Governor Terry E. Branstad Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds Elizabeth S. Jacobs, Chair Nick Wagner, Board Member Sheila K. Tipton, Board Member December 16, 2014 Ron Hinds Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation 1001 Kentucky Street Princeton, Missouri 64673 RE: TF-2014-0575 Dear Mr. Hinds: Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation’s December 15, 2014, notice of intent to withdraw its retail tariff has been received. This letter is to confirm that the retail tariff will be withdrawn on the requested effective date of January 1, 2015. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our telecommunications staff at (515) 725-7319. Sincerely, /s/ Suzanne Smith Suzanne Smith, Manager Telecommunications Section /vh 1375 E. Court Ave., Rm 69 | Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0069 | 515.725.7300 | Email:
[email protected] | Fax 515.725.7399 To see what state Government is accomplishing for Iowans, go to: _n o \)I , ct) .,.:::i ,., .i.. :' i.. ,'1.'. !",1 : r;, i :.l;ili;{ GRAND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPHONE CORPORATION TELEPHONE TARIFF FILED WTTII IoWA STATE COMI,IERCE CoMMISS ION JIINE 1, 1983 t ) I GRAND RIVER MUTUAL TELEPHONE TELEPIIONE TARlFF PART I COT!{PANY ORIGINAL SI'EET 1 I ! lreal nith I.s.c.c. N) REillii trj r"::r. C" l-::,1 -+ il: ,i il i : I l- EXPLANATION OF SYI,IBOLS ii.i !rti- ; i.-:; ltt!.:i.r (C) - Change in regulations or conalition vhiqh affects a rate or charge (D) - Dj.scontinueal regulation, contlition, rate or charge (r) Increase in rate or charge (N) New regulation, condition, rate or charge (R) Reduction in rate or charge (r) Change in text onty -- no change in regulation, conalition, rate or charge (NA) - This service is Not AvaiLable at this tine These Tariffs cancel and supersede all other fariffs of the Company issued and effective prior to tbe effective alates shown on indiviilual sheets of this Tariff.