PO Box 127, Woolton, , L25 8WY [email protected]



Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the thirty ninth Annual General Meeting of the Woolton Society will be held on Wednesday 26th October 2011 at 7.30pm at Woolton Village Club, Allerton Road, Woolton Village, Liverpool L25.


1. Notice convening the meeting. 2. Apologies for absence. 3. Minutes of the thirty eighth AGM held on 27th October 2010. 4. Hon. Treasurer‟s Report. 5. Chairman‟s remarks. 6. Election of Officers: (a) Chairman (b) Vice-Chairman (c) Hon. Secretary (d) Hon. Treasurer 7. Election of Members of the Executive Committee.(Four of the 10-12 members of the Executive Committee retire each year under Rule 7. Retiring members are eligible for re- election. 8. Any Other Business. 9. Open forum for discussion of views & events.

Refreshments will fo llow the AGM.

Newsletter contents in full:

Minutes of the 38th Woolton Society AGM of 27th October 2010: pages 2 & 3 Society News: pages 4 & 5 Woolton News: pages 5 to 7 Planning news & applications: pages 8 to10 Gift Aid form: page 11 Membership renewal & standing order form: Page 12.


Minutes of the 38th Annual General Meeting held at the Village Club, Allerton Road, Woolton, on Wednesday 27th October 2010 at 7.30 pm.

Present:- Committee:- Edith McGlashan in the chair; Paul King(Vice-Chairman), Henry Stott (Hon.Secretary), Charles Davies (Hon. Treasurer), Ann Fearon, Jean Davies, Norman Callaghan, Les Baldwin, Brian Watt. Members and Visitors:- Ladies: M Condy, V Stott, J Earps, E Pimblett, A Hesketh, M McDonald, B Higgins, R Quine, O McDonagh, P McDonagh, M Aspinall, B Plent, A Lloyd, C Bennett, S Makin, L Chase, M Lowe, B Coppell. Gentlemen: J Pope, R Pilsbury, A Smith, G Topham, R McGorian, P Shay, D Maguire, N Chase, N Coppell, J Cumberland, J Pearlman, A Hesketh.

The Chairman welcomed all present and commenced the business of the meeting using the published Agenda, having also read out the required Notice convening the meeting. A minor correction to this Notice was given, viz. that the address of the meeting venue should have read Allerton Road.

1 Apologies had been received or were announced from:- Committee: Meryl Kelbrick; John Hibbert. Others: Mr G Nickson, Mr A Gaskin, Renee Curran, Hilary Rock Gormley.

2 Minutes of the 37th Annual General Meeting held on 28th October 2009 and distributed in advance to all members, were accepted as a true record, on a show of hands. Two minor matters arising are referred to in 7 Any other Business below.

3 Hon. Treasurer’s Report. Audited Financial Statements for the year ending 31 August 2010 were distributed to all present. Charles Davies made appropriate comments on various items and compared these with values from a year ago. The substantial increase in Income this year arose from a generous individual donation, and monies received from various donors in memory of the late Janet Gnosspelius. Outgoings were reduced by virtue of the demise of The Civic Trust to whom we used to pay an annual levy. The Treasurer foresaw no need to change the level of membership fees in the near future. He is initiating action to recover money from HMRC via the Charities‟ Gift Aid scheme. Declaration forms had been sent to all members in the recent membership package and he encouraged all eligible tax payers to respond, and for members subscribing by Standing Order to ensure that their instructions to the Bank were for the correct, current amounts. At the request of the Chairman, the Treasurer is to thank the Auditors, Hamilton-Burke Dufau Ltd for their professional input, done under very favourable terms.

4 Chairman’s Remarks. Following established precedent the Chairman invited other officers of the Committee to make statements in their respective spheres, as follows:-

(i) The Hon. Secretary (Henry Stott) advised that the Committee had met 7 times during the year. These meetings are now held at the Elephant Hotel. The Society published 5 Newsletters in the same period, these now being edited by Jean Davies, in addition to arranging an excellent programme of Talks. We have lost the services of Martin Thompson as Newsletter editor and Membership Secretary, the latter role being filled on a temporary basis by Paul King. Thanks are recorded to Martin for his services to the Society over many years, and to all involved in the printing and distribution of the Newsletters. The last issue contained a tribute to the late Janet Gnosspelius – a founder member of the Society. In her will she bequeathed all her records and documents relating to Woolton to the Woolton Society. These have been identified and are in safe storage while the Committee considers how to deal with and secure the future of this extensive archive. The prospect of republishing the


“History of Much Woolton” is also being evaluated. The Secretary advised that no progress whatever had been made by Council officials in the preparation of an Advisory Leaflet for the Woolton Conservation Area, now 4 years overdue from its original target. The economic climate will probably mean no progress in the foreseeable future.

