IJED NATIONS ^~°~^ Distr.

S/7930/Add.200 18 May 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 17 May 1969 was received on 18 May from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd. Bull: "1. OP-/reports. (a) OP Delta. Between 01^3 GMT and Ol^U GMT machine- fire by forces. 'Between 0315 GOT and 1321 (MS artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0815 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0322 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0832 GMT and at 08^5 GMT by Israel forces. Between 0918 GMT and 0919 GMT, and 0935 GMT and 10UO GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 132U GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1325 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1325 GMT and at 1326 GMT by Israel forces. Between 1356 GMT and 1359 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At l6o8 GMT a few rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1713 GMT and 1737 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 175^ GMT and l803 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1852 GMT and 191^ GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2015 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased at 2016 GMT by UAR forces and at 2018 GMT by Israel forces. At 2108 GMT a few bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2206 GMT and 2207 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2232 GMT and 2252 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (b) OP Copper. At 0302 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0307 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0318 GMT and at 0319 GMT by UAR forces. At 1608 GMT two rounds of artillery fire.by UAR forces. At 1906 GMT two rifle shots by Israel forces. At 2025 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 22.1k GMT by UAR forces and at 2218 GMT by Israel forces. Between 2250 GMT and 2300 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add«90 and Corr.l and 2, and S/7930/Add.l93, para. 2.

69-107M* /.., S/7930/Add.200 English Page 2

(c) OP Green. Between 0710 GMT and 0728 GMT four rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1559 GMT sporadic mortar and tank fire by UAR forces and at 1629 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 16UO 'GMT and by UAR forces at 1711 GMT. At 1726 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1819 GMT and 2019 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2350 GMT and 2352 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces.'x

(d) OP Red. At 0837 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire, at 0859 GMT two bursts of machine-gun fire, at 09^3 GMT three rifle shots, at 0959 GMT three rifle shots, and between 1756 (MT and 1829 GMT machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. (e) OP Violet. Between 0903 GMT and 1058 GMT sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1609 GMT two rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1900 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces, and at 20Q1+ GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 2210 GMT by Israel forces and at 2235 GMT by UAR forces. (f) OP Silver. At 1115 GMT two rifle shots, at 1230 GMT two rifle shots, at 1259 GMT one rifle shot, at 1^15 GMT one rifle shot, at 1500 GMT one rifle shot, at 1606 GMT two rifle shots, at l6lO GMT one rifle shot and at 16H-7 GMT two rifle shots, all by UAR forces.

(g) OP Kilo. Between 12U8 GMT and 1251 GMT machine-gun fire, at ,. 1558 CMT one rifle shot, between 2337 GMT and 2314-6 GMT mortar fire, and at 2355 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. (h) OP Pink. At 1250 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces directed at light aircraft over east side of Canal. (i) OP Yellow. Between 1536 GMT and 15^7 (MT four rifle shots by UAR forces. At.15^0 GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces. Between 15^9 GMT and 1553 GMT three bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (j) OP Charlie. At 1633 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(k) OP Blue. At 19^9 GMT two rifle shots, and between 2052 GMT and 2129 GMT five rifle shots, all by UAR forces.

"2. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. Nil.

(b) UAR. Ml. S/7930/Add.200 English Page 3 "J. Casualties and Damage* (a) United Nations (i) Casualties. Mil. (ii) Damage. Nil (b) Israel. No report received.

(c) UAR. No report received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/79JO/Add.l99 COUNCIL 17 May 1969 ORIGINAL; ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 16 May 1969 was received on ^17 May from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP^' reports.

(a) OP Copper. Between 0055 GMT and OlU5 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 021^ C7iT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces and at 0235 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0310 GMT and by UAR forces at 033U GMT. Between 06l6 GMT and ObU6 GMT and between 1011 GMT and 1020 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire Yy UAR forces. Between 1858 GMT and 2055 GMT nine single rifle shots by UAR forces. (b) OP Echo. At 0225 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at 02UU Q4T heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 0312 GMT by Israel forces and at 0313 GMT by UAR forces. Between 08Ul GMT and 08^3 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces directed at light aircraft over east side of the Canal. (c) OP Delta. At 0256 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0307 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0308 GMT and by Israel forces at 0328 GMT. Between QUO® GMT and 0105 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 060U GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 06l6 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 0620 GMT by Israel forces and at 06^7 GMT by UAR forces. Between 07^0 GMT and 0714! GMT and between 0913 GMT and 0920 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 09*45 GMT several rounds of rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1020 GMT tank, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 103U GOT tank, mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Both parties ceased fire at 1215 GMT. At the following times: 1233 GMT to 1237 GMT, 1311 GMT to 132*4 GMT, 13^0 GMT to 13^U, GMT, 1*400 GMT to I*4l8 GMT and 1506 GMT to 15*4*4 GMT, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 16514 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1655 CMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1701 GMT by UAR forces and at 1705 GMT by Israel forces.

_!/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corrs.l and 2, and S/7930/Add,193» para. 2.

69-10735 S/7930/Add.l99 English Page 2

(d) OF Lima. Between 0631 GMT and 0636 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1230 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1236 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1237 GMT and by Israel forces at I2h6 GMT. Between 152? GMT and 1534 GMT and between 1606 GMT and 1623 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. (e) OP Kilo. At 0820 GMT a few bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces directed at a light aircraft over east side of Canal. At 1936 GMT two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (f ) OP Pink. At 0820 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces directed at a light aircraft over east side of Canal. Between 0959 GMT and 1007 GMT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. At 1656 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. (g) OP Violet. At 081& GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces directed at a light aircraft flying over east side of Canal. At 1510 GMT three rifle shots by UAR forces. Between l6l6 GMT and l6l8 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At l8UO GMT machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1852 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1952 GMT and by UAR forces at 2000 GMT. (h) OP Silver. At 1105 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1300 GMT mortar and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1301 GMT mortar .and rifle fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1303 GMT by Israel forces and at 1310 GMT by UAR forces. At 2010 GMT rifle and sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2011 GMT tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 2025 GMT by UAR forces and at 2026 GMT by Israel forces , (i) OP Red. At 11*H GMT one burst of machine-gun fire, at 11^9 GMT two bursts of machine-gun fire and at 17^7 GMT one rifle shot, all by UAR forces . (j) OP Charlie. At 12^7 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1259 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1305 GMT by Israel forces and at 1307 GMT by UAR forces. (k) OP Mike. At 13UU GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1353 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1U22 GMT and by Israel forces at 1^37 Gl-lT. (l) OP Green. At lUl3 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces, (m) OP Blue. Between iMlO GMT and 1^2 GMT machine-gun fire, and at 1650 GMT three bursts of machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. s/7930/Add.i99 English Page 3

"2. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. Nil. (b) UAR. (i) At 0230 GMT Israel forces opened fire with artillery in Kantara area.

(ii) At 1320 GMT Israel forces opened fire with tanks, mortars and machine- in Deversoir (OP Silver area).

(iii) At 1735 GMT Israel forces opened fire with mortars north of Kantara. Firing was still going on.

(iv) At 17^0 GMT Israel forces opened fire with machine-guns in Deversoir (OP Silver area). "J. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations.

(i) Casualties. Nil.

(ii) Damage. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.198 COUNCIL 16 May 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector en 15 May 1969 was received on Ic May from the Chief of Staff of UKTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-7 reports.

(a) OP Lima. Between 0015 GMT and 0213 GMT rifle fire, at C61Q GMT one rifle shot, at 1259 GMT three rifle shots, between 1653 GMT end 1702 GMT rifle fire, between 1752 GMT and l8lU GMT rifle fire, between 1832 GMT and 1856 fMT rifle fire, all by UAR forces.

(b) OP Copper. Between 0200 GMT and 0230 GMT and betv.'een O^Ok GMT and 0^-20 GMT light machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 0802 GMT and C820 GMT sporadic heavy-weapons fire by UAR forces. At 1202 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces, and at 1223 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1235 GMT by UAR forces, end at 1315 GMT by Israel forces. At 132U GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces directed at light aircraft flying over east side of Canal. Between 13Ml- GMT and 1^08 GMT artillery and mortar fire and between 1519 GMT and 1607 GMT and between 1321 GMT and 131+0 GMT sporadic mortar fire, all by UAR forces.

(c) OP Pink. At 021U GMT three rifle shots by UAR forces.

(d) OP Echo. Between 0519 GMT and 0535 GMT tank and mortar fire and between 08CO GMT and lllo GMT tank and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1200 GMT and 1232 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1323 GMT and 1330 GMT light anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces directed at a light aircraft over east side of Canal. At 13U2 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces, and at 13^8 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1351 GMT by UAR forces, and at 1359 GMT by Israel forces. At l^CB GMT unidentified jet aircraft heard flying south-west to north-east crossed to east side of Canal north of OP and recrossed 30 seconds later north of Kantara. Between 1632 GMT and Io39 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

_!/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector arc given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 23 and S/7930/Add.193, para. 2.

69-1067)4 S/7930/Add.l93 English Page 2

(e) OP Violet. At 0530 GMT a few rounds of mortar fire, at 031+0 GMT one rifle shot, between 0927 GMT and C932 GMT seven rifle shots, between 1010 GMT and 1101 GMT and between 1220 GMT and 1253 GMT artillery fire, all by UAR forces. Between 1JCO GMT and 1315 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At IjU^ GMT artillery fire by UAR forces, and at l^CO GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fir» ceased at lUcB GMT by U/'.R forces, and at iWll GMT by Israel forces. Between 15CU GMT and 1512 CMT and between 1555 GMT and 160*4- GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At lojll GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces, and at Io50 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1703 GMT by Israel forces, and at lQ2h GMT by UAR forces.

(f) OP Delta. Between 0613 GMT and Ob24 GMT and between 0705 GMT and 0707 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At C8CO GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces, f-r.d at Colo GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At Co21 GMT both parties erased fire. Between 09^1 GMT and 09^2 GMT and between 1126 GMT and 11^3 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1200 GMT iueevy artillery fire by UAR forces, and at I20k GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1205 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 12UU GMT UAR forces ceased fire. At 1251 GM? one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1300 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces, and at 130U GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1320 GMT UAR forces ceased fire. Between 13U2 GMT and 1359 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At ikhC GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 1^5 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Both parties ceased fire at 1506 GMT. Between 1559 W4T and 1605 PMT inachine-gun fire by Israel forces- At 1625 GMT one single shot by UAR forces. At Io30 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 16UO GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 16*13 GMT both parties ceas»d fire. Between l6hS> GMT and 170^ GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between ~L~[lk GMT and 1738 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1807 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at iScS GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 18U8 GMT by UAR forces, and at 18^9 fi-MT by Israel forces. At 2030 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 21^5 GMT, and by Israel forces at 21^7 GMT. Between 22l6 r-MT and 2222 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 22^5 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 22^7 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fir<= ceased at 2250 GMT by UAR forces, and at 2253 GMT by Israel forces. S/7930/Aci.i.i^ English Page 3

(z) OP Red. At Ool6 GMT one rifle shot, beh/cen nC0 GMT li-jht machine-gun fire, at 0939 GMT une rifle shot, at 1016 GMT one burst of lirht rnachine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At IJlA GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 1*405 GMT two rifle shots, at 1518 GMT four bm-R-hs of machine-gun fire, at 1533 GMT one round of mortar fire, at l^'iO GMT several rounds of mortar fire, at 1735 GMT two rounds of mortar fire, between 19^7 GMT and 1952 GMT machine-gun fire, oetween 20 Uo GMT and 2106 GMT machine-gun fire, between 2132 GMT and 2135 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces.

(h) OP Hotel. Between 0733 GMT and 0739 GMT artillery fire, and between 0937 GMT and 1011 GMT artillery fire, all by UAR forces.

(i) OP Silver. At 0925 GMT tank firs by Israel forces, and at 0927 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0935 GMT, and by UAR forces at 0937 GMT. At 0950 GI-iT a few rounds of mortar fire, at 105*4 GMT one rifle shot, at 1133 GMT three rifle shots, all by UAR forces.

(j) OP Yellow. Between 0935 GMT and 0937 GMT artillery fire and at 09^7 GMT a few rounds of artillery fire, between 1821 GMT and 2100 GMT twenty-five single rifle shots, all by UAR forces.

(k) OP Charlie. Between 0952 GMT and 0953 GMT tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces directed at helicopter on west side of Canal. At 1005 GMT two rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. At lUl7 GMT two MIG 21 aircraft were observed flying north to south on east side of Canal. Crossing place not observed, but aircraft positively identified. (At same time four MIG 21 aircraft observed over west side of Canal.)

(l) OP Green. Between 1115 GMT and 1159 GMT and between 125^ GMT and. 1336 GMT artillery fire, between 1502 GMT and 15*4*4 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire, all by UAR forces.

(m) OP Blue. Between 1855 GMT and lu'56 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1903 GMT three bursts of rnachine-gun fire and at 19£9 GMT two rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 211*4 GMT and 225 GMT each time two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces

"2. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations.

(i) Casualties. Ml.

(ii) Carnage. Vehicle UN 83 shrapnel hole left side. Windscreen and one side window broken.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY COUNCIL flSHHES s/7950/Add.l9T 15 May 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on Ik May 1969 was received on 15 May from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. QP-^ reports.

(a) OP Blue. Between 0007 GMT and 01^5 GMT sixteen singlerifie shots, between 0848 GMT and 0911 GMT machine-gun fire, at 11U9 GMT one burst of light machine-gun fire, between 1432 GMT and 1714 GMT sporadic light machine-gun fire, at.l352 GMT and 1922 GMT each time one rifle shot, at 1945 GMT three rifle shots, between 2005 GMT and 2006 GMT bursts of light machine-gun fire, between 2050 GMT and 2048 GMT six rifle shots and at 2335 GMT three bursts of light machine-gun fire with impacts close to the OP, all by UAR forces. : (b) OP Delta. Between 0010 GMT and 0013 GMT and between 06o4 GMT and 0610 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0609 GMT and 0638 GMT each time one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 0638 GMT and 0645 GMT, between 0740 GMT and 0801 GMT, between 0839 GMT and 0928 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. , At.1205 GMT artillery and light, machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1228 GMT mortar and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1302 GMT by both parties. At 1345 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at 1419 GMT artillery fire.by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1446 GMT and by UAR forces at, 1510 GMT. Between 1515 GMT and 1540 GMT artillery fire • by Israel forces. At 1541 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1545 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1547 GMT by Israel forces and at 1548 GMT by UAR forces. At 1622 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1526 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1627 GMT by Israel forces and at 163! GMT by UAR forces. Between 1715 GMT and 1716 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1740 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1750 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1757 GMT and by Israel forces at l8ll GMT. At l8l8 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1819 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1824 GMT and by Israel forces at 1832 GMT. Between 1830 GMT and 1832 GMT rifle fire by 'UAR forces. At 1845 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1850 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1910 GMT by Israel.-forces, and at 1918 GMT by UAR forces. Between 1943 GMT and 2001 GMT, between 2045 GMT and 2047 GMT, between 2159 GMT

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by ~ UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2, and S/7?30/Add.l93, para. 2. 69-10551 ; S/7930/Add.l97 English Page 2

and 220? GMT and between 2355 GMT and 2359 GMT light machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces. (c) OP Lima. Between 0039 GMT and 0209 GMT rifle fire, at 0910 GMT one rifle shot, between 1002 GMT and 1024 GMT mortar fire, between 1114 GMT and 1147 GMT rifle fire, at 1548 GMT one rifle shot, between 1552 GMT and 1606 GMT rifle fire, between l6l4 GMT and 1620 GMT light machine-gun fire and between 2315 GMT and 2324 GMT rifle fire, all by UAR forces. (d) OP Copper. At 0501 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire and at 0512 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 0636 GMT machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0638 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0702 GMT fire ceased by both parties. At 0742 GMT tank and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 074-3 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 0746 GMT by Israel forces and at 0843 GMT by UAR forces. At 0907 GMT recoilless gun fire by UAR forces and at 0908 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 0923 GMT by Israel forces and at 0944 GMT by UAR forces. At 1006 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1030 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1046 GMT by Israel forces and at 1154 GMT by UAR forces. At 1943 GMT four rifle shots by UAR forces. Shots passed close to OP. (e) OP Green. At 0542 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 0545 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 0755 GMT by Israel forces and at 0949 GMT by UAR forces. Between 1601 GMT and 1632 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. (f) OP Hotel. Between 0601 GMT and 0604 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 0754 GMT and 0757 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 0824 GMT and 0839 GMT mortar and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 0925 GMT and 0943 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1009 GMT and 1015 GMT three rounds of recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1709 GMT and 1718 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1940 GMT light machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased at 1951 GMT by both parties. At 2012 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2017 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 2027 GMT by Israel forces and at 2028 GMT by UAR forces. (g) OP Echo. Between 0615 GMT and 0620 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 0739 GMT and 0742 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 0743 GMT and 08ll GMT, between 0321 GMT and 0835 GMT and between 1006 GMT and 1024 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1030 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1044 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1046 GMT and by UAR forces at 1127 GMT. At 1121 GMT anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces towards a light aircraft on east side of Canal. Between 1133 GMT and 1146 GMT and between 1148 GMT and 1154 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1305 GMT and 1313 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1552 GMT heavy mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1554 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces. S/7950/Add.l97 English Page 3

Fire ceased at 1602 GMT by Israel forces and at 1635 GMT by UAR forces. Between 1650 GMT and 1712 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1807 GMT one round of recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2000 GMT and 2013 GMT recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. (h) OP Charlie. At 06l8 GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 1^31 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at lh$k GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1510 GMT. At 1522 GMT mortar and tank fire by Israel forces and at 1523 GMT recoilless gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1531 GMT and by Israel forces at 1550 GMT. Between 2117 GMT and 2132 GMT light machine-gun fire, between 21^5 GMT and 2210 GMT mortar and light machine-gun fire, between 2304 GMT and 2327 GMT mortar and light machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces . (i) OP Violet. At 07^5 GMT several rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1030 GMT several rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1521 GMT one rifle shot and between -1533 GMT and 1742 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. (j) OP Red. Between 1002 GMT and 1023 GMT sporadic mortar fire, at 1027 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire directly over OP caravan, at 120J GMT three bursts of machine-gun fire, at 12^0 GMT one burst of light machine-gun fire, at 1804 GMT several bursts of light machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. (k) OP Kilo. Between 1039 GMT and lOte GMT rifle fire by UAR forces (1) OP Silver. At 1559 GMT, 175^ GMT and 1831 GMT each time three rifle shots, at 1857 GMT two rifle shots, all by UAR forces. Between 1901 GMT and 1931 GMT sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1951 GMT short burst of light machine-gun fire and some rifle fire by UAR forces. At 2000 GMT four rounds of tank fire by Israel forces. "2. Complaints by the parties. (a) Israel. Nil. (b) UAR. At 0925 GMT Israel forces opened fire with tanks against UAR in OP Hotel area. "3- Casualties and damage. (a) United nations. (i) Casualties. Nil. (ii) Damage. Ml.

(b) Israel. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported two Israel soldiers killed and four wounded in the Kantara area, / . (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.l96 COUNCIL Ik May 1969


Supplemental Information

The following report on the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UOTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on lU May 1969: "Following report received from OP Romeo (MR 22955-2)4592): (a) At 2106 GMT on 15 May exchange of fire commenced two kilometres north of OP Romeo, between Israel forces using machine-guns and heavy weapons and Syrian forces using machine-guns. United Nations Military Observers stated exchange of fire was such that it was not possible to determine who fired first. Israel fire was observed from Point 20 Israel FDLs (Forward Defended Localities or cease-fire line) MR 2288-2'48*4-. Impact of Syrian fire was observed on Point 20. Tracer was not used and observation was difficult. Fire ceased by both sides at 211? GMT. (b) At 2219 GMT two explosions heard from area of Point 20 Israel FDLs followed by several bursts of machine-gun fire. At 2225 GMT one heavy explosion heard one kilometre north of OP Romeo. At 2257 GMT and at 22^0 GMT heavy explosions seen and heard in area of Point 20 Israel FDLs and sporadic machine-gun fire heard in that area up to 22Ul GMT. (c) At 0520 GMT on 1^ May an Israel mine-clearing party was observed forward of Israel FDLs at MR 227^0-22650 moving north-east. At 0610 GMT and 0619 GMT mines were exploded at MR 227^0-2H675. At 0652 GMT. a further mine was detonated at MR 22825-2^7^0. At 0719 GMT the mine-clearing party left the area between the FDLs. (c) Daylight observation on lU May revealed that an Israel manned military position forward of Israel FDLs at MR 2288-2U3I-1- was heavily damaged."


Supplemental Information Corrigendum

In the last line of sub-paragraph (m), on page k, "UAR forces" should read "Israel forces".

69-10625 Distr. GENERAL

S/7930/Add.195 lU May 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 13 May 1969 was received on l*f- May from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt . General Odd Bull:

"1. Op reports.

(a) OP Copper. Between 0013 GMT and 06*15 GMT heavy weapons and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 0827 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at the same time mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0855 GMT both parties ceased fire, At 0858 GMT two rifle shots by UAR forces passed close to UWMO ("United Nations Military Observer) observing from top of caravan and again between 1918 GMT and 1929 GMT six rifle shots by UAR forces. The third shot hit top of OP shelter. Between 1008 GMT and 101 8 GMT artillery fire and between Whh GMT and 1052 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1055 GMT and 1103 GMT tank fire by Israel forces . At 1J01 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 1302 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces . Fire ceased at 1^08 GMT by Israel forces and at 1*H7 GMT by UAR forces. At 1*1-18 GMT three rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces . At 1517 GMT tank fire by UAR forces and at 1521 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Pire ceased at 1525 GMT by Israel forces and at 1526 GMT by UAR forces . At 1530 GMT and 1538 GMT each time one rifle shot by UAR forces. The first shot passed close to OP- At 1601 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1602 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces . Fire ceased at l602 GMT by Israel forces and at 1603 GMT by UAR forces . At 1605 GMT artillery fire' by UAR forces and at 1606 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1628 GMT by Israel forces and at 16^5 GMT by UAR forces. Between 1701 GMT and 2033 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1727 GMT several rounds of artillery fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Red. Between 001*4- GMT and 0050 GMT several rifle shots by Israel forces. Between 0757 GMT and 0759 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces directed at light aircraft flying east of Canal. At 18*1-9 GMT one rifle shot close to OP,

(c) OP Blue, Between 0015 GMT and 0127 GMT six rifle shots, between 0712 GMT and 0926 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire; between 1126 GMT and 1155 GMT

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by IMTS© in the Suez, Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add -90 and Corr.l and 2, and S/7930/Add.193, para. 2.

69-10392 /. S/7930/Add.l95 English Page 2

sporadic machine-gun fire, between 1^03 GMT and 150U GMT sporadic artillery and machine-gun fire, between 190U GMT and 20^2 GMT sporadic rifle fire, all firing by UAR forces. Note: between 2036 GMT and 20^2 GMT five rifle shots were fired close to OP. (d) OP Charlie. At OOlo GMT mortar fire fay UAR forces and at OOlG GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 0022 GMT by UAR forces and at 002^ GMT by Israel forces. At 0350 GMT six rifle shots, between 0^36 GMT and 0^39 GMT rifle fire and between 0503 GMT and 0505 fMT seven rifle shots, all by Israel forces. At 0522 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0527 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0553 GMT both parties ceased fire- At 0558 GMT five mortar rounds by Israel forces with impacts in the northern part of UN OP. Between 0609 GMT and 0625 GMT and between 065! GMT and 0656 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0721 GMT and 0952 GMT sporadic tank, mcrtar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0956 GMT ard 1COS GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAPv forces. At 12^0 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 1250 GMT ir.ortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1308 GMT by Israel forces and at 1309 GMT by UAR forces. Between lUoH GMT and 1U09 GMT ir.crtar fire by UAR forces. Between 1415 GMT and 1^23 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1517 GMT and 152H GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At \-J\~ GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 15^-8 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces immediately and at 1552 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. Between l6U5 GMT and 1703 GMT sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1714 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1720 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire- ceased by UAR forces at 1727 GMT and by Israel forces at 172Q GMT. Between 1813 GMT and iQlk GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. (e) OP Delta. Between 00^6 GMT and 0051 GMT artillery fire by Isra-1 forces. Between 0053 GMT and 0055 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0351 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0^1^; GMT nachine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0^-18 GMT ard by Israel forces at 0^57 GMT, Between 0^58 GMT and 0500 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 06*0 GMT heavy weapons and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at Oc23 GMT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR force? at 0708 GMT and by Israel forces at 0753 GMT. Between 0320 GI-7T a,;d Oc21 GMT heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0822 GMT and 2127 GMT sporadic nachine-gur.,, mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. At 2230 GMT light macnine-gur, fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2310 GMT and by Israel forces at 27,12 GMT. (f) OP Violet. At OllO GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between OoC^ GMT and 0626 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 06U5 GMT and 07^5 SMI artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0830 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at ®8U? GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0655 GMT and at 0922 GMT by Israel forces. Between 1000 GMT and 1052 GKT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1055 GixIT few rounds of tank fire by Israel forces. At 1235 GMT and 1239 GMT sach time one- round of r.ortar fire "by Israel forces. At 1J02 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1312 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1*4-09 GMT and by Israel forces at 1*4-39 GMT. At 1521 GMT six rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 153C GMT three rifle shots by Israel forces. At 15^0 G?iT two burrtc of light r.achine- gun fire by UAR forces. At loOb GMT mortar and r.i&chine-gun fire by UAR -forces and at l6lO GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at loll GMT and by Israel forces at 1620 GMT. At 1638 GKT rnrrtar and r.aehine-gun fire by Israel forces and ab 1739 GMT artillery, mortar .".no machine-gun fire ;:y UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1755 GMT er.d by UAR forces at 1820 English Page 3

(g) OP Green. At 0202 GMT recoilless gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at same time tank and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0255 GMT and by UAR forces at 0305 GMT. At 0^55 GMT machine-gun and heavy veapons fire by UAR forces and at 0^50 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0505 GMT and by UAR forces at 0518 GMT. At 1^10 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at l4ll GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at l4ll GMT and by UAR forces at 1518 GMT. At l6l5 GMT one burst of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and two bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1625 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1653 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceasea by Israel forces at 1655 GMT and by UAR forces at 1658 GMT.

(h) OP Mike. At 0758 GMT and 1003 GOT each time several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Echo. Between 0838 GMT and 0910 GMT artillery fire and between 1029 GMT and 1104 GMT rifle fire by Israel forces. At 1133 GMT recoilless gun fire by Israel forces and at Il4l GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1158 GMT and by UAR forces at 1201 GMT, At 1313 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1315 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1320 GMT and by UAR forces at 1342 GMT. At 1407 GMT some rounds of artillery fire and between 1523 GMT and 1525 GMT artillery fire .by Israel forces. Between 1735 GMT and 1742 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Silver. At OQ22 GMT a few rounds of tank fire by Israel forces and at 0924 GMT a few rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1115 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at Ill6 GMT mortar fire by"UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1150 GMT and by UAR forces at 1155 GMT. At 13^4 GI.T several rifle shots and at 1417 GMT and l4l8 GJ/T each time T.C rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1630 O:T tvo rounds cf tcnk fire ty Icrccl forces. At 1635 GUT cne round of ncrtcr fire ty U/.R forces. At 1730 C-kT three rounds of mortar fire by Israel fcrccp. At 1735 GIT r.r,chine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased at 1909 GMT by toth parties.

(k) OP Hotel. Between 1009 GMT and 1010 GMT mortar fire, at 1457 GMT one rifle shot, between 1514 GMT and 1517 GMT rifle fire., all by UAR forces.

(l) OP Lima. Between 1357 GMT and 1400 GMT several sirgle rifle shots, between 1737 GMT and 0021 GMT 14 May sporadic rifle and machine-gun fire all by UAR forces. ' S/7930/Add.195 English Page h

(ni) OP Pink. Between 1926 GMT and 2000 GMT sporadic rifle five by UAR forces. Two of these shots were firec into a United Rations burnt-out caravan, 10 metres from present OP. Between 2005 GMT snd 2010 GMT sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. "2. Casualties and damage.

(a) United. Nations.

(i) Casualties. Nil.

(ii) Eamage. Kantara Control Centre. Generator damaged. Many holes by shrapnel in diesel fuel trailer.

(b) Israel. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported one Israel soldier killed and six wounded.

(c) UAR. No reports received..

"5- Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire for 12CO GIiT proposed to Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1108 GMT and to Senior Israel Representative bt 1112 GMT. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 111;; Gt-iT. Senior UAR Liaison Officer did. not accept. He steted 'we are not firing in Kantara so we cannot stop the firing ac 1200 GMT'1." UNITED NATIONS Distr. ^X^g^NXy GENERAL C f~* \ \ D I T V Ml //<^R>& \SM S E C U R I T Y YJfWyTW s/7930/Add.i9* 13 May196 9 COUNCI%•* X^ \J i ~ Vrf IL 1 U • W§3^jW — Ji-^/Mfe^? ^^-^^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The . following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 12 May 1969 was received on 13 May from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. op reports.

(a) OP Hotel. Between 0000 GMT and 0005 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0059 GMT one burst of light machine-gun fire, by UAR forces. At 0108 GMT three bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Q'l? GMT and 09*0 GMT five single rifle shots by UAR forces. (b) OP Delta, Baleen 0101 GMT and 0132 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. B^twe^n 0605 GMT and 1100 GMT sroradic maeli/ue-gun and light machine -gun- tart! by Israel forces, and be'b-.reen 0626 G^U and 1100 GMT sporadic mortar, i.ischiae-gun find light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1]?7 GMT and ":. 129 G?K heavy artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1212 GMT and IP.<^? GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 12^2 GMT arid 12.^ GMT hevdvy artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1325 GMT a fsw rearms • of l-.t.avy artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 13^5 GMT and GMT ni'vchin^.-gun lire by .Israel forces, and between 1359 GMT and G'.'E? nqc'iir.e-pun fire by UAR forces. Between IkoQ GMT and Hkhk GMT artillery t'ii-e by UAR forces, Between 14^6 GMT and 1521 GMT sporadic light uiT. flr'-i by Inrasl forces. Between 19^5 GMT and 213^ GMT light iai fii-c; by Ic-vael forces, and between 19^6 GMT and 2017 GMT light 'in and rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 2226 GMT and 2300 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel. forces. Between 2336 GMT and 2350 GMT ar cillery fire by Israel forces, and between 2337 GMT and 23^3 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces, (c) OP Violet. Between 0132 GMT and 0207 GMT sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces . At 0303 GMT two rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1-209 GMT and. 1308 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces, BetvTasn 12SO GMT and iy$6 CMT heavy artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1317 GMT aixd 1337 GMT rj.fle fire by UAR forces. Between 1^26 GMT and 153^ GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1557 GMT one round of mortar fire by UAR forces. Between l6oi GMT and 1928 GMT thirty single rifle shots by UAR forces. At 2255 GMT four or five artillery shells by UAR forces. Between 2358 GMT 12 May and 0052 GMT 13 May sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez-Canal sector ere given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2, and S/7930/Add.l93, para. 2. 69-1022^ /, S/7930/Add.l94 English Page 2

(d) OP Green. At 0549 GMT and 0620 GMT each time one round of fire by UAR forces. At 0629 GMT two rounds of bazooka fire by UAR forces. Between 0901 GMT and 0918 GMT bazooka fire by UAR forces, and between 091? GMT and 0918 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0922 GMT three rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1214 GMT one single rifle shot by UAR forces. (e) OP Echo. At O6j2 GMT and 06*34 GMT each time one single rifle shot by Israel forces. Between 1114 GMT and 1115 GMT mortar and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1215 GMT and 1227 GMT artillery and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1228 GMT and 1240 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. (f) OP Red. Between 0632 GMT and 0933 GMT sporadic light machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces, and between 194-5 GMT and 2356 GMT sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. (g) OP Mike. At 0701 GMT and 0706 GMT each time one long burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. '(h) OP Blue. At 0733 GMT one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0904 GMT one rifle shot (close to OP) by UAR forces. Between 1910 GMT and 2105 GMT four single rifle shots and one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (i) OP Lima. Between 0757 GMT and 1000 GMT sporadic light machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1349 GMT several single rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1907 GMT two rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 2118 GMT and 2237 GMT sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces, (j) OP Copper. Between 1018 GMT and 1023 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces, Between 1125 GMT and '1128 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1404 GMT and 1433 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2240 GMT and 2246 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 2255 GMT and 2320 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 2338 GMT and 2351 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. (k) OP Charlie. Between 1809 GMT and 1810 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1900 GMT and 1902 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 2206 GMT and 2207 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2212 GMT and 2218 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2302 GMT and 2304 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. (l) OP Silver. Between 1915 GMT and 1945 GMT sporadic mortar and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and between 1932 GMT and 1945 GMT sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 1959 GMT and 2001 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and between 1959 GMT and 2019 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2025 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 2102 GMT and 2205 GMT heavy machine-gun and medium machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and between 2103 GMT and 2202 GMT heavy machine-gun and medium machine-gun fire by UAR forces. English Page 5

"2. Complaints by the parties. (a) Israel. Nil. (b) UAR. Ml. "5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations, Ml. (b) Israel. No reports received, (c) UAR. Ho reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENEF.AL

S/7930/Add.193 CIL 12 May 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 11 May 19-9 was received on 12 May from the Chief of Staff of UNT30,, Lt, General Odd Bull:

-, / "1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Yellow, At 00^3 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces and at 0052 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0057 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces and at 0100 GMT by UAR forces.

(b) OP Violet. At 02^8 GMT four mortar rounds and between 0616 GMT and Ob35 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At C809 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0815 GMT mortar fire, at 0836 GMT artillery fire, at 0837 GMT machine-gun fire, between ikky GMT and 1516 GMT ir.ortar and machine-gun fire and at l6c8 GMT rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 1803 GMT machine--sun and rifle fire and one mortar round by UAR forces and at l8c8 GMT machine -gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased within one minute by Israel forces and at 1813 GMT by UAR forces.

(c) OP Charlie. Between 0338 GMT and 03U5 GMT, at 0^-27 GMT and at 0506 GMT machine-gun fire, between 130U GMT and 1307 GMT mortar and recoilless gun fire and at 1^-15 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces. Between 1639 GMT and UokQ GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2000 GMT and 2003 GMT six mortar rounds, between 2039 GMT and 20^3 GMT twelve mortar rounds and at 2338 GMT six mortar rounds, all by Israel forces.

(d) OP Green. At QhhQ GMT two mortar rounds by Israel forces. At 0^59 GMT two artillery rounds, between 09?0 GMT and 10^8 GMT heavy artillery and mortar fire and at 1^08 GMT one rifle shot, all by UAR forces. At 18^3 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces, immediately followed by machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At l8U^ GMT fire ceased by Israel forces and a few seconds later by UAR forces.

(e) OP Delta. Between 0550 GMT and OCC5 GMT several bursts of machine- gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0727 GMT and 0731 GMT rr.ortar fire by UAR forces. Between 07^1 GMT and 07^7 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-10161 S/7950/Add.l93 English Page 2

Between 080^ GMT and 0823 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between C&2h GMT and 08i+0 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0836 GMT two mortar rounds by UAR forces. At 0955 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1119 GMT and 1121 GMT and between 11^ GMT and 1151 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 123^ GMT and at 12M+ GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 12^9 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire and at lho6 GMT one rifle shot, all by UAR forces. At ikoQ GMT machine-gun fire and between ihkk GMT and lkk6 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire, all by Israel forces. At 1509 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces and at 1511 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1532 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces and at 15^2 GMT by Israel forces. At 1622 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire and between 17^-3 GMT and 2136 GMT six single shots and twelve bursts of machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces. At 1826 GMT and 1906 GMT single rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1958 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(f) Kantara Control Centre. Between 06^9 GOT and 0652 GMT six rifle shots by UAR forces into the canopy of UK truck (number UN 26c) into which stores were being loaded from KCC building. The truck was clearly marked with UN sign, was flying UN flag and was parked outside KCC building. There was no other fire in the KCC area at that time and there were no Israel soldiers in the vicinity of KCC building.

(g) OP Copper. Following firings by UAR forces observed between 0729 GMT and 0731 GMT and between 08oU GMT and 0805 GMT artillery fire, between 0831 GMT and 0836 GMT and between 11)46 GMT and 11^9 GMT end between l6lO GMT and l6l3 GMT heavy mortar fire, at 1715 GMT four rifle shots, at 1839 GMT machine-gun fire, at 1905 GMT one rifle shot a few metres from the OP, between 2203 GMT and 2220 GMT rifle fire and between 2220 GMT and 2225 GMT artillery fire.

(h) OP Hotel. Between 0852 GMT and 0912 GMT sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire, at 1126 GMT one rifle shot, between 1312 GMT and 13ik GMT several rifle shots, at 1^421 GMT one rifle shot and between 1^1^ GMT and lM-t-5 GMT several rifle shots, all by UAR forces. Between 2020 GMT and 2138 GMT machine-gun fire on six occasions by UAR forces. At 2201 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces from vicinity of Ismailia Control Centre HQ building, immediately followed by machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Bullets hit ICC HQ building.

(i) OP Lima. Following firing by UAR forces observed. Between 110© GMT and 132^ GMT six rifle shots, between 1328 GMT and 1330 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire, at 1355 GMT one rifle shot, at 150^+ GMT one rifle shot and between 235U GMT and 0056 GMT 12 May machine-gun and rifle fire.

(j) Relief patrol OP Green. After agreement with Senior UAR Liaison Officer and Senior Israel Representative relief patrol to OP Green started from KCC at approximately 1100 GOT. At 1121 GOT the patrol S/7930/Add.l93 English Page 5 reported mortar fire by UAR forces 500 metres in front of the patrol, four kilometres north of OP Copper. The shelling approached to within 200 metres of the patrol. When contacted at 1129 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that the patrol could proceed to OP Green. When the patrol tried to move at 11^-5 GMT UAR forces again opened mortar fire at them. Impacts vrere seen ICC metres in front of the patrol. After s new contact with Senior UAR Liaison Officer the patrol could proceed to OP Green.

(k) OP Silver. Between 1130 GMT and 1131 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At the same time a light Israel aircraft was flying over east of the Canal.

(l) OP Red. Following firing by UAR forces observed. At 1319 GMT one rifle shot,, between 2015 GMT and 2052 GMT several rifle shots and at 2135 GMT one rifle shot with bullet passing between the two OP caravans. There was no other firing in the area at that time.

(m) OP Kilo. At 1320 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(n) OP Blue. Following firing by UAR forces observed. Between 1335 GMT and 13^6 GMT sporadic mortar fire, at 15^0 GMT two mortar rounds, at 203U GMT one rifle shot and at 2116 GMT one rifle shot. Impact of the last shot heard on the wall of the OP building. The building was clearly illuminated by outside searchlights. There was no other firing in the area at that time.

(0) OP Foxtrot. At 2210 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

"2. Cease-fire proposal. A cease-fire for 1^00 GMT for OP Copper area was proposed by KCC as the relieved UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) from OP Green were at that time approaching OP Copper. Cease-fire was effective and the relieved UNMOs arrived at KCC at 1505 GMT.

"3. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. Nil.

(b) UAR. At 0920 GMT Israel forces opened fire with tanks and artillery against Port Said /not confirmed by UN observation/.

"k. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations.

(1) Casualties. Nil.

(ii) Damage. Truck number UN 260 hit by six bullets fired by UAR forces (para. 15 sub-para, (f) refers). (b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. Wo reports received." s/7930/Add.l93 English Page k

2. With reference tc the proposed relocation of the Kantara Control Centre

(see S/7930/Acid. lc'6;, para. 2.}, the following message was received from General Bull on 12 May:

"Relocation of KCC to the village of Rahba, kilometre marker 52-5 on the road Kentara-El Arish, started 11 May. Fart of the operation??! staff will stay in Kantara until necessary arrangements have been made for radio communication between the new site and the OPs." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY COUNCIL «8N«rV//]W 12 May !969 ^-^^~*-^"-*r ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 10 May 1969 was received on 11 May from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-/ reports.

(a) OP Red. Following firings by UAR forces observed. Between 0001 GMT and 0009 GMT three rifle shots, between 08lO GMT and 0812 GMT machine-gun fire, between 1326 GMT and 1328 GMT machine-gun fire, at 1624 GMT three mortar rounds and between 1837 GMT and 213)4 GMT many rifle shots and several bursts machine-gun fire.

(b) OP Green. Between OKA- GMT and 0111 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0119 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. At 0225 GMT firing ceased by both parties. Between OJlh GMT and 0335 GMT, between 03^3 GMT and OU22 GMT, between 0513 GMT and 0515 GMT heavy artillery fire and between 0822 GMT and 1100 GMT heavy artillery and later mortar fire, all by UAR forces. At 2jU6 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. At 00^0 GMT 11 May firing ceased by Israel forces and at COUl GMT 11 May by UAR forces.

