8089. Flown Nantes. Dam 51/461. Winner of two .1stS. Lot 95.-Blue Cheq., 242. Sire 12:;3. son of Lot 3. Lot 24.-Blue Cock, 54!J224. Sire 52/ZX;';3 win- Lot 53.-Vel. Hen, 51/471. Won several prizes up Lot 96.-Smoke Blue Cheq., 858. Sire 2032. see ner of 6th Normanton, 2nd Harrogate, 1st Durham to Thurso and a very good stock ~en. Sire 3486. Lot Lot 17 Dam 4~9 flown Marennes Smash dam of and Coronation Cup. Dam 50/2055 (see lot 42). 5. Dam 49/611 won 2nd Harrogate, 1st Club and .': I , , Lot 25.-Vel. Cock, 53/3367. Grandson of the Fed. Perth. Flown Lerwlck. \\lr~~1~7 Blue 13"1 Old Mealy 451 (see Lot 4). Lot 54.-Blue Cheq. Hen, 54/316~. Sire 4S/1346 .-, .• 1. ,,' ~'" DamLot51/47926.-Vel.flownCock,Marennes54/3371.smash.Sire 2028. Lot 1. flownN.F.C.1951agam.~antesour N.F.C.,.2nd bird,our pau2nd bml.N.F.C.,1952ourNantes2nd LotLot2. 98.-BlueDam of 9"C~eq.,98 IS.138.,.4647,Siresee~tof 97;/S... IS ZXu1, I Lot 27.-Blue Cheq. Cock, 54/9977. Sire 50/2032. bird and prize winner. 1!J53 San Sebastian prize "Lot. 9~.-Blue, 1389. Sire ~;~on BI~: Boy, se.. See Lot 17. Dam 49/635, reserved for stock. winner. Dam 50/2022 reserved for stock. I Sq\l1lb ,and Lot IS. Dam 1-_6, Lot v,. r N<>iemi><,'13. 1965 TH' RACING PIGEON, AUCTION SALES-SUPP •• M••••• LunDI ABSOLUTE ENTIRE CLEARANCE SALE OF FAMOUS GURNAY FAMILY * PERK,NS BRaS OF MILL HILL, LONDON Owing to removal in very near fu~ure and other circumstances it he.s been decided to give up the sport. We have therefore instructed HALLMARK PIGEON SERVICES to arrange a sale by Public Auction of our highly-successful racing family 0{ GURNAYS. SEN'SA,TIONAL WINNING GURNAYS, Often he.s this been said of the splendid Gurnays raced by the T K and 0 C Perkins Bros, 17 Ellesmere Avenue, Mill Hili, London NW7. ~ This team of Gurnays are bred down from the squeakers we chose from W Streeter's lofts and we always had first pick. On W Streeter's advice ••• we approached J Tompkins (Cheltenham) for birds to cross in with the original Streeters and it is well known that most of the late A Brown's belSt birds were bred down from Mr Tompkins's stock; ie, 'Mealy ~1 was bred by Mr Tompkins, who gave us the option to purchase his entire stock. We purchased all but the very old pigeons. These birds were crossed into the Streeter Gurnay family and tested well, and the best racers we round, came down from Othello, Desdemona, Young Romeo, ",ullet, Frau Frou, Fldus Aohates, Sanoho Panza, Spencer, Lot 5, 5181, Lysander, Lot 16, 5602, "tSSlca, and these are the birds the Perkins' Gurnays were founded upon. ,.... Only a smoll team is kept and an average of four old birds raced per week. Old birds are only given three races per season and there are 00 ••• worn out birds on sale. Youngsters go to every race that their moult permits. Birds are raced on either natural or semi widowhood systems. * Many of, the earlier winners in ilie pedigrees have been sold to America or well-known Gurnay fanciers in the UK. All the birds offered could have ~en sold to Japan but we had committed ourselves to Frank Hall. 8ALE takes place ST ALBAN'S HALL, ItALDWINS GARDENS, oft GRAY'S INN ROAD, HOLIORN, LONDON EC1, on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20, r6mmencing 2.30 pm. VlewlnK from 11.30 am. Handling with care permitted until sale commences. Auctioneers: HALLMARK PIGEON SERVICES LTD, HALLMARK HOUSE, 73 LONDON ROAD, ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX. Phone: Enfield 2125. Telegrams: Hallmark, Enfield. 'fhe Auctioneer, F W S HALL, •••ill carry out commission!! for fanciers unable to attend provided written instructions, together with cash (registered), cheques, POs or MOs. 1>lus78 per bird (carriage, box, feed), is received before commencement of sale. GURNAYS that win and GURNAYS that have won for many generations • ..- Read for youI'I'elvt8 the RACING QUALITIES of the STREETER GURNAYS upon which the PERKINS BROS' GURNAYS wel'e founded. TROPHIES WON BY THE PERKINS BROS' GURNAYS Won , Runnen,uD Won 1953 VB Points Cup,' YB Av, Thurso OB Av. Fed YB Av. Bliss CuP. Rlohard. 1959 YB Av. YB Points CuP. G Barrett Tray, fed VB Av, W Kine CUll. CuP. CuP. S Calkin CuP. 1954 OB Av, Bliss Cup, Richards CuP. YB Av. YB Points. Thurso CuP. 1860 OB Av. YB Av (outright), Comb Av. Barrett Tray. VB POlRts, 1155 Berwick CuP. OB Av, YB Av. Riohard. CuP. Bliss Cup, Berwick CuP. Thurso Cup, Fed YB Av, lesl OB Av, BerwiCk CuP, Richard. Fraserburgh Cup, Thu,50 CuP. IIi •• Fed OB to Berwick. Cup, Comb Av. YB Av. YB CuP. 1961 OB Av, Bliss Cup~ Richards CuP. Berwick. Thurso, Comb. Burt CuP Points. G Barrett Tray. Fed YB (Fed). YB Points Cup (joint winners). Av, Middlebrook Cup (Combine). '962 YB Av. YB Point. (outright), King Cup, BOY (Fed). B"rton TrophY. YB Av, YB Points. G Barrett Frase'burgh Cup. Hexham Cup (CWH). OB Av to Berwick (CWH). Tray. Fed YB Av. 1963 Hexham (CWH). Hexham (MHE). Ward Shield. Barrett Tray. 1964 OB Av (outright), Bliss. Rh:hards. Berwick (outright>. Thurso, He'lham. Comb Av, Ransome (Fed), OB Av to Berwick . Total of 85 Cups In 11 years. Runners·up for many mars. .~t 1-B.C, NU57\\THD25Iil/NURP wick; 6th Doncaster, 2nd Berwick. 4234 "est mate tri'Lot 2, Tybalt. This ' * Lysander is' of the highest pos• 7RA10911>,Oberon, the twice Thurso inner. Bred by W streeter, of Stan• ore. ,A, splendid racing Gurnay. ford; 2nd Darlington, 17th Combine;, Immortal Curnays."l .. ',. Lot 8). I. ' ':' ",' Inner of 3rd Essendlne, 3rd Fed; 1st l.stSire . Northallerton,of 1206 is Oddey&s,8th Fed;NU56WHB. nd ,is•Lotthe 4-BinvalU.'Chable C,billines6 WBH42481of.' 0.. I 'Sible.LotG.6ur.nay·p,:c;-hlood, NU62H6641/;NU62No finer' e~er lef.t rize Darlington,' 6th Fed, 8th prize 425"Northallerton,winner of 6th4th Fed;Newark;.3rd 2ndRelfO~d;Ret- NU61)\UIEl!!8,Wood'S, A Brown's.fiuck'~ Fine$t'1edGurnay.Shaw's IT!!:!:;!).the IOft~r aques.TompkinsFinest, Gurnay.(see furt,herWin~ 'cimbint; 2nd Newark, 4th Fed; 4th ~th Doncaster. Oddeyes is a g1'lmdson 'Wlnijjr of the:.' following" prizes:: 5th ner of rollo~ing prizes:, 4th E~send;ne,. ewark j 3nt Hexham; 4th North• Qf W Streeter's Spencer, the (our Retford 4th,Retrord,'3rd Newark, '1st 4th Essendme,. 6th ,Essend,"e" ~nd "erton; 1st prize Thurso, 7th Fed, times Lerwick cock, grandson of 0 I Newark; 5th Essendine,' ,6th Essen- 'Rettord, 3rd Rettord, 2nd ~etford, 3th prize Combine; 2nd prize Wood's famous Champion 39. Dam dine, 1st prize Hexhilm;' 1st prize lith Fraserburgh,' 6th. 'Essen dIRe, '151 erwlck, 28th Combine; 1St prize hurso, 12tl'l Fed, 14th' prize Combine. of Spencer, twice Nevers, 600' miles., Hexham, 1st prize Newark,'1st Fed. prize Berwick, 36th Combine. Would' 'tre, Othello, Lot 1 Streeter's sale. Dam of 1206 is NU59WHF4144 (see Sire, ~U:}1WHf)2563,;.1st 'Essendine, have won hettel' po~itjons but, is a ~ad Lot, 14), she is winner of 3rd psen-1~t Fed, 1st Essendine, 2nd Doncaster,' tr>\pper, Sir~,,(ot 2; 5th pr.ize!t1!1r~o lam"of 2.~61, Desdemona. Lot J7, dine, 2nd Newark, 6th Thurso, 5th' 3rd Newark, 5th "Fed, 3rd '; Thurso, Combine. etc, tht' ,Fed ,long;,dil>u\noe, itreeter's sale. Othello won over 40 )rizes. Sire of'Othello, SHU42AI352, son of A Brown's Ch }I, 451. Dam grandamNorthallerton,of 4thW Thurso.Streeter'.s 4144Fldusis Streeterfirou(seij fromLotfldus2), A.chstesDam ,ofand424:8F~Q,uIS k' :&.~, -Bd stoekCh'C, hen,nownNU62W8519/NU62H'pau.' ;', ", >( Othello," '43.2708. from 2382, a ~chatesBerwiCk, and3rdFrauNorthallerton,Frau, latter from4th'17thNU58\VHE672;Combine. 41h,21>63Newark;-bred,.by4th Don-W ~r~.PIJr'-'Winnl'f.,Orlando. Fincst,Gurnay.Dam, Lot 16, Winner'Tomp •. winner to 'two different lofts twice each A Brown's Young Romeo and his caster, 151 Doncaster. 672 from 'sire of 4th Relford,' 4th Retford,3rd'.Re't~' trom 500 miles. Desdemona bred by A Brown from 3486 x 6889. Othello Ophelia, tinest of the Gurnays.* Dam 2;/33, 1st Melton Mowbray, 1st ,Fed. ford, ano is 1\ grandson of ,the famous of 4233 is NURP.57RA10922, won 1st 1st, Renord, 4th Doncaster, 2nd 'Ret- ,Gumay pair' Othello (HJ(I Desdemoqa; 1st prize Fraserburgh, only bird on ~oncaster, 1st Doncaster,. 1st Fed, ford. a son of W,. St.['i~eter's Sancho Sire, :\'1J;;nIHE3~4, Jumbo, tlie .last (Jay, 61h WHC Counties, flew Thurso, 4th Huntingdon, before bemg put to Panza. Dam of 672 is 575, 1s1 Ret- pigeon bred by. W Streeter at Odd~ 600 miles six Urnes, closely related to Spencer, flew Lerwlck, nearly 600 stock.Romeo, LotShe 4isWdaughterStreeter's ofsale,Youngand "Combine,ford, 4th 4thThurso,Thurso,5th 52ndThurso,Combine,64th stonestwo of fromthe tinestGurnays,Othello and Desdemgria,in modern J~iles, lour tlmss. Desdemona from 3486lien Lerwick and late A Brown's "889, daughter of his Gumay cock bred Gurnay, III fact you will not find l~ W fitreeter Curnays. 3rd Fraserburgh, 2nd Berwick, 85th 335. Desdemona Lot 17 Streeter sale. Juliet,* TybaltLot 26is. Streeter'san exceptJ~allYsale. well- ~dO~'-InsFraserburgh,:28thall the best Gurn.Combine.ay bloodlmesP,uck history.1217. Lot Dam19 thisoflist.8579.4th NUf)OWHBDoncaster" Lol 2-Vel WIF C, 1-;"U61WHH4233/ ~,'J&ter4IJpe anywhere.bred Gurnay or more belluti- {¥re1ft.: t 5-RGurnay,C, ~U56N5181,Purchased Lysander.fl'Om •• daughterComhine, of1sttheNorthallerton.Iwlce Thurso Shewinner,is f\ N1161MHEI83, Tybalt. Fed long ;.~tLot 3-Dk Ch C, NU6JWHH4234/ Tompkins for stock, has flown pau Lot 1,and our good breeder 4145. distance trophy winner. A wonderfu qualily Gumay. Winner of 5th :NU6DIHEJ84,llay. The bloodlinesMacduff.of Spencer,Finest Gur-the andNU49N2484,Guernseyfromtwice5706,forflewhim.ChannelSire, Othello.Lot 15. "8579 Inbred to Champion Newark, 6th Berwick, 5th Thurso, 6th four times Lerwick cock as well as ten times, including National smash Lot S:-R C, NU63\V10157/~UG3J prize Thurso, 5th Fed, 5th prize Com• Young Romeo and Ophelia. Winner of from Bordeaux 1947, and ",uliet, 28857, Demetrius. Winner of following ~ine; 2nd priZe Fraserburgh, 30th the following prizes: 4th Essendlne, Lot 26 Streeter's sale. Dam of 5181, prizes: 3rd Northallerton, 5th N'ewark, Combine,winning t.he Ransome trophy 4th Hexham, 3rd Newark, 6th Ret- 6737, from 5706 (above) and 5194. 5th Newark, 1st Essendine, 4th Fed, tor ~st average on his awn. Sire, ford, 3rd Relford, 4th Hexham, 6th 5181 badly cut on telev~ion mast 1964 1st Essendine, 1I1hNewark. Sire, Lot I NUflOWHG1206. winner of 1st Don• SelbY, 3rd Newark, 3rd Northallerton, but sound and still breeding good the Tompkins etook cO('k. Dam of lister,r 8th Fed; 3rd Relford: 6th Bel" 6th Doncaster, 1st prize Morpeth. squeakel'li. 10157. Lot.18 •• 1209, 2nd Essendlne, THE RACINGPIGEON.-AUl:TION SALES-SUPPLEMENT. November 13, 1965

