[email protected] (508) 238-5654 www.rightarmresource.com www.facebook.com/rightarmresource 8/12/2015 Grace Potter “Empty Heart” The new single from Midnight, in stores this Friday and going for adds on Monday! Playing on Conan next Monday Tons of early adds including KFOG, WRLT, WNCS, WXPN, KCSN, KTBG, WNKU, WDST, WUIN, WUKY, KVNA, KOHO, WOCM, WCBE, KSPN, KFMU, KSMT, KYSL, KMTN, KKAL, WFIV and more Incredible show in Boulder! “In Grace Potter’s hands, on her first solo album Midnight, pop rock gets a real kick in the cherry-red pants.” - NPR Clara-Nova “An Island” The first single from their upcoming album, on PlayMPE now and going for adds on Monday Killer set in Boulder Communion residency: 9/9 New York City, 9/11 Vienna VA, 9/15 Nashville, 9/16 Atlanta, 9/17 Louisville, 9/24 St. Paul MN “Oozes out of the speakers and lifts your soul right up” - The Deli Magazine “Artists To Watch”/LA Scene Blog Watch for more extensive touring to be announced soon along with the release date of the upcoming album Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds “Sugar” The new single from The Weather Below Just played it on The Today Show and had a killer performance in Boulder First week: WVOD, WSGE, WKZE, WUSM, KDEC, WYCE, KUNC and KXCI Added early at WRLT, Music Choice, WJCU, KNBA WOCM, WZLO, WFIV, KSMT, KSPN, KFMU, KVNA, KDBB, KSLU and WUKY Official video online now On tour for the rest of the year: 8/15 Boise ID, 8/16 Huntsville UT, 8/17 Helena MT, 8/20 Minneapolis MN, 8/22 Traverse City MI..