Distress After Criminal Victimization Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects in a Two-Year Perspective
Distress after Criminal Victimization Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects in a Two-Year Perspective Olof Semb Department of Clinical Sciences Division for Psychiatry Umeå University Umeå 2011 Responsible publisher under swedish law: the Dean of the Medical Faculty This work is protected by the Swedish Copyright Legislation (Act 1960:729) ISBN: 978-91-7459-181-1 ISSN: 0346-6612 Elektronisk version tillgänglig på http://umu.diva-portal.org/ Printed by: Print & Media Umeå, Sweden 2011 “People have a hard time accepting the fact that bad things can happen to good people, and therefore, people will often alter their perceptions of a victim, assuming that they must somehow be at fault.” (Albert Camus) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS I Semb, O., Henningsson, M., Fransson, P., & Sundbom, E. (2009). Trauma-related Symptoms after Violent Crime: The Role of Risk Factors Before, During and Eight Months After Victimization. The Open Psychology Journal, 2, 77-88. II Semb, O., Henningsson, M., Strömsten, L., Fransson, P., & Sundbom, E. Psychological Distress Associated with Interpersonal Violence: A Prospective Two-Year Follow-Up Study of Female and Male Crime Victims (Accepted for publication, in revision) III Semb, O., Strömsten, L., Fransson, P., Henningsson, M., & Sundbom, E. (2011) Distress after a Single Violent Crime: How Shame-proneness and Event-related Shame Work Together as Risk Factors for Symptoms (Accepted for publication, in revision) IV Semb, O., Fransson, P., Henningsson, M., & Sundbom, E. Experiences of Victimization After Severe Interpersonal
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