(c) OP Violet. At 0316 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased immediately. Between 0^5 GMT and 0538 GMT machine-gun and intermittent rifle fire by UAR forces. At 0557 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces immediately followed by mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 07l8 GMT firing ceased by Israel forces and at 073^ GMT by UAR forces. At 0937 GMT artillery and anti-tank gun fire and at 1225 GMT three rifle shots all by UAR forces. ' At 130U GMT rifle and later mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1305 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased within one minute by Israel forces and at 1335 GMT by UAR forces. Between 15^8 GMT and 1608 GMT mortar and artillery fire and at 2115 GMT one burst machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At 2116 GMT two bursts machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2131 GMT and at 2132 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. At 2137 GMT one burst machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Copper. Between 0327 GMT and 0^07 GMT heavy artillery and later mortar fire 15 to 20 kilometres north of OP and at 0^21 GMT and at OU26 GMT one artillery shell, all by UAR forces. At 0507 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 051^ GMT five artillery rounds by UAR forces. At 0515 GMT firing ceased by UAR forces and at 0527 GMT by Israel forces. At 0557 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at

I./ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/J^O/Adci. 90 and Corr. 1 and 2. 69-10151 'P/7930/Add.192 English Page 2

the same time machine-gun and later tank and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0709 GMT firing ceased "by Israel forces and at 07l6 GMT by UAR forces. Between 0720 GMT and l6c8 GMT firing by UAR forces as follows: At 0720 GMT and at 072U GMT single rifle shots, between C8C7 GMT and 082^1- GMT mortar fire, at C8l2 GMT one rifle shot close to OP, at 0931 GMT mortar fire, at 0937 GMT anti-tank gun fire, between 09^1 GMT and 09^6 GMT artillery fire, at 1335 GMT two single rifle shots within 50 metres of the OP. At 13^6 GMT'and at 1351 GMT single rifle shots and between 1559 GMT and l6c8 GMT heavy mortar fire.

(e) OP Charlie. At 0327 GMT mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 03^6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 03^7 GMT firing ceased by Israel forces and at 0356 GMT by UAR forces. Between Oklh GMT and 0^17 GMT and between 0^0 GMT and Ckkk GMT mortar fire by Israel forces At 0^45 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0^59 GMT and 0526 GMT tank, mortar and recoilless gun fire by Israel forces. At 1100 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces immediately followed by mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1105 GMT firing ceased by UAR forces and at 1113 GMT by Israel forces. Between 1137 GMT and 1138 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. (f) OP Delta. At 0329 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0336 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0^-l6 GMT firing ceased by Israel forces and at 0^19 GMT by UAR forces. Between 0505 GMT and 0527 GMT mortar fire, between 0659 GMT and 0719 GMT several bursts machine-gun fire, between 09^1 GMT and O^kh GMT machine-gun fire and at 1205 GMT several bursts machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces.

(g) OP Yellow. Between CM6 GMT and 0505 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 23^5 GMT sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 0005 GMT 11 May mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0010 GMT 11 May firing ceased by UAR forces and at 0020 GMT 11 May by Israel forces.

(h) OP Hotel. Following firings by UAR forces observed. Between OUk8 GMT and 0506 GMT mortar fire, between C833 GMT and CBjU GMT machine- gun fire, at 1218 GMT one rifle shot and between 1903 GMT and 191*4- GMT machine-gun fire. (i) OP Echo. Between 0600 GMT and 0719 GMT small arms fire by Israel forces. Between 1^38 GMT and 1^58 GMT and between 150^ GMT and 1527 GMT artillery and mortar fire and between 15^6 GMT and 15^8 GMT artillery fire, all by UAR forces. (j) OP Blue. Following firings by UAR forces observed. Between 0705 GMT and' 0715 GMT and between C807 GMT and C8l0 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire.

(k) OP Lima. At C8ll GMT one burst machine-gun fire and at 1135 GMT two rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 1150 GMT and 1202 GMT S/7930/Add.l92 English Page 3 tank gun fire by Israel forces. At 121^ GMT several rifle shots and at 1324 GMT several bursts machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(l) OP Kilo. Following firings by UAR forces observed. Between OQlh GMT and 08l6 GMT and at 1331 GMT several bursts machine-gun fire.

(m) OP Pink. Following firings by UAR forces observed. Between 0815 GMT and 0817 GMT and between 1331 GMT end 1333 GMT machine-gun fire.

"2. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. Nil.

(b) UAR. At 0315 Israel forces started firing with artillery in Kantara and OP Green areas.

"3. Casualties and damages.

(a) United Nations. Ml.

(b) Israel. Wo reports received

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez: Canal sector on 9 May has been received from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. opi/ reports. (a) OF Hotel, Between rOlO GMT and 0035 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire and at OOJ2 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1952 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces within one minute and at 1955 CiMT by Israel forces. Between 2116 GKT and 2119 GMT machine-gun and recoilless gun fire by Israel force:;. (b) OP Yellow. Between 0020 GMT and 0208 GMT thirty- two rifle shots and twenty- three bursts machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 0130 GMT and 0150 GMT seven bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (c) OP Delta. Between 00^3 GMT and 0737 GMT machine-gun fire, on six occasions by Israel forces. At o640 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0657 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0659 GMT firing ceased by-bot h parties. At 1025 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by both P«*«?- f -^ CMT firing ceased by Israel forces and at 1107 CMD by UAR f o ****f Ween 1 ,41 ® IT and 12%3 GMT machine-gun fire by Isrwl forces. At 2231 GMT ana DC wo .n ^ and 2307 GMT mortar fire, all by Israel forces. (d) OP Red. Between 0200 GMT and 0208 GMT machine-gun fire. 1 f one rifle shot and between IflC* GMT and 2359 GMT ^^.^yf " est several bursts machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At lfl!5 GMT one burst machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (e) OP Charlie. At #>*> GMT mortar fire. At 1122 GMT ^ine-gun fire and between 1525 GMT and 152T GMT mortar fire all by Israel force s ^ At 1532 GMT mortar and later tank and anti-tank f ire by ^ej J^f ^ aj im HMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces ax LO and bv^srael forces al l6kO GMT. Between 2038 GMT and 2050 GMT heavy recoilless gun fire and between 2330 GhT and 2332 GMT mortar fxre, all by Israel forces.

69-10133 S/7930/Add.l91 English Page 2 2215 GMT machine-gun fire by UAE forces. At 221? GMT firing ceased by Israel forces and at 2218 GOT by UAR forces. (g) OP Blue. At 0626 GMT three bursts machine-gun fire and between 0829 GMT and 0845 GMT artillery fire, all by UAR forces. (h) OP Violet. At 0?o6 GMT small arms and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0759 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0800 GMT and by Israel forces at 0807 GMT. Between 08l7 GMT and 0819 GMT mortar fire and at 1357 GMT one rifle shot, all by UAR forces. At 1516 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1525 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1536 GMT firing ceased by Israel forces but mortar fire was resumed again at 1556 GMT. At l6l8 GMT firing ceased by both parties. At l637 GMT and l643 GMT two mortar shells by UAR forces. At 1822 GMT several mortar rounds by Israel forces. At 18^-1 GMT two mortar rounds by UAR forces. At 19*1-2 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased within one minute by both parties. Between 1957 GMT and 1958 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 2006 GMT and between 2025 GMT and 2027 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. (i) OP Copper. Between 0955 GMT and 1001 GMT thirteen rifle shots and between 1106 GKT and 1107 GMT artillery fire, all by UAR forces. Between 1956 GMT and 195o GMT and between 2100 GMT and 2102 GMT artillery fire by lercel forces. At 22£U GN3? siactiae-gun fire by both parties. At 2225 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fisrisci ceased by Israel forces at 2225 GMT and by UAR forces at 2235 GMT. (j) Kantam Control Centre. At 1818 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces immediately followed by one tank gun shell by Israel forces. "2. Cease-fire proposals. Cease-fire for OpOO GMT proposed by KCC for Kantara area due to work by UN radio technician on the main antenna mast at KCC. Mo answer received but work commenced at 0910 GMT after agreement with Senior Israel Representative and Senior UAR Liaison Officer. "3. Complaints by the parties. (a) Israel, Nil. (b) UAR. (i) At 07^0 GMT machine-gun fire against western side,, at 0705 GMT two tank gun shells and at 0800 GMT three tank gun shells, all north of Kantara. (ii) At 0930 GMT machine-gun fire north of Kantara. "4. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Ml. (b) Israel, The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that three Israel soldiers were wounded. (c) UAR. Ho reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l90 COUNCIL 9 May 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez, Canal sector on 8 May 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Red. At 0018 GMT and 0053 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 0929 GMT and 0931 GMT machine-gun fire, at 1521 GMT machine-gun fire and at 1630 GMT two rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 165*1 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 1658 GMT machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1705 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces which hit OP caravan. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1657 GMT and by UAR forces at 1759 GMT. Between 1907 GMT and 1957 GMT rifle fire on six occasions by UAR forces. At 1958 GMT two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2131 GMT and 213^ GMT machine-gun fire and between 211+7 GMT and 21^9 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Blue. Between JD028 GMT and 0331 GMT burst of machine-gun fire on four occasions, at 1905 GMT three rifle shots, at 1913 GMT rifle fire, at 1925 GMT and 1951 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire and at 1952 GMT one rifle shot, all by UAR forces. At 2009 GMT two rifle shots by Israel forces. ' Between 23^5 GMT and 2352 GMT several bursts machine-gun fire by UAR forces,

(c) OP Pink. At 0315 GMT burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces... At 0720 GMT two Israel Mirage aircraft observed flying over Canal from south-east to north-west. At 0925 GMT burst of machine-gun fire and at 112? GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

(d) OP Charlie. Following firings by Israel forces observed. Between 0151 GMT and 0155 GMT mortar fire. Between 0221 GMT and 0220 GMT mortar fire. Between 110^ GMT and 111 4 GMT machine-gun fire. Curing this firing machine-gun bullets passed three metres from UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) on observation platform. Between 1755 GMT and 1756 GMT mortar fire, between 2205 GMT and 2206 GMT tank fire. Between 2306 GMT and 2307 GMT mortar fire.

The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-10051 S/7930/Add.l90 English Page 2

(e) OP Delta. At 0155 GMT three mortar shells and at 08lT GMT burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1755 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces, and at 1812 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1805 GMT and by UAR forces at l8jl GMT.

(f) OP Violet. Between O6l7 GMT and 0935 GMT rifle shots on five occasions and at 1130 GMT machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At l62U GMT machine-gun and later mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces, and at 1625 GMT machine-gun and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 17^7 GMT and by UAR forces at 1833 GMT. At 1208 GMT and between 1500 GMT and 1557 GMT rifle fire on eight occasions by UAR forces. At 15^1 GMT machine-gun fire and at 1555 GMT and 1558 GMT rifle shots by Israel forces. Between 1607 GMT and 163^ GMT machine-gun and rifle fire on eleven occasions by UAR forces, and rifle fire on five occasions by Israel forces.

(g) OP Green. Between 0648 GMT and 06^9 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0650 GMT and 065! GMT mortar fire and between 0711 GMT and 0715 GMT tank and mortar fire., all by UAR forces. At 07^5 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 07^6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 07^7 GMT fire ceased by both parties. At 0802 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and between 0802 GMT and 0810 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0858 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces, and at 0903 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0927 GMT firing ceased by both parties. At 1055 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1110 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties shortly after 1110 GMT. Between 1123 GMT and 1125 GMT mortar fire by both parties. At 1206 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 1207 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1215 GMT and by Israel forces at 1217 GMT. At ~Lkl6 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1^17 GMT tank and later artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1^30 GMT and by UAR forces at ikkO GMT. At 1^56 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 2121 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2137 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2151 GMT and by Israel forces at 2238 GMT.

(h) OP Copper. At 0655 GMT and at 0703 GMT rifle shots, at 1123 GMT artillery fire, at llV/ GMT and 1151 GMT machine-gun fire, between 1202 GMT and 1208 GMT four rifle shots, at 1203 GMT one artillery shell and at 1^56 GMT machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At 1657 GMT mortar fire and later artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1732 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1757 GMT and by UAR forces at 1843 GMT.

(i) OP Echo. At 0656 GMT and 0755 GMT burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1117 GMT and 1123 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Silver. At 0722 GMT two Israel Mirage aircraft observed crossing Great Bitter Lake from west to east. S/7930/Add.l90 English Page 3

(k) OP Hotel. Between 0724 GMT and 0725 GMT ack-ack fire by UAR forces at jet aircraft flying over east side of Canal. At 0830 GMT and 1306 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1812 GMT and 1813 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1820 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 1821 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1821 GMT firing ceased by Israel forces and shortly after 1821 GMT by UAR forces. At 18^9 GMT machine-gun fire and between 1900 GMT and 1914 GMT three rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 19^0 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces and at 19^1 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At l^hk GMT firing ceased by both parties. At 2004 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. At 2009 GMT fire ceased by both parties. At £024 GMT machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 20^9 GMT and by Israel forces at 2051 GMT. At 2115 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire and later some tank gun shots by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2150 GMT.

(l) OP Lima. Between 1704 GMT and 1825 GMT sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1718 GMT a big fire was observed at far distance on east side of Canal. At 1831 GMT and at 1842 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

(m) OP Yellow. At 2110 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2112 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 21l4 GMT and by Israel forces at 2115 GMT. Between 19^7 GMT and 20*4-5 GMT thirty-one rifle shots and two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Cease-fire proposal. A cease-fire was proposed by Kantara Control Centre for 1830 GMT. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 173^ GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at I8o4 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective but firing was later resumed in some OP areas.

"3- Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. Nil.

(b) UAR.

(i) At 0725 GMT Israel jet aircraft over Ismailia.

(ii) At 1838 GMT Israel forces still firing mortars north of Kantara after cease-fire time. UAR forces were not firing.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United nations.

(i) Casualties. Ml.

(ii) Damage. Some bullet holes in OP Red caravan.

(b) Israel. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that two Israel soldiers were killed and six wounded during the day.

(c) UAR. Wo report received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL 3/79>'V dd.139 COUNCIL 5 May 1969 ORIGIN ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following sutnriary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 7 May 1969 has teen received from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Ball,

"1. OP-' reportSo

(a) OP relta. It 0015 GMT machine-guri "bursts by Israel forces. Between 0826 GMT and 063^ GMT artillery fire by ITR forces. Between 0858 GMT and 1009 GMT intermittent machine-gun and light mortar fire "by Israel forces. Between 11^8 GMT and 1211 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 12C8 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by ILiR forces, ;>t 1300 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at IJC^ GMT mortar and recoilless fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1313 GMT and by II-.R forces at 13^2 GMT. Between 1737 GMT and 1805 GMT recoilless fire by Israel Forces. Between 2157 GMT a"nd 23^0 GMT light machine-gun fire on six occasions by Israel forces.

(b) OF Charlie. Following firing by Israel forces. Between 0130 GMT and OkOI GMT sporadic mortar fire. Between loO^ GMT and 1805 GMT mortar and light machine-gun fire. Between 18^3 GMT and lS>kk GMT mortar fire. At 2020 GMT few mortar shells. Between 2127 GMT and 2135 GMT mortar and light machine-gun fire and between 3To GMT and 2322 GMT light maahine-gun fire.

(c) OP Violet. -,t 0136 GMT small arms fire commenced simultaneously from both sides. Fire ceased from both sides at 01^3 GMT. At 0203 GMT small arms fire commenced simultaneously frcm both sides and fire ceased by UAR forces at 0206 GMT and by Israel forces at 0213 GMT. Between 02^5 GMT and 0255 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces, At 082U GMT artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0830 GMT artillery and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1001 GMT and by UAR forces at 1013 GMT. At 1052 GMT and again at 12^2 GMT machine-gun bursts by UAR forces. /.t 1^18 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1^20 GMT machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1^20 GMT and by Israel forces at 1^27 GMT. At 1520 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1636 GMT and l6Ul GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 16^3 GMT and 1903 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. "it 17^5 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces v;hich ceased immediately.

ly' The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/>.dd .90 and Corr.1 and 2. 69-09951 S/7930/'dd.l89 English Page 2

(d) OP Copper. ',t 02*4-5 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. it 0732 GMT rifle shots by ITR forces. :\t 0806 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 082*4- GMT mortar fire ty U9R forces. Fire ceased at 0-359 GMT by both sides. .Yt 09*43 GMT mortar fire by U.AR forces ard at OJU4 GMT machine-gun and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire eeosed by Israel forces at 1007 GMT and by TJ,"R forces yt 101*1 GMT. -'t 1635 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at loVj GMT mortar fire ty U >E forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at loOO GMT and ty U. R forces at 1QD3 GMT,

(e) OP Echo. Between 082*4 GMT and 083*4- GMT artillery fire by U.'.R forces. At 08*48 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at Oc;?6 GMT artillery fire by U9.R forces. Fire ceased at 0859 GMT by Israel forces and at 0916 GMT by U.,E forces. ..t 09*40 GMT artillery fire by U'.E forces and at 1003 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1003 GMT and by U. R forces at 101*1 GMT. ".t 1*121 GMT burst of machine-gun fire by U.'iR forces.

(f) OF Green. -.t 07CO GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0701 GMT mortar fire by U9JI forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0702 GMT and by U'.E forces at 0705 GMT,, Between 0737 GMT and 0736 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. _'.t C8ll GMT mortar fire by U .E forces and at Cbl5 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at Oc'17 GMT and by 11,R forces at 0829 GMT. Between CoUc GMT and 0921 GMT artillery and mortar fire by U R forces. . .t 1129 GMT mortar fire commenced simultaneously from both sides and at 1131 GMT fire ceased by both sides. t 1311 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces snd at 1312 GMT mortar fire by IT R forces. Fire ceased ty Israel forces at 1313 GMT and by U E forces at, IJlU GMT. ..t 1*4-00 GMT heavy artillery and mortar fire by U R forces very close to OP, Firing continued intermittently until lt<33 GMT when fire ceased. Between 1*400 GMT and 1633 GMT no fire by Israel forces observed.

(g) OP Red. .:t 0721 GMT five rifle shots and at 1326 GMT three bursts light machine-gun fire, both by U R forces. Between 19^+9 GMT and 233^ GMT 71 rifle shots and one burst machine-gun fire by U R forces.

(h) OF Hotel, /.t 0953 GMT o-ne rifle shot and at 2051 GMT, 20^7 GMT. 2222 GMT and 2325 GMT machine-gun fire, all by U E forces.

(i) OP Lima. .t 1*4-23 GMT tank fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately.

(j) OF Yellow. ..t 1833 GMT and at 1953 GMT bursts of light machine-gun fire by U R forces. ..t 1$CO GMT rifle fire, between 2053 GMT and 2*4-00 GMT eleven rifle shots and eight bursts machine-gun fire by U .R forces.

(k) OP Blue. Between 1>C9 GMT and 1911 GMT ir.achine-gun fire by Israel forces. 9t 1925 GMT and at 1929 GMT machine-gun fire by U E forces.

(l) OP Pink. Between 2025 GMT and 2030 GMT rifle shots and light machine-gun fire and at 2100 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire all by U R forces. 3/7930/.-'<,dd.l39 English Page 3

"2. Cease-fire proposals.

(a) f. cease-fire'was proposed by Israailia Control Centre for 1015 GMT. It was accepted by Senior U...R Liaison Officer at 0935 GMT and by Senior Israel Representative at 0950 GMT. The cease-fire was effective txcept in OP Violet area.

(b) .s heavy firing was taking place in OP Green area, a second cease-fire was proposed by Kantara Control Centre for 15^-5 GMT. It was accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 1527 GMT and by Senior U. .R Liaison Officer at 1538 GMT. The cease-fire was not effective in that particular area as II.R forces continued firing until Io33 GMT.

"3. Complaints by parties.

(a) Israel. -,t 1510 GMT U .R forces were firing with heavy weapons at OP Green. There were no Israel forces in vicinity of OP.

(b) UAR.

(i) \t C800 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces in Kantara area.

(ii) -',t 1330 GMT Israel forces fired mortar with incendiary shells in OP Delta area.

(iii) "t 1353 GMT Senior U".R Liaison Officer stated that the UAR Local Commander in Port Fuad area informed that Israel forces were firing heavy artillery east of Port Fuad.

(iv) -.t 1558 GMT when Senior U'R Liaison Officer was requested to cease fire in accordance with his acceptance of the proposed cease-fire, he stated that Israel forces were also firing after proposed cease-fire time.

(v) /.t loOO GMT Israel forces fired tank fire from area of kilometre marker ten north of OP Green.

(vi) .-',t 16UO GMT Israel forces began firing with artillery in Kantara area.

(vii) ,,t 2050 GMT Israel forces fired tank fire in area north of OP Hotel.

"k. Casualties and damage,

(a) United Nations.

(i) Casualties. Nil. S/7930/Add.l89 English Page k .

(ii) Damage. Kantara residence No. 1 was hit by tank shell in western wall, and KantarKantar;a residence Wo. 2 received direct hit in western wall.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS ,S/^£>^^ Distr. r r ^ I I n I T w d^/X^F^^Xm GENERAL SECURITY «tfSr»i mwWLffTlm s/7930/Add.l88 COUNCIL Wi*W T *»1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 6 May 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-/ reports.

(a) OP Charlie. At 0200 GMT three mortar rounds by Israel forces. Between 1333 GMT and 1447 GMT intermittent tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1334 GMT and 1412 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2331 GMT tank fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Violet. At 0245 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. At 0641 GMT and 0825 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. At 0916 GMT machine-gun bursts by UAR forces. Between 0924 GMT and 0950 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0935 GMT and 1005 GMT intermittent mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. Between 1029 GMT and 1130 GMT rifle shots and light machine-gun bursts by UAR forces. At 1159 GMT one round of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1504 GMT one rifle shot and at 1548 GMT one burst of machine- gun fire, both by UAR forces. Between 2252 GMT and 2255 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Echo. Between 0403 GMT and 0424 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and between 0410 GMT and 0438 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0525 GMT and at 0627 GMT bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Delta. At 06l4 GMT three mortar rounds by Israel forces. At 0803 GMT bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1028 GMT and 1054 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1114 GMT and 1349 GMT intermittent light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1210 GMT bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between l4l8 GMT and 1426 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1815 GMT and 1818 GMT and again between 1915 GMT and 1918 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2315 GMT and 2359 GMT machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces.

(e) OP Lima. Following fire by UAR forces observed. At 0650 GMT rifle and light machine-gun fire while light aircraft flying over east side. Between 1805 GMT and 1906 GMT sporadic rifle fire. Between 1924 GMT and 1935 GMT sporadic rifle fire with tracers. At 2012 GMT light machine-gun fire which ceased immediately. Wo fire by Israel forces was observed. I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the' Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.SO and Corr.l and 2. 69-09801 /.. S/7930/Add.l88 English Page 2

(f ) OP Red. Following fire by UAR forces observed. Between 065! GMT and 0652 GMT heavy machine-gun fire while light aircraft was flying over east side. At 0710 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire. Between 1408 GMT and 1^22 GMT machine-gun bursts.- Between 2010 GMT and 2012 GMT seven rifle shots with tracers. Between 2015 GMT and 2100 eirdrt rifle shots and one burst of machine-gun fire. At 2315 GMT one burst of heavy machine-gun fire. Wo fire by Israel forces observed.

(g) OP Green. Between 0655 GMT and 0731 GMT intermittent mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1057 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1059 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased simultaneously from both sides at 1100 GMT. Between 1225 GMT and 1228 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1227 GMT and 1^38 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1523 GMT and 1525 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 15^5 GMT three mortar shells by UAR forces. At 2008 GMT machine-gun fire commenced simultaneously from both sides. Later also mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2012 GMT fire ceased simultaneously by both sides. At 20^1 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 21^2 GMT machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 2225 GMT. At 22^3 GMT machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel, forces which was immediately returned by UAR forces with machine-gun and mortar fire. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 22kk GMT and by Israel forces at 22^5 GMT. At 2308 GMT mortar fire commenced simultaneously from both sides and fire ceased by Israel forces at 2323 GMT and by UAR forces at 2325 GMT.

(h) OP P#.nk. Between 0655 GMT and 0656 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces while light aircraft flying over east side. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(i) OP Copper. At 072^ GMT,, 08l6 GMT, 08Vf GMT, 0853 GMT and 1552 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1556 GMT and 1557 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Impacts close to OP. Between 2310 GMT and 23^0 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2358 GMT machine-gun bursts by Israel forces.

(j) OP Kilo. At 07^0 GMT rifle and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 07^-5 GMT. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(k) OP Yellow. At 1108 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At lM7 GMT bursts of Eachine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1850 GMT and 1856 GMT rifle shots by Israel forces. Between 1903 GMT and 2001 GMT twelve single rifle shots and at 2200 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. At 2353 GMT one burst machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

"2. Cease-fire proposals.

(a) As Assistant Operations Officer was visiting northern OPs in the morning of 6 May and could not return to Isniailia due to firing in OP Telta and OP Violet areas, a first cease-fire was proposed by Ismailia Control Centre for 1200 GMT in order to permit Assista.nt Operations Officer and party to return to ICC Headquarters. Cease-fire was accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1135 GMT and at 1210 GMT Senior Israel Representative informed KCC that UN party could proceed to Ismailia, where they arrived at 1310 GMT. S/7930/Add.l88 • S/7930/Add.l88 English English Page 3 Page 3

(b) Second cease-fire was proposed by ICC for 1530 GMT. Senior Israel Representative agreed at 1505 GMT and Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1515 GMT. Cease-fire was effective in all OP areas. However, firing resumed in several OP areas later in the afternoon.

"3. Complaints by Parties.

(a) Israel. Nil.

(b) UAR. Nil.

"k. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 5 May 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP—' reports.

(a) OP Red. Between 0022 GMT and 0220 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces on thirteen occasions. At 0031 GMT, 0136 GMT and 1313 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1312 GMT heavy machine-gun fire by Israel forces while helicopter was flying over west side of Canal and light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal. Firing ceased at 1313 GMT. At 1313 GMT, 1322 GMT and I^hk GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Between lUl9 GMT and lU21 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Delta. At 0213 GMT one long burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 15lU GMT and 1519 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces, and between 1638 GMT and 1639 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Mike. At 0^22 GMT ack-ack fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. Fire ceased immediately.

(d) OP Lima. At 0^27 GMT ack-ack fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. Fire ceased at 0^23 GMT. Between 1309 GMT and 1315 GMT light machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. Between 1310 GMT and 1316 GMT ack-ack and machine-gun fire by Israel.forces at helicopter flying over west side. Between 1815 GMT and 182U GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1906 GMT rifle shots and machine- gun fire started simultaneously from both sides. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1912 GMT and by UAR forces at 1913 GMT. At 1957 GMT machine-gun fire commenced simultaneously from both sides. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1959 GMT and by UAR forces at 2001 GMT. At 20^ GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

(e) OP Echo. At 05^9 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 0709 GMT and 0722 GMT light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0903 GMT five rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1229 GMT and 1^05 GMT

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/793C/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-09690 .S/7950/Add.l87 English Page 2

anti-tank and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between l6oj GMT and l6U3 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Between l6oU GMT and 1639 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(f) Kantara Control Centre. At 07^6 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces fired from west side of Canal opposite KCC. Shot passed very close to UWMO (United Nations Military Observer) on duty in KCC compound.

(g) OP Green. Between C3UO GMT and C3U2 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between cSUl GMT and 0923 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1053 GMT and 1102 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 171^ GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces which was immediately returned by UAR forces with machine-gun fire. At 17l6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by.UAR forces at 1718 GMT. Between 19C8 GMT and 1920 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1920 GMT and 1921 GMT light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Copper. At 0938 GMT two mortar shells by UAR forces. Between 1^03 GMT and 15CU GMT intermittent rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 15lU GMT and 1520 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1600 GMT and 1638 GMT artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1605 GMT and 1702 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Kilo. At 0957 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1315 GMT and 1313 GMT fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side.

(j) OP Pink. At 1035 GMT firing started simultaneously from both sides. Helicopter was flying over west side of Canal. Firing ceased by both sides at 1036 GMT. Between 1315 GMT and 1319 GMT rifle and machine- gun fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side.

(k) OP Violet. Between 1335 GMT and 15^5 GMT intermittent rifle shots by UAR forces. During this period at 13^ GMT two rifle shots were fired by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. Between 1551 GMT and 1712 GMT rifle, machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1552 GMT and 16^9 GMT machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. At 185^ GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces which was returned immediately by UAR forces with mortar and machine-gun fire. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 19C8 GMT and by UAR forces at 1920 GMT.

(l) OP Charlie- Following firing by Israel forces was observed. Between 1.505 GMT and 1637 GMT intermittent tank, mortar, machine-gun and later rocket fire. Between 1723 GMT and 1731 GMT mortar fire. At 1836 GMT three mortar shells. At 1915 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire. At 22^1 GMT several rifle shots and between 2256 GMT and 2307 GMT mortar fire.

(m) OP Hotel. At 1505 GMT two rifle shots by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.l37 English Page 3

(n) OP Silver. At 1559 GMT three rifle shots by UAR forces.

(o) OP Yellow. At 19C4 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1911 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 1913 GMT.

"2. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. Nil.

(b) UAR. At 1505 GMT mortar, tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces in OP Charlie area.

"3° Cease-fire proposal. A cease-fire was proposed by KCC for 1730 GMT. The cease-fire was accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 17CO GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1702 GMT. Cease-fire was effective all along the Canal at 1730 GMT. However, firing resumed later in the evening in OPs Lima, Green, Violet, Charlie and Yellow areas. "U. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel and UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL


Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the list of Observation Posts established by TJNTSO in the

Israel-Syria sector (S/793G/Add.90 and Corr.2)s the Chief of Staff of UKTSO has advised that OP Sierra has been relocated to MR 231105-252235. 2. The Chief of Staff has also advised that action is being taken or contemplated to resite the two Control Centres and seme of the Observation Posts in the Suez Canal sector. Further information on this subject will be conveyed to the Council when received.

69-09685 UN/TED NAT! Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/793C/Add.l35 CIL ? May 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on k May 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt . General Odd Bull:

"1. OF-/ reports.

(a) OF Echo. Between 0^405 GMT and 0550 GMT intermittent rifle and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 053^- GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces. Between 1223 GMT and 12J2 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. At 1735 GMT machine-gun fire commenced simultaneously from both sides. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1327 GMT and by Israel forces at iSjU GMT.

(b) OP Delta. Between 0502 GMT and 0503 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 20LU GMT, 20l6 GMT, 2ic6 GMT, 2151 GMT and 2252 GMT long bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Violet, At C621 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. At 1229 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. Between 1505 GMT and 1726 GMT intermittent rifle shots and machine-gun bursts by UAR forces. Between 1-323 GMT and 183^ GMT machine-gun fire with tracers by Israel forces .

(d) OP Kilo. At 07C8 GMT single rifle shot by UAR forces.

(e) OP Copper. At 0716 GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces. Between 0317 GMT and 0922 GMT intermittent rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 0931 GMT and 1029 GMT intermittent mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1229 GMT, 12J2 GMT and 1556 GMT rifle shots and machine-gun bursts by UAR forces. Between 1321 GMT and iSjU GMT small arms fire with tracers by Israel forces . At 13^1 GMT one rifle shot fired by UAR forces at UBMOs (United Nations Military Observers) standing on observation platform. The bullet struck close to the UNMOs . OP was illuminated at that time. Between 2059 GMT and 2110 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and between 2125 GMT and 21^7 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2212 GMT two mortar shells by UAR forces.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSC in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-09601 S/7930/Add.135 English Page 2

(f) OP Hotel. Between 0720 GMT and 073*1 GMT intermittent rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 0937 GMT and 1005 GMT heavy weapons including artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1510 GMT and at 1515 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1913 GMT and 19*46 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 19^-5 GMT and 19*46 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Lima. At 07*^5 GMT and between C8U6 GMT and 0-3*13 GMT and again between 1321 GMT and 1337 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

(h) OP Red. At 1254 GMT, 1*122 GMT and 1*4*1-3 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1259 GMT one burst of medium machine-gun'fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. Rifle shots by UAR forces were observed on twelve occasions between 2230 GMT and 2J5*f- GMT.

(i) OP Pink. At 1255 GMT rifle and machine-gun fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side.

(j) OP Mike. Between 1302 GMT and 1J03 GMT anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side.

(k) OP Blue. At 1302 GMT four bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side.

(l) OF Silver. Between 133U GMT and 1*41.3 GMT machine-gun and tank fire by Israel .forces and between 13U6 GMT and I*;l6 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces.

(tn) OP Green. Between 1723 GMT and 1321 GMT machine-gun, mortar and anti-tank shells were fired intermittently by UAR forces. At 2035 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. Between 2037 GMT and 2120 GMT intermittent machine-gun., mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. Between 2051 GMT and 210*1 GMT tank fire by Israel forces.

"2. Complaints by parties.

(a) Israel. At 1012 GMT one Israel soldier wounded in Kantara area by UAR forces fire.

(b) UAR.

(i) At 09*40 GMT Israel forces fired light machine-gun and artillery against UAR position north of Kantara Control Centre,

(ii) At 09*4-5 GMT Israel forces again fired light, machine-gun and artillery against UAR positions north of KCC. (iii) At 1030 GMT: Israel forces halftrack had been sheltered behind OP Silver since 1025 GMT,

(iv) At 2033 GMT several tank shots were fired by Israel forces across the Canal north of OF Hotel. S/7950/Add.lS5 English Page 5

(c) Re Senior UAR Liaison Officer's complaint mentioned in paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (b) (ill), three IMMOs reported that Israel forces halftrack was stuck in the sand approximately 100 metres behind OP Silver. It remained there for some time and was finally removed with assistance from another IDF vehicle.

"J. Wo casualties or damage reported." UNITED NATIONS SECURITY "^^

^- ^ U IN V_ I L ^i\«O^T^X>^^ 14. May


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Sues; Canal sector on 3 May has been received from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1, Opi/ reports, .(a) OP Copper. At 0018 GMT machine-gun fire "by Israel forces and at 0020 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at OOU9 GMT and by Israel forces at 0051 GMT. Between 0109 "GMT and 0113 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0158 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces and machine-gun fire at the same tire by Isiael forces. Both sides ceased fire at 0159 GMT. At 07*1-5 GMT and at 075*1- GMT soine bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 08l6 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 08l6 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 0821 GMT UAR forces ceased fire and at 082*f GMT Israel forces ceased fire. At 1117 GMT several single rifle shots by UAR forces. • (b) OP Violet. At 0020 GMT heavy machine-gun and light machine-gun fire by .UAR forces. At 0021 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 00^9 GMT both sides ceased fire. Between 0109 GMT and 0118 GFT light machine-gun and heavy machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between C158 GMT and 0159 GMT light machine-gun and heavy machine-gun fire by both UAR and Israel forces. At 07*1-8 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 07*1-9 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Both sides ceased fire at 075^ GMT. At 0811 GMT tank and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 08ll GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 08l6 GMT tank fire ceased by Israel forces and at 085*4- GMT light machine-gun fire ceased by Israel forces. At 085*)- GMT fire coased by UAR forces. Between'0906 GMT and 1116 GMT sporadic rifle shots by UAR forces. (At 1100 GMT one shot hit OP Violet caravan). At 1158 GMT several rifle shots by UAR forces. At 2116 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2127 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2128 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 2129 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. Between 2200 GMT and 2209 GMT four single rifle shots by UAR forces. (c) OP Charlie. Between 03*1-2 GMT and 0355 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0*1-05 GMT and OUlO GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0*4-12 GMT three rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 05^-6 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 05*1-8 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. At 0628 GMT Israel forces ceased fire. Between 0635 GMT and

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-09583 /... S/7930/Add.l8^ English Page 2

06^3 GMT mortar fire "by Israel forces. At 1843 GMT some rounds^of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 19^3 GMT two .shots sub-machine-gun by Israel ; forces. Between 2132 GMT and 2133 GMT heavy machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (d) OP Green. At 0603 GMT four rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0729 GMT and 0731 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1001 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1003 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1006 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 1007 GMT UAR forces ceased fire. Between 1129 GMT and 1151 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1221 GMT tank and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1222 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces, At 1223 GMT both sides ceased fire. Between 1757 GMT and 1909 GMT sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1930 GMT and 2030 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2031 GMT and .215^ GMT sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces, (e) OP Red. At 0642 GMT three rifle shots by UAR forces. At 08h2 GMT and 0856 GMT single rifle shots by UAR forces. At 0859 GMT several bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1102 GMT several single shots by UAR forces. Between 1409 GMT and 15^9 GMT nine single rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1820 GMT and 1901 GMT sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1950 GMT and 1956 GMT three rifle shots, each time by UAR forces. (f) OP Mike. At 0844 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At this time a light aircraft was observed flying north on east side of Canal. (g) OP Lima. Between 0859 GMT and 0900 GMT light anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At 1344 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1827 GMT and 1831 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 2103 GMT and 2112 GMT heavy rifle fire by UAR forces. (h) Kantara Control Centre. At 1057 GMT UWMOs (United Nations Military Observers) on duty at Kantara Control Centre observed one rifle shot by UAR forces fired into KCC compound. (i) OP Kilo. At 1544 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. (j) OP Delta. At 2317 GMT and at 2326 GMT one long burst of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces, "2. Complaints by the parties. (a) Israel. No statement. (b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that: (i) At 0345 GMT Israel forces fired mortars in OP Charlie area. Fire was not returned by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.l8U English Page 3

(ii) At 0655 GMT Israel forces fired vith artillery and tanks in OP Charlie area. (iii) At 1559 GMT Israel forces startedjnortar fire in OP Echo area in direction of Ballam Island. /Confirmed by OP EchoJ (iv) At 18^7 GMT Israel forces opened fire with mortars in OP Charlie area. (v) At 1915 GMT Israel forces fired light machine-gun fire east to west just north of OP Hotel. /OP Hotel at 1915 GMT reported hearing one long burst of light machine-gun fire, origin of fire unknown^/ "•3, Casualties and damage, (a) United Nations. (i) Casualties. Ml. (ii) Damage. Ml, (b) Israel. Ho report received. (c) UAR. No report received. UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l83 COUNCIL 3 May 196Q ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

' Supplemental Itifornatign

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector r>n 2 May 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNT80, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1, OF^ reports.

(a) OP Charlie. At 0^35 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at C502 GOT mortar fire by JAR forces. At 0519 GOT tank fire by Israel forces. At 0521 GOT Israel forces ceased fire. At 0523 GOT UAR forces ceased fir**. At 06hO GOT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 06hh GOT mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. At 0657 GMT Israel forces ceased fins. Between 0701 GOT and 0730 GOT tank fire by Israel forces. Between OT?3-GMT . and 07?^ GOT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 08l6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0817 GOT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0835 GOT Israel forces ceased fire and at 0838 GOT UAR forces ceased fire. Between 0908 GOT and 0925 GOT tank firs by Israel forces. At 191U GOT one mortar sheGl by Israel forces. (b) OP Green. Between 073^ GOT and 0735 GOT, between 0817 GMI1 «nrt o.<\ii GMT and between 0858 GMT and 0900 GOT mortar fire by Israel farces. At 0901 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. B«tw«-«u 103^ GMT »\nd 1038 GOT and between 1115 GMT and 1117 GOT mortar fire by T«r?^l forces. At 1238 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1239 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 12to GMT UAR forces ceased fire and at 12^2 GOT Israel forces ceased fire. At 1313 GOT one mortar shell by UAR forces. (c) OP Hotel. At 0805 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. (d) OP Delta. Between 0907 GOT and 0913 GOT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 16*4-0 GMT three bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 17>a GOT several bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (e) OP Red. At 09lt-l GOT one rifle shot by UAR forces. (f) OP Echo. Between 1202 GOT and 1201+ GOT anti-tank gunfire by UAR forces* (g) OP Silver. At 1620 GOT two rifle shots by UAR forces.

The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2, 69-09577 S/793Q/Add,i83 English. Page 2 '

(h) OP Yellow. At 2120 GMT one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2121 GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 21^5 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 21^0 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2152 GMT UAR forces ceased fire and at 2153 GM1 Israel forces ceased fire. At 2216 GMT two rifle shots by Israel forces. "2, Complaints by the parties. (a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that: (i) At 0500 GMT UAR soldiers were concentrating behind OP Delta. /Not confirmed by UWMOs (United Nations Military Observers) at OP Delta^./ (ii) At 0700 GMT a recoilless gun was placed on the roof of OP Charlie and was firing at Israel forces soldiers. /UKMOs at OP Charlie stated that there had been no recoilless gun firing from any building in OP area./ (b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that:

\ (i) At 0700 GMT UAR forces ceased fire in OP Charlie area but Israel forces started firing again at 0720 GMT. (ii) At 0905 GMT Israel forces fired tank guns in OP Charlie area, (iii) At 0905 GMT Israel forces fired machine-gun in OP Delta area. (iv) At 09^0 GMT Israel forces fired east to west with mortars in OP Charlie area. Fire was not returned by UAR forces. (v) At 09^3 GMT Israel forces were still firing tank guns in OP Charlie area. UAR forces did not return fire. (vi) At 1125 GMT Israel forces fired with mortars in OP Charlie area. UAR forces did not return fire. . (vii.) At 191^ GMT Israel forces started firing east to west in OP Charlie area. "3. Cease-fire proposal. (OP Charlie area.) Cease-fire was proposed for 0730 GMT. Sporadic firing continued. "U. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Wo casualties. No damage.

(b) Israel. No report received.

