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f "t .£«; Letters

Bangalore Annual Council status quo, run-of-the-mill, busi But when they went to our pastor As an avid reader of Ministry for ness-as-usual, bureaucratic- with a request to marry them, the more than two decades, oftentimes I don©t-rock-the-boat posture? It©s up pastor told him he needed to join itched to respond to articles that to us, really, isn©t it? Claude the before he could marry stimulated my thinking, and now is Lombart, president, Egypt Field of them. Because the pastor used the the time. In my opinion, missiolo- SDAs, Cairo, Egypt. word "unbeliever," he felt insulted. gically the most significant state He went then to his church, and ment I ever saw published in my Thank you for your remarks on received the same insult, except this favorite journal is found in John Mizoram. In 1949 we went there as time it was directed at my daughter. Fowler©s editorial "Bangalore: the first missionaries. The capital Then they went to a Lutheran Affirming the Future" (February city was a one-street village. The pastor, to please my mother-in-law, 1994). The section "The Test of street was about 100 yards long, and and they were both insulted with the Stewardship" says it all by raising at times in the night one could see a word, "unbelievers." So I suggested some pertinent questions that, if tiger or a leopard stroll across the that they elope, and they did. We dismissed, will only be to our peril. street. But in all those little villages all went to the justice of the peace, Yes, why is the Seventh-day of Mizoram, there were people parents and grandparents, and it was Adventist Church in India still whom God loved. As we worked the most beautiful ceremony I have dependent on the mother/father with them, we took time to ever attended. They are very happy church for economic sustenance them. Most of our people in other today, not because of the Seventh- after 100 years? Why do similar parts of India did not understand day Adventist Church, but because situations remain elsewhere, such as what we were doing. We got of love. in my own area? "spanked" by some leaders more I asked our pastor for biblical Research on the issue of self- than once for the way we were proof for the policy, and he could support of the Egypt Field shows doing our ministry, and for the slow not find it. Your article also fails to that one of the side effects of long- baptisms. But the work is the show any text to support the term financial dependency of Lord©s, and He has brought it to tradition of the church. Abimael mission fields on the churches of fruition. Thank you for understand Acosta, Irving, Texas. the developed world is paralysis of ing why and how Mizoram became development within. Ongoing a conference. Helen and Willis G. I have three concerns regarding appropriations meant to be a boon Lowry, Coalmont, Tennessee. the proposed Church Manual turn out to be a bane for the recipi statement on marrying non- ents of such aid. Marrying non-Adventists Adventists. First, the effect this kind Fowler raises some appropriate I have always enjoyed your of statement would have on church questions: "Does self-support mean Ministry articles, though I do not members. When we add such a financing an infrastructure and an agree with everything. However, "strong" recommendation to our organization too burdensome for the this is the first time I am responding "strong" emphasis on Adventist constituency and too alien to be to an article. The issue of marrying education, the result is a formula, supported? Should not administra non-Adventists (February 1994) has intentional or not, for "good" tive and pastoral style and function bothered me for many years, and I Adventists, that unfortunately stay within the context of the have discussed this with many almost never results in a positive widow©s mite, if that mite is all the pastors. They agree with my stand, demonstration of "love and concern income that can be generated within but choose to remain with the with the purpose of encouraging." a field? . . . What should define our tradition of the church. Rather, we end up with an stewardship: structure or mission, There seems to be a misinterpre Adventist class system with the bureaucracy or nurture, elitism or tation of the Scriptures, and this has inevitable tensions and conflicts servanthood?" caused many believers to either that result between the "good" and I am also moved by the Annual remain single or choose not to be the "not-so-good." Council©s call on "stewardship, self- part of the church family. Some Second, such policies tend to reliance, and sacrifice." Total life Adventists, in spite of the tradition, undermine confidence in God©s stewardship is what it©s all about. marry non-Adventists anyway, and I ability to inspire appropriate The Lord of mission spoke to the have been in favor of them. choices by those who have commit leaders of our world church meeting My daughter was and is in love ted themselves to Him. Whenever in Bangalore. The question is this: with a Baptist believer. He wanted the church attempts to use undue Will we act, or will we keep the to marry her and join the church. (Continued on page 30)

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 First Glance

Editorial clarification L Letters In the April issue of Ministry I shared four views of the church that appeared in another magazine, none of which 4 Koinonia is the key spoke for the church. In that editorial I did not state where I Martin Weber stood. My purpose was to demonstrate that as Adventism has grown so has its diversity, its way of seeing things. I did not 5 Let©s preach the distinctives state whether that was good or bad but rather sought reaction Robert S. Folkenberg from my readers without prejudice. 7 The sin of Saint Peter However, instead of letting others set the agenda on these Caleb Rosado issues, it is time that church leaders reclaim the high ground by affirming the truly historic truths of Adventism. I believe J.U Redemptive discipline that these core historic truths are: salvation by grace alone, Jay Gallimore , the Sabbath, the second coming of , the Sanctuary, the state of the dead, systematic stewardship, and J-4 Ministerial students visit Manila spiritual gifts, especially the Spirit of Prophecy. Archibald P. Tupas Ministry is totally committed to these historic truths and to AD Cell groups bring success in Hong Kong the primary reason we are here, to evangelize and disciple J. H. Zachary people for Jesus Christ. Anything that distracts us from this goal is illegitimate. May we like Paul say "For Christ©s love Metaphor in your message compels us" to preach (2 Cor. 5:14). Luis F. Acosta Making your school successful James A. Cress Previewing the remnant Wilma Zalabak 28 Biblio File 31 Shop Talk

Cover illustration: Art Landerman

Ministry is the international journal of the Sev EDITORIAL SECRETARY: Johannes Mager, Euro-Africa ADVERTISING SALES: Melynie Tooley enth-day Adventist Ministerial Association. Dorothea Tone P.O. Box 219, CH 3000 Berne 32, Switzerland SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Larry Burtnett ASSOCIATION SECRETARY: CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Heikki Silvet, Euro-Asia James A. Cress Carlos Aeschlimann Isakovskogo St. #4, Korpus 1, Ministry, (ISSN 0026-5314), the interna Galen Bosley Stroghino tional journal of the Seventh-day Adventist EDITOR: J. David Newman Sharon Cress 123181 Moscow, Russia Ministerial Association 1994, is pub James Zachary George Johnson, Far Eastern lished monthly by the General Conference ASSOCIATE EDITORS: 800 Thomson Road of Seventh-day Adventists and printed by lohn M. Fowler, Martin Weber CONSULTING EDITORS: Singapore 1129, Rep. of Singapore Ellen Bresee the Review and Herald Publishing Asso Jaime Castrejon, Inter-America ciation, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, SPECIAL ASSISTANT EDITORS: Floyd Bresee P.O. Box 140760 Gerard Damsteegt Hagerstown, MD 21740, U.S.A. Subscrip Nancy Canwell Miami, FL 33114-0760 tions: US$22.00 for 12 issues worldwide, Miguel Angel Cerna Raoul Dederen William C. Scales, Jr., North America Robert Folkenberg air mail US$39.85. Single copy US$2.25. Eric C. Ward 12501 Old Columbia Pike Member Associated Church Press. Second- Roland R. Hegstad Silver Spring, MD 20904 Karen Holford class postage paid at Hagerstown, MD. This EDITOR EMERITUS: Alejandro Bullon, South America publication is available in microfilm from J. Robert Spangler Herbert Kiesler Alfred C. McClure Caixa Postal 12-2600 University Microfilms International. Call Leo Ranzolin 70279 Brasilia, DP, Brazil toll-free 1-800-521-3044. Or mail inquiry SEMINAR DIRECTOR: George W. Reid Gerhard Pfandl, South Pacific to: University Microfilms International, 300 Rex D. Edwards Angel Rodriguez 148 Fox Valley Road North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Ariel Roth Wahroonga, N.S.W. 2076, Australia PASTORAL ADVISORY: William H. Shea P. V. Jesudas, Southern Asia Editorial Office: 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Charles Ferguson Russell L. Staples SDA Complex, Post Box 2, HCF Silver Spring, MD 20904. Stamped, self- Dennis Fortin Sally Streib Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India 635110 addressed envelope should accompany un Desmond Francis Richard Tibbits A. David C. Currie, Trans-European solicited manuscripts. Office telephone: 301 - Robert Lloyd 119 St. Peter©s Street 680-6510. Larry Moore INTERNATIONAL EDITORS: St. Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, U.K. Dwight Nelson Walton Whaley, Africa-Indian Ocean Postmaster: Send address changes to Eric C. Ward 22 Boite Postale 1764 COVER DESIGN: Trent Truman Ministry, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Walton Williams Abidjan 22, Cote d©lvoire, W. Africa Hagerstown, MD 21740. Joel Musvosvi, Eastern Africa LAYOUT: Ann Taylor EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: P.O. Box H.G. 100, Highlands, Ella Rydzewski Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa MARKETING: Mark Thomas Volume 67 Number 6

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 3 Editorial Koinonia is the key Martin Weber

ow can Adventists today ex Koinonia and the pillars love, proves that we are partaking of perience the elusive quality of I believe that koinonia with its our new humanity in Christ rather H community that is our birth community oneness is vital present than living with the world in Adam©s right in Christ? One group we can truth for the church of the 1990s. rebellion (see John 3:18). learn from is the church after Pente Let©s test what it does for five major 3. The Second Coming. Those cost (see Acts 2:42-47). That commu Adventist doctrines: who don©t know the benefits of the nity of believers had it all: love, un 1. The Sabbath. Some of us were righteousness we share in Christ see selfishness, camaraderie, great joy, taught to regard God©s weekly day of His soon return as a terrible threat. and daily church growth. rest as a 24-hour personal performance They don©t feel individually worthy The key word in Acts 2 describing during which we tiptoe along the of going to heaven. And, of course, them is "fellowship," translated from tightrope of legalism. But when we nobody is or ever will be. Only through the multifaceted koinonia. Let©s note accept our position in Christ, the accepting our righteousness in Christ its usage in the Bible. First, in de Lord of the Sabbath, the day becomes can we have confidence regarding scribing our relationship with God a feast of koinonia. We still shun His coming. "Giving thanks to the through Christ: "God is faithful, by secular business but not for the sake Father who has qualified us to be whom you were called into the fel of proving anything or gaining indi partakers of the inheritance of the lowship [koinonia] of His Son, Jesus vidual points with God. Our purpose saints in the light" (Col. 1:12; see also Christ our Lord" (1 Cor. 1:9).* Be in setting aside personal pursuits is to verses 13, 14). yond that, it applies to our commu join fellow believers in celebrating So everyone in Christ is worthy of nity with fellow believers, as John communally the accomplishments of heaven. This isn©t once saved always says, "that you also may have fellow Jesus. So the Sabbath is a day for saved. Lucifer lost his heavenly posi ship [koinonia] with us; and truly our koinonia in Christ. It draws us out of tion through selfishness and pride, fellowship [koinonia] is with the Fa individual business into communal the opposite of koinonia. If we revert ther and with His Son Jesus Christ" (1 worship through our mutual life in to that lifestyle, we too will be lost. John 1:3). Christ. Daily we must live by faith in Christ, At the Communion table we share 2. The sanctuary and the judg continually exchanging what the koinonia: "The cup of blessing which ment. Having one©s name come up in world offers for our corporate posi we bless, is it not the communion the heavenly sanctuary has been the tion in Christ. Then we can rejoice [koinonia] of the blood of Christ? mother of all threats to many together that we are accounted worthy, The bread which we break, is it not Adventists. But when we understand which stimulates a lot of koinonia. the communion [koinonia] of the body how koinonia fits in, the judgment no 4. The state of the dead. The Bible of Christ?" (1 Cor. 10:16). This mu longer intimidates. Individual suc says Jesus "abolished death and tual koinonia through Christ is the cesses or failures do not matter, be brought life and immortality to light heartbeat of Christian experience (see cause all human righteousness was through the gospel" (2 Tim. 1:10). Phil. 1:3, 5; Eph. 3:9; Rom. 15:26; condemned at the cross (see John Through our position in Christ we Phil. 3:10). Koinonia symbolizes ev 12:31). But another righteousness was don©t die, as such; we enter an uncon erything we need as a church to expe established there the righteousness scious sleep in the grave (John 11:11, rience the quality of community lost we share together in Christ which was 14, 25, 26; 1 Cor. 15:22, 23). Satan©s in Adam and restored in Christ. It certified at His resurrection (see Rom. deception says that Christians travel summarizes the meaning of perfec 4:25). Where do works come in? The alone to heaven at death, but the Bible tion as it applies to His corporate presence of koinonia in our lives, says we are all going together when body of redeemed believers. which is the keeping of God©s law of (Continued on page 23)

