Plean Straitéiseach Chumann Lúthchleas Gael Scrín, Dul Chun Cinn agus Pleanáil 2014–2018

Skryne Club Strategic Plan

Progress & Planning 2014–2018 Our Mission

To promote and Culture in for people of all ages through providing physical and social activities while maintaining our position at the centre of the community. Contents

A Brief History of Skryne GFC 2

Skryne GFC Club Crest 4

Message from the President of the GAA 5

Message from the Club Chairman 7

Underage 8

Skryne Ladies Club 11

Methodology 12

Code of Conduct 13

Club Structures and Administration 15

Coaching and Games Development 19

Finance and Fundraising 21

Facilities and Development 24

Club Roll of Honour 31

Acknowledgements 33 Killana Shamrocks

A Brief History of Skryne GFC

Skryne has been linked to the Gaelic Athletic Association since 1887. The first team recorded here were known as the Killana Shamrocks from the Greenpark area of the parish. Names such as O’Brien, Corcoran and Dillon were instrumental in the formation of this team in 1887. Around this period and in the early nineteen hundreds there were also teams established in Rathfeigh, Ross and Oberstown. Documentary evidence informs us that a Skryne team made its debut in the 1895 Senior Football Championship. Significantly this was the first time that Skryne appeared as a definitive team in an official Championship. Skryne, unfortunately had no great success in those early decades, although they did reach the Junior finals of 1910 and 1912, going down narrowly to O’Growneys and respectively. In 1931 Fr. McManus was transferred to the parish. He took a keen interest in the GAA and the development of the Skryne team. At this time many of the Skryne players featured with and Donaghmore. Fr. McManus managed to coax all the defecting players back to Skryne. Under Fr. Michael McManus’s management, Skryne reached the junior semi final of 1932 but lost to Navan De la Salle by a small margin. In 1933 Fr. McManus changed the Skryne jerseys from green and gold to the now famous blue. The enthusiasm within the Club knew no bounds as they swept through to the final of the Intermediate Championship. The final proper against Rathkenny ended in a draw, the replay did not take place until Easter Sunday 1934. Skryne emerged decisive winners and triumphantly brought the first Meath Championship title ever to the Club and the parish. Skryne qualified for the Feis Cup final against Martry in 1934. Interest in the final was so great that it is

2 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 claimed to have been the biggest attendance ever at a Feis Cup final. The spectators were not disappointed – after a thrilling game the Tara men won their first Feis Cup by three points. Fr. McManus was transferred to Longwood in 1935, which was a devastating blow to the Skryne club. He returned to Skryne in 1937 as a guest of honour when the new pitch was opened in his name (Fr. Mc Manus Park). With the loss of a few prominent players, Skryne dropped back to Intermediate level in 1936. They bounced back to win the title in 1937 and thus regained Senior status in 1938, a position still jealously guarded to this day. Skryne won the Senior Championship for the first time in 1940 and now remarkably, 75 years later, the Club can celebrate their jubilee. In the golden era of the 1940s they won five more titles, 1941, 44, 45, 47 and 48 and collected the Feis Cup on six occasions. Although a formidable team in the 1950s, they managed only one senior title in 1954, losing in the final on seven occasions. The great Syddan and Navan O’Mahonys teams thwarted them on most occasions. The following decades of the sixties, seventies and eighties were barren except for one Championship win in 1965 and six Feis cups during this period. As All- champions in 1967, Meath were invited to tour Australia to represent Ireland. This was the first of the now regular international series. Skryne were represented on that pioneering trip by Paddy Mulvany, David Carty and Paddy Cromwell. Skryne had a powerful team in the eighties, contesting five finals, and were very unlucky not to have brought the Keegan Cup home on any of these occasions. After 27 years it all came good again for Skryne in 1992 when they won the Senior Championship for a ninth time. They retained the cup in 1993 beating Navan O’Mahonys in a final for the first time. Skryne added another title in 1999 beating neighbours . In the new millennium, Skryne captured the Keegan Cup on two occasions, 2004 and 2010 to give a grand total of thirteen titles. In underage football Skryne were just as successful. They won their first juvenile title in 1954. The most productive period was in the 1970s with all the underage championships coming their way, at under 14, 16, minor and under 21 levels. With the increase of Leagues and Championships, Skryne were well to the fore in winning many of those titles right up to 2015. The game of flourished during the 30s, 40s and 50s. Under the name of Oberstown, the junior hurling championship came to the Club in 1936 and 1939. They added the Intermediate title in 1940 and only bad luck stopped them from winning a senior title during that period. Many of the Skryne players won Senior hurling medals with the combination outfit, St. Patricks, in 1953 and 54 and in later years with . As one of the king pins of Meath football, Skryne have a record never likely to be surpassed in the royal . Meath’s historic first All Ireland Senior football championship win in 1949 was captained by a Skryne man, Brian Smyth. The team also included the legendary Paddy O’Brien and his cousin Michéal O’Brien. Skryne are the only club in Meath to have been represented on each of the seven All Ireland winning teams and also the seven National Football League winning teams. Eleven players from the Skryne club have amassed a total of eighteen All Ireland Senior football championship medals. In the Championship, the first medals were won by four players in 1939. Since that historic day the Club has gone from strength to strength. 24 players have won 64 Leinster Senior Championship Medals. It is a great honour for the Club to have dual All Ireland medal winners in Michéal O’Brien and Brian Smyth, Junior Hurling in 1948 and All Ireland Senior Football in 1949 and 54. Michéal holds the record having played in fourteen Senior finals and three replays with Skryne, a feat never likely to be repeated. Five players from the Skryne club – Colm O’Rourke, Kevin McCabe, Liam Hayes, and John McDermot – have won twelve All-Star awards between them. Colm, in1991, and Trevor, in 1999, were named as the Texaco Footballer of the Year. Trevor was also chosen as the All Stars Footballer of the Year in 1996 and 1999. The proud history of the GAA in Skryne is one of resilience and inspiration.

