Catalogue ... Annual Exhibition / Chicago Architectural Sketch Club
I1eyenberg__ F_ir_e __ P_ro_o_fi_n~g_C_o_. Meyenberg Patent Fire Proofing Floor Arches, Part/· tions, Furring, Boller Covers, Column Covers, and other Fire Proof Tile work for Building 1\0TE- Our Tlllnr l• 50 Pfr crntll,ht~r. double I be ~trcnrtb. and chcaptr, then all other ma ..facturu. TELEPHONE MAIN 3035 Main Office, 705, 167 Dearborn St. CHICAGO Th~ followlnJC a re som~ of the buildings erected the past e ig hteen m onths In "hlch the Me) en b erg Fire Proof Partitions, F lour Arches and muterhtls generally have been used : Th~Count)' l..'uurt ""'"~ """""""h Ill. Hubiu~cr Offic~ llull<liu~. '>c\\ llnvcn. Conn. Henry Sl11re" ond Ap.lrl. llldl( R<K'kfunl, Ill Schuulon lluildinJ:', J.;.,,l;uk, luw 1. lligh :-iehool Ruil<linjl, ' lonticelln. lnd " C"' Elysium Thentr<· \lemphi" Tcnu ~wnncll AIIRrlln;,nt 1111111 Knnk~k~t'. Ill. \')·hun fur th~ llllnd, j.ul~•villt: WI• l>u Pn11e Co. l:unrl "'"''"· \l'lll·uton 111 W<><><l•lrom Apnnwclll lluildlnl{ Chica)lu. l'irst!St'\\'Cumh.. rlnutl t'n' Ch >tch Chicngo \\'allers ludn•trinllluihliu~:.Chlc.-ngo. l'rntt Slor" lluitdlnA: Chlca)ln. lh>marck Sehoul lluiltlln_l(. Chic•!C"· 'I'he Furr.,stvillc, Chi<'.IIIU tlope A\·euuc SChool llutldllllt, ChtCBI(O. (;r~"" S<:hnnl Bu•ltlin.~t. Chinii(U. :>;<'w Newb<'rn· ,.,.,ho<1l lluitclin~t, Chica);'O. fluncan ..,choot llnil<ling. l'hk;t!C >. .\rmil:t.~tc St·hoollluitrlin!(. Chk:t!l:o. l.ea,·ill Schroul lluildin~t. ChiruA:•>. I kat~∙ N:huol Uulldiu)t. l'hiettl(u. Wntlnc~ Schoollluitdiuor. Chi<-1~ >.
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