Timaru District Council Minutes of a Meeting of The
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TIMARU DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE GERALDINE COMMUNITY BOARD, HELD IN THE MEETING ROOM, GERALDINE LIBRARY/SERVICE CENTRE, TALBOT STREET, GERALDINE ON WEDNESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2015 AT 7.30PM PRESENT Wayne O’Donnell (Chairperson), Jan Finlayson, Chris Fisher, Jarrod Marsden, McGregor Simpson and Clr Kerry Stevens APOLOGIES An apology for absence was received from Shaun Cleverley IN ATTENDANCE The Mayor (Damon Odey), Group Manager Regulatory Services (Chris English), District Planning Manager (Mark Geddes), Customer Services Manager (Jenny Ensor), Council Secretary (Joanne Brownie) 1 IDENTIFICATION OF URGENT BUSINESS It was agreed to consider an exchange of land at Orari Bridge as urgent business at this meeting. 2 CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT The Chairperson reported on duties he had undertaken and meetings he had attended on behalf of the Board since the last meeting including the Geraldine Community Vehicle Trust, Council Standing Committees, a meeting regarding the cycle race coming through Geraldine in January 2016, Go Geraldine regarding the visitor centre, Remembrance Day and unveiling of new plaques at the Geraldine RSA, discussions with the Chief Executive and District Planning Manager and dealing with correspondence. 3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Proposed McGregor Simpson Seconded Clr Kerry Stevens “That the minutes of the Geraldine Community Board meeting held on 30 September 2015, be confirmed as a true and correct record.” MOTION CARRIED 4 RESOURCE CONSENT 5355 – ORARI GORGE The Board considered a report by the Regulatory Services Manager in response to a request from the previous Board meeting, regarding the Orari Gorge tracks issue. The Group Manager Regulatory Services and the District Planning Manager spoke to the report, further explaining the Timaru District Council’s role in the consenting of the tracks, the limitations within the District Plan as to what action Council could take and steps that are planned to improve the situation. Consent was granted by ECan for discharge into the river. There has been significant non-compliance with at least one of the conditions of this consent. However, in construction of the second track the material was deposited over Timaru District Council Geraldine Community Board #965086 1 11 November 2015 gorse and broom where possible and the landowner has committed to cleaning up the debris in the river. Vehicle tracks in the Rural 5 Zone are a permitted activity under the Timaru District Plan and the track is strategically important to the economic operation of the farm. While the area is an outstanding natural landscape, the District Plan permits tracks in this area unless the land is over 900m (which it is not) or it goes through an SNA. Due to the presence of a Significant Natural Area, a consent was therefore required. Despite the damage that has been caused in the construction of the track, most of the SNA is still intact and the endangered species identified on the site has not been damaged. A comprehensive restoration plan is now proposed for along the track, Council will assess this plan and conduct inspections when it is implemented. The SNA assessor, ecologist Mike Harding, is happy with the remediation planned. Further the landowner will also fence another SNA on his property to offset the damage done as a result of the track construction. Council is confident that the issues will be rectified over time and that the damage will not be lasting. Some concern was expressed that a similar situation could occur again, given that tracks are a permitted activity. It was suggested that this could be addressed as part of the District Plan review. While tracks on farms are important to the economic viability of a farm, a performance standard could possibly be put in the District Plan to require a geotechnical report for consent to construct tracks in such an area. Consideration could be given in the District Plan review to the impacts on the landscape of the creation of tracks and the effects of discharge into rivers. The Board acknowledged that this is a complex issue - the landowner wants to develop his property for economic reasons while others are seeking to retain the pristine beauty and naturalness of the area. Timaru District Council has done everything it can within the rules under the current District Plan. Another avenue open to objectors would be a judicial review from the high court, which would be an expensive exercise and would not change the fact that the tracks have been constructed. Proposed Clr Kerry Stevens Seconded Chris Fisher “That the report be received and