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 Let©s preach the distinctives

n previous articles of this series orders. For us, the everlasting gospel Robert S. Folkenberg I©ve shared two convictions about comes in the setting of: I preaching: that it should be bibli 1. A global mission. Every congre cal and that it should present the gospel gation, no matter how small in size or clearly and convincingly. Here I share how humble in its meeting place, is another concern: we also should pro part of our worldwide fellowship. Our claim those truths that set us apart as a message indeed is going to every na people. tion, kindred, tongue, and people. God Adventist Seventh-day Adventists are called has brought this church together in a to preach "the everlasting gospel" (Rev. unique blend of people of more than preaching finds 14:6, 7), but in a particular setting. 200 countries. Seventh-day Adventist Throughout history God©s messengers preaching should lift the sights of the its distinctiveness have proclaimed His only way of sav people, helping them to think big, plan in the context of ing humanity from sin. While the es big, do big to be global in their out sential message hasn©t changed, its look. Further, our preaching should the gospel in its context has. In Noah©s time, the gospel call us all to rejoice in the incredible came in the setting of the approaching diversity of God©s people, as we re end-time setting. flood. In Moses© day, the Exodus ex spect and love one another regardless perience shaped it. For the people of of color, race, language, age, gender, John the Baptist©s era, the message and social standing. We are one in was cast in the expectation of the Christ. Messiah©s appearance. Jesus, the Word 2. The judgment hour. This truth made flesh, proclaimed the gospel in opens up the understanding of the heav terms of the kingdom of heaven that enly sanctuary, with Jesus as our great was breaking through in His life and high priest who represents us before work. the throne of God. It sweeps our minds So today God commissions us to away from the petty things of this earth preach the good news in the setting of to the very headquarters of the universe. a worldwide call to "fear God, and give 3. Worship of the Creator. In an age glory to him; for the hour of his judg when men and women worship them ment is come: and worship him that selves, sex, sports, pleasure, or money, made heaven, and earth, and the sea, Seventh-day Adventist preaching must Robert S. Folkenberg is the president of the and the fountains of waters" (verse 7). exalt God as the only true object of General Conference Seventh-day Adventist preaching, then, adoration. It must proclaim Him as the of Seventh-day cannot be just like that of any others. Creator and Source of all things, as Adventists, Silver We are a prophetic people with a pro well as our Redeemer and Lord. Spring, Maryland. phetic message! 4. The law of God. God©s last-day people will love and follow Him, no What are the Adventist distinctives? matter what the cost. "Here are they The three angels© messages of Rev that keep the commandments of God, elation 14:6-12 give us our marching and the faith of Jesus" (verse 12). We

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 5 are law keepers, not in order to be Adventist preaching should be utterly dry, theoretical, or argumentative man saved, but because we have been saved. biblical in its foundation and content, ner. We haven©t presented them with For us, obedience is the expression of it should not fail to affirm confidence the love of Jesus. We haven©t applied who we are as children of the King of in the Spirit of Prophecy. them to daily living so people can see heaven. What breathtaking themes are these! the difference such doctrines can make. 5. The Sabbath. Of all the com They speak powerfully to life in our So we must study much and pray mandments, the Sabbath is the seal of times. Seventh-day Adventist preach much if we are to present our distinc our love for and allegiance to our lov ing cannot help being relevant! tive truths effectively. We must ask the ing heavenly Father. By choosing to In a number of places Ellen White Lord to set aside our pride. Our pur set aside for Him the day that He set calls our distinctive teachings "the pil pose isn©t to prove that we©re right and aside and blessed, we honor Him as lars," "the landmarks," or "the founda someone else is wrong. It isn©t to put Creator and Lord of time and space. tions." She specifically identifies them down someone we know, perhaps even For us, Sabbathkeeping isn©t a burden as the sanctuary and its cleansing, the one of our own members. We are called, but a privilege and a blessing. More three angels© messages, the law of God, not to preach at people, but to pro than ever, we look forward to its sa the Sabbath, and the nonimmortality claim the everlasting gospel, which is cred, peaceful hours in the midst of the of the soul. 1 "Let the truths that are the always good news no matter what the frantic pace of modern living. foundation of our faith be kept before specific subject is. 6. The great controversy. We be the people," she urges. "We are now to Finally, if we want our preaching to lieve we are engaged in a cosmic understand what the pillars of our faith have power, we© d better plead with the struggle between good and evil. The are the truths that have made us as a Holy Spirit for power to live the "beast" mentioned in Revelation 14:9- people what we are, leading us on step distinctives as well as speak about them. 11 represents the forces that oppose by step." 2 We must treasure the Sabbath as a pre God©s last-day people. But we serve She further counsels: "Ministers cious, gracious gift from our loving One who is far greater, One who holds should present the sure word of proph Father. The Second Coming must be the destiny of the world in His hands ecy as the foundation of the faith of the "blessed hope" of meeting our Sav and who will bring us through any and Seventh-day Adventists. . . . The iour face-to-face, not an event of terror all troubles. By His cross He has won twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew is and anxiety. The judgment must give the decisive battle in the struggle with presented to me again and again as us hope as we trust in the One who the demonic powers, and His triumph something that is to be brought to the speaks on our behalf and frees us from is assured. attention of all. ... The time in which all uncertainty and apprehension. The 7. The Second Coming. "I looked, we are living calls for constant vigi great controversy must focus on the and there before me was a white cloud, lance, and God©s ministers are to power and victory of Jesus, not the and seated on the cloud was one ©like a present the light on the Sabbath ques deceptions of Satan and the trials of the son of man© with a crown of gold on tion. They should warn the inhabitants last days. his head and a sharp sickle in his hand" of the world that Christ is soon to come What we are will mean more than (verse 14, NIV). We are Seventh-day with power and great glory. The last what we preach. Our strongest sermon Adventists we believe Jesus will come message of warning to the world is to will be our lives overflowing with again. We know He will keep His prom lead men to see the importance that Christian love for all. ise (John 14:1-3). We believe that the God attaches to His law." 3 May the Lord send His Spirit to great prophetic time lines and the signs revive His people. May our preaching all around point to the climax of the How shall we present the distinctives? be biblical preaching that comes from ages when God will send forth His Son We should present our distinctive the Word and centers in the Word. May a second time, just as He sent Him to truths only in terms of the everlasting our preaching be gospel preaching that earth 2,000 years ago in "the fulness of gospel. This means that Christ will be points listeners to the Lamb of God the time" (Gal. 4:4). the center of every doctrine, whether it who takes away our sins and gives us 8. The Spirit of Prophecy. Another be the sanctuary, the Sabbath, the law, the of salvation now. And Seventh-day Adventist distinctive, not or the state of the dead. Christ must not may our preaching faithfully portray found in the three angels© messages be added as an afterthought. He must the Seventh-day Adventist distinctives but identified in Revelation 12:17 and be the foundation, the heart, the alpha that provide the setting for the procla 19:10, is our belief that God has re and the omega, the first and the last. mation of the everlasting gospel in our vealed Himself to His end-time church Sometimes I find that some Sev day. through the Spirit of Prophecy. We enth-day Adventists do not seem inter believe that God used Ellen White to ested in doctrinal presentations. The 1 Ellen G. White, Counsels to Writers and bring His messages to the Seventh-day reason, I think, isn© t that our distinctives Editors (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1946), Adventist Church. Her counsels do not don©ttouch people©s lives. What could p. 30. add to or take the place of Scripture, be more relevant than the Sabbath and 2 Ibid., p. 29. 3 , Gospel Workers (Washington, but we accept them as a continuing the Second Coming? Too often in the D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1915), p. source of guidance and nurture. While past we have preached these truths in a 148.

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 The sin of Saint Peter

Caleb Rosado vents in Los Angeles follow to forget. ing the Rodney King incident The death of Jesus Christ on the E have demonstrated just how cross can be regarded as the greatest pervasive racism remains in the rite of passage in earth©s history. It United States. Like a virus that de marked the end of death and the be stroys the immune system of what ginning of life, the end of alienation appears to be a healthy person, rac and the beginning of reconciliation. It ism is a cancer that is slowly devour also signified the demise of the old Racism remains a ing the moral health of our nation. sectarian religion: Judaism; and the The church must directly confront beginning of a new, vibrant, world- cancer in the body this social disease, for it militates encompassing faith: . This against the very fabric of the gospel. painful struggle of separating new of Christ. Unfortunately, our church has from old sparked some of the most tended to be "loudly" silent regard heated debates and early in ing racism. Such a posture must be the young church. It stimulated con repented of before we can fulfill our troversy over what constitutes the mission. Fortunately we have much community of faith, resulting in Paul©s biblical precedent for engaging in letter to the Galatians. such a reversal. One passage in par ticular stands out the incident in The sin of Peter Antioch where Paul exposed the sin At the heart of the Galatian con of Saint Peter (Gal. 2:11-14). troversy lay a conflict that Paul in his day confronted but couldn©t eradi Rites of passage cate. Throughout the long history of Every society and culture has cer Christianity it continued to embarrass tain "rites of passage," transition the church, negating "the truth of the points that mark the break of the gospel" (Gal. 2:14).* It is a problem future with the past, the new with the that yet ravages society. I am refer old, the what-is-becoming with the ring to the sin of racism the belief what-has-been. Just because the rite that one ethnic group is innately supe of passage has taken place physically rior to another group and therefore does not mean that psychologically deserves unequal treatment and a the old reality is discarded and the greater share of society©s rewards. Caleb Rosado, Ph.D., new embraced. Thus, the young Such a system of belief and behavior is associate professor couple on their wedding day may not arises out of a group-centered per of sociology at "feel" married, or the recently di spective, the view that one group©s Humboldt Stale vorced person feel single. Many Afri way of life is the standard by which University in Arcata, California. can-American slaves at the end of the all other groups must be measured Civil War did not necessarily feel and valued. free, even though Lincoln©s First-century Jewish Christians felt Emanicipation Proclamation declared that way about Gentile believers, them such. The new is often difficult imagining themselves superior as to accept just as the old is often diffi God©s chosen people. This prejudi-

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 7 cial attitude threatened the very sur another" (verse 35). Thus, for them ter had crumbled at the knees. It is vival of the early church. Paul de there was no longer Jew or Greek but frightening to stand alone for truth scribes a particular incident in oneness in Christ Jesus (see Gal. 3:28). when church leaders are compromis Galatians: "But when Cephas came to Then something happened. Some ing in the face of social and political Antioch I opposed him to his face, of the Jews from Jerusalem showed pressure. Paul declared Peter©s con because he stood self-condemned; for up, and fearing reprisals, "he drew duct of segregation and racist behav until certain people came from James, back and kept himself separate" (Gal. ior as sin against the gospel. he used to eat with the Gentiles" 2:12). The tense of the verb indicates And what is the truth of the gos (verses 11, 12). that Peter did not immediately with pel? It is the manifestation of God©s Arriving in Antioch, the apostle draw from the Gentile tables when he grace. Peter denied this grace in the Peter found himself attracted to the saw the brethren coming, but gradu same manner that the false brethren in spectacle of Jewish and Gentile Chris ally, under the pressure of their obvi Galatia later did, thus undermining tians living together, worshiping to ous displeasure, he "separated" him freedom in Christ. Betz suggests that gether, eating together, fellow- self. Today we use different words Peter©s conduct in Antioch may have shipping together in one harmonious with the same meaning: "segregation," influenced the Galatians to follow "all nations" community. He joined "apartheid," "caste," "tribe," "ethnic- suit in adopting "another gospel" (see in this fellowship in fulfillment of the ity." Gal. 1:6, 7). This was a gospel of loving oneness for which his Master Peter©s action affected the others enslavement and bondage to human had so earnestly prayed (John 17:20- who were with him: "And the other rules and social regulations that gave 23). Jews joined him in this hypocrisy, so adherents a false sense of spiritual How would one describe what was that even Barnabas was led astray by and racial superiority while at the happening to the Christians of Antioch their hypocrisy" (verse 13). Paul, in same time preventing them from ex through living the gospel? Theolo using the word "hypocrisy," indicates periencing true spiritual and social gian Hans Dieter Betz explains: "To that Peter©s theological convictions freedom in Christ. Thus, the sin of them the Christian faith meant that had not changed, nor had those of Peter racial segregation and prefer the age-old dream of human freedom Barnabas. Both still believed that the ential treatment, racism became the had become a reality. For them ©free fellowship they now shunned was sin of the church. dom© was not merely a theological morally and theologically proper. Racism, by definition, is an ideol notion, but they regarded themselves Then why did they not stand up for ogy of supremacy that perpetrates evil as free from ©this ... evil world© (Gal. what they believed? It was the fear of through an objective, differential and 1:4, KJV) with its repressive social, political reprisals from Jerusalem, the unequal treatment of people. It then religious, and cultural laws and con center of power for the early church. justifies this evil by placing a nega ventions. They had left behind the The strength of this social pressure is tive meaning on biological and/or cultural and social distinctions be seen in how it swept away even cultural differences, undermining the tween Greeks and non-Greeks, the Barnabas, Paul©s close friend and fel power of the gospel and making of religious distinctions between Jews low worker, whom the Bible declares noneffect the grace of God. There is and non-Jews, the social systems of to have been "a good man, full of the no question that the sin of Peter has slavery, and the subordination of Holy Spirit and of faith" (Acts 11:24). become the great sin of today© s church. women. They had overcome their ©ig Now we come to the heart of the norance of God,© and their barbaric problem: "But when I saw that they Solving Peter©s sin superstition.... They were the avant- were not acting consistently with the How can this problem be resolved? garde, a ©new creation.©"+ truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas Paul explains that "if I build up again No wonder Luke declares in Acts, before them all, ©If you, though a Jew, the very things that I once tore down, "It was in Antioch that the disciples live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, then I demonstrate that I am a trans were first called ©Christians©" (Acts how can you compel the Gentiles to gressor" (Gal. 2:18). Normally one 11:26). Their experience was so radi live like Jews?©" (Gal. 2:14). Paul would expect him to say the oppo cally unique that nonbelieving ob regarded this phoney behavior as a site to tear down what had been servers simply called this new behav negation of the gospel. Since Peter©s built up. But here we have Paul de ior "Christian" meaning Christlike. action was mostly public, the con nouncing the building up of what had To the believers in Antioch, the demnation and rebuke of that action been torn down. This can mean only Jewish Christians among them in also needed to be public. Thus Paul the dividing wall of hostility referred cluded, there was nothing surprising declares: "I said to Cephas before to in Ephesians 2:14-16. Racism builds about this social attitude. They were them all . . ." up again what Christ broke down, the simply putting into practice the "new The expression "not acting consis wall of racial divisions and social commandment" (John 13:34) Jesus tently" is the failure "to walk a straight factions. The result within the church had taught the disciples: "By this ev path, without wavering, without fal is war instead of peace. eryone will know that you are my tering, without crumbling at the If the gospel we preach fails to disciples, if you have love for one knees." This wasn©t the first time Pe dismantle that dividing wall, allow-