(ii) The acting Membership Secretary (Paul King) advised a current membership total of 203. Our records are under constant review, requiring liaison with the Hon. Treasurer regarding payment of fees and members‟ Bank standing order arrangements, together with the organising of Newsletter distribution lists for our band of volunteer distributors.

(iii) The Environment Secretary (Meryl Kelbrick) submitted a report which, in absentia, was presented by Paul King. The Society‟s dealings with the Council‟s planning and conservation department had needed some 30 formal letters, visits to Millenium House, and numerous emails and phone calls. Emphasis is currently focussed on the William Hill application re the former Calvert‟s shop, and the unsightly security measures at the Coach & Horses building. The Secretary had reported in detail on our problems with both these items in the recent Newsletter. Help has been offered to St James‟ over their application to erect suitable railings to the boundary wall of the Church Hall. An appeal was made for anyone with tree expertise to help with the Society‟s responses to applications for tree pruning and/or felling – a genuine conservation concern in leafy Woolton, and also for photographs – old or new, to build up a reference archive to assist in this area of the Society‟s activities. Finally, moves are afoot to add the names of local professionals, such as Architects and Surveyors, to our official letter heading, as “patrons”. Paul King reported briefly on the current situation with developments at which appeared to show that, although progress is slow, adequate measures are being taken to secure the integrity and security of this Grade I listed building.

The Chairman thanked the individuals for the above reports, and the Committee at large, in which all undertake their separate duties to form a very effective team.

5 Election of Officers. Chairman The current Chairman, Edith McGlashan, was willing to continue and was duly re-elected. Vice-Chairman Paul King was willing to continue and was duly re-elected. Hon. Secretary Henry Stott was willing to continue and was duly re-elected. Hon.Treasurer Charles Davies was willing to continue and was duly re-elected.

All the above were subject to formal propositions, duly seconded, and approved without opposition.

6 Election of Members of the Executive Committee. The four members retiring under Rule 7 of the Society‟s Constitution were named as:- Ann Fearon, Brian Watt, Meryl Kelbrick and Les Baldwin. All were willing to serve and were formally re-elected without opposition.

7 Any other Business (i) After informal contacts with the applicant‟s Agents, the proposal for an Italian-style Pizza Restaurant was discontinued. (ii) There are now no clashes between dates of Woolton Society Meetings and those of the Woolton Village Residents Association.

The Madam Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the formal part of the meeting at 8.15 pm. There followed an illustrated talk by Clara Paillard on the pursuit of local history, based on a recent presentation made to the Friends of Reynolds Park.

Please bring these minutes if you plan to attend the AGM on October 26th.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3

Society News Diary Date The last meeting of 2011 will be on Wednesday 23rd November, when Anthony Moscardini will be Looking at Liverpool: an urban design study. Anthony Moscardini studied at the Glasgow School of Art & at the School of Architecture before working in local government, private practice & The New Towns & Planning Inspectorate. He has written & illustrated several books on architecture & heritage, including one on Woolton & . He is a long term Woolton resident, & a former committee member of the Woolton Society.

Meeting of September 28th Our speaker on Wednesday 28th September was Kerry Peacock, horticultural manager of Woolton in Bloom. She gave an informative & entertaining talk on the challenges of preparing Woolton for the visits of the Royal Horticultural Society judges in our Britain in Bloom & North West in Bloom bids. The Woolton Society has given a donation to WIB funds.

Subscriptions & Gift Aid After discussion in committee, the Society has decided not to raise the level of subscriptions this year. However, it was decided that those members who require a postal delivery of the Newsletter will pay an extra £2 per year to cover postage and envelope. Please amend your payment accordingly to ensure that you continue to receive your newsletter and maintain your membership. All subscriptions are due in October. Subscriptions are as follows: Adult (single) £6 Senior/student (single) £4 Adult (joint) £9 Senior/student (joint) £6 Plus £2 in all categories for postal deliveries. If you do not pay by standing order, you can renew your membership by completing the renewal form on page 11 as per the instructions on the form. It would greatly assist the administration of the Society if all members would consider going over to standing order and, of course, it is easier for you as a member to have your subscription automatically renewed. Gift Aid enables us, as a registered charity, to reclaim tax on subs paid, with no cost to the member. We urge all members to fill in a Gift Aid form if you have not already done so, form available on page 12, at all meetings or from the Treasurer.

