Annual Report 2004-2005

Annual Report 2004-05

1 Annual Report 2004-2005

Director’s Report

It is indeed a privilege for me to present the Director’s Report for the year 2004-2005 including the major events and performance of the Institute.

It is with enormous sense of pride that I share with you the news of Dan David Science Prize for 2005 in Materials Science being conferred on Prof. C. N. R. Rao. He shares the award with George Whitesides of the Harvard University and Robert Langer of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prof. Rao has been honored in recognition of his stellar achievements in the field of Solid State and Material Chemistry. Prof. C.N.R. Rao is also the recipient of the Indian Science Award for his outstanding contributions to Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science.

I have another heart-warming piece of news for you. The most recent survey of Dataquest ranks IIT Kanpur the BEST Technical School of the country.


The academic year 2004-2005 has had a successful run. The number of graduating students both at the undergraduate (B Tech-280, M Sc (5 year Integrated)-27, M Sc (2 year)-69, Total = 376) as well as postgraduate (M Tech-355, M Des 10, MBA 28, Ph D 61, Total = 454) level shows a fairly satisfactory trend. The enrolment in the Doctoral programme as well as the publication record of the faculty and students for the academic year 2004-2005 has improved considerably.

The Institute is launching a five year integrated M.Sc. Programme in Economics in the coming academic year. Eminent journalist and Member of the Parliament Shri has pledged Rs 11.00 crore out of his Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) funds for establishing a separate and well- equipped building for Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering. The Institute envisages constructing a 'Green Building' for the Environmental Sciences. IIT Kanpur is one of the eight institutes chosen by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) for creating state-of-the-art Nano-technology center. Under the auspices of the FIST scheme of DST, a new facility for developing Intelligent Sensors and Control will be installed in the Electrical Engineering Department.

2 Annual Report 2004-2005


The faculty and students of IITK continue to break new grounds in the forefront of research. This has been duly recognized in the form of various awards and honors to the faculty including Fellowships of professional societies, Editorship of international journals, and best paper awards to the students. IIT Kanpur is proud of Professor Vinod Kumar Singh (Chemistry) who was conferred the prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award for 2004. The Swarnajayanti Fellowship, given by the Government of , recognizes outstanding young researchers who explore new frontiers in science and technology. Professor Debabrata Goswami from the Department of Chemistry was awarded this Fellowship in 2004. Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship, instituted by the Wellcome Trust of the United Kingdom, is open to outstanding researchers from several countries including India whose work impacts the fields of biology and medicine. Dr. Debabrata Goswami (Chemistry) and Dr. Balaji Prakash (BSBE) have been conferred the Wellcome Trust grant for 2004.

I am happy to share with you the good news that Mr. Cherian Varkey Mathew , a first-year undergraduate student (who will soon move into his second year) of Computer Science and Engineering Department, has been chosen for the prestigious Lucent Scholarship in recognition of his outstanding all-round qualities among all the undergraduate students in the country. He shares the honor with Ms. Poonam of National Institute of Technology, Surathkal. The Bell Labs in New Jersey has invited him along with selected students from across the globe for visiting various laboratories and meeting scientists including some Nobel Laureates. Our hearty congratulations to Mathew!

Prof. A.K. Mallik has been honored with the Distinguished Teacher Award of IIT Kanpur for 2004.

Professor C.N.R. Rao has been nominated the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the and Professor S.G. Dhande has been chosen member of the Council.

A representative list of Awards and Honors is included as an addendum to the Report.

3 Annual Report 2004-2005


The research profile of the Institute is continually growing every year. At any given time, the faculty and research engineers/ scientists are engaged in carrying out about 400 sponsored projects and almost an equal number of consultancy projects. During 2004-2005, the research grants received under the sponsored projects category have been about 415 million rupees, whereas under the consultancy projects category, these have been approximately 54 million rupees.

The Institute faculty members have filed more than 20 patents in India and overseas. Five patents have been awarded in the past two years. The Institute has signed several memoranda of understanding with Indian as well as international academic/ research institutions and industries to strengthen its collaborative research efforts.

The Institute has taken up a Technology Mission project on various aspects of Railway Safety sponsored by the MHRD, Ministry of Railways and various Industrial groups. Department of Computer Science & Engineering has undertaken a project on development of a multi modal Biometric system for human identification which integrates at least four markers such as the face, the finger-prints, the signature and the iris in ascertaining one’s personal identity. They have also developed a Portable Model of Primary Healthcare Delivery funded by the Media Lab Asia. Department of Civil Engineering has a project on treatment of domestic wastewater in India sponsored by the Swedish International Development Corporation. Department of Electrical Engineering has undertaken a project on development of Independent Component Analysis Based Blind Source Separation Algorithms for Audio/ Image Separations. They aim to develop neuron model based Blind-Source- Separation (BSS) algorithms which will be able to separate the audio and image mixtures. Department of Atomic Energy, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) has sponsored a project to the Mechanical Engineering Department for development of a general purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code. Sponsored by the DST under the Swarnajayanti fellowship scheme, a project on ultrafast pulse shaping approaches to coherent control of molecular systems to achieve quantum computation has been undertaken by the Chemistry Department. Quantum computing with ultrafast pulse shaping technology project in the Chemistry Department has been sponsored by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. It is an initiative to develop ultrafast tunable shaped pulses as an approach to quantum computations. BSBE Department has received a couple of projects last year: Tumor genomics in Drosophila: An expression profiling of tumors of diverse genetic origins, Nonneuronal cell-mediated neuroprotection in the

4 Annual Report 2004-2005

neurodegenerative disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Nonneuronal cell- mediated neuroprotection in the neurodegenerative disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS), An in vivo assay for high throughput screening of compounds for their effect on the expression of cytochrome P450 genes, Isolation and Characterization of microbial strains for the degradation of hydroxyls and nitro toluene.

Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering has undertaken a couple of projects as listed below: Computer simulation of charge motion in tumbling mills using the Discrete Element Method (DEM), Reduction of skull in tundish during the Final Stages of a sequence casting of Steels, SPEED (Steel Plant Engineering, Education and Development), Electro remediation of Cr (VI) Contaminated Soil, Development of New Stereological Analysis Software Tools, Stress Induced Martensitic Transformations in Titanium Alloys, Preparation of Metallic Strips by P/M routes, Development of a New Thermomechanical Treatment for Medium- Carbon Microalloyed Steels, Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Alloys using the Mechanical Alloying Approach, Nanostructured Y-TZP Ceramics and TZP-TiB2 and WC-ZrO2 Nanocomposites, Sintering Time Compression using Microwave Sintering, Novel Structure Based Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs), Development of Polysilane based Ultra-violet Light Emitting Diodes, Hydrogen Interaction in Materials.

As mentioned earlier, the DST has provided about 2 crore rupees for establishing an Intelligent Sensors and Control Research Facility in the Electrical Engineering Department. Other major projects pursued by the faculty and research engineers of the Electrical Engineering Department include the Development of Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode Display, Development of Organic Solar Cells, and Enhancement of Power Systems Performance using FACTs. Mathematics Department has also undertaken a couple of important projects. Increasing and Convex Along Rays Functions over Cones: A Study in Monotonic Analysis, Issues on Estimation, Prediction and Calibration in Measurement Error Models, Evolution Equations and their Applications.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has been actively working on the following projects: Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer, Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry System, Horiba Exhaust Emission Analyzer, Smart Structures Test Setup, Flow solver for Thermal Hydraulics of Neutron Spallation Target of Accelerator Driven Sub critical System (jointly with Mathematics). Recently undertaken projects in the Physics Department include: Mesoscopic structures,

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patterning and properties with emphasis on soft matter and thin films, Radiation induced electronic phase separation in epitaxial films of perovskite manganites, Fundamental studies of manganese oxides and analogs for suitability as cathodes in rechargeable lithium ion batteries, Development of MgO coatings by sputtering for plasma displays, and Laser matter interaction using short pulsed laser.

Several projects covering a wide spectrum of areas, which have a direct industrial relevance, are currently underway. For instance, research sponsored by Unilever India, Bangalore, on particulate adhesion and detachment focuses on uncovering the fundamental physico-chemical and interfacial aspects of detergency, with the aim of designing futuristic ultra-efficient detergents. Chevron-Texaco Inc, USA, is sponsoring experimental and computational studies on flow patterns in bubble column reactors, and the development of novel catalysts. GAIL-India is supporting process intensification studies that can lead to miniaturization of chemical plants similar to the progress witnessed in the microelectronic devices.

A few major consultancy projects recently undertaken by the Civil Engineering Department include: Development and application of Spatial Decision support system, Review of Building Codes and Preparation of Commentary and Handbooks on earthquakes, wind and fire, Design of Drainage Master Plan for Kanpur South under Kanpur Development Authority. A Consultancy project involving synthesis of several important organic intermediates for the purpose of high-speed analoging drug discovery program has been started in the Chemistry department. Sun Microsystems, USA has funded establishment of a Sun Grid in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The grid has 20 Opteron based machines.


To strengthen the research infrastructure, the Institute has procured a large number of new equipment: A new facility for the study of fuel sprays and aerosols (Malvern Particle Size Analyzer) has been created in the Aerospace Engineering Department. Other worth mentioning facilities include: A Femtosecond Laboratory for Quantum Computation, Pulsed Electron Deposition (PED) unit for Thin Film Nanostructures, CEM Voyager Stopflow system integrated with microwave enhanced Raman spectrometer, CCD X-Ray Diffractometer, Affymetrix Microarry Platform, Time- lapse Video Microscopy, Automated DNA Sequencer Facility, Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Facilities for Biomaterial Research, A Research Centre (Prabhu Goel ) for computer and internet security, a computer hardware laboratory to

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train students and carry out research in the area of computer hardware, Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), Ellipsometer and Spectrofluorometer.


The Institute has had a satisfactory financial year during 2004-05. The total non- plan grant(s) from MHRD was Rs 68 crore and that from the total plan funds was Rs 30 crore. The Institute received a grant of Rs 4.13 crore (approximately) for various schemes, like R & D, thrust area and laboratory modernization. I am sure we will be able to cope well, thanks to the able guidance of our Chairman and the support of the alumni and other well- wishers of the Institute.

We have also received Rs. 74.06 lacs from the 1980 batch, Rs 23.41 lacs from the 1969 batch, Rs 2.97 lacs from the 1970 batch and Rs 1.27 lacs from the 1990 batch. In addition, we have received liberal donations from various alumni towards establishing different lecture series in different departments (Prof. Arindam Bose, US$ 5000, in addition to his earlier donation of Rs 2.35 lacs for BSBE; Dr. ESP Das, US$ 10000, for Materials Science, Dr. Anil Chopra, US$10000 for Petro Tel Lecture in Chemical Engineering, Mr. Satish Dasari, US$10000, for DP Rao Lecture series in Laser Technology, Mr. Devendra Shukla, US$10000 for Civil Engineering). We have also received Rs 8.75 lacs from various donors for Prof. S. Sampath Chair. The Institute has received Rs 5.38 lacs for Endowment Corpus of NICEE. Sukriti Vidyut Udyog is giving a donation of Rs 2.0 lacs on a yearly basis for five years to support outstanding researchers. We have also received Rs 21.83 lacs from Dr. Ajit Gill in addition to his earlier donations of Rs 13.55 lacs and 12.02 lacs towards the BSBE department. Prof G S Kainth has donated Rs 2 lacs in addition to his earlier donation of Rs 1 lac towards the establishment of Dr Gurcharan Singh Kainth Scholarship. The Institute received a donation of Rs. 1.45 lacs for Prof. Sachchidanand Memorial Fund. A donation of Rs. 3.0 lacs has been received from Ram Rajendra Malhotra Educational Society, New Delhi for the institution of an Annual Exhibition-cum- Lecture series as part of the M Des programme. Mr. Devendra Shukla has donated US$10000 for instituting the Devendra Shukla Distinguished Lecture Series in the Civil Engineering department. The Institute has received a total donation of Rs. 4.36 lacs from different donors for instituting the J. Mahanty Lecture Series in the Physics department. Infosys Technologies, Bangalore has donated Rs.3.0 lacs for instituting Infosys Fellowship. Generous donations are being received for instituting the Satyendra K. Dubey award. Satyendra K. Dubey Memorial Fund Committee has already donated Rs. 3.19 lacs. Satyendra Dubey Memorial Fund Committee has

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further donated Rs. 1.50 lacs for installing an appropriate thematic structure in memory of the Late Sri Satyendra K. Dubey. Prof. CNR Rao has donated Rs 1.0 lac for instituting the Prof. CNR Rao Lecture Series at IIT Kanpur. The alumni continue to support the Institute morally, physically and financially. I wish to place on record our gratitude to all of them on behalf of the faculty, staff and students of IITK and on my own. The Institute participated in the PanIIT event held in New Delhi in December 2004. The Institute also participated in a recently held IIT2005 event in Washington DC.


The previous year had been a very active and fruitful one for our Institute. IIT Kanpur has always striven to encourage an equitable balance between academics and extracurricular engagements. Our aim is to create future leaders in their chosen fields and not just technically accomplished individuals. Knowledge and skills that are easily measured or assessed are not the only ones worth having; some very precious qualities such as a person’s sense of values and cultural awareness are equally important goals to attain. We take pride in the support the Institute provides to various social, cultural and sporting activities pursued by the Students’ Gymkhana and other student groups. The activities range from clubs like Prayas, where students teach children coming from socially disadvantaged and economically deprived backgrounds to the Dramatics club which through its thematic and socially relevant plays often alert us to the most crucial questions concerning humanity, thus providing a corrective to our traditional knowledge-based and examination-driven teaching. Other technically oriented student groups are engaged round the year in pursuing special interests like robotics, electronic aids, animation, aero-modeling and astronomy to name just a few.

The overriding objective of our large-scale events like the Cultural Festival Antaragni, the Science and Technology Festival Techkriti, the sports Festivals Udgosh and Josh, the entrepreneurial event Megabucks and the film festival Umang organized by the Students Films Society is to infuse in our students a sense of richness and purpose. We are fully convinced that extracurricular activities and community services play a significant role in school life contributing to the development of the student into a whole person. The Gymkhana Festivals have seen vastly improved participation levels, both from within the Institute and also from

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students from other Indian and international institutes. The revenue generated from the conduct of these well-organized festivals witnessed a dramatic growth this year and ably testifies to the managerial and logistical skills of our students.

Students’ strenuous efforts often involving months of intensive training were well rewarded at the Inter IIT Sports meet held at IIT Madras. In our contingent of 120 there were over 40 first year students whose enthusiasm and experience, we hope, would provide a source of strength in the coming year. Other activities like nature trails, trekking, and mountaineering are being taken up actively by the students. Student’s interest in activities like photography and music are also being actively encouraged and the Institute is doing all it can to provide the enthusiasts of these and other clubs with the requisite funding and equipment. In order to encourage the sports activities among the students, the Institute has introduced Sports Prizes to the medalists in the Inter IIT Sports meet, and twenty sports scholarships of Rs 500/- per month each for achieving outstanding leadership in sports.

Both the general interest student Magazine Meander and the campus news reportage of Spark are sustaining discussion and debate in the student community. These journalistic endeavors have been successful in cultivating a broader awareness in the student community of certain problems. They facilitate an active personal engagement in the system of redressal and also act as a sounding board for student opinion.

The placement scenario this year has witnessed a positive upswing with almost 93% of the B.Tech and 70% of the M. Tech students registered with the student placement office getting offers. A remarkable improvement in M. Tech placement has been observed with more than 100 additional offers compared to the previous years. Placement of the MBA students has been 100 % with substantial increase in the average pay package. Many companies of repute also registered for the on-campus- recruitment program for the first time. From the next academic session, the placement activities will start after the inter IIT Sports meet in December. A new complex comprising Students’ Placement Office, Alumni Activities, and a mini convention centre is coming up adjacent to the stadium between Visitors’ Hostel and SAC with enthusiastic support from alumni of 1969 and 1980 batch. With improved facilities and a response system in place, we earnestly hope that the coming year would see increased participation of companies and industrial organizations for effective placement and industrial training programs.

9 Annual Report 2004-2005


Prof. CNR Rao, who was appointed chair of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister in January, has received the Indian Science Award for his contributions to Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award 2004: Prof. V. K. Singh (Chemistry) B. M. Birla Science Prize (2004) in Chemical Sciences: Prof. F. A. Khan (Chemistry) B. M. Birla Science Prize (2004) in Chemical Sciences: Prof. S. Verma (Chemistry) Swarnajayanti Fellowship (2004): Prof. D. Goswami (Chemistry) Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship Award, U.K. (2004): Prof. D. Goswami (Chemistry) Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship Award, U.K. (2004): Prof. Balaji Prakash. (BSBE) Distinguished Teacher Award (2004): Prof. A.K. Mallik (Mechanical Engineering) Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (2004): Prof. V. K. Singh (Chemistry) Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (2004): Prof. A. Chandra (Chemistry) Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (2004): Prof. R.C. Budhani (Physics) Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (2004): Prof. V. K. Singh (Chemistry) Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering (2005): Prof. V.K. Gupta (Civil Engineering) Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (2005):Prof. K. Deb (Mechanical Engineering) Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (2005): Prof. A. Ghosh (Electrical Engineering) C.L. Chandna Award for the year 2004: Profs. D. Kundu & B.V. Rathish Kumar (Mathematics and Statistics) Dr. V.K. Gupta (Civil Engineering) has been chosen Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering Prof. G. Biswas (Mechanical Engineering) has been chosen Associate Editor of the Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) [w.e.f January 2006] Prof. Sanjay Mittal (Aerospace Engineering) has been elected a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Professor P Jalote (Computer Science) has been appointed Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

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Professor P Jalote (Computer Science) has been appointed on the Technical Advisory Board of Microsoft Research Lab, India Prof. S.C. Srivastava (Electrical Engineering) has been elected Vice Chairperson of Technical Activities of IEEE India Council (2004) Dr. R. Balasubramaniam (Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering) has been appointed a member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal ‘Material Science Research India’ Dr. Neeraj Mishra (Mathematics and Statistics) has been chosen for the 2003 Jacob Wofowitz Prize for Theoretical Advances in the Mathematical and Management Sciences for, Simultaneous Multiple Comparison with the Worst and Best Dr. Bikramjit Basu (Materials & Metallurgical Engineering) has been chosen the Young metallurgist of the year 2004 by the Indian Institute of Metals Dr. Bikramjit Basu (Materials & Metallurgical Engineering) has been chosen for the INSA Medal for Young Scientist (2005) by the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi Professor R. C. Budhani (Physics) has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society Drs. Sanjeev Swami (Industrial & Management Engineering) and A K Agarwal (Mechanical Engineering) have been chosen for the AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers for the Year 2004-2005 Prof. R.P. Singh (Civil Engineering) has been elected Vice President GeoRisk Commission of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; and also a Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis, UK Professor R K Ghosh (Computer Science) was appointed chair of the Conference on International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 2004 Professor Manindra Agrawal (Computer Science) presented an invited talk at the 22nd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Stuttgart, 2005 Best paper award in the Conference on Intelligent Sensors and Information Processing, ICISIP-2004: Dr. L. Behera and Bharat Sundaram (Electrical Engineering) Prof. K. Deb (Mechanical Engineering) is an Executive Council Member of the International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ISGEC), and also Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Journal, and Evolutionary Computation Journal from MIT Press

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Prof. V.K. Jain (Mechanical Engineering) has been appointed Editor of the online Journal, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management Dr. S. Ghorai (Mathematics) visited the University of Glasgow, as a BOYSCAST fellow to work on the Design of efficient Numerical/qualitative methods for solving differential equations Dr Anish Upadhyaya (Materials and Metallurgical Engineering) received the Young Scientist of the Year 2004 Award by Indian National Science Academy and also G. S. Tendulkar Prize for the overall best oral presentation among Ferrous, Non-Ferrous, Metal Science & Environment Science Groups at the 58th Annual Technical Meeting of the Indian Institute of Metals (2004) Drs. A.K. Gupta and S. Anantha Ramakrishna (Physics) became Young Associates of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore

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The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is an autonomous organization incorporated under an Act of Parliament in the year 1961, and is wholly financed by the , under the control of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The authorities constituted under the Act and Statutes, which govern and guide the functioning of the Institute in the areas of administration and academic programmes are the Council of IITs, the Board of Governors assisted by two statutory bodies the Finance Committee in financial matters, and the Building and Works Committee in matters related to construction and repair of buildings and major works. The Senate is assisted by its various Standing Committees. The composition of these constituent bodies is as follows:


Chairman Shri Arjun Singh Minister of Human Resource Development New Delhi – 110001

Chairmen of the Seven Institutes (Ex-officio) Shri Sanjeev Goenka Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Kharagpur RPG Group of Companies Coal Ltd. 463, Dr AB Road Mumbai – 400025

Shri Rahul Bajaj Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Bombay Mumbai

Dr. K Kasturirangan Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Madras Member, ISRO, Bangalore

Prof. C N R Rao Chairman, BOG, IIT Kanpur Linus Pauling Research Professor & Honorary President Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

13 Annual Report 2004-2005

P O Jakkur Bangalore – 560064

Prof. M G K Menon Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Delhi Hauz Khas New Delhi – 110016

Shri Achyut Kumar Saikia Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Guwahati Guwahati

Shri S K Joshi Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT Roorkee Roorkee

Directors of Institute (Ex-Officio) Prof. S K Dube Kharagpur Prof. Ashok Misra Bombay Prof. M S Ananth Madras Prof. S G Dhande Kanpur Prof. D P Kothari Delhi Prof. Gautam Barua Guwahati Prof. Prem Vrat Roorkee

Other Members (Ex-Officio) Prof. Arun S Nigavekar Chairperson (Officiating) University Grants Commission Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi – 110002

Dr R A Mashelkar Director General Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Anusandhan Bhawan, Rafi Marg New Delhi

Dr Raja Ramanna Chairman, Council of IISc Bangalore National Institute of Advance Studies

14 Annual Report 2004-2005

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore – 560012

Prof. Goverdhan Mehta Director Indian Institute of Science Bangalore – 560012

Nominees of the Central Government Shri V. S. Pandey (upto 28-10-2004) Joint Secretary Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Shri Ravi Mathur (upto 29-10-2004) Joint Secretary Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Shri S K Ray Financial Advisor Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Shri S K Tripathi Secretary Department of Secondary Education & Higher Education Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

15 Annual Report 2004-2005

Shri D C Gupta Secretary Department of Expenditure Ministry of Finance Government of India Yojana Bhawan New Delhi

Shri K K Jaswal Secretary Department of Information Technology Government of India

Nominee of All-India Council for Technical Education Prof. R Natarajan Chairman AICTE

Nominees of the Visitor Shri N R Narayan Murty Chairman Infosys Technologies Ltd. Bangalore

Dr R Chidambaram Principal Scientific Adviser to the GOI New Delhi

Prof. P V Indiresan Former Director IIT Madras

Shri L M Thapar Chairman Ballarpur Industries

16 Annual Report 2004-2005

Three Members of the Parliament (Two from Lok Sabha and one from Rajya Sabha)

Shri Prithviraj D Chavan Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) C-12, Humayun Road New Delhi – 110003

Shri M A Kharabela Swain Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) 166, North Avenue New Delhi – 110001

Shri B J Panda Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) 295, Gulmohar New Delhi

Secretary Shri V. S. Pandey (upto 28-10-2004) Joint Secretary Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Shri Ravi Mathur (from 29-10-2004) Jt. Secretary (Technical) Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

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Chairman Prof. C N R Rao Linus Pauling Research Professor & Honorary President CSIR Centre of Excellence in Chemistry Chemistry & Physics of Materials Unit Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research P O Jakkur Bangalore – 560064

Members Four Nominees of the Council of IITs Prof. G K Mehta Necular Science Centre, Aruna Asif Ali Marg, New Delhi – 100 067

Prof. S Lele Rector Institute of Technology – 221005

Shri Anil D Ambani Chairman & Managing Director Reliance Centre, 3rd Floor Walchand Hirachand Marg Pallar Estate Mumbai – 400038

Shri V. S. Pandey [upto 28-10-2004] Joint Secretary Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

18 Annual Report 2004-2005

Shri Ravi Mathur [From 29.10.2004] Joint Secretary (Technical) Government of India Department of Secondary Education & Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

The Nominees of the Concerned State Government Shri P B Sharma [Upto 05.03.2005] Principal Delhi College of Engineering [Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi] Bawana Road New Delhi – 110042

Prof. S S Katiyar [Re-nominated w.e.f. 12.05.2004] Vice-Chancellor Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University Kanpur – 208024

Shri Rakesh Bhan Adviser to the Chief Minister Chattisgarh Bhawan 7, Sardar Patel Marg New Delhi – 110022

Director (Ex-Officio) Prof. Sanjay G Dhande

Two Nominees of the Senate Prof. V Bansal Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering IIT Kanpur

Prof. Binayak Rath Department of Humanities & Social Sciences IIT Kanpur

19 Annual Report 2004-2005

Secretary Prof. N K Sharma [Upto 03.02.2005] Professor Incharge (Admin.) & Secretary, Board of Governors IIT Kanpur

Dr. Vikram Singh [From 04.02.2005] Registrar & Secretary, Board of Governors IIT Kanpur


Chairman Prof. C N R Rao Linus Pauling Research Professor & Honorary President CSIR Centre of Excellence in Chemistry Chemistry & Physics of Materials Unit Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research P. O. - Jakkur Bangalore – 560064

The Nominees of the Central Government

Shri V K Pipersenia [upto 30.08.2004] Financial Advisor Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Shri S K Ray [From 31.08.2004] Financial Advisor Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Education Shastri Bhawan

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New Delhi – 110001

Shri V. S. Pandey [upto 28-10-2004] Joint Secretary Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Shri Ravi Mathur [From 29.10.2004] Joint Secretary (Technical) Government of India Department of Secondary Education & Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001

Nominees of the Board

Prof. G K Mehta Vice Chancellor University of Allahabad – 211001

Prof. Binayak Rath Department of Humanities & Social Sciences IIT Kanpur

Director (Ex-Officio)

Dr S G Dhande


Prof. N K Sharma [Upto 03.02.2005] Professor Incharge (Admin.) & Secretary, Board of Governors

21 Annual Report 2004-2005

IIT Kanpur

Dr. Vikram Singh [From 04.02.2005] Registrar & Secretary, Finance Committee IIT Kanpur


Chairman Prof. S G Dhande Director IIT Kanpur

Members Shri S P Singh Chief Engineer (Northern Zone) Central Works Department Uttaranchal – 2, Sector H CGO Complex, 3rd Floor – 226024

Shri P B Vijay Director General, CPWD (Retired) Self Finance Scheme Flat A-39/B, DDA Flat Munirka New Delhi - 110067

Shri D N Agarwal Retd. Chief Engineer (Electrical) CPWD M-21, Greater Kailash – II New Delhi - 110048

Prof. V Bansal Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering IIT Kanpur

22 Annual Report 2004-2005

Shri P K Gupta Director Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Shastri Bhawan New Delhi 110001

Prof. Kripa Shanker Deputy Director IIT Kanpur

Prof. N K Sharma [Upto 03.02.2005] Professor Incharge (Administration) & Secretary, Building & Works Committee IIT Kanpur

Dr. Vikram Singh [From 04.02.2005] Registrar & Secretary, Building & Works Committee

SENATE [From 01.04.2004 to 31.03.2005]

Director & Chairman Senate: Prof. S. G. Dhande

Deputy Director: Prof. Kripa Shankar

Members of the Senate:

AEROSPACE ENGINEERING (AE): Prof. NGR Iyengar Prof. Krishna Kumar Prof. Vijai Gupta Prof. Kunal Ghosh Prof. RK Sullery Prof. Dayanand Yadav

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Prof. E Rathakrishnan Prof. C. Venkatesan Prof. T.K. Sengupta Prof. Sanjay Mittal Prof. Sudhir Kamle Prof. Kamal Poddar Dr. CS Upadhyay [Upto 30.09.2004]


CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (CHE): Prof. MS Rao [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. SK Gupta Prof. Anil Kumar Prof. Deepak Kunzru Prof. JP Gupta Prof. YV Chalapati Rao [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. DP Rao Prof. RP Singh [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. PK Bhattacharya Prof. RP Chhabra Prof. Ashok Khanna Prof. Ashutosh Sharma

CHEMISTRY (CHM): Prof. SK Dogra [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. N Sathyamurthy Prof. S Sarkar Prof. BD Gupta Prof. YD Vankar Prof. TK Chandrashekar Prof. V Chandrasekhar Prof. RN Mukherjee Prof. Parimal K Bhardwaj Prof. (Ms) H Ila Prof. N.S. Gajbhiye Prof. P. Gupta Bhaya Prof. Amalendu Chandra

24 Annual Report 2004-2005

Prof. Veejendra K Yadav Prof. Vinod K Singh Prof. S. Manogaran Dr. R. Gurunath [Upto 30.11.2004] Dr. Faiz Ahmed Khan [From 01.10.2004]

CIVIL ENGINEERING (CE): Prof. Ashwini Kumar Prof. Malay Chaudhari [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. BC Raymahashay [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. B.R. Marwah Prof. PK Basudhar Prof. Sudhir K Jain Prof. Sarvesh Chandra Prof. Bithin Datta Prof. Vinod Tare Prof. Umesh Dayal [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. Ramesh Pratap Singh Prof. Vinay Kumar Gupta Prof. S.K. Chakrabarti Prof. CVR Murty Prof. Mukesh Sharma Dr. Purnendu Bose [Upto 30.09.2004] Dr. Onkar Dikshit

COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING (CSE): Prof. RMK Sinha Prof. Somnath Biswas Prof. HC Karnick Prof. Pankaj Jalote Prof. TV Prabhakar Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Aggarwal Prof. Sanjeev Saxena Prof. Rajat Moona Prof. Manindra Agrawal Prof. Amitabha Mukherjee Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi Prof. Phalguni Gupta Prof. R.K. Ghosh

25 Annual Report 2004-2005

Prof. Ajai K Jain

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (EE): Prof. S Kar Prof. Vishwanath Sinha [Upto 31.01.2005] Prof. SR Doradla [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. KE Hole [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. Avinash Joshi Prof. Ravindra Arora Prof. KR Srivathsan Prof. GC Ray Prof. Arindam Ghosh Prof. M Sachidananda Prof. SC Srivastava Prof. Anjan Kumar Ghosh Prof. Prem Kumar Kalra Prof. Shafi Qurreshi Prof. Sumana Gupta Prof. Utpal Das Prof. Govind Sharma Prof. Aloke K Dutta Prof. Joseph John Prof. Pradip Sircar Prof. Animesh Biswas Dr. A.K. Chaturvedi [Upto 30.11.2004]

HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES (HSS): Prof. TVS Ramamohan Rao Prof. BN Patnaik [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. (Ms) Lilavati Krishnan Prof. Binayak Rath Prof. AK Sharma Prof. KK Saxena Prof. AK Sinha Prof. Amit Ray Prof. BH Boruah Prof. Binay Kumar Pattnaik Prof. G. Neelakantan Dr. Munmun Jha [From 01.12.2004]

26 Annual Report 2004-2005

INDUSTRIAL & MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING (IME): Prof. AK Mittal Prof. Tapan P Bagchi Prof. Kripa Shanker Prof. Arun P Sinha Prof. R.R.K. Sharma Prof. Jayanta Chatterjee Prof. NK Sharma Dr. Rahul Varman [From 01.10.2004]

MATERIALS & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING (MME): Prof. A. Ghosh Prof. G.S. Upadhyaya Prof. SP Mehrotra Prof. RK Ray Prof. RC Sharma Prof. Shant P Gupta Prof. RK Dube Prof. Brahma Deo Prof. SC Koria Prof. Sanjeev Bhargava Prof. N Chakraborti Prof. Dipak Mazumdar Prof. Virendra Bansal Prof. V.S.R. Murthy [Upto 10.07.2004]

Prof. Sandeep Sangal Prof. Rajiv Shekhar Prof. Barada K Mishra Prof. R. Balalsubramaniam Dr. Monica Katiyar [From 01.12.2004]

MATHEMATICS (MTH): Prof. UB Tewari Prof. MR Sridharan Prof. PC Joshi Prof. (Ms) Prabha Sharma

27 Annual Report 2004-2005

Prof. RKS Rathore Prof. (Ms) Manjul Gupta Prof. MK Kadalbajoo Prof. Prawal Sinha Prof. GP Kapoor Prof. Peeyush Chandra Prof. V Raghavendra Prof. ID Dhariyal Prof. (Ms) Shobha Madan Prof. Debashis Kundu Prof. Pravir Kumar Dutt

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (ME): Prof. Amitabha Ghosh Prof. SN Bandyopadhyay Prof. B Sahay [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. AK Mallik Prof. Ashok Sengupta Prof. Prashant Kumar Prof. BP Singh [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. Manohar Prasad [Upto 30.06.2004] Prof. BN Banerjee Prof. MS Kalra Prof. SG Dhande Prof. VK Jain Prof. NN Kishore Prof. Himanshu Hatwal Prof. PM Dixit Prof. Keshav Kant Saxena Prof. K Muralidhar Prof. Gautam Biswas Prof. Prabhat Munshi Prof. BP Pundir Prof. S.K. Chaudhury Prof. N.S. Vyas Prof. V. Eswaran Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb Prof. P.S. Ghoshdastidar

28 Annual Report 2004-2005

MATERIALS SCIENCE PROGRAMME (MSP): Prof. D.C Agarwal Prof. Jitendra Kumar Prof. KN Rai

PHYSICS (PHY): Prof. SC Agarwal Prof. K. Banerjee Prof. AK Majumdar Prof. SD Joglekar Prof. Keshawa Shahi Prof. Vijai A Singh Prof. Rajendra Prasad Prof. Debashish Chowdhury Prof. RC Budhani Prof. Y.N. Mohapatra Prof. Avinash Singh Prof. Deshdeep Sahdev Prof. V.N. Kulkarni Prof. Manoj K Harbola Prof. Satyendra Kumar Prof. V Ravishankar Prof. Pankaj Jain Prof. H C Verma


LIBRARIAN : Dr. Bhooshan Lal [Upto 28.02.2005]

Mr. R. Mishra [From 01.03.2005]

SECRETARY, SENATE : Prof. N K Sharma [Upto 03.02.2005]

Dr. Vikram Singh [From 04.02.2005]

29 Annual Report 2004-2005


Prof. J. Patterson 104, Ashray Apartment 7/115, Swaroop Nagar Kanpur - 208002

Prof. K.P. Singh Director H.B.T.I. Kanpur - 208002

Prof. V.N. Seth 17/3, Mall Road Kanpur – 208001


1. Prof. S K Katiyar Principal G S V M Medical College Kanpur-208002

2. Prof. S K Awasthi H.B.T.I. Kanpur-208002

3. Prof. Pervez E Deen Principal Christ Church College Kanpur-208001

30 Annual Report 2004-2005

SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES: [From 01.10.2003 to 30.09.2004]


(a) MEMBERS (EX-OFFICIO): 1. Chairman, Senate : Chairman 2. Chairman, SPGC : Dr. YVC Rao, CHE [From 01.10.2003 to 19.04.2004] : Dr. Sanjeev Garg, CHE [From 20.04.2004 to 21.04.2004]

: Dr. Mukesh Sharma, CE [From 22.04.2004 to 05.05.2004] : Dr. RK Sullerey, AE [From 06.05.2004 to 30.09.2004] 3. Chairman, SUGC : Dr. CS Upadhyay, AE

(b) SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Dr. S. Biswas CSE 2. Dr. R.K. Thareja PHY : Convener 3. Dr. L. Krishnan HSS

(c) STUDENTS’ SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Ms. Karishma Jain (Y0160) 2. Mr. Gajera C Ravjibhai (Y211805)


SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Dr. Surajit Sinha HSS 2. Dr. V. Eswaran ME : Chairman 3. Dr. M. Harbola PHY

31 Annual Report 2004-2005


LIBRARY: Librarian

SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Dr. A. Joshi EE 2. Dr. D. Kundu MATH 3. Dr. V. Ravi Shankar PHY 4. Dr. S. Guha CE

(c) NOMINEES OF DEPARTMENTS/PROGRAMMES: 1. Dr. D. Das AE 2. Dr. R. Sankaramakrishan BSBE 3. Dr. Nishith Verma CHE 4. Dr. V.K. Yadav CHM 5. Dr. Rajiv Sinha CE 6. Dr. Sanjeev Saxena CSE : Chairman 7. Dr. Nandini Gupta EE 8. Dr. Mini Chandran HSS 9. Dr. Anoop Singh IME 10. Dr. S. Sivaprakasam LTP 11. Dr. A. Sengupta ME 12. Dr. R.K. Dube MME 13. Dr. Y.N. Mohapatra MSP 14. Dr. V. Raghavendra MATH 15. Dr. A. Sengupta NET 16. Dr. R. Prasad PHY

(d) STUDENTS’ SENATE NOMINEES: Ms. Karishma Jain (Y0160) Mr. Rohit Khare (Y1303)



32 Annual Report 2004-2005

(b) SENATE NOMINEE: 1. Dr. U. Das EE

NOMINEES OF DEPARTMENTS/PROGRAMMES: 1. Dr. R.K. Sullerey AE 2. Dr. S. Ganesh BSBE 3. Dr. Y.V.C. Rao CHE : Chairman 4. Dr. T. Chakraborty CHM 5. Dr. Saumyen Guha CE 6. Dr. Mukesh Sharma EEMP 7. Dr. Somenath Biswas CSE 8. Dr. Laxmidhar Behra EE 9. Dr. M. Jha HSS 10. Dr. Sanjeev Swami IME 11. Dr. Harshwardhan Wanare LTP 12. Dr. N.V. Reddy ME 13. Dr. D. Gupta MME 14. Dr. K.N. Rai MSP 15. Dr. A.K. Maloo MATH 16. Dr. P. Munshi NET 17. Dr. P. Jain PHY 18. Dr. Prashant Kumar DES

STUDENTS’ SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Mr. Brajesh Pandey (Y120963) 2. Mr. Ambarish Kunwar (Y110961) 3. Mr. Gaurav Sharma (Y210409) 4. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Sonkar (Y3104118)


MEMBER (EX-OFFICIO): Parliamentarian of the Senate: Dr. Peeyush Chandra, MTH

33 Annual Report 2004-2005

(b) SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Dr. V. Bansal MME 2. Dr. J. Kumar MSP : Chairman 3. Dr. P. Chandra MATH


(a) MEMBERS (EX-OFFICIO): Head Institute Counselling Service : Dr. Onkar Dikshit, CE Chairman, APEC : Dr. RC Sharma, MME Dean of Students’ Affairs : Dr. C Venkatesan, AE

(b) SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Dr. Manohar Prasad ME 2. Dr. D. Gupta CSE 3. Dr. P.K. Bhattacharya CHE 4. Dr. P. Bose CE : Chairman

(c) STUDENTS’ SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Ms. Karishma Jain (Y0160) 2. Mr. Vyom Kr. Gupta (Y1409) 3. Mr. Sandeep Gupta (Y1316)


MEMBERS (EX-OFFICIO): Head, Institute Counselling Service : Dr. Onkar Dikshit, CE Chairman, APEC : Dr. RC Sharma, MME Representative of COW : Dr. D Bahuguna, MTH Dean of Students’ Affairs : Chairman, Ex-Officio

SENATE NOMINEES: Dr. A. Chaturvedi EE Dr. N. Mishra MATH Dr. B.N. Banerjee ME


34 Annual Report 2004-2005

1. Ms. Karishma Jain (Y0160) 2. Mr. Rahul Luthra (Y0255) 3. Mr. Aditya Kumar (Y0022) 4. Mr. V. Shrreeniwas Iyer (Y211128) (8) SENATE UNDERGRADUATE COMMITTEE:

(a) MEMBER (EX-OFFICIO): Dr. Sanjay Mittal AE


NOMINEES OF DEPARTMENTS/PROGRAMMES: 1. Dr. C.S. Upadhyay AE : Chairman 2. Dr. K. Subramaniam BSBE 3. Dr. R.P. Singh CHE 4. Dr. S.Verma CHM 5. Dr. Vinay Kumar Gupta CE 6. Dr. Malay Chaudhuri EEMP 7. Dr. Deepak Gupta CSE 8. Dr. A.R. Harish EE 9. Dr. Achla Raina HSS 10.Dr. A.P. Sinha IME 11.Dr. Asima Pradhan LTP 12.Dr. P.K. Panigrahi ME 13.Dr. R.C. Sharma MME 14.Dr. Jitendra Kumar MSP 15.Dr. G. Santhanam MATH 16.Dr. M.S. Kalra NET 17.Dr. S. Raychaudhuri PHY 18.Mr. Satyaki Roy DES


1. Mr. Harish Awasthi (Y2163) 2. Mr. Ravi Kumar (Y1287) 3. Mr. Rahul Luthra (Y0255) Mr. Pradeep Kumar (Y2516)

35 Annual Report 2004-2005

SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES: [From 01.10.2004 to 30.09.2005]



1. Chairman, Senate : Chairman (Ex-Officio) 2. Chairman, SPGC : 3. Chairman, SUGC :


1. Dr. I D Dhariyal MTH 2. Dr. P Gupta Bhaya CHM 3. Dr. S Mittal AE : Convenor


1. Mr. Brajesh Pandey Y120963 2. Mr. Saksham Agrawal Y1310



1. Dr. V Eswaran ME :Outgoing Chairperson 2. Dr. R Varman IME : Chairman 3. Dr. A Biswas EE




36 Annual Report 2004-2005


1. Dr. D Chowdhury PHY 2. Dr. J John EE 3. Dr. P M Dixit ME 4. Dr. P Shunmugraj MTH


1. Dr. D P Mishra AE 2. Dr. K Subramaniam BSBE 3. Dr. D P Rao CHE 4. Dr. Faiz Ahmed Khan CHM : Chairman 5. Dr. Rajiv Sinha CE 6. Dr. T V Prabhakar CSE 7. Dr. Nandini Gupta EE 8. Dr. K K Saxena HSS 9. Dr. Jayanta Chatterjee IME 10. Dr. S Sivaprakasam LTP 11. Dr. A. Sengupta ME 12. Dr. R K Dube MME 13. Dr. D C Agrawal MSP 14. Dr. Neeraj Mishra MATH 15. Dr. A. Sengupta NET 16. Dr. R Prasad PHY 17. Dr. Bisakh Bhattacharya M Des


Mr. K V Narasimha Rao Y1172 Mr. Rohit Garg Y2327



37 Annual Report 2004-2005

Dr. R K Sullerey AE : Outgoing Chairman


Dr. Pradip Sircar EE : Chairman


1. Dr. D Yadav AE 2. Dr. Balaji Prakash BSBE 3. Dr. Sanjeev Garg CHE 4. Dr. R Gurunath CHM 5. Dr. Durgesh C Rai CE 6. Dr. Sachchida Nand Tripathi EEMP 7. Dr. Rajat Moona CSE 8. Dr. L Behera EE 9. Dr. G Neelakantan HSS 10. Dr. Sanjeev Swami IME 11. Dr. Harshwardhan Wanare LTP 12. Dr. Subrata Sarkar ME 13. Dr. Bikramjit Basu MME 14. Dr. K N Rai MSP 15. Dr. D Kundu MATH 16. Dr. M S Kalra NET 17. Dr. P Jain PHY 18. Dr. Prashant Kumar M DES


1. Mr. Ambarish Kunwar Y110961 2. Mr. Brajesh Pandey Y120963 3. Mr. Sathyaraj V Y210063 4. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Sonkar Y3104118



38 Annual Report 2004-2005

Parliamentarian of the Senate


1. Dr. Y N Mohapatra PHY : Chairman 2. Dr. S Gupta EE 3. Dr. R Shekhar MME



Head Institute Counselling Service Chairman, APEC Dean of Students’ Affairs


1. Dr. Purnendu Bose CE : Outgoing Chairman 2. Dr. Manoj Kumar Harbola PHY : Chairman 3. Dr. B H Boruah HSS 4. Dr. P S Ghoshdastidar ME

(c) STUDENTS’ SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Mr. Brajesh Pandey Y120963 2. Mr. Sandeep Gupta Y1316 3. Mr. Chetan Swarup Y1111


MEMBERS (EX-OFFICIO): Head, Institute Counselling Service Chairman, APEC Representative of COW Dean of Students’ Affairs : Chairman, Ex-Officio


39 Annual Report 2004-2005

Dr. S Qureshi EE Dr. A Raina HSS STUDENTS’ SENATE NOMINEES: Mr. Udai Singh Pawar Y0362 Mr. Ambarish Kunwar Y110961 Mr. Joe Verghese Yeldho Y220062 Mr. K V Narasimha Rao Y1172


MEMBER (EX-OFFICIO): Dr. C S Upadhyay AE : Outgoing Chairman


NOMINEES OF DEPARTMENTS/PROGRAMMES: 1. Dr. E Rathakrishnan AE 2. Dr. Sandeep Kumar BSBE 3. Dr. Nitin Kaistha CHE 4. Dr. J K Bera CHM 5. Dr. Bharat Lohani CE 6. Dr. Purnendu Bose EEM 7. Dr. Deepak Gupta CSE 8. Dr. A R Harish EE 9. Mr. Satyaki Roy HSS 10. Dr. A P Sinha IME 11. Dr. Asima Pradhan LTP 12. Dr. S K Choudhury ME 13. Dr. Anish Upadhyaya MME 14. Dr. Jitendra Kumar MSP 15. Dr. M Gupta MATH 16. Dr. A Sengupta NET 17. Dr. S Raychaudhuri PHY : Chairman 18. Mr. Satyaki Roy DES

STUDENTS’ SENATE NOMINEES: 1. Mr. Vineet Singh Y2425 2. Mr. T V Avinaash Chandra Y1372

40 Annual Report 2004-2005

3. Mr. Akash Gupta Y2035 4. Mr. Rajiv Ranjan Y1278 The Faculty

There are thirteen departments and five interdisciplinary programmes offering degrees at various levels in the Institute.

The faculty strength of the Institute as on March 31, 2005 was 306. Out of these 18 are shared by two departments on a half time basis. There were also 45 Research Engineers/ Scientific Officers and Design Engineers, who are treated at par with faculty, on March 31, 2005. 21 faculty members retired/resigned/expired during the period. The Institute also had a number of Visiting Faculty members: 9 Visiting Faculty and 2 Adjunct Faculty joined and 3 left during the year. The Visiting/Adjunct Faculty contributes significantly and they also get an opportunity to know the Institute.

During the year, the Institute was able to attract a number of distinguished personalities from the academic and research fields to serve as Distinguished Honorary Professors in the Institute. In addition a number of Emeritus Professor and Emeritus Fellows continue to serve the Institute. The Institute acknowledges their contributions to the growth of the Institute.

Two Research Associates were appointed during the year. The Research Associates stay for a period of six months to two years.

DISTNIGUISHED HONARARY PROFESSORS Professor T. V. Ramakrishnan Professor G. K.Mehta Professor Shiv G. Kapoor Professor Komal Ehmann Professor Marc Madau Professor Nasser Munjee Professor Ranga Kamunduri Professor D. D. Bhawalkar Professor D. Roth Professor Ranjit Makkuni


41 Annual Report 2004-2005

Professor Amitabha Ghosh Professor A. K.Majumdar EMERITUS FELLOWS Professor S. Kar


ADJUNCT FACULTY Professor R. Gopa Kumar Professor A. Ajaya Ghosh Professor Pravin Bhagwat Professor Amitava Das Gupta Professor K. N. Abraham


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 3161 Krishna Kumar 2. 3162 Vijay Gupta 3. 3159 K Ghosh 4. 1798 R K Sullerey 5. 4041 Dayanand Yadav 6. 4458 E Rathakrishnan 7 4694 C Venkatesan 8. 4581 T K Sengupta 9. 4285 Sudhir Kamle 10. 4664 Kamal Poddar 11. 4696 Sanjay Mittal

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 1830 V K Gupta 2. 4660 Ashish Tewari 3. 4709 A K Ghosh

42 Annual Report 2004-2005

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4733 D P Mishra 2. 4785 C S Upadhyay 3. 4958 Abhijit Kushari 4. 4993 Debopam Das 5. *5129 Sivasambu Mahesh


Dr. T.G. Pai


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 4959 Pradip Sinha

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 5119

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. *4876 R Gurunath 2. 5005 R Sankararamakrishnan 3. 5009 K Subramaniam 4. 5020 Subramaniam Ganesh 5. 5023 Balaji Prakash 6. 5103 Dhirendra S Katti

43 Annual Report 2004-2005


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 3113 S K Gupta 2. 2432 Anil Kumar 3. 3314 Deepak Kunzru 4. 3064 J P Gupta 5. 3604 D P Rao 6. 3754 P K Bhattacharya 7 4244 R P Chhabra 8. 4045 Ashok Khanna 9. 4562 Ashutosh Sharma

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4750 Goutam Deo 2. 4794 Nishith Verma

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 5011 V Shankar 2. 5016 Nitin Kaistha 3. 5021 Sanjeev Garg 4. 5064 Rajdip Bandyopadhyaya 5. 5106 Animangsu Ghatak 6. 5114 Yogesh Moreshwar Joshi


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 3827 N Sathyamurthy

44 Annual Report 2004-2005

2 3791 S Sarkar 3. 3990 B D Gupta 4. 4008 Y D Vankar 5. 4325 T K Chandrashekar 6. 4394 V Chandrasekhar 7. 4448 R N Mukherjee 8. 4462 P K Bharadwaj 9. 4724 (Ms) H Ila 10. 4047 N S Gajbhiye 11. 3112 P Gupta Bhaya 12. 4460 S Manogaran 13. 4583 Veejendra K Yadav 14. 4596 Vinod K Singh 15. 4676 Amalendu Chandra

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4699 Tapas Chakraborty 2. 4759 S S Manoharan 3. 4746 Faiz Ahmed Khan 4. 4760 K Srihari 5. 4789 Sandeep Verma 6. 4816 J N Moorthy 7. 5071 Debabrata Goswami

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. *4876 R Gurunath 2. 5024 Manas Kumar Ghorai 3. 5038 Jitendra K Bera 4. 5056 M L N Rao 5. 5127 Sankar Prasad Rath

LECTURER (Rs.10000-325-15200)

1. 5091 Anantharaman Ganapathi

45 Annual Report 2004-2005


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400) 1. 3462 Ashwini Kumar 2. 4068 P K Basudhar 3. 4209 Sudhir K Jain 4. 4399 Sarvesh Chandra 5 4546 Bithin Datta 6. 4295 Vinod Tare 7. 4303 Ramesh P Singh 8. 4586 V K Gupta 9. 4464 S K Chakrabarti 10. 4799 Mukesh Sharma 11. 4657 C V R Murty

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4690 Sudhir Misra 2. 4798 Rajesh Srivastava 3. 4662 Onkar Dikshit 4. 4663 Partha Chakroborty 5. 4695 Rajiv Sinha 6. 4784 Soumyen Guha 7. 4775 Purnendu Bose

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4793 Ashu Jain 2. 4871 Animesh Das 3. 4978 Javed N Malik 4. 4995 Durgesh C Rai 5. 5026 Bharat Lohani 6. 5057 Sachidanand Tripathi 7. 5079 Pranab Kumar Mohapatra

46 Annual Report 2004-2005

LECTURER (Rs.10000-325-15200)

1. 5037 Nihar Ranjan Patra


Dr. S. Jerath Dr. Kumar Neeraj Jha


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. *3858 S G Dhande 2. *3541 R M K Sinha 3. 3972 Somenath Biswas 4. 4297 H C Karnick 5. 4540 Pankaj Jalote 6. 4370 T V Prabhakar 7. 4563 S K Aggarwal 8. 4490 Sanjeev Saxena 9. 4628 Rajat Moona 10 4754 Manindra Agrawal 11. 4627 Amitabha Mukerjee 12. 4300 Ratan Kumar Ghosh 13. 4385 Phalguni Gupta 14. 4645 Ajai K Jain 15. 4668 Dheeraj Sanghi

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 5010 Shashank K Mehta 2. 4722 Deepak Gupta 3. 4934 Anil Seth 4. 4762 Sumit Ganguly

47 Annual Report 2004-2005

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 5051 Bhaskaran Raman 2. 5081 Pabitra Mitra 3. 5112 Mainak Chaudhuri


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. *3541 R M K Sinha 2. 3927 Avinash Joshi 3. 3199 Ravindra Arora 4. 4046 K R Srivathsan 5. 4292 G C Ray 6. 4293 Arindam Ghosh 7. 4326 M Sachidananda 8. 4495 S C Srivastava 9. 4667 Anjan Kumar Ghosh 10. 4486 Prem Kumar Kalra 11. 4691 Shafi Qureshi 12. 3873 (Ms) Sumana Gupta 13. 4372 Govind Sharma 14. *4687 Utpal Das 15. 4566 A K Dutta 16. 3999 Joseph John 17. 4652 Animesh Biswas 18. 4478 Pradip Sircar

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4489 R K Bansal 2. 4670 Baquer Mazhari 3. 4745 S Umesh 4. 4827 A K Chaturvedi

48 Annual Report 2004-2005

5. 5003 S N Singh 6. 4776 Shyama P Das

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4771 Yatindra N Singh 2. 4833 K S Venkatesh 3. 4938 K Vasudevan 4. 4988 Laxmidhar Behera 5. 5012 Parthasarathi Sensarma 6. 5013 A R Harish 7. 5015 (Ms) Nandini Gupta 8. 5111 Adrish Banerjee 9. 5113 S Sunder Kumar Iyer 10. 5130 Kameswari Chebrolu


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 3838 (Ms) Lilavati Krishnan 2. 3989 Binayak Rath 3. 3983 A K Sharma 4. 4373 K K Saxena 5. 4016 A K Sinha 6. 3837 Amit Ray 7. 4375 B H Boruah 8. 4791 B K Pattnaik 9. 4729 G Neelakanthan

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4488 Surajit Sinha 2. 4700 (Ms) Achla M Raina 3. 4702 (Ms) Shikha Dixit

49 Annual Report 2004-2005

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4773 Munmun Jha 2. 4774 C A Tomy 3. 4927 (Ms) Mini Chandran 4. 4957 (Ms) Suchitra Mathur 5. 5075 P M Prasad 6. 5076 T Ravichandran 7. 5078 Sanjay Kumar Singh

LECTURER (Rs.10000-325-15200)

1. *4976 Satyaki Roy 2. 5077 Amman Madan


Dr. V.R.Manoj


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 3432 A K Mittal 2. 3977 N K Sharma 3. 4380 T P Bagchi 4. 3792 Kripa Shanker 5. 4042 Arun P Sinha 6. 4525 R R K Sharma 7. 4961 Jayanta Chatterjee

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4701 Rahul Varman

50 Annual Report 2004-2005

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4830 Sanjeev Swami 2. 4865 (Ms) Veena Bansal 3. 4968 Anoop Singh 4. 5018 Rohit Varman 5. 5031 Parthasarathy Ramachandran 6. 5073 Raghu Nandan Sengupta 7. 5142 Peeyush Mehta 8. 5147 B V Phani


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 1932 S P Mehrotra 2. 3845 R C Sharma 3. 3846 Shant P Gupta 4. 3763 R K Dube 5. 4182 Brahma Deo 6. 4245 S C Koria 7. 4524 S Bhargava 8. 4382 Dipak Mazumdar 9. 3195 Virendra Bansal 10. 4565 Rajiv Shekhar 11. 4597 Sandeep Sangal 12. 4571 R Balasubramaniam 13. 4665 Barada K Mishra

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4790 Deepak Gupta 2. 4796 (Ms) Monica Katiyar

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4919 Anish Upadhyaya

51 Annual Report 2004-2005

2. 4977 Bikaramjit Basu 3. 5034 Ashish Garg 4. 5072 Gauthama 5. 5116 Rajesh Prasad


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 2078 U B Tewari 2. 3419 M R Sridharan 3. 3407 R K S Rathore 4. 3772 (Ms) Manjul Gupta 5. 3739 M K Kadalbajoo 6. 3773 Prawal Sinha 7. 3776 G P Kapoor 8. 4058 Peeyush Chandra 9. 4074 V Raghavendra 10. 3824 I D Dhariyal 11. 4290 (Ms) Shobha Madan 12. 4584 Debasis Kundu 13. 4449 Pravir Kumar Dutt

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4707 B V Rathish Kumar 2. 4782 D Bahuguna 3. 4726 Neeraj Misra 4. 4656 P Shunmugaraj 5. 4734 Arbind Kumar Lal 6. 4751 Srikanth K Iyer

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4537 (Ms) Aparna Dar 2. 4781 (Ms) Mohua Banerjee 3. 4803 Alok Kumar Maloo

52 Annual Report 2004-2005

4. 4822 G Santhanam 5. 4832 (Mrs) Rama Rawat 6. 4870 S Ghorai 7. 4930 Swagato Kumar Ray 8. 5029 Joydeep Dutta 9. 5036 Shalabh

LECTURER (Rs.10000-325-15200)

1. 5121 (Ms) Nandini Nilakantan 2. 5128 Shital Rajeshbhai Patel


Dr. Sangita Kulathinal


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 2265 A K Mallik 2. *3665 Ashok Sengupta 3. *3858 S G Dhande 4. 3764 Prashant Kumar 5. 3759 B N Banerjee 6. 3862 M S Kalra 7. 4093 V K Jain 8. 4224 N N Kishore 9. 4286 Himanshu Hatwal 10. 4210 P M Dixit 11. 4398 K Muralishar 12. 4560 Gautam Biswas 13. 4061 Prabhat Munshi 14. 4810 B P Pundir 15. 4452 S K Choudhury 16. 4459 N S Vyas 17. 4482 Vinayak Eswaran

53 Annual Report 2004-2005

18. 4650 Kalyanmoy Deb 19. 4288 P S Ghoshdastidar

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4788 Subrata Sarkar 2. 4801 P K Panigrahi

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4779 Bhaskar Dasgupta 2. 4823 V Venkata Reddy 3. 4890 Bishakh Bhattacharya 4. 4931 Avinash Kumar Agarwal 5. 4956 Anupam Saxena 6. 5014 Sumit Basu 7. *4928 Kamal K Kar 8. 5022 Ashish Datta 9. 5054 P Venkitanarayanan 10. 5074 J Ramkumar 11. 5120 Sameer Khandekar 12. 5122 Arun Kumar Saha 13. *5129 Sivasambu Mahesh


Dr. M.P.Sharma


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 3498 S C Agarwal 2 3980 R K Thareja 3. 4019 S D Joglekar 4. 4064 Keshawa Shahi 5. 4184 Vijay A Singh

54 Annual Report 2004-2005

6. 4254 Rajendra Prasad 7. 4642 Debashish Chowdhury 8. 4688 R C Budhani 9. 4559 Y N Mohapatra 10. 4651 Avinash Singh 11. 4315 V N Kulkarni 12. 4527 Deshdeep Sahdev 13. 4504 V Ravishankar 14. 4552 Satyendra Kumar 15. 4708 Pankaj Jain 16. 4723 H C Verma 17. 4881 M K Harbola

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. 4653 K P Rajeev 2. 4692 Mahendra K Verma 3. *4679 (Ms) Asima Pradhan 4. 4831 Sreerup Raychoudhuri

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. 4755 V Subrahmanyam 2. 4797 Gautam Sengupta 3. 4893 Harshwardhan Wanare 4. 4964 V V Sreedhar 5. 5028 (Ms) Sutapa Mukherjee 6. 5035 S Sivaprakasam 7. 5040 S Anantha Ramakrishna 8. 5041 Amit Dutta 9. 5046 Anjan Kumar Gupta 10. 5102 Zakir Hossain 11. 5115 Tapobrata Sarkar 12. 5117 Satyajit Banerjee 13. 5123 Sudeep Bhattacharjee


Dr. Geetanjali Sarkar

55 Annual Report 2004-2005


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. 3762 Jitendra Kumar

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Rs.12000-420-18300)

1. *4928 Kamal K Kar


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. *4687 Utpal Das

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Rs.16400-450-20000)

1. *4679 (Ms) Asima Pradhan


PROFESSOR (Rs.18400-500-22400)

1. *3665 Ashok Sengupta


1. *4976 Satyaki Roy

While Nuclear Engineering & Technology and Environmental Engineering Management interdisciplinary programmes offer separate postgraduate degrees for administrative purpose these are under the administrative control of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering Departments respectively. * Half Time

56 Annual Report 2004-2005


S.No P F Name & Designation (Ms/Shri/Dr) Department/ No. Programme 1. 4078 Chaturi Singh, Research Engineer Gr-II NWTF 2. 4983 Alok Gupta, Research Engineer Gr-II A E 3. 5059 K K Soundra Pandian, Research Engineer Gr-II M E 4. 4777 Rajeev Gupta, Senior Research Engineer NWTF 5. 4616 Sushmit Sen, Senior Research Engineer Robotics 6. 3414 M N Mungole, Senior Research Engineer M M E 7 4818 Ram Prakash Gupta, Senior Research Engineer E E 8. 4955 Raghuvir Singh Anand, Senior Research Engineer E E 9. 4824 Anjali V Kulkarni, Senior Research Engineer Mechatronics 10. 4921 Aurobinda Chatterjee, Senior Research Engineer M E 11. 5118 Ajay Misra, Senior Research Engineer A E 12. 4318 Amitabha Roy, Principal Research Engineer E E 13. 3238 Vishal Saxena, Principal Research Engineer E E 14. 4807 Brajesh Chandra, Principal Research Engineer NWTF 15. 4056 V Raghuram, Principal Research Engineer M E 16. 5095 Shobhit Das, Chief Engineer AE 17. 4086 J Narayan, Chief Research Engineer EE 18. 4015 A L Bhavsar, Scientific Officer Gr.I CHEM 19. 4815 K K Bajpai, Senior Scientific Officer C E 20. 3780 Sanjay Gupta, Chief Scientific Officer ACMS 21. 3985 Bansi Lal, Chief Scientific Officer PHY/LTP 22. 4090 Prem Chand, Chief Scientific Officer EPR/PHY 23. 4257 Leela Iyengar, Chief Scientific Officer Chemistry 24. 3782 K V Rao, Principal Scientific Officer ACMS 25. 2028 H P S Parihar, Computer Engineer Gr.II C C 26. 4721 Md K Ahmad, Computer Engineer Gr.I C C 27 4920 Anju Tewari, Computer Engineer Gr.I C C 28. 4720 Shikha M Jalote, Senior Computer Engineer C C 29. 4817 Navpreet Singh, Senior Computer Engineer C C 30. 4541 B M Shukla , Senior Computer Engineer C C 31. 4578 Md Aftab Alam, Senior Computer Engineer C C 32. 4821 Brajesh Pande, Senior Computer Engineer C C 33. 4820 Gopesh Tewari, Senior Computer Engineer C C 34. 5019 Soma Sengupta, Senior Computer Engineer C C

57 Annual Report 2004-2005

35. 3745 R Tewari, Operation Manager C C 36. 2035 N P Roberts, Principal Computer Engineer C C 37. 3868 K S Singh, Principal Computer Engineer C C 38. 2037 Y D S Arya, Principal Computer Engineer C C 39. 3957 Umesh Chandra, Senior Pilot Instructor A E 40. 5030 Vipul Mathur, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer A E 41. 0834 Rajeshwar Misra, Librarian Kelkar Lib 42 0577 S K Srivastava, Deputy Librarian Kelkar Lib 43 3981 S K Bose, Deputy Librarian Kelkar Lib 44. 3969 Umed Singh, Assistant Librarian Kelkar Lib 45. 3974 (Ms) Neelam Prasad, Assistant Librarian Kelkar Lib


Dr Jayannta Chatterjee, Professor, Department of Industrial & Management Engineering has been invited by the National University of Singapore to join their International Advisory Board for the Knowledge Management Research Laboratory. Dr. N K Sharma, Professor, Department of Industrial & Management Engineering has been invited by the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) to be a reviewer for the SCP-Sheth Dissertation Proposal Competition –Round 2 for the Year 2004. Dr. S N Bandyopadhyay, Professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded the Bharat Jyoti Award for the year 2004 Dr. V Shankar, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering has been chosen as Young Associate of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. Dr. Kalyanmoy Deb, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering delivered a distinguished keynote lecture at the 17th International Conference on Multi-Criterion Decision Analysis held in Whistler, Canada during 6-11 August 2004. Dr. V. K. Jain, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering has been appointed Editor for the online Journal, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. Dr. Ashish Garg, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering has been selected for Shri Ram Arora Award of TMS, USA of this year. Dr. A. K. Mallik, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering has been conferred the Distinguished Teacher Award by IITK for the year 2004.