ERKWS BROS'SALE ADVERT Gurnay of oustanding ability as a 13, portia, fl'Om Gurnay pair 2218 x Lot 19, the outstanding breeder ------breeder.** Winner of following Titania. Demetrius from Cordelia, th' :-noncaster, 4th Darlington, 75th prize~: 4th Essendine, 4th Fed, 5th daughter oE Portia (Gurnay pair 2218 :omblne., 1209 from 4153, 6th Dar- Newark, 3rd Retford, 2nd Retford, feather and eye. , . x 789). ngtoo' 4th Newark 1st Essendine 3rd Doncaster, 1st Retford, 7th Fed, 789;'**LotVery11th19-BCombinegoodCh P hen.H,too.NUthi, i;e~tiful.1217! 1 hand, r queakeI's this season rd'Rchord 1st 4th Retford 1st Ber~ 4th Essendine, 5th Thurso, 5th Fraser• NU60MSSI7 Titania. Quality Gurnay. I lick. He i~ as6n M the twice Thurso burgh, 2nd Hexham, 1st selby. Sire; Winner of the following prizes: 4th linner and 57, 'Lot 13 this list, the Gurnay 2218, 1st Northallerton, 9th Doncaster, 3rd prize Fraserburgh, 1st quicklyCUSt.OI I' ."D~~~ped up by visiting plendid st{.ck hen Portia. Fed, 1st Doncaster, 5th Fe~, 1st Northallerton, 2nd prize Berwick, * 5~1'" anYOUNGexceptionalBIRDS hen in. the * Splendid Guriiay bloodlines to Newark, 3rd Fed, 6th Darlington. 85th Combine. Sire, Lot 1, Oberon, Sex believed as stated but n"bt ~ceilf lon,,-dist.unce performers, as well 2218 from pacemaker, W'a~dson of the twice Thurso winner. Dam of guaranteed. 1217. Lot 15, Miranda, an outstanding s many: ~generations of continuous Spencer, ~he four times Lerw!ck cock. Lot 25-B C, NU6M4286, Cym• linning 'stock at all distances. Dam of ,.7. Gurnay 789, .1st Melton producer. Oberon son of Othello and Desdemona; Miranda dauglrter' of beline. Sire,' Lot 1, the twice Thurso Not_Breeding of Demetrius from Mowbray, 1st Fed, 2nd Fraserburg~, winner Orlando. Dam, Lot 20, j Amanda, grand-daughter of O""ello and Desdemona. :urnay.ysander henfrom 6737.Gurnay Cordeliacock 2484fromand !}tJr114-B1):,8334. .Ch H, NU59WHF4144t ••. 1217 wi p "'to be an out,- ** A big bold cock, very like his .ysander,:url'lay cockflown4153Pau,and andGurnayCordelia.hen ~thTU5Hl\IHEM.Combine. celia.789 fromA Gurnaybreeder pairof wlllners.G!-Irnaysrondingpair ~~5 1'03&~72'ucer andbothill Fedmy sire, is inbred to the famous Gurnay 'ortla. 2484 from Gumay cock 5706, winning Gu"nays is not easy to find ideal hAn for stock. Ou~• cock Othello, en times Channel, induding National todav. Winner of the following prizes;: standing eye. Lot 26-B P C, NU65A42!14, Caesar. mash Bordeaux, and W Streeter's 3rd Essendlne, 2nd Newark, 4th Don• Lo, 2G-:-B Ch H, NU61WHH4244/ Sire, Lot 1, the twice 1st prize Thurso elehmted Juliet (also bmd by J caster, 6th Thurso, 3rd North311erton, ~6IMHEI!l4, Amanda~ A winning winner. Dam, Lot 20, Amanda, 'ompkins), Lot 26 his .clearance, 5th Berwick, 4th Northallerton, 4t1t: Gurnay bred from generations of win• grand-daughter of Othello and Desde• , R[>," .Ian IT, 191i8. 6737 also from Thurso. Sire, G.urnay 2563, 1st' ning Gurnays. Winner of followiog mona. A very nice racy cock. 706 and good Gurnay' hen 51!J4. Essendlne, 1st Fed, 1st Essendlne, 3rd prizes: 1st Doncaster, 7th Fed, 2nd Lot 27-B H, NU65A4392, Angelica. 'Lot 9-R Ch C, NU63D61718/NU63 Newark, 5th Fed, 2nd Doncaster, 3rd Newark, 8th Fed, 5th Essendine, 6th Sire, Lot 4, 'grandson of Fldus Achates \'10162. Kertulfle. Splendid Gurnay. ThurSo, 17th Combine. 2563 from Relford, 4th Thurso. Amanda grand• and Frou Frou. Dam, Lot 21, Nerissa,: ?a"olll's his darn, portia, for type and famous Gurnay pair, Fldus Achat~s daughter of Othello and Desdemona. grand-daughter of Othello and Desde• 'Olour. Wirmer of following prizes; nnrl Frou Frou. Damof 4144, Gurnay Sire, Jumbo, the last son bred at Odd• mona. .nd Essendine, 5th Essendine, 5th 672, 4th Newark, 4th. Doncastl!r, 1st stenes from Ch Othello x Desdemona, * A real smasher this-outstandlng ;ssendlne, 1st Relford, 2nd Relford, Doncaster. 672 from 2233. 1st MeHon that secmingly immortal Gumay pair. in body and eye. :nd Essendine, 4th Newark, 3rd SelbY. Mowbray, 1st Fed, 1st Retford, 2nd Dam of 4244, 1210, 2nd Relford, 4th Lot 28-B Ch P H, NU65M601i9t, ;1718 u big show pen winner, only had Retford, 4th Doncaster. 2233, son of Fed. '1210 from 2563, 1st Essendine, Phrynla. Sire, Lot 4, Puck, grandson 10 races. Sire, Lot 7, Orlando, the Sancho Panza. Dam of 672 i~ 575,. 1st 1st Fed, 1st Essendine, 2nd Doncaster, oE Fidus Achates and Frou Frou. Dam, nbred son nf Othello. Dam of 61718, Relford, 4th Thurso, 52nd Combine, Lot 21, Nerissa, her dum being noteVllYsthese nbout. Winner of following * Verv u~eful this. prizes: 5th Newark, 5th Northallerton, Lot 30-Gay P H, NU6ii1\I60598, 1st Relford, 3rd Retford, !lth Don• Juno. Sire, - Lot 2 Tybalt. Dam, ithEssendine,~,Tybalt,Essendine,the61hFedernt.ion2ndNew.ark,Newark.lonll-dist.ance2ndSire,Selby,Lot ing*stock.Tobreeders.NestrnateGumay ffil:t?;tn;Aiasts,1J.14. Outstand·Miranda caster, 2nd Northallerton, 85th Com• Lot 16, Jessica, Sisler to Lot 29, ;!'Oph~·winnAr; 1st prize Thurso, 5th worth her weight in gold. bine, 5th Northa"erton, 2nd prize being from Puck (Lot 4) and Nerissa )pen Combine, alw 2nd prize Fraser- Lot 16-M H,' N{j57R.,r;602, Jes$tca. Thurso, 54th Combine. Sire, Jumbo, (Lot 21). ~u,.gh and 30th Combine. Dam of Purohased frOln J Tompkins and with the son of Othello and ·Desdemona. ot 31-B Ch H, NU65A4299, 848. Lot. 16. .Jessica, Tompkins good Lot 2 is breeding outstanding ,racers. Dam of 8572 is Lot 19, T'itania, III! aria. Sire, Lot 7, Orlando, the Itock 116n. The invaluable hlood ofS602 from, Gurnay 6743, grent-gmnd• favourite hen, daughter of Oberon Inbred Othello cock, son of JumbO ~hampion Picture and Real Master- son of Ch Picture when paired. U' (Othellu and Desdemona) and !iece. Here again continuously suc- Brendy's good hen and 6742.. 674t ourwhen~oodmllt.edbreederto Titania.Miranda.Dam,LotLol3115,Ii Othello 'Z real cracker, outstanding Gurnay Miranda.*** 85i2Noteis b[;edinVo0thv r.v ood hensidesandto listances.:essfulLot generations11-B P ofC,GurnaysNU64Gii114,at all daughter••.from GurnayOutstandingof Realpair Masterpiece.5192stock x hen t \s,.bY{/IP would huve heen my hope for the long ("Lotb~odlines.32-B Ch C, NU61iM60600. 6584'lra,draces for yeurs to come. She shoul~ Adrian (Ill te bred). Brother t.o Lot 31. ;tephano. Quality breeding to WOf'ld's the highest quality br~lng of 1nest Gurnays. Sire, Lot I, the twice the true Gumays. be kept with the Lot 4 cock, with Big bold pigeon, son of Orlando amf whom she is really turninll out the real Miranda. '" goods. fhursolnd Desdemona.1st prize winner,Dam,son ~Othello·tot 20, 41411LotNU59MHE61,17-Velvet PMistressH, NUIi!IWHFQuickly. Lot 33-Vel P C, !\'U135A4297/NU6S Amanda, from Jumbo (Othello and Finest of the Streeter Gumays. * Here is a ydung, beautiful and D99727, Claudius. Sire, Lot 8, Deme• [)esdemona) nnd Gurnay 1210. A Winner of the following pri7.eS: 2n,1 Intelligent Gurnay hen. trius, son of the Tompkins stock cock. 'enlly good young cock this. always Doncaster, 3rd Berwick, 29th Com• Lot 22-B Ch P H, NlT64G7849, Dam, Lnt 19, my favourite producer, n t.he clock as YB, not !'II('ed 1965. bine, 5th Retford, 2nd prize Fraser- Isabella. A quality Gurnay. Winner Titania,Oberon annasplendidMirandatype, daughterClaudius toa Lot 12-B Ch WIF C, NU64,1!18807! burgh, 4th Newark, 5th Hexham, 5th oE following prizes: 3rd Northallerton, ~U64G:i107. Balthazar. Finest, Gurnay Hexham, 4th Northallerton, 2nd Hex• 84th Combine, 1st Newark, 9th Fed, truly magnificent pigeon and will be )f wi[}ning. 500-mile blood. Sire, Lot ham, 4th prize FrBserburgh, ut 4th Northallerton. Sire, Lot 4, Puck, very hard to fault. I, Kertuffle, highly promising racer as Northallerton. Sire, Gumay Cock grandson Fidus Achates and Frou Lot 34-Vel H, NU65D99724, Alexis. A'ell as a "plendid specimen. Dam, NU56M2233. 1st Melton MOWbray, 1~t Frou. Dam of 7849, Lot 21, Nerissa, Sire, Lot J, Macduff, nestrna te to the Hiti3, 1st Newark, 4th Newark, from Fed, 1st Retford, 1st Relford, 2nd from Jumbo (Othello and Desdemona) Fed trophy winner. Dam Lot 17, 12:HIx 1204. 4239, 1st Hexham, 1st Relford, 4th Doncaster. 2233 from and Titania (Oberon and Miranda). .Mistress Quickly, good. racer and . Fed, 2nd Doncaster, 2nd Essendinc, 131i9, Sancho Panza x 845. 845 from ••• This is sure to please the most breeder of winnerS. Alexis combines 'st Hexham. 42:19 from the Tompkins Madame Bovary x lago, the renowned critical fnncier, a mu~t at. Gck - a the finest of the Gurnays, including; Jock. Lot. 5, and Lot 18. 1204. 4th Streeter Gurnays. Dam of 4141, IAt 'Gurnay hen that will hel take o I Wood's, Fred Shaw's and A Brown's. Ooncaster, from' Lot ] and Lot 15, 13, Portia, our good racer and breeder further Gurnay history. Lot 23-Vel Hen, NU' T O/NU * Very promising racer and pro· 64G5110, Helena. A young and highly ducer. Wlranda.n looks. a!lR807show apenmagnificentwln-ner. 61718cock, andwlllners.grand-daughter of ~rnaY , pair bred Gurnay: with her life hefore her. Lot 35-B Ch P C, NU6liM60602, ;~is one ver.v like Champion Picture 2~18 and 7]9. both Fed ·~·~1P,dW Winner 01 2nd Essendine, 6th Newark. Stephano. Gurnay, from proven stock 'rolDs fr()!i1JumboOrlando(Othelloand POf'tia,and Desde-former NU60l\lSS9.Lot 18-VelvetCordelia.H, NU~A fute exampledl2091 Sire Lot 7, Orlando (.Jumbo and of successive generations of winners. nona), Gurnay 8M3 from Gurnay of the Gurnays. Winner of the Iollow• Titania). Dam of 98810, Lot 13, Sire, Lot 5, Lysander, the Tompkins Jair '12~!I and 1204. 4239 from ing prizes: 2nd Essendine, 5th Don• stock cock. Dam, Lot 18, Cordelia, Lysander and Cordelia. 1204 from caster, 4th Darlington, 75th Combln'!, blood of Young Romeo and Juliet. [)beron (Othello and Desdemona) and then stock, has always been with producer. * Fro,m a pair of proved producers, Miranda, lat.ter from Gurnay 2563, 5181, the Lot 5 cock, nnd their AnotherPortiaNote-2218(Gurnayvery sonpromisingpairof Pa211ra!rII xer. 789).and789 Lot 36-R H, NU65M67751, Ceresla. 17th Thurso Combine, and Gurnay squeakers are always in demand. Sire, from Gurnay' pair 699 ilnd 8:J:l4. GurnaY. Sister to Lot 35 a.nd is a late 572. 2563.