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 3 Skryne GFC Club Crest

In 1984, to celebrate the Centenary of the GAA, Skryne adopted the Tara Brooch as their club crest. The team proudly donned jerseys with the crest for the senior final and the supporters also wore jumpers with the newly incorporated Tara Brooch displayed on the front. On reading the history of Skryne GFC, The Blue Kings of Tara, we can see that one of the earliest clubs in Skryne Parish, Killana Shamrocks (our predecessors), used a shamrock as the crest on their jerseys. This was as far back as the late 1880s so we can confidently state, and we have photographs to prove it, that Skryne GFC were the first club in Ireland to proudly sport a crest on their football shirts. The Tara Brooch is a celtic brooch dating back to around 700 AD and can be seen in the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin. It was not until the early 2000s that most modern clubs began to introduce their own crests to add to the GAA logo which had been used up to then. After that the GAA logo and the club crests were both displayed on the front of the team jersey. Nowadays the team sponsors have been allowed to have their names on the front of the jersey plus a second sponsor on the sleeve and the club name on the back. Modern technology has made all of this possible without cluttering or compromising club colours. In 2008 the Skryne crest was redesigned to include the date on which football was first played on an organised basis in Skryne. So the year 1887 was incorporated into the crest and we now have a slightly smaller version of the brooch with the year in the centre. C.L.G Scrín dates from 1887. It is one of the premier GAA clubs in the country having retained its Meath senior status since 1937. It is right and fitting that ‘The Blue Kings of Tara’ should proudly wear the Tara brooch logo on their football crests.

4 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Message from the President of the GAA

Táim brea sásta an deis seo a bheith agam mo chomhgairdeas a ghabháil oraibh ar fad ar an lá iontach seo do gach éinne bainteach le Scrín CLG agus an plean seo a cur le chéile. It gives me great pleasure to pen these words to mark what is a momentous occasion in the continued success story of Skryne GAA and the work of everyone connected with the Club. Success on the field may drive the passion and interest of our teams and clubs, but events such as this underpin our clubs and solidify our presence in our host communities. Plans like this can lead to the physical growth of the Club from both a structural and developmental sense and also serve as declarations of intent for a vibrant GAA community such as this one in Skryne. Our ability to evolve and develop is central to the GAA remaining relevant from generation to generation, and projects such as this underline our collective efforts to continue to advance and promote not only our clubs, but the wider activities of the GAA as a whole. Gaelic Games have been strong in the the county of Meath for many years, and when one looks back in the history books, it was a Skryne man in Brian Smyth, who lifted the Cup for the first time in 1949 for Meath, ably assisted by Micheal O’Brien and Paddy O’Brien. In more recent times, the likes of Colm O’Rourke, Liam Hayes, John McDermott, Trevor Giles and Paddy O’Rourke have all represented the Club, county and indeed the GAA with distinction up to and including on a global stage when performing for Ireland in the International Rules series against Australia. These feats combined reflect positively on the hard work and dedication of volunteers across all levels of the Club who continue to fuel the development of the Club through the fostering of talent and the players and leaders of tomorrow and beyond. The one tradition that has remained prominent in the Club has been the pride and passion shown in representing the community of Skryne. This is clearly represented by the 13 senior football titles won by the Club over the years and is chronicled in your club history as compiled by David Carty three years ago. This special identity will remain with future generations of players and club members with the implementation of developmental plans such as this. Táim lán cinnte go leanfidh sibh ar aghaidh ag dul ó neart go neart mar Cumann sna blianta atá amach romhainn. Rath Dé ar an obair,

Aogán Ó Fearghail Uachtarán Chumann Lúthchleas Gael


Message from the Club Chairman

Táim an bródúil mar Cathaoirleach ar Club Peile Scrín im bliain agus an plean seo a chur I bfeidhm.

Skryne GFC has been central to this community since 1891 although football was played from 1887 under the banners of Killana Shamrocks, Ross, Rathfeigh and Macetown. Oberstown carried the hurling flag and was once played on Corbalton Estate. Ladies football was started in 1994 and continues to prosper. Grounds of the Year awards were achieved in 1993 and 2014. So it is clear that various committees did their best to cater for the needs of their members at various stages of the Club’s development. In recent years we have been fortunate to benefit from the good will and generosity of kind neighbours which has increased our playing areas to help cater for a growing number of teams.