58 Annual Report 2004-2005

Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, Professor, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering has been appointed a member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal ‘Material Science Research India’. Dr. Debabrata Goswami, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry has been chosen for this year’s Swarnajayanti Fellowship. Dr. Neeraj Mishra, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics has been chosen for the 2003 Jacob Wofowitz Prize for Theoretical Advances in the Mathematical and Management Sciences for, “Simultaneous Multiple Comparison with the Worst and Best”. Dr. Debasis Kundu, Professor and Dr. B V Rathish Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics have been chosen for the “C L Chandna Mathematics Award for Distinguished and Outstanding Contributions to Mathematics Research and Teaching” for the year 2004. Dr. S N Bandyopadhyay, Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been conferred the Millennium Medal of Achievers India Gold Medal by the International Institute of Success Awareness. Dr. Vinod K Singh, Professor, Department of Chemistry has been awarded the S S Bhatnagar Prize in Chemical Sciences for the year 2004. Drs. F A Khan and S Verma, Associate Professors, Department of Chemistry have been awarded the B M Birla Prize in the Chemical Sciences for the year 2004. Dr. Javed N Mallik, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering has been awarded the S S Merh Award 2004 by the Council of the Geological Society of India for his contributions in the field of quaternary Geology. Dr. V K Singh Professor, Department of Chemistry is elected a Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad for the year 2004. Dr. Bikramjit Basu, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering is chosen the Young metallurgist of the year 2004 by the Indian Institute of Metals. Professor R. C. Budhani, Department of Physics, Professor Amalendu Chandra and Professor V. K. Singh, Department of Chemistry, have been elected as a Fellow of Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore. Professor R. C. Budhani, Department of Physics, has been elected as a Fellow of American Physical Society. Dr. V. K. Singh, Professor, Department of Chemistry, has been elected a Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad. Dr. R Balasubramaniam, Professor, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering has been appointed as one of the Co-Chairman of the Organizing

59 Annual Report 2004-2005

Committee of Corcon 2004 organized by NACE, The Corrosion Society, India Section, Corrosion Society of India. Dr. Sanjeev Swami, Asst.Professor, Industrial & Management Engineering and Dr. A K Agarwal, Asst. Professor in Mechanical Engineering have been chosen for the AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers for the Year 2004-2005. Dr. Anish Upadhyay, Asst.Professor, Materials & Metallurgical Engineering has been awarded the G S Tendulkar Award for the overall best presentation among Ferrous, Non-Ferrous, Metal Science & Environmental Science Group at the 58th Annual Technical meeting of the Indian Institute of Metals held recently at Trivandrum. A paper entitled “A Displacement based wall shear stress sensor” by A.M. Pradeep and Dr. R K Sullery Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, has been selected for the best paper award, to be given at the time of the 19th Indian Engineering congress to be held in Mumbai on December 17, 2004. Dr. R. P. Singh, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, has been elected as one of the Vice Presidents, for a four year term, of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Commission on GeoRisk at the NGRI, Hyderabad. Dr. S S Manoharan Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry has received US Patent (Patent No. US 679341 B2 dated 21st September 2004) for his work on “MAGNETO RESISTIVE CRO2 POLYMER COMPOSITE BLEND”. Prof. CNR Rao, who was appointed chair of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister in January, has received the Indian Science Award for his contributions to solid state Chemistry and Materials Science. The prize carries a US$62,500 Award. Prof. CNR Rao, has received the Dan David Science Prize for 2005 in Materials Science. He shares the award with George Whitesides, Harvard University and Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prof. Rao was honoured for his status as one of the world’s foremost solid state and Materials Chemists who has made prolific and sustained contributions to the development of the field for over five decades. The awards ceremony will be held on May 23, 2005. The recipients will share a US$ million cash prize. Dr. Gautam Biswas, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering has been chosen as one of the Associate Editors of the Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) w.e.f.., January 2006.

60 Annual Report 2004-2005

Dr. Sanjay Mittal, Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering has been selected as a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Dr. Bikramjit Basu, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering has been chosen for the INSA Medal for Young Scientist (2005) by the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. Dr. Bikramjit Basu, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering has been invited the Join the editorial board of Society’s Journal Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs Organization, Thiruvananthapuram.

The following faculty members have been conferred the various awards by the Indian National Academy of Engineers for the year 2004:

Fellowship of the Academy: Professor Kalyanmoy Deb, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Arindam Ghosh, Department of Electrical Engineering and Professor Vinay K. Gupta, Department of Civil Engineering

Young Engineer Award: Dr. Animesh Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Dr. Bikramjit Basu, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering

Innovation Potential of Student Project Award Dr. J. Ramkumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, for his Doctoral thesis submitted to IIT Madras.


Dr. Debasis Kundu, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Mr. Ayanendranath Basu, ISI, edited a book entitled STATISTICAL COMPUTING. This book is published by Narosa Publishing House under IIT Kanpur Series of Advanced Texts. Dr. P. S. Ghoshdastidar, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering has written a book on HEAT TRANSFER by using CDTE funds. This book is published by Oxford University Press. Dr. C R Bector, Dr. S Chandra and Dr. J Dutta, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics have written a book entitled ‘OPTIMIZATION THEORY”, This book is published by Narosa, New Delhi (2004).

61 Annual Report 2004-2005

Academic Programme


The engineering education should produce trained manpower for maintaining and advancing technological growth. The scope of engineering education should evolve based on the evaluation of technological growth for their usefulness and relevance to the prosperity of the country. The educational strategy should help to develop a knowledge industry. The systems involved in this endeavor should strive for furtherance of knowledge.

The academic goals of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur from the viewpoint of its teaching programme are as the following:

To prepare the students for the highest level of excellence in science, and technology and produce competent, creative and imaginative scientists and engineers.

To promote a spirit of free and objective inquiry in different fields amongst the students and motivate them for higher studies and research.

To foster inter-disciplinary approach. To promote the concept of virtual research departments by bringing together faculty and students into activities of mutual interest.


The Institute offers instructions in various disciplines of science and engineering, both at undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) levels. These programmes are planned and implemented by the Senate of the Institute through the Senate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC) and the Senate Post-graduate Committee (SPGC), respectively.

Undergraduate Programme The four-year undergraduate programme consists of two parts having duration of four semesters each. The first part is the core programme common to all students, and is carefully planned to give the students a strong base of basic education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering sciences, technical arts, humanities and

62 Annual Report 2004-2005

social sciences. The second part of the undergraduate programme consists of the professional courses and a project in the chosen branch of specialization. At the Bachelor’s level, we have B.Tech. programs in Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering. We also have integrated M.Sc. programs in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics. From July 2005, we have started an integrated M.Sc. program in Economics. The students for these programs are selected through JEE and usually they are the top students from various places in the country. Two-Year M.Sc. Programme There are programs for M. Sc. (2 years) in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics, where the students with B.Sc. (Hons.) background are chosen through an all-India examination known as JAM.

Postgraduate Programme The postgraduate programme is intended to prepare students to enter their professions with a perspective and breadth of knowledge related to the principal divisions of their respective fields of specialization through courses and specialized research experience. A postgraduate student is typically enrolled for three or four courses each semester until the student advances to a point where the principal requirements of the programme left to be fulfilled are research and thesis.

M.Tech. Programme We have M.Tech. Programmes in all the Engineering Branches, mentioned above. In addition, there are M. Tech. Programs in the interdisciplinary areas, such as, Nuclear Engineering, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Laser Technology, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science, and Industrial and Management Engineering. The M. Tech. Students are chosen through an all-India examination, known as GATE. We have also adopted a dual degree (B.Tech.-M. Tech.) program. In this program, the students admitted through JEE, are expected to complete the M. Tech. Program in five years. At the end of five years, the student is awarded both B.Tech. and M.Tech. Degrees.

MBA and MDES Programme Recently, we have introduced two interdisciplinary programs, namely, for MBA and Master of Design. For these courses as well, the students are selected through the all- India examinations known as JMET and CEED respectively.

63 Annual Report 2004-2005

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) The academic programmes leading to the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) exists in all the engineering departments and two interdisciplinary programmes, namely, Materials Science and Nuclear Engineering & Technology. The Ph.D. programmes also exist in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Economics, English, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology. The Ph.D. programme culminates in research on a selected topic leading to a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree.

The Department of Physics offers a M.Sc.-Ph.D. dual degree program, which allows their M.Sc. students to continue for a Ph.D.

The M. Tech. and Ph.D. students receive research/ teaching assistantships.

D.I.I.T. Programme The Institute started a D.IIT programme in Video Communications Systems with effect from first semester 1992-93. The duration of the Course is one year. The DIIT Programme is based on existing PG Course for M.Tech. Programme. This programme is monitored by the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Research Environment in IIT Kanpur IIT Kanpur has demonstrated its excellence in research in many areas. To cite a few areas: Finite Element Methods Using Domain Decomposition, Flow Induced Vibrations, Wind Tunnel Testing of Large Scale Prototypes, Computational Chemistry, Nano-materials and Nano-technology, Geometric Optimization of Large Organic Systems, Genomics and Bio-Informatics, Electronic Structure Calculations, Aggregation and Etching, Molecular Dynamics, Thin Film Dynamics, Optical / EM Field Calculations, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, Computer Aided Design and Rapid Prototyping, Tomography, Robotics, Multi-Body Dynamics, Geo-seismic Prospecting, Stress Analysis and Composite Materials, Vibration and Control, Semiconductor Physics, Photonics, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Earthquake Engineering, Impurities in Anti-Ferro Magnet, Raman Scattering, Particle Physics, Spin Fluctuation in Quantum Magnets and so on.

The most recent initiative of IIT Kanpur has been the Formation of a Strong Research Group in the areas of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

64 Annual Report 2004-2005

Curriculum Development and Monitoring Committee (CDMC) The Curriculum Development and Monitoring Committee (CDMC) has been formed in order to monitor the curriculum continually. The Committee will solicit a report annually from all Core Course Subcommittees regarding their respective core courses. These reports include all relevant information pertaining to the teaching of the courses, tutorials, laboratories and other aspects. The Committee will work over the period between September 2004 and August 2006

The following is the composition of the CDMC:

Prof. R K Dube MME Chairman Prof. R K Thareja PHY Co Chairman Prof. Harish Karnick CSE Member Prof. A K Mallik ME Member Prof. L Krishnan HSS Member Prof. Ashutosh Sharma ChE Member Prof. Joseph John EE Member Prof. Balaji Prakash BSBE Member Prof. D Kundu MTH Member

New Initiatives

(a) M.Sc. in Economics IIT Kanpur has introduced a M Sc (5 year integrated) program in Economics from July 2005. This program will provide a strong grounding in basic sciences, engineering as well as in various emerging areas of Economics.

The role of humanities and social sciences in Science Education is to be revisited. A perfect blend of humanities would imbibe intellectual honesty, professional ethics and capacity for teamwork in the face of new challenges. The knowledge of Economics and use of Technology for creation of wealth are necessary preconditions for breaking the chains of poverty and low standard of living in the developing countries. Economics and Technology have always migrated together from one country to another, from Europe to United States, from United States to Japan and from Japan to Asian Tigers. Today India is in the midst of this tremendous migration of global know-how. American and European companies are increasingly carrying out their design and manufacturing work in India.

65 Annual Report 2004-2005

India has a great tradition in Economics Education and Research. Prof. Amartya Sen, Prof. Jagdish N. Bhagwati are among the finest and best known Economists in the World.

Today’s India needs trained mind that is a perfect blend of Technology and Economics. The Integrated MSc program in Economics is a step in that direction.

The programme has been designed keeping the recommendations of the Senate Undergraduate Review Committee in perspective. Twenty-five students will be admitted through the Joint Entrance Examination and there will be no prerequisite of Economics as a subject at the higher secondary level. The four streams of Economics are focused. They are Econometrics and quantitative techniques; Industrial economics and business policy; Development infrastructure and public policy and Environment and resource economics. The credit requirement for the graduation is 199 Credit Points. First four semesters would be common with the other branches of BTech and MSc Integrated programmes.

(b) Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering The Scope of Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering is inherently interdisciplinary and expanding rapidly. Recognizing the challenges for environmentally sustainable development, IIT Kanpur initiated an interdisciplinary M.Tech. Programme in Environmental Engineering and Management in 1997. This experience has convinced the Institute that there is a pressing need to integrate environmental engineering and science across various disciplines to solve problems that have important societal impact.

A National Advisory Committee (NAC) was constituted by IIT Kanpur to identify the strategies related to the education in Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering. The NAC further recommended that in order to ensure full and unrestricted growth of environmental science and engineering disciplines, a separate initiative be started.

The sustainability of any academic programme and its viability would depend on better and comprehensive integration of the interdisciplinary aspects of such a programme. It is also essential that research should focus on new emerging areas, which can respond to the varying societal environmental concerns. Faculty members drawn from the current EEM program, and Departments such as Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Physics, Biological Sciences and Bio-

66 Annual Report 2004-2005

Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc. can provide the best combination to initiate a world class teaching and research academic program in Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering, once state of the art facilities are created.

It is proposed to initiate a new multidisciplinary facility for Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering at IIT Kanpur, with a focus on the following areas:

Green Technologies Assessment, monitoring and modeling of environmental quality Pollution control and remediation Health risk assessments due to modern technologies and products Ecological modeling, Atmospheric Sciences – monsoon dynamics, global warning, ozone depletion) Land reclamation Water Resources – groundwater as well as surface water Environmental Geosciences – Earth systems Environmental Chemistry

To attain these objectives, a comprehensive infrastructure facility including state-of– the-art laboratory will be required. The equipment proposed to be purchased will also be utilized for the on-going research activities in other Departments of the Institute.

National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education IIT Kanpur earnestly believes that every Institute of National Importance has an obligation to render necessary service to the country in a crisis. Our country is prone to large earthquakes, and we need to contain the risks this involves. A trained manpower development programme for earthquake risk mitigation, known as NPEEE (National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education), has been instituted by the Government of India. IIT Kanpur is the nodal agency for the entire gamut of NPEEE activities. The enthusiastic faculty members of the Institute have made enormous contribution in the Earthquake Engineering Education in the country. Their work in the Andaman Islands during the Tsunami calamity deserves deep appreciation.

Outreach and National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning Meaningful growth of an Institution depends on the kind of commitment it has made to the society at large. Benefits of academic excellence cannot remain restricted to the boundaries of the academic wall. In an electronic age that has seen the walls

67 Annual Report 2004-2005

razed down across states and countries, an institute like IIT Kanpur has a supreme role in providing leadership that addresses societal concerns. As part of our social responsibility, we want to share our expertise with fellow academic institutions across the country and abroad. Towards this goal, we have initiated an Outreach Education Program. Under this scheme, using the VSAT transmission technology, we are providing lecture courses in the area of engineering and biological sciences to the college and university students in the State of Chhattisgarh. IIT Kanpur is promise bound to transmit some advanced courses to the students of newly founded Pandit Dwarka Prasad Mishra Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Management (PDPMIIITDM), Jabalpur. IIT Kanpur is also participating in a new project, known as Indo-French Cyber University This will foster international collaboration in the areas of emerging technologies. The program will include transmission of courses between IIT-Kanpur and the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris). The courses will be taught in English to the advanced Master’s students in both countries by the French and Indian professors.

IIT Kanpur is also participating in the National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Knowledge grows faster when shared. The NPTEL (National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning) is an initiative of the MHRD to promulgate quality education among the Engineering Colleges of the country through the Video and Web-based learning material in some of the popular disciplines. In particular, MHRD wants to monitor the standard of Engineering Education in many colleges where well-trained faculty members are not available in many subjects. The task is bivalent in nature. On one hand, the standards of the colleges are to be uplifted, while on the other hand the courses have to be acceptable to the end users. Seven IITs and IISc Bangalore are the major players in this endeavor. The courses prepared at IIT Kanpur, are being transmitted through the educational TV Channel, Eklavya on regular basis. These courses have earned appreciation form a wide range of learners.


Undergraduate Admissions for all the B.Tech. M.Sc. (5-year integrated) and B.Tech.-M.Tech. (Dual Degree) programmes at IIT Kanpur for the academic session 2004-2005 were made by the Joint Admission Committee for all IITs and IT-BHU. The channels open for admission were:

68 Annual Report 2004-2005

Joint Entrance Examination 2004

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) was held on May 23, 2004. In the Northern Zone (B): IIT Kanpur, Candidates had registered.

The following offers of admission were made from IIT Kanpur:

Department/Disciplines Total Number of Candidates-Direct Admission Preparatory Course- Total Programmes JEE-2004 2003 Gen SC ST PH SC ST B.Tech. Aerospace Engg. 19 04 00 00 01 00 24 BSBE 21 02 00 00 00 0023 Chemical Engg. 31 06 00 00 05 00 42 Civil Engg. 43 02 00 00 08 00 53 Computer Sc. & Engg. 27 05 03 01 00 00 36 Electrical Engg. 50 10 05 00 00 00 65 Mechanical Engg. 38 07 02 00 01 03 51 Materials & Met. Engg. 48 00 00 00 09 00 57 M.Sc. Integrated Chemistry 15 00 00 00 01 0016 Mathematics & Scentific 26 00 00 00 01 00 27 Computing Physics 15 00 00 00 00 0017 Total 333 36 10 01 28 03 411 B.Tech.-M.Tech. (Dual Degree) Aerospace Engg. 06 01 00 00 01 00 08 Chemical Engg. 09 02 00 00 02 00 13 Civil Engg. 12 00 00 00 00 00 12 Computer Sc. & Engg. 21 04 02 00 00 00 27 Electrical Engg. 17 03 01 00 00 01 22 Mechanical Engg. 13 03 00 00 00 00 16 Total 78 13 03 00 03 01 98

69 Annual Report 2004-2005

Two-Year M.Sc. Programme Admissions to the 2-year M.Sc. and M.Sc.-Ph.D. (Dual Degree) programmes were made, as usual, on the basis of written test and interview, the department/discipline wise admissions were made only in the 1st Semester. Admission statistics for the M.Sc. (2 year) and M.Sc.-Ph.D. (Dual Degree) Physics programmes during 2004- 2005 are as under:

Sl. No. Department/Group Numbers of Admission Actual Number of Students Offered Joined M.Sc. (2-year) 1 Chemistry 25 24 2 Mathematics 25 24 3 Physics 36 33 4 Statistics 23 20 Total 109 101 M.Sc. – Ph. D. (Dual Degree) 1 Physics 11 11 Total 11 11

Post Graduate The number of students admitted to the Postgraduate Programme in the First and Second Semesters 2004-2005 is given below:


First Semester Second Semester Department / Group M.Tech. Ph.D. Total M.Tech. Ph.D. Total Aerospace Engg. 21 04 25 00 01 01 B.S.B.E. 07 02 09 00 00 00 Chemical Engg. 27 03 30 00 01 01 Civil Engg. 44 09 53 00 02 02 Computer Sc. & Engg. 50 04 54 00 00 00 Design (M.Des.) 12 00 12 00 00 00 Electrical Engg. 84 11 95 00 00 00 Mechanical Engg. 71 08 79 00 05 05 Materials & Met. Engg. 24 07 31 19 00 19 I.M.E. 11 05 16 00 00 00 Laser Technology 04 00 04 00 00 00

70 Annual Report 2004-2005

Material Science 06 05 11 06 00 06 N.E.T. 00 00 00 07 00 07 E.E.M. 19 00 19 00 00 00 M.B.A. (IME) 47 00 47 00 00 00 Total 427 58 485 32 9 41


First Semester Second Semester Department / Group M.Tech. Ph.D. Total M.Tech. Ph.D. Total Chemistry 00 28 28 00 26 26 Mathematics 00 13 13 00 00 00 Statistics 00 03 03 00 00 00 Physics 00 10 10 00 03 03

M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual 00 04 04 00 04 04 Degre in Physics H.S.S. 00 07 07 00 05 05 Total 00 65 65 00 38 38 Grand Total 427 123 550 32 47 79

The total department/programme wise strength of the Post Graduate students during the year 2004-2005 is given below:


First Semester Second Semester Department / Group M.Tech. Ph.D. Total M.Tech. Ph.D. Total Aerospace Engg. 52 31 83 47 31 78 B.S.B.E. 18 23 41 17 22 39 Chemical Engg. 57 31 88 51 31 82 Civil Engg. 98 41 139 87 39 126 Computer Sc. & Engg. 103 12 115 99 10 109 Electrical Engg. 178 44 222 167 42 209 Design (M.Des.) 22 00 22 22 00 22 Mechanical Engg. 131 45 176 115 48 163 Materials & Met. Engg. 71 32 103 76 32 108 I.M.E. 23 12 35 23 10 33 Laser Technology 13 00 13 10 00 10 Material Science 24 14 38 26 11 37

71 Annual Report 2004-2005

N.E.T. 19 03 22 19 02 21 E.E.M. 34 00 34 29 00 29 M.B.A. (IME) 75 00 75 75 00 75 Total 918 288 1206 863 278 1141


First Semester Second Semester Department / Group M.Tech. Ph.D. Total M.Tech. Ph.D. Total Chemistry 00 139 139 00 151 151 Mathematics & 00 59 59 00 56 56 Statistics Statistics 00 06 06 00 06 06 Physics 00 46 46 00 44 44 M.Sc.-Ph.D. Dual 00 16 16 00 20 20 Degree in Physics H.S.S. 00 40 40 00 46 46 Total: 00 306 306 00 323 323 Grand Total 832 594 1512 789 601 1464

Strength of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students during 2004 – 2005 – I:

UG B.Tech.- M.Sc. M.Sc.- M.Tech. Ph.D. M.Sc- Total Department (B.Tech. M.Tech 2-Yr. Ph.D. Ph.D (UG+PG) /Group M.Sc.-5 (Dual Dual Dual Yr.) Degree). Degree Degree

Aerospace 91 21 00 00 52 31 00 195 B.S.B.E. 22 00 00 00 18 23 00 63 Chemical 167 33 00 00 57 31 00 288 Chemistry 57 00 46 00 00 139 00 242 Civil 167 12 00 00 98 41 00 318 C.S.E. 159 76 00 00 103 12 00 350 Design (M.Des.) 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 22 E.E. 293 56 00 00 178 44 00 571 H.S.S. 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 40 Math. 86 00 40 00 00 59 00 185 Stat. 00 00 33 00 00 06 00 39

72 Annual Report 2004-2005

M.E. 221 62 00 00 131 45 00 459 M.M.E. 186 00 00 00 71 32 16 305 Physics 62 00 53 15 00 46 00 176 I,M.E. 00 00 00 00 23 12 00 35 Laser Tech. 00 00 00 00 13 00 00 13 M.S.P. 00 00 00 00 24 14 00 38 N.E.T. 00 00 00 00 19 03 00 22 E.E.M. 00 00 00 00 34 00 00 34 DIIT (EE) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 M.B.A. (I.M.E.) 00 00 00 00 75 00 00 75 Total 1511 260 172 15 918 594 16 3486


During the year 2004-2005, 830 students completed the requirements for the award of B.Tech., M.Sc., DIIT, MBA, M.Tech., and Ph.D. degrees as detailed below:

B.Tech. 280 M.Sc. (2 yr. & 5 yr.) 69 &27 96 MBA 28 M.Tech. 355 Ph.D. 61 M.Des. 10 Total : 830


The following Table gives a picture of the courses offered during 2004-2005 at the undergraduate as wall as postgraduate level:


Core Curriculum / First Second Summer Total Department Courses Sem. Sem. Core Courses run by various departments 29 22 06 57 Aerospace Engineering 08 12 00 20 B. S. B. E. 01 01 00 02 Chemical Engineering 08 12 00 20 Civil Engineering 12 14 00 26 Computer Science & Engineering 08 13 01 22

73 Annual Report 2004-2005

Electrical Engineering 11 10 01 22 Mechanical Engineering 11 15 01 27 Materials & Metallurgical Engineering 15 12 01 28 Chemistry 11 10 00 21 Mathematics 28 33 05 66 Physics 19 16 00 35 Humanities & Social Sciences 15 18 02 35 Industrial & Management Engineering 00 00 00 00 Nuclear Engineering & Technology 00 00 00 00 Materials Science Program 00 00 00 00 Laser Technology Program 00 00 00 00


Core Curriculum / First Sem. Total Second Sem. Department Courses Aerospace Engineering 12 18 30 Chemical Engineering 12 12 24 Civil Engineering 17 16 33 Computer Science & Engineering 14 11 25 Design (M.Des.) 05 03 08 Electrical Engineering 24 28 52 Environmental Engg. & Management 05 06 11 Mechanical Engineering 18 23 41 Materials & Metallurgical Engineering 19 13 32 Chemistry 13 15 28 Mathematics / Statistics 14 21 35 Physics 10 16 26 Humanities & Social Sciences 21 18 39 Industrial & Management Engineering 08 07 15 Materials Science Program 07 06 13 Nuclear Engineering & Technology 04 06 10 Laser Technology Program 03 03 06

UNDERGRADUATE The following statement shows promotion and detention of B.Tech., M.Sc. (Integrated) and B.Tech.-M.Tech. (Dual Degree), students in the academic year 2004-2005 (upto May, 2005)

74 Annual Report 2004-2005

Sl. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total No. Contents Year Year Year Year Year 1 Students strength at the 493 400 407 368 103 1171 beginning of the session 2 Students strength at the 487 396 398 370 85 1736 beginning of the 2nd semester 3 Students joined in 2nd 000 000 000 000 000 000 semester on migration 4 Number of students 01 03 02 000 000 06 withdrawn or on leave on medical ground in 1st and 2nd semesters 5 Number of students graduated 000 000 000 221 59 280

6 Number of students dismissed 02 03 000 01 000 06 due to poor performance in 1st 02 05 05 01 000 13 and 2nd semester

The following statement shows promotion and detention of M.Sc.(2-year) and M.Sc.(Dual Degree) students in the academic year 2004-2005(upto May, 2005)

Sl. Contents 1st Year 2nd Year Total No. 1 Students strength at the beginning of the session 112 75 187 2 Students strength at the beginning of the 2nd Sem. 106 77 183 3 Number of students dismissed in 1st semester 01 00 01 Number of students dismissed in 2nd semester 09 00 09 4 Number of students graduated in 1st semester 00 08 08 Number of students graduated in 2nd semester 00 61 61 5 Number of students dismissed in due to continued 00 00 00 absence from the programme

Following is the department-wise break-up of students who were awarded the degree at XXXVII Convocation held on 31-05-2005. Dr. K Kasturirangan, Director, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISC, Bangalore was the Chief Guest at the Convocation:

75 Annual Report 2004-2005

Department/ B.Tech. M.Sc. M.Sc. DIIT MBA M.Tech. Ph.D. TOTAL Discipline 5-Yr. 2-Yr. Aerospace Engg. 19 00 00 00 00 20 01 40 Bio. Science. & 00 00 00 00 06 00 06 Bio. Engg Chemical Engg. 42 00 00 00 00 32 01 75 Civil Engg. 25 00 00 00 00 44 04 73 Comp. Sc. & 37 00 00 00 00 37 01 75 Engg. Electrical Engg. 68 00 00 00 00 69 04 141 EEM 00 00 00 00 00 15 00 15 IME 00 00 00 00 28 20 01 49 Mechanical Engg. 59 00 00 00 00 53 07 119 MME 00 00 00 00 00 32 02 34 Materials Science 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 12 Nuclear Tech. 00 00 00 00 00 08 01 09 Prog. Laser Tech. Prog. 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 07 Chemistry 00 07 22 00 00 00 20 49 Mathematics 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 07 Maths. & Sci. 00 12 15 00 00 00 00 27 Comp. Physics 00 08 17 00 00 00 08 32 Statistics 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 15 HSS 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 04 TOTAL 280 27 69 00 28 355 61 820

76 Annual Report 2004-2005

Research and Development

The Institute has maintained a healthy growth rate in research and development over the years. During the financial year April 2004 to March 2005, 97 sponsored projects with funding commitment of Rs. 41.49 crores and 102 consultancy projects with funding commitment of Rs. 5.38 crores have been sanctioned.

IIT Kanpur has been identified as one of the nodal agencies under the National Program on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology to establish a Unit/Centre for Nanosciences in the Northern region of India. Budget for this Unit/Centre is approximately Rs.11.3 crores and the purpose is to create a state-of-the-art facility for preparation and characterization of nanomaterials that will enable researchers to undertake various nano-related projects and also attract participation from industry.

Noted Journalist and Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Arun Shourie has donated Rs 11 crores from his MPLAD funds for establishment of Environmental Sciences & Engineering Department at IIT Kanpur. A separate green building will be constructed using various energy conservation, natural lighting and cooling measures. The new department will focus on research related to different facets of local and global environmental problems.

Details of some of the major projects sanctioned last year are as follows:


“Technology Mission on Rail Safety ” initiated by the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development and a consortium comprising of (i) academic and research institutions (ii) railways organizations and (iii) industry with IIT Kanpur as the nodal agency. Technology development in the areas of traction and rolling stock, tracks and bridges, signals and communications and fog vision instrumentation have been identified as the mission programs.

“Development of PLG[Poly (dl-lactide-co-glycolide)] for nanocapsulation of Tuberculosis drug for sustained release of drug delivery system” funded by the Department of Science and Technology, India, aims at cost effective indigenous scale up process involving a CEM Microwave reactor for the production of synthesis of Poly – (dl-lactide-co-glycolide) in kilogram quantities.

77 Annual Report 2004-2005

The above mentioned polymer forms a class of biodegradable polymers which being biodegradable, non-toxic to bio-systems offers a variety of applications in medical technologies viz. biodegradable implants, sutures and in coating of drugs to achieve sustained release of drugs used in treatment in Tuberculosis.

“Design, Fabrication, Magnetic and Magneto-transport Studies of Spintronic alloys, oxides, and chalcogenides: A Pulsed Electron Deposition Approach” funded by Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) aims at fabrication of multilayer nanostructures of ferromagnetic and spacer layers employing the Pulsed Electron Deposition technique. Another objective is to develop new hybrid nano-hetero-structure of alloys and oxide thin films to study the magnetic and magneto-transport effects for fabrication of GMR devices circuit chips to produce highly integrated GMR sensors at low cost.

“Development of a multi modal Biometric system for human identification which integrates at least four traits such as face, finger-prints, signature and iris in making a personal identification.(one to many matching) viz. fingerprint, face, iris and signature.” funded by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, New Delhi.

“A Portable Model of Primary Healthcare Delivery” funded by Media Lab Asia has the following components:

Sehat Saathi: This is prototype software for acquiring patient data and real-time doctor patient communication to enable diagnosis and treatment. Thus all the patient data, details of clinical tests, diagnosis and treatment go into the database and are capable of being retrieved (the retrieval system has not been developed). Package of Diagnostic devices and Processes: A package of devices/processes has been identified as being required for the purpose and is a mix of both digital and conventional methods. The digital devices come with their own software for display of data. They do not need any additional software to be developed for this purpose. Preventive Health and Health Promotion: Patient education, information on health and Disease, Care of chronic cases, pain management, Health screening, tele-counseling etc. form an intrinsic component of the system. Many multi- media information films have been developed. Deployment: It has become essential to train a local person, who has a commitment to the area and its people. Accordingly, a portable model has been developed which is capable of being operated by such a person.

78 Annual Report 2004-2005

“Development of Independent Component Analysis Based Blind Source Separation Algorithms for Audio/Image Separations” funded by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. In most of the real-world situations, audio and image signals are embedded in noise and are sometimes even mixed. These mixtures can be of images/audio signals and noise. The main aim of the Project is to develop new neuron model based Blind-Source- Separation (BSS) algorithms which are able to separate the audio and image mixtures.

“Ultrafast Pulse Shaping Approaches to Coherent Control of Molecular Systems for achieving quantum computation” sponsored by Department of Science and Technology under the Swarnajayanti fellowship scheme. This project aims to develop the optical analogue of NMR spectroscopic schemes to demonstrate logic at molecular levels through their control. As a part of the project, a supersonic molecular beam setup will be built which will interact with ultrafast shaped pulses. “Quantum computing with ultra fast pulse shaping technology” sponsored by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology is an initiative to develop ultra fast tunable shaped pulses as an approach to quantum computations. Femtosecond pulses are shaped in the Fourier domain with microsecond radio frequency pulses through feedback accousto-optic modulation scheme so that they can impart or execute logic in quantum system.


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency has sponsored a project on treatment of domestic wastewater in India. The objective of the project is to review existing domestic wastewater treatment practices and case studies in domestic wastewater treatment through UASB process in India.

Patents Granted to IIT Kanpur Faculty during the financial year 2004-2005

A Magneto-Resistive CrO2 Polymer Composite Blend (US 6793841); Microwave Filter Having a Temperature Compensating Element (US 6734766); Process for the Recovery of Inorganic Compounds from Kraft Liquor (189310); A Current Prediction Device for Parallel Resonant DC Link Motors (189403); A Resonant DC Link Inverter Device for Power Supply and AC Motor Drive (189404); A Process of

79 Annual Report 2004-2005

Depositing Polycrystalline Carbon Film Resembling a Diamond Film on Stainless Steel Substrate (191198).

Major Multi-disciplinary Facilities Added During the Financial Year 2004-2005 are:

1. Affymetrix GeneChip System

The GeneChip® Instrument System is a fully integrated platform for conducting expression analysis studies using GeneChip Probe Arrays. The system consists of a GeneChip® Scanner 3000, a Fluidics Station 450, a Hybridization Oven 640 and a powerful computer workstation loaded with GeneChip® Operating Software (GCOS). Drosophila genome version 2.0 chips are used for experiments. These oligonucleotide spotted GeneChips allow the monitoring of the expression levels of more than 16,000 Drosophila genes at the same time. The GeneChip Scanner 3000 incorporates advanced design improvements with speed, superior performance, saving of space and lower scanner-to-scanner variation to dramatically improve throughput and efficiency in genetic analysis. It provides more accurate gridding and more consistent scanner-to-scanner biological performance, improving data integrity and data sharing between researchers. Combined with the GeneChip Autoloader, the GeneChip Scanner 3000 also provides sample tracking, temperature control and walk away freedom during scanning. The scanner is also designed to accommodate future advancements in GeneChip technology. The GCOS software allows full control of instrumentation as well as basic analysis and filtering of data.

2. Automated DNA Sequencing Facility

The ultimate goal of genome research is to map all the genes in the DNA sequence for various model organisms and to develop tools for using this information in the study of human biology and medicine. A high throughput DNA sequencer (CEQ 8000 from Beckman Coulter) has been acquired, which is a fully automated genetic analysis system. This system automatically fills the capillary array with a patented linear polyacrylamide (LPA) gel, denatures and loads the sample, applies the voltage program, and analyzes the data. Software tools help in rapidly reviewing data quality and even customize automated data assessment. This system is equipped to perform sequence run for 96 samples in 24 hours. The following analyses can be done using this system.

80 Annual Report 2004-2005

· De Novo DNA Sequencing · Heterozygote Detection · Confirmatory Sequencing · Mutation Analysis · Allele Identification · SNP Scoring · Microsatellite Instability · AFLP Fingerprinting · Gene Expression

The CEQ800 system uses standard chain termination sequencing methodology like the radio-active method but employs new detection and sampling technologies. The labels attached to the ddNTPs are different fluorophores. Therefore it is possible to carry out the four sequencing reactions - for A, C, G and T - in a single tube and to load all four families of molecules into just one capillary, as the fluorescent detector can discriminate between the different labels and hence determine if each band represents an A, C, G or T. The sequence can be read directly as the bands pass in front of the detector and sent straight to a computer for analyses. These data files can be opened in several third party software packages for further analyses.

3. Malvern's Spraytec Particle Analyzer

Malvern's Spraytec combines the proven technique of laser diffraction particle characterization with high concentration data inversion routines for the analysis of sprays with rapidly changing concentrations. Spraytec is ideally suited for the study of fuel sprays and aerosols. Laser beam passing through the spray gets scattered and the scattered light is collected over a series of photo-detectors (receiver). The amount of scattered light on each of the detector is measured and particle size distribution is obtained on this basis. Using the principle of Mie scattering theory and a diode laser to produce a beam of 670 nm wavelength, the instrument has a measuring rate of 2500 Hz (max.) and obscuration level of upto 95%. The instrument allows study of transient phenomenon and very dense sprays and can measure particle sizes upto 0.5 m to 1000 m. The system has been installed in the propulsion laboratory of the Aerospace Engineering department for development, characterization and testing of fuel atomizers. This facility is being used by Mechanical, Chemical and BSBE departments.

81 Annual Report 2004-2005

4. AFM/STM Facility

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) /Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) has revolutionized the field of interfacial surface science by enabling direct, high- resolution visualization of surface morphology of variety of surfaces in air, in various solutions and gas environments. Besides topography, AFM imaging is also capable of distinguishing areas that have different chemical phases, physical properties like elasticity, stiffness, hardness, and can image magnetic domains and conductivity in nanoscale. AFM provides a quick way to obtain high-resolution images with little or no sample preparation. With the advent of the new technologies simplifying the preparation and handling of numerous sample types, the use of this powerful technique is becoming widespread in materials and biological research. AFM/STM facility at IIT Kanpur was established in January 2002 and is equipped with Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) system made by Molecular Imaging, Inc (USA). Contact mode, Acoustic AC (AAC) mode, Magnetic AC (MAC) mode, Pulse Force Mode (PFM) and Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) are the available modes. The modular design of the microscope, scanner and environmental control equipment, motivated by the need for flexible in-fluid work and in controlled atmosphere, makes this facility very versatile. It has a wide range of both AFM and STM capabilities for examining sample surfaces and to conduct force spectroscopy and tunneling spectroscopy experiments of conducting or semi conducting surfaces with atomic resolution. AFM is used in structural and molecular biology, materials science research and molecular interactions studies through force spectroscopy.

5. SQUID Laboratory

The Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) based Magnetic Properties Measurement System (MPMS) is a highly integrated instrument system specified for experimental and materials characterization tasks that require highest detection sensitivity over a broad temperature range (1.7K-350K) and in applied magnetic fields as high as 5 tesla (50,000 Gauss). In fact these devices are powerful enough to measure the small magnetic fields around the human heart and brain. The SQUID laboratory has a complementary technique to characterize the electron transport properties of materials. It is called the Physical Properties Measurements System (PPMS). This integrated facility with such low-temperature and high-field capability is the first of its kind in India.

82 Annual Report 2004-2005

6. CEM Voyager Stopflow System

The system along with discover microwave reaction module provides specific designs that satisfies the need to scale up organic reactions with energy in a safe, controlled and consistent method. It is made fit to do reactions with liquid, slurries and solid reagents, scaling up the reaction from 10 ml to 80 ml with same parameters and same yield. The additional feature is the Investigator System, a Raman spectroscopy system, featuring a compact 785nm laser diode and a CCD detector to offer the smallest and most cost-effective Raman system. This technique allows the analytical interrogation of reactions through in situ real time analysis with microwave-enhanced chemistry. Reaction conditions can be controlled and adjusted based on product formation, starting material depletion, reactant uptake, or other critical parameters.

7. Pulsed Electron Deposition Unit for Thin Film Nanostructures

Pulsed Electron Deposition technique allows penetration of a high power electron beam approximately 1m into the target material (ablation) and can be computer controlled for maximum reproducibility. This technique provides a unique platform for depositing thin films of complex materials on a variety of technologically important substrates, with a unique strength of extending the range of materials including multi component metal oxides, complex alloys and novel polymers. Non- equilibrium extraction of target material (ablation) facilitates stoichiometric deposition.

8. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC)

The technique is used for separation and quantification of non-volatile organic compounds. Movement of organic compounds with any solvent under the capillary action on a stationary plate coated with porous materials (Silica Gel/ RP/ Cellulose etc.) depends on two factors: a) Polarity of Coating material (Stationary Phase), Solvent system (Mobile Phase) and the organic compound (Sample). b) Molecular weight of the compound (Heavier compounds will rise less) Molecules of different compounds rise to different levels on a stationary plate under the capillary action with mobile phase. Each molecule of a compound has same affinity to mobile / stationary phase, and hence, all molecules of a specific compound rise to same level on the plate. As a result, such development separates all the compounds in layers and they appear at different heights on the plate. The

83 Annual Report 2004-2005

compounds separated in different layers can further be quantified by absorbance study under UV-visible spectrum. In recent past, IIT Kanpur has strengthened its relations with many international institutes and organizations through research collaborations and signed memorandum of understanding.

Core International Inc., USA – Power Distribution System Training in India. Old Dominion University, USA - Exchange Programs and Collaborative Research. Cromoz Inc., USA – Design and Development of Bioinformatics Tools. Det Norske Veritas As - Research & Development in Information and Communication Technology. Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo , Collaborative Research. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology- Science and Engineering Education. Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Research on Wastewater Treatment and Management. Le Group Des Mines (GEM) France – Academic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada- for Research Collaboration Exchange Programs. UNICEF - Research and Development on Home Defluoridation. Gwamgju Institute of Science & Technology, United Nations University, Republic of Korea - Risk Characterization Using Blood Lead Level / Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic. Memorandum of Understanding have also been signed with many national institutions like National Innovation Foundation (NIF), Ahmedabad; CRISIL Ltd, Mumbai; Gujarat state Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA), gandhinagar; Chattisgarh Infotech etc.

List of MOU signed with International Companies based in India is:

Google Online India Private Limited - business strategy and cooperation in India. Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Private Limited, Bangalore - research and development activities. Advanced Refining Technologies LLC (“ART”), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited and and Chevron U.S.A.Inc., for Industry Sponsored Joint Research and Development & Exchange Program.

84 Annual Report 2004-2005

List of major sponsored and consultancy projects sanctioned during the financial year 2004-2005 is provided below.


A. National Projects







“DEVELOPMENT OF A GENERAL PURPOSE CFD CODE” funded by DAE, Total cost Rs. 2,83,00,000



85 Annual Report 2004-2005










“FIST PROGRAM” funded by DST, Total cost Rs. 1,60,00,000

86 Annual Report 2004-2005

“UNIT ON NANO-SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY” funded by DST, Total cost Rs. 11,13,65,000






“A PORTABLE MODEL OF PRIMARY HEALTHCARE DELIVERY ” funded by MLA, Total cost Rs. 1,02,92,400

“TECHNOLOGY MISSION ON RAIL SAFETY” funded by MHRD and Ministry of Railways, Total cost Rs. 26, 50,00,000

B. International Projects



87 Annual Report 2004-2005




A. National Projects



“ HEXAPOD WALKING ROBOT” funded by CMERI, Total cost Rs. 5,94,000





“DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE TOOL” funded by APTECH, Total cost 9,00,000

88 Annual Report 2004-2005

“SOLUTION OF HPT-32 ENGINE CUT-OFF PROBLEM”, funded by RCMA, Total cost 9,89,000


“PROGRAM CHECKING”, funded by MICROS, Total cost Rs. 13,87,090







“AOD STAINLESS STEEL”, funded by JINDAL, Total cost Rs. 150,00,000

B. International Projects

“ CROMOZ MOU CONSULTANCY” , funded by CRUMOZ, Total cost Rs. 39,15,000 “SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY SYNTHESIS OF FRAGMENTS”, funded by NRGN, Total cost Rs. 55,00,000

89 Annual Report 2004-2005

Alumni Association Activities

The Alumni Association of IIT Kanpur organizes a number of activities for the present students and the Alumni. The activities for the year 2004-05 are summarized here:


The 28th Annual Convention of Alumni Association was held on 27th December 04. Alumni from India and abroad, attended the annual convention with enthusiasm and nostalgia. The visiting alumni interacted with the students and the faculty, both formally and informally, and also visited the various Institute facilities and departments. An alumni archival exhibition was also setup to mark this occasion.


The Annual General Body Meeting of the Association was held on the occasion of 28th Annual Alumni Convention. The meeting was chaired by the Vice President Mr Anurag Goel, Secretary Prof Ashok Khanna presented the annual report of activities while Prof Vinayak Eswaran, Treasurer presented the statement of accounts. Bye- laws have been amended to permit Alumni Association's global members to vote on any issue through secure e-voting or postal voting if they are not physically present at the time of voting.


The Distinguished Alumnus Award is presented every year at the time of the Annual Alumni Convention, Nomination are invited in various areas of pursuits which are presented before a committee appointed by the Director. Dr S G Dhande, Director IIT Kanpur constituted the following Distinguished Alumnus Award Evaluation Committee for the year 2004- 05:

Professor S G Dhande, Director, IIT Kanpur Chairman Mr Mukhtar-Ul-Amin, Super House Ltd, Kanpur Member Mr Rakesh Bhan, BOG Nominee Member Dr Prawal Sinha, Professor and Head, Member Department of Mathematics, IIT Kanpur Dr C Venkatesan, Dean of Students Affair, IIT Kanpur Member Dr Ashok Khanna, Secretary, Alumni Association Member- Secretary

90 Annual Report 2004-2005

The committee selected the following two alumni for the Distinguished Alumnus Award:

Pawan Kumar Goenka (BT/ME/75), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

For his outstanding and all round contributions in the field of the Vehicle Design & Development and Engine Tribology. Ajay Kumar (PHD/AE/74), Director, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics and Acoustics Competency, NASA Langley Research Centre Hampton, Virginia, USA

For his outstanding and phenomenal contributions to the world of aviation industry and especially for his significant contribution in the development of X-43A, a hypersonic scramjet-powered research aircraft designed to fly at a speed up to Mach 10.


Satyendra K Dubey Memorial Award has been established by the Board of Governors, IIT Kanpur for exemplary service to humanity and for upholding human values.


The Silver Jubilee Reunion of the Class-of-80 was held on December 27-28,04 which completed 25 years of its graduation was held at IITK. A cheque of Rs 75 lakh was handed over to the Director by the class-of-80. This money will go towards the Alumni Centre Building.

The 35th Year Reunion of the Class-of-70 which completed thirty five years of graduation was organized by the Association on January 1-2, 05. About 75 alumni along with their family members came from all over the world to attend the reunion.

The 1970 batch committed itself to a target collection of Rs 1 crore for developing the soft skills of the IITK students.

This year the 15th Year Reunion of the Class-of-90 was organized jointly with the 35th Year Reunion. The 1990 batch has donated Rs 20 Lakhs towards the furnishing of the Auditorium building.

91 Annual Report 2004-2005

Alumni from all over the world attended these reunions most of them accompanied with their families. The visiting alumni interact with the students and the faculty, both formally and informally, and also visit the various Institute facilities and departments. The Director hosted a lunch in honour of the visiting alumni at his residence. The alumni were also hosted Hall III.


A Kelkar Alumni Lecture is organized every year in the honour of Prof P K Kelkar, Founder Director, IIT Kanpur. The 23rd Kelkar Alumni Lecture was organized on April 05, 04 and was delivered by Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, Founder, Sulabh Sanitation Movement on 'Endeavors in Environmental Sanitation'.


The Alumni Association organized Nostalgia to bid farewell to the graduating students on April 05, 04 following the Kelkar Alumni Lecture. The programme included a farewell speech by the Director and the Secretary of Alumni Association, presentation of mementoes, group photographs and a farewell dinner. Nostalgia is sponsored by the Institute, Student Gymkhana and the Alumni Association.


Alumni Association has various chapters all over the world and the Alumni Associaton helps them organize their get-togethers. This year get-togethers and picnics were organized at chapters like Bangalore - Vijay Anand - [email protected], Delhi - Gyanesh Choudhary - [email protected], Jaipur - Deepak Sogani - [email protected], Hydrebad-Secundrebad - Satyam Suvas - [email protected], [email protected], Mumbai - Tarun Desai - [email protected],[email protected].

The Secretary attended the chapter get-togethers at Pune- Dr Pradeep - [email protected] and Meerut - Abhay K Gupta - [email protected]. A Aloo paratha breakfast was organized in the Hall I mess @ IITK to revive the Kanpur chapter. At a follow up meeting a core group of Kanpur alumni was formed. Mr Ashok Bajaj, GM of UPSIDC - [email protected] agreed to be the Kanpur chapter coordinator.

92 Annual Report 2004-2005

Prof S G Dhande, Director, IIT Kanpur with Prof G K Lal, Director of Alumni Relations visited seven US chapter in May this year. The details of the chapters they visited are as follows: SF Bay Area - May 8, Ajay [email protected], Los Angeles - May 9, Saurabh Tewari [email protected], Dallas - May 11 Samir Bhargava [email protected], Chicago - May 13, Ajay Gupta [email protected], Sanjeev Maddila - [email protected], Jaideep Srivastava [email protected], Cleveland - May 15, Ajay Gupta [email protected], Washington -May 17, Ranjan Pant [email protected], Boston - May 19, Rakesh Pandey [email protected], New York - May 21, Ram Misra [email protected]. These events started with a presentation of the current vision of IITK followed by a discussion/feedback session over lunch or dinner.


The Alumni Association publishes an e-version of its Newsletter which is being e- mailed to all alumni on a bi-monthly basis. Regular features of Newsletter include Secretary's Message, Newsmakers, Faculty & Students corner, Alumni chapter and Campus News, PAN IIT events, Books authored to count a few.


The Association maintains the database of all its alumni. The Alumni Association is in contact with approximately 60% of the alumni.


The Association has its own website which is presently hosted in the US and is financially supported by the IIT Kanpur Foundation. New features as per the need/desire/ suggestions of alumni are being developed and their contents uploaded regularly. Alumni Association was also represented at PAN -IIT 2004 held in New Delhi.

93 Annual Report 2004-2005

Central Facilities


P. K. Kelkar Library is housed with all modern amenities, in a magnificent three- storied building covering an area of 6873 square meters. With the growth in the collection, the Library is bursting at its seams. A proposal for an annex building to the Library is under active consideration. I the meantime, basement of the Library, earlier occupied by Graphic Arts, is predominantly used for stocking compact journal collections up to1970, excepting HSS. The Library has been rendering essential support to the academic, research and development programme of the Institute. The Library remains open, for 358 days of the year, from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight on all working days; 9 a.m. to 12 midnight on Saturday; 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on Sundays and Gazetted holidays, and for 24 hours during the three examinations each semester.


A total of 8672 volumes including 4080 books and 4592 bound journals were added to the collection during 2004-2005. The budget of Rs. 100 lacs was fully utilized for procurement of books.


The periodicals budget for 2004-2005 continued to be Rs. 5.5 crores with additional grant of 20.00 lacs made available by NBHM. The Library subscribed to 1468 current periodicals for the year 2005. Of these 578 are print versions, whereas 877 are print plus on-line and 13 are on-line only. The Library added 4592 bound volumes to its periodicals holdings. Besides, 2715 books and 1645 old periodicals were also bound.



The books added to the Library collection are displayed on the first working day of each week and a weekly `List of Additions’ is published. The current issues of the journals are also displayed, as usual, on alternate days thrice a week.

94 Annual Report 2004-2005


During the year 2004-2005, 60567 publications were circulated for home study. As usual, a large number of books and journals from reference, textbook, and general collection areas were consulted by users within the Library. Circulation facility is also extended to the superannuating faculty against a token deposit.


Inter-Library Loan (ILL) services are extended free to sister IITs, IISc, TIFR, BARC and other technical institutions & universities. During 2004-2005, ILL (OUT) requests for 347 articles/chapters were received and processed from the host of Institutions, whereas ILL (IN) requests for 68 articles/chapters were made to other libraries. Complimentary copies of CAS services, departmental work etc. accounted for 98,817 xerox copies.

Individual and institutional membership of the Library was made available to 1402 external users.


An on-line catalogue to back volumes of journals for creating a retrospective data file is under way. Besides, a database for CD-ROMs, received in the Library as accompanying material to books, journals, archival volumes of on-line databases, conference proceedings, books only on CD-ROM etc. using WINISIS software is under process.


The User Services module of the IIT Kanpur Library Automation System (iitKLAS) has been re-engineered and available on Web-based platform. The Catalogue search, current contents, journal subscription queries can be accessed through web. The new version of circulation Module, in Java/Jsp, is in the process of development. Digital library initiatives help provide accessibility to the on-line journals from various publishers/Vendors, including INDEST, the MHRD Consortia. Our Library is also accessible to out side community through web: http://[email protected]/ but with limited services.

95 Annual Report 2004-2005


Computer Center at IIT Kanpur is a central facility that caters to the computing needs of the faculty members and the students for their research and teaching. It also manages Internet and campus LAN infrastructure. It provides several popular applications like email and web access. It currently supports more than 5000 users.

For high performance computing, Computer Center has acquired a large 96-node cluster from SUN. Each node is a dual-Opteron 2.4 GHz CPU with 4GB RAM, and 36 GB disk. It runs Linux on all nodes and there is master node, which runs SUN Grid Engine software to manage access to the cluster.

Computer Center has about 200 PCs running Linux or Window 2000 Operating System. All the computers in the Center are connected through a 100 Mbps switched network. About half the PCs are based on Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz processor with 256MB RAM, and the other half are based on Intel Pentium 4 with Hyper threading, 3.4GHz processor with 1GB RAM.

Computer Center supports an institute-wide 6000 points, 100 Mbps, fiber optic network that connects all academic departments, central library, student hostels, R&D hostel, and visitors’ hostel, lecture halls and all administrative sections. This is one of the largest campus networks in an academic institute. Connectivity to faculty residences is provided through ADSL. For other residential users, both inside and outside the campus, dialup service is provided. For Internet access, we have a leased line of 34Mbps capacity from VSNL, and an additional 2Mbps from ERNET. IIT Kanpur is one of the best connected campuses in India. We also provide wireless access in several important buildings on campus.

Computer Center also has a specialized Virtual Reality Lab, for researchers in visualization and other similar needs. This includes an excellent 3-D projection facility, with a backend graphics engine, and two SGI advanced workstations for development work.

Computer Center provides email and web access facilities to all its users. Faculty members have access to all CC facilities for the life time.

Computer Center operates 24 hours a day, 365 days an year. It has a power back up through a 270 KVA UPS and a 320 KVA generator set. Air conditioning is provided by the central air conditioning plant and split air conditioners.

96 Annual Report 2004-2005


Computers in the Center have broadly been divided in various categories based on the activity supported by them. The broad categories and servers with configuration in each of the categories are listed below:

Central File Server

1. SUN V440 4* 1.28 GHz UltraSparc IIIi processors, 8 GB RAM, 6TB SAN storage with tape backup facility. Compute Servers

1. SUN Cluster Master nodes (2): SUN V40z, AMD Opteron Dual Processor 2.4 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 3X146 GB Disk

Compute nodes (96): SUN V20z, AMD Opteron Dual Processor 2.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 36 GB Disk.

2. SGI Origin 3400 16 MIPS R12000 processors, 8GB RAM, 108GB disk, Graphics engine for Virtual Reality Lab.

3. HP 9000/ L-3000 4 PA_RISC processors at 550 MHz, 2GB RAM, 108GB disk 4. IBM RS 6000 4 Processors, 2GB RAM, 108GB disk

5. Compaq ES40 4 Alpha Processors at 667 MHz, 2GB RAM, 108 GB disk

Application Servers

1 Internal web server (web) Dual-Xeon, 2.0 GHz, 1GB RAM, 36GB disk 2 External web server (www) Dual-Xeon, 3.06GHz, 4GB RAM, 72GB disk 3 Personal webpages - edit P4, 3.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB disk (webhome)

97 Annual Report 2004-2005

4 Personal webpages – display P4, 3.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB disk (home) 5 Remote access server (access) Dual-Xeon, 2.0GHz, 1GB RAM, 90GB disk 6 Students Gymkhana server Dual-Xeon, 2.0GHz, 1GB RAM, 90GB (navya) disk 7 Web proxy (proxy) Dual-Xeon, 3.2GHz, 4GB RAM, 292GB disk 8 Web proxy (vsnlproxy) Dual-Xeon, 3.2GHz, 4GB RAM, 292GB disk 9 Web proxy (ernetproxy) Dual-Xeon, 2.0GHz, 1GB RAM, 90GB disk 10 Mailbox server (mailhost) Dual-Xeon,3.06GHz,4GB RAM, 360GB disk 11 Lists server (lists) P4, 3.6GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB disk 12 Web-based mail service Dual-Xeon, 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM, 72GB (webmail) disk 13 Windows Server 1 (CCNT1) Dual-Xeon, 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM, 72GB disk 14 Windows Server 2 (CCNT4) Dual-Xeon, 2.8GHz, 4GB RAM, 72GB disk 15 FTP server (ftp) Dual-Xeon, 3.06GHz, 4GB, 146GB disk 16 External DNS server (ns1) P4, 3.6GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB disk 17 Internal DNS, YP server (nis) Dual-Xeon, 3.2GHz, 4GB, 292GB disk 18 Outgoing mail server (mail2) P4, 3.6GHz, 2GB RAM, 80GB disk

Servers for Office/Library/Digital Library Automation

1. HP L-1000 PA-RISC 8500@360 MHz, 512 MB RAM, 27GB HDD.

2. SUN E-450 (OA, Digital Lib.) Four sparc @ 400 Mhz, 2GB RAM,36 GB HDD one 1000 storage with 12 X 18 GB. 3. Zenith One up (NT server) 2 Pentium-Pro processors, 1 GB RAM, 12 GB HDD.

4. PCs (150) in admin sections 486 Pentiums with varying configurations.

98 Annual Report 2004-2005

5. Sun E250 (data vault) 2 Spare II Processor, 1 GB RAM, 216 GB HDD in RAID.

6. Compaq ML 530 server Server for thin clients.

7. Compaq thin clients 125 thin clients for Office Automation.


Computer Center has two spam filtering hardware from Barracuda Networks.

Computer Center also supports campus networking, and has one main switch, firewall, router, 45 distribution switches, and over 400 access switches.


Database packages- Oracle, Ingress CAD/CAM and solid modeling package- I-Deas, Autocad FEM Packages- Nastran, MSC Mark CFD Packages- Fluent Tool to solve symbolic mathematical equations- Mathematica, Math Cad Simulation- Arena, Solversuite, Gams, Cplex Chemical Process modeling – Aspen plus Statistical Analysis Packages- Statistica, SPSS, SAS Numerical Libraries – NAG Graphic Presentation – Tecplot, Origin Deform-3D Atila, Maple, Adobe Digital video studio, Macromedia Director, Macromedia dream viewer, 3D studio Max 5.1 Katia, Toleran, Chemcad Autocad 2002, Mechanical desktop, Land Desktop GE04, Magic RP

Most flavours of Unix operating systems-AIX, Solaris, Irix, HP-UX, True64 Unix, Linux Windows 2000 and Windows NT environments, Office Suites- Applixware, Staroffice, Office 2000, Mathype

99 Annual Report 2004-2005

Compilers-NAG Compiler, Fujitsu Fortran Compiler, Visual Studios (C, C++, Pascal, Ada, Fortran-77, Fortran-90, Java, etc.) Most of the popular Microsoft Products-Front Page, Back Office, Project, etc. Abaqus 6.4 All the softwares which come with RedHat/Mandrake Linux distributions Anti Virus-Norton, Symantec Antivirus for mail gateway

We have site licenses for Solaris, Sun Forte Compiler suite (C, C++, HPC), NAG libraries, and NAG compilers. Acrobat 6.0 Win 50 users license. Protector Plus Antivirus 3000 user license.


The Center for Development of Technical Education continued its multifaceted activities. Under Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) 07 candidates in M.Tech. and 02 in Ph.D. are admitted to various departments. The Curriculum Development Cell (CDC) approved 09 text book writing proposals in addition to the 10 projects which had been sanctioned earlier. The work for both proposals is under progress. During the last financial year 04, book writing projects have been completed is given below. Through the Continuing Education Programme numerous short-term courses, conferences and workshops were organized. A List of all short-term courses and workshops/conferences/seminars is given below.