PERKINS BROS' SALE ADVERT breeder, daughter of 17th Open Cleopatra. Gumay. Sire, NURP55 and ill a bird 01 outstanding pro Combine Thurso, in turn son of Frau AH62, from 793, 1st worcester, 1st racer Kerfu"le. Dam, Lot 22, very Frau. This, in my opinion, will prove Cheltenham x Blu. Starnight. Star• OriginalLot 41-8pedigreeCh toH, purchaser.SUHW65.8M~~41 prOIlJlsmg producer Isabella. The to be s good bird on the road or at night from Radio Bronze. Dam of Gurnay. Bred by Macrae, of Per~ bloodlines of Othello und Desdemona. stock.-T. Perkins. 86371, NUHW61LFI080, Lorraine, Details to follow. All best Gurnl * A late bred of outstanding Lot 39-R Ch P C, NU65A43!JI, 1st Wexford, 2nd Bude, 1st Oak• promise. Gonzalo. Gurnay. Sir., Lot 12. Bal- hampton, from Avona x lona. Avona blood,promisedanotherin timeexchangefor sale. bird. ~ 1 thazar, a magnificent bird. Dam, Lot from Othello x Desdemona. lona from urnay. Sire, Lot 6. Jaques, good Gurnay. Details to follow, but b racingLot 38-Bson of PtheH,FedNU65~160601,Trophy winner.Iris. producer. IJI4J ** 86371, splendid Gurnay blood- fromLot my42-8own Chbirds.P H, NU65C862, lDam, Lot 14, good winner and 24,,Lot Hermia'IJ!\~ter40-8 IF H, ofNU65E8637l,the good lines,YoungwasRomeobroughtx veronica.in to try as a cross (Auction Sale -continued on page iv), rANUARY 11, 1953 THE RACING PIGEON. ADVERTISEMENTS-SuPPLEMENT. vii

SENSATIONAL LONDON AUCTION SALE JANUARY 18, 1958 ENTIRE CLEARANCE SALE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST STRAIN• THE GURNA,YS (Streeter's) The Gurnays won for Mons. Renier Gurnay over £120,000 racing The Gurnays won £45,000 in seven seasons racing he great Alexandre Hansenne, of Verviers, founded a strain of racing pigeons beyond compare; only one man ever achieved the distinction of eclipsing such reat National Rnl'ing Records, and that man was none other than his very own pupil and runner, Renier Gurnay. When Hansenne died Gurnay had the reatest collection of Hansennes on the Continl'nt. As a result he eventually became aoknowledged the world over as the Champion of the Racing Pigeon ',orld and was, in fact, publicity proolaimed by the late Georges GUs as The Emperor. Champion Millionaire won almost £30,000. The late Fred Shaw, who Icedi~descendantsthe Gurnaysaloneso Inbrilliantly,races of 200wasmilesaskedandto over.retire. The late O. J. Wood, a great friend of Mons. Renier Gurnay, won over £3,000 with Young Hawk and

George Snell, of Lyme Regis; J. Tompkins, of Glouoester; William Black, of Dunbartonshlre; .I. Massey, of Bacup, Lancs.; R. R. Macrae, M.R.C.V.S .. 'erth, Scotland; the late R. Tustlan, who founded his 1st prize San Sebastian Klng'S Cup Family on the Gurnays, his Girlie, mother of the loft, a pure ,urnay, new San Sebastian three times j the late A. Brown, of Aston Cross, who owed his great suocess In 800","lIe raoes to the Gurnays alone; W. Brewer, r Bournemouth; Clem. Ambler, of Watford; E. Hart, of Edgbaston; E. Sayles, of Barnsley; B. Beebe, of Lincs. ; the late F. W. Marriott; G. Ward, of Barns• y; C. Powell, of Bl'ixton, London; E. Kurner, of Yorkshire; Arthur Hilton" Son, of Broadbottom; Bennett Bros., of Eastleigh, Hants.; S. Rowbottom, Isoof Broadbottom, near Manchester; H. Wilde, of Wath-on-Dearne. Yorks.; G. Barnes" Son, of Colne, Lancs.; R. G. Slison, of Bucks.; F. G. Arnold and • L. Rivett, both of High Wycombe; Messrs. Perry Bros., winners of 1st Lerwlok, Burton and Derby Fed.; the above highly suocessful EngliSh and Scottish ~nolersare but a few of the many outstanding fanolers who owe to much to the ail-conquering Gurnays-the World's Greatest Strain, The Gurnays have been responsible for outstanding racing successes in National Racing in this country for many years, as well as on the Co'nt/nent and I every English-speaking country In the world. The Gurnays hold many enth usiasts under their fascinating spell because of their superior intelligence and reat . The secret of many recognlsed champions, wherever their Interest~y lie, Is In either posseSSing or Introducing the great Gurnays. No other strain on the world has done as much to Improve the speed, stamina, courage and beauty of the modern racing pigeon than the Gurnays, and, member,Iisery, to be successful in long-distance" racing to-day you must be modern'..2r ~ou !i!!.!,aIl by the ,wa~~e. Lilt the_GW'~xs Dr.•.v.ent_wchdl.l~~d The Auction Sale of the Gurnays takes place at THE CENTRAL CLUB (Club and Institute Union), 127, CLERKENWELL RQ#lD, nNDON, E.C.1. The auctioneers, Messrs. Frank Hall (Enfield) Ltd., 41, Park Crescent, Enfield. Middlesex, have been instructed to sell y pub1ic auction, without reserve, the entire valuable collection of Gurnays, Loft and all equipment, belonging to w. STRE-ETER1 'ODDSTONES/1 12 INGRAM CLOSE1 ST ANMO~EI MIDDX .

•••• INSTRUCTIONS Td INTENDING BUYERS ••••• fters for Loft to Auotloneers. View by appointment only. Telephone: Grimsdyke 1315. All equipment will be on view at Sale Rooms and sold In lots at Auctioneer's discretion after the seiling of all IIvestook. Sex of the youngsters believed ",reot but not guaranteed. Commissions will be carried out personally by the Auctioneer, Mr. F. W. S. Hall, 41 Park Crescent, Enfield, Middlesex, but I does not guarantee to make selections for those fanciers unable to attend unless cash or remittance plus 5s. per bird accompanies the Instructions. tl&phone: Enfield 8743. Birds on view from 11.15 a.m. Sale commences 2.30 p.m. prompt. - The Racing Pigeons listed represent the entire Clearance Sale of the famous Gurnay lofts ownell by Mr. W. Streeter, II Oddstones," 12 Ingram lose,Stanmore, Middlesex. Further informat.ion can be obtained from" Squills" 1957» '56, '54, '53. '52, '50, and for guidance A. Brown's advertisements in " Squills " '54, '53, 2, '50w'47, '46 and other Year Books. Mr. W. Streeter, of Stanmore, has decided to retire from the sport owing to increased business commitments following upon a serious illness. No. ~ious racing has been carried out since 1954, but the wonderful racing quali ties of the birds have continued to manifest themselves through his friends, Ifssrs.~ssl'$.Perkins Bros.,Bros. haveof MillwonHili,overwho200haveprizesbeenandsuppliedseveralwithhundredanythingpoundsthey inrequiredcash prizesfromandMr.PoolsStreeter'sin Club Gurnayand Combinelofts, raCing.with theTheseresultGurnaythat enthusiastssince 1954 I\'e also won Club, Federation, Oid and Young Bird Averages and many prominent Combine positions with the Streeter-bred Gurnays; in fact, in local pigeon rcles they have come to be regarded as a menace. The birds are typical of the famous Gurnay strain, Le., rich feather, beautifuIly balanced and wonderful res. They cross well with practically any strain, and first-rate results have beCJnobtained, as many testimonials and many of this country's leading long-distance ,cingfanciers can testify. ,: A small fortune has been spent by Mr. Streeter in obtaining and successfully establishing this wonderful family of Gurnays that do more than justice I Renier Gurnay, the founder of this fabulous strain. It is not generally known, but it may be of interest to many Gurnay enthusiasts in particular, that for Ray years Mr. Streeter sent annually six cocks and six hens to the loft of the late Mr. A. Brown, of Aston Cross, for him to breed youngsters. The famous Dck bird, The Resident, was presented to Mr. Brown by Mr. Streeter. Spencer was bred by Mr. Streeter, for whom he flew Lerwlck (600 miles) four times, Id afterwards made a great name for himself as a producer; he was a son of The Resident. He has been responsible for scores of winners for Mr. Streeter, 1S5rS.Perkins Bros. and many other fanciers. Just prior to Mr. A. Brown's death many of the birds that had been bred from those on loan were brought Ickto " Oddstones," and many of the them are included in this sale. The successes obtained by Mr. Streeter in races from 200 miles to Lerwlck (800 miles) It only test,ify to his skill as a fancier, but further emphasise the greatness of the Gurnays. Compet.ing in the Western Home Counties Combine and West IIprts.dayFed.fromandThursoGreatertwiceHarrowand onoeH.S., frommanyFraserburgh.successes andOnprominentone occasionprizeshe havesent beenten Gurnayswon. Mr.to Streeter,Thurso has(500themiles),distinctionand theseof recordingremarkablethe pigeonsonly birdtookon tht positions In thl first sixteen, with the only bird on the day. , The sale and exhibition of these wonderful birds on Saturday, January 1" will be an education in itself. Come and see for yourselves what is meant when e Press refer to "the fabulous GumlYs." COL. DRABBE. r ' viti 1'HE RACING PIGEON •• ~DVERTISEMENTS-SUPPLE~fENT. JANUARY 11, H)J8

LONDON AUCTION SALE the National F.C. alon~. 191\1, Nantes (335 miles). W. STREETER'S ADVERT.-continued. 1952, Nantes and pau (602 milos) with N.F.C. and in the prins. 1953, San ~astian (598 miles) with REFERENCE BIRDS ONLY. the II.F.C., again a prize-winner. Only two birds timed in at the Rct. A.-Blue Cock, NUHWG4J49, Aston Blue Gloucester clock Boy. BrEd and raced by the late A. Brown (see sta.tion. Sire is photograph). llntrained as a Y.D. 2nd Weymouth 42,D8528, from C.C.,F.e. 1947. Bejng Ehot, he was n.)t raced agNll O. I. Wood's IIntil J949, when he comp<>ted succe~sfully in the Champion 39 and fOIll'following Nat lonal faces: Brussels, Luxembur~, Nantes and Pau, taking 7th Section, 47th Open. Wed37,13346.4,600 8528mile These wefe the only five races he tlew in and he winners. 0 a m WI\S always in the money. Sire of 4149 is the o]J of 1346 is M~ly 451, A. Brown's great stock bird. 451 42,2558, a grand from 25.7906 crossed Channel 17 times. His stock hen. Her sire WI1S Gurnay's Champion Grand Racer \\"hen sire. ~RP39 paired to Blue Star, Gurnay's 1St Grand C~382, was a Maticnal winner. Dam of 4149 is NU43BB452 (wid winner from Guernsey w j t h ~pencer the C.C.F.e. Dam of 2558 is the b6d racer in O. I. Wcod's loft. The Jam of The 34,2382 (see Resident is :!!\,U4:1. Dam of Spencu is 34,2382, a Spencer's dam). winner into th€> G<1~fol1h area, twice Melun and J346 is the sire Segura Servidor. Nevus (fOUl' prizes) to t\rO (600 miles) different Hnd grand - sire lofts. She was hred f"(JI.I Fred Shaw's Gurnays. of many of the birds in the sl1le nnd bred man .••. Spencer's blood is in nearly 6\.'ery bird for sale and winners f<)r A. Brown. A beautiful example of the he Is responsible for scores of winners for Mr. Gurnay strain. One pair of youngsters from him Streeter and many other fanciers. would set anybody on the road to fame ,md fortune N. B.-Abbreviations in the List: in . This is J1fObably the last opportun• C.H.H.S.-Great"r Harrow Homing Sodety; ity to see a really great collection of Gurnays. W.H.C.C.-WesteJ·U Hom€> Counties Combine; Segura Servidc,r Is sire ot many great-hearted 600 W.H..F.-West H"J1~. }<'"delation. mile racers' Lot 3.-velvet CocJ4., ~rll\\,;,:!("C!14. ~L:HP:.:! OLD COCKS ZX94 lago. A magniflMnt example of the beauty Lot 1.-Dk. Chcq. Coc;k, NURP4i,L4033 and of the Gurnays; gr!!at jJlIWeT,excellent feather and NU4HW87I Othdlo. One of England's greatest above all out• Gurnay stock cocks. 'r legard i his pigeon 8S J 1 standing intelll• .vems .. young." He Is a champion racer and stock g I' n c e . Sire, bird. 4033 has won over 40 prizes racing and show• S pen c e r ('o('k, i'slon Blull Boy ing (~f'e spe(·iu) fwtur~Gazet-te. August issue, 1957 rdl'renep C. Dam nnd "~quills"), :>J".