(c) UAR. Ho report received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l82 COUNCIL 2 May 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 1 May 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNISO, Lt. General Cdd Bull:

"1. Opi/ reports.

(a) OP Charlie. Between 0032 GMT and 0033 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0137 GMT and 0138 GMT heavy machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces. At 0138 GMT heavy machine-gun fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. At 0157 GMT heavy machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces and at 0223 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 0224 GMT. Between 0640 GMT and 0642 GMT heavy machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0828 GMT and 0829 GMT macWine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1654 GMT and 1723 GMT machine-gun fire with tracers and again between 195^ GMT and 1959 GMT machine-gun fire with tracers, both by Israel forces.

(b) OP Lima. At 0^22 GMT and 0428 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1838 GMT and 1933 GMT sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Delta. At 0607 GMT and 0613 GMT bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 08-10 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Bullets were hitting the OP building where the UKMOs (United Nations Military Observers) were and they could not proceed to the shelter. At O8ll GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0821 GMT fire ceased simultaneously by both sides. At 0848 GMT four single shots by Israel forces. At 1234 GMT two bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces directed at UKMOs. Between 2150 GMT and 2214 GMT sporadic light machine-gun fire with tracers by Israel forces.

(d) OP Kilo. At OS33 GMT rifle shot by UAR forces.

(e) OP Green. Between 0700 GMT and 0703 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Again between 0810 GMT and 0820 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between C8ll GMT and 0819 GMT mortar and anti-tank fire by UAR forces. Between 0926 GMT and 0952 GMT intermittent mortar fire by Israel forces.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-09440 S/7930/Add.i82 English i Page 2

Between 0953 GMT and l6j2 GMT intermittent'mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1937 GMT and 2123 GMT intermittent mortar fire "by Israel forces.

(f) OP Red. Between 1231 GMT and 1233 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

(g) OP Mike. Between 1^30 GMT and 1506 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1^-5 GMT and 1502 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Blue. Between 1^5 GMT and 1501 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1955 GMT and 2000 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Silver. Between 1822 GMT and 1952 GMT medium machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces and between 18^5 GMT and 1932 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Yellow. Between 1935 GMT and 1938 GMT light machine-gun and rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1935 GMT and 1939 GMT light machine-gun and rifle shots by Israel forces.

(k) OP Violet. At 2003 GMT fire started simultaneously from both sides with mortar by UAR forces and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased simultaneously from both sides at 2032 GMT.

(l) OP Copper. Between 2010 GMT and 2027 GMT machine-gun fire with tracers by Israel forces and between 2013 GMT and 2028 GMT machine-gun fire with tracers by UAR forces.

(m) OP Echo One. At 2013 GMT fire started simultaneously with machine- gun fire and tracers from both sides. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2026 GMT and by Israel forces at 2027 GMT.

"2. Complaints by parties.

(a) Israel. At 0905 GMT one Israel soldier was wounded by mortar fire from UAR forces at kilo marker 18 between OP Green and OP Charlie.

(b) UAR.

(i) At 1050 GMT two Israel forces armoured boats approaching Suez, Bay.

(ii) At 1825 GMT Israel forces fired machine-gun fire in area of Deversoir. UAR forces did not return fire.

(c) Re UAR complaint above (para. 2, sub-para, (b) (i)); following report was received from OP Mike: at 1120 GMT two boats observed at bearing 200 degrees, distance fifteen kilometres from OP.

"3- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. One soldier wounded (see para. 2., sub-para, (a) above).


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 30 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UMBO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. opi/ reports.

(a) OP Delta. Between 02^3 GMT and 02^9 GMT machine-gun and recoilless gun fire by Israel forces. At 0530 GMT mortar and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 0612 GMT. Between 0735 GMT and 0736 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 08^9 GMT one salvo of artillery by UAR forces. Between 1031 GMT and 1037 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1105 GMT two bursts of"light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Blue. Between 0258 GMT and 0306 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0504 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces close to OP site. At 0705 GMT two guided missiles by UAR forces. At 085^ GMT one artillery shell by UAR forces. Between 1238 GMT and ~LJ>2.k GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1252 GMT and l620 GMT intermittent artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1^27 GMT and 1552 GMT artillery and tank fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Red. At 0555 GMT one artillery shell by UAR forces. Between 0826 GMT and 09^5 GMT sporadic machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 09^5 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces ceased immediately. Between 1059 GMT and 1107 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 110^ GMT and 1109 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 121| 5 GMT and 1^00 GMT sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1532 GMT anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying over east side. At 1552 GMT tank fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately.

(d) OP Lima. Between 0829 GMT and 0903 GMT artillery fire and between 1105 GMT'and 1110 GMT tank fire, both by UAR forces.

(e) OP Kilo. Between 083^ GMT and OQhh GMT several rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 08^3 GMT and 0850 GMT rifle shots by Israel forces.

]_/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez, Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.1 and 2.

69-09381 /. . S/7930/Add.l8l English Page 2

Between 092J GMT and 10^5 GMT intermittent artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1112 GMT and 11J8 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1206 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1209 GMT artillery and tank fire by UAR forces. At 13^6 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces, and at 1^08 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. Between 15^2 GMT and 1514-9 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1552 GMT and 1559 GMT single shots by UAR forces and between 1605 GMT and 1606 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing was at fifteen metres south of OP.

(f) OP Violet. Between 08j6 GMT and 1035 GMT sporadic heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. Between C8^ GMT and 1037 GMT sporadic tank fire by Israel forces. At 12^7 GMT two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1827 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces^ which ceased immediately.

(g) OP Copper. Between 0837 GMT and 09^ GMT sporadic artillery, mortar and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 08^5 GMT and 1035 GMT sporadic mortar and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Echo. Between 0839 GMT and 085^ GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 08^6 GMT and 085^ GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0909 GMT and 1037 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0933 GMT and 1037 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Pink. Between 090^4- GMT and 1238 GMT intermittent mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1013 GMT., 101U- GMT and 10l6 GMT single shots at destroyed caravan at OP site. Between 1205 GMT and 1235 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and between 1310 GMT and 1^-07 GMT artillery and tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1316 GMT and 1^4-27 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 15^2 GMT and 1620 GMT intermittent mortar fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Green. Between 1037 GMT and 111 14. GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and between 1037 GMT and 105^ GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1229 GMT fire started simultaneously from both sides with mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. At 1235 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces and at 1251 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. Between 1331 GMT and 1333 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Between l6oU GMT and 1730 GMT intermittent mortar fire by UAR forces and between 1720 GMT and 1827 GMT intermittent mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 2023 GMT and 2025 GMT mortar and tank fire by UAR forces.

(k) OP Mike. Between 1239 GMT and 1325 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1253 GMT artillery, tank and small arms fire by UAR forces and between 1428 GMT and 1514-6 GMT intermittent artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1516 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(l) OP Charlie. Between 1^-28 GMT and 1528 GMT light machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces. Between lUj5 GMT and 1523 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.l8l English Page 3

"2. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel.

(i) At 0700 GMT two mines and two explosive charges were found two and a half kilometres north of OP Blue.

(ii) At CSJO GMT UAR forces fired at a group of workers in OP Red area. One civilian worker was wounded^ and later died.

(iii) At 09^5 GMT one Israel tractor driver was killed in OP Pink area by a sniper shot from UAR forces.

(iv) At 1^00 GMT one.Israel soldier was badly wounded in OP Blue area. He died later.

(v) At llj-^0 GMT two Israel soldiers were wounded when going to rescue the soldier previously wounded in OP Blue area (see immediately preceding sub-paragraph).

(b) UAR.

(i) At 12^5 GMT Israel forces started fire with all kinds of weapons in OP Pink area and north of OP Mike. Firing was still going on.

(ii) Israel forces opened tank fire at civilian factory north of Ismailia.

"3- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Casualties: nil. Damages: OP Mike. Several window panes broken. Minor damage caused by shell splinters on walls and roof of the building.

(b) Israel. Casualties: three soldiers and three civilians killed. Two soldiers wounded.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Di s tr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7950/Add.ISO COUNCIL 30 April ig&9 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 29 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"Summary report on exchanges of fire from 0001 GMT to 2^00 GMT 29 April,

"1. OF-' reports.

(a) OP Lima. Between 0005 GMT and 0307 GMT sporadic small arras fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Green. At 0050 GMT there was an exchange of fire with artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and tank and machine-gun fire by "Israel forces. Exchange continued intermittently until 02^0 GMT when fire ceased by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 0305 GMT by UAR forces. At 1807 GMT there was an exchange of fire with UAR forces using mortars and machine-guns and Israel forces tanks and machine- guns. Intermittent exchange continued until 2015 GMT when UAR forces ceased fire and 2131 GMT when Israel forces ceased fire. Between 2J10 GMT and 23lU GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2311 GMT and 2317 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Yellow. At 0135 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Charlie. Between 0713 GMT and 09^6 GMT there was intermittent machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2350 GMT and 23514- GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(e) OP Copper. At 0339 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at OU02 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Heavy exchange continued until approximately 0700 GMT, At l60Q GMT use of guided missile north of

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7950/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

6C-09275 S/7930/Add.l80 English Page 2

OP .by UAR forces. Between 1820 GMT and 1913 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 21J4 GMT and 2210 GMT machine-gun and mortar fire by UAE forces. At 21^0 GMT a few bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 23^4-6 GMT and 2352 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP Violet and Kantara Control Centre. At 03^7 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 03^8 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire continued until approximately 0700 GMT. Between 1855 GMT and 21^5 GMT there was intermittent small arms and heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Between 2113 GMT and 2120 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Delta. At 0^02 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0^-05 GMT a few bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. UAR fire ceased at 0600 GMT. At 0725 GMT one mortar round by UAR forces. At 1303 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 1313 GMT anti-tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1513 GMT and by UAR forces at l6oi GMT. At 1937 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased shortly thereafter.

(h) OP Echo. At O^iOU GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0^28 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 05lU GMT and by UAR forces at 0539 GMT. Between 15^9 GMT and loOO GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Kilo. At 08l6 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0817 GMT heavy machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 08U6 GMT and by UAR forces at 0852 GMT.

(j) OP Blue. At 1256 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 1317 GMT anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At 1327 GMT two rifle shots by UAR forces directed towards UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) on observation platform on roof of OP. There were no Israel forces in vicinity. OP is clearly marked and UNMOs were wearing blue caps. At lUl8 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces which continued intermittently until 152U GMT. Between 1557 GMT and 1629 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(k) OP Mike. At 1258 GMT mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. At 1^25 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 153^ GMT and UAR forces ceased fire at 1722 GMT.

(1) OP Red. At 1517 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces. Rifle shots impacted in OP area and one struck in close vicinity of UNMO on duty at UN observation platform. Between Ibl5 GMT and 165^ GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(m) OP Pink. Between 2131 GMT and 2155 GMT Israel forces fired hh flares from east to west. At 2203 GMT UNMOs heard machine-gun fire. 3/7930/Add.l8o English Page 5

"2. Cease-fire proposal. A cease-fire was proposed for 0700 GMT and was accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 0630 GMT and by Senior Israel Representative at 0656 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective until midday. Thereafter there were sporadic exchanges of fire in many sectors of the Canal.

"3- Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that:

(i) At 1010 GMT Israel patrol was fired upon by UAR forces in OP Red area. Fire was not returned and there were no casualties. At 1150 GMT three anti-tank mines were found north of OP Red. At 1210 GMT UAR forces fired at an Israel forces patrol in the OP Red area which was checking for mines. Fire was not returned. At Io05 GMT one Israel soldier was wounded by UAR sniper fire in OP Red area.

(ii) At 1255 GMT there were three sniper shots and some bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces in OP Blue area. At 1310 GMT two tank rounds by UAR forces in OP Blue area.

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported ohat:

(i) At 09^0 GMT Israel forces opened artillery fire in OP Charlie area. Fire not returned.

(ii) At 1^23 GMT Israel forces opened artillery fire in OP Juliet area.

(iii) At 1^23 GMT Israel forces started tank fire in Port Tawfiq. area.

(iv) At Io25 GMT Israel forces fired artillery and machine-guns in area north of OP Green.

(v) At 1913 GMT Israel forces fired mortars in OP Violet area,

"U. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. No casualties. Residence No. 1 at Kantara Control Centre received direct hit by heavy calibre shell.

(b) UAR. No report given by Senior UAR Liaison Officer.

(c) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that one Israel soldier was wounded by sniper fire (see paragraph 35 sub-paragraph (a) (i)), and that six Israel soldiers were wounded in exchanges of fire during the evening hours." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY ll^^t-S^lk GENERAL

COUNCIL xg^^-^g^y ^^r**^*' ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 28 April 1969 was received during the evening of 28 April from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"Summary of breaches of the cease-fire 28 April up to 1559 GMT.

"l. OP—' reports.

(a) OP Charlie. Between OJ2^ GMT and OJ26 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0353 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At Qk-OQ GMT machine-gun fire, at Okk2 GMT two rifle shots, at 0941 GMT and 1101 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1122 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 11JO GMT. At 120^ GMT anti-tank gun fire by UAR forces and at 1210 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1222 GMT but was resumed at IJOT GMT. Fire ceased again by Israel forces at 1314- GMT and by UAR forces at 1332 GMT. Between 1352 GMT and 1353 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Copper. Between 0351 GMT and 0359 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 0731 GMT and 0736 GMT four rifle shots, at C8l0 GMT and at 0815 GMT artillery fire and at 0931 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1001 GMT and 1012 GMT tank and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Between I4l6 GMT and 1419 GMT tank and machine-gun fire, between 1521 GMT and 1522 GMT mortar fire and between 1537 GMT and 1559 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Violet. Between 0351 GMT and 0358 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 0736 GMT, 0910 GMT and 1133 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. At 124-5 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1247 GMT and by UAR forces at 1249 GMT.

(d) OP Mike. Between 0554 GMT and 0555 GMT artillery fire and between 0648 GMT and 0654 GMT tank fire by Israel forces.

(e) OP Blue. Between 0555 GMT and 0557 GMT and between 0648 GMT and 0653 GMT tank fire by Israel forces.

1_/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.1 and 2. 69-091144 S/7930/Add.i79 English Page 2

(f) OP Delta. Between 0607 GMT and 0630 GMT, between 0650 GMT and 0655 GMT, at 0819 GMT, between 1^15 GMT and 1^21 GMT and between 1520 GMT and 1525 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Pink. At 0724 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 0725 GMT mortar and later tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0738 GMT and by UAR forces at 0836 GMT. At 08^5 GMT one tank gun round by UAR forces. Between 0858 GMT and 0.950 GMT sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 0905 GMT and 0928 GMT sporadic mortar fire, at 09^5 GMT one mortar shell, between 0959 GMT and 1010 GMT artillery fire and between lit-5o GMT and 1^58 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1522 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Kilo. At 0725 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and 0726 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 073*+ GMT and by UAR forces at 0738 GMT. Between 0805 GMT and 0929 GMT and between 09^5 GMT and 1021 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 0822 GMT and 0825 GMT tank fire and between 08^5 GMT and 0950 GMT tank and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1^56 GMT and 1458 GMT and at 1515 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1522 GMT and 1525 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(i) OP Hotel. Between 0825 GMT and 0829 GMT artillery and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1022 GMT and 1027 GMT single rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1037 GMT and 1051 GMT tank and recoilless gun fire by Israel forces. At 1124 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1138 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 11^0 GMT and by UAR forces at 1159 GMT. At IJO^ GMT tank fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Yellow. At C806 GMT one rifle shot and at C826 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1000 GMT and 10^5 GMT sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces.

(k) OP Foxtrot. Between 0833 GMT and 0836 GMT tank and recoilless gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0836 GMT and 0921 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0851 GMT, between 0917 GMT and 0918 GMT and between 12U2 GMT and 12^3 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 12^4 GMT and 125^4- GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

(l) OP Echo. Between 1001 GMT and 1021 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(m) OP Lima. Between 1227 GMT and 1228 GMT, at 1303 GMT and at 1313 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 1309 GMT and at 1315 GMT tank fire by UAR forces.

"2. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. At 1100 GMT one Israel soldier killed by UAR sniper fire in OP Red area. S/7930/Add.i79 English Page 3

(b) UAR.

(i) At 0555 GMT four rounds of tank fire by Israel forces in OP Blue area.

(ii) At 0700 GMT three rounds of tank fire by Israel forces in OP Kilo area.

(iii) At 10*4-0 GMT tank and artillery fire by Israel forces in OP Hotel area.

(iv) At 1120 GMT tank fire by Israel forces in OP Charlie area.

(v) At 1125 GMT rocket fire and at 1133 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces in Ismailia area.

(vi) At 1525 GMT tank fire by Israel forces in OP Pink area."

2. A subsequent report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 28 April was received from General Bull on the morning of 29 April. It reads as follows:

"Complementary reports received from OPs on breaches of the cease-fire 28 April between 1*4-21 GMT and 2*4-00 GMT.

(a) OP Violet. At 1*4-21 GMT single rifle shot by UAR forces.

(b) OP Kilo. At 1531 GMT artillery and tank fire by Israel forces. At 1559 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At l6l8 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1631 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(c) OP Red. At 1552 GMT and 15*4-0 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

(d) OP Pink. At 1620 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately.

(e) OP Green. At 1858 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 20*4-0 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire with tracers and three flares by Israel forces. At 21J5 GMT machine-gun and ant]-tank fire by Israel forces. Between 2138 GMT and 2139 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 21*4-1 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces.

(f) OP Charlie. At 1903 GMT mortar shells by UAR forces. Wo fire by Israel forces." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/793O/Add.178 COUNCIL 28 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following report concerning firing in the Israel-Syria sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 26 April 1969:

"1. Two exchanges of fire took place in OP November (MR 23159-25635) and OP Sierra (MR 2.3171-25360) area on 26 April.

"2. First exchange: OP November. At 1519 GMT machine-gun fire by Syrian forces in direction of Israel positions forward of FDLs (Forward Defended Localities or cease-fire line I/). At 1520 GMT Israel forces returned machine-gun fire. Firing ceased at 1526 GMT from both sides.

"3. Second exchange:

(a) OP November. At 1557 GMT light machine-gun, heavy machine-gun, mortar, 15 mm light gun, ack ack and tank fire by Syrian forces. At 1558 GMT heavy machine-gun, mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1650 GMT by Israel forces and at 1657 GMT by Syrian forces.

(b) OP Sierra. At'1557 GMT light machine-gun, heavy machine-gun, mortar, ack ack and tank fire by Syrian forces. At 1558 GMT heavy machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1650 GMT by Israel forces and at 1657 GMT by Syrian forces.

(c) At 16U7 GMT cease-fire was proposed to both parties for 1730 GMT.

I/ The expressions "Forward Defended Localities" (FDLs) and "cease-fire line" (CFL) have each been used at one time or another in the reports of the Secretary- General concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector. Both FDLs and CFLs are used in the texts of the agreements signed by the representatives of Israel and Syria, respectively, in June 1967 regarding practical arrangements for the cease-fire (s/7930/Add .18, annexes I and II). Thus in the agreement signed by Israel the "Israel foremost defended localities are stated... to represent the cease-fire line on the Israel side..." and in the agreement signed by Syria reference is made to the "limits of the Syrian FDLs, which constitute the cease-fire line on the Syrian side...". In this regard, it is relevant to point out that the Syrian Representative stressed that "the cease- fire line thus established is a purely practical arrangement for the specific purpose of facilitating the observation by the United Nations of the cease-fire, and should not affect or prejudice the claims and positions of the Syrian Government" (S/7930/Add,18, annex II). 69-09118 /••• S/7930/Add.l78 English Page 2

(d) OP Sierra reported that Syrian tank fired from a location as close as 20 to 30 metres from the OP. OP November reported that Syrian manned military position forward of FDLs fired low trajectory rounds passing a few metres above the OP."

2. A subsequent report concerning further firing in the Israel-Syria sector on 26 April was received from General Bull on the next day. This report is as follows:

"OP Victor (MR 23280-26680) and OP Three (MR 23080-26775) reported on 26 April: at 1830 GMT light machine-gun fire, light mortars and approximately eleven flares fired by Israel forces at village Tloul Hmour (MR 232-265) and in general area of MR 2318-2666, both in area between FDLs. No firing by Syrian forces observed. Firing ceased at l8sU GMT." UN/TED NAT/DNS Distr. GENERAL


Supplemental Information

1. The following report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 27 April 1969 was received on the same date from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO,, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-/ reports:

(a) OP Green. At 0323 GMT mortar, anti-tank and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At OJ2U GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 0329 GMT fire ceased simultaneously by both sides« At 0608 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces in OP area. At 0618 GMT tank, artillery and heavy machine- gun fire by Israel forces. At 0625 GMT anti-tank fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased simultaneously by both sides at 0627 GMT. Between 0751 GMT and 0755 GMT tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1202 GMT one mortar shell and at 1226 GMT one anti-tank fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Delta. Between 0537 GMT and 0539 GMT light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0606 GMT and 0655 GMT sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1125 GMT sporadic artillery., mortar and heavy machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 11^2 GMT and 11U8 GMT heavy machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at lkl6 GMT. Between 1532 GMT and 1535 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 15J6 GMT and 1537 GMT heavy machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Lima. At 0856 GMT three rifle shots by UAR forces.

(d) OP Kilo. Between 0931 GMT and 1002 GMT tank, anti-tank and mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0959 GMT and 1003 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 120^ GMT and 1212 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1205 GMT and 1235 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(e) OP Charlie. Between 1022 GMT and 1025 GMT tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1156 GMT and 12^3 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 12^1 GMT and 1350 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1320 GMT and 1350 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established b;\ UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-08962. S/7930/Add.l77 English Page 2

(f) OP Pink. At 1001 GMT three mortar shells by UAR forces. Between 10l6 GMT and 1050 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1026 GMT and 10^6 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 120^ GMT and 1212 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1212 GMT and 12J6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Violet. At 1121 GMT sporadic artillery., tank and small arms fire by UAR forces. At 125*4- GMT three tank shells by Israel forces. At 1503 GMT tank fire ceased by UAR forces and at 1531 GMT small arms fire ceased by UAR forces. At l620 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. At l62^ GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(h) OP Copper. At 1122 GMT sporadic artillery and tank fire by UAR forces. At 1211 GMT sporadic tank fire by Israel forces. At 13*10 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1502 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 1625 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 1626 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. At 1626 GMT fire ceased by both sides.

(i) OP Echo. Between 1128 GMT and 1J22 GMT sporadic artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Hotel. At 1111 GMT and 1113 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(k) OP Red. Between 1517 GMT and 1519 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces while a light aircraft was flying over east side.

"2. Complaints by the parties.

(a) Israel. At 0815 local time one rifle shot at OP Green area. Some artillery and tank shells also fired by UAR forces.

(b) UAR. At 05*4-5 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces in OP Delta area. At 0800 GMT tank fire by Israel forces north of OP Green area. At 0850 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces in OP Charlie area. At 0915 GMT, 0920 GMT and 0930 GMT tank fire by Israel forces in OP Kilo area. At 1652 GMT five tank shells by Israel forces in Kantara area.

"3« Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. (i) Casualties. Nil.

(ii) Damage. Building and radio antenna damaged in OP Charlie.

(b) Israel. No report received.

(c) UAR. No report received." S/7930/Add.l77 English Page 3

2. The following supplementary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 27 April was received from General Bull on the morning of 28 April:

"1. OP reports:

(a) OP Copper. Following firings by UAR forces observed. Between 0722 GMT and 0915 GMT four rifle shots. Between 2017 GMT and 2050 GMT, 2111 GMT and 21J2 GMT, and 22CO GMT and 2231 GMT artillery fire.

(b) OP Violet. Between 0727 GMT and 0958 GMT eight rifle shots by ,UAR forces. Between 1^15 GMT and 1^17 GMT t\\ro bursts of machine-gun fire and at 1^-35 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1651 GMT and 1652 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 2017 GMT and 2050 GMT, 2116 GMT and 2131 GMT, and 2200 GMT and 22^3 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 224U GMT and 22^5 GMT tank fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Silver. At 1732 GMT two rifle shots by UAR forces close to the OP. At 19^1 GMT rnachine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 19^4- GMT and 2032 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 21lU GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(d) OP Charlie. At 1909 GMT two artillery rounds by UAR forces.

(e) OP Delta. Between 2005 GMT and 2008 GMT, 2012 GMT and 2019 GMT, 2022 GMT and 203>l GMT, 2131 GMT and 2132 GMT, and 2200 GMT and 2232 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces.

"2. Complaints by the parties:

(a) Israel: Nil.

(b) UAR. At 2155 GMT tank and artillery fire by Israel forces in • Kantara area." UNITED NATIONS . 1 F r 1 1 p i T Y >^ ^^"^ L^"***" '*. ^. GENERAL COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 26 April 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull during the afternoon of 26 April:

"Summary of incidents between 08U8 GMT and 1703 GMT on 26 April

"1. Opi/ reports.

(a) OP Yellow. At 07^9 GMT one rifle shot by UAR. At 0751 GMT two rifle shots by UAR. Between 0912 GMT and 0915 GMT four rifle shots by UAR.

(b) OP Violet. At 08^3 GMT three single shots by UAR. At 08^8 GMT several single shots and two bursts light machine-gun by UAR. At 0911 GMT one rifle shot by UAR. Between 093U GMT and 0957 GMT single shots and machine-gun burst by UAR. Between 1114 GMT and 1130 GMT 35 rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 11^6 GMT and 1208 GMT hi single shots by UAR forces opposite Kantara Control Centre. At 1208 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1210 GMT and 1229 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1221 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 12^5 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces opposite Kantara Control Centre. Between 13^3 GMT and 13^ GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 13M* GMT and 13^5 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces. Between 1525 GMT and 1526 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased. At l6lO GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1659 GMT. At 1703 GMT few anti-tank rounds by UAR forces.

(c) OP Kilo. At 0905 GMT single shot by UAR. At 10*10 GMT one rifle shot by UAR. At 11U6 GMT two heavy explosions on east side north of OP. at 15^7 GMT one heavy explosion on west side.

(d) OP Copper.. Between 0939 GMT and 09^1 GMT exchange of machine-gun fire. Single shots by UAR forces were observed opposite Kantara Control Centre at 0956 GMT, 10^9 GMT, 1117 GMT, 1118 GMT, 1121 GMT, 1122 GMT, 1121+ GMT, 1129 GMT, 1130 GMT, 1131 GMT, 1132 GMT, 1135 GMT, 11^7 GMT, llij-8 GMT, 11149 GMT, 1151 GMT, 1152 GMT, 1206 GMT. At 1209 GMT mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. At 1218 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add-90 and Corr. 1 and 2. 69-089^3 S/7930/Add.l?6 English Page 2

At 1225 GMT mortar and tank fire by UAR forces ceased. Exchange of small arms fire in progress until 1255 GMT. At 13^3 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. Tank fire ceased at 13 ^5 GMT. At 1^00 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1^53 GMT one anti-tank round by UAR forces. At l6lO GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At l6l2 GMT two shells artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased. At 1701 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 1702 GMT three tank shells by Israel forces.

(e) Kantara Control Centre. At approximately 09^0 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces into KCC compound. Transport Officer and local employee were working and visible from west side. Bullets passed close to them. At l^lj GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. UHMO on duty was visible from west side a few minutes before.

(f) OP Delta. At 09^5 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces in direction of helicopter on west side. At 09^6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 09^8 GMT. Between 1^14 GMT and 1^17 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At l6ll GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1639 GMT fire ceased.

(g) OP Charlie. At 0952 GMT tank fire by Israel forces, two shots. At 1^+27 GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces.

(h) OP Green. Between 1025 GMT and 1026 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 10^0 GMT two rifle shots and one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1202 GMT one explosion on east side.

(i) OP Lima. At 10^7 GMT, 1058 GMT and 1059 GMT single rifle shots by UAR forces.

( j ) OP Pink. At 11^6 GMT two explosions on east side.

(k) OP Echo. At 13^-4 GMT two explosions observed on eastern side. At 13^6 GMT one explosion observed on eastern side. At 150U GMT and 1517 GMT rifle shots by Israel forces. At 1527 GMT three heavy explosions in Kantara West. At l6lO GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At l6lU GMT fire ceased.

"2. Complaints by parties.

UAR: At 0951 GMT two rounds of tank fire in OP Charlie area. At 1305 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire in OP Hotel area.

2. A subsequent report on further firing in the Suez Canal sector on 26 April was received from General Bull on the morning of 27 April. It reads as follows: S/T950/Add.l76 English Page 3

"Complementary report received for 2.6 April.

"1. OP reports. (a) OP Pink. At 15^4 GMT four explosions seen on east side.

(b) OP Red. At 1851 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 2015 GMT.

(c) OP Violet. At 1856 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1858 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire was sporadic. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2015 GMT and by UAR forces at 2027 GMT.

(d ) OP Copper. At 1859 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire was immediately returned with machine-gun by UAR forces. Fire ceased from both sides at 20l6 GMT. Between 2052 GMT and 2102 GMT machine-gun fire with tracers by UAR forces. Between 2115 GMT and 2121 GMT artillery and mortar by UAR forces.

(e) OP Lima. Single rifle shots by UAR forces at 1907 GMT, 1923 GMT and 1924 GMT.

(f) OP Yellow. At 1933 GMT and at 2038 GMT one mortar shell each time by UAR forces.

(g) OP Green. At 2000 GMT one burst of light machine-gun by UAR forces." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL ' S/793°/Add.l75 COUNCIL 26 April 1969


Suplemen tal Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 25 April and 26 April 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of IWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 2.6 April: "Summary of incidents between 1*4-13 GMT on 25 April 6848 GMT on 26 April.

"1. reports (a) OP Hotel. At 15^5 GMT on 25 April one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 08j^ GMT on 26 April six to eight explosions heard north of OP, one minute 'earlier a light aircraft was seen descending.

(b) OP Charlie. At 18^1 GMT on 25 April burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between- 18^5 GMT and 18^6 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. - -At 20^4 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 20^5 .GMT anti-tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased immediately from both; sides. On 26 April between 0711 GMT and 0712 GMT light machine-gun fife by UAR forces. On 26 April at 08l6 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel. forces.

(c) OP Violet. At 1829 GMT on "25 April mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1910 GMT. Again at 2021 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 2027 GMT. No firing by Israel forces was observed.

(d) OP Copper. Between 2021 GMT and 2027 GMT on 25 April mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(e) OP Delta. Between 2022 GMT and 2029 GMT on 25 April mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(f ) OP Lima. Following fire by UAR forces observed. On 26 April between Olllj- GMT and 0115 GMT three rifle shots with tracer. Between 012U GMT and 0125 GMT several rifle shots. Between 0255 GMT and 0500 GMT several rifle shots and two machine-gun bursts. At 0809 GMT anti-tank ack ack fire at light aircraft flying over eastern side.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by TfflTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-08921)- S/7930/Add.l75 English Page 2 ,. • . . . (g) OP Green. Between 0655 GMT 'and 0701 GMT nine anti-tank rounds by UAR forces. At 0733 CMT one rifle Shot "by UAR forces in OP location. Impact- was seen at approx. three metres from. tJWMO on duty at OP Green. Between 0837 GMT and OS^fO GMT exchange of light machine-gun fire. (h) OP Red. Between 08o8 GMT and 0809 CMT heavy machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (i) OP Kilo. At O8l3 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces at light aircraft flying on east side. (j) OP Silver. Between 0821 GMT and 0830 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. (k) OP Foxtrot. Between 0825 GMT and 0830 CMT ack ack fire at light aircraft flying over east side. At 0825 GMT explosion heard southwest of OP. (l) OP Yellow. At 0848 GMT one mortar shot by UAR forces. "2. Complaints by the parties. (i) Israel. At 0735 CMT on 26 April one shot by UAR forces at OP Green site (confirmed by UN reports, see para (g)). At 07^7 GMT few single shots by UAR forces in OP Yellow area. (ii) UAR. At 1830 GMT on 25 April tank fire by Israel forces in OP Copper area. At 1950 GMT on 25 April two tank shells by Israel forces in Kilo Marker 10 area. North of OP Green. "3« Three UNMOs who were stuck in position opposite OP Charlie returned safely to Kantara Control Centre during night of 25/26 April." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add. COUNCIL 25 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. Subsequent to the information set forth in document S/7930/Add.173, the following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector during the period from 1822 hours GMT 2k April 1969 to 0156 hours GMT 25 April was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 25 April:

"Summary of incidents between 1822 GMT 2k April and 0156 GMT 25 April.

"1. OP-/ reports.

(a) OP Lima. Between 1935 GMT and 19^-5 GMT machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 1936 GMT and 1937 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2018 GMT and 20^2 GMT and again between 2130 GMT and 2355 sporadic rifle shots by UAR forces. At 2355 GMT artillery, machine-gun fire and flares by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces. At 0030 GMT firing ceased by UAR forces.

(b) OP Green. Between 2212 GMT and 2217 GMT machine-gun fire with tracers by UAR forces.

(c) OP Red. Between 2355 GMT and 0025 GMT tank gun and machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(d) OP Blue. Between 2356 GMT and 0011 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0035 GMT and 0036 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

(e) OP Delta. At 0007 GMT machine-gun fire with tracers and at 0030 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased at 0138 GMT.

(f) OP Charlie. At 0008 GMT machine-gun and anti-tank fire and at 0026 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces observed. At 0132 GMT firing ceased by UAR forces. At 0151 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire north of OP. Side unknown. At 0156 GMT flares by Israel forces.

(g) OP Mike. Between 0010 GMT and 0013 GMT heavy artillery fire by UAR forces.

]_/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-08879 S/7930/Add.l7^ English Page 2

"2. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. One soldier wounded."

2. A further summary report, which deals with firing in the Suez Canal sector on 25 April up to 1^-13 hours GMT, was received from General Bull during the afternoon of 25 April. This report reads:

"Summary of incidents on 25 April up to l^lj GMT.

"1. OP reports.

(a) OP Echo. At 0603 GMT one explosion observed on east side. At o6oU GMT machine-gun and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Simultaneously at 060^4 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0610 GMT and by UAR forces at 0623 GMT. At 0636 GMT and 0638 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire and rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1219 GMT several explosions heard north of OP.

(b) OP Copper. At 0651 GMT, 08lO GMT and 0819 GMT single shots heard, side unkucxwn. Between 1105 GMT and 1112 GMT four explosions heard on west bank of Canal. Between 1128 GMT and 1159 GMT sporadic small arms and machine-gun fire in area. Origin unknown. At 1219 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1231 GMT.

(c) OP Charlie. Between 0701 GMT and 0705 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 0925 GMT and 0938 GMT recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. At 09^7 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1000 GMT tank and mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1002 GMT mortar, anti-tank and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1121 GMT fire ceased b;y UAR. Between 1126 GMT and 1127 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. -Fire ceased at 1127 GMT.

(d) OP Hotel. Between 0907 GMT and C9C8 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces.

(e) OP Green. Between 09^8 GMT and 0950 GMT machine-gun and anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At 125^ GMT three anti-tank rounds fired by UAR forces. No fire observed by Israel forces. At 1312 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP 3elta. At 1105 GMT and 1113 GMT explosion observed on west side.

(g) Kantara Control Centre. At 1138 GMT one single shot by UAR forces and impact observed in KCC compound.

(h) OP Kilo. At 1207 GMT and 1208 GMT heavy explosion on east side. Between 1232 GMT and 1303 GMT intermittent small arms fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.Yjk English Page 3

(i) OP Lima. At 1JU6 GMT and lUl3 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Violet. At 1035 GMT one single shot by UAR forces. Between 1037 GMT and 10^7 GMT four explosions seen on west bank of Canal. At 1050 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1132 GMT and 1138 GMT sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1329 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Complaints by parties.

(a) Israel. IDF Liaison Officer stated:

(i) At 0822 GMT single shots by UAR forces in OP Yellow area,

(ii) At 0900 GMT some anti-tank shells by UAR forces in OP Pink area,

(iii) At 0935 GMT continuous sniping by UAR forces in Kantara area,

(iv) At 09^-6 GMT mortar and anti-tank fire by UAR forces in OP Green area.

(v) At 1015 GMT civilian truck struck a mine near OP Red.

(vi) At 10^40 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces in OP Charlie area,

(vii) At 1159 GMT few rifle shots by UAR forces in OP Red area.

(viii) At 1220 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces in Kantara area for about ten minutes.

(t>) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated:

(i) At 0622 GMT three single rifle shots by Israel forces south of OP Echo.

(ii) At 0700 GMT two rounds of tank fire by Israel forces in OP Charlie area.

(iii) At 0715 GMT rifle and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces in OP Hotel area.

(iv) At 0730 GMT rounds of tank fire by Israel forces in OP Charlie area.

(v) At 1015 GMT tank and mortar fire by Israel forces still going on in OP Charlie area.

(vi) At approximately 1220 GMT tank fire by Israel forces in Kantara area.

"3. Damage and casualties: none reported." UN/TED NATIONS Distr GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.lT3 COUNCIL 2k April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 2k April 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Cdd Bull, on the same day:

"Summary of incidents on 2k- April up to 1^5 GMT

"1. OP I/ reports. All observed firings were by UAR forces. No firing by Israel forces observed.

(a) OP Blue. At 0021 GMT and O-'JO GMT one single rifle shot. At 08^5 GMT thi-ee single shots and one burst of machine-gun fire.

(b) OP Charlie. Between 0^05 and 0^+25 GMT sporadic light machine-sun fire.

(c) OP Pink, At O^JO GMT one single rifle shot. At Ik^k GMT one explosion observed, on east side of Canal.

(d) OP Hotel. Between 06^3 GMT and 09?5 GMT twelve single -ifle shots At 1005 GMT one rifle shot and between 101? GMT and 1018 GMT three rifle shots

(e) OP Lima. Between 0307 GMT and 0819 GMT three single rifle shots. Between 1157 GMT and 121U GMT sporadic rifle fire. At 1215 GMT one li

(f) OP Silver. Between 03lO GMT and 0812 GMT two single rifle shots and one burst of machine-gun fire.

OP Kilo. Between OSU3 GMT and CQkk GMT five single rifle shots. At 1132 GMT sporadic rifle fire. Fire ceased at 1202 GMT. At 12U3 GMT one heavy explosion observed on east side of Canal (see para. 2 (a) (x) below). At Ik2k GMT and Ikk$ GMT heavy explosion on east side north of OP (see para. 2 (a) (xi) below).

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established, by IMTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.1 and 2.

69-08815 s/7930/Add.i73 English Page 2

(h) OP Echo. Between 0903 GMT and 0905 C-Mt bursts of machine--gun fire.

(i) OP Yellow. Between 0930 GMT and 0931 GMT five rifle shots.

(j) OP Red. At 1015 GMT one rifle shot.

(k) OP Violet, At 1330 GMT several bursts of light machine-gun fire. At 1*4-36 GMT and 1*4-38 GMT one single rifle shot.

"2. Statements by parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated:

(i) At 0710 GMT single shot in OP Red area.

(ii) Between 0730 GMT and C8l5 GMT several rifle shots in DP Hotel area. One Israel soldier killed.

(iii) At 08*4-0 GMT an Israel vehicle struck a mine south of OP Pink. Three Israel soldiers wounded.

(iv) At 08*4-5 GMT small arms fire in OP Blue area

(v) At 08*4-5 GMT and 0930 GMT a few rifle shots in OP Yellow area

(vi) At 0915 GMT machine-gun fire at Israel patrol in OP Echo area

(vii) At 092*4- GMT and 09*4-9 GMT single shots in OP Red area.

(viii) At 1125 GMT bursts of machine-gun fire south of OP Green.

(ix) At 1135 GMT bursts of light machine-gun fire north of OP Red.

(x) At 12*48 GMT Israel half-track struck mine south of OP Pink. No casualties.

(xi) At 1*4-23 GMT a tank struck a mine south of OP Pink.

(xii) At 1*4-37 GMT and at 1500 GMT a few rifle shots in Kantara area.

(b) UAR. There were no statements by Senior UAR liaison Officer.

"3- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. No casualties or damage.

(b) Israel. One soldier killed. Three soldiers wounded. One half track and one tank damaged.

(c) UAR. No details reported by Senior UAR Liaison Officer." S/7930/Add.l73 English Pa ge 3

2. A subsequent report concerning further firing in the Suez Canal sector on 2k April was received from General Bull during the afternoon of the same day. This report reads:

"Summary of incidents on 24 April as from 1^5 GMT to l32>' GMT.

"1. OP reports.

(a) OP Pink. At 14^5 GMT two explosions heard, origin unknown. At l6l2 GMT one explosion observation on west side and one on east side one kilometre south of OP. At Iol9 GMT one explosion observed on west side in same area. At 1630 GMT tank or anti-tank fire by Israel forces. At lojU GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At l6hO GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1709 GMT mortar- and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1750 GMT fire ceased, by UAR forces. At ItiOk GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 13^0 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At l8°? GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(b) OP Violet. At 1UU6 GMT and 150^ GMT one rifle shot by UAR fo-ces.

(c) OP Silver. At 15^-2 GMT one explosion observed on east side

(d) Kantara Control Centre. At 150U GMT one single shot by UAR forces.