Nevertheless we cannot rest on our laurels and this 5-year Development Plan will help steer us on the next part of our journey. Our hope and responsibility is to care for as many youngsters as we can in a safe and enjoyable environment and help them be as good as they can be. We invite as many parents as possible to assist us in this work. We must also look after this precious resource which is Skryne GFC and hand it on to future generations enhanced and with its traditions and ethos intact.

I acknowledge the work of our Steering Committee, Oliver Harrington, Dan O’Leary, Senan McGrath and Dermot Carty in finalising the report; of Jim Mullery, County Board Development Officer, and of the many members of the Club and community for their valued input. I exhort all club members to ensure our plans are followed through and thank the community for their continued support.

Míle buíochas daoibh go léir.

Eamon Mac Gaoltaoi


SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 7 Underage

Skryne is privileged to be associated with the best amateur organisation, in the world. Since the birth of the organisation the GAA has been built around ‘The Club’. We all know the saying ‘The Club is the cornerstone of the GAA’. In its 115 year history that saying has been central to all decisions, strategic or operational, the GAA has ever made. The GAA has depended on grassroots members to actively engage and participate in all matters of concern to the organisation.

Our Club has a vibrant juvenile section with a prime goal of providing an attractive environment for players to develop and play as much football as possible. The number of coaches giving of their time to underage teams is key. Our openness to new ideas, new volunteers and willingness to stretch ourselves that bit further each year so that we maintain momentum and stay competitive, is critical for success. Complacency is not an option or we will lose ground to our competitors.

Skryne underage had a very successful year in 2014 reaching Seven Finals and winning seven of those from the U12 to Minor grades. We compete in the top divisions which is a great achievement for a rural club. We need to build on this and see that in time to come we will still be still a strong Senior Club and one day we will be donning the Blue & White in Croke Park on Club Finals day. This is our goal and everything is possible with the support of families, friends and most importantly the children within the area – the foundation of any club.


Skryne Ladies Club

Skryne Ladies football club was founded in 1994. The Club has grown in numbers over the years and today has a membership of 120, fielding teams in all juvenile age groups and an adult team. A highlight of the club’s history was reaching the Junior A Leinster Final in 2003.

We have won many League and Championship finals in all grades since the club was formed. Former players Sinead Daly and Alisha Jordan have represented London and New York respectively in All Ireland finals. Girls on these teams have established fantastic relationships and will remain friends for life.

The ladies section are an important part of Skryne G.F.C. and have contributed to all social and competitive events over the years.

The future of Ladies Football remains very strong with all our juvenile teams consistently performing well in all grades in Meath. We have a very dedicated committee, enthusiastic managers and mentors who give of their time to ensure that all teams are well prepared and trained for matches.

The redevelopment of the clubhouse in 2014 culminated with two fantastic dedicated ladies dressing rooms and is very much appreciated.

We have been involved in the planning process and formulation of the Skryne G.F.C. 5 year plan and support the organising committee in all its efforts and goals.

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 11 Development of Five Year Plan


The purpose behind our planning process was clear. We needed to develop a Plan that would:

• Be consistent with the amateur ethos of the GAA • Provide a clear vision of where we would like to be in five years time built around the values and traditions of the Club • Build on the strengths already present in Skryne and work on developing areas identified • Be volunteer led • Seek to ensure that all sections of our Club are involved and represented

Skryne is an area with a rich GAA heritage and Gaelic games have been a key part of Skryne Community life since 1887. This plan will build on the work done to date by generations of Club members and supporters. It should be for everyone and have clear and understandable objectives. In January 2014 following the guidelines provided in the GAA Club Planning Process the Executive formed focus groups to examine the following areas of Club activities

• Coaching and Game Development • Communication / PR and Social Activities • Club Structures and Administration • Finance and Fundraising • Facilities and Development

A Club Planning Workshop took place in January 2014 and was co-chaired by Jim Mullery and Mairead Delaney from Meath Co. Board Club Development Committee. Present were players, former players, coaches, teachers, students and some who were at their first GAA meeting whilst others had over sixty years involvement with the GAA. Each Focus Group met a number of times and reviewed all the inputs and presented its reports to the Steering Committee where they were fully discussed. The output from all of the workshops and meetings provided a road map of how the members and officers believe the performance of the Club should be measured against the stated objectives. The five themes outlined in the document will be reviewed annually against the targets defined with consequential amendments and alterations. As this Plan will be a live document, additional areas may well emerge and be included as the planning process evolves. We are confident that this Strategic Plan will be a success because of the involvement and input of the people of Skryne GAA Club and Skryne Community.

12 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Code of Conduct

In 2018 we will be able to say: “Skryne GFC is proven as being fully committed to safeguarding the well being of its members and all involved in club activities. Every individual is shown respect and understanding. Each member conducts themselves in a way that reflects the Mission, Vision and Values of the Association”.

The Club will safeguard and promote the interests and wellbeing of all those who are involved in its games and related activities. The Club shall take all practical steps to protect them from all discernible forms of abuse, from harm, discrimination or degrading treatment, and shall respect their rights, wishes and feelings. The Club will have in place a Code of Conduct for the protection and safeguarding of children/young people and adult members and shall be entitled to amend or revoke any provision of the Code from time to time. The Club will have in place Guidelines for dealing with allegations of abuse. Allegations and complaints of abuse shall be dealt with exclusively in accordance with the provisions of these guidelines.

