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Volume 10, number 20 s e p tember 30, 2013

CWB unveils plan to raise new equity CWB says it will develop a network of grain handling assets (elevators) across Western Canada

By Allan Dawson staff / winnipeg

estern Canadian farm- ers will get $5 of equity W in a privatized CWB for The Waldron Ranch stretches along the eastern slopes of the Rockies and supports both wildlife and 11,000 head of cattle. Photo: Kyle Marquardt every tonne sold to the CWB this crop year. The offer was recently posted on CWB’s website, Gord Flaten, CWB’s vice-president for grain procurement, said in an inter- Historic conservation view. Details were issued to grain companies Sept. 19 and informa- tion is also being sent directly to farmers. “This is a unique way for farm- ers to own a piece of the value agreement reached chain,” Flaten said. “Farmers do not have to write a cheque to pay for the opportunity. It really is cost-free for the farmers who are going to own that equity. I for Waldron ranch think that’s an attractive part of the plan.” Largest conservation agreement in Canadian history protects nearly Flaten said the privatized CWB will develop “a network of grain 31,000 acres from cultivation, subdivision and development handling assets (elevators) across Western Canada,” but the struc- ture of the new company will be tion easement for $37.5 million from the the Last Five Miles, a small ecosystem announced later. By Jennifer Blair co-op, protecting nearly 31,000 acres from stretching along the eastern slopes of “The concept is that farmers af staff / red deer cultivation, subdivision, and develop- the Rocky Mountains that supports both would own a piece of the com- ment. It’s the largest conservation agree- wildlife and the 11,000 head of cattle that pany,” Flaten said. “We expect piece of Alberta’s prime grazing ment in Canadian history. graze there. them to be a minority owners, lands may be preserved forever “As a conservation organization, we try Through the agreement with the Wal- but they would own an important A thanks to a historic conservation to conserve places that have high con- dron Grazing Co-operative, the conser- portion of it. agreement between the Nature Conser- servation value,” said Larry Simpson, the vancy hopes to preserve the last remaining “The farmer-ownership piece vancy of Canada and the Waldron Grazing conservancy’s associate regional vice- stand of the Northern Great Plains from is something we decided really Co-operative. president. “The Waldron certainly fits that further development. needs to be rolled out operationally Once finalized, the agreement will allow description.” the conservancy to purchase a conserva- The Waldron is in an area known as see WALDRON } page 6 see CWB } page 7

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21799 AFE 10.25X3.indd 1 13-08-13 10:46 AM 2 news » inside this week SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA

inside » livestock crops  columNists

Plenty of Cheap can be Making corn Daniel Bezte competition expensive bee-safe Why the Colorado rain stayed south Canada wheat vies 14 for market share 26 brenda schoepp Think long term when (H)en-riched feeding cattle 34 experience Bernie Peet Manitoba farmers also Replacement rule of changing cages AARD sheep specialist develops new 15 says rations important 33 seed lubricant 17 thumb may not hold 35

‘Ig Nobel’ prize for Modern farmer British livestock finds success with researchers staff heritage grains t is now scientifically prov- en. The longer a cow has Cutting out the middleman creates opportunity for small grain farmer I been lying down, the more likely that she will soon stand up. And once a cow stands up, you cannot easily predict how By Alexis Kienlen soon she will lie down again. af staff / morinville Five British researchers who reached that conclusion hen John Schneider got the urge were among this year’s win- to farm, he figured livestock would ners of the “Ig Nobel” prize, W be a good fit for a small acreage but a humorous take-off on the the economies of scale worked against him. better-known Nobel version. Then he discovered heritage grains. “Improbable Research,” “I think that’s the key to being successful sponsor of the event, says in small agriculture — it’s just to create a the Ig Nobel Prizes honour niche for yourself and do something differ- achievements that first make ent,” said Schneider, who farms with wife people laugh, and then Cindy and their two children on 400 acres make them think. According near Morinville. to its website, “The prizes Schneider is a sixth-generation farmer are intended to celebrate the who didn’t realize he wanted to farm until unusual, honour the imagi- his father sold the land. So the construction native — and spur people’s industry executive bought some land, and in interest in science, medi- 2000 started farming on the side, trying his cine, and technology.” hand at sheep, pigs, pastured poultry and Every year, in a gala cere- beef cattle. He started Gold Forest Grains in mony, the prizes are handed 2007, which allowed him to farm full time. out by real Nobel laure- He grows up to 10 crops at a time, and is cur- ates. They are sometimes rently growing spelt, rye and three heritage awarded for tongue-in-cheek wheats: Park, Red Fife, and einkorn on his John Schneider holds spelt and einkorn on his farm near Morinville. PHOTos: Alexis Kienlen research, but others are for organic operation. spinoffs from more serious Heritage varieties present numerous “What we soon discovered was that we research. challenges — they take longer to mature had to eliminate as many middle men as Other winners this year: (although Schneider said that’s not a prob- we could,” he said. • A study that found that lem as frost seem to come later these days), “Instead of selling a bushel of wheat for people consider them- don’t do well under weed pressure, and grow whatever it’s going for, six or seven dollars selves more attractive after taller, which makes them more susceptible a bushel, we sell it for $113 a bushel. By drinking. to lodging (intercropping is used to combat the time we mill it into flour and sell it at • A study that showed dung this problem). the farmers’ market, it’s worth that much.” beetles navigate using the The couple sell flours, cracked grain Milky Way. Spelt a challenge cereal and pancake mixes, as well as whole • A design for an device to But it’s spelt, which was grown by the grain kernels for people who do their own trap airline hijackers and ancient Romans, that really tests Schneider’s milling. The grain is cleaned and bagged at eject them by parachute. farming skills. the Morinville seed cleaning plant, placed • Proving that people could “We’ve done it for a couple of years and in storage, and milled as needed using one run across the surface of the seed germination is hard for us, so we’re of the couple’s three stone mills. They sell a pond — if it were on the working on that problem,” he said. at the Old Strathcona and St. Albert farm- moon. Spelt is a hulled grain, so it doesn’t go ers’ markets, as well as some Edmonton- • Discovery that the bio- through a seed drill very easily. area retailers. chemical process by which “For some of these grains, you need to Many of his customers are sensitive to onions make people cry relearn how to deal with them,” he said. gluten, said Schneider. is even more complicated Einkorn is low yielding, but quite rare and “We have many customers that come up than scientists previously so commands a substantial premium. Park to us and say, ‘I can’t eat wheat, but I can realized. wheat, developed in Alberta and grown in eat your wheat,’” he said. “There seems to • Determining which bones the 1950s, is an early-maturing variety while be something to that.” of a shrew would dissolve Red Fife is prized, in part, because its taste Schneider credits his farming blog, which inside the human diges- varies yearly, reflecting both that season’s he started in 2006, as another key to the tive system. growing conditions and the local environ- farm’s success. • Surgical management ment. Both are excellent for baking. “I got lucky because social media became of an epidemic of penile As an organic farmer, Schneider uses com- mainstream marketing,” he said. “When I amputations in Siam, panion planting, crop rotations, intercrop- started blogging, there was no such thing except in cases where ping, summerfallow, and green manure as as social media. Some of it was luck and John Schneider holds some of his finished, the amputated penis had management strategies. some of it was just hard work.” processed products. Cutting out the been partially eaten by a But the key to the farm’s success has been middleman allows the Schneiders to charge duck. on-farm processing. [email protected] a premium. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 3 helping producers do more with less ’s head of plant breeding envisions variable within a field

Corn’s nitrogen requirement per bushel has been reduced by one-third since 1970.

Genomics key tions to get new varieties to grow- whether it’s for quantitative traits be planting those crops at differ- By Jennifer Blair Eathington said improved breed- ers quickly and at less cost. like yield or qualitative traits like ent plant densities across the field. af staff / calgary ing technology is needed to “All of a sudden, a plant breeder disease resistance.” We really should be using variable address the challenge. can do his selection at the seed And agronomics are equally nitrogen rate across the field. We xtreme weather, pests, dis- “Genomics really is what drives stage,” Eathington said. “A breeder important in Eathington’s mind. should be — ultimately, down the ease — it may sound like a lot of the current genetic gain can now say, ‘Of all the seeds I “We have historically planted our road — putting different genetics E something straight out of that we see in our products,” said could plant, here’s the ones I want crops at a standing rate, but there’s within those fields.” the Bible, but these are real prob- Eathington. “As these problems to plant.’ That really changes your a tremendous amount of variation lems facing producers across the continue to spread around the selection ability and your power, in those fields. We really should [email protected] globe today, and they require world, you really need to access the solutions soon, says Monsanto’s genetics and germplasm of differ- vice-president of global plant ent parts of the world to create the breeding. right combination of these genes to “We tend to think about 2030 solve the problems you’re facing.” or 2050, but I think we also need This improved access to germ- CANADA’S OUTSTANDING YOUNG FARMERS PROGRAM to keep in mind the problems are plasm has allowed breeding pro- real now,” Samuel Eathington grams to create lines that are bet- told the Agricultural Biotechnol- ter adapted to local growing con- ogy International Conference ditions. ALBERTA/NWT REGION (ABIC) earlier this month. “Even “You test and grow and evaluate if you look at just the next 10 years, those products in the environment Congratulations to Michael Kalisvaart the amount of increase in meat you’re trying to position them into,” and grain production that needs Eathington said. of Gibbons, Alberta - 2013 Outstanding to occur to meet the demand is He pointed to improved nitrogen Young Farmer for the Alberta/NWT Region not insignificant. It is a challenge use efficiency in corn as an example that we need to figure out how to of how breeding has reduced the solve.” resources needed for a crop. In the A key challenge is learning to 1970s, around 1.5 lbs. of nitrogen do more with fewer resources, were needed for every bushel of Eathington said. His projections corn produced. Today, hybrids are THANK YOU TO OUR 2013 show a 40 per cent gap between producing that same bushel out of the water needed in the future 1 lb. of nitrogen. REGIONAL SPONSORS and available today, and another Water use efficiency has also 65 to 85 million hectares needed improved. Hybrids from the 1960s DIAMOND to meet the demands of the next yielded six bushels per inch of water, 10 years. As a result, driving pro- while hybrids today yield almost 10 ductivity on a per acre basis will bushels with the same inch. PLATINUM be critical. “These crops are getting a lot But Eathington said several more efficient at taking up and conditions are coming together using the water that’s available to to drive down productivity. them. Driving that productivity Instances of extreme weather are means less land per bushel of corn.” GOLD increasing and nighttime tem- peratures are also increasing, as Improved breeding are winter temperatures. “As a plant breeder, there’s really L-R Michael Kalisvaart, Karen Hunter (ATB Financial) “We’re going to have to adapt been a pretty dramatic change our crops to grow and change in how we do plant breeding,” with these conditions,” said said Eathington. “This is what’s SILVER Eathington. But even if crops are enabling us to drive crop yields Co-operators Nominations are now open for 2014 bred for maximum yield poten- faster and drive this adaptation Cervus tial, pests and diseases continue quicker.” Deadline: October 25, 2013 BRONZE to chip away at yield. “Today, Traditionally, plant breeding See our website for details: we already see that a lot of these has been done in the field through Dupont Pioneer pests are robbing up to 10 per individual plant selection, but in Richardson Pioneer Ltd. or phone: 403-224-2077 cent of the productivity in our some crop types, that process is Monsanto crops. That’s projected to con- rapidly being replaced by genom- tinue to grow.” ics, allowing breeding organiza- 4 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA

EDITOR Will Verboven Phone: 403-697-4703 Email: [email protected]

Reporters Alexis Kienlen, Edmonton (780) 668-3121 [email protected] Jennifer Blair, Red Deer (403) 396-2643 [email protected] Social licence issue affecting PRODUCTION director Shawna Gibson Email: [email protected] technology development Director of Sales & Circulation Lynda Tityk Lobby groups find new way to aggravate scientific progress Email: [email protected]

CIRCULATION manager Heather Anderson conference and the words were all too often the conference seemed to display more a Email: [email protected] By will verboven mentioned in many presentations. The sense of frustration with this hurdle being Alberta Farmer | Editor definition of social licence is rather loose placed in the way of obvious research and national ADVERTISING SALES and subject to different interpretations development in the biotech business, but James Shaw Phone: 416-231-1812 Fax: 416-233-4858 recent agricultural biotechnogy depending on which side of the issue you then the conference audience was some- Email: [email protected] conference in Calgary has again stand. The assumption is that it refers to what biased. The appearance of a small brought forth the seemingly bound- public approval of whatever new research group of anti-technology protesters dem- classified ADVERTISING SALES A less opportunities in this field of high-tech or development is being considered or being onstrating at the event probably confirmed Maureen Heon Phone: 1-888-413-3325 Fax: 403-341-0615 research and development. The Agricultural done. That’s about where any agreement on many attendee’s suspicions as to who was Email: [email protected] Biotechnology Conference has been held for the definition ends because it’s “the who is behind the new mania about social licence. several years and has started to expand its issuing the licence” that becomes the bone Some of the sessions discussed the failures ADVERTISING Co-ordinator presentations into other biotech perspec- of contention. of technology obtaining a social licence. Arlene Bomback tives such as forestry, energy, industrial con- When it comes to scientists, research- The example most cited was the original Phone: 204-944-5765 Fax: 204-944-5562 Email: [email protected] siderations and others. That’s been a posi- ers and industry the understanding is that introduction of GE plants and foods. The tive move as it gives one a sense of the bigger public approval means government regula- industry naively expected the public to trust PUBLISHER picture as so much in biotech is interrelated. tors and self-imposed standards. To lobby them and accept that all was well. The real- Lynda Tityk There usually isn’t much controversy at groups that oppose whatever those folks ity was that the public was clueless about Email: [email protected] these events, since much of it is preaching are doing that’s not good enough anymore, GMOs and when they sort of understood Associate PUBLISHER/ to the choir. What there is at times is a grow- but their version of social licence seems to they found that there was no public ben- editorial director ing sense of exasperation at the slow rate of more nebulous. There is no central entity efit they could relate. Clever lobby groups John Morriss development considering the approaching that they can point to as the issuer of social noticed that naivete and exploited the situ- Email: [email protected] overwhelming spectre of feeding almost licences which drives the research commu- ation with fearmongering and junk science. president nine billion people — that’s double what it nity to further exasperation. That won the day and the industry has been Bob Willcox was just a few years ago. Although it would Most suspect that lobby groups really fighting a rearguard action ever since to try Glacier Media Agricultural Information Group seem that development itself is not the issue, mean that they will be the issuer of any social and spin a positive perception on their busi- [email protected] it’s the regulatory mechanism that is in place licence. They hide that self-appointed role ness and the technology 204-944-5751 that slows down the process that is causing under the guise of protecting the interests of One didn’t detect at the conference that the aggravation. That’s to be expected from the people against the ominous unknowns there was any specific plan to gain a social Printed by Gazette Press, St. Albert, AB those that invest millions in development, of some nefarious technology. In the past licence except that it was needed. There The Alberta Farmer Express is published 26 times but time delays of 10 years and more seems these groups tried to promote that anti- was a concensus that education was the a year by Farm Business Communications. We acknowledge the financial support of the rather excessive to get approvals. It would technology perspective calling it the “pre- medium, but the problem is where to start Government of Canada through the Canada seem to society’s benefit to find ways and cautionary principle.” It would seem they and what approach to take. It all seems like Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian means to speed the process. However a new now have a new stick to pursue that angle a moving target which would be frustrating Heritage for our publishing activities. bug in the ointment may well preclude any — and it’s working. I expect much of the to those that see the common sense and sci- Publications mail agreement number 40069240 time lag improvement. public expects the government to protect ence in technology. What has added to the slowdown in the their interests when it comes to technology No doubt public relations consultants will Canadian Postmaster: process is a whole new hurdle that was development being that’s what they elect be making millions providing advice on how Send address changes and undeliverable addresses (covers only) to unheard of not too long ago. It’s called politicians to do. But the public seems to to deal with “social licence” to every orga- Circulation Dept., P.O. Box 9800, “social licence” and it’s become the new be easily spooked by GE-technology fear- nization, research agency or corporation Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7 buzzphrase being used with almost any mongering in the media. That in turn sees on the continent. Considering the history ISSN 1481-3157 issue that might impact any change to politicians sniffing the political winds and of certifying foods and activities for any human development — which seems to be causing the regulatory to go slow on regula- number of dubious reasons or intentions, I everything. tion and approval. fully expect lobby groups are thinking about Call Social licence was the undertone to this The constant use of those buzzwords at just such a social licence idea. 1-800-665-0502 or U.S. subscribers call 1-204-944-5568 For more information on The Alberta Farmer Express and subscriptions to other Farm Business Communications Maybe it’s time to bring back that legendary label products, or visit our web site at: he branding of Canadian beef was or email: recently discussed at a Canada Beef [email protected] T Inc. (CBI) seminar. The thrust of the discussion was the value of having a genu- At Farm Business Communications we have a ine all-encompassing “Canadian beef” label firm commitment to protecting your privacy for both domestic and export markets. and security as our customer. Farm Business There is much to be said for such an Communications will only collect personal approach, mainly that it fixes a familiar information if it is required for the proper functioning of our business. As part of our quality and national perception in the commitment to enhance customer service, we consumer’s eye. The trick then is for agen- may share this personal information with other cies like CBI to promote the qualities of the strategic business partners. For more information brand so that consumers instantly perceive regarding our Customer Information Privacy Policy, write to: Information Protection Officer, Farm the label as being a premium product Business Communications, 1666 Dublin Ave., compared to any other beef product that Wpg., MB R3H 0H1 doesn’t have the label. Occasionally we make our list of subscribers There was a broad concensus that a available to other reputable firms whose products “Canada” label worked well in export and services might be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to receive such offers, please markets where Canadian beef faces tough contact us at the address in the preceding competition from other national brands paragraph, or call 1-800-665-0502. like U.S. or New Zealand Beef. But it seems The editors and journalists who write, contribute the Canadian label may not have the same and provide opinions to Alberta Farmer Express premium impact in the domestic market. That brought up further discussion on Which brings up a point many of the and Farm Business Communications attempt to No one is disputing the quality and safety organic, natural and humane handling attendees I expect were quietly thinking provide accurate and useful opinions, information of our product — that is assumed by the labels all for niche markets and where the after noting the Western Canada label and analysis. However, the editors, journalists and Alberta Farmer Express and Farm Business Canadian consumer. But it seems some Canadian beef label fits in with those mar- being used in Quebec. There is a proven Communications, cannot and do not guarantee marketers might be wanting more of a keting angles. I would suggest they all fit iconic label that has historic connections the accuracy of the information contained in this competitive edge in retailing and just the because the point is to sell beef in a way to quality Western beef and that seems publication and the editors as well as Alberta Canadian label may not be enough. For that the consumer will buy more of it. If ready for a glorious return to its rightful Farmer Express and Farm Business Communications example a Quebec restauranteur at the that means lifestyle, production method or place in national beef marketing — you assume no responsibility for any actions or decisions taken by any reader for this publication event reported he was using a “Western regional labelling, then full steam ahead. If know it of course — “Alberta Beef.” I am based on any and all information provided. Canada Beef” label, because his customers that supercedes the Canadian label — then willing to bet most retailers across Canada assume that is where quality beef comes that’s the verdict of the marketplace and would welcome the return of that legend- from. That seems logical. the consumer? ary label. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 5

Reports of the independents’ death were greatly exaggerated Things haven’t turned out as expected during grain company consolidation