8 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 ing members to maintain their smug isting social structure" in the church. corporately. Though the ultimate segregation and racial exclusiveness, We must not tolerate anything in the breakup of the existing structures will then according to Paul we have "an church that is incompatible with the not happen until "the kingdom of the other gospel," a counterfeit. Such kingdom of God. Equality is no op world has become the kingdom of our belief and behavior violates both the tion left to the pleasure of the church; Lord and of his Christ, and he will grace of God and the "law of liberty" it©s a divine mandate and command reign forever and ever" (Rev. 11:15, (James 2:12). ment. The church is only the church margin), we can and must be agents of Yes, it is a challenge to live ac of Jesus Christ when living by His change in the present the salt, light, cording to the gospel in a hostile teachings and principles. Short of this and leaven that stimulate spiritual and world like ours. Long ago the noted it is merely a social club suffering social transformation. sociologist Karl Mannheim remarked: under a profound spiritual delusion. In a time of upheaval such as soci "To live consistently, in the light of What transforms a social club into ety is presently experiencing, the Christian brotherly love, in a society the church is the experience of church cannot be swept along with which is not organized on the same Galatians 2:19, 20: "I have been cru the current of convenience. If the gos principle is impossible. The individual cified with Christ; and it is no longer pel means anything, it means trans in his personal conduct is always com I who live, but it is Christ who lives in formation. Thus only when the church pelled insofar as he does not resort me. And the life I now live in the flesh is an agent of change is it really the to breaking up the existing social I live by faith in the Son of God, who church. structure to fall short of his own loved me and gave himself for me." nobler motives." The power to break up the existing * Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture cita Since racial division and preferen social structure does not come from tions in this article are from the New Revised tial treatment are socially constructed, human sources. Only through the Standard Version. reflective of society, they can be re power of the indwelling Christ will + Hans Dieter Betz, Galatians (Philadel constructed by "breaking up the ex victory come to us individually and phia: Fortress Press, 1979), p. 29.

The Tide of

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April 11,1994 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 9 Redemptive discipline

Jay Gallimore hurch discipline is an un discipline. God has a better way: re popular subject. In the West demptive discipline. C ern world, where people are on a binge to be liked, the matter is Judgmental discipline avoided like the measles. The coun When the saints punish fellow seling world, with a dysfunctional members for their sins, judgmental compassion that often strokes good discipline is happening. Now, noth and evil at the same time, finds the ing is wrong with justice itself. God A vital but much- issue a good one to beat up on. Himself is just, and who would want People want a religion shaped in to live in a town without judges? neglected ministry their own moral molds. They make it Preserving life and civilization from smell good, taste good, and feel good. those who would destroy it is in fact Their slogan seems to be: ©"Glory one expression of love. God, how hallelujah,© we accept everybody! ever, in mercy seeks to save the of Park ©em, seat ©em, massage their fender from judgment while main emotions, and you©ll pack ©em and taining His government of justice. fleece ©em." Church discipline might Toward that end He sacrificed Him get in the way of all this. It could self in Christ, who sets us free from threaten one©s compassionate reputa the condemnation we all richly deserve. tion, shrink the crowds, and be a tithe Sadly, many members lack the crasher. So the thinking goes. mercy of God in dealing with those Church leadership obsessed with who fall into sin. Some of the stories ego and crowds, money and power, that rise out of their judgmental disci would probably prefer to skip over pline go like this: Brother B was seen church discipline. But for leaders who smoking. He was called in before the love their Lord and their congrega church and examined. Determining tions, loving discipline is a corner that it was true, the church promptly stone of spiritual prosperity. Like disfellowshipped him. While this Jay Gallimore is Moses© rod it will, rightly used, shep president of the might be an extreme or overstated Conference herd the saints, rescue the straying, case, it illustrates the attitude. of Seventh-day and build a fortress of goodness in an Adventists. evil world. Ostrich discipline There is no question that the en Reacting against judgmental dis emy of souls hates the proper use of cipline, many churches have devel discipline. He tries to push the church oped ostrich discipline. Masquerad in either of two opposite extremes: ing under compassion, it©s actually a judgmental discipline or "ostrich" selfish, uncaring spirit that regards a

10 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 church member©s spiritual condition Effective member retention re church family. Jesus summarized the as that person©s own business. Actu quires making the church a nursery parable by saying that His Father is ally, it is our responsibility. We must for baby believers. Tenderly caring not willing to lose one (see Matt. not neglect this obligation to mem for them is not just the pastor©s busi 18:12-14). Against this backdrop He bers of our church family. ness it©s everybody©s business. But gave practical instruction about steps Some churches have deceived you know how it is in a normal family to take in restoring a lost sheep. themselves into believing that God when a baby comes along. Older broth Sometimes the procedures Jesus doesn©t care if two people live to ers and sisters frequently feel envious gave are viewed as an attorney©s ad gether without benefit of marriage. about the attention the new arrival is vice: "Check them off so you can be Why? Because "they©ll probably get receiving. It©s often the same in the legal." While due process is impor married anyway and make it all right." flock of the Good Shepherd. Unless tant, Jesus wasn©t thinking in terms of The sin and destruction of fornication trained and full of love, the estab "cleaning" the books. He does want is "not so bad," their reasoning goes. lished rams and ewes often will resent clean books but not empty pages. "Besides, who wants to be judgmen the presence of new lambs. This atti tal? If we confront them about their tude is a stumbling block to baby Private visit behavior, they might leave the church believers. One measure of how In Christ©s method of redemptive and thus forever prevent us from help strongly Jesus feels about mistreating discipline, the first thing to do is: "If ing them." the little ones of His flock is His your brother sins against you, go and This head-in-the-sand attitude re warning that it would be better to show him his fault" (Matt. 18:15).* sults in many members acting no dif have been wrapped in chains and Often in my ministry someone would ferently than their worldly counter drowned than to face His Father©s report how a fellow member had parts. Like arctic cold, apathy numbs displeasure in the day of judgment strayed, then ask: "Pastor, what are the congregation. Right and wrong (see Matt. 18:6-10). you going to do about it?" I©ve learned seem to blend. The church becomes Unless the whole church is continu to listen and answer kindly: "The real better known for its dinners, fellow ally educated and involved in nurturing question is What are you going to do ship, and fruit sales than for righ the needs of new believers, redemptive about it?" teousness, nobility, and holiness. discipline is difficult to minister. Early Adventists called this pri Doctrine becomes something merely vate visitation concerning misbehav to muse about. Pastors in the pulpit Restoring wayward sheep ior "being faithful lo a sister or pluck the strings of emotion without Christ©s parable of the one lost brother." Many neglect this duty be touching the hard-hearted behavior sheep in Matthew 18 makes it clear cause they don©t know how to ap of sinners. The church loses its mis that His method of discipline is re proach a straying member. In such sion and its message. Such are the demptive. The sheep is a member cases, you as the pastor may need to results of ostrich discipline. who has lost his or her way and is no coach them on how to express their longer sheltered in the safety of the concern in a redemptive way. Redemptive discipline God©s alternative is redemptive discipline. As introduced in Matthew 18 and expounded later in this article, redemptive discipline enables the Methods of discipline contrasted church to prevent the loss of mem bers, restore those who are wounded, Let us note the differences and similarities of judgmental, ostrich, and and when necessary, bury the spiritu redemptive discipline. ally dead. The initial focus of redemptive Judgmental Ostrich Redemptive discipline is preventing loss. This much-neglected Christian responsi Legal act of punishment Survival of the fittest Restoration before judg bility requires merhbers to cultivate ment meekness and humility in relating with Deals with guilt and sin Ignores guilt Deals with guilt and sin one another. There will be no sizing Wakens guilt with pun Guilt not awakened Awakens guilt with mercy up of each other, only willingness to ishment bear a fellow Christian©s burden (see Takes decisive steps Takes no steps Takes decisive steps Gal. 6:2). Regardless of money, Church satisfied when the Church doesn©t care Church satisfied when the guilty is punished guilty is restored power, or social standing, everyone Church is a court Church is a party Church is an ambulance will be esteemed equally as a fellow Has eternal consequences Has eternal consequences Has eternal consequences member in Christ©s body. This spreads Misrepresents salvation No good at all God©s plan around the congregation the magnetic influence of heavenly love.

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 11 Going privately to an erring one and then planned a rescue. With the cipline is to "tell it to the church." If often requires multiple visits. This permission of the church business all other influences have failed, then fosters repentance while reducing the meeting, the board of elders at their Jesus opens up the floodgates of love. necessity of exposing the sin to the discretion were allowed to place err Unfortunately, when a problem gets whole congregation. As the Bible says, ing members on a "period of grace." to this place it is often presented and love covers a multitude of sins (see This would give us time to work with voted on at the same business meet James 5:19, 20). them quietly before taking the issue ing. Such methodology is not the plan As a pastor, I once had a deaconess to the entire church. of Jesus. After saying, "Tell it to the whose husband became sexually in Empowered with this strategy of church," He instructs: "If he refuses volved with someone at work. When love, we saw God redeem some piti- to listen even to the church..." (verse I went to him privately, he 17). In other words, the reason confessed in tears. His wife for telling it to the entire church and children almost left him is so everyone can reach out to but opted to forgive and keep the erring one, assuring him or the family together. Since the If all other influences her of their love and imploring man©s sin wasn©t known pub his or her repentance. Done licly and true repentance was have failed, then Jesus correctly with intercessory evident, we quietly rejoiced prayer, this can have an un in his restoration and left the opens up the floodgates usual power to save and re matter private. The object of of love. store. redemptive discipline was ac I don© t think Jesus intended complished the lost sheep that only one representative was restored. 1 voice of the church is to speak One benefit of a private ""^ to the "lost" one. The entire visit is that a member can church, or at least a large por better discern whether his or her sus ful cases. We didn©t win all of them, tion, must become involved. picion indeed is correct. Some years but we were trying. As people were ago a sister was sure she had seen a restored and sometimes rebaptized, it The ministry of disfellowshipping pastor smoking. Instead of going to was harder to lose them again. Often Only after erring members refuse him privately, she contacted the con the back door swings because the pas the call of the entire church are they ference brethren, who called a com tor and elders have not closed it to be removed from fellowship (verse mittee to confront him. Out of his through earnest intercessory prayer 17). This does not mean shunning, as pocket the pastor pulled a Vicks in and hard work. some denominations do, but it does haler. Putting it in his mouth, he asked Redemptive discipline does in mean a change in relationship. The the sister if this was what she had volve work for the elders. One person disfellowshipped one is to be regarded seen. Now embarrassed, she admitted who had written bad checks was given as a "sinner" to be won back. Winning that it was. an interval of grace. Every month for back does not mean giving him or her a year one of the elders or the pastor the same intimate privileges as be The next step visited with the member, offering fore, such as assisting in the Com If the private approach doesn©t spiritual counsel, prayer, supervision munion service. Paul told the work, the next step is to take someone of repayment, and affirmation of Corinthians to turn such a one out so with you on the next visit (see Matt. progress. People under restoration the devil would make life so miser 18:16). Often this is where the elders need lots of tender loving care. able that the person would want to and pastor should get involved. What Unfortunately, we often load our come back into the church fellow Jesus is doing is stepping up the power elders with nonbiblical functions, and ship. Shouldn©t we strive to build such of personal influence a power that their most important spiritual work a communion of fellowship in Christ is often underrated. God turns up the doesn©t get done. Committees can that one who has left us would even power of love in hopes that the influ hum, activities soar, and the church tually get so homesick he or she ence of two or three who care about can appear successful. Yet often in couldn©t stand the world any longer? the offender can draw him or her the midst of this noise, the sheep are Of course, this does happen many away from the power of sin. straying and no one has time even to times. When I was a pastor our elders met notice. We freed our elders from as When a member reaches the place monthly to not only discuss the earthly much table serving as possible. What that he or she refuses to listen to the business of the church, but also its a difference it began to make in our appeals of the church for repentance, spiritual well-being. We watched over congregation. the church must exercise its responsi our members like shepherds. If it came bility of disfellowshipping. Unwill to our attention that one was straying, The final step ingness to bury the spiritually dead we spent time in earnest intercession The final effort in redemptive dis threatens the health of the entire

