Herongate and Ingrave Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Mrs. Theresa Grainger 34a Common Road Ingrave Brentwood Essex CM13 3QL Tel: 07548 743248 Email:
[email protected] NEW WEBSITE: www.herongateandingravepc.org.uk Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at St. Nicholas Church Hall on Tuesday, 28th January 2014 at 7.15pm In the Chair: Cllr A. Kingsford Present: Cllr A. Bayless, Cllr. D. Harman (Vice Chairman), Cllr P. Hawkins, Cllr K. Pegram and Cllr S. Theobald Officers: Mrs T. Grainger (Clerk) Members of the public: Five 13/14.127 Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda and other matters that are of mutual interest A resident of School Lane raised the problem of dangerous potholes along this lane and asked if the Parish Council could do anything about the situation. The resident felt that the houses in School Lane were not responsible for repairs. This is a private lane and not adopted by the Borough. Discussion took place regarding the possibility of the Parish Council organising a load of aggregate for the residents to spread to fill the holes but this was dismissed as the aggregate would soon wash away. It was suggested that the Clerk write to St. Nicholas Church to establish who is responsible for repairs. Members of the Public expressed their appreciation of the beautiful Christmas tree this year. At this point the Chairman thanked all involved in the Christmas tree celebrations. 13/14.128 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllr S. Murphy, Cllr F. O’Connor and Cllr R.