Picea Abies Network, Report of the 2Nd Meeting, 5-7 September 1996

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Picea Abies Network, Report of the 2Nd Meeting, 5-7 September 1996 EUROPEAN FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES PROGRAMME (EUFORGEN) Picea abies Network Report of the second meeting 5-7 September 1996 Hyytiiilii, Finland J. Turok and V. Koski, compilers ii Picea abies NETWORK: SECOND MEETING ~ The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRl) is an autonomous international scientific organization operating under the aegis of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The international status of IPGRl is conferred under an Establishment Agreement which, by March 1997, had been signed by the Governments of Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovak Republic, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda and Ukraine. IPGRl's mandate is to advance the conservation and use of plant genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations. IPGRl works in partnership with other organizations, undertaking research, training and the provision of scientific and technical advice and information, and has a particularly strong programme link with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Financial support for the research agenda of IPGRl is provided by the Governments of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA, and by the Asian Development Bank, CTA, European Union, IDRC, IFAD, Interamerican Development Bank, UNDP and the World Bank. The European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN) is a collaborative programme among European countries aimed at ensuring the effective conservation and the sustainable utilization of forest genetic resources in Europe. It was established to implement Resolution 2 of the Strasbourg Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe. EUFORGEN is financed by participating countries and is coordinated by IPGRl, in collaboration with the Forestry Department of FAO. It facilitates the dissemination of information and various collaborative initiatives. The Programme operates through networks in which forest geneticists and other forestry specialists work together to analyze needs, exchange experiences and develop conservation objectives and methods for selected species. The networks also contribute to the development of appropriate conservation strategies for the ecosystems to which these species belong. Network members and other scientists and forest managers from participating countries carry out an agreed workplan with their own resources as inputs in kind to the Programme. EUFORGEN is overseen by a Steering Committee composed of National Coordinators nominated by the participating countries. The geographical designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IPGRl or the CGIAR concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Similarly, the views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of these participating organizations. Citation: Turok, J. and V. Koski, compilers. 1997. Picea abies Network. Report of the second meeting, 5-7 September 1996, Hyytiala, Finland. International Plant Genetic Resources Instihite, Rome, Italy. ISBN 92-9043-330-2 IPGRl Via delle Sette Chiese 142 00145 Rome Italy © International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 1997 ~ CeNTENTS iii Contents Introduction 1 Technical guidelines for genetic conservation of Norway spruce 2 Collaboration with IUFRO working party on Norway spruce 3 Development of the database on gene conservation populations (collections) 4 Broadening of the scope of the Network 4 Workplan 5 Conclusion 6 Overview of country activities 7 Descriptors for Norway spruce genetic resources 9 Updates on the progress of activities in countries 11 Genetic inventories continued in Austria Thomas Geburek 11 Belgium launches a series of activities Alphonse Nanson 12 Czech Republic: Unfavourable climatic situation affects Norway spruce genetic resources Karel Vancura 16 Research and further development of conservation and use in Germany Heino Wolf 20 Outbreak of bark beetles in Lithuania Valentinas G. Cirtautas 23 New genebank in Poland ~~~ ~ Introductory country reports 29 Conservation of Norway spruce gene resources in France: Preliminary approach Herve Van de Sype 29 Norway spruce's accelerating recession from Western Hungary: a case for immediate action Csaba Matyas 35 iv Ricea abies NETWORK: SECOND MEETING Norway spruce genetic resources in Italy Gabriele Bucci 38 The main results of previous work on the conservation of Norway spruce genetic resources in Russia Iliodor W. Routkowsky, Andrey Prokazin and Ivan Popivshchy 46 The role of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the Swedish Forest Gene Conservation Programme Lennart Ackzell 50 Conservation of genetic resources of Norway spruce in Switzerland Patrick Bonfils and Christoph Sperisen 52 Discussion paper 60 Conservation activities in Picea abies: genetic after-effects of the reproductive environment and their possible causes and implications Tore Skr0ppa and 0ystein Johnsen 60 Agenda 64 List of Participants 65 , ~ SUMMARY OF MEETING 1 Introduction Participants from 17 countries attended the second Picea abies (Norway spruce) Network meeting held 5-7 September 1996 in Hyytiala, Finland (see List of Participants). They were welcomed by Pro£. Veikko Koski, the host and local organizer of the meeting. He mentioned the importance of boreal forest genetic resources and the various activities on their conservation and use. Mr A. Uotila, Director of HyytiiHa Summer Center of the University of Helsinki then introduced this well-known educational facility in Finland to the participants. Foundation of the Center, which provides practical courses to students of forestry, agronomy and environmental sciences, dates back to 1910. The basic principles of collaboration in EUFORGEN were briefly explained by J. Turok. He reported on the progress made in other networks, described current activities in the context of the Pan-European Process on Forests and mentioned the outcomes of the International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources (held in Leipzig, Germany, in June 1996). He noted that the number of countries attending this Network meeting doubled in comparison with last year. The agenda of the meeting was approved with amendments (see Agenda). Participants from each country then gave updates on the progress made in national genetic conservation programmes on Norway spruce since the last meeting. The extent and level of activities developed in each country during this relatively short period of time differed greatly between the individual countries. The update reports from most countries are included in this volume. France, Hungary, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland gave introductory country reports because of their attendance for the first time at the Network meeting (see this volume). The Russian Federation sent a country report but a representative was not able to attend the meeting. A summary of the report was read at the meeting. Prof. T. Skroppa presented a discussion paper asking about the consequences of recent research findings on adaptive traits and their possible non-Mendelian inheritance in Norway spruce (see this volume). Pro£. C. Matyas provided a report on the outcomes of the IUFRO Conference on diversity and adaptation in forest ecosystems in a changing world (held in Vancouver, Canada, in August 1996). As a contribution to raising public awareness about Norway spruce genetic resources, the organizers invited journalists from several Finnish newspapers. Attention was given to the problems and needs of genetic conservation in forestry in Europe and the approaches chosen at a national level. 2 Picea abies NETWORK: SECOND MEETING Technical guidelines for genetic conservation of Norway spruce Following the objectives of the Network and according to the outcomes of the previous meeting, it was agreed to produce practical management guidelines often requested by forest officers and national or regional authorities responsible for gene conservation. The decision on this task was facilitated by the fact that Norway spruce has been identified as one of the key species in many national gene conservation programmes and activities. The comparatively good knowledge on the genetic structures and diversity within and among Norway spruce populations from the whole distribution area in Europe provided an excellent precondition for producing the guidelines. It was noted that delays have occurred in the production schedule of the guidelines, partly because of the intensive interactions among the Network members. The participants felt it was necessary to re-discuss the guidelines for in situ conservation on the basis of the paper written by V. Koski, and the guidelines for ex situ conservation on the basis of the outlines prepared by T. Skmppa and L. Paule. Three discussion groups were created. A list of issues was compiled that later assisted the authors of the Technical Guidelines in incorporating
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