© in This Web Service Cambridge University
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09161-0 - Planetary Sciences: Updated Second Edition Imke de Pater and Jack J. Lissauer Index More information Index D region, 263 Airy hypothesis, 252–253, 280 I/F,59 Aitken basin, 266 β-effect, 109 albedo γ -ray fluorescence, 571 Bond albedo, 58, 77, 144 3He, 386 geometric albedo, 59 ν6 resonance, 581 giant planets, 77 monochromatic albedo, 58 ’a’a, 168f, 168 terrestrial panets, 77–78 ablation, 184 albite, 162, 239 absorption, 67 Aleutan islands, 167 absorption coefficient, 67, 71 Alfven´ velocity; see velocity absorption line, 85 Alfven´ waves, 291, 306 accretion zone, 534 ALH84001, 342 achondrites, 337, 339, 358 allotropes, 217 eucrite, 339 α decay, 352, 365 HED, 358 Amalthea, 227f, 455, 484 acid rain, 194 amorphous ice, 412, 438 activation energy, 127 Ampere’s law, 290 active region, 283 amphibole, 154 active sector, 317, 319 andesite, 156f Adams–Williams equation, 261, 281 angle of repose, 163 adaptive optics (AO), 104, 194, 494, 568f, 568–569 angular momentum, 521 adiabatic invariants anhydrous rock, 550 first invariant, 297 anion, 153 second invariant, 297–298 anomalous cosmic rays, 311f, 312 third invariant, 298 anorthite, 162, 197 adiabatic lapse rate, 63–64, 80–81, 149 anorthosite, 197 dry, 64, 80 ansa, 459 giant planets, 77 antapex, 189 superadiabatic, 64, 70, 111 Antarctica, 214 wet, 101–102 anticyclone, 111f, 112 Adrastea, 225, 227f, 454f, 484 antipode, 183, 197, 316 advection, 61 apex, 189 advective derivative, 108 Apollo program, 16 aeolian processes, 173 Apollo spacecraft, 95, 185, 196–197, 267f, 316, 341 aerodynamic drag, 49, 55, 102, 347–348, 416 apparition, 407 aerogel, 432f, 432 aqueous alteration, 401 AGB star (asymptotic giant branch), 527 arachnoid, 201, 202f agregates, 528 Archimedean spiral, 287f airglow, 135 Archimedes principle, 251 625 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09161-0 - Planetary Sciences: Updated Second Edition Imke de Pater and Jack J.
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