12 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 church. It sends a message to our pared to work again for their repen These steps provide healing for selves and the world that we don©t tance and restoration. the individual, those wronged, and really believe what we say. It tells the for the church body. The church will erring that we really don©t care about Repentance and restoration also be spared the testimony of one them. Disunity, fragmentation, apa Repentance must not be taken professional I remember vividly. She thy, and wickedness in the pew are the lightly. Many unfortunate stories ex and her husband were restored with sure results. ist of couples who got unscriptural out repentance. Sitting with a group In disfellowshipping unrepentant divorces and remarriages and then of members after lunch, she bragged members, we must also consider that played games with repentance. Often that the abandonment of their former they are not the only ones who need they asked for their names to be spouses and their adulterous relation healing. The whole body hurts when dropped and then showed up at a ship were the best things they ever one member suffers. Beyond that, the neighboring church for rebaptism. did. I shudder whenever I recall that nonchurch community often is hurt Some pastors will do little or no check incident. when declared Christians behave in ing with the previous pastor before such as way as to deny their Lord. rebaptizing such people. Great dis Tough love Often the progress of the gospel is honor, confusion, and weakness have Love of others praise must not hindered when the church refuses to resulted from this regrettable behav keep us from being faithful to a brother bandage its own wounds. ior. Since nobody has led them to or sister who needs redemptive disci repentance, they are dead branches pline. Christ must not be crucified Censure and probation grafted to a living tree. afresh on the altars of our ego. We There may be times when indi The three pillars that support res really are responsible of others. Abel©s viduals are repentant but their behav toration are repentance, repentance, faithful testimony cost him dearly, ior has caused such deep wounds, or repentance. Sorrow for sin is not say and true redemptive discipline will confusion, that the church still must ing "I©m sorry for getting into a mess" cost us pain as well-especially if the express its sorrow through discipline. it©s saying: "If I had to do it over I church body has been neglecting it. This is done only to give opportunity wouldn©t do it." It is sorrow for the Soon after arriving in one church I for healing in the body and the com behavior itself, behavior that brought learned about a man who had divorced, munity. If truly repentant, erring mem pain to Christ and the church. moved to another state, and was pres bers will do everything pos ently living with another sible to cooperate, not pro- ^ ^m woman without any interest in jecting blame on others for marriage. His name was still their misbehavior. In such on the books even though the cases my preference is not to Jesus gave only one situation had been going on use disfellowshipping but for a year. When I approached censure, probation, or a pe choice. As long as his son (a faithful church riod of grace. attender) for his father©s phone One time, in the process of they repent we are number, he was irate that I restoring a couple who had to forgive. would even consider contact tested the limits of sin but ing his father. The son feared became very repentant, an that his father©s feelings would elder asked, "But what if they ^^ ^ be hurt and he would never do it again?" Going back to return. I explained that merely Matthew 18, we found that Peter had People being restored should be having our names on the church books the same concerns after hearing taken through the following process: will not protect us in the day of judg Christ©s three-step process. Jesus gave 1. Confess that if they had to do it ment from premeditated, ongoing dis only one choice. As long as they re over they would not do what they did, obedience of God©s commandments. pent we are to forgive. no matter what the cost; His father, I explained, was in a lost Many today would agree with Pe 2. Be willing to apologize to the condition and needed to be redeemed. ter rather than Jesus. To them, seven wronged parties and, as far as pos Ultimately we lost that battle. times ought to be the limit; otherwise sible, make the matter right; Despite our appeals of love, the father church discipline is a mockery. But 3. Humbly submit their situation refused to repent. Perhaps someday, Jesus, understanding the weakness of to the church family, or its represen when circumstances soften his heart, humanity, said there must be no limit tatives, for review; like ancient King Manasseh he will to our forgiveness and willingness to 4. If the sin became public knowl heed the Spirit©s call to repentance. take back the repentant (see verses edge, confess sorrow for it publicly. At that point our tough love, which 21, 22). In light of this, our elders However, use wisdom and common refused to enable him in sin, just might determined that if sin broke out again sense.2 Rebaptism may be the only provide the memory he needs to gain with this couple we would be pre expression needed. (Continued on page 23)

MINISTRY/KJNE/1994 13 Ministry Reports GOOD Ministerial GRIEF! students The principles & practice of grief counseling visit Manila

Chaplain-Pastor LARRY YEAGLEY Archibald P. lupas will teach you how to

enter the pain of those who grieve understand the social, medical, and spiritual complications of unre solved grief deal with the effects of n March 1991, 35 ministerial come to Manila for medical treat grief on family stability students of Philippine Union ment, but with no money left he could structure a grief support I College traveled to Manila for not go home. Having no relatives in system for your church. field education. They visited that Manila, he sought help from a wel great metropolis with its glittering fare institution and other places. All neon lights of nightlife. They saw to no avail. He resorted to begging, in the self-study course the high-rise buildings in Escolta which worsened his health. Bobby (Broadway) for the powerful rich, brought him to the bus station, pro Coping contrasting with the piles of rotting vided fare, and saw him safely on the garbage where the powerless poor bus heading home. swarm to survive. They walked Elmer, another of our students, with Grief streets filled with children begging, told how he became aquainted with passing crowds of students, metro some street people whose only ""W^K. JACKSON© aides (street workers), factory work clothes were those they were wear study ers, and youth from the provinces ing. Removing his own undershirt, guide and textbooks seeking employment. he handed it to one of them. Another Grief Away from the inner city, in the student in our group, who was carry Recovery slum of Smokey Mountain, the stu ing a bag of soiled clothes to be and The Many dents visited the barong-barongs washed, emptied it and distributed Faces of (shanties) built on a huge mountain the contents among the needy. Elmer Grief. of garbage from Manila. Smoke from promised to return with some push the perpetually burning trash pol carts that the street people could use Order HCM 7014 Coping With luted the settlement of 20,000. in earning a little more income in Grief—US$27.95 + $5.00 shipping. garbage collection, with the ultimate Additional shipping may apply outside the U.S. Memories and testimonies goal of meeting not only their finan Following their return to the col cial but also their emotional and spiri Ministerial lege, the students reported on their tual needs. To this end, Elmer and Continuing adventures. Bobby testified about some fellow students joined the metro Education finding an old man sleeping in front aides in sweeping the streets and Seminars Unlimited of St. Cruz . He had riding in the dump trucks. Under P.O. Box 66, Keene, TX 76059 standably, the workers were delighted Orders: (800) 982-3344 to have their company. Similar to the struggle of the street Info: (817) 641-3643 Archibald P. Tupas is dean of the School of Theology of Philippine Union College. people is the plight of the slum resi-

14 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 dents of Smokey Mountain. Dennis every member being involved in wit described how they live off the moun nessing. tains of garbage, gathering plastics, Our students also met with the empty cans, and cartons for recy Muslim community, the biggest eth Incorporating cling. In one family visited, the hus nic group in the Philippines, with band scavenged, while the wife sold 50,000 in metro Manila. Group mem New vegetables. That enabled them to sur bers visited a mosque and dialogued vive, until she fell ill and lost her with prominent citizens of the com Members capital. To get back into business, munity about their culture and com she would need 50 pesos (about munity needs, being careful to avoid into the US$1.50). Dennis and his group theological discussions. One Mus handed her a 100-peso bill. Taking it lim leader suggested that this could gladly, she insisted that she would be the beginning of a better relation Church repay the gift once her business re ship between Adventists and Mus sumed. lims. Many Muslims expressed grati Our students saw the need to teach tude for the health services provided the poor how to earn a better living, by our Mindanao Sanitarium and coordinating with private and gov Hospital in Iligan City. Adventist ernment employment agencies. They health programs could be a bridge reported on the good work done by for the gospel in reaching Muslims, Catholics in orga not just in the .,-.. nizing training in ^^^^^^^^^ trade skills for the ^" ""^^"^l"1 ^^^^^^^^^ Philippines but elsewhere. community. Our group also While direct Philippine Union visited the uni ing much effort versity belt, con Learn how to— toward the poor, College learns tacting three de • Turn visitors into converts. our students also nominations that Retain all of your new worked to reach about urban have student members. the wealthy. ministry. centers serving Make a good first Arnold described university youth impression on visitors. the group©s ac with Bible stud- Develop a strategy for tivities among the ^^^^^^^^_ ^^^M^^^^BI ies and premari reaching more people. elite in Escolta, tal counseling, Make your new people whose primary along with voca feel at home and keep concern was health, then peace of tional and career guidance. In those them active in the church mind, occupational success, and fam facilities students also can socialize, program. ily life. Learning this affirmed our worship, and study in air-conditioned students© confidence in the Adventist comfort. Our visit to these places health message. The students sug showed the need for Adventists to Skip Bell©s course includes study gested that our church could use me establish a similar ministry in the guide, three audio cassettes and two dia to promote health consciousness university belt. texts The Inviting Church and Assimi among the upper classes. They also Exposure to other Christian lating New Members. Earns 2 CEUs. recommended that prominent church groups was an exciting element of members become friends of commu our ministry in Manila. We visited Order HCM 7245 for only nity leaders to communicate our the new Philippine Council of Evan US$31.95 plus $5.00 shipping. knowledge of health and family life. gelical Churches headquarters and Additional shipping may apply outside U.S. learned about DAWN 2000 (Dis- Contact with other religions cipling a Whole Nation), a world Lisa provided food service for the wide church-planting effort evangelistic team. She found time to begun by evangelicals in the Philip Ministerial visit the worship service in the pines. Continuing 17,000-member Cathedral of Praise. Ten days in metro Manila gave Education She told how much she enjoyed the the ministerial students new insight Seminars Unlimited warm reception and the lively ser on the work of urban pastors and P.O. Box 66, Keene, TX 76059 vice. An interview with the pastor an awareness of the great challenge showed that the church has a strong the Adventist Church faces in the Orders: (800) 982-3344 visitation ministry, with the goal of cities. Info: (817) 641-3643

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 15 Ministry Reports Cell groups bring success in Hong Kong

J. H. Zachary

was concerned. Something was but yielded meager results. Curiosity 2. Groups would focus on three missing! The conference was seekers had come for the multimedia areas: I sponsoring a major evangelistic programs, the archaeology, or the Gospel activities: Bible study, series in a city of more than 5 million; music. Much of the audience was new prayer bands, studying and experi a large hall was rented, but not one every night. What made this 1993 encing righteousness by faith. handbill, not one newspaper ad, not meeting so different? Support activities: developing one radio or television spot, had been Three years previously, the Hong friendships and supporting each team prepared. Kong-Macao Conference had orga member, since many converts were With considerable apprehension I nized and equipped an evangelism the only Adventists in their families went to the auditorium the first night. center with James Wu as director, and needed loving support. One thousand empty seats met me! As assisted by Johnny Yip. Prayerfully Witnessing activities: group the team made final preparations, the the team planned and prepared mate members sharing their faith. managers opened the doors at 7:00. rials. The main thrust of the evange 3. The three-month cycle was di Soon I heard the sounds of people. lism program was the development of vided thus: Attendees came in small groups and small cell groups. Weeks 1 -3 for organization and sat together. Each person had a re Twelve months ago 50 volunteers securing members, served seat. As I stepped to the micro joined five cell groups in a pilot project Weeks 4-12 for developing phone at 7:35, the hall was filled with to test new materials and concepts, bonding among members and spiri a warm, receptive audience! make adjustments, and share results tual growth witnessing, On the first evening I extended a with all the churches in the colony. Weeks 13 -16 for preparing cell call for accepting Jesus as Saviour. The following activities were recom division and securing new members. Having preached previously in Japan, mended: 4. Cell groups would engage in Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, 1. Each cell group would operate three types of meetings: I expected only five or six to respond. for three months, after which the unit A weekly cell meeting where However, more than 50 came for would divide into two groups. the group shares a light meal, Bible ward! In four nights more than 200 responded. On the fourth night a specific call went out for baptism. Fifty roses were ready to be handed to the candidates. As the flowers disappeared, James Wu, coordinator for the meetings re marked, "Our faith was too small." As these lines are written, 57 persons have been baptized. Many more are in preparation.