Book writing projects continued - 10 Proposal approved during the year - 09 Book writing Projects Completed - 04 during the year

100 Annual Report 2004-2005


S. Coordinator(s) N. Title of the Course Department Duration 1 Dr. Binayak Rath Environmental Economics and (HSS) May 17- Environmental Impact 24, 2004 Assessment 2 Dr B. Dasgupta Scientific Computing with (ME) June 07- & MATLAB (CC) 12, 2004 Dr. R. Tiwari 3 Dr. Lilavati Communication Skills for (HSS) Oct. 15- Krishnan Engineers 21, 2004 4 Dr. V. K. Jain Advanced Machining Process (ME) Oct. 18- 23, 2004 5 Dr Avinash Alternative Fuels and Emissions (ME) Nov. 24- Agarwal Control 28, 2004 6 Dr. T. K. Advanced Computation (AE) Dec. 14- Sengupta Dynamics 18, 2004 7 Dr. Nandini The Finite Element Method in (EE) Dec. 15- Gupta & Electrical Engineering 19, 2004 Dr. A R Harish Applications 8 Dr. A. Power Metallurgy Processing of (MME) Dec. 20- Upadhyaya Materials 25, 2004 9 Dr. Sudhir Misra Advances in Teaching Cement (CE) Feb. 13- and Concrete 19, 2005 10 Dr. D P Mishra Combustion-generated Emission (AE) Feb. 21- and Its Control 25, 2005 11 Dr. B. Basu Materials for High Temperature (MME) Mar. 12- Applications 15, 2005

101 Annual Report 2004-2005


S. Coordinator(s) Course title Department Duration N. 1 Dr. P. Revenue Management Practice in (IME) April 05- Ramachandran the Airline Industry 08, 2004 2 Dr. Kalyanmoy Genetic Algorithms for (ME) April 07- Deb Engineering Optimization 09, 2004 3 Drs. Anoop Challenges and Implementation (IME) April 10- Singh Issues Post Electricity Act 2003: (IME) 14, 2004 4 A. K. Mittal Regulatory, Policy and Technical Solutions

5 Dr. Vinod Tare Waste Management and EIA (CE) May 06- 22, 2004 6 Drs. S N Singh & Electric Power Distribution: (EE) May 10- S C Srivastava Reforms, Automation and Mgmt. 14, 2004 7 Dr. T V Software Architecture – Do and (CSE) May 24- Prabhakar Describe held at Bangalore (M.Des) 28, 2004 Dr. P Nagaraju 8 Dr. Durgesh C. Introduction to Earthquake Engg (CE) June 01- Rai for UP Polytechnic Teachers 05, 2004 9 Dr. Sudhir K. Seismic Design of Buildngs (CE) June 23- Jain 26, 2004

10 Dr. Ashutosh SERC School on Modeling of (ChE) July 12- Sharma Industrial Reactors 17, 2004 11 Dr. D. Kunzru Modeling of Industrial Reactions (ChE) July 12- 18, 2004 12 Dr. CVR Murty One Semester Programme on (CE) July 25- “Earthquake –Resistant Design” Dec. 10,2004 13 Dr. J.N. Moorthy DST – PAC Meeting (Chem) July 30 – Aug. 02, 04 14 Dr. A K Sharma Methodology of Writing Reposts (HSS) Aug. 21- 22, 2004

102 Annual Report 2004-2005

15 Dr. A.K. Mallik Refresher Courses in Mechanical (ME) Sept.2004 Engg. At Site -Mar. 05 16 Shri Santosh Course for Professional Civil (IWD) Oct. 26- Kumar Engineers 28, 2004 17 Dr. CVR Murty Seismic Design of Steel (CE) Sept. 27- Structures Oct. 01, 2004 18 Dr. A.K. Mittal Maternal Management of Indian (IME) Oct. 10 – Railway Officers Nov.11, 2004 19 Drs. S. Sangal & Principles and Applications of (MME) Oct. 11- R K Ray Quantitative Microscopy and 15, 2004 Texture of Metallic Materials (AMITEX 2004) 20 Dr. Ashutosh SERC School on Colloids and (ChE) Oct. 18- Sharma Interfaces: Fundamentals and 23, 2004 Research Challenges 21 Dr. S. S K. Iyer Plasma Processes for IC (EE) Oct. 30- Fabrication 31, 2004 22 Dr. Vinod Tare Air Pollution (CE) Nov. 12- 13, 2004 23 Dr. T V Topics in Software Architecture (CSE) Nov. 15- Prabhakar (held at New Delhi) 16, 2004 24 Dr. CVR Murty Career Opportunities in (CE) Dec. 10, Engineering held at Kanpur 2004 25 Dr. Phalguni ACM (International Collegiate (CSE) Dec. 14- Gupta Programming Contest) 15, 2004 26 Dr. B K Mishra Milling Practice at Kudremukh (MME) Dec. 16- 18, 2004 27 Dr. S C Koria Pedagogy and Teaching Skill (MME) Dec. 17- Dr. N K Sharma Development (IME) 22, 2004 28 Dr. Navpreet Linux System and Network (CC) Dec. 20- Singh Administration 24, 2004 29 Dr. CVR Murty Architecture for Earthquake (CE) Jan. 17- Resistance of Buildings 21, 2005 30 Dr. Sudhir K. Bridge Engineering (CE) Jan. 18 – Jain Feb. 02, 2005

103 Annual Report 2004-2005

31 Dr. D. Mazumdar Modelling in Metals Processing: (MME) Feb. 01- Concepts, Theory and Application 04, 2005 32 Dr. Rajiv Computer Networking (SIDBI) Feb. 05- Shekhar Apr.05, 2005 33 Dr. Sudhir K. Seismic Design of Bridges (CE) Nov. 22- Jain 26, 2004 34 Dr. Prem Chand Laboratory Practices in Physics (PHY) Feb. 07- 12, 2005 35 Dr. Animesh Das Recycling and Other Pavement (CE) Feb. 08- Rehabilitation Methods 10, 2005 36 Dr. Sudhir Misra Advances in Testing Cement and (CE) Feb. 13- Concrete 19, 2005 37 Dr. A. Ghosh India-Japan Joint Seminar on (ME) Feb. 20- Manufacturing Science 27, 2005 38 Dr. B K Mishra Introduction to Discrete Element (MME) March 03- Methods 05, 2005 39 Dr. B Dasgupta Mathematical Modeling, (ME) March 14- Simulation and Optimization 24, 2005


S. Coordinator(s) Title of the Conference/ Department Duration N. Workshop/Symposium 1 Dr. Ajai Jain First Workshop on Anglobharati (CSE) Mar. 29- Technology Apr.03, 2004 2 Dr. B. Deo Deoxidation of Steel and Ladle (MME) April 09- Management 10, 2004 3 Dr. CVR Murty Review Workshop in Earthquake (CE) April 19- Engineering 23, 2004 4 Dr. K K Bajpai Review Workshop for Resource (CE) April 26- Material in Earthquake 30, 2004 Engineering 5 Dr. R. Sinha Brainstorming Workshop on (CE) May 03- Tectonic Geomorphology 07, 2004

104 Annual Report 2004-2005

6 Dr. P. Mohapatra Summer Camp 2004 (CE) June 08- Dr.P. (CE) July 02, Chakroborty (CE) 2004 Dr. S K Jain 7 Dr. K K Bajpai Earthquake Engineering Review (CE) Aug. 23- Workshop for Masters’ Students 28, 2004 8 Dr. Vinod K. Symposium on “Emerging Trends (Chem) Sept. 03- Singh in Organic Chemistry” 04, 2004 9 Dr. Sudhir K. Workshop on Introduction of (CE) Oct. 11, Jain Earthquake Engineering Concepts (CE) 2004 Dr. K K Bajpai in the Curriculum of Architecture Diploma course of UP Polytechnics 10 Drs. Sudhir International Symposium on (CE) Oct. 18- Misra “New Technologies for Urban 19, 2004 Safety of Mega Cities in Asia” held Agra 11 Dr. R.K. Sullerey 7th National Conference on (AE) Nov. 05- Airbreathing Engines and 06, 2004 Aerospace Propulsion 12 Dr. D P Mishra National Seminar on Combustion (AE) Nov. 08, 2004 13 Dr. P. Sensarma National Workshop on Electric (EE) Nov. 09- Dr. S P Das Power Quality (EE) 10, 2004 14 Dr. R P Singh International Conference on (CE) Nov. 15- Dr. Vinod Tare “Arosol Clouds and Indian (CE) 17, 2004 Mansoon” 15 Dr. CVR Murty National Workshop on (CE) Nov. 28- Introducing Earthquake 29, 2004 Engineering in Architecture Curriculum” 16 Dr. J.P. Gupta International Conference on (ChE) Dec. 01- “Bhopal and Its Effects on 03, 2004 Process Safety” 17 Dr. Onkar Brainstorming Session on (CE) Dec. 04- Dikshit “Development of Technologies 05, 2004 for the Study of the Past”

105 Annual Report 2004-2005

18 Dr. Gautam Winter Academy 2005 (ME) Dec. 06- Biswas 11, 2005 19 Dr. N S Vyas Conference on “VETOMAC-3 (ME) Dec. 07- and ACSIM-2004 10, 2004 20 Dr. NGR Iyengar International Congress on (AE) Dec. 09- Dr. A. Kumar “Computational Mechanics & (CE) 12, 2004 Simulation” 21 Dr. Vinod Tare Inter IIT Symposium on (CE) Dec. 20- Advances in Environmental 21, 2004 Science, Engineering and Management 22 Dr. D. Kundu International Conference in (Math) Jan. 03- Dr. N. Misra Statistics (Math) 06, 2005 23 Dr. R. Seminar on “History of Indian (MME) Jan. 14- Balasubramania Science and Technology” 17, 2005 m 24 Dr. Joseph John International Conference and (EE) Feb. 04- Exposition on “Communications 06, 2005 and Computing: Trends and Technologies for Tomorrow and Beyond” 25 Dr. D. Gupta 2nd Annual IIT Kanpur Hackers (CSE) Mar. 04- Dr. D. Sanghi Workshop (CSE) 05, 2005 26 Dr. S. Guha ARRPET Combined regional (CE) Mar. 11- Workshop of WWTM and 12, 2005 HWTM 27 Dr. Onkar Brainstorming Session on (CE) Mar. 18- Dikshit “Development of Technologies 19, 2005 for the Study of Past” 28 Dr. P Mitra Workshop on Spatial Issues in (CSE) Mar. 23- Dr. A Mookerjee Language and Vision (CSE) 24, 2005

106 Annual Report 2004-2005


The Center organized the following activities during April 2004 to March 2005:

Staging Anton Chekhov's "The Anniversary" on 2nd April, Modern Drama which was directed by Prof. G. Neelakantan.

A brainstorming session on 8th April to reflect on the roles of the CCWP, and identify a few major activities.

Seminar by Shri Indresh Kumar on "Kashmir: Bhulen, Parinam aur Sambhawnayen" on 15th August.

Lecture by Mr. Sandipan Deb, an ex-IITian, Managing Editor of Outlook Express magazine, and writer of IITians, on 20th August.

Two days workshop on Methodology of Writing Reports, for secretaries of grassroots organizations working under Mahatma Gandhi Mission Scheme on 21st and 22nd August.

Creative writing contest for all, jointly with English Literary Society and Hindi Sahitya Sabha, on 21st August.

A “Mise-en-scene” i.e., camera language workshop dealing with principles of film making and a mime art workshop from 1st to 7th September.

Workshop on "Stress Management" by Yogacharya Vinayak Ji on 26th September.

Lecture on "Writing Fiction" by Mr. Chetan Bhagat on 30th September.

One day workshop on Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on 10th November by Mr. Edward Payson Hall, and Mr. Ravi Verma.

Seminar on Writing Narratives: A Case Study of Kashmir Narratives, by Prof. Ashok Kumar Kaul on 7th January.

107 Annual Report 2004-2005


The Staff Development Coordination Center oversees the smooth progression of all the staff members in their career advancement and develops skills of an individual to satisfy current and future manpower needs of the Institute.

The non-teaching staff is an important component in the Institute and they must be taken along the journey of excellence. This Center committed to design to meet the challenges in terms of high qualities of training of human resources in the Institute. The staff members were whole-heartedly participated in the learning activities to acquire new knowledge, skills, attitude and change habits. The Center has organized industrial visit of staff members in order to practice new technology and latest modern techniques of management as well as work culture prevailing in esteem organizations.

The following training programmes were organized during the financial year 2004- 2005.

Sr. Title of the Training Duration No. of Participants No Participants Profile

1 Human Relation at Two-weeks 15 Group D work April 20-30, 2004 2 Induction Programme Three-days 16 Group C July 14-16, 2004 3 OB & Work Culture Two-days 22 Group C July 21-22, 2004 (technical) 4 Human Relation at Two-weeks 15 Group D Work Nov. 02-11, 2004 (mess employees) 5 Work Culture Two-days 35 Group C Feb. 04-05, 2005 (ministerial) 6 Computer Proficiency Two-weeks 32 Group C Feb. 07-19, 2005 (mechanics) 7 Safety management Two-days 38 Group B & C Feb. 21-22, 2005 8 Communication at Two-days 25 Group B & C work March 03-04, 2005

108 Annual Report 2004-2005

9 Induction Programme One-week 17 Group A, B &C March14-18, 2005 10 Administrative One-day 18 Group A & B Vigilance March 26, 2005


At present, Prof. NS Gajbhiye (Deptt. of Chemistry), is the Liaison Officer for SC/ST & OBC w.e.f. September 20, 2001.


The effective date of implementation of reservation for SCs and STs in the direct recruitment is 5th September 1974 in this Institute.


The Board of Governors had approved, in its meeting held on July 27, 1995, maintenance of 120 points vacancy-based roster [for Group A other than exempted posts (Points reserved in favour of OBCs-31, SCs-20, STs-9)] & B posts and 100 points roster for Group C & D posts (Points reserved in favour of OBCs-27, SCs-21, STs-1) for direct recruitment at the Institute.

On the basis of Judgement passed by the Constitution bench of Supreme Court, the Government of India, Deptt. Of Per. & Trg., issued O.M. 36012/2/96-Estt.(Res.) dated July 02, 1997 vide which the above vacancy-based rosters have been revised into post-based rosters for the different category of employees in direct recruitment. The Board after due consideration accorded its approval, in its 1997/5th meeting held on December 05, 1997 for maintenance of post-based rosters.

As per Recruitment and Career Development Scheme (not in operation at present) which is personal promotion scheme (non-vacancy linked promotion scheme), there is no promotion based on vacancies, hence reservation in career advancement is not applicable.

109 Annual Report 2004-2005


(a) There is no upper age bar in the Institute for any post for any community. In case any age limit is prescribed due relaxation of 5 years in upper age is made available for SC/ST candidates and of 3 years to OBCs. (b) SC/ST are fully exempted from payment of application and registration fees: (c) To and fro TA is being paid to the candidates of all categories out of Kanpur to attend the test and interview [For Group-A: 1st class and for Group B, C & D: 2nd class rail fare]; (d) Experience requirement is relaxable at the discretion of competent authority. (e) In addition to relaxation of experience requirement, higher initial pay is given to exceptionally qualified and deserving candidates. During the period of report, higher initial pay was given to the following employee: (i) Two additional increments in the pay scale of Rs.8000-275-13500 were given to Shri Arun U. Shrot (ST), Assistant Registrar, DORD Office. (ii) Two additional increments in the pay scale of Rs.8000-275-13500 were given to Shri Avadh Behari (SC), Assistant Registrar, Central Stores. (iii) Ten additional increments in the pay scale of Rs.2650-65-3300-70- 4000 were given to Shri Suresh Chandra (SC), Dresser, Health Center. (iv) Two additional increments in the pay scale of Rs. 2650-65-3300-70- 4000 were given to Shri Raj Kamal Sharma (OBC), Dresser, Health Center. (v) One additional increment in the pay scale of Rs. 3050-75-3950-80- 4590 was given to Shri Man Mohan Nath (OBC), Mechanic, Dept. of Physics. (vi) Four additional increments in the pay scale of Rs.3200-85-4900 were given to Shri KM Gupta (OBC), Lab. Asstt., Dept. Chemistry. (vii) Two additional increments in the pay scale of Rs.3200-85-4900 were given to Shri K. Yohesh (OBC), Lab. Asst., Dept. of Chemical Engg. (not turned up to join the Institute) (viii) Two additional increments in the pay scale of Rs.3050-75-3950-80- 4590 were given to Shri Binod Kumar (OBC), Mechanic, Dept. of Chemical Engg. (ix) One additional increment in the pay scale of Rs.3050-75-3950-80- 4590 was given to Shri M.K. Seth (OBC), Mechanic, Dept. of Elect. Engg.

110 Annual Report 2004-2005

(x) Five additional increments in the pay-scale of Rs.3050-75-3950- 804590 were given to Shri Manoj Sharma (OBC), Mechanic, Dept. of Chemistry. (xi) Two additional increments in the pay-scale of Rs.3050-75-3950-80- 4590 were given to Shri Siya Ram Kuril (SC), Mechanic, Dept. of MME. (xii) Four additional increments in the pay-scale of Rs.3200-85-4900 were given to Shri Ram Kewal Maurya (OBC), Lab. Asst., Dept. of Civil Engg.

EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION Advertisement/Notification is released in the Employment News with details of concessions/ relaxations to SC/ST & OBC candidates and the number of posts reserved available for them. A copy of the Advt. is sent to AIR/ Doordarshan for publicity. The copies of Employment Notices/ Notifications are sent to recognise SC/ST Welfare Associations for publicity among their members. During the period of report, the detail of Advts. (internal/ external) issued through Recruitment Section is as under :

Advt. Name of Post(s) Pay Scale No. of Vacancies To Published in No. tal S S OB U C T C R 2/ Registrar 16400-22400 - - - 1 1 The Hindu-All 2004 Edns., Times Librarian 16400-22400 - - - 1 1 of India-All Superintending Edns., 14300-18300 - - - 1 1 Engineer Hindustan Times-All Asst. Placement 8000-13500 - - 1 - 1 Edns., Dainik Officer Jagran-All Asst. P.E. Officer 8000-13500 - - 1 - 1 Edns., Asst. R&D University 8000-13500 - 1 - - 1 Officer News-Delhi and Assistant 8000-13500 1 - 1 2 4 Employment Librarian News -All

111 Annual Report 2004-2005

Assistant Edns 8000-13500 1 1 1 1 4 Registrar Security Officer 8000-13500 - - 1 - 1 Mechanic 3050-4590 1 - 4 6 11

Lab. Assistant 3200-4900 1 - 2 3 6 Dainik Jagran Technical -All Editions, 4500-7000 3 - 6 8 17 3/ Assistant Amar Ujal - All Editions 2004 STA (Translation) 5500-9000 - - 1 - 1 and Dresser 2650-4000 1 - 1 - 2 Employment News-All Lab. Asst. 3200-4900 - - - 1 1 Edns. (Radiography) Total 8 2 19 24 53

The recruitment for all academic posts of Institute is made through the press/ professional journals/ circulars to educational Institutes etc.


A SC/ST member of comparable status is included in the Selection Committee as a full member. For the period of report, the detail of Selection/ Assessment Committee meetings held through Recruitment Section is given below:

For Total 26 Selection Committee meetings: Selection: 02 S/C meetings, wherein SCT representative included. 11 S/C meeting, wherein SCT/OBC representative included. 12 S/C meeting, wherein OBC representative included. 01 S/C meeting, wherein No SCT/OBC representative included as there was no candidate was called from SCT/OBC category

For 01 Asmt. Committee meeting held, wherein SCT representative included. Assessment:

112 Annual Report 2004-2005


1. To ensure that the interview/ appointment letters are received by the candidates (including reserved category candidates) well in time – the interview/ appointment letters are being sent through UPC and registered post to ensure delivery. 2. Normally for interviews a minimum of three weeks’ time and for appointments a minimum of one month's period of interval is being provided.


The Institute has been allotting one in every ten qrs. to SC/ST employees, out of Type-IA, Type-I and Type-II Qrs. and one in every twenty qrs. in Type-III, and Type-IV Qrs. (only from the pool reserved for allotment to Officers other than faculty).

The available data related to house allotment is given below for the period under reference:

Type of house Houses allotted to SC/ST As per Reservation As per Seniority GEN Total Type-IA (Single room) - - - - Type-1A (Double 02 02 07 11 room) Type-I 02 02 16 20 Type-II 03 02 16 21 Type-III - - - - Type-IV - - - -

2. There is no reservation in the quarters of Type –V (as these quarters are more or less allotted to faculty members and other eligible officers without any discrimination of caste and creed etc.)

COMPLAINTS/ GRIEVANCES No letter received for redressal of grievance of a SC/ST employee. Any Caste falsification brought to notice is also followed up by the Cell. No new case came in notice.

113 Annual Report 2004-2005

Apart from the above, the data, as available for showing the representation of SCs/STs & OBCs in other areas, is given below: A. Academic Staff:

Area(s) SC ST OBC GEN Total Appointments 01 - - 26 27 Retirement - - - 14 14 Deaths - - - 01 01 Resignation - - - 03 03 V/Retirement - - - 01 01 C/Retirement - - - - - Termination - - - - - Dismissal - - - - -

B. Non-Academic: Area(s) SC ST OBC GEN Total Appointments a) On permanent basis (Through - - 1 3 4 open Recruitment) b) On compassionate grounds - - 1 2 3 c) On deputation basis - - - 1 1 d) On contract for 3 yrs 3 1-UR 6 9 19

Total 3 1 8 15 27 Retirement 09+5• - - 62 71+5• Deaths 1• - - 4 4+1• Resignation - - - 3 3 V/Retirement - - - - - C/Retirement - - - - - SVRS - - - 3 3 Deputationists repatriated - - - - - Termination - - - - - Dismissal - - - - - Total 9+6• - - 72 81+6• • Cleaners

114 Annual Report 2004-2005

Assessment (Non-Vacancy linked personal promotion) Pay-scale SC ST OBC GEN Total From To 12000-18300 16400-20000 1 - - - 1

In addition to above, the data, as available for showing the representation of SCs/STs & OBCs related to existing strength of the employees at the Institute, is given below:

Existing Strength of Academic Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching) as on 01.04.2005: Recruited through DOFA Office Academic SC ST OBC GEN Total

Teaching 3 - - 304 307

Non-Teaching 1 - - 46 47

Total 4 - - 350 354

Existing Strength of Non-Academic Staff as on 01.04.2005: Recruited through Recruitment Section Group SC ST OBC GEN Total A 6 - 4 30 40 B 31 2 17 186 236 C 63 6 31 243 343 D 66+19* - 9 178 253+19 * Total 166+19 8 61 637 872+19 * * • Cleaners not counted towards reservation.

115 Annual Report 2004-2005

Existing Strength of Account-II Employees as on 01.04.2005: Recruited Through DORD Office Group SC ST OBC GEN Total

B - - 1 5 6

C 1 - - 15 16

D 3 1 6 3 13

Total 4 1 7 23 35

Existing Strength of Mess Employees as on 01.04.2005: Recruited through COW Office Group SC ST OBC GEN Total B - - 1 4 5 C - - 1 4 5 D 16+6* - 45 67 128+6*

Total 16+6* - 47 75 138+6*

* Cleaners not counted towards reservation E- The data as available for showing the representation of SCs/STs related to the students admitted in the 1st Semester 2004-05 in various programmes/discipline at the Institute is given below:

Programmes Registration Data in the 2004-2005 (I Semester) B.Tech SC ST GEN Total Aero. Engg. 17 - 74 91 BSBE 2 - 20 22 Chem. Engg. 26 2 139 167 Civil Engg. 21 3 143 167 Comp. Sc & Engg 21 14 124 159 Elect. Engg. 49 23 221 293 MME 18 1 167 186 Mech. Engg. 34 11 176 221 Total 188 54 1064 1306

116 Annual Report 2004-2005

Programmes Registration Data in the 2004-2005 (I Semester) M.Sc (5yrs. Integrated) SC ST GEN Total Chemistry 1 - 56 57 Mathematics 1 - 85 86 Physics 3 - 59 62 Total 5 - 200 205

Programmes Registration Data in the 2004-2005 (I Semester) B-Tech-M-Tech (Dual Degree) SC ST GEN Total Aero. Engg. 3 - 18 21 Civil Engg - - 12 12 Chem. Engg. 5 - 28 33 Comp. Sc & Engg 10 4 62 76 Elect. Engg. 8 2 46 56 Mech. Engg. 9 - 53 62 Total 35 6 219 260

Programmes Registration Data in the 2004-2005 (I Semester) M.Sc-Ph. D (Dual Degree) SC ST GEN Total Physics 2 1 12 15 Total 2 1 12 15

Programmes Registration Data in the 2004-2005(I Semester) M.Sc (2 yrs.) SC ST GEN Total Chemistry 4 1 41 46 Mathematics 4 - 36 40 Statistics 3 - 30 33 Physics 3 2 48 53 Total 14 3 155 172

117 Annual Report 2004-2005

Programmes Registration Data in the 2004-2005 (I Semester) M-Tech SC ST GEN Total Aero. Engg 6 - 46 52 Chem. Engg. 4 - 53 57 Civil Engg. 3 1 94 98 Com. Sc. & Engg 5 1 97 103 Elect. Engg. 10 - 166 176 Mech. Engg. 10 - 120 130 MME 6 - 65 71 MSP - 1 23 24 IME 3 - 20 23 NET - - 19 19 LTP - - 12 12 EEM 3 - 31 34 BSBE 1 - 17 18 DES 3 - 19 22 DIIT - - - - MBA 11 - 64 75 Total 65 3 846 914

Programmes Registration Data in the 2004-2005 (I Semester) Ph.D SC ST GEN Total Aero. Engg. 3 - 28 31 Chem. Engg. 4 - 27 31 Civil Engg. 2 - 39 41 Comp. Sc & Engg - - 12 12 Elect. Engg. 3 - 40 43 Mech. Engg. 1 - 44 45 MME 2 - 30 32 MSP 1 - 13 14 IME 1 - 11 12 NET - - 3 3 CHM 9 - 142 151 MTH 1 - 53 54 PHY 1 - 43 44 M.Sc-Ph.D 1 - 19 20 Dual Degree

118 Annual Report 2004-2005

HSS 1 - 45 46 STAT - - 6 6 BSBE 2 - 20 22 Total 32 575 607


IIT Kanpur is an Institute of national importance where students from all over the country and abroad are admitted for higher education in Science, Engineering, Technology and Humanities disciplines. Therefore, the English language has been adopted as the medium of instruction / syllabus, research and academic activities.

Rajbhasha Prakoshtha was established in the Institute in September 1986. It has got its own office which is equipped with two bilingual personal computers for smooth and efficient working. It is managed by a liaison officer, Assistant Registrar, a senior Stenographer (Hindi) and a Technical Assistant (Translation). The Rajbhasha Prakoshtha is effortive in creating awareness of Hindi among the Institute employees. "Sansthan Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti" constituted by the Director monitors and provides guidance to the Rajbhasha Prakoshtha in its planning and performance. The Rajbhasha Prakostha performs various activities like organisation of Hindi Diwas and holds meetings for promoting the atmosphere of Rajbhasha in the Institute round the year.

The Rajbhasha Prakostha has adopted the following policies:

Entire correspondence with Group D employees are done in Hindi. All Hindi letters are replied in Hindi. All routine forms and the heading of Registers have been printed bilingually in most of the departments of the Institute. The name plates, office stamps, signboards, letter heads, and envelopes etc, have been made bilingual. 15 LDCs/ UDCs have been trained in Hindi type under the Hindi training programme organised by the Hindi Shikshan Yojana Kanpur. Similarly, 4 ``Stenographers have been trained in Hindi Stenography under the scheme. Regular classes of Probodh, Praveen & Pragya for the Non Hindi speaking employees have already been started. 7 Non Hindi speaking employees have been trained in Prabodh, Praveen and 6 trained in Pragya.

The Act and the Statutes of the Institute have been made bilingual.

119 Annual Report 2004-2005

The Annual Report of the Institute for the year 2003-2004 and the Audit Report 2003- 2004 received from Account Section/AG, UP were translated into Hindi and a fair copies typed for submission to the Ministry.

The press release and invitation cards for the convocation were issued bilingually. All periodical reports were sent to the Ministry and the Nager Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti in time.

In compliance to the directives of the Official Language Department, New Delhi, Hindi week was observed by conducting various competitions and on 27.09.04, Hindi Diwas samaroh was held in the Lecture Hall complex, in which the winner of various competitions were honored with suitable cash awards.

Following competitions were held on 21.09.04 to 27.09.04: a) General story order competition (Fourth class employees) b) Hindi essay competition c) Vocabulary competition d) Noting and Drafting competition e) Poetry recitation competition

Winner of the above competition were as under:

General story order competition 1. Shri Arvind Kumar Pandey Ist 2. Shri Om Prakesh Yadav IInd 3. Shri Om Prakesh II IIIrd

Hindi essay competition 1. Shri Radha Shran Satsangi Ist 2. Shri Krishan Kumar Tiwari IInd 3. Shri H.L Prasad IIIrd

Vocabulary competition 1. Shri Abhey Kumar Nayak Ist 2. Shri Binu S IInd 3. Shri K.V. Satyamurti IIIrd

120 Annual Report 2004-2005

Noting and Drafting competition 1. Shri Ashok Kumar Ist 2. Mohd. Nizam Khan IInd 3. Shri J.P. Kannoziya IIIrd

Poetry recitation competition 1. Shri Nishant Kumar Ist 2. Shri Brijesh pandey IInd

During the year 2004 -2005, about 87 letters from Directorate, 73 letters from Registrar’s office, 260 letters/ circulars along with Hindi translation.

Rajbhasha Prakoshtha is dedicated for the upliftment of Hindi at the Institute. It is always prepared to co-ordinate with each and every department of the Institute in the implementation of the orders and directives received time to time from the Ministry of Human Resource & Development, Govt. of India.


The Media Technology Center is an attempt to encourage and cultivate a sense of appreciation and explores the skills involved in the new media for creative expressions. Center aims to provide a meaningful platform for the students of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur to foster their creative potentials and merge it with their gradual process of acquiring and exchanging knowledge with technology based education at the Institute.

One of the major on going projects of the center involves faculty across the Institute in production of quality video based courseware to generate resources and aids for supporting the engineering, sciences and technology based education that can reach out to the larger Education system through television or other communication media. The Ministry of Human Resource and Development support the initiative under the auspicious of National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). In the long term, Media Technology Center aims to create a digital portal as an archive of supportive materials to serve educational purposes and research references in the field of Engineering, Science and Technology, Humanities and Management studies as well as in the relevant areas of National Heritage and Culture. The relevant information can be utilized for classroom teaching, student references and research aid.

121 Annual Report 2004-2005

Students of the Media Communication in the Design Program have a direct relevance to the Center with their academic course work. The resources and expertise are shared to create a range of productions ranging from documentary films to commercial ads.

Committed manpower and resources of the Media Technology Center is round the year involved in providing its support in various academic and non-academic events.

122 Annual Report 2004-2005


The Ministry of Human Resources & Development (MHRD) has released Rs. 6800.00 lakh as Non-Plan Grant and 3000.00 lakh as Plan Grant in the financial year 2004-2005.


The total receipt under Non-Plan during the financial year 2004-05 from Ministry of Human Resources & Development, Government of India is Rs. 6800.00 lakh. The Institute has also generated its own Internal Receipts of Rs. 1514.37 lakh, which includes Rs. 743.69 lakh as student fees, Rs. 507.12 lakh interest earned on investments/bank balances and Rs. 263.56 lakh as other miscellaneous income.

The Institute has also withdrawn an amount of Rs. 100.00 from Endowment fund account of the Institute for Non Plan activities during the financial year 2004-05.

The total Non Plan expenditure during the financial year 2004-2005 comes out to Rs. 8414.37 lakh against the total earnings of Rs. 8414.37 lakh.


Total receipts under Plan during the financial year 2004-2005 is Rs. 3010.00 lakh which includes 3000.00 lakh grant-in-aid under Plan from the MHRD, Government of India, and Rs. 10.00 lakh from other sources.

The total expenditure under Plan has been restricted to Rs. 3010.00 lakh. This expenditure includes Rs. 871.87 on Building & Works, Rs. 39.69 lakh on Central Air- Conditioning Facilities, Rs. 1451.00 lakh on Non- consumable purchases including Equipment, furniture & fixtures etc., Rs. 445.70 Lakh on Library Books and Periodicals & Journals and Rs. 201.74 lakh for Building and Works (Project).

123 Annual Report 2004-2005


Sl. No. Particulars Income Expenditure (Rs. In (Rs. In Lakh) Lakh) 01 Non- Plan 8414.37 8414.37 02 Plan 3010.00 3010.00 03 Other Operational Funds

GPF/CPF 1001.28 859.77 (Non Plan) 04 JEE 477.49 374.66 (Non Plan) 0.48 (Plan) 05 GATE 141.55 82.78 (Non Plan) 0.15 (Plan) 06 GATE (JMET) 7.15 4.81 (Non Plan) 07 Research & Development 444.83 256.68 (Non Plan) 43.31 (Plan) 08 Deans Capital Fund 49.76 14.31 (Non Plan) 4.64 (Plan) 09 Hall Management 294.06 266.00 (Non Plan) 10 Fund Hall Management 66.98 46.39 (Non Plan) 11 Pension Hall Management 56.14 50.02 (Non Plan) 12 Student Gymkhana 25.02 17.13 (Non Plan) 14 Visitors Hostel 55.18 53.01(Non Plan) 0.53(Plan) 14 Endowment Fund 1014.18 250.11(Non Plan)

124 Annual Report 2004-2005

Donations received from 01-04-2004 to 31-03-2004

Bokil Memorial Award Rs. 57224.00 NICEE-INDIA Endowment Fund Rs. 318525.00 SIDBI Innovation & Incombation Centre (UP Govt.) Rs. 20000000.00 Prof. C N R Rao Lecture Series Rs. 100100.00 VI National Sympoaium Chemistery Deptt. Lecture Series Rs. 296712.00 Satyendra K Dubey Memorial Fund Rs. 150000.00 Satyendra K Dubey Memorial Award Rs. 319150.00 Prof. S Sampath Chair Rs. 875601.00 Infosys Fellowship Rs. 300000.00 Arindam Bose Lecture Series Rs. 217121.00 Devendra Shukla Lecture Series Rs. 434318.00 R R Dasari Lecture Series Rs. 434318.00 J Mohanty Lecture Series Rs. 436286.00 Dr. Sachidanand Memorial Fund Rs. 145000.00 Dr.Grusharan Singh Scholarship Rs. 200000.00 R R Malhotra Education Society Lecture Series Rs. 300000.00 Alumni 1966 Batch Rs. 88600.00 Alumni 1967 Batch Rs. 371258.00 Alumni 1970 Batch Rs. 297200.00 Alumni 1990 Batch Rs. 127730.00 Alumni Association Rs. 113212.00 SIDBI/ IITK Endowment (for SIDBI Cell at IITK) Rs. 200000.00 Alumni 1980 Batch Rs. 7406595.00 Alumni 1977 Batch Rs. 10000.00 Alumni 1969 Batch Rs. 2341522.00 Alumni 1979 Batch Rs. 1626278.00 SUKRITI Research Grant Rs. 200000.00 For Mechnical Engg. Deptt. (KanGAL) Rs. 21410.00 For BSBE Department (Mr. Ajit Gill) Rs. 2183741.00

125 Annual Report 2004-2005

Facilities to Students


Hall of Residence: IIT Kanpur is a residential Institute and thus requires that all students registered for a degree programme in the Institute reside in the Campus itself. Therefore, all students except (i) married students who are allotted alternative accommodation in single bed room apartments (SBRA) and (ii) students who are wards of campus residents are provided room accommodation in the Halls of Residences with mess and other facilities. Students, who are wards of campus residents, as a special case, are permitted to stay with their parents on the campus.

The Institute has eight Halls of Residence for boys, namely Hall I to Hall VIII, and one for girls (GH) with total capacities of 3433 and 350 for boys and girls respectively. In addition, there is accommodation for 60 students in single bedroom apartments (SBRA). The construction of hall of Residence No.9 is in planning stage.

The Halls have single and double-seated rooms. Presently, most of the senior undergraduate and all post graduate students are given single-seated rooms, while most of first and second year and some third year B. Tech. and M. Sc., (Integrated) students and Ist year M. Sc. (2-Year) are living in double seated rooms. Each Hall has a mess of which every hall resident is a member. The Halls of Residence also have a well subscribed reading room, TV room, TT rooms, badminton and volley ball courts, canteen, library (with the books on general topics) and several hobby clubs. The affairs of these amenities in each Hall are managed by (i) the respective committee of students for the amenities and (ii) a central Hall Executive Committee (HEC) under the overall guidance and supervision of three wardens (two for Hall- VI). The overall management of the Halls of residence is through the central Hall Management Council (HMC). The Council of Wardens (COW) looks after the affairs of mess workers.

In addition to students, staff working in various research projects of the Institute are also provided accommodation in the halls depending upon the availability of the rooms. The boarding and lodging arrangements for the participants of conferences and short-term courses are also made in the Halls of Residence.

126 Annual Report 2004-2005

Single Bed Room Apartments (SBRAs) Depending on the availability, the accommodation in single bedroom apartments (SBRA) is provided to married students. In exceptional cases bachelors, on specific medical grounds, may also be provided SBRA accommodation. A Married Students Welfare Committee (MSWC) manages the affairs of SBRAs under the supervision of the Warden-in-Charge.


All possible efforts are made by the Institute to render financial assistance (i) in the form of scholarships and (ii) short-term loans to needy and deserving students during their stay at the Institute. Short-term loans are given to some students, depending on the requirement of the case, out of the Students' Benefit Fund (SBF) so that their minor financial emergencies are overcome. The details of the financial assistance offered to the students at the Institute are given below:


Undergraduate Students Merit-cum-Means (MCM) scholarships of the value of Rs.500/- p.m. with tuition fee waiver are awarded per semester to students up to 25% of the total strength enrolled in each of the batches of the B. Tech., M. Sc. (Integrated) and M. Sc. (2-year) programmes provided that the income of their parents does not exceed Rs.1,00,000.00 p.a. In the previous financial year, 20% of the total numbers of available MCM scholarships in each batch are reserved for students belonging to SC/ST category. SC/ST students not in receipt of scholarships from any other source including the State Governments or Directorate of Harijan and Social Welfare are eligible for the MCM Scholarships.

In addition, several students of the B. Tech./M. Sc. (Integrated) and M. Sc. (2-yrs) programmes are in receipt of the financial assistance through scholarships, stipends and grants from Central and State Governments, Directorate of Education and other organizations. Table-I shows various scholarships awarded to undergraduate students during 2004-2005.

127 Annual Report 2004-2005

TABLE I (A): SCHOLARSHIPS FOR B.TECH. / M.Sc. (Integrated) 2004-05

Undergraduate Scholarships B. Tech. /M .Sc. (Intg.) I II III IV V MCM @ Rs. 500/- p.m. with Freeship 89 79 87 99 7 Freeship 2 10 13 8- Free Basic mess plus Pocket Allowance @ Rs.125/-p.m. 41 17 26 13 1 (For SC/ST) 3 NTS Scholarships 27 11 11 6 3 Punjab Education Board - - 1 - - SBI Scholarships 4 4 4 4 1 Lalit Narain Das Memorial Scholarships - - - 1 - Kinra Scholarships 1 1 - 1 - IWA Bonn Scholarships - 1 1 1 - Neeraj Kapoor Memorial Scholarships - - - 1 - RRMES Scholarships 3 - - - - Pt.Balajee G Hardiker Scholarships 1 - - - - Post Matric Scholarships (A P) 1 2 - 1 - PNB Scholarships 2 1 5 2 - CSIR Scholarships 1 - - - - Coal India Scholarships - - - - 1 Dr. V.Rajaraman Scholarships (2) Rs. 1000/- p.m. - - - 1 - Tata Iron Steel Co. Ltd. (TISCO) 1 1 - 1 - BSNL 3 2 - - - Indian Oil Scholarships 2 - - - - KVPY Scholarships 2 1 2 3 3 Central Coal fields - - - - 1 Govt. of Rajasthan 1 - - - - Govt .of UP - 1 - - - Dr. D. R. Bhagat Scholarship Rs. 2000/- pm for 10 -- 2 -- Months A. K. Vasudev Scholarship Rs. 2000/- pm for 10 Months - - 1 - - Govinda & Indira Srikanth Scholarship Rs.2000/-pm for -- 1 -- 10 Months Anil and Reshma Nigam Scholarship Rs. 2000/- pm for -1 - -- 10 Months Anurag Bartaria Scholarship Rs. 500/- pm for 9 Months - - 1 - -

128 Annual Report 2004-2005

Pratibha Scholarship (Govt. of Andhra Pradesh) 26 11 1 3 - Prof. Netar Lal Kapur Scholarship - - 1 - - Govt. of Maharashtra - - 1 - -

TABLE 1 (B): SCHOLARSHIPS FOR M.Sc. (2-years) 2004-05

Undergraduate Scholarships M. Sc. (2-year) I-Year II-Year MCM @ Rs. 500/- p.m. with Freeship 28 16 Freeship - 4 Free Basic Mess Plus Pocket Allowance @ Rs.125/- 4 17 p.m. Dr. R. C. Srivastava Memorial Scholarships - 2

Student's Benefit Fund (SBF) also provides scholarships of the value of Rs.600/- p.m. to the needy students. 37 scholarships from the SBF were provided during the year 2004-2005.

Postgraduate Students The amount of teaching/research assistantship or fellowship for M. Tech. students is Rs. 5000/- p.m. while that for Ph. D. students in engineering disciplines was (a) Rs. 9500/- for first two years and (b) Rs.10,000/- for subsequent years. The amount of assistantship or fellowship for Ph. D. students in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities and Social Sciences was (a) Rs. 8000/- p.m. for the first two years of their programmes and (b) Rs. 9000/- p.m. for subsequent years, with stipulation that these students will put-in additional hours of work in departments.


The Institute gives financial assistance to the M. Tech. /Ph. D. students who are in receipt of Institute Scholarship in the form of grant for (a) the preparation of thesis, (b) purchase of books and stationary items and (c) charges for photocopying. The amounts of grants given under these heads are summarized in Table II.

129 Annual Report 2004-2005

Table II: Amount of Educational Grants given to Postgraduate Students

S. Items of Expenditure Ph. D. M. No Tech. 1 Thesis Preparation Aid 3,000.00 750.00 2 Purchase of Stationary Items and payment of 5,000.00 750.00 photocopying charges or purchase of books


Ten students were provided Short Term Loan out of the Students' Benefit Fund during the 2004-2005 and eighteen students were provided reimbursement of medical expenses who were hospitalized during 2004-2005.


Rules for admission to undergraduate programme through JEE are relaxed for the SC/ST categories of students. 15% of seats are reserved for the Scheduled Caste (SC) and 7.5% for the Scheduled Tribes (ST) students. A separate merit list is drawn for those SC/ST students, who appear for the Joint Entrance Examination. Cut-off point for calling them for the Counseling and thereafter for the offer of admission is based on the relaxed criterion. In addition, SC/ST students are also selected from among the list of students who do not qualify for the admission for a one-year preparatory course scheme. 36 candidates belonging to the SC/ST category were granted admission for the one-year preparatory course out of which 22 took admission at the Institute during 2004-2005. All the SC/ST category students get tuition freeships irrespective of their parent's income. Concession of free messing (basic menu only) plus pocket allowance of Rs.125/- p.m. and room rent exemption are admissible to these SC/ST category students whose parents income does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- p. a., in the previous financial year. One fifth of the Merit-cum-Means (MCM) scholarships are reserved for the SC/ST category of students. MCM scholarship of Rs.500/- p.m. with free tuition fee is awarded to those registered SC/ST students who are not in receipt of scholarships from any other source including the State Directorate of Harijan and Social Welfare, and whose parents'/ guardians' income in the year preceding the award does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- per year. SC/ST students who are eligible or are in receipt of the Post- Matric Scholarship are given an allowance of free basic mess plus pocket allowance of Rs.125/- p.m.

130 Annual Report 2004-2005

While granting any financial assistance other than the teaching/research assistantship or fellowship available to all the students, including SC/ST students, the SC/ST students are given special consideration.


The students at IIT Kanpur are engaged throughout their programme in various academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The outstanding students are given various awards and prizes for their achievements in their activities. Table III shows the awards and prizes given during 2004-2005. In addition, 7% students in order of merit in each year are given a Certificate of Merit and a Notional prize of Rs. 400/-


Sl. Awards and Prizes B. Tech. /M. M. No. Sc. Sc. (Integrated) (2- Year ) 1. President Gold Medal 1 - 2. Directors Gold Medal 2 - 3. General Proficiency Prize (Silver Medal) 10 4 4. Proficiency Prize (Best Project) 19 4 5. Cadence Gold Medal 1 - 6. Cadence Silver Medal 1 - 7. Prof. Adidam S. R. Sai Memorial Gold Medal 1 - 8. Prof. Adidam Sri Ranga Sai Memorial Medal - - 9. Ratan Swarup Memorial Prize Rs. 400/- 1 - 10. Banco Foundation Prize (ME) Rs. 500/- 1 - 11. Mars G. Fontana Prize (MME) Rs. 400/- - - 12. Sridhar Memorial Prize (EE) Rs. 600/- 3 - 13. Ajai Agarwal Memorial Prize (ME) Rs. 1000/- Share 4 - 14. Tata Consultancy Services Prize Rs. 5000/- each 2 - Dept. share 15. Jayesh Memorial Award Rs. 30000/- 1 - 16. Aditya Birla Scholarship of Rs. 65000/- each student. 5 - 17. Dr. Sangeeta Goel Memorial Award 1 - 18. Dr. S. D. Bokil Memorial Medal 1 -

131 Annual Report 2004-2005

19. Notional Prizes 83 4 20. O. P. Bajaj Memorial Award 1 - 21. Amit Saxena Memorial Award 1 -


As mentioned above, academic activities are only one facet of student’s life at IIT Kanpur. Our students actively participate in various extra and co-curricular activities focused towards the holistic development of their mind and body. The year 2004- 2005 also saw a very active calendar in the form of various games and cultural events.

Games and Sports Activities at IIT Kanpur IIT Kanpur has a very vibrant sports atmosphere. There are sports events all over the year at both, the hostel level and at the Institute level. The Games and Sports Council conducts all sports activities at the Institute level and actively helps in the conduction of the events in the various hostels. There are dedicated institute teams for each sport in addition to clubs that augment the sports culture in their own way.

IIT Kanpur boasts about some of the very best facilities of any Institute in the country. There is a full grass cricket ground, athletics track, two volleyball courts, basketball courts, an indoor setup for Badminton, TT and weightlifting and fully Floodlit Hockey and Football grounds. In addition to these great playgrounds, there is also an Olympic size swimming pool, replete with a diving board set-up, five regularly maintained tennis grounds, two concrete and three clay courts and an indoor gymnasium. The maintenance and addition of new facilities is entrusted to the Physical Education Section, a separate department devoted to sports activities, which boasts some very highly qualified coaches.

The Games and Sports Council comprises of the teams for various sports and a clubs related to sports. The past one-year has been very successful for the Council. The Institute teams practice regularly in preparation for the Inter IIT Sports Meet, conducted every year in December. They play practice matches against local clubs, both at home and away, and other teams that come over to IIT Kanpur during Udghosh, The IIT Kanpur sports festival. Some of our teams have developed very well in the past one-year. The football team hasn’t lost a single match at home in the past one year against in all competition.

132 Annual Report 2004-2005

In addition to the regular activities of the teams, the council conducts two sports festivals, Udghosh and Josh. Udghosh, the IIT Kanpur Sports festival is a great competitive experience where colleges from all over the country come and participate in a three-day event. Udghosh attracted over 900 participants from colleges all over the country. The home teams performed extremely well at Udghosh, with Gold medals in six different sports. It was a huge sporting success with record number of participant. Josh is the Intra IIT Kanpur sports festival, where all the events are conducted at night. It was started the year before, and was an even bigger success this year. Over sixty teams registered in all the events with night Phatta registering over a hundred teams, and an estimated 2500 students took part in one event or the other. Such participation level from the predominantly academic minded students of IIT Kanpur was a big surprise. In addition to these mega events, the hostels also have their own sports festival. The two undergraduate hostels, Hall 2 and Hall 3, conduct Unmad and Olympus respectively while Hall 4 continues its love affair with Volleyball with Smash.

There are four Clubs under the Sports Council viz. the Adventure Sports Club, the Tae-Kwon-do Club, the Bridge club and the Nature Club. The Adventure sports club is one of the most active clubs in the campus. It undertakes treks and cycling expeditions to exotic places of great natural beauty. In the past one year it successfully undertook two treks and two cycling expeditions. In addition to these activities it also conducts activities such as river rafting and wall climbing. The members of each expedition are selected after a rigorous conditioning program.

The Tae-Kwon-do club was very active and successful in the past one year. The club enrolls students at nominal fees and imparts Tae-Kwon-do training. The club successfully conducted many belt promotion tests in the last one year. The Club was very successful at the district belt tests and now boasts a few black belts in its ranks. The coaching is imparted by a very highly qualified coach, who himself is a black belt holder. The club has also initiated the process to get Tae-Kwon-do recognized as a regular sport in the Inter IIT sports meet.

The Bridge Club was started this year. It was started to cater to the interests of many students who are interested in this card game. It has been very active since its inception, and has been successful in conducting workshops and holding Bridge competitions. The Nature Club caters to the interests of a few nature lovers. The club holds workshops and visits wildlife sanctuaries. It labels the trees inside the campus and gives its say in all environment related issues inside the Institute.

133 Annual Report 2004-2005

The last one-year has been a very productive year. A much larger number of individuals are participating in sports activities than a year before, both from the junior and senior batches. This spurt in sports activities will surely go a long way to improve our performance at the Inter IIT meet and also help maintain the vibrant sports culture of IIT Kanpur.


Inter IIT Sports Meet was held in IIT Madras in December 13th – 19th, 2004.The performance by our teams didn’t live up to our expectations. However, to put things into perspective, a comparison with the last years results, which is acknowledged to be much better, shows that we made it to the semifinals in three sports in Men category (compared to 4 last year) and one in Women category (none). We had to drop many senior players due to injuries, departmental tours and last minute seminar call-ups, etc. The constructive aspect to come out of this meet was that we had over 40 first year students in the contingent of 120, which is a very good base to improve on for next year. We won Silver medal in Football and Bronze medal in Badminton (Women). In individual events Mr. Sandeep Yedlapalli won gold medal in Shot-put Throw and Mr.Rajeev Kapoor won Bronze medals in 1500m and 5000m races. Volleyball and Badminton (Men) missed the medals but got fourth position. We got a dismal 6th position but we plan to take effective measures to avoid situations due to which our key players had to back out and to build on fresh talent of the first yearites.


Udghosh 2004, the Inter Collegiate Sports festival, organized by the Games and Sports Council, Students Gymkhana, IIT Kanpur was held from September 30th to October 3rd, 2004.The total number of participants at Udghosh 2004 was a record 950, nearly 600 more than the number of participants at Udghosh 2003 from different Engineering Institutes from all over India.

The colleges participated were MNNIT Allahabad, HBTI Kanpur, St. Xaviers Kolkata, GSITS Indore, NIT Jalandhar, JIIT Noida, Integral College Lucknow, Jalpaiguri govt. Engg. College, Allahabad Agriculture Institute Deemed University, PEC Chandigarh, Govt. college of architecture Lucknow, Jaipuriya Institute of Management Lucknow, Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh, BIET Jhansi,

134 Annual Report 2004-2005

Jabalpur Engineering College Jabalpur, BRANIT Jalandhar, MERI Kolkata, Modi College, IT BHU, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur and IIT Kanpur.

Our teams performed very well in this Sports’ meet. We won Gold Medals in Volleyball, Basketball (Men), Football, Badminton (Women), Table Tennis (Men) and Cricket. We won silver medal in Badminton (Men). We won bronze medal in Lawn Tennis.

In individual games Mr. Rajeev Kapoor won silver medal in 5000m race and bronze medals in 1500m & 800m race.

The overall performance of our teams was good and upto our expectations. This event prepared an effective platform for the upcoming Inter IIT Sports’ Meet ’04.


Cultural Council aims at holistic development of students of the Institute. It organizes activities in several fields such as fine arts, music, SPIC MACAY, drama, dance, appreciation of Hindi and English literature, spiritual and cultural values and action, and quizzes. During 2004-05 Cultural Council organized several such activities through students clubs devoted to each of them. The activities of Cultural Council start with Freshers Night and continue through out the year. Each club organized four-five events. Among them Galaxy, the inter hall cultural competition is very popular among students. It was organized with typical fun and fare. Some other successful events organized by the Cultural Council were: Musical Extravaganza, Dramatics Workshop, and Guitar classes which ran throughout the year.

Every Friday Vivekanand Samiti held a study circle to discuss books written by great thinkers. A discussion on Bhagwat Gita was carried out on every Saturday. Vivekanand Samiti also conducted semester long courses in Yoga with the help of an outside expert. Lectures and workshops on meditation and book exhibitions were held at regular intervals. Among other activities the Samiti mobilized students to realize their social responsibility by having organized medical camps, old clothes and books distribution camps. It also worked in association with Shiksha Sopan and Prayas which run schools in nearby villages. The Samiti maintains a library of over 300 books on spiritual matters.

135 Annual Report 2004-2005

One of the new features of the activities of the Cultural Council this year was that it joined hands with the Centre for Creative Writing and Publication and organized creative writing competition, film workshop by Narendra Ketkar, and lectures by well known writers such as Chetan Bhagat and Sandipan Deb.

However, the most important task of the Cultural Council was to organize Antaragni, the annual cultural festival of IIT Kanpur. Antaragni 2004 was organized from 28 October to 31 October 2004. More than 1000 participants from 45 colleges of India representing different types of colleges, institutions and universities participated in it. Apart from debates, competitions, professional nights, Antaragni 2004 added a two- day event India Haat aiming at the cultural union of different states of India. Representatives from Mizorum, Assam, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh took part in this and presented folk art from the respective regions. At the organizational level a new institution of Mid Night Meeting was introduced; in the mid night each day the team leaders and the organizing team met to discuss problems and complaints of participants and find solutions. Through this “important announcements” were conveyed to the participants. During 2004 the Cultural Council made a special effort to convert the event from the purely students’ event to campus event in which not only students but also other campus residents could participate and develop a feeling of oneness. This promotes integration between different groups on the campus and ultimately helps the students in developing a sense of integration, pride, culture and leadership.

Techkriti 2005

Techkriti, the Annual Science and Technology Festival of IIT Kanpur, was held from 24th to 27th February 2005. Techkriti ’05 celebrated the spirit of creativity, innovation and technical expertise in its full vigor. Nearly1000 participants from colleges all across India visited IIT Kanpur to participate in the festival. This figure was the largest for any festival ever held in IIT Kanpur. In addition to competitive events, workshops, lectures and demonstrations were held to give a hand-on experience with the latest in technology. Following sections give a detailed review of Techkriti ’05.

Events: New events, Gearloose, i-Quz and Techcetera were introduced in Techkriti’05. An event restructuring was done and smaller events were clubbed together into a single large event, which helped in marketing and organization. Traditional and popular events like Endeavor, Robogames, ECDC, Eureka, and Software Corner were scaled up with increased scope of competition, innovative organization and increased prize money. All the events attracted huge enthusiastic

136 Annual Report 2004-2005

participation. International Online Programming Contest (IOPC) deserves special mention, as it saw huge participation from all across the globe, giving Techkriti a truly international color. The Quiz organized by the famous Quiz Master, Barry O’Brian attracted huge crowds. This Quiz was largely responsible for the revitalization of quizzing culture in IIT Kanpur. The main attraction of the festival, however, was Techtalk. Dr. Heng Phon Too gave a lecture on Bio-entrepreneurship from National University of Singapore, Singapore. Hacking workshop by eminent hacking specialist Sachin Deodhar was a big crowd puller in the festival. A RFID, Smart Cards, Embedded Systems Workshop was organized, which included lectures from Dr. Rajat Moona (IIT Kanpur), and Mr. Aditya Razdan, Vice-President, Infotek Software and Systems Pvt. Ltd. For the first time in IIT Kanpur, a design lecture- cum-workshop was organized by Dilip Chhabria. Eminent speaker Shiv Khera delivered his motivational talk.

Participation: Techkriti ’05 witnessed huge participation from colleges all across the country with the number of participants scaling up to 1000. A step was taken towards automation with the development of Web based Event Management System. The software developed can be used in future too.

Umang 2005

Umang 2005, the annual film festival of the Students’ Film Society, Students’ Gymkhana, was held from January 7 – 15, 2005. The 9-day festiaval started on a Friday and continued on to the next weekend’s Saturday (Sunday could not be utilized because of the ongoing Gymkhana elections – Sunday the 16th was the designated polling day) and a total of 35 films were screened as a part of the festival.

The films spanned all possible genres and themes as were feasible given the timeframe, and were very well appreciated by the student as well as faculty communities.

The biggest change we made for Umang 2005 was the length of the festival and the number of films screened – 9 days and 35 films for a complete film festival was unheard of till this year. However, a complete film festival is what we got, in all senses of the phrase.

The films screened spanned Indian films (in Hindi, English and regional languages), western films (from Europe as well as Hollywood), animated films (Hollywood and Japanese) and Indian documentary films that focused on various social concerns.

137 Annual Report 2004-2005

Also, the students’ community of IIT Kanpur also participated in making their films as a part of Umang (Director’s Cut), and selected films from here were also screened. The focus was not only on quantity, but also definitely on quality.

Information about PE-Course for First Year Students:

Compulsory Physical Activities (CPA) Programme is a senate approved programme for 4 year B.Tech, 5 Year Integrated M.Sc.-5 years B.Tech, M.Tech. Dual Degree students. This is a two-semester Programme run under the Course Number PE-101 and PE-102. In both the courses there are two components, namely:

1. Physical Exercise One Hour per week 2. Personality Development Activities Two Hours per week

The Dean of Students Affairs is the instructor in-charge of these courses. The courses are graded as S (Satisfactory) / X (Unsatisfactory). The grade will be given after the End semesters Examination. A minimum of 75% attendance and satisfactory performance in each of the two components will be necessary for passing the courses.

All students undergo total three hours activities per week. The students have to opt for one of the Personality Development Activities (I) Games & Sports (II) Yoga (III) Tae-Kwon-Do (IV) NSS (V) NCC. The students opting Games & Sports and selected in Trials for Games & Sports will under go three hours of games per week. The remaining Students will under go Physical Exercises once a week for an hour out of three hours per week. Remaining two hours will be for one of the personality Development Activities namely. (I) Yoga (II) Tae-Kwon-Do (III) NSS (IV) NCC. Minimum attendance requirement must be fulfilled for both the parts (chosen stream and ‘or Physical: Physical exercise not being mandatory for those choosing Games & Sports as their Streams).


Physical Exercise: Participation will be one in a week for students opted other than Games Stream. This would run during August-November in the morning. Jogging, Long Distance Run, lightweight training, games and Athletics would be under taken for at-least twelve weeks.

138 Annual Report 2004-2005

Personality Development Activities: - Participation will be thrice/twice a week (for Games & Sports thrice a week, for other Personality Development activities twice a week). Selection trials will be held from July 30 to August 05. 2005 to fill up the seats for different streams.

Students are required to fill-up option forms for the streams, which will be collected on the day of registration.

Number of seats available under different stream are as follows. These numbers can be changed, if circumstances so require.

NSS (Coordinator: Dr. H. C. Verma) Total Seats=30 Participation in NSS activities twice a (Each session of an hours duration) for at least 24 hours in each semester. Seats will be filled on the basis of first come first serve the day of Registration.

YOGA (Coordinator: Dr. K. K. Saxena) Total seats=30 Participation in Yoga Exercise twice a (Each session of hours duration) for at least 24 hours in each semester. Seats will be filled up through test/interviews. The coordinator, Yoga will conduct these test/interviews on the next day of the registration in the Yoga hall, Students Activities Center at 06:00 P.M.

TAE-KWON-DO (Coordinator: Dr. Satyendra Kumar) Total seats = 50 Participation in Tae-Kwon-Do activities twice a week (Each session of an hour duration) for at least 24 hours in each semester. Seats will be filled on the basis of first come first serve the day on the Day of Registration.

NCC (Coordinator: Commanding Officer, NCC) Total seats = No limit Participation in NCC parades for at least 24 hours in each semester. For NCC no trial will be held. Any student can take NCC excepting Foreign Nationals. There is no limit on number of seats.

Games & Sports (Coordinator: Vishram Yadav) Total seats = 194 (152 Boys+42 Girls). Participation in Games & Sports thrice a week (each session of an hour duration) for at least 36 hours in each semester. Seats will be filled up through selection Trials.

139 Annual Report 2004-2005

The instructors, Games will conduct these selections Trials as programme mentioned below:

S. N. Games & Boys Girls Trial Time 5:00 Trial Location Sports P:M 1 Athletics 20 10 29 July, 2005 Main Stadium 2 Badminton 06 04 29 July, 2005 Indoor Gymnasium 3 Basketball 18 12 29 July, 2005 Basketball Court 4 Cricket 18 00 30 July, 2005 Main Stadium 5 Football 22 00 30 July, 2005 Football Ground 6 Hockey 22 00 30 July, 2005 Hockey Ground 7 Table-Tennis 06 04 30 July, 2005 Indoor Gymnasium 8 Tennis 06 03 31 July, 2005 Tennis Court 9 Volleyball 14 00 31 July, 2005 Volleyball Court 10 Wt. Lifting 08 00 31 July, 2005 Indoor Gymnasium 11 Swimming 15 06 31 July, 2005 Swimming Pool

Note: (a) Activities under particular game/sports may not run if less ten three Students opting it. The seats will be filled up only the basis of Students performance to be judged by the instructors during the trials. (b) No change over will be allowed from one stream to the other stream or one game to another game. (c) Streams (including sub-streams under Games & Sports) will be finalized within 5 days of the Registration and final list will be put or before the day. (d) Students failing to get seat in the opted stream shall join NCC straightway without any loss of time.


Institute has a full size (50x20 meters) Swimming Pool for its students, faculty and staff and also for their family members. The membership is open to all on payment of a nominal fee. Arrangements have been made to coach beginners in swimming. To ensure maximum safety of the members, lifeguards are engaged. The exact rates for these sessions are fixed and notified by the Swimming Pool Management Committee, for regular memberships as well as guest charges. The Pool has been operating for 7 months in a year, i.e. from April to October on monthly basis. Pool is operating in the morning as well as evening hours i.e. 5:30 am to 8:15 am and 3:30

140 Annual Report 2004-2005

pm to 8:00 pm divided into 45 minutes slots with 15 minutes free time in between. Swimmers and non-swimmers are separated.


The Students’ Placement Office continues to play a vital role in assisting the students in career planning and employment. It was actively engaged in disseminating information of job opportunities and prospects with the employers in both the Public and Private Sectors. Students Placement Office has been arranging campus interviews and organizing Paid Summer Internships for students.

Invitation letters were sent to about 700 Industrial Organizations, both in Public and Private Sectors, for visiting our campus for recruitment of students. About 115 organizations participated in the On-Campus-Recruitment-Programme during the academic year 2004-05 either by sending their top ranking executives to the campus or by calling the students to their Head Office for the interviews.

This year some organizations like Sybase, Intel, Nextag, Kanbat Software, Fair Isaac, Appulse Software, Induslogic India, Pricewater Cooper, Contata, Solidcore, Goldman Sachs, LLSI Logic, Hero Honda, Infineon Technologies, ITTC Japan, HCL Comnet, Power Finance, Systat, Nikson, Redpine Signal, Yamaha Motors, Career Network, Kritikal, Airvana, Minda Industries, MG Mobiles, Cordys and Mellon Financial have recruited for the first time through the On-Campus- Recruitment-Program. The employment scenario during this year has improved to a great extent in comparison with the last two years.

A total number of 548 offers of appointments have been made till 14.07.2005 to the students by various employers through Students Placement Office. A total of 86.98% of the students registered with SPO have received job offers so far. The placement for our B.Tech. students has crossed 90.41% mark this year where as for M.Tech. students, it was about 84.02%.

With the objective of close monitoring and uniform opportunity to all the students registered for the placement, the policy introduced was one student on job. However, a new policy was initiated, Job with appropriate back ground, especially for those who got an offer in haste initially.

With regard to the IN-Plant-Training Programme during summer vacation for the prefinal year students, the Students Placement Office offered assistance to students

141 Annual Report 2004-2005

of all the engineering departments. About 25 paid summer training seats were offered to our students. Statement showing the number of students registered for availing placement assistance and those who received job offers through Students Placement Office are given in Tables I to V.

About five organizations are in the process to schedule their placement process in the month of July 2005.


S. Discipline Students No. of Students Offered Total Job N Registered One Job - Two Offered o. Jobs 1 Aerospace Engg. 18 15 02 17 2 Chemical Engg. 35 33 -- 33 3 Civil Engg. 32 29 03 32 4 Electrical Engg. 73 71 --- 71 5 Mechanical 58 55 05 60 Engg. 6 Mat. Met. Engg. 39 24 01 25 7 Comp. Sc. & 37 37 03 40 Engg. Total 292 264 14 278


S. Discipline Students No. of Students Total Job No Registered Offered Offered . One Job - Two Jobs

1 Aerospace Engg. 28 27 -- 27 2 Chemical Engg. 27 24 -- 24 3 Civil Engg. 40 28 -- 28

142 Annual Report 2004-2005

4 Electrical Engg. 69 56 -- 56 5 Mechanical 49 38 -- 38 Engg. 6 Mat. Met. Engg. 31 28 01 29 7 Comp. Sc. & 49 48 05 53 Engg. 8 IME 10 10 --- 10 9 Mat. Sc. Prog. 10 08 -- 08 10 Nuclear Engg. 11 10 -- 10 11 Envr. Engg. & 09 03 -- 03 M. 12 Laser 05 04 -- 04 Technology Total 338 284 06 290


S. Discipline Students No. of Students Total Job No Registered Offered Offered One Job - Two Jobs 1 Physics 07 02 -- 02 2 Chemistry 07 02 -- 02 3 Mathemati 10 09 01 10 cs Total 24 13 01 14


S. Discipline Students No. of Students Offered One Total Job No. Registered Job - Two Jobs Offered

1 Physics 05 ------2 Chemistry 15 ------3 Mathematics 15 07 -- 07

143 Annual Report 2004-2005

4 Statistics 13 12 -- 12 Total 48 19 -- 19


S. Discipline Students No. of Students Total Job No. Registered Offered Offered One Job - Two Jobs

1 M.B.A. 27 27 -- 27 2 M.Des 07 07 -- 07 3 B.S.B.E 09 ------

COUNSELLING SERVICE Counselling Service is an organization made up of student volunteers, faculty members and staff who offer help and guidance to students on the academic, emotional and financial fronts. During the session April 2004-March 2005, the Counselling Service had two UG coordinators, one PG Coordinator, assisted by 5 UG assistant coordinators and 3 PG assistant coordinators and a team of nearly 73 UG student guides and 23 PG student guides.

Like every year, the activities of the Counselling Service started during the summer with the preparation for welcoming the new batch of students. A well planned brochure including letters from the Head, Counselling service, Student Coordinators, President, Students’ Gymkhana informing them about the practical details of life at IIT Kanpur and other useful information like the bus schedule, academic calendar and the map of the Institute etc. were sent to all the new students before their arrival on the campus. A workshop was organized for the student guides to sensitize them to the problems that the new students assigned to them might face. A group of 5-6 new students was associated with a student guide and a faculty counsellor who facilitated their smooth settlement in the initial stages.

A common Orientation Programme for the new UG and PG students (for 5 days) was organized for the first time during which they were shown around the campus and informed about the various facilities available to them. They were assisted in

144 Annual Report 2004-2005

opening up new bank accounts and were guided through all the official processes of making I-Cards, health booklets, cc logins and the final registration. The Counselling Service also organized a bank presentation where the new students got to know about the various educational loan schemes of the different participating banks. Lectures by the Head, Computer Center and the Games Counsellor were also included.

A Link structure was also formed after the commencement of the academic session in August to take care of academically deficient students. The team consisted of 22 link students and 14 link faculty members associated with every department. Regular meetings were organized to monitor their academic performance. A total of 6 meetings (3 in each semester) were held to discuss the issues related to these students. During the session 2004-05 (I), 58 students were on Academic Probation list and 54 students on Warning. 71 students came out of the list after this semester. A total of 190 students were on AP/ Warning during the 2004-05 II sessions.

Group counselling was also introduced during this year to identify the problems of the academically deficient students. 3 such sessions with different groups of students were held. Around 57 students were involved in these sessions. Many students personally met the Head, Counselling and the Counsellor regularly for guidance.

Like the previous year, this year too certain students were recommended the slow paced programme, on the basis of their performance up to the first mid semester examination. Meetings were held with these students to suggest semester wise course plans according to their departments. Two meetings of slow pace committee (one in each semester) were held to review the slow pace policy.

To assist the students having problems in English conversation and comprehension, the Counselling Service organized conversational classes at nominal rates.

A Student Faculty Open House Discussion on the Academic Issues concerning the students was organized in the 2004-05 (I) Session. The forum witnessed active participation from both student and faculty communities and it was realized that more of such sessions should be organized to enhance student-faculty interaction and discussion of academic concerns of mutual interest.

A thesis-writing workshop was conducted for the PG students. A total of 70 students attended this workshop.

145 Annual Report 2004-2005

Like every year, Counselling Service appointed a professional psychiatrist who visited the campus on alternate Saturdays to resolve various psychological problems of the students and an assistant counsellor to support the various activities of the service. A total of 80 students consulted the psychiatrist. In addition to this, psychiatric help was also available outside the campus in cases of emergency through the Counselling service. A proactive initiative by the assistant counsellor motivated students to come forth for guidance in personal and emotional issues. A total of 60 students met her during the period from August 2004- April 2005.

