CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2012 Sharing the Stage with Coleman Hawkins, 2010 Resignation

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2012 Sharing the Stage with Coleman Hawkins, 2010 Resignation E1492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2012 sharing the stage with Coleman Hawkins, 2010 resignation. In 2009, he retired as Dep- RECOGNIZING VIRGINIA Slam Stewart, and Erroll Garner. One of the uty Court Administrator of Ohio’s Eighth Dis- INDUSTRIES FOR THE BLIND earliest of Mr. Heath’s own big bands (1947– trict Court of Appeals in order to fulfill a cam- 48) in Philadelphia included John Coltrane, paign promise for his election to the Cuyahoga HON. ROBERT HURT Benny Golson, Specs Wright, Cal Massey, County Council. OF VIRGINIA Johnny Coles, Ray Bryant, and Nelson Boyd. Councilman Gallagher was elected to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He also played with and composed for Dizzy Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Gillespie, Miles Davis, Kenny Dorham, Milt Cuyahoga County Council in 2010 and is now Jackson, and Art Blakey. During his career, the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. Mr. HURT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Mr. Heath has performed on more than 100 Some of his achievements outside of public ognize Virginia Industries for the Blind, an record albums, including 7 with The Heath office include his membership in the Ability One organization that began in Char- Brothers and 12 as a leader. He has also writ- Strongsville Rotary Club and Strongsville lottesville that empowers blind and visually im- ten more than 125 compositions, many of Chamber of Commerce. He has served as a paired Virginians in achieving their maximum which have become jazz standards, including Trustee on the Hospital Board of Southwest level of employment and career development. C.T.A., and Gingerbread Boy. He has minted General Hospital for more than ten years and With 19 locations throughout Virginia, the organization employs approximately 150 peo- over 20 critically acclaimed recordings, includ- founded the Strongsville Youth Commission ple, including over 100 whom are blind or vis- ing Really Big!, Love and Understanding, New nine years ago. As a result of his dedication Picture, Little Man, Big Band, and Endurance. ually impaired. to his community, Councilman Gallagher was In May, I had the opportunity to witness Mr. Heath first worked as an educator with the recipient of the 2007 Franklin A. Polk Pub- Jazzmobile, New York City’s premier not-for- firsthand the good work that Virginia Industries lic Servants Award granted by the Cuyahoga profit jazz program. In 1987, he was appointed for the Blind does for our local communities. County Bar Foundation. Professor of Music at the Aaron Copland Virginia Industries for the Blind operates retail School of Music at Queens College, City Uni- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me stores on military bases and in federal build- versity of New York. Professor Heath created in honoring Councilman Michael Gallagher, a ings throughout Virginia. From making the the Jazz Program at Queens College, where dedicated member of the Cuyahoga County mattresses used by our heroes in the United he taught and mentored a generation of musi- Council. States Navy to the reflective vests that hard- cians, before retiring in 2004. He also taught working Virginians depend on for safety, Vir- jazz at Housatonic College and The New f ginia Industries for the Blind gives back to our School for Social Research. In October 1997, community in more ways than one. two of Mr. Heath’s former students, trumpeters HONORING JANE SMITH OF Today, I hope my colleagues will join me in Darren Barrett and Diego Urcola, placed first ESSEXVILLE, MICHIGAN commending Virginia Industries for the Blind and second in the Thelonious Monk Inter- for their service to our local communities. national Jazz Competition. f Mr. Heath is among the most honored of HON. DALE E. KILDEE IN HONOR OF BONADINE P. our nation’s musicians. In 2003, he was pre- OF MICHIGAN ‘‘BONNIE’’ NGUYEN sented with the prestigious National Endow- ment for the Arts, NEA, Jazz Master Award. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He is the recipient of three honorary doctor- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Wednesday, September 12, 2012 OF OHIO ates, including one from Julliard. He is the first IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES jazz musician to be so honored by Julliard and Mr. KILDEE. Mr Speaker, on June 20, 2012 has also received The Julliard Service to the a dedicated public servant and civic leader, Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Arts Centennial Award. He has received 3 Jane Smith, passed away and it is fitting that Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Grammy Nominations, Howard University’s we honor and recognize her public service honor Bonadine P. ‘‘Bonnie’’ Nguyen who Benny Golson Award and The Thelonious and commitment. passed away on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at Monk Founder’s Award among many other the age of 70 after battling an illness over the honors. Jane Smith’s inspired leadership, vision and past three years. She is survived by her hus- In 2010, he co-wrote I Walked With Giants: courage has been an immense inspiration to band of 25 years, Le; her four sons Paul, Mat- The Autobiography of Jimmy Heath, with Jo- those who believe every human being is en- thew, Andrew, and Jason; her brother, Rich- seph McLaren (Temple University Press). Mr. dowed with dignity. She spent more than 30 ard; and her two sisters, Carol and Tina. Heath is still actively creative as a tenor and years working to ensure the well-being of our Bonnie was born on June 16, 1942 in Co- soprano saxophonist, composer and arranger. most vulnerable children as a child protective lumbus, Ohio and