Cell groups are the secret In recent years the local confer ence had sponsored several major cru sades. Advertising drew large crowds

/. H. Zachary is an associate secretary of the A warm spirit of fellowship pervaded the meetings. General Conference Ministerial Association.

16 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 study, and fellowship study. They would be sup prayer bands. ported in their newfound faith. Monthly social The number of dropouts would meetings: fellowship be minimal. dinner, picnic, hiking, And so it has been. Follow and/or other social ac ing the meetings in the audi tivities. Sometimes torium, the conference invited two or three cell the entire group to a camp meet groups would band to ing. Four additional topics gether for a social. were presented to follow up A quarterly cel the crusade. Conference presi ebration of praise and dent Chapman Wong reports testimony where that it was the best-attended members from all cell in their history. groups in the city The cell groups not only Jean Zachary assisted her husband in conducting the Hong Kong meetings. come together. brought in new members, but 5. A monthly newsletter would church members. No wonder there helped revive churches as well. publicize experiences, plans and tes was such a good response. No wonder On December 4, 1993, all cell timonies among all members. the audience applauded when their groups including new members, con 6. The evangelism center stocked friends came forward to express their gregated for the quarterly celebra several training videos and Bible vid decision for baptism. tion. What an experience of testi eos for the cell groups to borrow. As my wife and I departed Hong mony, praise to God and wonderful 7. The evangelism center devel Kong, peace filled our hearts. We fellowship! If caring cell groups can oped a data bank. knew the newly baptized persons plus bring success in Hong Kong under the Hong Kong was divided into all others who came forward would Holy Spirit©s blessing, I believe that various areas, each assigned to a team. each join a cell group. They would be any city in the world could enjoy a Each team received names and nurtured. They would continue Bible new experience in evangelism. addresses of the following persons: active members, missing members, radio interests, seminar attendees, etc. Team members personally vis ited each of the interests. All were invited to join a cell group. The evangelism center targeted WACO: THE INSIDE STORY unentered sections of the city for new cell groups with the goal of entering Why were Adventists among the victims? Why did people raised on every part of the city with the gospel. the teachings of the Bible follow a Results were remarkable. One year self-proclaimed messiah? Was there ago, only five cell groups existed. By something in their Adventist the fourth month we expected to have background that made them 10 groups; instead we had 12. The 12- vulnerable to Koresh©s teachings? month goal was 40 cell groups; we Did our church fail in its early reached 60. relationship with Koresh? How do we keep a sense of the end-time from turning into fear and Churches revived as well paranoia? Cari Hoyt Haus and Those 60 cell groups made the Madlyn Lewis Hamblin present difference in our four-day harvest fascinating information about meeting. During the previous 16 why this disaster happened and weeks, members had developed per how we can avoid similar catastrophes. Paper, 224 pages. sonal relationships with missing US$9.95, Cdn$13.45. Adventists, relatives, friends, and other interests. The groups enjoyed Bible study, witnessing, and sharing activi ties. To order, call your local Adventist Book Center The 1,000-seat auditorium was ton free at 1-800-765-6955- filled with "hot" interests. What a Note: Canadian prices do not include GST and thrill to speak to hundreds of non- may vary according to currency fluctuation. Adventists already closely tied to

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 17 Expository Preaching 6 Metaphor in your message

he way truth is explained has either sociologically or psychoana- Luis F. Acosta everything to do with how we lytically, or through any single sys T understand it. For example, tematic method of analysis." 2 it©s possible to describe the church as If this is true for a literary work of a besieged fortress, a busy hospital or art, how much more should this prin an international business. Each illus ciple apply to biblical truth? Truth is tration on its own results in a different what God tells us. But even all the understanding of what the church is. biblical illustrations cannot project a Clearly, these are aspects of the complete picture of truth. For ex A metaphor is a church©s multifaceted mission. None ample, the truth of salvation is more means, not an end. is wrong, and none is complete. In than the sum of all that the biblical deed the church©s mission includes metaphors can communicate. The and transcends the composite picture Gospels do not reveal everything about these and other illustrations present. the kingdom of God; but they contain Illustrations are what metaphors different pictures for example, each are about. According to Webster, a of the parables about the kingdom, metaphor is "a figure of speech con making a unique contribution towards taining an implied comparison, in understanding the kingdom. which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied Proper use of metaphors to another."© We use metaphors and Metaphors should be easy to un word pictures to illustrate, to make derstand. They should not be so com understanding easy, to move from the plicated that they require additional known to the unknown. illustrations to explain them. Illustrations using metaphors may The value of metaphors vary in length. The leaven in the meal A metaphor helps us understand (Matt. 13:33) and the hidden treasure truth. But truth is more than the point (verse 44) are just one-verse parables made by the illustration, and there containing great truths about the king fore must not be limited to the illus dom. On the other hand, the parable tration. Weller Embler emphasizes of the king and the two debtors (Matt. this point well: "A work of literature 18:23-35) and the laborers who were Luis F. Acosta can be discussed sociologically, bio paid equally for varying hours of work postered in Santa Barbara, California, logically, economically, psychoana- (Matt. 20:1-16) are fairly lengthy ones. and is currently a lytically, anthropologically, in the Illustrations must be specific and graduate student at vocabulary of those disciplines. . . . to the point, each one focusing on a the SDA Theological Seminary, Berrien And the insights derived from appli main emphasis. The four parables Springs, Michigan. cation of, say, a theory of society to a mentioned above are well focused. work of literature may be valuable Although they all speak about the and enriching. But one can never say kingdom of God, each metaphor em all there is to be said of a work of art phasizes a specific point. The parable

18 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 of the leaven shows that the kingdom sent our lostness entirely, for it did example. The parable©s main purpose of heaven affects everything. The hid not choose to be lost or found. A is not to teach about a fire that will den treasure calls for total allegiance parable©s usefulness is measured, not literally burn forever, or about the in the search for the kingdom. In the by what it cannot say, but by what it immortality of the soul, or about the parable of the king, the two debtors can say! immediate reward or punishment af refer to relational requirements on the Take the parable of the prodigal ter death. Such interpretations con part of the aspiring citizens of the son. The point of the story is to teach tradict the teachings of the Bible else kingdom. The parable of where. the laborers who were ^^^ ^^^^ Another example is paid equally yet worked the metaphor that Jesus© different lengths of time return would be "as a points to the fact that the "By using a variety of thief in the night" (1 ultimate in the kingdom Thess. 5:2). The meta is dependent not on our illustrations [Christ] not only phor does not teach se length of service, but our cret rapture, as that doc commitment to the One presented truth in its different trine is in contradiction who calls. phases but appealed to the to other scriptural teach Several illustrations ings (see Matt. 24:23-31; may be grouped together different hearers." !Thess.4:13-18and5:4; to emphasize a broader Rev. 1:7). The point of view of a theme. New ^^H ^^^H the metaphor is not se Testament metaphors crecy but suddenness. often lend themselves to The time of Jesus© return such treatment. For example, Jesus is not about right and wrong, reward and will be as sudden and unexpected as a not just the lamb of God He is also punishment, but the unconditional thief in the night. the lion of the tribe of Judah (see John grace and love of God. The story may Metaphors must not be given im 1:29; Rev. 5:5). Jesus is judge, law be completely foreign to a strictly ported meanings. For example, to say yer, and victim (see John 5:22, 27; 1 forensic comparison, but it is set in a that God is our Father is one thing; but John 2:1; Gal. 3:13 and 2 Cor. 5:21). family context. from that to imply that God is male He is a shepherd as well as a door to Interpretation of biblical meta and married is an unwarranted impor the fold (see John 10:1-18); He is a phors should not lead to teachings tation into the metaphor. Nor could husband (see Eph. 5:22-32; Jer. 3), a that are not supported by or that con we inversely make God female just foundation (see 1 Cor. 3:9-11); a tradict other texts. The parable of because we might want to address farmer (see Matt. 13:37ff); a king Lazarus and the rich man is a prime God as mother. God transcends gen- (Rev. 17:14); and a servant (see Isa. 53:11; Matt. 20:28). Jesus often grouped metaphors to bear force on a particular teaching. For example, the condition of human lostness and divine grace is illustrated by three parables in Luke 15: the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. "By using a Sins of those who have rejected God in variety of illustrations [Christ] not these last days? No. Just a sampling of the only presented truth in its different sins found in the pews of a church that phases but appealed to the different describes itself as "the remnant." Is this the hearers." 3 You can find such illustra remnant church? Clifford Goldstein, bestselling author of tions around you, and with some Day of the Dragon, examines the church he imagination you can make them con loves under the microscope of biblical history vey great truths (see sidebar). in his new book, The Remnant, and wres Illustrations must not be over tles with the tough questions many within stretched. In the parable of the lost the church are asking. coin, the woman is motivated to search every nook and corner until she finds US$8.95/Cdn$ 12.55. Paper. it. She searches because it is very Available at your Adventist Book Center, Biblical reality valuable to her. Her diligence illus or wishful thinking? or call toll free I -800-765-6955. trates God©s loving quest in our © 1994 Pacific Press Publishing Association 632/9831 lostness. But the coin does not repre

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 19 der or any other metaphorical classi fication, including personhood. The term father is valuable and useful, but The wealthy physician limited. Taking it any further than the intended point would be as ridiculous and the bank card offer as saying Jesus went to law school because He functions as our advocate and judge. The kingdom of heaven is like a physician who became wealthy, Illustrations must be related to having discovered a cure for a fatal disease. After some time, when he common areas that affect the daily knew he would not be living much longer, he decided to give his wealth life of your hearers. Jesus spoke of to some people in real need. leaven (Matt. 13:33), treasure (verse One day he went out on the street and found a man lying on the 44), two debtors (Matt. 18:23-35), sidewalk, hungry, hopeless, and almost naked. The doctor took pity on landowner (Matt. 20:1-16), two sons him, and extended to him a bank card. He said to him, "Take this card. (Matt. 21:28-32), and a wedding ban It gives you access to a bank account with 100 million dollars. You must quet (Matt. 22:1-14). Jesus© hearers make withdrawals every day for all your needs and to help others as much were familiar with the situations of as you can." these parables, each one making The outcast looked at the card. He looked at the physician. He looked unique and alive contribution toward at the card again. He couldn©t believe anything the good man said. Could understanding of the nature of God©s it be, he thought, that this stranger has gone out of his mind? Angrily, he kingdom. grabbed the card, threw it away, spat on his would-be benefactor, and returned to his sidewalk bed. The limitations of metaphor The doctor continued his search. He found a poor woman in an No single metaphor can fully por equally sad situation. He made the same offer to her and she accepted the tray all the facets of the truth. There card happily, but did not go to the bank immediately. As the day dragged fore when one metaphor is isolated on, she got distracted by her problems and lost the card the very card and accepted as chiefly representa that could have solved her problems. And she made no attempt at finding tive, other aspects of truth (as brought the doctor. to view by other metaphors) are ne Not long after that, the physician found another man in desperate glected, even leading to misunder need and offered him the same deal. The man took the card thankfully standing or misinterpretation. In Mat and was careful to keep it with him at all times. Wherever he went, he thew alone, Jesus uses 11 times the proudly showed his bankcard and spoke enthusiastically about the phrase "The kingdom of heaven is immense amount of money he had in his account. "I©m rich," he would like . . ."4 Each time a different say, "and have need of nothing." But he was still dressed in rags, still emphasis of the kingdom emerges. terribly sick, still dirty and disheveled and hungry, and still dependent The parables all speak on the same on handouts. Whenever he said he was rich, nobody would believe him theme, but each parable emphasizes a because he lived just as he did before accepting the bank card. different aspect of that theme. Another woman caught the famous physician©s eye. She was in the Ellen White says: "So wide was greatest need of all: deathly sick, thin, and weak. The rich man made the Christ©s view of truth, so extended same offer to her: "Take this card. It represents all that you need and His teaching that every phase of na more. You must make withdrawals every day for all your needs and for ture was employed in illustrating the needs of those around you." She held the card in her trembling hands, truth."5 There is a distinction be and saw her very own name on it. She thanked the rich man, and went tween the truth that is being conveyed straightaway to the bank. She walked up to the teller, presented the card and the means in terms of which it is and dared to ask for $100. She could not yet fully understand the vast communicated. An illustration is not riches at her disposal. The teller was a friend of the wealthy doctor and a truth, it is only a way to communi was aware his offers. She could see the woman©s true distress and kindly cate it. responded, "Is that all you need? You©ll make more interest in the time A person visiting a museum with it takes me to count it than what you asked for!" The woman, in total just enough film for a single photo disbelief, then asked for what she thought was a staggering $5,000. graph can never really capture that The woman rented a small apartment, bought food, and new clothes, museum. If theology is to accomplish took a badly needed bath and went to the rich physician for healing of her its task to communicate the gospel sickness as well as advice oil how to prevent its recurrence. The woman and its related, surrounding, subordi began to, live as much like, a rich person as she .knew how, and sought to nate truths one picture is not enough. imitate the only wealthy person with whom she was acquainted the It must "familiarize itself as best it physician. Following the instructions given her, the woman went to the bank every day to make withdrawals, and shared her wealth with others can with the ever-changing models of in need. © ~~* ~~ © © '.'.''..,'.''.'.'.'• , •.'.• •'.".'.'•.,'.. the various disciplines; . . . also, . . .

