The European Pool Billiard Federation Coloseum Sarajevo Open 2011 - Presented By: Knightshot SE01 T Saturday 22.30H 28

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The European Pool Billiard Federation Coloseum Sarajevo Open 2011 - Presented By: Knightshot SE01 T Saturday 22.30H 28 The European Pool Billiard Federation Coloseum Sarajevo Open 2011 - Presented by: KnightShot SE01 T Saturday 22.30h 28. - 30. Oktobar 2011 1 Ralf Souquet Ger 8 32 Robert Sudic Cro 3 SE17 T Sun 10h Loser = 17 Ralf Souquet Ger 8 SE02 T Saturday 22.30h Zoran Svilar Ser 1 17 Andreja Klasovic Ser 3 Loser = 9 16 Zoran Svilar Ser 8 SE25 T 12h Ralf Souquet Ger 8 SE03 T Saturday 22.30h Daryl Peach UK 5 9 Serge Das Bel 8 Loser = 5 24 Denis Kragolnik Slo 5 SE18 T Sun 10h Serge Das Bel 2 SE04 T Saturday 22.30h Daryl Peach UK 8 25 Ivica Putnik Cro 3 Loser = 9 8 Daryl Peach UK 8 SE29 T 14h Ralf Souquet Ger SE05 T Saturday 22.30h Nick Ekonomopoulos Gre 5 Nick Ekonomopoulos Gre 8 Loser = 3 28 Gabor Antal Hun 3 SE19 T Sun 10h Nick Ekonomopoulos Gre 8 SE06 T Saturday 22.30h Mario He Aus 4 21 Zrinka Antonijevic Cro 0 Loser = 9 12 Mario He Aus 8 SE26 T Nick Ekonomopoulos Gre 8 SE07 T Saturday 22.30h Darren Apleton UK 7 13 Majid Imran UK 8 Loser = 5 20 Milos Verkic Ser 3 SE20 T Sun 10h Majid Imran UK 3 SE08 T Saturday 22.30h Darren Apleton UK 8 29 Darren Apleton UK 8 Loser = 9 4 Karlo Dalmatin Cro 6 SE31 T 19h SE09 T Saturday 22.30h 3 Trajce Doncevski Mac 30 Boris Erculj Slo 8 SE21 T Sun 10h Champion Boris Erculj Slo 2 SE10 T Saturday 22.30h Bruno Muratore Ita 8 19 Novo Sarafimovski Mac 1 Loser = 9 14 Bruno Muratore Ita 8 SE27 T Bruno Muratore Ita 2 SE11 T Saturday 22.30h Mark Gray UK 8 11 Mark Gray UK 8 Loser = 5 22 Sasa Trivic BiH 2 SE22 T Sun 10h Mark Gray UK 8 SE12 T Saturday 22.30h Chris Melling UK 4 27 Fabio Petroni Ita 6 Loser = 9 6 Chris Melling UK 8 SE30 T 16h Mark Gray UK SE13 T Saturday 22.30h Raj Hundal Ind 7 Jayson Shaw Sco 8 Loser = 3 26 Rodney Morris USA 3 SE23 T Sun 10h Jayson Shaw Sco 8 SE14 T Saturday 22.30h Karl Boyes UK 7 23 Nick Malai Alb 1 Loser = 9 10 Karl Boyes UK 8 SE28 T Jayson Shaw Sco 1 SE15 T Saturday 22.30h Raj Hundal Ind 8 15 Goran Mladenovic Ser 4 Loser = 5 18 Rico Dicks Ned 8 SE24 T Sun 10h Rico Dicks Ned 2 SE16 T Saturday 22.30h Raj Hundal Ind 8 31 Klaus Zoberkis Ger 3 Loser = 9 2 Raj Hundal Ind 8 Official flowchart Euro-Tour - 32 players from 256 - Single Elimination - 01/2005 Draft: Frans Van den Bergh 10/30/11 2:51 PM.
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