On the financial front, students were provided assistance through SBF scholarships. Around 50 students could avail this facility. Loans were provided to students facing acute financial problems.

In addition to this, volunteers from Counselling Service helped make arrangements for the PM’s visit to the Institute.

In February, the new coordinators both for UG and PG were selected and interviews were held for selecting the new assistant coordinators and student guides for the next session. New faculty counsellors were also appointed as per the choice of the student guides. The new team took charge after the handing over ceremony in April, where the old team was presented badges by the Director.

FACULTY INCHARGES STUDENTS'S AFFAIRS Dean, Students Affairs Dr. C. Venkatesan From 01-01.2003 Head, Counselling Service Dr. Onkar Dikshit From 28-04-2003 Chairman, Council of Wardens Dr. M.K.Harbola Upto 31.01.2004 Dr. Munmun Jha From 01.02.2004 Vice-Chairman, Council of Dr. Munmun Jha Upto 31.01.2004 Wardens Dr. Utpal Das From 01.02.2004

COUNCELLORS, STUDENTS’GYMKHANA Chief Counsellor Dr. C. Venkatesan Cultural Counsellor Mr. Nitin Kaistha Games Counsellor Dr. Neeraj Mishra Films Counsellor Dr (Mrs) Suchitra Mathur

146 Annual Report 2004-2005

Science & Technology Counsellor Dr. P. Munshi Treasurer Dr. S. Sangal Foreign Students' Advisor Dr. Prabha Sharma Chairman Students Benefit Fund Dr. Onkar Dixit Chairman Students' Placement Dr. Vinod Tare Committee Faculty Advisor, NSS Dr..H.Verma Chairman, Swimming Pool Dr. P. Shunmugaraj Management Committee Faculty Advisor, Yoga Dr. K.K. Saxena Faculty Advisor, Tae-kwon-do Dr. Satyendra Kumar


HALL OF RESIDENCE No. I Dr. R.K. Sullerey, Warden-in-Charge Dr. Rajesh Srivastava, Warden Dr. F.A.Khan, Warden

HALL OF RESIDENCE No. II Dr. M.K. Harbola , Warden-in-Charge Dr. Satyaki Roy, Warden Dr. B.V. Rathis Kumar warden

HALL OF RESIDENCE No. III Dr. P. S. Ghoshdastidar, Warden-in-Charge Dr. Bikramjit Basu Dr. A. K. Lal, Warden

HALL OF RESIDENCE No. IV Dr. Partha Chakraborty, Warden-in-Charge Dr. Deepak Gupta, Warden Dr. Animesh Biswas, Warden

HALL OF RESIDENCE No. V Dr. P.M.Dixit, Warden-in-Charge Dr. N.V.Reddy, Warden Dr. G.Santhanam. Warden

147 Annual Report 2004-2005

HALL OF RESIDENCE No. VI Dr. C.A. Tomy, Warden-in-Charge Dr. Y.N. Singh, Warden

HALL OF RESIDENCE No. VII Dr. A. K. Chaturvedi, Warden-in-Charge Dr. Deepak Gupta, Warden Dr. S. Manoharan, Warden

HALL OF RESIDENCE No. VIII Dr. V.Ravi Shanker, Warden-in-Charge Dr. A.R.Harish, Warden

HALL OF RESIDENCE- GH Dr.Brahma Deo, Warden-in-Charge Dr.Raina ,Warden Dr.Asima ,Warden

SBRA Dr. Onkar Dikshit, Warden-in-Charge Mr. Suresh A, Convener

STUDENTS' GYMKHANA EXECUTIVE The philosophy followed at this Institute is to involve students at various decision- making levels. The President, Students' Gymkhana and the Convener, Students' Senate are special invitees to the Senate.Students' Senate also sends its nominees for various standing committees of the senate namely EPC, SPGC, SUGC, SSAC, SLC, SSPC and various other users committees. The following list gives the names of students holding various posts of the executive wing of students' Gymkhana.

President- Mr. Abhishek Chaudhary (upto Feb. 2005), Mr. Neeraj Kumar (From February 05)

Convenor, Students Senate - Mr. Joe Vanghese Yeldho (Upto Feb. 05), Mr. Yashodhan Shevade (From Feb 05)

General Secretary (Cultural) - Mr. Mukul Tulli (Upto Feb. 2005), Mr. Vipin Pathak (From Feb 2005)

148 Annual Report 2004-2005

General Secretary (Games) - Mr. Mrityunjay Panda (upto Feb2005), Mr. Harendra Verma (From Feb 05)

General Secretary (Films) - Mr. Ravi Kumar (Upto Feb. 2005), Mr. Abhinav Biyani (from February 05)

General Secretary (Science & Technology) - Mr. Saurabh Nanda (Upto Feb. 2005), Mr. Varun Garg (From February 05)

149 Annual Report 2004-2005

Services / Amenities


Institute Works Department (IWD) is primarily responsible for the maintenance of capital assets for providing the following utility services to the resident community:

Civil, Electrical and Air-conditioning maintenance services Water supply and sewage disposal Power Distribution Estate Management Sanitation and upkeep Horticulture Development & Maintenance Furniture repairs Roads

In addition to above, IWD also executes development projects from concept to commissioning. It comprises of the following units for facilitating operation & maintenance of services and construction activity:

S. N. Unit Responsibility Unit-in-charge 1. Civil Division- Development Works Executive Engineer I 2. Civil Division- Maintenance & up-gradation Executive Engineer II works. Water supply, furniture, roads.

3. Electrical Electrical maintenance Sr. Electrical Division Domestic/ Central AC maintenance Engineer/ Superintending Engineer

4. Horticulture Development & maintenance Horticulture Officer

5. Estate Estate management & sanitation Estate Officer

150 Annual Report 2004-2005

During the financial year 2004-05, IWD has undertaken the following major development works:

S. Name of Work Value of Date of Date of Works N. work Start Completio Status (Rupees) n 1 Renovation of kitchen and dining hall 46,58,592 06.05.04 05.09.04 Completed of Hall-III.

2 Renovation of kitchen and dining hall 39,82,389 06.05.04 05.09.04 Completed of Hall-V.

3 Renovation of toilet and bathroom of 7,77,328 20.05.04 19.08.04 Completed 'D&H' block of Hall-IV.

4 Renovation of cupboard / drawers / 38,62,466 06.04.04 09.12.04 90% initial white washing painting of Hall- completed I

5 P/F wire mesh window shutter & 47,56,949 10.06.04 09.12.04 Completed internal white washing and painting of Hall-V.

6 Waterproofing of roof of 301 to 310, 6,25,850 12.06.04 21.08.04 Completed 306 to 309, 213 etc in SL building

7 Renovation of house no. 1069 to 5,33,741 28.06.04 27.08.04 Completed 1084Type –I

8 Silicon coating external surface of 7,18,443 01.07.04 30.08.04 Completed CSE new Lecture Hall, Samtel Centre, SIDBI & BSBE Building.

9 Construction of five additional class 17,64,631 15.08.04 14.01.05 Completed room in KV IIT K (Out of this Rs. 10.00 Lac was given by KV)

151 Annual Report 2004-2005

10 P/L CC road from Hall-VIII to 7,84,265 25.10.04 24.01.05 Completed swimming pool.

11 Conversion of oxidation pond on 21,50,561 03.11.04 02.05.05 Completed south side of campus into sewage treatment pond.

12 Construction of canteen building at 7,17,345 03.11.04 02.02.05 Completed the back of workshop extension

13 Construction of road from Health 5,59,299 18.11.04 17.02.05 Completed centre to new gate and construction of guard room at distributory canal.

14 Re-flooring of main corridor of Hall- 8,59,824 24.10.04 11.12.04 Completed V

15 Renovation of Lab of MME in 8,75,968 28.11.04 27.03.05 90% workshop extension completed

16 Renovation of mess kitchen & dining 48,61,600 24.12.04 23.04.05 50% hall and P/L kota stone flooring in completed common area & main corridor of Hall of Residence No. –IV

17 P/F wire mesh window shutter in 8,35,804 28.03.05 27.05.05 70% room and common area of Hall-VI completed

18 Remodeling and extension of 38,81,555 07.05.06 06.10.05 In Environmental Engg. Lab Progress

19 Construction of 24 nos. Single Bed 1,11,57,892 09.06.05 08.03.06 In Room Apartment Progress

20 Construction of RCC boundary wall 8,72,273 05.06.05 04.10.05 In towards ALIMCO. Progress

21 Construction of storeroom and model 15,24,083 26.06.05 25.10.05 In working room. Progress

152 Annual Report 2004-2005

22 Const. of 480 single seated hall of 102,99,000 27.12.02 26.6.04 Completed residence for boys No.-VIII (SH: Electrical).

23 Electrification of internal wiring in 24,62,000 18.6.03 17.5.04 Completed new RA Hostel (Phase-I).

24 Providing light point, fan point and 7,82,000 2.11.03 1.02.04 Completed PC point in basement of P. K. Kelkar Library Bldg.

25 Rewiring of dinning hall and kitchen 5,30,000 9.7.04 22.8.04 Completed area at hall-V.

26 Rewiring of dinning hall and kitchen 5,26,000 22.6.04 5.8.04 Completed area at hall-III.

27 Providing alternative power supply 11,09,000 7.8.04 6.11.04 completed for faculty building and providing interconnection between both switch- rooms (East & West side switch- room).

28 Providing solar water heating system 7,14,000 15.10.04 14.02.05 Completed (4x1000LPD) at hall-I & IV.

29 Installation of capacitor bank at SS 15,53,000 17.12.04 16.4.05 Completed No.-V & Old AC Plant.

30 Renovation of science block feeder 6,29,000 10.2.05 9.5.05 Completed from SS No.-II.

31 Providing external power supply, 37,91,000 10.02.05 9.06.05 Completed shifting of cable and panel by modification of switch room at Boys Hostel No.-1

32 Providing external power supply & 29,11,000 10.2.05 9.6.05 Completed main panel in Hall-V.

153 Annual Report 2004-2005

33 Modification of Sub-station No.1 by 20,74,000 24.03.05 23.07.05 In shifting and installation of Progress transformer and modification of existing LT panel.

34 Providing solar water heating system 11,57,000 16.3.05 15.7.05 In (7x1000 LPD) vertical shape at 60 Progress degree C in kitchen of hall-II, III, V, GH and VH.

35 Provision of 2nd source of supply 43,11,000 16.6.05 15.12.05 In 11kV for SS No.-VI from SS No.-III. Progress

36 Renovation of 11kV HT panel at SS 35,32,000 6.06.05 5.12.05 In No.1. Progress

37 Providing power supply & shifting 22,01,000 In old existing MCC panel with Progress accessories at AC Plant (new)

38 Construction of 24 units SBRA Qtrs. 10,79,000 12.6.05 11.3.06 Yet to (SH : Electrical) Start

39 Modification of elect installation of 9,55,000 12.6.05 11.11.05 In WL 115, 116 & 117. Progress.

40 Rewiring & modification of dinning 6,05,000 11.6.05 10.12.05 In hall & kitchen at Hall-IV. Progress

41 Modification & replacement of panel 8,06,000 24.3.05 23.5.05 Completed in western lab

42 Providing & installation of split type 14,91,000 27.9.02 27.3.03 Completed air-conditioner in Media Asia Lab at campus school.

43 Providing GI sheet metal ducting & 5,82,000 11.7.05 10.10.04 Completed centrifugal blower fan for exhaust in kitchen at Hall-III, V and VIII.

154 Annual Report 2004-2005

44 Supply & installation of walk-in- 9,89,000 30.7.04 29.10.04 Completed cooler & freezers for hall-III, V and VIII.

45 Replacement of condenser pipe line, 17,48,000 17.12.04 16.03.05 Completed valves and other works at old central AC Plant.

46 Installation of 400 TR capacity screw 55,52,000 6.6.05 5.12.05 In chiller at new AC Plant. Progress

47 Supply of 400 TR screw chiller. US$ 6.6.05 5.12.05 In 96,000 Progress

Following new projects are at different stages of planning:

Hall of Residence for Boys No. – IX. Alumni & Student Career Centre. RCC boundary wall from Pradhan Gate, Nankari to Barasirohi. Extension of Library Extension of Core Lab.


The Store and Purchase section is an important service unit to cater to the needs of department/units for purchase of various equipment, chemicals glassware, hardware consumables, stationery, medicines/pharmaceutical products, industrial gases, etc. for research and general purpose. The procurements are from both indigenous and foreign sources.

The section handles customs clearance of all foreign consignments and matters relating to Import Licenses /Duty Exemption certificates and other certificates from Government of India. The re-export of consignments to the suppliers for repairs/ replacements is also done through this section.

During the financial year 2004-2005, the purchase section placed 1569 orders valued Rs. 35,20,55,184=42 which includes import orders numbering 382 costing Rs.23,82,08,320=63. The purchase orders and their values under various categories are as follows:

155 Annual Report 2004-2005

S. N. Category No of Purchase P.O. Value (in Rs.) Orders (1) Import :- (A) Institute fund a Consumable 56 25,17,538=46 b Non Consumable 49 9,99,35,563=03 (B) Project fund a Consumable 94 64,38,448=63 b Non Consumable 183 12,93,16,770=51 Total Import (A&B) 382 23,82,08,320=63 (2) Indigenous :- (A) Institute fund a Consumable 319 92,61,532=83 b Non Consumable 369 4,63,86,021=07 (B) Project Fund a Consumable 128 55,25,445=41 b Non Consumable 371 5,26,73,864=48 Total Indigenous (A&B) 1187 11,38,46,863=79

Total Value(1&2) 1569 35,20,55,184=42

Central Store procures highly technical items as and when required by different departments to maintain the pace with science and technology development. It stocks some items of consumable nature like stationery, hardware, and liveries etc. The Central store has two units, namely Purchase unit and Receipt/Issue unit. This section is headed by a professionally competent Deputy Registrar (Materials) who is assisted by a professionally competent team of 22 persons.

The store also handles disposal of unusable and scrap materials. Clearance of parcels and dispatch of rejected materials to both local and foreign firms for repairs/replacements is also done by this section. It assists the department in areas like transportation, procurements of furniture, etc.

Stores Accounts maintain the expenditure details under working expenses and stationery grants sanctioned to department/ section, etc.

We have been successful in computerizing the transactions both in Stores & Purchase & Import Section. We are processing all Indents through the software

156 Annual Report 2004-2005

developed by Automation Division and each and every function of Stores & Purchase has been automated in this financial year. We can generate reports as per our requirements as and when needed. We have full connectivity in Central Store through LAN/WAN for complete automation. Maximum correspondence is done by e-mail where it is available keeping in view the speedy action for the procurement. Store and Purchase is now connected with main frame Computer of Computer Centre. Full communication with every net user is now possible in campus from Store and Purchase Section. We are also planning to provide the Web based postal, so that department can send electronic indent directly to Central Store and check the status of this indent/purchase order/sanction sheet on the monitor.

ESTATE OFFICE The Institute has a sprawling area of 960 acres having total population around ten thousand. Being a residential campus with 1034 houses in various categories far away from the heart of the city, the Institute had to create its own infrastructure and civic amenities such as sanitation, water supply, sewage disposal and shopping complexes and such facilities, which are required for day-to-day living.

The Estate Office is entrusted with various kinds of activities including house allotment, commercial shops management, tendering process of unserviceable materials, eviction of unauthorized occupants, realization of license fee/electric charges from shopkeepers & house allotee’s, estate management and civic amenities.

The Institute has various types of residential accommodation, i.e. Type- IA, IB, I, II, III, IV and V out of which type III & above are allotted to Faculty members, Scientists, Research Engineers, group officers and rest is allotted to other staff. We have mainly four shopping complexes at various locations i.e. one in the heart of campus called as main shopping complex and other at Type-II complex, third one at security crossing & forth one at Type-I area consisting of various kinds of 98 shops, which fulfill the basic needs of the residents.

Besides the above shopping complexes, we have 9 hostels for students’ accommodation out of which seven are for boys and two are for girls. Every hostel has a barber shop, washer man shop, tailoring shop which mainly fulfills the immediate needs of the students. As per demand, we have already been started the operation of the PCOs in most of the hostels.

A new state-of-art building of Biological Sciences and Bio-Engineering department has completed and in operation with approximately 64,000 sq. feet area. Also the

157 Annual Report 2004-2005

construction of twelve residences for visiting faculty completed and used for accommodation.

Looking from the hygienic point of view in the campus, the Estate Office has been operating cleaning, sweeping & up-keeping work in the campus, which has been appreciated by the campus community. The above job is attended by private contractors under supervision of the office.

Further a cable T.V. Network is also being operated 24 hours round the clock by the Institute to provide entertainment to the entire campus community.

Besides, the Estate Office is managing all the activities related to the estate very successfully and cautiously by way of taking all the precautions to solve all types of problems satisfactory. During the financial year 2004-05, the office has realized about Rs. 71, 32,736.00 from the different sources.

CAMPUS SCHOOL Campus School catering to give education to the wards of faculty & staff, is imparting the best possible pre & post education. Child is always at the centre of concern. Activities of the school are geared to make all round development of a child. Its infra structure is strong to provide curricular & co-curricular activities to the students. There are 400 students served by a team of highly qualified & dedicated 28 teachers, 17 supporting staff & the Principal. There are special teachers for P.T., Art, Science, Computer and Dance.

The school wishes to give a holistic approach to the children in the morning assembly. Various programme/events/functions/competitions like fancy dress, hand writing, quiz, poetry recitation, art, excursion, cricket match, etc. were held thorough out the year. Also skits were organized on the occasions of Raksha Bandhan Janmashtami, Gandhi Jayanti and Teacher's Day.

Newly introduced Best Teacher's award was given to Mrs. B. Pathak and Mrs. M. Sinha. The Chief Guest on behalf of the Institute Administration presented a small gift to all the teachers as a token of recognition of their services. Evening co- curricular activities like cricket for boys and kho-kho for girls in class I to V are arranged. A friendly cricket match with Montora Public School was organised by the school. Our school won the match.

158 Annual Report 2004-2005

Major Events / Functions:

Inter - School cultural Competition: Folk Song and Folk dance: Inter- School Kho - Kho Tournament was organised by the school. Campus School was the winner. Wild Life Week celebrations (Oct. 1st to 7th 2004): Different competitions were organised by the Director Zoological Garden, Kanpur. Our students participated in different - events such as: Races, Art, Essay writing, Quiz, Group song and Group Dance etc. Our students brought many laurels to the school. Our students participated in Inter-school competition "Joy De Verse" (for class IV to VII) organised by Jain International School in Jan 05. Km. Amruta Naik, class IV won IIIrd prize in classical vocal solo. IInd Inter School Cricket Tournament was organized from Feb. 7 to 10 2005. Campus School was the runner. Independence Day and Republic Day were celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm as usual. The kids presented very colourful cultural programmes on both the occasions which were applauded by the audience.

As per discussion with the Director, Dy. Director, Prof. Incharge, Principals of the Campus School and Kendriya Vidyalaya and the Chairman, SMC, an academic co- ordination committee was formed to facilitate admission of the out going students of Campus School (Grd. V) in class VI of K.V. IIT/Kanpur.


Health Centre had been established with the objective of addressing health needs of the Institute Community. It provides services round the clock to meet its goal. Health Centre is manned by 9 Medical Officers and Medical Advisor of the Institute. Apart from the Medical Officers, it is equipped with a Pathology & Biochemistry lab, X- Ray Unit, Dressing Unit, Pharmacy and Nursing Station.

The details of the Health Centre services provided for the period with effect from 1.4.2004 to 31.03.2005 are as follows:

S. N. Annual Performance Number Number of Patients treated in OPD 61322 Number of Student treated 11221 Number of Patients treated in Indoors 1043

159 Annual Report 2004-2005

Number of Patients treated in Homeopathy OPD 4661 Number of Surgical Operation (Minor) 53 Number of Deliveries 24 Number of Plastering 78 Number of Surgical Dressing 6631 Number of Injections 21626 Number of Pathology Test and Bio Chemistry Test 35422 Number of Family Planning Operation (Tubectomy) Nil Number of E.C.G. 609 Number of Babies attended in Well Baby Clinic 904 Number of X-Ray done 1787 Number of babies attended National Pulse Polio Programme 854 Number of Anti Rabies Injections 350

Immunization are done round the year in the Health Centre for protection against Typhoid, Cholera, Tuberculosis, Deptheria, Pertussis Totanus, Polio and Measles. Facilities for maternity management, family planning counselling and Tubectomy operation are also available.


Housed in an imposing doubled storied building and located at a central place, the Visitors’ Hostel provides boarding and lodging facilities for the guest, newly appointed faculty/staff members and delegates/participants attending various conferences, seminars symposia and workshop.

The Visitors’ Hostel can accommodate 170 persons in 70 single rooms (twin bed) and 15 double rooms, 10 are air-conditioned. All the rooms have attached bath rooms (W.C.). It has 2 dining halls of which one is air-conditioned and a recreation room with W.C. facilities attached with this. It also has an air-conditioned conference room.

Facilities and services have further been improved at a professional level, which has increased occupancy rate and messing by about 12% thus increase in revenue.

A Pioneer batch Continuing Education Center Building has also been attached with Visitors’ Hostel. This has one air-conditioned conference room, 2 class rooms, waiting lounge pantry and an Ante Room.

160 Annual Report 2004-2005

Publications and Outreach Activities


1. Proceedings of the International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Vol.I and II,Dec 9-12,2004, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Ed. N.G.R.Iyengar and Ashwini Kumar. 2 Airbreathing Engines & Aerospace Propulsion Proceedings of NCABE-2004, 05- 07, Nov. 2004 , Ed. R.K.Sullerey 3 Mathematical Methods in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Thomson Learning, Singapore, 2004, 689 pages, A. K. Ray and S. K. Gupta. 4 Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi (2004), Ashutosh Sharma, Jayesh Bellare and Archana Sharma (Eds.). 5 Inherently Safer Design, in Lees Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 3rd Edition, Chief Editor: M. Sam Mannan, Butterworth-Heinemann, London, 2005, J.P. Gupta and D.C. Hendershot. 6 Failure and recovery of entangled polymer melts in elongational flow, in Rheology Reviews 2004 (Editors K. Walters and D. Binding) 1-17, Joshi Y. M. and Denn M. M. 7 The science of mesoscale patterning of thin films by templating, In Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, pp. 207-220, Eds. Ashutosh Sharma, Jayesh Bellare and Archana Sharma, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi (2004), Kargupta K. and Sharma A. 8 Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, Chandrasekhar V. 9 Recent Advances in the Nanostructured Magnetic Particles, Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (CSIR) New Delhi, 2004, N. S. Gajbhiye and G. Balaji. 10 Sonochemical synthesis of Nano materials, Review chapter in Encyclopedia of Nano Science and Nano Technology, H. S. Nalwa, Ed., American Scientific Publishers, 10, 2004, S. Sundar Manoharan and Manju Lata Rao. 11 Chapter on Copper in Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry-II: From Biology to Nanotechnology, Vol. 6 (Volume Editor: D. E. Fenton), Editors: J. A. McCleverty and T. J. Meyer, Elsevier/Pergamon, Amsterdam, 2004, pp. 747 – 910, R. N. Mukherjee.

161 Annual Report 2004-2005

12 Monitoring of Changes Related to Natural and Manmade Hazards Using Space Technology , Ed. R.P. Singh , Pergamon Press, UK. 13 Earthquake Tips: Learning Earthquake Design and Construction (an IITK- BMTPC release) Published by the National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India March 2005 by Dr. C.V.R. Murty. 14 Smart card based protocol for secure and controlled access of mobile host in IPv6 compatible foreign network, Advances in security and payment methods for mobile commerce’s chapter 14, Idea Group Publishing Hershey USA 2005, R. K.Ghosh, A.Arora and G. Barua. 15 Distributed Computing and Internet Technology Proceedings of ICDCIT 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 3347, Springer., R.K.Ghosh and H. Mohanty 16 Video Biometrics Video Data Management and Information Retrieval, Idea Group Inc. edited by Sagarmay Dec, 2004, Phalguni Gupta, Mayank Vatsa and Richa Singh. 17 Overview of Biometric Technologies Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, Idea Group Inc 2004, Phalguni Gupta, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh and A. Kaushik. 18 Biometric Databases Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, Idea Group Inc 2004, Phalguni Gupta, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh and A. Kaushik. 19 Offline Signature Recognition- An Overview Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining Idea, Online Signature Recognition- An Overview Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining Idea Group Inc 2004, Phalguni Gupta, Indrani Chakraborty, N. Misra, Mayank Vatsa, and Richa Singh. 20 Online Signature Recognition- An Overview Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Idea Group Inc 2004, Phalguni Gupta, Indrani Chakraborty, N. Misra, Mayank Vatsa, and Richa Singh. 21 The Time boxing process model for iterative software development in Advances in Computers, Vol 6 pp 67-103, 2004, Pankaj Jalote. 22 Aurum, and R. Jeffery, Knowledge Infrastructure for Project Management in Managing Software Engineering Knowledge, Springer Verlag, 2004, Pankaj Jalote. 23 Pattern Recognition Algorithms for Data Mining Chapman & Hall CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, ISBN: 1-58488-457-6’’, May 2004, Pabitra Mitra and S. K. Pal. 24 Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP

162 Annual Report 2004-2005

25 And Translation Support System (ISTRANS- 2004) Tata Mc Graw, R.M.K. Sinha (Chief Editor), Hill New Delhi, 2004. 26 Splay Trees, Handbook of data Structure and Application, Chapman & Hall/CRC 2004, S.Saxena. 27 Virtual Instrumentation using LABVIEW: Sanjay Gupta & Joseph John, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi. 28 A Unified Computational Lexicon for Hindi-English Code-switching, Rajeev Sangal and S.M. Bendre (eds.) Natural Language Processing, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 2004, pp. 185-194, Achala M. Raina, Amitabha Mukerjee, Pushpraj Shukla. 29 Incorporating Pragmatic-Semantic Domain Lexicons for Converting Arithmetic Word Problem, Rajeev Sangal and S.M. Bendre (eds.), Natural Language Processing, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 2004, pp. 275-279. Himanshu Gupta, Kumar Gaurav, Amitabha Mukerjee, Achla M. Raina, 30 Memoirs of Capt. Lakshmi, (Translation from English to Malayalam), Women’s Imprint, Trivandrum, 2005, Mini Chandran. 31 Half a Life by V.S. Naipaul, South Asian Literature in English: An Encyclopedia, Sanga Jaina (ed.), Greenwood Press, Connecticut, 2004, pp. 133-135, T. Ravichandran. 32 Mimic Men by V.S. Naipaul, South Asian Literature in English: An Encyclopedia, (ed.), Sanga Jaina, Greenwood Press, Connecticut, 2004, pp. 207-209, T. Ravichandran. 33 From Resistance to Acceptance: A Wriggling Journey between Despair and Hope in Rohinton Mistry’s Such a Long Journey, Protest and Aftermath in Post-War Literature in English, (eds.), Urbashi Barat and Neelanjana Pathak, Jaipur, Surabhai Publication, 2005, 160-170, T.Ravichandran. 34 Developing New Formulations and Relaxations of Single Stage Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem (SSCWLP): Empirical Investigation for Assessing Relative Strengths and Computational Effort, Logistics and Global Outsourcing, Kulwant S. Pawar, Chandra S. Lalwani and Janat Shah (Eds.), pp. 286-291, 2004, ISBN : 0 85358 129 0, Sharma, R.R.K. and Berry, V. 35 Multi-Machine Scheduling Problem for General Job Value Deterioration Function in Operations Research with Economic and Industrial Applications Emerging Trends, Eds. S.R. Mohan and S.K. Neogy, Anamaya Publishers, 2005, pp. 112-123, Sumit Raut and Sanjeev Swami. 36 Contract Design in Complex Supply Chains Using Genetic Algorithm and Game, 2004, Raut, Sumit, Sanjeev Swami, Eunkyu Lee, and Charles B. Weinberg.

163 Annual Report 2004-2005

37 Theoretic Approach, Logistics and Global Outsourcing, Kulwant S. Pawar, Chandra S. Lalwani and Janat Shah (Eds.), pp. 292-298, 2004, ISBN : 0 85358 129 0, 38 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2005, Bahuguna D. 39 Integrodifferential Equations with Analytic Semigroups, J. Appl. Math. Stochastic Anal. 16, No. 2, 177-189, 2003, Bahuguna D. 40 Principles of Optimization Theory Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2004, Dutta J. 41 Mathematical Biology: Recent Trends Anamaya Publication, New Delhi, 2005, Rathish B.V.K. 42 Statistical Computing: Existing Methods and Recent Advances, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 2004, Kundu D., Basu A. 43 Simultaneous Selection of Extreme Populations: Optimal Decision Rules, Advances in Ranking and Selection, Multiple Comparisons and Reliability with Applications, 143-160, Birkhausur Boston, Misra N., Dhariyal I. D. 44 The Qutub Complex, Aryan Books International, New Delhi, 2005, Hardbound, ISBN 81-7305-293-X in press, R. Balasubramaniam. 45 Delhi Iron Pillar – A Metallurgical Marvel, Foundation Books, New Delhi, 2005, Paperback, ISBN-81-7596-278-X. in press, , R. Balasubramaniam. 46 Lal and the Conservation of the Delhi Iron Pillar, Studies in Art and Archaeological Conservation: Dr. B.B. Lal Commemoration Volume, Edited by A.S. Bisht and S.P. Singh. Delhi, Agam Kala Prakashan, 2004, ISBN 81- 7320-059-9.29, pp 45-62, R. Balasubramaniam. 47 Characterization of Rust on Ancient Indian Iron, Chapter XIII in Science in Archaeology and Archaeomaterials, Ed. A.K. Biswas, D.K. Printworld, (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2005, pp. 275-314, R. Balasubramaniam, A.V. Ramesh Kumar and P. Dillmann. 48 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, (2005), G.K. Lal, S.K.Choudhury. 49 Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Second Edition, Narosa Publisher, November 2004, ISBN: 81-7319-627-3 (594 pages), K. Muralidhar and G. Biswas. 50 Computer Aided Engineering Design, Anamaya Publishers (India) and Springer, PO BOX 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2005, Saxena, A. and Sahay, B. 51 Heat Transfer, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, (2004), P.S. Ghoshdastidar.

164 Annual Report 2004-2005

52 Solutions Manual of Heat Transfer, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, P.S. Ghoshdastidar. 53 CI Engine performance for Use with Alternative Fuels, and New Diesel Engines and Components, SP-1978, 196 Pages, Published by SAE International, USA, 2005, (Eds.), J. E. Mossberg, A. Jain, G. J. Thompson, Avinash K. Agarwal. 54 Mathematical Physics: the Basics, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2005, S.D. Joglekar 55 Green’s Function in Axial and Lorentz-type Gauges and Application to The Axial Pole Prescription and The Wilson Loop (Book Chapter in the book Frontiers in High Energy Physics, Volume 4), Allied Book Publishers, New Delhi (2004), S.D Joglekar. 56 Negative refraction and sub-diffraction imaging, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Elsevier, Oxford, 2005, S. O’Brien and S.A. Ramakrishna (to appear). 57 Superconductivity in Quaternary Borocarbides; R. Nagarajan, C. Mazumdar, Z. Hossain, L.C. Gupta; Frontiers in Superconducting Materials, Ed. A.V. Narlikar, Publisher- Springer Verlag (2005) p. 393 (in press). 58 Light and Thermally Induced Metastabilities in Nanocrystalline Silicon, Chapter in the book Advances in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, A. Sharma, J. Bellare and A. Sharma (Eds.), NISCOM, New Delhi, 2004 by N.P. Mandal and S.C. Agarwal. 59 Brane-world phenomenology in Current Perspectives in High Energy Physics: Lectures from SERC Schools, ed. D. Ghoshal (Hindustan Book Agency, 2004) by S. Raychaudhuri (Book chapter).

165 Annual Report 2004-2005


1. Nonlinear free vibration of laminated composite plate with random material properties. J. Sound & Vib. 2004, 272, 627-641, Amit. Kr. Onkar, D. Yadav. 2. Linear and nonlinear analysis of a smart beam using general electro- thermo-elastic formulation, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 2004, pp. 840-849, S.N. Ahmad, C.S. Upadhyay, and C. Venkatesan. 3. Influence of nonlinear elastomer on lag dynamics and rotor/ fuselage aeromechanical stability, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 41, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2004, pp. 1449-1465, G. Pohit, C. Venkatesan and A.K. Mallik. 4. Secondary Flow Control Using Vortex Generator Jets Journal of Fluids Engineering, July 2004, Vol. 126, pp. 1-8, R.K. Sullerey and A.M. Pradeep. 5. Detection of Separation in S-duct Diffuses using Shear sensitive liquid Crystals, Journal of Visualization, Vol. 7, No.4 2004, pp.299-307, A.M. Pradeep and R.K. Sullerey. 6. Vortex ring formation at the open end of a shock tube: A particle image velocimetry study. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS VOLUME 16, NUMBER 4 APRIL 2004 PP 1008-1019 J. H. Arakeri, Debopam. Das, A. Krothapalli, and L. Lourenco. 7. Vortex induced vibrations of a pair of cylinders at Reynolds number 1000, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 18, 2004, 601-614, S.Mittal and V. Kumar. 8. Role of shear layer instability in the transition of boundary layer on a bluff body, Journal of Visualization, 7, 2004, 107, S.P. Singh and S.Mittal. 9. Three-dimensional instabilities in flow past a rotating cylinder, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, 71, 2004, 89-95, S.Mittal. 10. Energy Spectra of Flow Past a Circular Cylinder, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 18(8), 2004, 671-679, S.P. Singh and S.Mittal. 11. Flow Past a Cylinder: Shear Layer Instability and Drag Crisis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 47, 2005, 75-78, S.P. Singh and S. Mittal. 12. Effect of Leading Edge Cut on the Aerodynamics of Ram-Air Parachutes, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 47, 2005, 1-17, R. Balaji, S. Mittal and A.K. Rai.

166 Annual Report 2004-2005

13. Vortex induced oscillations at low Reynolds numbers: hysteresis & vortex-shedding modes, accepted for publication in journal of Fluids and Structures, 2005, S.P. Singh and S.Mittal. 14. Neural Models for Predicting Trajectory Performance of an Artillery Rocket, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication, Vol. 1, No.2. Feb. 2004, pp 112-115, A.K.Ghosh, Om Prakash. 15. Wind tunnel Investigation of Typical Strategic Missile Configuration at High Angle of Attack, Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology- Accepted for Publication, A.K. Ghosh, Girish Sagoo, Ankur Singhal. 16. Nonlinear Control Law with Application to High Angle of Attack Flight Using Neural Networks, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication- Submitted for Publication, P. N.Diwevedi, A. K. Ghosh. 17. Nonlinear Control Law with Application to High Angle of Attack Flight Using Neural Networks, National Conference on Control Dynamics, IIT, Bombay, Jan-2005, P.N. Diwevedi, A.K. Ghosh. 18. Identification of Residues in the Human Guanylate-binding Protein 1 Critical for Nucleotide Binding and Cooperative GTP Hydrolysis, J.Mol.Biol., 344, 257-269, 2004, Praefcke Gerrit JK., Kloep Stephen., Benscheid Utz., Lilie Hanke, Balaji Prakash and Herrmann Christian. 19. Analysis of GTPases carrying hydrophobic amino acid substitutions in lieu of the catalytic glutamine: Implications for GTP hydrolysis, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2005, Rajeev Mishra, Sudheer Kumar Gara, Shambhavi Mishra, Balaji Prakash. 20. ATCUN-like metal-binding motifs in proteins. Identification and characterization by crystal structure and sequence analysis, Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 58, 211-221, 2005, Sankararamakrishnan R., Verma S. and Kumar S. 21. Enforcing solution phase nanophase aggregation in a palindromic tripeptide Chem. Commn. 20, 2564-2566, 2005, Prasad, K.K., Purohit, C. S., Jain, A., Sankararamakrishnan, R. and Verma, S. 22. Bioresorbable nanofiber based systems for wound healing and drug delivery: optimization of fabrication parameters, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 70B(2):286-96,. (Cover Article), 2004, Katti DS, Robinson KW, Ko F K and Laurencin CT. 23. Affinity binding of cells to cryogel adsorbents with immobilized specific ligands: Effect of ligand coupling and matrix architecture, J. Molecular Recognition 18, 84-93, 2005, Kumar A., Caballero AR., Fatima P, Galaev

167 Annual Report 2004-2005

Iyu, Nandakumar KS, Kamihira M, Holmdahl R., Orfao T and Mattiasson B. 24. Mechanisms for activating Cu- and Zn-containing superoxide dismutase in the absence of the CCS Cu chaperone. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101(16), 5964-9, 2004, Carroll MC, Girouard JB, Ulloa JL, Subramaniam JR, Wong PC, Valentine JS, Culotta VC. 25. Molecular dynamics study of nanocomposite polymer electrolyte based on poly (ethylene oxide)/LiBF4, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science Engineering, 12(3), S73-S89 (2004), R. Bandyopadhayaya, O. Borodin, G.D. Smith, P. Redfern, L. S. Curtis. 26. Dynamics of chain aggregates of carbon nanoparticles in isolation and in polymer films: Implications for nanocomposite materials, Chemistry of Materials, 16(16), 3147-3154 (2004), R. Bandyopadhyaya, W. Rong, S.K. Friedlander. 27. Treatment of prehydrolysis liquor from pulp mill using biological route followed by Reverse Osmosis, Chern. Eng. Technol. (in press), R. L. Rath, C. Bhattacharjee, Shikha Jain, P. K. Bhattacharya. 28. Studies on UF of spent sulfite liquor (SSL) using various membranes and recovery of lignosulphonates, Desalination (in Press). (January 2005 issue), M. Tiwari, S. Bhattacharjee, C. Bhattacharjee, R. K. Todi, P. K. Bhattacharya. 29. Pervaporation of Hydrazine Hydrate: Separation characteristics of membranes with hydrophilic to hydrophobic behaviour, Journal of Membrane Science, 238,103 -115 (2004), S. V. Satyanarayana, P. K. Bhattacharya. 30. Composite membranes for hydrophobic pervaporation: Study with toluene-water system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 102,171 -184 (2004), S. V. Satyanarayana, A. Sharma and P. K. Bhattacharya. 31. Pervaporation from a dense membrane: Roles of permeant - membrane interactions, Kelvin effect, and membrane swelling, Langmuir, 20, 4708 (2004), A. Sharma, S. P. Thampi, S. V. Suggala and P. K. Bhattacharya. 32. Two dimensional steady flow of a power law fluid past a square cylinder in a plane channel, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42, 5674 (2003), A.K. Gupta, A. Sharma, R.P. Chhabra and V. Eswaran. 33. Convective heat transfer for power law fluids in packed and fluidized beds of spheres, Chem. Engng. Sci., 59, 645 (2004), R. Shukla, S.D. Dhole, R.P. Chhabra and V. Eswaran.

168 Annual Report 2004-2005

34. Forced convection in cross flow of power law fluids over a tube bank, Chem. Engng. Sci., 59, 2213 (2004), N. Mangadreddy, R. Prakash, R.P. Chhabra and V. Eswaran. 35. In Situ UV-vis-NIR Diffuse Reflectance and Raman Spectroscopy and Catalytic Activity of Propane ODH over supported CrO3/ZrO2 Catalysts, Langmuir, 20(17), 7159 (2004), T.V.M. Rao, J-M. Jehng, I.E. Wachs, and G. Deo. +5 36. Nature of the Vanadia-Ceria Interface in V /CeO2 Catalysts and its Relevance for the Solid-State Reaction Towards CeVO4 and catalytic properties, J. Catal.,225(1), 240 (2004), M.V. Martinez-Huerta, J.M. Coronado, M. Fernandez-Garcia, A. Iglesias-Juez, G. Deo, J.L.G. Fierro and M.A. Banares. 37. Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane on V2O5/Al2O3 and V2O5/TiO2 catalysts: Understanding the Effect of Support by Parameter Estimation, Applied Catalysis A: General, 265 (1) 103 (2004), K. Routray, K.R.S.K Reddy and G. Deo. 38. Measuring the Work of Adhesion between a Soft Confined Film and a Flexible Plate, Langmuir, 21, 1277-1281 (2005), Animangsu Ghatak, L. Mahadevan, and Manoj K. Chaudhury. 39. Bhopal: No Silver Lining, Environmental Health Perspective, Vol. 112 (14), A-541 (October 2004), J.P. Gupta. 40. Multi-objective Optimization of Semi-batch Copolymerization Reactors using Adaptations of Genetic Algorithm (GA), Macromolecular Theory Simulation, 13, 73-85 (2004), A. Nayak and S. K. Gupta. 41. Simulation and Multiobjective Optimization of the Continuous Tower Process for Styrene Polymerization, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 94, 775-788 (2004), S. A. Bhat, R. Sharma and S. K. Gupta. 42. Multiobjective Optimization of an Industrial Crude Distillation Unit using the Elitist Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, Chemical Engineering & Research. Design, 82(A), 611-623 (2004), S. V. Inamdar, S. K. Gupta and D. N. Saraf. 43. Genetic Algorithm and Multi-objective Function Optimization with the Jumping Gene (Transposon) Adaptation—a Primer, A Compendium of CSIR Diamond Jubilee Lectures held at NML, Eds., R. P. Goel and N. G. Goswami, NML, Jamshedpur, 2004, pp., 51 – 66, S. K. Gupta and S. Bhatt. 44. Applications of Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems in Chemical Engineering, Directions (IITK), 6(3), 49-55 (2004), A. Tarafder, A. K. Ray and S. K. Gupta.

169 Annual Report 2004-2005

45. Rupture and recovery of entangled polymeric liquids in elongational flow, J. Rheology, 48, 591-598 (2004), Joshi Y. M. and Denn M. M. 46. An SPC framework for the characterization of batch profile, Technometrics, 46(1), 53-68 (2004), N. Kaistha, CF Moore and M.G. Leitnaker. 47. Estimation of LLX for PIONA families and its validation, Computers and Chemical Engg, 28, 1529-1546 (2004), Ashok Khanna et al.. 48. Constrained non-linear optimization for solubility parameters of polylactic acid and polyglycolic acid – validation and comparison, Polymer, 45, 8603-8612(2004), Ashok Khanna et al. 49. Genetic Algorithm to estimate interaction parameters of multicomponent systems for liquid-liquid equilibria, Computers & Chemical Engineering (Article in Press, Feb. 2005), Ashok Khanna et al. 50. Oxidative Dehydogenation of Propane on V2O5-ZrO2 Catalysts, Catal. Letters 96, 33(2004), M.De and D.Kuzru. 51. Effect of Additives on the Performance of V2O5-ZrO2 Catalysts for the Oxidative Dehydogenation of Propane, 18th Canadian Symposium on Catalysis, Montreal, May 16-19, 2004, M.De and D.Kunzru. 52. Thermal Cracking of JP-10: Determination of Kinetics and Effect of Initiators, 7thNational Conference on Airbreathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, Nov.5-7,2004, IIT Kanpur, Nageswara Rao Peela and D. Kunzru. 53. Catalytic Steam Reforming of Ethanol for Production of Hydrogen on Ni/Ce02 Catalysts, CHEMCON-2004, Mumbai,Dec.27-30,2004, P.Biswas and D.Kunzru. 54. Industry-Academia Interaction:Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Engineering Education(NSEE-05)',Bangalore, Feb. 25-26,2005,pp54-56, D.Kunzru. 55. Effect of Calcium and Potassium on V2O5/ZrO2 Catalyst for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane:A Comparative Study, Catal.Letters,2005(in press), M.De and D.Kunzru. 56. Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes, Directions 6(2),9, May 2004, D.Kunzru and A.Agarwal. 57. Novel simulated moving-bed adsorber for the fractionation of gas mixtures J. Chromatography, in press. Available on Web: hod=list&_aset=V-WA-A-W-C-MsSAYWA-UUW-U-AAAADCCVDE- AAUEBBZWDE-EBEYAADAA-C- U&_sort=d&view=c&_st=13&_acct=C000023778&_version=1&_userid

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=489944&md5=c64b03fa8e06fe3a37d571bd31bf1df9, D. P. Rao, S. V. Sivakumar, S. Mandal, S. Kota, and B.S.G. Ramaprasad 58. Process Intensification in Rotating Packed Beds (HIGEE): An Appraisal, I&EC research, 43, 1150-1162 (2004), D. P. Rao, A. Bhowal, and P. S. Goswami. 59. Stability of two-layer viscoelastic plane Couette flow past a deformable solid layer: Implications of fluid viscoscity stratification, Journal of Non- Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 125, 143-158 (2005), V. Shankar. 60. Instability of high-frequency modes in viscoelastic plane Couette flow past a deformable wall at low and finite Reynolds number, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 125, 121-141 (2005), A. Sameer Kumar and V. Shankar. 61. Stability of two-layer Newtonian plane Couette flow past a deformable solid layer, Physics of Fluids, 16, 4426-4442 (2004), V. Shankar and Lalit Kumar. 62. Stability of two-layer viscoelastic plane Couette flow past a deformable solid layer, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 117, 163-182 (2004), V. Shankar. 63. Instability of the interface between thin fluid films subjected to electric fields, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 274, 294-308 (2004), V. Shankar and Ashutosh Sharma. 64. Instability of viscoelastic plane Couette flow past a deformable wall, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 116, 371-393 (2004), V. Shankar and Satish Kumar. 65. Instability and dynamics of thin liquid bilayers, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 44, 1259-1272 (2005), D. Bandyopadhyay, R. Gulabani and A. Sharma. 66. Adhesion and debonding of soft elastic films: crack patterns, metastable pathways and forces, Langmuir 21, 1457-1469 (2005), J. Sarkar, A. Sharma and V. Shenoy. 67. Pattern formation and dewetting in thin films of liquids showing complete macroscale wetting: from Pancakes to Swiss-Cheese, Langmuir 20, 10337-10345 (2004), A. Sharma and R. Verma. 68. Patterns, forces and metastable pathways in debonding of elastic films, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 018302 (2004), J. Sarkar, V. Shenoy and A. Sharma. Also a selected paper in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 10 (2), (2004). 69. Surface patterns in evaporating droplets on dissolving substrates, Langmuir 20, 3456-3463 (2004), M. Gonuguntla and A. Sharma.

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70. Pervaporation from a dense membrane: roles of permeant-membrane interactions, Kelvin effect and membrane swelling, Langmuir 20, 4708- 4714 (2004), S.V. Satyanarayana, P.K. Bhattacharya and A. Sharma. 71. Instability of the interface between thin fluid films subjected to electric fields, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 274, 299-313 (2004), V. Shankar and A. Sharma. 72. Arresting photodegradation of porous silicon by a polymer coating, Solid State Communications 129, 183 (2004), N.P. Mandal, A. Sharma and S.C. Agarwal. 73. Instability, morphology and dynamics of thin slipping films, Langmuir 20, 244-253 (2004), K. Kajari, A. Sharma and R. Khanna. 74. Composite membranes for hydrophobic pervaporation: study with the toluene–water system, Chem. Eng. J. 102, 171-184 (2004), S.V. Satyanarayana, A. Sharma and P.K. Bhattacharya, 75. Comparative study of removal of volatile organic compounds by cryogenic condensation and adsorption by activated carbon fibre, Separation & Purification Tech.39, 23-37 (2004), P. Dwivedi, V. Gaur, A. Sharma and N. Verma 76. Adsorption of volatile organic compound by activated carbon fiber, Carbon, 42 (14), 2949-2962, D. Das, V. Gaur, and N. Verma. 77. Wall effects in flow past a circular cylinder in a plane channel: a numerical study, in press, Chem. Engg. Process. 43 (12), 1529- 1537(2004), J. Chakraborty, N. Verma and R.P. Chhabra. 78. Comparative study of removal of volatile organic compounds by cryogenic condensation and adsorption by activated carbon fiber. Sep. Purif. Tech., 39, 23-37 (2004), P. Dwivedi, V. Gaur, A. Sharma and N. Verma. 79. Self-Assembly of Lanthanide Helicate Coordination Polymers into 3D Metal-Organic Framework Structures, S. K. Ghosh, P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004) 2293. 80. A Novel Dodecameric Water Cluster Built Around a Cyclic Quasi-Planar Hexameric Core in an Organic Supramolecular Complex of Cryptand, S. K. Ghosh, P. K. Bharadwaj, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43 (2004) 3577. 81. Structure of Discrete (H2O)12 Clusters Present in the Cavity of Polymeric Interlinked Metallocycles of Nd(III) or Gd(III) and a Podand Ligand, S. Neogi, G. Savitha , P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004) 3771. 82. Attachment of an Electron−Withdrawing Fluorophore to a Cryptand for Modulation of Fluorescence Signaling, B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004) 4626.

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83. Modulation of SHG Responses via Supramolecular Association/ Dissociation Between two Complementary Cryptands, P. Mukhopadhyay, P. K. Bharadwaj, A. Krishnan, P. K. Das, J. Orgmet. Chem. 689 (2004) 4877. 84. Cryptand Based Fluorescent Signaling Systems: High Enhancement with Transition, Inner-Transition as well as Heavy Main-Group Metal Ions, B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, J. Luminescence 1-2, (2004) 85. 85. Metal-Organic Framework Structures of Cu (II) with Pyridine-2, 6- dicarboxylate and Different Spacers: Identification of a Metal Bound Acyclic Water Tetramer, S. K. Ghosh, J. Ribas, P. K. Bharadwaj, Cryst. Eng. Commun. 6 (2004) 250. 86. Reactivity of Pyridine-2, 4, 6-tricarboxylic Acid Toward Zn(II) Salts Under Different Reaction Conditions, S. K. Ghosh, G. Savitha, P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004) 5495. 87. Studies of amphiphiles with cryptand headgroup at the air-water interface. Punam Tripathi, Sujit K. Ghosh, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, Ram Adhar Singh, Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, Part A: Physical Sciences 70A (2004), 383. 88. Transition Metals Based Nanomaterials for Signal Transduction, B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, Encyclopaedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 (2004) 517. 89. Puckered Boat Conformation Hexameric Water Clusters Framework Structure stabilized in a 2D Metal-Organic Framework structure Built from Cu(II) and Benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic Acid, S. K. Ghosh and P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004), 5180. 90. Structure of a Discrete Hexadecameric Water Cluster in a Metal-Organic Framework Structure. S. K. Ghosh and P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004), 6887. 91. Binding and extraction of pertechnetate and perrhenate by azacages. Fundamentals and Applications of Anion Separations, [Proceedings of the Symposium Fundamentals and Applications of Anion Separations held during the American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, Aug. 26-31, 2001], Holger Stephan, Karsten Gloe, Werner Kraus, Hartmut Spies, Bernd Johannsen, Kathrin Wichmann, Guenter Reck, Dillip K. Chand, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, Mueller Ute, M. Walter, Fritz Voegtle (2004) 151-168. 92. Fluorescence enhancement of a signaling system in the simultaneous presence of a transition and an alkali metal ions: a potential AND logic gate. B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, Chem. Commun. (2005) 513.

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93. An Infinite Water Chain Passes Through an Array of Zn (II)- Metallocycles Built with a Podand Bearing Terminal Carboxylates S. Neogi, P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 44 (2005) 816. 94. Perturbation of the PET Process in Fluorophore-Spacer-Receptor Systems through Structural Modification: Transition metal Induced Fluorescence Enhancement and Selectivity. B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 4377. 95. Characterization of 3D Metal-Organic Frameworks Formed Through Hydrogen Bonding Interactions of 2D Networks with Rectangular Voids by CoII and NiII (pdc) [ pdc= Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate ] and 4,4′- Bipyridine or 1,2-Di(pyridyl)ethylene, S. K. Ghosh, J. Ribas, P. K. Bharadwaj, Crystal Growth and Design. 5 (2005) 623. 96. Self-Assembly of a Co(II) Dimer through H-bonding of Water Molecules to a 3D Open-Framework Structure, S. K. Ghosh, P. K. Bharadwaj, J. Chem Sci. 117 (2005) 23. 97. Fluorescence Enhancement with Different Ionic Inputs in a Cryptand Based Multi-receptor Signaling System, B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, J. Chem. Sci. (2005) 0000. 98. Attachment of Electron-Withdrawing 2,4-Dinitrobenzene Groups to a Cryptand-Based Receptor for Cu(II)/H+-Specific Exciplex and Monomer Emissions, B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, Org. Lett. (2005) 0000. 99. Coordination Polymers of La (III) as Bunched Infinite Nanotubes and Their Conversion into an Open-Framework Structure, S. K. Ghosh, P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. (2005) 0000. 100. Mn(II) Staircase Structures Stitched by Water Clusters to a 3D Metal- Organic Open Framework: X-ray Structural and Magnetic Studies, Sujit K. Ghosh, Joan Ribas, M. Salah El Fallah, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. (2005) 0000. 101. A reusable zigzag copper(II) coordination polymer with bio-essential constituents as a facile DNA scission agent, Sanjib Das, C. Madhavaiah, Sandeep Verma, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chim. Acta. (2005) 0000. 102. Cyclophosphazene hydrazides as efficient multisite coordination ligands. 3 -fac-non-geminal-N3 coordination of spiro- N3P3[O2C12H8][N(Me)NH2]4 (L) in L2CoCl3 and L2M(NO3)2 (M = Ni, Zn, Cd) Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Venkatasubbaiah. Krishnan, Alexander. Steiner, Jamie. F. Bickley, Inorg. Chem. 2004, 43, 166-172 103. Metalated hybrid polymers as catalytic reagents for phosphate ester hydrolysis and plasmid modification Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Pravas Deria, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2004, 14, 1559-1562, Venkatasubbaiah

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Krishnan, Arunachalampillai Athimoolam, Sanjay Singh, C. Madhavaiah, S.G. Srivatsan, Sandeep Verma. 104. Reactions of n-Bu2SnO and (n-Bu3Sn)2O with 1,1,2,3,3- pentamethyltrimethylene phosphinic acid: Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of a novel spirocyclic coordination polymer and a 16- membered inorganic macrocycle, Organometallics 2004, 23, 1390-1395, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Viswanathan Basker, Alexander Steiner, Stefano Zacchini. 105. Molecular zinc phosphonates: synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of [{(ZnMe)4(THF)2}{tBuPO3}2] and [{(ZnEt)3(Zn(THF))3}{tBuPO3}4{µ3- OEt}] Dalton Transactions 2004, 1271-1275, G. Anantharaman, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, M. G. Walawalkar, H. W. Roesky, D. Viidovic, J. Magull M. Noltemeyer. 106. New Polyhedral Zinc Siloxanes: Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structures of Zn8Me7(dioxane)2(O3SiR)3 and [Zn7Me2(THF)5(O3SiR)4] [R = (2,6-i- Pr2C6H3)N(SiMe3)], Organometallics, 2004, 23, 2251-2256, G. Anantharaman, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, U. N. Nehete, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, and J. Magull. 107. Organostannoxane Motifs in Cages and Supramolecular Architectures, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and the Related Elements, 2004, 179, 699- 701, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Baskar, R. Boomishankar, S. Nagendran. 108. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Carbaalanes (AlH)6(AlNMe3)2(CCH2C5H4FeC5H5)6 and (AlH)6(AlNMe3)2(CCH2Ph)6: X-ray Crystal Structure of (AlH)6(AlNMe3)2-(CCH2C5H4FeC5H5)6, Organometallics, 2004, 23, 3496-3500, S. Shravan Kumar, J. Rong, ; S. Singh, ; H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull, D. Neculai, V. Chandrasekhar, M. Baldus. 109. Polyhedral Ferrous and Ferric Siloxanes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 43, 3832 – 3835, U. N. Nehete, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, R. Murugavel, M. G. Walawalkar, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull, K. Samwer, B. Sass. 110. Molecular {(SnO)6} Trapped by Two {R2Si2O3} Fragments: X-Ray Single-Crystal Structure of [(SnO)6(R2Si2O3)2]Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 43, 3842 – 3844, U. N. Nehete, V. Chandrasekhar, G. Anantharaman, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull. 111. Two Types of Intramolecular Addition of an Al-N Multiple-Bonded Monomer LAlNAr' Arising from the Reaction of LAl with N3Ar' (L = HC[(CMe)(NAr)]2, Ar' = 2,6-Ar2C6H3, Ar = 2,6-iPr2C6H3), J. Am.Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 9472-9473, H. Zhu, J. Chai, V. Chandrasekhar,

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H. W. Roesky, J. Magull, D. Vidovic, H-G. Schmidt, M.Noltemeyer, P. P. Power, and W. A. Merrill. 112. Control of Molecular Topology and Metal Nuclearity in Multimetallic Assemblies: Designer Metallosiloxanes Derived from Silanetriols, Chem. Eur. J., 2004, 10, 4106-4114, H. W. Roesky, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Jancik, S. Singh. 113. Tetranuclear Homo- and Heteroalumoxanes Containing Reactive Functional Groups: Syntheses and X-ray Crystal Structures of [{[LAl(Me)](µ-O)(MH2)}2], Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 43, 4940- 4943, S. Singh, S. S. Kumar, V. Chandrasekhar, Hans-Jürgen Ahn, M. Biadene, H. W. Roesky, N. S. Hosmane, M. Noltemeyer, Hans-Georg Schmidt Hybrid polymeric ligands and polymer supported catalysts containing cyclophosphazenes, Competes Rendus Chimie, 2004, 7, 915- 925, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Venkatasubbaiah Krishnan, Pakkirisamy Thilagar. 114. Heavy-Metal-Containing Polyhedral Metallasiloxane Derived from an Aminosilanetriol: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of [(PbO)6(R2Si2O3)2] (R = (2,6-iPr2C6H3)N(SiMe3)), Organometallics 2004, 23, 5372-5374, U. N. Nehete, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Jancik, H. W. Roesky, R. Herbst-Irmer. 115. Recent developments in the synthesis and structure of organosilanols, Chem. Rev., 2004, 104, 5847-5910, V. Chandrasekhar, R. Boomishankar, S. Nagendran. 116. A Paradigm Change in Assembling OH Functionalities on Metal Centers, Acc. Chem. Res., 2004, 37, 969-981, H. W. Roesky, S. Singh, V. Jancik, V. Chandrasekhar. 117. The Formal Conversion of SiOH Protons into Hydrides by Germanium (II) Species Leads to the Formation of the Germanium (IV) Hydride Cluster [(RSiO3GeH)4], Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 281 – 284, U. N. Nehete, V. Chandrasekhar, H. W. Roesky, J. Magull. 118. A luminescent linear trinuclear magnesium complex assembled from a phosphorus-based tris-hydrazone ligand, Chem. Commun., 2005, 459- 461, V. Chandrasekhar, R. Azhakar, J. F. Bickley, A. Steiner. 119. Hydrogen bond mediated rotor-ring coupling in acetic acid–benzoic acid mixed dimer, J. Chem. Phys. 121 (2004) 7562, C. K. Nandi, M. K. Hazra and T. Chakraborty. 120. Conformational effects on vibronic spectra and excited state dynamics of 3- fluorobnzoic acid dimer, J. Chem. Phys. 121 (2004) 5261, C. K. Nandi, M. K. Hazra and T. Chakraborty.

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121. Hydrogen bond-induced vibronic mode mixing in benzoic acid dimer: A laser-induced fluorescence study, J. Chem. Phys. 120 (2004) 8521-8527, C. K. Nandi and T. Chakraborty. 122. Binding Energy and Intermolecular Vibrations of Neutral and Ionized p- Fluorotoluene⋅Ar Cluster by Mass Analyzed Threshold Ionization, J. Phys. Chem. A 108 (2004) 3304-3307, S. Georgiev, T. Chakraborty and H. J. Neusser. 123. Mass Analyzed Threshold Ionization Spectroscopy of p-Fluorostyrene, J. Chem. Phys. 120 (2004) 8015, S. Georgiev, H. J. Neusser and T. Chakraborty. 124. Impact of extended π-conjugation on methyl rotor-induced IVR in aromatic molecules, J. Phys. Chem. A. (2005) [in press], P. Biswas, S. K. Panja and T. Chakraborty. 125. Inter- and Intramolecular hydrogen bond in methyl 2-hydroxy-9H-1- carbazole carboxylate: effect of solvents and acid concentration, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 161 (2004) 169, M. K. Nayak and S. K. Dogra. 126. Ground and excited state prototropism in 2-(2’-methoxyphenyl)-1H- imidazo [4,5-c]pyridine, J. Mol. Struct., 691 (2004) 59, M. M. Balamurali and S. K. Dogra. 127. Solvatochromism and prototropism in methyl 6-aminonicotinate: Failure to observe amine-imine phototautomerism in solvents, J. Mol. Struct. 702 (2004) 85, M. K. Nayak and S. K. Dogra. 128. Photophysics of 2-(6’-hydroxy-3-pyridyl) benzimidazole: Effects of solvents and acid-base concentrations, J. Mol. Struct, 703 (2004) 1, M. M. Balamurali and S. K. Dogra. 129. Inter- and Intramolecular proton transfer in methyl 2-hydroxynicotinate, J. Lumin., 110 (2004) 147, M. M. Balamurali and S. K. Dogra. 130. Excited state intramolecular proton transfer in 2-(2’-amino-3’-pyridyl) benzimidazole: Effects of solvents, Chem. Phys., 305 (2004) 95, M. M. Balamurali and S. K. Dogra. 131. Photophysics of 1-hydroxy-9-fluorenone: Absence of excited state intramolecular proton transfer reaction, J. Photochem. Photobiol. 169 (2005) 79, M. K. Nayak and S. K. Dogra. 132. Photophysics of 1-hydroxy-9-fluorenone and 1-methoxy-9-fluorenone: Non-radiative fluorescence deactivation, J. Photochem. Photobiol, 169 (2005) 299, M. K. Nayak and S. K. Dogra.

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133. Inter- and Intramolecular excited state proton transfer in 2-hydroxy-9H- carbazole-1-carboxylic acid, Spectrochim Acta A: in press, M. K. Nayak and S. K. Dogra. 134. Excited state intermolecular proton transfer in 2-(2’-hydroxy-3’-pyridyl) benzimidazole, J. Mol. Struct., 734 (2005) 51, S. K. Dogra. 135. Spectral characteristics of 2-hydroxynicotinic acid: Effects of solvents and acid or base concentrations, J. Mol. Struct., 737 (2005) 189, S. K. Dogra. 136. Hydrogen bond dynamics at air-water and metal-water interfaces, Chem. Phys. Lett. 386, 2004, 218-224, Sandip Paul and Amalendu Chandra. 137. Binding of hydrogen binding solutes at liquid-vapour interfaces of molecular fluids, Chem. Phys. Lett. 400, 2004, 515-519, Sandip Paul and Amalendu Chandra. 138. Magnetic Properties of ε-Fe3-xNixN nanoparticles, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 2004, 3764, N. S. Gajbhiye and Sayan Bhattacharyya. 139. Mössbauer Studies of Nanosize CuFe2O4 Particles, Hyper. Interact, 156/157, 2004, 57, N. S. Gajbhiye, G. Balaji, Sayan Bhattacharyya, M. Ghafari. 140. Magnetism of Nanostructured Iron Nitride (Fe–N) Systems, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 2004, 3252, N. S. Gajbhiye, R. N. Panda, R. S. Ningthoujam and Sayan Bhattacharyya. 141. Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Studies of Nanocrystalline δ-MoN and γ-Mo2N, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 2004, 3449, N. S. Gajbhiye and R. S. Ningthoujam. 142. Magnetic and Current Density Studies on Nanostructured Vanadium Nitride Material, Ind. J. Phys., 78A, 2004, 89, Raghumani Singh Ningthoujam and N. S. Gajbhiye. 143. Thermal Decomposition Study of Nanocrystalline Ni3N, Ind. J. Phys., 78A, 2004, 265, R. S. Ningthoujam and N. S. Gajbhiye. 144. Mössbauer Study of Nanocrystalline ε-Fe3-xCoxN, Hyper. Interact, 156/157, 2004, 51, N. S. Gajbhiye, R. S. Ningthoujam and J. Weissmüller. 145. Effect of La, B Doping on the Electrical Transport and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Vanadium Nitride, J. Appl. Phys., 96, 2004, 688, N. Sudhakar, R. S. Ningthoujam, K. P. Rajeev, A. K. Nigam, J. Weissmueller and N. S. Gajbhiye. 146. Control of molecular topology and metal nuclearity in multimetallic assemblies: Designer metallosiloxanes derived from silanetriols, Chem.