20 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 show the way in which traditional (Rom. 8:15); (4) an humility and a desire to listen to what phrases and formulae were and are expression from the Hebrew cultus it says. Keeping an open mind, we can able to be accepted currency for the (1 Cor. 1:30; Heb. 10:10); (5) re learn from the Word, and see many mystery of which they spoke. If theol demption common to Hebrew civil aspects of truth from different points ogy may alert other disciplines to the law regarding land inheritance and of view without having to fight or claims of mystery and insight and reacquisition (Rom. 3:24; Heb. 9:12); argue over differences in emphasis disclosures, it must learn from other (6) freedom from slavery or bond and without loosing the need to treat disciplines how to be more reliably age the possible result of several one another with love and respect at articulate."6 different situations, including some all times. The apostle Paul was aware of mentioned in Hebrew civil law (Rom. this. He used many different ap 6:22); (7) wages of labor and pay 1 Webster's New World Dictionary of the proaches to bear on the same truth (Acts 20:28; Rom. 6:23); (8) mar American language, 2nd college ed. (1984). because he well knew that no single riage a divinely instituted relation 2 Weller Embler, The Language of Criti word picture could (or can) adequately ship as the basis of family (Eph. 5:22- cism, cassette 134A in Metaphor and Meaning describe what he was trying to say. 27); (9) forgiveness a commercial cassette series: (Everett/Edwards, 1972). 3 Ellen G. White, Highways to Heaven Each snapshot contributes to the pic expression (Acts 13:38; Eph. 1:7); (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. ture album of God, but by itself one (10) washing/cleansing from the Assn., 1952), p. 13. photo limits our understanding. Hebrew cultus (Acts 22:16;Titus 3:5); 4 The 11 instances are Matthew 13:24, 31, 33, 44, 45, 47; 18:23; 20:1; 22:2; 25:1, 14. When talking of what God in Christ and (11) salvation rescue from a 5 White, pp. 11, 12. did for humankind on the cross, Paul dangerous situation such as war or 6 lan T. Ramsey, "Models and Mystery," in used many different illustrations: threat of war (1 Tim. 1:15; 2 Tim. Essays on Metaphor, ed. Warren Shibles (1) justification/imputed righteous 1:9)7 Even with all these varied meta (Whitewater, Wis.: Language Press, 1972), p. 166. ness a judicial or legal term (Rom. phors and illustrations, what God ac 7 A systematic outline, modification, and 5:9); (2) reconciliation expressing complishes for us and in us remains expansion on some points made in "The Dy "refriendment," or the mending of a beyond human understanding. namics of Salvation," Ministry, February 1988, relationship (verse 10); (3) adoption pp. 25, 26. From a reprint of a document pro That should lead us to approach duced by righteous-by-faith consultation group a mixture of legal and family ideas the Word of God with a spirit of and an editorial committee in 1979-1980. Elder's Digest 32-page quarterly resource just for you! Free Book For a limited time receive resource for Preaching US $9.95 to the Times one year by Charles E. elders and subscription Bradford with a paid company subscription. Q Yes, I want to be a charter subscriber to Elder's Digest*. Payment is leaders. enclosed; please enter my subscription and send my free book. Payment must be in US funds. Check I money order, Division PO, Visa, or MasterCard accepted. You will find helpful resources in: / Sermon preparation Name / Evangelism / Spiritual growth Address / Leadership City/State/Zip / Administration / Doctrinal studies The Ministerial Supply Center / Nuture P. O. Box 66, Keene, TX 76059 / Sermon outlines Orders (800) 982-3344 Information (817) 641-3643

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 21 Pastor©s Pastor Making your school successful

James A. Cress

our church school©s success rolling your children in your church©s of your school such as open houses or depends on your personal sup school, request assignment to a dis school visitation days. Conduct chapel Y port. Pastors have both the trict that does not have a school. Your services and special Weeks of Spiri privilege and the responsibility to pro example, as well as your words, must tual Emphasis for the students. Offer mote Christian education. As this signal clear support for Christian edu to teach a class once or twice per year school year concludes, now is the cation. or to serve occasionally as a substi time to help make next term even tute teacher. Drive for a field trip, or better. To give less than your best Affirm the ministry of teaching. just stop by the school to chat with effort to Christian education is to fail Honor your teachers in front of the students and teachers during recess or one of our greatest mission opportu whole congregation for the sacrificial lunch breaks. Welcome the students nities: our own children. ministry they provide. Seek ways to on the first day of the term. Beyond advocating that parents express appreciation for your teach should place their children in Chris ers and to acknowledge their suc Make recruiting visits to the tian schools, you can take the follow cesses. Support school activities by homes of all potential students. Noth ing positive actions to assure that the your attendance at functions they plan. ing makes a greater impact than the schools under your watchcare will Acknowledge the contribution of your pastor and teacher together visiting thrive. school in public ways such as a dedi the home of each family with school- cation service at the start of each age children. These visits should in Plan for growth. Never be satis school year in which you offer special clude an invitation to place the chil fied with the status quo if there is one prayer for teachers and students, or a dren in your school, along with help child who could be enrolled. With special Sabbath service in which the ful information about registration pro only about half of Adventist children school plans and leads the worship cesses, a school calendar, financial attending Adventist schools, oppor service. Try a Teacher Recognition plans that are available, and prefer tunities abound. Challenge your Sabbath in which you present a small ably some memento of your visit for church and school boards to develop gift to each of the teachers and tell of each potential student. By the way, school-growth eyes. Vision for growth their personal ministry to the church. don©t take returning students for expands only to the extent that lead Also, credit your teachers© influence granted. They also deserve a visit. ers set the pace. So think growth your on the spiritual decisions that chil Furthermore, the families who already self and encourage others to see the dren make. recognize the benefit of church school mission potential of a growing school. can be one of your best sources for Encourage parents to prioritize. locating other potential students. Ask Affirm Christian education both Help them understand that Adventist each family you visit if they know of by word and by action. Preach the schools are not only different from someone else who could be invited to value of Christian schools versus pub public education, but also distinctly enroll in your school. lic education and maintain the em different from other Christian schools. phasis of reaching and holding our Adventist atmosphere, lifestyle, and Encourage experimentation. For own young people. You may wish to doctrine pervade all curriculum sub families who wonder if Adventist invite the conference education di jects. If parents want their children to schools are really best, offer a money- rector to speak to your congregation. grow up in the church, they should back guarantee. In my own pastorate, Also, your actions must match your enroll them in the church school. we encouraged parents to enroll their rhetoric. If you have children, enroll children experimentally, with the them in church school. If personal Help teachers. Assist in planning guarantee of fees and tuition refunded circumstances prevent you from en programs that will exhibit the value if they were dissatisfied and enrolled

22 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 their children elsewhere. The school stand that koinonia requires not just rarely had anyone ask for a refund. resisting sin but much more. We are The parents© experiment demonstrated saved to serve Jesus by building up Help for the worth of our school. His corporate body with the spiritual gifts entrusted to us individually. Not Raise assistance funds. Not ev all gifts are the same; some are more CHURCH ery family can pay full tuition and visible and have greater impact than fees. Their children also need to be in others, particularly the gift of proph FIGHTS! your school. I enjoy helping my mem ecy. We Adventists recognize this in bers realize that we operate a "church" the ministry of Ellen White. But what in the self-study course school and not just a "parent" school, ever our spiritual gifts may be, we and I enjoy raising money to assist need not feel inferior. In ourselves we worthy students who otherwise would all are incomplete, but together we Problem be unable to attend. Every parent share completeness in Christ. And Solving should contribute something, but each of us is essential in comprising and never rule anyone out of attending and nurturing the communal body of because of lack of funds. Jesus. Our participation in koinonia Conflict involves the loving, serving expres Management Develop a work-study program. sion of each one©s spiritual gifts. Noth Older students can make a helpful ing less will complete the global mis contribution to the school or church sion that Jesus has entrusted to His by performing tasks that otherwise church. Don Reynolds would be hired out. The funds you will teach youhow to— would have spent to have someone * All Bible texts in this editorial are from the New King James Version. resolve disagreement empty the trash, answer the telephone, quickly wash windows, sweep sidewalks, fold separate issues from and insert letters and bulletins, or personalities vacuum floors might easily be ac disagree without creat complished by a student in a few ing anger hours after school. confront with confi Redemptive dence Remember the mission. Advent- utilize bargaining ist schools are evangelistic. I have discipline From page 13 technique seen families baptized whose first collaborate and when to contact with the church was enrolling compromise their children in the school. If you have available space, recruit nonmem- respect for the salvation Jesus pro Includes ber students whose families will be a vided on the cross. "3SS8"*»,r study great source of potential new mem May God help us, as pastors and guide, three bers. After all, Adventist education is elders, to be faithful to His principles ' mission! of redemptive discipline. May we be zealous in keeping our members, re lentless in winning them back when they stray, prompt in taking appro priate measures when appeals fail, Koinonia is the key insistent on genuine repentance, and Order HTH 7135 Problem Solving — From page 4 abundant in forgiveness. US$28.95 + $5.00 shipping. Why? Because judgment is com Additional shipping may apply outside the U.S. ing! Ministerial Jesus comes. Imagine the koinonia * Unless otherwise noted, all scriptures in we©ll enjoy together on the way to this article are from the New International Continuing heaven! Version. Education 5. Spiritual gifts. The doctrine of 1 To protect confidentiality, illustrations Seminars Unlimited Christian community really stands out have been changed, but the substance remains P.O. Box 66, Keene, TX 76059 here. I used to think that those who intact. 2 See Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Orders: (800) 982-3344 avoid indulging when tempted are Church (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Info: (817) 641-3643 complete Christians. Now I under Pub. Assn., 1948), vol. 5, pp. 642ff.