Membership Secretary Our new membership secretary is Mrs Marie Whitty. All queries & correspondence on membership issues should be sent to [email protected] or via our PO Box address on the front cover.

Newsletter We are investigating the possibility of sending out the newsletter by email at some point in the future. If you would like to receive your newsletter by email please email the membership secretary stating your preference. Newsletter 321, delivered in early December will be a Christmas special, with features on local traders & activities, as well as our usual features. There will also be a Woolton Quiz!

Farmers Market The Society took a stall at the Farmers market in September, resulting in 16 new members, & 1 renewal of membership. We welcome our new members, who are paid up until October 2012, & hope to see them at our meetings. We are considering taking a stall at the Farmers Market as an annual event for the Society, as so much interest is generated in our activities, & each year we recruit many new members.


September would seem to be an ideal month for this venture, as subscriptions can be renewed at the same time.

Win a Culinary Experience in Woolton! The Woolton Society‟s Meryl Kelbrick is organising a prize draw, with all money going to the Save the Pool fighting fund. Prizes include meal vouchers for two at many of the Village‟s restaurants. Participating restaurants are:

The Bubble Room C a v e a u C e l l o ’ s The Elephant F l e t c h e r ’ s I s t a n b u l K h a j a The King Do L e t ’ s E a t T h e R a j The White H o r s e

The draw will take place at Cello‟s Wine Bar on Thursday 15th December at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Tickets are priced at £1, & available from Woolton Society meetings on 26th October & 23rd November, & from Meryl at 428 9204 or 07919 060 688.


Woolton News

Woolton Baths Listing Application: snail-like progress..... and other news Sarah Charlesworth, Assistant Designations Officer (North), English Heritage, has received our Application and conducted her visit a week or so ago. A copy of her initial descriptive report about the building has been received, enabling us to make corrections and additions. Copies have also been sent to senior Liverpool City Council officers, as current owners of the building, also to Dr Ian Dungavell, Director of the Victorian Society who had sent in his own comments. The final report will then pass through several processes within English Heritage and Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) before we receive a result - i.e. listed or not. We are unlikely to hear before the end of the year; this is because there is a huge backlog of other applications, and some, where the buildings are at immediate risk of demolition are always the priority, so we must patiently wait in a queue.

In the meantime we are working towards developing a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Application and a business plan for the management and operation of the building as a Pool again. Appropriately trained Woolton Residents Association members have already, with the agreement of the City Council, weed treated the part of the external structure where you might have noticed a weed „forest‟ had started to grow, thereby risking further damage to the structure. More recently a small volunteer working party cleared the resulting organic and other debris from the rear yard which is now ‟clean as a new pin‟.

Volunteers Save Woolton Pool Fund is looking for more volunteers of all kinds to assist with their special professional expertise and/ or their skills, energy and enthusiasm. The volunteer database to which people gave in their names with offers of help is currently being developed so we can draw on a wider pool (no pun intended!) of people with time, specific skills and enthusiasm to assist in different ways. PLEASE ADD YOURS! [email protected] or drop a note to SWPF c/o 63 Allerton Road, Liverpool L25 7RE, just opposite the Library.

Fundraising for the Baths Fundraising continues with a planned Quarrymen gig towards the end of October; look out for details and buy your tickets soon – it‟s a good cause and should be good fun too!


There is also the Woolton Society‟s brilliant idea of a raffle based around meals donated by local restaurants. Details at the top of page 5! We still need to raise funds towards securing the Pool‟s future - so more active fund raising like this is needed! Please let us know your ideas and how you plan to carry them out. Is there a fairy godfather or mother - a local modern philanthropist who wishes to make an even bigger contribution towards securing the future of the building? Holbrook Gaskell, a Widnes Industrialist who lived in Woolton Woods had both the vision and the means to generously fund the original building for the benefit of the local community - would someone of equal generosity like to echo this today?

