Openreach response to Ofcom’s consultation document “Fixed access market reviews: Openreach quality of service and approach to setting LLU and WLR Charge Controls” 18 February 2014 Non Confidential VERSION Redacted items shown as [] Comments on this response should be sent to: Alan Lazarus via email at
[email protected] Openreach response to Ofcom’s Fixed access market reviews: Openreach quality of service and approach to setting LLU and WLR Charge Controls – non-confidential version 2 Foreword On 3 July 2013, Ofcom published its proposals on the Fixed Access Market Reviews (FAMR). It subsequently published its consultation on the charge controls for Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) and Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) on 11 July 2013 and amended this on 20 August 2013 to correct errors in its cost modelling (the First Charge Control Consultation). On 19 December 2013 Ofcom published a further consultation (Fixed access market reviews: Openreach quality of service and approach to setting LLU and WLR Charge Controls (the Consultation)). The proposed controls are for the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2017 (the Control Period). This document forms Openreach’s response to Ofcom’s 19 December 2013 consultation on the Fixed Access Market Reviews and the proposed LLU/WLR Charge Controls. Openreach will be responding separately to Ofcom’s 16 January 2014 consultation. (Fixed access market reviews: Further consultation on notification periods, compliance with requirements on the VULA margin, and approach to pricing for TRCs and SFIs) This response is in addition to our previous responses submitted 30 September 2013: Openreach response to service-related questions in Ofcom’s consultation documents “Fixed access market reviews: wholesale local access, wholesale fixed analogue exchange lines, ISDN2 and ISDN30” and Openreach response to questions in Ofcom’s consultation document “Fixed access market reviews: Approach to setting LLU and WLR Charge Controls”.