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Eur. J. 2004, 10, 4106-4114, H. W. Roesky, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Jancik, S. Singh. 147. Optical Pulse Shaping Approaches to Coherent Control, Physics Reports 374(6), 385-483 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 148. Ultrafast Pulse Shaping and its Applications, Frontiers in Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, 3, 389 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 149. Optical Computing: Optical Components and Storage Systems, , Resonance 8(6), 56-71 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 150. Optical Computing: Research Trends, Resonance 8(7), 8-21 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 151. Control of Supercontinuum Generation with Polarization of Incident Laser Pulses, Appl. Phys. B 77(2-3) 325-328 (2003), Alok Srivastava and Debabrata Goswami. 152. Self-Assembly of Lanthanide Helicate Coordination Polymers into 3D Metal-Organic Framework Structures, S. K. Ghosh, P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004) 2293. 153. A Novel Dodecameric Water Cluster Built Around a Cyclic Quasi-Planar Hexameric Core in an Organic Supramolecular Complex of Cryptand, S. K. Ghosh, P. K. Bharadwaj, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43 (2004) 3577. 154. Structure of Discrete (H2O)12 Clusters Present in the Cavity of Polymeric Interlinked Metallocycles of Nd(III) or Gd(III) and a Podand Ligand, S. Neogi, G. Savitha , P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004) 3771. 155. Modulation of SHG Responses via Supramolecular Association/Dissociation Between two Complementary Cryptands, P. Mukhopadhyay, P. K. Bharadwaj, A. Krishnan, P. K. Das, J. Orgmet. Chem. 689 (2004) 4877. 156. Magnetic and Current Density Studies on Nanostructured Vanadium Nitride Material, Ind. J. Phys., 78A, 2004, 89, Raghumani Singh Ningthoujam and N. S. Gajbhiye. 157. Thermal Decomposition Study of Nanocrystalline Ni3N, Ind. J. Phys., 78A, 2004, 265, R. S. Ningthoujam and N. S. Gajbhiye. 158. Effect of La, B Doping on the Electrical Transport and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Vanadium Nitride, J. Appl. Phys., 96, 2004, 688, N. Sudhakar, R. S. Ningthoujam, K. P. Rajeev, A. K. Nigam, J. Weissmueller and N. S. Gajbhiye. 159. Control of molecular topology and metal nuclearity in multimetallic assemblies: Designer metallosiloxanes derived from silanetriols, Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10, 4106-4114, H. W. Roesky, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Jancik, S. Singh

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160. Reactions of organocobaloximes with arylsulfonyl chlorides, J. Organometal. Chem., 689 (2004) 1102-1109, B. D. Gupta, V. Vijaikanth. 161. Indium Mediated Regio- and Diastereoselective Reduction of Norbornyl -Diketones, F. A. Khan, J. Dash Ch. Sudheer Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10, 2507-2519. Magnetism and magneto - transport properties in sonochemically Co100-xPtx nano alloys, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 4 (7), 1-4, 2004, Manju Lata Rao, S. Sundar Manoharan, D. Elefant and C. M. Schneider 162. Identification of New Supramolecular Synthon in o- Anisaldehydes: Molecular Self-Assembly into Tapes and Staircases, Journal of Molecular Structure 2005, In Press, Moorthy, J. N.; Natarajan, R.; Venugopalan, P. ... 163. First Systematic Investigation of C-H Cl Hydrogen Bonding Using Inorganic Supramolecular Synthons: Lamellar, Stitched Stair-Case, Linked-Ladder and Helical Structures, Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10, 1683- 1690, V. Balamurugan, M. S. Hundal and R. N. Mukherjee. 164. Fixation of CO2 in Air: Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a µ3-CO3- Bridged Tricopper(II) Compound, J. Chem. Sci. 2005, 117, in press, J. Mukherjee, V. Balamurugan, M. S. Hundal and R. N. Mukherjee. 165. Dynamics of (H-,H2) collisions: A time-dependent quantum mechanical investigation on a new ab initio potential energy surface, J. Chem. Phys. 121(2004)9343, A. N. Panda and N. Sathyamurthy. 166. Time-dependent quantum mechanical wave packet study of the He + H2+(v,j) -> HeH+ + H reaction, J. Chem. Phys. 122(2005)054304, A. N. Panda and N. Sathyamurthy. 167. Pi-pi interaction in pyridine, J. Phys. Chem., 2005, B.K. Mihra and N. Sathyamurthy. 168. Ab initio potential energy surface for HeF2 in its ground electronic state, Chem. Phys. 308(2005)277-284, U. Lourderaj and N. Sathyamurthy. 169. Three dimensional quantum dynamics of (H-,H2) and its isotopic variants, J. Phys. Chem. 109(2005)xxx, A.N. Panda, K. Giri and N. Sathyamurthy. 170. Hydrogen bonding in phenol, water and phenol-water clusters R. Parthasarathi, ZV. Subramanian and N. Sathyamurthy, J. Phys. Chem. 109(2005) xxx. 171. Do the Electronic Effects of Sulfur Indeed Control the -Selectivity of -Sulfenyl Enones? A Reinvestigation, J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 3866- 3874, Veejendra K. Yadav, K. Ganesh Babu, Masood Parvez. 172. Highly Stereoselective Prins Cyclization of Silylmethyl Substituted Cyclopropyl Carbinols to 2,4,6-Trisubstituted Tetrahydropyrans, J. Am.

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Chem. Soc 2004, 126, 8652-8653, Veejendra K. Yadav, Naganabonia Vijay Kumar. 173. On the reaction of 1-oxa-4-thiaspiro[4.5]decan-7-one with PhLi. A reinvestigation, J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 8131-8132, Veejendra K. Yadav, Govindaraji Senthil, Latika Singh, Masood Parvez. 174. Protic acid (HClO4 supported on silica gel) mediated synthesis of 2,3- unsaturated-O-glucosides and a chiral furan diol from 2,3-glycals J. Org. Chem. 2004, 70, 6137, Aditi Agarwal, Shikha Rani and Yashwant D. Vankar. 175. Optimum Design of Nailed Soil Slopes, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering: An International Journal, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 273-296, 2005, Patra, C.R. and Basudhar, P.K. 176. Response of Beams on a Tensionless Extensible Geosynthetic-Reinforced Granular Fill-Soft Soil system Subjected to Moving Loads. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 537-548, 2004, Maheshwari, P., Chandra, S. and Basudhar, P.K. 177. Modeling of Beams on Geosynthetic-Reinforced Granular Fill-Soft Soil System Subjected to Moving Loads, Geosynthetics International, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp 369-376, 2004, Maheshwari P., Chandra S. & Basudhar P.K. 178. Analysis of Beams on Reinforced Granular Beds Geosynthetics International, Vol.11 No. 6 pp 460-470, 2004, Maheshwari P., Basudhar P.K. and Chandra S. 179. An Asexual Genetic Algorithm for the General Single Vehicle Routing Problem, Engineering Optimization, Vol.37, No.1, pp. 1-28, 2005, Chakroborty, Partha and Mandal, Arijit. 180. Lengths of Double (Dual) Left Turn Lanes, Transportation Research Record, 1881, pp. 72-78, 2004, Kikuchi, Shinya, Masanobu, Kii and Chakroborty. 181. Estimating Travel Times on Urban Corridors using Bus Travel Time Data, Transportation Research Record, 1870, pp.18-25, Chakroborty, Partha and Kikuchi, Shinya. 182. Microscopic Modeling of Driver Behavior in Uninterrupted Traffic Flow, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 130, Issue 4, pp. 438- 451, 2004, Chakroborty, Partha, Agrawal, Saurabh and Vasishtha, Kyatham. 183. Identification of homogeneous sections from road data, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 4, (4), December, 2003, pp.229- 233, Misra, R. and Das, A.

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184. Evolution of non-standard bituminous mix – a study on Indian specification, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol 5(1), March, 2004, pp. 39-46, Das, A., Deol, M. S., Ohri, S. and Pandey, B. B. 185. Use of a Fast Non Destructive Field Test Method for Determination of Stiffness of Subsurface Layer in Thin Surface Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Pavement, Transportation Research Record, TRB, 2005 (in press), Mallick, B. R., Das, A. and Nazarian, S. 186. Fatigue crack propagation and performance of bituminous mixes as per Indian specifications, 5th RILEM International Conference on cracking of pavement, mitigation, risk assessment and prevention, Limoges, 5-8th May, 2004, Dwivedi, R. and Das, A. 187. Some suggestions to improve the Mechanistic-Empirical bituminous pavement design in Indian context, Proceedings of First International symposium on design and construction of long lasting asphalt pavements, Auburn, 7-9th June, 2004, pp.199-215, Das, A. 188. A rational approach for prioritization of highway sections for maintenance, Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Managing Pavements, Queensland, 19-24 October, 2004, Agarwal, P. K., Das, A., Chakroborty, P. 189. Emerging road materials and innovative application, Proceedings of National Conference on Materials and their Application in Civil Engineering, NIT Hamirpur, 26-27th August, 2004, pp.15-23, Goel, A. and Das, A. 190. An approach to rehabilitation of low traffic volume flexible pavement, International Conference on Structural and Road Transportation Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, 3rd to 5th January, 2005, pp.496-505, Mallick, B. R. and Das, A. 191. Ultra thin concrete overlays, Seminar on Design, Construction, Maintenance of Cement Concrete Pavements, Indian Roads Congress, 8th- 10th October, 2004, New Delhi, pp.IV-183-IV-189, Goel, A. and Das, A. 192. Micromechanical analysis of irregular particulate composites at high volume fractions, Proceedings of International Congress of Computational Mechanics and Simulation, ICCMS04, IIT Kanpur, 9-12th December, 2004, Vol.-II, pp.443-450, Bandyopadhyaya, R., Das, A. and Basu, S. 193. Mix design for hot-mix recycled bituminous mixes, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Road Transportation, ART-2005, Rourkela, 12-13 February, 2005, Aravind K., Sahu, P. K. and Das, A.

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194. Groundwater pollution source identification and simultaneous parameter estimation using pattern matching by artificial neural network, Environmental Forensics, Vol.5, No.3, 143-159, 2004, Singh, R.M. and Datta, Bithin. 195. Identification of Unknown groundwater pollution sources using artificial neural networks, Journal of water Resources Planning and Management, Vol.130, No.6, 506-514, 2004, Singh, R.M., Datta, Bithin and Jain, A. 196. Optimal Management of Coastal Aquifers Using Linked Simulation Optimization Approach, in Press for Publication in Water Resources Management, 2004, Bhattacharya, R.K. and Datta, Bithin. 197. Scaling in River Flow: Can It be Chaotic?, Hydrol. Sciences J., 49(3), 373-385, 2004, Satish, R., Sivakumar, B, and Jain, A. 198. Development of Effective and Efficient Rainfall-Runoff Models using Integration of Deterministic, Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms, and Artificial Neural Network Techniques, Wat. Resour. Res., 40(4), W04302, doi:10.1029/2003WR002355, 2004, Jain, A. and Srinivasulu, S. 199. Explaining the Internal Behavior of Artificial Neural Network River Flow Models, Hydrol. Processes, 118(4), 833-844, 2004, Sudheer, K.P. and Jain, A. 200. Discussion of Performance of Neural Networks in Daily Streamflow Forecasting by S. Birikundavyi, R. Labib, H. T. Trung and J. Rousselle, ASCE J. Hydrol. Engg, 9(6), 553-555, 2004, Sudheer, K.P., Jain, A., and Srinivasulu, S. 201. Closure of Comparative Analysis of Event based Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Techniques-Deterministic, Statistical, and Artificial Neural Networks, ASCE J. Hydrol. Engg, 9(6), 551-553, 2004, Jain, A. and Indurthy, S.K.V.P. 202. Identification of Unknown Groundwater Pollution Sources using Artificial Neural Networks, ASCE J. Wat. Resour. Plng. & Mgmt, 130(6), 506-514, 2004, Singh, R.M., Datta, B., and Jain, A. 203. Optimal Design of Composite Channels using Genetic Algorithm, ASCE J. Irrig. & Drain. Engg, 130(4), 286-295, 2004, Jain, A., Bhattacharjya, R., and Sanaga Srinivasalu. 204. An Evaluation of the Available Techniques for Estimating Missing Fecal Coliform Data, J. Amer. Wat. Resour. Assoc., 40(6), 1617-1630, 2004, Jain, A. and Ormsbee, L.E. 205. Determination of an Optimal Unit Pulse Response Function using Real- Coded Genetic Algorithm, J. Hydrol., doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.07.014, 2004, Jain, A., Srinivasulu, S., and Bhattacharjya, R.

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206. An Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network Technique for the Determination of Infiltration Model Parameters, J. Applied Soft Computing. (In Press), 2005, Jain, A. and Kumar, A. 207. Scaling of Strength Reduction Factors for Degrading Elasto-Plastic Oscillators, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 34, pp. 189-206, 2005, Chakraborti, A. and Gupta, V.K. 208. Postbuckling Response of Square Laminates with a Central Circular/Elliptical Cutout, Composite Structures, 65(2004), 179-185, Jain, Payal and Kumar Ashwini. 209. Airborne Altimetric LiDAR Simulator, GIS@development, May 2004 (invited paper), 2004, Lohani, B., Agrawal, N., Agrawal, N., 210. Lohani, B., and Mason, D. C., 2004, A case study on error identification and minimization in Airborne Altimetric LiDAR data, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, (In press). 211. Identification of tidal channel networks from aerial photographs alone and fused with airborne laser altimetry, International Journal of Remote Sensing, (In press), 2004, Lohani, B., Mason, D. C., Scott, T. R., and Sreenivas B. 212. Quality control in concrete construction: Some case studies, Indian Concrete Journal, June 2004, Misra, Sudhir and P Krishnamurthy. 213. A review of test methods and specifications for grouts in post-tensioned construction, Indian Concrete Journal, December 2004, Misra, Sudhir, Ranjit Kumar and Santhosh Kumar 214. Numerical Solution of Boussinesq Equations to Simulate Dam-Break Flows, Jl. of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol 130, No. 2, pp 156-159, 2004, Mohapatra, P. K. and Chaudhry, M. H. 215. Predicting dam break flow by using artificial neural networks, ICON- HERP-2004, I.I.T. Roorkee, Oct 26 – 28, 2004, pp. 603-608, 2004, Mohapatra, P. K., Jha, S. K., and Jain, A. 216. Recreating Romance of Civil Engineering: the 2001 Summer Camp at IIT Kanpur, India, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice, the American Society of Civil Engineers, USA, Vol.130, No.3, July 2004, pp 182-188, Murty,C.V.R., Dikshit,O., Tandon,R., Tandon.M.C., and Jain, S.K. 217. Effects of M 9 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami of 26 December 2004, Current Science, Journal of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, Vol.88, No.3, February 2005, pp 357-359, Jain,S.K., Murty,C.V.R., Rai,D.C., Malik,J.N., Sheth,A.R., and Jaiswal,A. 218. Twin Lintel Belt in Steel for Seismic Strengthening of Brick Masonry Buildings, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,

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MCEER (SUNY, Buffalo, USA) and HIT (Harbin, China), Vol.3, No.2, pp215-222, December 2004, Dutta,J., Murty,C.V.R., and Agrawal,S.K. 219. Brick Masonry Infills in Seismic Design of RC Frame Buildings: Part 1 – Cost Implications, Indian Concrete Journal, The ACC Limited, Thane, Vol.78, No.7, July 2004, pp 39-44, Das,D., and Murty,C.V.R. 220. Brick Masonry Infills in Seismic Design of RC Frame Buildings: Part 2 – Behaviour, Indian Concrete Journal, The ACC Limited, Thane, Vol.78, No.8, August 2004, pp 31-38, Das,D., and Murty,C.V.R. 221. Preliminary Report: Recent Tsunami and Earthquake Devastation, Indian Concrete Journal, The ACC Limited, Thane, Vol.79, No.1, Januray 2005, pp 11-14, Jain, S.K., Murty, C.V.R., Rai, D.C., Malik, J.N., Sheth, A.R., Jaiswal, A., Sanyal,S.A., Kaushik, H.B., Gandhi,P., Mondal, G., Dash, S.R., Sodhi, J.S., Santhosh,G. 222. Seismic Design of RC Columns and Wall Sections: Part 1 – A Consistent Limit State Design Philosophy, Indian Concrete Journal, The ACC Limited, Thane, Vol.79, No.3, March 2005, pp 33-42m Dasgupta,K., and Murty,C.V.R. 223. Model pile groups under oblique pullout loads-an investigation, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering; An International Journal, Accepted, In press, 2004, Patra, N. R. and Pise, P. J. 224. Oblique Pulling Resistance of Model Pile Groups, Indian Geotechnical Journal,Vol.35, No.1, pp.101-125, 2005, Patra, N. R. and Pise, P. J. 225. Qualitative Study of Coast Effect on MV and MT Measurements in Western Coast of India, Journal of Geological Soc. of India, v. 63, no. 1, p. 88 - 94, 2004, Umesh K. Singh and Ramesh P. Singh. 226. Title Effects of M9 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami of 26 December 2004 Journal Current Science, Indian Academy of Sciences Volume vol. 88 no. 3Year 2005 Page no. 357-359, Jain, S. K., Murty, C. V. R., Rai, D. C., Sheth, A., and Jaiswal. 227. Title Earthquake engineering curriculum for polytechnics of UP and Uttaranchal Journal The Indian Journal of Technical Education, Indian Society of Technical Education Volume, Vol. 27, No.3, 2004 Page no. 31-36, Rai, D. C. and Jain, S. K. 228. Anomalous changes in column water vapor after Gujarat earthquake, Advances in Space Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 274-278, S Dey, S. Sarkar and R.P.Singh. 229. Changes in atmospheric aerosol parameters after Gujarat earthquake of January 26, 2001, Advances in Space Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 254-258, Y. Okada, S. Mukai, R.P. Singh.

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230. Automatic building extraction from laser scanning data: an input tool for disaster management, Advances in Space Research, Volume 33, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 317-322, J. Dash, E. Steinle , R.P. Singh, H.P. Bahr. 231. S. Sun, Z. Liu, L. Chiu, R. Yang, R.P. Singh and M. Kafatos, Anomalous Cold Water along the Mid-Atlantic Coast during Mid-Summer, EOS Trans, Vol. 85, No. 15, 13. 232. Emissivity of various Geological terrains using IRS P4 MSMR data, J. Geological Soc. of India, Vol.63, 453-457, Mishra, D. R., Dey, S. and Singh, R. P. 233. Comparison of aerosol radiative forcing over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 33, No. 7, Pages 1104- 1108, S Dey, S. Sarkar and R.P.Singh. 234. Wavelet Maxima Curves of SLHF Associated With Recent Greek Earthquakes, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 4, Pages 359 – 374, G. Cervone, M. Kafatos, D. Napoletani, and R.P. Singh. 235. Further Evidences for the Weakening Relationship of Indian Rainfall and ENSO over India, Geophysical Research Letters. 31, L13209, doi:10.1029/2004GL020259, S.Sarkar, R.P. Singh and M. Kafatos. 236. Changes in Ocean Properties associated with Hurricane Isabel, International J. Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/01431160412331299226, R. Gautam., R.P. Singh and M. Kafatos. 237. Discussion of Explicit Estimation of Aquifer Diffusivity from Linear Stream Stage, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 130(12), 2004, 1213-1214, Srivastava, R. 238. Discussion of Comparison of Continuous and Cyclic Pumping from a Well, Ground Water, 42(3), 2004, 457-458, Srivastava, R. 239. Solute transport through heterogeneous porous media, Proceedings, 11th National Symposium on Hydrology, Roorkee, October 2004, Sharma, P.K. and Srivastava, R. 240. Finite difference approach for groundwater recharge. Proceedings, National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources - Hydro 2004, Nagpur, December 2004. A.D. Vasudeo and R. Srivastava. 241. Influence of Dust Storms on the Aerosol Optical Properties over the Indo- Gangetic basin, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D20211, doi:10.1029/2004JD004924, Dey. S., Tripathi, S.N., Singh, R.P. and B. Holben. 242. Variability of Aerosol Parameters over Kanpur City, northern India, Journal of Geophysical Research 109, D23206,

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doi:10.1029/2004JD004966, R.P. Singh, S. Dey, S.N. Triapthi, V. Tare and B. Holben. 243. Retrieval of water vapor using SSM/I and its relation with the onset of monsoon, Annales Geophysicae (2004) 22: 3079–3083, R. P. Singh, S. Dey, A. K. Sahoo, 244. Wavelet maxima curves of surface latent heat flux anomalies associated with Indian earthquakes, Natural Hazards and earth System Sciences, 5: 87–99, SRef-ID: 1684-9981/nhess/2005-5-87, G. Cervone, R.P. Singh, M. Kafatos and C. Yu. 245. Fluvial dynamics of an anabranching river system in Himalayan foreland basin, north plains, India, Geomorphology, 60/1-2 pp. 147-170, 2004, Jain, V. & Sinha, R. 246. Evaporite mineralogy and geochemical evolution of the Sambhar Salt Lake, Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India. Sedimentary Geology, 166, 59-71, 2004, Sinha, R. & B.C. Raymahashay. 247. Paleohydrology of the Sambhar Lake Playa, Thar Desert, India using geomorphological and sedimentological evidences. Jour. Geological Society of India, 64, 419-430, 2004, Sinha, R., D. Stueben, and Zsolt Berner. 248. Late Quaternary geology and alluvial stratigraphy of the Ganga basin, Himalayan Geology, 26(1), 223-240, 2005, Sinha, R., Tandon, S.K., Gibling M.R., Bhattacharjee, P.S. and Dasgupta, A.S. 249. Sedimentology and avulsion patterns of the anabranching Baghmati river in the Himalayan foreland basin, India. In: Fluvial Sedimentology (eds. Blum, M. and Marriott, S.), Special publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, 35, 181-196, 2005, Sinha, R., Gibling, M.R., Jain, V. & Tandon, S.K. 250. Influence of Dust Storm on the Aerosol Parameters over the Indo- Gangetic basin, J. Geophys. Res., D20211, doi: 10.1029/2004JD004924, 2004, Dey, S., Tripathi, S. N., and R. P. Singh, and Holben, B. 251. Variability of Aerosol Parameters in Kanpur city, Northern India, J. Geophys. Res., Vol.109, D23206, doi: 10.1029/2004JD004966, 2004, Singh, R. P., Dey, S., Tripathi, S. N., Tare, V., and Holben, B. 252. PRIMES is in P Annals of Mathematics Volume 160(2), Pages 781-793, 2004, Manindra Aggrawal, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena 253. Tracking set-expression cardinalities over continuous update streams VLDB Journal, Volume 134, 354-369, 2004, Sumit Ganguly, Minos N Garofalakis and Rajeev Rastogi.

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254. Allocating Servers in Infestations for Bounded Simultaneous Requests Journal of Parallel & Distributed Computing, Vol. 64, 1113-1126, 2004, A Bertossi, M.C Pinotti, R.Rizzi and Phalguni Gupta. 255. Efficient Encoding and Decoding Algorithms for Distributed Resembling, Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol. 32 (3), pp. 269-286, 2004, Vamsi Kiran, C. Srinivasa Rao, Phalguni Gupta and R. Ramakrishnan. 256. An Automated Seamless Mosaicing System of Multi-Charge Coupled Devices of Panchromatic Data Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing , Vol. 32 (1), pp103-113, 2004, R. Ramakrishna, S. Manthira Moorthi, N. Padmanabhan and Phalguni Gupta. 257. A testbed for performance evaluation of load balancing strategies for web server systems, Software Practice and Experience, pp 34:339-353, 2004, Dheeraj Sanghi and Pankaj Jalote. 258. An Interactive Method for Extracting Grammar From Programs, Software Practice and Experience, pp 34:433-447, 2004, R. Jain, S. Kumar, Pankaj Jalote and S.Biswas. 259. Timeboxing A process model for iterative software development, Journal of Systems and Software, pp 70:117-127, 2004, Pankaj Jalote. 260. Geon-driven shape models for holistic semantics International Journal of Computer Aided Technology, V. 23, No 2-4, Page 101-107, 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee and Hemant Muley. 261. Parallel Algorithm for Separable Permutation Discrete Applied Mathematics, 146, 2005, pp 343-364, V.Yugandhar and Sanjeev Saxena. 262. The concept and operating principles of a mini custom power park, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 19, pp. 1766-1774, 2004, A. Ghosh and A. Joshi. 263. The protection of sensitive loads from interharmonic currents using shunt/series active filters, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 73, pp. 187-196, 2005, A. K. Jindal, A. Ghosh and A. Joshi. 264. Simulation and test results for a cycloconverter-fed AC commutator-less motor drive with a modified machine model, IEE Proceedings on Electric Power Applications, Vol. 51, pp. 622-627, Sept. 2004, S.P. Das and A.K. Chattopadhyay. 265. Novel quasi-resonant soft-switching inverter for low and high power factor loads, IEE Proceedings on Electric Power Applications, vol. 151., pp. 451-459, July 2004, S.P. Das, S. Behera, and S. R. Doradla.

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266. New parallel converter scheme for high power active power filters, IEE Proceedings on Electric Power Applications, vol. 151, no. 4, pp. 460-466, July 2004, S.P. Das, M. Basu and G. K. Dubey. 267. An Improved DVR with Optimum Series Voltage Injection for Minimum VA Requirements of UPQC, Journal of Systems Science and Engineering: PARITANTRA, vol. 10, pp. 49-54, Nov. 2004, S.P. Das and Y.Y. Kolhatkar. 268. Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Determination in a Competitive Electricity Market using Distribution Factors, Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 32, September 2004, pp. 927-939, S.C. Srivastava, S.N. Singh and Ashwani Kumar. 269. A Zonal Congestion Management Approach Using AC Transmission Congestion Distribution Factors, Electric Power System Research, Vol. 72 pp. 85-93, December 2004, S. C Srivastava, S.N. Singh and Ashwani Kumar. 270. Status and Future Directions of Electric Power Industry Restructuring in India, CPRI R&D Journal, Vol. II, 2005, S. C Srivastava and S.N. Singh. 271. Technology Development and Implementation for Power Distribution Automation System, Water & Energy International Journal (published by CBIP, New Delhi), Vol. 61, pp. 40-47, October-December 2004, R.P.Gupta and S.C. Srivastava. 272. Modeling of Generalized UPFC for Suitable Location and Power Flow Control, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 3, No.2, pp.103-110, 2004, S.N. Singh, J.G. Singh and V. Pant. 273. Dynamic Security Constrained Pool Dispatch in Competitive Power Market, International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 25, pp. 6-13, 2005, S.N. Singh and A.K. David. 274. A Study of Improved Reverse Recovery in Power Transistor Incorporating Universal Contact, Solid-State Electronics, pp 655-667, 48, May 2004, R.S. Anand, B. Mazhari and J. Narain. 275. Technology Development and Implementation for Power Distribution Automation System, Water and Energy International Journal, India, Vol. 61, pp. 40-47, Oct-Dec 2004, R. P. Gupta and S.C. Srivastava. 276. Determination of the Gate Dielectric Capacitance of Ultrathin High-Κ Layers, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 151, pp G476-G481 2004, Samares Kar. 277. Surendra Rawat, Shaloo Rakheja, and Dharmendar Reddy, Characterization of Accumulation Layer Capacitance for Extracting Data

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on High-Κ Gate Dielectrics, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , Samares Kar. 278. Low rate code designs for multilevel signaling, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 9, pp.166- 168, Adrish Banerjee and Daniel J. Costello, Jr. 279. Indoor Optical Wireless Systems: Design Challenges, Mitigating Techniques and Future Prospects, IETE Technical Review, Vol.12, , pp.171-186, March-April 2004, Joseph John, Y.N. Singh and Chaturi Singh. 280. A Modified Ring Dielectric Resonator with Improved Mode Separation and its Tunability Characteristics in MIC Environment, To be published in July, 2005 issue of IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Technique, USA, Animesh Biswas, K.V. Srivastava, and V.V. Mishra. 281. A CAD model of generalized high pass filter with transmission zeros using Chebyshev polynomial for RF application, Accepted for publication to International Journal of RF And Computer-Aided Engineering, John Wiley, USA, A. Biswas and P. Chandra. 282. Visual Motor Coordination Using a Quantum Clustering based Neural Control Scheme, Neural Processing Letters, Volume 20: 11-22, 2004, Laxmidhar Behera and Nimit Kumar. 283. Recurrent Quantum Neural Network Model to Describe Eye Tracking of Moving Targets, Foundations of Physics Letters, Laxmidhar Behera, Indrani Kar and A.C. Elitzur. 284. Quantum Brain :A Recurrent Neural Network Model to Describe Eye Tracking of Moving Targets, Laxmidhar Behera, Indrani Kar, Avshalom Elitzur. 285. Functional mapping with single integrate and fire neuron, International Journal of Computational Intelligence, 2005, P.K.Kalra, Abhishek Yadav, D.K. Mishra, R.N. Yadav, S. Ray. 286. On The Use of Multiplicative Neuron in FeedForward Neural Networks, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, R.N. Yadav, P.K. Kalra, J. John. 287. Neural network learning with generalized mean based neuron model, Soft Computing Journal, 2005, P.K. Kalra, R.N. Yadav and J. John. 288. Performance of a generalized neuron-based PSS in a multimachine power system, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 19, Issue: 3, pp. 625 - 632, Sept. 2004, P.K. Kalra, D.K. Chaturvedi, O.P. Malik. 289. Experimental studies with a generalized neuron - based power system stabilizer, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 19, Issue:3, pp.1445 - 1453, Aug. 2004, D.K. Chaturvedi, O.P. Malik & P.K. Kalra.

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290. Generalized Neuron - based Adaptive Power System Stabiliser, IEE Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.151, pp. 213 - 218, March 2004, P.K. Kalra, D.K. Chaturvedi, O.P. Malik. 291. Monster in Newark: Philip Roth’s Apocalypse in American Pastoral. Spec. Issue on Philip Roth, Studies in American Jewish Literature, Vol.23, 2004, pp. 55-66, G. Neelakantan 292. Caught Between the Goddess and the Cyborg: Third World Women and the Politics of Science in Three Works of Indian Science Fiction, The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Vol. 39, No.3, 2004, pp. 119-138, Suchitra Mathur. 293. Towards Frame-Semantic Analysis of Hindi Corpora, Proceedings of SIMPLE-05, IIT Kharagpur, 2005, Achla M. Raina, Ankit Soni, Amitabha Mukerjee. 294. Semantic Underspecification in Hindi Complex Predicates, in R.M.K. Sinha (ed.) Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP & TSS (iSTRANS-2004), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004, Achla M Raina, 295. English Hindi Contrastive Polysemies, in R.M.K. Sinha (ed.) Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP & TSS (iSTRANS-2004), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004, Somshukla Banerjee, Achla M Raina, H. Karnick, BN Patnaik, 296. Learning Semanticality Constraints from Annoted Corpora, in R.M.K. Sinha (ed.) Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP & TSS (iSTRANS-2004), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee, Pushpraj Shukla, Sumit Kumar and Achla M. Raina, 297. Towards a Language Independent Encoding of Documents: A Novel Approach to Multilingual Question Answering, Bernadette Sharp (ed.), Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, INSTICC Press, Portugal, 2004, pp.116-125, Pushpraj Shukla, Amitabha Mukerjee, Achla M Raina. 298. Anaphora Resolution in Multi-Person Dialogue, Michael Strube and Candy Sidner (ed.) Proceedings of the 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Assoication for computational Linguistics, Boston, Cambridge, 2004, pp. 47-51, Prateek Jain, Manav Mittal, Sumeet Kumar, A Mukerjee, Achla M Raina. 299. Obscenity and Offence in Ulysses, The Atlantic Literary Review, Vol.5, No.1-2, 2004, pp. 18-26, Mini Chandran.

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300. Morality, Legality and Human Rights: Gandhi and Ambedkar in a Rights Framework, Gandhi Marg, Volume 26, No.3, Oct-Dec. 2004, pp. 293- 304, M. Jha 301. Men’s Understanding of women’s Health Issues in Kanpur City, India: A Preliminary Research Report, Population Review, Vol.43, No.2, Section 2, 2004, A.K. Sharma and Rita Singh. 302. Dilemmas of Sustainable Development in India, D.C. Srivastva (ed.), Readings in Environmental Ethics: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2005, pp. 227-240. A. K. Sharma and Vigneswara Ilawarsan. 303. Meaning and Explanations of Mental Illness: A Social Representations Approach, Psychology and Development Societies, Vol. 17 No.1, 2004, Shikha Dixit. 304. The Common Conceptualization of Mental Health: A Qualitative Investigation of Categories of Meaning, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Social Dimensions of Health, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, Shikha Dixit. 305. Scepticism about Particular Identity: Strawson vs. Suresh Chandra, R. C. Pradhan (ed.), The Philosophy of Suresh Chandra, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, 2004, pp. 174- 195, C. A. Tomy. 306. Review of Urban Transportation in India, Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 79-97, Sanjay K. Singh. 307. Technological Advancement as a Threat to Human Value System, K. M. Mohapatra, (ed.), Technology, Environment and Human Value: A Metaphysical Approach to Sustainable Development, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp 27-38, 2004, B.Rath. 308. Revitalisation/ Renovation of Common Property Resource (CPR) Potentials as an Alternative Means to Improve the Economy of Orissa, in R. K. Panda (ed.) Reviving Orissa Economy: Opportunities and Areas of Action, APH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2004, pp183-207, B. Rath, and N.C. Sahu. 309. Self-help Groups and Rural Non-Farm Employment Opportunities, Rohini Nayyar & Alakh N Sharma (ed.) Rural Transformation in India: the Role of Non-farm Sector, Institute For Human Development, New Delhi, 2004, pp 447-461, B. Rath. 310. Export-Growth Causality: An Empirical Investigation during Pre & Post Liberalisation Period in India, Orissa Economic Journal, Vol. XXXVI, 2004, pp.45-58, B. Rath and N.C. Sahu.

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311. Comparison between Government Forestry Project and Social Forestry Project: A Case Study from Orissa, Boppana Nagarjuna (ed.) Economic Reforms and Perspective, Serial Publications, New Delhi, 2004, pp-593- 621. S. K. Acharya & B. Rath. 312. Transformational Leadership, Competencies, Self-Control, and Performance as a Function of Perceived Organizational Culture in Service Organizations, B. N. Setiadi, A. Supratiknya, W. L. Lonner, and Y. H. Poortinga (eds.), Ongoing Themes in Psychology and Culture: Selected Papers from the Sixteenth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2004, A. K. Sinha and S. Rai. 313. Emotional intelligence: Imperative for the Organizationally Relevant Outcomes. Psychological Studies, 49 (2-3), 2004, pp. 81-96, A. K. Sinha, and A. K. Jain. 314. Resilience for Well-being: The Role of Experiential Learning. Psychological studies (January Issue, Forthcoming), S. Srivastava, and A .K. Sinha. 315. Pioneering Advantage: Conceptualization, Proposition, and Analysis in Indian Context, Vikalpa: The Journal of Decision Makers, Volume 29, Number 3, July-September, pp. 15 - 33, 2004, Mittal, Sharad, and Sanjeev Swami. 316. Performance Appraisal at Kashipur Textiles Ltd. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 2, 1, 89-96, 2005, Varman, Rahul. 317. Development of a high resolution adaptive air quality model in three dimensions, In some aspects of environmental fluid mechanics: Proceedings of ICEFM’05, IIT Guwahati, March 3-5, 2005, Ghorai, S. 318. Isometric Multipliers Indian Academic Sciences ofLGXp ( , ) , Proc. 115, 103-109, 2005, Tewari, U.B., Chaurasia, P.K. 319. Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to semilinear nonlocal functional differential problems. Nonlinear Anal. 57, no. 7-8, 1021-1028, 2004, Bahuguna, D. 320. Approximations of solutions to retarded integrodifferential equations, Electron. J. Differential Equations, No.136, 13, 2004, Bahuguna, D., Muslim, M.. 321. Existence, uniqueness, and regularity of solutions to semilinear retarded differential equations, J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Anal. No.3, 213-219, 2004, Bahuguna, D. 322. Evolution Equations Arising in the Study of Materials with Memory, Vol. 97, pp. -14, 2005, Bahuguna, D., Shukla, R.K..

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323. Numerical analysis of boundary-value problems for singularly perturbed differential-difference equations, Small shifts of mixed type with rapid oscillations, Comm. In Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.20, pp. 167-182, 2004, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Sharma, K.K. 324. ∈-uniform fitted mesh method for singularly perturbed differential- difference equations: Mixed type of shifts with layer behaviour, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 49-62, 2004, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Sharma, K. 325. Numerical analysis of singularly perturbed delay differential equations with layer behaviour, Applied mathematics and computation,Vol. 157, No.1,pp. 11-28, 2004, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Sharma, K.K. 326. A parameter uniform numerical method for a singularly perturbed nonlinear delay differential equation of neutral type, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 81, pp. 845-862, 2004, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Sharma, K.K.. 327. Fitted mesh B-spline method for solving a class of singular singularly perturbed boundary value problems, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 82, No. 1, 2005, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Aggarwal, V. K. 328. Variable mesh spline approximation method for solving singularly perturbed turning point problems having interior layers, J. Computational Methods in sciences & Engg, Vol. 2004, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Patidar. 329. Numerical solution of singular boundary value problems via Chebyshev Polynomials and B-spline, Applied mathematics & computation, Vol. No. pp. 2004, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Aggarwal, V.K. 330. Cubic spline for solving singular two-point boundary value problems, Applied Mathematis & Computation, Vol. 156, pp. 249-259, 2004, Kadalbajoo, M.K., Aggarwal, V.K.. 331. Monotonic analysis over cones-II, Optimization, Vol. 53, pp. 529-547, 2004, Dutta, J., Martinez-Legaz, J.E., Rubinov, A.. 332. Monotonic analysis over cones: I, Optimization, Vol. 53, pp. 129-146, 2004, Dutta, J., Martinez-Legaz, J.E., Rubinov, A. 333. Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for increasing and convex-along rays functions, Analysis, Vol. 24, 171-181, 2004, Dutta, J., Dragomir, S.S.,Rubinov, A.. 334. Convexifactors, generalized convexity and vector optimization, Optimization, Vol. 53, pp. 77-94, 2004, Dutta, J., Chandra, S.. 335. Regularity conditions and optimality in vector optimization, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 25, pp. 479-501, 2004, Dutta, J., Chandra, S., Lalitha, C.S.

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336. Cowling-Price theorem and characterization of heat kernel on noncompact symmetric spaces, Proc. Indian. Acad. Sci. Math. Sci., 114, Bo. 2, 159-180, 2004, Ray, S.K., Sarkar, R.P. 337. Estimation of the entropy of a multivariate normal distribution., Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 92, pp. 324-334, 2005, Misra, N., Singh, H., Demchuk, E.. 338. Reliability properties of reversed residual lifetime, Communications in Statistics Theory & Methods, 33, 991-992, 2004, Misra, N., Paul, P., Nanda, A.K., Singh, H., Nanda, A.K.. 339. The LINEX risk of maximum likelihood estimators of parameters of normal populations having order restricted means, Sankhya, Vol. 66, Part 4, 1-26, 2004, Misra, N., Iyer, S.K., Singh, H.. 340. Estimation of the entropy of a multivariate normal distribution., Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 92, 324-334, 2004, Misra, N., Singh, H., Demchuk, E.. 341. Blood flow in a vessel with asymmetric aneurysm, Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vo. 9(3), pp. 505-521, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K., Yamaguchi, J., Liu,H., Himeno, R.. 342. On the development of parallel sparse CGM solver for CFD computations on ANU-Cluster, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 160, Issue 3(27), pp. 739-761, 2005, Rathish, B.V.K., Bipin, K.. 343. Parallel computation on natural convection in trapezoidal enclosures, Mathematics & Computers in Simulation, 65(3), pp. 221-229, April 22, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K., Bipin, K.. 344. Krylov subspace solvers in parallel numerical computation of solutions to PDEs modelling heat transfer applications, Numerical Heat Transfer – A, Vol. 45, pp. 479-503, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K., Bipin, K.,Shalini, Mehra, M., Chandra, P., Raghavenra, V., Singh, R.K., Mahendra, A. 345. A Wavelet-Taylor Galerkin method for Parabolic and Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation, Int. J. Computational Methods, 1-23, Feb. 16, 2005, Rathish, B.V.K., Mehra, M.. 346. A new class of stabilized mesh-free finite elements for the approximation of the stokes problem, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, pp. 703-722, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K., Srinivas, V.V.K., Das, P.C.,. 347. Free convection in a thermally stratified non-Darcian wavy enclosure, Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 13-30, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K., Shalini.

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348. Double Diffusive natural convection induced by a wavy surface in a stratified porous medium, Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 31-40, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K., Shalini.. 349. Analytical and numerical solutions of a coupled nonlinear system arising in a three-dimensional rotating flow, Int. J. Non-linear Mechanics, 39, pp. 13-24, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K. Vajiravelu.. 350. Numerical simulation of the effect of fluid ineria on slider bearing lubrication with heat conduction to the pad, South East Asian Journal of Math. & Math. Sc. Vol. 2, No.2, pp. 57-62, 2004, Rathish, B.V.K., Sinha, Prawal, Rao, P.S. 351. Modelling the spread of Bacterial disease: Effect of service providers from environmentally degraded region, Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol. 160, pp. 615-647, 2005, Chandra, P., Ghosh, M., Sinha, Prawal., Shukla, J.B.. 352. Modelling the spread of carrier dependent infectious diseases with environmental effect, Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol. 158, pp. 385-402, 2004, Chandra, P., Sinha, Prawal, Shukla, J.B., Ghosh, M.. 353. Risk and Pitman closeness properties of feasible generalized double k- class estimators in linear regression models with non-spherical disturbances under balanced loss Function, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 90, 229-256, 2004, Shalabh., Chaturvedi, A.. 354. On the usefulness of knowledge of error variances in the consistent estimation of an unreplicated ultrastructural model, Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, 74, 6, pp. 391-417, 2004, Shalabh, Leon J. Gleser and Ori Rosen.. 355. Analysis of progressively censored competing risks data, Handbook of Statistics on Survival Analysis , Vol. 23, 331-348, 2004, Kundu, D., Kannan, N., Balakrishnan.. 356. Discriminating between gamma and generalized exponential distributions, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 74, No.2, 107-121, 2004, Kundu, D., Gupta, R.D. 357. Amplitude modulated signal model for analyzing non-stationary speech data, Statistics, Vol. 38, No. 5, 439-456, 2004, Kundu, D., Nandi, S., Iyer, S.K.. 358. A note on estimating the parameters of fundamental frequency model, Signal Processing, Vol. 84,653-661, 2004, Kundu, D., Nandi, S.. 359. A characterization of the (reversed) hazard rate distributions, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Special issue on

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Characterizations, Vol. 33, No. 12, 3095-3102, 2004, Kundu, D., Gupta, R.D. 360. Parameter estimation of the partially complete time and type of failure data, Biometrical Journal, Vol. 46, No. 2, 165-179, 2004, Kundu, D.. 361. Asymptotic properties of the least squares estimators of the parameters of the chirp signals, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics,Vol. 56, No. 3, 529-544, 2004, Kundu, D., Nandi, S.. 362. Computational aspects in statistical signals processing, Statistical Computing; Existing Methods and Recent Developments, 371-393, 2004, Kundu, D., Basu, A. 363. A note on the asymptotic properties of the least squares estimators of the parameters of the multidimensional exponential signals, Sankhya, Vol. 66, No.3, 528-535, 2004, Kundu, D.. 364. Discriminating between the Weibull and Log-Normal distributions, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 51, No.6, 893-905, 2004, Kundu, D., Manglik, A.. 365. Discriminating between the log-normal and generalized exponential distributions, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 127-213, 2005, Kundu, D., Manglick, A., Gupta, R.D.. 366. Macroscopic models for gas stirred ladles: a review, ISIJ International, Vol.44, 2004, pp.447-461, D.Mazumdar, and J.W.Evans. 367. A model for estimating exposed plume eye area in steel refining ladles covered with thin slag, Materials and Metalllurgical Transactions, Vol.35B, 2004, pp.400-404, D.Mazumdar, and J.W.Evans. 368. An assessment of flow and RTD computations in steelmaking tundish system, ISIJ International, 2004, Vol. 44(8), pp.1234-1240, Anil Kumar, S.C.Koria and D.Mazumdar. 369. A computational assessment of viscosity measurement in rotating viscometer through exact numerical simulation, Materials and Metallurgical Transactions B,Vol.35B(4), 2004, pp.754-758, M.Madan and D.Mazumdar. 370. Mathematical modeling fluid flow and mixing phenomena in a twin plug stirred ladle, ISIJ International, Vol. 45, 2005, pp.677-685, M.Madan,D.Satish and Dipak Mazumdar.. 371. Effect of Grain Size on the Tribological Behavior of Nanocrystalline Nickel: Materials Science and Engineering, 373 (2004) 370-373, R. Mishra, B.Basu and R Balasubramaniam. 372. On the Astronomical Significance of the Delhi Iron Pillar: Current Science, 86 (2004) 1134-1142, R. Balasubramaniam and M.I. Dass.

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373. Microstructural Evolution in Iron Aluminide Fe-28Al-2C after High Temperature Hydrogen Treatment: Materials and Metallurgical Transactions, 35A (2004) 1789-1798, T. Laha, R. Balasubramaniam, A. Tewari, M.N. Mungole and R.G. Baligidad. 374. On the Original Image atop the Delhi Iron Pillar: Indian Journal of History of Science, 39 (2004) 177-203, M.I. Dass, R. Balasubramaniam and E.M. Raven. 375. Conservation Issues Relating to the Forge-Welded Iron Cannon at Thanjavur: Conservation of Cultural Property in India, Journal of the Indian Association for the Study of Conservation of Cultural Property, 32-33 (1999-2000) 75-81, A. Saxena and R. Balasubramaniam. 376. Effect of nanocrystalline grain size on the electrochemical and corrosion behavior of nickel: Corrosion Science, 46 (2004) 3019-3029, R. Mishra and R. Balasubramaniam. 377. Electrochemical behavior of Fe-28Al-2C after high temperature hydrogen treatment: Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering, 6 (2004) paper 83, T. Laha, R. Balasubramaniam, A. Tewari, M.N. Mungole and R.G. Baligidad. 378. Electrochemical Behaviour of Intermetallic Ti3Al based Alloys in Simulated Body Fluid Environment: Intermetallics, 12 (2004) 679-682, A. Choubey, B. Basu and R. Balasubramaniam. 379. Tribological Behaviour of Ti-based Alloys in Simulated Body Fluid Solution at Fretting Contacts: Materials Science and Engineering A, 379 (2004) 234-239, Choubey, B. Basu and R. Balasubramaniam. 380. Effect of replacement of V by Nb an Fe on the electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V: Journal of Alloys and Compounds,, 381 (2004) 288-294, A. Choubey, R. Balasubramaniam and B. Basu. 381. Electrochemical Behavior of Electrodeposited Ni-WC Composite Coatings: Surface Coatings Technology, 187 (2004) 93-97, M. Surender, R. Balasubramaniam and B. Basu. 382. The Importance of Summer Solstice at Udayagiri: Bharti, 28 (2003-4) 71- 86, A.M. Sharan and R. Balasubramaniam. 383. Tribological Behaviour of Electrodeposited Ni-WC Composites Coatings: Metals, Materials and Processes, 16 (2004) 451-458, M. Surender, B. Basu, M. N. Mungole and R. Balasubramaniam. 384. Wear characterization of electrodeposited Ni-WC composite coatings: Tribology International, 37 (2004) 743-749, M. Surender, B. Basu and R. Balasubramaniam.

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385. Detecting Non -uniform Phosphorus Distribution in Ancient Indian Iron by Color Metallography: Current Science, 87 (2004) 650-653, P. Piccardo, M.G. Ienco, R. Balasubramaniam and P. Dillmann. 386. Date of Sanakanika Inscription and its Astronomical Significance for Archaeological Structures at Udayagiri: Current Science, 87 (2004) 1562- 1566, A.M. Sharan and R. Balasubramaniam. 387. Effect of replacement of V by Fe and Nb on passive film behaviour of Ti- 6Al-4V in simulated fluid conditions: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 389 (2005) 144-152, A.K. Shukla, R. Balasubramaniam and S. Bhargava. 388. Material Selection of High-Level Nuclear Waste Storage Canisters: Lessons from Archaeometallurgy (Letter): Current Science, 88 (2005) 337-338, R. Balasubramaniam. 389. Passive Film Behaviour of CP Titanium, Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-13.4Al-29Nb alloys in Simulated Human Body Conditions: Intermetallics, 13 (2005) 631-637, A.K. Shukla, R. Balasubramaniam and S. Bhargava. 390. Development of ZrO2-TiB2 Composites: role of residual stress and starting powders, J. Alloys and Compounds, 365 [1-2] (2004) 266-270, B. Basu, J. Vleugels and O. Van Der Biest. 391. Transformation behaviour of tetragonal zirconia: role of dopant content and distribution; Mat. Sc. Engg. A, 366 [2] (2004) 338-347, B. Basu, J. Vleugels and O. Van Der Biest. 392. Microstructure-Toughness-Wear relationship of tetragonal zirconia ceramics, J. Eur. Cer. Soc. 24 [7] (2004) 2031-2040, B. Basu, J. Vleugels and O. Van Der Biest. 393. Development of WC-ZrO2 Nanocomposites by Spark Plasma Sintering, J. Am. Cer. Soc., 87 [2] (2004) 317-319, B. Basu, Jong-Heun Lee and Doh- Yeon Kim. 394. ZrO2-Al2O3 composites with tailored toughness; J. Alloys and Compounds, 372 (2004) 278-284, B. Basu, J. Vleugels and O. Van Der Biest. 395. Effect of grain size on the tribological behavior of Nanocrystalline nickel; Materials Science and Engineering A; 373 [1-2] (2004) 370-373, R. Mishra, B. Basu and R Balasubramaniam. 396. Wear Characterization of Electrodeposited Ni-WC Composite Coatings; Tribology International 37 (2004) 743-749, M. Surender, B. Basu and R Balasubramaniam. 397. Tribological behaviour of Ti-based Alloys in simulated body fluid solution at fretting contacts; Materials Science and Engineering A, 379

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(2004) 234-239, Animesh Choubey, Bikramjit Basu and R. Balasubramaniam. 398. Friction and Wear Behaviour of DLC Coated Biomaterials in Simulated Body Fluid Solution at Fretting Contacts; Key Engg. Materials, 264-268 (2004) 2115-2118, Choubey and A. D.-Reisel and B. Basu. 399. Processing of Nanoceramics and Nanoceramic Composites: New Results; Key Engg. Materials, 264-268 (2004) 2293-2296, Bikramjit Basu, Jong- Heun Lee and Doh-Yeon Kim. 400. Fretting wear behavior of Ti(CN)-based advanced cermets; Key Engineering Materials, 264-268 (2004) 1115-1119, D. Sarkar, B. V. Manoj Kumar, S. Ahn, S. Kang and B. Basu. 401. Enhancing the fracture toughness of Y-stabilised ZrO2: role of dopant distribution; Key Engg. Materials 264-268 (2004) 817-820, Nitesh Gupta, Prafulla Mallik, Mike Lewis and Bikramjit Basu. 402. Toughness tailoring of yttria-doped zirconia ceramics, Mat. Sc. Engg. A 380 (2004) 215-221, B. Basu, J. Vleugels and O. Van Der Biest. 403. Electrochemical Behavior of Intermetallic Ti3Al based Alloys in Simulated Human Body Fluid Environment, Intermetallics, 12 [6] (2004) 679-682, Animesh Choubey, B. Basu and R. Balasubramaniam. 404. Development of Nanocrystalline wear resistant Y-TZP ceramics, J. Am. Cer. Soc., 87 [9] (2004) 1771-1774, Bikramjit Basu, Jong-Heun Lee and Doh-Yeon Kim. 405. Electrochemical Behavior of Electrodeposited Ni-WC Composite Coatings; Surface and Coating Technology, 187 (2004) 93-97, M. Surender, B. Basu and R. Balasubramaniam. 406. Y-TZP ceramics with optimised toughness: New results; J. Alloys and Compounds, 379 (2004) 228-232, Nitesh Gupta, Prafulla Mallik and Bikramjit Basu. 407. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ZrO2-TiB2 composites; Journal of Materials Science, 39 [20] (2004) 6389-6392, B. Basu, J. Vleugels and O. Van Der Biest. 408. Effect of Replacement of V by Nb and Fe on the Electrochemical and Corrosion Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V in Simulated Physiological Environment; Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 381 (2004) 288-294, Choubey, B. Basu and R. Balasubramaniam. 409. S-Phase Sialon ceramics: Microstructure and Properties, Silicate Industriels, Ceramic Science and Technology – special issue, 69 (2004) 225-231, M. Lewis, B. Basu, M. E. Smith, M. Bunyard and T. Kemp.

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410. The role of Tribochemistry on Fretting wear of Mg-SiC particulate composites; Composites, Part A, 36 (2005) 13-23, V. Manoj Kumar, B. Basu, V S R Murthy and M. Gupta. 411. Evolution in friction and wear of fretting wear of Mg-SiCp composites, Influence of fretting duration; Journal of Materials Research 20 [4] (2005) 801-812, B. V. Manoj Kumar and B. Basu. 412. Tribological Properties of WC-ZrO2 Nanocomposites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 88[3] (2005) 691-697, T. Venkateswaran, D. Sarkar and B. Basu. 413. Tribological properties of in-situ Ti-aluminide reinforced Al-based in-situ metal matrix composites; Intermetallics 13 (2005) 733-740, Debdas Roy, Bikramjit Basu and Amitava Basu Mallick. 414. Pressureless sintering and Tribological properties of WC-ZrO2 composites; J. Eur. Cer. Soc. 25 (2005) 1603-1610, B. Basu, T. Venkateswaran and D. Sarkar. 415. Strategies for development of process control models for hot metal desulphurization, Conventional and AI techniques Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 20, 2005, pp. 407-419, B.Deo, R.K.Lingamaneni, A.Dey and R.Boom. 416. Effect of MgO and Al2O3 variations in oxygen steelmaking (BOF) on slag morphology and phosphorus distribution Ironmaking and steelmaking Vol. 32, 2005, pp. 54-60, B.Deo, J.Halder, B.Snoeijer. A.Overbosch and R.Boom. 417. The factors affecting powder consumption of mould fluxes, Scand. J. Met. , Vol. 3, 2004, pp. 85-91, R.Saraswat, A.B.Fox, K.C.Mills, P.D.Lee, B.Deo. 418. Analysis of a laboratory jigging system for improved performance Minerals Engineering, 2005, A.K. Mukherjee, V.K. Dwivedi, and B.K. Mishra. 419. Two different modeling strategies for the jig bed stratification, TATA SEARCH, pp.39-44, 2005, A. K. Mukherjee, B. K. Mishra, and S.P. Mehrotra. 420. On the microstructural changes accompanying high strain amplitude fatigue tests on a multiphase medium carbon microalloyed steel, J. Mat.Sci.Letters 40: No. 2: pp. 499-502: 2005, Sankaran S, Gouthama, Sandeep Sangal and K. A. Padmanabhan. 421. Heating Effect on Steady and Unsteady Horizontal Laminar Flow of Air Past a Circular Cylinder, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 16, pp. 4331-4345, 2004, J. M. Shi, D. Gerlach, M. Breuer, G. Biswas and F. Durst.

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422. Quasi-Static Bubble Formation on Submerged Orifices, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, pp. 425-438, 2005, D. Gerlach, G. Biswas, F. Durst and V. Kolobaric. 423. Numerical Prediction of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Channel in the Presence of a Built-in Wake Splitter, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, pp. 439-453, 2005, S. Tiwari, D. Chakraborty, G. Biswas and P.K. Panigrahi. 424. Planar Simulation of Bubble Growth in Film Boiling in Near-Critical Water Using a Variant of the VOF Method, Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME), Vol. 126, pp. 329-338, (2004), D. Agarwal, S.W.J. Welch, G. Biswas, and F. Durst. 425. Backward-Facing Step Flows for Various Expansion Ratios at Low and Moderate Reynolds Numbers, Journal of Fluids Engineering (ASME), Vol. 126, pp. 362-374, (2004), G. Biswas, M. Breuer and F. Durst. 426. Tool Wear Prediction in Turning, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 153-154, pp. 276-280, (2004), S.K. Choudhury, P.Srinivas. 427. Microstructural Simulation of Asphalt Materials: Modeling and Experimental Results, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 16:2, pp. 107-115, April 1, 2004, Sadd, M., H., Dai, Q., Parameswaran, V., and Shukla, A.. 428. Influence of Nonlinear Elastomer on Isolated Lag Dynamics and Rotor/ Fuselage Aeromechanical stability, Journal of Aircraft- AIAA, Vol. 41, (2004) pp. 1449-1464, G. Pohit, C.Venkatesan, A.K.Mallik. 429. Visualization of the Convective Field above a Heated Cylinder by a Laser Schlieren Technique, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 32(3-4), pp. 520-528, February 2005, Atul Srivastava, S. Dutta, P.K. Panigrahi and K. Muralidhar. 430. Buoyancy-driven Convection in Superposed Fluid Layers in an Octagonal Cavity, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 43(9), pp. 849- 864, 2004, Sunil Punjabi, K. Muralidhar and P.K. Panigrahi. 431. Imaging of a Convective Field in a Rectangular Cavity using Interferometry, Schlieren and Shadowgraph, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 42(4), pp. 469-485, 2004, Atul Srivastava, A. Phukan, P.K. Panigrahi and K. Muralidhar. 432. Interferometric study of buoyancy-driven convection in a circular fluid layer, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 41(4), pp. 353-359, February 2005, Atul Srivastava, K. Muralidhar and P.K. Panigrahi.

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433. Modeling of Transport Phenomena in a Low Pressure CVD Reactor, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 267(3-4), pp. 598-612 (2004), A.K. De, K. Muralidhar, V. Eswaran and V.K. Wadhawan. 434. Comparison of interferometry, schlieren and shadowgraph for visualizing convection during the growth of a KDP crystal from its aqueous solution, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 267(1-2), pp. 348-361 (2004), Atul Srivastava, K. Muralidhar and P.K. Panigrahi. 435. A schlieren study of the effect of ramp arte and rotation on convection around a crystal growing from an aqueous solution, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 27(1-2), pp. 191-208 (2005), Atul Srivastava, K. Muralidhar and P.K. Panigrahi. 436. Flow and Heat Transfer in the Wake of a Surface-mounted Rib with a Slit, accepted for publication in Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 37, pp. 701- 719, (2004), A. Tariq, P.K. Panigrahi and K. Muralidhar. 437. Estimation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient from Transient Liquid Crystal Data using an Inverse Technique, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 13(2), pp. 133-155 (2005), M. K. Das, A. Tariq, P.K. Panigrahi and K. Muralidhar. 438. Heat Transfer from an Array of Cylinders in Oscillatory Flow, International Journal of Heat Exchangers, Vol. 5, pp 239-264, December 2004, K. Muralidhar and K. Suzuki. 439. Experimental determination of viscosity of abrasive flow machining media, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 7(2-4), pp. 142-156 (2005), A. Agrawal, V.K. Jain and K. Muralidhar. 440. Effect of orientation on the wake of a square cylinder at low Reynolds numbers, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences, Vol. 11, pp. 447-459, December 2004, S. Dutta, P.K. Panigrahi and K. Muralidhar. 441. Simulation and experimental verification of solutal convection in the initial stages of crystal growth from an aqueous solution, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Vol. 43, pp. 24-33, January 2005, S. Verma, A. Srivastava, V. Prabhakar, K. Muralidhar and V.K. Wadhawan. 442. Theoretical analysis of thermal stresses in electro-discharge diamond grinding, Mach Sci Technol, 8(1), 119-140, 2004, P.M. Dixit, V. Yadava & V.K. Jain. 443. Parametric study of temperature distribution in electro-discharge diamond grinding, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 19(6), 1071-1101, 2004, P.M. Dixit, V. Yadava & V.K. Jain.

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444. Temperature determination on the work piece surface during diamond surface grinding: FEM approach, Manufacturing Technology and Research, an International Journal, 1(1), 29-34, 2005, P.M. Dixit, V. Yadava & V.K. Jain. 445. Temperature distribution in the workpiece due to electro-discharge diamond surface grinding using FEM, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 7(2/3/4), 246-267, 2005, P.M. Dixit, V. Yadava & V.K. Jain. 446. Lubrication Oil Tribology Of A Biodiesel-Fuelled CI Engine Journal of Automobile Engineering, Proceedings of the I MECH E Part D, Volume 219, Number 5, pp 703-714, May 2005, Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 447. Assessment of Lubricity of Biodiesel Blends in Reciprocating Wear Mode SAE Paper No 2004-01-3068, SAE Transactions 2004, Journal of Fuels & Lubricants, Section 4, Jayashree Bijwe, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Atul Sharma. 448. Stochastic simulation of Active Grain density in Abrasive Flow Machining J. Materials Processing Technology, 152 (2004) 17-22, R.K.Jain and V.K.Jain. 449. Design and Development of magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (MRAFF) process, Int. J. of Mach. Tools Manufacture, Vol. 44, 2004, pp.1019-1029, Sunil Jha, and V.K.Jain. 450. Electrochemical deephole drilling in super alloy for turbine application , J. of Materials Processing Tech., Vol.149, 2004, pp. 445-452, Dayanand S. Bilgi, V.K.Jain, R.Shekhar and Shefali Mehrotra. 451. Parametric Study of magnetic abrasive finishing process, J. of Materials Processing Tech., Vol.149, 2004, pp. 22-29, Dhirendra K. Singh, V.K.Jain and V.Raghuram. 452. Excited turbulent flow behind a square rib, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 20(2) pp. 1-19 (2004), Panigrahi, P. K. and Acharya, S. 453. Wavelet investigation of coherent structures behind permeable rib, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 10(3), 3104-3107 (2004), Panigrahi, P. K., Schroeder A. and Kompenhans, J.. 454. Optimum Part Deposition Orientation in Fused Deposition Modeling, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 44 (6) 585-594, 2004, Trimurthulu, K., Pandey, P. M., Reddy, N. V. 455. Optimal Part Deposition Orientation in FDM by using a Multi-criteria Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Production Research, 42 (19) 4069-4089, 2004, Pandey, P. M., Thrimurthulu, K., Reddy, N. V.

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456. Prediction of Internal Defects in Plane Strain Rolling, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 159 (2004) 409-417, Abdul Razak, A., Reddy, N. V. 457. Correlation between the extraordinary Hall constant and electrical resistivity minima fin Co-rich metallic glasses, Phys. Rev. B 69, 214417, 2004, A.K. Majumdar, P. Khatua, K.D.D. Rathnayaka, D. G. Naugle. 458. Evidence of spin-wave demagnetization in Fe-Cr GMR multilayers, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 033910 (2005), R.S. Patel, A.K. Majumdar, A.F. Hebard and D. Temple. 459. Crystallization studies on AgI-Ag2O MoO3 superionic system synthesized by melt-quenching and Mechanical Milling, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 66, 783-792 (2005), A. Dalvi, A.M. Awasthi, S. Bhardwaj and K. Shahi. 460. Formation of superionically conducting amorphous phase in mechanically milled AgI-Ag2IO-V2O5 system, J. Nanocryst. Solids, 341, 124-132 (2004), A. Dalvi and K. Shahi. 461. Near-infra-red photonic bandgaps and non-linear effects in negative magnetic materials, S.O’Brien, Phys. Rev. B 69, 241101(R(R) (2004), D. McPeake, S.Anantha Ramakrishna and J.B. Pendry. 462. On the dual symmetry between absorbing and amplifying random media, Phys. 62, 1273-1279 (2004), S.A. Ramakrishna, Pramana J.. 463. Physics of negative refractive index materials, Rep. Prog. Phys. 68, 449- 521 (2005), S.A. Ramakrishna. 464. A miniature Hall sensor based ac-susceptometer for measurements of vortex and superfluid dynamics in superconducting films, Rev. Sci. Instr. 75, 141 (2004), K. Senapati, S. Chakrivarti, Lenna K. Sahoo and R.C. Budhani. 465. Influence of buffer layers on superconductivity in La1-zSrxCuO4 epitaxial films, Physica C415, 74 (2004), R.K. Rakshit, R.C. Budhani, V.N. Kulkarni, M.. Sullivan and R.L. Greene. 466. Current induced metallic behavior in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 films: Competition between Joule heating and non-linear conduction, Phys. Rev. B 70, 134403 (2004), P. Padhan, W. Prellier, Ch. Simon and R.C. Budhani. 467. Clean limit pair breaking and two dimensional vortex dynamics in ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B 70, 174506 (2004), K. Senapati and R.C. Budhani. 468. Magnetotransport in epitaxial films of the degenerate semiconductor Zn1- xCoxO, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 17 75 (2005), R.C. Budhani, Prita Pant, R.K. Rakshit, K. Senapati, S. Mandal, N.K. Pandey and J. Kumar.