“You had Viterra flexing their likes of Richardson International ting — is experiencing its second “People like to spend their By Laura Rance muscle thinking they were going Inc. and Agrium. year of unprecedented growth. money locally,” he said. “I think editor, manitoba co-operator to buy up the independents and But 17 of its retail outlets are now What just happened? that’s a big part of it.” But he’s take over the world, you had this finding their way back to local co- To borrow from Mark Twain, also found the independent deal- he headlines of late have scary entity that we didn’t really operatives through a transfer deal reports of the independents’ death ers are on the forefront in offering been all about consolida- understand or know much about with Federated Co-operatives Ltd. have been greatly exaggerated. new technology and agronomic T tion, mergers and acquisi- called CPS (Crop Production Ser- Under the deal, FCL is buying the “With all the consolidation in support that is tailor-made to their tions and about the global players vices) that was coming across the the industry, nay sayers said the service area. like Agrium and Glencore moving West, and there was the indepen- independents wouldn’t survive,” It seems that as farms grow in on Prairie agriculture. dent dealer kind of caught in the said Rick Pierson, vice-president larger, and farming becomes more But there’s been a quiet evolu- middle,” Neil Douglas, general at Univar Canada. “We’ve seen time sensitive, having access to tion taking place beneath the radar sales manager for the agricultural “We’ve seen two two consecutive years of record local advice becomes more essen- that has turned into a competitive division, told about 150 invited consecutive years growth. Independent retail sales tial. If that local dealer can remain force on the Prairie farm supply guests. are stronger than ever.” price competitive via its supply scene. “And if the independent dealer of record growth. Things have changed, no doubt. chain partnerships, all the better. The same day earlier this month was threatened and it looked Independent retail sales Univar, for example, defines itself It probably doesn’t hurt if he or she that Glencore announced it had like extinction was on the hori- as much more than a middleman, is on a couple of local volunteer received regulatory approval to zon, then that meant that Univar are stronger than ever.” but rather a supply chain part- boards as well. transfer 210 former Viterra farm wasn’t going to be around much ner to the corps of independents Above all else, the independent retail outlets to Agrium, making it longer either, so we really weren’t across the West, providing stock- is invested in the industry.“They’ve the largest farm retailer in Canada, in the mood to celebrate our 50th,” ing services, rapid delivery, inven- put their own money and sweat another celebration was taking he said. tory protection, supply manage- into making it successful,” Pier- place in Winnipeg. Instead, it was Viterra that didn’t ment and dealer financing. son said. Univar’s agricultural division, survive, at least as an agri-retailer. 17 sites from Viterra, and will then The independent dealers it The big players aren’t going which supplies products and Formed as a publicly traded com- transfer those sites‘ ownership and works with have parlayed their away. In fact, they keep getting services to independent retailers pany through three mergers of four operations to local retail co-ops local connections into a market bigger. But it appears the smaller across Western Canada, was cel- former Prairie grain co-operatives, that have already agreed to accept share Pierson estimates of nearly players continue to get stronger. ebrating 55 years in business with it was swallowed by Swiss com- the facilities. FCL’s 235 retail co-op 45 per cent. Farmers apparently see value in its staff and business associates. modities trader Glencore in 2012. owners already operate over 140 ag “I think part of that is growers maintaining local expertise and Why a 55-year celebration? Glencore and kept most of Viter- retail centres in the West through like to shop local and the indepen- access to supply, whether it is Because five years ago, when the ra’s grain storage and processing the Co-operative Retailing System dent dealer lives in the town, he through local independent retail- company could have celebrated its sites in Canada and Australia, but (CRS). spends money in the town, his kids ers, or local co-ops. 50th anniversary, quite frankly, no the rest of the company was carved Meanwhile, Univar — the com- go to school there and he raises his one felt much like celebrating. up and resold — most of it to the pany who thought its sun was set- family there. It’s a local thing. [email protected]

Lack of communication, not research, to blame for consumer perceptions Peer-reviewed research can’t win over consumers if it’s sitting on a shelf

less money for research. But I believe chat about research investments with will ever pick up.) These organiza- By Jennifer Blair the problem lies not in funding Sheri Strydhorst, agronomy research tions conduct cutting-edge research, af staff / red deer research but, rather, in communicat- scientist at Alberta Agriculture and but that message hasn’t made it to the ing its results. Rural Development. She shared an masses. he posts started The need for peer-reviewed ag interesting statistic with me: That’s where the media — comes sometime last year: “Orange research is real, but even greater is “In 2007, the average pea produc- in. We need to do a better job of shar- TJuice may soon contain pig the need to share that research effec- tion in the province was 31.6 bu/ac. ing the struggles and triumphs of genes. Monsanto curing hunger with tively. In 2012, it was 40.7 bu/ac. On average, researchers to give farmers the infor- cancer. GMO fact of the day.” To a large degree, the science between that time period, growers mation they need to produce more, The exact wording has varied, but doesn’t matter, not really. Anti-GMO increased their pea yield by 9.1 bu/ produce better. Part of that lies in some version of these sensational- proponents have proven that time ac, and at a price of $8.32 per bushel, connecting with researchers to stay ized stories — complete with disturb- and time again. What matters is get- pulse growers are able to earn an on top of the work they’re doing, but a ing images and a cry for someone to ting that science into the hands of extra $75 per acre without additional larger part lies in understanding how please think of the children — has people who can use it, in a form they input costs. Part of that increase in that research benefits producers and appeared time and time again in my can use. yield — and, in turn, income — can be the agriculture industry as a whole. social media feeds. Producers have some responsibil- attributed to new genetics.” Only then can we make sure the It reached a fever pitch in May ity there. We often expect producers We can see that research is impor- right messages make it to the right during “March Against Monsanto.” to be the champions of the industry, tant — yet too often, producers people in the right way. Eyes were rolled. Pages unfollowed. but I think that expectation is a bit request refundable levy dollars back Ag research is vitally important. No Friends unfriended. If March Against unfair. Producers should do what they rather than investing them in their one can deny that. But when people Monsanto achieved anything in my do best: grow high-quality crops and industries. That’s their right, but are accustomed to easy-to-digest, on- house that day, it was that I was sur- raise high-quality livestock. But in Alberta researchers largely rely on demand information, as opposed to prised that otherwise intelligent peo- doing so, they must remember that that funding, and without it, their tedious technical reports you have to ple — people I like, people I respect — their ability to grow better crops and research must continue at a reduced pay a buck to read online, that impor- could be so taken in by junk science. produce better livestock can usually level or, in some cases, not at all. tant ag research must not only be What can I say? The March Against be attributed to research investments The people funding and conduct- available but also understandable for Monsanto folks have good PR people. funded by their tax dollars and their ing the research have a role to play as the people who need it. Some might point to federal govern- service fees collected by commodity well. Technical research reports ben- Because when junk science wins, we ment cuts to the agriculture budget groups. efit no one sitting on a shelf collect- all lose. — to the tune of $300 million — as the In my former life working in Alber- ing dust (or, worse yet, published in problem. Less money overall means ta’s pulse industry, I had a chance to a scientific journal that no producer [email protected] 6 Off the front september 30, 2013 •

WALDRON } from page 1

“It’s slowly fragmenting — this Staunton was one of the 55 mem- last majestic place in Alberta — bers who voted in favour of the and we feel like we’re in a race to agreement and said he believes it help where we can,” said Simpson. will ensure the Waldron stays well “Waldron is a good first step.” maintained. The conservancy first “It’s going to legally ensure best approached the Waldron Grazing management on the Waldron itself, Co-operative, a group of 72 ranch- which is something that we’ve been ers who own the land, two years able to achieve pretty well anyway,” ago with a proposal to purchase he said. “This will be another factor the easement by paying 20 per cent that will insist that happens.” of the bare land value. Appraised Over the next several months, at approximately $75 million the conservancy will be working by an unbiased panel, the total to raise $3 million to supplement easement value is $33,547,000, of the funding already slated for which $15 million will be paid to the project. the co-op tax-free as cash, with a “I don’t care if we have to do this tax receipt covering the balance. a penny at a time,” said Simpson. Co-op members voted 76 per cent “If people want to leave the world in favour in an April vote. Simp- a little better place, here’s a great son, adding his organization still The members of the Waldron Grazing Co-operative won the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association Environmental chance.” needs to raise an additional $3 Stewardship Award (TESA) in 2010. supplied photo The additional fundraising will million before the agreement can give the co-op time to decide be finalized. how to graze our ranch, and we if it’s not healthy, we’re not going to maintain the grasslands as what to do with the $15 million don’t want somebody telling us to make a living off of it. We know they are.” cash infusion, said Nelson. Its Few changes ahead how to change it.” that the health of the whole region However, Waldron rancher board has met with lawyers and The deal won’t affect ranching The agreement requires the makes us more profitable.” Hugh Lynch-Staunton said that accountants to determine the best practices and Waldron share- co-op to maintain the health Co-op members want to see the could be a problem one day. use of the money. It may purchase holders will continue to manage of pasture land, but it already land undeveloped, he said. “Neither the NCC nor the co-op a nearby parcel or distribute the the land. employs grazing practices supe- “We know we’re not going to can foresee the future,” said money to members. That provision was key, said Tim rior to the requirements laid out (develop the land), but we’re not Lynch-Staunton. “There may be For more information on the Nelson, chair of the Waldron Graz- in the deal, he added. sure about 50 or 100 years down some circumstances that we can’t project or to donate, visit www. ing Co-operative board. “We have to make a living off our the road,” said Nelson. “Future anticipate that might make it a bad “We’ve grazed the land for 50 land,” said Nelson. “If our land is ranchers, their philosophies may deal some day for either party.” years,” said Nelson. “We know at any point in time not producing, change, but they’re going to have Despite his reservations, Lynch- [email protected]


Dairy research receives federal $50,000 for you. funding Staff / Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) has received $12 million from the federal And you, and you, and you. government to finance a research cluster focusing on sustainable milk pro- duction, dairy genetics and genomics, and the nutrition of milk products. DFC is working closely with the Canadian Dairy Network and the Canadian Dairy Commission to invest over $6 million in addition to the federal funding. The research will also help bring innovative and competitive dairy products with health benefits to the market. “Research continues to be a strategic investment prior- ity for dairy farmers,” said Wally Smith, DFC president in a release. “Our research priorities are focused on $50,000 driving innovation and increased productivity on the farm while contributing to the health and well-being of Canadians. We welcome the investment of the feder- UFA will be awarding $250,000, as five prizes of $50,000 to rural al government, which lever- ages farmers’ investment area improvement projects. The best part is that each winning group in the dairy cluster, our network of dedicated indus- try and academic research- is responsible for selecting the next deserving project. ers who are committed to Canadian dairy excellence.”

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CWB  from page 1 now... because we want them to “The farmer-ownership be aware of that information as piece is something they make their marketing deci- sions this fall,” he said. we decided really CWB is the government- owned grain company created needs to be rolled out by amendments to the Canadian operationally now...” Wheat Board Act in 2012 ending the board’s marketing monopoly. The amended act also requires CWB to prepare a privatization GORD FLATEN plan for federal government review by 2016. The plan, to be implemented no later than 2017, must first receive government approval as well the blessing of Flaten said he couldn’t specu- securities commission in Mani- late on grain companies viewing toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the CWB as unfair competition. British Columbia. While the CWB competesfor “It is our intention to complete farmers’ grain, it also pays grain the process sooner than that five- companies to handle grain on its year timeframe,” Flaten said. behalf. “I think you’ll see when we do Structure to be determined talk about the details... that it all The privatized CWB will continue fits together,” Flaten said. “It’s to have a “Canadian focus,” its not a matter of choosing one website says. road or another.” He declined to The Farmer Ownership Dis- explain further. closure document posted on As CWB develops its plan it’s CWB’s website says the value of consulting with both provincial the equity allocated to farmers is securities commissions and the not guaranteed, nor is it a sure federal government. thing that CWB will be privatized. “There’s lots of work to do Flaten said those are standard Farmers will get $5 of equity in the privatized CWB for every tonne delivered to CWB this crop year, says CWB’s but a lot of work has been done statements required by securi- Gord Flaten. PHOTO: ALLAN DAWSON already,” Flaten said. ties regulators. In an email Agriculture Minis- CWB has said since its creation Flaten said farmers will have intention is they would be able middleman for farmers inter- ter Gerry Ritz said he would not that it wants farmers to have a a minority stake because of the to extract the value through a ested in contracting grain to comment on CWB’s privatization stake when the agency is priva- high value of the privatized CWB. mechanism but exactly how CWB. plan until its complete and sub- tized, but it hasn’t spelled out Selling out to another grain that’s going to be worked is going CWB scheduled a news con- mitted to the government. what form it would take. company might be an option to be part of the plan.” ference Sept. 5 to “unveil CWB’s “What is important is that Presumably options could too, in which case farmers pre- There’s been speculation the initial plans for privatization,” farmers now have the ability to include a private shareholder sumably would be paid for their Farmers of North America (FNA) but cancelled the event with- make their own business deci- company, a publicly traded com- equity. might try to join forces with CWB. out explanation. Flaten blamed sions, whether it means selling pany, merging with an existing “After privatization we would A farmers’ buying group, FNA’s “technical issues.” to the CWB or any other grain firm or forming a co-operative. make details available how goal is to get farm inputs cheaper CWB then opted to con- company,” he said. The latter seems unlikely if farm- farmers would be able to extract for its member. tact farmers and elevator staff ers are minority shareholders. that value,” Flaten said. “So the FNA has also been acting as directly. [email protected]


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ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Transorb® is a registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc. 8 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA


A field of round hay bales lies in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, near Millarville, Alberta, where snow has already fallen at higher altitudes. PHOTO BY WENDY DUDLEY



Send agriculture-related meeting and event announcements to: will. [email protected]

September 27/29: Alta Goat Breeders Convention & Sale, Exhibition Grounds, Camrose. Call: AGBA 780-739-1091 October 1: Financial Advice Panel, Cleardale School 5:30 pm, Cleardale. Call: Monika SOME SEED REPS STAND BY THEIR PRODUCTS. 780-523-4033 Oct. 3: Canadian Association of Farm Advisors “Current WE PREFER TO GET WAIST-DEEP IN THEM. & Connected” conference, Lethbridge Lodge, 320 Scenic Dr., Lethbridge. For more info call 1-877-474-2871 or visit www.cafanet,com. October 5: Triticale Swath Grazing Field Day, Lentz Farm 10:00 am, Brownvale. Call: Monika 780-523-4033 October 10: Financial Advice Panel, Curling Rink 5:30 pm, Debolt. Call: Monika 780-523-4033

October 17: Financial Advice T:10” Panel, Big Meadow Hall 5:30 pm, High Prairie. Call: Monika 780-523-4033 November 2: Ag for Life Harvest Gala, Northlands 6:00 pm, Edmonton. Call: Agfl 888-931-2951 November 3/10: Farmfair International, Northlands Expo Centre, Edmonton. Call: Northlands 780-471-7210 November 14: Alberta Wheat Commission, Community Hall, Rycroft. Call: Kristina 780-718-5023 November 14/15: Green Industry Show & Conference, Northlands Expo, Edmonton. Call: Valery 780-489-1991 November 15: Alberta Wheat Commission, Community Hall, Westlock. Call: Kristina If you’re looking for your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative, try the nearest farm. conditions. That way, we can help our partners get the best yield possible. It’s this kind of passion 780-718-5023 November 19: Alberta Wheat You see, we’re always out walking the fields, talking to our neighbours and checking the crops. that’s helped Pioneer Hi-Bred people become leaders in the seed business and in their communities. Commission, Memorial Centre, Lacombe. Call: Kristina In fact, we make it our mission to know everything there is to know about our local growing Talk to your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative or visit for more information. 780-718-5023 November 21: Alberta Wheat Commission, Civic Centre, Our experts are grown locally Strathmore. Call: Kristina 780-718-5023 November 26: Alberta Wheat Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. Commission, Holiday Inn, The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. Lethbridge. Call: Kristina ®, ™, SM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. ©2013, PHL. 780-718-5023

OGILVYOGILVY DIVISION DIVISION PUB: Alberta Farmer Express AD #: PBRW-AB-CWD-22013-JRDPS Print Production Contact: FORMAT: Newspaper FILE: 10-37464-PBRW-AB-CWD-22013-JRDPS-NWS.pdf Chris Rozak TRIM: 17.4" x 10" CLIENT: Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd. RedWorks Delivery/Technical Support: (416) 945-2388 JOB #: P.DUP.DUPBRW.13013.K.013 • september 30, 2013 9 Municipalities pass resolution for GE-free B.C. Hot debate at B.C. municipal convention, but jurisdiction to enforce a ban is not clear

The motion generated extensive Monsanto’s -tolerant has also raised concerns about a manner consistent with proper By Tamara Leigh debate from the floor, including variety. the increasing influence of public advanced farm-management prac- af contributor / vancouver farmers speaking passionately for “This is really opening up the opinion on farm practices. tices. and against the motion. whole issue. We are asking for B.C. Implementing the resolution eaders of regional and Among those supporting the to be the first major jurisdiction in Jurisdiction questioned would affect many livestock pro- municipal governments ban was Richmond city councillor Canada to follow suit with Europe “Legally, municipal governments ducers. L from across British Colum- Harold Steeves, who raises grass- and all the other countries that have no jurisdiction over regula- bia have adopted a resolution ask- fed cattle in the B.C. Interior and have banned GE crops,” he adds. tion such as this, and the Right ing the provincial government to Lower Mainland. More than 60 municipalities in to Farm Act would supercede it,” declare B.C. a genetically modified “A growing number of B.C. B.C. passed similar GE-free resolu- said Jen Woike, councillor and “We are making way organism-free area with respect to ranchers have switched to grass- tions prior to the UBCM conven- large-scale egg producer in the all plan and animal species. The fed beef and are directing mar- tion. The discussion has stepped Municipality of North Cowichan more money than resolution was brought before keting. We are making way more up the rhetoric on both sides of on Vancouver Island. we ever did when we the Union of B.C. Municipalities money than we ever did when a debate that is as divisive within The B.C. Farm Practices Protec- (UBCM) 2013 annual convention we shipped our cattle to Alberta B.C.’s agricultural community as tion Act, commonly known as the shipped our cattle to in Vancouver Sept. 19. to be grain fed, but we depend it is among the consumer public. Right to Farm Act, protects the The resolution asks for a ban on upon alfalfa,” said Steeves. “We Debates at the local level have rights of farmers to conduct their Alberta to be grain fed, importing, exporting and grow- simply do not want to be in a divided the farm community along business within the parameters of but we depend upon ing plants and seeds containing position where we are market- commodity lines, large- and small- “normal farm practice.” The defi- genetically engineered DNA, and ing beef that has been fed alfalfa scale agriculture, organic and con- nition under the act includes the alfalfa.” T:17.4” raising GE animals within B.C. that is contaminated,” referring to ventional, new farmers and old. It use of innovative technology in

Harold Steeves

“I have 60,000 laying hens on my property and we can not source non-GMO feed,” says Woike. “To make a sweeping ban like this, you really put pressure on the dairy industry, the poultry industry and hog industry who use feed products.” Whether the resolution will have any impact at a policy level has yet to be seen. Responsibility SOME SEED REPS STAND BY THEIR PRODUCTS. for regulation of food and agricul- tural products rests with Health Canada, and the Canadian Food WE PREFER TO GET WAIST-DEEP IN THEM. Inspection Agency. B.C.’s agri- culture minister, Pat Pimm, has given no indication that his gov- ernment is interested in taking a strong position on the issue. “There has been a lot of good debate and discussion about the topic with many different opin- ions expressed both at UBCM and elsewhere,” Pimm said. “I will certainly share the results of the vote and summary of the debate with the federal minister, as it is the federal government’s jurisdiction to approve or deny foodsT:10” for production in Canada.” T h e B.C. g o v e r n m e n t i s required to provide a written response to UBCM on each of the resolutions that pass. The offi- cial response from the ministry of agriculture is expected in the coming weeks. The response will outline any steps the provincial government will take, and allows the government time to consider and discuss the resolution.

If you’re looking for your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative, try the nearest farm. conditions. That way, we can help our partners get the best yield possible. It’s this kind of passion You see, we’re always out walking the fields, talking to our neighbours and checking the crops. that’s helped Pioneer Hi-Bred people become leaders in the seed business and in their communities. In fact, we make it our mission to know everything there is to know about our local growing Talk to your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative or visit for more information.

Our experts are grown locally

B.C. Agriculture Minister Pat Pimm Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. has given no indication that his The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. government is interested in taking ®, ™, SM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. ©2013, PHL. a strong position on the issue.