~~s bred many winners from all 37.:?34 (H'" fAt 1.1AmmirR) fron. 7:,:J9 x 419, 13M' how 40.82J x distances, far to(/ many to- enumerate. The last IIi) . Iago is the :Jtl.451i. 4.16 from BcJge 1J53951, Lot 35, Gurnay's race in which he Hew, Fraserburgh (426 miles) last son bred by I:>1>tsale, x BeIge 1031:;04 (Lot 85 Gurnay's sale). 1952, lit' won 1st Club,onlY bird on the day in the Spencer and has ,19 £Jo.n 31.28 x "ith J801. 28 from 8539, The G.H.H. ScIciety and 6th W.H.C. Combine. He has taken over his lawk, nr.,d by Gurnay. Old Mealy, 451, was the flown Thurso (500 miles) six times and he is very sire's mantle as Sire of many other famous Curnay 500, 600 and over dosely related to Spencer. Sire, SHU42A1352, one II n exceptional 1100mile winners. Aston Blu8 Boy SpfJIJt his last of t,he sixteen bi,'ds io fly the Stoke -Canon smash stock, bird, being blaed lines. OG!.tiia, ihr hlte A. Brown's, of 7906 i~ Gurnay's HP29PC 11<$. t lit A&toll I·w~s. Inost f.Htict~Sstock hen is responsible laa 'on of Cham• Blue Star, win• for several tiOOand 3ttd 650 mile National winners. IWJ' of t,he Grand She i" bled down frolll Mons. Renier Gurnay's Real fJil)n Pic t u r II. N a t ion a I and (e ham p ion Wonder, Lady Mam'ttr, Young Hawk, und Cham• !'icture was a won £1,800. HEr firf. wcn forty 1st prizes. Thp pion Le Fynen. dl\111 of Grand Rac:6f' "II~ It daughtl"r of the unbeat• pillEOO In a able Bronze Exce/l£nct!. Dam of 13,.2 wa~ 40.460 ~t 4.-Velvet mUlicn). DIIJIJ of from Beige 104290:1.31\Le Fence Angouleme. Dam Cock, SUHP5,i 2714, Rille Cheq. of 460 WIIS Champion Picture blood. The dam of CCI:190. Young Hell, RP-tONWY Romeo, Bred bv 2245, OW" sister Trevor's Choice. 403:! (Spencer) is 4:J.i70R flOm :14, :14.2382. Mons. (he I••te A. Brown to O. I. Wood'~ ReniEr Gurnay won £45,000 In seven seasons with these Gurnays; Fred Shaw smashed hundreds of of Aston Cross. Champion 38, which was brl!d from 881, grandson of British RaCing Rec:otds; F. W. MarriotUpaid the Here \"011 fee II Young Hawk, out of a Red Hen, 3947, grand• late A. Brown, Aston Crt'S!, SCOf'esof pounds to (roe ~leF.Cendunt ,f1aughtfr of Champion Le Fynen. Trevor's Choice obtain his best Gurnays. From the a.oove it wjll of Le Fonce An• bred many winners, but he Injured himself so badly be seen that (here is no bett~r bled G11rnay fUlY• gouleme, Cham• in the wires that he had to be destroyed. Dam of where and hI" will Jell-vehi£ mark wherever he goes. pion ApOllo and ",evor's Choice, Blue Cheq. Hen, ~URP45AA244, He has been cmefully laced and nursed for breedjng Champion Pic• ture. Sire Xu.Sl ElEanor, three timES Lerwick. Sire of 2«, Eleanor, and then~ me many yeals of. breeding left in him 11'61< da,,.k velvet: O1ck, 42.9836, out of Mealy 457, yet; If paired to Blu8 NUHW54F9974, Lot '\'7, he ~9083, noted b,ctht:l' to A. Brow"'s Mealy 451. Dam of Eleanor will breed pigeons tQ satiSfy the most critical GurnllY prrnhlcel·. IV/1B 34.238:1, the Dam of Spencer (see Ref. C). fancier. A typical Gurnay, and pedigree alon8 Dam XURP37 H.B.-Champion Picture, along with Champion places thIs bird In the champicnship class. othello SW:!:14 (see Lot 'A,al/o smashed the Stockport SocIal Circle Club. is a nobl. example and a nne reflection of the 18 this list. brerl Rtf, C.-Dark Cheq. Ceck, NURP45AA247, I;enius of Mons. Aenier Curnay in the production 1(48). 9083 1st ;pmcer (see' ph<)j.ograph). Flown Lerwick four of truly handume 600-700 mile racinl! pigeons. Weymouth, 6th imts "'Hi has won frcm other rac. points. Sire Lot 2.-Blu. Cheq. CCC:k, NURP48BF1346. Section, Guern• Yeung Ront~cr, sey ~.F.C., 2nd 'he Resldt'nt which "'/18 prE'r,(;nted to A. Brown, f<)r kt\uro Sfl'vldor (Faithful Suvant). Bred by the horn ht! prond io b~ a gold-mine lit, stQck (see late A. Brown, Aston Cross. A splendid exampl. Section Nantes, 'S'll1ilh·'). Sin, 'Jf The Resident was Champion 39, IIf the Guma)'s, fGur tlmu across the Channel with (Continued en following pnge) JARY 11, 1958. THE RACING PIGEON 10

LONDON AUCTION SALE grand-sire 9083 was from all A. Brown's best Lerwick England's best-known Gurnays, including O. I. STREETER'S ADVERT.-continued. and San Sebastian winners. Lerwlck, 565 miles. Wood's famous Young HaWk, Champion 39, Lot S.-Velvet Cook, NURP55CCI376. also GurnaJ('s famous Le Fonce Angouleme, ace of ,c. 9083 from Bronze Bars. 50.2003 flew Mar• Orpheus. Bred by late A. Brown, Aston Cross. aces (No.7 final Gurnay sale). He won 1st Angou• IS smash 1952, x 47.8641. Dam of 1st Perth, 2nd Orpheus is a grandson of 1335, star performer leme by half an hour. lam, 1st Y.B. National. 8641 from 39W~'F14 and first ra te Lerwick racer (565 miles). Sire NURP Lot 12.-Velvet Cock, NURP56RA10927, Mac• 'ell·knO\m sire among Gurnay pigeons). 14 from 53B860 flew Guernsey smash 1953. From 1335, win• e 1013050 (Lot 128 Gurnay's sale) x 1013038 beth. Full brother to Fabian. Here you can see , 141 Cumay's sale). Young Romeo is a noble fro rwick twice, in 1951 and 1952. 1335 from nple of the greatness of the Gurnays. He is a 863 34 Lot 18 (lor 1335 also see Lot 17). 610 well-bred pigeon and is considered to be frone~st 2 andx 7080severala otherdaughterprizes,of X610,The Resident.first bird progeny(Lot 19).indelibly.A very niceSire, Cock.94 (LotHas3).'1mdDam,one 8089race I• I only,the truebeingvalue3rd vfbirdtheto Gurnays.loft and 12thTheyClub.markBredtheira { ~- of the three best cocks In the sale. Although Dam of 1376 is NURP52ZX96, 1st Harrogate, 1st prize winner in 1957., Typical Gurnay. 94 is the as only been at •• Oddstones •• a short while his Durham, 2nd Thurso. 96 from 8642 6th Lerwick x eny have won 1st Club, 1st Fed., Doncaster, 610 (see above .8642 from 39/WNF/14 a well-known good Gurnay Stock Cock, lago, son of the famous Spencer. 8089, the late A. Brown's equally famous Club, 11th Fed. Doncaster, 1st Club Essendlne, Gurnay. Sire x 7080. 39WNF/F/14 from BeIge Stock Hen, Madame Bovary, one of the most famous Club, 1st Fed. Essendlne, 3rd Club, 5th Fed. 1013050 (Lot 128 Gurnay's sale) x Beige 1013038, Gurnay Stock Hens In the world to-day. ark, etc. The late Fred Shaw was quoted as (Lot 141 in Gurnay's sale). Orpheus contains ng "·The secret of my success is really no secret the blood of Mons. Renier Gurnay's Bragard, Lot 13.-Dark Cheq. Cock, NURP56WHB422, II. It is just that I tolerate no other strain but who was full brother to Angouleme. 1013050 was Bayard. A Gurnay with his life before him. His ~ays. I admire intelligence but I also admire from No. 42 and No. 61, Mons. Gurnay's final sale Ity, and It was only when I saw the Gurnays that Dec. 25, 1936. A typical Gurnay pigeon which will Ilisedthat I could have both." hold its own in any company. A fine example of the Sire,andthis list.Dam,Hamlet,His234Dam,was(LotsiredOphelia,18).by AstonVeryfrom Sire,Bluepromising1350Boy, (LotRef.young9)A tI It 5.-Blue Cheq. Cock, NURP55CC1382, only strain in the world to win £120,000, winning Cock, well bred, and should race well. He has flown leses I. Bred by the late A. Brown, Aston Cross. £45,000 in seven seasons. Another GurDay achieve• Darlington (200 miles). Hamlet combines the 'uly great son of the splendid Gurnay, Seguro ment was to win £9,400 In a single season I invaluable blood lines of Young HaWk, Lady idor. Sire, NURP48BF1346 (Lot, 2). Dam, 9.-Blue Cock', NURP55CC1350. Hamlet. Manager, Champion Le Fynen, and O. I. Wood's ~P53B645 (has violet eye), Champion Apollo red by late A. Brown, Aston Cross, Probably one favourite Hen, 505 (see Ophelia). Picture Blood. 645 from 623 flown Lerwick x of the last sons of the famous Gurnay 600 mller • Lot 14,,-Red. Cheq. Cock, AN1950. This bird is . 623 from Old Mealy 451 x 2558. 8091 from Sire, Aston Blue unrung and has always been known as A. N. Other I, Bown Nantes and pau x 234 (see Lot 18 this Boy (reference 1950. Fidus Achates (inseparable companion). The list), Old Mealy A). Dam, great Mons. Gurnay only listed three cheqs. in his 451, son of the NURP 53 B 632 final sale, and each sold for a tremendous price. £5{I f a m 0 u s cross• (Lot 20). Ham• has been refused on two occasions for Fidus Achates. Channel National let, through Sire, the Spencer Cock (Ref. C). The Dam, Pique R a c i n g Cham• Old Mealy 451 Dame, 46.14. 1950 was missed when ringing young• pion Gurnay (17 sters, and it seemed fate, as he proved himself to be times across the EngliSh Channel linCOI\t~' {) Cham-the a real gem at stock. He has bred many winners for " from and va~pio ~ Picture,blood fancierswin the following:all over England1st Club andEssendine,includes1stpigeonsClub, 1tost i\'" '\.~ Spain). 1382 is B I u eSt a r, Fed. Essendine, 3rd Club, 5th Fed. Essendlne, 4th really a grand and of course Club Thurso, 5th Club, 52nd Combine Thurso, 6th pigeon and grow• Champion Club, 60th Combine Thurso, 1st Club Northallerton, ing the image of !;;rand Racer. 3rd Club Doncaster, 4th Club NorthaJ/erton, 4th his sire. If One of the team Club Relford, 4th Club Doncaster, 3rd Club Mor- paired to Lot to win £2,500 In peth, 2nd Club Retford, 3rd Club Retford, 4th Club 24, pippa, he one season. A will continue to grand bird and otherDoncaster,fanciers.etc. DoAlsonotheworryhas bredbecausemunyhewinnersis unrung.fwo .. breed prize• sure to please his Whoever purchases this bird will get a buy he will winners. L i k e Hamlet buyer. He Is the never regret; an ideal mate is Lot 23 this sale. .father, like son. Image of his sire. A. N. Other is one of the finest Gurnay stock birds Lot 18 is Ophelia, He is an ideal mate for 234 Lot 18 this list and in the world to-day, and time will proye him to be the I ate A. should not be parted. One of the stars of the sale. one of the finest of all time. Withdrawn at request Sancho Panza. Brown's famous Highly recommended for the long-distance enthu• of The Racing Pigeon, since unrung but will be on stock hen, dam siast. If you want successfully to fly 600-700 miles view at the auction rooms .• Innywinners, particularly at 600 miles and over. and over, the- Gurnays have pro\'ed for so many Lot 15.-Dark Cheq. Cock, SURP56F366, Sooty ,. Mariott considered the Gurnays an invaluable that they can do it. Scotty. Bred by R. R. Mactae, Perth. One of the i and it was always to A. Brown, of Aston Cross, Lot 10.-Blue Pied Cock, NUHW55Z3239. The best bred Gurnays to come out of Scotland. Sire, . he went for his Gurnays no matter the cost. Pied Piper. Bred by la~ A. Brown, Aston Cross. It S.-Blue Pied Cock, NURP55CC1359, Sancho The late O. I. Wood, of Ilkley, won 299 1st, 2nd and Young Hawk blood. Musidora is the Dam of Geo. r~ ra. Bred by the late A. Brown, Aston Cross. 3rd prizes in races of 200 miles to 600 miles with Snell's 3180, whilst Dark Millionairess bred his • ge of Mons. Renier Gumay's great Blue Pied the Gurnays. Sire NURP53B868, from 49.592, SURP55.18664.Bronze Stock Hen.Musidora,Dam, -DarkSURP53F5492,Millionairess,Apollo,and flown Lerwick three times, from 451 the old MeQly t~ ~ cock. Sire, NURP51F493. 1952, Nantes with Hercules, Petite Ecaille, Champion Picture, Bronze ,C" 1953, Nantes and San Sebastian (598 miles) Favourite and Vierzon Blood. The Sire of 5492 was N,F.C., 1954, Nantes and Pau (602 miles) with from 48.348 Lerwick', x 51.6578. Dam of from a grandson of O. I. Wood's 32 when mated to ,C. and a prize winner. Sire of 493 is 2030, 2nd 3239 is NUR 1240 from 53.3939 x 52ZX87. 3939 his famous 18, again in Sooty SQ9tty through 18664 rogale, 5th Durham, 1st Durham, equal 1st xfrom42.2558.51.908~f 1.4647.868 is8752ZX88,from 48.3486flown xGuernslly;-51.6578. you have yet another line to Young Hawk. The nanlon. Dam of 493 is 50.2016. G.D. of the An inbred pigeon, has bred some good birds. 