A - Z directory of health and social care services Carers Disabilities Mental health Older people Health Leeds City Council Adult Social Care 0113 222 4401 Adult Social Care in Leeds: For more information about services, or to Better Lives for people in Leeds find out how you can help call 0113 222 4401, or visit www.leeds.gov.uk Welcome Useful contacts In this guide we have listed council services, health services and from Leeds Directory 0113 391 8333 many other organisations across Leeds and further afield. It is not possible to list everything but we hope it will be a start in the right Adult Social Care contact centre 0113 222 4401 direction. Adult Social Care out of hours (after 5pm) 0113 240 9536 Although there is increasing internet access, we know many people Electricity emergency 0800 375 675 still prefer or need a paper copy - hence producing this guide. Gas leaks 0800 111 999 Yorkshire Water leakline 0800 573 553 We are grateful to people who gave us feedback on previous editions of this directory, we have included many of those ideas. We are also NHS Direct 111 grateful to organisations and individuals who have suggested entries, Police, Fire or Ambulance emergency 999 and who have checked it for accuracy. Police - non emergency 101 This version was updated October 2014. If you spot any errors or The Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 omissions, please email us at:
[email protected] Age UK national helpline 0800 169 6565 If you are finding it difficult to find a service, call the council’s contact Age UK Leeds 0113 389 3000 centre on 222 4401, or visit any of our one stop centres (see page 89) Unless a telephone code is given, all the telephone numbers need the Leeds telephone code 0113 if you are dialling from a mobile phone or from another area.