J Cult Cogn Sci

https://doi.org/10.1007/s41809-021-00074-9 (0123456789().,-volV)( 0123456789().,-volV)


Functional illiteracy and developmental : looking for common roots. A systematic review

Re´ka Va´gvo¨lgyi . Kirstin Bergstro¨m . Aleksandar Bulajic´ . Maria Klatte . Taˆnia Fernandes . Michael Grosche . Falk Huettig . Jascha Ru¨sseler . Thomas Lachmann

Received: 26 August 2020 / Revised: 3 December 2020 / Accepted: 22 December 2020 Ó The Author(s) 2021

Abstract A considerable amount of the population is some data suggesting commonalities between low in more economically developed countries are func- and developmental dyslexia, it is still not tionally illiterate (i.e., low literate). Despite some clear, whether these reflect shared consequences (i.e., years of schooling and basic skills, these cognitive and behavioral profile) or shared causes. The individuals cannot properly read and write and, as a present systematic review aims at exploring the consequence have problems to understand even short similarities and differences identified in empirical texts. An often-discussed approach (Greenberg et al. studies investigating both functional illiterate and 1997) assumes weak phonological processing skills developmental dyslexic samples. Nine electronic coupled with untreated developmental dyslexia as databases were searched in order to identify all possible causes of functional illiteracy. Although there quantitative studies published in English or German. Although a broad search strategy and few limitations were applied, only 5 studies have been identified Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/ adequate from the resulting 9269 references. The s41809-021-00074-9.

R. Va´gvo¨lgyi Á K. Bergstro¨m Á A. Bulajic´ Á T. Fernandes M. Klatte Á T. Lachmann (&) Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Cognitive and Developmental Psychology Unit, Centre Portugal for Cognitive Science, University of Kaiserslautern, e-mail: [email protected] Kaiserslautern, Germany e-mail: [email protected] M. Grosche Institute of Educational Research, University of R. Va´gvo¨lgyi Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] K. Bergstro¨m e-mail: [email protected] F. Huettig Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, A. Bulajic´ The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] M. Klatte e-mail: [email protected] F. Huettig Centre for Studies, Radboud University, A. Bulajic´ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Chair of Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

123 J Cult Cogn Sci results point to the lack of studies directly comparing 2019) of the German-speaking adults (18–64 years; functional illiterate with developmental dyslexic 6.2 million) are not able to read and write texts, even if samples. Moreover, a huge variance has been identi- they are brief. fied between the studies in how they approached the This phenomenon of limited reading and concept of functional illiteracy, particularly when it skills has been termed as functional illiteracy (Bar- came to critical categories such the applied definition, Kochva et al. 2019), which impedes people from terminology, criteria for inclusion in the sample, effortlessly accomplishing otherwise simple tasks research focus, and outcome measures. The available such as filling out a job application, reading a medicine data highlight the need for more direct comparisons in label, or participating successfully in vocational order to understand what extent functional illiteracy training programs. According to the UNESCO and dyslexia share common characteristics. (2006) and the World Literacy Foundation (Cree et al. 2012), those with functional illiteracy are more Keywords Illiteracy Á Low literate Á Adult basic likely to be left behind and receive less political, education Á Dyslexia Á Reading Á Comprehension cultural, social, and economic benefits. Therefore, functional illiteracy is a societal problem with major (economical) implications not only for those suffering from it but also for the societies to which they belong. Introduction In more economically developed countries, the costs resulting from functional illiteracy (e.g., welfare Reading and writing are fundamental for acquiring payments and burden on the health systems), amount other key competencies for lifelong learning (Council to about 2% of the Gross Domestic Product, i.e., 362 2018), which are necessary for participation in the billion dollars in the US and 68 billion in Germany society. Large-scale studies have shown that, the level (World Literacy Foundation 2015). As a first step, it is of literacy of many adolescents and adults are not critical to better understand the predictors of func- sufficient to participate fully in everyday life (OECD tional illiteracy, as well as the most effective measures 2013). For example, in the recent PIAAC Survey of for prevention and intervention. Adult Skills (OECD 2019), 19.8% of the adult Socioeconomic and sociodemographic factors as population (16–65 years) from 39 countries and well as individual factors (cognitive, emotional and economies could read and locate only single pieces motivational) have been identified in the of information in simple texts. In France, the Infor- (see, e.g., Va´gvo¨lgyi et al. 2016, for review) to mation and Daily Life Survey (IVQ: Information et affect—isolated or in combination—literacy acquisi- Vie Quotidienne, Jeantheau 2015) showed that in tion in childhood (e.g., Hemmerechts et al. 2016)as 2011, 11.0% of the adults (16–64 years; 4.3 million) well as literacy proficiency in adulthood (e.g., OECD performed poorly in at least one of the three domains 2019). For instance, adults with low literacy skills investigated: reading aloud, , were found to be more often older than 45 years, male, and writing. In Germany, the Level One Survey not or low educationally qualified, not native speakers, showed that 12.1% (LEO 2018, Grotlu¨schen et al. and more often unemployed (Grotlu¨schen et al. 2019). Furthermore, disadvantages in family background (e.g., low economic security, neglect and disinterest), J. Ru¨sseler Department of Psychology, University of Bamberg, school experience (e.g., social shame, punishment for Bamberg, Germany failure; Do¨bert and Hubertus 2000; Nickel 2007), and e-mail: [email protected] medical history (e.g., chronical disease, brain damage, uncorrected impaired vision and hearing; Ardila et al. J. Ru¨sseler Bamberg Graduate School of Affective and Cognitive 2010) were found to be associated with low literacy Sciences (BaGrACS), University of Bamberg, Bamberg, skills. Above all, due to socioeconomic and sociode- Germany mographic factors, low literacy tends to be passed from one generation to the next (Grotlu¨schen and T. Lachmann Facultad de Lenguas y Educacio´n, Universidad Nebrija, Riekmann 2011; Nickel 2007). Madrid, Spain 123 J Cult Cogn Sci

