Air Transport

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Air Transport y AIR TRANSPORT :: : :-:-:: : :-:-:-:-::=-_ ~ =-=-==-- -_ - =---- -------.- £1\f£t, AERONAUTICAL CHAMBER of COMMERCE of AMERICA, Inc. 21 R. 10East40thSt. ~NEW YORK No. 7 Mar ch 17 , 1932. AIR '.I'RJ,.J-ISPORT RZPOR'I' J .ANUARY 19 32 • Copyright by t he Aer onaut i c a l Chamber o f Co~111erce of .Americe , I nc . Op erat i ons r ep ort f r om thirt y - e i ght schedul ed a i r t r anspor t lines f or t h e month of J anuary , 1932 p oint to a conti nuance cf t he r apid ex_ransi on of schedul e s and traffic durinc the current year that has been the out sta~1ding feature du. ring the past few years. Of course , it i s as yet too early to rnake any defini te p r edictions concer ning the amount of t r af fic to be expected this year , bu t the graphs on p a ge tv.· o are signifi­ cent of what may ·::,e expected. I n 1931, miles schedul ed and flovm exceeded that of 1930 by abou t 50 percent . ?he current year star ts ·d th a sil'.lilar increase recorded as cor:pared wi th J &nuary , 19:31. fassen [~er s ir..creased nearly 20 perce:,t . in 1£31 1 yet in spi te of this advan .e , 1932 began a t near ly the same level as December , 1931 and 36 p ercent . ahea d of a year ago this J anuary. The r ate of i ncr ease in operations may s l ov: up as the year ad:vances; adver se weather may eff ect the schedules ov-er a large area at an unseasonabl e tir,e , but given aver­ age condition s we feel c ol1fident that the air t r an sport operators ,;,i ll ou tdo their past p erformances , star t l ing as these 'Jere. SCEJ,:;ruLED .A IR } ASS:r~NC2R TRAFFIC Domestic- - - - - - Forei gn- American 1932 4 :., - 40 - 35 - 30 2 5 20 15 10 5 __ ;- ...... 0 Note : T~ese statistics are compiled f r o~ repcrts sent i n each EOnth to the Aeronau­ t i cal Char:iber of Corr.nerce by .American aj.r lines orerating sched:.,l ed serv ices in the u::lited States or f r om t he United states to Forei gn r:ountr ies~ that ar e ape r_ t o the u se of the :public , a s contr &s t ed wi th p1·ivately operated. l i nes & LEADING THE NATION INT 0 FLIGHT - 2 - MILES SCHEDUIZD ~ -----~HLES FLOVm ---·· -_~_--_· _· ____ 5 5 1 .. ·,· '• •;; ·,• 4 :• :;, :: ::::_,::·,· : 4 ~ ::.: :: ... ··1 _I I, ;;: .,1 1 ,,,i 3 3 ,,., 2 2 :::: :: ::::: ::. 1 :1: : :: :;', '::: 1 ::: : :: .. :::: : -11 - - -·--:_~ ·:: : :; , '.1:', '.; ' C) I~. !_ }lillion Jan. Jan. - · J~~ ~ --=-1:iliion Jan . J an . Jan. l,ii l e s 19 30 1931 1 1931 1932 19 32·----r:M i~~s 19 30 P.ASSEl: JG3RS P.ASS:3:: 1:f G:ffi MILES 25 -+------·--·· ·-·-- --·-· --- -------- rz +---- - ----- -----------1 r~'-:7":::·:·:::1 i I 6 20 k'./:\ :)1 !: 5 r- , -r-,·-,-,, I:; ,: : ..: :;. ..· ., " 1 5 -I 4 10 -... 1 ; 1j 1 1 ·:: :: ·; .::· :·'i 3 =:._~ __-.:.::; 11: · , 1 1 : • • :: , :;: · " : ---- 1 1 1 ~-=.::J 5 E~·-.-·-·;;:i I '. I I I , I /JI f: / : > ••• ' 2 ~ ~:=_cc~~ Jlli l 1 ! j : ; : i ; :: :: : \ t \ ~ i ! I:!;; <(! ·:i:: ::.- ~ ~~:/~~::-~~ 11 :;; i Ii Jr::/:.:::: ~~~~==I.=a;c= ' ===·=== · . ____ .......:;.c:..:_··~'-'--'-'-'-'--·· ____ t=. .. - -- ---· L , !._:_,__,_ u 1. _ -~ · an . ·-·-·--- Jan. -- --·~.;an.---, •.I 1Il1on· · Je11;· Jan. Jan . / 1930 '1931 1932 I Pass- · 1930 1931 19~52 i Ei l es :----...---------- -------------·---------·-ti -- ---r-··--- -------- l .A IR hi.ti.IL P OUIIDS ij l 00 _i EX:PH3S$ __ P~1!E~_:.?__ ___ f Ii !I ~ l--- --··1 :, 75 71 f: .. :: : ::~ :;; -1-i-iffT'-:-·1 ,-: ' ' ' I 1! / i,'. '.; :: :,:, :: :: I I:: i: . ! ! ! , ... .. ·, .:· . 1. I I' ·71nrnTr-- !:: ::: :::: ::::: : 2 '. !!::!ill 50 !1!!lj ! '1i : I,; i 11 JI· :•:. .. i:·:::: , . :..:,:.Ii i! I' : 111, . rf: )/i/.. :,. ,: ..... :::_ : i I: 1 1 I! I ': ·: .. ; : :. ! 11 ·II!.. t: :: ::: :::: ::, . I I I I I .. " '' . '' .., ,- I I I j I ( ' ' ' . ''' ""' ! j: I Ii ' .. :.