(e) OP Kilo. At 1612 GMT and l6l9 GMT recoilless gun fire by UAR forces Fire ceased by UAR forces at Iol9 GMT. At 16314- GMT tank gun fi-e by Israel forces and at 1614-0 GMT sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1710 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces and artillery fire by Israel forces in pro At 175o GMT fire ceased by UAR forces and at iSlU GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. Between 1821 GMT and 1822 GMT bursts of heavy machine-gun fire from UAR forces.

"2. Statements by the parties.

(a) IBF Liaison Officer stated, that at l6l2 GMT IDT tank was shot at in OP Kilo area.

(b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 1630 GMT Israel forces fired with tank gun from east to west in OP Pink area.

(ii) From 1730 GMT to 17 W5 GMT Israel forces were filing with machine-gun and mortar in OP Pink area and it was continuing,

"3- Damage and casualties.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel forces. Wo reports received.

(c) UAR forces. No reports received." UNITED N Distr. GENERAL

SECURIT S/7930/Add.l72 C O U N CI 2k April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the firing on 23 April 1969 reported in document S/7930/Add.l71, the following report on further firing in the Suez Canal sector on the same day has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"Summary of reports from 1930 GMT to 2^00 GMT on 23 April.

"1. OP I/reports..

(a) OP Lima. At 1930 GOT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(b) OP Copper. Between 2029 GMT and 213 U GMT and at 2227 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Delta. Between 2032 GOT and 2105 GOT, between 2118 GMT and 2126 GOT, at 213U GMT and between 2226 GOT and 2227 GOT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Blue. At 2359 GMT a few rifle shots heard. Origin unknown.

"2. Statements by the parties.

(a) Israel. No statements.

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported artillery fire by Israel forces at 20^0 GOT towards Kantara west."

2. With reference to the damage inflicted to United Nations Observation Posts during, the exchange of fire on 23 April (Summary report in S/7930/Add.l71, paragraph k, sub-paragraph (a)), the following additional information has been received from General Bull:

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-08701 / S/7930/Add,172 English Page 2

"UKMOs (United Nations Military Observers) at OP Charlie reported that the nearest UAH firing position to the OP was two metres from the OP. UUMOs at OP Delta have reported that nearest UAR firing position was one metre from the Observation platform." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7950/Add.l71 COUNCIL 23 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

With reference to the preliminary information set forth in document S/7930/Add.l70, paragraph 3, the following summary report on firing in the Sues Canal sector on 23 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OF^/ reports:

(a) OP Violet. At 07*4-5 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1002 GMT three tank shells by Israel forces. At 101*4- GMT mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased at 10*4-3 GMT. Between 1103 GMT and 1113 GMT artillery and later tank fire by UAR forces. At 12*4-5 GMT brief exchange of small arms fire. At 1525 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. Between 1602 GMT and 1623 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 16*4-8 GMT last tank fire by UAE forces.

(b) OP Copper. At 07*4-6 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1002 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1013 GMT machine-gun fire and later mortar fire by UAR forces . Israel forces ceased fire at 12*t'o GMT and UAR forces at 12.52 GMT. At 15l6 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1530 GMT artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 15^8 GMT and UAR forces continued sporadic artillery fire. At 1630 GMT tank and anti-tank fire by UAR forces and at same time artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1652 GMT by Israel forces and at 1658 GMT by UAR forces. Between 1718 GMT and 1720 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. From 1806 GMT and 1900 GMT machine-gun, artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 18*4-3 GMT and 1901 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Kilo. At 0829 GMT one heavy explosion seen north of OP on east side of Canal and at 1338 GMT heavy explosion seen on east side of Canal.

(d) OP Pink. At 0830 GMT a mine explosion observed fifty metres east of OP and at 1326 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(e) OP Silver. At 0830 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add ,90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-08659 S/7930/Add.l71 English Page 2

(f) OP Echo. At Oohh GMT machine-gun fire heard. At 1C03 GMT artillery and rocket Tire by Israel forces and at 1015 GMT artillery and nor tar fire by UAR forces. Between 1015 GMT and 1J2U GMT there was sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 1032 GMT and UAR forces at 132^ GMT. At l6ll GMT there was artillery fire by both parties and fire ceased by UAR forces at l6lp GMT and by Israel forces at l6l8 GMT.

(g) OP Delta. Between 1028 GKT and 1037 GMT anti-tank fire by UAR forces and between 10^0 GUT and 1121 GUT mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1057 GMT and 1225 GMT intermittent machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 15l6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1537 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces. At 1553 GMT there was heavy fire by UAR forces with mortar., artillery, tank and small arms. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1627 GMT and by UAR forces at 1659 GMT. Between 1823 and 18^7 GMT isortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between lo^3 GMT and 1900 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Charlie. At 105^ GMT tank and rnortar fire by Israel forces and at 105& GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire continued intermittently throughout the afternoon with heavy weapons and fire ceased by Israel forces at loOO GMT and by UAR forces at Io09 GMT.

(i) OP Green. At 1121 GMT tank and artillery fire by Israel forces. At llUl GMT one mortar round by UAR forces. There was an intensive exchange of heavy weapons fire throughout the afternoon1 with UAR forces ceasing fire at 1^50 GMT and Israel forces at 1^56 GMT. At 1609 GMT one tank round by Israel forces. At 1507 GMT there Mas one burst of nachine-gun fire by UAR forces directed towards an UH!0 (United nations Military Observer) wearing blue helmet who was inspecting damage to OP site. Impact of bullets struck a few metres from UIIIO. ITo Israel forces were in vicinity.

(j) OP Lima, At lUlU GMT, 1^27 GMT and 1^28 GMT single rifle shots by UAR forces. At 150^ GMT heavy e:rplosion on east side of Canal north of OP.

(k) OP Yellow. At 1^5 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Impact of bullet very close to UHMOs who were outside of OP building.

(l) OP Hotel. At iSll GMT two single rifle shots by UAR forces.

(m) OP Red. At 1907 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces in close proximity to OP.

"2. Cease-fire proposals.

(a) Cease-fire proposed for 1115 GMT was passed to Senior Israel Representative at 1026 GMT and to Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1027 GMT. Neither party replied. Cease-fire was not effective. S/793O/Add.171 English Page 3

(b) Second cease-fire proposed for 1700 GMT was passed to Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 152^4- GMT and to Senior Israel Representative at 1525 GMT. Israel authorities accepted at 1659 GMT and Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1659 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective.

"3- Statements by the parties.

(a) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported that:

(i) At 1008 GMT artillery and tank fire by Israel forces in Kantara area.

(ii) At llj-15 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer was informed that OP Green was receiving heavy artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and was requested to take immediate action to have the firing stopped. At 1^20 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer replied that the local commander in the area stated that some Israel tanks were very close to the OP and that UAR forces would change target when the tanks were moved. /UWMOs at OP Green stated that closest Israel tank was passing on the road approximately ninety metres north-east of OP during exchange of fire/.

(iii) At l800 GMT artillery fire in Kantara area by Israel forces.

(b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 0920 GMT one Israel soldier, member of road clearing party checking for mines, was wounded north of Kantara.

(ii) At 09^5 GMT an Israel tank struck a mine south of OP Pink (see para. 1 (d) above).

(iii) At 1007 GMT exchange of fire began at Kantara and spread northwards as a vehicle convoy moved north on roadway along the Canal. During northward movement of this convoy one tank was damaged by anti-tank fire and another struck a mine. There were no casualties.

"Ij-. Casualties and damage,

(a) United Nations:

(i) Personnel. Ho casualties,

(ii) Facilities.

OP Delta. OP Platform destroyed, antenna mast damaged and some windows and roof damaged in rooms of living quarters, and water pipe line broken . S/7930/Add.l71 English Page k

OP Charlie. All windows and doors in OP broken, no lights, no water. Motorola damaged and pa.rt of ceiling and kitchen colla.psed. Shelter received two direct hits.

OP Green. Two caravans destroyed and one UN vehicle at OP site destroyed. Further details after daylight inspection. In addition, OP shelter received direct hit.

(b) UAR. Eo report given.

(c) Israel. Wo report given (see para,. 3 (t>) above). UNITED NATIONS

Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/T930/Add.l70 COUNCIL 23 April 1969


Supplemental Information * 1. With reference to the firing on 22 April 1969 reported in document

S/7930/Add.l69, paragraph 2S the following report on further firing in the Suez Canal sector on the same day was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lto General Odd Bull, during the evening of 22 April:

"Summary of information received on 22 April between 0733 GMT and 1613 GMT.

"1. OP-/ reports,

(a) Kantara Control Centre. At 0856 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(b) OP Green. At 0927 GMT tank fire by UAR forces observed. At G9Mi GMT two rounds of tank fire by Israel forces observed. At Q^hh GMT fired ceased.

(c) OP Violet. At 1133 GMT three rifle shots, at 1209 GMT seven rifle shots, at 1220 GMT one rifle shot, at 1313 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire and at lU^O GMT one rifle shot, all by UAR forces.

(d) OP Pink. At lUUo GMT one big explosion observed on east side.

(e) OP Kilo. At Ihk2. GMT one loud explosion observed on east side.

(f) OP Hotel. At 1^3 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1553 GMT recoilless gun, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces observed. At l6l3 GMT fire decreased and last shot fired. Fire ceased at 1613 GMT.

"2. Statements by the parties.

(a) Israel. IDF Liaison Officer stated that at 1-305 local time artillery fire by UAR forces south of Ismailia.'

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established " by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-03577 S/7950/Add.l70 English- Page 2

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that at 0920 GMT Israel forces fired several rifle shots in OP Hotel area. At 0950 GMT Israel forces fired light machine-gun fire in OP Green area. At 1555 GMT Israel forces fired several rounds of artillery fire in OP Hotel area."

2. A subsequent report concerning firing in the Suez Canal sector from l6l3 hours GMT on 22 April to 0515 hours GMT on 25 April was received from General Bull on the morning of 25 April. This report reads;

"Summary of reports between l6l3 GMT on 22 April and 0515 GMT on 25 April.

"1. OP reports.

(a) OP Violet. Following firings by UAR forces ^bserved: between 1613 GMT and 1959 GMT on 22 April seven rifle shots; between 2223 GMT on 22 April and oUlO GMT on 25 April fifty-eight single shots and five bursts of machine-gun fire.

(b) OP Red. Between l3l3 GMT on 22 April and 0515 GMT on 25 April eighty-eight single rifle shots and forty bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces observed. Some of the single shots were directed at the OP site as follows: at 2055 GMT one rifle shot,, impact close to UM-iOs (United Nations Military Observers) caravan; at 2100 GMT one rifle shot, tracer seen passing between the two caravans; at 2121 GMT one rifle shot, impact five metres from OP caravan; at 2125 GMT one rifle shot impact heard on caravan; at 215^4 GMT six rounds of inachine-gun fire, impacts seen ten metres north of OF. UNMOs at OP Red stated that there were no Israel soldiers in the vicinity of the OP and that the OP caravans were clearly illuminated by searchlights until GCOl GMT on 25 April. After the two first firings at the OP Senior UAR Liaison Officer was asked to take action to stop the firing.

(c) UN ambulance reported at 1625 GMT minimum five rifle shots by UAR forces directed at the ambulance on the road north of Kantara. The ambulance, clearly marked with UN sign, had the ambulance lights on and was flying a UN flag.

(d) OP Charlie. At 2107 GMT several explosions sounding like departing mortar shells heard close to the OP on west side of Canal. Between 2120 GMT and 2125 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces from area very close to OP. At 2122 GMT one illuminating shell by Israel forces ..

(e) OP Pink. At 0150 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Statements by the parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported more than seventy cases of sniping by UAR forces in OP Red area during the r.ight 22/25 April.

(b) UAR. Wo statements from Senior UAR Liaison Officer." S/7930/Add.l70 English Page 3

3- Later during the morning of 2J April, the following messages were received from General Bull concerning further firing in the Suez Canal sector on the same

* First message sent at lcUo_hours_GMT_on 23 April:

"Exchange of fire with heavy weapons has broken out in Kantara area. Cease-fire proposed for 1115 GMT."

Second message sent at 1321 hours GMT:

"Cease-fire proposal for 1115 GMT was not effective. Fire still taking place from Kantara north to OP Green."

h. Further information on this exchange of fire will be conveyed to the Security Council when received. UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l69 COUNCIL 22 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the firing on 21 April 19^9 reported in document S/7930/Add.l68, the following report on further firing in the Suez Canal sector on the same day was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 22 April:

"1. Additional information concerning firing during period 0100 GMT to 1500 GMT on 21 April.

(a) OP Violet.^/ Between 1100 GMT and 1200 GMT five bursts of light machine-gun fire, origin unknown.

(b) OP Red. At 130? GMT medium machine-gun fire by UAR forces was observed.

(c) OP Pink. At 1315 GMT two bursts of machine-gun fire and at 1319 GMT, 1326 GMT and 1328 GMT rifle shots by UAR forces.

"2. Summary of incidents from 1500 GMT to 2^00 GMT on 21 April.

(a) OP Pink. At l6lh GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 2300 GMT light machine-gun fire with tracers by UAR forces. Impact in vicinity of OP. At 2306 GMT firing ceased. Fire was not returned by Israel forces. Damage: one bullet hole in UNMOs' (United Nations Military Observers) caravan. Between 2332 GMT and 23^5 GMT flares were observed south of OP.

(b) OP Violet. At l6l9 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1635 GMT.

(c) OP Red. At 1807 GMT rifle shot was heard, origin unknown. At I8l8 GMT and at 19CO GMT UAR forces fired two rifle shots.

(d) OP Yellow. At 23^0 GMT three long bursts of light machine-gun fire with tracers by UAH forces. At 2350 GMT two explosions north of OP, side unknown."

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UM!SO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/795 O/Acid .90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-08525 S/7930/Add.l69 English Page 2.

2. The following report concerning firing in the Suez Canal sector during the period from 2250 hours GMT on 21 April 19&9 to 0738 hours GMT on 22 April was also received from General Bull on the morning of 22 April:

"1. OPs' reports.

(a) OP Delta. Between 2250 GMT and 2255 GMT on 21 April explosions observed south-east of OP on east side. Between 0005 GMT and 0030 GMT on 22 April intermittent explosions heard far distance, side unknovn.

(b) OP Copper. On 22 April, between 0000 GMT and 0010 GMT six mortar flares fired by UAR forces five kilometres north of OP. At 0220 GMT three single shots with tracers fired by UAR forces. At 025^ GMT, 0255 GMT and OJOl GMT several single shots and one burst of machine-gun fire were heard south of OP, side unknown.

(c) OP Red. On 22 April at 0022 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces approximately 50 metres from OP. At 0135 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces close to OP caravan. At 0735 GMT two explosions heard north of OP, side unknown. At 0736 GMT and 0738 GMT one rifle shot, origin unknown.

(d) OP Pink. On 22 April at 0123 GMT one rifle shot, one burst of machine-gun fire and 10 flares fired by UAR forces. At 0700 GMT one single shot by UAR forces.

(e) OP Violet. On 22. April, at 0153 GMT one burst of machine-gun fired by UAR forces. Between 0206 GMT and 0230 GMT 12 single shots and one burst of machine-gun fire with tracers by UAR forces. Between 0252 GMT and 0256 GMT 12 single shots and one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0305 GMT and 0309 GMT one single shot by UAR forces.

(f) OP Lima. On 22 April, at 0715 GMT one heavy explosion observed on east bank three kilometres north of OP. At 0735 GMT three rounds of tank gun fire by Israel forces observed one kilometre north of OP.

"2. Statement by parties.

(a) Israel. IDF Liaison Officer stated that: 'On 22 April at 0150 Local Time a group of UAR soldiers crossed the Canal south of OP Pink and attacked an Israel patrol. Three Israel soldiers were killed, two wounded and one is missing. One wounded came to OP Pink. Near the place of the incident a large number of mines, one kalachnikov rifle and other military equipment and clothing have been found. At 0200 local time one Israel patrol exchanged fire with a group of UAR soldiers near OP Yellow. No Israel casualties. At OUij-5 local time a group of UAR soldiers tried to cross the Canal in a rubber boat at kilometre marker 32 (OP Delta area) . Fire was opened at them and UAR forces returned artillery fire. One Israel soldier was wounded'. S/7930/Add.l69 English Page 3

(•b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that at 0735 GMT Israel forces fired two rounds of tank gun fire towards west side in the area of OP Pink.

"3- OP Pink confirmed visit of wounded Israel forces soldier mentioned in paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (a) above." UNITED NATIONS Distr SECURITY • mjJjjk' GBERffi MvPv&^7//A% S/7930/Add.l68 COUNCIL ^il§^ 21 April196 9 >===^^:^" ' ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 21 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. Reports from Observation Posts.-' (a) OP Red. At 0100 GMT several rifle shots by UAR forces across Canal. At 0112 GMT one burst machine-gun fire across Canal approximately 50 metres from OP. Fire ceased at 0120 GMT. Wo fire by Israel forces observed. (b) OP Yellow. Following firings by UAR forces observed: at 0529 GMT one rifle shot; at 08l8 GMT two heavy mortar shells; at 1311 GMT one rifle shot. At 0812 GMT several artillery and mortar fire heard south of OP; origin not observed. (c) OP Hotel. Following firings by UAR forces observed: at 0629 GMT two rifle shots; -at 08l6 GMT one burst of ack-ack fire and ten rounds of mortar; at 08l8 GMT fire ceased; at 1335 GMT fire at light aircraft flying over east side; at 1336 GMT fire ceased. Ho fire observed by Israel forces. (d) OP Copper. At 082*J- GMT one rifle shot; origin not observed. Between 1015 GMT and 1028 GMT five rifle shots; origin not observed. At 103^ GMT one heavy explosion observed on east side, 500 metres south of OP. At 1U21 GMT tank and anti-tank fire across Canal by UAR forces; at 1^2? GMT last round of tank fire and fire ceased. Wo fire observed from Israel forces. (e) OP Violet. Following firing by UAR forces observed: at 1001 GMT four rifle shots; between 1000 GMT and 1100 GMT several rifle shots and one loud explosion on east side; at 1112 GMT, lllU GMT and 1122 GMT one burst machine-gun fire; at 13^6 GMT rifle, machine-gun and ack-ack fire at light aircraft on east side; at 1^21 GMT tank and anti-tank and machine-gun fire; at 1U2U GMT last round of tank fire and fire ceased. (f) OP Lima. At 1306 GMT one single shot by UAR forces observed.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-0814-30 S/7930/Add.l68 English Page 2

(g) OP Kilo. At 1311+ GMT rifle and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces at light aircraft over east side. Fire ceased at 1315 GMT. (h) OP Foxtrot. At 1331 GMT ack-ack fire by UAR forces at light aircraft over east side. (i) OP Echo. Between 13U6 GMT and 13*48 GMT long burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1U21 GMT several mortar rounds by UAR forces. Fire ceased at lh£k GMT. . ., (j) OP Pink. At 1U1D GMT three rifle shots from UAR forces. "2. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated. that at 0630 GMT some rifle shots were fired by UAR forces in OP Hotel area and between 0800 GMT and 1200 GMT sniping fire was taking place in Kantara area. One IDF soldier was wounded." UNITED NATIONS listr. GENERAL


Supplemental Information

With reference to the firing on 20 April reported in document S/7930/Add.l66. the following report on further firing in the Suez Canal sector on the same date has been received from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. Reports from Observation Posts:—'

(a) OP Yellow. At 1533 GMT three rifle shots by UAR forces, No fire by Israel forces observed.

(b) OP Hotel. At 15U2 GMT two single rifle shots by UAR forces. At GMT one single rifle shot by UAR forces. At 13CO GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(c) OP Lelta. At 1623 GMT some heavy explosions seen on east side of Canal. At 163^ GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At l6U8> GMT heavy weapon fire by Israel forces. At 172C GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1730 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.. At 1735 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1953 GMT recoilless gun and medium machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 200^ GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(d) OP Copper. At 1633 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 16U2 GMT tank and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1701 GMT artillery and tank fire by Israel forces. At 1727 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1731 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 19^-2 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At I$h8 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(e) OF Violet. At 16^-0 GMT rifle and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1650 GMT heavy artillery fire by Israel forces At 1726 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1731 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 1752 GMT some rounds of heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. At l3Uo GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 13^5 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 13U6 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1950 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~~ by UMTSO In the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.co and Corr.l and 2.

69-08285 s/795o/Add.l6T English Page 2

(f) OF Lima, At 2013 GMT heavy mortar fire by UAP. forces. At 2C2k GMT fire ceased. At 2059 GMT short light machine-gun fire by UAR forces, Between 2127 GMT and 2132 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2132 GMT fire ceased. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(g) CP Red. At 2018 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 2036 GMT fire ceased. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(h) OP Charlie. At 1953 GMT light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2CO^ GMT fire ceased. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(i) OP Blue. At 2C19 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 2033 GMT fire ceased. No fire by Israel forces observed.

"2. Cease-fire proposal.

Cease-fire was proposed for 1900 GMT. It was effective in most areas but sporadic fire continued.

"3- Statements by the parties.

(a) Israel. None.

(b) UAR.

(i) Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that at 1655 GMT Israel forces fired with heavy artillery and tanks in the Kantara area.

(ii) At 20lU GMT Israel forces fired with tanks north of OF Blue.

"h. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations

(i) Casualties. Nil.

(ii) Damages. Nil.

(b) Israel.

No details reported by Senior Israel Representative.

(c) UAR.

No details reported by Senior UAR Liaison Officer. UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add..l66 COUNCIL 20 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 20 April 19o9 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO,. Lt. General Odd. Bull: • -

"1. Report's from Observation Pasts:-' - '

(a) OP Delta. At 0510 GMT anti-tank gun and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0314 GMT fire ceased. Between 0530 GMT and 0532 GMT light machine-gun fire. Origin unknown. At 08^9 GMT anti-tank missiles, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 09^7 GMT fire ceased. (b) OP Copper. At .0^30 GMT four rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0850 GIVE anti-tank gun fire by UAR forces. At 0510 GMT fire ceased. At 0938 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0959 GMT fire ceased. At 1232 GMT one round of heavy mortar fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Yellow. At 05^ GMT two rifle shots close to Canal. Origin '•unknown. 'At 1000 GMT three mortar rounds by UAR forces. At 1129 GMT one mortar round by UAR forces.

(d) OP Violet. At 0?12 GMT one tank shell by UAR forces. At 0193 GOT three rounds of heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1229 GMT tank gun or anti-tank gun fire by UAR forces. At 1259 GMT fire ceased. At 1^10 GMT one tank shell fired by UAR forces.

(e) OP Hotel. At 0?U9 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 0958 GMT several heavy explosions on west side of Canal. Origin unknown. At 1001 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1002 GMT fire ceased. At 10U6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1053 GMT fire ceased.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~ by UWCSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add-90 • and Corr.l and 2.

69-08276 / S/793Q/Add.l66 English Page 2

"2. Statements by the parties. (a) Israel: (i) At 0445 GMT UAR forces fired on Israel patrol in OP Foxtrot area. (ii) Between 0530 GMT and 05^0 GMT few single shots in OP Silver area, (iii) At 05^2 GMT two single shots by UAR forces in OP Yellow area. (iv) At 0700 GMT two salvos of artillery by UAR forces in Kantara area. (v) At 0912 GMT two artillery shells by UAR forces in Kantara area. (vi) At 0'3l5 GMT single shots by UAR forces in OP Yellow area.

(vii) At 0915 GMT single shots by UAR forces in OP Yellow area, (viii) At 0935 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces in Kantara area, (ix) At 1000 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces in Kantara area. (x) At 1002 GMT nine artillery salvos by UAR forces in Istnailia area, (xi) At 1250 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces in Kantara area. (b) UAR: At 0956 GMT Israel forces opened fire in Ismailia area. "3. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations; (i) Casualties; Nil. (ii) Damage: One bullet hole in back of United Nations jeep. (b) Israel: No details given by Senior Israel Representative. (c) UAR: No details given by Senior UAR Liaison Officer. UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.165/Qorr,1 COUNCIL 21 April 1969 ORIGINAL: EMGHSH

Infonmtion Corrigendum

Pae sub"iaragrahs (b) v) and_(b) (yi_): In each jf these sub»paragraphs, replace "west side" in the first line by "east side" and "east side" in the second line by-%est side".

69*08292 UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY S/793f*/Add.l65 OUNCIL 19 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Suplemental Information

The following summary report on firings and exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 19 April has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. Reports from Observation Posts:-' (a) OP Red. Between 0205 GMT and 0222 GMT single shots and bursts of light machine-gun by UAR forces. Two shots hit OP caravan. No firing by Israel forces observed. (b) OP Green. At 0508 GMT tank and artillery fire origin not known. At 0510 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and tank and artillery fire by Israel forces. At 0658 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 0658 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 0701 GMT fire exchange resumed. At 0710 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 0713 GMT UAR forces ceased fire. At 0834 GMT rocket fire by Israel forces and at the same time artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1«2» GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1150 GMT rocket fire by Israel forces. At 1155 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 1258 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 1509 GMT anti-tank gun and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1310 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 1324 GMT anti-tank gun fire by UAR forces. At 1331 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. (c) OP Charlie. At 0514 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces which continued »poradically. At 0615 GMT fife ceasedf At 0752 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0805 GMT fire ceased. At 0835 GMT gun flashes vere observed at east side of Canal and smoke later observed to the north on •west side of Canal, (d) OP Hotel. At 0534 GMT one single shot by UAR forces. At 0542 GMT e- 'tjllery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0557 GMT two rounds of tank tJr-j by "..cr-iel forces. At 0701 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 1048 G?.7T ^.jredlc mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1135 GMT fire ceased by UAR fo-ccas, At, 1350 GMT sporadic artillery and mortar fire by UAH forces. At 1424 GMT fire ceased.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-08271 /••• S/7930/Add.l65 English Page 2 . . •

(fi) OP Violet. At 0535 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. At o6ll GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 0707 GMT tank and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0712 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0719 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 0725 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 0816 GMT three rifle shots by UAR forces. The last of these three shots was fired at an UNMO (United Nations Military Observer}.on the.OP site. At 0852 GMT and 083*1 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces." A£ lite GOT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1355 GMT two guided missiles by UAR forces. At 1515 GMT two rifle shots by UAR forces. At l605- GMT rifle.$hot by UAR forces. Bullet passed over OP caravan. At 17,5.5 GMT artillery and heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased' atf1756 GMTi ' "' • ' ' ' (f) OP Blue. At 05^9 GMT one round of tank fire by Israel forces. Ho fire by UAR forces observed. " .-.••;. . ' (g) OP Delta. At 0558 GMT mortar .fire by UAR forces". At 0616 GMT fire ceased. At 071*5 GMT few rounds of mortar, fire by UAR forces. At 15^ GMT recoilless gun and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At l6ll GOT fire ceased. No fire by Israel forces observed. (h) OP Yellow. At 0550 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0700 GOT fire ceased by UAR forces* .At 0832 GOT one rifle shot by UAB forces. At 081+5 GOT tank fire by Israel forces, and mortar and rifle Tire by UAR forces. At 0905 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At,1015 GOT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 10*4-7 GMT sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1127 GOT firn ceased by UAR forces. At 13^7 GMT few rounds of tank f-irfe by UAR forces. At 1519 GMT three rounds of anti-rank fire by.UAR forces. (i) OP.Silver. At O6l0 GMT one round of tank fire by Israel forces. At O6ll GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 070(5 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 0906 GMT two mortar shells by UAR forces. At 0908 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0952 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces. At 1110 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 12^ GMT.

.. ' VL (3) OP Echo. At O6l2 GMT artillery Tire by UAR forces. At 0619 GMT fire ceased. At 0826 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 0829 GMT. Wo firs by Israel forces observed. (k) OP Copper. At 06l2 GMT some rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0707 GMT tank, artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0725 GMT fire ceased. At 07^ GOT some rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0753 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by.UAR forces. At 0826 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0828 GOT'fire ceased. At 1&L5 GOT tank fire by UAR forces. At 1752 GOT ten rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces observed, (1) OP Pink, At 1004 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1110 GMT fire ceased. Ho firing by Israel forces observed. S/7930/Add.l65 English Page 3

(m) OP Foxtrot. At O6l5 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0621 GMT flare ceased. At 172? GMT heavy artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1835 GMT ceased by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces observed.

(n) OP Kilo. At 1005 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 101? GMT ceased, At 1051 GMT sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1111 GMT ceased. No fire by Israel forces observed. (o) OP Lima. At 1217 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1230 GMT and 1232 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 18^6 GMT several rounds of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. No fire by Israel forces observed. M2. Cease-fire proposals. Cease-fire -was proposed for 0700 GMT. At 0629 GMT Senior Israel Representative stated there was now no firing from east side and bhat the cease-fire proposal was not applicable. At 0650 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted. Cease-fire was not effective and sporadic firing and short exchanges of fire continued. A second cease-fire was proposed for 12-'^ GliT. At 1150 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted. At 1217 GMT Senior Israel Representative accepted. This cease-fire was generally effective but sporadic shooting on a lesser scale continued. "3, Statements by the parties, (a) Israel (i) At 0305 GMT Israel tank struck a mine at Kilo 20 (near OP Charlie). No damage, (ii) At 0505 GMT UAR forces initiated artillery fire between OP Green and OP Charlie. (iii) At 05^0 GMT UAR forces fired artillery in OP Yellow area, (iv) At 0605 GMT UAR forces fired artillery in OP ":'n.-cr r.rea. (v) At 0626 GMT UAR forces tank fire in OP Violet c^v-a. (vi) At 0826 GMT UAR forces tank fire in Kantara area. (vii) At 0835 GMT UAR forces artillery fire in OP Green and OP Charlie areas. (viii) At 08^5 GMT UAR forces opened rifle fire in OP Yellow area, (ix) At 0906 GMT UAR forces mortar fire in OP Silver area, (x) At 11^0 GMT fire by UAR forces in OP Green area.

A- S/7930/Add.l65 English Page k (xi) At llij-5 GMI fire by UAR forces in OP Silver area. (xii) At 1730 GMT fire by UAR forces in Ismailia area. (xiii) At 1758 GMT fire by UAR forces in Kantara area. (b) UAR (i) At 01+50 GMT Israel forces opened fire with tanks and mortars in OP Delta area and north of OP Charlie. (ii) At 0835 GMT Israel forces tanks firing north of OP Charlie. (iii) At 0905 GMT Israel forces opened fire with tanks and artillery in former OP Juliet area. Firing was still continuing. (iv) At 0930 GMT Israel forces opened tank and artillery fire in Deversoir and OP Charlie areas.

(v) At 1520 GMT Israel forces opened fire from ws side with tanks and artillery in former OP Juliet area towards e&s4- side and were still firing. (vi) At 1615 GMT Israel forces opened fire from, wast side with tanks and artillery in area of OP Delta towards east side. (vii) At 1730 GMT Israel forces started artillery shooting 'at us7 in Ismailia area, Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations (i) Casualties. Nil. (ii) Damage, OP Green: The UMOs' caravan-truck was hit by what appears to be an anti-tank shell. Engine and cab of vehicle destroyed. UHMOs1 living quarters at rear is ur.:...;;iuged. (b) Israel. No details given by Senior Israel Representative. (c) UAR. Wo details given by Senior UAR Liaison Officer." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GEHERAL S/7930/Add. COUNCIL 13 April 1969 ORIGINAL: EliGLISH

Supplemental Information

The folio-wing summary report on firings and exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 18 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. Reports from-Observation Posts:—

(a) OP Hotel. At 0^5^ GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 0956 GMT anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At this time a light aircraft was observed over east side of Canal. At IQjk c-MT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1035 GMT. At lljU GMT tank gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 113^ GMT.

(b) Kantara Control Centre (KCC). UHIOs (United nations Military Observers) at KCC observed at 0608 GMT and at 0851 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Ho firing by Israel forces observed.

(e) OP Yellow. At 0917 GMT and at 091o GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 0957 GMT anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 0959 GMT. At this time a light aircraft was observed over east side of Canal. At 1032 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased at 1033 GMT. At the same time a helicopter was flying on west side of Canal.

(d) OP Copper. At 0950 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0952 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1952 GMT sporadic tank and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 200o GMT.

(e) OP Foxtrot. At 0952 GMT anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At the same time a light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal. At 1002 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 1003 GMT. At the same time a helicopter was flying over east side of Canal. No firing by Israel forces observed.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-o82iiO C/7930/Add.l61+ English Page 2

(f) OP Violet. At 1020 GMT sporadic tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1025 GMT. At 1029 GMT few rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1039 GMT one rifle shot and at 11J8 GMT one round of tank fire by UAR forces. At 19^-9 GMT tank and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 2006 GMT, No firing by Israel forces observed.

(g) OP Echo. At 1021 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. 'Fire ceased at 1022 GMT. At 1030 GUT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1031 GMT. At 2006 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 2007 GMT. Wo fire by Israel forces observed.

(h) OP Blue. At 1027 GMT two rounds of tank fire by Israel forces. ITo fire by UAR forces observed.

(i) OP Charlie. At lO^S GMT recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 10^7 GMT. At 1510 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 1511 GMT artillery or mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1512 GMT UAR forces ceased fire. At 1525 GMT Israel forces ceased fire. Between 1733 GMT and GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Lima. At 1051 GMT and at 1235. GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1GU2 GMT two rifle shots and at 1907 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. ITo fire by Israel forces observed.

(k) OP Silver. At 1055 GMT small arms fire by Israel forces and at 1057 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1058 GMT fire ceased by both parties .

(l) OP Kilo. At 1109 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased 1112 GMT. At l6l9 GMT and 1021 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. Ho fire by Israel forces observed.

(m) OP Pink, At 1109 GMT anti-aircraft fire by Israel forces at helicopter over west side of Canal. Fire ceased 1110 GMT. At 1331 GMT and 1350 GMT single rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1553 GMT two rifle shots were fired by UAR forces at one of the OP UMIOs. Separate report will be forwarded.

(n) OP Delta. At 1510 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1525 GMT. Between 1713 GMT and 1719 GUT, between 1733 GMT and GMT and between 1917 GMT and 1919 GUT machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Statements by the parties.

(a.) Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported following firings by UAR forces:

(i) Kantara area. At 0900 GMT one rifle shot. One Israel soldier wounded. At 0955 GMT two anti-tank rounds. At 1020 GMT and 1021 GMT single anti-tank round. S/7930/Add.loU English Page 3

(ii) OP Yellow area. At 0919 GUT two rifle shots. At approximately 0955 GMT anti-aircraft fire at one Israel aircraft east of Canal.

(iii) Ismailia area. At approximately 1155 GMT anti-aircraft fire at an Israel aircraft east of Canal,

(iv) OP Green area. At 1152 GMT four single shots,

(v) OP Charlie area. At 1330 GMT tank rounds.

(b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported following firings "by Israel forces:

(i) At 0957 GMT' Israel forces began firing in area between OP Delta and OP Echo.

(ii) At 1027 GMT Israel forces opened fire with tanks against UAR forces in OP Blue area. At 10^-5 GMT Israel forces opened fire against UAR forces in OP Charlie area and north of Kantara.

(iii) At 1115 GMT Israel forces fired in OP Delta and Kantara areas. At same time fired tank shots from North Kantara in direction of Kantara TTest and also in OP Delta, area.

(iv) At 1525 GMT three Israel forces tanks shot at civilian car in area between OPs Delta and Charlie and killed one person. Other civilians were afraid to rescue injured persons because they feared tanks would again fire. Requested Officer-in-Charge Ismailia. Control Centre to take action with Officer-in-Charge Kantara Control Centre.

'(v) At l6o7 GMT Israel forces were still firing in area between OPs Delta and Charlie.

(vi) At 17^5 CMT Israel forces fired with tanks in OP Delta area,

(vii) At 1950 GMT Israel forces started firing in Kantara area.

"3. Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire was proposed for lo^O GMT. Senior Israel Representative stated no need for cease-fire and that he would, not fire unless UAR forces fired first. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated no need for cease-fire as fire had already ceased in the whole area. S/7930/Add.l6U English Page h

"U. Casualties and damge.

(a) United Nations: Nil.

(b) Israel: ITo report except information in sub-paragraph 2 (a) (i) above.

(c) UAR: One civilian killed. Some civilians wounded and four civilian cars destroyed,

"5. At 1552 GUT Kantara Control Centre informed Ismailia Control Centre that Senior Israel Representative had stated there was no need for a cease-fire and that Israel forces would not fire unless UAR fired first. Ismailia Control Centre informed Senior UAR Liaison Officer that people injured in cars could be rescued (sub-para. 2 (b) (iv) refers). UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/79JO/Add.l63 COUNCIL 18 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

With reference to the summary report on firings and exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 1? April 1969 (S/7930/Add.l62)., the following supplemental information was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of l8 April:

"l. Reference damage to Kantara Control Centre, Officer-in-Charge of KCC has provided following information. KCC building received five hits in southern and western walls, all apparently caused by flat trajectory projectiles, probably tank or anti-tank weapons. From position of hits it would appear that origin of fire was from west side of Canal in a south south westerly direction. Damage is as follows:

(a) Many windows and doors completely broken or damaged.

(b) Many large holes in outer walls with large portion of western wall blown away.

(c) Interior damage to building includes severe cracks in walls and ceilings and interior walls badly damaged by shrapnel.

(d) Refrigerator, stove and numerous items of furniture destroyed.

(e) Radio mast badly damaged with antenna and coaxial cables cut.

(f) Loss of personal clothing and equipment of two UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers).

Officer-in-Charge informs that some rooms still usable and will continue to utilize remains of building as Control Centre.

"2. Reference sub-paragraph 2 (b) (ix) concerning Senior UAR Liaison Officer's complaint of Israel gun firing behind OP Silver, UKMOs reported from sporadic to intense mortar fire by UAR forces between 1521 GMT

69-03205 s/7930/Add.i63 English Page 2

to 1530 GMT with impacts very close to OP. They reported tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces at 1537 GMT. They state that OP was destroyed at 15^-5 GMT and that prior to that time the nearest firing by Israel forces was approximately ^00 metres from OP. At approximately 1600 GMT an Israel tank came within 25 metres of OP, stayed approximately five minutes and then moved on. Tank did not fire. Observation was difficult due to heavy firing in the area." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GEEERAL S/Y930/Add.lo2 COUNCIL 17 April 1959 ORIGIKAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firings and exchanges of fire in the Sue:: Canal sector on IT April 19^9 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP- reports:

(a) OP Violet. UElIOs (United Nations Military Observers ) observed between 052^ CUT and 12^6 GMT several bursts of machine-gun fire and three rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 132o GUT and 13^5 GUT and between 1^05 GMT and 1^13 GMT an exchange of machine-gun fire was observed. Firing started and ceased simultaneously.. At 1530 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1531 GMT tank gun, machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at Io2" GMT.

(b) OP Hotel. UIlIOs observed at 05^6 tiro rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1529 GMT heavy mortar and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces observed and at 1552 GMT heavy mortar fire by Israel forces observed. Firing ceased at 1553 GMT by Israel forces and at 1655 GMT by UAR forces. At 1639 GMT Israel forces fired one round of tank fire.

(c) OP Pink. UIMOs observed at OY33 GMT one rifle shot and between 18^0 GMT and lul+1 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Ho firing by Israel forces observed.

(d) Kantara Control Centre (XCC). UFMOs at KCC observed at 0740 GMrf one rifle shot by UAR forces and at 12^5 GMT three shots by Israel forces.

(e) OP Lima, UlJMOs observed at 0925 GMT and at 1055 GMT one rifle shot, and at 1359 GMT and at 1^52 GMT two rifle shots, at loOO GMT one rifle shot and from Io05 GMT mortar,, tank and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. This firing ceased at l6W GMT. At 1702 GMT two rifle shots by UAR forces with tracer were observed. No firing by Israel forces.

I/ The location of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by ~ UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents G/7950/Add.JO and Corr.l and 2.

39-08167 S/7930/Add.l62 English Page 2

(f) OP Copper. UHMOs observed machine-gun fire by UAR forces at 1025 GMT and bet-ween 112? GMT and 1128 GMT. Machine-gun fire by Israel forces observed between 1133 GMT and lite GMT, between 1212 GMT and 1218 GMT, at 1238 GMT and between 13 Uo GMT and lUlO GMT. At 1530 GUT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1537 GMT tank gun and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1615 GMT and by Israel forces at 1632 GMT.

(g) OP Charlie. UHMOs observed at 1050 GMT intensive machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1052 GMT intensive machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Recoilless gun fire by UAR forces was observed at 1056 GMT. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1058 GMT and by UAR forces at 1106 GMT. UHllOs again observed machine-gun fire by Israel forces at 1223 GMT and by UAR forces at 1221* GMT. Fire ceased by both parties at 1225 GMT. At 1301 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces, (h) OP Yellow. UHMOs observed between 1106 GMT and 1113 GMT several rifle shots by UAR forces'. At 1530 GMT tank and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased at 1600 GMT. Ho firing by Israel forces was observed. (i) OP Delta. UHMOs observed between 1212 GMT and 1217 GMT machine- gun fire by Israel forces and at 1223 GMT one rifle shot by UAR forces. (j) OP Kilo. UHMOs observed between 1326 GMT and 1335 GMT machine- gun fire by UAR forces. At 133G GMT two explosions observed on east side of Canal. No firing by Israel forces observed,

(k) OP Echo. UHMOs observed at 13^2 GMT one heavy explosion on east side of Canal. At 1530 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1537 GMT mortar and medium machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1608 GMT and by UAR forces at 1639 GMT. (l) OP Silver. UHMOs observed at 1521 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1537 GMT tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces before Io50 GMT and by UAR forces at 1650 GMT. At 1700 GMT no contact with OP. (m) OP Foxtrot. UHMOs observed between 1530 GMT and l6ll GMT and between l6l8 GMT and l62l* GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Ho fire by Israel forces observed. I (n) OP Blue. UHMOs observed at 15^3 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1559 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1620 GMT and by UAR forces at l6U6 GMT.