Besides these factors, developmental dyslexia cannot engage in all those activities in which literacy could be also considered as a potential precursor of is required for effective functioning of his group and functional illiteracy (e.g., Greenberg et al. 1997). community and also for enabling him to continue to Developmental dyslexia is characterized by signifi- use reading, writing, and calculation for his own and cant and persistent difficulties in learning to read, the community’s development’’ (UNESCO 1979, expressed at behavioral level by individual reading p. 183). Since then, several conceptual and opera- accuracy, fluency, and comprehension that is mark- tionalized definitions appeared, however, the applied edly below what would be expected for chronological criteria to define and the assessment tools to identify age, general cognitive development, and appropriate the functional illiterate or low literate population vary education, resulting in significant impairment in the between countries (e.g., France vs. Germany) and individual’s academic functioning (6A03.0, World methodologies (e.g., large-scale vs. experimental Health Organization 2019). design). Research on adults with low literacy revealed For example, the IVQ study uses the term illiterate, higher prevalence rates of developmental dyslexia or individual in the situation of illiteracy (literal than in the general population. For example, in the translation of les personnes en situation d’illettrisme), USA, 48% of the English native speaking ABE for adults who attended school for at least 6 years but students (Adult Basic Education; literacy programs who did not achieve mastery in reading, writing, and for low-literate adults, offered by community colleges other basic skills (e.g., oral communication, logical and adult education centers) reported a learning reasoning, comprehension), which would allow them disability in childhood (MacArthur et al. 2010), while to be autonomous in daily life (Jeantheau 2015). The another study (Gottesman et al. 1996) diagnosed 33% LEO studies (Grotlu¨schen et al. 2019; Grotlu¨schen and of their literacy program participants with develop- Riekmann 2011), in contrast, do not take school mental dyslexia. In the LEO 2018 study (Grotlu¨schen attendance into account in the definition of functional et al. 2019, 2020), the prevalence rate of developmen- illiteracy. Instead, they use the term low literate adults tal dyslexia was more than twice as high in the group to refer to adults that are able to read and write letters of low literate adults when compared to the group of and/or words and/or isolated sentences, but not texts, skilled readers (7.0 vs. 2.9%, Heilmann 2020). even if texts are short, which has negative conse- In the current review, we aim to examine whether quences, as aforementioned, on these adults’ abilities and to what extent functional illiteracy and develop- to deal with everyday requirements. mental dyslexia show common patterns of behavioral The experimental studies, which tested adults with and cognitive deficits. Our research strategy was to low (or no) literacy skills usually recruit their samples systematically review studies that investigated puta- from basic education or literacy/alphabetization tive deficits that were shared between these two courses for adults. Therefore, the terms adult basic groups. Given that there is substantial knowledge education students or adult literacy students are often about effective interventions in dyslexia, the present adopted. These studies often apply diagnostic reading review can provide insights, which, in turn, could have tests and grade equivalence scores when selecting substantial impact on development of training pro- their samples, however, they differ from country to grams in functional illiteracy. Before describing the country. In experimental studies with native German systematic review, we will focus on the definitions of speakers, different decoding and comprehension mea- functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia, as sures are often used with the cut-off of an average 4th- well as provide a general overview on studies that grade student to differentiate people with low literacy looked at behavioral and cognitive profiles in the skills from literates (e.g., Boltzmann and Ru¨sseler, groups separately. 2013; Grosche 2012). In studies with native French speakers (e.g., Eme et al. 2010), the average 3rd-grade Definitions and diagnostic criteria of functional level with the same aim was employed. To the best of illiteracy our knowledge, none of these studies used assessment tools, which were explicitly developed and normed on UNESCO first recognized functional illiterate persons low literate adults. This is not the case for studies in 1978 and described them as individuals who ‘‘[…] conducted in the USA, where, in contrast, 123 J Cult Cogn Sci standardized tests for adults with low literacy skills are partially successful, since phonological skills are an available (e.g., Test of Adult Basic Education, TABE: essential prerequisite for the construction of the CTB/McGraw-Hill, 2008) and commonly used in orthographic lexicon (Share 1995; Ziegler et al. research as well as in practice (e.g., Barnes et al. 2017; 2014). Given these findings, a systematic reshaping MacArthur et al. 2012; US Department of Education of the early phonology-oriented (alphabetic) stage 2016). (e.g., Frith 1986) appears to be inevitable in the Established standards of defining and identifying literacy courses targeting functional illiterate functional illiteracy would be essential for scientific individuals. studies, however, the great variety of terms and The finding of phonological processing deficits in definitions among disciplines and societies makes it functional illiterate individuals is supported by brain hard to compare their results. Regarding terms, low research (see Huettig et al. 2018, for a review). In a literate seems to prevail over the term functional Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) study (Boltzmann illiterate (e.g., Grotlu¨schen et al. 2019), however, as et al. 2017), relative to non-impaired readers, German the latter term describes more specific the group of our functional illiterate individuals showed reduced grey interest, we will use it throughout the article. Regard- matter in reading-relevant temporo-parietal brain ing definition, at least, there is some agreement (see areas, known to be involved in the phonological Va´gvo¨lgyi, 2018) that functional illiterate individuals analysis of words and in alphabetic reading and are adults who—despite at least a few years of writing (- conversion) during liter- education—do not possess a minimum literacy level acy acquisition (e.g., Pugh et al. 2000). Interestingly, required for adequate participation in their respective these structural differences were no longer evident society. For the present study, we will use this broad after functional illiterate individuals attended the nine- definition. month intensive literacy course with a strong phono- logical component (systematic teaching of the sound Behavioral and cognitive profiles associated structure and grapheme-phoneme correspondences) with functional illiteracy (AlphaPlus; Ru¨sseler et al. 2012). Given that people who are primarily illiterate (i.e., In functional illiteracy research, among the cognitive people who have never attended formal education or precursors of literacy acquisition, phonological pro- schooling) show poor phonological skills (Dehaene cessing has received the biggest attention. Functional et al. 2010), it might be the case that these deficits are illiterate individuals have lower performance in cause or consequence of reduced and suboptimal phonological processing and decoding tasks than reading experience. This question is hitherto open (see literate adults and reading-level matched children, on Huettig et al. 2018, for a review). both transparent (German: Grosche 2012; Grosche and The whole pattern of deficits in phonological Gru¨nke 2011) and opaque (English and processing and decoding is also found in children French, respectively: Eme et al. 2014; Thompkins and with developmental dyslexia (Hulme and Snowling Binder 2003). It was found that the reading and 2009; Klatte et al. 2013; Swanson and Hsieh 2009) and performance of functional illiterate individ- is seen, by a number of authors, as representing the uals can be better predicted by their performance in universal cause for problems in learning to read and tasks than by the number of write (e.g., Snowling 2001). Therefore, a further completed school years (Landgraf et al. 2012), their explanation for functional illiteracy could be an knowledge, or their oral language com- undiagnosed or untreated developmental dyslexia in prehension skills (Eme et al. 2014). Some results (e.g., childhood (e.g., Greenberg et al. 1997). Greenberg et al. 2002) suggest that functional illiterate individuals compensate for their phonological pro- The overlap between functional illiteracy cessing and decoding deficits by focusing on ortho- and developmental dyslexia graphic strategies (direct recognition of frequent words without alphabetic decoding, directly from the Besides the already mentioned phonological process- orthographic lexicon; cf. Coltheart 2005) and on ing and decoding deficits, experimental and neuropsy- context (Binder et al. 2007). However, this can be only chological studies suggest, however, that further 123 J Cult Cogn Sci deficits may contribute to problems in learning to read include both functional illiterate and developmental and write as well, such as deficits dyslexic groups. Our research question is: What are (e.g., Becker et al. 2005; Lovegrove et al. 1986; see the similarities and differences between functional Stein 2018a, b, for a review), basic auditory (Christ- illiteracy and developmental dyslexia? Although, mann et al. 2015; Witton and Talcott 2018)or having a very broad research question, without any temporal processing deficits (Groth et al. 2011; restriction (e.g., for specific outcome measures), we Steinbrink et al. 2012; Tallal 1980; see Farmer and assume to find only a small number of studies Klein 1995 or Stein 2018a, b, for a review) or an systematically comparing functional illiteracy and automatization deficit (Nicolson and Fawcett developmental dyslexia. 2018, 1990), and that there are subgroups of develop- mental dyslexia regarding the pattern of underlying deficits (Heim et al. 2008; Lachmann et al. 2005; Methods Ramus et al. 2003; Steinbrink et al. 2014). Several of these deficits were also found in functional illiterate To ensure the high standards of reporting, the individuals, which led to the suggestion that develop- PRISMA guidelines (Moher et al. 2009) have been mental dyslexia might be a possible cause for func- followed throughout our systematic review. The tional illiteracy (see Va´gvo¨lgyi et al. 2016, for a review protocol was submitted in November 2019 review). with the International Prospective Register of Sys- The Functional Coordination framework of reading tematic Reviews (PROSPERO: CRD42020156766, acquisition (Lachmann 2002, 2018) could account for Lachmann et al. 2020). both developmental dyslexia and functional illiteracy (Bulajic´ et al. 2019). According to this model, reading Eligibility criteria acquisition develops along four stages. The learner recruits preexisting functions (e.g., phonological Here, we aim to identify all available studies including skills, grapheme awareness), a reading-specific pro- both functional illiterate (i.e., low literate) and devel- cedure is built through optimal modification and fine- opmental dyslexic populations. The functional illiter- tuned coordination of skills and strategies, and this is ate target population was defined as adults (i.e., automatized through years of practice to become a between 16 and 65 years old), with some years of cognitive skill (Van Leeuwen and Lachmann 2004). education (i.e., attended school to learn to read and Thus, individuals who are functionally illiterate may write), and with low literacy skills (i.e., lower level not have properly completed the coordination stage than would be expected from the general population). and/or failed to reach the automatization of the reading Therefore, those below 16 years of age and primary procedure (Nicolson and Fawcett 1990, 2018), which illiterate (who never attended school) were not would hinder text comprehension, as they would need included as functional illiterate. The developmental to invest most of their available cognitive resources in dyslexic target population was defined as those decoding, i.e., reading words (Bulajic´ et al. 2019). (children or adults) with either a clinical diagnosis by professionals or identified retrospectively based on Research question and assumptions related symptoms or received diagnosis in childhood (self-report). Thus, we also excluded studies that Even though developmental dyslexia has been con- included participants with general cognitive impair- sidered for decades a possible cause of functional ments (i.e., IQ below 70; limited to studies in which a illiteracy in adulthood (e.g., Greenberg et al. 1997), professional performed the assessment for dyslexia). studies were focusing mostly on the prevalence of All studies included were published in English or developmental dyslexia among the low literate pop- German without restrictions of publication year. To ulation but less on the commonalities in their cognitive eliminate publication biases and increase the number profiles. Empirical studies assessing both groups of potentially relevant papers, unpublished (‘‘grey’’) simultaneously are lacking. In the present systematic literature with original quantitative data was also review, we aim to collect, summarize and evaluate considered (Table 1). available studies (including ‘‘grey’’ literature) that 123 J Cult Cogn Sci

