Marvin Gaye: 1939-1984 MARVIN GAYE WAS IMPORTANT Not Only Tion
Marvin Gaye: 1939-1984 MARVIN GAYE WAS IMPORTANT not only tion. "I was profoundly affected by her," because he helped createthe Motown he said at the time. "This has been a very empire, but because he left it. Originally spiritual period of my life; it's my time to hired by president Berry Gordy as a session come out as an artist." drummer in 1961, he coauthored Dancing In the 1976 edition of The Rolling in the Streets, an enormous hit for Martha & Stone History of Rock & Roll, Joe McEwen the Vandellas;,brought out something elec- wrote, "Perhaps to cap his career, Gaye tric in Smokey Robinson, who produced followed his more political work with a both I'll Be Doggone and Ain't That Pecu- return, not to 'love,' but to pure eroticism, liar for him; and scored hits quickly and with the irresistible Let's Get It On (1973), deftly, from the gritty Hitch Hike to the gos- a huge hit with some claim to being the pel shout of Can I Get a Witness to the sexiest record Motown ever produced." sweet buoyancy of You're a Wonderful But Gaye topped himself twice after that, One. And that was only the first four years. with 1977's Got to Give It Up and 1982's This formative period culminated in the Sexual Healing. masterpiece / Heard It Through the Grape- For a man who gave so much in such a vine, a No. I hit in 1968 that's still played a short time, this discography should serve as lot in clubs and discos everywhere.
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