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 23 e-greater th^*, is had known \vhat* fll have mercy • 1 »IS I ye would not't the giuiUess. ^rev, ^hen he was

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-tl«.UCT.OFtHE CROSS ith the outward (missionary}

,occc*s<» or 6>d»««. Jesus" : oc!t,ded to the ch rel!,oons m the kin ^g^roe in the lightf il nof tHc cross.>ra"

scribed to the disciples. Even on the way to mind could hare understandably been on Hi motivated by compassion (vs. 34). Soch was Sudi, also, should the followers of sach a Oi

-9 Applying tb,e Word . '-SI Matthew 18:1-20:34 igaosr this word. Then examine the treat J •" Seventh-day Mventht Bible Comm 1. What is my view of greatness? Have 1 Bible dictionary. In what ways is operation in my daily fife? In what spe helpful in understanding Jesus© w prove that implementation.1 it fall short? 2. How have I exemplified mercy this pai © Center 0r a © I Further Study of the Word , of 1. For general insight, see E. G. W] ;: 432-442, SII-523, 547-551; E. C si Lessons, 390-404. I SSB.V 2. For an informative summary on if©. % I Researching the Word see J. B. Green and S. McKnight, _ price of each title . Jiiisfiie Bibte Amplifier series. ^ 1. Matthew 18:10 brought to our at t p5es thai- the grratest in the . MWheed to \mderstand that guardian angels. Through die us " CpnsmnertiLimit one coupon per customer. discover what you can about the w ••• Void^erepK)RibitEdo^<3t|!pi•^^se^estrietJ^. gels in both testaments. List theii tion to humans, God, etc. After . ^'.Applies on^after purc£^:oi:iptial.foiir^= study, it will be helpful to compart ; yotumes, b«t good 1iiroti,ghout life,,of series. Previewing the remnant

saw a church. It was not a obstacles. Wilma Zalabak steeple, not an organizational Although I saw leaders go out and I chart, not a ledger sheet. start other groups, they quickly trans I saw a church. It was not a code of ferred the decision power from them beliefs, nor the property of preachers. selves to the people they served. Lead There were many ministers. ership roles took the appearance of It was a church on a restless earth. facilitator, communicator, servant. The time was the end, and the Sab Participation percentages and enthu God©s people at the bath was outlawed. Money and prop siasm held high as each group devel erty holdings by Sabbathkeeping or oped its own identity and manage end of time ganizations were illegal and there ment. This left those called as pastors fore either confiscated by government free to oversee several groups at once or bought out by conforming entities. and those called as evangelists to start No Sabbathkeeping leader had legal new groups. authority. Evangelism planning focused more Still, I saw a church. Kneeling on training and support network for members proclaimed their total inad lay preachers than on accessions. Of equacy for their work of reaching all course, when a newcomer preached in the world, yet they eagerly antici his or her former church enough to be pated the realization of those dreams. disclaimed there, accessions did hap Perhaps because of this individual pen, along with those who had no and corporate admission of power- previous church affiliation. lessness, I saw great energy spent I heard members urging newcom toward accepting and affirming one ers to choose mentors. A mentor could another. No one seemed bent on con be anyone who had something in his trolling or changing another. or her spiritual journey that another could respect and with whom he or Honesty and affirmation she could build rapport for ease in I saw honesty in that church, each sharing. Service as a mentor included member striving to understand the listening nonjudgmentally, telling Wilma Zalabak is underlying life laws of his or her own one's own story, encouraging, but associate pastor never seeking to control another's life. of the Calhoun, experience. Not having to diagnose Georgia Seventh- the motives of others freed immense The continual admission of each day Adventist energy toward personal growth and person's powerlessness appeared to Church. group life. be crucial to the success of this car On the local level, this church ing. worked together after the spiritual gifts model of church life with affir Group participation mation of each other, room for mis I saw the worship service, easily takes, and communication through the recognized as Adventist by its order

26 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 and atmosphere. Yet there were defi made. I did see many individuals vis as to where they could find their niche nite windows within that structure iting personally with those asked to in the needs of the local community. where I felt special openness and real separate. Some found opportune mo This meant great differences between presence with one another. I saw many ments to share their own story, their congregations in terms of programs different people serve during the wor own choices and reasons, in relation and projects and even worship atmo ship service, some reading Scripture, to the behaviors in question. Those sphere. These differences received af some praying, some singing, some who could hurdle the emotional pain firmation and support from world lead opening doors, and many shaking maintained ongoing friendships. I ers. hands. There seemed little distinction tried to understand the philosophy In fact, the facilitator model of between audience and leaders; appar that would allow this church to mani leadership prevailed even at the world ently even newcomers could serve fest such acceptance in the presence level of this church. The leaders con almost anywhere. of sin, personal convictions, and the sidered themselves but servants, al The worship service fit well with desire to keep itself pure. ways acting in awareness of their ac what the members understood as the Although the group recognized the countability to the members and the group's mission. It was stated quite presence of certain absolutes, they local groups. Because of their respon clearly that the mission of the group also recognized that a specific behav sible approach, an atmosphere of trust was to make the Adventist Christian ior is sinful to an individual only after flourished, allowing them enough au message relevant to the needs and conviction occurs from the Holy thority to carry out the necessary de emptiness of the surrounding culture Spirit. They never claimed that their cisions for support of world activi and people. Visitors who came in con own understanding of sin represented ties. Of course, the high level of trust tact with the need-oriented programs the full extent of universal absolutes. was probably related also to the high of the church felt powerfully attracted. They refused to engage in leverage by level of each member's participation They returned again and again. one individual on another. in this church. In studying official structure, I Each person felt his or her impu Although most activities of this found a lean officer's list but a large rity on coming closer and closer to church proceeded with little move base for involvement and decision Christ. Group purity, they believed, ment of moneys, still the flow of making. Even people who couldn't rested in the hands of God and the funding, beyond what was used lo qualify as officers or as members felt mediation of Jesus Christ, probably cally, went from the local groups to they were making a contribution. In to be recognized only by Him and the the world organization. Funds passed fact, membership itself apparently op universe in the end. Never claiming on in this way maintained broad sup erated on two separate levels. A simple absolute purity, they were content to port services, on too large a scale for desire to belong easily got one in and think continually of Christ. a local group to surround. accepted, but to hold official mem At this level, as on the local level, bership and any office, one was ex Powerful helplessness decisions were accepted when a ma pected to be making certain lifestyle Yes, I saw a church. I have tried to jority consensus could be reached as choices that define Adventism. report accurately what I saw on the individual members voted their con local level. I did investigate the sciences. I saw that minority desires Humble discipline broader, world affiliation, also. That and dissenting views did mold the I watched the local group work was more hidden, given the illegal majority vote as the Holy Spirit clari through a painful situation in which status of any organization keeping fied the issues. Certain parameters trusted leaders had chosen behaviors the Sabbath. were accepted as defining Adventist out of line with the voted definition of Most obvious of what I saw in my lifestyle throughout the world. These Adventism. I saw the meeting where survey of the world church was the were respected, welcomed, and other leaders led the way in tears and surrender, the admission of power- adopted by the local groups in the prostration before the Lord over their lessness for any of the goals or func spirit of trust that prevailed. own deficiencies and stumblings, the tions desired. This seemed paradoxi meeting where the decision was made, cal, however, since the church's con Triumph out of tragedy haltingly and prayerfully, to ask the fessed helplessness seemed to be the In one way, things progressed from unfaithful to relinquish their official foundation and stimulus of its great bad to worse for this church. From membership. It was clearly stated that successes. Despite legal suppression, illegal, it went to search warrant, to this was not a punishment or judg this church added new members and death decree. But in another way, ment, but merely a clarification of congregations even in inaccessible triumph is the only word to describe behaviors that do not fit the official places at a rate hardly believable. the events. Although some frightened stance of the group. Several other observations stand ones abandoned fellowship, innumer I did my best to follow all interac out. Each congregation developed its able others linked up every day. One tions in this case, and in every in own mission. The mission related to day God declared His affirmation, the stance saw only acceptance and re which spiritual gifts were present universe agreed, and the church went spect for the choices that had been among the people of the group as well home to live happily ever after. •

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 27 Biblio File

The Contemporary Christian Music the last word on how the secular music Christian fashion. Now is the time to Debate: Worldly Compromise or counterculture invades our being. begin! Agent of Renewal? Part II introduces the author's bibli Steve Miller, Tyndale House Publishers, cal perspective on music. He gives prac Review 2: A convincing case for Wheaton, Illinois, 1993, 261 pages tical advice on selecting and performing contemporary music. By Cristina US$8.99, paper. church music, but ignores the ramifica Matos-Grys, associate pastor, Miami What kind of music is appropriate in tions of using "all legitimate means" of Temple Seventh-day Adventist the worship service? The question has evangelism. Church, Miami, Florida. preoccupied Christians, in particular Part III deals with the history of Chris The music debate has two basic fac Adventists, in recent years. Steve Miller tian music, showing the secular origin of tions: 1. Those who believe that contem brings some new insights to the discus some favorite hymns. porary music contains rhythms, harmo sion. Ministry editors asked two review Part IV deals with the book's real nies, and beats that make it inherently ers to respond. purpose: how to harness the power of bad, promote sensuality and moral de Review I: A biblical basis or a cul CCM to save souls. Adventism has cay, and provide an open door for the tural compromise? By Kenneth looked longingly at the growth of certain world to invade the church. 2. Those Mathews, Jr., M.D., M.S.P.H., direc churches. But as we study the phenom who believe that good and bad in music tor, occupational medicine, Takoma ena, can we honestly believe that CCM come by psychological association. The Adventist Hospital, and choir direc and new liturgy provide the magic that new styles of music can be used effec tor of the Greeneville Seventh-day will finish the work? tively to introduce secular people to Adventist Church, Greeneville, Ten Miller argues that since music means Christ. nessee. so much to modern youth, we should use Steve Miller advocates the latter ap Steve Miller believes in a biblical it to send a Chris proach using a four-step plan. basis for the ministry of contemporary tian message. He First, he faces the other faction Christian music (CCM) and Christian states that "the truly head-on addressing the main rock. "I have become all things to all confusing factor in objections one by one. He men, that I might by all means save reaching the pagan shows how some "scientific some" (1 Cor. 9:22, RSV) becomes the people in America studies" on the effects of mu key text to justify CCM in reaching secu is our heritage of sic are unsound, incomplete, lar people. He opines that out-of-date Christian music." subjective, and improperly music and worship styles hinder out Some truth here, used. Second, he uses biblical reach to the unchurched. but there is more to principles to analyze the na Miller crystallizes the debate over the reaching pagan ture of praise and worship in role methodology plays in reaching souls people than music. music. Third, he introduces us for Christ. He raises important ques Some will be to a delightful compilation of tions: Do we win the unconverted with disturbed by this historical facts on the origin nineteenth-century religious music and book while others and development of church tradition? Or do we Christianize secular will applaud Miller's work. But readers music. Fourth, he gives a convincing music, drama, and the culture of the day? must question if the author comes too case for using contemporary Christian How did Jesus win the unchurched? Did close to arguing situation ethics. For music. Jesus use a methodology we have not example, did Jesus drink beer in the The author effectively formulates and tried? Jewish saloon with the alcoholic in order answers such important questions as: Part I of the book shows that many to reach him, or did He go to the saloon Do contemporary music styles lead criticisms of CCM are scientifically un- to call the drinker to a new life? Do we to moral corruption? proven: 1. Heavy beats do not degrade need to sing like the secular musician in Do we compromise if we take some behavioral performance or reduce vigi order to reach the masses and call them thing from the world and use it for God? lance. 2. Stress does not naturally occur from their secular pursuits? What does the Bible say about music when people are listening to rock music. In his eagerness to justify CCM, and styles of worship? 3. Rock music does not elicit ungodly Miller does not cover all the theological How can parents talk to their children responses from people; the intentions of bases. One could discuss the qualities of about their music? people and the incitements of the per heaven and Jesus: order, harmony, sim How can churches use contemporary formers, rather than the style, govern plicity, unity, joy, the purpose of giving Christian music without alienating those response. 4. The beat of a song is not glory to God, and being saved by hear who object? linked to those used in demonic tradi ing the preached word. Is there a place for contemporary tions. 5. The desirable qualities of a song Whatever your inclination, this book Christian music in missions? are based on the value systems of the will force you to come to grips with your How are growing churches using culture. 6. The highest form of music own view of the Bible on Jesus, music, contemporary forms in worship? today is not necessarily the classics. and the gospel commission. The issue Miller writes well, documents his Miller starts a good analysis, but he lacks needs to be addressed in a corporate and work, and uses logic in his apologetic.