(o) OP Hike. UHMOs observed at 15^4 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 1550 GMT tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at l6l6 GMT and by UAR forces at l61^ GMT. S/7930/Add.l62 English Page 3

(p) OP Red. UTMOs observed between Io05 GUT and LoVl- GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. No firing by Israel forces observed.

"2. Statements by the parties.

(a) Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported following firings by UAR forces:

(i) OP Red area. Between 0500 GUT and 0735 GMT three single rifle shots. At OOU5 GMT and 1105 GMT single rifle shots.

(ii) Kantara area. At 0538 GMT and 0750 GMT two single shots. At 1023 GMT, 123^ GMT and 1326 GMT machine-gun fire,

(ill) Ismailia area. At 05^-8 GMT one rifle shot.

(iv) OP Pink area. At 0739 GMT one rifle shot. Between 0900 GMT and 10CO GMT nineteen rifle shots. At 1330 GMT machine-gun fire. Between l8l|l GMT and 1856 GMT light machine-gun fire. 'Fire not returned,

(v) OP Blue area. At 1128 GMT one rifle shot. A civilian TV photographer was wounded.

(vi) OP Silver area. At 1521 GMT mortar fire,

(vii) OP Yellow area. At 1730 GMT mortar fire.

(b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported following firings by Israel forces:

(i) OP Copper area. Fire opened at 10-1-8 GMT, ITo return fire by UAR forces. At 1522 GMT machine-gun fire three kilometres south of OP Copper.

(ii) OP Charlie' area, Fire opened at 1105 GMT. lie return fire by UAR forces.

(iii) OP Yellow area. At 1133 GMT seme single shots in Firdan area,

(iv) OP Delta area. At 1230 GMT machine-gun fire.

(v) Kantara area. At 1310 GMT tanl: and machine-gun fire. At lU25 GMT fire at two civilian trucks on road west of Canal.

(vi) OP Echo area. At 1523 GMT tank fire between OP Echo and Firdan (three kilometres north of OP Yellow). G/Y930/Add.l62 English Page k

(vii) OP Foxtrot area. At 1525 GMT tank fire.

(viii) OP Hike area. Fire opened at 15^5 GMT,

(ix) OP Silver area. At 1655 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported fire from an artillery gun behind the OP towards UAR positions across Canal. (in view of lack of communications with OP Silver, see para. 1 (l) this information cannot "be checked until 18 April.)

"3. Cease-fire proposal.

Cease-fire proposed by United Nations for 1700 GMT. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at l6o8 GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at Io21 GMT. Cease-fire was effective.

"k. Damage and casualties.

(a.) United Nations .

(i) Casualties. None.

(ii) Damage. At OP Silver, all three caravans destroyed; both antenna masts broken; one jeep slightly damaged. KCC building so badly damaged chat it is not possible to operate from this building. Further details 18 April. UIl 10 s from OP Silver will be withdrawn to KCC; observation will be resumed at 0500 GMT on 18 April if conditions permit .

(b) Israel, No report given by Senior Israel Representative.

(c) UAR. ITo report given by Senior UAR Liaison Officer. UNITED NATIONS Diatr. SECURITY rf^?£^&\% GHHERAL r rM i KI r \ \ W33t*W$l s/793o/Add.i6i COUNCIL W^qMw 166 Apri April l196 19699 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firings in the Suez Canal sector on 16 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull; reports: (a) OP Lima observed at 0744 GMT single round of rifle fire by UAR forces and at 0838 GMT heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1049 GMT by UAR forces. Ho firing by Israel forces -was observed. (b) OP Blue observed at 0836 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0906 GMT tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces for few moments only. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0906 GMT and by UAR forces at 1036 GMT. (c) OP Foxtrot observed at 0856 GMT anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0857 GMT. During this period a light aircraft was observed on east side of Canal. (d) OP Mike observed at 0837 GMT recoilless gun fire by UAR forces and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0905 GMT and by UAR forces at U028 GMT. (\e) OP Kilo observed at 0841 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1049 GMT. No firing by Israel forces was observed. (f) OP Pink observed at 0842 GMT artillery, mortar and medium machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1050 GMT. Ho firing by Israel forces was observed, (g) OP Red observed at 0843 GMT artillery, tank, anti-tank and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1046 GMT. Ho firing by Israel forces was observed.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO la the Suez 'Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 Corr.l and 2. €9*08086 /... S/7930/Add.161 English Page 2

"2. Cease-fire proposal* (a) At 0900 GMT cease-fire was proposed for 1030 GMT. Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to cease»fire proposal at 1008 GMT. Senior Israel Representative stated at 09^7 GMT that cease-fire proposal -was not applicable to Israel forces as they had not fired. (b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer was informed by Ismailia Control Centre at 0951 GMT, 101? GMT and"lOltff GMT of firing by UAR forces only and was requested to cease fire immediately. At 10^0 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated UAR forces had ceased firing at 1035 GMT. (c) Firing ceased at 1050 GMT. "3. Statements by parties. (a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison, Officer stated that between 05to GMT and 06jO GMT'UAR"forces fired six single shots and some bursts of machine-gun fire in OP Pink area.-' (b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that; (1) At"0836 GMT Israel forces opened fire on Port Tawfiq. and south of Bitter Lake. -Fire 'was not returned. (ii) At 09ikL GMT Israel forces still shooting at civilians in Suez and Port Tawfiq.. "4. • Damage and casualties. ••••.- . . (a) United Nations. .„..-. (i) Casualties: none. . ' ' (ii) Damage. OP. Pink: bullet hqles in toilet; splinter holes and bullet holes in caravan; antenna cable cut. (b) Israel. No report given by Senior Israel Representative. (c) UAR. None reported by Senior UAR Liaison Officer." UNITED NATIONS ^-r~-^ Distr. C C /- I I n I T V ,l|^$±5^k GENERAL SECURITY |K§n™ v o Add 160 7 COUNCIL I5 fpr°if 1969° ^^^^^^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

capplemental Information i

With reference to the preliminary information set forth in document S/7930/Add .159; the following summary report on exchanges of fire in the Suez, Canal sector on 15 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1, OP^ reports.

(a) OP Yellow. Tank fire by Israel forces was observed between 1033 GMT and 1037 GMT. Mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 11^7 GMT. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 1307 GMT and by UAR forces at 1318 GMT.

(b) OP Hotel. Tank fire by Israel forces was observed at 1035 GMT, Small arms fire by UAR forces was observed at 1038 GMT. Fire ceased by UAR forces at IQhh- GMT, and by Israel forces at 10^5 GMT. Recoilless gun and mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at HhO GMT and ceased at 12G9 GMT. Artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces was observed at 12^2 GMT and artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces at 12^8 GMT. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1529 GMT and by Israel forces at 1329 GMT.

(c) OP Mike. Tank fire by Israel forces was observed at 10^1 GMT. Mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces was observed at 10^1 GMT. Artillery and tank fire by Israel forces was observed between 1130 GMT and 1202 GMT. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1202 GMT and by UAR forces at 1207 GMT. Artillery fire by Israel forces was observed at 1232 GKP and artillery and I mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 1235 GMT. Fire ceased by Israel | forces at 1326 GMT and by UAR forces at 1333 GMT. | ' (d) OP Silver. Tank fire by Israel forces was observed at 10kO GMT. Mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 1056 GMT. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1328 GMT and by UAR forces at 1331 GMT.

(e) OP Blue. Tank fire by Israel forces was observed at 10^2 PMT. Mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at lOMt- GMT. Artillery fire by UAR | forces was observed at 1113 GMT. Mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces | at 1330 GMT and by UAR forces at 1335 GMT.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-07991 3/7930/Add.l6o English Page 2

(f ) OP Foxtrot. Mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 1106 GMT. Fire by UAR forces ceased at Ill8 GMT. Artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 1156 GMT. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1200 GMT. No fire by Israel forces was observed. (g) OP Lima. Tank or anti-tank gunfire by UAR forces was observed at 1116 GMT. Fire ceased at 1132. GMT. Heavy rnortar fire by UAR forces was again observed at llU8 GMT. Fire ceased at 12.05 GMT. Heavy mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 12^6 GMT. Fire ceased at 1332 GMT. No fire by Israel forces was observed. (h) OP Copper. Mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 1124 GMT. Tank fire by Israel forces was observed at 1155 GMT. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1315 GMT and by UAR forces at 1419 GMT. Between ihOQ GMT and 1^19 GMT, machine-gun fire by UAR forces, with bullet impacts mainly in OP Copper area.

(i) OP Violet. Tank fire by Israel forces was observed at 1125 GMT and tank fire by UAR forces was observed at 1125 GMT. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1259 GMT and by UAR forces at 1^07 GMT. (j) OP Echo, Mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces was observed at 1127 GMT. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 112.8 GMT. Artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces was observed at 1155 GMT. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 1215 GMT. Mortar fire by Israel forces was observed at 1233 GMT and artillery fire by UAR forces was observed at 1233 GMT. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 12^6 GMT and by Israel forces at 1259 GMT. (k) OP Delta. Tank fire by UAR forces was observed at 1325 GMT. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 1326 GMT. Ho fire by Israel forces was observed.

(l) OP Pink. Artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 1329 GMT. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 1351 GMT. No fire by Israel forces was observed.

(m) OP Red. Artillery fire by UAR forces was observed at 11^6 GMT. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 133^- GMT. No fire from Israel forces was observed. (n) OP Green. Artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces was observed at 1232 GMT. Rocket, tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces was observed at 123^ GMT. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1305 GMT and by UAR forces at I^h GMT.

(o) OP Kilo, Mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces was observed at 1330 GMT. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 1351 GMT. One long burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces was observed at 1356 GMT. No fire by Israel forces was observed. S/7930/Add.l60 English Page 3

"2. Cease-fire proposals. At 1058 GMT cease-fire was proposed for 1200 GMT. Senior Israel Representative agreed to cease-fire proposal at 1121 GMT. Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to cease-fire proposal at 1139 GMT. Cease-fire was not effective. At 1210 GMT cease-fire proposed for 1330 GMT. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer agreed to cease-fire proposal at 1250 GMT. Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to cease-fire proposal at 13l8 GMT. The second cease-fire proposal was generally effective and the last firing in the area was at GMT.

"3 . Statements "by parties .

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 1033 GMT there was artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces in OP Yellow area.

(ii) At 1125 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces in Kantara area.

(iii) During the exchange of fire there was light machine-gun firing "by UAR forces directed at OP Copper.

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 1038 GMT tank fire by Israel forces north of Ismailia.

(ii) At 10^0 GMT tank fire by Israel forces in OP Mike area.

(iii) At 10^5 GMT artillery and tank fire by Israel forces north of OP echo .

(iv) At 1050 GMT artillery and tank fire by Israel forces south of OP Foxtrot .

(v) At 1140 GMT Israel forces started shooting again in Ismailia area.

(vi) At 12^0 GMT an Israel forces tank was firing from a position ten metres from OP Silver.

"U. Reference sub-para. 3 (b) (vi) UWMOs at OP Silver stated there were no tanks in the vicinity of OP. Reference sub-para. 3 (a) (iii) UWMOs at OP Copper stated that between 1U08 GMT and 1^19 UAR forces repeatedly directed machine-gun fire at OP Copper (see para. 5 for. damage).

"5. Damage and casualties:

(a) United Nations.

(i) Casualties: none, S/7950/Add.l6o English Page h

[ii) Damage: a residence at Ismailia Control Centre Headquarters was hit by heavy calibre shell and one room is completely destroyed; a second room damaged. Kantara BXi building has JO bullet impacts on south and west walls and windows are broken. At OP Copper the two caravans have 25 bullet impacts on their west side; slight damage to refrigerator^ stove and UHMOs' personal effects.

(b) UAR: no reports received.

(c) Israel: no reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Md.l59 COUNCIL 15 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following messages on exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 15 April 1969 have been received, from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

(a) First message sent at 1142 hours GMT on 15 April:

"Ismailia and Kantara Control Centres-' report that heavy weapons fire has broken out in the OP Yellow, Ismailia., OP Silver and Suez areas at 1033 GMT. Cease-fire has been proposed for 1200 GMT."

(b) Second message sent at 1600 hours GMT:

"Cease-fire for 1200 GMT was accepted by both parties but was not effective. Firing later spread to the north and there were exchanges of fire from OP Green south to Suez. Second cease-fire proposed for 1330 GMT and was generally effective. At l^CO GMT all OPs had STIR (nothing to report). Summary report to follow."

2. Further information will be conveyed to the Security Council when received.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/793Q/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-079^6 UNITED NATIONS Distr. r e /•* i i n i T w GENERAL SECURITY s/793o/Add COUNCIL l4 Apr11 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the preliminary information set forth in document S/7930/Add.l57j paragraph 3.? two summary reports on the firings and exchanges of fire in the Suez, Canal sector on 14 April 1969 'Were received from the Chief of Staff of UKTSO; Lt. General Odd Bull, during the afternoon of the same day. 2. The first summary report,, which concerns the firings and exchange of fire from C835 hours GMT until 1242 hours GMT, is as follows:

"1. Summary of OP-^ reports.

(a) OP Mike. At 0835 GMT reported one single shot by UAR forces. At 1019 GMT tank fire by Israel forces was observed and at 1020 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces was observed. At 1120 GMT there was artillery fire escalation by Israel forces and at 1145 GMT a de-escalation of UAR fire. At 1205 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 12 4l GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(b) OP Blue. At 1019 GMT tank fire by Israel forces was observed and at 1200 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1150 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 1242 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(c) OP Silver. At 1021 GMT two single shots by UAR forces. At 1022 GMT tank fire by Israel forces was observed and at 1026 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1115 GMT there was sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1120 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1121 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 1148 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(d) OP Lima. At 1021 GMT heavy mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1044 GMT single rifle shots by Israel forces. At 1242 GMT UAR forces ceased fire. UMMOs (United Nations Military Observers) could not determine exact time when Israel forces ceased fire but it was before cease-fire time.

(e) OP Red. At 1027 GMT artillery fire from UAR forces was observed. At 1115 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces was observed and at 1120 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces was observed. Israel forces ceased fire at 1121 GMT and UAR forces at 1242 GMT.

(f) OP Hotel. At 1045 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces was observed. At 1208 GMT UAR forces ceased fire. No fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by ' UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l rnd 2. 69-07951 /•• S/7930/Add.l58 English Page 2

(g) OP Pink. At 1113 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1114 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 114-5 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 1209 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(h) OP Echo. Between 1214 GMT and 1225 GMT three recoilless gun rounds were fired by UAR forces. Firing ceased at 1225 GMT. Israel forces did not fire.

"2. Cease-fire proposal. At 1046 GMT cease-fire was proposed for 12CO GMT. Senior Israel Representative agreed to cease-fire proposal at 1106 GMT and Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to cease-fire proposal at 1140 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective except in areas of OP Blue^ OP Mike, OP Lima, OP Red and OP Echo. Last firing in area by Israel forces at 1205 GMT and by UAR forces at 1242 GMT.

"3. Statements by parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 07^5 GMT and at 1027 GMT two single shots were fired in OP Red area.

(ii) At 0845 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire which wounded two soldiers in OP Blue area.

(iii) At 1022 GMT artillery fire in OP Blue area,

(iv) At 1025 GMT UAR tank firing vicinity of OP Silver,

(v) At 1003 GMT one shot from vicinity of OP Hotel.

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 0725 GMT Israel tank was seen close to OP Silver.

(ii) At 1020 GMT tank fire against west side in OP Red area and artillery and tank fire in OP Mike area.

(iii) At 0920 GMT two Israel jet aircraft were over Port Terfiq and Sues areas.

(iv) At 1025 GMT Israel forces firing artillery and tank guns in OP Mike area.

(v) At 1030 GMT Israel forces firing artillery and tank guns in OP Silver area and tank guns in Ismailia area.

(vi) At 1117 GMT Israel tank firing from behind OP Silver.

(vii) At 1130 GMT Israel forces firing artillery and tank guns in OP Echo area. S/7930/Add.l58 English Page 3

"4. Reference sub-paragraph 3 (b) (i) and sub-paragraph 3 (t>) (vi) above UWMOs at OP Silver stated no tanks or Israel soldiers in area of OP.

"5« Damage and casualties.

(a) United Nations. Wo casualties or damage.

(b) Israel. Two soldiers wounded, see sub-paragraph 3 (a) (ii)«

(c) UAR. Wo report given by Senior UAR Liaison Officer."

3. The second summary report^ which deals with the firings and exchanges of fire from Ij4l hours GMT until 1637 hours GMT, reads:

"1. Summary of OP reports.

(a) OP Hotel. At Ij4l GMT one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 15^0 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire by UAR forces at this time not confirmed. Israel forces ceased fire at 1608 GMT.

(b) OP Blue. At 1^23 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces and at lM5 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 1600 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at loO^l GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(c) OP Mike. At 1^30 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at llf-32 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 1559 GMT and UAR forces at 1603 GMT.

(d) OP Lima. At 1^-33 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1610 GMT fire ceased. Wo Israel fire observed.

(e) OP Red. At 1V37 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1609 GMT. Wo Israel fire observed.

(f) OP Foxtrot. At 1511 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 1515 GMT heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1532 GMT UAR forces ceased fire. At GMT Israel forces ceased fire.

(g) OP Kilo. At 1515 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 1526 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1525 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 1601 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(h) OP Pink. At 1522 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1615 GMT fire ceased. At 1637 GMT UAR forces fired one rifle shot. Wo fire by Israel forces observed.

(i) OP Silver. At 1533 GMT tank fire by. Israel forces. At 1550 GMT heavy mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 15^ GMT and by UAR forces at l6lO GMT. S/7930/Add.l58 English Page k

(j) OP Yellow. At 1539 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 15*1.5 GMT fire ceased. No fire by Israel forces. "2. Cease-fire proposal. At I_kk2 GMT a cease-fire was proposed for 1600 GMT. Senior Israel Representative agreed to cease-fire proposal at 1515 GMT. Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to cease-fire proposal at l^kk GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective and last firing in the area was at 1637 GMT.

"3. Statements by the parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that at 1^25 GMT there was artillery fire by UAR forces in OP Blue and OP Red areas.

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that; (i) At 1430 GMT tank fire by Israel forces in Port Tewfiq area. (ii) At 1556 GMT Israel tank fire initiated from east side north of OP Foxtrot. (iii) At 1621 GMT firing of single rifle shots by Israel forces continued in the area south of OP Hotel. "4. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations. Wo casualties or damage.

(b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that two Israel soldiers were killed in exchanges of fire during the morning of Ik April.

(c) UAR. Wo report given by Senior UAR Liaison Officer." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.l57 COUNCIL lit- April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the information set forth in document S/7930/Add.l56, paragraph 2, the following report on further firings in the Suez Canal sector on 13 April 1969 vas received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 14 April: "Summary of breaches of the cease-fire for 13 April from 1230 GMT to 2*400 GMT. "1. reports. (a) OP Kilo. UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) reported single rifle shots by UAR forces at l4lj GMT, 1^18 GMT and 1516 GMT. (b) OP Lima. UNMOs reported two heavy explosions heard and seen on east side of Canal at 1425 GMT. Three single rifle shots by UAR forces were fired across the Canal at 151? GMT.

(c) OP Pink, UNMOs reported one single rifle shot by UAR forces across Canal at 13^3 GMT.

"2. IDF Liaison Officer complained that between 1^30 GMT and 1530 GMT twenty-eight single shots were fired by UAR forces in OP Pink area.

2. The following report on air activity in the Suez Canal sector on 14 April was received from General Bull on the same day:

"1. Following are OP reports on air activity in the sector on lU April.

(a) OP Red. At 0907 GMT overflight by two unidentified aircraft at high altitude crossing Canal from west to east. (b) OP Kilo. At 0907 GMT overflight heard from west to east.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~~ by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. S/7930/Add.l57 English Page 2

(c) OP Violet. At 0908 GMT overflight by one unidentified aircraft from vest to. east at very high altitude. (d) OP Lima. Between 0908 GMT and 0920 GMT sounds of many jet aircraft heard at very high altitude. (e) OP Copper. At 0909 GMT overflight of two unidentified aircraft from west to east and recrossing north of OP. (f) OP Echo. At 0909 GMT sounds of jet aircraft heard south of OP and at 0912 GMT contrail seen on east side. • (g) OP Delta. At 0910 GMT sounds of jet aircraft at high altitude south of OP. At 0911 GMT three to five explosions heard five kilometres east of OP. (h) OP Mike. Between 0911 GMT and 0917 GMT jet aircraft at very high altitude. At 0918 GMT five jet aircraft fighting over Suez Bay. And at 0920 GMT one jet aircraft falling down on Gebel Ataca, approximately 20 kilometres west of OP Mike. At 0919 GMT one burst of ack-ack fire by UAR forces towards the aircraft. At 0920 GMT jet aircraft seen flying from west to east at low altitude. Ifoise ceased at 0922 GMT. (i) OP Charlie. .Between 0912 GMT and 0918 GMT sounds of jet aircraft heard at high altitude. (j) OP Blue. At 0913 GMT two unidentified jet aircraft observed flying from east to west. At 0916 GMT one burst of ack-ack fire by UAR forces approximately 1.5 kilometres southwest of. OP. (k) OP Green. At 0913 GMT heard unidentified aircraft circling of area. Aircraft came from west to east and recrossed in OP area. "2. Complaint by IDF Liaison Officer: 'UAR aircraft crossed Canal west to east in Kantara and Suez areas and were engaged by, Israel aircraft.. One UAR (MIG-21) aircraft was shot down and crashed on west side of Canal southwest of Suez."1 3. The following messages concerning exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 14 April were also received from General Bull on the saiae day:

First message sent at 1150 hours GMT; "Exchange of heavy weapons fire is taking place in OP Silver and Suez areas. Heavy weapons fire by UAR forces also reported in OP Lima, OP Red and Ismailia areas. Cease-fire has been proposed for 1200 GMT." S/7930/Add.l57 English Page 5

Second message sent at 1510 hours GMT: "1. Cease-fire for 1200 GMT was generally effective with last firing by Israel forces at 1205 GMT and last firing by UAR forces at 12^2 GMT. Summary of firing morning Ik April will be forwarded soonest. "2. Exchange of fire has broken out again in the Suez area at 1^30 GMT. Interim report follows." 4. Further information exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on Ik April will be conveyed to the Security Council when received. UNITED NATIONS JVLstr. SECURITY GEMERAL COUNCIL 13 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH


1. The following report concerning firings in the Suez Canal Sector on 12 April 1969 has l»een received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"Summary of reported breaches of the cease-fire for 12 April 1969 from 0001 to 2000 hours GMT: "1. UN reported breaches: (a) or Pink-/ reported 72 single shots by UAR forces between 0936 GMT and 16^5 GMT. (h) OP Violet reported one single shot hy UAR forces at 13 16 GMT. (c) OP Kilo reported five single shots by. UAR forces between GKE. and lU26 GMT. (d) QP'Mike reported' several shots 'by UAR forces at 1^32 GMT. (e) 01? Hotel, reported sir.glo shots by UAR forces at 08ol* GMT and ,' one .single -stat ly Icr-ael forces at 395YCsl-K'; at lkk$. GMT single-' fcrcesi at 1858 GMT and at 192if- 6MT mortar f ire >y UAH forces. Assistant TDF Liaison Officer reported t3ae following breaches - of Tsy UAB -forces: ... Z "'.('a)-'"TBetween 0936 GMT and 16^5 Gl-II 37 single shots io the OP Pink 0») At- 1905 GMT artillery fire across Canal north of Isroailia. Fire -not., .returned. ~ '• ..(c) Between and 1130 GMT five single shct-s in the OP 5»£ area." H3— Senior ' UAR .Liaison Officer reported the following bronchos of coasc-fire "by'Jtsrael forces:

I/ Th<* locations of the Control'Centres and the Observation ?osts'established ' - by USTSe in the Suez Canal. Sector are given in documents S/793C'/Add.9f Corr.l. and 2. 69-07690-- .. S/7930/Add.l56 English Page 2

(a) 'At 1020J3MT OP Yellow had been used as an observation post by Israel forces.' /United Nations Military Observers (UWOs) state that no Israel forces personnel used OP for observation "but that UN Field Service personnel were working on the building to repair damages sustained in firing of 11 April./ (b) 'At 1620 GMT Israel forces fifed rifle shot across Canal in Kantara, (c) 'At 1855 GMT Israel forces firing artillery against Ismailia.' 2. The following, report concerning firings in the Suez Canal Sector on 13 April 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, during the evening of the same day: "Summary report: "1. OP reports: (a)' OP Mike. Single rifle shots by UAR forces were "observed at 0833 GMT, 121*7 GMT and 1255 GMT. (b) OP Red. One single rifle shot by UAR forces was observed at 0910 GMT. At 0900 GMT UNMOs heard heavy explosions on western side north of OP. At 0901 GMT UMMOs 'heard heavy explosions on eastern side far north of OP. (c) OP Hotel. At 0905 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces was observed. Firing ceased at 0929 GMT. Artillery fire resumed at 095^ GMT Toy UAR forces and ceased at 10^9 GMT. At 1103 GMT UKMOs reported ack-ack fire at aircraft on east side. Fire was not returned by Israel forces. (d) OP Echo (daytime OP). UNMOs reported artillery fire by UAR forces at 1027 GMT. Fire ceased at 103& GMT. Fire was not returned by Israel forces. (e) OP Foxtrot. At 1030 GMT one anti-tank missile was observed to be fired by UAR forces. At 1032 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces was observed. At 1105 GMT ack-ack fire was observed at aircraft on east side. Fire ceased at 1137 GMT. Fire was not returned by Israel forces. (f) OP Echo. At 1036 GMT recoilless gunfire by UAR forces was observed. Fire ceased at 10U8 GMT. Between 1203 GMT and 1205 GMT several bursts of LMG fire by UAR forces were observed. Fire was not returned by Israel forces. (g) OP Pink. Single rifle shots by UAR forces were reported at 0923 GMT, 0925 GMT and 0926 GMT. Mortar fire by UAR forces was observed at 1105 GMT and mortar fire by Israel forces at 1108 GMT. Rockets were also fired by UAR forces. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 1122 GMT and by UAR forces at 1219 GMT. s/7930/Add.!56 English Page 3

(h) OP Kilo. At 1105 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces was observed. Fire ceased at 1230 GMT. Fire was not returned by Israel forces.

(i) OP Lima. Single rifle shots by UAR forces were reported at 0620 GMT and 0631 GMT. At 111? GMT mortar fire by UAR forces was observed. Fire ceased at 1152 GMT but two taortar rounds were fired by UAR forces at 1230 GMT. Fire was not returned by Israel forces.

"2. Cease fire proposal.

At 1122 GMT cease-fire was proposed for 12JO GMT. Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to cease-fire proposal at 1207 GMT. Senior Israel representative stated at 1148 GMT that cease-fire proposal was not applicable to Israel forces as they had not fired. Cease-fire was generally effective at 1250 GMT in all areas. "3- Statements by parties. (a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that: (i) At 08^0 GMT, three single shots were fired by UAR forces in OP Red area. Again at 0845 GMT five single shots were fired in same area; (ii) At 08*4-5 GMT, three single shots were fired by UAR forces in OP Blue area; (iii) Artillery salvos were fired by UAR forces in Ismailia area at 0900 GMT, 0915 GMT, 0922 GMT, 0955 GMT, 1002 GMT and 10J5 GMT; (iv) Artillery salvos were fired by UAR forces in OP Yellow area at 0958 GMT, 1011 GMT and 10J5 GMT; (v) Artillery fire by UAR forces took place south of Timsah Lake at 1035 GMT; (vi) UAR forces fired stir? 11 nrrns fire at 1100 GMT and mortar fire at 1211 GMT in Karitara area; (vii) UAR forces fired tank fire at 1105 GMT and small arms fire at 1250 GMT in OP Pink area; (viii) Senior Israel representative stated that during all above- mentioned incidents fire was not returned. (b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that: (i) At 081*0 GMT Israel forces fired one burst of LMG north of OP Mike; (ii) At 0900 GMT Israel forces were firing in Ismailia area; S/7930/Add.l56 English Page h

(iii) In OP Pink area, Israel forces fired four single shots at 09UO GMT and started artillery fire at 1100 GMT; (iv). Israel forces fired two tank shots in OP Echo area at WhO GMT; (v) Israel forces fired artillery in OP Pink area. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations, (i) Casualties: Hone; (ii) Damage: Three bullet holes in OP Pink caravan. (b) Israel. No reports given by Senior Israel representative. (c) UAR. Reports given by Senior UAH Liaison Officer: None." UNITED NATIONS T) ~T ^ "l~ Y* oC Cb C/~ IU I DK I TI YV GENERAL COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Suez Canal sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, during the afternoon of 11 April 1969: "Folio-wing is summary of incidents in Suez Canal sector on 11 April:

"1. UAR forces use of loudspeaker.

(a) OP- Hike: between Okj>5 GMT and O'yOQ GMT there were loudspeaker broadcasts in Hebrew from west side of Canal. At 0731 GMT two single shots were heard north of OP and loudspeaker broadcasts from west side of Canal were heard before and after, these shots,

(b) OP Silver: between 0713 GMT and 0727 GMT loudspeaker broadcasts in Hebrew were heard from west side of Canal.

"2. Summary of OP reports. (a) OP Lima: between cS^l GMT and 11^2 GMT seven single shots across Canal by UAR forces. At 1253 bursts of machine-gun fire across Canal by Israel forces and at 1558 GMT one single shot by Israel forces and UAR soldier appeared to be wounded.

(b) OP Pink: between 0955 GMT and 12^2 GMT twelve single shots by UAR forces. (c) OP Violet: at ll+20 GMT one single shot by UAR forces and at 1^21 GMT light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1^28 GMT and 1623 GMT there was sporadic tank, artillery, mortar and small arms fire by UAR forces. (d) OP Echo: at 1^22 GMT firing was heard north of OP. Between l^k GMT and l6l9 GMT there was sporadic heavy weapons and small arms fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and Observation Posts established by UNTSO ~ in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add-90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-07677 s/T930/Add.l55 English Page 2

(e) OP Copper: between 1^52 GMT and l6l5 GMT there was sporadic artillery, mortar and small arms fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP Hotel: between 1508 GMT and 1619 GMT there was sporadic mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Yellow: at 1527 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1531 GMT one round of tank fire by Israel forces. At 1615 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at I6'l8 GMT and by UAR forces at 1652 GMT. N "3. Statements by parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer complained of following breaches of cease-fire:

(i) OP Blue area: at 0625 Local Time (0^25 GMT) four shots and 1520 LT one shot and one Israel soldier wounded.

(ii) OP Red area: between 0730 LT and 12^5 LT eleven single shots,

(iii) OP Pink area: at 1210 LT two single shots.

(iv) Kantara area: at l620 GMT UAR forces firing small arms^ anti-tank and mortar. Fire was not returned.

O) OP Yellow area; at 1725 LT UAR forces firing mortars.

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer complained of following breaches of cease-fire:

(i) Kantara area: at 1^30 GMT machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1^50 GMT mortar and tank fire by Israel forces.

(ii) OP Blue area: at 1500 GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces,

(iii) Ismailia area; at 1515 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces.

(iv) OP Foxtrot: at 1513 GMT machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces.

(v) OP Yellow: at 1615 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 1630 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at l6Uo GMT no fire by UAR forces but Israel forces continued to fire with--heavy weapons.

"%. Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire was proposed for 1600 GMT. At 1505 GMT Senior Israel Representative stated that Israel forces were not firing. At 15^1 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to the cease-fire proposal. S/7930/Add.l55 English Page 3

"5. Damage and casualties.

(a) There are no United Nations casualties and OP Yellow is believed to have sustained moderate damages. Additional reports will follow after daylight reconnaissance,

(b) No reports from either party. However,, the information set forth in sub-paragraphs 2 (a) and 3 (a) (i) is relevant. UNITED NATIONS Distr. CF vr* Uf \K i ?8 f\ TY v


Supplemental Information

With reference to the exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 10 April 1969 reported in 3/7930/Add.l53> the following final report on the damage sustained by UWTSO was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 11 April:

"1. UN buildings and facilities:-'

(a) KCC (Kantara Control Centre) building: small arms and shrapnel damage .

(b) OP Red: damage by small arms; refrigerator also damaged.,

(c) OP Pink: UNMOs* (United Nations Military Observers) caravan and Volkswagen rkombi bus' which is used as quarters for Liaison Officer both completely destroyed, with all furniture and facilities therein.

(d) OP Yellow: Liaison Officer's caravan sustained moderate damage by small arms fire and fragmentation from heavy weapons.

(e) OP Violet: number of bullet impacts on external walls and damage to the interior by small arms fire coming through windows and door.

(f) KCC Residence No. 1: direct hit by an 8l mm. mortar resulting in doors and windows broken and superficial damage to interior.

(g) KCC garage: moderate damage and unexploded mortar on floor.

(h) KCC supply store: one direct hit by mortar and one unexploded 8l mm. mortar outside building.

(i) ICC (ismailia Control Centre) Headquarters: external damage to building by impact of heavy calibre weapons immediately in front of building.

"2. UN vehicles: sixteen vehicles and/ or trailers on east side of Canal sustained from moderate to severe damage by small arms fire and fragmentation from heavy weapons.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNT30 in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents 3/7930/Add.9° and Corr.l and 2. 69-07615 UNITED NATIONS • Bistr. SECURITY GEIIEPA1 COUNCIL

GuTrplementa 1 Inf orniat ion

1. The following report concerning firings in the Guez Canal sector on 10 April 1969 was received iron: the Chief of Staff of UIITSO, Lt. General Odd Lull, during the evening of the same day:

"Summary report on exchanges of fire in Suez; Canal sector on 10 April;

"1. OP- reports.

(a) OP Pink. Between 0-Gl1!- GUT and lljo Glil there were thirty-seven occasions of single rifle shots across the Canal, by UAR forces. At l-!-2o GMT tank and artillery fire by Israel force," and at lUjO GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Exchange of fire continued until Israel forces ceased fire at 1550 GMT and UAR forces at Io20 GMT.

(b) OP Hotel. At 120)+ GMT UKMOs (United Hat ions Military Observers) reported, heavy shooting on west side of Canal. UMIOs could not confirm firing across Canal and at 1217 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that UAR forces were practice-firing in Icmailia area. At lh2.k GMT artillery, nortar and tank fire by Israel forces and at 1-426 GMT mortar and tank, fire by UAR forces. Fire continued sporadically until 152U GMT when Israel forces ceased fire and 15^5 GMT when UAR forces ceased fire. At 1625 GMT overflight by small reconnaissance-type aircraft was reported from east to west across Canal. Depth of penetration and point of recrossing unknown. Anti-aircraft fire heard far south of OP. At lo^O GMT and 1655 GMT single rifle shots heard north of OP on west side of Canal.

(c) OP Blue. At 1^25 GMT medium machine-gun and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1-1-26 GMT artillery, mortar and rocket fire by UAR forces. Fire continued intermittently until Israel forces ceased fire at Io07 GMT and UAR forces at Iol7 GMT. Exchange of fire broke out again at 1700 GMT and at 1710 GMT both parties were firing anti-aircraft fire. Fire in area ceased by both parties at 171^ GMT,,

The locations of the Observation Posts established by UIITSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-07583 s/7930/Add.l53 English Pap;e 2

(d) OP Yellow. At 1^25 GUT artillery fire by UAR forces and at lU2o GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1529 GMT and by UAR forces at lolU GMT,

(e) OP Silver. At 1^25 GMT rocket and tank fire by Israel forces and at 1^30 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until fire ceased by Israel forces at 1558 GMT and by UAR forces at 1609 GMT.

(f) OP Lima. At 1^26 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1^27 GMT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued sporadically until fire ceased in area at 1625 GMT by Israel forces and at l627 GMT by UAR forces.

(s) OP Mike. At 1^27 GMT artillery and nortar fire by Israel forces and tank and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire continued sporadically until fire ceased by UAR forces at l6l7 GMT and by Israel forces at l6l8 GMT. There was heavy weapons fire by UAR forces at 1657 GMT and by Israel forces at 1712 GMT. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1703 GMT and by Israel forces at 1715 GMT.

(h) 0? Kilo. At li,'-27 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1^30 GMT artillery and uortar fire by UAR forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire until fire ceased by Israel forces at iSll GMT and by UAR forces at l6l^ GMT.

(i) OP Foxtrot. At 1^27 GMT nortar fire by UAR forces and at GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Israel forces ceased fire at GMT and UAR forces continued intermittent mortar fire until 1600 GMT

(j) OP Red. At 1^27 GMT tank and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1^38 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Israel forces ceased fire at l6l5 GMT and UAR forces at 1632 GMT.

(k) OP Violet. At 1^06 GMT small arms fire by UAR forces. At GMT medium machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces. Exchange of fire continued until Israel forces ceased fire at 15^3 GMT and UAR forces at 1650 GMT.

(l) OP Echo. At ik'jo GMT explosions seen on east bank of Canal. At 1U59 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR and at 1506 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Intermittent exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until both parties ceased fire at 1632 GMT.

(m) OP Copper. At 1500 GMT light machine-gun and artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1505 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. There was intermittent exchange of fire until Israel forces ceased fire at 1613 GMT and UAR forces at 1617 GMT. S/7930/Add.l53 English Page 3

"2 = Cease-fire proposal. At 1449 GMT cease-fire was proposed for l6l5 GMT. Senior Israel Representative agreed at 1515 GMT and Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 155^ GliT. Cease-fire was generally effective at 1635 GUT except for QP Violet where sporadic fire was still taking place and OP Mike where fire was resumed at lo~57 GMT and ceased at 1715 GMT, at which time the whole sector was quiet.

"3« Statements "by parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 0450 GMT a few "bursts of machine-gun were fired by UAR forces in area south of Tirnsah Lake.

(ii) In OP Pink area single shots were fired by UAR forces on nineteen occasions "between 0701 GUT and 09! 1-7 GMT. Again between 0954 GMT and 1055 GMT sniping fire from UAR forces took place on twenty-two occasions.

(iii) At 1220 GMT five artillery shells were fired by UAR forces across Canal and exploded at road junction opposite Ismailia. Fire was not returned.

(iv) At 1340 GMT UAR forces opened fire at Israel patrol south of Timsah Lake. Fire was not returned but UAR forces fired at any movement of the patrol.

(v) At 1426 GMT UAR forces opened mortar fire at the patrol south of Timsah Lake. Fire was returned.

(vi) At 1427 GMT UAR forces opened artillery fire across Canal in Ismailia area.

(vii) At 142-3 GMT UAR forces opened artillery fire in Port Tawfiq area and snail arms fire in Kantara area. Fire was not returned in Kantara area.

(viii) At 1430 GMT UAR forces opened artillery fire in OP Yellow and OP Pink areas.

(ix) At 1450 GMT UAR forces opened mortar fire in Kantara area.

(x) At 1705 GMT two salvos were fired by UAR forces in Port Tawfiq. area. Fire was not returned.

(xi) At 1755 GMT UAR forces fired a few single shots in OP Red area. S/7930/Add.l53 English Page h

(b) UAE. Senior UA?V Liaison Officer stated that: (i) At 1130 GliT single shots by Israel forces in OP Yellow area. (ii) At 1^25 Gi-IT Israel forces started firing with artillery at Port Tawfiq.

(iii). At 1^25 GMT Israel forces started firing with artillery on Ismailia.

Senior UAR Liaison Officer passed following message to Officer-in-Charge, Ismailia, for information: '(l) At 15^0 GUT Israel forces fired on OP Pink and it is burning now. (2) Two Israel forces tanks firing at UAR positions from behind OP Silver.' "U. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations,

(i) Casualties: none. (ii) Buildings and facilities: OP Pink was completely destroyed. OP Yellow, OP Violet and Kantara Control Centre buildings damaged by small arms fire and shrapnel. Some damage to facilities in Ismailia,, Full report to follow after daylight reconnaissance.

(iii) Vehicles: some vehicles damaged, to be confirmed after daylight reconnaissance. (b) Israel: no report given by Senior Israel Representative. (c) UAR: no report given by Senior UAR Liaison Officer, "5. UNMOs at OP Pink have been withdrawn to OP Blue for the evening hours and will re-establish observation at OP Pink at 0500 GI-IT, 11 April. "6. Reference sub-paragraph 3 (b).? (iv), (2) above, UIH-IOs at OP Silver stated that no Israel tank fire took place from behind the OP."

2. For the record, it should be noted that United Nations Military Observers observed a number of firings with small arms in the Sues Canal sector on 7 April 19(59> which were not reported to the Security Council at the time. The report received from General Bull on this subject is as follows: Enclish

"Suez Canal sector cease-fire:

"1. Situation was generally quiet except for OP Pink area.