OGILVYOGILVY DIVISION DIVISION PUB: Alberta Farmer Express AD #: PBRW-AB-CWD-22013-JRDPS Print Production Contact: FORMAT: Newspaper FILE: 10-37464-PBRW-AB-CWD-22013-JRDPS-NWS.pdf Chris Rozak TRIM: 17.4" x 10" CLIENT: Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd. RedWorks Delivery/Technical Support: (416) 945-2388 JOB #: P.DUP.DUPBRW.13013.K.013 10 NEWS » Markets SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA

Cargill builds sunflower China steps up imports of DDGS plant in Russia China’s imports of U.S. distillers grains,could hit a record high next year due to a bumper U.S. corn harvest and strong domestic demand. Chinese feed mills use dried distillers grains with Cargill plans to open a $200-million sunflower oil crushing plant in southern Russia in time for solubles (DDGS) as a substitute for more expensive corn and protein-rich meal, but imports the 2015 harvest. The “state-of-the-art” crushing facility is under construction in the town have been hampered in recent years by high prices and an anti-dumping probe. However, a fall of Novoanninskiy in the Volgograd region, Cargill said. It will process up to 640,000 tonnes in prices and rising demand for meat, eggs and milk by Chinese consumers would likely push of sunflower seeds per year. Cargill, one of the world’s largest privately held corporations, 2014 imports of DDGS by China, already the world’s top buyer, past the record 3.16 million already has about 2,700 employees in Russia and 140,000 employees worldwide. — Reuters tonnes imported in 2010, analysts said. — Reuters

November canola moving toward test of contract low Canola activity still flows largely from U.S. soybeans

Photo: Thinkstock

ing from as low as $250 per tonne in late the Canadian dollar, macroeconomic By Phil Franz-Warkentin 2005/early 2006, to as high as $750 per conditions and many other outside tonne in 2008. Prices at harvest time Canola exports have also seen factors also have some bearing on the arvest pressure and bearish chart in 2013 come in right in the middle of direction of the canola market going signals kept the path of least resis- that range. steady growth, nearly doubling forward. Htance to the downside in the ICE Over the same 10 years, canola pro- over the past 10 years to reach Futures Canada canola market during duction has generally trended higher, Corn, soy lower the week ended Sept. 20. Prices drifted with many analysts predicting a record 7.3 million tonnes in 2012-13. Soybean futures in Chicago moved to their lowest levels of the past month, 16 million-plus-tonne crop in 2013. Ten lower during the week, bridging a chart and will likely move lower still before the years ago, Canadian farmers grew a 6.8 gap that had been in place for the past inevitable post-harvest bounce. million-tonne canola crop, right in line month. Solid demand from China and On a daily chart, the November future with the previous five-year average of the tight old-crop supply situation saw some damage during the week and 6.6 million tonnes. When production remain supportive overall, but harvest appears to be headed for a test of the con- jumped to 9.5 million tonnes by 2005-06 pressure will soon come forward to keep tract low at $472.40 sooner rather than the demand was not yet there to utilize the nearby bias to the downside. later, as recently harvested supplies con- those supplies, resulting in the lowest government data, nearly identical to the Corn also moved lower during the tinue to flood the commercial handling prices of the past 10 years. 608,000 tonnes carried over from 2012- week, with harvest pressure and rela- system. However, since that time, the domes- 13. The stocks-to-use ratio of about 8.5 tively favourable weather behind some However, a good portion of the activ- tic crush industry has grown consider- per cent in 2012-13 is also right in line of the weakness. ity in canola continues to stem from ably, with 6.7 million tonnes processed with the 8.3 per cent seen back in 2003- Wheat, meanwhile, was mixed. Har- what‘s happening in U.S. soybeans. The in 2012-13, from 3.4 million in 2003-04, 04. In 2005-06, when prices were at their vest pressure and large international harvest there is still a couple of weeks which was a record at the time. The lowest, the stocks-to-use came in at a crops kept the path of least resistance away, and the market remains uncer- actual capacity is larger still, and proces- more burdensome 21.8 per cent. lower in the Minneapolis spring wheat tain over just how big the soybean crop sors could use over seven million tonnes That key stocks-to-use statistic was market. However, the Kansas City and will be this year. in 2013-14. somewhere between those two points Chicago winter wheat futures were While current canola contracts may Canola exports have also seen steady when canola prices reached their peak mixed to higher, as export demand saw set new lows before correcting higher, growth, nearly doubling over the past in 2008. At that time, fundamentals were some improvement. from a historical perspective prices are 10 years to reach 7.3 million tonnes in less of an issue, with speculative money still relatively favourable. Looking back 2012-13. behind the run-up (and eventual crash). Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity over the past 10 years, canola futures At the end of the 2003-04 crop year, Movements in the CBOT (Chicago News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company in Winnipeg have moved within a wide Canada was sitting on canola ending Board of Trade) soy complex, rising specializing in grain and commodity market $500-per-tonne range, with prices trad- stocks of 609,000 tonnes, according to South American soybean production, reporting. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 11 China spending Farmers appeal complaints about helps Monsanto to U.S. Supreme Court lift farm The company says the farmers’ fear of prosecution is groundless aid from ented genetic traits for corn, from suing them as the com- But those pushing the court By Carey Gillam soybeans, , canola, and pany had pledged it would not action said Monsanto’s patents reuterS other crops. take them to court if biotech were invalid, and its biotech record low The biotech crops are widely crops accidentally mixed in crops damaging to the environ- group of U.S. farm- used throughout the United with theirs. ment and to farmers who suffer But the OECD says ers, seed companies States, and Monsanto has Monsanto said in a statement contamination. long-term trend in A and others challenging sued more than 100 farmers for issued Sept. 4 that the farmers “It behooves the Supreme patents on genetically altered patent infringement, winning were trying to create a contro- Court to hear this important subsidies remains crops held by biotech seed judgments against farmers versy where none exists. case to protect America’s downward giant Monsanto Co. appealed found to have made use of its “The District Court ruled farmers from abusive patent their case to the U.S. Supreme seed without paying required and Court of Appeals affirmed infringement lawsuits and Court Sept. 4. royalties. that there was no controversy invalidate Monsanto’s flawed The group, made up of 73 Monsanto has said it will between the parties,” the patents as their products have brussels / reuters organic and conventional fam- not sue farmers if they do not company said in a statement. been shown to be damaging to ily farmers, seed companies intentionally use the technol- “There is neither a history of human health and the environ- gricultural subsidies as and public advocacy inter- ogy without paying for it. In behaviour nor a reasonable ment and failed to live up to the a share of farm income ests, sued Monsanto in March June, the U.S. Court of Appeals likelihood that Monsanto will marketing hype,” Dave Mur- A bounced back in 2012 from 2011 seeking to prohibit the for the Federal Circuit affirmed pursue patent infringement phy, founder of the advocacy a record low the previous year, company from suing them if a previous ruling that found against farmers who have no group Food Democracy Now, thanks to a dip in commodity pric- their fields became contami- organic growers had no rea- interest in using the company’s a plaintiff in the case, said in a es and increased farm spending by nated with Monsanto’s pat- son to try to block Monsanto patented seed products.” statement. China and others, the OECD said Sept. 18. Public support for producers in 47 countries amounted to 17 per cent of gross farm receipts, up from an all-time low of 15 per cent in 2011, the annual assess- ment by the Paris-based think JOB ID: tank showed. Vibrant roots 6116-1 C Despite the increase, the Orga- DATE: nization for Economic Co-oper- SEPT 17 ation and Development said the fuel better performance. long-term trend in support levels CLIENT: ® ® ® remained downward. Crops thrive with Cruiser Maxx Vibrance . When the Vigor Trigger effect meets CANADA ™ “This short-term change is Rooting Power , you get enhanced crop establishment from stronger, faster-growing plants, PROJECT: partly related to developments above and below the ground. It also protects your wheat and barley crops against a broad CRUISER MAXX VIBRANCE WHEAT ROCKET in world prices for agricultural range of insects and diseases and delivers best-in-class Rhizoctonia control. commodities, as opposed to PUBLICATION: explicit policy changes,” the ALBERTA FARMER EXPRESS report found. DESIGNER: Last year, the prices of com- DC modities such as cereals and sugar fell back from their 2011 ( ) MECHANICAL ( ) PDF/X peaks, ensuring that public sub- FINAL SIZE: 8.125" X 10" sidies accounted for a higher relative share of farm incomes UCR: 240% despite remaining stable in abso- CLIENT SERVICE lute terms in many countries. But the total was also boosted PROOFREADING by a jump in subsidy levels in non-OECD countries such as ART DIRECTION China and Indonesia — included PRODUCTION in the report for the first time — where support as a share of over- all income rose by four and 6.5 percentage points respectively. China’s farm subsidies rose by almost $50 billion in 2012 to reach $165 billion, the report showed. The sharp increase means the share of subsidies in Chinese farm receipts is now approaching the OECD average. “Growing minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat and an increasing range of other com- modities covered by market interventions are major factors behind mounting transfers from consumers,” the report said. Rising Chinese subsidies are a result of the government’s self- sufficiency policies, which can prove costly. Levels of agricultural support vary widely. Subsidies as a share of farm income were less than four per cent in New Zealand, Australia and Chile, compared with more than 50 per cent in Japan, South Korea and Switzer- land, the report showed. In the European Union, sup- port to producers rose slightly last year to 19 per cent of total receipts, while in the United States the share fell to seven per cent, from eight per cent in 2011. The OECD is a club of the Visit or contact our Customer Resource Centre at 1-87-SYNGENTA (1-877-964-3682). world’s wealthiest 34 coun- Always read and follow label directions. Cruiser Maxx® Vibrance® Cereals, Rooting PowerTM, Vigor Trigger®, the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the tries but frequently conducts Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. © 2013 Syngenta. research into the wider global economy.

6116-1-C_SYN_CMV_Cereals_RocketAd_8.125x10.indd 1 13-09-17 4:44 PM 12 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Take steps to prevent treated seed contamination When harvest and seeding operations overlap, contamination can be a problem

• When possible, store treated seed in refuse to accept delivery of any grain CANADIAN GRAIN separate bins. that is believed to be contaminated. As COMMISSION RELEASE • Clean all equipment and bins after well, the Canada Grain Act prohibits seeding and before harvest. delivery of grain that is contaminated. • Visually inspect equipment and If treated seed is found in a shipment estern Canadian grain pro- bins for treated seed: before harvest, at the terminal elevator, the shipment ducers are harvesting their before transferring grain between will be held until the Canadian Grain W crops, and some are plant- bins, and before transferring grain Commission completes a chemical ing winter wheat. Because produc- to a truck or railcar for delivery. analysis. ers may be handling seed and har- Health Canada has set maximum Any delays caused by treated seed vested grain at the same time, there residue limits for chemicals in Cana- can result in additional cost to grain is a risk that treated seed may con- dian grain. Any grain exceeding these handlers or producers. For example, if taminate harvested grain intended limits can be condemned. This means a producer car is contaminated, extra for delivery. that the grain cannot enter the food or charges such as storage charges or costs The Canadian Grain Commission feed system and is destroyed. related to potential contamination of reminds producers they can prevent Under the Canada Grain Act, a licensed other grain in the facility, resulting treated seed contamination by follow- grain handling facility cannot receive in loss of the grain’s value, could be ing these precautions: grain that is contaminated and may passed on to the producer.

AgCanada ups production and export numbers for pulses and CEREALS specialty crops BY BRANDON LOGAN NorthAmerica 2 13 COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA griculture and Agri-Food Fairmont Hotel, Winnipeg | 5-7 November 2013 Canada has raised its pro- A duction estimate for the 2012/13 and 2013/14 specialty and pulse crops in its latest sup- ply-and-demand report, released on Sept. 18. Total production of the special and pulse crops is now pegged at 5.538 million tonnes for 2013/14, up from 5.145 million tonnes in the August report, but below the 5.676 million tonnes produced in 2012/13. The report pegged 2013/14 end- ing stocks at 750,000 tonnes, up from the August estimate of 570,000 tonnes. For 2012/13, ending stocks were estimated at 632,000 tonnes, up from 505,000 in the August report. Total exports of the seven major specialty and pulse crops are now North American Ag and Grain Trade Conference forecast at 4.455 million tonnes for 2013/14 (versus 4.225 million Attend the Cereals North America Conference in Speakers: tonnes in the August estimate). The • Dan Basse, President, AgResource Company 2012/13 total export estimate was Winnipeg November 5-7. The Conference offers also revised to 4.952 million tonnes • Mr. Yang Weilu, CNGOIC economic insight for world agriculture for 2014 and (from 4.660 million previously). • Greg Kostal, Kostal Ag Consulting Total domestic usage in 2013/14 beyond. The brightest minds from China, Russia, the is estimated at 1.088 million • Gavin Maguire, Reuters EU, South America, US and Canada will present on tonnes (up from August’s esti- • Dr Bill Tierney, AgResource Company mate of 973,000 tonnes). For the emerging opportunities in grains, oilseeds and 2012/13, total domestic usage • Dr Dmitri Rylko, IKAR livestock. was estimated at 1.501 million • Alex Bos, Louis Dreyfus Commodities tonnes (above August’s report of 0.654 million tonnes). However, • Bruce Burnett, CWB For information on sponsorship or display booths the lower total in August was due • Scott Yuknis, Climate Impact Company to dry pea domestic usage num- please visit our website. bers being unavailable. • Bill Lapp, Advanced Economic Solutions The seven major specialty and • Noel Fryer, Fryer’s Reports pulse crops are dry peas, lentils, Subscribers of Alberta Farmer receive a reduced dry beans, chickpeas, mustard • Thomas Williamson, Trans. Consultants Co. registration fee of $395. Enter the code “AFarmer” to seed, canary seed and sunflower seed. receive the reduced rate.

For more information, contact Kaitlin Miller at (204) 984-0132 or Jean Basse at (312) 972-5858. Stretch your ADVERTISING DOLLAR!


Alberta Farmer.indd 1 9/13/2013 9:50:34 AM ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 13 Cargill picks new CEO to take over Dec. 1 David MacLennan will take the helm as part of a scheduled succession plan for private company

modities trader. It reported earn- 1991 and has worked in its finan- BY CHRISTINE STEBBINS AND ings of $2.31 billion for the fiscal cial, risk management, energy TOM POLANSEK year that ended May 31, compared and animal protein businesses CHICAGO / REUTERS with $1.17 billion a year ago. in the United States, London and Cargill, a leading global grains Geneva. He became president and gribusiness Cargill Inc. exporter, is among four “ABCD” COO in 2011. announced David MacLen- companies that dominate the “The challenge is navigating a A nan, its president and chief flow of agricultural goods around world that has a lot of volatility,” operating officer, will be its new the world. The others are Archer MacLennan said. chief executive officer Sept. 12. Daniels Midland Co., Bunge Ltd. Volatility has been a factor in MacLennan replaces CEO and Louis Dreyfus Corp. Cargill earnings in recent years, Gregory Page, 62, who is stepping The chief executives of Louis most notably fiscal 2012 when down. Dreyfus Commodities and Bunge profits fell 56 per cent to $1.17 bil- MacLennan told Reuters that stepped down this summer. lion as Cargill was squeezed by soft Cargill will keep on the same MacLennan said he sees Car- economies and market volatility. path set under Page’s leadership, gill’s greatest growth opportu- Company officials said the lead- focusing on investments outside nities in Brazil — as the country ership change was not related to of North America while expand- expands crop production and recent volatility and noted the ing its energy business to include shipping infrastructure — and in 148-year-old company had record more physical trade. Africa and China where demand earnings five out of the last six “Overall, we like our mix of hard for food will continue to rise. years with Page at the helm. New CEO David MacLennan says he will keep Cargill on the same path. asset businesses, primary and sec- “Seventy-five per cent of our Page, who has worked for Cargill ondary processing, value-added capital in the last five years has for 39 years and is stepping down “To the outside world this may Cargill remains privately held by foods, trading relative to risk been invested outside the United from chief executive before Car- come about as news — amongst descendants of the founders from management for our customers States,” MacLennan said. “It will gill’s mandatory retirement age our leadership team this has been the Cargill and MacMillan families. and our own businesses,” he said. continue to be more outside of of 65, will become the company’s a well-vetted process,” said Page, Asked if Cargill will go public in Minneapolis-based Cargill is North America rather than inside executive chairman. In that role, adding the transition began more the near future, MacLennan said: one of the world’s largest privately of North America.” Page will lead the board and be a than two years ago to “maintain “No. The families’ commitment held corporations and a top com- MacLennan, 54, joined Cargill in resource to the company. continuity in Cargill.” to staying private is unchanged.” Amber Moskalyk VT G elected 500 new chair of AFC Yields board Stands BIG Youngest-ever chair started with AFC as student member airview-area producer Amber Moskalyk has been F elected as the new chair of STRONG the Agriculture and Food Coun- cil. Moskalyk is also the youth director on the AFC board. #1 for World Class Standability! She joined AFC 10 years ago as a student member on the Maximize your yield with the best standability of any hybrid on the market. AFC board, and has served as a VT 500 G is #1 for standability allowing you to swath and combine at faster director since . She is a producer speeds than ever before, saving you time and money during harvest. Get and Alberta mobile field repre- sentative team lead with the the yield you’re after, faster with VT 500 G. Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA). Moskalyk was For more information, visit your Viterra ag retail or known by her maiden name, Havens, until her June 2013 wedding. STANDABILITY “AFC is well-positioned to launch new initiatives to fill gaps within the agriculture and BETTER VT G food industry,” Moskalyk said 1 500 in a release. “We have a vast L130 array of members representing VR 9560 CL 1.5 VT 530 G L159 1.8 a cross-section of industry, new 2 VR 9562 GC 2.2 2.1 board members who represent 2.4 2.3 industry areas that we haven’t VR 9559 G 2.5 DEKALB 2.9 had before, and energetic staff 3 73-75 RR DEKALB who are keen and more than 73-45 RR 3.2 capable in moving the council forward.” Standability Rating 4 Five director positions on the nine-member board were avail- able at the Sept. 11 annual meet- 5

ing. The following new directors FLAT were named: incumbent David Anderson, Carla Amonson, Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with David Bressler, Dietrich Kuhl- Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any mann and Tanya McDonald. crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this The new directors join Heather product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes Broughton, Rajan Gupta, Amber that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural . Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Moskalyk and Karen Parker on Genuity®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc. the board. 14 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA

Smooth sailing For U.S. harvest Colorado flooding hits agriculture

Agricultural meteorologists last week predicted continued favourable weather for the U.S. corn Cornfields along Colarado’s flooded South Platte River could be lost if water that has swamped low-lying and soybean harvest. MDA Weather Services predicted light rain for last Friday into the weekend prairie fails to drain away before the October harvest, said Brent Boydston of the Colorado Farm Bureau. but dry for this week. The 11-to-15-day forecast looked a little wetter from Oct. 4 through 8, which “The corn will rot... if it’s underwater that long,” Boydston said, adding that waterlogged hay crops might slow harvest. Temperatures were predicted o remain above average, with no threats of could become mouldy and be ruined as well. Even if farmers manage to harvest their crops, damage to frost or freezing temperatures that would harm crops. There may be a little frost in the northern transportation and other infrastructure could prevent them from getting their produce to market, or hinder fringes of the Midwest but nothing significant, according to MDA. — Reuters ranchers in getting their herds to feedlots, Boydston said. — Reuters

Cool Arctic summer and record rain High pressure over Western Canada helped hold that massive rainfall over Colorado

predictions that this would be ing September. All that mois- by daniel bezte an active hurricane year across ture fell as rain and the rains the Atlantic, the first half of just wouldn‘t stop. When all s we slowly ease our way the hurricane season has seen was said and done, Boulder into fall I thought it might very little activity. So far this received 17.16 inches of rain A be a good time to take a year there have only been two. in a week — a truly remarkable bit of a look around and explore Hurricane Humberto became amount. some of the bigger weather sto- the Atlantic‘s first hurricane When there are large rain- ries from around North America on Sept. 11, which ties it with fall events, we try to put it and the world. 2002 as the latest appearance into perspective by coming Let‘s begin our look at the of the season‘s first hurricane. up with a frequency of such top and bottom of the world by The second was Ingrid, which a large event. We start to get examining what has been going formed off the east coast of impressed if it is considered to on with Arctic and Antarctic sea Mexico and briefly gained hur- be a one-in-100 year event, and ice. With the summer coming ricane strength on Sept. 15 are truly amazed if it’s a one- to a close across the Arctic it before weakening and eventu- in-500 year event. For the Boul- appears the extent of sea ice hit ally moving inland, bringing der region, they crunched the a minimum on Sept. 13. If this heavy rains to that country’s rainfall data over the last 100 is the case, then the minimum Veracruz region. or so years and came up with came in pretty close to the aver- With only two short-lived hur- a frequency chart. It turns out age date of Sept. 15. ricanes so far this year, it’s not that 5.87 inches of rain falling I didn‘t discuss Arctic sea ice surprising that accumulated over a one-week period would extent this spring and summer cyclone energy (ACE) is at or constitute a 1-in-1,000-year because, well, nothing really near a record low. ACE, a mea- event. Boulder received three unusual happened in the Arctic sure used to express the activ- times that much rain, so it truly this summer. Ice extent was still ity and destructive potential of was an amazing weather event! very low compared to the long- tropical cyclones, is an accu- Let‘s hope we don‘t have any term average (sixth-lowest on mulated sum for the season. So more epic rainfall or, dare I say, record) but was not nearly as far 2013 has an ACE across the snowfall events that we need to low as the record-breaking year Atlantic of 24 units. This com- talk about this year. PHOTo: thinkstock we saw last year. Ice extent fell pares to the seasonal average of to 5.1 million square kilometres 110, and the record of 260 set this year, 1.12 million square km in 2005. With not much activ- below the 1981-to-2010 average, ity forecast for the Atlantic over but well above last year‘s 3.41 the next week or so, it doesn‘t million square km. look like there will be a big end The reason for the big differ- to this year‘s hurricane season. ence is simply that conditions over the Arctic this summer Over Boulder were not very favourable for The final weather story is prob- ice melt. Low pressure tended to ably one of the biggest stories of dominate over the Pole, which the year, and very reminiscent resulted in a cooler, cloudier of the rainfall and flooding that summer. One point of particu- occurred in Alberta earlier this lar interest is that the Northwest year. In a weather setup that Passage remained closed this virtually mimicked what hap- summer, after opening up for pened in Alberta, parts of Colo- the past couple of years. rado saw historic rainfalls and Around Antarctica, winter is flooding around the middle of just ending and sea ice extent September that resulted in bil- appears to have reached its lions of dollars in damage. maximum. While the Arctic is What set the stage for this seeing a fairly rapid decline in record rainfall event was a sea ice over the last couple of large area of high pressure over decades, the Antarctic has seen Western Canada along with a an increase in sea ice. On Sept. flow of tropical moisture com- 18, its sea ice extent hit 19.44 ing out of the Gulf of Mexico. million square km, which tied This setup remained stationary the record high set only last for nearly seven days, allow- year. ing huge amounts of rain to fall as the tropical moisture ACEs low was forced up the mountains, Another interesting weather where it condensed and fell as This shows the total amount of precipitation across the Prairies during the second half of summer story so far this fall is actually rain. Weather balloon sound- (mid-July to mid-September). From all the browns and yellows on the map you can easily see that a non-weather story. So far in ings from around Boulder most of the area saw less-than-average amounts. Most regions saw 20 to 40 mm less than average, 2013 the hurricane season over recorded the greatest amount but a good part of central Alberta and Saskatchewan, along with western Manitoba saw 40 to as high as the Atlantic Ocean has been one of atmospheric moisture ever 80 mm below the long-term average. of the quietest on record. After recorded in that region dur- ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 15 Manitoba hens to live in enriched housing Layers will now have more room to move, perches and private nesting areas

