User's Guide to AMS-TEX Version 2.0 Contents 1. Overview Ought to Know

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User's Guide to AMS-TEX Version 2.0 Contents 1. Overview Ought to Know ser9s quide to ewEi ersion PFH tnury IWWH gontents IF yverview PF pormtting petures QF wthemtil gonstrutions RF ponts SF ymol xmes TF yther hings ou yught to unow UF qetting relp eppendixF mple filiogrphy snput nd yutput IF yverview ewEi is mro pkge for iD designed to simplify the input of mthE emtil mteril nd formt the output ording to preset style speitionsF elthough ewEi is opyright y the emerin wthemtil oietyD its use is not restritedD ut is enourged for the preprtion of mnusripts intended for pulition oth in the oiety9s ooks nd journlsD nd lso in other mthemtE il litertureF sn reognition of the opyrightD the oiety requests tht pulished douments prepred with ewEi inlude n knowledgment of its useF he suggested forms for knowledgments re given in the setion yther hings ou yught to unowF ersion PFH of ewEi ontins numerous minor improvements nd ug xesD s well s some mjor hnges involving dditionl fontsF his ser9s quide deE sries ll the new nd hnged fetures nd how to use themF opis re grouped y typeD nd then presented in roughly the sme order s they pper in he toy of iF his ser9s quide ssumes tht you lredy hve opy of he toy of iFst ontins referenes to spei pges tht proly won9t mke sense if you don9t hve opyF st lso ssumes tht you will e using the preprint styleD4 set of mros tht provides fetures spei to the formtting of doumentD suh s hedingsD pge numersD nd the likeF sf you re plnning to use the preprint styleD you will lso need to hve opy of ewponts ersion PFHF he toy of i nd ewponts PFH re ville from the emerin wthemtil oiety nd other distriutorsF ypeset y ewEi I P ser9s quide to ewEi ersion PFH piles omprising the ewEi ersion PFH pkge he following les re ontined in the ewEi ersion PFH pkge distriuted y ewX ewiFi the ewEi ersion PFH mros ewwFi mros dening the symols in fonts msm nd msm ewF the preprint style for ewEi ersion PFH ewFhyg tehnil doumenttion for ewF ewq shiFi the soure le for this ser9s quide tyiFi errt to he toy of i prior to ewEi ersion PFH he le ewFhyg is n sii leD nd is not intended to e proessed with iF his doumenttion le is rrnged in the sme order s the mro le tht it desriesD nd explins the intent nd mehnis of the mros in detilF e seprte le @ewiFhygAD doumenting the le ewiFiD is ville on requestF por instrutions on instlling the ewEi mros nd preprint styleD see the seprte snstlltion quide provided with the pkgeF qenerl desription of hnges ewEi PFHD the preprint styleD nd their tehnil doumenttion re the result of joint eort egun y wihel pivk nd extended y the gomposition ehnil upport group of the emerin wthemtil oietyF sn this new version of ewEiD the following hnges hve een instlledX @IA ell known ugs hve een elimintedF @PA wessges identifying the urrent versions of ewiFi nd ewF will e displyed on your terminl sreen nd in the log leF @QA ome error nd help messges hve een hnged for the ske of lrity or to provide more informtionF @RA enements hve een mde to onserve memory speF @SA he gw versions of the gomputer wodern fonts hve repled the ew versionsF @TA upport for dditionl fonts hs een ddedF @A ewiFi provides the mehnism for essing the iuler nd extr symol fonts of the ewponts olletionF @A he preprint style ssumes tht fonts msmD msmD nd eufm re instlled nd villeF @UA ghnges hve een mde to the preprint style to mke it onform more losely to the style of ew pulitionsD in prtiulrD the tournl of the emerin wthemtil oietyF @A unning heds re utomtiY they n e suppressed if desiredF @A edditionl elements re reognized in oth the top mtter nd the ody of doumentD nd the input syntx hs een regulrizedF @A pootnotes re now indentedFI @dA he style of the referenes hs hnged onsiderlyF @VA sn the preprint styleD mthemtisEoriented hyphention exeptions hve een ddedF @hese follow emerinD not fritishD rulesFA Ivike thisF ser9s quide to ewEi ersion PFH Q @WA e new option in the preprint style llows douments to e formtted s hpters of monogrph rther thn s seprte ppersF @IHA pinllyD some optionl formtting fetures requested y ewEi users hve een dded to the preprint styleF his ser9s quide his ser9s quide hs een prepred using ewEi ersion PFH with the preprint styleF ome hnges hve een mdeX font nd dimension settings hve een resetD the mros for hedings hve een redened to produe result more suited to doumenttionD nd some d ho mros hve een dened to simplify the presenttion of prtiulr informtionF roweverD in generlD this doument nd the le from whih it ws produed illustrte the generl pperne nd input for preprint with running hedsF rinting the output of i for this quide requires ewponts ersion PFHF PF pormtting petures pormtting douments prepred with ewEi is omplished y style leF4 he fetures desried here re prt of the preprint styleF he preprint