Table 1 List of eligibility criteria Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Population Functional Individuals between 16 and 65 years old with some Children (below 16 years old) and primary illiterates, illiterate years of education in childhood, adolescence or i.e., adults (16–65 years old) without any formal population adulthood and with low literacy skills education Developmental Individuals (children, adolescence and adults) with Individuals with an IQ below 70 (restricted only to dyslexic clinical diagnosis or self-report of developmental those studies where a professional carried out the population dyslexia assessment for dyslexia) Publication type Published articles, dissertations, reports/book Reviews, comments, editorials, manuals, guidelines, chapters with original quantitative data qualitative studies Publication English, German Other language

Search strategy Screening

We followed a broad search strategy due to the After removing duplicates, search results were heterogeneity of terms and definitions, as well as our screened in three phases. Phase 1: in a pre-screening, assumption about the scarce research, which directly studies from irrelevant publication types were identi- or indirectly investigated the link between functional fied and excluded based on their titles; these included illiteracy and developmental dyslexia. The studies bibliographies, collections of abstracts, reviews, meta- were collected from nine bibliographic databases on analyses, comments, commentaries, manuals, and November 25th 2019: Dimensions, ERIC, JSTOR, guidelines. Phase 2: each record was reviewed by Open Grey, ProQuest, PubMed, PubPsych, Scopus, two out of a total of five independent coders, whom, and Web of Science. Moreover, to detect unpublished based on the titles and abstracts, decided whether a papers, two queries were circulated (in the German record fulfilled all inclusion criteria (‘‘maybe’’ or scientific community: Educational and Developmen- ‘‘yes’’, i.e., requires full-text screening) or whether it tal Psychology Sections of the German Psychological met at least one of the exclusion criteria (‘‘no’’, i.e., Society, and in the international scientific community: exclusion). Phase 3: two independent coders reviewed Society for the Cognitive Science of Culture). the full text of the remaining records. They decided The search terms were divided into two sets whether the full text fulfilled all inclusion criteria. In connected with the AND-operator: functional illiter- Phase 2 and 3, coders documented the reason for acy and developmental dyslexia, respectively. As exclusion, discussed disagreements and made resolu- aforementioned, standards to define people with tions by consensus. functional illiteracy have not yet been established and terms are used differently among disciplines and Quality assessment societies: in Europe, the terms ‘‘functional illiterate’’ and ‘‘low literate’’ are used, while in the US the terms The methodological quality of the studies surviving ‘‘adult basic education student’’ or ‘‘adult literacy the screening procedure was assessed. For quality student’’ are most common. Given this heterogeneity, assessment of the studies, the Quality Assessment a wide range of search terms has been collected to Tool for Reviewing Studies with Diverse Design describe the functional illiterate population. The (QATSDD, Sirriyeh et al. 2012) was identified by the search terms were adjusted to the requirements and authors as fitting best to the experimental and corre- specifications of the databases, as presented in Table 2. lational study designs typically used in the field of literacy research. The 16-item rating system was developed for assessing the reporting and method- ological quality of heterogeneous study designs

