Home Econ. J. Vol. (36), No. (2). 2020 129 Shelf life and Nutritional Properties of Bread Fortified with Dried Carrot Powder Nareman S. Eshak Home Economics Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University, Egypt Correspondence: e-mail:
[email protected], Fax: 002 0882311535 Abstract: Bread can be fortified with dietary fiber (DF) from different sources, for example carrot. In Egypt, Carrots still reach a low-cost crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the shelf life and nutritional properties of bread fortified with dried carrot powder (CP) during the storage period at room temperature (30°C) and refrigeration temperature (3°C). Bread was fortified with (CP) at (5%, 10% and 15%). The physicochemical evaluation (height, weight, volume and specific volume) of control and carrot fortified bread was determined. The results showed that moisture and protein contents decreased in carrot fortified bread by increasing ratio of (CP). There was increasing significantly (P<0.01) with increasing level of (CP) in these parameters; fat, ash and fiber contents of the bread. The weight and volume of the bread increased significantly (P<0.05) when fortified with (CP). The carrot fortified bread was significantly different (P˂0.05) compared with control bread in height, and specific volume. The moisture content in the carrot fortified bread had high significantly (P˂0.01) decreased at the room temperature, while significantly (P˂0.05) decreased at refrigeration temperature. The shelf life of bread at refrigeration temperature is longer (20 days) than at the room temperature (5 days). Carrot fortified bread has significantly (P˂ 0.05) differences in all sensory evaluation comparing with control at refrigeration temperature.