"2. United nations reported breaches of cease-fire by Israel: five. Uithin this number there were eleven occasions of rifle fire in OP Pink area between 1059 GUT and l6l2 OUT and in OP Foxtrot area at 1512 GUT.

"3- United nations reported breaches of cease-fire by UAR: nineteen. Within this number there were fifty-seven occasions of small arms fire in OP Pink area between 0512 GUT and 1536 GUT, three occasions in OP Kike area between 0855 GUT and 1512 GUT and five occasions in OP Foxtrot area between 1031 GHT and ihkk GMT." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l52 COUNCIL 9 April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UETSG,, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 9 April 1969:

"1. On 8 April at 19^2 GMT OP Seven (MR 22030-2Uc8o) reported firing broke out in the area. Small arms and medium machine-gun firing was observed from Israel position approximately one kilometre south east of OP. This fire could not be observed crossing Israel FDLs (Forward Defended Localities).

"2, At the same time fire was observed directed at the Israel position frcm approximately MR 220-2J8 and also mortar fire from a Syrian position located east of Syrian FDLs.

"3. All firing ceased at 1957 GMT."



Supplemental Information

Further to his message set forth in document S/7930/Add.150, the Chief-of-Staff of UWTSO, Lieutenant-General Cdd Bull, reported that firings broke out again in the Suez Canal Sector, in the OP—/ areas south of the Bitter Lakes, at 2037 hours GMT on 8 April 1969- The summary report on these firings as received from General Bull on the morning of 9 April reads as follows:

"Following is a summary report of firings and exchanges of fire during evening 8 April.

"1. OP reports. Origin of fire confirmed.

(a) OP Pink. Between 2037 GMT and 213U GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 2055 GMT and 2111 GMT tank fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Mike. Exchange of fire. At 2102 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2106 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 2202 GMT.

(c) OP Blue. Exchange of fire. At 2107 GMT artillery fire by both sides. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 21^9 GMT and by UAR forces at 2201 GMT.

(d) OP Red. Exchange of fire. At 21l6 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces and at 2120 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2133 GMT and by Israel forces at 2139 GMT. Between 2152 GMT and 2155 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2159 GMT three artillery rounds by Israel forces .

"2. OP reports. Origin of fire not confirmed.

OP Lima. At 20^5 GMT several heavy explosions observed on east side of canal north-west of OP distance unknown. At 2058 GMT one explosion same area.

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal Sector are given in documents S/7930/Add-90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-07^29 /... s/7950/Add.l5l English Page 2

"3. Statements by the parties .

(a) Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported, at 2115 GMT:

TAt 20^0 GMT UAR forces opened artillery fire in Port Tawfiq area and OP Pink area. Firing still going on.1

(b) Senior Liaison Officer reported at 2115 GMT:

'At 20^5 GMT Israel forces opened artillery fire in OP Pink area and now also artillery fire in OP Red^ OP Mike and OP Blue areas. Firing still going on-'

"h. Cease-fire proposals. Cease-fire for 2300 GMT proposed by Kantara Control Centre. Accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 22^7 GMT. No reply from Senior Israel Representative. Cease-fire effective.

"5- Casualties and damage report.

(a) UN. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS "pi"! Q j-.„

SECURITY ™Md 15Q COUNCIL wllw 8'ApSiMi9695° ^^"^'e::^ ^P^^^^^cs^: ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

With reference to the preliminary information set forth in document S/7930/Add.l49, the following final summary report on the firings in the Suez Canal sector on 8 April 1969 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt.-General Odd Bull:

"Following is summary report of exchange of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 8 April:

"1. OF-7 reports:

(a) OP Blue. At 0615 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 0620 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until 0806 GMT when Israel forces ceased fire and 0813 GMT when UAR forces ceased fire. At 0833 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0839 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0922 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and UAR forces continued with sporadic fire. At 1004 GMT again an exchange of heavy weapons fire which continued until 1117 GMT when Israel forces ceased fire. At 1126 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

fb) OP Mike. At C6l7 GMT tank and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0620 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Exchange of fire continued until Israel forces ceased fire at 0808 GMT and UAR forces at 08l4 GMT. At 0833 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0839 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0936 GMT' Israel forces ceased fire and UAR forces continued with heavy weapons fire. From 0959 GMT heavy exchange of fire again taking place. Fire ceased at 1125 GMT by Israel forces and at 1126 GMT by UAR forces.

(c) OP Red. At 0625 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces and at C627 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire, later to include tanks and artillery, continued until 0804 GMT when Israel forces ceased fire. UAR forces ceased fire at 0807 GMT. At 0843 GMT exchange of

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-074-24 S/7930/Add.l50 English Page 2

heavy weapons fire which continued sporadically until fire ceased by Israel forces at 0935 GMT and UAR forces at 09^7 GMT. At 1003 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1005 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Exchange of fire continued until 1117 GMT when Israel forces ceased fire. At 1139 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(d) OP Pink. At 0635 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 0642 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until 0828 GMT when fire ceased by UAR forces. At 0831 GMT fire ceased by Israel forces. At 08^7 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 0848 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire continued intermittently until Israel forces ceased fire at 1117 GMT and UAR forces at 11^-2 GMT.

(e) OP Lima. At 0639 GMT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces and at 0715 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire temporarily ceased in this area by Israel forces at 0802 GMT and by UAR forces at 0807 GMT. At OQkl GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at OQkk GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 0920 GMT and UAR forces at 09^5 GMT. Heavy weapons fire recommenced in this area by both parties at 1003 GMT and fire ceased by Israel forces at 1115 GMT and by UAR forces at 1200 GMT.

(f) OP Kilo. At G6k6 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at C6H-7 GMT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. At 0727 GMT rocket fire by UAR forces. Fire in area temporarily ceased by Israel forces at 0811 GMT and by UAR forces at 0828 GMT. At 08^5 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at 0846 GMT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. At 09^5 GMT rocket fire by UAR forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 1007 GMT and UAR forces at 1022 GMT. Fire resumed by Israel forces at 1046 GMT and by UAR forces at 1050 GMT. Fire ceased in this area by Israel forces at 1117 GMT and by UAR forces at 1121 GMT.

(g) OP Foxtrot. At 0655 GMT heavy explosions heard north of OP and immediately thereafter explosions observed on east side of Canal north east of OF. At 0718 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0735 GMT fire.by UAR forces. Fire temporarily ceased at 0801 GMT by Israel forces and at 08l3 GMT by UAR forces. At 0824 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at 0827 GMT heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Fire again temporarily ceased at 100k GMT by Israel forces and at 1023 GMT by UAR forces. Artillery fire by Israel forces resumed at 1104 GMT and by UAR forces at 1105 GMT, Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1107 GMT and by Israel forces at 1116 GMT.

(h) OP Hotel. At 0655 GMT heavy explosions heard north of OP on east side. At 0718 GMT tank and artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0722 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 0757 GMT UAR forces fired rockets. No firing by Israel forces between 0802 GMT and 0826 GMT. From 0826 GMT exchange of heavy weapons fire. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1007 GMT and by UAR forces at 1016 GMT. At 10*4-7 GMT tank and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1055 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased in area by Israel forces at 1015 GMT and by UAR forces at 1016 GMT. 3/7930/Add .150 English Page 3

(i) OP Yellow. At 0657 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0705 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces five kilometres south of OP. Machine- gun and mortar fire by UAR forces in OP area at 082^- GMT and machine-gun fire by Israel forces at 085^1- GMT. Fire in OP area ceased by Israel forces at 0858 GMT and by UAR forces at 09^1 GMT.

(j) OP Silver. At 0726 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at 0727 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire in this area ceased by Israel forces at 0825 GMT and by UAR forces at 08jl GMT.

(k) OP Violet. At 092^ GMT machine-gun fire and at 0926 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. At 092^ GMT artillery fire and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1015 GMT Israel forces ceased fire in immediate vicinity of OP but long- range artillery fire continued. Fire in this area ceased by Israel forces at 1123 GMT and by UAR forces at 1125 GMT.

(l) OP Copper. At 092U GMT mortar and tank fire by Israel forces and at same time mortar and small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1025 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and UAR forces continued with heavy weapons fire. At 1115 GMT exchange of heavy weapons fire in progress and last firing in area at 1123 GMT by Israel forces and at 112^ GMT by UAR forces.

(m) OP Echo. At 092^ GMT heavy artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0929 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0933 GMT Israel forces temporarily ceased fire. At 09^-8 GMT fire again by Israel forces and at 0952 GMT by UAR forces. Fire ceased at .1023 GMT by Israel forces and at 1050 GMT by UAR forces. Artillery and tank fire resumed by Israel forces at 1059 GMT and rnortar fire by UAR forces at 1101 GMT. Both sides ceased fire with heavy weapons at 1118 GMT but machine-gun fire, origin unknown, continued until 1125 GMT.

"2. Statements by the parties.

(a) The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported following firings by UAR forces:

(i) At 0550 GMT several bursts of medium machine-gun fire in OP Foxtrot area.

(ii) At 0820 GMT artillery fire, not returned, in OP Blue area.

(b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported following activities by Israel forces:

(i) OP Foxtrot area: at 03^0 GMT several bursts of medium machine- gun fire, at 0657 GMT artillery fire.

(ii) Port Tawfiq area: at 0615 GMT tank fire.

(iii) Ismailia area: at 0655 GMT firing (unspecified), at 0715 GMT tank fire, at 0808 GMT firing (unspecified), at 0825 GMT artillery fire . 3/7930/Add.l50 English Page k

(iv) Suez area: at 0805 GMT, firing at refinery (not specified),

(v) OP Yellow area: at 0808 GMT firing (not specified).

(vi) Kantara area: at C900-0910 GMT Israel soldiers were on roof of Kantara Control Centre (KCC) building, at 092.8 GMT firing (not specified).

(vii) OP Pink area: at 1007 GMT artillery fire, at 10^5 GMT artillery fire.

"~5. Cease-fire proposals.

(a) Cease-fire for 0800 GMT proposed by KCC. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 0735 GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 07U4 GMT. Cease-fire was not effective.

(b) A second cease-fire was proposed by KCC for 0930 GMT. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 0858 GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 0907 GMT. Cease-fire not effective.

(c) A third cease-fire was proposed by KCC for 1115 GMT. Accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1017 GMT and by Senior Israel Representative at 1050 GMT. This cease-fire was generally effective with last firing at 1200 GMT in area at OP Lima.

"k. Damage report.

(a) United Nations,

(i) Personnel: no casualties.

(ii) Buildings and facilities: windows broken at OP Lima; mortar rounds struck second floor of OP Mike; small arms damage at OP Violet and windows broken in KCC.

(iii) Vehicles: eleven vehicles at KCC received from minor to moderate damage by shrapnel.

(b) Israel: Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that one Israel soldier had been killed and three wounded.

(c) UAR: Senior UAR Liaison Officer gave no report as to UAR damage.

"5« Concerning Senior UAR Liaison Officer's complaint in sub-para. 2 (b) (vi) above, alleging that Israel soldiers were on roof of KCC building between C900 GMT and 0910 GMT. At this time KCC personnel were in shelter. Complaint was received at KCC at 0920 GMT. At 0922 GMT KCC building roof was checked by KCC personnel. There were no Israel soldiers on the roof at that time." UN (TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l'+9 COUNCIL Q April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following messages on firings in the Suez Canal sector have "been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO., Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 8 April 1969: (a) First message sent at 0710 hours GMT on 8 April:

"Kantara and Ismailia Control Centres—' report exchanges of" heavy weapons lire from Ismailia south to Suez. Interim report will follow,"

(b) Second message sent at 09CO hours GMT:

"Cease-fire proposal for C800 GMT was not effective. At cease-fire time fire de-escalated somewhat "but "by 08jO GMT heavy exchanges of fire continued in all OF areas from OP Yellow south to Suez. New cease-fire has been proposed for 0930 GMT. Interim report to follow."

(c) Third message sent at 1007 hours GMT:

"At 0925 GMT exchange of fire reported in Kantara area. Cease-fire for 0930 GMT was not effective. At 0950 GMT sporadic exchanges of fire continued from Kantara south to Suez."

(d) Fourth message sent at 1223 hours GMT:

"Cease-fire proposed and accepted for 1115 GMT was not effective except in OPs Silver and Yellow areas. Exchanges of heavy weapons fire continued in all OP areas from Kantara sou/ch to Suez. At 1200 GMT, Officers-in- Charge^ Kantara Control Centre and Ismailia Control Centre, reported MTR (nothing to report)."

2. Further information will be conveyed to the Security Council when received.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.



Supplemental Information.

With reference to the firings in the Suez Canal sector on k April 1969 dealt with in the preliminary reports set forth in documents S/7930/Add.lU7 and Corr.l the following final summary report on these firings has been received from the Chief of Staff of UIWSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"Summary report of exchange of fire in Suez Canal sector k April:

"1. Israel forces use of loudspeaker. At 0512 GMT Ismailia Control Centre reported that a loudspeaker was broadcasting from east to west side of Canal in Arabic. OP Pink I/ reported between 05JO GMT and 06l5 GMT Arabic broadcasts from east to west. OP Yellow reported between O^kl GMT and 0620 GMT Israel forces broadcasts from east to west in Arabic.

"2. Summary by OP area of firing incident:

(a) OP Lima. At 075^1 GMT two single shots by "JAR forces and at OQ2k GMT three single shots by UAR forces. At C8j6 GMT tank and anti-tank fire by Israel forces and immediately afterwards tank and anti-tank fire by UAR forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 0859 GMT and UAR forces ceased fire at 1015 GMT.

(b) OP Pink. At 0832 GMT tank fire by Israel forces and at same time mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0920 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 0935 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(c) OP Kilo. At 0835 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and immediately afterwards mortar fire by UAR forces in northerly direction vicinity of OP Pink. At 08UO GMT fire increased in intensity. Eoth parties ceased fire at 0950 GMT. At 1023 GMT one round of mortar fire by UAR forces south-east of OP.

(d) OP Red. At 0837 GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces and at 08^9 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Between 0905 GMT and 0910 GMT

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UMTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-07122 s/7930/Add.iU8 English Page 2

rocket fire by UAR forces. Exchange of fire continued. Israel forces ceased fire at 1007 GMT and UAR forces a^ 1015 GMT.

(e) OF Mike, At 0838 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces south of OP and at CQkG GMT machine-gun and tank fire by UAR forces south of OP. Exchange of fire with heavy weapons continued and Israel forces ceased to fire at 1009 GMT and UAR forces at 1013 GMT.

(f) OP Blue. At 0838 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces and at 08^-6 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire in area continued with UAR ceasing fire at 1009 GMT and Israel forces at 101 4 GMT.

(g) OP Silver. 0910 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. This fire was not returned and Israel fire ceased at 09^1 GMT. At 1C08 GMT two rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire not returned.

(h) OP Hotel. At 0937 GMT anti-aircraft fire by Israel forces south- east of OP. At this time helicopter flying north to south on west side of Canal.

"3. Cease-fire proposal. At 08,57 GMT cease-fire was proposed for 1000 GMT. Senior Israel Representative agreed at 0918 GMT and Senior UAH Liaison Officer at 0923 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective with last firing in sector at 1023 GMT.

"4. Statements by parties.

(a) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 0830 GMT UAR forces fired two shots in OP Red area.

(ii) At 0832 GMT UAR forces fired mortar and tank fire in OP Pink area,

(iii) At 083U GMT three additional shots were fired in Op Red area and at 0836 GMT anti-tank fire by UAR forces in OP Red area. At this time fire was returned. At 0838 GMT UAR initiated artillery fire in Port Tawfiq area.

(b) UAR. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that:

(i) At 0530 GMT Israel forces used loudspeaker in vicinity of OP Silver.

(ii) At 0835 GMT Israel forces tank fired 35 shots from east to west in area south of the Bitter Lakes.

(iii) At 0915 GMT Israel forces tanks firing from east to west in Deversoir area. S/793°/Add. English Page 3

(iv) At 0953 GMT Israel forces fired artillery shells towards Ismailia from east to west.

(v) At 1004 GMT Israel forces continued to fire with machine-gun in Deversoir area.

(vi) At 1044 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported that Local Commander in Kantara area informed him that Israel forces were using Headquarters Kantara Control Centre as an observation post at 0835 GMT.

(vii) At 1052 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that some Israel forces weapons had been sighted on east side of Canal in close proximity to the OP Silver caravans.

"5- With reference to the UAR complaint in sub-paragraph 4 (b) (vi) above., the Officer-in-Charge, Kantara Control Centre, informed that at time of the complaint, Kantara Control Centre personnel were working both inside and outside of their Headquarters building and that no Israel forces personnel used the building for observation purposes. With reference to the UAR complaint in sub-paragraph 4 (b) (vii). United Nations Military Observers at Op Silver reported that the nearest Israel forces positions which fired were approximately 100 metres south and 100 metres east of the OP.

"6. Damage and casualties.

(a) UN. Ho UN casualties or OP damage. One vehicle at OP Red slightly damaged.

(b) No reports from either Israel or UAR authorities.I: UNJTEO NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.1^7/Corr. 1 COUNCIL k April 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information


Sub-paragraph 1 (b) should read as follows:

"(b) Second report sent at 1118 hours GMT: 'Cease-fire was proposed for 1000 GMT and was generally effective and at 10^5 GMT all OPs had nothing to report. Summary will follow.'"



Supplemental Information

1. The following reports on firings in the Suez Canal sector have been received from the Chief of Staff of IMCSO, Lt, General Odd Bull, on the morning of k April 1969: (a) First report sent at 0925 hours GMT on h April:

"All Observation Posts from 0? Piafc (MR 7661-8281) south to Suez report exchange of heavy weapons (D) "Cease-fire was proposed for 1000 GMT and was generally effective and at 10^5 GMT all OPs had nothing to report. Summary will follow." 2. Further information will be conveyed to the Security Council when received .


Supplemental Information

The folio-wing report concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 29 March 1969:

"l< On 28 March at 1705 GMT UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) at OP Five (MR 22851-27760), OP Six (MR 22995-28^8) and OP Winter (MR 23205-2792^) observed mortar fire by Syrian forces from approximately 2,000 metres east of OP Six. Two flares were seen and ten to eleven rounds of mortar fire were clearly heard. Impacts were heard in the Quneitra area (MR 227-281). Firing ceased at 1710 GMT.

"2. At 1710 GMT fire was observed by Israel forces from position at MR 22965-28155 with five bursts of machine -gun fire with tracers. Firing was heard and seen. Target was in the approximate area of the Syrian mortar position mentioned in para. 1 above."



Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the Israel complaint and request for inquiry mentioned in the report on the firings in the Suez Canal sector on 2.k March 1969 (s/7930/Add . sub-paragraph 2 (b))., the following summary of inquiry has been received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"Summary of inquiry into alleged explosion south of OP Pink on 2k March at approximately MR 766^-8223

"1. Inquiry vas conducted by two UMOs (United Nations Military Observers).

"2. Inquiry commenced at scene of incident at 1325 GMT on 25 March and vas concluded at 1^37 GMT same day.

"3- Scene of incident was at approximately MR 766^-8223.

"U. Statements of witnesses:

(a) First witness: Israel forces tank commander stated that on 2k March he was driving along track from south to north and at approximately 0530 GMT his tank ran over a mine. No one was wounded. He also stated that the other crew members were not available.

(b) Second witness: Local commander stated that the track had been used on 23 March.

"5. Physical evidence:

(a) One bogey wheel and one shock abosrber and parts of a tank track apparently blown away by explosion.

(b) Two craters close together, one of 2.5 metres diameter and U5 cms. depthj the other 2. metres diameter and 30 cms. depth.

(c) No other mines were seen in the area but inquiring UNMOs were informed that area had not been cleared for mines.

(d) Footprints were noticed leading to Canal at kilometre marker but they were not clear.

69-06226 S/7930/Add.l45 English Page 2

(e) On the request of the UNMOs to see the tank allegedly damaged, Local Commander stated that tank was not available for inspection as it was in workshop. (f) Sketch was made and photographs taken." 2. With reference to the damage caused by the firings on 2k March (s/7950/Add.lMt-, paragraph 5), General Bull has submitted the following supplementary report on the damage suffered by UNTSO: "l Kantara Control Centre side. (a) Buildings. One building (residence No. l) was damaged as follows: two rooms not habitable after direct hits in walls facing westwards; hole in ceiling after direct hit; three water tanks punctured but repairable; fifty-four window panes broken. (b) Vehicles. Three vehicles were damaged in varying degree. (c) Others. Damage to ^00-litre aluminium water tank, generator, spare Chevrolet radiator and portable electric welder. "2. Ismailia Control Centre side. Wo damage." UN/TED NATIONS Dist.r. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.1 COUNCIL 2^ March. 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Informat ion

With reference to the firings in the Suez Canal sector on 2k March 1969 dealt with in the preliminary reports set forth in document S/7950/Ada.lli5, the following final summary report on these firings has been received from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"Summary of reports of firings and exchanges of fire on 2k- March:

"1. Summary of OP—' reports:

(a) OP Pink.

(i) At Q^2h- GMT two explosions heard and smoke seen coming up on east side of Canal 500 metres south of OP.

(ii) At 0600 GUT one explosion heard approximately three kilometres south of OP. Sounded like mine explosion. OP Gold reported this e;cplosion took place on east side of Canal.

(iii) Exchange of fire: At 06^7 GUT artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. At 07^4- GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0901 GMT and by Israel forces at 1001 GMT.

(b) OP Kilo.

(i) At 0600 GMT two heavy explosions caused by UAR fire observed on east side close to Canal,, one kilometre south-east of OP.

(ii) Exchange of fire: At 0639 GMT anti-tank gun and anti-tank rocket fire by UAR forces. At 0700 GMT artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces, Fire ceased by both parties at 0757 GMT.

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given In documents S/793G/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-06101 S/7950/Add.]M English Page 2

(iii) At Oo^O GUT anti-tank fire by UAR forces-. Firing ceased at 0936 GMT and was again observed at 0959 GMT by UAR forces with heavy artillery and .rockets. Firing ceased at 1C01 GUT.

(c) OP Gold.

(i) At 0000 GUT one big explosion observed on east side of Canal five kilometres north of OP (see sub-para, (a) above),,

(ii) Exchange of fire: At 0710 GMT artillery,, mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. At 0732 GMT artillery, mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 09^ GMT, and by UAR forces at 09^7 GMT.

(d) OP Blue. (

Exchange of fire: At 0639 GMT artillery, rockets., tank and machine-gun "fire by Israel forces.1 At 06^1 GMT artillery,, mortar and machine -gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1000 GMT.,

(e) OP Mike.

Exchange of fire': At 0639 GUT nortar, tank and machine-gun fire ' by Israel forces . At o6kk GMT mortar and tank fire by UAR forces . At 0707 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces at refinery in Suez. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 095^ GMT and by UAR forces at 1003 GUT. However, no firing was observed by Israel forces between GMT and 093^ GMT.

(f) OP Red. /

Exchange of fire: At 0709 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0733 GMT tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0912 GMT and by UAR forces at 1000 GMT.

(g) OP Lima.

(i) Between 0733 GMT and 0735 GMT, anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces.

(ii) At 0836 GMT tank fire by Israel forces.

(iii) Exchange of fire: At 09^5 GMT, artillery and tank fire by Israel forces. At' the same time, anti-tank gun and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 095^ GMT and by UAR forces at 0958 GMT. S/7930/Add.jM English Page 3

(h) OP Juliet,

Exchange of fire: At 0833 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0905 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 0922 GMT and by UAR forces at 0955 GMT.

(i) OP Hotel.

Exchange of fire: At oBk^ GMT heavy artillery fire by Israel forces. At 08^.5 GMT artillery, mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both sides at 1026 GMT.

(j') OP Echo,

Exchange of fire:. -A* oQ?& cn-ix Daytime OP Echo observed artillery o ana mortai—-fire by Israel' forces, and at 0858 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0857 GMT OP Echo observed mortar fire by Israel forces, and at 0900 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased at 1002 GMT from both sides in Daytime OP Echo area, and at 1000 GUT by Israel forces and 1003 GMT by UAR forces in OP Echo area.

(k) OP Yellow.

Exchange of fire: At 0856 GMT artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0913 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1002 GMT and by UAR forces at lOOo GMT.

(l) OP Violet,

Exchange of fire: At 0857 GMT artillery, missile and tank fire by Israel forces'. At 0858 GMT artillery, missile and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1002 GMT and by UAR forces at lOOU GMT.

(m) OP Silver.

Exchange of fire: 'At 0900 GMT artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0907 GMT mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0957 GMT and by UAR forces at 100k GMT.

(n) OP,Copper„

Exchange of fire: At 0900 GMT artillery, rocket, mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. At 0901 GMT artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1000 GMT and by UAR forces at 1005 GMT. S/7930/Add.l*4-*4- English Page *4-

(o) OP Foxtrot. (i) Between 0908 GUT and 0935 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces,

(ii) Between 101*4- GMT and 1020 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces,

(iii) At 1052 GMT one artillery round "by UAR forces.

"2. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported following breaches of the cease-fire by UAR forces:

(a) OP Pink area: At 0*4-20 GMT two bazooka shells. At 0812 GMT artillery fire.

1 (b) ' OPs Red/Gold area: At 0010 urn a, few mines found. Inquiry ( requested. At 08;>5 firing (unspecified).

(c) OP Blue area: At 0835 GMT firing (unspecified),

(d) OP Yellow area: At 0855 GMT artillery fire. At 101*4- GMT one artillery shell.

(e) Kantara area; At 0855 GMT artillery fire.

(f) OP Foxtrot area: At 1022 GMT artillery fire. At 1025 GMT and 1035 GMT salvos of artillery fire.

"3« Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported following breaches of the cease-fire by Israel forces:

(a) OP Lima area: At 0*4-20 GMT tank fire. Senior UAR Liaison Officer , also stated1 that there was no firing from west side of Canal, At o6hO GMT V rocket fire. At 0810 GMT firing still in progress. Senior UAR Liaison Officer also stated that there was no firing from west side of Canal.

(b) OP Kilo area; At 08lO GMT firing (unspecified). At O3*f0 GMT rifle fire.

(c) Ismailia: At 0855 GMT artillery fire.

"h. Cease-fire proposals.

(a) Cease-fire for 0800 GMT proposed by Kantara Control Centre. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative through Assistant IDF Liaison Officer at 0715 GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 07*4-7 GMT. Cease-fire was not effective.

(b) A second cease-fire was proposed for 1000 GMT. Accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 0927 GMT and by Senior' Israel Representative at 0930 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective. S/7930/Add.lM English 5

"5. Casualties and damage report,

(a) UI-ITSO.

(i) Ho casualties.

(ii) Mihor damage to Kantara Control Centre buildings. Residence Ho. 1 at least two direct hits from shells.

(iii) Shelter mast at Kantara Control Centre seriously damaged. Four antennae were downed. Antenna at OP Blue also damaged.

(t>) Israel: No reports received, (c) UAR: Ho reports received."


Supplemental Information

1. The following- reports on firings in the Suez Canal sector have been received from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 24 March 1969: (a) First report sent at 0721 hours GMT on 2k March: "Shooting with heavy weapons has broken out in OPs Blue (MR 7677-8055), Mike (MR 7657-8057) and Kilo (MR 7660-8225) areas. Cease-fire proposed for 0800 GMT. Report will follow." (b) Second report sent at 0932 hours GMT: "Cease-fire for 0890 GMT was not effective and heavy fire has now spread along Canal from Kantara south to Suez. Hew cease-fire has been proposed for 1000 GMT." (c) Third report sent at 1155 hours GMT: "At 1011-5 GMT all OPs reported NTR (nothing to report). Summary report of incidents follows." 2. Fa—Mier information will be conveyed to the Security Council when received.


Supplemental Information The following report concerning firings in the Suez Canal sector on 18 March 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day: "Summary of UN reports and complaints from the parties on 18 March: "1. UN reports and complaints from the parties not included in the reports of exchanges of fire in paragraph 2 below: (a) OP—' reports: (i) OP Pink: tank fire by Israel forces between 05^5 GMT and 0546 GMT, between 06kl GMT and 06^5 GMT, between 1022 GMT and 1112 GMT. (ii) OP Lima: heavy artillery fire by UAR forces between 1023 GMT and 1126 GMT. (b) Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported breaches of cease-fire between 0110 GMT and 1237 GMT as follows: (i) OP Blue area: at 0110 GMT three rifle shots; at 09*fl GMT artillery fire. (ii) OP Silver area: at OkQO GMT two rifle shots. (iii) OP Pink area: at 0523 GMT and Q6kQ GMT a few rifle shots; at 1237 GMT machine-gun fire, (c) Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported breaches of cease-fire by Israel forces as follows: (i) OP Pink area: between 0515 GMT and 0530 GMT and at 0628 GMT tank fire towards a train. (ii) OP Mike area: at 09^2 GMT and 0958 GMT tank fire; at 1125 GMT single artillery rounds.

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal "~ sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-05619 /... S/7930/Add.l^2 English Page 2

"2. OP reports of exchanges of fire: (a) DP Kilo: (i) At 0521 GMT United Nations Military Observers (UNMOs) observed tank fire by Israel forces and at 0532 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 0539 GMT. (ii) At 1022. GMT UNMOs observed tank fire by Israel forces and artillery fire by UAR forces; firing started simultaneously. Firing ceased "by UAR forces at 1032 GMT and by Israel forces before 10^5 GMT (exact time not confirmed). Mortar fire by UAR forces was observed between 1050 GMT and llQh GMT. (b) OP Blue: (i) At 09^1 GMT UfflOs observed tank fire by Israel forces and at 09^7 GMT mortar fire by UA3. forces. At 1003 GMT both parties used artillery. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 111^ GMT and by UAR forces at 1153 GMT. (ii) Firing recommenced at lik-6 GMT when UMMOs observed tank fire by Israel forces immediately followed by mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 1150 GMT. (c) OP Mike. At 09^5 GMT UNMOs observed tank fire by Israel forces and at 09^6 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1115 GMT and by UAR forces at 1122 GMT. (d) OP Gold. At 1023 GMT UMOs observed tank and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 10^8 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1121 GMT and by UAR forces at 1126 GMT. (e) OP Red. At 1031 GMT UMOs observed artillery and tank fire by Israel forces and at 1056 GMT mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1056 GMT and by UAR forces at 1127 GMT. "3. Cease-fire proposal: cease-fire time for 1115 GMT proposed by Kantara Control Centre. Accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1033 GMT and by Senior Israel Representative at 10^3 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective at 1150 GMT. "4. Casualties and damage: (a) United Nations. Nil, (b) Israel. Three soldiers slightly wounded. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. //^X^rvX^X GENERAL SECURITY «%™, , , ffi^O"^ 9 3/793C/Add. COUNCIL W3^W ^Marc ^=^fi^=>' ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the firings in the Suez Canal sector on 13 March 1969 mentioned in document S/7930/Add.l^Q, paragraph 2, the following summary report on these firings was received from the Chief of Staff df UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of l4 March:

"Following is summary report of firings in Suez Canal sector 13 March. Earlier firings in the Canal sector on 13 March were contained in previous report (see S/7930/Add.lUo, paragraph l):

"1. Summary of OP-/ reports:

"(a) OP Pink. At 1520 GMT United Nations Military Observers (UNMOs) observed tank fire by Israel forces and at 1523 GMT UNMOs observed mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire continued intermittently and fire ceased by Israel forces at 1623 GMT and by UAR forces at 1635 GMT.

"(b) OP Delta. At. 1531 GMT UNMOs observed machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1552 GMT observed machine-gun fire by UAE forces. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 15V2 GMT and by UAR forces at 1607 GMT. "(c) OP Charlie. At 1552 GMT UNMOs observed mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and immediately thereafter mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at l6lO GMT.

"(d) OP Lima. UNMOs observed machine-gun, fire by Israel forces at 1535 GMT and small fire by UAR forces at 1555 GMT. Moderate exchange of light and medium weapons fire continued until 1635 GMT when Israel forces ceased fire. UAR forces ceased fire at 1715 GMT.

"(e) OP Mike. At 1538 GMT UNMOs observed mortar fire by UAR forces and at 15^3 GMT heavy artillery fire by Israel forces in direction of the Suez refineries. Heavy weapons fire continued and fire ceased by Israel forces at 1657 GMT and by UAR forces 1716 GMT. Firing recommenced by Israel forces at 1727 GMT and by UAR forces at 1734 GMT. Both parties used mortars and

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add,90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-05310 / S/7930/Add. 1*4-1 English Page 2

fire by Israel forces ceased at 1731 GMT and by UAR forces at 1735 GMT. Tank fire by Israel forces observed at 1755 GMT and mortar fire by UAR forces at 1759 GMT.

"(f) OP Blue. At 1538 GMT UNMOs observed mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. UNMOs then had. to go to shelter and did not observe beginning of fire by Israel forces but confirmed fire by Israel forces at 1658 GMT. Intermittent fire continued in this area until 1715 GMT when fire ceased by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAE forces at 1718 GMT. At iSll GMT one rifle shot by Israel forces observed and at 1837 GMT one mortar round by UAR forces observed.

"(g) OP Violet. At 1536 GMT UNMGs observed tank and artillery fire by Israel forces and. at 15^5 GMT rocket fire by Israel forces. They observed anti-tank, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces at 15^8 GMT. Exchange of light and heavy weapons fire continued until lokk GMT vhen fire ceased by • Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1650 GMT. Anti-tank and machine-gun fire by UAR forces observed, at 1722 GMT.

"(h) OP Hotel. At 1541 GMT UNMOs observed artillery fire by Israel forces and at 15^5 GMT observed artillery fire by UAR forces. Intermittent artillery fire was exchanged and fire ceased by UAR forces at 1658 GMT and by Israel forces at 1701 GMT,

"(i) OP Foxtrot. At 15*4-1 GMT UNMOs observed heavy artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1601 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Exchange of artillery fire continued and fire ceased by UAR forces at l6*tO GMT and by Israel forces at 1701 GMT.

"(j) OP Copper. At 1536 GMT UNMOs observed artillery fire by Israel forces and machine-gun fire by UAR forces at 15^8 GMT. Intermittent exchange of light and heavy weapons fire continued until 16*4-5 GMT when fire ceased by ( Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 16*4-9 GMT.

"(k) OP Echo. At 15^3 GMT UNMOs observed mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 15**-8 GMT mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at l6kk GMT and by UAR forces at Io52 GMT. One tank round was fired by Israel forces at 1720 GMT and was followed by machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 1723 GMT.

"(1) OP Gold. At 1535 GMT tank gun and mortar fire by Israel forces was observed. At 15*4-5 GMT UNMOs observed mortar fire by UAR forces. Israel forces ceased fire before 1715 GMT; exact time not observed. UAR ceased fire at 1715 GMT.

"(m) OP Silver. At 1551 GMT UNMOs observed mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1553 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire in this area ceased by both parties at 171*4- GMT. S/7930/Add.lia English Page 3

"(n) OP Yellow. At 1552 GMT UNMOs observed a. short burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1603 GMT they observed mortar fire by UAR forces. Israel forces did not fire after 1552 GMT and UAR forces ceased fire at 1713 GMT.

"(Q) OP Red. At 1535 GMT UNMOs observed artillery or heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at 15^5 GMT there was an exchange of artillery fire. Israel forces ceased fire before 1715 GMT; exact time not observed. UAR ceased fire at 1715 GMT.

"(p) OP Kilo. At 1620 GMT UNMOs observed machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1632 GMT observed machine-gun and artillery fire by UAR forces. An exchange of light and heavy weapons fire continued until 1700 GMT when fire ceased by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1708 GMT.

"(q.) OP Green. At 1752 GMT UNMOs observed mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1753 GMT tank gun fire by Israel forces. There was a heavy exchange of firing in this area and fire ceased by Israel forces at iQlk GMT and by UAR forces at 1842 GMT.

"2. Cease-fire proposals:

"(a) Cease-fire for 1715 GMT proposed by UNTSO at 1559 GMT. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 1635 GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1700 GMT. At cease-fire time there was a lull in firing all along Canal but fire later recommenced in the OP Green and OP Mike areas as noted in paragraph 1.

"(b) New cease-fire proposed for OP Green and OP Mike areas for 18^5.GMT by UNTSO. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 1825 GMT and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer by 1831 GMT. Cease-fire was effective with last firing in OP Green area at 1842 GMT.

"3- Statements by the parties:

"(a) Assistant IDF Liaison Officer alleged firing of two flares from west side of Canal in vicinity of OP Pink at 1853 GMT.

"(b) Senior UAR Liaison Officer alleged Israel forces fired from east bank as follows:

"(i) At 1520 GMT artillery fire in OP Pink area at a civilian train.

"(ii) At 1535 GMT and again at 1750 GMT artillery fire in OP Hotel area,

"(iii) At 1730 GMT tank and machine-gun fire in OP Blue area,

"(iv) At 1755 GMT and 1800 GMT artillery and mortar fire in OP Mike area. S/7930/Add.ltl English Page k

"(v) At l800 GMT artillery and mortar fire in OP Green area.

"h. Casualties and damage reports:

"(a) UNTSO. Blast damage to building at Kantara Control Centre and radio antenna damaged. No other damage reported, subject to confirmation morning of lU March.

"(b) Israel forces. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that two soldiers were slightly wounded.

"(c) UAR forces. No report given." UN (TED NATIONS Dictr. GENERAL


Supplemental Information

1. The following report concerning firings in the Suez Canal sector en

13 March 1969 -was submitted by the Chief of Staff of U1!T30; Lt „ General Odd Bull, on the sane day at l6jO hours GMT:

"Summary of reported breaches of the cease-fire on 15 March from 0001 GMT to 1503 GMT:

"1. UN observed firings across the Canal. OP Pink:-

(a) By UAR forces: small arms fire at 0925 GMT, 0930 GMT, 0931+ GMT.

(b) By Israel forces: two tank gun rounds at 1153 GMT; artillery fire at 1*126 GMT; one tank gun round at 1500 GMT.

"2. UN reports of exchanges of fire. OP Pink: at 1153 GMT mortar, tank and machine-gun fire by UAR forces; at 12o4 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at I2k5 GMT and by UAR forces at 1250 GMT,

"3. UN reported firings heard in immediate proximity of the Canal. OP Mike: machine-gun fire by UAR forces at 0909 GMT.

"U. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported firings across the Canal by UAR forces as follows:

(a) OP Pink area: rifle fire at 0925 GMT, 0930 GMT, 093^ GMT, 0939 GMT and 1200 GMT; anti-tank and rifle fire at 1^20 GMT.

(b) OP Silver area: rifle fire at 0930 GMT.

(c) OP Hotel area; rifle fire at 0932 GMT,

(d) OP Blue area: rifle fire at 0932 GHT.

"5- Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firings across the Canal by Israel forces as follows:

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Sues Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-05223 S/7930/Add.l>lO English Page 2

OP Pink area: artillery fire at 1155 GMT; mortar fire at 1215 GUT;- tank gun fire at 1230 GMT; rifle fire at 13^0 GMT; tank gun and machine-gun fire at 1^10 GMT."

2. Subsequently during the afternoon of 15 March., preliminary reports were received from General Bull concerning further exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector, details of which are still awaited. UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.l39 COUNCIL 12 March 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

With reference to the firings reported in document S/7930/Add.l58, paragraph 2, the following report concerning further firings in the Suez Canal sector on 12 March 1969 -was submitted "by the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day at 1530 hours "1* Firings across the Canal observed and reported by United Nations Military Observers (UBMCs): (a) OP Gold.i/ At 1130 GMT and from 1427 GMT to 1*1-29 GMT, tank fire by Israel forces. (b) OP Pink. Ey UAR forces: at 1131 GMT, 1312 GMT and 1316 GMT, automatic weapons fire; at 1226 GMT, 1255 GMT to 1255 GMT and at 1*0.7 GMT, mortar fire. By Israel forces: at 1150 GMT and 1227 GMT, tank fire; at 1312 O.H? and 1315 (MSj machine-gun fire. "2. Firings heard by UNMOs but origin of fire not confirmed: (a) OP Kilo. At 1117 GMT, 1130 GMT, 1138 GMT, 1225 GMT, 1254 GMT and 1318 CMC, reported explosions on both east and west banks north of OP. Also reported between 0947 GMT and 1318 GMT sporadic small arms fire to north of OP. (b) OP Lima. Confirmed explosions to north of OP at 1119 GMT and 1130 GMT. "3. Assistant ID? Liaison Officer reported firing across Canal by UAR forces with machine-guns, mortars and anti-tank weapons between 1140 GMT and 1422 GMT as follows: OP Pink area on twelve occasions; OP Silver area on two occasions; OP Red area on one occasion, "4. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by Israel forces with machine-guns and tanks between 1115 GMT and 1330 GMT as follows: OP Pink area on six occasions; OP Blue and Silver areas on one occasion each."

