April 2007 As We Prepare for Easter and the Joyous Will Be Made Available at a Later Date

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April 2007 As We Prepare for Easter and the Joyous Will Be Made Available at a Later Date The Diocese of of El El Camino Camino Real Real in in Assistant Bishop Bishop James James Ottley Ottley central California California announced announced announced to to the the Executive Executive April 2 thatthat thethe Ven. Ven. Board at at its its March March Mary Gray-ReevesGray-Reeves is is 27 meeting that that he he one ofof fourfour candidates candidates has acceptedaccepted a a for itsits next next bishop. bishop. position as as assistant assistant bishop bishop The other nomineesnominees are are the the Rev. Rev. in the DioceseDiocese of of Long Long Island, Island, Paige Blair, Blair, PhD, PhD, rector, rector, beginning June June 1. 1. St. George's, York York “I have hadhad a a good good Harbor, Maine; Maine; the the Rev. Rev. ministry here,” here,” he he Gale D. Morris, DMin, DMin, told thethe board.board. “I “I rector, Church Church of of the the have learnedlearned a a lot, lot, Good Shepherd, Acton, Acton, and II havehave tried tried to to Mass.; and and the the Rev. Rev. give thethe bestbest of of Gray-Reeves John Palarine, Palarine, rector, rector, Ottley myself.” Our SaviorSavior Church, Church, “I would like like to to Jacksonville. put thethe blameblame on on the the Holy Holy Spirit Spirit The election isis scheduled scheduled for for June June and saysay that that the the Lord Lord called called 16. me… but it isis inin part part my my own own Gray-Reeves has has served served as asdiocesan diocesan decision, too, too, for for me me and and my my wife.” wife.” archdeacon for for deployment deployment since since Ottley has served served in in this this diocese diocese See GRAY-REEVES, next page See OTTLEY, next page By Mary W. Cox, editor On March 23, one day after they returned from the House of Bishops’ meeting at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas, Bishops Leo Frade and James Ottley met with diocesan clergy in the Schofield Chapel at the Duncan Center to report on the bishops’ deliberations and to answer questions. (See Page 3 for the House of Bishops’ letter to the Church). More than 100 clergy responded to Frade’s invitation for the conversation, much of which focused on the Episcopal bishops’ response to requests made by Dot Galfond the Anglican Primates in the Communiqué issued at the end of their February • Little Graham Garner seems to be practicing a episcopal blessing meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. to match Bishop Leo Frade’s miter at the dedication of a new youth Frade began by telling the clergy that the House of Bishops’ meeting was one building at St. Mary’s, Stuart, on March 25. See story Page 13. See BISHOPS, next page PRIESTLY BLESSING • After his By Mary W. Cox, editor March 6 ordination in On the morning of March 6 Bishop Leo Frade the chapel at ordained prison chaplain J. Allison DeFoor II Wakulla to the priesthood in the chapel at Wakulla Correctional Correctional Institution in Crawfordville, Institution, Fla., near the state capital, Tallahassee. new priest According to the Rev. Jackie Means, retired Allison DeFoor officer for prison ministry for the Episcopal gives his Church, DeFoor is only the fourth Episcopalian blessing to — and the first in Florida — ordained inside a Archdeacon prison. Mary Gray- The congregation at the early morning service Reeves. Bishop numbered nearly 100 — 47 inmates and 50 Alden guests from “outside,” including members of Hathaway the congregation of St. Theresa Parish, a (right) assisted neighboring church that actively supports the Bishop Leo ministry inside Wakulla. The Rev. John Spicer, Frade with the rector of St. Theresa, preached at the ordination. ordination. The vocation of a priest, Spicer said, is to be, like the apostles, a “witness to the resurrection.” The “Acts of the Apostles” still go on, he said, as the power of Christ continues to live through “the lives of saints given and poured out in love.” See PRISON PRIEST, next page • PRISON PRIEST from previous page “Allison’s vocation is to introduce us to this ministry… to become the image of Christ… We have priests to remind us that we are all priests.” “Do not expect more of Allison than you expect of yourselves,” Spicer told the congregation. To the new priest he said, “From this day forward, rest in Jesus’ choice of you.” Frade was assisted by the Rt. Rev. Alden Hathaway, retired bishop of Pittsburgh, who lives in the area and is a supporter of People may think we shouldn’t be DeFoor’s ministry, and by the Ven. Mary Gray-Reeves, archdeacon fighting over property, but it doesn’t for deployment in Southeast belong to the people who are there at a Florida. particular time… it’s part of the The