Having perches also makes the “We are producing a food here By Shannon VanRaes birds more comfortable. and it’s very important that the co-operator staff “Birds like to sit at night on manure is separated from the eggs perches, it’s their natural behav- and so on, so food safety combined he idea of progressive ani- iour. If you’ve ever had chickens with the welfare initiative of open mal welfare has come home on your farm, you’ll see that they housing is really ... a nice com- T to roost with the Manitoba look for perches at night,” he said. bination and a responsible bal- Egg Farmers. By providing hens with more ance,” said Brenda Bazylewski, The organization, which rep- space — 700 square centimetres communications director for the resents nearly 170 egg and pullet per bird versus 420 in the old sys- Egg Farmers. “We envision this producers, has banned the instal- tem — aggression is also lessened. particular system will be around lation of any new conventional If a bird is being pecked or bullied, for quite some time.” cages after Dec. 31, 2014. it can move away from the aggres- A four-cent levy rebate on mar- “I think this is the best way to go sor. ketable dozens of eggs has also — it’s farmer initiated and we’re The organization also consulted been introduced to help produc- doing what the research tells us with the Winnipeg Humane Soci- ers cover transition costs. So far works,” said Ed Kleinsasser, Mani- ety, and will continue to meet with there is no deadline for removing toba Egg Farmers chairman. it on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. conventional cages. Instead of conventional cages, “We’re trying to be progressive Siemens said he will continue to producers will be required to use and look after our chickens to the install the new, enriched housing a furnished or enriched housing best of our knowledge, with the as his conventional cages reach the system, which provides birds with best research we can get,” said end of their life-spans. more space, perches, scratching Kleinsasser. “We also want to “There is more cost, but for the surfaces and private nesting boxes. answer consumer concerns to the value you get keeping your hens in Free-run aviaries are also an best of our ability.” this type of system, it’s well worth option for producers moving Food safety was paramount in it,” he said. away from the conventional cage the development of the enriched Hens enjoy more space in an enriched housing system, designed to system. housing system. [email protected] address animal welfare concerns and improve health. Photo: Shannon VanRaes Bill McDonald, CEO of the Win- nipeg Humane Society, welcomed the change. “We’re very pleased to see the end of the battery cages,” he said. “Chickens like to lay their eggs in an enclosed space away from other chickens, they like to roost, to get up an sit on something... if you see them outside they will be going around, scratching, looking for things, and there are scratch pads in the furnished housing,” he said. “So while the furnished hous- ings are not, by comparison to a free-range or open-range situation ideal, they are certainly a big step up from the battery cages.” Kleinsasser said discussions on hen housing began several years ago, adding his organization has kept a close eye on developments in Europe, where animal welfare concerns forced egg producers to abruptly switch to enriched hous- ing. “So in 2010 we made it our policy to start in this direction,” he said. “It’s not something we’ve done lately or lightly, we’ve talked about it over the course of years.” Although he doesn’t go so far as to say producers are enthusiastic about the changes, Kleinsasser said they “seem to support it and they are willing to go along with it” and he hasn’t heard any com- plaints. Roughly a dozen Manitoba pro- ducers, representing 120,000 lay- ing hens, have already adopted the new system. “I have about a quarter of my birds in this furnished housing sys- tem already,” said Kurt Siemens, who farms near Rosenort, Man.. “It’s a very good system ... I look at the birds in there and they are content, they are doing well, eat- ing the feed they’re supposed to, drinking well and laying their eggs in the nesting box.” A significant amount of research went into developing the enriched cages to ensure they suited the behavioral needs of chickens, said A LEADER IN BREEDING. Results matter. That’s why we individually analyze 13 million Bill Guenter, a poultry specialist at the University of Manitoba. corn seeds annually, to isolate the one with the perfect DNA signature to perform in your fi elds. First designed in Europe, enriched housing was studied That’s business as usual for us, because every kernel matters to you. Fly with a Leader. extensively in Manitoba before the Egg Farmers decided to adopt the housing system, which costs 20 to 25 per cent more. “With this system, the feathering is better, the bone health is better Talk to your DEKALB dealer today, or visit ... the birds are healthier,” Guenter said. “From a welfare standpoint ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Details of these requirements can be found in the with the birds, if the bones are Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc. stronger at the end, it’s less dam- aging to them.”

DEKALB AD# 40262 “Strong Roots” Client: DEKALB Insertion Order # LCA00447 905.403.0055 > [email protected] Pub: Alberta Farmer Dimensions: Trim: Jr. Tab 4/C = 8.125” x 10” 16 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA

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CLUBROOT CONFIRMED IN MANITOBA Tests on two unrelated canola fields in Manitoba in August and September have confirmed clubroot on both samples, Manitoba’s agriculture department said Sept. 19. “Due to these results… Manitoba can no longer be considered free of clubroot disease,” the department said in a special bulletin. The discovery of clubroot symptoms in Manitoba had been considered likely, as clubroot DNA had been confirmed previously in soil samples unrelated to these fields, the province said.

Bayer’s New Product Cuts Potentially Toxic Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. © 2012 PHL.2012 Limited.© Hi-Bred Pioneer to licensed marks service and Trademarks All purchases are subject to the terms of labelling and purchase documents. purchase and labelling of terms the to subject are purchases All DuPont. of trademark registered a is Logo Oval DuPont The TM,SM ®,

Corn Dust 90 Per Cent TM It’s expected to go along way to reducing harm caused to bees from neonicotinoid-treated seed

ethylene wax substrate. It reduces BY ALLAN DAWSON dust because less of it is required, STAFF it adheres well to the seed, and it’s not as abrasive, he said. anadian corn growers will “And more importantly there’s have access next spring to a very significant reduction in the C a new product from Bayer amount of insecticide in the dust, CropScience that reduces dust which is really the issue,” Zamec- emissions by 90 per cent. nik said. Dust from corn and soybean seed Bayer tested the new product coated with neonicotinoid insecti- on 40,000 acres throughout North cides has been blamed for wide- America this spring, including spread bee deaths in Ontario and 25,000 acres in Ontario and Quebec. Quebec. Farmers said it worked just as well as “There will be no limitation on their traditional lubricants, he said. the availability of the product as Bayer said in a release it has worked far as who can use it on what seed,” to improve honeybee health for more said Greig Zamecnik, Bayer Crop- than 25 years. Its Bee Care Program Science’s director of horticulture includes initiatives designed to fur- and row crop business. “It’s a stew- ther bee health research, engage- ardship initiative.” ment and discussion. The new product will be priced Bee Care Program initiatives competitively with existing lubri- include: cants. • The North American Bee Care Earlier this month, the federal Pest Center, which broke ground in Management Regulatory Agency May at the North American Bayer announced proposed changes for CropScience Headquarters in using this class of insecticides, stat- Research Triangle Park, N.C., is a ing “that current agricultural prac- state-of-the-art facility to support tices related to the use of neonic- worldwide bee health initiatives. Dust from corn and soybean seed coated with neonicotinoid insecticides has otinoid-treated corn and soybean • The Protect the Western Bumble been blamed for widespread bee deaths in Ontario and Quebec. seed are not sustainable” Bee initiative, part of the Bring It’s common for corn growers Back the Wild program, is a part- Meanwhile, the Pest Management of some neonicotinoid pesticide ground. proving to add talc, graphite or both to the nership with Earth Rangers to Regulatory Agency is “expediting” products where bees are present.” seed bins on their corn planters to educate kids on the importance its previously announced re-evalu- The planned U.S. labels are to have aid seed flow and increase planting of bees and to help protect their ation of neonicotinoids, in co-oper- a bee “advisory box and icon” with accuracy, Zamecnik said. habitat. ation with the U.S. Environmental information on routes of exposure The Dust comes from the planter • Bee Ambassador Program is a Protection Agency and proposes and drift precautions. when the vacuum used to place field staff training campaign to implement label changes simi- the seed is released. Bayer’s new dedicated to bettering honeybee lar to EPA’s. It’s calling for new [email protected] with files fluency agent is made of a poly- management and health. pesticide labels that “prohibit use from Dave Bedard

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PR343 PG CPS Weigh.indd 1 12-09-25 11:59 AM 18 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Increased canola yields, profi ts prove the benefi t of biotechnology Herbicide tolerance and hybridization credited for current success of Canada’s canola industry

With the increase in yields has have adopted this technology profits will only continue to rise, BY JENNIFER BLAIR come an increase in marketing very, very quickly because it was Delage said. AF STAFF / RED DEER opportunities as well. Canadian “If there’s one crop in very obvious from the beginning “I see what’s happening with some crushing capacity has tripled over that there was a strong economic of these breeding organizations, and aurice Delage says he only the past decade, while canola oil Canada that really incentive to do so.” I have all the confidence in the world needs to look at his canola exports have increased over five benefited from minimum that we’re going to be talking about M crop for proof of how bio- times over 10 years. More with less 70- to 80-bushel canola yields over technology has helped his farm. “That means we have two legs till, it was canola.” Biotechnology has also changed the next 20 years.” “It’s clear that the modern to stand on as producers,” Delage the way Delage views the future That future is within reach for canola industry in Canada is really said. “As a producer, I now have of his operation. “We believe in Delage. Some of this year’s fields a direct result of biotechnology. order for us to be fully competi- two ways of marketing my canola, MAURICE DELAGE have already averaged over 70 bu/ Without the critical development both of which can be very advan- tive, we’re going to have to do ac, and harvest isn’t over on his that took place in the 1990s and tageous. We have a domestic more with less. We’re going to farm. the early 2000s, the canola industry crushing industry, which we sell have to keep driving down our “These are hybrids that are as we know it today simply could to directly, but we also have this unit cost of production in order already commercially in produc- not have existed in Canada,” said export market.” was through the development of to be successful long term. That’s tion and in the field, and have been Delage in his address to the Agri- Without biotechnology, this hybrids.” where biotechnology has had a for a year,” said Delage. “It’s not cultural Biotechnology Interna- growth would not have been pos- Delage believes that growers huge impact in terms of our on- something that’s somewhere off tional Conference (ABIC) in Cal- sible, says Delage. would not have so readily adopted farm business.” in the distance. It’s not something gary earlier this month. “No one was going to invest in the technology if there hadn’t been And as new varieties are devel- that we’re hoping for. This stuff is The introduction of GM and these crushing plants unless they a profit to be made with it. oped disease tolerance, higher here, or just around the corner.” hybrid canola has helped double were sure of supply, and the only “Profit really is the support for oil content, improved oil profile canola acreage over the past 20 way that supply came to market taking risks,” he said. “Farmers and stress tolerance, yields, and [email protected] years, with almost 98 per cent now seeded to GM crops. Yields have followed suit. Alberta canola yields averaged 39.5 bu/ac in 2011, a 12 bu/ac increase over 2001. Delage, who runs a 21,000-acre operation near Indian Head, Sask., has seen even better results. “Much of it has been driven by fertility and breeding. Our target yield is 60 bu/ac this past year, and DOES YOUR YIELD our five-year average is around 53 bu/ac. Right now, with around 75 per cent of our canola harvested, we’re around 67 bu/ac. These yields continue to rise.” MEASURE UP? Delage credits two major break- throughs for increasing canola production on his farm. The first was the introduction of herbicide- tolerant systems in 1995. Delage said that before that, it was difficult to grow canola, because there was no broad-spectrum weed control. The same technology allowed the adoption of minimum tillage, Delage said. 101% of 5440 “If there’s one crop in Canada that really benefited from mini- mum till, it was canola,” he said. “This herbicide-tolerant system really allowed for minimum till to find a stronghold in canola production. It allowed for many 102% of 45H29* more acres to be seeded, higher yields, and quick establishment of the crop.”

Hybrid leap The second breakthrough came several years later with the devel- opment of hybrid crops. “This was a quantum leap, because it took an open-pollinated crop into a whole new era,” said It’s all tied up. Delage. “From one day to the next essentially, you were able to jump When it comes to yield supremacy, yields 25 to 30 per cent.” it’s six of one, half dozen of the other. It’s been talked about, debated, and argued amongst growers across the prairies. When it’s all said and done, according to yield trials, Genuity® Roundup Ready® hybrids yield on par with the competition.* Like all contests this close, the debate rages on... for now.


*Source: 2012 Field-Scale Canola Performance Trials *2012 YieldWorks and Demonstration Trials GM and hybrid technology are Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc. Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these credited with the jump in Canadian requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. canola yields. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 19 FCC lending in Alberta sees dramatic increase Lending activity strong in all areas but has especially increased in the north

vice-president for B.C. and lending demand. “Right now, most activity we are seeing is in tours to online learning oppor- BY MADELEINE BAERG Alberta south operations. the primary sector we lend to in the north country, from Grande tunities. AF CONTRIBUTOR /CALGARY Samson attributes FCC’s rapid Alberta is the crop sector. Sec- Prairie all the way up to La Crete A second change is FCC’s growth to agricultural knowl- ond would be supply-managed which is just an hour and a half increasing relationship with ack in 1959, the Canadian edge, increasing creativity, and a commodities including dairy from the Northwest Territories. agri-food and agribusiness. Government passed the name for offering dollars in both and poultry, and right behind We’ve just opened a full-time “In early the early 2000s, we BFarm Credit Act to estab- good times and bad. that is the beef industry. The office in La Crete, and agricul- took on a very strong focus on lish the Farm Credit Corporation “We have really grown as a beef industry has been some- ture is booming up there,” says value-added opportunities. Our (FCC) and gave it $8 million of trusted partner with producers. what flatter after BSE because Samson. mandate is that we’re still there capital in order to provide a sin- Our one focus is agriculture. some inventories decreased and “Everyone seems to think that for the primary producer, but we gle loan product at a set rate of We understand agriculture’s some producers left the sector,” once you get past Edmonton, it feel in lending to agri-business five per cent interest. dynamics and cyclical nature, says Samson. all just turns into bush. I don’t and agri-food, we can help on Today, FCC stands for Farm that on average every four years think a lot of people realize that both sides of the farm gate to Credit Canada, and that’s not there will be some sort of chal- Peace Region expansion some of the best farmland in make primary producers suc- all that has changed. In 2012, lenge to farmers,” Samson says. Likewise, loan activity is concen- the country is situated up north cessful,” says Samson. total agricultural debt in Alberta “We lend to all sectors of agri- trated in geographic pockets and of Grande Prairie in the Peace “We’re now lending to busi- alone was $15.9 billion, of which culture at all times. If there is a corridors that are seeing particu- region. Land values are cer- nesses that, on one side of the FCC’s market share was 27.22 specific sector that is struggling, larly good returns. Asset values tainly appreciating up there, but farm gate, give producers the per cent, or $4.3 billion, an we continue to lend to that indus- are high in the corridor between there’s been quite a bit of activ- goods and services they need increase of 255 per cent over a try and work with them to try to Edmonton and Calgary, in irri- ity because land has been more to grow high quality crops: the dozen years. help them move forward. For gated lands down south, and in affordable.” crop input providers, the farm “Individually, no other insti- example, during BSE we contin- areas with a strong concentra- Samson says alhough FCC’s machinery people, the livestock tution or organization has as ued to lend to beef producers.” tion of dairy. mandate of supporting agri- trucking companies. Then, on much of the agricultural lend- Over the past few years, crop However, the strongest growth culture remains unchanged, the other side of the farm gate, ing market share as FCC. All five commodities including cereal in activity is coming from its product offerings evolve as we’re supporting businesses chartered banks together have grains, pulses and oilseeds have another area entirely — the far times change. A major focus of like food processors or alter- slightly more market share but seen strong prices. As such, inter- north. the last decade is an increasing native fuel companies that will no one individually is anywhere est and expansion in the sector “Things are going very well involvement in producer educa- give producers markets for their close,” says Clem Samson, FCC’s are booming, generating strong throughout the province, but the tion, from workshops to learning products.”


European authorities DOES YOUR YIELD make U-turn on environmental MEASURE UP? benefits of biofuels BRUSSELS / REUTERS New research carried out for the European Commission shows some crop-based biofuels are twice as pollut- ing as conventional ones. It confirmed previous findings that fuels made from cereals and sugar 101% of 5440 crops have much lower car- bon emissions than those from vegetable oils such as rapeseed, palm and soy oil. Emissions from one litre of biodiesel made from imported soy oil are equiva- 102% of 45H29* lent to burning up to two litres of diesel from fossil fuel, its data analysis found. It factors in that growing crops for biofuel displaces food production elsewhere, which results in deforesta- tion and draining of peat- land. Following the report’s release, the European It’s all tied up. Parliament’s environ- ment committee voted to When it comes to yield supremacy, limit crop-based biofuels to five per cent of energy it’s six of one, half dozen of the other. consumption in transport, It’s been talked about, debated, and argued amongst half of the previous 10 per cent target set for 2020. But growers across the prairies. When it’s all said and done, member states, who are according to yield trials, Genuity® Roundup Ready® deeply divided on the issue, hybrids yield on par with the competition.* Like all will have to ratify the vote contests this close, the debate rages on... for now. before it takes effect.


*Source: 2012 Field-Scale Canola Performance Trials *2012 YieldWorks and Demonstration Trials Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc. requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. 20 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Wheat rally lacks legs and will fizzle in the face of rising supply U.S. wheat exports are running at their fastest pace in years but predictions of a sustained price rally are overblown

Wheat inspections data, an likely decline as wheat from other By Gavin Maguire indicator of upcoming sales origins becomes available. chicago / reuters intentions, are bullish, and with Canada, Australia, Russia, China the most prominent des- Ukraine and Kazakhstan are all he recent uptick in U.S. tination in the latest inspections expected to harvest significantly wheat exports has con- report, market sentiment has larger wheat crops this year, and T vinced some traders that been buoyed further, given Chi- India has historically high domes- prices will buck their recent down- na’s heretofore limited interest in tic wheat reserves earmarked for ward trend and go higher over the U.S. wheat. export. coming months. Indeed, year-to-date U.S. wheat Finally, Southern hemisphere But while firm overseas demand, exports to China are already at growers such as Argentina and coupled with the conclusion of the their highest level in a decade, and Australia are also forecast to U.S. winter wheat harvest, might now look set to rise further. And increase exports over last year, well offer support to prices going with the price spread between ensuring that a healthy dose of forward, stiff competition from U.S. wheat and Chinese domestic competition will likely define other exporters such as Canada, wheat at three-year highs, addi- wheat exports in the coming There’s also plenty of wheat in Manitoba. This is one of two piles of winter Australia and Ukraine will likely tional Chinese imports are all but months. wheat at the Paterson elevator in Morris, where there are 1.5 million limit the potential for higher prices guaranteed. For grain-hungry importers bushels stored on the ground, but with cover and aeration. Photo: Allan Dawson over the near to medium term. such as China, the combination So far, U.S. wheat exports are run- Heightened competition of abundant new supplies and ing patterns that are the hallmarks then Australian supplies come on ning at their fastest pace in years, The problem for bullish U.S. low prices is almost irresistible, of a commercial scramble. stream. High prices will also bring and are on course to hit USDA’s wheat traders is that, while China especially when domestic wheat But the window for U.S. exclu- wheat from India, Europe and the forecast of close to 30 million might buy more wheat, the shareT:8.25” values keep rising on brisk volume sivity will start to close in a mat- Black Sea and any rally is likely to tonnes for the 2013/14 crop year. bought from U.S. suppliers will and higher open interest — trad- ter of weeks as Canadian and be quickly snuffed out.