123 J Cult Cogn Sci

Table 2 List of search terms applied on titles and abstracts English German

Functional Illitera* OR analphabet* OR ‘‘functional *litera*’’ OR Analphabet* OR grundbildung OR erwachsenenbildung illiteracy ‘‘semi-*litera*’’ OR ‘‘late-literate*’’ OR ‘‘ex- OR alphabetis* OR literalita¨t OR ‘‘gering litera*’’ *literate*’’ OR ‘‘quasi-*litera*’’ OR ‘‘partial *litera*’’ OR ‘‘adult basic education’’ OR ‘‘adult litera*’’ OR ‘‘low litera*’’ OR ‘‘poor litera*’’ OR ‘‘poor read*’’ Developmental Dyslexi* OR dyslectic* OR ‘‘learning disab*’’ OR Legasthen* OR dyslexi* OR dyslektiker OR dyslexia ‘‘learning disorder’’ OR ‘‘reading disorder’’ OR lernbehinderung* OR lernschwa¨che* OR lernsto¨rung* ‘‘reading disab*’’ OR ‘‘reading difficult*’’ OR OR lernschwierigkeit* OR ‘‘lese-rechtschreib*’’ OR ‘‘spelling disab*’’ OR ‘‘spelling disorder’’ OR ‘‘gering* lese-rechtschreibleistung*’’ OR ‘‘schwach* ‘‘spelling difficult*’’ lese-rechtschreibleistung*’’ OR leseschw* OR lesesto¨r* OR lesedeficit OR ‘‘schwach* lese*’’ OR ‘‘gering* lese*’’ OR ‘‘unterdurchschnittlich* lese*’’ OR rechtschreibsto¨rung* OR rechtschreibschw* OR ‘‘schwach* rechtschreib*’’ OR ‘‘gering* rechtschreib*’’ OR ‘‘unterdurchschnittlich* rechtschreib*’’

(qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods). Two fitting to our research question and criteria (agreement independent coders assessed the quality of the eligible between coders in Phase 3 = 95.35%, Cohen’s papers using the QATSDD. Discrepancies were dis- j = 0.83). Given that one record (Ru¨sseler et al. cussed and resolved by consensus. 2011) was part of a dissertation published later (Boltzmann 2014), this dissertation was not consid- ered as a separate record. In total, five papers were Results eligible for synthesis, data extraction (Fig. 1, Tables 3, 4) and quality assessment. Results of the search Narrative synthesis of the studies From the initially identified 9269 hits (databases and queries), 2170 records were removed because of The five studies were selected turned out to be duplication. From the remaining records, 1397 were heterogeneous. It is clear that in what regards the excluded because of the publication type (Phase 1). definition and terminology adopted, there is no The abstracts and titles of the remaining 5702 studies agreement. Our definition of functional illiterate were screened by two independent coders (Phase 2). included all adults without the necessary literacy The 43 studies selected (agreement between the coders skills expected from the general population, despite a in Phase 2 = 96.84%) were read in full and were few years of education, no matter when in their screened by two independent coders (Phase 3). Among lifetime they received this (literacy) education. This them, 37 studies were excluded. Two of them (Tal applies for at least one sample in all of the five eligible et al. 1994; Mellard and Patterson 2008) were studies. Note, however, that our definition might not discussed more intensively because they did include be consensual among the studies included in the quantitative data and both groups of interest. How- present work. Those four studies in which the term ever, the functional illiterate sample in Tal et al. ‘‘functional illiteracy’’ was not adopted, may not agree (1994) included adults and children (the latter was an with this terminology, in particular, if literacy instruc- exclusion criterion) without disentangling both groups tion was held during adulthood. We, therefore, and Mellard and Patterson (2008) did not provide the summarize the five studies in two subsections, absolute level of reading and writing skills of the considering whether literacy instruction occurred in participants. Therefore, these studies were not con- childhood (Table 3) or in adulthood (Table 4). The sidered further. Finally, six studies were identified as summaries are following the same structure: first, the 123 J Cult Cogn Sci

Fig. 1 Flowchart of the systematic literature search and selection process goal of the study with the necessary background Germany) and two groups of skilled readers, one (3) information is described; second, the samples are matched in age, the other (4) matched in both age- and listed with a special stress on the groups identified as IQ to the functional illiterate groups, and (5) a group of functional illiterate and developmental dyslexic; then, primary school children previously diagnosed with the experimental tasks are reported detailed enough to developmental dyslexia matched in reading level to facilitate the comprehension of the results; fourth, the the functional illiterate individuals. Information on main results are explained and finally, an implication recruitment and selection criteria for participants’ is provided, whether the constructs share or do not inclusion was not provided. The groups of functional share difficulties, indicating similarities or illiterate and skilled readers differed on average in differences. reading performance (i.e., decoding and reading speed). Perceptual skills were examined with the Functional illiterate individuals with education BrainBoyÒ computerized test, which consists of 8 in childhood visual and auditory judgment and discrimination tasks. Functional illiterate adults and children with develop- Ru¨sseler et al. (2011) examined visual and auditory mental dyslexia did not significantly differ from each perceptual skills of functional illiterate adults in order other in any task and they performed significantly to investigate whether their performance (and putative worse than the two groups of literate adults. Ru¨sseler deficits) would be similar to those found in children et al. (2011) concluded that given the similar perfor- with developmental dyslexia. With this aim, they mance between functional illiterate individuals and examined five groups: (1–2) two groups of functional children with developmental dyslexia, perceptual illiterate adults having German as their first language training might be beneficial for functional illiterate (recruited from adult basic education courses in individuals as it was previously reported for

123 utCg Sci Cogn Cult J Table 3 Summary of the studies including functional illiterate groups with education in childhood Source Topic/research Sample characteristics Tasks Key findings questions Functional illiterate Group with Other groups (FI) group developmental dyslexia (DD)

Ru¨sseler et al. Perceptual skills/ Functional illiterate Children with Literate adults matched in Brain-Boy: In contrast to literate adults, FI adults (2011) whether similar to adults (EG1) dyslexia age and IQ to EG1 1. Temporal order and DD children have similar Germany children with Criteria: no clear matched in N = 30 (11 male) judgment, visual perceptual deficits in the auditory dyslexia; functional reading-level to and visual domain Published in a criteria described Age: M = 38.7 years, 2. Temporal order illiterate adults also EG1 and EG2 volume of the N = 30 (18 male) SD = 9.7 years judgment, auditory have an underlying project Criteria: previous perceptual deficit Age: M = 38.6 years, IQ: M = 93.7, SD = 8.2 3. Auditory direction executing diagnosis SD = 9.5 years Literate adults matched in judgment organization N = 30 (15 male) IQ: M = 92.8, age to EG2 4. Pitch Age: M = 10.2 SD = 7.1 N = 30 (12 male) discrimination years, SD = 1.8 Functional illiterate 5. Auditory-motor years Age: M = 42.8 years, adults (EG2) SD = 11.5 years coordination IQ: not available Criteria: no clear IQ: M = 114.2, SD = 9.3 6. Choice reaction criteria described task N = 30 (23 male) 7. Auditory Age: M = 43.3 years, frequency-pattern SD = 9.7 years discrimination IQ: M = 83.3, 8. Auditory duration- SD = 6.3 pattern discrimination Flint and Pammer Magno-dorsal Semi-literate readers Dyslexic readers Illiterate readers Random dot Intact magno-dorsal and ventral (2018) pathway / whether Criteria: could read Criteria: Self- N = 10 (6 male) kinematograms with processing has been found in FI the impaired coherent motion and and normal readers but a Australia, Papua simple sentences, but identified Age: M = 24.5 years, magno-dorsal coherent form magno/dorsal deficit with a causal New Guinea could not decode dyslexics who SD = 3.2 years processing is a stimuli (motion and relation in DD Published in the complex words or were also cause of failing to Schooling: 0 year form detection task) journal Dyslexia sentences (FMRAA) diagnosed with learn to read or a Normal readers (Exp. 1), modified (Wiley) N = 10 (4 male) dyslexia a consequence of it in binary search task trained N = 10 (5 male) Age: M = 24.5 years, people with professional with frequency- dyslexia SD = 3.8 years Age: M = 22.5 years, doubled and fixed N = 10 (6 male) SD = 4.1 years Schooling: 2–5 years gratings (Exp. 2) Age: M = 21.75 Schooling: 13? years years,