3486 Dam of Young Hawk was Mons. Renier Gurnay's Mealy 451. Dam of 1359 is NURP522 x 54, 1st Lerwick 1950, 565 miles to Aston Cross Lofts. famous Petite Ecaille Vierzon. ,ys stock. from 495 x 461, winner of two Ists. Mons. Renier Gurnay's foundation stock well repre• Lot 16.-Dark Cheq. Cock, SURP54.18243, Percy is G.D. of the Old Mealy 451 and G.G. D. of sented, including Bronze Excellence and Le Gros and Perth. Bred by R., R. Macrae, Perth. A Gurnay l1pion 39. Old 451 grandsQn of Mons. Renier Le Bossu, the famous nest-mates, winners of £3,000 lay's Champion Racer, one of the team that won prize money be- tween them. ,00. 1359 is another well-bred pigeon and has EE4914,that was allbredYoungfrom aHawkgood blood.Stock Pair,Dam,his SURP49FDam has , ~ , some good birds. including one to win 1st Club Lot n.-Dark 701, Young Hawk and Dandy blood. Few Gurnays' on Mowbray, 1st Club, 1st Fed. Relford, whil&' Chequer Cock, inbredEnglandRennes to-daybirds containinto Scotland.so many Sire,bloodNUHW52lines of ~ \ Irandchildren have scored In 1957. He is a real NURP 55CC876. the famous Gurnay bred Stock Hen, Petit Ecaille l1ar. The Gurnays have. jn addition to produc• Fabian. Bred by Vierzon, the descendants of Young Hawk ha\'e won 600'700 mile National winners, both in the late A. Brown, well over £5,000 at all distances from 60 miles to Ish ISles and America, added beauty to many A s ton Cross. Marseilles, 804 miles. llies. Once you keep Gurnays you then realise Typical Gurnay, really handsome your racers can become. displa . g great OLD HENS. i'I 7.-Velvet Cock, NURP55RA7871, Horatio. po • m the 7.-Blue Hen, NU54F9974, Desdemona. A I by late A. Brown, Aston Cross.' One of the ma . ent lago, true-blooded descendant of Mon. Renier Gurnay's bred 600 mile Gurnays possible to obtain, very son Spencer. ~like Tableau. Sire, NURP53P6893 from 9083, Sire NURP52ZX Bon Bleu, Stock Hen, and really looks it. Sire, Weymouth, 6th Section, Guernsey N.f.C. 2nd 94 (Lot 3 this NURP48BS3486. Flown Lerwick, 565 miles, from lon, Nantes, N. F.C. x 51.F.4647. 1952 Nantes, list). Dam NURP 7072, prize winner from Tours U.K.F·C. (sold to C. 1953, Nantes prize winner. 1954, Pau (602 52N8089 (Lot 19) I), a prize winner. Dam of 781 is KUHW54T3152 Madame Bovary., SouthPau, 602Africa),miles, and San790, Sebastian,flown Guernsey,598 miles.Nantes,7090 '\~ ~ ,2028. Flown Nantes twice and San Sebastian, 876 is a very from 457, brother to old Mealy 451 x 331. 457 from~\! miles and a prize winner x NURP51F479. A. powerful bird 7906, crossed Channel 17 times, and 624, grand- ~ '"'5 good Marennes hen. Dam of 479 was bred and has bred daughter of Champion Picture. Dam of 9974 is Ir, Anderson from Champion Le Fynen x 40.267. prize winners. NURP53P6889 (stock), from 1335, 1st bird to A. Brown's loft five times running, winning 1St and al gem. Tableau was sired by that great Gurnay, Fabian contains npion Picture. considered the most intelligent the valuable other prizes. 1335 from 8631 x 234 (see Lot 18). ever owned by the lat. Fred Shaw, Horatio, blood lines of Fabian (Continued on folI(\'Ii"h~r- \ THE RACING PIGEON

LONDON AUCTION SALE you have 1111 the aUerton, <11th Retford, 2nd Darlington, 2nd Don• STREETER'S ADVERT.-continued. best lines of the caster, etc., as well a$ man)' good birds at the dist• famous Gurnays, ance. S,pencer was II great 600-llIiler and Grizelda Champion Grand DafJ! ot 688\1 is has 110 doubt inherited hi3 ire NU iU';np211, imlll :\leaiy from 242 x 7080. and Weymouth 36U457. nost mate to A. Brown's Champion Mealy a daughter of wit h N.F.C., 4;3] " N UHP35LK596. ;;96 a grandson ol Gumay's The Resident. f 1 0 UJ 49.ti23 Real Wonder when lllated to Lady Manager. Dalll 8974. is a really newn lerwick of 6789 is RP37.226 hcm 846 x :1888. 84ti 1'1'0111 outstanding hen. t w ice, nnd BeIge 2S/IO:l4 2, half-brothol' to Petit Joli de Her pl'O~ny, .~I.494. 62:1 from Madame x Be e 29/1037751. 6789 is an oubtHnd- bred at Odd' 451, the old in" Rtoeh hen 'h6r short stay at Odds tones stones, me ",il]• Mealy, " 42.2558, has been resl for a host of cxeeJlent. I'igeong, ning HlIeady Il gl'Hlld t;tock including 1st I '!,3endine, 1st Club 1st Fed. when lJJuted to Hen. Si"e Qf Essendine, 3r lub .;th Fa!!. Newark, 1St' Club 1st 4003 Ot.hello 494, 1l,,~Spencer Fed. Doncaster, 4th Club 11th Fed. Doncaster, 4th (Lot I) Ihey Cock (l>ee Rf!f fiorella. Club Huntingdon, etc. This hen is worth her weight make an out• C.), x 48E21<3. in gold to any Gurn;}y fancier, and should not be parted IrO"' Romeo. standing pair. Dam Qf 632 i~ Lot l!1, the vel')? I\Q"d Madame Bovary, Def.d~01ona. Old M£.aly 4.'>1 and through hel' contains the Astcn Boy and O. I. lot 27.-·Blue Hen, )lURP56RA10894 and ~U5n (~ee "1:>q\li]]~" Wood's famQus Champion 39. This hird was kept WHB482. Madeleine. Mons. Renier Gurnay's 'II.I!; the silt! of Aston Blue Boy, four times I for stoek by A. 1310"''' Hnd is a perfect specimen of grentest dock hen w~', II Elue kl]Qwn HS the Old ler in National races, inuluding -!.~emburg, San the Gurnay pigeons Hud is Hllother gem of the sale. Istian Hud Pau, ' •• ;~: She has bred winnlits for A. Brown and W.-Streeter. It 18.--Dark Velnt Hen (old ring, lJled 194/1), 60-600 mile winners. The Gurnays ure breeding 1100• BleU8. Her de e ih~ won 1Il0re tlllln £100,000. ~1':I7..\W234, Ophelia. This fine Gurnay Hen 850 mile winners in Afriea, and iu Americu d;s• She wa') prfJsen . fred Shaw when he lived lit IItJ1 on" of A. Brown's best Stock Hens ana has bred The Grange, II eo at. 20 years IInd \ms hlll'ied tI\n<~es up to 1,300 miles lun'e been re,:orded. They there with ho s. Sire Othelio (L.ot I). DIIIII I good birdH Hin"" her purchuse, winner>; Hnd accomplish IIOO-900 miles .with ease. Desdemona,Blue HIZn ( lish··j'anciers;17). '111is is inanotherHelgi.UIl'.,"cryliS Vielle~good . t t'j tJy the extIeme distances with distinct.jOIl. lot 21.~Bluti Cheq. Hen, NURP530BStI6, hen Hnd withbYI'her breeding will mHke an excellent ~s " G11rnny that contains the best of Fred Jacquenetta. B,."d by J. Massey. Bacup. Here is II stock bird. She h~$ flown Berwick (300 milcR). w's, O. I. Wocd's and A. Brown's, of Aston daughter of the famous Gurnay Stock pair. Sire. Maybe Madeleine wilJ pJOvide yet another Bon Bleu, 5, thrtl! of England's Gurnay enthusiasts. Sire the sire of the famous Gurnay champion Bronze 11'0582,from 2.'512 x 212. 2512 from 234, bred by Favourite, 1St prize "elgian Grand National by IwH ~afteL',alld 456. 234 irom 309, a big winner up manythi~ pair2nd haveand b16d:hd pnze!'i.ght,wlOner~.~st pri"e "~i11' rom'S, besides703 x an hour, beating 1,643 birds. f. miltS nno " ~randsire of Young Hawk •. Sit'e, 5037.Bronz" AllTop,the 44.1)4G2.parents andDam,grandpaHl1lt~~'c~e,5 of this46.205,Pair Lot 2I!.--8IuI ChequP.r Hen, XURP;j5GC I:un. W' BeIge 1153951. lot 35 Gurnay's sale. Dam I.j were bred by Gurnay. Ori~inal pedigree to pur• Antoinette. 1'- true oe'5bJJdl1nt onhe [H!IIOIlS Gurnays. t. 1031.504, Lot 85 Gurnay's sale. Sire of 212 iF; chaser. Sinee her purchase she- has more tllIIL paid , How 1"0111' the fOl' her keep. Contains the blood of leon, De Bar• founder of the I~j!1lOth'H'j, 591;,to f!OIlJA. Brown'sBeIge Mealy1158856,Cock,Real451.WOf!der,Dam celone, alsot..~1 Belgian Grand National prize ~by Gumay, "nd won nine races in two years. world's greatest winner. 7073 "rom 1073241 x 127094. 1)037 fJom winning strain '"of ;,96. Beige 1073393, lady Manager, bred by 1042909 x 1042U05. laY, Dam of 234 is 43)1331, a gn ••ul stock bird, of racing pigeons 3~.1:!6 s.nd 41.281, Pair 31, O. I. WoaG's sale. lot 22.-Blu6 Cheq. Splashed Head, NUHW5:JU \\'ould be to be• ~OIU981, grandsile of Young Hawk, HtI(l 3947, :j8H!J, Veronica. Bud by J. Tompkins, Gloucester. IIold Antoinette, tlrJ""glt~r of Champion La Fynen. Sire of 28l Admired by alJ Gurnay enthusiasts. The Gurnays whodHilll~ tllnllV 1.12.5. Dam of :.'81 is 32.505, O. I. Wllod's tire so intelligent tlnd really handsome they spoil you ,rite H.n. 2:14 contains the blood of many for any other strain". Sire, NURP48C.:-.TII09, from NUHW:17FECllO, Lot. 51, G. Cloke's sale, 1938, x tors. Sile xn,iO . buy"."S GurnsyWhateverpigeons theand cost,wiU oneproveseason'sher worthbreed•to NURP37GP2()9. 110 rlOllI lott 11 and 56 Gurnay's list,AA20:!2.of 1'1O!:I}I1i-IH52 If rom Ophelia will put ycm at the top, or if you sale pUl'chHsed by Cloktl. Dam of' :j889, 4588793. l'hUIHPio.nsWeymouth in I",dh~r ~ liready Ufere make your position safer for years Guernsey, both Ime. Wherever the Gurnays ha"e gone they andflom Champion2512, bred"Picturery A. blood.Brmyn, Youngx 419, HawkYoung frolllHawkIi times a prize !Ho\'~d th!"n~elves to be one of the grIZatest son of Angouleme wheu mated t<, " daughter of winner. II);;:! I famill.s in the world. Weymouth find Hen, Rhe was a wo e rV'C\Hen. Veronica will cou• Rennes, nguin I,s.-Velvel Pied Hen, NU52N808!J, Madame both times a ry. The finest of the Gurnays. AristocraticaJJy tinu •• to add mOJ'f5 nr tD HIt) Oddstones Gurnays. Mons. Renier Gurn~'s !f\poys Stod •. Hen. Old Blue Gill' 0 a y prize winner. everyRhe isGurnayH reli.J shebeauhasy..JbeenHnd matedha~, bredwith. winners with 20:12 flOI/I 24:! x ,\1 I d aptly be t hi" ot 23.-~URP56HAI 899. Frou-Frou, /IolJ56 Antolnett. 34/12. 24:1 flOlfl Always WHB477. This hen is 'ery much like the late . 40 xc 2"5S. 40 fed far .tock Fred Shaw's Seruuide" i \'1)8 exported to the flOm Be!gt; 104290:~ (L(.i'. 15 Glll'l1a}'s sl1l" ) x 7.')411. tie 'ale A. U.S.A. for.a very big fig II Gurnays are beau- 3482 from 7072, a prize; win~er fro.m Touts with jhe tiful to look at, and ver ifficult to beat in 10nK U.K.F.C .. Itnd 790 .• 20 from 4J7. II broth!'1 to r, As t.o I) :\1ealv 451 And 331. [hili of I:!S7 is NTlHI'51 F47!1. ) f Ii. The distance or medium racing. Sire I:I!JO (lot 4 this III C:10 be list). Dam 6789 (Lot 26 in this list). Tn 1957 this the Marwnes hen. 4,/9,~ gmndlllll of The Resident hen bred 1st Club E~sendine, 1st Club and 1st Fed. Hnd Champion. le FyOl'''. 1387 Is yet a.nother high• class ilnd jd~al stoe ••..l1.,n, Ik.v birdsthe Wall'she Essendine, 3rd Club and 5th Fed. Newark. This heu brul since will mllke An ideal stock hen. E·very bird she has lot 711.-Hlu8 ChequH Pled Hen, S[Jf{P;;t\.20~nIL bred this year Is a pofential prize winner and should tHY lit, Odd· Heather' Lass. Bred bv M. R. Macrae. Heather lass he snapped up. Fu,u-Frou is a lovely daughter of i. Sir e, contains 1111 the best. C;l1nay hlood-lillcs. Sire i':iJHP :P48R:b'J346 tho; good Gurnay pair, Young Romeo and Juliet. Lot :!). Lot 24.-Dark Chequer' Hen, l\I:JRP56RA 10914. I, 50.2022, Pippa. Again frmu the good Gurnay pair of pro• NUHW5:IAA85,Young Hawk bred,all 9ndtho> racedbest hyYoungO. I. HawkWood ofblood.flk- ' I red for ducers, Young Rompo arid Juliet, being f\l1l sister ley.MBBC1414.His si,e bredwas frv.'ma grandsonG. 3nell's of finestAngoulemeblood. "henDI"" t·0 , A grand· to Lot 23, and is making up into a very nice hen mated to it daughter of t.he Old Blue Hen ("ee Lot ~ltt~!'l of and should be kept paired to 13112 (Lot 5) with 27, Madtileine) who,'e descendants won £45,000 in I Boy I'nd whom ,he, has bred ~ome very good birds. Fonce seven seasons. Geo. ~ne!l of Lyme Regis hought ~ II\t - glaud- Angouleme won 53,000 francs, Petite Ecaille Vienon many fa'tnou~ Gurnays, but his p\1I'(,hase of Cham- r ~er of O. I. Madame BOv,J.V.: pion 3111I!lld his hen vvas considered by him to be \ 'I Cham- D;: - money represent ove1 . (} sterling). The Master- I. very protitable Qne. 19, This Hen will be a: gOld-mine ~at ibEck for pif:ce Angouleme, imp t y Fred Shaw" are in- Ul~haser aud 15 one of the gems of the sale. cluded in the 'plogeni of the English Gurnays. lot 30.-Blue CneCjuer Hen, RURP5.'5CC846. paired to NURP52ZX94 she has bred many winnerSmall wonderof over 40,OCiOthey can~hrJiR·e.ntIetwoto amountswin afterin Englishsuch a loretta. Similar to many of Mons. Renier Gurnay's rs, but would mate wen with most Cocks in the foundation of Illustrious champions. hens. Compares wi'th Vonus and Clair Ecaille, two ~4, the great Gurnay stock bird, lago, a SOli of Shaw's exportations to U.S.A. Sire NU50AA2028. Lot 25·-81«e Chequer Frill Hen, NURP52GH70. Dam NUHW54T3164. 2028 flown 1951 Guernsey, tllCer And Ophelia. Spencer, from the great Grizelda. Daughter of the ever-famous Othello, win• !y, dWJribed 8S ttlmost the perfect pigeon and ner of over 40 prizes, Le fonce Angouleme and 1952 Nantes, 1953 N~nte$, San sebastian with He \\'1'19 bred from I\. Gurnay champion. Bronze Excellence Ji s. Sire Othdlo (Lot 1). Dam NURP48BP478, 1 r of Reference C, Spencer. N.F.e.1335, winner'598 milesof seve,and••l ••prizes,prom xwinner.49.627. 20283Hi4 fromfrom r. aew ~etWlck, ~OO miles, four times, aoo 1346 (Lot. 2) x 202<:.. 4. typical Gurnay hen. 84ti # JI.oy won 1st ficroester fed. by IQ y.p.ro. NURP70 is a vel' d 6wck hen but slightly in- is a ]'Iicy type of hell ~ od breeds youngsters tnII' to 18·.,Bluf ChEC~. Hen, NURP53B632, NUHW jured herself in th wiree. Youngstel'H from her !f~r:&1.·.••ft'" ""'3:\•• Cu. nay Stock Hen. Hew IIlclude 1st Nc,.thallertcrt, 3n!l Mar'path, 4th North- (Continued Q}1 following page) .1A.'mM~Y 11, 1!)!58. THE RACING PIGEON fit

