P.W.L. Russell (CDA)

Paul Russell (1954) has been a member of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) parliamentary party in the Senate of the Dutch Parliament since 10 June 2003 and is speaker on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Cooperation for the CDA parliamentary party in the Senate

He is an attorney-at-law in Amsterdam.

Mr Russell is the first vice-chair of the Standing Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Cooperation (BDO).

Personal data

· born in Amsterdam on 18 July 1954 · resident in Amsterdam · married since 1995


· law degree from the Free University of Amsterdam · pre-university education at the Roman Catholic Jesuit ‘Sint Ignatius College’ in Amsterdam


· attorney-at-law and senior partner with Russell Advocaten in Amsterdam, since 1976

Other positions

current · vice-president of the Consular Corps in Amsterdam, since 2006 · supervisory director of Van As Holding B.V. in Amsterdam, since 2006 · chair of the Roman Catholic charitable foundation Fidel Götz Stiftung, since 2001 · board member of the Friends of the Police Foundation, Amsterdam, since 1996 · member of the ‘Amsterdamse Kring’ (an organisation established to promote the interests of the city of Amsterdam) · Berkheyde B.V. (personal holding company), since 1992 · honorary Consul-General of in Amsterdam, since 1986 · chairman of the Roman Catholic Foundation for the Promotion of Welfare Work (KSBW) in Amsterdam, since 1984 · supervisory director of Bouw- en Exploitatie Maatschappij Lebo B.V. in Amsterdam, since 1981 · board member of the Eljébé charitable foundation, since 1980 · honorary Vice-Consul of Brazil, since 1979 · member of the council for -French Cooperation (since 2007)

Party political positions previous · chair of the CDA candidate selection committee, Amsterdam municipal council elections, 2002 · board member of the Amsterdam section of the CDA until 2003 · CDA representative to the European People’s Party (EPP) and the European Union of Christian Democrats (EUCD) · chair of the CDA Europe working group · member of the CDA foreign affairs committee · member of the CDA national executive · board member of the Young Christian Democratic Appeal (CDJA), Noord- Holland region


Knighthoods · in the Order of Orange-Nassau, 29 April 2003

Foreign decorations · Commander in the Order of Merit of Portugal (Ordem de Meritó) · Commander in the Order of Merit of Colombia · Commander in the National Order of Merit of Ecuador · Commander in the Order of Merit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg · Officer in the Order of Rio Branco, Brazil · Officer in the Order of the Oak Crown, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg · Officer in the Order of Merit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg · Officer in the Order of Merit of Peru · Knight in the National Order of the Cedar of Lebanon · Knight in the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem · Knight in the Order of Isabella the Catholic, Spain · Knight in the Order of the Légion d’Honneur, France · Medalha Mérito Tamandaré, Brazil

Honorary memberships · honorary member of the ‘Maurits van Nassau’ Cultural Institute, since 1998

Length of service

1,588 days (10 June 2003 to date)