lived there until moving to Mr. Speaker, Jimmy Heath is a living jazz services worker for the State of Michigan. the Cleveland area where she spent the last treasure and I urge all members to join me in When Robert F. Kennedy was asked how his 31 years of her life. She became a Licensed commending him for his magnificent contribu- obituary should read, he responded that he Practical Nurse, a profession she held for 34 tion to American and World culture. hoped that he made a contribution that im- years, and spent most of her career with the f proved the world by lessening the suffering of Century Oak Care Center in Berea, Ohio—a IN HONOR OF MICHAEL children. For her entire adult life, on a daily center that opened in 1987 as a response to GALLAGHER basis, Jane Smith lessened the suffering of an increased demand in quality nursing home children. After she retired, Jane Smith contin- facilities. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ued her compassionate life and dedication. When not working, she enjoyed traveling She volunteered on political campaigns, was with her mother and spending time with her OF OHIO an active member of the Bay County Demo- children; attending weddings, picnics, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cratic Party and in 2004 was appointed chair family get-togethers; dancing; and watching Cleveland Indians baseball. Wednesday, September 12, 2012 of the Bay County Department of Human Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Services Board. She also actively supported Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in in honoring the life of Bonnie Nguyen. honor of Michael Gallagher, a member of the the Alice and Jack Wirt Library. f Cuyahoga County Council serving the Fifth Jane Smith was born May 7, 1945 in Pon- District. tiac, Michigan. She graduated from Rochester SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL OVAR- In 1999, Councilman Gallagher began his High School in 1963 and Michigan State Uni- IAN CANCER AWARENESS MONTH public service career as a member of versity in 1967. She is survived by her broth- Strongsville’s City Council, a position he held ers, nephews nieces and great-nieces and HON. C. W. BILL YOUNG for eleven years. During his time as a nephews and her many friends who deeply OF FLORIDA Strongsville Council member, he served on or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chaired most of the council committees, miss her wit, opinion and stories. served as a representative of the council to Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Wednesday, September 12, 2012 the Strongsville School Board and served as Jane Smith, a woman whose life was an inspi- Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise president for his final three years before his ration to us all. today to recognize September as National VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:00 Sep 13, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12SE8.010 E12SEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 12, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1493 Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and to urge Madison County, Illinois. Situated in south- wastes is successfully tracked and managed my colleagues to use this time to raise aware- western Illinois, Madison County is one of the from generation to its final destination. ness and help increase public knowledge fastest growing and most diverse counties in This is a good bill and I look forward to about this deadly disease and its symptoms. Illinois. Whether it is the suburban hustle and passing it and urge my colleagues to support In 2012, it is estimated that approximately bustle of Collinsville and Godfrey, the rural it. 22,280 women in the United States will be di- small-town atmosphere of Grantfork and Al- f agnosed with ovarian cancer and 15,500 will hambra, the industrial might of Granite City die of the disease. In my state, Florida, an es- and Wood River, the farming communities HONORING PETER PALMER FOR A timated 1,040 women will die from ovarian around St. Jacob and Worden, the university LIFETIME OF DEDICATED PUB- cancer this year.
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    E1492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 12, 2012 sharing the stage with Coleman Hawkins, 2010 resignation. In 2009, he retired as Dep- RECOGNIZING VIRGINIA Slam Stewart, and Erroll Garner. One of the uty Court Administrator of Ohio’s Eighth Dis- INDUSTRIES FOR THE BLIND earliest of Mr. Heath’s own big bands (1947– trict Court of Appeals in order to fulfill a cam- 48) in Philadelphia included John Coltrane, paign promise for his election to the Cuyahoga HON. ROBERT HURT Benny Golson, Specs Wright, Cal Massey, County Council. OF VIRGINIA Johnny Coles, Ray Bryant, and Nelson Boyd. Councilman Gallagher was elected to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He also played with and composed for Dizzy Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Gillespie, Miles Davis, Kenny Dorham, Milt Cuyahoga County Council in 2010 and is now Jackson, and Art Blakey. During his career, the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. Mr. HURT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Mr. Heath has performed on more than 100 Some of his achievements outside of public ognize Virginia Industries for the Blind, an record albums, including 7 with The Heath office include his membership in the Ability One organization that began in Char- Brothers and 12 as a leader. He has also writ- Strongsville Rotary Club and Strongsville lottesville that empowers blind and visually im- ten more than 125 compositions, many of Chamber of Commerce. He has served as a paired Virginians in achieving their maximum which have become jazz standards, including Trustee on the Hospital Board of Southwest level of employment and career development.
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