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AUTUMN ISSUE T9 AUTUMN ISSUE t9 DRIYE VOLUME .L4 No' I' The Magazine of the CIIR.OIIN CT,ASSIC OWNERS CLUB OF AUSTRALIA Inc. THE CAR THAT CR,OSSED THE SAHARA The 7.5 h.p. Z-seoter fl 95 !-'-""""" ' ""'."""""""i 3 Engincers haoe rcarduccd, i Thc Cilr*n i rhe design ond i rn tir'r 7'5 h.p. Mdel, i t? i',""::'' ;,'l;! 1",:r :o'.^'rT:il;*!^: i uscd crossintg the Sohora. ,--ii ,rn lor i i................ ....................... Built on the lines of c bigsgf 4 CVI i nders, Water- @oled . Back Axle with differentiql. Electric Lighting & Sto,rting. 5 Michelin Wheels &Tyres. Mogneto lgnition. TaxfSperqnnum. Registered by AUSTRALIA POST tubI ication IrIo : VBH2 L27 ffirilA$Hilp ccocAsHoP is preased to announce that arl-new T-shirts and sroppy Joes are now available. Most old designs, as previousry featureil-6n this page wiII no longer be availabie. s6, take tlris last opportunity to order these designs, before they are replaced, by contacting me elther by ,phone or in writing. The two (with more to come in due course) designs available are shown berow. The TRACTToN design is printed ln deep blue and the 2c\r design ln red. Both are availabre on pristine white, puRE corroN loose fit T-shirts, long sleeved tops or sroppy Joes. you can order. these great new tops slmply by filring in the- order form incruded with this magazine and sending it, with palzment, direct to me. How nuch, for these great PURE COTTON fashion items, essential for the welI dressed Cltroenist? T-Shirts $1 5. 00, plus p+p Long-sleeved tops $20.00, plus p+p Sloppy Joes $30. 00, plus p+p AND Dontt forget at every meeting, ccocAsHop has a range of moders that is continualry changing. so come along and see if we can help with that ellusive model that has been missing from your collection. ccocAsHoP also now has glass alil3r".", suitable for beer, mixed drinks or cordial, decorated with the TRACTION design. (Unfortunately, these are not available by mall ordeit ) AND CCOCASHOP also has for supply by post, high guality photocopies of 4 and 5-cylinder Traction workshop Manuars and spare pirts catarogues. $lorkshop Manuals - 4 Cylinder $25.00, plus p+p - - 5-Cy1inder $25.00, plus p+p Spare Parts Catalogues - 4 Cyllnder $25.00, plus p+p - 6-Cylinder $25.00, plus p+p This adrrert frcm tlre I920's features Citroenrs B2 rncdel . A team of these CCOCA Inc. is a membr of the cars set up with Cibroen-Kegresse ASSOCIATION OF I\O{TORI}G CLUBS ffiSI{ 0810 862s haff track rear drives had jrrst be- corrE ttre first cars to cross tlre G. P.O. Box 237 4V , Me Ib. 3001 . Sahara in L922/L923. FRONT DRIVE CCOCA POSTAL ADDRESS ccocA collllITTEE 1990 P0 Box 52 PRESIDEilT DRIYE BALYN YIC 3TO3 David Giddings 3 Cross Street Canterbury Vic 3126 The Magazine of the 6038 Phone: (03) 836 crrno iix CIAssIc owNERs aL-LIB oF AUSTRALIA Inc' SECR,ETARY llark V i ckery 23 lli chel I e Avenue llatsoni a llorth Yic 3087 Phone: (03) 434 5079 EDITORIAL TREASURER Ted Cross 16 Buvel of llynd Greetings ! ! Doncaster Vi c 3109 fast Well ttre inpossible has Phone: (03) 842 4845 happened. Bitl Graham is giving SPARE PARTS OFFICER up the editorship of tlre Peter Boyl e and f have the honor:r of fol lcnr- 35 N*tnan Street ing. Thornbury Vic 3071 Phone: (03) 480 3560 Being a nrernber of only three years f decided to read al I ttre past ACTIYITIES OFFICER L I BRARIAN issues of ttre rnagazine and hras a Lawrence Robi n Sni th Ron bit staggered to learn of tlre o<tent 8 The Haven 9 St