Child Welfare Officers We will appoint a Children’s Officer whose role shall include monitoring of the child centred ethos of the Club and compliance with the Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport and incorporating the associations policies and guidelines in this area. We will appoint a designated person whose role shall include liaising with Statutory Authorities and their Governing Body in relation to the reporting of allegations and/or suspicions of child abuse.

National Policies The Club code of conduct is based on the principles that guide the development of sport for young people in this club, (as outlined in “Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport” and on the “Code of Best Practice for Youth Sport” as issued by the Gaelic Athletic Association). Young people’s experience of sport should be guided by what is best for the young person. The stages of development and the ability of the young person should guide the types of activity provided within the Club. Adults will need to have a basic understanding of the needs of young people, including physical, emotional and personal.

Quality Atmosphere & Ethos Sport for young people should be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging atmosphere. A child-centred ethos will help to ensure that competition and specialization are kept in their appropriate place. Too often competitive demands are placed on children too early and results in excessive levels of pressure on them and, as a consequence, high levels of dropout from sport.

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 13 Equality All members should be treated in an equitable and fair manner regardless of age, ability, sex, religion, social and ethnic background or political persuasion. Children with disability should be involved in sports activities in an integrated way, thus allowing them to participate to their potential alongside other children.

Fair Play Fair play will be the guiding principle of the Code of Conduct. Our sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play. Ireland has contributed and is committed to the European Code of Sports Ethics, which defines fair play as: “much more than playing within the rules”. It incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always playing with the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just behaving. It incorporates issues concerned with the elimination of opportunities, excessive commercialisation and corruption. Our club shall uphold the principles and policies of the GAA “Give Respect Get Respect” initiative.

Competition A balanced approach to competition can make a significant contribution to the development of our players, while at the same time providing fun, enjoyment and satisfaction.

Disciplinary & Complaints Procedure We will implement through the ‘Code of Conduct’ document a very transparent procedure for dealing with breaches of the code. Also outlined will be a clear line of communication for complaints and appeals. Club Structures and Administration

Our aim In 2018 we will be able to say: “The administration of Skryne GAA Club is structured around a sub-committee system to maximise effectiveness and efficiency so that it is fully compliant with the Official Guide and the Club Constitution. The workload of the Club is shared evenly and officers are being developed at all levels within the Club. Support and training is provided and methods of spreading specialist knowledge have been devised.”

Key projects 1. Immediately following AGM establish a sub-committee structure, as indicated in Table 1 page 18, in accordance with GAA recommendations designed to streamline administration of Club activities, distribute workload, capture available expertise and develop future administrators.

2. Annual review of Strategic Plan The Club vice chairperson will submit an annual review of this Strategic Plan to the Club AGM

3. Review Health and Safety Statement Ensure the preparation and ongoing development of a Health and Safety Plan.

4. Appoint a suitable person to oversee programmes in relation to: Promotion of healthy lifestyles Medical and player welfare Mental Health Alcohol and substance abuse First Aid

5. Foster relationships with the Ladies section of the Club and work together for the mutual benefit of all Club members into the future.

6. Enhance family involvement and opportunities for parents to participate in all aspects of the Club.

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 15 Club Structures and Administration

Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility

Executive committee Efficient and Immediate, Regular Executive appointed at AGM as appropriate as per Meetings Committee governing body of Club leadership and current with clear goals and decision making practice objectives in compliance with Official GAA Guide

Executive committee Appropriate Immediate, Reports Executive to implement distribution of after AGM to each Committee sub-committee workload Executive structure, as per meeting Table 1 and appoint chairpersons

Continuous Maintain a Ongoing Executive development and consistently high Committee training of current and standard of Club future Club officers officers

Appoint Health & Suitably Immediate, Position Executive Wellbeing Officer as per experienced after AGM filled Committee GAA guidelines person to implement GAA policy

Foster relationships with Continue to Ongoing Regular Secretaries the Ladies section of communicate and contact of each the Club for the mutual promote shared committee benefit of all Club interests members

Review existing Safety Full implementation Ongoing 2015 Executive Statement and update of GAA guidelines Committee as required to reflect developments including liaison with the RST Group

Appoint Children’s Full compliance Ongoing Ongoing Executive Officer to monitor child with GAA Code of Committee centred ethos of the Best Practice Club and oversee the implementation of Code of Conduct and to deal with any allegations of abuse

16 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility

Appoint Club Trustees Safe guarding of Annual Review at Club Secretary as necessary and Club’s property and each AGM ensure records and interests property resources are properly documented

All players and Compliance with Annual Affiliation Executive Members registered on GAA regulations and Committee GAA on-line registration membership system. All teams fees affilliated to Players collected Injury Fund from all players and processed by 31st March

Committee in place to After AGM Ongoing, at Executive appoint team mentors, appropriate Committee managers/ trainers time for at appropriate time team and oversee coaching manager’s badges and coaching appointment up-skilling

Promote family More family 2016 Executive involvement in Club involvement and Committee activities and encourage participation in parents and family Club activities members to participate and enjoy

Continue twinning Compare and Annual Executive process with Down’s share experiences Committee GAA Club, Westmeath

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 17 Club Structure

The Executive Committee is the controlling body in the Club. It is elected annually at the Club AGM. The Executive Committee has the sole right to appoint sub-committees as required. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be the ex-officio members of all sub-committees.