Memories and Memorabilia We are also keen to capture memories, photos etc about the Baths and any aspect of Woolton history. When you are clearing out the attics and cupboards, please keep or pass them on to us for a living history project about Woolton Village which is emerging as a result of the varied and fascinating historical information which started to emerge during my Listing research. Please contact friends and relatives who have moved away nationally and internationally- their reminiscences could be just as important. The late Janet Gnosspelius‟ Woolton archive should also prove to be a rich resource.

Baths update by Sue Carmichael

2013: A future celebration? 2013, the 100th anniversary of Much and Little Woolton joining Liverpool from Lancashire in 1913 is fast approaching; it will surely be a great opportunity for looking back and understanding how the village and its community evolved and also looking forward to its future.

Woolton Library update Progress has been slow during the summer and there is no definite news to report on the future of the library.

The Library Consultation Survey The Library Consultation Survey results have been made public and can be found in full if you log onto: ;

Councillors seem pleased with the survey results and think it demonstrates "the high level of interest and support that the community has for our Library Service."

The most striking outcome is that a majority of 77% of respondents have opted to keep libraries open, but on fewer selected days, rather than close libraries outright.

The response to library volunteers is interesting. Relatively few respondents (1 in 5) actually wanted to get directly involved in volunteering. The majority disagree with general volunteering or running the library as a member of a volunteer board. However, respondents seem evenly split regarding volunteers running events & activities in libraries. Perhaps the majority believe that libraries are likely to be safer, better operated and more financially secure in the hands of local authorities where residents have a measure of democratic control over the library service.

The results of the survey seemed promising and gave hope that there would be few outright library closures. The future of Woolton Library seemed rosier until the Culture & Tourism Committee meeting of September 20th.


Culture & Tourism Select Committee The Committee met on Tuesday 20th September. Councillors Eddie Clein and Barbara Mace put down a motion:-

"That Committee notes the fantastic response to the public consultation held by the Council on the future of the Library Service. Committee calls on the Council to listen to the overwhelming support for library services from the public and do all it can to ensure that these well loved facilities are kept open in all areas of the city."

Ron Travis attended the meeting on behalf of the Save Woolton Library Campaign and put the following question to the Council:-

As part of the Libraries Budget Consultation Survey, 77% of respondents opted "to keep libraries open, but on fewer selected days" rather than "keep fewer libraries open" and 5355 local residents signed the Save Woolton Library petition strongly opposing the closure of the library. Will the Council take the views of the community into account by pledging to keep libraries open in the city even if this means a reduction in library opening hours?”

Councillor Wendy Simon replied saying that huge savings had to be made including big savings from the libraries budget. A Library Review would now be carried out to identify savings. The Council will be opening a new library in , the Library was being redeveloped and Larkhill Library will be moving to new premises in a local school, but the Council could not make a pledge that no library would close. Councillor Simon could not say when the Library Review would be completed and made public. From this it seems that the future of Woolton Library remains insecure. No assurances were given that it would remain open and it is unlikely that the Library Review will be made public until 2012. The fate of Woolton Library remains uncertain. All we can do is to keep opposition to closure alive and keep campaigning to keep the library open.

Woolton in Bloom The judging for North West in Bloom took place on 1st August. As yet we do not know the results, although the judges did seem to be favourably impressed by the stunning display of flowers in & around the village. WIB members have been invited to an awards ceremony in Southport on October 20th, when we hope to hear of another medal success. Full details & pictures in issue 321. Woolton in Bloom is entirely dependent on donations to pay for planting, & to this end works tirelessly with fundraising events & merchandising. The 2012 official calendar is now on sale at the Farmers Market, Brown‟s newsagent on Woolton Street, & at Daily News on Hunts Cross Avenue, price £4.50. WIB also has a range of notelets & Christmas cards with views of Woolton, bags, pens, key rings & teddy bears.

Friends of Reynolds Park The FROP have produced a CD of oral memories of two members who grew up in Reynolds Park. This project was in collaboration with Clara Paillard of Liverpool Museum who spoke to the Woolton Society last October on the pursuit of local history. The CDs are available from Geoff Kendall of FROP, 428 6409, priced at £1.50. The FROP Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday 9th November, in Tesco‟s coffee shop at 7.00.

The Gateacre Society The Gateacre Society will be holding its AGM & History Quiz on Sunday 30th October at 2pm in Gateacre Chapel on Gateacre Brow. Refreshments will be available.



Planning News and Applications

The following planning applications have been received by the City council since our last newsletter. See

Contact the Society at [email protected] re. planning matters.