28 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 Whatever faction you may belong to, I drama to make them user-friendly. guarantee this book will open your eyes "Whether a method is biblical or not to factors pertinent to the Christian mu scarcely seems to matter.... Does it The Great sic debate. work? is the new test of legitimacy." "The Bible, not a marketing plan, Commission is Ashamed of the Gospel is supposed to be the sole blueprint JohnF. MacArthur, Jr., CrosswayBooks, and final authority for all church min not a marketing Wheaton, 1993, 254 pages, US$17.99, istry," the author declares. "Ministry manifesto. hardcover. Reviewed by Eugene F. should meet real needs, not salve Durand, recently retired assistant edi selfishness." tor, Adventist Review, Adamstown, MacArthur presents the New Tes Maryland. tament church, with its emphasis on If I could afford it, I would give a preaching, fellowship, purity, and copy of this book to every Adventist godly fear, as our model. "The gos say, and he says it directly and clearly. pastor. MacArthur's burden—that a pel is often ... disturbing, revolting, From Scripture, the writings of Ellen market-oriented ministry must not re upsetting, confrontive, convicting, White, and practical experience he builds place biblical preaching—should be our and offensive to human pride. There's a strong case for small groups as essen burden too. no way to 'market' that." The book tial for dynamic church growth. Passion As a springboard the author uses contends that numerical growth is for the gospel and the salvation of souls Charles Spurgeon's nineteenth-century not the best way to gauge a church's permeates Cerna's book. His material warnings against modernism. MacArthur health. Instead, "if we minister for remains free from manipulative method fears that today faces a spiritual growth, numerical growth ology and disreputable marketing tech similar danger from the popular church will be what God chooses it to be." It niques that can mar church growth. growth movement. Himself a successful warns that merely churching the un Many others have articulated the pastor, speaker, and author, he warns churched accomplishes nothing of value of small groups. But Cerna pre against making success the only test of a eternal value. sents a valuable twofold approach. He method: "Pragmatism as a test of truth is Adventist readers will take ex gives the essential ingredients of success nothing short of satanic," he declares, ception to the author's contention in small group ministry and step-by- for the gospel often fails to reach hearts, that teaching conditional immortal step plans that enable groups to fulfill while deception may prove effective. ity undermines evangelism by mini their potential for evangelism and nur The book decries the church's use of mizing the punishment for sin. (Why ture. entertainment to draw a crowd, thus al then are Adventists among the fast Recognizing the popularity of small lowing theology to take a back seat to est-growing faiths?) The book's ad groups, the author also points out that methodology. "Everything seems to be vocacy of Calvinistic predestination many groups flounder because they lack in fashion in the church today except will trouble Arminian readers. a defined purpose or miss crucial ele biblical preaching." In spite of these two reservations, ments in their activity. To be effective, "We must give them what they want" Ashamed of the Gospel presents a small groups must have Bible study, appears to be the theory behind commu powerful challenge. The writing worship, fellowship, and mission. The nity surveys. The "goal is becoming sparkles with quotable lines. And the absence of any of these will eventually church attendance... rather than a trans biblical basis for its arguments is com cause a group to stagnate, unravel, or formed life." pelling. The Adventist ministry become imbalanced. Mac Arthur's response to this trend: should pause to ponder this book's Cerna emphasizes the Jethro prin "The Great Commission is not a market message as it adopts the marketing ciple of Exodus 18 and the apostolic plan ing manifesto. Evangelism does not re techniques of popular churches. of delegation (2 Tim. 2:2). He points out quire salesmen, but prophets." He fears that small groups grow in a church with that the market-driven ministry caters to The Power of Small Groups a well-defined mission. The author tells people who love themselves rather than Miguel Angel Cerna, Southern Cali what happens in small groups, how they God. fornia Conference of Seventh-day function, who makes small groups suc Paul did not soften his message so Adventists, P.O. Box 969, Glendale, cessful, and when to begin. He clearly people would be comfortable with it, yet California 91206, 1991, 243 pages, defines the work of the pastor in launch thousands of evangelical churches US$13.00, paper. Reviewed by Brian ing and maintaining small groups. And "would not tolerate for two weeks strong Jones, Seventh-day Adventist pastor, Cerno is no theoretician. By using the biblical teaching that refutes their doctri Frametown, West Virginia. plans described in this book, he has bap nal error, confronts their sin, and calls The past 15 years have brought a tized 1,300 people in the past seven years them to obey the truth." deluge of books on church growth. in two North American churches. The MacArthur finds that successful Occasionally one of extraordinary book is for those pastors who want to see megachurches miss the mark with ser merit appears. Cerna has written such their churches grow in grace, zeal, and vices that rely on popular music and a book. The author has something to missionary effectiveness.

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 29 who performed mixed weddings enters into agreement with God to were strongly chastised by their comply with the conditions speci superiors, and in many cases fied in His Word. His conduct Letters suffered severe consequences for shows whether or not he respects From page 2 such actions. On the other hand, a these conditions" Ellen G. White good number of conference presi Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, p. dents ignored the "policy," and 110). influence to direct the choices of its allowed the ministers in their Maybe our response is so weak, membership, it causes members to conferences to perform such our searching so shallow, because rely on the mandates of the church weddings. We know of church we haven't found the Pearl of great rather than on God. An element of administrators who have performed price. An infinite sacrifice was distrust is automatically introduced mixed marriages themselves. The made and an infinite cost was paid when someone chooses differently problem with the Minister's Manual for sinners, and when kids see us in than the prescribed manner, regard policy is one of interpreting "unbe our demeanor and devotion quite less of the reasons for that choice. lievers." Obviously, it is interpreted casual they must get the impression Finally, these policies introduce very differently by different people. the gift is not worth all that much. an element of uncertainty between Our disappointment is height Kids are smart. They see from Adventists and non-Adventists. In ened by the fact that the proposed our style how much we value the trying to stop marriages to non- policy does not clarify the issue. To gift of God. Maybe it's time we all Adventists we also inhibit relation the contrary, it complicates things discover anew so great a salvation, ships with non-Adventists. How can by defining "unbeliever" as "non- and confess that maybe we've I be friends with non-Adventists Seventh-day Adventist." missed the priceless treasure.— and yet tell my children that they May we propose the following David Merrill, Cornville, Arizona. can't marry a non-Adventist? Or change to the proposed Church how do I explain that it is OK to be Manual statement, starting at the • Helmut Ott touches one of the their friend, but that you can't fall middle of the fourth paragraph: most critical problems in the life of in love with them? If, by chance, I "For these reasons, the Seventh-day a Christian. Having learned to am brave enough to allow myself Adventist Church considers that the accept Christ as our only hope, and my family to become friends ideal marriage should be among having made great progress in daily with those who aren't Adventist, people of the same faith. But living and getting victory over sin, what message do these friends because circumstances change, and yet recognizing that not a day receive when I tell them my child because each case is different, we passes without temptation, can we cannot marry theirs because they leave the final decision upon the close the day with songs of grati aren't Adventist? Worst of all is the good judgment of the minister who tude for complete preparation for attitude that is represented when we has counseled and worked directly the end of life? As we close the day say, "If you would just become an with the couple."—Antonio Romero, on our knees, sincerely thankful for Adventist, then . . ." It is amazing for Area 6 pastors, Lindsay, Califor every good blessing received in this how arrogant and self-centered we nia. day, is there a consciousness at the can be when attempting to preserve same time of the need for forgive Adventism. Another look at Valuegenesis ness, and further preparation for our I believe the Adventist Church Helmut Ott's Valuegenesis last days on this earth? would be better served if we would analysis (February 1994) prompts It has been 84 years since I made untie the hands of pastors and allow me to respond by referring to what my full surrender to Christ. Can I them to treat each couple on the Jesus said: "Ye shall know the lie down to rest at the end of the basis of their unique relationship.— truth, and the truth shall make you day with assurance and peace in my Daniel J. Nelson, pastor, Parkview free" (John 8:32). Jesus is the truth; heart, relax quietly, go to sleep? SDA Church, Galesburg, Illinois. we need to know Him. Yes, I can and I do. I am sure if Could it be that our youth don't there is more He needs to do for • We the pastors of Area 6 of the have assurance because most of the me, He will give me another day, Central California Conference of adults around them are destitute of and He continues to do just that. Seventh-day Adventists are very it? Could it be that salvation and Every new day is a promise of disappointed with the proposed justification have been looked upon greater blessings. Church Manual statement regarding solely as a gift outside of the How can I be sure? My answer is "Marrying Non-Adventists." Even context of the new covenant? "A in Matthew 22:37-39—love. though the Minister's Manual covenant is an agreement by which You close the day with love in your statement was never a voted policy, parties bind themselves and each heart, to your Maker and Saviour, to many conference presidents it other to the fulfillment of certain and your neighbor.—R. J. Roy, was so in practice! Many pastors conditions. Thus the human agent Prescott, Arizona.

30 MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 Shop Talk

Great controversy tour professional help. Filoha of leisure time. As part of methodology (methods of Gerard Damsteegt, of Meadows is a profes the program, time will be family life instruction). Andrews University, will sional, confidential set aside for personal Participants can receive host a visit to the roots of retreat for Adventist devotions, as well as either two or three credit Adventist heritage in pastors and workers, hiking, nature photogra hours toward updating Europe from June 5-21. owned and staffed by phy, relaxing in our teacher certification and Places seen will include Adventists. Our mission natural hot mineral toward Andrews Univer Rome, Austria, Prague, is to help pastors strug springs, and a variety of sity Certification of Germany, and France. gling to swim in the seasonal activities such as Family Life Educators. The tour will focus on the "fishbowl" and restore cross-country and alpine Outstanding speakers heroic experiences of them for future ministry. skiing, fly fishing, and include H. Stephen God's people from early One- or two-week horseback riding. Glenn, Nancy Van Pelt Christianity, the Dark programs offer renewal Accommodations and speaker/author Ages, the Reformation, to and therapy amid the include a private duplex Margaret Sawin. Campus the French Revolution. breathtaking beauty of the cabin with kitchenette at housing available. Call Graduate credit and CEUs Colorado Rockies for $60 per night. Meals are Dr. Millie Youngberg's available. pastors struggling with a arranged by the clients. office at 616-471-6366 or Cost is $2,599 from wide variety of issues Professional fees will be write: Family Life Interna Chicago; departure from ranging from personal or negotiated prior to arrival tional, Andrews Univer other cities possible. marital needs to ministe based on needs. sity, Bell Hall, Room 214, Price includes airfare, rial burnout. Referrals are If we can be of help to Berrien Springs, MI 49104. hotels, tips, museums, typically made by the you or someone you two vegetarian meals couple or their conference know, call 800-227-8906 Ministry Index, 1993 each day plus land travel president or ministerial or write: Filoha Mead Daniel J. Drazen, editor in an air-conditioned, secretary. ows, 14628 Highway 133, of Seventh-day Adventist deluxe coach. Call The schedule is Redstone, CO 81623.— Periodical Index, Andrews immediately: 800-222- designed for individuals Robert E. Durham. University, has prepared a 4642 or 616-471-5172. or a couple rather than a complete index to 1993 group. Plan to arrive Family Life Interna Ministry magazine, includ 1994 School of Evange Sunday evening and tional ing author, subject, and lism depart one or two weeks Revitalize your book review listings. You can register now later. Before arrival, each ministry by attending Readers wanting a free copy for the 1994 School of individual or couple will Family Life International of the index may write to Evangelism conducted by have contact with the at Andrews University the Ministry office. the Adventist Evangelis therapist, Robert Durham, July 10-18! FLI provides tic Association in New- to determine the interests seminars for pastors and $25 for your ideas bury Park, California. The and concerns with which laypersons to discover Send us an idea to help faculty for the November they want to deal. This God's solutions to family pastors make their minis 29-December 8 session preparation will serve in problems. Celebrate our try more effective. If we includes Mark and Teenie designing a program that twentieth year with Drs. publish it, we will send you Finley; Don and Margie will best meet their needs John and Millie Young- $25. If your idea promotes Gray; Lyle and Peggy and expectations. berg along with hundreds a product or service you are Albrecht; Dan and Gloria Generally speaking, of pastors, family life selling, we'll be glad to Bentzinger; Richard and clients spend two to four educators, teachers, and consider it for publication Mary Halversen; Leo and hours a day with the parents from around the but won't pay you $25! Tammy Schreven. Enroll therapist. Dr. Alan Nelson, world. Send ideas to Ministry, ment is limited. 805-373- psychiatrist, is available FLI '94 offers two Shop Talk editor, 12501 7612.—C. Lloyd Wyman, as needed for consultation areas of study: parenting Old Columbia Pike, Silver coordinator. or medical evaluation. (blended families, Spring, MD 20904. U.S. Weekends are unsched stepfamilies, managing citizens, include Social Se Pastoral renewal and uled, and we encourage family resources) and curity number. therapy you to have a car for The stress of ministry recreational trips or Bible credits: Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © can hurt homes and 1973,1978,1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Texts occasional visits to town. credited to NKJV are from The New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas marriages with few A balanced life Nelson, Inc., Publishers. Bible texts credited to NRSV are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the avenues available for involves the creative use Churches of Chnst in the U.S.A. Used by permission.

MINISTRY/JUNE/1994 31 Seeing Christ nique glimpses of the Saviour await you Uas Calvin B. Rock ex plores the role and place of Christ in the plan of salvation. From Sin- bearer to Sacrifice, from Substitute to Standard, from Shewbread to Seed, he examines the multiple attributes of Christ and pshaws how His g||gfi|epusriess is the |«o|ufe)ri to our salvation r, 159 pages.


Ellen G. White Sermons and Talks, Volume 2 ~liiic& the messages in volume 1, the sermons and talks in this volume were '. stenographically recorded and nearly alidrawn from previously unpublished manuscripts. Experience Mrs. White's speaking style and discover the top priorities in her preaching. Paper, 353 pages. US$8.95, Cdn$12.55. at t-800-765-6955.