123 SD = 0.093 years Schooling: 13? years 123 Table 3 continued Source Topic/research Sample characteristics Tasks Key findings questions Functional illiterate Group with Other groups (FI) group developmental dyslexia (DD)

Mahe´ et al. (2013) N170 print tuning/ Adult poor readers Adults with Age matched (literate) Lexical decision task The literate controls responded faster France whether the Criteria: selected from developmental controls with word-like (high than FI adults, who reacted faster impaired N170 dyslexia and low frequency than adults with DD. All groups Published in the those participants N = 14 (6 male) response is specific words, responded slower to non-words journal Brain whose reading skills Criteria: Age: M = 25.5 years, to dyslexia or is the pseudowords, compared to all the other stimuli. and Language matched those of the diagnosed by a SD = 4.3 years result of poor DD group speech therapist consonant strings) This difference was greater in (Elsevier) College studies: M = 1.8 reading skills in (L’Alouette, during and non-verbal adults with DD compared to both years, SD = 2.0 years general Phonological childhood, no stimuli (symbol FIs and literate controls. Regarding Assessment Battery) other IQ (centile raw): M = 85.4, strings) the N170 print tuning, literate SD = 13.1 controls and FIs both showed a N = 12 (5 male) developmental learning larger N170 response to verbal Age: M = 23.3 years, disorders or compared to nonverbal stimuli (no SD = 5.1 years ADHD difference), while in the group with College studies: DD no difference was found, N = 12 (5 male) M = 1.6 years, indicating that impaired N170 print SD = 1.7 years Age: M = 27.7 tuning is a specific deficit of DD years, SD = 6.8 IQ (centile raw): years M = 82.9, SD = 19.1 College studies: M = 1.6 years, SD = 2.3 years IQ (centile raw): M = 81.7, SD = 11.3 utCg Sci Cogn Cult J utCg Sci Cogn Cult J Table 4 Summary of the studies including functional illiterate groups with education in adulthood Source Topic/research Sample characteristics Tasks Key findings questions Functional Group with developmental Other groups illiterate (FI) group dyslexia (DD)

Jime´nez et al. Phonological processes/ Low literacy adults Reading disabled children Normal reading children matched in age Phonological Both FI adults and DD (2010) whether low literate Criteria: attended Criteria: percentile with the reading disabled readers awareness children showed Spain adults and children adult literacy score \ 25 on a N = 41 (20 male) tasks: deficits in with dyslexia acquire courses but did pseudoword test, read Isolation phonological Published in the literacy skills Age: M = 9.7 years, SD = 0.5 years awareness in journal Reading not demonstrate words at the level of second Segmentation differently in an the level of the graders (PROLEC) Normal reading children matched in comparison to two and Writing orthographically reading level (PROLEC) with low Deletion control groups with (Springer) proficiency N = 29 (19 male) transparent language enough for the literacy adults and reading disabled Blending typical reading skills. certificate Age: M = 9.8 years, readers However, regardless attainment SD = 0.5 years N = 27 (13 male) of the complexity of the syllable structure, N = 53 (0 male) Age: M = 7.6 years, SD = 0.4 years the performance of FI Age: M = 52.6 adults was worse in years, SD = 14.7 the deletion task years compared to the Schooling: no children with DD and schooling in the reading-level childhood matched children; they share atypical reading processes Fernandes et al. Letter processing/ Ex-illiterates Children with dyslexia Age and IQ matched children Same-different Literates and FI show (2014) whether letters and Criteria: the Criteria: a previous diagnosis N = 18 (7 male) matching the same letter- non-letters are task with specific processing Portugal completion of the of developmental dyslexia Age: M = 10.07 years, SD = 1.10 years processed differently fourth level of with no co-morbid letter and (letters and pseudo- Published in the by children with Schooling: M = 4 years, SD = 0.9 years pseudo-letter letters are processed journal literacy disorders, reading level on dyslexia compared to the B 10th percentile of the IQ (percentile): 79.7, SD = 16.0 stimuli by different systems), Developmental matched control N = 13 (4 male) surrounded while DD has an Science age/grade norms (Lobrot Reading-level matched children groups; whether the Age: M = 48 years, L3) by congruent anomalous letter (Wiley) letter and written SD = 16.0 years N = 18 (9 male) and processing N = 18 (10 male) word learning is Schooling: no Age: M = 8.02 years, SD = 0.11 years incongruent responsible for the Age: M = 10.05 years, contours schooling in Schooling: M = 2 years, SD = 0.9 years development of letter childhood SD = 0.10 years specialized system Schooling: M = 4 years, IQ (percentile): 80.3, SD = 17.5 SD = 0.8 years Illiterates IQ (percentile): 72.8, N = 15 (5 male) SD = 16.3 Age: M = 58 years, SD = 15.3 years Literates