LONDON AUCTION SALE IIl"'e sale 1954, and ~t 1fIt; £41 (see l'lIe Racing Lot 43.-Blue Chequer Hen, NU!i7MHE327. A W. STREETER'S ADVERT.-eontilllleJ. f'iyeon, Nov. 6, 19M). Sile NURP50LL9109. Dam sweet hen. Her "'.IIH\8should he Anne. Apart fWIH being II. Gurnay she w<,uId, by her parentage be ' If >11,,1 racer. whose \;\ Loretta Fonce Angouleme, Apollo "'ld Picture blood·lines. pro g·.e n y hilS Sire 1390, Lot 4, Young Romeo, a wonderful Gur• nayhr()u~htstnek"U''''"fi~hin] .illd~\f, e to many lofts, many of nay. The iJ1\'alnable long journey lines irwlud" whi,'h owe 111111'1; of their sllecess to II Gurnay intro• PoUy Peachum Barcelona BlUe. Dam 67tH),Lot, 26, the very valuablH .Indion in·tllP first pllle'~' Sin> Othello (Lot 1). Dam Gurnay _hen, Juliet, blt'd by the gleat Gurnay EX• Fiorella (Lot. 20). Th" _sire of Ariel won 40 prizps );UHP"OLL909L Polly Peachum's sil'l, was Lot 5, pert and Gloucestershin! fancier, J. Tompkins. Bnd is :;il'p of twif'€ that :ItHoHnt in prize winnerH. Lot 48.-Blue Chequer Cock, NU57MHE343. No The dllm of Ariel is bred' " WI! from tlu flllnon" late J. Marsden'. list, and flew IInd won II> fol1ows: 1H51 Guernsey M.F.C., 1952 Dol, 1953 Dol and Ruf• better chunce to ~ecure a young Gurnay. Sire, 7871, Spencer .. (Lot 7). Horatio, btt'u hy late A. Brown. Sitt'. Lot 32.-Blue Chequer Hen, Rl';;4~\VTA;;5. Ena, fec, winning 1st prize Ruffec M.F.C. (N.S.), 1st prize Lancashire Social Circle, Kearns Memorial of Horatio wu~ the good National eo(·k 68!!:J. Hi, A filII sister to the good Gurnay hen, Ariel. In IIddi• dam Brown's good Pau hen_ Dam I:J87 (Lot. 28), tio., to the flll1)on~Gurnay blood-lines ulrendv. Ena Trophy, 195:1 4th Open Rutfec M.r.C. (4-32 birds), Antc;inette, who rontains all the best of "The I!IM 1st prize Hereford, 22nd Sec. N.F.C. Nantes and C'lIrrieshighly prized· Bronze Excellence und - Grand Resident and Champion La Fynen blood-lineR. Rochfort M.F.C., 14th N. Sec. 1th Lancs. Sooial Lot 49.-Blue Hen, NU57MHE:145. Here is on6 ot Circle Roehfort M.F.C.' An outstn.nding racer, he (Lot. I). Dam Fiorella (Lot. 20). '. is ,·he 00111-'hred the champion Nantes hen Polly Peachum which the very few grandchildren of the celebrated hinatioI! whieh helped Fred Shaw t.J fu > .. 'lIH Gur- National racer fOJ'Brown, known the VJorld over .5 Racer nnd Le Fonce Angouleme '0 Othcllo lip to )f1". )larsden' •• depth WHS the only one ever linM~' ",,,ed from him. Aston Blue Boy. Sire I:Jr,o. Lot 9. Hamlet. Dam nayswe•.e wereintrorbfell••.reded. h~-Mons.the bestRenierfllnciersGurna9mvel'Toundedthe.vIL 234, Lot 18, Ophelia, the splendid Gurnay stock ~tt'ain (If supel l"IIeillgpigeons which are still capuhle YOUNG BIRDS-SEX BELIEVED AS STATED hen that. has turned out SOl11egond long-diRt""",,, of greu(.things. 1·H.,(~erfo;. Lot 33.--Blue Chequer Hen, );0;',61..,7,,14. Minne• B.UT NOT GUARAKTEED. ALL TRAINED 100 Lot 50.-8Iuf! Chequer Cock, NO;;i;\IHE34ti. iii haha. The dum of this "IIJendid Gurnay (see photo.) MILES EXCEPT A FEW THAT HAD A COUPLE Gurnay with the invaluuhle lineo of Madama Bovary, i" dam of I"ell: •.••eing pigeons IInd goes buek to th" OF RACES Bronze Excellence·, Young Hawk, AnJ;ouleme ,,,,,1 powerflll Barctilone, Blue Cock from Gurnay's farnous Lot 31.-Blue Chequer Hen, NU5nlHE:{21. A above all. the blood of spencer. Sire 876, L()t. II, Lton /llld Productrlce. Sire 7H71 Horatio (Lot, 7). Fabian, who is direct dowll from the f>HnousGurnay dam 846 Loretta (Lot :10). The sire of Minnehaha 1:146.Lot 2. Seguro 8ervidor.( e oto). Dam 3899, champion Angouleme, winner of 1st National by I'ont~lins in hi" line H,,, blood of the eelehrnted Cham~ Lot 22. Ver-onica. Here you h e valued blood- over half·an-hour. Dam 632. Lot, 20. Fiorella. The pion La Fynen, heantiful feather and flashing" e~·e. Gurnay hen bred for speed ndurance. Sire, granddaughter of the good Lerwick cock, A. Brown't ijd 623 and old Mealy 451. Lot 34.-BIUe CheQuer -Hen, SU5:n'473. Trilby linesYoungof-I-IawkO. f.theWood'slamous 'fall1O\O. 1.'Wood",Championracer. 39winnerand o 'Ferrall. A gl"llnddanghter of!me of Ihe finest of 19 1st, 2nd and ard prizes. Lot 51.-Dark Chequer W,F, Cock, NUS7MHIOJ Gurnays in the world to-/laS·. Like her Pl'ogenitors :J49. Sire 135!!, Lot. 6, Sancho PanIK, bred by A. she is capuhle of eontinoiing the great, work of the hen, and Lot 74 a~ the only two you • in this Brown from his great racer 493, 6 times Na.tlomal Gurnays ill prodlloing wor·th-wile !"IIcers. She is tbe race including Pau (602 miles) and San Sebastian (598 miles). Dam Dark Pied 55/845, grund-dlHlghtef winner of so,'el',,1 prizes IIlId hilS flown Thurso (;;00 Ready.. Lot 38.-BlueThurso andChequerLerwlckHen,prlZ£-wiNU57iViE3"S,. Ii wellThis••s miles). Trilby O'Ferrall is very similar to Ill/my of manylist thatot.herare notprizes.Gumays.Dam Sire342.26,Lot.Lot36,.5 Po~coIy· EverPea• of Spencer bred by A. Brown. 845 escappd frOln Mons. R. Gurnay's h."" contuined in the originul aviary. She bred tWI}first-prize. Federation wjnnt:1S chum. 1st prize winner- Nante! and £165. The in her first nest. sule. Sire ~lJ49T<~1946,son of Othello (Lot 1). 1946 parents of Lot 38 coat £114. """ first trom .long a-nd short· races including Fed. Lot 38.-Blu. Chequer Cock, NUr.nIHE330. A Lot 52.-Blue Chequer Pled Hen, ~U5nIHE:J50. •.0\ very line hen, will b~ sheap whatever t.he pIlee. and- Combin\.luJnours; 1st Club 12th Western Home She is one of the best 600-milti bred Gurnays In thf: Counties Combine. Thurso 1952, IIJ)(I was the only finethe Gurnay,Gurnay. specialist,hred in thethepnrple.late HisA. Btownsit'e waso{bredAstonby bird on tI)8/da'y ill thH Greuter Harrow Homing sale. Sire. 1376 (Lot 8). Orpheus, grandRon of 1335, Soeiet.y. ,ni!! has 'l!l/lny other IH'izes to his el"edit. A. Brown's good 600-mller National racer, five tirm! ClOS~, 1t'Om the famous segura Servidor who was 1st to Tewkesbury. Dam 20878. Lot. 29. Heathel The dam waS BIlle Chequer 4n.:12!H, Ii great pro• Da . ""4, Lot 2(, Pippa, Mons. Gurnay'! Lady dllcel" and well-k.rH)\~nGurnay. alS~~\bYMan r, RealA. RaocrBrown, blood-line.,Slr&1:182, LotSt. 5,VincentRamesesandI. Lass, "ont.ains the Young Hawk blood-Jines thl'Ough Barcelona National Winner. j.he VHtVHxcellent Geo. Snell purch'lf,es at the finOiI Lot 35.-Blue Chequer Cock, 1i:UIU);;2WZ¥26. clearance sale of O. f. Wood's great Gurnays. Esco Ever Ready. Bred h~' Major E. S. Collins, IInd Lot 40.-Blue Chequer Pled Cook, NUmMHE:~:{2. Lot 53.-Blue CheqUl!r Pled Hen, ~U57;\OIHE:J7R. ('on"idered \)v him to he one of his "arv fin"st Jong• Hele you have a grandson of t.he famons Spencer, distaw'H meers. Win/lHr of 1st Sleaford, 3rd Ber• 4 time! Lerwick (600 miles). Sire, 94, Lot 3, a daughter of the champion stock cock A. N. Othfr wick, 2nd Thurso, 1s1 Sleaford, 5th Gainsborough, lago. Dam H089.Lot, 19: Madame BoVary. Like 1950, referred to in lilY own "tOld register as' Fidu~ Achates. Sire 1950 (Lot 14). Fldus Achates, is nil" 1st York, 5th Berwick, 3rd Lerwick, 3rd Perth, 1st Lot. 41 comhines ·t.he extremely valuable blood-lines Sleafcrd. Sire Esco Sensible II (Lot I, "R.P.". Oct. of the greatest stock cock~ in the wodd to-day. IIn of Champion Apollo, Champion Picture, The Master• better Gurnay anywhere. His sim the four tlmt! 13 In.;6). Danl Escc Scots Lady (Lot :17, "R.P.". piece, three of the most famous Gurnay~ ever to fly at. Fred Shaw's fabulous lofts at The Grange. Lerwick cock Spencer. Dam 1089!!. Loi; 23. Frou• Major Collins's eleamllce sale 1!1.;6, n s 1'"1'• Lot 41.-Dark Chequer Cock, NU57~Hill333. A Frou, the good daughter !,f Young Rom!;<1and Julicl", the good stock pair. dwsed to pair with Lot. :J6 this list anI <,~,e £43 eomhinat.ion of all t,he great Gurna)' 600-mlters. Lot 54.-Velvet Hen, NU5BfHF.:J81. AJI the (""" The Raclll(l I'igeoll, Oct. 13, 19; or fuller Sire 94. Lot 3, lalo (see photo). Son of Spencer, O(.t. I:J. 1956). Esco Ever Ready ~IIS 101,28 ill valuable Gurnay blood lines to name but two purtienlol"s of pUl"ellts). Esco Sensible I /lnd Esco whose dam WIIS·the most famous Gurnay stock hen Musidora and Dark Millionalress. Sirli :J666,L01; If), Scots Lady flew Lerwick (600 rniles) und Thurso of all, 4 prizes Melun and Nevers, 600 miles (see Sooty Scotty, the Macrae bred Gurnay fro III fI", (50 I miles) nine tirnes het,,-een them. (See IIlso •.efer"net} CL Dam 8089. Lot 19. Madame Bovary Scottish Gurnay specialist. Dam 66, Lot 21, JaquL~ "Squills" lihoto., p. 79. 1956.) (se(' phot.o). Lot 41 is a grandoon of the famoug netta, a daughter of the falOolls Gurnay stod, piliI' Lot 38.-Blue Chequer Hen, ?\U52:\1:142and SURP Spencer, four times Lerwick. His Sill', a great, Gur• Bronze Top and Blue PIcture, hl'ed by Massey, 52\12742. Polly Peachum. Bred by late J. Marsden, nay producer, The Resident, presented to Mr. Brown bv Mr. Streeter. Bacup. f.o()ngton, nellr Prestou. Fle\v Rennes 195:{nnd !.L]so Lot 55.-8Iue Chequer Hen, NU571\IHE:J82. The Nantes, heing the tirst ~-earling to be clocked. 1954 Lot 42.-Blue Chequer Hen, NU57MHE336. It valuable Gurnay blood lines of t.his nice young hen Rennes ugnill. also Nantes. She beat lill other bird;; will he impoRsible to J-eplace such a weU-bred Gmoay is further indicated hy her mistoeratic parentn.!,>;f'. II~ IWJ"sire is now dead. Sire 4345. lefel'enCe B, liberated frOl1lNantes that day, including the LH!lca• Sire, 1346, Lot 2, Segura· Setvidor, four timt1~ ~hire Comhine and t.he Xorth Lones. Two-Bird Cluh. Trevor's Choice. Th& grandam of Trevor's Choice National racer including pau 602 milES and San Winner of 8th Nantes Ormskirk Amal. (4S4 birds). "'fI" sister to O. I. Wood's Champlcn 39. Dam 70, SEbastian 598 miles. Dam 388!!, Lot 22, V£'fCIOici! ut prize Nantes with Wigan 'I\yo-Bird Open, winning Lot 25, Grtzelda. Lot 42 had the vl\luable Bronze £165. 342 waS·Lot 57 at. J. Marsden'~ entire eleal- Excellence and LA Ponce AngCUlemc; blood-lines'. (&mtimI€d on foJJolViog pagf') THE RACING PIGEON JANUARY 11, 1958.