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469. Causality Violation in Non-local Quantum Field Theory, J. Mod. Phys. A 19, 3409 (2004), Ambar Jain and S.D. Joglekar. 470. Relating Calculations and Renormalization in Axial and Lorentz Gauges and Gauge-independence, J. Mod. Phys. A 20 (2005), S.D. Joglekar. 471. Experimental and theoretical investigation of fluorescence photobleaching and recovery in human breast tissues and tissue phantoms, Applied Optics, 43. 5. 1044-1052 (2004), Sharad Gupta, Bhawna, P. Goswami, A. Pradhan and A. Agarwal. 472. Depolarization of light in a multiply scattering medium: Effect of the refractive index of a scatterer, Physical Review E 70, 066607 (2004) , N. Ghosh, A. Pradhan, P.K. Gupta, Sharad Gupta, V. Jaiswal and R.P. Singh. 473. Nanoprecipitation in transport matrices using an energetic ion beam, Nanotechnology, 15, 1620-1624 (2004), T. Mohanty, A. Pradhan, S. Gupta and D. Kanjilal. 474. Polarized fluorescence technique for tumor diagnosis, 92nd Indian Science Congress, Invited Talk in Physical Sciences Section, Jan 3-7, 2005, A. Pradhan. 475. Nuclear localization and in-situ DNA damage by mycobacterium tuberulosis nucleoside-diphosphate kinase, J. Biol. Chem. 279(48), 50142 (2004) , A.K. Saini, K. Maithal, P. Chand, S. Chowdhury, R. Vohra, A. Goyal, G.P. Dubey, P. Chopra, R. Chandra, A.K. Tyagi, Yogendra Singh and Vibha Tandon. 476. Preparation and characterization of pure and manganese dopped layered Na1.9Li0.1Ti3O7, Proc. Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics (NSFD-XIII), Allied Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp 39-42 (2004), D. Pal, P. Chand and Shripal. 477. Accurate parametric modeling of folded waveguide circuits for millimeter-wave traveling wave tubes, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (2005) [to appear] , J.H. Booske, M.C. Converse, C.L. Kory, T. Chevalier, D.A. Gallagher, K.E. Kreischer, V.O. Heinen, S. Bhattacharjee. 478. The Virgo alignment puzzle in propagation of radiation on cosmological scales, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D13, 1857 (YYYY), J.P. Ralston and Pankaj Jain. 479. Peculiar insulator-to-metal transition in tetrahedral semiconductors on lattice expansion, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B18, 975 (2004), S. Shukla, D. Kumar, N.N. Shukla and R. Prasad. 480. Collective traffic-like movement of ants on a trail: dynamical phases of phase transitions, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73, 2979

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(2004), A. Kunwar, A. John, K. Nishinari, A. Schadschneider and D. Chowdhury. 481. Evolving eco-system: a network of networks, Physica A, 346, 68 (2005), D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer. 482. White OLED based on spectral broadening in electroluminescence due to formation of interfacial exciplexes Applied Physics Letter (2004) , To appear in 14March 2005 issue, Samarendra P Singh, Y. N. Mohapatra, and M. Qureshi, and S. Sundar Manoharan. 483. Photogenerated time of flight mobility measurements in novel electron transport material: 2,5-dibenzothiazollyl thiophene, Phy. Stat. sol. (a) 201, R60-R63 (2004), M. Qureshi, S. Sundar Manoharan, Samarendra P Singh, and Y. N. Mohapatra. 484. Electroluminescent properties of dimeric bis(2-(2’-hydroxy1phenyl) benzthiazolate) zinc (II) complex, Solid State communications 133, 305- 309 (2005), M. Qureshi, S. Sundar Manoharan , Samarendra P Singh, and Y. N. Mohapatra. 485. Changes in the Leakage currents in BST/ZrO2 multilayers due to modulations in oxygen concentration, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol ,85, No. 21 (2004), S. K. Sahoo, D. C. Agrawal, Y. N. Mohapatra, S. B. Majumder and Ram S. Katiyar 486. Photoluminescence of phosphors prepared by low temperature hydrothermal route, Sandesh Gupta, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 151 (11), pp H239-H242, (2004) , D.C. Agarwal and Y.N. Mohapatra. 487. Depolarization Characteristics of Sol-Gel Pb1.05 (Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 Thin Film, Ferroelectrics: 306:71-77 (2004) V. Ramesh, Y.N. Mohapatra, and D.C. Agarwal. 488. Low Temperature Dielectric Properties of BST/ZrO2 Multilayer Films, Proceedings of Materials Research Society, 784, C3.7.1 (2004) , S.K. Sahoo, D.C. Agrawal, S.B. Majumder, R.S. Katiyar, and Y.N. Mohapatra. 489. Coexistence of magnetic order and charge density wave in a Koando lattice Yb5Ir4Si10-, Phys. Rev. B vol. 71 (2005) p. 060406 (R), Z. Hossain, M. Scmidt, W. Schnelle, H.S. Jeevan, C. Geibel, S. Ramakrishnan, J.A. Mydosh and Y. Grin, 490. Stability studies in Nanocrystalline silicon layers, Proc., Proc. 49th DAE Symposium, 2004, S.C. Agarwal. 491. Temperature Dependence of persistent photoconductivity in nanocrystalline silicon, Proc. 49th DAE Symposium, 2004, S.C. Agarwal.

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492. Non-equilibrium criticality at shock formation in steady states, J. Physics A (2005) (IN PRESS), Sutapa Mukherjee and Somendra M. Bhattacharjee. 493. Coulomb gap in one-dimensional disordered electronic systems, Phys. Rev. B69, 132416 (2004) , A. Dutta, L. Fritz and D. Sen. 494. Plume dynamics of laser-produced aluminum plasma in ambient nitrogen, Appl. Surf. Sci. 243, 68 (2005), A.K. Sharma and R.K. Thareja. 495. Characterization of laser-produced aluminum plasma in ambient atmosphere of nitrogen using fast photography, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4490 (2004), A.K. Sharma and R.K. Thareja. 496. Conservation Laws in Fluid Dynamics and the Self-Duality of Rankine- Hugoniot Shock Conditions, Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Proceedings of the 3rd International, Symposium, Cincinnati, U.S.A, Edited by P.C. Argyres, T.J. Hodges, F. Mansouri, J.J. Scanio, P. Suranyi and L.C.R. Wijewardhana, World Scientific, 407-414, 2004, V. V. Sreedhar. 497. Structural defects formed in Al-implanted and annealed 4H-SiC Materials Science Forum 457- 460 (II), (2004) 889, Jones, K.A., Zheleva, T.S., Kulkarni, V.N., Ervin, M.H., Derenge, M.A., R. D. Vispute, R.D. 498. Pulsed-electron-beam deposition of transparent conducting SnO2 films and study of their properties, Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004)1483 Choudhary, R.J., Ogale, S.B., Shinde, S.R., Kulkarni, V.N., Venkatesan, T., Harshavardhan, K.S., Strikovski, M., Hannoyer. 499. Modification of critical current density of MgB2 films irradiated with 200 MeV Ag ions, Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004)2352, Shinde, S.R., Ogale, S.B., Higgins, J., Choudhary, R.J., Kulkarni, V.N., Venkatesan, T., Zheng, H., Kanjilal, D. 500. Co-occurrence of superparamagnetism and anomalous hall effect in highly reduced cobalt-doped rutile TiO2-δ films Shinde, Physical Review Letters 92 (2004) , 166601 1-5, S.R., Ogale, S.B., Higgins, J.S., Zheng, H., Millis, A.J., Kulkarni, V.N., Ramesh, R., Venkatesan, T. 501. Evidence for a quantum phase transition in Pr2-xCexCuO4-δ from transport measurements Dagan, Physical Review Letters 92 (2004), 167001-1 3, Y., Qazilbash, M.M., Hill, C.P., Kulkarni, V.N., Greene, R.L. 502. Structural and magnetic properties of a series of low-doped Zn1-xCoxO thin films deposited from Zn and Co metal targets on (0001) Al2O3 substrates. Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004), 7187, Fouchet, A., Prellier, W., Padhan, P., Simon, Ch., Mercey, B., Kulkarni, V.N., Venkatesan, T.

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503. Channeling and resonant backscattering investigations of Co Doped diluted magnetic oxide films prepared by pulsed laser deposition Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 219- 220(1-4), (2004) 902, Kulkarni, V.N., Shinde, S.R., Zhao, Y.G., Choudhary, R.J., Ogale, S.B., Greene, R.L., Venkatesan, T. 504. Oxygen-deficient (La0.6Pr0.4)0.7Ca0.3MnO3-δ thin films: Towards a first- order metal-insulator transition Ogale, Physical Review B - 69 (23) ,(2004) 235101-10, A.S., Shinde, S.R., Kulkarni, V.N., Higgins, J., Choudhary, R.J., Kundaliya, D.C., Polleto, T., Venkatesan, T. 505. Cathodoluminescence versus dynamical epitaxy of Ba-ion irradiated alpha;-quartz, Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004)134, Dhar, S., Gasiorek, S., Sahoo, P.K., Vetter, U., Hofsaß, H. Kulkarni, V.N., Lieb, K.P. 506. Investigation of laser-ablated ZnO thin films grown with Zn metal target: A structural study Fouchet, Journal of Applied Physics 96 (2004), 322, A., Prellier, W., Mercey, B., Méchin, L., Kulkarni, V.N., Venkatesan, T. 507. Influence of buffer layers on superconductivity in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 epitaxial films Rakshit, Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 415 (1-2), (2004), 74-78, R.K., Budhani, R.C., Kulkarni, V.N., Sullivan, M.C., Greene, R.L. 508. Cathodoluminescence and solid phase epitaxy in Ba –irradiated α –quartz Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005) 014910, Dhar, S., Sahoo, P.K., Ga siorek, S., Vetter, U., Kulkarni, V.N., Lieb, K.P. 509. Correlation of hydrogen content with the microstructure of a-C:H films Physica B: Condensed Matter 355 (2005)72, Som, T., Malhotra, M., Kulkarni, V.N., Kumar, S. 510. Cation distribution in nanosized Ni-Zn ferrites, Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 5746-5751 (2004), C. Upadhyay, H.C. Verma and S. Anand. 511. Defect studies in Fe-Cu alloys prepared by electrodeposition, Physics Letters A (2004) , M.K. Roy, V.S. Subrahmanyam and H.C. Verma. 512. Anomalous Mossbauer parameters in the second generation regolith Ghubara meteorite, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 39, 1755-9 (2004), H.C. Verma and R.P. Tripathi. 513. Phase changes in Fe72-xAl28Crx(X=0,2,4,6) alloys due to mechanical strain, Pramana 64, 281-290 (2005) , Brajesh Pandey and H.C. Verma. 514. On localized Tachyon condensation in C2/Z(N) and C3/Z(N), Nuclear Physics B 70: 490-520 (2004) , Tapobrata Sarkar. 515. Effect of La, B doping on the electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of nanocrystalline vanadium nitride.

209 Annual Report 2004-2005

Appl. Phys. 96, 688 (2004). This paper also been selected and published in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 9 June 28 (2004), N. Sudhakar, R.S.Ningthoujam, K.P. Rajeev, A.K. Nigam, J. Weissmüller and N.S. Gajbhiye, J. 516. Photoluminescence and morphological studies of (Y0.5Gd0.5)BO3 phosphor powders prepared by urea hydrolysis route, Sandesh K. Gupta, Dinesh C.Agrawal and Yashowanta N. Mohapatra, J. Electrochem. Soc., 151(2004)H239 517. Depolarization characteristics of sol-gel Pb1.05 (Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 thin films V. Ramesh, Y. N.Mohapatra and D. C. Agrawal, Ferroelectics 306 (2004) 71 518. Phases and electrical conductivity of sol-gel prepared ZrO2 and ZrO2- Gd2O3 thin films on stainless steel, Niraj K Singh, Shiladitya Paul, P. S. Dobal, D. C. Agrawal and R. S. Katiyar, in Inorganic Materials – Recent Advances,Editors D. Bahadur, S. Vitta and Om Prakash, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi2004, pp 165-168. 3 519. Changes in the leakage currents in Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO /ZrO2 multilayers due to modulations in oxygen concentration, S. K. Sahoo, D. C. Agrawal, Y. N. Mohapatra, Subhasish B. Majumder and Ram S. Katiyar, App. Phy. Let. 85 (2004) 5001. 520. Crystallizations Studies on AgI-Ag2O-MOO3 Superionic system Synthesized by melt-quenching and Mechanical Milling, J.Phys.Chem.Solids 66 783-792, 2005, A.Dalvi, A.M.Awasthi, S.Bhardwaj & K.Shahi. 521. Formation of Superionically conducting amorphous phase in mechanically milled AgI-Ag2O-V2O5 system. J.Noncryst. Solids 341, 124-132, 2004, A. Dalvi & K. Shahi. 522. White OLED based on spectral broadening in electroluminescence due to formation of interfacial exciplexes. Applied Physics Letter 86, 113505 (2005), Samarendra P Singh, Y. N. Mohapatra, and M. Qureshi, and S. Sundar Manoharan. 523. Laser Induced degradation Studied of PP and CN-PPV Thin Films using Photoluminescence. Thin Solid Films 477 (2005) 162– 168, D. Ghosh, G.S.Samal, A.K.Biswas, Y.N.Mohapatra. 524. Photogenerated time of flight mobility measurements in novel electron transport material: 2,5-dibenzothiazollyl thiophene Phy. Stat. sol. (a) 201, R60-R63 (2004), M. Qureshi, S. Sundar Manoharan, Samarendra P Singh, and Y. N. Mohapatra.

210 Annual Report 2004-2005

525. Electroluminescent properties of dimeric bis(2-(2’-hydroxy1phenyl) benzthiazolate) zinc (II) complex Solid State communications 133 (2005) 305-309, M. Qureshi, S. Sundar Manoharan , Samarendra P Singh, and Y. N. Mohapatra. 526. Changes in the Leakage currents in BST/ZrO2 multilayers due to modulations in oxygen concentration Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol ,85, No. 21 (2004), S. K. Sahoo, D. C. Agrawal, Y. N. Mohapatra, S. B. Majumder and Ram S. Katiyar. 527. Photoluminescence of phosphors prepared by low temperature hydrothermal route Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 151 (11), pp H239-H242, 2004, Sandesh Gupta, D.C.Agarwal and Y.N.Mohapatra. 528. Depolarization Characteristics of Sol-Gel Pb1.05 (Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 Thin Film. Ferroelectrics: 306:71-77 (2004), V.Ramesh, Y.N.Mohapatra, and D.C.Agarwal. 529. Nonlinear response statistics of laminated composite plates with random material properties under random loading. Asia-Pacific conference on System Integrity and Maintenance, Dec. 6-9, 2004, Hotel Intercontinental The Grand, New Delhi, Amit Kr. Onkar, D. Yadav and C.S. Upadhyay. 530. Failure of laminated composite plates with random material properties under random loading, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Dec. 9-12, 2004, IIT Kanpur, Amit Kr. Onkar, D. Yadav and C.S. Upadhyay. 531. Stochastic finite element buckling analysis of Composite plates with random material properties, International Conference on Theoretical Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Dec. 28-30, 2004, IIT Kharagpur, Amit Kr. Onkar, D. Yadav and C.S. Upadhyay. 532. Auto-initiating Solid-propellant pushed plasma microthruster, AIAA- 2005-0373, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Jan. 2005, Reno, NV, USA, N.Dubey, V. Ravi and A. Kushari. 533. Re-circulating flow dynamics inside a dump combustor, Proceedings of Seventh National Conference on Air-breathing engines and Aerospace propulsion (NCABE 2004), Kanpur, November 5-7, 2004, Allied Publishers, S. Nigam, D. Ahmed, A. Kushari, D.P. Mishra. 534. Spectroscopic Analysis of a Premixed LPG-Air flame, Proceedings of Seventh National Conference on Air-breathing engines and Aerospace propulsion (NCABE 2004), Kanpur, November 5-7, 2004, Allied Publishers, Robin Gupta, Vinkish Garg, A. Kushari.

211 Annual Report 2004-2005

535. Twin-fluid internally mixed swirl atomizer, 19th Annual Conference of the Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Europe), ILASS (Europe)-2004, 6-8 September 2004, UK Nottingham, A. Kushari. 536. Study of primary atomization in a helical passage pressure-Swirl atomizer, 19th Annual Conference of the Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Europe), ILASS (Europe)-2004, 6-8 September 2004, Nottingham, UK, B. Mondal, P.Berman and A. Kushari. 537. Deformation Banding under Arbitrary Monotonic Loading in Cubic Metals, Philosphical Magazine 2004. 84:3517-3546, S. Mahesh and C.N. Tome. 538. A sub-structure based hardening model for copper under loading path changes, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2004. 35A:3763— 3774, S. Mahesh, C. N. Tome, R.J.McCabe, G.C.Kaschner, I.J.Beyerlein, and A.Misra. 539. Lifetime Distributions for Unidirectional Fibrous Composites under Creep-Rupture Loading, International Journal of Fracture, 2004. 127(4):303-360, S. Mahesh and S. L.Phoenix. 540. Shear-Lag Model for a Single Fiber Metal-Matrix Composite with an Elasto-Plastic Matrix and a Slipping Interface', International Journal of Solids Structures, 2004. 41(15): 4197-4218, S.Mahesh, J. C. Hanan, E. Ustundag, and I. J. Beyerlein. 541. Electro-thermo-elastic formulation and layer-by-layer modeling of a smart beam with piezoelectric patches, Paper No. AIAA-2004-1649, 12- th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, April 2004, N.A.Sheikh, C.S. Upadhyay, and C. Venkatesan. 542. Experimental Investigation of Lean Premixed Swirl Burner, International Journal of Turbo & Jet Engines, 21, No2, pp.103-113, 2004, D. P. Mishra and R Kannan. 543. Emission Studies of Impinging Premixed Flames, Fuel, 83, pp. 1743- 1748, 2004, D. P. Mishra. 544. Numerical Studies of Stretched CH4-Air Cylindrical Premixed Flames, Fuel, 83, pp. 2345-2350, 2004, D. P. Mishra. 545. Enhancement of Heat Transfer to an Air Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate, Proceedings of 2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Conference, HT-FED2004-56155, July 11-15, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2004, D. P. Mishra and D. Mishra. 546. Computational Studies of Turbulent Flow in an Isothermal Suddenly Enlarged Combustion Chamber, Proceedings of 2004 ASME Heat

212 Annual Report 2004-2005

Transfer/Fluids Engineering Conference, HT-FED2004-56156, July 11- 15, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2004, D. P. Mishra and T.Vishak 547. Re-circulating Flow Dynamics inside a Dump Combustor, Proceedings of 7th National Conference on Air Breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, IIT, Kanpur, November 5-7, pp. 12-21, 2004, S. Nigam, D. Ahmed, A. Kushari and D. P. Mishra. 548. Control of NOx Emissions from Gaseous Fuel Base Combustors, Proceedings of International Seminar on Gas Technology, November 19- 20, 2004, D. P. Mishra and S. C. Nayak. 549. Aeroacoustics of a Vortex Ring, Invited Lecture, International Symposium on Recent Advances in Aeroacoustics and Active Flow- Combustion Control. In Honour of Professor John E. Ffowcs Williams. Jan 4-6, 2005, Goa India, By Debopam Das. 550. Study of interaction curves for composite laminate subjected to in-plane uniaxial and shear loadings, Composite Structures, Vol.64,2004,307- 315.N.G.R.Iyengar and Arindam Chakraborty. 551. Polymer Nano Composites: the path to superior load bearing structural materials, Directions, IIT Kanpur, Vol.6,May 2004, 23-27, P. Venkitnarayanan and N.G.R.Iyengar 552. Optimization in structural design, Directions, IIT Kanpur, Vol. 6, 2004, 41-47, N.G.R.Iyengar 553. Response of composite laminates with random material properties, Proc. 18th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Khargapur, Nov. 17- 19, 2004, N.G.R.Iyengar, Invited paper. 554. Stability of composite laminates using a simple higher order shear deformation theory, Proc. International conf. Theoretical, applied, computational and experimental mechanics, Dec 28-30, 2004, IIT Kharagpur, N.G.R.Iyengar, Keynote speaker. 555. Stability analysis of composite laminates with cutouts, Proc. International congress on computational mechanics and simulation, IIT Kanpur, Dec.9- 12,2004, 230-237, Anil V, C.S.Upadhyay and N.G.R.Iyengar. 556. Role of Engineering Institutions and Engineering Societies in Engineering Education and Training, Prof. 19th Indian Engineering Congress, De. 17-19, 2004, Institution of Engineers (India), Mumbai. 310-313, N.G.R.Iyengar. 557. A Re Look at the Aerospace Education and Research. Int. Seminar, Aero India 2005, DRDO, Feb, 7-9, 2005. Bangalore, N.G.R.Iyengar Inivied talk.

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558. Optimal Nonlinear Tracking of Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol.12, No.5, September 2004, Rajnish Sharma and Ashish Tewari. 559. Optimal Nonlinear Tracking of Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics, Proceedings of the AIAA /AAS Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 16-19, 2004, Rajnish Sharma and Ashish Tewari. 560. Active Vibration Suppression of Spacecraft with Rate Weighted Optimal Control and Mult-Mode Command Shaping, Proceedings of the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 16-19, 2004, Ashish Tewari. 561. Trajectory and Attitude Simulation for Aerocapture and Aerobraking, Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 16-19, 2004, Mrinal Kumar and Ashish Tewari. 562. A visual study of vortex-induced instability on a flat plate laminar boundary layer. -Experiments in Fluids, vol. 37, pp 47-55 (2004) T.T. Lim, T.K. Sengupta and M. Chattopadhyay 563. A comparative study of time advancement methods for solving Navier- Stokes equations -Journal of Scientific Computing Vol-21(2), pp 225-250. Oct. 2004, T.K. Sengupta and A. Dipankar 564. Computations of leading-edge contamination -Computers & Fluids, vol. 33, pp 927-951 (2004), T.K. Sengupta, V. Chaturvedi, P. Kumar and S. De 565. High accuracy compact schemes and Gibbs' phenomenon -Jour. Scientific Computing, vol. 21(3), pp 253-268 (2004) T.K. Sengupta, G. Ganeriwal and A. Dipankar. 566. Navier- Stokes solution by new compact scheme for incompressible flows -Jour. Scientific Computing, vol. 21(3), pp 269-282 (2004) By T.K. Sengupta, A. Guntaka and S. Dey 567. Proper orthogonal decomposition of direct numerical simulation data of by-pass transition - Computers & Structures, vol. 82, issues 31-32, pp 2693-2703 (2004), T.K. Sengupta and S. Dey. 568. Secondary Flow Control using Vortex Generator Jets; Physical Mechanism, Proceedings of National Conf. On Air breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, NCABE-2004, IIT Kanpur Nov. 05-07, 2004, A.M. Pradeep and R.K. Sullerey. 569. Application of a Mesh Moving Scheme to Ram-Air Parachute, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in

214 Annual Report 2004-2005

Development of Para Recovery Systems (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15-17, 2005, Prashant S. Hadagali and S.Mittal. 570. Effect of blockage on vortex induced vibrations, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems (Para International 05), Agra, India, March 15-17, 2005, Suresh Behara, T.K. Prasanth and S. Mittal. 571. Vortex Induced Vibrations of a Spinning and Translating Cylinder, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15-17, 2005, T.K. Prasanth and S.Mittal. 572. An Efficient Airfoil Configuration for Ram-Air Parachute Applications, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15-17, 2005, S.Mittal, R. Balaji and A.K. Rai. 573. Instabilities in Bluff Body Flows in Abstracts of the Tenth Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, University of Peradeniya, Srilanka, 2004, S.Mittal. 574. Instabilities in Bluff Body Flows in Abstracts of the International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, Tama Campus, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan 2004, S.Mittal. 575. Effect of elastic supports on the critical value of Reynolds Numbers past a cylinder, in Abstracts of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering-NCRAME-2004, Jabalpur Engineering College, 2004, S.Mittal. 576. Instabilities in Bluff Body Flows in IUTAM Symposium for Laminar- Turbulent Transsition, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India, 2004, S.Mittal. 577. On Application of Parameter Estimation Methods To Flight Data of A Typical Parafoil, Technologies and Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems, ADRDE Agra, 15-17 March, 2005, A.Singhal, Ujjwala D, A.K. Ghosh. 578. Flight Path Prediction of an Artillery Shell Using Feed Forward Neural Networks, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit- Submitted, A.K. Ghosh, Ankur Singhal, Ayush Jha. 579. Transition Metals Based Nanomaterials for Signal Transduction, B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, Encyclopaedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 (2004) 517. 580. Puckered Boat Conformation Hexameric Water Clusters Framework Structure stabilized in a 2D Metal-Organic Framework structure Built

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from Cu(II) and Benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic Acid, S. K. Ghosh and P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004), 5180. 581. Structure of a Discrete Hexadecameric Water Cluster in a Metal-Organic Framework Structure. S. K. Ghosh and P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 43 (2004), 6887. 582. Binding and extraction of pertechnetate and perrhenate by azacages. Fundamentals and Applications of Anion Separations, [Proceedings of the Symposium Fundamentals and Applications of Anion Separations held during the American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States, Aug. 26-31, 2001], Holger Stephan, Karsten Gloe, Werner Kraus, Hartmut Spies, Bernd Johannsen, Kathrin Wichmann, Guenter Reck, Dillip K. Chand, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, Mueller Ute, M. Walter, Fritz Voegtle (2004) 151-168. 583. Fluorescence enhancement of a signaling system in the simultaneous presence of a transition and an alkali metal ions: a potential AND logic gate. B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, Chem. Commun. (2005) 513. 584. An Infinite Water Chain Passes Through an Array of Zn(II)- Metallocycles Built with a Podand Bearing Terminal Carboxylates S. Neogi, P. K. Bharadwaj, Inorg. Chem. 44 (2005) 816. 585. Perturbation of the PET Process in Fluorophore-Spacer-Receptor Systems Through Structural Modification: Transition metal Induced Fluorescence Enhancement and Selectivity. B. P. Bag, P. K. Bharadwaj, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 4377. 586. Characterization of 3D Metal-Organic Frameworks Formed Through Hydrogen Bonding Interactions of 2D Networks with Rectangular Voids by CoII and NiII (pdc) [ pdc= Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate ] and 4,4′- Bipyridine or 1,2-Di(pyridyl)ethylene, S. K. Ghosh, J. Ribas, P. K. Bharadwaj, Crystal Growth and Design. 5 (2005) 623. 587. Self-Assembly of a Co(II) Dimer through H-bonding of Water Molecules to a 3D Open-Framework Structure, S. K. Ghosh, P. K. Bharadwaj, J. Chem Sci. 117 (2005) 23. 588. Cyclophosphazene hydrazides as efficient multisite coordination ligands. 3 -fac-non-geminal-N3 coordination of spiro- N3P3[O2C12H8][N(Me)NH2]4 (L) in L2CoCl3 and L2M(NO3)2 (M = Ni, Zn, Cd) Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Venkatasubbaiah. Krishnan, Alexander. Steiner, Jamie. F. Bickley, Inorg. Chem. 2004, 43, 166-172 589. Metalated hybrid polymers as catalytic reagents for phosphate ester hydrolysis and plasmid modification Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Pravas Deria, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2004, 14, 1559-1562, Venkatasubbaiah

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Krishnan, Arunachalampillai Athimoolam, Sanjay Singh, C. Madhavaiah, S.G. Srivatsan, Sandeep Verma. 590. Reactions of n-Bu2SnO and (n-Bu3Sn)2O with 1,1,2,3,3- pentamethyltrimethylene phosphinic acid: Synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of a novel spirocyclic coordination polymer and a 16- membered inorganic macrocycle, Organometallics 2004, 23, 1390-1395, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Viswanathan Basker, Alexander Steiner, Stefano Zacchini. 591. Molecular zinc phosphonates: synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of [{(ZnMe)4(THF)2}{tBuPO3}2] and [{(ZnEt)3(Zn(THF))3}{tBuPO3}4{µ3- OEt}] Dalton Transactions 2004, 1271-1275, G. Anantharaman, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, M. G. Walawalkar, H. W. Roesky, D. Viidovic, J. Magull M. Noltemeyer. 592. New Polyhedral Zinc Siloxanes: Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structures of Zn8Me7(dioxane)2(O3SiR)3 and [Zn7Me2(THF)5(O3SiR)4] [R = (2,6-i- Pr2C6H3)N(SiMe3)], Organometallics, 2004, 23, 2251-2256, G. Anantharaman, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, U. N. Nehete, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, and J. Magull. 593. Organostannoxane Motifs in Cages and Supramolecular Architectures, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and the Related Elements, 2004, 179, 699- 701, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Baskar, R. Boomishankar, S. Nagendran. 594. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Carbaalanes (AlH)6(AlNMe3)2(CCH2C5H4FeC5H5)6 and (AlH)6(AlNMe3)2(CCH2Ph)6: X-ray Crystal Structure of (AlH)6(AlNMe3)2-(CCH2C5H4FeC5H5)6, Organometallics, 2004, 23, 3496-3500, S. Shravan Kumar, J. Rong, ; S. Singh, ; H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull, D. Neculai, V. Chandrasekhar, M. Baldus. 595. Polyhedral Ferrous and Ferric Siloxanes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 43, 3832 – 3835, U. N. Nehete, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, R. Murugavel, M. G. Walawalkar, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull, K. Samwer, B. Sass. 596. Molecular {(SnO)6} Trapped by Two {R2Si2O3} Fragments: X-Ray Single-Crystal Structure of [(SnO)6(R2Si2O3)2]Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 43, 3842 – 3844, U. N. Nehete, V. Chandrasekhar, G. Anantharaman, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull. 597. Two Types of Intramolecular Addition of an Al-N Multiple-Bonded Monomer LAlNAr' Arising from the Reaction of LAl with N3Ar' (L = HC[(CMe)(NAr)]2, Ar' = 2,6-Ar2C6H3, Ar = 2,6-iPr2C6H3), J. Am.Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 9472-9473, H. Zhu, J. Chai, V. Chandrasekhar, H. W.

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Roesky, J. Magull, D. Vidovic, H-G. Schmidt, M.Noltemeyer, P. P. Power, and W. A. Merrill. 598. Control of Molecular Topology and Metal Nuclearity in Multimetallic Assemblies: Designer Metallosiloxanes Derived from Silanetriols, Chem. Eur. J., 2004, 10, 4106-4114, H. W. Roesky, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Jancik, S. Singh. 599. Tetranuclear Homo- and Heteroalumoxanes Containing Reactive Functional Groups: Syntheses and X-ray Crystal Structures of [{[LAl(Me)](µ-O)(MH2)}2], Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 43, 4940- 4943, S. Singh, S. S. Kumar, V. Chandrasekhar, Hans-Jürgen Ahn, M. Biadene, H. W. Roesky, N. S. Hosmane, M. Noltemeyer, Hans-Georg Schmidt Hybrid polymeric ligands and polymer supported catalysts containing cyclophosphazenes, Competes Rendus Chimie, 2004, 7, 915- 925, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Venkatasubbaiah Krishnan, Pakkirisamy Thilagar. 600. Heavy-Metal-Containing Polyhedral Metallasiloxane Derived from an Aminosilanetriol: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of [(PbO)6(R2Si2O3)2] (R = (2,6-iPr2C6H3)N(SiMe3)), Organometallics 2004, 23, 5372-5374, U. N. Nehete, V. Chandrasekhar, V. Jancik, H. W. Roesky, R. Herbst-Irmer. 601. Recent developments in the synthesis and structure of organosilanols, Chem. Rev., 2004, 104, 5847-5910, V. Chandrasekhar, R. Boomishankar, S. Nagendran. 602. A Paradigm Change in Assembling OH Functionalities on Metal Centers, Acc. Chem. Res., 2004, 37, 969-981, H. W. Roesky, S. Singh, V. Jancik, V. Chandrasekhar. 603. The Formal Conversion of SiOH Protons into Hydrides by Germanium II) Species Leads to the Formation of the Germanium(IV) Hydride Cluster [(RSiO3GeH)4], Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 281 – 284, U. N. Nehete, V. Chandrasekhar, H. W. Roesky, J. Magull. 604. A luminescent linear trinuclear magnesium complex assembled from a phosphorus-based tris-hydrazone ligand, Chem. Commun., 2005, 459- 461, V. Chandrasekhar, R. Azhakar, J. F. Bickley, A. Steiner. 605. Conformational effects on vibronic spectra and excited state dynamics of 3-fluorobnzoic acid dimer, J. Chem. Phys. 121 (2004) 5261, C. K. Nandi, M. K. Hazra and T. Chakraborty. 606. Photophysics of 2-(6’-hydroxy-3-pyridyl) enzimidazole: Effects of solvents and acid-base concentrations, J. Mol. Struct, 703 (2004) 1, M. M. Balamurali and S. K. Dogra.

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607. Inter- and Intramolecular proton transfer in methyl 2-hydroxynicotinate, J. Lumin., 110 (2004) 147, M. M. Balamurali and S. K. Dogra. 608. Excited state intramolecular proton transfer in 2-(2’-amino-3’-pyridyl) enzimidazole: Effects of solvents, Chem. Phys., 305 (2004) 95, M. M. Balamurali and S. K. Dogra. 609. Hydrogen bond dynamics at air-water and metal-water interfaces, Chem. Phys. Lett. 386, 2004, 218-224, Sandip Paul and Amalendu Chandra. 610. Binding of hydrogen binding solutes at liquid-vapour interfaces of molecular fluids, Chem. Phys. Lett. 400, 2004, 515-519, Sandip Paul and Amalendu Chandra. 611. Magnetic Properties of ε-Fe3-xNixN nanoparticles, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 2004, 3764, N. S. Gajbhiye and Sayan Bhattacharyya. 612. Mössbauer Studies of Nanosize CuFe2O4 Particles, Hyper. Interact, 156/157, 2004, 57, N. S. Gajbhiye, G. Balaji, Sayan Bhattacharyya, M. Ghafari. 613. Magnetism of Nanostructured Iron Nitride (Fe–N) Systems, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 2004, 3252, N. S. Gajbhiye, R. N. Panda, R. S. Ningthoujam and Sayan Bhattacharyya. 614. Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Studies of Nanocrystalline δ-MoN and γ-Mo2N, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1, 2004, 3449, N. S. Gajbhiye and R. S. Ningthoujam. 615. Magnetic and Current Density Studies on Nanostructured Vanadium Nitride Material, Ind. J. Phys., 78A, 2004, 89, Raghumani Singh Ningthoujam and N. S. Gajbhiye. 616. Thermal Decomposition Study of Nanocrystalline Ni3N, Ind. J. Phys., 78A, 2004, 265, R. S. Ningthoujam and N. S. Gajbhiye. 617. Mössbauer Study of Nanocrystalline ε-Fe3-xCoxN, Hyper. Interact, 156/157, 2004, 51, N. S. Gajbhiye, R. S. Ningthoujam and J. Weissmüller. 618. Effect of La, B Doping on the Electrical Transport and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Vanadium Nitride, J. Appl. Phys., 96, 2004, 688, N. Sudhakar, R. S. Ningthoujam, K. P. Rajeev, A. K. Nigam, J. Weissmueller and N. S. Gajbhiye. 619. Spin- Glass Like Transition in Interacting MnFe2O4 Nanoparticles, Phys. Stat. Sol.(B), 241, 2004, 1589, G. Balaji, G.Wilde, J. Weissmüller, N. S. Gajbhiye, and V.K.Sankarnarayanan. 620. Proceedings of NANO-2004: 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Wiessbaden, Germany, June 21-24 2004, Molecular (SnO)6 trapped by two {R2Si2O3} fragments: X-ray single-

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crystal structure of [(SnO)6(R2Si2O3)2]. U. N. Nehete, V. Chandrasekhar, G. Anantharaman, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 3842-3844. 621. Polyhedral ferrous and ferric siloxanes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 3832-3835, U. N. Nehete, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, R. Murugavel, M. G. Walawalkar, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull, K. Samwer, B. Sass. 622. New Polyhedral Zinc Siloxanes: Synthesis and x-ray Crystal Structures of Zn8Me7(dioxane)2(O3SiR)3 and [Zn7Me2(THF)5(O3SiR)4] [R = (2,6-i- Pr2C6H3)N(SiMe3)], Organometallics 2004, 23, 2251-2256, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, U. N. Nehete, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull. 623. Molecular zinc phosphonates: synthesis and X-ray crystal structures of [{(ZnMe)4(THF)2}{tBuPO3}2] and [{(ZnEt)3(Zn(THF))3}{tBuPO3}4{µ3- OEt}], Dalton Trans. 2004, 1271-1275, G. Anantharaman, V. Chandrasekhar, M. G. Walawalkar, H. W. Roesky, D. Vidovic, J. Magull, M. Noltemeyer. 624. Optical Pulse Shaping Approaches to Coherent Control, Physics Reports 374(6), 385-483 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 625. Ultrafast Pulse Shaping and its Applications, Frontiers in Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, 3, 389 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 626. Optical Computing: Optical Components and Storage Systems, Resonance 8(6), 56-71 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 627. Optical Computing: Research Trends, Resonance 8(7), 8-21 (2003), Debabrata Goswami. 628. Control of Supercontinuum Generation with Polarization of Incident Laser Pulses, Appl. Phys. B 77(2-3) 325-328 (2003), Alok Srivastava and Debabrata Goswami. 629. Synthesis, characteriztion and variable temperature 1H NMR behavior of organobridged dicobaloximes, Organometallics 23 (2004) 2069-2079, B. D. Gupta, V. Vijaikanth, Veena Singh. 630. Reactions of organocobaloximes with arylsulfonyl chlorides, J. Organometal. Chem., 689 (2004) 1102-1109, B. D. Gupta, V. Vijaikanth. 631. Short C=O···C intermolecular contacts for molecular assembly Gitalee, Bhattacharjya, G. Savitha and Gurunath Ramanathan,CrystEngComm, 2004, 6(40), 233-235. 632. Heteroannulation of 3-Bis(methylthio)acrolein with Aromatic Amines: A Convenient Highly Regioselective Synthesis of 2-(Methylthio)quinolines and their Benzo/Hetero Fused Analogs: A Modified Skraup Quinoline

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Synthesis. Kausik Panda, Iffat Siddiqui, H. Ila, H. Junjappa Synlett 449- 452 (2004). 633. α-Oxoketene Dithioacetal Mediated Heteroaromatic Annulation Protocol for Benzoheterocycles. An Efficient Regiocontrolled Synthesis of Highly Substituted and annulated Indazoles S. Peruncheralathan, T. A. Khan, H. Ila, H. Junjappa Tetrahedron 60, 3457-3464 (2004). 634. α-Oxoketene Dithioacetal Mediated Aromatic Annulation: Highly Efficient and Concise Synthetic Routes to Potentially Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons S. Nandi, Kausik Panda, J. R. Suresh, H. Ila, H. Junjappa Tetrahedron 60, 3663-3673 (2004). 635. Domino Carbocationic Rearrangement of α- [Bis(methylthio)methylene]alkyl-2 (heteroaryl)cyclopropyl Ketones. S. Peruncheralathan, V. Sriram, H. Ila, H. Junjappa Tetrahedron 60, 5603- 5612 (2004). 636. Review: Enantioselective Palladium Catalyzed Transformations L. F. Tietze, H. Ila, H. Bell Chemical Review 104, 3453-3516 (2004). 637. Heteroaromatic Annulation Studies on 2-[Bis(methylthio)methylene]-1- methyl-3-oxoindole: Synthesis of Novel Heterocyclo[b]fused Indoles. U. K. Syam Kumar, A. K. Yadav, C. Venkatesh, H. Ila and H. Junjappa Arkivoc, (viii), 20-27, 2004 (dedicated to Prof. P. T. Narasimhan on his 75th Birthday). 638. A Concise Formal Synthesis of Alkaloid Cryptotackiene and Substituted 6H-Indolo[2,3-b]quinolines. G. S. M. Sundaram, C. Venkatesh, U. K. Syam Kumar, H. Ila, H. Junjappa J. Org. Chem. 69, 5760 (2004). 639. S,S-Dimethyl Dithiocarbonate: A Useful Reagent for Efficient Conversion of Aldoximes to Nitriles. Taukeer Ahamed Khan, Saravanan Peruncheralathan, Hiriyakkanavar Ila and Hiriyakkanavar Junjappa Synlett 2019, (2004). 640. Synthesis of Functionalized 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-β-carboline Derived Enamines through Bischler-Napieralski Type Cyclization of Polarized Ketene N, S-acetals Sriparna Chakrabarti, Kausik Panda, H. Ila, H. Junjappa Synlett, 309, (2005). 641. Hydrotalcite Catalysis in Ionic Liquid Medium: A Recyclable Reaction System for Heterogeneous Knoevenagel and Nitroaldol Condensation, Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 3055-3058, F. A. Khan, J. Dash, R. Satapathy and S. K. Upadhyay. 642. Diastereoselection During Allylindium Addition to Norbornyl alpha- Diketones, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2004, 2692-2700, F. A. Khan, J. Dash.

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643. A short and stereoselective synthesis of functionalized pentenomycin derivatives, Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 9285-9288, F. A. Khan, J. Dash and Bhimsen Rout. 644. 1-Butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium tetrafluoroborate as a recyclable reaction medium for Henry Reaction, Sahu Synthetic Communications 2005, 35, 207-213, F. A. Khan, Ch. Sudheer and N. 645. Vibrational spectra of cubane and azacubane: a theoretical study, G.Ramachandran and S.Manogaran, J.Mole.Struct.(THEOCHEM),719,7- 16(2005), S.Manogaran 646. Qureshi Mohammad, S. Sundar Manoharan, Samarender P. Singh and Y.N. Mahapatra, photgenerated time – of – flight mobility measurements in novel electron transport material, 2, 5 dibenzthiazolyl thiophene, Physica Status Solidi (a) Rapid Commun., 201(9), R60 (2004) 647. White light electroluminescence based on ZnS –PFO blends, Physica Status Solidi (a), 1-5, 2005, S. Sundar Manoharan, Qureshi Mohammad. 648. Long range ferromagnetic ordering in Pulsed Laser Deposited La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-x RuxO3 thin films. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 4199, (2004), Brajendra Singh, S. Sundar Manoharan, Manju Lata Rao and S. P. Pai. 649. Qureshi Mohammad, S. Sundar Manoharan, Samarender P. Singha and Y.N. Mahapatra, Luminescence properties of dimeric bis (2, 2’- hydroxyphenyl) benzthiazolato Zinc(II) complex; Solid State Commun. 133, 305, 2005 650. Luminescence properties of dimeric bis (2, 2’- hydroxyphenyl) benzthiazolato Zinc(II) complex; Appl. Phys. Lett., 86(11), 1-4, 2005, Samarender P. Singha and Y.N. Mahapatra Qureshi Mohammad, S. Sundar Manoharan. 651. Identification of New Supramolecular Synthon in o- Anisaldehydes: Molecular Self-Assembly into Tapes and Staircases, Journal of Molecular Structure 2005, In Press, Moorthy, J. N.; Natarajan, R.; Venugopalan, P. 652. Corundum, Diamond and PtS Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) with a Difference: Self- Assembly with a Unique Pair of 3-Connecting D2d- Symmetric 3,3’,5,5’Tetrakis(4- pyridyl)bimesityl, Angewandte Chemie., Inernational Edition 44, 2005, Early View, Natarajan, R.; Savitha, G.; Dominiak, P.; Wozniak, K.; Moorthy, J. N. 653. Self-Assembly of a Unique Extended-Tetrahedral 3,3’,5,5’- Tetrakis(4- Pyridyl) Ligand into Discrete Supramolecular Cubes by Face Directed Metal Coordination, Crystal Growth & Design 5, 2005, 69-72.

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654. Facile and Highly Selective Conversion of Nitriles to Amides via Indirect Acid-Catalyzed Hydration Using TFA or AcOH-H2SO4. Journal of Organic Chemistry 70, 2005, 1926- 1929, Natarajan, R.; Savitha, G.; Moorthy, J. N. 655. Polymorphism of an o-Anisaldehyde: A Novel Example of Channel-Type Organization Sustained by Weak C-H···O and C-H···N Hydrogen Bonds. New Journal of Chemistry 28, 2004, 1416-1419, Moorthy, J. N.; Singhal, N. 656. Highly Diastereoselective Tandem Photoenolization-Hetero-Diels-Alder Cycloaddition Reactions of o-Tolualdehydes in the Solid State. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 69, 2004, 8459-8466, Moorthy, J. N.; Natarajan, R.; Mal, P.; Venugopalan, P. 657. Studies on Oxidations with IBX: Oxidation of Alcohols and Aldehydes under Solvent-Free Conditions, Tetrahedron Letters. 45, 2004, 5419- 5424, Moorthy, J. N.; Mal, P.; Singhal, N.; Venkatakrishnan, P.; Malik, R.; Venugopalan, P. 658. Reaction Behaviour of Copper(I) Complexes with m-Xylyl-based Ligands Towards Dioxygen, Dalton Trans. 2004, 2321-2328, S. P. Foxon, D. Utz, J. Astner, S. Schindler, F. Thaler, F. W. Heinemann, G. Liehr, J. Mukherjee, V. Balamurugan, D. Ghosh and R. N. Mukherjee. 659. Nonexponential Relaxation of the Metastable State of the Spin-Crossover System [Fe(L)2](ClO4)2⋅H2O [L = 2,6-bis(pyrazol-1'-ylmethyl)pyridine], Inorg. Chem. 2004, 43, 4880-4888, C. Enachescu, J. Linares, F. Varret, K. E. Codjovi, S. G. Salunke and R. N. Mukherjee. 660. Designing Neutral Coordination Networks Using Inorganic Supramolecular Synthons: Combination of Coordination Chemistry and ... C-H Cl Hydrogen Bonding, CrystEngComm 2004, 6, 396-400, V. Balamurugan, W. Jacob, J. Mukherjee and R. N. Mukherjee. 661. B. C. Karthik and R. N. Mukherjee, Hydrolysis of phosphodiesters by Non-heme Bimetallic Complexes: Relevance to the Purple Acid Phosphatases, 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Non- heme Iron Chemistry in Biology, Anaheim, California, USA (March 28 – April 1, 2004) 662. H. Mishra, A. K. Patra, and R. N. Mukherjee, Half-Sandwich (η6- II … C6H6)Ru Complexes with Evidence for C-H Cl Interaction and Structure of a Cyclohexadienyl Derivative, 7th National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-7), Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, Book of Abstracts (p-367), (February 4-6, 2005)

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663. K. Singh and R. N. Mukherjee, Transition Metal Complexes of Pyridine/Pyrazine-2-carboxamide-based Hexadentate Ligands with Amido-Pyridyl/Pyrazine-Thioether Coordination, 7th National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-7), Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, Book of Abstracts (p-366), (February 4-6, 2005) . 664. Natasza Sprutta, Sankar Prasad Rath, Marilyn M. Olmstead, and Alan L. Balch Metal Complexes of meso-Amino-octaethylporphyrin and the Oxidation of NiII(meso-amino-octaethylporphyrin) Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 1452. 665. Steve Stevenson, J. Paige Stevenson, Jon E. Reid, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Sankar Prasad Rath, and Alan L. Balch Pyramidalization of Gd3N inside a C80 Cage. The Synthesis and Structure of Gd3N@C80 Chemical Communications 2004, 2814. 666. A Synthetic Model of MixedMetal Sulfide, Cluster of Molybdenum and Copper Present in the Orange Protein of Desulfovibrio gigas , 2004, Inorg. Chem.Commun. 7, 1027-1029, Maiti Biplab, Paul Kuntal; Sarkar, Sabyasachi. 667. A Structural and Functional Analogue of the Active Site of Polysulfide Reductase from Wolinella succinogenes, 2004 Inorg. Chem 43, 4532- 4533, Kowliki Nagarajan, Hemant K. Joshi, Pradeep K. Chaudhury, John H. Enemark and Sabyasachi Sarkar. 668. Ab initio potential energy surface for HeF2 in its ground electronic state, Chem. Phys. 308(2005)277-284, U. Lourderaj and N. Sathyamurthy. 669. Synthesis of substituted imidazolines via [3+2]-cycloaddition of aziridines with nitriles, B.A.B. Prasad, G. Pandey, and Vinod K. Singh Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 1137. 670. A Facile One Step Synthesis of -Alkoxy Lactone via Sequential Lactonization and 1,4-Addition of Alkoxide Group: Total Synthesis of All the Stereoisomers of Dihydrokawain-5-ol, R. P. Singh and Vinod K. Singh J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 3425. 671. Trimethylsilyl cyanide addition to aldimines and its application in the synthesis of (S)-phenylglycine methyl ester, B. A. B. Prasad, A. Bisai, and Vinod K. Singh Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 46, 9565. 672. Regioselective ring opening of aziridines with activated DMF Complex: A facile synthesis of -halo amines, M. K. Pandey, A. Bisai, and Vinod K. Singh Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 46, 9661. 673. 2-Aryl-N-tosylazetidines as formal 1,4 dipoles for [4+2] cycloaddition reactions with nitriles: An easy access to the tetrahydropyrimidine

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derivatives, B.A.B. Prasad, A. Bisai, and Vinod K. Singh Org. Lett. 2004, 6, 4829. 674. Parametric perspective on highly excited states: case study of CHBrClF and C_2H_2, Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol 395, page 327 (2004), A. Semparithi and S. Keshavamurthy. 675. C. Copper containing nuclease mimics: Synthetic models and biochemical applications, in Artificial Nucleases (Series: Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology) Ed. Zenkova, M., Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004, 13, 129-150, Verma, S.*, Srivatsan, S. G., and Madhavaiah. 676. Bioinspired modification of polystyryl matrix: Single-step chemical evolution to a moderately conducting polymer. Chem. Lett. 2004, 33, 740-741, Saxena, A., Srivatsan, S. G., Saxena, V., and Verma, S. 677. Catalytic transformations with copper-metalated diglycine conjugates. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2004, 12, 5973-5982, Madhavaiah, C., Parvez, M. and Verma, S. 678. ATCUN-like metal binding motifs in proteins: Identification and characterization by crystal structure and sequence analysis. Prot. Struct. Funct. Bioinf. 2005, 58, 211-221, Sankararamakrishnan, R., Verma, S., and Kumar, S. 679. Copper-metalated peptide palindrome derived from prion octarepeat: Synthesis, aggregation and oxidative transformations. . Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2005, in press, Madhavaiah, C. and Verma, S.*. 680. Formal [3 + 2] Addition of Acceptor-Substituted Cyclopropylmethylsilanes with Arylacetylenes, Angew. Chem. Int. Edn 2004, 43, 2669-2671, Veejendra K. Yadav, Vardhineedi Sriramurthy. 681. Formal [3 + 2] and [3 + 3] Additions of Acceptor-Substituted Cyclopropylmethylsilanes to Allenylsilanes, Org. Letts. 2004, 6, 4495- 4498, Veejendra K. Yadav, Vardhineedi Sriramurthy. 682. Selective deprotection of terminal isopropylidene acetals and trityl ethers using HClO4 supported on silica gel, Carbohydrate Research 2005, 340, 1661, Aditi Agarwal and Yashwant D. Vankar. 683. Synthesis of novel hybrids of D-galactose with 1-deoxynojirimycin analogues as glycosidase inhibitors, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 2001, B. Gopal Reddy and Yashwant D. Vankar. 684. Trimethylsilylnitrate: A useful reagent for direct synthesis of 2-deoxy-O- glycosides from glycols, ARKIVOC 2004, Part (viii), 12-19, B. Gopal Reddy and Yashwant D. Vankar. 685. NaNO2-Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Mediated Conversion of Acrylic Esters and Baylis-Hillman derived Acrylic Esters into corresponding –Nitro

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Acrylic Esters, Tetrahedron 2004, 60, 397-403, K. Jayakanthan, K.P. Madhusudanan and Yashwant D. Vankar. 686. Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Clay Liners: A Neural network Approach, International Symposium on Lowland Technology-ISLT 2004, Bangkok, Das S.K. & Basudhar P.K. 687. Artifical neural networks for predictions of soil permeability, IGC2004, Warangal, India, S.K. & Basudhar P.K. 688. Characterization of an Alluvial Soil Site Using Artificial Neural Network, International Workshop on Risk assessment in site characterization and geotechnical design, November, Banglore, India, 2004, S.K. and Basudhar, P.K. 689. Effect of Depth of Placement of Reinforcement on Settlement Response of Reinforced Beds, Proceedings of National Symposium on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering – NSAGE 2004, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 351-354, Maheshwari, P. Basudhar, P.K & Chandra, S. 690. National Conference on Materials and their Application in Civil Engineering, NIT Hamirpur, 26-27th August, 2004, gave an expert lecture, Das, A. 691. Optimal real-time operation of reservoir system for downstream water quality control using linked simulation optimization, International Conference on Hydraulic Engineering: Research and Practice (ICON- HERP-2004), I.I.T. Roorkee, 571-579, 2004, Dhar, A., and Datta, B. 692. Design Spectrum-Based Scaling of Strength Reduction Factors, Proc. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, Paper 539, 1-9, 2004, Chakraborti, A. and Gupta, V.K. 693. Evaluation of ANN Technique for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in a Large Watershed, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Hydrological Perspectives for Sustainable Development (HYPESD2005), February 23-25, 2005, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2005, Jha, S.K. and Jain, A. 694. National Conference on Resources Conserving Technologies for Social Upliftment (RCTSU2004), December 07-09, 2004, New Delhi, India, presented contributed paper, Jain, A. 695. Adverse Impacts of Large-Scale Rainwater Harvesting, Proc. of the National Conference on Resources Conserving Technologies for Social Upliftment (RCTSU2004), December 07-09, 2004, New Delhi, India, 2004, Jain, A 696. LiDAR mapping of tidal marshes for ecogeomorphological modelling in the TIDE project, 8th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, 17-19 May 2005 in Halifax, Nova

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Scotia, Canada, 2004, D. C. Mason, M. Marani, E. Belluco, A. Feola, R. Katzenbeisser, B. Lohani, M. Menenti, D. Paterson, T. Scott, S. Silvestri, C. Wang and H-J. Wang. 697. Laser altimetry for safer urban environment, Poster presentation, Third International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 18-19 October 2004, Agra, 2004, Singh, R, Lohani, B., Bajpai, K.N. 698. Registration of laser point clouds for a large and complex building, Proceedings of the third International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 18-19 October 2004, Agra, 2004, Ekta, A., Lohani, B. 699. Status of Education in Space Science at IITs and Isc, India-United States Conference and Exhibition on Space Science, application and Commerce, June 21-25, 2004, Bangalore, 2004, Dikshit, O., Lohani, B. 700. Quality control in concrete construction, National Seminar on Materials and their Application in Civil Engineering, NIT, Hamirpur, August 2004, Mishra, Sudhir, Amit Gupta and Nikhil Singh. 701. Provisions relating to concrete durability in Indian and some other specifications, National Seminar on Advances in Building Construction and Rehabilitation Technology, IIT Kanpur, March 2004, Misra, Sudhir. 702. Predicting Dam Break Flow by using Artificial Neural Networks, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Hydraulic Engineering: Research and Practice (ICON- HERP-2004), October 26-28, 2004, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2004, Mohapatra, P.K., Jha, S.K. and Jain, A. 703. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia at Agra on October 18-19, 2004 (Editor), Misra, Sudhir. 704. Performance of Column-Foundation Sub-Assemblies under Monotonic Lateral Load, Proceedings of Thirteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 1-6 August 2004, Paper No.634, Arlekar,J.N., and Murty, C.V.R. 705. Shear-Moment Interaction for Design of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections, Proceedings of Thirteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 1-6 August 2004, Paper No.635, Arlekar,J.N., and Murty,C.V.R. 706. Dependence of Ductility and Energy Dissipation on Limiting Strain States in Seismic Design of RC Columns, Proceedings of Thirteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 1-6 August 2004, Paper No.2415, Dasgupta,K., and Murty,C.V.R.

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707. Effect of Compressive Load on Line Pile Group., Indian Geotechnical Conference, Warangle, India, 2004, Joshi, A. C. and Patra, N. R. 708. Hydro-2004, VNIT Nagpur, December 2004, Co-chairing a session and a contributed paper, Srivastava, R. 709. Parameterization of Ion Induced Nucleation of Sulphuric Acid and Water, 51-54, Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Proceedings, 2004, Kumar, S, Tripathi, S.N, M.S. Modgil and E.R. Lovejoy. 710. Intercomparison of aerosol parameters over Kanpur, Northern India retrieved from ground based radioemeter and satellite data, 208-212 Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Proceedings, 2004, Dey, S, Tripathi, S. N., A. Chandel, S. Srivastva, and R. P. Singh. 711. Battened built-up beam-columns under cyclic loads Name of Conf. 13th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering Venue Vancouver, B.C., Canada Dates August 1-6, 2004 Publishers IAEE Page no. Paper No. 67 on CD-ROM, Sahoo, D. and Rai, D. C. 712. Seismic design of concrete pedestal supported tanks Name of Conf. 13th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering Venue Vancouver, B.C., Canada Dates August 1-6, 2004 Publishers IAEE Page no. Paper No. 230 on CD-ROM, Rai, D. C. and Singh, B. 713. Influence of fiber wrap retrofitting on gravity designed RC beam column joints under cyclic loading Name of Conf. 3rd International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Society of Mega Cities in Asia Venue Agra Dates Oct. 18-19 Publishers IAEE Page no. 27-36, Bajpai, K. K., Murty, C. V. R. and Rai, D. C. 714. Check pointing Fortran/MPI programs for Computational Grid, Proceedings of Advances in Computer Science and Technology St Thomas Virgin Islands, USA, pp 134-139, 2004, Mishra Chaitanya, Manav Ratan Mittal and Sanjeev K Aggarwal. 715. An Inlining Technique in Jikes RVM to improve Performance, Proceedings of Advances in Computer Science and Technology St Thomas Virgin Islands, USA, V pp 140-144, 2004, Kumar Ritesh, Ragesh Jaiswal and Sanjeev K Aggarwal. 716. From Specifications to Code Compliance Checkers, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Applied Informatics Software Engineering (SE 2005) Innsbruck, Austria, pp 287-292, Feb 2005, Prasanth Y and Sanjeev K. Aggarwal. 717. OlyMPIx - A Program Parallelization Tool using MPI on Computational Grids, Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Applied Informatics, Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, (PDCN

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2005) Innsbruck, Austria, pp 307-312, Feb 2005, Vikram K, Kumar Avijit and Sanjeev K Aggarwal. 718. A Technique for Extracting Keyword Based Rules from a Set of Programs, Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Re-engineering (CSMR), Manchester UK, pp 217-225, March 2005, Dubey Alpana, Pankaj Jalote and Sanjeev K Aggarwal. 719. The Discrete Time Behavior of Lazy Linear Hybrid Automata, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Computation And Control, LNCS 3414, Pages 55-69, March 2005, Manindra Agrawal and P. S. Thiagarajan. 720. Automorphisms of Finite Rings and Applications to Complexity of Problems, Invited talk. Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, LNCS 3404, Pages 1-17, Feb 2005, Manindra Agrawal and Nitin Saxena.. 721. Revisiting MAC Design for an 802.11-based Mesh Network, Third Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (Hot Nets-III), 15-16, San Diego, CA, USA, Nov 2004, Bhaskaran Raman and Kameswari Chebrolu. 722. Modeling Gene Regulatory Network in Fission Yeast Cell using Hybrid Petri Nets, ICONIP 2004, Springer LNCS 3316, pp1310-1315, 2004, Ranjith Vasireddy and Somenath Biswas. 723. RAM Simulation of BGS model of Abstract state machines, Proc. ASM 2005 12th International Workshop on Abstract State Machines, Paris, pp 377 – 386, March 2005, Comandur Seshadhri, Anil Seth and Somenath Biswas. 724. Check pointed Early Load Retirement, In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Pages 16-27, February 2005, N. Kirman, M. Kirman, Mainak Chaudhuri and J. F. Martinez. 725. Distributed Set Expression Cardinality Estimation, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), pp312- 323, 2004, Sumit Ganguly, Abhinandan Das, Minos N Garofalakis and Rajeev Rastogi. 726. Estimating Frequency Moments of Data Streams Using Random Linear Combinations, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Randomized Algorithms (RANDOM), pp 369-380, 2004, Sumit Ganguly. 727. Towards Optimal Sensor Placement with Hypercube Cutting Planes, Invited Paper Proceedings of IEEE Conference on wireless Communication and Wireless Networks Computing (WCNC 05), March 2005, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, R.K. Ghosh and Sajal K. Das.

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728. Resilient Dissemination of Events in a Large Scale Event Notification Service System, IEEE International Conference one Technology E- Commerce and E-Service (IEEE 05) Hong Kong, pp502-507, 2005, Chit Htuy Lwin, H. Mohanty, R.K. Ghosh and G. Chakra borty. 729. Team Transaction A New Transaction Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, In Proceedings of ICDCIT 2004 Bhubaneswar LNCS 3347 Page 127-134, Dec 2004, Vijay K.Garg Ankur Gupta, Nitin Gupta, R.K. Ghosh, and M. M. Gore. 730. Effect of Data Encryption on Wireless Ad Hoc Network, Performance. In Proceeding of IWDC, LNCS 3326 Kolkata, 2004 Pages 258-263 December 2004, Vijay K.Garg and R.K.Ghosh. 731. Just-in-Time Delivery of Events in Event Notification Service, Systems for Mobile Users, In proceedings of Intelligence in Communication System,IFIP international Conference, Intellcomm 2004 Bangkok Thailand November 23-26, LNCS 3288, Pages 190-198, 2004, Chit Htuy Lwin, H.Mohanty and R.K.Ghosh. 732. Causal Ordering in Event Notification Service Systems for Mobile User, International Conference on Informance technology Coding and Computing Track on Mobile Enterprise Enabling Technology and Application, pp 735-741, April 2004, Chit Htuy Lwin ,H. Mohanty and R.K. Ghosh. 733. Integrations of wireless local area networks Wlans and wireless wide area networks (wwans), Mobility conference pp 85-89, November 2004, Vijay K. Garg, R.K. Ghosh and S. Laxpati. 734. Interworking of HIPPERLAN Type Two (HIPPELAN/2) and UMTS’, in proceeding of Mobility Conference 2004, Singapore, pp 85-94, Vijay K.Garg and R.K. Ghosh. 735. A Hybrid Routing Protocol for Large Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Mobile Backbones, Proceedings of 12th International conference on Advanced Computing and Communication (ADCOM 2004), at Ahmedabad, India, December 2004, Md. Nasir Ahmed, Ashish Pandey, Nilesh Kumar and Phalguni Gupta. 736. Power Aware Virtual Node Routing Scheme in Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Wireless Networks and Emerging Technologies (WNET 2004), Banff, Canada, July 2004, Phalguni Gupta, A. K. Kush & C. J. Hwang. 737. Comparison of Iris Recognition Algorithms, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing ICISIP'04) at , India, 2004, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh and Phalguni Gupta.