Date Applic’n Status Regist- Decision Number Site Address Development Description ered

52 Hornby Lane Liverpool 11T/2207 To carry out tree works REGISTERED 23-09-2011 L18 3HH

21 Woolton Street To change use from bookmakers to takeaway 11O/2182 REGISTERED 22-09-2011 Liverpool L25 5NH cafe

To erect single storey extension to side/rear, 91 Woolton Hill Road 11H/2164 dormer to the rear and gable to the roof. Raised REGISTERED 19-09-2011 Liverpool L25 4RE patio/terrace to rear

To convert storage space in roof into 1 no. one bedroomed flat and erect 2 no. dormers in south Apartment 10, 5 Baddow 11F/2134 facing elevation and 4 no. dormers in west facing REGISTERED 12-09-2011 Croft Liverpool L25 7DB elevation (alternative to planning permission 11F/0628).

24 The Copse Liverpool To carry out tree works to 7 no: trees and fell 2 11T/2074 REGISTERED 07-09-2011 L18 3NH no: trees.

To use vacant chapel as a single dwellinghouse, Gateacre Chapel Hall install 6 no. roof lights at front, 5 no. roof lights 11F/1878 Sandfield Road Liverpool REGISTERED 06-09-2011 and dormer extension at rear, 1 no. roof light to L25 3PE side and erect porch at rear.

11 Willow Green 11H/2040 To erect single storey extension at side REGISTERED 05-09-2011 Liverpool L25 4RR

36 Castle Street Liverpool 11H/2022 To install replacement front door. REGISTERED 02-09-2011 L25 7SW

To install timber sliding sash windows at ground Rose Cottage 18 and first floor in front elevation and timber 11L/2021 Acrefield Road Liverpool REGISTERED 01-09-2011 casemenet windows at first floor in side L25 5JL elevation. **Amended description**

249 Menlove Avenue To erect 1 no. dwellinghouse (following 11F/2005 REGISTERED 30-08-2011 Liverpool L25 7SA demolition of existing bungalow).

Certificate of 23 Grangeside Liverpool Application for a lawful development certificate to FINAL 11LE/1993 26-08-2011 Lawfulness - DECISION L25 3PN erect a single storey extension at side. Granted

11 Teasville Road 11H/1992 To erect two storey extension to the side REGISTERED 26-08-2011 Liverpool L18 3EP

Certificate of 11 Downham Way Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for FINAL 11LE/1961 23-08-2011 Lawfulness - DECISION Liverpool L25 4TX proposed single storey extension at rear. Granted

To vary conditions 7 and 21 attached to planning permission 11F/0574 (To erect replacement shopping centre with mixed retail use and associated car parking and service delivery area Gateacre Park Shopping following demolition of existing buildings) so as 11F/1956 Centre Gateacre Park REGISTERED 23-08-2011 to allow the retail (A1) units to open between Drive Liverpool L25 1PD 0700 hours and 2300 hours and the A2 uses to open between 0800 hours and 2200 hours; to allow non-food retail areas to be used within Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A5, D1 or a launderette.


Priory Court Oakfield To erect single storey extension at front following 11H/1954 Terrace Cuckoo Lane REGISTERED 23-08-2011 demolition of existing outbuildings. Liverpool L25 3PL

To erect single storey extension to the side, rebuild single storey extension to the rear, install Richmond Courtenay 11H/1943 new roof over existing and extended property, REGISTERED 22-08-2011 Road Liverpool L25 4RL create additional hardstanding area to front and access ramp to front.

To erect single storey extensions to the south east and south west facing elevations and 5 Dale Mews Liverpool 11H/1945 replace 2 no windows at first floor level in south REGISTERED 22-08-2011 L25 3SN east facing elevation with double doors and juliet balconies.

Bear and Staff 24 To retain purple slate to front of public house and 11F/1926 Gateacre Brow Liverpool REGISTERED 19-08-2011 2 floodlights above entrance. L25 3PB

Gateacre Brewery Shed To install 14m high telecommunications mast Gateacre Brewery 11F/1928 (telegraph pole design) along with associated REGISTERED 19-08-2011 Gateacre Brow Liverpool equipment cabinets. L25 3PB

14-16 High Street 11T/1905 To fell 2 no. trees. REGISTERED 16-08-2011 Liverpool L25 7TE

34A Quarry Street FINAL 11TC/1880 To carry out tree works 15-08-2011 No Objections Liverpool L25 6HE DECISION

401 Woolton Road To erect single storey extensions to the rear and 11H/1857 REGISTERED 11-08-2011 Liverpool L25 4SY two storey extension to the side

29 Linkstor Road 11H/1849 To erect single storey extension to the rear. REGISTERED 11-08-2011 Liverpool L25 6HN

91 Druidsville Road 11T/1821 To fell 1 no: tree at rear REGISTERED 10-08-2011 Liverpool L18 3EN

To erect single storey extension to the rear, 5 Heath Close Liverpool single storey infill extension between existing FINAL Approve with 11H/0617 10-08-2011 L25 4TB house and garage, garage conversion including DECISION Conditions the installation of a pitched roof and porch.