·::··:·. ; e:.,;) I 'i: i ! ! : I !:::;::::: ·".'.: l : twl , , , ;-., , ; : ; . l , - ~- I , ! ! . l ; 1 : l ~: '.: ,; : :; . -: . ' ,: 'll :, ,, ,,•, 15 -- --- -- jl 1 11:, 1 1 · 1; , ,,' . , , , . -:: 1 1 1:==o=~===='===========G .. ; . i . ~ -~-" __ _. · , _____ _Q_ _____ :-..:. :·: ·= ~~-=Ll-'-~--'"'.J.llli__ ~.8../ .: __1 .1illion J an. Jan. Jan. ,Thousand Jan . Jan. J an. I Pounds 1930 1931 1932 l pound s 1930 1931 1932 I --------------·--4I - · . - -------- ---------- ' G.AS0LIIIB I I OIL ~ ~~--~~~-11 ~ r~-~··: ·: 1 :'.'' : :::::,, .. ;·,.,~. :!:!:: I 25 ! / ! i ! ii i:: if 2 '' . ·. ~ iij il,ll! t: /}:-:::1 . •. ·. 1· :•'i . ~ ~::::~;::·:;·~ I! I i ! I; I! (: · ·:,' ' : : 1 0 ·---~------- · , , I· 1 - • !,., ·,, ... <! 11 O I: ___ __ :_ ___ ~ _i_!L_!_- _:_ i_;J_: !.. ... L:: _::_ :! /::: --- - ·- ____ ;_,_: _i_.l _;_ __; _ _! • __L. I•',• .: "_j=t. ·::-:=:::·.:==---=-=:.=·=-=-=-.:.-=·.:...=.:...=.. =- =·=·:=:::-::.:::. :.:.~:'=-::.=:..::.:.:=::::::=::::::::•==~ ,~i llion Jan. Jan .· Jan. ii Thousand Jan. Jan. Jan . allons 1930 1931 1932 ii Gallons 1 930 1931 1932 q - 3 - A comparison of Mile,af$e Statist ics ( .AmeriQ,ftn 41r lines) L';iles lliles Miles %, scheduled of .Air-ways Scheduled Flown Miles Flown Jan . 1930 36 , 320 1 , 977 ,240 1,607,336 81, 2 Jan. 1931 49 , 487 2 , 753 , 550 2 , 475 , 306 89 . 9 Jan. 1932 50 , 368 4 , 612 , 388 . 3 , 733 , 820 8 1.0 Passengers_- Fassenger- Miles A tot13-l of 23 1 990 passengers ·;,ere reported carried on .American .Airlines in January. This is 36 percent. mere thaa were reported in January of last year; ;mor e than twice as r:,any as were recorded in January 1930 and only 3 , 000 less than in Decemb er, 1931',, The 23 , 990 passei1gers flev. a total of 6 , 248,262 passenp: er miles, or an aver­ a ge of 260 miles per passenger. Passengers Passenger- Miles Jan. 1930 11, 214 4 , 080 , 665 Jan. 1931 l'i' , 549 4 , 064 , 869 Jan. 1932 23, 990 6 , 248 , 262 .bir Mail .Air mail in January t otaled 742 1 787 p ounds, according to reports, This figure is subject to a slight ci:ange as final reports are nade , but represent s a 3 percent. increase over Jamiary 1931 as it stands; a 31 percent. increase as conpared with January 1930 and is practically unchanged from the total recorded in Decenber 1931 vhen heavy year-end mailings are expected. .Air M&il 4ir Expr ess J an. 1930 566 , 174 12 ,846 Jan, 1931 723, 096 61, 063 Jan. 1932 742., 787 83, 903 Air Expr ess e:x-press continued to expand in Jar,uary and probably will increase :rapidlf in importance as a source of revenue because of the T:ell directed efforts that are being n ade to develop it. I t 7I as explained in the 1931 arm~la l air t r ansport re­ port that :wch of this increase was attributable to a few lines either so si tua­ ted that air express v.'as economi~:all:,; necessary in s p ::. te of hi,sh rat es , or because of the faster service and_ loF rates charged in co:r"p eti tion with other efficie::it carriers. The majority of ,Air Transport Oper ators who have been rn.,'3.king moderate p r ogress in the past without a great deal of special effort have now created spec­ ial departr.,ents to carry out cor:-,prehensi ve l)lans , or are studying t heir par ticula:r situation carefully p reparatory to drav: ing up a pla:-1 of action. / - 4 - Gasoline and oil c onsumed in January on schedu led flights totale d 1 , 4 7? , ~-375 an.d 42,, 878 g allons , respectively. Less t han one r.J.llion gallons cf gasoline "'.7 ere con­ slrr.-.ed in January 1931, and approxima tely half a millior. gallons during the first month of 1930. Consur.-"ption of oil has s hov:n a similar i ncrease . Gasoline Oil Jan . 1930 564 , 545 18 , 003 Jan. 193:_ 9 34, 9~58 26 , 352 Jan. 1932 1 , 477 , 3'16 42 , 8 78 .
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