Friday, 25 January 2013 HIGHVELDER 19 Op soek na ‘n vriendelike kantoor dame Vereistes • Stiptelik en netjies en tweetalig Notices / Vacancies • Ouderdom tussen 30 & 40 jaar met bestuurslisensie • Ondervinding in debiteure / krediteure • Moet bereid wees om met kontant te werk • Vorige ondervinding sal voordelig wees DIE HOËVELDER VERSPREI WEEKLIKS • Goeie kliëntediens kan lewer • Pastel is voordelig maar nie ‘n vereiste • Salaris onderhandelbaar Faks CVs gerus deur na 017 819 1303 of e-pos na 082 566
[email protected] of lewer af by 18 000 Ermelo Scrap Metals 25.1.13 / 6x2 10 For the perfect candidate, koerante in Ermelo, Wesselton, Carolina, Breyten, LAERSKOOL advertise your vacancies Hendrina, Lothair, Davel, Badplaas, Amsterdam, JJ VD MERWE in the Morgenzon, Chrissiesmeer VAKANTE BETREKKING ADMIN POS SCOPING, EIA AND IWULA PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Aansoeke word ingewag vir toepas- MDEDET Reference Number: 17/2/3 GS-146 lik gekwalifiseerde persone PROPOSED COAL MINING OF COAL AND THE ASSOCIATED VEREISTES: ACTIVITIES ON THE ABOVEMENTIONED PROPERTY • Goeie sekretariële ondervinding en Location: Farm MOOIFONTEIN 109 IT, VOORSLAG 274 IS, STERK- vaardigheid in Rekenaargeletterdheid STRAUSS FONTEIN 242 IS and VLAKFONTEIN 108 IS in: Application for environmental authorisation to undertake the following activities: • MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, PROKUREURS In terms of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), as amended MS Publisher, MS Outlook & Internet Sections 24 and 24(d) and read with Government Notice R544, 545 and a Scoping EIA is required in • Goeie interpersoonlike verhoudinge ONTVANGS / SKAKELBORD terms of the following listed activities: • Ondervinding in skool admin. / ADMIN POS Indicate the number Activity No(s) Describe each listed activity: STERK AANBEVELING: and date of the relevant (in terms of the Vereistes: Government Notice: relevant notice): • Ondervinding van Edupac program sal voorkeur geniet.