style for ewEi ersion PFH willD unless it is told to use the style of wonogrphD formt n input le in mnner suitle for pper in journlF nless noted otherwiseD tht is the style desried elowF op mtter @toyD pF RHA ome ommnds et the pperne of whole doumentF uh ommnds should go t the top of your input leD right fter the doumentstyle line nd efore the topmtter lineF his re will e referred to s the premleF4 gommnds tht should e in the premle inlude the existing tgs defineD gsynightD etFD nd the new options xogexumersD xounningredsD wonogrphD pgewidthD pgeheightD pgenoD nd ommnds tht lod fontsF he premle is relevnt to ny doumentD whether pper or monogrphF he syntx of elements of the top mtter hs een hngedF ell now require oth eginning nd n ending tgF he eginning of n ewEi le should thus look something like thisX input mstex doumentstyle{FFF} hpremle ommndsD suh s defineD pgenoD xounningredsD wonogrphD lodoldD etFi topmtter R ser9s quide to ewEi ersion PFH V W b titleFFFendtitle b b b b uthorFFFenduthor b b b b ffilFFFendffil b b b b ddressFFFendddress b b b b emilFFFendemil b `b ab deditoryFFFenddeditory b dteFFFenddte b b b b thnksFFFendthnks b b b b trnsltorFFFendtrnsltor b b b b keywordsFFFendkeywords b b b b sujlssFFFendsujlss b Xb Yb strtFFFendstrt endtopmtter doument sf ny endFFF tg is omittedD n error messge will pper t endtopmtterDif not eforeF sf the forgotten tg ws endtitleD endkeywordsD or nother endFFF for n item tht hs the nofrills optionD the error messge will e 3 rgrph ended efore nextd ws ompleteF4 sf you omit endtopmtterD on the other hndD none of the topmtter mteril will print @s eforeAF por multiEline titlesD litionsD uthorsD or deditions @silly everywhere tht lines re entered individully rther thn eing set in prgrphsAD line reks re otined y using F sn other prts of the topmtterD whih re set in prgrph formD line reks re otined y linerekF he title will e set in upperseF o turn o the utomti uppersingD use the nofrills optionX titlenofrillsFFFendtitleF he overlong option tht used to e ville for titleD uthorD nd hed hs een removedD minly euse pulishers s rule would rther introdue extr line reks thn llow text to hng over into the mrginsF iletroni mil ddresses n e typed using emilFFFendemilF ivery emil ddress must e preeded y regulr ddressF wultiple emil dE dresses my e usedD ut eh emilFFFendemil must e pired with the ddress of the sme uthorF he emil ddress will e printed t the end of the pperD s iEmilX hnetEddressi4D following the ddress it is pired withF sf no preeding ddress existsD the eEmil ddress will not printF he deditory is newD to e used for suh things s hedited to rofessor on the osion of his eightieth irthdyF4 e dedition will pper in itlisD efore the strtF nlike ddress nd emilD thnks nnot pper more thn one in the topE mtterF st is sometimes desirleD howeverD to knowledge support seprtely for seprte uthors of joint pperF ine thnks retes n unnumered footnoteD seprte knowledgments should e mde seprte prgrphs within the footE noteF fut this rings up speil prolemX st9s firly esy to forget the ending } for footnoteD so n errorEdeteting mehnism uilt into i looks for the end of prgrph within footnoteD nd if it sees oneD ssumes tht you9ve forgotten the } nd issues n error messgeF sn order to end prgrph without setting o ser9s quide to ewEi ersion PFH S the errorEdetetorD you must use endgrfP insted of lnk line or prF sn se pper hs not only n uthor ut trnsltorD trnsltor is providedF his informtion will e printed t the end of the pper in eightEpoint romnD s rnslted y4 followed y the trnsltor9s nme in upperseF he informtion for keywords nd sujlss now pper s unnumered footnotes t the foot of the rst pgeD s in ew journlsF @hey used to pper t the end of n rtileFA sn monogrph hpter they will not print t llD sine they should e hndled seprtelyD s prt of the front mtter for the monogrphF he strt hedingD estrtF4D now ppers in ps nd smll psD in the sme size @eight pointA s the strt itselfF e simple tle of ontents setup is now villeF les of ontents re typed in the topmtter long with everything else @exept for monogrphs|see the setion fook pormtting elowAD using toFFFendtoF to speilhedFFFendspeilhed hedFFFendhed suhedFFFendsuhed susuhedFFFendsusuhed endto he syntx of the prts is intentionlly identil to the syntx used for hedings within the doument @see the setions redings nd fook pormtting elowAD so tht for those who wish to do so nd hve ple text editorD the tle of ontents n e onstruted y extrting the relevnt lines from the min textFQ ge numers ren9t usully pproprite for the short tle of ontents tht might pper in journl rtileD ut if desiredD pge numers n e entered in mnner similr to tht for monogrphY see the setion fook pormtting elowF he hnging indenttion within tle of ontents for hed nd suhed is preset to ommodte numers of the form IF4 nd IFIF4 respetivelyY the mount
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