This Strategic Plan proposes that the following structure be put in place

Executive Trustees Committee

Grounds, Coaching Ladies Underage Facility Communications & Games Finance & Section Section Maintenance PR & Social Development Fundraising & Development Activities

Table 1

18 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Coaching and Games Development

Our aim: Games for everybody In 2018 we will be able to say: “Skryne GAA Club is providing a consistently high standard of coaching and ensuring each player in the Club has an opportunity to participate fully and take part in meaningful games in an informal, safe and enjoyable environment with competitive matches introduced at the appropriate level in accordance with best practice”.

Coaching and Games Skryne GAA Club will form a committee to deal with coaching and games development. The committee will be charged with monitoring and implementing best practice coaching standards throughout the Club and will put in place Coaching Officers as appropriate.

Code of Conduct The Coaching and Games Committee will develop and enhance the Club Code of Conduct and ensure its implementation throughout all Club activities. It will promote respect and discipline for players towards match officials and each other. Best practice will be also be developed in the recruitment and selection of those working with our underage players. This will comply with the appropriate legislative requirements and guidelines. Every individual in the Club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for its members rights, safety and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club. In addition the Executive committee shall ensure that a protocol is put in place and publicised among members, in accordance with GAA guidelines, to receive and deal with complaints or associated issues in relation to Child Protection, team coaching and management and player discipline.

Qualified Coaches We will put in place a programme that makes sure every player is coached by a person qualified to the appropriate level and has been subject to Garda vetting clearance. The committee will also arrange, on a regular basis, coaching education courses. At the end of each year a report will be prepared for the Executive Committee outlining the strength and weaknesses of the squads and recommendations for improvement. We already have an excellent record in coach education but will continue to reach for the highest standards possible.

Club School Link The Committee will continue to build on and forge even closer links with our two local national schools, Skryne and Rathfeigh, to monitor the participation of pupils in Club activities and assist in the progress of all the Club’s players within the schools system. The committee will help co-ordinate a balanced programme of training, rest and games between school and Club activities. We will put in place a Licence Agreement which

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 19 will assist in defining access arrangements to Club facilities for both schools. We will assist, where possible, in improving sports equipment in our schools.

Personnel Required A wide range of volunteers from the Club will be required in order for us to achieve our goals. Former and current players are key to the process; teachers will have an important role to play also. Parents and local people with specialist professional skills can assist and may be called on to help from time to time.

Coaching and Games Development

Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility

Coaching & Games Define playing ethos Spring 2016 Club Executive Committee with Club & vision for how we Coaching Officer want to play & coach the games

Develop and We want to play & Spring 2016 Coaching implement practices coach the games & Games of Respect, Initiative promoting positive Development & Code of Conduct behaviour in the Club Committee

All coaches to have We want to have Summer 2016 Coaching completed Coach the best possible & Games education courses coaches in our club Development Committee

Annual appraisal of We have a Summer 2015 Coaching coaches & coaching development plan in & Games standards place for our coaches Development to be the best they Committee can be

Off-season training Introduce U14 and Pre-season Underage programme to be older players to the Committee developed and importance of mobility enhanced and conditioning exercises

Emphasis on skills and Coach the skills and Ongoing Underage enjoyment let the players enjoy Committee

School Liaison Officer To improve and Winter 2015 Coaching appointed enhance the school- & Games club relationship Development Committee

20 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Finance and Fundraising

Our aim In 2018 we will be able to say: Skryne GAA Club is a model of excellence operating within budget each year and demonstrating its financial stability in meeting financial targets and investing from its available resources in the development of its facilities and structures.

Key Projects

Membership and Blotto As two of the principal sources of revenue for the Club, it is planned to have online membership registration in place for 2016. Additionally a concentrated effort will be made to increase the contribution from the Blotto by increasing the sales of annual Blotto preferably by direct debit. It is our objective that income from these two sources will be sufficient to fund the day to day expenses of the Club. Membership/Blotto package deals will be investigated and promoted to obtain more support from adult players and parents of underage members. This area of fundraising will be promoted via social media in particular to our overseas diaspora to utilise the online facility to support the Club.

Fundraising Activities The Finance and Fundraising Committee will, within a calendar month of the completion of the AGM agree an outline programme of fundraising/social activities for the coming year to ensure adequate time between initiatives. We must ensure that we do not overload the generosity of our local community which has supported us in our developments to date. We will continue to look at ways of improving our well established fundraising events such as the Golf Classic, Cycle Day and other events.

Sponsorship and Marketing The Finance and Fundraising Committee will in conjunction with Communication/PR and Social Committee look at new ways of promoting the Club thereby building relationships with key contacts in firms which may give sponsorship to the Club. A high profile on modern social media will be utilised to achieve this goal.

Budgetary Control Annual budgets will be agreed with the different sections of the Club for running costs. This will eliminate any unnecessary costs in the day to day running of the Club. With tight budgetary control on all day to day expenditure the major fundraising initiatives can be utilised to meet the programme of facilities development.