123 N = 13 (4 male) Age: M = 56 years, SD = 13.3 years Schooling: M = 8 years, SD = 3.3 years J Cult Cogn Sci developmental dyslexia (Tewes and Steffen 2003). developmental dyslexia. Therefore, Mahe´ et al. (2013) Regarding our research question, this pattern of results examined three groups of native French speaking suggests that developmental dyslexia and functional adults: (1) With former clinical diagnosis of develop- illiteracy might share perceptual deficits. mental dyslexia, without comorbidity, (2) reading- Several studies have shown that adults with devel- level matched functional illiterate individuals (termed opmental dyslexia have poor performance in tasks as poor reading adults), and (3) age-matched skilled underpinned by magno-dorsal pathway (e.g., Living- readers. When comparing the N170 induced by written stone et al. 1991; Lovegrove et al. 1986), leading to the material (words, non-words, consonant strings, and suggestion that this pathway plays a crucial role in symbol strings, across categories) during a lexical reading acquisition and developmental dyslexia (see, decision task (i.e., participants must decide if the Stein 2018a, b, for a review). On that basis, Flint and stimulus is a word or not) with that induced by symbol Pammer (2018) investigated whether the magno- (non-letter) strings, skilled readers and functional dorsal function is causally related to or a consequence illiterate individuals differed from each other and of the reading disorder. In two experiments the showed a larger N170 for written material than for following groups of participants were examined: (1) symbol strings. Whereas dyslexic adults did not show adults with former clinical diagnoses of developmen- any N170 difference between written material and tal dyslexia, (2) illiterate readers, who were not able to non-letter symbols. Validating the classification of the identify even single letters, (3) functional illiterate three groups, skilled readers showed faster lexical individuals (termed as semi-literate readers), who decisions than functional illiterate individuals, which could read simple sentences but could not decode in turn, were faster than adults with developmental complex words or sentences, and (4) skilled readers. dyslexia. In all groups, the reaction times for non- The researchers adopted two tasks underpinned by words were longer, compared to all the other stimuli, magno-dorsal functioning: random dot kine- but dyslexic adults showed a greater difference than matograms with either coherent motion or coherent the other two groups. From these results, impaired form stimuli, and a binary search task with either N170 print tuning seems to be an electrophysiological frequency-doubled or fixed gratings. Adults with correlate of a deficit specific in developmental developmental dyslexia performed significantly worse dyslexia and not a mere reflection of low reading in motion detection and were less sensitive to the skills. Again, regarding to our research question, it frequency-doubled gratings than all other three seems that for neural tuning to print, adults with groups. This pattern of results, where dyslexic readers functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia do differ even from the adults without any reading skills, not show a common impairment in the electroen- suggests that magno-dorsal processing deficits are cephalography N170 print-tuning component. causally related with developmental dyslexia and are not just consequence of low reading skills. Moreover, Functional illiterate individuals with education the groups did not differ on form detection and in adulthood sensitivity to fixed gratings, which are related with ventral visual processing. Regarding to our research As aforementioned, it is well known that reading skills question, it is clear that in magno-dorsal processing, are intrinsically related with phonological processing dyslexic and functional illiterate individuals do not (e.g., Greenberg et al. 1997). Therefore, Jime´nez et al. have this deficit in common. (2010) aimed to examine the phonological awareness Another line of research regards the reading- skills of low literate and matched groups, namely (1) specific N170 event related potential (ERP) for written functional illiterate individuals (termed as low literacy words (in comparison to non-orthographic stimuli; for adults) recruited from an adult basic education center, a review see Maurer and McCandliss 2007), which is (2) primary school children with developmental known to be associated with visual expertise for print dyslexia (termed as children with reading disabilities) (Maurer et al. 2005). A persistent deficit in left N170 performing below Percentile 25 in word and pseu- print tuning has been found in developmental dyslexia doword reading at the level of Grade 2, and two groups (Mahe´ et al. 2012), however, it was not clear whether it of primary school children with typical reading skills, is the result of poor reading skills or is specific to one (3) matched in age with the group of 123 J Cult Cogn Sci developmental dyslexia, and one (4) matched in reading level below Percentile 10 for their grade/age in reading-level with the functional illiterate and dys- a silent reading comprehension test, TIL: Sucena and lexic groups. Phonological awareness was assessed Castro 2008), recruited from the Dyslexia Unit of a with four tasks using items with different complexity Portuguese university, (2) age and (3) reading-level in syllable structure: isolation, deletion, segmentation, matched control children, (4) illiterate adults (without and blending (Jime´nez 1995). The performance of literacy instruction), (5) functional illiterate individu- functional illiterate adults and children with develop- als (termed as ex-illiterate), who completed the final mental dyslexia was lower compared to the two groups level of an alphabetization course and (6) schooled of typical readers. Regardless of complexity in the literate adults. All participants were native Portuguese syllable structure, functional illiterate adults were speakers and the adult groups were matched in age, worse in phoneme deletion than children with devel- sex, socioeconomic, cultural, and residential back- opmental dyslexia and the reading-level controls. grounds. All, except children with developmental Thus, both the functional illiterate adults and the dyslexia showed a differential congruency effect in a children with developmental dyslexia showed weak same-different classification task: present for non- performance in phonological awareness, which were letters, absent for letters. Children with developmental possibly related with their difficulties in reading dyslexia showed similar congruency effects for letters acquisition. Note that, although the reading skills of and non-letters, thus differing even from reading-level functional illiterate adults was matched with one of the matched controls. Note, however, that the locus of the typical reading group, former still showed poor congruency effect found for letters and for non-letters phonological awareness, suggesting that their results by children with developmental dyslexia differed: are not mere consequence of their (low) reading skills. whereas the non-letter congruency effect was pre- Regarding our research question, this pattern of results dicted by visuospatial abilities, the letter congruency suggests that developmental dyslexia and functional effect depended on phonological recoding. This illiteracy share difficulties in phonological awareness. pattern of results suggests that children with develop- Previous studies have examined the susceptibility mental dyslexia do have a deficit in letter processing, of single letter and non-letter items to surrounding whose locus is phonological. Regarding our research form-congruent or form-incongruent non-target flan- question, this pattern of results suggests that develop- ker (cf. Van Leeuwen and Lachmann 2004) and mental dyslexia and functional illiteracy do not share showed that adult typical readers (Lachmann and van deficits in single letter processing. Leeuwen 2008a), primary school children, and chil- Due to the methodological heterogeneity of these dren with developmental dyslexia (Lachmann and van studies (see Tables 3, 4), a meta-analysis of the Leeuwen 2008b) show similar congruency effects for available data was not possible. Therefore, in the non-letters (i.e., faster and/or more accurate target following sections, a qualitative synthesis is provided recognition, when it is surrounded by a congruent than concerning two parameters: (a) definitions, terminol- an incongruent shape). However, these groups do ogy and criteria for inclusion, and (b) research focus differ on congruency effects found for letters, which and outcome measures. depend on phonological decoding skills (non-word reading). Moreover, primary illiterate adults did not Definitions, terminology and criteria for inclusion show differences in the congruency effects found for letter and non-letter targets (Lachmann et al. 2012). In The definitions and terminologies of functional illit- order to examine the putative relationship between eracy and criteria for inclusion in a sample are not letter processing (relative to non-letter visual-control consistent between studies. Regarding definition and symbols) and developmental dyslexia, and directly terminology, all the considered articles used different compare congruency effects for surrounded letters terms for the group, defined here as functional between groups and individuals with different reading illiterate individuals (see Tables 3, 4). For samples skills, Fernandes et al. (2014) examined the letter vs. including adults who attended education in childhood, non-letter congruency effects by (1) children with the terms functional illiterate adults (Ru¨sseler et al. developmental dyslexia (with a former diagnosis of 2011), semi-literate readers (Flint and Pammer 2018) developmental dyslexia without comorbidity and with and adult poor readers (Mahe´ et al. 2013) were used. 123 J Cult Cogn Sci