new priest’s presenters patrimony [of the church]........... included his wife Terry, daughter Katie and son James; — Assistant Bishop James Ottley Fr. Donald Sullivan, a member of the diocesan Commission on Ministry; the chief assistant state attorney • GRAY-REEVES from previous page for the 10th circuit; and two • The Rev. Allison DeFoor’s family — wife Terri, son James and members of the inmate daughter Katie — were among his presenters for ordination. January 2005. Prior to that appointment, congregation. DeFoor’s vestments are embroidered with a design associated with she served for six years as rector of St. “Interesting juxtaposition by prison ministry, the “jailbird” — the dove of the Holy Spirit Margaret’s, Miami Lakes, and worked closely the Holy Spirit,” comments descending behind bars. (Thanks to Chris Akins of the Corrections with the bishops and archdeacons in the DeFoor. Foundation for providing a camera authorized for use inside the process of vision-mission development and Inmates also served as training for the diocese. prison and for photo-editing). “Discernment of any call involves the wider See PRISON PRIEST, Page 4 community; it is not a solitary event,” says Gray-Reeves. “Our faith life as Christians is a communal process. Many in my community have indicated that the episcopacy may be a call for Less than a month after prison Church of the Advent, Palm City. the Good News that “the tomb is me, and so I have participated in this process chaplain Allison DeFoor’s In his sermon Fr. Paul Rasmus, empty… that there is a way out, of discernment in order to see what God has ordination to the priesthood priest-in-charge at St. Andrew’s, that hope will conquer despair and in mind.” at Wakulla Correctional Lake Worth, said that people who light is not overcome by darkness.” Institution, Bishop Leo are incarcerated “are not the only A retired manager with the U.S. Frade ordained a second prison folks in prison.” People can be Postal Service, Kinard first felt his chaplain, George Kinard, to the imprisoned by mental or physical call to prison ministry in Topeka, diaconate. illness, by money — or lack of it, Kan., where he worked in the • OTTLEY from previous page Kinard, who is chaplain at by “earthly possessions and Lansing Prison with Chuck since the fall of 2001, when Bishop Leo Frade Martin Correctional Institution in earthly passions,” or by grief. Colson’s Prison Fellowship asked the Diocesan Convention to approve the Indiantown, Fla., was ordained It is our mission and ministry, Ministry. In Florida he worked for creation of the position of assistant bishop with March 24 in his home parish, he said, to give all people in prison See CHAPLAIN, Page 4 a specific focus on minority and multicultural ministries. Born in Panama to a West Indian father and a Costa Rican mother, Ottley brought to the from previous page position a strong history of international and • BISHOPS multicultural ministry, particularly in Central of the most “peaceful and blessed” in his experience. He commended the House of Bishops’ closing America. He had served as bishop of Panama, “There was a spirit of understanding and respect,” “Message to God’s People” (See Page 3 for complete bishop of El Salvador and Anglican Observer he said. “[We had] disagreement, but respect.” text) as “A good study guide for why we have made to the United Nations, and was interim bishop Ottley agreed: “The spiritual life was very the decisions we have made.” of Honduras after Frade became bishop of profound.” He noted the unanimous passage of a resolution Southeast Florida. Both bishops praised the leadership of Presiding offered by Bishop John Howe of Central Florida “Bishop Ottley and I have been friends for Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, calling her a strong inviting the Archbishop of Canterbury and the about 30 years and have worked together in leader who gave direction for the discussion, but members of the Primates’ Standing Committee to another province,” Frade said after the who also made it clear that she wanted everyone to meet with the House of Bishops. He said that one Executive Board meeting. “It has been a great speak, so that all points of view would be heard. of the bishops’ concerns is that the Primates seem pleasure to be able to have him as my assistant Frade said that he has been in conversation with to think that a large majority of bishops, clergy and bishop.” Jefferts Schori about scheduling a video conference laity in Episcopal Church are not happy with their Frade praised Ottley’s work in “helping us with her for diocesan clergy sometime this year, church’s positions, and that they want to have an to carry out our mission among the black, followed by a visit by her to our diocese in 2008. opportunity to make clear that this is not the case.
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