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal ~" - sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2. 69-05144 UNITED NATIONS Distr . GENERAL SECURITY COUNCIL ORIGINAL : ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following report from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull., concerning firings in the Sues Canal sector on 11 March 1969, is the final summary report on incidents dealt with in the preliminary reports set forth in documents S/7930/Add.l36, paragraph 1, and S/7930/Add.137:

"Following is a summary of the exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector, 11 March:

"1. UN reports and complaints from the parties prior to the main exchange of fire:

A. UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) observed and reported firings across the Canal as follows:

(a) OP Pink.-/ Small arms fire by UAR forces at 0837 GMT, 0854 GMT, 0857 GMT, 0917 GMT, 0919 GMT, 0958, 1002 GMT, 11V/ GMT, 1232 GMT, and mortar fire between 1235 GMT and 1238 GMT. Tank fire by Israel forces observed from east to west bank at 1013 GMT, 1023 GMT, 1116 GMT; 1120 GMT, 114? GMT, 1150 GMT, 1155 GMT, 1157 GMT, 1212 GMT, 1234 GMT.

(b) OP Red. Small arms fire by UAR forces at 0850 GMT and 0903 GMT.

(c) OP Gold. Small arms fire by UAR forces at 08^2 GMT.

E. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported breaches of cease-fire by Israel forces between 0850 GMT and 1235 GMT as follows:

(a) At 0850 GMT small arms fire between OPs Lima and Gold.

(b) Between 0915 GMT and 0920 GMT automatic weapons fire in OP Pink area.

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-05063 /. S/7930/Add,138 English Page 2

(c) At 1020 GMT, 1025 GMT, 1030 GMT, 1120 GMT, 1158 GMT and 1235 GMT heavy weapons or tank fire by Israel forces from east of Canal in OP Pink area.

C. IDF Liaison Officer reported breaches of cease-fire by UAR forces:

(a) OP Pink area: at 0830 GMT, 0837 GMT, 0852 GMT, 085? GMT, 0914 GMT, 0923 GMT, 0950 GMT, 1003 GMT, 1105 GMT, 1138 GMT, 11^0 GMT, 1145 GMT3 1232 GMT, 1311 GMT to 1315 GMT small arms fire from west side of Canal.

(b) OP Eed area: at 0901 GMT and 1010 GMT small arms fire from west side of Canal.

(c) Kantara area: at 1258 GMT and 1301 GMT small arms fire from west side of Canal.

(d) OP Blue area: at Ill6 GMT small arms fire from west side of Canal.

(e) At 1052 GMT in firing in area of OP Pink one Israel soldier was wounded.

"2. UN reports on main exchange of fire afternoon 11 March and cease- fire proposals:

A. OP reports:

(a) OP Pink. At 1319 GMT UMOs observed mortar fire by UAR forces from west side which ceased immediately. At 1325 GMT UNMOs observed tank fire by Israel forces which ceased at 133^ GMT. Fire resumed by Israel forces at 1353 GMT and UAR recommenced mortar fire. Fire continued sporadically. Israel forces ceased fire at 1^50 GMT and UAR forces at 1515 GMT.

(b) OP Blue. At 1333 GMT UWMOs observed tank and rocket fire by Israel forces. At 1339 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces was observed. At approximately 1500 GMT Israel forces stopped firing for about ten minutes. Heavy exchange of fire resumed in this area with heavy weapons and last firing reported in this area was by UAR forces at 1721 GMT.

(c) OP Mike. At 1333 GMT UNMOs observed heavy weapons fire by UAR forces and at 1336 GMT heavy weapons fire by Israel forces. There was a continued exchange of fire with heavy weapons. Israel forces ceased fire at 1718 GMT and UAR forces ceased fire at 1721 GMT. S/7930/Add.l38 English Page 3

(d) OP Red. At 1335 GMT UlMOs observed artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1337 GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1505 GMT Israel stopped firing for approximately ten minutes. Heavy exchange of fire continued in this area. Israel forces ceased fire at 1705 GMT and UAR forces at 1720 GMT.

(e) OP Lima. At 1337 GMT UNMOs observed artillery and tank fire by Israel forces approximately five kilometres south of OP. At 13^-0 GMT UNMOs observed artillery mortar and sounds like rocket fire by UAR forces. Exchange of fire ensued. At 14^9 GMT Israel ceased fire. Between 15^-5 GMT and 1715 GMT exchange of heavy artillery and tank fire was in progress in the area south of OP. Firing ceased at 1719 GMT. First party to cease fire could not be determined.

(f) OP Gold. At 1350 GMT UMMOs observed in vicinity of OP heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. At 1^30 GMT UNMOs observed tank fire by Israel forces. Israel ceased fire at approximately 1500 GMT but heavy exchanges fire resumed intermittently with last firing in the area by UAR forces at 1720 GMT.

(g) OP Juliet. At 1355 GMT UNMOs observed heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and recoiless rifle and mortar fire by UAR forces. Exchange of fire continued in this area until 1^5^- GMT when Israel forces ceased fire. UAR forces ceased fire at 1502 GMT. Observers reported what sounded like rocket fire by UAR forces at 1535 GMT. Firing by UAR forces ceased at l6ok GMT.

(h) OP Kilo. At llai GMT UNMOs observed tank fire by Israel forces. At 1^39 GMT UNMOs observed heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Heavy exchange of fire continued until 15^5 GMT when fire ceased by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 15^8 GMT.

(i) OP Echo. At 1^29 GMT UNMOs observed artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1^-31 UNMOs observed artillery and mortar fire and what sounded like rockets by Israel forces. Heavy exchange of fire continued in this area with Israel forces ceasing fire at 1713 GMT and UAR forces at 17l6 GMT.

(j) OP Silver. At 1^39 GMT UNMOs observed heavy shelling by UAR forces. No firing by Israel forces observed immediately. However heavy exchange of firing in progress at 1510 GMT and exchange of fire continued until 1659 GMT.

(k) OP Foxtrot. At 1^39 GMT heavy mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces observed. UAR continued heavy weapons fire until 1650 GMT. UNMOs did not observe fire by Israel forces in this area.

(l) OP Violet. At 1^1-39 GMT UHMOs observed mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1^42 GMT UNMOs observed small arms., mortar and artillery fire and what sounded like rocket fire by Israel forces. Heavy S/7930/Add.l38 English Page k

exchange of fire continued in this area vith UAR forces ceasing fire at 1707 GMT and Israel forces at 1716 GMT.

(m) OP Yellow. At lUHo GMT UHMOs observed artillery fire by UAR forces and automatic weapons fire by Israel forces at lUj-2 GMT. Exchange of fire continued in this area with UAR forces ceasing fire at 1639 GMT and Israel forces at 1653 GMT.

(n) OP Hotel. At 1^0 GMT UNMOs observed artillery fire by UAR forces. At ik-kj GMT artillery fire by Israel forces. Exchange of fire with artillery, mortars, tanks and what sounds to be rockets from both sides. Israel forces ceased fire at l6l9 GMT and UAR forces at 1640 GMT.

(o) OP Delta. At ikko GMT UNMOs observed mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1555 GMT firing in progress from both sides with tank fire by Israel forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 1620 GMT. UAR forces continued artillery and mortar fire until 171^ GMT.

(p) OP Copper. At iMtO GMT UNMOs observed artillery fire by UAR forces . Immediately UNMOs observed machine-gun artillery and what sounded like missiles by Israel forces. Heavy exchange of fire continued in this area. At 1715 GMT Israel forces ceased fire and at 1716 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

(q.) OP Charlie. At 1607 GMT URMOs observed machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire not returned. Israel forces ceased fire at 1628 GMT. UMVlOs did not observe fire by UAR forces in this area,

B. Cease-fire proposals:

(a) A cease-fire was proposed for 1500 GMT and accepted by Senior Israel Representative and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1^30 GMT. Cease-fire was not effective except in OP Pink area. Fire by UAR forces temporarily ceased in OP Blue area but later resumed. Fire by Israel forces temporarily ceased in OPs Echo, Hotel, Red, Blue, Juliet and Lima areas but later resumed. Fire continued in the other previously reported OP areas.

(b) A second cease-fire was proposed for 1615 GMT. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated Israel authorities would accept cease-fire if UAR authorities would also accept. Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at l6lO GMT and when Assistant IDF Liaison Officer was notified of acceptance by Senior UAR Liaison Officer he stated there was insufficient time remaining to effect a cease-fire. Cease-fire could not be implemented .

(c) A third cease-fire was proposed for 1715 GMT and Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at 1638 GMT and Senior Israel Representative at 1643 GMT. Cease-fire was effective. S/7930/Add.l38 English Page 5

"3. UN reports on firings after the main exchange of fire afternoon 11 March:

(a) UNMOs at OP Hotel observed mortar fire by UAR forces from west of OP at 1919 GMT. Fire ceased at 1955 GMT. Again at 2238 GMT and 225^ GMT UNMOs observed several mortar shells from west side of Canal.

(b) At 2033 GMT UNMOs at OP Silver observed one flare fired by UAR forces from west to east side of Canal.

(c) At 2039 GMT UNMOs at OP Echo observed mortar fire and flares from west to east side of Canal. Fire ceased at 20^1 GMT.

"k. Statements by the parties. Complaints by the parties prior to the main exchange of fire are set forth in paragraph 1 above. Statements by the parties following the outbreak of the main exchange of fire are outlined below:

(a) UAR authorities: Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported that:

(i) At l6l5 GMT UAR stopped all firing but in Suez p.nd Tawfiq. area shooting continued by Israel forces from east to west.

(ii) At 1720 GMT three tanks fired, from east side north of OP Blue towards Tawfiq_.

(iii) At 1923 GMT firing from Israel forces in OP Silver area from east to west.

(b) Israel authorities: Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that:

(i) At 1350 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces was initiated from west to east of Canal, in Tawfiq and OP Gold areas.

(ii) At 1^20 GMT UAR initiated artillery fire from west to east side in OP Juliet area.

(iii) At 1955 GMT UAR initiated artillery fire from west to east side in OP Yellow area.

"5- Casualties and damage report:

A. United Nations:

(a) Buildings and facilities:

(i) OP Violet: Building damaged with all windows -and doors broken.

(ii) OP Yellow: Minor damage with some windows broken. S/7930/Add.l38 English Page 6

(ill) OP Silver: main radio not working. Numerous splinter holes and fragmentation damage to OP caravan.

(iv) OP Gold: caravan which was put into position 11 March completely destroyed. Minor damage to antenna and radio system.

(v) OP Red: both caravans badly damaged and all furniture and equipment of caravans destroyed. Both radio sets are out of order. Main antenna mast and one generator destroyed.

(vi) OP Delta: heavy weapons impacts on the house which supports OP platform.

(vii) OP Echo: main antenna mast broken. Numerous windows in OP blown out by blast impact.

(viii) OP Juliet: some windows broken and other light damage.

(ix) Kantara Control Centre: fragmentation damage and windows broken.

(x) All OPs in Csral area are manned and. in contact with the Control Centres. However, communications capability between OPs and Control Centres and between Control Centres and UNTSO Headquarters has been reduced. UNTSO still has one channel of communication between all installations and repair teams are making necessary repairs.

(b) Vehicles:

(i) Two vehicles located in OP Violet are moderately damaged with radiator and windshield and radios broken. Other miner damage. (ii) Ore vehicle at OP Yellow damaged with punctures in tires, cooling system and engine assembly. (iii) One vehicle at OP Silver with punctured radiator, (iv) Many vehicles damaged at Kantara Control Centre.

(v) A number of other vehicles have sustained from light to moderate damage from fragmentation and blast, but detailed assessment has not yet been completed. (c) Personnel: One UHMO received very light cuts and abrasions on the right side of face at OP Juliet.

B. Israel forces: Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that one Israel soldier was killed and one wounded.

C. UAE forces: Senior UAE Liaison Officer did not furnish casualties and damage report." S/7930/Add.l38 English Page 7

2. The following report concerning firings in the Suez Canal sector on 12 March was submitted by General Bull at 12^-3 hours GMT on 12 March:

"Summary of reported breaches of the cease-fire for 12 March from 0001 GMT to 1130 GMT:

"1. Firings across the Canal observed and reported by United Nations Military Observers (UMMOs):

(a) OP Pink: machine-gun fire by UAR forces at 1052 GMT and mortar fire or anti-tank fire at 1118 GMT, and tank fire by Israel forces at 1120 GMT.

"2. UMMOs reported firings heard in immediate proximity of the Canal:

(a) OP Red: by UAR forces at 0726 GMT.

(b) OP Pink: by UAR forces at 1005 GMT and 1036 GMT.

(c) OP Yellow: machine-gun fire by UAR forces at 1017 GMT, 1033 GMT and 1039 GMT.

(d) OP Lima: machine-gun fire by Israel forces at 1035 GMT and 1038 GMT.

"3. Complaints by assistant IDF Liaison Officer:

(a) OP Red area: firing across Canal at 0655 GMT, 0827 GMT, 1035 GMT, 10^5 GMT and 1130 GMT.

(b) OP Pink area: firing across Canal at 1000 GMT, 1035 GMT, GMT, and 1052 GMT.

(c) OP Yellow area: firing across Canal at 1017 GMT and 105U GMT. (d) OP Silver area: firing across Canal at 1010 GMT and Ill6 GMT. Complaints by Senior UAR Liaison Officer: (a) OP Lima area: firing across Canal at 0555 GMT. (b) OP Mike area: firing across Canal at 1010 GMT. UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l37 COUNCIL 11 March 1969 ORIGIJMAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Infjrmation

1. With reference to the firings reported in document S/7930/Add.l36, paragraph the following report concerning further firings in the Suez Canal sector on 11 March 1969 was submitted by the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 11 March at 1*120 hours GMT: "Summary of reported breaches of the cease-fire for 11 March from 0920 GMT to 12^0 GUT: "1. Following firings observed and reported by OP Pink:— (a) By UAR forces: small arms fire across Canal observed at 11^7 GMT and 1232 GMT and mortar firing between 1235 GMT and 12J8 GMT. Firings from west bank of Canal heard at 0958 GMT and 1002 GMT. (b) By Israel forces: tank fire from east to west bank observed at 1013 GMT, 1023 GMT, 1116 GMT, 1120 GMT, llU? GMT, 1150 GMT, 1155 GMT, 1157 GMT, 1212 GMT and 123^ GMT. "2. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported breaches of cease-fire in OP Pink area by Israel forces as follows: (a) Between 0915 GMT and 0920 GMT automatic weapons fire from east to west. (b) At 1020 GMT and again at 1025 GMT heavy weapons fire from east to west. (c) At 1030 GMT automatic weapons fire. (d) At 1120 GMT heavy weapons or tank fire from east to west. No fire from UAR. "3. IDF Liaison Officer reported breach of cease-fire in OP Pink area by UAR forces at 09^5 GMT and continuing."

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-05035 S/7930/Add.l37 English Page 2

2. In subsequent messages dated 11 March, General Bull reported that further exchanges of fire had broken out in the Suez Canal sector. These messages, which are of an interim and provisional nature, read as follows: (a) Message sent at 1*4-20 hours GMT:

"Heavy shelling is taking place from "both sides in OPs Mike, Blue, Red and Pink areas. Further report will follow."

(b) Message sent at 151? hours GMT:

"All fifteen OPs from OP Copper to Suez are reporting exchanges of heavy weapons fire to include mortar, artillery^ tanks and rockets. Cease-fire proposed for 1500 GMT."

(c) Message sent at l6o^ hours GMT:

"1. Cease-fire was accepted by parties for 1500 GMT. Cease-fire was not effective. Israel forces ceased' fire in the OPs Echo, Pink, Gold, Red, Blue, Foxtrot, Juliet and Lima areas. Israel fire continued in the Copper, Violet, Yellow, Silver, Hotel and Mike areas. UAR forces continued to fire in all areas previously reported.

"2. At 15JO GMT heavy exchanges of fire were taking place in all OP areas except OPs Green and Charlie. A new cease-fire has been proposed for 1615 GMT."

(d) Message sent at 1715 hours GMT:

"1. Cease-fire proposed for 1615 GMT was not effective. Israel authorities stated they had agreed to the earlier cease-fire and would agree to this cease-fire providing UAR authorities also agreed. Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to the cease-fire at l6lj GMT. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer was informed of Senior UAR Liaison Officer's agreement to cease-fire. He stated that they could not implement a cease-fire at that late time.

"2, At 1615 GMT exchange of fire by heavy weapons continued in most areas.

"3- A new cease-fire has been proposed for 1715 GMT and both parties have accepted,"

(e) Message sent at 1836 hours GMT:

"Cease-fire for 1715 GMT was effective and at 1730 GMT all OPs HTR (nothing to report)." S/7930/Add.l37 English Page 3

(f) Message sent at 19^7 hours GMT;

"1, Have just received report from Ismailia Control Centre that shooting in this area has broken out again at 1919 GMT.

"2, Initial damage report from Kantara Control Centre indicates that a number of OPs have sustained damage. Caravan at OP Gold completely destroyed and caravans at OP Red are badly damaged."

(g) Message sent at 2057 hours GMT:

"OP Hotel reported mortar fire by UAR forces at 1919 GMT from area west of OP. No return fire by Israel forces. Fire in area ceased at 1955 GMT, and all OPs report NTR."

A fuller and more detailed report on this net; series of firings will be submitted when the final summary report on the subject is received from General Bull. UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.l36 COUNCIL 11 March 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1» The following report concerning firings which took place in the Suez Canal sector on 11 March 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of the same day: "Suemary of reported breaches of the cease-fire for 11 March from 0001 GMT to 0920 GMT: "1. Firings across the Canal observed and reported by United Nations Military Observers (UEMOs): (a) OP Pink (MR 7661-8281): one single shot by UAR forces at 0037 GMT, several bursts of machine-gun fire at 0917 GMT and 0919 GMT. (b) OP Red (MR 7675-8125): burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces at 0903 GMT. "2. UMMOs reported firings heard in immediate proximity of the Canal: (a) OP Pink: by UAR forces on two occasions between 085^ GMT and 0857 GMT. (b) OP Red: by UAR forces on one occasion at 0850 GMT. (c) OP Gold (MR 7672-8145): by UAR forces on one occasion at 0842 GMT. "3. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported a breach of cease-fire by Israel forces at 0850 GMT with firing from east to vest bank between OPs Lima (MR 7662-8173) and Gold. "4. IDF Liaison Officer informed that at 0852 GMT UAR forces fired upon Israel forces work party north of Tawfiq. One Israel soldier was wounded." 2. With reference to the aerial activities in the Suez Canal sector on the morning of 8 March 1969 (S/7930/Add,133, para. 2), General Bull reported that the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer had informed UNTSO that on that morning two MIG 21 aircraft had flown across the Canal in the vicinity of the Bitter Lakes and had bean engaged by Israel forces aircraft and that in the ensuing air battle one

69-05013 /• • • S/7930/Add,136 English Page 2 of the MIG 21 aircraft had been shot down. At the request of the Israel authorities, an inquiry into this incident was conducted by UKMOs. The following summary of inquiry was received from General Bull on 11 March: "(a) Inquiry was conducted by Operations Officer, Kantara Control Centre, and another UHMO who is an air force officer. (b) . Inquiry commenced at scene of incident at 1*00 GMT on 8 March and was concluded at 1520 GMT same day. (c) UMMOs determined the map reference of scene of crash as approximately 7639-8)470. (d) Senior Israel Representative was only witness available. He stated that at 09^0 GM1? on 8 March four UAR planes overflew the Canal from west to east in Of Pink area and that one of these was shot down. The pilot parachuted and was collected by Israel forces. He was seriously wounded and evacuated to a Hospital, location of which he did not know. He further stated that no other witness was available. (e) Physical evidence: USMOs saw at scene of incident one badly burned and still smouldering plane. In the debris were found what appeared to be portions of two separate rockets and portion of a machine-gun. The area around the plane was blackened as though by fire. Type of aircraft could not be established and national markings could not be seen due to badly burned condition cf the aircraft. Fuselage of the plane was facing south. (f) Photographs were taken." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GEIIERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l35 COUNCIL 10 March 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Infor:.:at ion

With reference to the exchanges of fire in the Sue- Canal sector nerti in document S/7930/Add.l3[.L, paragraph 3, the following final summary report concerning these exchanges of fire was received iron ;he Chief of Staff of UNTSC, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 10 Marc!: 19^9 =

"Following is a summary of exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 9 March 1969:

»i OP-^ reports:

(a) OP Mike. At 1317 GMT UNMOs (Unic•.:-•:. rations Military Observers) observed mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces from area north east of Port Tawfiq in direction 300 metres south of CP Blue. At 1313 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces wc.s observed in direction each of Port Tawfiq. At 1^30 GMT firing escalated on both sides. Refinery in Suez, was seen burning in eight places. Exchange of fire continued until Ib05 GMT when it ceased by both parties.

(b) OP Blue. At 1317 GMT UEMOs observed an exchange of artillery fire. Artillery fire was exchanged intermittently urcil approximately 1600 GMT. Fire ceased in the OP Blue area at l6l8 GMT.

(c) OP Red. At 1313 GMT UNMOs observed machine-gun and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1320 GMT they observed fire by Isrc-al forces. Exchange of fire continued intermittently and fire in ':iris area ceased at l621 GIIT.

(d) OP Hotel. At 1323 GMT UNMCs observed nortar and artillery fire by Israel forces from area opposite OP in direction of both sides of OP. At 132U GMT mortar and artillery fire by UAR force;: was observed from west side of Canal both north and south of OP. At 1515 GMT mortar and small rockets firing was observed from east side. Fire continued with artillery and i;anl:c from east side and recoilless guns and what sounded like rockets from west side. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1553 GIE and by UAR forces at l6& Gil?

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in documents S/7930/Add.90 and Corr.l and 2.

69-0^871 S/7930/Add.l35 English

(e) OP Gold. At 1J2^ GMT UIIMOs observed machine-gun and mortar f^rc by UAR forces. Fire by Israel forces was observed a few moments later. Exchange of fire continued intermittently and fire ceased by Israel force;. at 1606 GMT and by UAR forces at l6l6 GMT. (f ) OP Lima. At 132^- Gi-JT UNMOs observed heavy artillery, mortar and tank fire by UAR forces from area four kilometres south west of OP in direction of OP Gold area. At 1326 GMT heavy artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces was observed from area approximately five kilometres south ^ast of OP in direction four kilometres south south west of OP. Heavy firing continued from both sides and stopped at 155^ GIZL' by Israel forces and r.b IbOb GMT by UAR forces. (g) OP Violet. At 1325 GMT UHMOs observed Machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1527 GMT UI-MOs' observed fire by Israel forces which was believe.", to be wire guided missiles. Exchange of fire continued with artillery a:..". mortar fire fror.i cast side and with lighter weapons from west side. Israel forces ceased fire at loOO GMT and UAR forces at 16314 GMT. (h) OP Copper. At 1325 GMT Israel forces were observed firing with artillery and what appeared to be wire guided r.issilcs . UAR forces were observed firing from west side at 13^2 GMT. Exchange of fire continued intermittently ana fire ceased by Israel force- at lolo GMT and by UAR forcer at Io27 GMT. (i) OP Foxtrot. At 1325 GMT UNMOs observe, r.ortar, artillery and :-ur-.ll arms firing by UAR forces from area behind OP in direction north east of Or. Heavy weapons fire by Israel forces was observe- at 1332 GMT from area ncvt:; east of OP in direction south of tP. Exchange of fire continued until lUl-2 01 IT when fire ceased by Israel forces and at loO^ GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

(j) OP Delta. _At 1326 GMT UHMOs observe." artillery fire by UAR for^s from area approximately 10 kilometres south of OP in direction approximately 10 kilometres south south east of OP. Artillery fire by Israel forces was observed at 1329 GMT from area, approximately 10 kilometres south south earjc of OP in direction approximately '10 kilometres south of OP. Sporadic fire-- continued. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 155"-' GMT and by UAR forces at 16 !>+ GMT.

(k) OP Yellow. At 1327 GMT UKMOs observed firing by UAS forces ard firing by Israel forces was observed at 1332 GMT. UMMOs believed fire 'by Icrael forces to be small rockets or missiles. Exchange of fire continued ai\\ fire ceased by Israel forces at lp^5 GMT and by UAR forces at IblO GMT.

(l) OP Echo. At 1327 GMT UNMOs observe; artillery fire by UAR forces from area two kilometres west of Kantara. Exchange of fire ensued iirjne lia;,ely, Israel forces using small rockets and artillery from area north of Kantara with target area two to fire kilometres west of Or. Exchange of fire .;ith heavy weapons continued and Israel forces ceasod fire at 1606 GMT and UAR forces at 1527 GMT. S/7930/Add.l35 English Page 3

(in) OP Silver. At 132& GOT UNLts observed nor tar fire in OP area. ITo further information provided due to breal; of coi^iuuication system. Later information from Israel Liaison Officer at OP Silver through internal communication systen to IDF Liaison Officer indicated that the generator at OP Silver had beer da .laged.

(n) OP Kilo. At 1335 GOT UNMOs observed heavy artillery fire by Israel forces from east ^ide of Canal to target area approximately 6 CO metre south of OP. At 1337 GMT UJHIOs observed heavy morLar fire by UAR forces from area 100 metres '.-jest of OP. Sporadic exchange of heavy weapons fire continued with artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and with tank and mortar fire by Israel forces. Rate of fire decreased by UAR forces at 14 5c GMT and by Israel forces at 1517 GMT. Icrael forces ceased fire at 1540 GMT and UAR forces at 1559

(o) OP Juliet. At 1334 GMT UNMOs observed mortar and rccoilless rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1335 GOT UNMOs observed artillery and tank fire by Israel forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until Io05 GOT, when both parties ceased fire. OP Juliet sustained damage to communications equipment and was out of contact with Ismailia Control Centre from 1545 Gl-Ii until 1630 GMT.

(p) OP Pink. At 1342 GOT UNMOs observed firing from UAR forces. Exchange of mortar firing ensued almost immediately. Firing ceased ir. the area by 1553 GOT. UHMOc reported mortar fire by UAR forces between 1620 GOT and 1625 GOT.

(q) OP Charlie. At 1355 GMT UNMOs observed mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel from east side. At 1356 GOT UNMOs observed firing by UAR forces from area north and south of OP on west side. Weapons used were mortars ana machine-guns. Exchange of fire continued until 1515 GMT and thereafter UNMOs reported sporadic small arms fire from west side. r!o firing observed by Israel forces after. 160^ GMT, but1 exact time of cease-fire rot known. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1619 GITf.

(r) OP Green. At 1517 GOT UNMOs observed machine-gun fire by UAR forces Exchange of fire ensued immediately with tank guns from east side. Fire- ceased by Israel forces at 1615 GOT and by UAR forces at 1625

"2. Cease-fire proposals. A cease-fire for L!445 GOT was proposed to Senior Israel Representative at 1339 GOT and to Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1541 GOT. At 1409 GlU Senior Israel Representative accepted the cease-fire. At 1415 GIIC Senior UAR Lialcon Officer stated that he1 had no contact with his authorities. Cease-fire could not be implemented . A second cease-fire was proposed for loOO GOT. At 1507 GOT the proposal was transmitted to both parties. Senior Israel Representative agreed at 1529 GOT and Senior UAR Liaison Officer1 at 1535 GMT. By 1634 GI-E the- cease-fire was all along the Canal. S/T930/Aad.l35 English- Page k

"3. Communications with the parties:

(a) Complaints by UAR:

(i) At 1J20 GMT in OP Hotel area, Israel forces began fire wiih artillery.

(ii) At 1^26 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer complained that two tanks were located behind OP Green and requested, that the;- be removed.

(b) At lM+5 GMT Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that Israel fj--ccc would cease fire at the proposed cease-fire time for a period of ten iniuutes' even though the UAR authorities had not responded to the cease-fire proposal.

(c) The following message was sent by Chief of Staff UNTSO tc Israel and UAR Authorities: 'I ar.i deeply concerned with the breach of the cease- fire in the Suez Canal sector today 9 March and I appeal to the Governments of Israel and UAR to observe the cease-fire and to suspend all military activities in the area. I suggest loOO GME as the hour of definite suspension of all military activity. I am informing the Secretary-General of the United ITaLionc of this message'.

(d) Following message was received fron Assistant IDF Liaison Officer at 1635 GMT:

'To the Chief of Staff from IDF Liaison Officer. I have been instructed by the Minister of Defence to reply to your message of 1727 Local Time of today.

'It was the Egyptians who initiated artillery fire yesterday anJ today, as you no doubt know from the reporcs of your observers. W?: accepted the cease-fire proposals ana observed them as we have always done in the past. This afternoon we accepcc-J your cease-fire proposal fji 16^.5 local Time and held our fire. But the Egyptians, ignoring your proposals, continued their shelling and we were obliged to resume our defensive fire.

'The artillery fire of the last two days followed a long series of breaches of the cease-fire by the Egyptians whose violations of air-pact:, infiltration, mining and sniping have continued for the last two months.

'I would reconfirm our acceptance of the cease-fire proposal for loOO GME, of which we informed your Headquarters seven minutes before your message of 1727 Local Time was received. At 1600 GMT fire ceased from our side but continued from the Egyptian side.

'It seems that the appeal should be addressed solely to the Egyptians.' s/793o/Add.i55 English Page 5

"h. Casualties and damage report:

(a) UNTSO:

I. Wo UNTSO casualties.

II. Buildings Kantara Control Centre side:

(i) Kantara Control Centre: garage and workshop severely damaged by direct hit. ^.oof completely demolished. Inspection pit area, floors, '/alls and doors received r.ajor damage. Main "building received numerous cmc.ll arms impacts. Several broken windows and portion of roof slightly damaged, by unexploded mortar shells.

(ii) OP Green: ten bullet holes in caravan, six in duty room caravan. Furniture and personal effects damaged or destroyed.

(iii) OP Silver: numerous splinter holes in the three caravans five broken windows. "later tank with several splinter holes is out of order. liinor damage caused to water trailer and to the two Jeeps. Generator slightly da/aged by splinters. Damage caused to main antenna mast was reason for breakdown in co"sniu".i cat ions.

(iv) OP Gold: two caravans completely destroyed. Radio mast knocked down. Personal effects and furnishings lost.

(v) OP Blue: slight damage by email arms.

III. Buildings Israailia Control Cei; c_-c side:

(i) Isnailia Control Centre and OP Hotel: motor transport workshop: direct hit by large calibre weapons. Workshop damaged by hesvy calibre projectile that exploded one metre from wall. The blast wall of the new shelter at OP Hotel is cracked and one unexploded artillery shell embedded close to the shelter. Water pipe line is broken and water is flowing into the shelter. Windows and ceilings are cracked and broken in the living residences.

(ii) OP Delta: ceiling damaged and windows broken,

(iii) Advanced OP Echo: Windows broken and power cable broken.

(iv) OP Foxtrot: seventeen windows, one UN signboard and fifty sandbags in front of OP damaged.

(v) OP Juliet: one impact in stairs and broken windows. S/7930/Arid.135 English Page 6

IV. Vehicles: one UHTSO vehicle at both OP Juliet and OP Kilo damaged by small arms fire.

(t) Israel forces: Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed that tvo Israel soldiers were killed and eighteen wo'.vnded. On ..lorning 10 March IDF Liaicon Officer called and stated that during yesterday's incident at approximately loJO LT (l'i-30 GMT) one Israel lic-t aircraft was shot down \ ;; UAR anti-aircraft fire in the area opposite OP Juliet on east side of Canr.l. Pilot and passenger parachuted, "but pilot died inter. Israel forces casualties are now three soldiers killed.

(c) UAR forces: ho report received of casualties or damage." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL


Supplemental Information

1. 'or tt March 1969, the Chief of Staff of UTKSO, Lt, General Odd Bull, reported that b.^Ty exchanges of fire had broken cut between Israel and United Arab Pepublic fcrc*? _r. J;h: Hues Canal sector during the day. The final nmnary report on the n,o~ of fir* as received from General Bali on the morning of 9 March reads as follows: ""following is a summary of the exchanges of fir? in the Canal sector on 6 1 larch 1969: "1. reports: "(a) OP Hotel: at 1523 Gift UHMOs (United Haticns I^ilitary Observers) observed mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces froc. 200 metres south-west of OP in direction k)0 mctr'sn south-east of OP, At 1529 GMT mortar and artiller;,* fire by Icnel fcrc«?s was observed from 200 mntres Gcuth-east of OP in &• westerly direction. Escalation of fire by toth sides and at 1552 GirT all vreapons used. At 17^0 GMT fire ceased from both sides. "(b) CP Foxtrot? at 1J2S GM UJHIOs observed artillerjp fire by UAR forces fVrn T^ct rf OP- Target area approxiraately tvc kilcnvrLres east, of OP. Fire by Israa.l forces observed at 15Uj ac from east of OP in direction of OP. Heavy -napons used. Fire decreased from both sides it l6l5 GMT to few singl« rl--J-~ -'••• 1650 GMT Tire a^in escalated to heavy weapons. At 1750 C2>5T fire d by Israel forces and at 1855 G1IT by UA£ forces. "'•;;) OF Silver: at 1550 GJ-5T UFlCs reported artiller:/ fir? by UAR forces and .it, l'"J.l G1H cortar fire by IIP?, forcas. At 155^ G?rT Israel forces fired with srmll ants and heavy niachine-runs and at 15^ GMT Ir,ra«l forces artiJLLery fire observed. From 17^0 GIC de-escalation rf fire, which ceased at 17 vh '~MT. Froni 131E GIT artillery fire heard far to south of OP. At 1&30 GJE artillery fire was observed from west cide. A few moments later thsre vas an artillery oxchange. At l2^U Gl-iT fire ceased by Israel forces and at 1°C-0 GMT fire ceased by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by 1117130 in the Sues Canal sector or- given in documents S/7950/Adl.90 and Corr.l and 2. .

69-0*1809 English Page 2

tt (d) OP Yellow* at 1531 OB? Ul&SOct observed mortar fire by UAH forces and at 153^ GMT small arms and heavy machine-gun fire "by Israel forces. At 1723 GMT artillery fire by UAR forces ceased and at 1725 GMT fire by Israel forces ceased. M(e) OP Mike: at 1532 GMT UHMOs observed explosions approximately seven kilometres to the north of OP. Could not confirm source of fire. At 1602 GMT UNMOs observed machine»gun fire by UAR forces in vicinity of OP. Prior to machine-gun fire reported at 1602 GMT a number of explosions were observed in OP area. At 1625 GMT UMMOs confirmed fire by Israel forces in area of OP Blue. Heavy exchange of fire continued until 1700 GMT,' Area was generally quiet until 17^5 GMT when artillery fire was resumed* UHMDs in shelter could not confirm source. At 1805 GMT there was a heavy exchange of artillery fire. Target on west bank appeared to be north of Suez town and the refinery area. Heavy exchanges of artillery fire in this area continued until 19^0 GMT and thereafter became sporadic. Fire in area ceased by Israel forces at 2030 GMT and by UAR forces at 2035 GMT, "(f) OP Reds at 1533 GMT U*3MOs observed" machine-gun and mortar fire from UAR forces. A few moments later machine-gun fire observed from Israel forces o At 1550 GMT mortar and artillery fire observed from west side. Exchange of fire with light and heavy weapons continued intermittently. At 2033 GMT fire had ceased from both sides in immediate vicinity of OP. "(g) OP Blue: at 1533 GMT light machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces sag -observed. At 1(502 GMT OP observed mortar or artillery fire by Israel forces. Shortly after 2000 GMT fire ceased from east side. Some light firing by UAR forces until 20^5 GMT. 11 (h) OP Lima? at 153^ GMT UNMOs observed heavy mortar fire by UAR forces from area opposite OP Gold, At 1551 GMT UNMOs observed heavy artillery fire by Israel forces from an area east of OP. Firing across Canal was to target area approximately six kilometres south of OP. Between 1608 GMT and 1830 GI1T heavy exchanges of artillery fire and tank fire by Israel forces "were observed. From 1830 GMT until 1930 GMT there were intermittent exchanges of heavy weapons fire. Between 1930 GMT and 2030 GMT UNMOs reported exchanges of fire continuing both north and south of OP. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2032 GOT and by UAR forces at 2036 GMT.


"(i) OP Gold:' at 1555 GMT UMOs observed machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. At l6oT GMT tank fire "by Israel forces observed. Between 1639 GMT and 2030 GMT there was a continual exchange of fire, at times heavy. At approximately 2012 GI2E Israel forces ceased fire and at 2036 GMT UAR forces ceased fire.

"(j) OP Violet: at 1538

"(o) OP Kilo: at 1609 GMT UNMOs observed artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces from west bank in direction of OP Pink. At 1625 GMT UIJMQs reported fire by Israel forces from east side of Canal. At l6jO GMT antenna mast was broken and heavy exchange of fire continued from both sides. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 161*0 GMT and by UAR forces at 2020 GMT, "(p) OP Juliet: at l6lO GMT UMMOs observed artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces from vest bank south of OP. At l6ll GMT UNMOs observed. artillery or tank and mortar fire from east side by Israel forces opposite the OP. Fire in this area ceased by both parties at 1707 GMT. "2. Cease-fire proposals:

"(a) First cease-fire was proposed "by UNTSO for 1630 GMT. Proposal was accepted by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1557 GMT. Proposal was passed for the Senior Israel Representative's Office to the Duty Officer. Later Duty Officer replied thac he was having difficulties in contacting the Senior Israel Representative and his higher authorities. Cease-fire was not effective. !t(b) A second cease-fire was proposed by UNTSO at approximately l6'+5 GMT to be effective at 171? GMT. Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at 1653 GMT. In the absence of the Senior Israel Representative the cease-fire proposal was passed to the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer. At 1710 GMT the IDF Liaison Officer said that they were having some difficulties in contacting their personnel in the Canal sector and that there was insufficient time to ensure that all units would be properly notified and suggested a new cease-fire for 17^-5 GMT. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at 1720 GMT. Cease-fire at this time was generally effective in the OP Hotel and Juliet areas. Heavy fire continued in Suez area and intermittently in other areas. "(c) A third cease-fire was proposed by UNTSO for 2030 GMT, Proposal was eccepted by the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer at 1914-2 GMT and by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1950 GMT. Cease-fire was. effective and OPs reported NTR (nothing to report) at 2Qk5 GMT. "3« Statements by the parties: "(a) The Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated: (i) At 1525 GMT that Israel forces fired from east side in OP Copper area at 1515 GMT. English Page 5

(ii) At 1633 GMT tl:.at UAR had stopped firing at cease-fire time bat that Israel forces were still firing. (iii) At 1720 (MS that at 1713 GMT Israel forces fired at Suez Town and petrel refinery. (iv) At 1830 GOT that Israel forces were still firing in Port Tawfiq area with illuminated shells and artillery at 1820 GMT and 1825 GMT and that UAR was not firing.

(v) At 18^7 GMT that Israel was still firing in area of Said (OP Silver area) in Great Bitter Lake'with rockets.

"(b) At 1600 CM? the I IF Liaison Officer stated that 'Israel forces have ceased fire in the Sues Canal cector but that UA?v forces continue to fire in many rectors of the Ccnal area. If UAR firing continues, Israel will be compelled to return the fire in self-defense'. nh. Casualties and damage report:

"(a) UKTSO:

I. Buildings:

(l) OP Foxtrot: windscreen of .jeep broken and all tires fl:it, and windows of OP broken. (ii) OP Juliet: received 3 direct hits by heavy weapons fire. The radio room is completely destroyed and UBMOs living quarters are tadly damaged. UMOs personal clothing and UHTBO "binocular?, and other items of equipment have been destroyed. Main Motorola and other items of radio equipment are out of order. (iii) OP Mike: minor damage to exterior of building.

(iv) OP Kilo: antenna mast broken in two parts; generator destroyed, and roof and walls of building with several holes. Doors and windows broken; water tank destroyed. ••• OP has no electricity. (v) Kantara Control Centre: main building approximately one hundred, impacts of fire on exterior walls, five windows broken, water tank .damaged. Carpenter shop approximately 250 small arms impacts: store building approximately 200 small arms impacts* English Page 6

(vi) OP Silver: the three caravans have approximately twenty bullet holes in them. Water trailer and water tank badly damaged. Many items inside the caravans including water cans, refrigerator, telescope and furniture damaged. (vii) OP Gold: Caravans have several shrapnel and bullet holes and driver's cabin and engine compartment damaged. "II. Vehicles: ' Four vehicles at Kantara Control Centre received shrapnel and bullet holes. "III. P&r.-sonnel: One UMO at OP Geld was slightly injured. "(b) Israel forces: The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that one Israel soldier had been killed and ten wounded. "(c) UAR forces: The Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated on 9 March that his Government issued a report concerning damage. One killed and fifteen wounded. Some houses and civilian establishments in Kantara, Israailia and Suez were also hit by individual shots." 2. On 9 March at 0920 hours GMT the following report concerning the cease-fire in the Suez Canal sector was received from General Bull: "1. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed that 'at 0730 LT (0530 GMT) 9 March UAR forces in vicinity of OP Pink fired on an Israel observation aircraft flying over east side of Canul. Again at 0802 LT (0602 GMT) the same aircraft was fired at by UAR forces south of Lake Tirnsah, Aircraft was again fj.yi.ng well over east side of Canal1 .