Woolton School To erect single storey link corridor extension and 11F/1806 Out Lane Liverpool L25 REGISTERED 09-08-2011 single storey extension to side 5NN

To install timber sliding sash windows at ground Rose Cottage 18 and first floor in front elevation and timber 11H/1803 Acrefield Road Liverpool REGISTERED 09-08-2011 casement windows at first floor in side elevation L25 5JL **Amended description**

38 Baroncroft Road FINAL Approve with 11H/1446 To erect single storey extension to the front. 03-08-2011 Liverpool L25 6EH DECISION Conditions

38 Baroncroft Road FINAL Approve with 11H/1771 To erect orangery extension to the front 02-08-2011 Liverpool L25 6EH DECISION Conditions

2 Quarry Street Liverpool FINAL 11TC/1770 To carry out tree works in a conservation area 02-08-2011 No Objections L25 6HE DECISION

St James Church Hall To install railings on perimeter wall around 11F/1722 Church Road South REGISTERED 28-07-2011 church hall Liverpool L25 7RJ

To retain two storey extension to the side, single 33 Childwall Lane FINAL Approve with 11H/1703 storey extension to the rear and canopy to the 26-07-2011 Liverpool L25 1PL DECISION Conditions front.

Belle Vale Road Liverpool To carry out various hard and soft landscaping FINAL Approve with 11F/1454 26-07-2011 L25 3RN works including to pavements. DECISION Conditions

11H/1038 14 Leybourne Road To erect two storey extension to the side FINAL 22-07-2011 Approve with 9

Liverpool L25 4SW DECISION Conditions

To erect single storey extension to the side, 5 Downham Green 11H/1672 convert existing garage into kitchen and layout WITHDRAWN 21-07-2011 Withdrawn Liverpool L25 4TU new driveway within front curtilage.

To erect part two storey/part single storey 20 Hightor Road extension to the side, single storey extension to FINAL Approve with 11H/1671 21-07-2011 Liverpool L25 6DL rear and dormer to rear in connection with the DECISION Conditions loft conversion

23 Grangeside Liverpool 11H/1670 To erect front porch WITHDRAWN 21-07-2011 Withdrawn L25 3PN

Mace Store 177 Grange FINAL Approve with 11A/1663 To retain 1 fascia sign 21-07-2011 Lane Liverpool L25 5JY DECISION Conditions

Mace Store 177 Grange FINAL Approve with 11F/1662 To retain ATM cash machine 21-07-2011 Lane Liverpool L25 5JY DECISION Conditions

60 Allerton Road, To change use from office accommodation to FINAL Approve with 11F/1642 20-07-2011 Liverpool, L25 7RG therapeutic massage clinic DECISION Conditions

Application for new planning permission to replace extant planning permission 08H/0996 in 9 Redwing Lane Liverpool FINAL Approve with 11H/1625 order to extend time limit to erect first floor 19-07-2011 L25 4RU DECISION Conditions extension at side, single storey extension to rear and porch at front.

To install new cold air retrieval duct work to the Tesco Stores Ltd Allerton FINAL Approve with 11F/1616 rear (northern) elevation and 2 no. new 19-07-2011 Road Liverpool L25 7SF DECISION Conditions condenser units to the side (western) elevation

To erect part single storey/part two storey 3 Hornby Park Liverpool extension to the rear, and to replace the existing FINAL Approve with 11H/1048 15-07-2011 L18 3LL flat roof to the front with a pitched roof. *Revised DECISION Conditions Description*.

To install GRP flashing to base of water tower in Woolton Hill Water Tower connection with the installation of membrane to FINAL Approve with 11L/1290 Off Reservoir Road 14-07-2011 reservoir roof and installation of display unit to DECISION Conditions Liverpool L25 internal wall of the water tower.

