C:Hofmann\1Lithof.Doc 27.02.2010
1 C:Hofmann\1Lithof.doc 27.02.2010 List of Publications Dissertation Hofmann, F. (1968) "Die Wirkung einiger Colchizinderivate auf den Mäuse-Ascites-Tumor" Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg Habilitation Hofmann, F. (1977) "Characterisierung der cAMP-abhängigen Protein-kinasen" Fakultät für Theoretische Medizin, Universität Heidelberg I Referierte Arbeiten Hofmann, F., Sold, G. (1972) "A protein kinase activity from rat cerebellum stimulated by guanosine-3`:5`- monophosphate" Biochem. Biophys.Res.Comm. 49, 1100-1107 Sold, G., Hofmann, F. (1974) "Evidence for a guanosine-3`:5`-monophosphate-binding protein from rat cerebellum" Eur.J.Biochem. 44, 143-149 Shizuta, Y., Beavo, J.A., Bechtel, P.J., Hofmann, F., Krebs, E.G. (1975) "Reversibility of the adenosine-3`:5`- monophosphate-dependent protein kinase reaction" J.Biol.Chem. 250, 6891-6896 Hofmann, F., Beavo, J.A., Bechtel, P.J., Krebs E.G. (1975) "Comparison of adenosine-3`:5`-monophosphate-dependent protein kinases from rabbit skeletal and bovine heart muscle" J.Biol.Chem. 250, 7795-7801 Hofmann, F., Bechtel, P.J., Krebs, E.G. (1977) "Concentrations of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase subunits in various tissues" J.Biol.Chem. 252, 1441-1447 Schwechheimer, K., Hofmann, F. (1977) "Properties of regulatory subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (peak I) from rabbit skeletal muscle prepared by urea treatment of the holoenzyme" J. Biol. Chem. 252, 7690-7696 Flockerzi, V., Speichermann, N., Hofmann, F. (1978) "A guanosine-3`:5`monophosphate-dependent protein kinase from bovine heart muscle" J.Biol.Chem. 253, 3395-3399 Schmidt-Gayk, H., Löhrke, H., Fischkal, A., Goerttler, K., Hofmann F. (1979) "Urinary cyclic AMP and bone histology in Walker Carcinosarcoma: Evidence of parathyroid hormone-like activity" Eur.J.
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