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 21 Players Injury Scheme Ensure the appointment of a Players Welfare Officer who will ensure that:

• A written procedure in relation to operation of the Injury Scheme is developed and provided to all players • Limitations of scheme and limitations to liability of Club are made known and accepted by all players • All notifications and documentation are provided to ensure that all eligible claims are processed

Finance and Fundraising

Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility

Form Finance Central body within Club End January Committee up Club Chairman & Fundraising delegated to manage each year and running by & Committee Committee Club budget and finance first meeting projections in February

Club Arrange fundraising 2015 2014: Finance & Fundraising committee including End April Fundraising representatives from all Committee section in the Club Future: End January Agree on calendar of events for the year and people required to achieve goals Display on Club notice board

Policy on Assign sponsorship/ 2015 Endeavour to Finance & Sponsorship & marketing role have in place Fundraising Marketing for AGM at Committee Role: end of year at Build relationship with the latest key contacts in potential sponsorship firms and media Marketing Club on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Website)

Finance for A close working 2015 Process Finance & Developments relationship with the in place in Fundraising Development Committee conjunction Committee to ensure that funds are with the 5 year available for facility and development capital developments plan

22 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility

Prepare Annual budget forecasts 2015 Present Club annual budget to be prepared for the budgets to Treasurers & forecasts following: Adult, Ladies, 1st Executive Chairman Underage, Medical meeting Maintenance and Capital following AGM Developments each year

Monthly Control Club finances Immediate Monthly Club Treasurer’s Report Executive Treasurers Meeting

Grants Appoint 3 Club Officers 2016 Updates Finance & with an understanding ongoing Fundraising of processes and Committee procedures to identify all potential sources of funds

Governance We will ensure that the 2016 End May Finance & Club complies with the 2016 Fundraising highest accounting Committee and financial regulatory standards. We will do this by ensuring that we:

• Have appropriate financial controls in place

• Always get value for money

• Protect our assets

• Have sufficient resources to achieve our aims

• Have clear lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the Club

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 23 Facilities and Development

Our aim In 2018 we will be able to say: “Skryne GAA Club has modern facilities appropriate to the needs of the local community for the playing and promotion of its games and general aims. We have optimised use of the space available to us to provide the maximum number of pitches, training areas and ancillary facilities to allow the Club to grow into the future. We have co-operated with the RST Community Group to maximise the potential of our facilities for the benefit of the Club and wider community”

Continue to develop and maintain facilities to the highest standard In order to further the work carried out to date, the Club will set out a Development Programme with cost estimates at the start of each year based on the various items contained within this document to ensure a co-ordinated and phased approach over the year. Each year the Club will ensure the formation of Facilities and Development sub-committee(s) charged with responsibilty for the efficient running and maintenance of Club facilities and the effective implementation of agreed development objectives for the year.

Successful implementation of this Development Plan will result in an investment of approximately €550,000 in the Club’s facilities over the 5-year period 2014 to 2018 inclusive. The Club will seek to maximise available grants from all sources but still requires local fundraising of c. €250,000 over the period 2015 to 2018 inclusive.

Continue to manage Main Pitch with a view to optimising its use while applying a fair and equitable access policy. (Refer 8 and 11 Accompanying Map and Document) In conjunction with all the other proposals, the Club is keen to enhance the existing policy of protecting the Main Pitch from overuse and to ensure it is kept to the highest standard possible. Consistent application of this policy will ensure that the existing high standard is maintained for the overall benefit of the entire Club.

24 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 As part of this policy every effort will be made to improve the training pitch and surrounds and mitigate risks associated with crossing the road.

Develop All-weather Pitches (Refer 6 and 12) Thanks to the generosity of our neighbour, John Thornton, the Club now has sufficient lands available to develop two all-weather synthetic (astro-turf) training pitches at the scoreboard end of grounds.

Training Pitch (Refer 11) With the continued support of the Clergy of our Parish the Club will continue to rent lands from the Diocesean Trust (training pitch and surrounds). Working within the constraints of this rental agreement we will endeavour to improve the Training Pitch and maximise its use.

Upgrade floodlighting to Main Pitch (Refer 14) The existing floodlighting, installed in 2001, will require a major refurbishment in coming years.

General Improvements (Refer 13 and 19) During the lifetime of the plan the Club will aim to improve the facilities in the area of spectator accomodation and parking. A covered stand for spectators will be erected opposite the clubhouse.

General Improvements with Community Focus (Refer 10,15,16,17 and 18) The Club will apply its own resources and work with the RST Community Group to improve the facilities available within the grounds, particularly those aimed at increasing community usage and benefit. These will include such projects as bicycle parking, a memorial garden, walking path, children’s play-ground and outdoor gym.

Longer Term Objectives (Refer 20) While lying beyond the 2014 to 2018 window the addition of a Sports Hall, capable of accomodating a gymnasium, basketball, badminton etc, with a timescale of 2019 is referenced.

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 25 Facilities and Development

Map General Area Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility Ref. No.

