Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?
news Society | DOI:10.1145/1538788.1538796 Samuel Greengard Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically? Computer technology has enhanced lives in countless ways, but some experts believe it might be affecting people’s ability to think deeply. OCIETY HAS LONG cherished technology alters the way we see, hear, the ability to think beyond and assimilate our world—the act of the ordinary. In a world thinking remains decidedly human. where knowledge is revered and innovation equals Rethinking Thinking Sprogress, those able to bring forth Arriving at a clear definition for criti- greater insight and understanding are cal thinking is a bit tricky. Wikipedia destined to make their mark and blaze describes it as “purposeful and reflec- a trail to greater enlightenment. tive judgment about what to believe or “Critical thinking as an attitude is what to do in response to observations, embedded in Western culture. There experience, verbal or written expres- is a belief that argument is the way to sions, or arguments.” Overlay technolo- finding truth,” observes Adrian West, gy and that’s where things get complex. research director at the Edward de For better or worse, exposure to technology “We can do the same critical-reasoning Bono Foundation U.K., and a former fundamentally changes how people think. operations without technology as we computer science lecturer at the Uni- can with it—just at different speeds and versity of Manchester. “Developing our formation can easily overwhelm our with different ease,” West says. abilities to think more clearly, richly, reasoning abilities.” What’s more, What’s more, while it’s tempting fully—individually and collectively— it’s ironic that ever-growing piles of to view computers, video games, and is absolutely crucial [to solving world data and information do not equate the Internet in a monolithic good or problems].” to greater knowledge and better de- bad way, the reality is that they may To be sure, history is filled with tales cision-making.
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