Grain Growers appoints new executive director Grain Growers of Canada has appointed Jim Facette as executive director in the wake of former adminis- trator’s Richard Phillips’s departure to take the helm at the Canada Grains Coun- cil. Facette, who until recent- ly was president and CEO of the Canadian Propane Association, is an an 18-year veteran of industry associa- tion experience. “Jim is an experienced government and public relations profes- sional that knows his way around Ottawa,” said Gary Stanford, vice-president of the Grain Growers of Canada.

Acting farm T:10” implement inspector Agri-News The Farmers’ Advocate Office (FAO) has welcomed Bernie Yakimy- shyn to act as farm imple- ment inspector. The FAO is currently recruiting for the full-time farm implement inspector position. Yakimyshyn is a former FAO employee who already possesses a working SET YOURSELF UP FOR A SUCCESSFUL HARVEST knowledge of this impor- ™ tant role, and his expertise WITH NEW LUMIDERM IN THE BAG. will help provide excellent service to FAO clients in the You’ve got so much riding on your canola crop. Why not ensure it gets the ultimate protection from  ea interim. beetles and cutworms? Introducing new DuPont™ Lumiderm™ insecticide seed treatment. With new Anyone requiring infor- Lumiderm™ in the bag, you can take the next big leap in the science of early season crop protection. mation or assistance regard- ing farm implements, parts Get your crop o to a great start and set yourself up for a successful harvest. Ask your seed retailer availability, farm implement or local representative to include new Lumiderm™ insecticide seed treatment to your 2014 canola seed ™ dealer/distributor licens- order. Now exclusively available on select Pioneer® brand canola hybrids and Bayer CropScience DuPont ing, warranty issues, failure InVigor® canola hybrids. Visit Lumiderm™ to perform inquiries or the insecticide seed treatment obsolete parts directory, ™ ™ ™ ™ are asked to contact Yaki- DuPont Lumiderm is a DuPont Lumigen seed sense product. myshyn toll-free in Alberta As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. at 310-FARM (3276) or to The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPontTM, The miracles of scienceTM, LumidermTM and LumigenTM are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours search Farmers’ Advocate and Company. E. I. du Pont Canada Company is a licensee. Member of CropLife Canada. ©Copyright 2013 E. I. du Pont Canada Company. All rights reserved. Pioneer ® is a registered trademark of Pioneer ® Hi-Bred International, Inc. InVigor ® is a registered trademark of Bayer. Bayer CropScience is a member of Office website. CropLife Canada.

OGILVYOGILVY DIVISION DIVISION PUB: Alberta Farmer Express AD #: DUP-LUM01013 Print Production Contact: FORMAT: Newspaper FILE: 03-37560-DUP-LUM01013-NWS.pdf Chris Rozak TRIM: 8.25" x 10" CLIENT: Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd. RedWorks Delivery/Technical Support: (416) 945-2388 JOB #: P.DUP.DUPCSE.13003.K.013 ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 21


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Visit for more information and join the conversation #FFi40 22 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Oklahoma winds may spread deadly swine virus Since June, when PEDv first hit, workers have quarantined the area, scrubbed vehicles and sprayed buildings with antiseptic

at the University of Minnesota’s sity EpiCentre in New Zealand, BY CAREY GILLAM AND P.J. College of Veterinary Medicine. told Reuters he used data released HUFFSTUTTER Researchers at Minnesota’s by federal investigators, and has REUTERS veterinary diagnostic lab found pegged the death toll at 1.3 mil- the virus in air samples taken by lion pigs and climbing. n the windswept prairies of Seaboard Foods, a large pork pro- As of the week of Sept. 8, there the Oklahoma Panhandle, ducer, from the vicinity of its Pan- had been 612 confirmed cases O the hog barns of Prestage handle hog farms and its packing reported in 17 states, according to Farms are lined up like military plant near Guymon, Oklahoma. federal officials. Iowa, the largest barracks. The 20,000-sow opera- Pigs injected with samples of U.S. hog producer with 20 million tion near the Texas border stands the virus collected by Seaboard hogs, had reported 181 cases, the at the front lines of a months-long Foods did not contract the dis- most of any state. Oklahoma was battle to contain a virus that has ease, Torremorell said. But she second with 155, and Kansas had already killed some 1.3 million still believes airborne distribution 77 reported cases. hogs in the United States. may be a threat. “I would not rule Researchers are closely watch- Since June, when Porcine Epi- it out,” she said. ing North Carolina, the nation’s demic Diarrhea virus, or PEDv, second-largest hog state, where first hit, Prestage workers have Death toll 40 cases had been reported since quarantined the area, scrubbed Federal investigators have not The virus has been especially devastating for weanling pigs. PHOTO©THINKSTOCK the week of June 23. vehicles and sprayed buildings pinpointed the origin of the coro- To combat the disease, farmers with antiseptic. But those pre- navirus that causes PEDv or how it is astounding: between 80 per Department say they cannot are taking precautions in their cautions have not stopped a virus entered the United States. Farm- cent to 100 per cent of very young offer a sound estimate on mor- handling of animals. Hog produc- that can kill 80 per cent of piglets ers, veterinarians and laboratory animals. Most of these piglets die tality rates, as farmers are not ers that use the manure on their that contract it. researchers have offered theories within 72 hours from dehydration required to report to authorities own crop fields are searching for “In the blink of an eye, 30,000 ranging from vaccine suppliers to associated with diarrhea. Older when there is a PEDv outbreak on ways to get rid of the PEDv, while pigs were dead,” said John Pre- vitamin mix distributors to the animals usually survive after their operations. some grain farmers are hunting stage, senior vice-president at pipettes used to inseminate sows. being ill. Eric Neumann, a swine epide- for PEDv-free manure for their Prestage, describing the first wave All agree PEDv’s mortality rate Officials from the Agriculture miology expert at Massey Univer- spring planting. of devastation the virus brought to its Oklahoma operation, which raises and sells 400,000 hogs a year. The outbreak is spreading. And researchers have discovered evi- dence that the virus — which poses no threat to humans — can be carried on the wind, poten- tially bringing a dangerous new dimension to the swine epidemic. More than 600 cases, each of which could represent thousands of infected animals, have been reported in 17 states. If research confirms that the disease can be transmitted through the air, it would heighten concern about controlling the outbreak.

Mystery Mystery surrounds the virus, which first cropped up in Europe in the 1970s and remains uncon- trolled in China and other parts of Asia nearly four decades after it first appeared. In the U.S., which discovered its first-ever case in April, the outbreak of the heat- sensitive virus slowed this sum- mer as temperatures rose and weakened the spread. But PEDv RIGHT ACROSS is expected to thrive again as the weather cools, and airborne transmission could further the PERFORMANCE THE virus’s reach. Previously, scientists had found the swine virus was transmit- ted only by physical contact, or carried in on dirty boots or con- CEREALS taminated equipment. But new WEST research shows the virus can HIGH be carried through the air on dried fecal matter, even though scientists say the virus has not mutated. The strain making its way across the nation’s hog farms and slaughterhouses is 99.4 per Part of your well-balanced farm business. cent similar in genetic structure to the PEDv that hit China’s herds High yield potential and reliable disease packages make Viterra’s High Performance Cereals last year, according to the U.S. researchers. the trusted choice for western Canadian growers. With popular varieties such as Xena, Indeed, farmers and pork pro- cessors in Oklahoma have told AC Navigator, and SY 985, growers continue to have a trusted source for proven success Reuters they now suspect the in the field. Contact your local Viterra Ag retail or to learn more about virus is traveling through the air. One scientist likened this to the our complete High Performance Cereals line-up. Book your 2014 cereals today. way the deadly Avian influenza has travelled on feathers and fecal dust. That influenza virus has so GROWING REGIONS far killed poultry by the millions and more than 300 people in 13 CDC VR CDC 5604HR CL CDC THRIVE 5602HR WESTLIN 71 7500PR CHAMPION AC BRIGADE 5702 PR AC MAJOR countries, according to World MORRIS STANLEY Health Organization data. “There is a chance that airborne contaminated feces may have played a role in the rapid dissemi- nation” of the virus, particularly in Oklahoma, said Dr. Montser- rat Torremorell, who is leading CDC VR Morris, CDC Stanley and CDC Thrive were bred at the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan. research efforts on the outbreak ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 23 Huge canola crop boon to crushers, exporters after off year The world canola-rapeseed harvest is forecast around 66 million tonnes, up nearly seven per cent

exporters need after last year’s an increase of five per cent from Canada exported 7.2 million BY ROD NICKEL 13.9-million-tonne harvest left the previous year. The world tonnes of canola seed in 2012- WINNIPEG / REUTERS skimpy supplies by summer that canola-rapeseed harvest is fore- 13, down 16 per cent from the inflated prices. cast around 66 million tonnes, previous year. China was the big- anada’s expected record- “We should have a fairly con- up nearly seven per cent, while gest export destination, followed large canola crop looks to sistent or fluid pipeline for global palm oil output of 58 mil- closely by Japan. Crestock the country’s seed this entire year,” said Dean lion tonnes also looks to rise five Japanese purchases should exporters and crushers after a McQueen, vice-president of per cent, according to USDA. remain steady, Price said, while disappointing previous harvest, merchandising and transporta- There are few worries, how- Chinese buys are harder to pre- and top up already growing tion at Viterra, one of Western ever, that canola demand can dict. global oilseed supplies, industry Canada’s two biggest crop han- keep pace with supply. “If the price is right, (China) sources said. dlers and owner of a canola plant “The cupboard was pretty bare will continue to buy,” he said. Canada is the world’s biggest in Manitoba. at the end of (2012-13), so I don’t Canada accounts for about producer of canola, which is This year’s bumper crop see us having a huge excess of A bountiful harvest is just what 59 per cent of global exports mainly used to make vegetable comes amid concerns that hot, production lying around,” said Canadian crushers and seed of canola, also known as rape- oil for foods like potato chips dry weather will trim produc- Kevin Price, senior trader for the exporters need after last year’s seed, followed by Australia and and salad dressings. Statistics tion of U.S. soybeans, a rival to Canadian office of Singapore- 13.9-million-tonne harvest left Ukraine. Canada pegs this year’s harvest canola in the global vegetable oil based Agrocorp International. skimpy supplies by summer. at 14.7 million tonnes, but many market. “Canola can differentiate itself Crushers see rebound traders and analysts expect out- Even so, the U.S. Department in the market quite well.” by 450,000 tonnes or six per The crushers who belong to put to be even higher. of Agriculture forecasts global Agriculture and Agri-Food cent in 2013-14 due to larger Canadian Oilseed Processors A bountiful harvest is just what soybean production of nearly Canada estimates that Cana- supplies and strong global con- Association (COPA) processed Canadian crushers and seed 282 million tonnes in 2013-14, dian canola exports will climb sumption. 6.7 million tonnes of canola seed in 2012-13 (August-July), falling short of the previous year’s record-high seven mil- lion tonnes. “You’re going to see a much higher crush number this year than we saw last year,” said Ken Campbell, vice-president of North American softseed crush- ing for Archer Daniels Midland.

“We should have a fairly consistent or fluid pipeline for this entire year.”


The Illinois-based agribusi- ness giant, which operates two Canadian crushing plants, sees Canadian crushings of up to 7.5 RIGHT ACROSS million tonnes in 2013-14. Crushers only used about 83 per cent of their capacity in 2012- PERFORMANCE THE 13, down from nearly 89 per cent in the previous year. That was partly due to high canola prices that pinched margins. But with prices tumbling as CEREALS the new harvest arrives, mar- WEST gins on Wednesday were around HIGH $109 per tonne based on nearby futures contracts, up 43 per cent from a month ago. “I’m optimistic that the crush- ers are going to battle it out versus the exporters for seed,” Part of your well-balanced farm business. Campbell said, adding that exporters will still likely claim High yield potential and reliable disease packages make Viterra’s High Performance Cereals most of the new crop. The United States and China the trusted choice for western Canadian growers. With popular varieties such as Xena, were the biggest importers in 2012-13 of Canadian canola oil, AC Navigator, and SY 985, growers continue to have a trusted source for proven success used for producing vegetable oil in the field. Contact your local Viterra Ag retail or to learn more about and biodiesel, and look to be big buyers again, McQueen said. our complete High Performance Cereals line-up. Book your 2014 cereals today. The U.S. also accounts for about 90 per cent of exports of canola meal, used largely as ani- GROWING REGIONS mal feed. Down the road, Canadian CDC VR CDC 5604HR CL CDC THRIVE 5602HR WESTLIN 71 7500PR CHAMPION AC BRIGADE 5702 PR AC MAJOR crushers will need even bigger MORRIS STANLEY supplies. ADM expects to com- plete construction of Canada’s largest biodiesel plant at Lloyd- minster, Alberta within weeks, while Louis Dreyfus Commodi- ties, Bunge Ltd. and Richardson International are all expanding. CDC VR Morris, CDC Stanley and CDC Thrive were bred at the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan. Cargill Ltd. is building a new plant at Camrose, Alta. 24 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Consider pregnancy checking cattle early Cows that aren’t in calf can be culled, freeing up valuable forage resources for the remaining herd

“Following these guidelines, NDSU EXTENSION RELEASE with proficient expertise, preg- nancy detection should be very eef cattle producers can close to 100 per cent accurate,” realize significant savings Dahlen says. “All cows that are B by identifying and culling nonpregnant should be identified nonpregnant females prior to win- at the time of the exam.” ter feeding, says Carl Dahlen, North However, a small portion of Dakota State University extension cows determined to be preg- service beef cattle specialist. nant during an early pregnancy Also, by pregnancy checking exam will have fetal loss naturally now, producers can optimize prior to calving (the majority of resource utilization by stocking this loss occurs by 60 days post- pastures with pregnant cows,” breeding). This fetal loss occurs he adds. regardless of whether producers Although winter feed costs choose to perform early preg- represent 60 to 70 per cent of nancy checking. the expense of maintaining a Dahlen also has this advice: beef cow, less than 20 per cent • In herds with thin cows, limited of U.S. beef producers perform a pasture or limited forage, remov- Herds with defined breeding seasons are best suited to take advantage of early pregnancy exams. PHOTO: LAURA RANCE pregnancy check in their herds, ing open cows early may allow the according to Dahlen. remaining pregnant cows to have • Have a plan in place for non- • Be prepared to manage early to capitalize on the benefits of Historical cull-cow markets more access to feed resources. pregnant cows prior to pregnancy weaned calves if nonpregnant early pregnancy detection,” reach a low point in November, • Sufficient labour to gather and checking. This might be to market cows will be removed from pas- he says. “Others, however, will which coincides with the time work cattle and good handling ahead of seasonal lows or place tures at the time of early preg- have to decide whether to preg- most producers would wean facilities make pregnancy deter- nonpregnant cows on feed to tar- nancy examinations. nancy check later in the year calves and pregnancy check cows. mination less stressful on the cat- get a market giving incentives to “Some producers can take or wait until spring to market Based on the average cull-cow tle and the people working them. fed cows. advantage of market conditions open cows.” market price for 2005 to 2012, the price difference between selling in August or November is roughly $8 per hundredweight. That equates to a difference of $108 when sell- ing a 1,350-pound cow. “Producers who are able to per- form pregnancy exams and sub- sequently cull open cows during the next several months may real- ize substantial financial benefits, compared with marketing cull cows in November,” Dahlen says. However, not all producers have breeding seasons, facilities and the labour force to do preg- nancy exams during the late sum- mer. Herds with defined breeding seasons are best suited to take advantage of early pregnancy exams, Dahlen says. If bulls are run continuously with a cow herd or are being pulled from the pasture the same day as the pregnancy exam, pro- ducers have no way to deter- mine the cows’ true pregnancy status. Cows that become preg- nant early in the breeding season will be identified easily in these instances, whereas cows that appear to be “open” actually may have been bred recently. These recently bred cows may be car- rying an early pregnancy that is too young to feel via rectal palpa- tion or visualize with ultrasound.

Timing To conduct pregnancy exams on large groups of cows accurately and efficiently, the exams should be performed from 26 to 30 days after the last possible breeding if using ultrasound for pregnancy diagnosis. If using rectal palpa- tion, pregnancy exams should be conducted 35 to 40 days after the cows are bred. It’s all tied up. For example, herds calving in mid to late January would have a bull turnout or artificial insemi- When it comes to yield supremacy, nation date around April 15. If the producer is using a 45-day breeding season, this herd would it’s six of one, half dozen of the other. be ready to pregnancy check with ultrasound around June 29 and with palpation per rectum It’s been talked about, debated, and argued amongst on July 9. However, a herd that calves toward the end of April (July turnout) and has an 85-day growers across the prairies. When it’s all said and done, breeding season will not be ready ® ® to pregnancy check until the first according to yield trials, Genuity Roundup Ready or second week in November. * Thus, producers with herds that hybrids yield on par with the competition. Like all calve in January through March or even late April and have a short contests this close, the debate rages on... for now. breeding season can take advan- tage of early pregnancy check- ing to market cull cows prior to the historic market downturn in *Source: 2012 Canola Performance Trials Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc. November. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 25

First Lady asks food executives to pitch healthy food


U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama asked TV and food company execu- tives at a White House gathering to sell youngsters on healthy food with the pitch: “If anyone can make our kids eat their vegetables, it’s all of you.” She cited the power of advertising — now a torrent touting salty, fatty and sugary goodies — to instead market “foods that have real nutri- tional value.” Executives from Gen- eral Mills, Kraft, Walmart, and Burger King were among the attendees as well as ones from Time Warner, Dis- ney, and other media companies. Obama’s speech was part of her campaign against childhood obesity. The Let’s Move initiative, launched in 2010, encouraging physical exer- cise and more nutritious school meals is the best-known element. She also backs the new “Drink Up” drive that promotes drinking water U.S. First lady Michelle Obama harvests vegetables from the summer crop with students from New Jersey in the White House Kitchen rather than sugary beverages. Garden on the South Lawn in Washington. REUTERS/LARRY DOWNING

Seven Albertans win Monsanto scholarships Winners receive $1,500 to enter agricultural programs


even Albertans are among 67 graduating high school Sstudents from farm families across Canada who have received a $1,500 entrance scholarship from the Monsanto Fund. The 2013 Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship pro- gram awarded a total of $100,500 in scholarship funding to students pursuing studies in agriculture or an agriculture-related field, up from the $93,000 awarded to 62 student winners in 2012. Since first launching its scholarshipMon- santo Canada, has provided over $1.5 million to hundreds of rural students who have chosen to study agriculture and pursue careers in the agricultural sector. “The Monsanto Fund has a strong commitment to rural com- munities and rural education, par- ticularly in the areas of science and math,” Trish Jordan, public and industry affairs director with Mon- It’s all tied up. santo Canada said in a release. The program received over 190 applications from rural students When it comes to yield supremacy, across the country this year, up from approximately 160 applica- tions received in 2012. The winners it’s six of one, half dozen of the other. were selected by an independent panel of judges based on their aca- demic performance, leadership It’s been talked about, debated, and argued amongst capabilities and involvement in giving back to charitable or other service groups in their local com- growers across the prairies. When it’s all said and done, munities. All applicants were also ® ® required to submit an application according to yield trials, Genuity Roundup Ready essay that answered the question, * “In what area of agriculture would hybrids yield on par with the competition. Like all you like to work and why?” Alberta winners were Erin contests this close, the debate rages on... for now. Anderson of Scandia, Shaylene Braun, New Norway; Gerene Cole, Coronation; Colby Harty, Etzikom; Larissa Lupul, Foisy; *Source: 2012 Canola Performance Trials Jade Marshall, Innisfail and Lee Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc. Noble, Manning. 26 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Canada’s big wheat crop vies with U.S. for export sales CWRS being priced at a $30 discount to U.S. hard red winter wheat

