Featured Articles • Otley to London - Chris Carver • Sunrise To Sunset 100 km • 24 Hours - Bonnie Busch • Vango Scottish Ultra • Ultra reports from the Archive ULTRARUNNING WORLD Volume: 2 October 2010 Multidays Otley to London 7 Chris Carver Vango Scottish Ultra 2009 16 Barkley 100 2009 18 100 KM Sunrise to Sunset 100km 14 24 Hours Call It A Day 22 Bonnie Busch Ringing In The New Year Juli Aistars 24 ome articles meant to appear in this issue will be Sin another edition of the magazine, like the cover story... So, because all the news I had is out of date, this is a shorter edition that's a collection of race reports from last year. As I write this, I am enthusiastic and optimistic about getting the next issue out by the end of October that will actually have "news" in it. As always I am very grateful for all the contributors and photgraphers who have sent or given me permission to use their images including: Alan Young for the cover and photo of Christine David (left), Huw Illingworth, Steve Harvey, Andy McMenemy and Tony Hazell in Chris Carver's article. Thanks also to Bonnie Busch and Matt Mahoney. This is a non-profit project FYI (at the moment). A free pdf download is available from the Ultrarunning World. co.uk website. If you have a race coming up or something to contribute then please send your articles, images, ads etc to:
[email protected] Many thanks, Abichal Current news and event calendars are available online at Ultrarunning World.co.uk and Multidays.com.