LONDON AUCTION SALE Brown's famous 1335 and Champion Picture to name Lot 75.-Blue ChequeI' Hen, NURP57RA10929. A iTREETER'S ADVERT.~ontinued but three. very choice and exceptionally well-bred Gurnay •• Sire 1376 (Lot 8) Orpheus, one of the best brell Lot 65.-Velvet Cock, NURP57RAI0932. A very 600 mile Gurnays in the country at the present I by the Gloucester Gurnay enthusiast and suc• nice young Gurnay cock, containing the Invaluable time. Dam 66 (Lot 21) Jacquenetta, bred by the 'ul flier .I. Tompkins Champion Picture and blood of Champion Le Fynen and all of A. Brown's good Gurnay breeder and long distunce racer, ••• ng Hawk blood-lines. best Gurnay National racers, of the most recent Massey of Bacup. 111e parents of ,Jacquenetta have years and up to his untimely death. Sire 7871 (Lot It 56.-Dark Chequer Pied Cock, NU57MHE400. 7) Horatio, whose sire was from the good National bred eight, different 1st prize winners. 'onderful young Gurnay, a grand specimen of winning hen, A. Brown's 4647. Dam 1387 (Lot 28) Lot 76.-Velvet Cock, NURP57RAI0884. This is most famous strain ever imported from Belgium. Antoinette, whose pr6genitors inclu~e The Resident, a most excellent young Gurnay from the greatest 1359, Lot 6. Sancho Panza, son of Pau Champion Le Fynen, as well as Lot 15 in the final stock cock of all, A. N. Other 1950. Also registered onal prize winner and San Sebastian cock, A. clearance sale of Marys. Renier Gurnay. , in my books as Fidus Achates. Sire 1950 (Lot 14). ~n's 493. Dam is Dark Pled 55/845, bred by late Dam 10899 (Lot 23) Frau-Frau, from the good pair !rown and is a grand-daughter of the famous Lot 66.-BlueChequer Pied Hen, NURP57RA Young Romeo and Juliet. leer (see L0t 51). 10902 and NU57WHD2572. A very choice Gurnay daughter of Sancho Panza when mated to that Lot 77.-Dark Chequer Hen, NURP57RAI0880. It 57.-Velvet Hen, NURP57RAI0931. A Gurmiy hen 845. Sire 1359 (Lot 6) Sancho Panza, The last daughter from Trevor's Choice, which :hter of the famous Gurnay Trevor's Choice, the Image of Mons. Renier Gurnay's famous stock Irlze Thurso, 1st prize Berwick. Sire 4345, refer- makes her extremely valuable, apart from her cock. Dam Dark Pied 55/845, the very good Gurnay beauty. Sire 4345 (reference B) Trevor's Choice, B, Trevor's Choice, whose grandam was sister 1St prize BerwiCk, 1st prize Thurso and many other he celebrated O. I. Wood's Champion 39. Dam bred by Brown. Unfortunately she was lost from tho stock pen. She was a grandd,?ughter of Spencer. good wins, but it is as a producer he really became Lot 25, Grizelda. A daughter of tho fumous fumous. Dam 70 (Lot 25) Grizelda, daughter of 1110,Lot 1 (see photo) when mated to a daughter Lot 67.-Velvet Hen, NURP57RAI0881. The the illustrious Othello when mated to a daughter of grand velvets"renowned among the Gurnays the :humpion Spencer, no better bred hen in this champion Spencer, 4 times Lerwick (600 miles). My. 10931 won 55th position with W.H.C.C. world over. This is avery good hen. Sire 7871, Lot ington. 7, Horatio, whose./grnndam was the late A. Will. prove cheap whatever the price. . It 58.-Dark Chequer Tic Hen, NURP57NWL Brown's ",arennes,h!!n 479, a daughter of. Cham• Lot 78.-Blue Cock, r-.ruRP57RAI0889. This is 8 This is a magnificent young Gurnay hen and pion Le Fynen. Dam 1387 (Lot 28) Antoinette, fine young Gurnay. His sire is one of the finest Gur• help successfully to establish a loft of first-class also bred down from Champion Le Fynen through nays in the sale, a winner on the road und admired rs. Sire 3666, Lot 15, Sooty Scotty, the Scottish a daughter, the dam of Brown's 479, which was by the be"t racing judges when shown. Sire 4033 Gurnay combining all the great Gurnays of bred by the late Dr. W. Anderson.' Lots 65, 67 and (Lot 1) Othello. Dam 9974 (Lot 17) Desdemona, at years. Dam 66, Lot 21, Jacquenetta, a 68 are prObably the only pigeons bred In 1957 that the good stock hen and mate to Othello. are inbred both sides to the Champion Le Fynen. ~hter of the Massey bred Gurnay pair, Bronze Lot 79.-Velvet .Cock, NURP57RAI0926. A and Blue Picture. Lot 58 is outstanding. Lot 68.-Velvet Hen, NURP57RAI0882. A very grnndson of the great Spencer, whilst his dam It 59.-Blue Hen, NURP57RA10915 and NU57 sweet velvet Gurnay hen. Sire 7871, Lot 7, was considered by Brown, of Aston Cross to be one D2562.Another daughter of the famous Gurnay Horatio. Dam 1387 (Lot 28) Antoinette. Lot 68 of his best stock hens. Sire 94 (Lot 3) lago, one 1110,winner of 40 prizes. This is a very fine is as good as the previous lot. of the best sons of Spencer, the 4 times Lerwick racer and stock bird. Dam 8089 (Lot 19) Madame Ig hen, splendid fcather and type. The hall• Lot 69.-Velvet Cock, NU57WHI)2638. This Is ( of the Gurnays. Sire 4033, Lot 1, Othello Bovary. Here is real quality on his breeding alone. another very nice Gurnay velvet. Sire, 1390, Lot 4, Although last of the Gurnay family belonging to lId be Othello the Great, his photo, like the Young Romeo. Dam 6789, Lot 26, Juliet. The 'fS, does not do him justice. Dam 9974, Lot 17, Mr. W. Streeter, his prospects are by no means the parents alone stamp this young cock with the hall• least. lemona. In lot 59 you have a really.fine hen mark of the Gurnay. A renlly handsome young Gur• will continue.the great work of the Glirnays •. nay this one, but add to this the like of Champion II 60.-Dark Chequer Hen, r-.ruRP57RAI0912 Apollo, Le Fonce Angouleme and Champion Picture LOFT AND EQUIPMENT ~U57WHD2565. A very good hen, typical Gur• and the powerful Mons. Renier Gurnay's twice Ba••.• LOFT (built by Master Builder for himself).-The , splendid head and eye and above all that won• celona cock, and you can Imagine with little effort loft is a magnificent structure, only three years old, al feather quality so important in the' produc• the value of this velvet Gurnay bred In 1957. and it could not be built to-day for less than £300. ofoutstanding racers and an outstanding feature It is 26ft. long, 7ft. back to front, 7ft. high at front he Gurnays. Sire 4345, reference B, Trevor's Lot 70.-Blue Chequer Hen, NU57WHD2644. A and 6ft. 6in. high at rear. It is constmcted of 3in. ee. Dam 70, Lot 25, Grizelda. Study the breed• very choice Gurnay hen, a bird of quality, whose x 3in. framing covered internally and externally with Ofthe parents of Lot 60, a remarkable combina• sire, Fabian, was bred by Mr. Brown. Sire 876, tongued and grooved match boarding at either end, of the very choicest of the renowned Gurnays. Lot 11, Fabian, whose dam was the great producer and the front is additionally covered with ashestos Madame Bovary. Dam 632, Lot 20, Fiorella, who is )t 61.-Dark Chequer Pied Cock, NURP57RA and set out in panels. The roof timbers are of 4in. 15and NU57WHD2566. This is a real fine Gur- from ZX80, a o;on of the late A. Brown's Champion x 2in., covered by 6in; x lin. boarding and covered Gurnay, nown Lerwick twice, when mated to 494, again with corrugated asbestos. A wire screen runs a wonderful bird. Magnificent should be his son of Spencer, 4 times 600 miles Shetland Isles. e. Sire 1350 (Lot 9). Hamlet. Probably the round the entire roof of the loft at a height of 4ft. chance of obtaining the blood of the Aston Lot 71.-Dark Chequ1r Hen, NU57WHD2637. The floor is covered with 6in. x 11n. tongued and s Champion 600 miler. Dam 234, Lot 18, the Here you have a really first-class Gurnay hen of grooved boarding, and the whole structure (except• d Gurnay stock hen from the late A. Brown, ing the roof) is made in easily removable sections of quality, being a daughter of the good pair which 3ft. wide. However, the roof can be quite easily InCross. Dam of many fine Gurnay racers at all represent all the best of the direct Gurnays pur• mces. Magnificent will found a dynasty of chased at the final Belgian sale. The sire 1390 (Lot dismantled, without damage. There are wired cast Ir racing pigeons that will add further to the 4), Young Romeo. Dam 6789 (Lot 26) Juliet. glass windows at either end which can be opened or adid achievement of the greatest racing pigeons closed. Provision is made for top and bottom ven• worldhas ever known. L.ot 72.-Blue Chequer Pied Cock; NURP57RA tilation at the rear of the loft by means of perforated 10918. This young pied Gurnay Is from a son of zinc and expanding metallathing:\ There are 25 nest )t 62.-Blue Hen, NURP57RAI0908 and NU57 boxes which are easily dismantled. and enough box D2570. This is a beautiful example of the Gur• Aston Blue Boy (reference A). Sire 1350 (Lot 9) Hamlet. On his dam's side is the famous Champion perches for at least 50 squeakers. The loft is divided i. It is the ambition of most successful long-dis• into four compartments, two for young birds, one e fanciers to improve the looks of the average 39, bought with his hen at the late O. I. Wood's sale by Geo. Snell at Lyme Regis, from whom I have for .old birds and a smail centre section for food ag pigeon and the Gurnays combine both the storage. All partitions are constructed with sliding derful racing ability combined with great had many of his very best birds. Dam 234, Lot 18, the good producer Ophelia. Lot 72 is a wonderful doors. Entrance to the loft is through a solid sliding Ity. Sire 1350 (Lot 9) Hamlet, son of Aston door, and a purpose-made galvanized wire grill covers I Boy (reference A) a bird that incorporates young Gurnay, and will be cheap whatever the price paid. the whole of the interior dowelling to prevent the finest Gurnay blood-lines including Blue Star, entry of mice and small birds. There is a large wire' npion Apollo and a member of the team which Lot 73.-Blue Cock, r-.ruRP57RAI0899, NU57WHD a"iary attached, approximately 10ft. x 7ft. x 6ft. single season won over £2,500 cash. The dam 2573. A very good blue Gurnay with great possi• Purchaser to dismantle and remove. Lot 18, the good stock hen Champion Ophelia. bilities. Here then is not only a very fine prospect It 63.-Red Chequer Pied Cock, NURP57RA but on his breeding one with a bright future.as a All offers for the above to the Auctioneer. View 3, NU57WHD2578. A really wonderful young producer. Sire 3239 (Lot 10) The Pied Piper, by appointment only: Phone: GRDISDYKE 1315. i, there is no better young Gurnay among the being from a son of the late A. Brown's 3 times Ler• 19stersin this list. His sire, the great stock cock wick cock 592, who was a son of the famous old EQUIPMENT.-25 wire nest bowls, to be sold in ~ Achates, known more familiarly to Gurnay Mealy 451. Dam 10894 (Lot 27) Madeleine, a daugh• lots at Auctioneer's discretion. About 30 earthen• usiasts everywhere as A. N. Other 1950. Sire. ter of the great pair Othello and Desdemona. No ware nest bowls. 3 combination Loxley training and (Lot 14). bam 10899 (Lot 23) Frau-Frau, the better pair possible among the Gurnays. Othello, showing baskets. which not only resembles the famous Gurnay whose photograph does him no justice at all; won 40 3 water fountains with glazed earthenware bowls. Serenade, but contains among her progenitors prizes racing and in the pen. he finest of the Fred Shaw Gurnays. 1 corn bin to hold 3tcwt. of corn. Lot 74.-Blue Chequer Hen, NURP57RAI0909, 1 Toulet clock (No. 133698) used 1957. It 64.-Dark Chequer Cock, NURP57RAI0903 r-.ru57WHD2568. A very good hen that on her breed• NU57WHD2576. This excellent Gurnay cock is ing alone rates her very high in the scale of the Pot eggs, gallipots, drinking troughs (large and of the best ever bred from Othello and the modern racing pigeon of to-day. Sire 26 (Lot 35) small, many can be used for mating purposes). ·known stock hen Desdemona, so like Mons. Esco Ever Ready, 6 times in, the first three up Turned wooden food troughs. ler Gurnay's Bon Bleu. Sire 4033 (Lot 1). to and Including Lerwlck (600 miles). Dam 342, Lot 19974, (Lot 17). Here you have the finest Gur• 36, Polly Peachum, the good Wlgan Two-Bird Open Quantity at pigeon literature. blood lines I,)osslble to be obtained anywhere; winner from Nantes and £165, also 8th prize Nantes Translated copy of Mons. Gurnay's last sale, 1938 lCer the 4 times Lerwick cock ,6QO,miles, A. Ormsklrk Amalgamation, 484 pl~ked birds. (believed to be only one in existence). THE R'ACJNG PIGEON

1958 BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR NEW lOFT, CONSIDER THE ADVANTAGES OF A 'NATIONAL' 50 YEARS. OF SERVICE The standard R.A.F. mod.el is a • scaled down vcrsiop of the loft desiened Increase' .your prize for the Services. mon~y .during our Lil1;ht and airy, provision for .- ··JubJle.e··:.Yea r. widowhood racin". Ollen-door and normal trapping £4· p;~:)~i~:::t6be won arrant-~ements. There is t.:ood by" q,set~~::~or:QurDials workmanship and .,\grid·.J~oit.s. ample strenl;th ""•..•. " . -·c~ .•.•. , ~..~ .•',' timber in every SEND:' f0'R ~DF}TAILS. National Loft. Owck de].jvcrv. H.P. if required. ~'D:'iIlET Cataloeue on reauest. PJeal-e :'end 3d ~t"'m