Certificate of 57A Druidsville Road Application for a Lawful Certificate of Lawfulness FINAL 11LP/1540 13-07-2011 Lawfulness - DECISION Liverpool L18 3EN for proposed single storey extension to side/rear. Refused

Certificate of 29 Linkstor Road Application for lawful development certificate for FINAL 11LP/1509 07-07-2011 Lawfulness - DECISION Liverpool L25 6HN proposed single storey extension to the rear Refused

9 Three Acres Close FINAL Approve with 11H/1010 To erect 3 storey extension to the rear 04-07-2011 Liverpool L25 7DA DECISION Conditions

To erect 1.8m high fence to recycling area, Tescos Allerton Road FINAL Approve with 11F/1460 upgrade car park lighting (including 1 no. new 30-06-2011 Liverpool L25 7SF DECISION Conditions lighting column) and raise kerb to pick up point

Tescos Allerton Road To display various signage including car park FINAL 11A/1456 30-06-2011 Split Decisi Liverpool L25 7SF signage and externally applied vinyls to store. DECISION

Bear & Staff 24 Gateacre To display 1 no. externally illuminated post sign FINAL Approve with 11A/1449 29-06-2011 Brow Liverpool L25 3PB at front. DECISION Conditions

16 Headbourne Close FINAL Approve with 11H/1447 To erect two storey extension to side and rear. 29-06-2011 Liverpool L25 1PS DECISION Conditions



Registered charity no. 506224 STANDING ORDER (for new or amended subscriptions)

MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Subscriptions are due in October and rates for the period October To …………………………………………………………… Bank 2011 to September 2012 are as follows: adult (single) £6.00 pensioner/student (single) £4.00 Bank address ………………………………………….………….… adult (joint) £9.00 pensioner/student (joint) £6.00 Please check that you are paying the correct subs. and amend Please pay Barclays Bank, 29 Allerton Road, Woolton as necessary. If you receive your newsletters by post please Liverpool L25 7RD add £2.00 to the amount above to cover postage and packing sort code no.20-50-82

Method of a. by standing order - as attached. For the credit of: The Woolton Society, Account No. 50868930 payment: b. by cheque payable to 'the Woolton Society' Ref No: ……… (For completion by the Membership Secretary)

Please complete the renewal form below, to enable us to verify our The sum of: £ ...... amount in words: …………………...…….. records. commencing ……..……. and annually thereafter, until further notice.

To: The Membership Secretary, The Woolton Society, PLEASE AMEND ANY EXISTING STANDING ORDER TO THE PO Box 127, Woolton, L25 8WY WOOLTON SOCIETY

I/we enclose the sum of £ ………….. to renew my subscription Signature: ………………………………………………….……..….… Full Name: …………………………………………………...….…….. Sort code: ……..……. Account number: ….……..…..…………… Address: ……………………………………………….…..………….. Account Name: …………………………………..……………………. Post code: ……………………….. Address: ……………………………………………………………… Please include this slip with your payment and send to the membership secretary at the address above or pay at one of Date: …………………………… our meetings. N.B. If you already pay by standing order and your details have not changed, there is no need to complete After completion, please return to: The Membership Secretary, this form; your membership will renew automatically. c/o PO Box 127, Woolton, L25 8WY


Gift Aid declaration The Woolton Society - Registered charity no. 506224 Please treat all gifts/subscriptions of money that I have made in the past 6 years and all future gifts of money that I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations. Donor‟s details:

Title ………….….. Initial(s) …………….… Surname ………….…….…………………

Home address …………………………………………………….…………………..…………

Postcode ……………..…………..….

Date ………………………………… Signature …………………………………………..……..….


Please complete the details above and return via the PO box address above, or via any committee member or at any Society meeting. The Society will make the necessary tax reclaim to boost our funds

Please notify the Treasurer of The Woolton Society if you: 1. Want to cancel this declaration. 2. Change your name or home address. 3. No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

Tax claimed by the charity • The charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 you gave up to 5 April 2008. • The charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give on or after 6 April 2008. • The Government will pay to the charity an additional 3p on every £1 you give between 6 April 2008 and 5 April 2011. This transitional relief for the charity does not affect your personal tax position. Please note that you must pay an amount of Income Tax (this can be tax on pensions, income or savings) and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April one year to 5 April the next) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that the charity will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. If you pay income tax at the higher rate, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return if you want to receive the additional tax relief due to you.