For those functional illiterate individuals who Research focus and outcome measures acquired literacy skills outside regular schooling in adulthood, who had no access to education in child- The studies either focused on a possible shared causal hood, the terms low literacy adults (Jime´nez’s et al. deficit at the biological level between the groups (Flint 2010) and ex-illiterates (Fernandes et al. 2014) were and Pammer 2018; Mahe´ et al. 2013), or they used. examined information processing, either low level Regarding the inclusion of the participants, Ru¨sse- perception (Ru¨sseler et al. 2011) or cognitive perfor- ler et al. (2011) and Mahe´ et al. (2013) did not report mance in the groups (Fernandes et al. 2014; Jime´nez strict ad hoc criteria, but both matched their samples et al. 2010). The outcomes from different perceptual based either on age and/or IQ, or on reading level, and cognitive skills were measured in the studies by respectively. Besides these matching variables, Jime´- using different methods. In two of the studies (Jime´nez nez et al. (2010) and Fernandes et al. (2014) addition- et al. 2010;Ru¨sseler et al. 2011) the outcome measures ally used proficiency levels for adult literacy courses, relevant for the research questions come from stan- not described in detail. In Jime´nez et al. (2010), the dardized tests, while for the other three studies functional illiterate individuals failed to achieve a (Fernandes et al. 2014; Flint and Pammer 2018; Mahe´ certificate for the successful completion of an adult et al. 2013) experiments were designed and applied. literacy course, while in Fernandes et al. (2014) the Ru¨sseler et al. (2011) applied a large variety of low- completion of the 4th level of literacy was used as level perceptual tasks, such as visual and auditory inclusion criterion. Instead of applying matching temporal order judgment, auditory direction judg- variables, Flint and Pammer (2018) included adults ment, auditory discrimination (pitch, duration and who could read simple sentences but could not decode frequency) and auditory-motor coordination. Three complex words or sentences in the functional illiterate studies used verbal stimuli: Fernandes et al. (2014)ina group. Note, however, that these participants in this same-different matching task with letters and pseudo- study attended school in childhood in Papua New letters, Mahe´ et al. (2013) in a lexical decision task Guinea. There, the average years of schooling (2010: with word-like and non-verbal stimuli and Jime´nez 4.26 years, Barro and Lee 2013) and the literacy rate et al. (2010) in isolation, segmentation, deletion and (2010: 61.6%, UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2019) blending tasks. Flint and Pammer (2018) used visual are both considerably lower than in the countries in motion and form detection, and binary search tasks. which the other studies recruited their participants. The definitions, terminologies, and inclusion crite- Results of the quality evaluation ria adopted for developmental dyslexia are more consistent across studies than those for functional In order to evaluate the quality of methods and of illiteracy. Four articles were consistent in adopting the reporting, we followed the recommendation by Sir- term dyslexia or developmental dyslexia. These relied riyeh et al. (2012) for quantitative studies, to use 14 out on a diagnosis either in childhood (Fernandes et al. of the total of 16 items of the QATSDD. Some items 2014; Mahe´ et al. 2013;Ru¨sseler et al. 2011)orin had to be adapted to the typical design of the selected adulthood (Flint and Pammer 2018). Only one study studies, such as the item about relevance of recruit- (Jime´nez et al. 2010) applied the term reading ment information (lab studies vs. data collection in disabled children, which was defined as those who Papua New Guinea, or about the reliability and reached a Percentile score lower than 25 on a validity of the tools and user involvement: normed pseudoword reading task and performed at the level tests vs. experimental tasks). of Grade 2 on a word reading test. The evaluation of the five studies resulted in scores Even though we identified consistency between the between 59.5 and 76.2% (Table 5). In our view, a studies regarding developmental dyslexia, we found meaningful comparison of the studies based on their great heterogeneity with respect to the groups with evaluation score is problematic, because the quality of functional illiteracy, which makes it hard to system- reporting depends substantially on the scientific field atically compare the results of the studies. and on the journal in which the article was published (e.g., journals with limited length). Thus, if the authors’ argumentation was revealed to be not detailed 123 J Cult Cogn Sci

Table 5 Results of the QATSDD overall score (%) Agreement between the coders quality assessment and agreement between the Percent agreement Weighted j coders Ru¨sseler et al. (2011) 64.23 78.57 0.835 Flint and Pammer (2018) 71.43 71.43 0.745 Mahe´ et al. (2013) 59.52 78.57 0.783 Jime´nez et al. (2010) 76.19 64.29 0.622 Fernandes et al. (2014) 69.05 64.29 0.608 enough according to the QATSDD scale, it could still in different countries with different orthographic be appropriate and well received as typical in the field. systems, they used different definitions and terminol- For instance, in psychology, it is not common to give ogy for the group we termed here as functional detailed descriptions of standardized tests, since these illiterates, and they used different criteria for inclusion are well known in the community and when published of individuals to this group. are cited and hence detailed information is available elsewhere. However, according to the QATSDD scale, Similarities and differences between functional this information is expected. Moreover, although all illiteracy and developmental dyslexia five studies are dealing with quantitative data, they varied greatly concerning their research questions, Given the heterogeneity across studies in respect to the applied methods, and outcome measures. These dif- group of functional illiterate individuals, conclusions ferences do not allow a meaningful comparison about similarities and differences between functional between the QATSDD scores. illiterate individuals and people with developmental dyslexia must be drawn with caution. On the one hand, the comparison in low level perception revealed Discussion similarities between the functional illiterate and developmental dyslexic groups, while both performed The present systematic review aimed at identifying worse than skilled readers (Ru¨sseler et al. 2011). This and summarizing the available evidence investigating pattern was also found for phonological awareness the possible connection and overlap between func- skills (Jime´nez et al. 2010). Although the overall tional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia. The performance of the two groups of our interest was search strategy and eligibility criteria were chosen comparable and only differed in phoneme deletion based on the assumption that only a limited number of (functional illiterate individuals achieved lower), both outcomes would result. Therefore, we used a more groups were characterized by low phonological sensitive search strategy, i.e., a broad question, a large awareness and possible phonological impairments. number of search terms in two languages, only few and Please note, however, when referring to similarities more liberal criteria (no restrictions on, e.g., study between the groups in the case of Ru¨sseler et al. (2011) designs, outcome measures, publication year, or study and Jime´nez et al. (2010), these similarities indicate quality), in order to decrease the risk of missing that the studies failed to find differences between their records. The search strategy was developed and difficulties (see effect size calculations in Supplemen- eligibility criteria were chosen in close collaboration tary Tables 1–6). Although the groups with functional with a group of four international experts from the illiterate and dyslexic individuals performed signifi- field (see: ‘‘Acknowledgements’’). cantly weaker than the skilled reading control groups, The comprehensive search resulted in only five in order to find out whether their difficulties are indeed eligible studies, indicating that scientific work on the same, stronger statistical analyses are needed. systematically investigating the similarities between Whether non-significant differences reflect similarity, functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia is rather than low statistical power or sampling error rare. Moreover, the identified studies were conducted cannot be firmly defined (see, e.g., Dienes 2014).

