Jade Hameister Polar Explorer
JADE HAMEISTER POLAR EXPLORER Feiwel and Friends New York WPS: Prepress/Printer’s Proof 105-76936_4P_1up.pdf November 8, 2018 11:28:26 a feiwel and friends book An imprint of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010 Polar Explorer. Copyright © 2018 by Jade Hameister. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Our books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact your local bookseller or the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at (800) 221-7945 ext. 5442 or by email at MacmillanSpecialMarkets@macmillan.com. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available. ISBN 978-1-250-31768-1 (hardcover) / ISBN 978-1-250-31769-8 (ebook) Feiwel and Friends logo designed by Filomena Tuosto The TEDx talk on page 67 used with kind permission from TEDxMelbourne. Permission to use the following images is gratefully acknowledged: Vanessa Hameister: Insert A, p. 1; Paul Hameister: Insert A, pp. 2, 3 (top), 3 (bottom), 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 (bottom), 13 (top), 13 (bottom), 15 (top), 15 (bottom), 16 (top), 16 (bottom), Insert B, pp. 1, 5 (top), 5 (bottom), 6 (top), 6 (bottom), 7 (top), 10 (bottom), 12 (top), 14 (bottom), 15 (top), 16 (top); Jade Productions Pty Ltd 2018: Insert A, pp. 4 (top), 4 (bottom), 5 (top), 5 (bottom), 6, 12 (top), 14, Insert B, pp. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 (top), 13, 14 (top), 15 (bottom); Frederique Olivier: Insert A, p. 11; Eric Philips/icetrek.com: Insert B, pp. 7 (bottom), 12 (bottom); Jade Hameister: Insert B, pp.
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