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738. Automatic Facial Feature Extraction for Face Recognition Proceedings of Second Workshop on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (WCVGIP' 04), in India, 2004, Phalguni Gupta, Mayank Vatsa and Richa Singh. 739. Iris based Human Verification Algorithms Proceedings of International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA'04) in Hong Kong, July 2004, B. R. Meena, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh and Phalguni Gupta. 740. Watermarking of MPEG-4 Videos Proceedings of International Conference on Biometric Authentication (ICBA'04) held in Hong Kong, July 2004, Phalguni Gupta and Abhinav Gupta. 741. Assigning tasks in 24-hour software development model accepted in Asia Pacific Sw Engg Conference, Busan, Korea, 2004, Pankaj Jalote and G.Jain. 742. Reliability growth in software products Reliability (ISSRE-2004), Saint Melo, France, Oct 2004, Pankaj Jalote and B.Murphy. 743. Measuring reliability of software products, Industrial track in Int. Symp. on Sw Reliability (ISSRE-2004), Saint Melo, France, Oct 2004, Pankaj.Jalote and B.Murphy, M.Garzia, B.Erez. 744. Bilingual lexical Processing Contrastive Polyseminer, Proceeding of 6th Tokyo Conference of Psycholinguistics, March 2005, S Bannerjee, A M Raina and Harish Karnick. 745. Processing Hindi-English Contrastive polysemies Proceeding of International Confernce of speech and Language Technology, 2004, Tata Mcgrawhill, S Bannerjee, A M Raina, Harish Karnick and B N Patnaik. 746. A Deccomposition method for support vector clustering 2nd International conf.on Intelligent sensing and Information Processing,M Palanaswami eds Jan 2005,Chennai India, VV Saradhi and Harish Karnick. 747. Improved SVM Performance through Bootstrpping Ist National Conf.on image Processing TV Ananthpadhmarabha, VK Reddy, pp78-181, 2005, V V Saradhi and Harish Karnick. 748. Conceptudizing Space in International Workshop on Spatial Issues in Language and Vission Mar 2005, Harish Karnick 749. Optical Wireless Internet: Delay Optimization International Conference on Broadband Networks ( Broad Nets' 04) pp.736-738, 2004, Ahmed Mahdy, Jitender S. Deogun and S.K Mehta. 750. End-to-End Delay Heuristics for Adaptive Optical Wireless Networks), 12th IEEE Annual Meeting of the International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems

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(MASCOTS' 04)}, pp 383-390, 2004, Ahmed Mahdy, Jitender S. Deogun and S K Mehta. 751. Stochastic Scheduling of Active Support Vector Learning Algorithms, Proc. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'05), Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 2005, Pabitra Mitra, G. Pandey and H. Gupta. 752. Gene Selection and Clustering in Microarray Data, Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), Cambridge, UK, August 2004, Pabitra Mitra and D. Dutta Majumder. 753. Migrating Software to Hardware on FPGAs, International Conf. on Field Programmable Technologies, ICFPT04, Brisbane, Australia, Rajat Moona. 754. Variable resizing for area improvement in behavioral Synthesis, International Conf. on VLSI Design, Kolkata, Jan 3-7, 05, Rajat Moona and R Gopalakrishnan. 755. Measuring and Tuning Real-Time Performance of Embedded Systems, Embedded System Conference, San Francisco and March 6-10, 2005. (Embedded System Conference, Munich, November, 9-11, 2004), Rajat Moona and Russell A. Klein. 756. Digital Learning without a Computer: Learning Tools for Rural India, In the 7th International Conference of Human Services Information Technology. Applications Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Social Inclusion August 24- 27, 2004 Hong Kong, Amitabha Mukerjee and Sarala Verma. 757. Dancing Puppets, An Innovative Approach to Learning Programming Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education Gainesville, October 17-21 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee, Eakta Jain, Nidhi, Riya Bhattacharya, Utsav Maitra, Gaurav Sharma and Bipin Agravat. 758. Low-Cost Interfaces for Learning Programming, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education Gainesville,October 17-21 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee, Anjali Kulkarni, Sarala Verma, Ritu Singh and Abhay Agarwal. 759. Handling Occlusions in Monocular Surveillance Systems, Proceedings of the Fourth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Kolkata, December 16-18, 2004, pp. 52-57, Prithwijit Guha, Nisarg Vyas, Amitabha Mukerjee and K. S. Venkatesh. 760. Learning actions from Percepts Stepping stone to complexity.Symposium on Language and Vision, Kanpur, March 24-25, 2005, Amitabha Mukerjee, RK Rao and P Vaghela.

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761. Pre-Linguistic Verb cquisition From Repeated Language, Exposure for Visual Events Proceedings International Conference on Natural Language Processing(ICON), Hyderabad, India, December 19-22, 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee, Pradeepsinh B Vaghela, and V Shreeniwas. 762. A unified Computational Lexicon for Hindi-English code-switching Proceedings International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON), Hyderabad, India, December 19-22, 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee, Achla Raina, Pankaj Goyal, and Pushpraj Shukla. 763. Incorporating Pragmatic-Semantic Domain Lexicons for Converting Arithmetic Word Problems into SymbolicEquations Proceedings International Conference on Natural Language Processing(ICON), Hyderabad, India, December 19-22, 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee, Himanshu Gupta,Kumar Gaurav, Achla M Raina. 764. Towards Frame Semantic Annotation of Hindi Corpora Symposium on Morphology Phonology and Language Engineering (SIMPLE'05), 5-7 February, 2005, IIT Kharagpur, Amitabha Mukerjee, Achla M Raina and Ankit Soni. 765. Semantic Summarization of Multilingual Documents Optical Character Recognition with Workflow and Document Summarization, IIIT Allahabad, 19-20 March 2005, Amitabha Mukerjee. 766. Multilingual Question Answering, International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science (NLUCS-04) Portugal, April 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee, Pushpraj Shukla, Pankaj Goyel, Kumar Kapil and Achla M Raina. 767. Amitabh Mukerjee, Prateek Jain, Manav Mittal, Sumeet Kumar, and Achla M Raina, Anaphora Resolution in Multi-Person Dialogue 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue Boston, April 30 and May 1, 2004. 768. Conceptual Design from Geons An Interactive Evolution Approach Proceedings Third International Conference on Visual and Spatial Reasoning in Design (VR'04) MIT, Cambridge, USA, 22-23rd July, 2004, Amitabha Mukerjee and Hemant Muley. 769. An exploratory Interface of Indian Classical Music,Using experiential Framework by in Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval, Esbjerg, Denmark, May 2004, LNCS 3310, Debopam Roy,Nagaraju Pappu and T V Prabhakar. 770. Bhatkande a database for Indian Classical Music, in Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music, Bhubaneswar, Jan 2005, T V Prabhkar.

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771. Secure Multicast Model for Ad-hoc Military Networks In Proc. of IEEE Int'l Conf. on Networks (ICON 2004), Singapore, November, 2004, Dheeraj sanghi, M. Choudhary and P. Sharma. 772. An Engineering Perspective of Machine Translation AnglaBharti-II and AnuBharti-II Architectures,Invited Paper,Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and Translation Support System (iSTRANS- 2004), Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, November17-19, 2004, R.M.K Sinha. 773. Pre-/post-positions Selection in Text Generation for Hindi, and other Indian Languages for Translation from English Proceedings of International Symposium on MachineTranslation, NLP and Translation Support System (ISTRANS- 2004), Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, pp: 40-45, November 17-19, 2004, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 774. Synthesizing Verb Form in English to Hindi Translation, Case of Mapping Infinitive and Gerund in English to Hindi, Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and Translation Support System (iSTRANS- 2004), November 17-19, 2004, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, pp: 52-55, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 775. Disambiguation and Mapping Strategies for Adverbial Chunks For Machine Translation, Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and Translation Support System (iSTRANS- 2004), November 17-19, 2004, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, pp: 95- 101, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 776. Multi-word Expressions in English and Hindi: Problems in Contextualization, Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and Translation Support System (ISTRANS- 2004), November 17-19, 2004, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, pp: 111-116, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 777. Identification of Subject and Object NPs in Hindi Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation NLP and Translation Support System (ISTRANS- 2004),, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, pp 166-171, November 2004, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 778. Definiteness Marking Strategies in Hindi and their Mapping to English for Machine Translation Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and Translation Support System (iSTRANS- 2004), Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, pp: 178-181 November 17-19, 2004, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 779. Syntax and Semantics of kaa in Hindi Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and Translation Support

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System (ISTRANS- 2004), November 17-19, 2004, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, pp: 226-229, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 780. Rules for Determining the Head of the Relative Clause Constructions in Hindi for Machine Translation, from Hindi to English, 26th All India Conference of Linguists (26THAICL) Nov 29-Dec1 2004, Shillong, Anil Thakur and R.M.K. Sinha. 781. Disambiguation of kyaa in Hindi for Hindi to English Machine translation, Sixth International Conference of South Asian Languages (ICOSAL-6), Hyderabad, INDIA, pp 6-8 January 2005, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 782. Semantic Constraints in Pre-/post-position Disambiguation, In Reverse MT National Seminar on Contemporary Perspective on the Analysis of Language, March, pp 28-29, 2005, University of Delhi, R.M.K. Sinha and Anil Thakur. 783. Simulation of the gaseous discharge in an electromagnetic field,Proceedings of the 13th National Power Systems Conference, Chennai, Dec 2004, Nandini Gupta and Ruchita Khatry. 784. A stochastic model for electric tree progression due to partial discharges within tree tubules, Proceedings of the IEE International Conference on Energy, Information Technology and Power sector, Kolkata, January 2005, Nandini Gupta, Amit Mahajan, Satbir Singh and Elan K Seralathan. 785. Principles of AE techniques applied to Power Transformers: A general review, Proceedings of the National Workshop on Online Diagnosis of power transformers by acoustic emission techniques, CPRI, Bangalore, February, 2005, Nandini Gupta. 786. A unified power quality conditioner for voltage regulation of critical load bus, Proceedings. IEEE-PES General Meeting, pp. 471-476, Denver, 2004, Arindam Ghosh, A. K. Jindal and A. Joshi. 787. Trajectory sensitivity analysis of tcsc compensated power systems, Proeedingsc. IEEE-PES General Meeting, pp. 1454-1459, Denver, 2004, A.Ghosh, D. Chatterjee, P. Bhandiwad and M. A. Pai. 788. Flying capacitor multilevel inverter and its applications in series compensation of transmission lines, Proceedings. IEEE-PES General Meeting, pp. 1516-1521, Denver, 2004, A. Ghosh, A. Shukla and A. Joshi. 789. A flying capacitor multilevel inverter based STATCOM, International Conference on Power System: Challenges to Electric Utilities in the New Millennium (ICPS 2004), Vol. 1, pp. 249-255, Kathmandu, Nepal, November, 2004, A.Ghosh, A. Shukla, and A. Joshi.

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790. Active filtering and voltage regulation using a unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), International Conferenec. on Power System: Challenges to Electric Utilities in the New Millennium (ICPS 2004), Vol. 2, pp. 793-799, Kathmandu, Nepal, November, 2004, A. Ghosh, A. K. Jindal and A. Joshi. 791. Assessment of transient stability margin in a TCSC compensated system using trajectory sensitivity, Proceedings. Thirteenth National Power Systems Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 19-24, IIT Madras, December, 2004, A. Ghosh, D. Chatterjee and M. A. Pai. 792. A three-level flying capacitor inverter for SSSC applications, Proceedings. Thirteenth National Power Systems Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 58-63, IIT Madras, December, 2004, A. Ghosh, A. Shukla and A. Joshi. 793. Comparison of inverter topologies for the dynamic voltage regulator (DVR), Proceedings. Thirteenth National Power Systems Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 584-588, IIT Madras, December, 2004, S. V. Iyer, A. Ghosh and A. Joshi. 794. Performance of a rectifier-supported dynamic voltage restorer in a custom power park, Proceedings. Thirteenth National Power Systems Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 589-594, IIT Madras, December, 2004, A. Ghosh, A.K. Jindal and A. Joshi. 795. Bifurcation in the sliding mode control of an inverter for DSTATCOM, Proceedings. Thirteenth National Power Systems Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 755-760, IIT Madras, December, 2004, R. Gupta and A. Ghosh. 796. An Optimum UPQC with Minimum VA Requirement and Mitigation of Unbalanced Voltage Sag, Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Power Systems, ICPS2004, Kathmandu, Nepal, , pp. 79- 82, Nov. 2004, S. P. Das and Y. Y. Kolhatkar. 797. Electric Power Industry Restructuring in India: Present Scenario and Future Prospects, Proceedings. of the International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, held in Hong Kong during 5-8 April 2004, pp.20-23, S.C. Srivastava and S.N. Singh. 798. Implications of Energy Tax on Generation Expansion Plan & GHG Emission: A Case Study on Indian Power Sector Proceedings. of International Conference on Power System Technology (Powercon 2004), Singapore, 21-24 Nov 2004, S. Yamgar, G. Nanda, S.C.Srivastava, S.N.Singh, P.Gupta, Dharam Paul and Ram.M. Shrestha. 799. Implications of Carbon Tax on Generation Expansion Plan & GHG Emission: A Case Study on Indian Power Sector Proceedings of

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International Conference on Power System (ICPS 2004), Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 530-535., 3-5 Nov 2004, S. Yamgar, G. Nanda, S.C.Srivastava, S.N. Singh, P.Gupta, Dharam Paul and Ram M. Shrestha. 800. A LQG Based Load Frequency Controller in a Competitive Electricity Environment, Proceedings. of International Conference on Power System (ICPS 2004), Kathmandu, Nepal, pp.559-564,3-5 Nov 2004, Barjeev Tyagi and S.C. Srivastava. 801. Enhancement of Power System Loadability with Optimal Allocation of TCPAR in Competitive Electricity Market using MILP, Proceedings. of International Conference on Power System (ICPS 2004), Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 705-710, 3-5 Nov 2004, Sanjoy Parida, Ashwani Kumar, S.C. Srivastava and S.N. Singh. 802. Optimal Placement of SVC for Static and Dynamic Voltage Security Enhancement, Proceedings. of International Conference on Power System (ICPS 2004), Kathmandu, Nepal, , pp. 131-136, 3-5 Nov 2004, M.K. Verma and S.C. Srivastava. 803. Coordination of Power System Stabilizer, FACTS and HVDC Controllers for Damping Oscillations in a Multi-machine System, Proceedings. of International Conference on Power System (ICPS 2004), Kathmandu, Nepal, , pp. 421-426, 3-5 Nov 2004, B. Kalyan Kumar, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava. 804. Static cum Dynamic Criteria of SVC Placement for Voltage Stability Enhancement,Proceedings of International Conference on Power System (ICPS 2004), Kathmandu, Nepal,pp.137-142, 3-5 Nov 2004, C.P. Gupta, S.C. Srivastava and R.K. Varma. 805. Power Flow Analysis with Optimally Placed D-STATCOM in Distribution System, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai), pp. 128-133.December 27-30, 2004, Praveen Tripathy, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava. 806. Coordination of Power System Stabilizers using Optimal Control Feedback with Pseudo-Decentralization, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai) , pp. 414-418,December 27-30, 2004, B. Kalyan Kumar and S.C. Srivastava. 807. A Mathematical Framework for Frequency Linked Availability – based Tariff Mechanism in India, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai), pp. 516-521.December 27-30, 2004, Barjeev Tyagi and S.C. Srivastava. 808. Parallel Radial Basis Function Neural Network Based Fast Voltage Estimation for Contingency Analysis, International Conference on

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Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Hong Kong, pp.780-784, 5-8 April 2004, T. Jain, L. Srivastava and S.N. Singh. 809. Electric Power Industry Restructuring in India: Present Scenario and Future Prospects, International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Hong Kong , pp.20-23, 5-8 April 2004, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava. 810. Enhancement of Power System Loadability with Optimal Location of TCPAR in Competitive Electricity Markets Using MILP, International Conference on Power Systems in Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 705-710, Nov 3-5, 2004, Ashwani Kumar, Sanjoy Parida, S.C. Srivastava and S.N. Singh. 811. Power Flow Control using Multi-converter FACTS Controllers, International Conference on Power Systems, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 711- 71, Nov 3-5, 2004, O. P. Dwivedi, J.G. Singh and S.N. Singh. 812. Analysis of Different Operating Constraints of Generalized Unified Power Flow Controller, International Conference on Power Systems Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 308-313, Nov 3-5, 2004, S.K. Srivastava, K.G. Upadhyay and S.N. Singh. 813. Electricity Trading in Competitive Power Market: An Overview and Key Issues, International Conference on Power Systems in Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 571-576, Nov 3-5, 2004, Prabodh Bajpai and S.N. Singh. 814. Coordination of Power System Stabilizer, FACTS and HVDC Controllers for Damping Oscillations in a Multi-Machine System, International Conference on Power Systems Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 421-426, Nov 3-5, 2004, B. Kalyan Kumar, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava. 815. Power Quality Assessment Using Polynomial Approximation Technique, International Conference on Power Systems Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 348- 353, Nov 3-5, 2004, U.D. Dwivedi and S.N. Singh. 816. Implication of Corban Tax on Generation Expansion Plan & GHG Mitigation: A Case study on Indian Power Sector, International Conference on Power System Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 530-535, Nov 3-5, 2004, S. Yamagar, G. Nanda, S.C. Srivastava, S.N. Singh, P. Gupta, D. Paul and R.M. Shrestha. 817. Implication of Energy Tax on Generation Expansion Plan & GHG Mitigation: A Case study on Indian Power Sector, International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON04), 21-24 November 2004, Singapore, S. Yamagar, G. Nanda, S.C. Srivastava, S.N. Singh, P. Gupta, D. Paul and R.M. Shrestha.

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818. On-Line Load Flow Analysis Using Radial Basis Neural Network, 6th International Conference on Cognitive Systems (ICCS-2004) New Delhi, December 14-15, 2004, J. Krishna, L. Srivastava, M. Pandit and S.N. Singh. 819. Identification and Determination of Line Overloading Using Artificial Neural Network, IEE Sponsored International Conference on Energy, Information Technology & Power Sector (PEITSICON-2005), Kolkata, pp. A13-A17, 28-29 January 2005, S. Sharma, L. Srivastava, M. Pandit and S.N. Singh. 820. Power Flow Analysis with Optimally Placed D-STATCOM in Distribution System, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai), December 27-30, 2004, pp. 128-133, Praveen Traipathy, S.N. Singh and S.C. Srivastava. 821. Simulation and Analysis of Unified Power Flow Controller Using SIMULINK, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai), December 27-30, 2004, pp. 1048-1054, O.P. Dwivedi, J.G. Singh and S.N. Singh. 822. Bidding and Gaming in Competitive Power Market: An Overview and Key Issues, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai), December 27-30, 2004, pp. 338-346, P. Bajpai and S.N. Singh. 823. On-line Contingency Analysis Using Counter-propagation Neural Network, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai), December 27-30, 2004, pp. 333-337, J. Krishna, L. Srivastava, M. Pandit and S.N. Singh. 824. Analysis of Internal Operating Limits of UPFC for Power Flow Control, 13th National Power System Conference, IIT Madras (Chennai), December 27-30, 2004, pp. 890-895, S.K. Srivastava, L.N. Giri, K.G. Upadhyay and S.N. Singh. 825. A study of Organic semiconductor Materials & Device structures for Application in Optical Detectors, SOOP-2005 NPL, New Delhi 19-21 Jan 2005, R.S. Anand and Sheetal Barai. 826. Remotely Operable Load Break Switch for Distribution Network, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, June 12-16, 2005, R.P. Gupta, R. K. Varma, S. C. Srivastava, and R. Arora. 827. Agent Based Software Integration at Distribution Control Center, Proceedings of IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting,

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Denver, Colorado, USA, June 6-10, 2004, pp. 522-527, R.P. Gupta and R. K. Varma. 828. Substation Automation using IEC-61850, Proceedings of 13th National Power System Conference, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, December 27-30, 2004, pp. 300-304, R.P. Gupta and Nitish Srivastava. 829. Feasibility Study of Data Communication for Power Distribution Automation, Proceedings of International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS2004), Kathmandu, Nepal, November 3-5, 2004, pp. 450-454, R.P. Gupta and Saurabh Bajpai. 830. A Comparative Study of Substation Automation Communication Protocols: IEC61850, DNP3.0 and UCA2.0, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE-2004), Organized by the Institution of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Sapporo, Japan, July 4-8, 2004, vol. 2, pp. 856-861, R.P. Gupta and M. Pandey. 831. Data Communication Architecture using IEC61850 Protocol for Substation Automation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Planning and Operation of Reliable Distribution Systems, Council of Power Utilities, New Delhi, India, April 15-16, 2004, pp. 113-121, R.P. Gupta, M. Pandey, and N. Srivastava. 832. Distribution Automation Simulator, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT-2004), Organized by IEEE Joint Chapter of Power Engineering, Hong Kong, April 5-8, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 161-166, R.P. Gupta and G. Tiwari. 833. Substation Automation Communication Protocol, Proceedings of the International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI-2004), Pentagram Research Center Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India, February 12-15, 2004, pp. 499-503, R.P. Gupta and N. Srivastava. 834. Web Based Energy Audit and Accounting Software for Power Distribution Utilities, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electric Supply Industry in Transition: Issues and Prospects, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, January 14-16, 2004, pp. 9/26-37, R.P.Gupta and A. Khastagir. 835. Development and Implementation of Power Distribution Automation System, Workshop on Best Practices of SEBs/Utilities, New Delhi, India, December 2, 2004, pp. 46-47, R.P. Gupta and S.C. Srivastava. 836. A Comparative Study of IEC61850 Communication Protocol with DNP3.0 and UCA2.0, Proceedings of National Workshop on Communication Protocol for Power System Automation, Central Power

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Research Institute, Bangalore, India, January 22-23, 2004, pp. IV / 1-6, R.P. Gupta and Mitali Pandey. 837. Distribution Automation Software and Open Architecture, Proceedings of Workshop on Distribution Automation, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 23-26, 2004, R.P. Gupta. 838. RTU and Data Communication for Distribution Automation, Proceedings of Workshop on Distribution Automation, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 23-26, 2004, R.P. Gupta. 839. Sensors and Instrumentations for Distribution Automation, Proceedings of Workshop on Distribution Automation, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 23-26, 2004, R.P. Gupta. 840. IT Solutions for Power Distribution Utilities, Proceedings of Workshop on Distribution Automation, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 23-26, 2004, R.P. Gupta. 841. Future Substation Automation using IEC-61850 Protocol, Proceedings of Workshop on Distribution Automation, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 23-26, 2004, R.P. Gupta. 842. Distribution Automation Software and Open Architecture, Proceedings of Workshop on Electric Power Distribution: Reforms, Automation and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, May 10-14, 2004, pp. RPG/1-17, R.P. Gupta. 843. RTU and Data Communication for Power Distribution Automation, Proceedings of Workshop on Electric Power Distribution: Reforms, Automation and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, May 10-14, 2004, pp. RPG/18-44, R.P. Gupta. 844. Information Solutions for Power Distribution Utilities, Proceedings of Workshop on Electric Power Distribution: Reforms, Automation and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, May 10-14, 2004, pp. RPG/45-62, R.P. Gupta. 845. Extraction of Parameters of High Permittivity Ultrathin (0.5 – 2.0 nm) Gate Dielectrics, IEEE CAS 2004 Proceedings, 27th Edition, S. Kar. 846. Extraction of Parameters of High-Κ Gate Dielectrics from Admittance Data, Proceedings of the SEMATECH Workshop on Electrical Characterization and Reliability for High-Κ Devices, 2004, Samares Kar, Surendra Rawat, Shaloo Rakheja, and Dharmendar Reddy. 847. High Permittivity Ultrathin (0.5- 1.5 nm) Gate Dielectrics for Sub-65-nm Feature Size Integrated Circuits, Indo-US Materials Research Workshop on Collaboration and Networking, Pune, December 2004, Samares Kar.

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848. Electrical Parameter Extraction for Sub-60-nm CMOS Transistors with High Permittivity Ultrathin (0.46 – 1.94 nm) Gate Dielectrics, National Conference on Physics of Electronic Materials and Devices, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, February 2005, Samares Kar and Dharmendar Reddy. 849. On the design of serially concatenated nonsystematicfeedback convolutional encoders, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Applications (ISITA), Parma, Italy, Oct. 2004, Francesca Vatta, Bartolo Scanavino, Adrish Banerjee, and Daniel J.Costello, Jr. 850. Design Aspects of High-Performance Indoor Optical WirelessTransceivers, International Conference on Personal Wireless Communication -2005, Jan. 23-25, New Delhi (ICPWC-2005), Joseph John, Chaturi Singh, Joseph John, Y.N.Singh and K.K.Tripathi. 851. An improved noise rejection receiver model for indoor optical wireless systems using wavelet de-noising technique, International Conference on Personal Wireless Communication -2005, Jan.23-25, New Delhi (ICPWC-2005), A. Sivabalan and Joseph John. 852. Simulation and Optimisation of Intensity Profile of an Optical Transmitter for High-Speed Wireless Local Area Networks, Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Dec.9-11, 2004, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kerala. Paper LTW-P2, Chaturi Singh, Joseph John, Y.N. Singh and K.K. Tripathi. 853. Propagation Measurements of Indoor Infrared Channels, Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Dec.9-11, 2004, Cochin University of Science &Technology, Kerala. Paper LTW-P19, K. Smitha, Joseph John. 854. Multi-transmitter Indoor Optical Wireless Systems, Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Dec.9-11, 2004, Cochin University of Science &Technology, Kerala. Paper LTW- P20, A. Sivabalan, Joseph John. 855. Design of ECG-Based Anaesthesia Monitor/Pain Monitor,, Proceedings of the 26thAnnual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, September 1 - 5, San Francisco, California, 2004, G.C. Ray, Gautam Das and Proma Ray. 856. Measurement of Impact of Music on Human Mind Using C-Monitor, International Symposium of Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music, Resource Centre for Indian Language Technology Solutions, Utkal

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University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa , 6 - 7 January, 2005, G.C. Ray and Gautam Das. 857. A Modified Ring Dielectric Resonator with Improved Mode Separation in MIC Environment, 34th European Microwave Conference, Animesh Biswas, K.V. Srivastava, V.V. Mishra and A. Biswas. 858. A 1.575 GHz BiCMOS GPS low noise amplifier for low power application IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF System Digest, pp. 179-182, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, 2004.digest, pp.609-612, Amsterdam, 2004, Anshul Agarwal, Gawrah S. Chandal and A. Biswas,. 859. Realization of broadband bandpass filter structure in suspended substrate using multiconductor line, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, pp.136, New Delhi, 2004, S. Awasthi, A. Biswas and K.V.Srivastava. 860. Analysis and design of on-chip spiral inductors for GaAs RF Ics, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference , pp.612, New Delhi, 2004, Mohan, V. Dykyy, G. Boeck and A. Biswas. 861. Recurrent quantum Neural Networks – A New Approach to Cognitive Modeling, Int Conf Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, ICSCI-04, Feb, Hyderabad, Laxmidhar Behera and Indrani Kar. 862. Adaptive control of robot manipulators using Quantum neural networks, International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing and Robotics, ISPR-04, Feb, Allahabad, Indrani Kar and Laxmidhar Behera. 863. A novel learning algorithm for feedforward networks using Lyapunov function approach, Proceedings Int. Conf. Int. Sensors and Inf. Processing, ICISIP-2004, Chennai, 277-282, Laxmidhar Behera, Swagat Kumar and Awhan Patnaik. 864. Stochastic filtering and Speech Enhancement using a Recurrent Quantum Neural Network, Proceedings Int. Conf. Int. Sensors and Inf. Processing, ICISIP-2004, Chennai, 165-170, Laxmidhar Behera and Bharat Sundaram. 865. On Balancing Control Strategies for a Reaction Wheel Pendulum, IEEE INDICON-2004, December 20-24, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 199-204, Bonagiri Bapiraju, K.N. Srinivas, Prem Kumar P, and Laxmidhar Behera. 866. Quantum Memory and Pattern Retrieval, WCLC 2004, 17-19 Dec 2004, Indrani Kar, Richa Tayal and Laxmidhar Behera. 867. Learning with single integrate and fire neuron, IEEE international joint conference on Neural Networks, 2005, A. Yadav, D. Mishra , R.N. Yadav, S. Ray, P.K. Kalra.

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868. Bifurcation analysis on coupled modified Fitzhugh- Nagumo neuron model, The Second International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2005), D. Mishra, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P.K. Kalra. 869. Effects of Noise on the Dynamics of Biological Neuron Models, The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, 2005 D. Mishra, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P.K. Kalra. 870. Bifurcation analysis in modified Fitzhugh Nagumo neuronal model, National Conference on Control and Dynamical Systems, Bombay, 2005, D. Mishra, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P.K. Kalra. 871. Representation of Complex-Valued Neural Networks: A Real Valued Approach, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, pp.331-335, Jan. 4-7, 2005, A. Yadav, D. Mishra, S. Ray, R.N. Yadav and P. K. Kalra. 872. Multilayer Feedfarword neural network using generalised mean neuron, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Society, Oct. 26-29, Sopporo, Japan., 2004, R.N. Yadav, Nimit Kumar, P.K. Kalra and Joseph John. 873. A Cost Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Histogram Image Matching, Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2004, Chiang Mai-Thailand. 2004, K. V. Arya, P. Gupta and P.K. Kalra. 874. Chaotic Behavior in Neural Networks and FitzHugh- Nagumo Neuronal Model, ICONIP 2004 , pp. 868-873 2004, D. Mishra, A. Yadav, and P.K. Kalra. 875. Nonlinear dynamical analysis of single neuron models and study of chaos in brain, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 188 – 193, 2004, D. Mishra, A. Yadav, S. Ray, and P.K. Kalra . 876. The effect of synaptic bombardment in dynamics of biological neuron models, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 200 – 205, 2004, D. Mishra, A. Yadav, S. Ray and P.K. Kalra. 877. Chaos in firing rate recurrent neural network models, International Computer Engineering Conference, Egypt, 2004 D. Mishra, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P.K. Kalra. 878. Some aspects of the dynamical analysis of integrate and fire neuron model and synaptic interaction, National Conference on Recent Advances in Power, Signal Processing and Control, Rourkela, pp. 174-179, 2004, D. Mishra, A. Yadav, S. Ray, P. K. Kalra.

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879. Propagation of action potential and concept of ephaptic interaction in axon, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 182 - 187, 2004, S. Ray, D. Mishra, A. Yadav, P.K. Kalra. 880. Fuzzy differential equation based neuron models and their numerical solutions using genetic algorithm, International Conference on Cognitive Science, Allahabad, pp 44 - 49, 2004, A. Yadav, D. Mishra, S. Ray, P. K. Kalra. 881. Analysis of CWDM grating,Photonics-2004-Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics, 9-11 Dec. 2004, Cochin India, R.K. Sonkar and Utpal Das. 882. A Comparative Study of Rotor Flux Estimation of an Induction Machine Employed in a Direct Vector Control Application using Linear and Nonlinear State Observers, Conf. Proceedings of National Conference of Recent Advances in Power, Signal Processing and Control (APSC-2004), NIT Rourkela, pp. 6-12, Nov. 2004, S. Auddy and S.P. Das. 883. Three-level Inverter-fed High Performance Induction Motor Drive System, Conf. Proceedings of National Conference of Recent Advances in Power, Signal Processing and Control (APSC-2004), NIT Rourkela, pp. 37-41, Nov. 2004, R.K. Behera and S.P.Das. 884. Current Controlled Inverter Under Saturation, Analysis and New Algorithms, with Milind Dighrasker, at the IASTED-ASM conference, held at Benalmadena, Spain, June 15-17, 2005, P Sensarma. 885. Behaviour of Surface Plasma based optical biosensors with incoherent light sources, Photonics 2004-Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, fiber Optics and Photonics, 9-11 Dec. 2004, cochin, India, A.K. Ghosh, V. Siddarth, M. Bhagat, S. Aggarwal and S. Srivastava. 886. The Role of Information and World view in Self-Assessment by Students. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Higher Education (TLHE2004, Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, NUS, Singapore, December 1-3, 2004), pp. 376- 381, 2004, Sharma, Narendra K.,. 887. Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies on Internally Oxidized Pd-Cr Alloys XXVIII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of India (EMSI), New Delhi, April 1-3, 2004Gouthama, R. Balasubramaniam and T.B. Flanagan. 888. Study of Precipitation Characteristics of 6063 Aluminum Alloy using TEM, XXVIII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of

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India (EMSI), New Delhi, April 1-3, 2004, G.K. Mandal, Gouthama and R. Balasubramaniam. 889. Corrosion Issues in Railways, International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Bijayani Panda and R. Balasubramaniam. 890. Corrosion Behavior of Phosphoric Irons for Concrete Reinforcement Applications, International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Sahoo Gadadhar and R. Balasubramaniam 891. Characterization of Passive Films on Nanocrystalline Ni Coatings, International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Naveen Gupta, Deepika Sachdeva, Rajiv Mishra and R. Balasubramaniam. 892. Corrosion Behaviour of SiC-Reinforced Mg Composites, International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Shruti Tiwari and R. Balasubramaniam. 893. Corrosion Inhibition of Al Alloys by Rare Earth Chlorides, International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Ajit Kumar Mishra and R. Balasubramaniam. 894. Development of Novel Brasses to Resist Dezincification, International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, R. Karpagavalli and R. Balasubramaniam. 895. Galvanic Corrosion of Light Metal Couples for Automotive Applications 896. International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004 M. Surender. R. Balasubramaniam, Mridula Bharadwaj and Yar-Ming Wang. 897. Studies on Electrochemical Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Nickel (INVITED), International Conference on Design and Characterization of Advanced Materials (DCAM2004), Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, December 10-11, 2004, R. Balasubramaniam, Rajiv Mishra, Naveen Gupta and Deepika Sachdeva. 898. Hydrogen Effects in Internally Oxidized Palladium-Chromium Alloys, International Conference on Solid State Hydrogen Storage - Materials And Applications, Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, 31 Jan – 01 Feb, 2005, D. Wang, Ted B. Flanagan and R. Balasubramaniam.

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899. A Perspective on the Delhi Iron Pillar, Discussion Meeting on the Delhi Iron Pillar, Indian National Academy of Engineering, New Delhi, 11 March 2005, R. Balasubramaniam. 900. Dehli iron pillar, R. Balasubramaniam and P. Piccardo 901. Studies on Ancient Indian Phosphoric Iron, P. Piccardo, D. Maccio, P. Dillmann and R. Balasubramaniam 902. Delhi Iron Pillar: Ideas for Heat Treatments and Surface Coatings (PLENARY LECTURE), Proceedings of the International Conference on “Advances in Surface Treatment: Research and Applications (ASTRA)”, Eds. T.S. Sudarshan, G. Sundararajan, G.E. Totten and S.V. Joshi, ASM International, Metals Park, USA, ASM ISBN 0-87170-814-0, 2004, pp. 24-31, R. Balasubramaniam. 903. Electrodeposited Ni-WC Composite Coatings, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Advances in Surface Treatment: Research and Applications (ASTRA)”, Eds. T.S. Sudarshan, G. Sundararajan, G.E. Totten and S.V. Joshi, ASM International, Metals Park, USA, ASM ISBN 0-87170-814-0, 2004, pp. 130-134, M. Surender, B. Basu and R. Balasubramaniam. 904. Effect of Saccherine Addition on the Direct and Pulsed Electrodeposition of Nanocrystalline Nickel, Proceedings of the International Conference on “Advances in Surface Treatment: Research and Applications (ASTRA)”, Eds. T.S. Sudarshan, G. Sundararajan, G.E. Totten and S.V. Joshi, ASM International, Metals Park, USA, ASM ISBN 0-87170-814-0, 2004, pp. 135-139, Rajiv Mishra and R. Balasubramaniam. 905. Some Studies on Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Chromium Surface Coatings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Surface Treatment: Research and Applications (ASTRA), Eds. T.S. Sudarshan, G. Sundararajan, G.E. Totten and S.V. Joshi, ASM International, Metals Park, USA, ASM ISBN 0-87170-814-0, 2004, pp. 140-143, V. Jaju, S. Pal and R. Balasubramaniam. 906. Corrosion Behaviour of Ti-5%Ta-1.8%Nb Alloy in Nitric Acid Medium, Proceedings of the Conference on Materials and Technologies for Nuclear Fuel Cycle, (eds) Baldev Raj, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao and N. Murali, Dec 15-16, 2003, SERC, Chennai, pp. C7-C13, Ravi Shankar, R. Mythili, V.R. Raju, S. Saroja, R.K. Dayal, M. Vijayalakshmi, V.S. Raghunathan, R. Balasubramaniam and L.K. Singhal. 907. Corrosion Issues in Railways,Proceedings of the International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Bijayani Panda and R. Balasubramaniam.

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908. Corrosion Behavior of Phosphoric Irons for Concrete Reinforcement Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Sahoo Gadadhar and R. Balasubramaniam. 909. Characterization of Passive Films on Nanocrystalline Ni Coatings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Naveen Gupta, Deepika Sachdeva, Rajiv Mishra and R. Balasubramaniam. 910. Corrosion Behaviour of SiC-Reinforced Mg Composites, Proceedings of the International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004. Shruti Tiwari and R. Balasubramaniam. 911. Corrosion Inhibition of Al Alloys by Rare Earth Chlorides, Proceedings of the International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, Ajit Kumar Mishra and R. Balasubramaniam 912. Development of Novel Brasses to Resist Dezincification, Proceedings of the International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2-4, 2004, R. Karpagavalli and R. Balasubramaniam. 913. Cyclic Voltammetry Study of Polysilanes for Determination of Electronic States,Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing (ISAMAP2K4), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, December 6-8, 2004, S. Srinivas Prasad, A. Sharma, S. Shukla, M. Katiyar, D. Gupta, M. Surender and R. Balasubramaniam. 914. ZrO2-TiB2 composites, Silicates Industriels (1997), 185 -187 , ed A. Leriche, V. Lardot, D. Libert, I. Urban, Vleugels, S. Stemmer, B. Basu, O. Van Der Biest. 915. On controlling toughness of zirconia ceramics. Proc. 9th Cimtec World Ceramics Congress, Ceramics getting into the 2000's - Part B , 1999 , ed P. Vincenzini , Techna Srl , 827–834, B. Basu, J. Vleugels, D. Dierickx, O. Van Der Biest.. 916. Electrodeposited Ni-WC Composite Coatings Proceedings of the International Conference on “Advances in Surface Treatment: Research and Applications (ASTRA)”, Eds. T.S. Sudarshan, G. Sundararajan, G.E. Totten and S.V. Joshi, ASM International, Metals Park, USA, ASM ISBN 0-87170-814-0, 2004, pp. 130-134, M. Surender, B.Basu and R.Balasubramaniam.

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917. Boundary collocation estimates of stress intensity factor for edge cracks along the gradient in functionally graded materials, Proceedings of the International Congress on Computational Mechanics, ICCMS -04, 9- 12, December 2004, I.I.T Kanpur, India, 2004, Sharma, S. and Parameswaran, V. 918. Analytical and Numerical Evaluation of Stress fields for cracks along the gradient in functionally graded materials, Proceedings of .the International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, ICTACEM 2004, December 28-30, I.I.T Kharagpur, India, 2004, Parameswaran, V. 919. Beam hardening in X-ray CT, Proceedings of the National seminar on Non-destructive evaluation, organized by Indian Society of NDT in Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 183-188, December 2003. A longer version of the article was published in the Proceedings of the National Workshop on Applications of Computer aided Tomography, organized by DRDL, Hyderabad, September, 2004, K.K. Mishra, A.M. Quraishi, S. Mishra, Ashwani Kumar, A. Srivastava, K. Muralidhar and P. Munshi. 920. Structure of flow behind a prism of square cross section at various orientations: PIV experiments, presented at the 31st Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power conference held at Jadavpur University in December 2004, S. Dutta, P.K. Panigrahi, and K. Muralidhar. 921. Analysis of magnetic abrasive finishing with slotted magnetic pole, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, June 2004 (NUMIFORM 2004), Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A pp. 1435- 1440, P.M. Dixit, S.C. Jayswal & V.K. Jain. 922. Finite element analysis of magnetic abrasive finishing process, Proceedings of AIMTDR, Vellore, 2004, pp. 590-595m V.K. Jain, G.B. Madhab and P.M. Dixit. 923. Abhijit Mahato and Sachin Singh Gautam, Study of high velocity impact problems, Proceedings of International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Kanpur, 2004, pp, P.M. Dixit. 924. Ravindra Kumar Saxena and T .S. Sudhish Kumar, Dixit Simulation of square cup deep drawing, Proceedings of International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Kanpur, 2004, pp, P.M. Dixit. 925. Hydrogen Supplemented Hydrocarbon Fuels: Combustion Characteristics and Performance, 4th International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants, Oct 27-29, 2004, B.P Pundir and Praveen Pandey.

249 Annual Report 2004-2005

926. A Preliminary Design and Analysis of Annular Gas Turbine Combustor using Control volume Approach, Proceedings of NCABE, Airbreathing Engines & Aerospace Propulsion, lIT Kanpur, Nov. 5-7, 2004, Ramanand Singh, V. Shankar, Keshav Kant and B. P. Pundir. 927. Heavy Metal And Soot Addition In Lubricating Oil Of EGR Operated Diesel Engine, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of IASTA Meeting and International Conference on AEROSOLS, CLOUDS AND INDIAN MONSOON, November 15-17, 2004, IIT Kanpur, Shrawan Kumar Singh, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Mukesh Sharma. 928. Diesel Exhaust Particulates Characterization for Heavy Metals, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of lASTA Meeting and International Conference on AEROSOLS, CLOUDS AND INDIAN MONSOON, November 15-17, 2004, lIT Kanpur K V L Bharathi, Dipankar Dwivedi, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Mukesh Sharma.. 929. Experimental Study of Linseed Oil as Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engine, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of National Conference on Biodiesel, held at CIAE, Bhopal, December 2004, Deepak Agarwal, Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 930. Transesterification of vegetable oils and Utilization as a Fuel for Diesel Engine, Presented and Published in the Proceedings of National Conference on Biodiesel, held at CIAE, Bhopal, December 2004, Shailendra Sinha, Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 931. Total 4 papers (including 1 keynote paper and three other technical papers published in conference proceedings) in international Conference, Closed and open loop pulsating Heat Pipes, 13th International Heat Pipe Conference, September 21-25, 2004, Sameer Khandekar. 932. Automatic Generation of Mold Halves for Rapid Prototyping, Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology, April 1 -2, 2004, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Pritam Chakraborty and Reddy, N. V.. 933. Part Deposition Orientation Studies in Layered Manufacturing, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Malaysia, 2004, Pandey, P. M., Reddy, N. V., Dhande, S. G. 934. Build Strategies for Layered Manufacturing, Proceedings of 8th India- Japan Joint seminar on Advanced Manufacturing Systems, February 20- 26, 2005, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 139-144, 2005, Reddy, N. V. 935. Synthesis and characterization of nanopolystyrene: Effect of temperature, shear rate and solvents, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004),

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May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA Page # ANTEC/2500-2504, Kamal K. Kar, R. Kumar, P. Paik and J,U. Otaigbe. 936. Synthesis and characterization of nanopolymer: High density polyethylene, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2490-2494, Kamal K. Kar, P. Paik, J.U. Otaigbe. 937. Scanning electron microscopy, spectroscopy and viscoelastic studies of nano low density polyethylene, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2505-2509, Kamal K. Kar, P. Paik, A.S. Suresrao and J.U. Otaigbe. 938. Characterization of structure and viscoelastic properties of polypropylene nanopolymer, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2495-2499, Kamal K. Kar, P. Paik and J.U. Otaigbe. 939. Finite element analysis of hyperelastic materials: Elastomeric seal, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2277-2281, M. Rawat, Kamal K. Kar and J.U. Otaigbe. 940. Hysteresis loss of polymeric materials: Finding of new dimensionless parameters, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/1994-1998, Kamal K. Kar, A.K. Bhowmick and J.U. Otaigb. 941. A Rheological model for quantitative prediction of die swell: effect of shear rate and temperature, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/1059-1063, Kamal K. Kar, S.Gupta and J.U. Otaigbe. 942. Rheological Characterization of liquid crystal polymers (Xydar-300, Xydar-400 and Xydar-900) measured in ARES spectrometer, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/991-995, Kamal K. Kar and J.U. Otaigbe. 943. Development of rubber pressure moulding technique using polyester resin and natural rubber, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/1430-1434, Kamal K. Kar, S.D. Sharma, P.Kumar, and J.U. Otaigbe. 944. Proposal of universal dimensionless parameters describing the heat generation of polymeric materials, The XIV international congress on Rheology 2004, August, 22-27,2004, Seoul, Koria, Page # AR08-1- AR08-3, Kamal K. Kar and A.K. Bhowmick.

251 Annual Report 2004-2005

945. The die swell of commercial polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene: Comparison of experimental behavior with Tanner, Macoscow and Proposed models, The XIV international congress on Rheology 2004, August 22-27,2004, Seoul, Koria Page # PM12-1-PM12- 3, Kamal K. Kar and S. Gupta. 946. Nonlinear viscoelastic behavior/Rheology of xydar in the melt, The XIV international congress on Rheology 2004, August 22-27,2004, Seoul, Koria Page # NF42-1-NF42-3, Kamal K. Kar. 947. Microfabrication using Electrochemical Spark, Proc. of the 8th India- Japan Joint Seminar on Advanced Manufacturing System, Feb. 21-26, 2005, pp.21-30, Anjali V. Kulkarni and V. K. Jain. 948. Finite element analysis of magnetic abrasive finishing process, Proc. of 21st AIMTDR conference, Ed. P.Vivekananda Shanmugunathan, K.Raja, P.Kuppan, published by Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, pp. 590-595, G.B. Madhab, V.K. Jain, P.M. Dixit. 949. On the performance of Abrasive Flow Finishing Process, Proc. Precision Engineering, Ed: M.V.Suryaprakash et al, published by Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp. 216-223, Sunil Jha, V.K.Jain, S.K.Choudhary. 950. Cutting forces and surface roughness during abrasive flow machining, Proceedings of Precision Engineering, Editor M. V.Suryaprakash et al, published by Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp.298-305, V.K.Gorana, V.K.Jain, G.K.Lal. 951. Analysis of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing with slotted magnetic pole Processing of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes held at Columbus, Ohio, 13-17 June 2004, S.C.Jayswal, V.K.Jain, P.M.Dixit. 952. Frequency Response of the Mechanochemically Synthesized AgI-Ag2O- th B2O3 Superionic glasses, Presented at the 6 Nat. Conf. on Solid State Ionics, 5-7 Oct. 2004, Jadhavpur University, Kolkata, Ankur Verma and K. Shahi. 953. Thermal Investigations on mechanically-milled and melt-quenched Superionic glasses using Diff. scanning colorimetry (Invited talk by A. Dalvi), , 6th Nat. Conf. on Solid State Ionics, 5-7 Oct. 2004, Jadhavpur University, Kolkata, A. Dalvi and K. Shahi. 954. Designing super-lenses with negative refractive index materials, in the Proceedings of the EPFL Latsis-2005 symposium, p. 27. (2005), S.A. Ramakrishna.

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955. A miniature Hall sensor based ac-susceptometer for measurements of vortex and superfluid dynamics in superconducting films, Rev. Sci. Instr. 75, 141 (2004), K. Senapati, S. Chakrivarti, Lenna K. Sahoo and R.C. Budhani. 956. Simultaneous extraction of optical properties and intrinsic fluorescence from turbid media, Proceedings of National Laser Symposium, Jan. 2005, S. Gupta, V.L.N. Sridhar Raja and A. Pradhan. 957. Physics of intense microwave plasma ion sources for RI applications, Proc. DAE-BRNS, Indian particle Accelerator Conference 2005, p. 322- 323, Variable Energy Cyclotron Center, Kolkata, March 1-5, 2005, S. Bhattacharjee. 958. Local spectroscopy of a ferromagnetic metal in contact with a superconductor at very low temperature, Physica C 404, 110 (2004) , L. Cretinon, Anjan K. Gupta, B. Pannetier, H. Courtois, H. Sellier and F. Lefloch. 959. STM spectroscopy of the local density of states in hybrid normal metal- superconductor bilayers, Physica C 404, 103 (2004) , L. Cretinon, Anjan K. Gupta, B. Pannetier and H. Courtois. 960. Shallow deep transitions of neutral and charged donor states in semiconductor quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 70, 193308 (2004) , R.K. Pandey, M.K. Harbola and V.A. Singh. 961. Sample dependence of structural, vibrational and electronic properties of a-Si:H: A density functional based tight-binding study, Phys. Rev. B 70, 115213 (2004) , R. Singh, S. Prakash, N.N. Shukla, R. Prasad. 962. Energy functional dependence of exchange coupling and magnetic properties of Fe/Nb multilayers, Phys. Rev. B 70, 014420 (2004), N.N. Shukla and R. Prasad. 963. Symmetry breaking and structural distortion in charged XH4 (X = C, Si, Ge, Pb) molecules, Phys. Rev. A69, 033201 (2004), D. Balamurugan, M.K. Harbola and R. Prasad. 964. Unified micro- and macro- evolution of eco-systems: Self-organization of a dynamic network (Invited paper), Physica A, 336, 102 (2004), D. Stauffer and D. Chowdhury. 965. Computer simulations of history of life: speciation, emergence of complex species from simpler organisms, and extinctions, (Invited paper in the Per Bak memorial volume), Physica A, 340, 685 (2004), D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer. 966. Self-organized patters and traffic flow in colonies of organisms: from bacteria and social insects to vertebrates (Invited paper in a special issue

253 Annual Report 2004-2005

on pattern formation), Phase Transitions, 77, 601 (2004), D. Chowdhury, K. Nishinari and A. Schadschneider. 967. Collective effects in traffic on bi-directional ant trails, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 231, 279 (2004), A. John, A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury and K. Nishinari. 968. Optically-modified channels of easy vortex motion in YBa2Cu3O7-x film;. Submitted to Applied Physics Letters, 2005, A. Jukna, I. Barboy, G. Jung, X. Li, D. Wang, Roman Sobolewski, S. S. Banerjee, Y. Myasoedov, E. Zeldov, A. Bartasyte and A. Abrutis. 969. Vortex nanoliquid in high temperature superconductors;, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 097002 (2004), S. S. Banerjee, S. Goldberg, A. Soibel, Y. Myasoedov, M. Rappaport, E. Zeldov, F. de la Cruz, C. J van der beek, M. Konczykowski, T. Tamegai, V. Vinokur. 970. Partial bi-directional coupling of chaotic diode lasers for secure optical communication, to appear in the Proceedings of Semiconductor and Optoelectronics Conference (SIOE) to be held at Cardiff, United Kingdom between March 21-23, 2005, S. Sivaprakasam, Min Won Lee, Jon Paul, P. S. Spencer and K. A. Shore. 971. Characterization of laser-produced aluminum plasma in ambient atmosphere of nitrogen using fast photography, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4490 (2004) , A.K. Sharma and R.K. Thareja. 972. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline functional films using pulsed laser deposition, Workshop on Thin Film Deposition, March 11- 12, IRDE Dehradun, 2005, R.K. Thareja. 973. Deposition of nano-crystalline silicon and zinc oxide thin films by pulsed laser ablation, Workshop on Thin Film Coatings, March 11-12, IRDE Dehradun, 2005, V. Narayanan and R.K. Thareja . 974. Thin film deposition of nitrides and oxides during reactive pulsed laser ablation, Workshop on Thin Film Coatings, March 11-12, IRDE Dehradun, 2005, A.K. Sharma and R.K. Thareja . 975. Pulsed laser deposition of nanocrystalline Si thin films, Workshop on Thin Film Coatings, March 11-12, IRDE Dehradun, 2005, S.K. Tiwari and R.K. Thareja. 976. Reactive pulsed laser ablation: plasma studies, 2nd Int Conf on Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology, Feb. 21-25, Goa, 2005, R.K. Thareja and A.K. Sharma. 977. Optical diagnostics for functional thin film deposition, XXX Optical Soc of India (OSI) Symp on Optics and Opto-Electronics (SOOP-05), Jan. 19- 21, NPL New Delhi, 2005, R.K. Thareja .

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978. Dynamics of formation of C2 and CN bands in nitrogen ambient, NLO- 04, Jan. 10-13, BARC, Mumbai, 2005, A.K. Sharma, D.S. Murthy, V. Narayanan and R.K. Thareja. 979. Formation of Si nano particles in Plasma: A signature, NLS-04, Jan. 101- 3, BARC, Mumbai, 2005, S.K. Tiwari and R.K. Thareja. 980. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopic investigations of carious tissues, NLS-04, Jan. 10-13, BARC, Mumbai, 2005, A.K. Sharma, Shobha Shukla, V. Narayanan and R.K. Thareja. 981. LIBS as diagnostics of carious tooth, 7th Conf of the International Academy of Physical Sciences, Dec 21-23, Allahabad University, 2004, Shobha Shukla, A.K. Sharma and R. K. Thareja . 982. Plasma plume investigations for synthesis of nanocrystalline films and particles, 19th Nat. Symp on Plasma Sc and Tech, Dec 7-10 (PSSI-04), Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, 2004, R.K. Thareja . 983. Formation of AIN in laser ablated plasma of Al in nitrogen ambient, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, Pittsburgh (USA) July 19-23, R.K. Thareja and A.K. Sharma (2004). 984. Characterizxation of laser ablated Al-plasma in ambient atmosphere of nitrogen (4B9), 31st IEEE ICOPS, Baltimore (Maryland), USA, June 28- July 1, 2004, R.K. Thareja and A.K. Sharma. 985. Mirrorless lasers, National Symposium on Engineering Optics, Meerut University, April 7-9, 2004, R.K. Thareja. 986. Ellipsometric investigations on the light induced effects on tris(hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3), 2005, Satyendra Kumar, Vivek K. Shukla, Ashutosh Tripathi, Thin Solid Films, 477 240. 987. Correlation of hydrogen content with the microstructure of a-C:H films, 2005, T. Som, M. Malhotra, V.N. Kulkarni and Satyendra Kumar Physica B: Condensed Matter, 355, 72. 988. Transparent MgO films deposited on glass substrates by e-beam evaporation for AC plasma display panels, Proceedings Asia Display IMID-04, S.Kumar, S. Prem Kumar, K.R. Sarma and Satyendra Kumar. 989. Anodization time dependent photoluminescence intensity of porous silicon, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 797 (2004) w5.20.1, Md. N. Islam and Satyendra Kumar. 990. Stress on Porous Silicon Layers attached to Silicon Substrates, in Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2003) Eds K.N. Bhat and A. DasGupta, Narosa New Delhi, p 289-291 (2004), M.N. Islam and Satyendra Kumar.

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991. Effect of Porosity on Photoluminescence Intensity from Porous Silicon Layers, in Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2003) Eds K.N. Bhat and A. DasGupta, Narosa New Delhi, p 950-952 (2004), M.N. Islam and Satyendra Kumar. 992. Symmetries of Discontinuous Flows and the Dual Rankine-Hugoniot Conditions in Fluid Dynamics, Annals of Physics, 316(1), 30-43, (2005) , O. Jahn, V. V. Sreedhar, Amitabh Virmani. 993. Anomalous change in electron density at nuclear sites in nanosize zinc ferrite, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 2074 (2004), C. Upadhyay and H.C. Verma. 994. Entanglement dynamics and quantum state transport in spin chains, Phys. Rev. A69, 034304 (2004) , V. Subrahmanyam. 995. Quantum entanglement in Heissenberg antiferromagnet, Phys. Rev. A69, 022311 (2004), V. Subrahmanyam. 996. Low temperature magnetization and magnetoresistance studies on the layered manganite system La (1.2)Sr(1.8)Mn(2-x)Ru(x)O(7) (x=0,0.1,0.5,1.0), Solid State Commun. 132, 635 (2004), Nori Sudhakar, K.P. Rajeev and A.K. Nigam. 997. Statistical Theory of Magnetohydrodynamics Turbulence: Recent Results, Phys. Rep., 41, 229-380, 2004, M. K. Verma. 998. Large Eddy Simulations of Fluid and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Using Renormalized Parameters, 63, 553, 2004, M. K. Verma and S. Kumar, Pramana. 999. Self-energy corrections in an antiferromagnet: interplay of classical and quantum effects on quasiparticle dispersion Phys. Rev. B 70, 115103 (2004), Pooja Srivastava and Avinash Singh. 1000. Summary of the Activities of the Working Group I on High Energy and Collider Physics, Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-8), Bombay 2004, Pramana 63, 1331 (2004), S. Raychaudhuri et al. 1001. Depolarization characteristics of sol-gel Pb1.05 (Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 thin films V. Ramesh, Y. N.Mohapatra and D. C. Agrawal, Ferroelectics 306 (2004) 71 1002. Depolarization Characteristics of Sol-Gel Pb1.05 (Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 Thin Film. Ferroelectrics: 306:71-77 (2004), V.Ramesh, Y.N.Mohapatra, and D.C.Agarwal. 1003. Low Temperature Dielectric Properties of BST/ZrO2 Multilayer Films, Proceedings of Materials Research Society, 784, C3.7.1 (2004),S.K. Sahoo, D.C. Agrawal, S.B. Majumder, R.S. Katiyar, and Y.N. Mohapatra.

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1004. Synthesis and characterization of nanopolystyrene: Effect of temperature, shear rate and solvents Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA Page # ANTEC/2500-2504, Kamal K. Kar, R. Kumar, P.Paik and J.U. Otaigbe. 1005. Synthesis and characterization of nanopolymer:High density polyethylene, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2490-2494, Kamal K. Kar, P.Paik, J.U. Otaigbe. 1006. Scanning electron microscopy, spectroscopy and viscoelastic studies of nano low density polyethylene, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 1007. 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2505-2509, Kamal K. Kar, P.Paik, A.S. Suresrao and J.U. Otaigbe. 1008. Characterization of structure and viscoelastic properties of polypropylene nanopolymer, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2495-2499, Kamal K. Kar, P.Paik and J.U. Otaigbe. 1009. Finite element analysis of hyperelastic materials: Elastomeric seal, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/2277-2281, M. Rawat, Kamal K. Kar and J.U. Otaigbe. 1010. Hysteresis loss of polymeric materials: Finding of new dimensionless parameters, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/1994-1998, Kamal K. Kar, A.K. Bhowmick and J.U. Otaigbe. 1011. A Rheological model for quantitative prediction of die swell: effect of shear rate and temperature, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/1059-1063, Kamal K. Kar, S.Gupta and J.U. Otaigbe. 1012. Rheological Characterization of liquid crystal polymers (Xydar-300, Xydar-400 and Xydar-900) measured in ARES spectrometer, Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/991-995, Kamal K. Kar and J.U. Otaigbe. 1013. Development of rubber pressure moulding technique using polyester resin and natural rubber, Name of Conference: Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004 - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Page # ANTEC 2004/1430-1434, Kamal K. Kar, S.D. Sharma, P.Kumar, and J.U. Otaigbe.

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1014. Proposal of universal dimensionless parameters describing the heat generation of polymeric materials, The XIV international congress on Rheology 2004, August 22-27, 2004, Seoul, Koria, Page # AR08-1- AR08-3, Kamal K. Kar and A.K. Bhowmick 1015. The die swell of commercial polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene: Comparison of experimental behavior with Tanner, Macoscow and Proposed Models, The XIV international congress on Rheology 2004, August 22-27, 2004, Seoul, Koria, Page # PM12-1- PM12-3, Kamal K. Kar and S. Gupta 1016. Nonlinear viscoelastic behavior/Rheology of xydar in the melt, The XIV international congress on Rheology 2004, August, 22-27, 2004, Seoul, Koria, Page # NF42-1-NF42-3, Kamal K. Kar.

258 Annual Report 2004-2005

SEMINAR PRESENTED 1. Introduction to Virtual Instrumentation, Sanjay Gupta, Keynote Address: Workshop on Virtual Instrumentation, Anand Engineering College, Agra, 2005. 2. Virtual Instrumentation And LabVIEW: An Introduction. S Gupta. Keynote Address: Short Course on Virtual Instrumentation, MNNIT, Allahabad, 2005 (Organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research, Chandigarh). 3. Electrooptical Materials and Their Applications, K.V.Rao, Military College of Telecommunications Engineering, Mhow, March 2005 4. Mini-helicopter Design and Development, Invited talk, National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India, June 2004. Venkatesan, C. 5. Helicopter Vibration and Its Control, Invited talk, Military College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Secundrabad, India, July 2004. Venkatesan, C. 6. Invited paper: International Conference on Advances in Structural Integrity, IISc Bangalore, July 2004. Venkatesan, C. 7. Helicopter Dynamics and Stability, Annual Meeting of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, New Delhi, Dec. 2004. Venkatesan, C. 8. Organized a National Seminar on Combustion at IIT, Kanpur, D. P. Mishra. 9. Stability of Composite laminates Using a Simple Higher order Shear, Deformation Theory, Seminar, Aeronautics Design and Research center, HAL Bangalore, June 30,2004, N,G.R.Iyengar. 10. Stability of Composite laminates Using a Simple Higher order Shear Deformation Theory, Seminar, CEMILAC, Bangalore, July 6, 2004, N,G.R.Iyengar. 11. Re-entry Trajectory Modelling and Simulation, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore, December 21, 2004, Ashish Tewari. 12. Re-entry Trajectory Modelling and Simulation, VSSC, Trivandrum, April 15, 2004, Ashish Tewari. 13. Honeywell, Bangalore Sullerey R.K. 14. High Performance Computing in Fluid Mechanics, Academic Summit, Microsoft Research, Bangalore, India, 2004, S. Mittal. 15. Instabilities if Bluff Body Flows in Tenth Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, University of Peradeniya, Srilanka, 2004, S. Mittal. 16. Instabilities in Bluff Body flows in International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, Tama Campus, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan, 2004, S. Mittal.

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17. Effect of elastic supports on the critical value of Reynolds Number past a cylinder, National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering – NCRAME-2004, Jabalpur Engineering College, 2004, S.Mittal. 18. Instabilities in Bluff Body Flows IUTAM Symposium for Laminar Turbulent Transition, Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India, 2004, S.Mittal. 19. Application of a Mesh Moving Scheme to Ram-Air Parachute, International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15-17, 2005, Prashant S Hadagali and S. Mittal. 20. Effect of blockage on vortex induced vibrations, International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Reovery Systems (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15-17, 2005, Suresh Behara, Prasanth T.K. and S. Mittal. 21. Vortex Induced Vibrations of a Spinning and Translating Cylinder, International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery System (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15- 17, 2005, T.K. Prasanth and S. Mittal. 22. An Efficient Airfoil Configuration for Ram-Air Parachute Applications, International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15- 17, 2005, S. Mittal, R. Balaji and A.K. Rai. 23. Title –The Fat tumor suppressor represses Wnt signaling to regulate cell proliferation and cell adhesion. Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK. 29th March 2005. 24. Delivered a talk titled “ATCUN-like metal-binding motifs in proteins: Crystal structure and sequence analysis” in Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in Feb. 2005, Prof. Pradip Sinha. 25. Contributing talk in the International Symposium on Aerosols, Clouds and Indian monsoon, IIT Kanpur, November, 2004, R. Bandyopadhyaya. 26. A series of 4 lectures in the short term course on Smart Materials: Opportunities and Future Challenges, NIT Allahabad, December 2004, R. Bandyopadhyaya. 27. A lecture in the Indo-US winter school on Futuristic Manufacturing, IIT Kanpur, December 2004, R. Bandyopadhyaya. 28. Contributing talk in the Indo-US joint Chemical Engineering Congress, Chemcon 2004, Bombay, December 2004, R. Bandyopadhyaya.

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29. Invited talk in the Nanotechnology Symposium, IIT Bombay, March 2005, R. Bandyopadhyaya. 30. Designing supported metal oxide catalysts by understanding the effect of the kinetic-parameters: Propane ODH over unmodified and modified V2O5/TiO2 catalysts, ACS meeting, Philladelphia, Aug-2004, Goutam Deo. 31. The effect of oxide support on the kinetic-parameters for ODH of propane over well-characterized MoO3/TiO2 and MoO3/Al2O3 catalysts, Chemcon- 2004, IIChe Annual Meeting, Mumbai, December 2004, T.V. Malleswara Rao and Goutam Deo. 32. The effect of vanadium oxide loading on the kinetic parameters for the ODH of propane over well-characterized V2O5/TiO2 catalysts, Chemcon- 2004, IIChe Annual Meeting, Mumbai, December 2004, Debaprasad Shee, Rudra Pratap Singh and Goutam Deo. 33. The effect of modifiers on supported V2O5/Al2O3 catalysts: ODH of Propane, Chemcon-2004, IIChe Annual Meeting, Mumbai, December 2004. Girish Joshi, Brishti Mitra, Israel E. Wachs and Goutam Deo. 34. Molecular drug design and array informatics using mathematical programming, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. June 4, 2004, S. Garg. 35. Peeling from a Smooth and a Patterned Layer of Elastic, Adhesive, NCL, Pune, 1st January, 2005, A. Ghatak. 36. Stability of Single Layer and Two Layer viscoelastic shear flows past a deformable solid layer, Complex Fluids Symposium, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, January 1, 2005, V. Shankar. 37. National Chemical Laboratory (Pune), A. Sharma. 38. Lehigh University, USA, A. Sharma. 39. University of Vigo, Spain, A. Sharma. 40. DMSRDE (Kanpur), A. Sharma. 41. 3rd Singapore-India Collaborative and Cooperative Research Symposium, IIT Kanpur, December, 2004, Parimal K. Bharadwaj. 42. Transition Metal Based Smart Materials, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, MNIT, Allahabad, October, 2004. 43. Transition Metal Induced Signal Transduction in Cyclic as well as Acyclic Systems, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, Recent Advances in Chemistry at the Organic-Inorganic Interface, IIT Guwahati, December, 2004. 44. Highly Porous Metal-Organic Framework Structures, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, NCL, Pune, February, 2005.