Aubrns Ave Eayswater Vic 3153 North Caulfi el d Vic 3161 and richness of BiIr's ccnmi.tsrent -to Phone: (03) 762 80i6 Phone: (A3) 527 5429 CCllCA. Bit of a hard act to fotlov! ! EDITOR f have every intention of rnain_ taining Bill's connection with tlre Dyl an llebb 44 Ross Street ln'agzine ttrrough his regular contrib_ Northcote Vic 3070 uti-on of technical arti_cles .etc. Phone (03) 481 8175 I'f/ ch/n enlistnent wittr CEEA PROPER OFFICER CLUB SHOP began r^ltren one peter Sinnenauer relieved rre sr-un John Couche Lei gh lli I es of a of rrDney for 31 Broadway 16 Harrow Street a Big 15 that ,one satr:rday, I had Eelgrave Vic 3160 Blackburn South Yic 3130 only intended Phone (03) 754 3583 Phone: (03) 288 7506 to vj.ew as a filf in for thre day. IuIy wife riras keen to cr^rn a car that had strong rnenrrries in her childhood (nrake a good story) CCOCA }IE}IBERSHI P and my nmch roved Bt{hrRr00Rs was gone- History will ncr^r record it as ttre s27.50 rOth -Issoc i ate netber $20.00 citroen in our farniry ( it nor^/ -Joi nt nenbershi p (for stands at 14). spouse of ful I nenber) tni I We real ise this edition is postage Qverseas rate: a little late in but he hope ( ai rnai I ) addi ti onal , 9.00 you will bear with us as we attenpt lleetl ngs are hel d as fol I ows : "catch-up". Transition isnrt easy you Fourth llednesday of each nonth except tlqf cutting off your left arm! Decetber. The neeting location l's the (not fitany autqnatic Tractions -?) CourtyaN Roon, llunawading Civic Centre llaroondah Hi glway , east of Spri ngval e pn. Road, at 8.00 QFIan l,ilebb / B1II Graham. The magazine of the Citroen Clessic Owners Club of Australia Incorporaled t FRONT DRIVE CCOCA CALENDER 1990 FRI JUN 8-1 1 Austraction g0 WED JUN 27 Open nioht WED JUL 25 Gbneralheetino SUN JUL 29 Day run to Coolirt,Somers WED AUG22 Open nioht SUN AUG 26 Technic5! day WED SEP 26 General meeiino SUN SEP 30 CIub auctio n/BB"O WED ocT 24 Open night SUN OCT 28 Joint concourse with CCCV SUN NOV 18 Qay run to Werribee park WED NOV 28 General meetino SAT DEC 8 Break-up dinner" CtUB REPORT -dvas t l.iuch neecieC [.;e ve beeneo I];Ced ! r.reticulcr:s erfort A rnajor trir:r.Ph cf recent ti-iPs in crcer to l:ring tire ciiange into fr.:- on r,embers ivho is that CCOCA has beccr-re C@CA Inc. ition a fact. noc lost ano spontane- t,htve been "Inced" incorporated ! atcencec the lay ir,eeting Yes, the Cit-rq=n CLassic Otmers ous Ii' applaucied the announcenent - CIub of Australia Incrcrporated j-s nol our proPer nanein a legal sense Alcng the t^/dY '.t€ have :-.anageci to ancj r*e'll all have to get used to upgrac,e the uording cf the C@CA Inc it ano remer.iber to use this in refer- constitution io be identical with Urat rinE to the club in anl' qcrl:esponience of tlre "DoeJirent of Incorpcration". as percliancre have noticecl with the }'ou A requirenrent has been to aPPoint c'urrent r-.:ag'asine ani stationarY. a ''Proper Officer" , anC club stal- iiaturally, in casual usage the wart John tbuche has taken on the role. olo raLriliar CCOCA (cocker) is scill t'hese changes hpve been crcnsioereo ano perfec'cly acceptable. lrayi:e in the ratifiec by ;reriibers at the regular futr-ire CGlCi\ Inc rlill beccl're asi r-ar'- i:eetings a^nd at, '"he AGill.A l,ore oetail- ous (but for ii-fferent reasons ! ) as eo outline will ap-cear in a later ecli- T,JA INC t tion of the naEazine. Creoit for org'anising tire ch':nge Incorporation is highly reccrtrEn- .rust go Prez. Davici Giciiings ano Peter oed for all clubs ano the like. Ttte Slrrr,enauer , aiieo bi/that "LEEAL AD\trS- i:njor actvarrtage being in fiririting Lre CR." with the oulcet tones, Jon Faine ' llability falling on Ccnr,rittee and Ttlart](s r,ust also Eo to tlre staff of the general rnericers should tlre club be victorian ccr_ccrate Affairs office for sueo over scrrE nisirap etc. their heIPfuI assistance . 