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On the other hand, the other three articles (Fernan- there are not only commonalities, but there are also des et al. 2014; Flint and Pammer 2018; Mahe´ et al. substantial differences between them, especially 2013), instead of similarities, found significant differ- regarding reading-relevant basic information process- ences between functional illiterate individuals and ing (e.g., Fernandes et al. 2014; Mahe´ et al. 2013). participants with developmental dyslexia. Both exper- Although, on the surface, the groups seems to have iments by Flint and Pammer (2018) brought the same some similarities in their cognitive profile, it does not conclusion, i.e., a magno/dorsal impairment was mean that the mechanisms underlying their difficulties specifically found in people with developmental are actually comparable (see also the discussion about dyslexia, which was a likely cause of their reading the similarities and differences between developmen- disorder, whereas no deficit was found in functional tal and acquired dyslexia; Snowling et al. 1996). illiterate individuals. Mahe´ et al. (2013) revealed that Nonetheless, there are similarities in the two popula- functional illiterate participants perform better at the tions, they both seem to have comparable deficits in behavioral level compared to adults with develop- phonological awareness (Jime´nez et al. 2010) and low mental dyslexia. Moreover, at the biological level, level auditory and visual perception skills in comput- functional illiterate individuals’ N170 print tuning was erized tests (Ru¨sseler et al. 2011). From these results, more similar to skilled readers than to individuals with two aspects must be considered. First, given the major developmental dyslexia. This suggests that impaired impact of learning to read in other cognitive skills (for N170 specialization is a hallmark of developmental a review, see, Dehaene et al. 2015), it could be the case dyslexia, but not functional illiteracy. In the same that instead of a common locus, these deficits were vein, Fernandes et al. (2014) found that functional rather a reflection of the consequence that low reading illiterate individuals generally performed faster and skills would have on other cognitive domains (for a more accurate in their recognition task than children discussion, see, e.g., Huettig et al. 2018). Second, with developmental dyslexia did. They also showed a these similarities hold some promise on intervention similar processing distinction between letters and non- programs with functional illiterate individuals. For letters as skilled readers did, whereas children with children with developmental dyslexia, -based developmental dyslexia did not. interventions including auditory-phonological train- Taken together, the results of two studies suggest ing have been shown to be effective in fostering that individuals with functional illiteracy and with literacy skills (see Ehri et al. 2001; McArthur et al. developmental dyslexia may share certain common- 2018, for reviews, see also Suggate 2016), which alities in low level auditory and visual perception could also hold true for functional illiterate adults. If it (Ru¨sseler et al. 2011) and phonological awareness, or would, according to the Response to Intervention at least on some component of metaphonological approach, this would provide support for a shared processing (Jime´nez et al. 2010). However, regarding cause or shared consequences of low reading skills. several perceptual and cognitive functions, especially Regarding the training of isolated, basic, non-linguis- those related to reading and orthographic processing, tic auditory and visual processing, some studies found functional illiterate adults do differ from individuals transfer effects to literacy skills in dyslexic children with developmental dyslexia, more closely resembling (e.g., Kujala et al. 2001), whereas the majority of more typical readers. recent studies report no transfer (Ise et al. 2012; Koether et al. 2008). Regarding intervention, gener- ally a training of isolated perceptual or cognitive Conclusions and perspectives functions is not likely to led to a transfer (e.g., Galuschka and Schulte-Ko¨rne 2016). However, The current review could not fully answer how many including a training of basic perceptual functions in commonalities are shared between functional illiterate a modularized, complex literacy training for adults, individuals and people with developmental dyslexia. that also includes phonics-based reading and writing However, the present work is a first step in the instruction has been shown to be effective (Ru¨sseler systematic comparison of studies between these et al. 2013). groups. From the scarce research available which Systematically collecting and summarizing the has directly compared these two groups, it is clear that available studies that include both functional illiterate 123 J Cult Cogn Sci and developmental dyslexic groups could not answer Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by our straightforward research question satisfactorily. Projekt DEAL. This project was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Educational Research (BMBF 01GJ1801). There are not enough studies assessing both groups simultaneously and the existing ones are rather Availability of data and material Archiving is not mandated heterogeneous in many respects, making a systematic but data will be made available on reasonable request. comparison impossible. This gap needs to be closed by further and well-designed empirical studies. The Code availability Not applicable. following recommendations could be made to Compliance with ethical standards improve the quality and the comparability of these future studies. In order to avoid mixing functional Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the corre- illiteracy with other poor reading groups (e.g., who sponding author states that there is no conflict of interest. had no access to school in childhood, who are second Ethics approval Not applicable. language learners), studies should offer clear defini- tions of functional illiteracy and report what criteria Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Com- they used for sample inclusion. The description of the mons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sample should include, for instance, the level of formal sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any med- ium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the schooling, the socioeconomic background, the reading original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative level (expressed in grade equivalent score by a normed Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The assessment measuring reading accuracy, speed or images or other third party material in this article are included in comprehension), language acquisition (spoken lan- the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not guage in childhood, migration background) and pre- included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your viously diagnosed learning disabilities (including the intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds assessment of family history). In order to learn more the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly about the commonalities and differences between from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia, studies also need to match participants in reading level and age with the control groups to differentiate between cause and effect. As long as such studies References comparing both groups are not available, a promising approach would be to systematically collect and Ardila, A., Bertolucci, P. H., Braga, L. W., Castro-Caldas, A., summarize studies examining the functional illiterate Judd, T., Kosmidis, M. H., et al. (2010). Illiteracy: The group and then comparing the results narratively with neuropsychology of cognition without reading. Archives of studies testing the same functions in the developmen- Clinical Neuropsychology, 25(8), 689–712. https://doi.org/ 10.1093/arclin/acq079. tal dyslexia group (see Lachmann et al. 2020a). Bar-Kochva, I., Va´gvo¨lgyi, R., & Bulajic´, A. (2019). The abil- ities and deficits in reading and writing of low literate Acknowledgements This project was supported by the adults. In M. Schemmann (Ed.), Internationales Jahrbuch German Federal Ministry of Educational Research (BMBF der Erwachsenenbildung/International yearbook of adult 01GJ1801). Thanks are due to the members of the scientific education (pp. 81–100). Bielefeld: wbv. advisory board of this project, for their valuable contributions: Barnes, A. E., Kim, Y. S., Tighe, E. L., & Vorstius, C. (2017). Re´gine Kolinsky (Universite´ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), Readers in adult basic education: Component skills, eye Mary-Helen Kosmidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, movements, and fluency. Journal of Learning Disabilities, Greece), Claudia Ma¨hler (University of Hildesheim, Germany), 50(2), 180–194. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022219415 and Sven Nickel (University of Bremen, Germany). 609187. Barro, R. J., & Lee, J. W. (2013). A new data set of educational Author contributions All authors contributed to the design attainment in the world, 1950–2010. Journal of Develop- and implementation of the research. The screening and ment Economics, 104, 184–198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. evaluation procedure was implemented by RV, KB, AB, MK, jdeveco.2012.10.001. and TL. The manuscript was written by the first (RV) and the Becker, C., Elliott, M. A., & Lachmann, T. (2005). Evidence for senior (TL) author with support of KB, AB, MK. All others impaired visuoperceptual organisation in developmental authors contributed significantly. dyslexics and its relation to temporal processes. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22(22231608), 499–522. https://doi.org/ 10.1080/02643290442000086.

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