1 Single storey building Upgrade and refurbish single storey Improved facilities particularly Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee section of pavilion to provide 2 purpose focussed on ladies and Facilities May 2014 designed dressing rooms primarily for underage Sections Ladies Club and 2 dressing rooms for Underage and general use with appropriate ancillary facilities

2 Main Pitch Complete replacement of pitch Improved appearance of Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee fencing and associated provision facilities and safety of access to Facilities May 2014 of footpath pitch for children drop off etc

3 Main Pitch Replace ball stop netting behind Improved function, nets to Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee both goals be pulled in for forecast Facilities May 2014 storms and when pitch closed etc

4 2- Storey Building Complete outstanding work to large Enhanced dressing room Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee dressing rooms area incl. ‘Lily’s Room’, facilities Facilities May 2014 Referee’s Room, etc, and provision of heating system throughout

5 Main Pitch, Training Incorporate additional lands into Training and warm up area May 2015 Available for use Autumn 2015 Development sub-committee Area, Scoreboard End existing facilities including hedge adjacent to main pitch, removal, fencing, accomodation reduced wear on main pitch works and prepare for laying down area in grass

6 Main Pitch, Training All-Weather synthetic (Astro turf) Additional training facility Construction start March 2016 Planning application April 2015, Development sub-committee Area, Scoreboard end Pitch No. 1 at scoreboard end, with with year round availability (Conditional on ‘Lottery’ Funding Granted May 2015, Available for floodlighting and ball-wall and reduced wear on main Summer 2015) use Summer 2016 pitch. Enhanced training opportunities, particularly for underage players

7 Training Pitch and Ball stop netting, 5 Roads end Increased usage of training pitch April 2016 Available for use May 2016 Development sub-committee surrounds

8 Main Pitch Sanding, fertilizer application and other Improved surface quality and 2015 and ongoing Annual review Grounds committee treatments to maintain quality increased availability even in of surface adverse weather conditions

9 Main Pitch Provide signage at entrance High quality electronic 2016 May 2016 Development sub-committee signage to provide information for Club members and advertising opportunities

26 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Map General Area Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility Ref. No.

1 Single storey building Upgrade and refurbish single storey Improved facilities particularly Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee section of pavilion to provide 2 purpose focussed on ladies and Facilities May 2014 designed dressing rooms primarily for underage Sections Ladies Club and 2 dressing rooms for Underage and general use with appropriate ancillary facilities

2 Main Pitch Complete replacement of pitch Improved appearance of Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee fencing and associated provision facilities and safety of access to Facilities May 2014 of footpath pitch for children drop off etc

3 Main Pitch Replace ball stop netting behind Improved function, nets to Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee both goals be pulled in for forecast Facilities May 2014 storms and when pitch closed etc

4 2- Storey Building Complete outstanding work to large Enhanced dressing room Works completed May 2014 Completed for Official Opening of Development sub-committee dressing rooms area incl. ‘Lily’s Room’, facilities Facilities May 2014 Referee’s Room, etc, and provision of heating system throughout

5 Main Pitch, Training Incorporate additional lands into Training and warm up area May 2015 Available for use Autumn 2015 Development sub-committee Area, Scoreboard End existing facilities including hedge adjacent to main pitch, removal, fencing, accomodation reduced wear on main pitch works and prepare for laying down area in grass

6 Main Pitch, Training All-Weather synthetic (Astro turf) Additional training facility Construction start March 2016 Planning application April 2015, Development sub-committee Area, Scoreboard end Pitch No. 1 at scoreboard end, with with year round availability (Conditional on ‘Lottery’ Funding Granted May 2015, Available for floodlighting and ball-wall and reduced wear on main Summer 2015) use Summer 2016 pitch. Enhanced training opportunities, particularly for underage players

7 Training Pitch and Ball stop netting, 5 Roads end Increased usage of training pitch April 2016 Available for use May 2016 Development sub-committee surrounds

8 Main Pitch Sanding, fertilizer application and other Improved surface quality and 2015 and ongoing Annual review Grounds committee treatments to maintain quality increased availability even in of surface adverse weather conditions

9 Main Pitch Provide signage at entrance High quality electronic 2016 May 2016 Development sub-committee signage to provide information for Club members and advertising opportunities

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 27 Facilities and Development cont.

Map General Area Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility Ref. No.

10 Main Pitch Provide parking area for bicycles Increased usage of bicycles 2016 Available for use May 2016 by all members

11 Training Pitch and Improved drainage and regular sanding Increased availability in wet 2015 and ongoing Annual review Development sub-committee surrounds of training area on higher ground weather

12 Main Pitch, Training All Weather synthetic (Astro turf) Additional training facility with 2016 Available for use Winter 16/17 Development sub-committee Area, Scoreboard end Pitch No. 2 year round availability and reduced wear on Main Pitch

13 Main Pitch Macadam surface to Car Park Phase 1 Improved use of area for 2017 Summer 2017 Development sub-committee parking and increased safety

14 Main Pitch Enhancement/refurbishment of flood- Improved standard with 2017 Development sub-committee lighting to main pitch reduced maintenance costs. Additional revenue from Co. Committee matches

15 Main Pitch Develop memorial garden to honour Enhance the sense of 2017 Social committee deceased members community in the Club and acknowledge our debt to those who have contributed to the Club

16 Main Pitch 2.0m wide walking path around pitch Provide additional amenity for 2017 Development sub-committee/ non-playing members RST Group

17 Main Pitch Childrens play area Provide additional amenity for 2017 Development sub-committee/ incl. equipment non-playing members RST Group

18 Main Pitch Develop ‘Outdoor Gym’ Improved use of all available 2018 Development sub-committee space, suitable for general fitness training for all ages

19 Main Pitch Spectator Stand Improved facilities for 2018 Development sub-committee spectators

20 Main Pitch Sports Hall Indoor Sports Facility to 2019 Development sub-committee allow indoor training and incorporating gymnasium, badminton courts, basketball court etc

28 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Map General Area Action Outcome Sought Timescale Milestone Responsibility Ref. No.