2 The magazine of the Cilrocn Classic Ownert Club of Australia Incorporeled FRONT DRIVE PRESIDENT,S REPORT $BNIED PrefferablY alive. (vfuo else would do tlre job?) Wkrat else set these rnugs MARK VICKERY apart in threse mug shots? Apart frcnt 'threir obvious good looks , these CCOCA nrenrbers ( sorry CEGA Inc) have drawn t}te short straw for L990/I99I- DA\TTD GIDDI]iGS These Poor unfortunates are the ones utro arrange the events and rallys, 9et the goodies for the club shop, look after the club lib- rary and nagazine, fr:nds, rec'ords and things legal and rePresent tlre club. Such a dedication to things CITROBiIIAN alnrost brings on a mild cardiac arrest. lED CROSS Ttris Year we have again have a mix of old and new. Sdre of them I,ASIRBICE rrkry want change bY next Year is it your turn to "volllnteer" ? Thanl<s to throse rafio have senred thre c lub we I I and not JOHN COTJCI{E returned for office HaYden Chapnren (treasr:rer) and Bi I I Grakram (Editor) . ROBIN SMITTI Tharks to tkrose rafro have tvolunteered" DYIAN WEEB PEFUTB rcYLE I,EIGH I{ILES The magazine of the Cilroen Classic Owners Club of Auslralia Incorporated 3 FRONT DRIVE fest vvef@A THE,TRACTIOTIIS AtrIH?BD It ttould be easy to overlook thre rrcnical Iy , the venerable f ir.r,r of rear drive Citroens retrospectively Panharo et Levassor -/vas eventual ly tenned ttre t traction .arriere' .
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    1936 Talbot Lago T150C POA 1936 Talbot Lago T150C Recreation Utilising all Factory parts. History of the Talbot T150c sports racing cars. In 1936 the Automobile Club de France announced a new formula for sports cars, this was a protest against the total dominance in Grand Prix racing of the German teams of Auto Union and Mercedes Benz. French manufacturers responded to the challenge, Delage, Delahaye. Bugatti, and the Paris Suresnes company of Talbot Darraq where a new sports racing car was built using a well developed chassis. Talbot company chief designer Walter Becchia produced a redesign of the already successful 3 litre engine with an increase to 3,989 cc, a low mounted single camshaft and an alloy hemispherical combustion chamber cylinder head feeding 3 downdraft Zenith carburetors, it gave these engines a nominal 165 bhp with exceptional torque and made the T150c amongst the fastest sports cars of the pre war period, well capable of exceeding 130 mph. They achieved excellent success in both sports car racing and stripped of their road equipment in Grand Prix events, with great drivers such as Etancelin, Chiron, Sommer. Only 6 of the T150c cars were built. Chassis numbers 82930 to 82935. In the post war period T‐150c Talbot’s continued to be used in sports car events, some were re‐bodied according to the post war trends and became familiar at many of the 1940s European Grand Prix’s and of course Le Mans. In recent years most of the cars are accounted for, except one that is missing and one that still has a post war single seat body The remaining cars exist now back to their original Talbot Lago Darraq T150c configuration.
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