noted.” MOTION CARRIED 5 THOMAS HOBSON TRUST FUND – CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED The Board considered letters of thanks from the following organisations which had received funding from the Thomas Hobson Trust Fund - Geraldine District Projects Trust, Geraldine Toy Library, Geraldine Riding for the Disabled, Hospice South Canterbury and The Parenting Place-Attitude Division. Proposed Chris Fisher Seconded Jarrod Marsden “That the correspondence be received and noted.” MOTION CARRIED Timaru District Council Geraldine Community Board #965086 2 11 November 2015 6 THOMAS HOBSON TRUST FUND ACCOUNTS The Board considered the Thomas Hobson Trust accounts for the year ending 30 June 2015. Proposed Clr Kerry Stevens Seconded McGregor Simpson “That the financial accounts be received.” MOTION CARRIED 7 CONSIDERATION OF URGENT BUSINESS – EXCHANGE OF LAND ORARI BRIDGE The Board considered a report by the Property Manager on a proposal for an exchange of land at Orari Bridge. It was suggested that the property could be checked for conservation values before the exchange is finalised. Proposed Wayne O’Donnell Seconded Clr Kerry Stevens “That it be recommended to the Policy and Development Committee that the exchange of land at Main North Road, Orari Bridge be approved, subject to an ecologist being asked to check the land for possible significant conservation values.” MOTION CARRIED 8 BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS Board members reported on meetings they had attended and duties they had carried out on behalf of the Board since the last meeting including Go Geraldine, Geraldine Visitor Signs project, public meeting with MP’s, Geraldine Heartsafe, meeting with Geraldine Mountainbike Tracks Chairman, Remembrance Day service and plaques unveling at Geraldine RSA, Orari-Opihi-Pareora Water Zone Committee, Kakahu and Waihi Catchment Groups, Council meeting, School Board of Trustees, Geraldine Arts Council, and Geraldine Combined Sports. 9 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC Proposed Wayne O’Donnell Seconded Chris Fisher “That the Board resolves to exclude the public on the grounds contained in Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act: Thomas Hobson Trust Fund Applications Section 7(2)(a) The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural person; and That after considering the applications, the decisions be made public.” MOTION CARRIED Timaru District Council Geraldine Community Board #965086 3 11 November 2015 10 READMITTANCE OF THE PUBLIC Proposed Clr Kerry Stevens Seconded Chris Fisher “That the public be readmitted to the meeting.” MOTION CARRIED 11 THOMAS HOBSON TRUST GRANT RECOMMENDATIONS The Board resolved that the following recommendations, made with the public excluded be confirmed in open meeting: Geraldine Community Resource Centre Trust Proposed McGregor Simpson Seconded Jan Finlayson “That it be recommended to the Public Trustee that $1607.00 be granted to the Geraldine community Resource Centre Trust to purchase a portable data projector and screen for free use by Geraldine community groups, and to permanently mount the Trust’s existing data projector to the meeting room ceiling for ease of use.” MOTION CARRIED Geraldine Anzac Commemoration Trust Proposed Chris Fisher Seconded Jan Finlayson “That it be recommended to the Public Trustee that $759.00 be granted to the Geraldine Anzac Commemoration Trust to install two sets of double farm gates to provide access for people to attend the two day ANZAC commemoration event at Rangitata Island Aerodrome, on 23 and 24 April 2016.” MOTION CARRIED The Parenting Place – Attitude Youth Division Proposed Chris Fisher Seconded Clr Kerry Stevens “That it be recommended to the Public Trustee that $955.57 be granted to provide Attitude presentations including handbooks to Geraldine High School students regarding suicide/teen pregnancy/drug and alcohol abuse.” MOTION CARRIED Hospice South Canterbury Inc Proposed Jan Finlayson Seconded McGregor Simpson Timaru District Council Geraldine Community Board #965086 4 11 November 2015 “That it be recommended to the Public Trustee that $1,200.00 be granted to Hospice South Canterbury Inc to purchase a cordless non-slip sensor mat, monitor and mounting holder plus a 5 litre oxygen concentrator for the Hospice inpatient unit.” MOTION CARRIED Riparian Support Trust Proposed Clr Kerry Stevens Seconded Chris Fisher “That it be recommended to the Public Trustee that $550.00 be granted to the Riparian Support Trust to upgrade the solar power system to run feeders, pumps, lighting and other equipment at McKinnons Creek salmon hatchery.” MOTION CARRIED The meeting concluded at 8.35pm. _________________________ Chairperson Timaru District Council Geraldine Community Board #965086 5 11 November 2015 .