10 Main Pitch Provide parking area for bicycles Increased usage of bicycles 2016 Available for use May 2016 by all members

11 Training Pitch and Improved drainage and regular sanding Increased availability in wet 2015 and ongoing Annual review Development sub-committee surrounds of training area on higher ground weather

12 Main Pitch, Training All Weather synthetic (Astro turf) Additional training facility with 2016 Available for use Winter 16/17 Development sub-committee Area, Scoreboard end Pitch No. 2 year round availability and reduced wear on Main Pitch

13 Main Pitch Macadam surface to Car Park Phase 1 Improved use of area for 2017 Summer 2017 Development sub-committee parking and increased safety

14 Main Pitch Enhancement/refurbishment of flood- Improved standard with 2017 Development sub-committee lighting to main pitch reduced maintenance costs. Additional revenue from Co. Committee matches

15 Main Pitch Develop memorial garden to honour Enhance the sense of 2017 Social committee deceased members community in the Club and acknowledge our debt to those who have contributed to the Club

16 Main Pitch 2.0m wide walking path around pitch Provide additional amenity for 2017 Development sub-committee/ non-playing members RST Group

17 Main Pitch Childrens play area Provide additional amenity for 2017 Development sub-committee/ incl. equipment non-playing members RST Group

18 Main Pitch Develop ‘Outdoor Gym’ Improved use of all available 2018 Development sub-committee space, suitable for general fitness training for all ages

19 Main Pitch Spectator Stand Improved facilities for 2018 Development sub-committee spectators

20 Main Pitch Sports Hall Indoor Sports Facility to 2019 Development sub-committee allow indoor training and incorporating gymnasium, badminton courts, basketball court etc


Club Roll of Honour


Senior Championship 1940, 1941, 1944, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1954, 1965, 1992, 1993, 1999, 2004, 2010 Feis Cup 1934, 1939, 1940, 1944, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1965, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1998, 2005 A League Division 1 1978, 1983, 2007 Division 2 1994, 2009 B League Division 1 1990, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2006, 2007 Division 2 2011 Division 5 – 3rd Team 2014 Division 6 – 3rd Team 2008 Intermediate 1933, 1937 Championship Junior B League 1962 B Championship 1967 Division 2 Champ. 1976, 1989 Under 21 Championship 1967, 1968, 1975, 1976, 1995 Under 21 A Champ. 2003, 2005 Minor Championship 1936 (Rathfeigh), 1973, 1974 Division 2 2008 Minor League Division 1 1991, 2015 (Summer League) Division 2 2014, 2015 (Spring League) Under 17 League Division 1 1974 Division 2 1990, 1991, 1993 Under 16 Championship Division 1 1956, 1973, 1974, 2007, 2014 Division 3 1998 Under 16 Summer League Division 1 2014 Under 15 League Division 2 2014 Under 14 Championship 1954, 1955, 1972 Under 14 League Division 1 2012 Division 2 2011 Division 3 2004, 2007 Division 4 1990 Under 14 Summer League 2011, 2012

SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 31 Under 13 League Division 1 2011 Division 2 1991 Division 3 1999, 2000 Shield 2010 Under 12 Championship Division 1 1984, 2010 Division 3 2004 Under 12 Summer League Division 1 2010, 2011 HURLING

Junior Championship 1936, 1939 Intermediate 1940 O’Growney Cup 1955, 1957 Senior 1953, 1954 (St. Patricks) Juvenile 1962 LADIES FOOTBALL

Adult Junior A Champ. 2003 Adult Junior A Shield 2008 Meath Championship Junior C 1998 Junior B 2001, 2013 Junior A 2003 Under 19 Division 3 2010 Championship 2011 Under 16 Division 2 Champ. 2012 Division 4 Champ. 2015 Under 15 Division 2 Shield 2012 Division 3 Champ. 2015 Under 14 Division 4 Shield 2012 Under 13 Divison 2 Champ. 2014 Division 2 Shield 2015 Division 4 Champ. 2012 Under 12 Divison 2 Champ. 2013, 2015 Under 11 Shield 2008 Division 3 Champ. 2012 PRIMARY SCHOOLS

Boys (Skryne) Division 3 1982, 1984, 1986, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2014 Division 4 1996, 1998 Boys (Rathfeigh) Division 4 2003 Girls (Rathfeigh) Division 2 2000

32 SKRYNE GFC STRATEGIC PLAN 2014–2018 Acknowledgements

Many people have contributed to the development of this plan over the past number of months. We would especially like to thank the members, who along with the steering committee, worked in the focus groups that led to the development of the key areas outlined in this plan. We would also like to thank the members, non-members, trustees and president, Skryne GFC executive committee, parents and friends of Skryne GFC, our sponsors, our local schools and colleges and our local public representatives.

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