"2. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer further informed that 'at 0830 LT (0630 GMT) UAR forces fired on an. Israel patrol approximately nine kilometres north of OP Yellow. Fire was not returned. One Israel soldier was wounded'. English Page 7

"3. Following reports from CPs appear to pertain to complaint made by the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer concerning firing at an Israel aircraft: "(a) OP Kilo: at 0527 GMT UMMOs observed fire by UAR forces from area west of OP and observed one large explosion at a high altitude over east side of Canal. One light aircraft was flying from south to north at low altitude over east side of Canal at time of incident. "(b) OP Hotel: at 0556 GMT UNMQs observed anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces from a position 300 metres south of OP. A light aircraft was flying on east side of Canal from north to south at an altitude of approximately 500 metres. "(c) OP Foxtrot: at 0556 GMT UTMOs observed from an area approximately 500 to 1,000 metres northwest of OP fire by UAR forces. No airbursts or tracers observed. At 05^5 GMT a light aircraft was seen flying south to north over east side of Canal. It circled over east bank opposite OP and continued northward at 0552 GMT." 3. In subsequent messages dated 9 March, General Bull reported that heavy exchanges of fire had broken out again in the Suez Canal sector. According to these messages, firing broke out at approximately 1317 hours GMT; a cease-fire proposed by UBTSO for 1600 hours GMT was accepted by both parties, but was not effective; however, at 1635 hours GMT, all IMTSO Observation Posts reported "NTR" (nothing to report). A more detailed report on this subject will be submitted when the necessary information is received from General Bull. UNITED NATIONS Distr.


Supplemental Information

1. With reference to the firings reported in document S/7930/Add.l?2, paragraph 2, t-he following report concerning further firings which took place in the Cuez Canal sector on 7 March 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of U13TSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 8 March: "Following is sumaary of reported breaches of the cease-fire on 7 March up to 2400 GMT: "1. United Nations Military Observers (UUMOs) observed and reported "" 'firings across the Canal: OP Blue (MR 7^77-8055): by UAR forces at -• 1840 GMT, 2010 GOT, 2011 GMT, 2012 GMT, 2013 GMT, 2048 GMT and 2127 GMT. W2, UMMOs reported firings heard in immediate proximity of the Canal: (a) OP Pink (MR 7661-8281): by UAR forces on 23 occasions between 1103

69-04737 /••• s/7930/Add,133 English Page 2

2. TJie following report pertaining to aerial activities in the Suez Canal on the morning of 8 March was received from General Bull on the same day: "Following OP reports pertain to aerial activities in the Sues Sector morning of 8 March:

(a) OP Juliet (MR;7599i-8590)j ,at 0915 GMT ifrjMOs heard jet aircraft and observed 3 contrails over*' the 'Canal "south of Op. Could not identify aircraft. At 092J GOT they observed anti-aircraft fire over eastern bank opposite OP« . At satae..time they, observed one large explosion on the ground approximately ten kilpiiietres east qf OP. At 100^ GMT smoke still seen from place of explosion on a "bearing of 25 degrees and at least ten kilometres from OP. . ' ' • ...... ,..•. (b) OP Kilo:(kR 7660-8225): at 0919 GMT UMOs heard explosion to -the .north at a far distance and could see black smoke in that direction. At 0933 GMT UNMOs observed two ISC 21 aircraft 300 metres s'outh of OP. One aircraft crossed the Canal from west-southeast at an altitude of 150 metres. . . Aircraft recrossed the Canal from east to west almost immediately. At 1012 'GMT IMlOs saw smoke in .the. northeast 'direction at a' compass bearing of . . approximately 250 degrees.; .' ., ' '['.'. ..'.•'.•'•

(c) OP Gold: ;TM4.0s observed two unidentified jet aircraft flying from northwest 'to southeast of west side of the Canal at approximate altitude of 20CO metres. At Q935. GMI? aircraft .crossed the Canal .at approximately 5 kilometres north of OP when making 'a turn to t.he';feast. Aircraft flew over east side of Canal for a few seconds only and recrossed the Canal from east to west and proceeded, to ^the north, , ... (d) OP Pink; at approximately 0920 Glffl'tlTMOs observed three' unidentified aircraft at high altitude over, .east side of the Canalt At apj.., -"jAir. vtsly 0925 GMI they saw a large' explosion approximately ten kilometres^ north of CP» At approximately 0935 GMT they observed two unidentified ..aircraft over west bank of the Canal, at very low altitude flying to the -'. , north," " . " • •'•"''• ' . UNITED NATIONS Distr. /£^<^cE>>^\ GENERAL SECURITY Mu/$£&$W • Jr&P s/793o/Add, , . 132 vC\j IU I MIN C< w\ II L mb£±ifW^ilS&SM^ 7 March L969 ^S^^S^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

^ SuppLemeataL Information

1. With reference to the firings reported in document S/7930/Add.131, paragraph 2, the following report concerning further firings which took place in the Suez Canal sector on 6 March 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 7 March:

"1. Following is summary of additional UN-reported "breaches of cease-fire in Suez Canal sector on 6 March when fire across tiie Canal was observed:

(a) OP Pink (MR 7661-8281): by UAR forces at 1533 GMT and by Israel forces at 1^36 GMT.

(b) OP Hotel (MR 7^02-8765): by UAR forces at 1456 GMT.

(c) OP Gold (MR 7672-31^5): by UAR forces at 1955 GMT and 2223 GMT.

(d) OP Lima (MR 7662-8173): by UAR forces at 1938 GMT.

"2. Following is summary of additional UN-reported firings heard in immediate proximity of Canal on 6 March:

(a) OP Pink: by UAR forces on ten occasions between 1257 GMT and 1529 GMT.

(b) OP Silver (MR 7^52-8583): by UAR forces at 1011 GMT-

(c) OP Hotel: by Israel forces on five occasions between lk2k GMT and 1551 GMT.

(d) OP Blue (MR 7677-8055): by UAR forces at 1609 GMT.

(e) OP Yellow (MR 7^27-3837): by UAR forces at 13^0 GMT and by Israel forces at 1359 GMT.

(f) OP Gold: by UAR forces on two occasions at 2011 GMT and 2020 GMT.

(g) OP Lima; by UAR forces on two occasions at 1952 GMT and 2001 GMT.

(h) OP Juliet (MR 7590-8390): by UAR forces on two occasions at 2013 GMT and 2020 GMT.

69-0^771 S/7930/Add.l32 English Page 2

"3. Following firings heard but origin of fire not confirmed: OP Blue on two occasions; OP Yellow on one occasion] OP Lima on two occasions; OP Red (MR 7675-8125) on one occasion.

"k. The Assistant IDF (Israel Defence Forces) Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by UAR forces between 1215 GMT and 2200 GMT as follows: OP Yellow area on three occasions; OP Pink area on nine occasions; OP Blue area on three occasions; OP Silver area on one occasion.

"5- The Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by Israel forces between 1130 GMT and 2200 GMT as follows: OP Gold area on one occasion.

"6. All the above reported firings were by small arms, automatic weapons and machine-guns. There were no reports of mortar or artillery fire.".

2. The following report dealing with firings which took place in the Suez Canal sector on 7 March was received on the same day:

"Summary of reported breaches of the cease-fire in the Suez Canal sector on 7 March from 0001 GMT to 1^30 GMT.

"1. United Nations Military Observers (UMMOs) observed and reported firings across the Canal as follows:

(a) OP Pink: by UAR forces at C910 GMT, 10^7 GMT, 10^9 GMT, 1230 GMT, 1^02 GMT, 1^13 GMT, 1*1-21 GMT and l4j51 GMT.

(b) OP Gold: by UAR forces at 0126 GMT.

"2. UMMOs reported firings heard in immediate proximity of the Canal:

(a) OP Pink: by UAR forces on eleven occasions between 05^-7 GMT and 1044 GMT.

(b) OP Kilo (MR 7660-8225): by UAR forces on two occasions at 1129 GMT and 1131 GMT.

(c) OP Lima; by UAR forces on one occasion at 0715 GMT.

"3 • Firings heard but origin of fire not confirmed: OP Blue on four .occasions between Qkk2 GMT and 1021 GMT; OP Red on one occasion at 0620 GMT.

"h. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by UAR forces between 0001 GMT and 1600 GMT: OP Red area on four occasions; OP Pink area on fifteen occasions; OP Blue area on three occasions; OP Gold area on one occasion; OP Silver area on two occasions; OP Hotel area on one occasion. S/7930/Add.l32 English Page 3

"5. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by Israel forces between 0001 GMT and 1300 GMT: OP Pink area on one occasion- OP Lima area on one occasion; OP Hotel area on two occasions.

"6. All above reported firings were by small arms,, automatic weapons and machine-guns. There were no reports of mortar or artillery fire." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.l31 COUNCIL 6 March 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

Suez Canal sector

1. With reference to the supplemental information report of 5 March 1969 (S/7930/Add.l30), the following report concerning further firings which took place in the Suez Canal sector on that day was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO,, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 6 March.

"1. Following is a summary of United Nations-reported breaches of the cease- fire in the Suez Canal sector during evening of 5 March when fire across the Canal was observed:

(a) OP Silver (MR 7)4-52-8583): by UAR forces between 1508 GMT and 1511 GMT.

(b) OP Red (MR 7675-8125): by UAR forces at l6l7 GMT.

"2. Following is a summary of United Nations-reported breaches of the cease- fire when firing was heard in the immediate proximity of the Canal:

(a) OP Hotel (MR 7^02-8765): by UAR forces at 1519 GMT.

(b) OP Silver: by UAR forces on three occasions between 1528 GMT and GMT.

(c) OP Lima (MR 7662-8173): by UAR forces on four occasions between 1607 GMT and l6lU GMT.

"3- Following firings heard but origin of fire not confirmed: OP Silver at l6l6 GMT and 1620 GMT; OP Pink (MR 766l-828l) on three occasions between 1511 GMT and 2106 GMT; OP Gold (MR 7672-81^5) on four occasions between 1607 GMT and l6l7 GMT; OP Blue (MR 7677-8055) at 1530 GMT and 15^5 GMT.

"4. The Assistant IDF (Israel Defence Forces) Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by UAR forces between 1530 GMT and 1628 GMT as follows: OPs Gold and Red area on four occasions; OP Blue area on two occasions. One Israel soldier allegedly wounded in OP Gold/Red area at 1628 GMT.

69-0^671 S/7930/Add.l3l English Page 2

"5- The Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by Israel forces as follows: OP Lima area at 1515 GMT; OP Kilo (MR 7660-8225) area at 20J5 GMT.

"6. All of the above reported firings were by small arms, automatic weapons and machine-guns. There were no reports of mortar or artillery fire.

2. A subsequent report dealing with firings in the Suez Canal sector on 6 March was received during the afternoon of 6 March and reads as follows:

"1. Following is a summary of United Nations-reported breaches of the cease- fire in the Suez Canal sector on 6 March when fire 'across the Canal was observed:

(a) OP Blue: by UAR forces at 02^6 GMT, 0337 GMT , and by Israel forces at 0321 GMT. (.

(b) OP Hotel: by UAR forces at 1231 GMT.

(c) OP Gold: by UAR forces at 09^6 GMT.

(d) OP Silver observed an exchange of fire by UAR forces at 06kk GMT and Israel forces at 06^5 GMT. Weapons used were small arms and machine-guns. Cease-fire was proposed for 0930 GMT and accepted. Fire by Israel forces ceased at OQkk GMT, by UAR forces at 09l6 GMT.

(e) OP Pink observed an exchange of fire by UAR forces at 0726 GMT and at 0727 GMT by Israel forces. Weapons used were small arms and light machine- guns. Cease-fire was also proposed for 0930 GMT. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0815 GMT, by Israel forces at 082^ GMT.

"2. Following is a summary of United Nations-reported firings heard in the , immediate proximity of the Canal: V_.

(a) OP Hotel: by UAR forces on three occasions between 0608 GMT and ll^U GMT and by Israel forces on nine occasions between 08ll GMT and 12^5 GMT.

(b) OP Silver: by UAR forces on twelve occasions between 04^9 GMT and 0658 GMT.

(c) OP Lima: by UAR forces on seven occasions between 0620 GMT and 0825 GMT.

(d) OP Blue: by UAR forces on three occasions between 0219 GMT and 0300 GMT, and by Israel forces on two occasions between 0210 GMT and 0212 GMT.

(e) OP Pink: by UAR forces on three occasions between 0^55 GMT and 0717 GMT. S/7930/Add.l31 English Page 3

(f) OP Green (MR 739^-9^01): by UAR forces at 0655 GMT-

(g) OP Juliet (MR 7590-8390): by UAR forces at 07^ GMT-

(h) OP Kilo: "by UAR forces on five occasions between 0923 GMT and 1030 GMT.

(i) OP Gold: by UAR forces at 0911)- GMT.

"3- Following firings heard but origin of fire not confirmed: OP Hotel on two occasions between OQOk GMT and 0817 GMT] OP Blue on one occasion at 0210 GMT; OP Pink on six occasions between 0533 GMT and 0711 GMT; OP Gold on three occasions between 0833 GMT and 08Ul GMT; OP Red on one occasion at 0855 GMT.

"k. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by UAR forces between 0200 GMT and 1559 GMT as follows: OP Blue area on four occasions; OP Pink area on six occasions; OP Silver area on ten occasions; OP Hotel area on two occasions; OP Gold/Red area on one occasion. One Israel soldier allegedly wounded at 1020 GMT in OP Pink area. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that the soldier died later in the afternoon.

"5- The Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by Israel forces between 06UO GMT and 1130 GMT as follows: OP Lima area on three occasions; OP, Blue area on one occasion; OP Hotel area on two occasions; OP Silver area on fifteen occasions.

"6. All of the above reported firings were by small arms, automatic v/eapons and machine-guns. There were no reports of mortar or artillery fire."

Israel-Syria sector

3- The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector was also received from General Bull on the morning of 6 March:

"UMOs (United Nations Military Observers) at OP 7 (MR 2203-2Uo8) reported hearing machine-gun fire at 1820 GMT, 5 March, north-east of OP. Several bursts of machine-gun fire were seen and heard crossing the Israel FDL (Forward Defended Localities) and Syrian FDL in an east to west direction approximately three to four kilometres north-east of OP. At this time mortar rounds were heard and fifteen flares were seen. At 0825 GMT UMMOs observed machine-gun fire in same general area crossing the Syrian FDL and Israel FDL from east to west. By 1848 GMT most firing had stopped but flare activity continued. All firing ceased at 18^5 GMT. UMMOs at OP Romeo (MR 2294-2^-59) observed and heard machine-gun fire at the above times approximately four to six kilometres west-south-west of OP." UNITED NATIONS

SECURITY „,,,__, ,„ s/793o/Add.i3o COUNCIL *MNJttr*//« 5 ^•xv—t-^/Lsy ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Suez Canal sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 5 March 1969:

"1. Following is a summary of United Nations-reported breaches of the cease- fire in the Suez Canal sector on 5 March when fire across the Canal was observed:

(a) OP Silver (MR 7452-8^85): by UAR forces at 0634 GMT, 0636 GMT, 0757 GMT, 0945 GMT, 1206 GMT, between 1239 GMT and 1240 GMT, at 1259 GMT, 1305 GMT, 1309 GMT, 1310 GMT, 1J18 GMT, 1348 GMT and by Israel forces at 0708 GMT.

(b) OP Gold (MR 7672-8145): by UAR forces at 0634 GMT.

"2. Following is a summary of United Nations-reported breaches when firing was heard in the immediate proximity of the Canal:

(a) OP Hotel (MR 7402-8765): by UAR forces on fourteen occasions between 0552 GMT and 1351 GMT and by Israel forces on eight occasions between 0740 GMT and 1130 GMT.

(b) OP Silver: by UAR forces on forty-three occasions between 0356 GMT and l436 GMT and by Israel forces on eight occasions between 0740 GMT and 0757 GMT.

(c) OP Pink (MR 766l-828l): by UAR forces at 08ll GMT and at 1454 GMT.

(d) OP Lima (MR 7662-8173): by UAR forces on nine occasions between 0524 GMT and 1311 GMT.

(e) OP Gold: by Israel forces at 0806 GMT.

(f) OP Red (MR 7675-8125): by UAR forces on five occasions between 0524 GMT and 1126 GMT.

"3. Following firings heard, but origin of fire not confirmed: OP Silver on four occasions between 0520 GMT and 1123 GMT; OP Pink on four occasions between 0518 GMT and 1157 GMT; OP Lima between 0635 GMT and 0637 GMT;

69-04493 S/7930/Add.l30 English Page 2

OP Gold on eight occasions between 0524 GMT and 0734 GMTj OP Blue (MR 7677-8055) at 0454 GMT.

"4. The Assistant IDF (Israel Defence Forces) Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by UAR forces between 0400 GMT and 1J48 GMT as follows: OP Yellow (MR 7427-8837) area on one occasion] OP Foxtrot (MR 7430-8674) area on one occasion; OP Silver area on forty occasions. One Israel soldier allegedly wounded at 0650 GMT in OP Silver area.

"5- The Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firing across the Canal by Israel forces between 0515 GMT and 1130 GMT as follows: OP Lima area on five occasions; OP Pink area on one occasion.

"6. All of the above reported firings were by small arms, automatic weapons and machine-guns. There were no reports of mortar or artillery fire." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.l29 COUNCIL 3 March 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 3 March 1969:

"Following report concerning exchange of fire received from OP One (MR 22485-29600) on 3 March:

"(a) At 0838 GMT Syrian forces opened fire from a manned military position forward of Syrian FDL (Forward Defended Localities) (MR 2267- 29^3) and from the area of Point 29* Syrian FDL (MR 22490-29832). Target was an Israel position forward of Israel FDL (MR 2250-2958).

"(b) At 0839 GMT Israel forces opened fire from a manned military position forward of Israel FDL (MR 2250-2958) and from the area of Point 3* Israel FDL (MR 22580-2948o). Target was a Syrian position forward of Syrian FDL (MR 2267-2943) mentioned in subparagraph (a).

"(c) Fire ceased by both parties at 0912 GMT. Last shot fired from a Syrian position.

"(d) Both parties used machine-guns. Thirty to forty airbursts were fired from Syrian positions. Twenty to thirty airbursts seen over Israel position at MR 2250-2958."

Forward Defended Localities demarcated by United Nations Military Observers in June 1967 (see S/7930/Add .18, annexes I and II).


Supplemental information

1. The following report concerning firings which took place in the Suez Canal sector on 1 March 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, during the afternoon of 1 March:

"1. OP Silver (MR 7^52-8583) observed following firings across the Canal, all by UAR forces, on 1 March: at 1129 GMT, 1132 GMT, 1138 GMT, 131^ GMT, 1350 GMT and 1^16 GMT single rifle shots; at llj-17 GMT two rifle shots; at lW-5 GMT one rifle shot; at 1^1 GMT and 1518 GMT four rifle shots. At 0958 GMT OP Silver heard two bursts of machine-gun fire from west side of the Canal;, approximately 600 metres south-west of OP.

"2. At 1121 GMT OP Delta (MR 7^01-9152) observed overflight across the Canal from west to east by two UAR Mig 21 aircraft flying at approximate altitude of l6o metres just over OP. Depth of penetration and recrossing unknown. At 112J GMT OP Charlie (MR 7396-92(90 observed two jet aircraft flying south to north along the Canal over west side. Altitude 1,500 metres. Type not observed.

"3- Following firings across the Canal reported by the Assistant IDF (Israel Defence Forces) Liaison Officer on 1 March: OP Silver area: at approximately 0958 GMT three shots; at approximately 1130 GMT three shots, one Israel soldier wounded; at approximately 11^2 GMT one rifle shot; at approximately 1350 GMT and 1^15 GMT single shots; at approximately ikkQ GMT one rifle shot; at approximately 1^-50 GMT ten shots.

"^. Following firings by Israel forces across the Canal reported by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer on 1 March: OP Hotel (MR 7^02-8765) area at 0700 GMT machine-gun fire from a tank on east side of the Canal just north of Ismailia Control Centre. OP Silver area: at 0905 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire; between 1128 GMT and 1130 GMT single shots; at 13^0 GMT one burst of machine-gun fire; between 1^35 GMT and 1500 GMT nine single shots."

2. The following report concerning firings in the Suez Canal sector on 2 March was received from General Bull during the afternoon of the same day:

"1. Following is a summary of UN-reported breaches of the cease-fire, including exchange of fire, in the Suez Canal sector on 2 March:

69-0^210 S/T930/Add.l28 English Page 2

(a) OP Silver observed fire by UAR forces across the Canal at 0532 GMT, 0533 GMT. 0612 GMT, 1503 GMT,, 1505 GMT,, 1620 GMT and 1626 GMT. Fire across the Canal by Israel forces observed at 162^ GMT. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1723 GMT and by Israel forces at 1728 GMT.

(b) OP Foxtrot (MR 7^30-867^) observed fire across the Canal by UAR forces at 1633 GMT and 16^3 GMT.

(c) OP Pink (MR 766l-828l) observed fire by Israel forces across the Canal between 1725 GMT and 1730 GMT.

"2. Firings by UAR forces from west side of the Canal heard as follows: OP Yellow (MR 7^27-8837) at 1002 GMT and between 1007 GMT and 1009 GMT and at 1721 GMT; OP Hotel at 1135 GMT,, 1220 GMT,, 1233 GMT, 13^1 GMT and 13^5 GMT; OP Silver at 0525 GMT and at 1615 GMT; OP Pink at 1710 GMT; OP Gold at ( 0957 GMT; OP Red (MR 7675-8125) at 0721 GMT.

"3- All of the above reported firings were by small arms, automatic weapons and machine-guns.

"k-. Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire proposed for 1730 GMT. Accepted by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1636 GMT and by the Senior Israel Representative at 1725 GMT. Cease-fire effective at 1730 GMT.

"5- The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported firings across the Canal by UAR forces as follows: OP Yellow area at approximately 1717 GMT; OP Hotel area at approximately 1215 GMT and 1235 GMT; OP Silver area between approximately 0530 GMT and 05^0 GMT, at approximately 1200 GMT, 1503 GMT,, 1505 GMT, l6l5 GMT; between approximately 1620 GMT and 1631 GMT, between approximately 1635 GMT and 1730 GMT; OP Juliet (MR 7590-8390) area at approximately 16^5 GMT; OP Pink area at approximately 16^5 GMT and 1725 GMT.

"6. Senior UAR Liaison Officer reported firings across the Canal by Israel forces as follows: OP Hotel area at 1215 GMT and 1553 GMT; OP Silver area at 1355 GMT and Io22 GMT; OP Gold area at 1000 GMT. At 1050 Senior UAR Liaison' Officer stated: 'No shots fired from west side of the Canal this morning,'"

3- A subsequent report concerning further firings in the Suez Canal sector on 2 March was received from General Bull on the morning of 3 March and reads as follows:

"l. Following is a summary of UN-reported breaches of the cease-fire in the Suez, Canal sector during evening 2 March:

(a) At 19^6 GMT OP Pink heard three rifle shots by UAR forces from west side of the Canal. A few seconds later OP Pink observed several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces across the Canal. Israel firing ceased at 1952 GMT. OP Kilo (MR 7660-8225) confirmed Israel firing in OP Pink area. S/7930/Adcl.i28 English Page 3

(b) At 2036 GMT OP Pink heard two rifle shots by UAR forces frcm west side of the Canal. Immediately afterwards OP Pink observed several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces across the Canal. At 2039 GMT machine-gun fire by UAR forces across the Canal in OP Pink area observed by OP Kilo. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 20^0 GMT and by Israel forces at 20^4-8 GMT.

"?.. Between 2213 GMT and 2215 GMT OP Silver heard six rifle shots by UAR forces from west side of the Canal." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.127 COUNCIL 28 February 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

1. The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Suez Canal sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, at 1&52 hours GMT on 28 February 1969:

"1. Following is a summary of breaches of the cease-fire and exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 28 February as reported by United Nations Military Observers (UNMOs):

(a) OP Silver (MR 71452-8583) observed fire across the Canal by UAR forces at 0258 GMT, 0307 GMT, 1030 GMT, 11CO GMT, 1220 GMT and 1329 GMT. Fire by Israel forces across the Canal observed at 1330 GMT, Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1^50 GMT and by UAR forces at 1510 GMT. OP Silver heard firing from west side of the Canal at 0735 GMT, 1020 GMT and 1139 GMT.

(b) OP Lima (MR 7662-8173) observed fire across the Canal by UAR forces at 1010 GMT and by Israel forces at 1011 GMT. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1039 GMT and by UAR forces at 10^5 GMT. OP again observed fire by UAR forces at 13)48 GMT and by Israel forces at 13^9 GMT. Fire ceased by both parties at ikok GMT. Betweeen 1518 GMT and 1556 GMT rifle fire by UAR forces across the Canal was observed. OP Lima heard firing from west side of the Canal at 1128 GMT, I^kk GMT, 1512 GMT, 1513 GMT and between l6l6 GMT and 1626 GMT.

(c) OP Pink (MR 766l-828l) heard firing from west side of the Canal at 0719 GMT.

(d) OP Gold (MR 7672-81^5) heard firing from west side of the Canal at 0629 GMT, 1112 GMT, at 15^9 GMT and at l6o2 GMT.

(e) OP Red (MR 7675-8125) heard firing from west side of the Canal at 0629 GMT and at 1519 GMT.

(f) OP Blue (MR 7677-8055) observed fire across the Canal by UAR forces at 0621 GMT, from 0918 GMT to 0923 GMT and at 0935 GMT. OP Blue heard firing from west wide of the Canal at 0615 GMT, at 0822 GMT, at 0900 GMT and at 12^7 GMT.

"2. All of the above reported firings were by small arms, automatic weapons and machine-guns. There was no reported mortar or artillery fire. S/7930/Add.l27 English Page 2

"3. Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire was proposed for 1500 GMT, accepted by the Senior Israel Representative at 1^27 GMT and by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1^35 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective at 1510 GMT except for OP Lima area (see para, 1 (b) above).

"U. Casualties:

(a) United Rations: no casualties reported.

(b) Israel: two soldiers wounded.

(c) UAR: no casualties reported."

2o In a subsequent message., General Bull reported that firing had broken out again in the southern part of the Suez Canal sector. The following report on the ' firings reported during the evening of 28 February was received from General Bull at 23^-1 hours GMT on the same day:

"1. Following is a summary of United Nations reported breaches of the cease-fire and exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector during the evening of 28 February:

(a) OP Pink observed fire by UAR forces across the Canal at 1910 GMT and by Israel forces at 1911 GMT. Fire ceased by both parties at 1950 GMT. Exchange of fire in OP Pink area observed by OP Juliet (MR 7590-8390),

(b) OP Kilo (MR 7660-8225) observed fire by both parties acrosss the Canal at 1925 GMT. Fire ceased by both parties at 1926 GMT.

(c) OP Lima observed fire by both parties across the Canal at 1819 GMT. ( Fire ceased by Israel forces at lQh6 GMT and by UAR forces at 1935 GMT. ^

(d) OP Gold observed fire by both parties across the Canal at 1820 GMT. Fire ceased by Israel forces before 1930 GMT and by UAR forces at 193^ GMT.

(e) OP Red observed fire by UAR forces across the Canal at 1820 GMT, 1826 GMT and 1838 GUT. Ten bursts of machine-gun fire passed within 20 metres from caravans. Fire ceased at 18^2 GMT,

"2. All of the above reported firings were by small arms, automatic weapons and machine-guns .

"3- At 1935 GMT OP Pink heard two explosions sounding like mortar shells north of OP. Distance and side of Canal unknown. At the same time OP Juliet observed one explosion in OP Pink area. S/7930/Add.l27 English Page 3

"k. Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire was proposed for 20^5 GMT. Accepted by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 2013 GMT and by the Senior Israel Representative at 2032 GMT. Cease-fire -was effective at 1950 GMT.

115- No casualties reported."

3. General Bull has expressed concern, which the Secretary-General shares, that the continued firing in the Suez Canal sector, if not checked, may result in a still more serious breach of the cease-fire. UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.l26 COUNCIL 27 February 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

Israel-Syria sector

1. With reference to the Israel air attack in Syria on 2^ February 1969 (S/7930/Add.l22, paras. 3 and k), the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, reported that an inquiry into the attack had been conducted by United Nations C Military Observers (UEKOs) at the request of the Senior Syrian Arab Delegate to the Israel-Syria Mixed Armistice Commission (ISMA.C). The final summary of inquiry as received from General Bull on the morning of 2.7 February is as follows:

"1. At 1930 GMT on 2^ February Senior Syrian Arab Delegate requested an inquiry into an Israel air attack which occurred at approximately 0500 GMT on 2k February and during which a number of civilians were killed and wounded and civilian property damaged.

"2. Inquiry was conducted by two UWMOs from Damascus .

(a) Inquiry commenced at village of Hammah at 0832 GMT on 25 February and adjourned at approximately 1600 GMT at the Mezze Hospital in Damascus same day. Inquiry reopened at 07^4- GMT on 26 February at Hammah and was concluded at 09^0 GMT same day at the Mezze Hospital.

(b) Scene of incident: area of Hammah approximately six kilometres west of Damascus and the Maisalun Customs Control Post approximately twenty- five kilometres west of Damascus.

(c) Summary of witnesses1 statements:

(i) First witness: the owner of the Rover washing machine factory in Hammah . He stated that at approximately 0500 GMT on 2^ February his factory was attacked by four aircraft. As his factory starts work at 0515 GMT all of his workers were still outside and five of his workers were killed and seven wounded. He added that eight bombs or rockets hit his factory or fell close by and that two of the bombs exploded about one hour after the attack.

69-0^052 S/7930/Add .126 English Page 2

(ii) Second witness: a member of Hammah village stated that at approximately 0500 GMT on 2k February a number of aircraft attacked the village and dropped about twenty-four bombs or rockets. He pointed out damaged houses where civilians were allegedly killed.

(iii) Third witness: a member of Hammah village stated that at about 0500 GMT on 2k February two aircraft attacked the village and a further four aircraft were flying around higher and covering the two attacking aircraft. In his house he stated that one man and three children were killed.

(iv) Fourth witness: a member of Hammah village stated that close to his house and in front of the village school one girl was killed and a shopkeeper wounded.

(v) Fifth witness: a customs officer at Maisalun Control Post stated that early in the morning of 2k February he heard machine-gun fire and noise of jet aircraft north of his post. He and his companion ran outside and saw four aircraft attack the Customs Post with bombs while another four aircraft flew overhead. He added that one girl on the roadway was killed-.

(vi) Sixth witness: a doctor in charge at the Mezze Hospital stated that in the air attack on Hammah fifteen persons had been killed and another forty-four brought to his hospital as wounded. At the present time there were thirty-one persons hospitalized with wounds as a result of the Israel air attack.

(d) Physical evidence seen by UNMOs:

Hammah area

(i) Six civilian houses totally destroyed and a large number of houses damaged or partially destroyed.

(ii) A washing machine factory which was totally destroyed,

(iii) One school building partially damaged.

(iv) A badly damaged candy factory. UTMOs on 25 February were not allowed to visit the candy factory and guards were around "building. Liaison Officer accompanying the UNMOs stated that an unexploded bomb was still in the building and guards were a security force. UNMOs were able to inspect the building on 26 February and stated that inside the building they observed stocks of sugar, a damaged drum of caramel, boiling pots, tinned food and some clothing.

(v) Twenty-one bomb craters and one unexploded bomb. S/7930/Add.126 English 3

Maisalun Control Post

(i) Three completely destroyed buildings,

(ii) Four civilian cars and one police jeep severely damaged.

(ill) Petroleum station approximately 100 metres south of the Customs Control Post was slightly damaged.

(iv) Ten dead sheep,

(v) Four bomb craters.

Mezze Hospital

(i) UMMOs saw thirty-one persons who were allegedly injured in the air attack on Hammah and they consisted of 1^ men,, 5 women, 7 girls and 5 boys.

(ii) UNMOs described wounds as being consistent with type of injuries that would be sustained by aerial bombing.

"3. Other information:

(a) Death certificates have been requested and will be forwarded with written report.

(b) In response to query by UNMOs the accompanying Liaison Officer stated that there were no other places to visit and the only areas bombed were those that were visited by the UNMOs.

(c) In response to a request by the TJNMOs to see the Israel aircraft which were allegedly shot down the accompanying Liaison Officer stated that two were shot down over Israel occupied territory in the Mount Hermon area and one in the Kuneitra area and that it was not possible to visit these areas.

"h. Photographs were taken and a sketch of the areas made.1'

Suez Canal sector 2. The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Suez Canal sector was received from General Bull during the afternoon of 2? February:

"1. Following firings by UAR forces reported by the Assistant IDF () Liaison Officer on 27 February:

(a) OP Silver (MR 7^52-8583) area: at approximately 0505 GMT, 0525 GMT, 0704 CMT and 0721 GMT single shots; at approximately 12^7 GMT one shot and one burst; at approximately 130^ GMT single shots and automatic fire for a S/7930/Add .126 English Page k

few minutes; at approximately 1*1-57 GMT five single shots; at approximately 1533 GMT a few bursts and single shots; at approximately 15^6 GMT heavy automatic fire; at approximately 165? GMT two single shots .

(b) OP Blue (MR 7677-8055): at approximately 1232 GMT sporadic shots; between approximately 1250 GMT and 13*1-5 GMT continuous sniping fire; at approximately 1*1-22 GMT single shots; at approximately 1*1-25 GMT single shots and bursts, at approximately 1*1-35 GMT bursts and single shots.

(c) OPs Red (MR 7675-8125) and Gold (MR 7672-81*1-5) areas: at approximately 1250 GMT three single shots; at approximately 1335 GMT four single shot?; at approximately 1355 GMT one single shot; at approximately 1*1-20 GMT single shots; at approximately l*J-25 GMT single shots and bursts; at approximately 15*1-8 GMT single shots; at approximately 1555 GMT single shots; at l6l*i- GMT machine-gun fire and single shots; at 1636 GMT one burst machine- gun fire. . /'

"2. At 08*1-0 GMT the Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed that Israel forces had fired single rifle shots from a position 100 metres north of OP Silver from approximately 0700 GMT. He stated that no shots had been fired from west side and that the UAR Local Commander had given order not to fire. At 1020 GMT the Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed that one burst of machine-gun was fired at 09*1-5 GMT by Israel forces in OP Silver area. Origin of fire 100 metres north of OP.

"3- Following is a summary of breaches of the cease-fire and exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 27 February as reported by UNMOs:

(a) OP Silver. UHMOs reported firing by UAR forces observed across Canal from west side to east side at 0728 GMT, 07*1-0 GMT and 0955 GMT. At 12*t-8 GMT UAR fire from west side of Canal increased in intensity and continued intermittently until 1559 GMT. At 1656 GMT fire by UAR forces was observed from west to east side of Canal. (( V.'- (b) OP Blue. At 12*1-0 GMT UNMOs observed fire by UAR forces from west to east side of Canal. They observed fire by Israel forces across Canal at 12*1-1 GMT. Fire in this area ceased at 1329 GMT. At lUO*)- GMT UNMOs observed fire by both parties in this area. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1521 GMT and Israel forces at 1510 GMT.

(c) OP Red. UNMOs observed fire across Canal by UAR forces at l*)-3*t- GMT. UNMOS observed Israel fire across Canal at l*J-*i-5 GMT. Both parties ceased fire at 15*1-0 GMT.

(d) OP Gold. UNMOs observed fire by UAR forces across Canal at 1*1-27 GMT. UNMOs observed fire by Israel forces across Canal at 1*^28 GMT. Fire in this area ceased by Israel forces at 1555 GMT and by UAR forces at 1607 GMT. S/7930/Add.l26 English Page 5 / (e) OP Lima (MR 7662-8173)• UMMOs reported hearing sound of small arms fire south of OP at 1^33 GMT. At lk-J>k GMT UWMOs observed fire by UAR forces from west to east side of Canal. Between lU|?l GMT and 1521 GMT UMMOs reported hearing firing south of OP. Between 1531 GMT and 1557 GMT UWMOs reported observing sporadic firing by UAR forces from west to east side of Canal.

(f) OP Mike (MR 7657-8037) UMOs reported hearing small arms fire to the north of OP between lMl-5 GMT and 15^U GMT.

"U. All of the above-reported firings were by small arms, automatic weapons and machine-guns. There was no reported mortar or artillery fire.

"5. Cease-fire proposal. A cease-fire was proposed for 15^-5 GMT. Cease-fire proposal was accepted by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1507 GMT and by the Senior Israel Representative at 1520 GMT. Cease-fire was generally effective r at 1607 GMT." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL 3/7930/Add,I25 COUNCIL 2b FelDruary 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

Suez Canal sector

1. The following report on the cease-fire in the Suez, Canal sector was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the morning of 26 February 1969:

"1. At 1935 GMT on 25 February,, a United Nations Military Observer (UNMO) at OP Silver (MR 7452-8583) observed one burst of machine-gun fire with tracers fired by UAR forces from the west side of the Canal opposite the OP. Tracers passed close to the OP, The UNMO was on the observation platform at the time of firing and reported no unusual activity at this time in the area.

"2. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer alleged that UAR forces fired a few shots across the Canal in the OP area at approximately 1930 GMT.

"3. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer was contacted and stated: 'At 19^0 GMT, one burst of light machine-gun fire was fired close to the Canal from east to west in the OP Silver area.1 UNMOs could not confirm any firing from the east side. Both UNMOs were on the platform at 19^0 GMT."

2. A second report was received from General Bull during the afternoon of 2.6 February and reads :

"1. Following firings by UAR forces across the Canal observed by OP Silver on 26 February: At 104-0 GMT one rifle shot, at 10^7 GMT one rifle shot, between 12^3 GMT and 1255 GMT five single rifle shots, at 13 2^ GMT one rifle shot and at l4l6 GMT one burst machine-gun fire. UNMOs at OP Silver also heard single shots fired from the west side of the Canal, at 1305 GMT, 1352 GMT and 1409 GMT. An Israel forces team was working 100-150 metres north of the OP.

"2, The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed that UAR forces on 26 February had 'fired across the Canal in the OP Silver area as follows: At approximately 1040 GMT one rifle shot, a few minutes later two shots, at approximately 1238 GMT one rifle shot, at approximately 1248 GMT two rifle shots, at approximately 1255 GMT one rifle shot, at approximately 1302 GMT two rifle shots, at approximately 1323 GMT one rifle shot, at approximately 1343 GMT

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one rifle shot, at approximately 1^-09 GMT one rifle shot, at approximately 1^17 GMT one t>urst machine-gun fire.

"3. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer was contacted at IJCJ GMT concerning firings up to 1255 GMT and stated: rNo shots have teen fired from the west side of the Canal. One shot was fired from the east side of the Canal at 1235 GMT and one shot at 12^5 GMT1. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer was also contacted concerning firings after 1255 GMT but had no information."

3. A third report was received from General Bull later in the afternoon of i 26 February and reads as follows:

"1. At 1815 GMT the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed that: 'The firing across the Canal at 1^09 GMT seriously wounded an Israel soldier. At 1659 GMT, UAR forces fired across the Canal in the vicinity of OP Silver ; for approximately two minutes with automatic weapons fire, At 1727 GMT, UAR forces fired across the Canal in the vicinity of OP Silver with heavy machine-gun fire both north and south of the OP. At 17^5 GMT, UAR forces fired one single shot across the Canal in the OP Silver area."

"2=. Following firings by UAR forces across the Canal observed by OP Silver on 26 February:

(a) At l6j7 GMT rifle, light machine-gun and heavy machine-gun with tracers from west to east approximately 150 metres south of the OP. The Ismailia Control Centre was informed and the Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that the Local Commander in the area stated that fire was from the east side of the Canal by light machine-gun.

(b) At 1726 GMT rifle, light machine-gun and heavy machine-gun fire with tracers from west to east both north and south of the OP. Some of , these shots passed over the OP which was illuminated. Firing ceased v at 1735 GMT."

Israel-Syria sector km The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector was received from General Bull on the morning of 26 February:

"The following report was received from OP One (MR 22^85-29600) on 26 February:

1. At 0730 GMT Syrian forces opened light anti-aircraft fire from a manned military position forward of Syrian FDL (Forward Defended Localities) (MR 2267-291+8) at an Israel Piper Cub aircraft flying well west of Israel FDL over MR 2.22-29^. Bursts of anti-aircraft fire seen in the vicinity of the aircraft. The Syrian fire ceased at 0732 GMT but reopened at 07^2 GMT towards the Israel position mentioned in paragraph 2. Weapons used were machine-guns and light anti-aircraft guns. S/7930/Add.l2.5 English Page 3

2. At 0731 GMT Israel forces opened machine-gun fire from a manned military position forward of Israel FDL (MR 2250-2958) towards the Syrian position mentioned in paragraph 1. At 0750 GMT machine-gun fire was opened from an Israel position approximately three kilometres north of CP One. Target not observed.

3. A cease-fire proposal for OSjO GMT was passed by the Chairman of I3MAC (Israel-Syria Mixed Armistice Commission) to the Senior Syrian Arab Delegate at 0802 GMT and by the Officer~in-Charge, Tiberias Control Centre} to the Senior Israel Representative at 080^ GMT. Fire ceased by the Israel forces at 08l6 GMT and by the Syrian forces at 0822 GMT."

5- A subsequent report was received from General Bull during the afternoon of 26 February, and reads as follows:

"At 1723 GMT OP Six (MR 22995-28U68) reported hearing seven explosions and observing two of these in an area approximately four kilometres south-west of the OP. Fire was identified as medium mortar with origin of fire near the Syrian FDL. UMOs observed two bursts of machine-gun fire from target area but could not confirm firing across FDLs . OP Five (MR 22851-2.7760), OP Winter (MR 232.05-2792.^-) and the Kuneitra Control Centre confirmed hearing explosions at time reported by OP Six."