(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7431,948 B2 Tripp Et Al
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USOO743 1948B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7431,948 B2 Tripp et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 7, 2008 (54) COMPOSITIONS THAT TREAT OR INHIBIT 4,154,865 A 5, 1979 Grant PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS 4,170,638 A 10, 1979 Owades ASSOCATED WITH INFLAMMATORY 4.389,421 A 6, 1983 Palamand RESPONSE 4,401.684 A 8/1983 Versluys 4473,551 A 9/1984 Schinitsky 4,554,170 A 11/1985 Panzer et al. (75) Inventors: Matthew L. Tripp, Gig Harbor, WA 4,644,084 A 2f1987 Cowles et al. (US); John G. Babish, Brooktondale, 4,692.280 A 9/1987 Spinelli NY (US); Jeffrey S. Bland, Fox Island, 4,767,640 A 8, 1988 Goldstein et al. WA (US); Gary K. Darland, Gig 4,822,607 A * 4, 1989 Balassa et al. .............. 424,548 Harbor, WA (US); Robert Lerman, Gig 4,857,554 A 8, 1989 Kallimanis Harbor, WA (US); Daniel O. Lukaczer, 5,006,337 A 4, 1991 Motitschke et al. Gig Harbor, WA (US); DeAnn J. Liska, 5,013,571 A 5/1991 Hay Tacoma, WA (US); Terrence Howell, 5,041,300 A 8, 1991 Todd et al. 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