. ~.., ... - .'. " c',.'..···[.'·~:~a~·:::'~~~c:·7~·_·:K:.~ .~ S At the request of many fanciers we have produced a loft front of practieal design which will convert any kind ot HAV.5:·.S1~do.D THE building to a good loft. Available with large Winner Trap or the never failll\l drop board and drop-in traps. Large gates for easy release or open-door trapping. TESTj£OF.~'~'·TIME-' ..' -- Size S' x 4', suitable for two .!'Clmpartment loft. 'TOULEr- 71:SIRD NATIONAL LOFTS - KIRBYMOORSIDE YORK. PUNCTURING~CLOCKS £24-10-0 CASH or £5 DEPOSIT ENTIRE PEDICREE OF TOU~ET .•~Ut»E6 10-BIRD CLEARANCE S·ALE PRINTING"CLOC/{S VICTORY QUEEN . ~'t. LOGAN, VANDEVELDE, LULHAM, Bred by Len Davies (W ••re). Champion of Chim• BASTIN, MOSS (Cheetham direct) £28-10-0' CASH or £6 DEPOSIT 4163.pions. Dam.NURPfiOSS4018,Lot 69, saleNU60L8713.11et .• The Sire.RacingB.C.Pigeon:Ple,q Octobf;" 23, 1954. FuJI partiCUlars avallabl€. .Glts.1.-Cheq6 timesPiedwinner,4J .• NU49L1687.includlnc 2nd.Lonn9th. Vandevelde11th. 21st. London North Road Fed. Very Intellh'ent bird. Sire Victory Queen 11ew Thurso 191>2aud 191>3. In 1953 she TOULEr '10" l2-BIRD won the Lendon North Road Combine Race 110m arid, of winners. £8. Thurso after being in basket eight day!, velocity 742 2.-Dark Cheq .. NU48L1699. Lulham x BasJin. 1st yards per minute, with 3,833 birds competing. Thil Be.wick. 18th Sect •• 60th Open L.N.R.C .. vel. 1027. was one of the hardest races ever flown from Th" •• o Reconditioned and Sire of Thurso winner this year. £6. to London. For this pcrform~nce Victory Queen was 3.-Red Chen. H., NU50NN2266. NURP50AL5527. awarded the Osman Memorial Trophy, The Combine Moss. This hen is stock. bred by d. Cheetham. When Replated.' CLOCKS paired to No.2 breed. winners. This pair should not ThursaChallenge CI'PCupandfor Goldmost Medal,meritoriousThe performanceLondon Centreon be parted. £10. North Road and George Barrett Cup for best perfo.m~ £17-17-0 EACH 4.-8Iue Che ••• Pled C.. NU56G2811. NU56L3322. A ance ever 240 miles on North Road. very consistent nar"nc. not· clocked Selby 1957. She also won 1st Thurso North London Fed .• 16 would have been In first 3 Fed. Topped Fed. with Thurso East Herts. Club. 1&t Thu.so Ware •.nd Dis. ALfRED PLASSCHAERT sister. Hard race .. £5- H.S. Victory Queen looks I1ke. :\ two-year-old and will 5.-Red C.• NU65Ll~102. Lulham x Bastin x Moss. stand any examination. She is breeding good stl'on~ 1st Club, 26th leotlon. 59th Open L.N.R.C. Thurso young birds. Almost every bird in my loft Is descendctt l3-BIRD (506 miles) . Vel. 11'l1. £8. from her. I x 6.-BlueGits x Moss.Chen. M'LTnreeNU56G2809.races onlyLocanas yearling.x Vandevelde6th PRINTING' CLOCKS Newark. Selby ht Club. 1st L.N.R. Fed. /3,641 birds). BredBluebyCheLen••. Davies,Pied H'lt'Jware.NURP52EJ\1:!3.Sire. bred byNU52NN4543,L. Davies; vel. 955 I had creat "ol)es for this bird in 1958. Sire Dam.GuernseyVictory1952. NantesQueen. 1953Fulland particulllrs1954. Won 1stavaj)ablt~Basini; £25-17-6 CASH or £6 DEPOSIT No.1. £10. stoke, 1st Bournemouth. Enfield Wed. Club 19541 7.-Blue C.. NU49Ll'Hl. Hansenne x Lulharn. This Would haw· been candtdate for Pau ]955. Is a very game bird especIally ovel' 300 miles. Flown Blue Cheq. Cock, NURP52EM14. NU52L3208. Bred Thurso 3 times. 4 times Fraserburgh. Numerous by Len Davies. Full particulars "valJable. This cod!: HIRE CLOCKS 2nd8.positions All fromthe 2ndbest upwardsHansenne••• Dam.blood.-thJ:eE'Monslsta, Hero.foul' Is a, very good type and a s"lendid stock bird. I Spanish KinK blood. £5. TOULET 10 .and 12-BIRD, and S.-Black Chen. H. NU56G2817. Late bred. Han• Red Cheq. C.• NU53L15510. Bred by H. T~ PLASSCHAERT No. 3 MODEL senne x Lulharn X kenyon. This Is e. lovely hen, Whetstone, N.20. 1953 won Derby in .trone Pettelt train.eel this year for 1958. Sire NO.7. Dam NURP53 Bar H.S•• 1954 Berwick. 1955 2nd bird Be.wick. Frase~ £3 PER SEA"SON. OA4074 Dk. Bl'onze CheQ. d. Kenyon

in money are very much rl!duced, and it becomes FOOD FOR NOVICES increasingly difficult for a secretary to find himself (OLD HANDS BARRED) Cbq Racing Pigton. hopelessly in debt to the club at the end of the ESTABLISHED 1898. year. A correspondent who is just starting 00 brei pigeons for the first time asks me if I think it I SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1958. @) I We have stressed many tjmes that if the proper precautions are carried out as routine, they clln be advisllble to breed large pigeons or small ones? :\I 19, DOUGHTY STREET, LONDON. W.e.1. done with offence to no one, and we do hope that reply is: (;Q in for the production of the hap! Telephone: Holborn 7562 and 7563 (two lines). Telegrams: Flyman Holb" London, clubs will PIlY attention to this unfortunate example, medium. I and see that in their clubs the financial business I have repeatedly commented on the fact tlil is conducted in accordance with Union rules. at shows the majority of judges give their pri~ Transfers from Suspended Members We would like 00 draw our renders' attention to We would also point out that the common practice long-distance racers. the question of th~ transfer of pigeons from of combining the office of secretary and treasurer to birds that are much too large ever to make r1 suspended members. There seems to be some mis• pennit these defalcations more easily than if the During visits paid to Belgium, extending o,~ secretary has to hand over all money immediately something like fifty years, I never saw any vel unde~tnnding regarding the sale of birds from sus• to the treasurer. pended members and we have been criticised for large pigeons which scored in Belgian long-distanj permitting advertisements to appenr. We should Promote The Sport races, nor huve I seen any extra sized pigeons like 00 muke the position clenr in order that our eur long races in this country. If they have do1 At this time of the year when good resolutions it, I have been unfortunate enough not to see the~ renders will realize thut we are in fact doing every• ure the vogue, we suggest one which we are sure thing in our power to protect them. Perhnps I am I? bit old-fashioned in the opini~ It must be borne in mind that the unions do not all fanciers will endorse, for all the various pigeon that large birds do not make the best long-distanl unions in the country, and particularly the Nationul send us lists of suspended members and therefore, Homing Union-which now has plenty of funds• racers, but reading a copy of a letter that the l~ in nearly every case, we do not know whether uny N. Burker sent to Anthony Hordern ns far bac particular member has been suspended or not. If and that is, that they should do something to carry as 1880, it is very interesting to note N. Barke~ out one of their objects, which is to help promote views on the question on size, and for this rea~ we receive an advertisement from unyone whom we the sport. know to hnve been suspended by the N.H.U., then I make no excuse in repeuting N. Barker's leU' we mnke most careful inquiries before we allow the During the whole history of the National Homing in my notes this week. Union, little or nothing has been done for the He wrote:- advertisement to be inserted, since this will have sport; indeed during the wur, if it had been left an important bearing on whether or not the seller •• Now as to their size (referring to birds sei will be allowed to transfer purchused birds. to Australia) I say they are plenty big enougl It is possible to transfer birds from a suspended and if any of your friends hllve some of the vel member's loft in all cases except where that member HURRY! HURRY!! big ones. you may put them down as being beut~ of the Union has been suspended for fraud, and first. TIle three" champions of my loft are ~ therefore in most cases transfers can go forward uS bigger than the least bird I sent you, and "they II usual. If we know a man has been suspended for did 500 miles when only one year old, which son: fraud, then his advertisement would not be pub• lished in 7'he Racing Pigeon. This IS the ruling in littlethink blueI shouldhen I notcall haveQueenletofthemBluesdo.that I IhavewouI N.H.U. clubs and the relevant rule (43) is as fly against any hen in Belgium. Well, she is mu~ follows :- less than any" bird I sent you. No, no, my goo If any member of the Union shall be gUilty of any dlshonourable conduct or of conduct which friend, let the big ones alone ... They are t~ renders him unfit to be a member of his club or of slow. It is very seldom they have wing enough t the Union. or wilfUlly breaks the rules of his clUb carry their body at any good speed." or of the Union. or refuses to comply with any This letter was written by N. Barker, as statec decision of the Union upou any matter affecting the in 1880 and I cannot help saying that there' sportexpelledof orpigeonsuspendedracing.by orhis exhibitions,club or organizationhe may beor In the case of an Individual member, by the centre. much I agree with as to the very bi~ birds. Wh~ from the privileges of the Union for such period as a very large bird ~ets a real gruelling it seldor may be determined. subject to the right of appeal reCO\'8rs inside. It flops right out. And althoug berelnafter ref erred to. During the period of sus• up to the time of its gruelling it may have dorj pension.being a memberthe personof thesuspendedUnion andsballshallbe Incapablecease to beof well. I have never known these large ones com a member of any amllated club or society and shall on again. I If they are culled upon to spend a night out i: beatllllatedIncapablesociety.of becomingNo addressa ormemberloft belongingof any otherto or used by an expelled or suspended member shall be a long mce, a lurge body menns more nourishme~ recognized by the Union during the period of sus• and more food to bank up the fires and keep u: CALENDAR the strength. pensionIn case unlessa memberthe IsUnionfoundshallguiltyotherwiseof frauddetermine.In con• nectIon wIth the sport, his club or the UnIon shall You can, of course, get down too small and declare the whole or any part of the bIrds that com• ..LIMITED NUMBER have often snid when visiting a very successfo peted 00 the suspended address or lofts during the loft that the danger line had been crossed and tIt season, when such fraud was committed. to be Ineligible to compete in races In which Union mem• hens were getting too small. bers are permitted to compete. The termination of Order Immediately. Whilst not wishful of very large hens. on tH such suspension shall free all birds tha t In conse• Quence of such suspension may have been declared PRICE~2s. 6d. POST FREE other hand, those with thin goldfinch benks, ver: Ineligible to compete as above. but shall not entitle small feet and legs are going downhill and shouli such member to be reinstated as a member of any be used with care as breeders. club or society. unless such clUb or society sball otherWIse decide. It shall. however, be within the "The Racing Pigeon" Publishing Co: "Ltd•• The man who races both sexes will get smalla right of any member at any time, to apply for the hens in time than he who races cocks only, : "freeing" of any such Ineligible bird, and the Union 19. Doughty Street. London. W.C.1. may. If they think fit, grant such request on such practicewho racemanywidowhoodBelgians.• now follow, especially thqi ontermsInformationand conditionsIn possessionas they thinkof desirable.a centre orWhere.the to the N.H. U., the sport would have been killed It may be argued that )you cannot judge the be~ Council, such centre or Council deem It expedient to stone dead, as the president and secretary were both hens to select and breed from unless you try them consider the matter, then rule 43 shall have elIect as though the words " .•• Centre or Council ... " away with the committee, The man who races both sexes is certainly wise i appeared after the words "he may be expelled or and at one time this committee even proposed that from time to time he selects a good robust hen oj suspended by his club," provided that rule 45 shall the sport should be closed down entirely. It was two and perpetuates his strain from this source. II ruleapply44inhada caseb~enofapplied."action takenSuspensionsby a centreor expUlsionsas though only due to the strenuous efforts of The Racing is certainly not always the best racer that makf!o made unde~' the foregoing rule shall be subJect to Pigeon that this did not happen. the best soock bird. Therefore we feel the time has come when fanciers confirmation by the Local Centre. I have often pointed out how certain birds from No Prizes should press for action to be taken to publicise the a good stock pair would race and how other bird! We have had a letter to-day from a member of sport and increase its adherents. of a different colour from the same parents werE a club in the north-west of England who asks what New Year Greeting eon they do because their secretary is about £100 duffersgetters onandtheneverroad failedbut wereto prepotentbreed reallyas stocklgoOlucky in matching birds one to thd the club down as badly as this, and indeed we think wrote to the shO\v secretary: •• I hope you will other that would hit and breed a fair number of accept my entries as a token of my good wishes to the only way to attempt to recover any of this the editor, yourself and all at 19 Doughty Street for good ones and a champion occasionally. money is to take the correct legal procedure. a very happy New Year." Beginners have sOmetimes complained to me While we have every sympathy with the members, This is the best New Year greeting of all, and we that they have bought birds that have previousli we cannot help wondering if perhaps they are not hope to receive many more such wishes before the bred winners and yet in their hands never bred at fault themselves. National Homing Union rules entries close. a good one. At the original lofts they had freedorrt state that the bank book of each club must be laid nnd liberty to find nature's supplies of grit and on the table at every meeting, and as our colleague Network Three green food in the fields. At the other loft, confined "Clubman" has suggested, it is a very good prac• The next programme about pigeons will 1 ; broad• in a prisoners' pen, they sulked at being shut up, tice if the chairman makes a point of looking at cast on January 16, at 7.15 p.m. This time fanciers and could not get their requirements. Hence it at every meeting. If this Union rule were carried in the north-east area will be interviewed and will their break-down Rnd failure to continue to breed out, then the chances of there being a shortage talk about their plans for the coming season. (continued on following page column 3)