Page 2B THETHE NORTH NORTH GEORGIA GEORGIA NEWS NEWS February February 27, 201927, 2019 SportsSee the Sports Section at Baseball: Opening week a wash out following losses at Commerce By Todd Forrest third and tagging up on a Scott Sports Editor sacrifice fly.
[email protected] Still trailing 2-1 after five, Garrison entered in the sixth and worked around a pair COMMERCE - Union of walks to keep Union County County baseball opened 2019 within a run. Mullinak led off with a pair of losses at Com- the bottom of the sixth with a merce last Monday, Feb. 18 base on balls but was eventually before a wet weather pattern left stranded at second base. set it in and washed out the Garrison would freeze remainder of the Panthers’ the leadoff hitter with a called opening week. strike three to open the seventh The clouds are hopefully but three singles and an error giving way to sunshine, both stretched the Tiger lead to 3-1 literally and metaphorically, as and loaded the bases with one reinforcements are on the way down. Another strikeout was before the Panthers are slated to followed by an RBI walk be- hit the field Tuesday at Fannin fore Garrison retired the side County. with his third punchout of the With the Union County inning. basketball team reaching the The Panthers had some- postseason for the first time thing brewing in the seventh since 2016, first-year Panther when Kelley drew a five-pitch baseball coach Zach Odom walk and senior Jonathan Ever- traveled to Commerce last Union County first year head coach Zach Odom (center) prior to last ett reached on an error - bring- week with a somewhat depleted year’s game at Coolray Field in Lawrenceville.