Rhyl Doyle, director of export levels from Canada and the U.S. BY ROD NICKEL cereals for Paterson Grain. will vie for sales, particularly in WINNIPEG / REUTERS “These kind of prices and pro- Latin America and Africa, he said. tein profile will give us the tools This year, Canada looks to have anada’s biggest wheat to put it into a lot of places,” he smaller-than-usual supplies of crop in more than two said. “If the price is right, that’s high-protein (above 13 per cent) C decades will send supplies the key, and our farmers are sell- wheat that usually moves into from the No. 2 wheat exporter ers.” Western Europe and Asia, but into unusual places, battling Canada Western red spring there should be enough 13 per head-on with U.S. wheat, grain (CWRS) wheat with 12 per cent cent protein wheat for Japan to traders said. protein was available in late Sep- make breads and noodles, Doyle Canadian farmers are expected tember at British Columbia ports said. to harvest 30.6 million tonnes of for $283 per tonne, some 10 per Canadian wheat was compet- wheat this autumn, counting all cent or $30 per tonne cheaper ing in traditional U.S. territory varieties, according to Statistics than U.S. hard red winter wheat last year too, such as in the Phil- Canada. Nearly two-thirds of with the same protein at the Gulf ippines, said Todd Ross, direc- the crop, or almost 20 million of Mexico, Doyle said. tor of trading for Lansing Olam tonnes, is destined for export, “The Canadian prices will push Canada. That’s likely a reflection Agriculture and Agri-Food Can- Canadian wheat into a lot of hard of the move to an open western ada forecast in September. red winter markets, even where Canadian grain market in 2012, Such ample supplies and you have a substantial freight dis- similar to what happened in Aus- expectations of lower-than- advantage” from Canada, Doyle tralia after 2008, he said. This year’s big wheat crop will have to compete with canola for export usual protein levels have created said. “When it was an open market, capacity at Vancouver. PHOTO: THINKSTOCK attractive prices for buyers, said Wheat with mid-scale protein everybody went to find a place that was different and a margin could be gained,” Ross said. “We’re going to do the same thing here.” Wheat importers such as Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia may also buy Canadian spring wheat to blend with lower-quality sup- plies from Europe or the Black Sea region, said a Canadian grain exporter who asked not to be named because he was not autho- rized by his company to speak Bins to the publicly. Lower protein Protein content in wheat, which is important to the fermentation process in making bread, has an inverse relationship to yield. The more robust the yield, the lower the protein. Last year, CWRS averaged 13.9 per cent protein, up from 13.1 per BRIM? cent in 2011 and 13.4 per cent in 2010, according to the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). Data for the current crop is not yet available. Canada is not the only exporter with big wheat supplies. Wheat also looks ample in the Black Sea region and Australia. “When a buyer raises his hand, he’s going to have a lot of options,” the wheat exporter said. “This will be a buyer’s market and the sell- ers are going to have to get very creative.” U.S. wheat exports are off to a torrid pace in the marketing year that began June 1. U.S. exporters loaded and shipped more wheat for the week ended Sept. 12 to global buyers than any time in at least the past 23 years, with most of the grain headed for China and Brazil. Canadian spring wheat will also Big crops can mean limited delivery opportunities. face competition from U.S. hard CWB has guaranteed handling capacity, so CWB grain will move. red spring wheat. As in Western Canada, mild weather produced Early Delivery Pool deadline: October 4 better-than-expected yields in the Annual Pool deadline: October 31 northern U.S. Plains, with lower protein content. Why CWB? An expert sales team, guaranteed payments, For Canada to be competitive, grade flexibility and delivery choices. And now, a plan to it will have to overcome logistical challenges. Along with huge wheat give you an ownership interest in CWB after privatization - production, Western Canada is visit our website for more details. expected to harvest a record-large canola crop. Such high volumes are already straining the ability of railways FOR MORE INFORMATION, Canadian National and Cana- CALL 1-800-275-4292 dian Pacific to quickly move the grain to ports in B.C. and Eastern OR VISIT WWW.CWB.CA Canada, where storage space has been hard to find, Ross said. “We can buy it and sell it, we just can’t move it today.” ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 27


A farmer near Turner Valley, Alta., takes advantage of a fine autumn day to bring in his crop. High winds kept the dust blowing east. PHOTO BY WENDY DUDLEY

FCC Ag Safety Fund accepting PERFORMANCE applications $100,000 available to HIGHCEREALS charitable and non- profit organizations

STAFF Get the High Performance field advantage with the excellent standability and top yields delivered by Part of your ® he Canadian Agricultural AC Brigade. With the highest available rating for FHB, Safety Association (CASA) high test weights, and top yields in Durum Performance T in partnership with Farm well-balanced Checks and provincial trials, AC® Brigade is the first Credit Canada has announced a choice for western Canadian durum growers. call for applications to the FCC Ag Safety Fund. The $100,000 fund will be disbursed among success- farm business. ful applicants in early 2014. For the past three years, the fund administered by CASA has pro- vided charitable and non-profit organizations with funding to deliver farm safety training pro- grams. More than $300,000 has been distributed to 28 recipients undertaking everything from safe livestock handling workshops to tractor safety training and sleep- improvement seminars. “FCC is an excellent partner. Their investment in safety through the FCC Ag Safety Fund and other CASA initiatives is helping to make farms safer in Canada,” CASA executive director Marcel Hacault said in a release. “Through our partnership with CASA, we are proud to be help- ing producers effectively manage safety risks in their operations through ongoing education and training,” said Rémi Lemoine, FCC’s executive vice-president and chief operating officer. Applications will be accepted online from Sept. 16 to Oct. 27, 2013. To apply, go to: http://casa- Contact your local Viterra Ag retail or visit to learn more about the complete line-up of High Performance Cereals.

CDC Vivid was bred at the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan. 28 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA

Frosts hit Argentine Pigeon fever outbreak in wheat belt

Further damage southern Alberta horses was feared for the weekend The disease can be treated with care to the infected area, but vaccines or antibiotics are not effective buenos aires / hard lumps that burst and drain less in pigeon fever cases, since “They almost look like they’re reuters/Argentina’s By Alexis Kienlen thick pus. When pus drains, flies the drugs have no effect on the foundered because they can’t wheat belt was hit by frosts af staff /claresholm flock to the pus and spread the bacterium in the equine’s body. move their legs properly in the early last Tuesday that disease. If antibiotics are used before the front end,” Fancy said. “That’s threaten to damage 2013/14 outhern Alberta horse own- “The flies are the carriers and abscesses drain completely, the the first sign you see.” Sick horses yields, meteorologists said, ers are being advised to they carry the pus infection to the infection can be prolonged and may also develop a fever. warning that more cold S watch their animals for large next horse by burying in their skin. abscesses can develop internally. Fancy cautions against letting weather was on the way. lumps on their chests, following The flies create ulcers on the skin, About eight per cent of affected abscesses burst on their own. Recently planted fields what are apparently the first-ever and then infect the next horse,” horses develop internal infec- “You can get a huge crater in northern Buenos Aires, cases of pigeon fever in the prov- said Fancy.- tions, and about 30 per cent of of a wound and those can be Cordoba and Santa Fe prov- ince. these horses die. very difficult to manage.” She inces took the brunt of the Pigeon fever is a disease com- Fortunately, horses with external recently saw one horse with cold snap. mon in the southern states, said abscesses have a high survival rate. pigeon fever that had to be put “It could be serious,” Dr. Connie Fancy, veterinarian If this is something down, even though it had an Eduardo Sierra of the Bue- with Claresholm Veterinary Ser- that is now endemic in Managing the infection external lump, as the wound nos Aires Grains Exchange vices. This year, Fancy and three When abscesses are drained, was too big to heal. said Sept. 24. “This is a very other vets who work in her practice Alberta, we’d be looking producers need to flush the Fancy recommends horse weather-sensitive time of have seen about 20 horses infected abscesses daily, keep the area owners take any horse with an the year for wheat plants, with pigeon fever in Claresholm, at it in mid- to late clean, and use fly spray to keep abscess to their veterinarian. depending on what stage Fort MacLeod, Lethbridge, and summer, when flies are the flies from spreading the pus. Vets can ultrasound to see when of development each field Taber. External infections should clear the lump should be opened and is in.” Fancy said she talked to a veteri- at their peak.” up after several weeks. Infected drained in a controlled man- “There will be severe narian further north, who hasn’t horses need to be isolated from ner. “Then you can get a tube frosts over the weekend seen any cases in Calgary or east other horses. in there and have the owner ahead as well,” Sierra of Calgary. “Pincher Creek hasn’t Dr. Connie Fancy “If flies get into the discharge, flushing in it,” she said. added, “so it is quite pos- seen any cases either, so that’s sort they can transmit it to other horses Since the disease is transmit- sible that wheat will be of interesting,” she said. that are quite far away. You have ted by flies, it appears in the damaged.” Pigeon fever is a bacterial infec- to actually collect that discharge peak season of flies. “If this is Argentina’s National tion transmitted by flies. The dis- and burn your bedding, and dis- something that is now endemic Weather Service said in ease causes abscesses to form on The disease is contagious, but infect anywhere the discharge has in Alberta, we’d be looking at it the 24 hours through noon a horse’s chest muscles. is not spread by horse-to-horse touched,” Fancy said. in mid- to late summer, when Sept. 24 temperatures hit “That’s why it’s called pigeon contact. Any fly that burrows in Producers can also use fly flies are at their peak,” Fancy 0 degrees to minus 5 C in fever,” said Fancy. “The horse a horse’s skin can be a carrier. sheets or fly masks to keep flies said. “We have no idea what large parts of the coun- looks like a pigeon with these The bacteria can infect other ani- away from the discharge. the disease will do now that it’s try’s main grains province swollen chest muscles.” mals as well but there are differ- Horses with pigeon fever here. It’s possible that the disease Buenos Aires and in corn- Abscesses can also grow under ent strains, so it’s rare for cross- show soreness or stiffness in may die off during the winter. It’s growing areas of Cordoba the belly, on a horse’s face, or infection to occur. There’s no their front legs because of the hard to say.” and southern Santa Fe around the ears. The horse will vaccine and no way to prevent thick abscesses in the pectoral provinces. T:21.6” develop scaly skin, followed by pigeon fever. Antibiotics are use- muscles. [email protected]

Runs in the family. Unsung hero.

There’s no stronger tie than the family who She is the glue and her job description is T:7.75” works together on the same land. endless. She does it all: chief cook, bottle For them, farming’s a tradition. washer, nurse, housekeeper, disciplinarian, And although each new generation has their groundskeeper, grandmother, babysitter and own ideas, there are some things they will part-time truck driver. But ask her and she’ll be reluctant to change, the things that have say she just makes sure everyone’s been consistently performed for them, the things looked after. that aren’t broken. InVigor® needs Liberty® the same way. ® InVigor – proud to be part of your family farm Because powerful Liberty herbicide is the for over 17 years. backbone of the LibertyLink® system and together, they’re partners.

Winkler Family, Evelyn Winkler, LANGDON, AB LANGDON, AB or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. InVigor® is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada. C-66-09/13-BCS13097-E Always read and follow label directions. InVigor®, Liberty® and LibertyLink® are registered trademarks of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada. C-61-09/13-BCS13097-E

FS:10.425” F:10.8” F:10.8”

SBC1312829.Dual.1.4C.indd SBC1312829.Dual.1.4C 9-13-2013 9:22 AM Alberta Farmer CALMCL-DMX7993 Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Insertion Date: sept 30 Marsha Walters Bayer Crop Science 100% None SPEC ORIGINALLY GENERATED: Oli PAGE: 1 BCS13097/BCS13105 21.6” x 7.75” SAFETY: None TRIM: 21.6” x 7.75” Bleed: None Helvetica Neue LT Std (65 Medium, 55 Roman, 77 Bold Condensed, 75 Bold; OpenType)

Production Contact Numbers:

403 261 7161 403 261 7152 • september 30, 2013 29 Bovine solution for eating into a Canada thistle infestation Cows will avoid eating the prickly weed if they have a choice, but keep them in a paddock longer and they’ll control the invader

sively managed system cattle no choice, but they had learned By Helen Mcmenamin grazed about 80 per cent of the they could eat thistle.” af contributor / lethbridge available forage before moving. This heavy utilization of forage System differences here’s 10 million square is not usually recommended, There were differences in what kilometres of free — and and those pastures needed eight the cattle ate and the total T highly nutritious — feed weeks or more to recover. amount of vegetation removed spread across North America. However, Canada thistle in the three grazing systems But because it’s Canada this- decreased dramatically under With continuous grazing, cat- Like a kid and vegetables, cattle will eat thistle if they have to. tle, you need a special grazing this heavy use and rest regime, tle come back to eat a plant as PHOTo: thinkstock system to get cattle to eat it. from 30 to 40 thistle stems per soon as it begins to regrow, even “You can use managed grazing square metre at first to under 10 if it’s just a few centimetres. De “After the hard grazing that As well, thistles in the high- to keep weeds, including Canada stems per square metre after one Bruijn found cattle in this sys- it takes to make the cattle eat intensity, low-frequency pad- thistle, at tolerable levels and year, to five after Year 2 and then tem ate almost entirely grass Canada thistle, the pasture docks were all in the rosette increase forage production,” just one or two after Year 3. In and consumed about 2,900 kilo- looks terrible. After such intense stage. That suggested to De said Sue De Bruijn, who studied the other pastures thistle shoot grams worth per hectare. With defoliation it needs to be rested, Bruijn that the cattle had eaten thistle control as a grad student numbers didn’t change during low-intensity, high-frequency rested, rested. I’d say seven or them and thistle had to regrow at the University of Alberta and the study. The LIHF pastures grazing (the system that gen- eight weeks at least.” from the roots, compared with looked at the impact of differ- looked better but the numbers erally gives the highest animal The effects on Canada thistle the other pastures where thistles ent grazing regimes with U of weren’t significantly different weight gains), they ate about 70 persisted into the following year, were at the normal stage and A professor Edward Bork. She from continuously grazed pas- per cent grass, a small amount when none of the co-operating almost all had fluffy seed heads presented her findings in a tures. of forbs, and almost 30 per cent farmers maintained the con- late in the grazing season. recent Saskatchewan Agricul- “This study was done in 2000, Canada thistle, just over 2,000 trolled grazing systems. A year “I wouldn’t use this system ture webinar. 2001 and 2002 — real drought kg/ha. after the grazing trial ended, the with stockers, where you’re The study compared continu- years,” said De Bruijn. “The lack “In that system, they seemed continuously grazed paddock being paid for weight gain,” says ous grazing to more intensively of moisture may have had some to trample Canada thistle rather area averaged 18 Canada thistle De Bruijn. “We used cow-calf managed grazing management effect on the results, but they than eating it,” said De Bruijn. stems per square metre and the pairs so it’s not critical if they systems at four locations in were very impressive. At one During the three or four days low-intensity grazing had nine. stay on an area with little feed for central Alberta. In one of these, site during a year with little grass the cows were on the high-inten- But there were no thistle stems a short period — at most a day. cattle were moved every day or and the same cattle were used sity, low-frequency treatment, on the heavily grazed pastures. “They ate just about every- two after grazing about half the throughout the study, the cattle grass made up just over half of Total forage production was thing they could out of those available forage and the pastures ate Canada thistle in the con- the forage removed, almost a higher on those areas, too — fields. And they learned they rested about four weeks (low- tinuous grazing situation, where third was Canada thistle and 10 4,500 kg/ha, compared to 4,000 could eat thistle. It was a bit of T:21.6” intensity, high-frequency graz- they had free choice. They didn’t per cent was forbs, for a total of for LIHF grazing, and 2,900 kg/ha work at first, but it got easier ing LIHF). In the other inten- eat as much as when they had 4,400 kg/ha of forage consumed. for the continuously grazed area. each time.”

Runs in the family. Unsung hero.

There’s no stronger tie than the family who She is the glue and her job description is T:7.75” works together on the same land. endless. She does it all: chief cook, bottle For them, farming’s a tradition. washer, nurse, housekeeper, disciplinarian, And although each new generation has their groundskeeper, grandmother, babysitter and own ideas, there are some things they will part-time truck driver. But ask her and she’ll be reluctant to change, the things that have say she just makes sure everyone’s been consistently performed for them, the things looked after. that aren’t broken. InVigor® needs Liberty® the same way. ® InVigor – proud to be part of your family farm Because powerful Liberty herbicide is the for over 17 years. backbone of the LibertyLink® system and together, they’re partners.

Winkler Family, Evelyn Winkler, LANGDON, AB LANGDON, AB or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. or 1 888-283-6847 or contact your Bayer CropScience representative. Always read and follow label directions. InVigor® is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada. C-66-09/13-BCS13097-E Always read and follow label directions. InVigor®, Liberty® and LibertyLink® are registered trademarks of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada. C-61-09/13-BCS13097-E

FS:10.425” F:10.8” F:10.8”

SBC1312829.Dual.1.4C.indd SBC1312829.Dual.1.4C 9-13-2013 9:22 AM Alberta Farmer CALMCL-DMX7993 Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Insertion Date: sept 30 Marsha Walters Bayer Crop Science 100% None SPEC ORIGINALLY GENERATED: Oli PAGE: 1 BCS13097/BCS13105 21.6” x 7.75” SAFETY: None TRIM: 21.6” x 7.75” Bleed: None Helvetica Neue LT Std (65 Medium, 55 Roman, 77 Bold Condensed, 75 Bold; OpenType)

Production Contact Numbers:

403 261 7161 403 261 7152 30 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Brazil soy crushers struggling despite record crop and soaring exports For the first time ever, Brazil is expected to export more soybeans than it crushes domestically this year

to record lows and boosted prices, REUTERS crushers struggled to pass on high prices for feed and soy oil to cus- he Brazilian soybean crush tomers. That made exporting more is at its lowest level since attractive, and this year, for the T 2009 despite a record har- first time ever, Brazil is expected vest of 81.6 million tonnes that to export more soybeans than it finished in May. crushes domestically. About 19.3 million tonnes of soy- The trend has also touched the beans were crushed from the start U.S., where soy processors posted of the industrial year in February their lowest crush numbers for through the end of July, down August since 2009, constrained by seven per cent from the 20.8 mil- lingering supply tightness. lion tonnes crushed over the same Argentine tax policy has also hurt period last year, according to the the industry. latest data from Brazil’s vegetable “The tax situation is in chaos oils industry association, Abiove. right now and that is part of the “You would expect the industry problem,” said Trigueirinho. to be doing well in a year when a Meanwhile, Brazilian farmers in record harvest had just finished,” top soy state Mato Grosso are wait- said Abiove general secretary ing for rain to start planting what Fabio Trigueirinho. could be a record crop. Drought in 2012 that ravaged The USDA is predicting 88 million soybean crops in South America tonnes of soybeans from Brazil in and the U.S. is partly to blame. the 2013/14 season, surpassing last Trucks line up before they are loaded with soybeans at a warehouse in the city of Campo Verde, in the central When the droughts pushed stocks seasons’ record 81.5 million tonnes. Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. REUTERS/PAULO WHITAKER


Australian cattle Biofuel scammers exports surging busted

SYDNEY / REUTERS Australia REUTERS Six people and has boosted its projection for three companies, including live cattle exports by 25 per an Indiana operation claim- cent, after key market Indone- ing to make biofuel from sia abandoned a quota system. chicken fat and vegetable oils, The government’s export were charged with defrauding forecast for the coming year investors and consumers out is 590,000 head of cattle, up of more than $100 million. JOIN US! substantially for its earlier esti- The scheme began in July CENTENNIAL HOMECOMING mate of 470,000. 2009 and continued until May “You’d expect that (Indone- 2012, the prosecutor’s office OCTOBER 18 & 19 sia) would take more than half said, with the defendants of the total live cattle exports fraudulently selling more than The final Signature Event of the — so at least 300,000 head 35 million gallons of ‘B99’ bio- Olds College Centennial will be the of cattle is the least I would fuel they claimed to be pure Homecoming! expect,” said government biodiesel, called ‘B100.’ The Join with former alumni and faculty to 2013 marks economist Paul Morris. latter comes with “Renewable relive your College memories. That’s still well below the Identification Numbers” that the100th 700,000 head Indonesia can be used to claim tax cred- imported in 2010/11 but up its, and is worth roughly $2 Anniversary of from the 266,000 head pur- more per gallon than B99. NEW FORMAT Olds College chased 2012/13. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. Join all of us at Alberta Faculty Meet & Greet Farmer Express as we (cheese, wine & chocolate) extend our most sincere congratulations to Olds 5:30 P.M. TO 1:00 A.M. College on 100 years of Centennial Evening Celebration excellence in education. (cocktails, dinner & dance at the brand new Pomeroy Inn & Suites at Olds College) Call for Nominati ons:

SATURDAY FEES $50/person and For more information Directors for Regions 1,4,7,10 includes admission to all activities and on how you can show Who may become a director of the Alberta Canola Producers Centennial Gift Package. your support in this Commission (ACPC)? Registration Deadline: October 4 space contact: Anyone who has paid the ACPC a service charge on canola sold since August 1, 2011 is an eligible producer and can stand for Tiffi ny Taylor electi on as a Director. An eligible producer can be an individual, tiffi ny.taylor@ corporati on, partnership or organizati on. Eligible producers REGISTER must produce canola within the defi ned region in order to be nominated, but do not have to reside within the region. For TODAY! detailed descripti ons about the ACPC regions where electi ons are being held visit or call the ACPC 100.OLDSCOLLEGE.CA offi ce at 1-800-551-6652. Nominati on forms are available from the ACPC offi ce. Nominati ons for the positi on of Director must be fi led in writi ng at the ACPC offi ce #170, 14315-118 Avenue, TITLE SPONSOR: Edmonton, Alberta, T5L 4S6 or by fax 780-451-6933 on or before October 31, 2013. For more informati on contact Ward Toma, ACPC General Manager at 1-800-551-6652

