Cannabis policy and legislation in the Nordic countries A report on the control of cannabis use and possession in the Nordic legal systems Cannabis policy and legislation in the Nordic countries A report on the control of cannabis use and possession in the Nordic legal systems Published by Nordic Welfare Centre © 2019 Project manager: Yaira Obstbaum Authors: Susanne Egnell, Emma Villman, Yaira Obstbaum Responsible publisher: Eva Franzén ISBN: 978-91-88213-38-9 Nordic Welfare Centre Box 1073, SE-101 39 Stockholm Visiting Adress: Drottninggatan 30 Phone: +46 8 545 536 00
[email protected] Nordic Welfare Centre c/o Folkhälsan FI-00250 Helsinki Visiting Adress: Topeliusgatan 20 Phone: +358 20 741 08 80
[email protected] The report can be downloaded at 2 Preface How do the Nordic countries control cannabis use in their legal systems? How do the Nordic legal systems see cannabis as a drug in 2018, and how does this affect the cannabis user? This report looks at the similarities and differences in legisla- tion and the ways in which the law is enacted in legal practice, police work, and many other arenas. While the Nordic countries have relatively similar criminal policies as a whole, there are some striking differences in their dealing with drugs such as cannabis. We therefore survey the legislative differences and similarities in this five-country report in close detail. The country profiles zoom in on the legal control of cannabis on the basis of a large body of secondary material, academic literature, and reports as well as data from Nordic statistical bureaus.