AF_Sept2_Homecoming.indd 1 13-08-27 9:39 AM ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 31 Researchers at the University of Calgary help sequence genome of deadly parasite Barber’s pole worm is a serious problem in sheep and goats in Alberta

will be looking at the genes in of sheep or goats and the ani- said Kathy Parker, a veterinarian By Alexis Kienlen this genome and asking a num- mals die from blood loss. The in Three Hills. Producers who af staff /edmonton ber of questions including how it parasite lives in the stomach of want to combat the parasite need evolves drug resistance and how infected sheep, becoming active to rely on management practices, algary researchers have the parasite survives so well in when pregnant ewes are close to including pasture rotations and helped sequence the the host,” he said. lambing. Eggs are passed in an strategic worming protocols. C genome of the barber’s pole “One of the things we need is animal’s fecal matter and then “It’s a very planned manage- worm, and that will aid efforts to a better test for diagnostic resis- eaten by the other sheep in the ment model. It all has to be and creating an effective pas- control the intestinal parasite that tance,” said Lilleard. “Another pasture. Once ingested, larvae done at the right time with the ture management strategy. The affects goats and sheep. thing we need to know is how develop into adults inside the right product, and then you parasites are most vulnerable in “Without the actual genome resistance is emerging and how stomach. The situation is exacer- have success in managing it,” the larval state, so it’s generally sequence, we can never get to common it is in different parts of bated because larvae have a dor- said Parker. “Producers who are best to worm the ewes or does the applied ends of what we’re the industry. At the moment, we mant stage, and their life cycle diligent in their management and when they are close to lambing trying to achieve,” said John have very little ability to see what is fairly complicated. The first committed to the parasite control or kidding. Lilleard of the University of the drug resistance situation is.” sign of an infestation is often the strategy have high degrees of suc- “If we can limit the parasite Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary death of lambs. cess.” at that critical stage, then that Medicine. Life cycle Barber’s pole worm is a serious Producers can reduce pharma- helps,” said Parker. The sequencing was an inter- The barber’s pole worm sucks problem in Alberta, especially in ceutical use by learning about national effort and took five blood from the true stomach the Barrhead and Westlock area, the life cycle of the parasite [email protected] years to complete. But now researchers have a powerful tool for developing new tests and treatments to combat parasites. “Without the actual genome sequence, we can never get to the applied ends of what we’re trying to achieve,” said Lilleard, who along with U of C colleague James Wasmuth was on the sequencing team. The barber’s pole worm is closely related to many other livestock parasites, so learning more about it will help research- ers fight other parasites as well. The parasite has been found in cattle, but only rarely. Ivermectin is one of the drugs used to combat the barber’s pole worm, but the parasite is devel- oping resistance, said Wasmuth. “We want to understand how this parasite develops drug resis- tance because it seems to be very good at doing that,” he said. “We have a team in Calgary as well as collaborators in Glasgow and in Cambridge and quite a few places around the world who

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. HOW DO YOU SPELL DEPENDABLE CANOLA PERFORMANCE? ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for canola is IT STARTS WITH D. a combination of two separate individually-registered products, ® which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, Pioneer brand canola D-Series: three outstanding canola hybrids built on DuPont Pioneer genetics, serviced by metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and ® bacillus subtilis. Acceleron and Design®, Acceleron®, DEKALB and DuPont. D3153 delivers high yield with exceptional standability and harvestability. D3152 adds the Pioneer Protector Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, ® RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 clubroot resistance trait and D3154S has the Pioneer Protector sclerotinia resistance trait. D-Series. This is big. Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Transorb®, VT Double PRO®, D-Series canola hybrids are available only from select independent and Co-op retailers. Don’t forget to ask for YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2®, YieldGard Corn Borer and Design ™ ™ and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology DuPont Lumiderm insecticide seed treatment on your 2014 D-Series canola seed order. LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.

The DuPont Oval logo, DuPont™ and Lumiderm™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affi liates. E. I. du Pont Canada Company is a licensee. ®, SM, TM Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. All purchases are subject to the terms of labeling and purchase documents. Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto Company. © 2013 Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. Member of CropLife Canada.

375 D-Series_Bins_AlbFarmExpr_Jrpg.indd 1 9/18/13 10:56 AM 10801A-Gen Legal Trait Stewardship-AF.indd 1 7/26/13 2:33 PM 32 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA

VICTORY® InVigor ® Health

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Make more money with the Cargill Specialty Canola Program. With our proven VICTORY® V-Class™ and InVigor® Health hybrids and simple program, you can generate the superior yields you demand and the higher returns you deserve — so both your crops and your business will thrive. Learn more at

®The Cargill logo, ®VICTORY and ®VICTORY Hybrid Canola logo are registered trademarks of Cargill Incorporated, used under license. InVigor® is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience is a member of CropLife Canada. ©2013 Cargill, Incorporated. All rights reserved. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 33

Research papers added to Top 20 sheep tips Recent additions to cover feed efficiency traits and fertility Alberta Agriculture sheep specialist Susan Markus has put in young beef bulls, suitability of cool- and warm-season annual cereal spe- together a list of 20 tips to keep in mind when feeding sheep cies for winter grazing in Saskatchewan, a Manitoba forage adaptation chart, for optimum performance. The items were gathered for use identification of common seeded plants for forage and reclamation in Sas- at the Alberta Lamb Producers’ regional meetings and is an katchewan, three new volumes under common plants of the western range- example of the many resources available for the sheep indus- lands, swath grazing CDC SO-1 oat and red proso millet and four hay storage try from Alberta Lamb. The list is available in the Sept. 16 issue blueprints from the Canada Plan Service. of Agri-News on the Alberta Agriculture website.

In Alberta, around 50 per cent of the cost to run a flock is related to feed. Cheap feed rations may cost more in the long run Producers looking to maximize their sheep performance may want to steer clear of cheap feed rations

lambs, feeding for optimal ewe How much you feed is also daily gain, cost per pound of By Jennifer Blair productivity and lamb perfor- important. Feed intakes for ani- gain, and the number of days af staff / red deer mance is essential. mals range between two and six to reach market, said Markus. “Just because you “We’re feeding for the require- per cent of body weight on a dry “Just because you come up t costs money to feed an ani- ments they have — we’re not matter basis. with the cheapest ration doesn’t come up with the mal.” feeding them for how much Open and gestating ewes mean it’s going to be the best cheapest ration I That was the takeaway they’ll eat,” said Markus. “I require between two to three option for you.” message livestock expert Susan could put out lots of stuff, and per cent of their body weight, For example, she said, con- doesn’t mean it’s going Markus left with a group of they’ll eat it. But do they actu- while late gestation require- sider pelleted feedlot ration at nearly 50 lamb producers dur- ally need it? That’s the question ments need two to 3.5 per cent. 31 cents per head per day versus to be the best option ing a presentation in Camrose that’s going to keep my cost of Lactating ewes require almost an alfalfa hay and barley ration, for you.” earlier this month. production down.” double the amounts for open at 23 cents per head per day. “Feeding for healthy and pro- That means having rations or gestating ewes, around four With a daily gain of around 340 ductive lambs really is a com- analyzed for moisture, protein, to five per cent of their body grams on the pelleted ration, Dr. Susan bination of genetics and your energy, calcium, and phospho- weight. Lambs under 40 pounds the lambs would take 28 days Markus management and nutrition,” rous contents, she said. require five to six per cent of to get to market. If the gains on said Markus, a livestock research “If I’m looking at growing their body weight. Between 40 the barley and alfalfa hay ration scientist with Alberta Agriculture an animal out, I make sure my to 80 pounds, the requirements are only 295 grams, it will take a and Rural Development. protein levels are met. If I’m for lambs increase up to three to week longer. The total cost for up costing you more because “These are really going to be maintaining an animal, like the five per cent, and lambs over 80 both rations is similar – just over there were more days in the what makes or breaks you as far as ewe flock, energy is really most pounds require three to four per $8 – but adding an extra week feedlot,” said Markus. some of your costs of production.” important,” said Markus. cent. Ram feeding requirements in yardage costs for the bar- “You can’t run from your feed In Alberta, around 50 per When feeding silage, you are around 2.5 per cent. ley and alfalfa hay ration adds costs. If you don’t feed them, cent of the cost to run a flock is want a pH range between 5.2 Though inexpensive rations up quickly. they don’t perform.” related to feed. And when top and 5.7 — otherwise, listeriosis are tempting, lamb producers “Even though you had a cheap flocks wean 25 per cent more becomes a risk. need to think about average ration, overall it’s going to end [email protected]

In Alberta, around 50 per cent of the cost to run a flock is related to feed. photo:©thinkstock 34 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Think long term as you plan your cattle feeding program straight from the hip } It’s hard to recover once body condition is lost, and that can have lasting implications on your herd’s health and productivity

The first step is to test the feed, Mother cows need extra care, By brenda schoepp and have a nutritionist point out too. For a long time they can deficiencies and recommend a simply graze or scrounge, but to diet that maintains and grows head into winter compromised e could face yet another the calf. Calves should also be will cost at the time of calving. long winter and as we given plenty of space so they They need a little extra energy to W prepare our farms it are not coughing all over each stay warm and grow their fetus. is important to remember the other. Think about a daycare Test the feed. Appropriate shelter basics for the cattle. where every germ has to be expe- is also important. If you are in an Feed testing is an easy step, rienced by every child. Offer- open area or do not have sheds, but to bring it alive, it is best ing calves space has proven to a bale break really works well. If looked at from a human point reduce respiratory disease. you have bush, follow the cows of view. Would you feed your Shelter is especially important on a cold day — they will take child only pasta three times a during wet fall weather as once you to the warmest spot on the day without adding other nutri- chilled, they are highly suscep- ranch. Do your bedding there if ents? Of course not, and that is tible to sickness. We used to say it is appropriately set back from why young calves need to have that you could count on having to a waterway. their nutritional needs met care- treat sick calves in the feedyard Feeding young cows and heif- PHOTo: thinkstock fully. Weaning a calf onto grass exactly 10 days after a rain. Pro- ers separate from the main herd or hay is fine, but late in the year tected sunny spots that are well allows for a little artful competi- pete. If using bale feeders, ensure should also be fed separate from there are nutrients missing and drained are best, as is forest or tion. Perhaps the most limiting young stock is kept together as a the herd bulls to lessen competi- it is at a disadvantage because it bush that allows for calves to hide method of feeding is at a bale group so they do not have to com- tion and risk of injury. is no longer nursing. away from wet and wind. feeder where everyone must com- pete with older cows. Young bulls Nutrition Heifer development is all about nutrition. New research confirms nutritional deficiencies early on in the heifer’s life limit her produc- tive life as a cow. The real focus is not just on growing the animal, but 2013 Fall meeting & on maintaining those body energy reserves during late pregnancy. In fact, that nutrition later in the ges- election schedule tational period has a direct influ- ence on getting nutrients to the fetus and on the placenta.

Zone 1 (meeting 7 p.m. stArt free Zone 6 (All meetings 7 p.m. stArt supper 6 p.m.) free supper At 6 p.m.) Having a cow herd is all oct 23 medicine Hat, feeding comPany oct 22 Breton, community Hall about fertility. tBA, south sask. regional plan speaker tBA oct 24 Brooks, BoW sloPe sHiPPing oct 24 Ponoka, legion Karin schmid, ABp ryder lee, CCA oct 29 camrose, regional exHiBition (meeting 7 p.m. stArt free Zone 2 Brian perillat, Canfax supper At 6 p.m.) Zone 7 (All meetings 7 p.m. stArt oct 28 fort macleod, auction market Dr. Ron Clarke reported that free supper At 6 p.m.) ryder lee, CCA heifers born out of cows receiving protein supplement while preg- oct 29 HaZel Bluff community Hall Zone 3 (All meetings 7 p.m. stArt) nant birthed 77 per cent of their oct 30 mayertHorPe, legion calves in the first 21 days — com- oct 28 sundre, West country centre pared to 49 per cent in the first 21 Zone 8 (All meetings 7 p.m. stArt) oct 30 stratHmore, golf course days of those who did not receive protein. It is really all about Karin schmid, ABp oct 28 goodridge, community Hall daughters. In the same work, nov 4 cocHrane, rancHeHouse Doug sawyer, ABp Chair the pregnancy rate was 93 per Doug sawyer, ABp Chair oct 29 kitscoty, community Hall cent in those daughters whose Karin schmid, ABp mothers received the supple- (All meetings 7 p.m. stArt ment compared to 80 per cent Zone 4 oct 30 WarWick, community Hall free supper At 6 p.m.) pregnancy rate for those daughters martin unrau, CCA president who mothers did not receive the oct 21 cZar, community Hall protein supplement. (All meetings 7 p.m. stArt Chuck maclean, Canada Beef inc. Zone 9 Proper nutrition goes well with free Beef on A Bun oct 23 veteran, community Hall beyond protein and energy, of supper At 6 p.m.) course, but it is interesting how rich smith, ABp much affect it has in utero to the oct 28 Hanna, lions Hall oct 29 grimsHaW, legion Hall long-term fertility of the yet to be martin unrau, CCA president speaker tBA born female. University of Calgary nov 5 grande Prairie, stoneBridge inn research has found that 20 per cent (All meetings 7 p.m. stArt of Alberta bulls are sub-fertile and Zone 5 rich smith, ABp with free Beef on A Bun it would be interesting to see how nov 7 HigH Prairie, Peavine inn and suites the nutrition of the dam impacts supper At 6 p.m.) Doug sawyer, ABp Chair the fertility of her male offspring. oct 29 sPruce vieW, community Hall Having a cow herd is all about fertility. There is no profit in infer- martin unrau, CCA president tile cows or bulls and it is hard on oct 30 Big valley, community Hall animals to recover once body con- ryder lee, CCA elections are Being Held in Zones 5 and 8. dition is lost. More importantly, nov 5 leslieville, community Hall when we care for the mother cow, we care for her unborn calf too. And John masswohl, CCA that alone is worth feed testing for!

Brenda Schoepp is a Nuffield Scholar who travels extensively exploring agriculture and meeting the people who feed, clothe and tel 403.275.4400 educate our world. A motivating 165, 6815 – 8 street ne speaker and mentor she works with Calgary, AB Canada t2e 7h7 fax 403.274.0007 young entrepreneurs across Canada and is the founder of Women in Search of Excellence. www. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 35 Know your numbers and be realistic about replacement rate PEET ON PIGS  The rule of thumb that replacing one-third of your sows each year doesn’t hold up when you analyze productivity

lifetime. Herd-recording systems as parity 8 and over. In order to BY BERNIE PEET show that reproductive problems remove these sows, additional gilts and lameness, especially in young Unfortunately, over the last 10 to 15 years, litters per sow will need to be phased in accord- here is a popular miscon- females, are the most important ing to the numbers of sows that ception that replacing about reasons for enforced culling. An lifetime has been going down, due to higher culling rates will need culling after their next T one-third of a sow herd each analysis of one’s own herd data will and death loss farrowing. year is a good target, despite the indicate not only the reasons for Determining the appropriate fact that I rarely see or hear of a culling, but also the age profile of replacement rate for the indi- herd achieving it. culled females. If the dropout rate vidual herd is an important part This probably stems back to the is too high in gilts and second-litter of breeding herd management. dim and distant past when sows sows, then a review of feeding and Getting it wrong can mean herd were less productive and rather management from gilt introduc- size drops below the target level more hardy than today’s high- tion through the first two parities if enforced culling is higher than octane females. These days, a should be carried out. Areas such planned. This is one area where replacement rate of 50 per cent is as body weight at first breeding, their first litter is more than one the normal level is when parity being generous is the correct strat- a lot more realistic. body condition scores, lactation day higher than the herd average, structure is poor. This may be the egy because it helps to ensure that Replacement rate can be cal- feed intake, flooring quality and then action needs to be taken. The result of inadequate numbers of the target output of piglets from culated, providing the average health management routines best herds achieve a figure of about gilts entering the herd, perhaps the breeding herd is maintained. number of litters weaned per sow should be checked. I like to use 0.5 days and this small difference due to economies being made lifetime is known. Most herd- the weaning-to-breeding interval can result in a significant improve- during a period of poor profitabil- Bernie Peet is president of Pork Chain recording systems show this fig- as an indication of the quality of ment in lifetime performance. ity. The end result is most likely a Consulting of Lacombe, Alberta and a ure, although it is seldom used as a management of young females. One situation where replace- parity profile with a higher number director of U.K.-based Pig Production performance indicator. Personally, If the interval for gilts weaning ment rate may be increased above of older sows — typically defined Training Ltd. I find it a valuable measure of how well producers are doing at keep- ing sows in the herd and achieving a long, productive lifetime. Unfortunately, over the last 10 to 15 years, litters per sow life- time has been going down, due to higher culling rates and death loss. The fewer litters a sow produces over her lifetime, the quicker she will have to be replaced. Also, the more productive she is, in terms of litters/sow/year, the shorter the time she will stay in the herd, Join us for the assuming that litters/sow lifetime is constant. Therefore, knowing these numbers allows the correct replacement rate to be calculated and set as a target for the herd. 2013 Agriculture for life Herd-recording schemes show that the average litters/sow life- time is probably in the region of 4.5, with better farms achieving 5.0 to 5.5. (I have rarely seen a farm where the average is more than six.) Assuming a figure of 4.5 and a farrowing index of 2.4, the whole herd will be replaced in 4.5/2.3 = 1.96 years. That will lead to a Harvest gala replacement rate of 100/1.95 = 51 per cent. If the farm is able to keep sows in sATurdAy, november 2, 2013 the herd so that they have an aver- age of 5.5 litters per lifetime, that northlands, edmonton, 6 pm to 11 pm number will drop to 44 per cent. In a 500-sow herd, that would reduce the number of gilts required each year by 35 which, at a cost of $350 per gilt, would result in savings of $12,250. That saving, though, pales into insignificance compared to the value of the performance ben- efits from keeping more females through the most productive pari- ties, 3 to 6. If a figure for litters/sow lifetime is not shown in the herd-record- ing program, it can be calculated from litters/sow/year and replace- ment rate. If 50 per cent of sows are replaced each year and sows The Agriculture for Life Harvest Gala offers a unique opportunity to celebrate average 2.4 litters weaned per year, Alberta’s agricultural roots. Experience a fusion of urban and rural style and design; then they produce an average of 100/50 x 2.4 = 4.8 litters per sow the scrumptious tastes of locally produced foods, the sights and sounds of Alberta lifetime. artists, a silent auction and a chance to connect with friends in the community market. This is certainly a figure worth knowing and benchmarking against industry standards. Tickets are available online ( or by calling Toll Free Many producers think that 1-888-931-2951. their sows produce more litters in a lifetime than they actually do! The target should be to achieve a Ag for life founding members: minimum number of 5.0 and, ide- Agrium inc. ATCo group rocky mountain equipment ufA Co-operative ltd. ally, 5.5. ATb financial Penn West exploration TransCanada Corporation Replacement rate is defined as the sum of culling rate and death rate, assuming the herd size stays ConTribuTing members: constant. Clearly, the fewer sows Adfarm glacier media group mosaic studios die, or are removed from the herd, the lower the replacement rate 07/13-21670-03 and the higher the litter per sow

21670_03 AFL2013HarvestGalaAd_8.125x10.indd 1 8/6/13 7:06 AM 36 SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 • ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA Shipping cattle direct is a win for both purchaser and seller beef 911 } It has long been recognized that transport coupled with commingling of cattle greatly increases stress, shrinkage, and the incidence of the respiratory disease complex.

When the source of the cattle is By roy lewis, dvm directly known and it is a large group, the health history can fol- or many years, auction low the cattle through. If trust is markets have used satel- established, you know the prod- F lite or Internet sales to ucts were applied properly. market larger groups of cattle It’s nice, for instance, to know without having to move them when cattle were implanted off the farm. This is pretty much so implants are not stacked to all upside for both seller and pur- any large degree. If the former chaser. implants are almost used up, Selling and shipping directly to then you can start directly with the purchaser’s place eliminates your implant protocol. one transport, saves time, and The respiratory disease com- there is no comingling unless plex (viruses such as IBR PI3 the purchaser decides to do BRSV and bacteria such as that on his own premises with Mannheimia or Pasteurella) has other purchased cattle. Shrink- been the main nemesis of the age is also minimized and the cattle-feeding industry for quite purchaser will be able to get a a long time. If the cattle are pre- detailed description of what the immunized before you get them cattle have had for preventa- and have been weaned on farm tive shots. This may eliminate (preconditioned), that should be PHOTo: thinkstock the need to repeat procedures worth a premium because the such as endectocides for lice, cattle are less likely to get sick and cattle. I have always said feedlot would do better with his con- will shy away from the increased deworming, implanting, or vac- will go onto feed quicker. I know pens are generally full of all the temporaries plus the calf now risk of sickness. However, very cinations when they reach their some larger feedlots that try to colours anyways, with sorts are goes into another group of like potent long-acting antibiotics new home. start cattle on the same ration done closer to finishing to feed animals and is commingled with are now available as metaphy- Although the traditional auc- in order to make transition that the cattle which came in lighter a them. Almost without excep- lactic treatments. These drugs tion system sets the price with much easier. With direct ship- little longer. Slight frost damage tion this is why owners which have no doubt greatly improved competitive bidding, it does ping, calves are less stressed, less to the ears is inconsequential. wean and feed their own cattle the death loss and the number increase shrinkage substantially. likely to be deprived of feed and Sure, the producer would sort seldom have a lot of respiratory of chronics in the feedlot. With green cattle that have just water, and arrive in much better out the very poor performers, but and health issues compared to The direct ship method also been weaned, overnight shrink- shape having not been commin- all the others, even with minor the huge feedlots which have helps out with traceability. And age at the auction market could gled. These type of cattle, in my imperfections, have advantages to bring cattle in from all over large feedlots may not need to approach or exceed 10 per cent. view, would be classified as low for both parties if sold as a group. (often from auction markets), retag as pens have the owner’s Often direct-shipped cattle risk, but it is up to you and your transport them over long dis- tag, branding is probably mini- have a predetermined shrink- veterinarian to decide whether Pathogen spread tances, and then commingle mized and it also saves consid- age calculation placed on them prophylactic antibiotics are in Commingling exposes cattle to a them. All these cattle become erable trucking costs. The auc- depending on where they are order. They may be left and the myriad of pathogens just when high risk, and that is why vet- tion market still sells them but going to be weighed and the sick ones pulled or given antibi- they are highly stressed. Even if erinarians often prescribe in a different way (satellite or distance moved. On the satel- otics. Overall, the morbidity and feedlots need to put two, three metaphylactic antibiotics. Internet) so fees are saved here lite and Internet sales, a sliding mortality rate should be much or four owners together in a pen Although pre-sort sales make as well. Direct shipping can ben- grid is established depending on less than highly stressed cattle. that is better than a multitude. the groups more uniform and efit everyone along the supply what their final weight actually By taking the entire group off You can just imagine how many the sale goes quicker (as lots are chain. Calves should have bet- is when delivered. That way it the farm there may be a few dif- different owners’ cattle are in bigger), there are major disad- ter gains, plus potentially lower keeps it fair for everyone. Keep- ferent coloured calves, smaller their feedlot. A survey of one vantages. In my view, the added morbidity and mortality. It is ing it fair means both sides ben- ones, or ones with slight imper- 5,000- to 10,000-head feedlot stress of sorting weighing indi- definitely worth taking time to efit and long-term relationships fections such as frozen ears, done a few years ago traced its viduals and then comingling pursue! may result. scarred eyes or warts etc. The cattle back to more than 2,000 them negates the advantages. There is a fair bit of redun- advantage of getting an entire owners. This is an alarming The seller likes it as the shrink Roy Lewis is a Westock, Alberta- dancy in our cattle industry group not mingled, and on the amount of commingling. is predetermined, and because based veterinarian specializing in with regards to vaccinating, same feed and herd health pro- By sorting off a single or the lots are uniform, the price large-animal practice. He is also a using endectocides, ear tagging, gram far outweighs the disad- two from a group you create is at a premium. My question part-time technical services vet for deworming or even implanting. vantages of these non-uniform this double negative. The calf is whether, over time, feedlots Merck Animal Health. Cheatgrass takes care of itself Invader creates its own ideal soil conditions

owny brome (cheatgrass) is so successful as an inva- Dsive species because it can “engineer” its own soil environ- ment, says a study published in the current issue of Invasive Plant Science and Management. A release from the magazine say the authors grew downy brome in soil from the northern Great Basin of California that had and had not already been invaded by the plant. They then sampled and compared the root mass and soil at three depths and the plant biomass. After one season, downy brome grown in invaded soil had 250 per cent more biomass and almost Downy brome, also known as cheatgrass, is highly competitive. twice the root mass of plants grown in the non-invaded soil. The authors also found that The authors speculated that By the second growing season, downy brome became more the plant can take over areas biomass in the invaded soil was competitive when it received filled with supposedly resis- still almost double the amount in more nutrients, particularly tant plants by increasing and the non-invaded soil, while root nitrogen, phosphorus and man- then exhausting the soil nutri- mass had decreased and was ganese. They found that the plant ents, causing downy brome similar between invaded and increased these nutrients in the to thrive and native plants to non-invaded soils. soil for its own benefit. struggle. ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 37

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Trailers BEEKEEPING Deutz Red Angus lIVESTOCK Sheep Golf Carts Livestock Trailers Honey Bees Ford/NH Aryshire Sheep Auction Motor Homes Trailers Miscellaneous Cutter Bees Gleaner Belgian Blue Arcott Motorcycles Travel Bee Equipment John Deere Blonde d'Aquitaine Columbia Snowmobiles Water Pumps Dorper Belting Massey Ferguson Brahman Recycling Water Treatment Versatile Dorset Bio Diesel Equipment Brangus Refrigeration Welding White Braunvieh Katahdin Books & Magazines Restaurant Supplies Well Drilling Combines Various BueLingo Lincoln Sausage Equipment Well & Cistern BUIlDING & RENOVATIONS Combine Accessories Charolais Suffolk Sawmills Concrete Repair Hydraulics Dairy Texel Sheep Winches Doors & Windows Irrigation Equipment Dexter Sheep For Sale Scales COMMUNITy CAlENDAR Electrical & Plumbing Loaders & Dozers Excellerator Sheep Wanted SEED/FEED/GRAIN British Columbia Insulation Parts & Accessories Galloway lIVESTOCK Swine Pedigreed Cereal Seeds Alberta Lumber Salvage Gelbvieh Swine 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JD 9400, 9420, 9520, 8970 JD 4710, 4720, 4730, 4830, 4920, AGRI-VACS JD 7810 & 7210, FWA 4930 SP sprayers Tired of shovelling out your bins, JD 9860, 9760, 9750, 9650, 9600 JD 9770 & 9870 w/CM & duals unhealthy dust and awkward augers? JD 9430, 9530, 9630 CIH 3185, 3230, 3330, 4430, 4420 sprayers Walinga manufactures a CIH 8010 w/RWD, lateral tilt, duals 900 hrs. 9580 Kubota, FWA, FEL, low hours complete line of grain Case STX 375, 425, 430, 450, 480, vacs to suit your every 40’ X 60’ X 16’ 3545 MF w/FWA FEL need. With no filters to RIGID FRAME 500, 530 plug and less damage CIH 8010-2388, 2188 combine GOOD SELECTION OF JD & CASE STEEL HEADERS: 635F, 636D AND MANY done to your product than CIH 435Q, 535Q, 450Q, 550Q, 600Q an auger, you’re sure to BUILDING MORE CASE & JD find the right system to pto avail. suit you. Call now for a free NH TJ 450, New Triples, Big Pump demonstration or trade in your old vac towards a new WALINGA AGRI-VACS $28,418 8100 Wilmar Sprayer Fergus, ON: (519) 787-8227 When you go with “LIKE MANY BEFORE, WE’LL HAVE YOU SAYING Carman, MB: (204) 745-2951 steel you get the THERE’S NO DEAL LIKE A KEN DEAL” Davidson, SK: (306) 567-3031 right deals! • Phone: (403)526-9644 • Cell: (403)504-4929 • Email: [email protected] Pioneer One Steel Buildings Call toll free or see us online at 1 (877) 525-2004 Versatile 875 Combine ACCessories JD 4250 FWA, 280 loader CONTRACTING JD 4440 Loader Available BUILDINGS Custom Spraying FARM MACHINERY JD 7600 Complete with loader, FWA Combine – Accessories JD 7700 FWA loader JD 4230 Affordable Engineered Temporary Structures JD 6400, FWA loader AERATION HALF CIRCLE PERFORATED duct Motorcycle/Car/RV/Boat Carports, JD 2550, FWA Storage Shelters, Party Tents, Greenhouses, work 24-in. system complete have several sets. Swimming pool enclosures. (403)728-3535. JD 746 loader, new Custom sizes available, 5-10yr warranty, Rentals Mustang 2044 Skidsteer, 1300 Hrs. Xtreme Shelters, Phone:(780)803-7854. Clamp on Duals, 20.8x38-18.4x38 RECONDITIONED COMBINE HEADERS. RIGID & 158 & 148, 265, 740.280, JD loaders Available at: ¦ ex, most makes & sizes; also header transports. Ed Lorenz, (306)344-4811 or Website: JCB 1550B, Backhoe FWA, Extend A Hoe, Kneehill Soil BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Paradise Hill, SK. Ford Backhoe 655C 4x4, Extend A Hoe FINANCE, TRADES WELCOME FARM MACHINERY 780-696-3527, BRETON, AB Services Ltd. PARTNERSHIP AVAILABLE TO PERSON or per- sons having experience in Ag or Chicken operation. Parts & Accessories Linden, AB North Calgary area, email hotsey@e˜ or (403) 546-4050 mail PO Box 132 Irricana AB T0M 1B0. Available at: Big Tractor Parts, W. Buis Holdings Geared For Limited Inc. The Future SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Foremost, AB Grain Wanted (403) 867-2436 STEIGER TRACTOR SPECIALIST BUYING HEATED/DAMAGED PEAS, FLAX & Buy and Sell RED OR GREEN GRAIN “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain anything you NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, IH, MacDon 1. 10-25% savings on new replacement 1-877-250-5252 headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get need through the it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor parts for your Steiger drive train. starting at $1,095. 1-800-667-4515. BUYING SPRING THRASHED CANOLA & GRAIN 2. We rebuild axles, transmissions “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain ENGINES 1-877-250-5252 and dropboxes with ONE YEAR 1-888-413-3325 ASSORTED DEUTZ & OTHER Diesel engines. WARRANTY. We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you KMK Sales, (800)565-0500, Humboldt, SK. want to sell it fast place your ad in the Alberta Farmer 3. 50% savings on used parts. Express classi˜ eds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free FARM MACHINERY number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. BUSINESS SERVICES 1-888-413-3325. Haying & Harvesting – Baling BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD. BUSINESS SERVICES WANTED: JD 7810 c/w FEL & 3-PTH; sp or PTO 1-800-982-1769 Crop Consulting bale wagon; JD or IHC end wheel drills. Small square baler. (877)330-4477 WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN FARM CHEMICAL SEED COMPLAINTS FARM MACHINERY FARM MACHINERY We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Haying & Harvesting – Various Machinery Miscellaneous Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator Wheat, NH 1063 SQUARE BALE wagon PT, excellent issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, condition. Phone (780)986-4605 or (780)498-6859. 1976 CCIL 960 PTO combine, c/w new belts on the Barley, Oats, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our Available at: PU, shedded, $1000; IHC #10 rubber end wheel Peas, etc. assistance the majority of our clients have received seed drill, $500; 50-ft in-land crop sprayer, $500. compensation previously denied. Back-Track Combines (780)349-2357. Green or Heated Canola/Flax Investigations investigates, documents your loss and CHS DynAgra 1-877-641-2798 assists in settling your claim. FARM MACHINERY Beiseker, AB 1998 379 PETERBUILT, N14-460E Cummins, Licensed Agrologist on Staff. Combine – Ford/New Holland 18spd, w/63-in sleeper, 930,000-kms, w/36-ft Doep- For more information ker grain trailer 204, shedded. Phone BUYING: Please call 1-866-882-4779 NH 1500 COMBINE, W/3208 Cat diesel, A/C, (403) 947-3767 (403)586-0978, (403)347-0723, AB. Straw Chopper & Melroe pick-up. 2,000-hrs. Always HEATED & GREEN shedded & ˜ eld ready. $5,000 OBO. Call: (403)932-2343 or (403)519-7815. 1998 SPRAY AIR 13X70 swing auger, good condi- CANOLA tion, $9,000; 2001 NH 195 manure spreader, top FARM MACHINERY beater, new paddles, double ¦ oor chain, location • Competitive Prices tires, good condition, $9,000. Call:(780)203-9593 or Combine – Various • Prompt Movement TracTors (780)963-0641, Stoney Plain, AB. • Spring Thrashed 1999 CAT 460 1300 sep. hrs, rake up $85,000; “ON FARM PICK UP” FARM MACHINERY 1998 AGCO 9755, 530/int electronic, 18spd p/s, 3096/hrs, 4 remotes, 540 front weights, duals, 1-877-250-5252 Tractors – Various $46,000; 2005 MacDon 922, 16-ft DK, $15,000; 2000 MacDon 972, 25-ft DK, DS, pick-up reel, PERFECT ACREAGE TRACTOR FORDSON Ma- $18,000; Bergen swath mover, $3700. jor 40-hp c/w Hogbush mower, new tires, very good (403)665-2341, Craigmyle, AB. working condition. Calgary $4000 OBO. Phone: (403)935-5563. ACREAGE EQUIPMENT: CULTIVATORS, DISCS, Available at: Plows, Blades, Post pounders, Haying Equipment, CANOLA WANTED Beaver Creek Coop Remember that story you wanted to Etc. (780)892-3092, Wabamun, Ab. read again from a few months back? Buying Tough, Heated, Green, COMBINE WORLD located 20 min. E of Canola, Freight Options, Association Ltd. Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest Stretch your Prompt Payment Lamont, AB inventory of late model combines & swathers. SEARCH 1-800-667-4515 Network ADVERTISING DOLLAR! Bonded and Insured (780) 895-2241 Search news. Read stories. Find insight. 1-888-413-3325 CALL 1-866-388-6284 FARM MACHINERY FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various Tractors – Various AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES Auctions Various Auctions Various Double LL Industries AUCTION SERVICE LTD. 780.905.8565 Nisku, Alberta SHIELDS General Auction Services since 1960 1987 Case IH John Deere 1983 Kubota L245 1974 385 520 Offset Tractor John Deere 401A Available at: Andrukow Group FARM, RANCH, REAL ESTATE Solutions Inc. & COMMERCIAL Wainwright, AB FWA, 45 HP Diesel, Loader High Clearance, 1368 Hrs, w/ 3 Point GAS, 60 HP, 3 Point Hitch, (780) 842-3306 3 Point Hitch Hitch, And Mid Mount Cultivators 540 Pto, NEW Rear Tires $12,500 $3,800 $8,800 $7,500 Email: [email protected] • Phone: 403-464-0202 ALBERTAFARMEXPRESS.CA • SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 39


WANTED: NH 8500 ROUND bale wagon. Phone (406)883-2118 NOW ALL GRADES AGRICULTURAL TOURS BUYING Competitive Rates Midwest USA ~ Oct 2013 RON SAUER HEAT & AIR CONDITIONING Prompt Payment OATS! Australia/New Zealand ~ Jan 2014 Agriculatural Tours MACHINERY LTD. Kenya/Tanzania ~ Jan 2014 International Plowing Match/Canadian (403) 540-7691 India ~ Feb 2014 Rockies ~ July 2013 The Icynene Insulation Chile/Argentina/Brazil ~ Feb 2014 Upper Mississippi Cruise ~ Oct 2013 [email protected] ® 31’ Flexicoil B Chisel Plow Extensions Included, Extends System Vietnam/Cambodia/Thailand ~ Mar 2014 Midwest USA ~ Oct 2013 to 41’, 3 bar harrows, Excellent Condition ...... $12,500 • Sprayed foam insulation China ~ March 2014 Australia/New Zealand ~ Jan 2014 Flexicoil 6 run seed treater ...... $2,000 Kenya/Tanzania ~ Jan 2014 • Ideal for shops, barns or homes Ireland & Scotland ~ June 2014 Wanted Flexicoil S95 harrow packer draw bar, 5 bar harrows, PAUL MOWER DAVE KOEHN India ~ Feb 2014 P30 packers, good condition ...... Call • Healthier, Quieter, More 403-304-1496 403-546-0060 Ukraine ~ June 2014 134’ Flexicoil S68XL sprayer, 2007, suspended boom, South America ~ Feb 2014 Energy Efficient® *Portion of tours may be Tax Deductible auto rate, joystick, rinse tank, triple quick jets, auto boom Available at: LINDEN, ALBERTA CANADA Far East ~ Mar 2014 height, electric end nozzle & foam marker ...... $39,500 Select Holidays China ~ March 2014 130’ Flexicoil 67XL PT sprayer, 2006,trail boom, auto Neerlandia Coop Ireland & Scotland ~ June 2014 rate, rinse tank, hyd. pump, combo jets, nice shape ....$26,500 Ukraine Agriculture Tour ~ June 2014 100’ 65XL Flexicoil Sprayer, complete with windguards, TIRES 1-800-661-4326 NWT/Yukon/Alaska ~ July 2014 elec. end nozzles dual tips, markers ...... $5,500 Association Ltd. 30’ 8230 CIH PT swather, PU reel, nice shape,..$10,000 Russian River Cruise ~ Sept 2014 25ft Hesston 1200 PT swather, Bat reel, 1-800-587-4711 Neerlandia, AB FEDERATION TIRE: 1100X12, 2000X20, used air- *Portion of tours may be Tax Deductible nice shape ...... $5,500 craft. Toll free 1-888-452-3850 FARMING Select Holidays 1-800-661-4326 30ft 4600 Prairie Star PT swather, Bat reel, nice shape. .Call 30ft Premier 1900 PT swather, Bat reel, nice shape. .Call (780) 674-3020 FARMING 1069 New Holland ST Bale Wagon...... Call LIVESTOCK IS ENOUGH OF MATR (Italy) 10 wheel V-Hayrake, hyd. fold, AIS GAMBLE... ENOUGH OF as new ...... $5,250 LIVESTOCK New Sakundiak Augers Complete A GAMBLE... with E-Kay Attachments ...... Call Cattle – Shorthorn 2 Used 8” Self Propelled Sakundiak Augers .Coming In New E-Kay 7”, 8”, 9” Bin Sweeps ...... Call 1 Used E-Kay 9” Bin Sweep, with hyd., pump, 3rd Saturday Stretch your motor & tank ...... $1,250 OCTOBER 19 2013 ADVERTISING DOLLAR! Flexicoil 10”x 50’ Grain auger ...... $2,500 1:00 pm MDT at the 7721 JD PT combine, decent cond...... $5,000 1-888-413-3325 7701 JD PT combine, new concaves & rub bars ..... $4,000 Lacombe Ag Society Jiffy Feed Wagon, like new, hardly used, shedded .....$9,250 Grounds 40’ Morris Packer Harrow Bar, P30 packers, 4 bar Lacombe, Alberta harrows, Hyd. fold up, good condition ...... Advertise in the $5,500 403-948-3520 SEED / FEED / GRAIN 8” Wheat Heart Transfer Auger, as new ...... $1,500 Shorthorn Sale AdvertiseAlberta Farmer in the New Outback MAX & STX Guidance & Mapping...In Stock Available at: Don Savage Auctions New Outback E-Drive, TC’s ...... In Stock SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS ExpressAlberta Classifieds, Farmer New Outback E-Drive X, c/w free E turns ...... In Stock Feed Grain Webb’s Crop Expressit’s a Sure Classifieds, Thing! New Outback S-Lite Guidance ...... In Stock $900 New Outback VSI Swather Steering Kit ...... In Stock BUYING ALL TYPES OF feed grain. Also have it’s a Sure Thing! Used Outback E-Drive Hyd. Kit ...... $500 market for light offgrade or heated, picked up on the Services farm. Eisses Grain Marketing 1-888-882-7803, **NuVision, Sakundiak & Farm King Augers, Outback GPS Systems, (403)350-8777 Lacombe. Vermilion, AB EK Auger Movers, Belt Tighteners, Bin Sweeps, & Crop Dividers, Kohler & Robin Subaru engines, Degelman, Headsight Harvesting Solutions, FEED GRAIN WANTED! ALSO buying; Light, Greentronics Sprayer Boom Auto Height** (780) 853-6565 tough, or offgrade grains. “On Farm Pickup” West- 1-888-413-3325 Buy and Sell can Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 1-888-413-3325 anything you need through the



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