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45. Chemistry of Smart Materials, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, University of Goa, March, 2005. 46. Venue: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, 2004, Rings, Cages and Polymers: Building Bridges Between Main-Group and Transition Metal Chemistry, V. Chandrasekhar. 47. Venue: Institute of Chemistry, Freie University, Berlin, Germany, 2004, Stannoxanes and phosphonates: New approaches in organometallic and transition metal assemblies, V. Chandrasekhar. 48. Venue: Department of Chemistry, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, 2004, Title of Seminar: Rings, Cages and Polymers: Building Bridges Between Main-Group and Transition Metal Chemistry, V. Chandrasekhar. 49. Venue: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany, 2004, Title of Seminar: Stannoxanes and Phosphonates, V. Chandrasekhar. 50. Venue: Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2004, Title of Seminar: Stannoxanes and phosphonates: New approaches in organometallic and transition metal assemblies, V. Chandrasekhar. 51. Title: Hydrogen Bond Mediated Vibronic Mode Mixing and Electronic Energy Transfer in Carboxylic Acid Dimers. Organization: The University of Akron, Ohio, USA. Date: June 24, 2004, T. Chakraborty 52. Title: Photophysics of Aromatic Carboxylic Acid Dimers: Hydrogen Bond Mediated Vibronic Mode Mixing and Electronic Energy Transfer. Organization: Technical University of Munich. Date: July 7, 2004, T. Chakraborty 53. Title: Size Dependent Properties of Atomic and Molecular Clusters. Organization: National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Date: November 29, 2004, T. Chakraborty 54. 3rd Singapore India Collaborative and Cooperative Chemistry symposium, 2004, IIT-Kanpur, Ghorai M.K. 55. Title: Stereoselective C-C Bond Formation Via Enolate: Memory of Chirality Concept for Chiral Induction, Ghorai M.K. 56. Ultrafast Pulse Shaping Approaches to Quantum Computing, Debabrata Goswami, INAE Conference on Nanotechnology (ICON-2003), Chandigarh, India, Dec. 22 – 23 (2003). 57. Laser Polarization Induced Control of Highly Nonlinear Process, Debabrata Goswami, International Workshop on Optimal Control of Quantum

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Dynamics: Theory & Experiment, Ringberg Castle, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany, Dec. 7 – 10 (2003). 58. Computing with Dancing Molecules, Debabrata Goswami, Singapore-India Symposium, IIT, Kanpur, December 16-17, 2004. 59. Polarization Induced Control of Nonlinear Processes, D. Goswami, Condensed Matter Workshop (CMP 2005), Department of Physics, IIT, Kanpur, Feb. 5-6, 2005. 60. Optical Approaches to Quantum Computing, Debabrata Goswami, Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation and Communication (QICC-2005), Centre for Theoretical Studies, IIT, Kharagpur, Feb. 15-18, 2005. 61. High Tech Research: Applications to Low Cost, Debabrata Goswami, International Workshop ICT as a development enabler:-S&T Interventions, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, TIFAC, New Delhi, February 21-22, 2005. 62. Shaping an Ultrafast Laser Laboratory, Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics Seminar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, Jan. 13, 2003. Debabrata Goswami. 63. Quantum Computing with Ultrafast Pulse Shaping Approaches, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, Feb. 21, 2003. Debabrata Goswami. 64. Ultrafast Pulse for Quantum Logic, SERC School on Quantum Information and Quantum Optics, Physical Research Laboratories, Ahmedabad, India, Feb. 9, 2004. Debabrata Goswami. 65. Seminar delivered, Ohio University, Organobridged dicobaloximes: Low temperature NMR study, May 21, 2004 Gupta B.D. 66. Biodegradation of nitro toluenes- Center for fire, explosive and environmental safety, a DRDO lab in Delhi April 2004, Gurunath R. 67. Bioremediation of toxic environmental contaminants- IITK- Nussymposium in Chemistry, IIT Kanpur- 18 December, 2004, Gurunath R. 68. Advances in Biotehnology, Engineering College Raipur, Chhatisgarh. March 2004, Gurunath R. 69. SInCCCS-3: Third Singapor-India Collaborative and Cooperative Chemistry Symposium at IIT Kanpur (December 16-17, 2004), F. A. Khan. 70. Invited Lecture: A concise Synthesis of Novel Oxabridged Compounds, Lecture series on: π Facial selectivity and stereoelectronic effects (4 lectures) at NCL Pune on 28, 29 January 2005, F. A. Khan. 71. Nano Structures and Display devices, Department of Physics and Chemistry, Lucknow University, Feb 2004, S Sundar Manoharan.

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72. Microwave Approaches to Material Synthesis, at CEM Corporation North Carolina, USA Oct 2004, S Sundar Manoharan. 73. Chemical approaches to Nanomaterial synthesis at Karunya Deemed University, Tamil Nadu, Feb 2004, S Sundar Manoharan. 74. Devising molecules for Display devices, Christ College, Bangalore, January 2005, S Sundar Manoharan. 75. While light emission using organic semiconductors, Indo-Singapore conference at IIT Kanpur, December 2004, S Sundar Manoharan. 76. Nanotechnology: at Royal Institute of Technology at Bhutan, April 2004, S Sundar Manoharan. 77. Photochromism, Photocyclization and Tandem PhotoenolizationHetero DielsAlder Cycloaddition Reactions of o-Tolualdehydes in the Solid State, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 23 September, 2004, Moorthy, J. N. 78. Photochemistry of o-tolualdehydes, University of Bangalore, Bangalore, 25 September, 2004, Moorthy, J. N. 79. Control of Organic Molecular Reactivity and Ordering in the Solid State, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, 22nd February, 2005, Moorthy, J. N. 80. Instrumental and Analytical Techniques in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Allahabad, Allahabad (December 17, 2004), Mukherjee R. N. A. V. Rama Rao Foundation Prize Lecture in Chemistry (2005), Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore (proposed to be delivered on March 23, 2005), Mukherjee R. N. 81. Transition state, Department of Chemistry, Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, December 30, 2004, N. Sathyamurthy. 82. Medal lecture at CRSI meeting on February 6, 2004 at IIT Kanpur, Vinod K. Singh. 83. Invited talk in India-French Organic Seminar during October 6-7, 2004 at Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, Vinod K. Singh. 84. Invited lecture at a symposium CBISNF-2004 during November 21-26, 2004 in New Delhi, Vinod K. Singh. 85. Invited lecture at a symposium during March 6-7, 2005 at BHU, Varanasi, Vinod K. Singh. 86. Invites talk - Highly excited eigenstates and dynamics in CDBrClF and CF_3CHFI - Discussion meeting on High resolution molecular spectroscopy, Mumbai, April 2004. Srihari K.

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87. Invited talk - Energy flow in highly excited molecules: is statisticality only 'skin-deep'? - Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, IISc, Bangalore, July 2004. Srihari K. 88. Invited talk - Resonance and chaos assisted tunneling in molecules: 'non- classical' routes to energy flow - Windberg workshop, Germany, September 2004. Srihari K. 89. Invited talk - Dynamical tunneling in molecules: spectral consequences of classical phase space structures - Max-Planck-Institut fur Selbstorganization und Stromungsforschung, Goettingen, December 2004, Srihari K. 90. Group talks at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany. Finite systems (Nov. 2004), Andreas Buchleitner's group (Nov. 2004), and Sergej Flach's group (Jan. 2005), Srihari K. 91. Aggregational studies with bioinspired synthetic peptide palindromes. Chemistry Biology Interface-Synergistic New Frontiers. November 22-27, 2004, New Delhi. Verma, S.*, Madhavaiah, C., Prasad, K.K., Purohit, C.S. 92. Protein assemblies and aggregates: Biological relevance and modeling studies. First National Frontiers of Science Symposium, December 10-11, 2004, New Delhi, Verma, S. 93. Synthetic peptide assemblies: Enforcing aggregation in bioinspired peptide scaffolds. First Indo-US Frontiers of Science Symposium, January 9-11, 2005, Bangalore, Verma, S. 94. Ordered peptide aggregation in synthetic conjugates derived from biologically relevant proteins. National Symposium on Organic Synthesis: New Dimensions, March 6-7, 2005, BHU, Varanasi, Verma, S. 95. 3rd Singapore-India Collaborative & Cooperative Chemistry Symposium, IIT, Kanpur, India, 2004, Invited Speaker, Veejendra K. Yadav. 96. Fakultät für Chemie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany (September 2004), ETH, Zurich, Switzerland (September 2004), Yashwant D. Vankar. 97. Department of Organic Chemistry, I.I.Sc. Bangalore, 24th January 2005, Yashwant D. Vankar. 98. Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, 3rd February, 2005, Prof. T.R. Seshadri Memorial Lecture, Yashwant D. Vankar. 99. The Tale of Rainwater Harvesting from Alwar, Rajasthan, Seminar on Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting, UP Chamber of Commerce, June 2004, Kanpur, Jain, A.. 100. Wavelet-Based Stochastic Seismic Response of Structural Systems, Rice University, Houston, USA: July 30, 2004, Gupta, V.K.

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101. Gupta, V.K., Design Spectrum-Based Scaling of Strength Reduction Factors University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada: July 22, 2004 Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada: July 23, 2004 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA: July 26, 2004 University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, USA: July 27, 2004 Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani: December 13, 2004 102. Influence of Fibre-Wrap Retrofitting on Gravity Designed RC Beam- Column Joints under Cyclic Loading, Proceedings of International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, Agra, India, 18-19 October 2004, pp Parallel Sessions 27-36, Bajpai,K.K., Murty,C.V.R., and Rai,D.C.,. 103. Title Earthquake Engineering at IIT Kanpur: Present and Future Directions Organzn. Indo-US Joint Network of Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Workshop Place IIT Bombay Dates Feb 3-5, 2005, Rai, D.C. 104. Title Battened built-up beam-columns under cyclic loads Organzn. EERI Chapter of University of Michigan Place Ann Arbor, MI, USA Dates July 23, 2004, Rai, D.C. 105. Digital Gang tic Plains (DGP): 802.11-based Low-Cost Networking for Rural India, Presentation at Wireless4Development, Djursland, Denmark, Sep 2004, Bhaskar Raman. 106. Universality for Nondeterministic Logs Space Indo-German Workshop On Algorithms, IISC Bangalore, October 2004, Somenath Biswas. 107. Mobile Computing Cutting Edge-2004 IIT Kanpur April 2004, R.K Ghosh. 108. Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Workshop on Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing August 2004, R. K Ghosh. 109. The 2nd Annual IIT Kanpur Hackers' Workshop 2005 March, 2005, Deepak Gupta. 110. Machine Translation: Problems and techniques. ISI Calcutta, Jan 04, 2005. 111. Scaling Machine Learning Algorithms to Large Data Sets IBM India Research Lab. New Delhi, April 10, 2004, Pabitra Mitra. 112. Embedded Systems Technologies. Excitement of Research IIIT Hyderabad, March 5-6, 2005, Rajat Moona. 113. Software Performance Assessment Profiling and Performance, Improvements, Infosys. September 13-14, 2004, Rajat Moona. 114. Smart Cards Technology for Secure Management of Information Cutting Edge April, 2004, Rajat Moona. 115. The Landscape of Software Architecture, Wipro, Hyderabad, March 2005, T V Prabhakar.

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116. Growth of Internet in India TRAI, New Delhi, October, 2004, Dheeraj Sanghi. 117. Rural Connectivity Using WiFi Networks Development Professionals Meet Pant Institute of Social Sciences Allahabad March, 2005, Dheeraj Sanghi. 118. A type system for polynomial time computation, Calcutta University Oct, 2004, Anil Seth. 119. Biometrics, Workshop on Computer Technology Trends Present and Future Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Nodia, August, 2004, R.M.K Sinha. 120. Food, Family, Culture and Power Structure in Anita Desai’s Fasting Feasting, The National Seminar on Familial Relations and Society in Contemporary Indian Writing in English, organized by the Department of English, DAV College, Kanpur, 17-18 March, T. Ravichandran. 121. Delivered a lecture on The Problems of Communication to the participants of Staff Development Coordination Workshop on Supervision and Managerial Effectiveness, IIT Kanpur, 12 March 2005, T. Ravichandran. 122. Delivered an invited lecture on `Effects of Divorce on Children’ in an awareness programme organized by the Police Department, Kanpur at Christ Church College Auditorium, Kanpur, on 28.11.04, Shikha Dixit. 123. Delivered an invited lecture on `Managing Relationships and Communicating Effectively in Groups and Teams’ in a Training Programme on General Management and Communication Skills conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Civil Lines, Kanpur, Jan. 24-9, 2005, Shikha Dixit. 124. Two Lectures on Policy of Disinvestment in Indiaand Application of I-O Technique delivered to the participants of UGC workshop for college and university teachers, Organised by Narosa Public Administration Institute, Bhopal, December 17-18, 2004, K. K. Saxena. 125. Presentation of the Project Report on Rapid Evaluation of ISRHHD and SAY Schemes, Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi, 13 May 2004, A.K. Sharma. 126. Communication Skills: Communication Competence and Group Communication, Communicator Styles, and Listening Skills, M.P. Academy of Administration, Bhopal, Dec. 9, 2004, L. Krishnan. 127. Memory: Aspects of Short-term Memory, Department of Psychology, Government Nutan Girls’ College, Indore, Dec. 21, 2004, L.Krishnan. 128. Prosocial Behaviour and Social Identity Theory, Advanced Social Psychology Refresher Course, Organized by Academic Staff College,

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Department of Psychology, Allahabad University, and University of Dundee, Scotland, U.K., March 8, 2005, L. Krishnan. 129. Distributive Justice: Trends in Research, Advanced Social Psychology Refresher Course, Academic Staff College, Department of Psychology, Allahabad University, and University of Dundee, Scotland, U.K., March 9, 2005, L. Krishnan. 130. Environmental Impact Analysis of the Linking of Indian Rivers with reference to Orissa, Kalinga Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, May 8, 2004, B. Rath. 131. Chairman, Technical Session on Planning and Culture, 11th International Planning History Society (IPHS), Barcelona, Spain, July 14-17, 2004, B. Rath. 132. Mainstreaming Environment and Development: The Indian Experiences, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 24, 2004, B. Rath. 133. Sustainability in the Development of Minor Irrigation Projects in India, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 24, 2004, B. Rath. 134. EIA of Indo-Dutch Collaboration Project at Kanpur under the Ganga Action Plan, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 24, 2004, B. Rath. 135. Chairman, Second Technical Session of the National Seminar on Issues in Human Development, GB Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, October 29-30, 2004, B. Rath. 136. Chairman, Technical Session on Watershed Development Projects in India, 37th Annual Conference of Orissa Economic Association, Christ Chuch College, Cuttack, Orissa, February 20, 2005, B. Rath. 137. Chairman, Technical Session on Rehabilitation & Resettlementt, National Workshop on Dams and Development, Institute of Development Studies Jaipur, March 2, 2005, B. Rath.. 138. Phototacti bioconvection in two dimensions, Math bio lunch meeting, University of Glasgow, UK, 1st June, 2004, Ghorai S. 139. Ghorai, S, Simulations of bioconvection in three dimensions, Research Meeting on Motile Cells, Micro-Organisms & Fish Larvae, Universities of Glasgow and Strath-clyde’s Centre for Mathematics Applied to the Life Sciences. 28th and 29th June, 2004, Ghorai S. 140. Approximations by K-finite functions,at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad during 21.03.05 to 24.03.05, Rawat R.

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141. An Introduction to Wavelets University of Ranchi, Feb.6, 2005, Tewari, U.B. 142. Nonsmooth Optimization: A finite dimensional tour, June 2003, Halle, Germany, Dutta, J. 143. Regularity and Optimality in Vector Optimization, June 2003, Halle, Germany, Dutta, J. 144. Monotonic Analysis over Codes, July 2003, Alicante, Spain, Dutta, J. 145. Generalized derivatives in nonsmooth optimization, July 2003, Alicante Spain, Dutta, J. 146. Maximization of Convex and Lipschitz functions, June 2004, Frieberg, Germany, Dutta, J. 147. Harmonic analysis on noncompact rank one symmetric spaces, ISI Bangalore, NBHM Instructional School, 21st June – 9th July, 2004, Ray S.K. 148. Harmonic analysis on noncompact rank one symmetric spaces, ISI Bangalore, NBHM Instructional school, 21st June – 9th July, 2004, Ray S.K. 149. Role of linear and non-linear estimators in the consistent estimation of regression coefficient in ultrastructural model with replicated observationsUniversity of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany in May, 2004, Shalabh. 150. Non-linear and linear estimators in ultrastructural model with replicated observations, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan in June, 2004, Shalabh. 151. Risk and Pitman closeness properties of feasible generalized double k-class estimators in linear regression models with non-spherical disturbances under balanced loss function, Department of Statistics, National Cheng-chi University, Taipei, Taiwan in June 2004, Shalabh. 152. On the usefulness of knowledge of error variances in the consistent estimation of an unreplicated ultrastructural model, Department of Mathematics, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan in June, 2004, Shalabh. 153. Consistent Estimation of coefficients in measurement error models with replicated observations, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwant in 2004, Shalabh. 154. Wavelet Taylor Galerkin Method for Partial Differential Equations, Indo- French Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Applications, at IISc(IMI) & TIFR Bangalore, Feb. 7-12, 2005, Rathish, B.V.K.

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155. High Performance Computing & Cardio-Vascular Modelling, Symposium on Scientific Computing, Dec. 23-24, 2004, at SSIHL, Prasanthinilayam, Rathish, B.V.K. 156. Flow in Blood Vessels, Chandna Award Talk at SSIHL, Aug. 11, 2004, Prasanthinilayam, Rathish, B.V.K. 157. Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Related to Turbulent Flows, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Annual General Meeting, December 11, 2004, Gautam Biswas. 158. Mechanical Characterization of Functionally Gradient Materials, Advanced Systems Laboratory, DRDO, Hyderabad, August 06, 2004, P.Venkitnarayanan. 159. M.N. Saha Memorial Lecture at Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Dec. 13, 2004. From Natural Numbers to Numbers in Nature, A.K. Mallik. 160. Importance of Convection in the Growth of Optical Crystals, presented at the symposium entitled Topical meeting on Frontiers in Materials Science and Technology, on 30th December 2004 at Center of Advanced Technology, Indore, K. Muralidhar. 161. Heat Transfer enhancement and fluid flow transport phenomena behind surface mounted solid and permeable ribs, German Aerospace center, Goettingen, Germany, July 16th, 2004, P.K. Panigrahi. 162. Turbulent structures, flow control and optical techniques, Technical University of Braunschweig, 9th September, 2005, P.K. Panigrahi. 163. Applications of Various Optical Techniques for engines, 17th June, 2004, Photonics institute, Technical University of Vienna, Austria, Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 164. Engine Diagnostics, 22nd, June, 2004, Chemical Engineering Department, Technical University of Vienna, Austria, Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 165. Biodiesel Program in India, April 07th, 2005, Argonne National laboratory, Chicago, USA, Avinash .Kumar Agarwal. 166. At ISRO Bangalore on Thermal Management of Satellite, Sameer Khandekar. 167. Generative Manufacturing, Winter Programme on Micro-fabrication, lIT Kanpur, December 17-24, 2004, N. Venkata Reddy. 168. Build Strategies for Layered Manufacturing, CMERI, Durgapur, March 23, 2005, N. Venkata Reddy. 169. Thermophysical properties of polymers and nanomaterials, Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment (DMSRDE) India, 12th October, 2004, Kamal K. Kar..

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170. High performance surface engineered carbon-carbon composite for high temperature application, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, lndia, 27th October, 2004, Kamal K. Kar. 171. Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes on the surface of pitch based continuous carbon fiber and their composites in polyester matrix for structural application, ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore, India, 22nd December, 2004, Kamal K. Kar. 172. Role of Hysteresis Loss on Heat Generation of Thermoplastic Elastomers and its Modeling for Pneumatic Tyres of High Performance Vehicles, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Gujrat, India, 1st February, 2005, Kamal K. Kar. 173. Resistivity minima in bulk disordered alloys, Low-temperature Physics Laboratory of Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, May 24, 2004, A.K. Majumdar. 174. Magnetic scattering, Hall effect, and magnetization in Fe-Cr GMR multilayers, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fur Nanotechnologies, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 8, 2004, A.K. Majumdar. 175. Perfect lenses with negative refraction: a celebration of evanescence, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, May 2004, S.A. Ramakrishna. 176. Super-lenses with sub-wavelength resolution using optical anti-matter, Colloquium at the Physics Deptt, IIT Kanpur, Jan 14, 2005, S.A. Ramakrishna. 177. Vortex dynamics in two-dimensional superconductors, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, May 2004, R.C. Budhani. 178. Interlayer exchange coupling in ferromagnet-superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures, Institut d’Electronique Fundamentale, Orsay, France, R.C. Budhani. 179. Discovery of Aymptotic Freedom: Nobel prize in 2004, IIT Kanpur, Nov. 11, 2004, S.D. Joglekar. 180. High density plasma generation using microwave: new frontiers and applications, EE Dept, IIT Kanpur, Oct. 30-31, 2004, S. Bhattacharjee. 181. Physics of intense microwave plasma ion sources for RI applications, DAE- BRNS, Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Variable Energy Cyclotron Center, Kolkata, March 1-5, 2005, S. Bhattacharjee. 182. Physics of intense electromagnetic wave plasma ion sources for multicharged ions: from high frequency to high power sources, Nuclear Science Center, New Delhi, March 28, 2005, S. Bhattacharjee. 183. STM/S Imaging Studies in the Vortex State, tutorial given at IVW10 School in TIFR, Mumbai, January 2005, Anjan K. Gupta.

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184. Tunneling into Superconducting (proximity) Structures, Talk at SERC School in Strongly Correlated Electrons at HRI, Allahabad, Nov. 2004, Anjan K. Gupta. 185. Supersymmetry and the Lorentz Fine Tuning Problem, IIT Kanpur, 16 Feb. 2005, Pankaj Jain. 186. Is there a preferred direction in the universe, IUCAA, Pune, 22 Dec 2004, Pankaj Jain. 187. Is there a preferred direction in the universe, IISc, Bangalore, 15 October 2004, Pankaj Jain. 188. Pseudoscalar-Photon Mixing, IMSC, Chennai, 12 Oct. 2004, Pankaj Jain. 189. Is there a preferred direction in the universe, IIT Chennai, 11 Oct. 2004, Pankaj Jain. 190. Is there a preferred direction in the universe, HRI, May 2004, Pankaj Jain. 191. Jahn-Teller effect in clusters and lithiated manganese oxides, IIT Roorkee, April 2, 2004, R. Prasad. 192. Jahn-Teller effect in clusters and manganese oxides, Northeastern University, Boston, Nov. 10, 2004, R. Prasad. 193. Patterns and traffic of life, University of Cologne, Germany, June 2004, D. Chowdhury. 194. Time domain spectroscopic study of PL decay in Zinc Benzothiazole suitable for White light emitting OLEDs, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore on 6 January, 2005 in In Optical Probes 2005, Y.N. Mohapatra. 195. Yb-based Heavy Fermion Systems Close to Quantum Critical Point, CMP Workshop 2005, IIT Kanpur, February 6, 2005, Z. Hossain. 196. Recent Developments in Organic Semiconductors for Displays and Lighting Applications, Invited talk at 49th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Amritsar, Dec 26-30, 2004, Satyendra Kumar. 197. Organic Solar Cells, Solar Cells Group, ETH Zurich, Feb 21, 2005, Satyendra Kumar. 198. Seminar cum workshop on Materials Characterization and Surface Modification in Research and Industry using Ion Accelerators. , CCCM, BARC, Hyderabad, Feb 9-11, 2005. Title: Ion beams in nano science and engineering (Invited Talk), V.N. Kulkarni. 199. Quantum entanglement in spin system, CMP-2005, IIT Kanpur, February 2005, V. Subrahmanyam. 200. Colloqiuum entitled String Theory and Time Machines at Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai June 2004, G. Sengupta.

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201. Seminar Review of the Holographic Principle at Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, June 2004, G. Sengupta.

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1. International Conference on Advances in Structural Integrity, July 2004, IISc Bangalore, Venkatesan, C. 2. 12-th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, April 2004, Venkatesan, C. 3. 2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Conference, July 11-15, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2004, D. P. Mishra. 4. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Aeroacoustics and Active Flow-Combustion Control. In Honour of Professor John E. Ffowcs Williams. Jan 4-6, 2005, Goa India, Debopam Das. 5. 18th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Nov. 17-19, 2004, IIT Kharagpur, Invited speaker, Chairing a session, N.G.R.Iyengar. 6. International Conf. Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental mechanics, Dec. 28-30, 2004 IIT Kharagpur, Keynote Speaker, Chairman of session, N.G.R.Iyengar. 7. High Performance Computing, Jan. 28-29, 2004, Cornell Theory Center, Cornell, USA, S. Mittal. 8. High Performance Computing in Fluid Mechanics, Academic Summit, Microsoft Research, Bangalore, India, 2004, S. Mittal. 9. Tenth Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2004, S. Mittal. 10. International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics, Tama Campus, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan 2004, S. Mittal. 11. National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering- NCRAME-2004, Jabalpur Engineering College, 2004, S. Mittal. 12. National Frontiers of Science Workshop, held at INSA, Delhi, December 2004, S. Mittal. 13. First Indo-US Frontiers of Science Workshop (FOS), IISc Bangalore, January 2005, S. Mittal. 14. IUTAM Symposium for Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Jawharalal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India, 2004, S. Mittal. 15. International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15- 17, 2005, S. Mittal. 16. National Conference on Control and Dynamics, IIT, Bombay, Jan’2005, presented an invited paper, A.K. Ghosh 17. Conference on Technologies and Trends in Development of Para Recovery Systems, ADRDE Agra, 15-17 March, 2005, A.K. Ghosh.

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18. International Conference on, Development of knowledge infrastructure role of consultants, India habitat center, New Delhi, Oct-2004, A.K. Ghosh. 19. Regulation of organ growth by the tumor suppressor genes of Drosophila: negative regulation of Wnt signaling by the Fat tumor suppressor, EMBO International workshop on Cell Interactions in Development and Disease at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad. 16-18 December 2004, Pradip Sinha. 20. Organ size regulation in Drosophila: The Fat tumor suppressor represses Wnt signaling to regulate cell proliferation and cell adhesion, 46th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Town & Country Resort & Convention Centre, San Diego, California, USA. 30th March to 3rd April’2005, Pradip Sinha. 21. A genetic screen to identify the targets of puf-8, a Puf family gene involved in the meiotic progression of C. elegans spermatocytes. 64th annual meeting of the Society for the Developmental Biologists, 2005, K. Subramaniam and Mohd Ariz. 22. Maternal RNA-binding proteins direct the primordial germ cell-specific translation of the germ cell regulator nos-2 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Invited presentation at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting on Germ Cells, 2004, Nishi Maithil, Shreyas Jadhav, Adrian Cuenca, Geraldine Seydoux and K. Subramaniam. 23. Maternal RNA-binding proteins control the translation of the C. elegans germ cell regulator, nos-2, Invited presentation, Indo-EMBO Symposium on Cell interactions in disease and development, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, 2004, Shreyas Jadhav, Mainpal Rana and K. Subramaniam. 24. Implications of C. elegans genomics for plant parasitic nematodes, Invited presentation, Indo-Israel Symposium on Nematology,, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 2004, K. Subramaniam. 25. Title of talk: Development of Nano-Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications, Indo-Australian Conference on Biomaterials, Implantable Devices and Tissue Engineering (BITE 2005) at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram, India. Dates: January 19th to 21st 2005, Dhirendra Katti. 26. Invited lecture: New Polymeric Materials for Protein and Cell Separations, 2005, Ashok Kumar. 27. BIOHORIZON2005- The 7th National Symposium on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, March 11 – 12, 2005, IIT Delhi

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Chairperson: Technical Review Session -Downstream Processing, Ashok Kumar. 28. Session chair in Nanotechnology session of Indo-US joint Chemical Engg. Congress, Chemcon 2004, Bombay, December 2004, R. Bandyopadhyaya. 29. Membrane Processes based Effluent Treatment - Some Case Studies, P. K. Bhattacharya, IIChE-AIChE meeting during CHEMCON-2004 on Chemical Engineering in a global Environment, December 27-30, 2004 in Mumbai (in absentia), P.K. Bhattacharya. 30. Overview of Membrane Technology for Effluent Treatment, Indo - French Seminar on Emerging Technologies for water and waste water management, 9 -12 February, 2004 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, P. K. Bhattacharya. 31. Attended Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, New London, New Hampshire, USA, G. Deo. 32. Conference on Complex Fluids, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, January, 1, 2005, A. Ghatak. 33. Bhopal and the Global Movement on Process Safety’, Keynote paper, Hazard XVIII, Institution of Chemical Engineers (U.K.), Manchester, November 23 – 25, 2004. Proceedings pagse 15 – 27, J.P. Gupta. 34. Site Security of Process Industry including a Case Study’, International Conference ‘Bhopal Gas Tragedy and its Effects on Process Safety’, Kanpur, December 1 – 3, 2004, Abstract Volume page 57. Full paper on CD, S. Bajpai and J.P. Gupta. 35. Mitigating consequences of Hazardous Gaseous Releases by Air Dilution – A Concept’, International Conference ‘Bhopal Gas Tragedy and its Effects on Process Safety’, Kanpur, December 1 – 3, 2004, Abstract Volume pages 143-144. Full Paper on CD, J.P. Gupta. 36. Securing Oil and Gas Infrastructure’, Kuwait Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Kuwait City, March 7 – 9, 2005, S. Bajpai and J.P. Gupta. 37. Hazard XVIII, Institution of Chemical engineers (U.K.), Manchester, UK, November 23 –25, 2004, Keynote paper, J.P. Gupta. 38. Annual Conference of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Mumbai, December 27-30, 2004, J.P. Gupta. 39. Kuwait Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Kuwait City, Kuwait, March 7 – 9, 2005, presenting a contributed paper, J.P. Gupta. 40. Nonlinear dynamics of confined polymer melt with attractive walls, Complex fluids Symposium, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, January 1, 2005, Joshi Y. M.

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41. Control structure synthesis using steady state analysis, 2004 Annual AIChE Conference in Austin, TX, N. Kaistha, M.V. Pavan Kumar, Ram Singh and B.P. Singh. 42. Steady state simulation of reactive distillation columns using the Naphtali- sand hole method, CHEMCON 2004, Mumbai, (Won best session paper award), N. Kaistha, M.V. Pavan Kumar, Ram Singh and B.P. Singh. 43. Steady state sensitivity analysis for reactive distillation column control structure synthesis, CHEMCON 2004, Mumbai, N. Kaistha and M.V. Pavan Kumar. 44. An SPC framework for the characterization of batch profile, 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Boulder Co. (Invited Lecture), N. Kaistha, CF Moore and M.G. Leitnaker. 45. 18th Canadian Symposium on Catalysis, Montreal, May 2004, D. Kunzru. 46. National Symposium on Engineering Education, Bangalore, Feb.2005- invited paper, D. Kunzru. 47. Innovations for Intensifications in the process Industry International Conference on the 20th Anniversay of the Bhopal Tragedy, IIT Kanpur, India Decemmber 1-3, 2004, S. V. Sivakumar, N. Kaistha, D. P. Rao. 48. A simple method for multicomponent distillation design calculations, Paper N0. 403 o. AIChE Annual metting, Austin, Dec. 2004, D.P.Rao, Amit Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Devendra Agarwal, Abhishek Sinha. 49. Process Intensification in a ‘simulated Moving-bed’ Heat regenerator’, Paper #: HT-FED2004-5629, Proc. 2004 ASME Heat Transfer Engineering Summer Conference: July 11-15, 2004 North Carolina, USA, D. S. Murthy, S. V. Sivakumar, Keshav Kant, D. P. Rao. 50. Invited to be a Panelist for Panel Discussion on Process Intensification at AIChE Spring meeting 2004, 25-29 April, New Orleans, LA, USA, D. P. Rao. 51. A novel simulated movong-bed adsorber for the fractionation of gas mixtures, 17th International symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative. Chromotohraphy, Baltimore, 23-26 May, 2004, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, D. P. Rao, S. V. Sivakumar and Susmita Mandal & B. S. G. Ramaprasad. 52. Process Intensification in Fixed beds using Moving-Port Systems, AIChE Spring meeting 2004, 25-29 April, New Orleans, LA, USA, D. P. Rao, S. V. Sivakumar and J Chakravarti, & B. S. G. Ramaprasad. 53. A novel rotor design for intensification of gas-phase mass transfer in a Higee, AIChE Spring meeting 2004, 25-29 April, New Orleans, LA, USA, D. P. Rao, P. Goswami, A. Bhowal.

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54. Duplex PSA cycles for the enrichment of and fractionation of gas mixtures in fixed beds, CHECON 2004, S.V. Sivakumar, K. Sridevi, D. P. Rao. 55. A novel rotor design for intensification of gas-pagse mass transfer in a HIGEE, CHECON 2004, A.P.S. Chandra. P.S. Goswami and D.P. Rao. 56. Duplex PSA cycles for the enrichment of and fractionation of gas mixtures in fixed beds, CHECON 2004, C.P. Mittal, S.V. Sivakumar D.P. Rao. 57. In-Flight liquid oxygen collection systems for air-breathing hypersonic vehicle, 7th National Conference on Airbreathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion,NCABE-2004, to be held at IIT Kanpur, November 5-7, 2004.Proceedings of NCABE 2004, ed. Raghunandan BN,Oommen Ch. Sullery RK. Page 289-301, D. P. Rao, A. Bhowl, S. Pandey, R. Gopalswami, Satish Kumar, P. Manna, and S.S. Panwar. 58. Complex Fluids Symposium, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. January 1, 2005, V. Shankar. 59. Self-organization in soft nanosystems, 91st Indian Science Congress, Chandigarh, 2004, A. Sharma. 60. Patterns, forces and metastable pathways in debonding of elastic films, 27th Adhesion Society meeting, Wilmington, North Carolina from February 15- 18, 2004, A. Sharma. 61. Self-organized Meso-Scale Patterning of Soft Materials, Indo-US Workshop on Futuristic Manufacturing, IIT Kanpur, 2004; also a co- coordinator of the workshop, A. Sharma. 62. Self-organized patterns in thin soft films, Indo-US Workshop on Nanoscale Materials, Puri, April 2004, A. Sharma. 63. Adhesion and debonding of elastic films: patterns, forces and metastability, STATPHYS-22 Satellite: Pattern Formation in Nonequilibrium Systems, Kolkata, July 11-13, 2004, A. Sharma. 64. Adhesion failure induced by interfacial instabilities in ultra-thin soft films, Gordon Research Conference on Science of Adhesion, Tilton, NH, August 8-13, 2004, A. Sharma. 65. Adhesion, dewetting and debonding of soft elastic films: Patterns, forces and metastability, Workshop on Pattern formation through instabilities in thin liquid films: from fundamental aspects to applications, Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (Germany), September 21-28, 2004. Also chairman of a session in this symposium, A. Sharma. 66. Catalytic oxidation of toluene by metal impregnated activated carbon fibers (ACF), Chemcon proceedings-2004, Mumbai, India, Dec 27-30, 2004, V. Gaur, A. Sharma, and N. Verma.

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67. Control of NOx emissions by activated carbon fibers, Indo-US conference proceedings-2004, Mumbai, India, Dec. 29-30, 2004, S. Adapa, V. Gaur and N. Verma. 68. Computation Fluid Dynamics Study of flow past a circular cylinder confined in a plane channel: vortex shedding phenomena, Indo-US conference proceedings-2004, Mumbai, India, Dec. 29-30, 2004, S. Mettu, R.P. Chhabra and N. Verma. 69. Catalytic oxidation of toluene by metal impregnated activated carbon fibers (ACF), Chemcon proceedings-2004, Mumbai, India, Dec 27-30, 2004, V. Gaur, A. Sharma, and N. Verma. 70. Control of NOx emissions by activated carbon fibers, Indo-US conference proceedings-2004, Mumbai, India, Dec. 29-30, 2004, S. Adapa, V. Gaur and N. Verma. 71. Computation Fluid Dynamics Study of flow past a circular cylinder confined in a plane channel: vortex shedding phenomena, Indo-US conference proceedings-2004, Mumbai, India, Dec. 29-30, 2004, Srinivas Mettu, R.P. Chhabra and N. Verma. 72. Transition Metal Based Smart Materials, MNIT, Allahabad, October, 2004, Parimal K. Bharadwaj. 73. Transition Metal Induced Signal Transduction in Cyclic as well as Acyclic Systems, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, Recent Advances in Chemistry at the Organic-Inorganic Interface, IIT Guwahati, December, 2004. 74. Highly Porous Metal-Organic Framework Structures, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, NCL, Pune, February, 2005. 75. Chemistry of Smart Materials, Parimal K. Bharadwaj, University of Goa, March, 2005. Invited lecture at the 11th International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead (ICCOC-GTL-11), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 27th June-2 July 2004, Date of talk: 28th June 2004, Title of talk: Organostannoxane based cages and supramolecules, V. Chandrasekhar. 76. Invited Session Lecture in 36th International Conference on Coordination Compounds, Merida-Yucatan, Mexico, July 18-23, 2004, Date of talk: July 22nd 2004, Title of Talk: Organostannoxane based cages and supramolecules, V. Chandrasekhar. 77. Bhatnagar Laureates (2003) Symposium, NPL, New Delhi September 13 2004, Title of talk: Stannoxanes and phosphonates: New approaches in organometallic and transition metal assemblies, V. Chandrasekhar.

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78. 59th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, Ohio State University at Columbus, Ohio, USA. Date: June 23, 2004. Title of the paper presented: Hydrogen-bond mediate vibronic mode mixing and electronic energy transfer. T. Chakraborty 79. National Conference on Laser Applications in Basic and Applied Sciences, Shantiniketan, Viswabharati University, Date: January 10, 2005. Title of the invited talk delivered: Structural mutation and energy redistribution in model DNA base-pairs: Probing by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. T. Chakraborty. 80. First Asia-Pacific Conference on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Okazaki, Japan, May 12-15, 2004, Invited speaker, Amalendu Chandra. 81. NANO-2004: 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Wiessbaden, Germany, June 21-24 2004. Oral and Poster Presentations. N. S. Gajbhiye 82. SCM-2004: Second Seeheim Conference on Magnetism, Seeheim, Germany, June 27- July 01, 2004. Session Chairman, Invited Talk, and Poster presentations N. S. Gajbhiye 83. SSP-2004: 8-th International Conference on SOLID STATE PHYSICS, Almaty, Kasakhstan, August 23 – 26, 2004, Session Chairman & Plenary Lecture on Magnetic Properties of Co and Ni Doped ε-Fe3N Nanoparticles. N. S. Gajbhiye 84. National Seminar on Applied Research on Solid State Chemistry and Nanotechnology (NSASN – 2005), Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, India, February 25 – 26, 2005, Keynote address on The Fascinating World of Materials and the Role of Solid State Chemistry. N. S. Gajbhiye 85. National Symposium on Advances in Material Science, Department of Physics, D. D. U. Gorakhpur, March 17 – 19, 2005, Poster Presentations. N. S. Gajbhiye 86. ACS meeting, Indianoplis, Indiana, USA June 2-4, 2004, Gave a talk titled Organobridged dicobaloximes: Synthesis and NMR study Gupta B.D. 87. New Synthetic Strategies for Tetrahydroisoquinoline, Indolo-fused and other Biologically Important Small Molecule Heterocycles, ICOB-4 & ISCNP-24: IUPAC International Conference on Biodiversity and Natural Products: Chemistry and Medical Applications, University of Delhi, New Delhi, January 26–31, 2004, H. Ila.

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88. 2nd International Symposium on Current Trends in Drug Discovery Research, CTDDR-2004, February 17-20, 2004, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, Chairperson of a session, H. Ila. 89. 6th Chemical Research Society of India National Symposium (CRSI), February 6-8, 2004, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, H. Ila. 90. Polarized Ketene S,S-, N,S- and N,N-Acetals: Versatile Building Blocks for Heterocycle Synthesis, Institute fur Organische Chemie Technical University, Dresden, Germany, 24th/ 25th June 2004, H. Ila. 91. Polarized Ketene Dithioacetals: Versatile Synthons for Regioselective Synthesis of Substituted Benzimidazoles and Pyrazoles, 21st International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-XXI), Madrid, Spain, July 4-9, 2004, H. Ila. 92. Delivered a Invited Lecture during International Symposium held at Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, August, 2004, H. Ila. 93. From Synthons to Bioactive Molecules: Efficient Strategies for Heterocycle synthesis, National Chemical Laboratories, Pune, 26th September, 2004, H. Ila. 94. Polarized Ketene S,S-, N,S- and N,N-Acetals: Versatile Building Blocks for Heterocycle Synthesis, Chemistry Biology Interface: Synergistic New Frontiers, November 21-26, 2004, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, New Delhi, November, 2004, H. Ila. 95. Polarized Ketene S,S-, N,S- and N,N-Acetals: Versatile Building Blocks for Heterocycle Synthesis, National Symposium on Chemistry at the Inorganic and Organic Interphase, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, 6-7th December, 2004, H. Ila. 96. Polarized Ketene S,S-, N.S- and N,N-Acetals: Versatile Building Blocks for Heterocycle Synthesis, University of Pondechery, December, 2004, H. Ila. 97. From Synthons to Bioactive Molecules: Efficient Strategies for Heterocycle Synthesis, XVIII National Symposium, Punjab University, Chandigarh, February, 2005, H. Ila. 98. CBISNF-04 (International Conference on ‘Chemistry Biology Interface: Synergistic New Frontiers’ held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi from 21 - 26 November 2004), Invited Lecture: Towards the Synthesis of Antibiotics, Pentenomycins and Streptazolins, F. A. Khan. 99. 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting in Anaheim, CA, as part of the Symposium on ‘Non-heme Iron Chemistry in Biology (March 28 - April 1, 2004) R. N. Mukherjee

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100. (2) International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC36), Merida, Mexico (July 18-23, 2004) R. N. Mukherjee 101. (3) Crystal Engineering Discussion 2004: New Trends in Crystal Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK; Invited to prepare a paper for publication in CrystEngComm (September 8-10, 2004) R. N. Mukherjee 102. (4) Indo-French Seminar on Structure and Function of Metalloenzymes, Goa; organized by Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advances Research, New Delhi (IFCPAR), Centre Franco-Indien Pour La Promotion de La Recherche Avanchee (CEFIPRA) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (December 3-5, 2004), R. N. Mukherjee 103. Third Symposium on Advances in Bioinorganic Chemistry (SABIC-2004) in conjunction with Second Asian Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (AsBIC-II), Goa; organized by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (December 5-10, 2004), R. N. Mukherjee 104. 23rd Conference of Indian Council of Chemists, K. C. College, Mumbai, 29th-31st October, 2004, Rao M.L.N. 105. Acted as a judge for Young Scientist Award for poster presentation in organic chemistry section, Rao M.L.N. 106. National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences, December 18-19, 2004; DAV (PG) college, Dehradun- 248 001, Rao M.L.N. 107. Invited Lecture on Recent Developments in carbon-carbon formation reactions involving organometallic reagents Rao M.L.N. 108. Participated 7th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry held on February 4-6, 2005 at IACS Calcutta, Sankar Prasad Rath. 109. Elementary chemical reactions: not so elementary! III Annual convention of Indian Association of chemistry Teachers, Science city, Ahmedabad, November 2004, N. Sathyamurthy. 110. Atoms and Molecules in confined environments, Indo-Japan workshop, Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata, Dec. 3-4, 2004, N. Sathyamurthy. 111. Dynamics of (H-,H2) collisions Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, BARC, Mumbai, Dec. 9-12,2004, N. Sathyamurthy. 112. Dynamics of certain ion-molecule processes, XV National conference on atomic and molecular physics, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Dec. 20-23, 2004, N. Sathyamurthy 113. CECAM workshop on Energy Localization, Lyon, France, September 2004, Presented a poster, Srihari K. 114. International Conference on Chemistry Biology Interface: Synergistic New Frontiers, New Delhi, 2004, Veejendra K. Yadav.

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115. First International symposium on design and construction of long lasting asphalt pavements, Auburn, 7-9th June, 2004, presented a contributed paper, Das, A. 116. International Conference on Structural and Road Transportation Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, 3rd to 5th January, 2005, presented a contributed paper and co-chaired a session, Das A. 117. Intl. Conf. on Hydrological Perspectives for Sustainable Development (HYPESD2005), February 23-25, 2005, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, presented contributed paper, Das A. 118. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada; August 1-6, 2004, Presented a Contributed Paper, Gupta V.K. 119. IGCP End of the Project Meeting, 12-18 December, 2004, Malaga, Spain, Gupta V.K. 120. Thirteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 1-6 August 2004, Murty, C.V.R. 121. Importance of maintenance technologies in the field of concrete, The First International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, Chiang Mai, October 28-29, 2004 [Invited lecture], GTaketo Uomoto and Sudhir Misra. 122. QC in concrete construction on the basis of acceptance criteria for compressive strength¸ The First International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, Chiang Mai, October 28-29, 2004, Arun Kumar, R. and Sudhir Misra,. 123. Participated in Indian Geotechnical Conference 2004 at Warangel, dated Dec. 18- 20, 2004 for presenting paper, Patra, N.R. 124. Title 13th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering Place Vancouver, B.C., Canada Dates August 1-6, 2004 Participation. Oral and poster presentation of two research papers, and meetings on Network of Earthquake Engineering Simulation and World Housing Encyclopedia, Rai, D.C. 125. Title Indo-US Joint NEES (Network of Earthquake Engineering Simulation) Workshop Place IIT Bombay Dates Jan 3-5, 2005 Participation. Oral presentation, Rai, D.C. 126. Title National Workshop on Experimental Methods in Earthquake Engineering Research Place IISc Bangalore Dates Feb 10-11, 2005 Participation. Oral presentation, Rai, D.C. 127. Parameterization of Ion Induced Nucleation of Sulphuric Acid and Water, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2004, Tripathi, S.N, Sanjeev Kumar, M.S. Modgil and E.R. Lovejoy.

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128. Black Carbon Absorption Over Kanpur (an Industrial City in the Indo- Gangetic Basin) Retrieved From AERONET Data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2004, Tripathi, S. N., Sagnik Dey, R.P. Singh. 129. Electrical charging of the clouds of Titan, presented in AGU Fall meeting in San Fransisco, Tripathi, S.N., W. J., Whitten, Borucki, W. J., R. C., Bakes, E. L. O. and Tripathi, S. 130. Model studies on atmospheric ion-induced nucleation of sulfuric acid and water: Interpretation of in-situ measurements, presentation in European First Space Weather Week, Noordwijk (The Netherlands), 29th- 3rd Dec. 2004, Vijay Kanawade and Tripathi, S. N. 131. Session chair for Tropospheric Aerosol Processes Session, American Geophyical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2004, Tripathi, S.N. 132. Five invited lectures in the 4th PG Course on Space and Atmospheric Science of CSSTEAP (Center for Space and Technology Education in Asia and Pacific) conducted at Physical Research laboratory, Ahemdabad, August 2004, Tripathi, S.N. 133. Sun HPC Consortium, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2004, Conference Attended, S.K Aggarwal 134. Supercomputing 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2004, Conference Attended, S.K Aggarwal 135. Advances in Computer Science and Technology 2004, St Thomas Island USA, Nov2004, Contributed Paper, S.K Aggarwal 136. FSTTCS 2004, Chennai, Dec 2004, Conference Attended, Manindra Agarwal 137. STACS 2005, Stuttgart, Feb2005, Invited Talk, Manindra Agarwal 138. Wireless Development, Djursland Denmark, Sep 2004, Invited Talk, Bhaskar Raman, Third workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, San Diego CA USA, Nov 2004, Contributed Paper, Bhaskar Raman 139. International Conference onVery Large Databases, Toronto Canada, Aug 2004, Contributed Paper, Sumit Ganguly. 140. International Conference On Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, Bhubaneswar, Dec 2004, Contributed Paper and Programme Chair, RK Ghosh 141. International Workshop on Distributed Computing, Kolkata, Dec 2004, Contributed Paper, RK Ghosh 142. 13th Use nix Security Symposium, San Diego, Aug 2004, Contributed Paper, Deepak Gupta 143. Fourth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Kolkata, Dec 2004, Chairing a Session, Phalguni Gupta

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144. International Conference on VLSI Design, Calcutta, Jan 2005, Conference Attended, Ajai Jain 145. International Conference on VLSI Design,Calcutta, Jan 2005, Conference Attended, S K Mehta 146. Indian Conference on Vision Graphics and Image Processing, Calcutta, Dec 2004, Conference Attended, Pabitra Mitra. 147. Embedded Systems Conference, Munich, Nov 2004, Contributed Paper, Rajat Moona. 148. International Conference on Field Programmable Technologies, Brisbane 149. Australia, Dec 2004, Contributed Paper, Rajat Moona 150. High Performance Computing, Bangalore, Dec 2004, Contributed Paper, Rajat Moona. 151. Sun Network Conference, Shanghai China, June 2004, Conference Attended, Dheeraj Sanghi 152. Microsoft Faculty Summit, Seattle, USA, Aug 2004, Conference Attended, Dheeraj Sanghi. 153. 11th Int'l Conf. on High Performance Computing, Bangalore, Dec 2004, Conference Attended, Dheeraj Sanghi. 154. FSTTCS 2004, Chennai, Dec 2004, Conference Attended, Anil Seth. 155. ISTRANS- 2004, New Delhi, Nov 2004, Conference Co- Chair, R.M.K Sinha. 156. SPLASH- 2004, New Delhi, Nov 2004, Conference Co-Chair, R.M.K Sinha. 157. 26 THAICL, Shillong, Dec 2004, Contributed Paper, R.M.K Sinha. 158. National Seminar on Contemporary, Delhi, March 2005, Contributed paper, R.M.K Sinha. 159. Landmarks on the American Scene: Then and Now, MELUS-India Conference, Panjab University, 28-29 March, 2005, G. Neelakantan. 160. De-Scribing the Indian Woman: New Autobiographical Ventures by Indian EnglishWomen Writers, National Seminar on `Fact and Fiction: Autobiography After the Death of the Author’, Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi, 10-12 March, 2005, Suchitra Mathur. 161. Language, Nation, Community: The Politics of Ethnicity in the Indian- English Novel, The Thirteenth International Triennial Conference of ACLALS, Hyderabad, 4-9 August 2004, Suchitra Mathur. 162. Caught Between the Gooddess and the Cyborg: The Politics of Science and Gender in Indian English Science Fiction, The National Women’s

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Studies Association Conference, Milwaukee, USA, 17-19 June, 2004, Suchitra Mathur. 163. Complex Predicates and Semantic Underspecification, ICOSAL-6, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2005, Achala M Raina. 164. Contrastive Polysemy Resolution in the Bilingual Mind, ICOSAL-6, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2005, Somshukla Banerjee, Achla M Raina. 165. Focus Particles in Complex Predicate Structures: Crosslinguistic Asymmetries, The 26th All India Conference of Linguists (AICL-26), Shillong, 2004, Achla M. Raina, K. Choudhary, A. Thakur, 166. Imagination in Amitav Ghosh’s Shadowlines, International Conference on Commonwealth Language & Literature, Hyderabad, Aug. 4-9, 2004, Mini Chandran. 167. Locating the White Writer in Post-apartheid South Africa, National Conference of Indian Association of Commonwealth Language & Literature Studies, Chennai, Feb. 9-12, 2005, Mini Chandran 168. From Resistance to Acceptance: A Wriggling Journey Between Despair and Hope in Rohinton Mistry’s Such a Long Journey, International Conference on Protest and Aftermath in Post-War Literature in English, Department of Post-Graduate Studies & Research in English, Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur in Association with Indira Gandhi National Open University, Aug. 20-21, 2004, T. Ravichandran 169. Grecian Urn in Garbage Can: The Postmodern Disabling of Ethics, Aesthetics and Axiology, The Second International Conference on Postmodernism, Globalisation and the Media, The Mudra Institute of Communication (MICA), Ahmedabad, India, the University of Limerick, Ireland and Tokyo Urban Tech, Japan, 5-7 March, T Ravichandran. 170. Pain in the Neck of a Theory of Meaning, National Seminar on Mind and Language, University of Hyderabad, Nov. 15-17, 2004, B.H. Boruah. 171. Autonomy and the Virtue of Self-legislation, National Seminar on 200 Years of Kant: An Examinatin of the Notions of Enlightenment, Autonomy and Terror, Goethe-Institute, Max Muller Bhavan, New Delhi, Neemrana for Palace, Rajasthan , Oct.7-9, B.H.Boruah. 172. Environmental Protection: The Role of Regulatory System in India, The Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Jan. 20-22, 2005, P.M. Prasad. 173. Return to Scale in Urban Bus Transport, 41st Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES), the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Jan. 20-22, 2005, S.K. Singh.

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174. Productvity, Prices and Profitability: A Case Study of Urban Bus Companies in India, 46th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics, Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, Dec. 16-18, 2004, S.K. Singh 175. Urban Bus Policy to Reduce Air Pollution and Congestion, Better Air Quality (BAQ) Workshop, Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), India and the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia), Agra, Dec. 6-8 2004, S.K. Singh 176. National Workshop on Liberalism, Indian Liberal Group, Mumbai, 15-18 October 2004, M. Jha 177. North Zone Regional Workshop on Curriculum on Human Development, Institute for Social Development, New Delhi in Association with Giri Institute for Development Studies, Lucknow, Sept. 13, 2004, M. Jha. 178. Tribal Health Issues and Challenges: A Study of Raigarh and Surguja Districts of Chhattisgarh, National Seminar on Tribal Demograhpy, Health and Development in India, Hotel Piccadily, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, February, 25-26, 2005, A. K. Sharma, A. K. Mishra, and Rita Singh. 179. Steering Development: Some Lessons from the Indian Villages, National Seminar on Rethinking Villages: An Interdisciplinary Discourse on Development, Modernity and Change, Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Instituasdte, Jhusi, Allahabad, 24-25 May 2004, A.K. Sharma. 180. Routes to General Population: Redefining Vulnerability, International Conference on People’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs in Asia: Progress, Achievements and Ways Forward, Organized by Centre for Operations Research and Training (CORT), Baroda, in collaboration with WHO, Population Council, Pathfinder International, Family Planning Association of India, CST-UNFPA Nepal, and CRDC Baroda, at The Claridges Hotel, New Delhi, 2-4 Dec. 2004, Ashish Kumar Mishra, S. K. Singh and A. K. Sharma. 181. Issues in Implementing Rural Development Programmes in India, National Seminar on Changing Perspectives of Rural Development: Emerging Challenges in the Context of Globalization, Department of Sociology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Feb. 17-18, 2005, A.K. Sharma and Rita Singh. 182. Sexual Behaviour among MSM: Problems and Prospects of Risk Reduction for STD/HIV, Ist National Conference of AIDS Society of India, April 2-4, 2005, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi Ashish Kumar Mishra, S. K. Singh, and A. K. Sharma.

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183. Religiosity and Spirituality in the Domain of Health: Some Observations, 8th International and 39th National Conference of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology on Positive Health and Well Being, The Department of Psychology, Maharishi Dayanand Univertisty, Rohtak, July, 15-17, 2004, R. Singh, A. Mehrotra and Shikha Dixit. 184. Facilitating Learning: A Framework for Effective Instruction, National Seminar on Enhancing Human Potential: Psychology Perspectives, Department of Psychology, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, Oct. 1- 2, 2004, Shikha Dixit. 185. The Concept of Quality of Life in Health and Illness: Some Relevant Issues, International Conference on Applied and Community Psychology: Trends and Directions, Department of Psychology, Gurukal Kangri University, Haridwar, Feb. 26-28, 2005. R. Singh, Shikha Dixit. 186. A Study of Objective and Perceived Disease Severity Among Cancer Patients, International Conference on Applied and Community Psychology: Trends and Directions, Department of Psychology, Gurukal Kangri University, Haridwar, Feb.26-28, 2005, A. Mehrotra and Shikha Dixit. 187. Human Development in a Rights Framework, National Seminar on Issue in Human Development, GB Pant Institute of Social Science, Allahabad, Oct.28-30, 2004, M. Jha. 188. Notion of Human Rights in India, National Seminar on Reconstructing Democratic Concerns in Modern India, Lokniti, Centre for the Study of developing Societies (CSDS), New Delhi, Oct. 8-10, 2004, M. Jha. 189. (31) The Competitiveness Index and Factors Affecting the Index, presented as Key Note Speaker in the International Conference on Creating Global Competitive Advantages, Laxpra Foundation, Udaipur, August 07- 08, 2004, K. K. Saxena, Ruchi Sharma. 190. Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment – A Review, accepted in the IIDS 6th International Seminar on WTO and An Asian Union, La Salean Institute, Colombo, November 27-28, 2004, K. K. Saxena, Ruchi Sharma. 191. Are Mental Kind Terms Rigid Designators, National Seminar on Mind and Language, University of Hyderabad, 2004, C. A. Tomy. 192. Projective Techniques: Can They be Standardized, Workshop on Standardization of Measures of Psychological Constructs, G.B. Pant Social Science Institute, Jhusi, Allahabad, July 11-12, 2004, L. Krishnan. 193. Concepts of Social Behaviour in India, International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China, Aug. 8-13, 2004, L. Krishnan.

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194. Reward-Cost Orientation and Reactions to Performance Feedback, 15th Annual Convention of the NAOP, K.S. Saket P.G. College, Ayodhya, March 4-6, 2005, L. Krishnan. 195. Enhancing the Role of Environmental Information for Improved ‘Decision Making’, Workshop programme organized by MOEF, Government of India at New Delhi, June 28, 2004, B. Rath. 196. Scope of Linking of Indian Rivers for Human Development of a Backward Region like Orissa, National Seminar on Issues in Human Development, GB Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad, October 29-30, 2004, B. Rath. 197. Performance Evaluation of Watershed Development Schemes in the KBK Districts of Orissa, 64th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, December, 15-17, 2004, B. Rath. 198. Scope of Water Harvesting System in Hilly Terrains: A case Study of Purunagarh Area of Angul District, 37th Annual Conference of Orissa Economic Association, Christ College Cuttack, February 19-20, 2005 B. Rath and N. C. Sahu. 199. Organized a Symposium on Current Contributions to Indian OB Research and Practice, the 15th Annual conference of the National Academy of Psycholology, KS Saket College Faizabad, March, 4 – 6, A. K. Sinha. 200. Not by Trust Alone: Explorations in Hospitality Industry Annual conference of the National Academy of Psycholology, KS Saket College Faizabad, March, 4 – 6, N. S. Bhullar and A. K. Sinha. 201. Keeping Security Service Personnel Functional: The Role of Some Organizational Level Variables, Annual conference of the National Academy of Psycholology, KS Saket College Faizabad, March, 4 – 6, N. S. Bhullar and A. K. Sinha. 202. Firm Size, Venture Status and Organizational Performance: An Experience from Indian Two-Wheeler Manufacturing Organizations, Annual conference of the National Academy of Psycholology, KS Saket College Faizabad, March, 4 – 6, A. K. Jain, and A. K. Sinha. 203. Urban Land use in India: A case Study of Urban Development Authorities, Conference on Law, Economics and Development, during March 31- April 1, 2005 at Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, P. M. Prasad. 204. Environmental protection: The Role of Regulatory System in India International Conference on Environment and Development: Developing Countries Perspectives, during 7-8 April 2005 at School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, P. M. Prasad.

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205. International Conference on Environmental Fluid Mechanics (ICFEM’05), IIT Guwahati, March 3-5, 2005, Ghorai, S. 206. WCNA 2004, Orlando, USA: June 30 – July 07’04, Kadalbajoo, M.K. 207. Attended first Indo German conference on PDE, Scientific 208. Computing and Optimization in Applications at University of Trier as a member of INSA delegation and delivered an invited talk on Spectral element methods for parabolic problems on parallel computers in September 2004. (This has been submitted to Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics which is bringing out a special issue on this conference), Dutt P. 209. Feb. 2005 and delivered a talk on Pulsating spectral element methods for Hyperbolic Problems (Currently under review in Mathematics of Computation) , Dutt P. 210. 6th International Conference of the Asia Pacific Operational Research Society, December 7th-11th 2003, New Delhi, Dutta J. 211. Dutta, J., 4th Internal Conference on Operations Research, 7th to 9th January 2004, ISI, Calcutta, Dutta J. 212. Dutta, J., World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, June 30th – July 7th, Orlando, U.S.A. 2004, Dutta J. 213. Dutta, P., 6th International Conference on Optimization Techniques and Applications, University of Ballarat, 9th-11th December 2004, Dutta P. 214. 37th Annual ORSI Convention, IIM Ahmedabad, 8-11th Jan. 2005, Sharma P. 215. International Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics held at I.I.T. Kanpur, from January 6, 2005, Misra N. 216. Conference on Mathematics, 2004 organized by Bharat Ganita Parishad and Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, Lucknow University, Lucknow in December, 2004, Manjul G. 217. National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its applications at Osmania University, Hyderabad, Feb. 9-10, 2005, Chandra P. 218. Wavelet Taylor Galerkin Method for Partial Differential Equations, World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, June 29-July 7, 2004, Orlando, USA, Rathish, B.V.K. 219. Wavelet Based Methods for NS Equations, Conference on Recent Trends in Nonlinear Analysis and its Appliations (CNAA-04, 11-13 Dec. 2004 at IIT, Mumbai, Rathish B.V.K. 220. WEB-Spline based Stabilized Mesh Free Methods for Viscous Fluids, National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Oct. 7-8, 2004, BITS, Pilani, Rathish B.V.K.

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221. Hemodynamics in Arteries under pathological conditions, National Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, NAL, Aug. 7-9, 2004, Bangalore, Rathish B.V.K. 222. International Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics at IIT Kanpur, during January 4th to 6th, 2005, Kundu D. 223. Analysis of a new step stress model, International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistics, held at the McMaster University, Canada, during July 15-16, 2004, Kundu D., Balakrishnan N. 224. Chairing a session on reliability, at the International Conference on future of Statistical Theory, Practice and Education, held at the Indian School of Business Hyderabad during 27th to 31st of December, 2004, Kundu D. 225. Prediction and Analysis of the Bubble Formation in Film Boiling, IMECE- 2004, Vol. 1 (ISBN: 0-7918-4178-2, November 13-19, 2004, Anaheim, California, USAA. Agrawal, G. Biswas, S.W.J. Welch and F. Durst. 226. National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics held at AMU, Aligarh, Feb. 2005, Presented an invited talk, Chaired a session, A.K. Mallik. 227. 31st Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power conference at Jadavpur University in December 2004. Chaired a session on Inverse techniques, K. Muralidhar. 228. 4th International Symposium on Fuels and Lubricants, Oct 27-29, 2004. Chairman, Technical Session on 'Gaseous Fuels', Attended & Invited Talk, B.P.Pundir. 229. Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine Concepts, National Seminar on Combustion under the aegis of The Combustion Institute (Indian Section), lIT Kanpur, Nov 8, 2004, B.P.Pundir. 230. Biodiesel - Its Potential as an Alternative Fuel, National Conference on Energy from Bio-Mass, LNCT, Bhopal, March 11-13, 2005, B.P.Pundir 231. 4th WSEAS International Conference on Wavelet analysis and multivariate systems, Athens, Greece, 28-12-04 to 01-05-05, Paper presentation, P.K. Panigrahi. 232. IASTA Meeting and International Conference on AEROSOLS, CLOUDS AND INDIAN MONSOON, November 15-17, 2004, IIT Kanpur. (Presented two contributed papers), Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 233. National Conference on Biodiesel, held at CIAE, Bhopal, 3-4 December 2004. (Presented two invited and two contributed papers), Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 234. ICES2005 ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2005 Spring Technical Conference, April 5-7, 2005, Chicago, IL, USA. (Chaired three sessions and presented two contributed papers), Avinash Kumar Agarwal.

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235. SAE World Congress 2005, April 11-14, 2005, Detroit, Chicago. (Chaired a session and presented three contributed papers), Avinash Kumar Agarwal. 236. 13th International Heat Pipe Conference, September 21-25, 2004, Key Note Lecture, Closed and open loop pulsating Heat Pipes, Sameer Khandekar. 237. 8th India-.Japan Joint seminar on Advanced Manufacturing Systems, February 20-26, 2005, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, N. Venkata Reddy. 238. Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC 2004), May 16-20, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Kamal K.Kar. 239. The XIV international congress on Rheology 2004, August 22-27, 2004, Seoul, Korea (Contributed Paper), Kamal K.Kar. 240. Numiform at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (USA), V.K.Jain. 241. ISEM held at Univ. of Edinburgh, Ediburgh (UK), V. K. Jain. 242. AIMTDR Conf. Held at V.I.T. Vellore, V.K.Jain. 243. Chaired a session on Micro-maching in 21st AIMTDR held at VIT Vellore, (TN), India, Dec. 2004, V.K.Jain. 244. Session chaired in National Confernce on Advancement in Engineering and Technology held at Jabalpur during Feb. 20-21, 2004 at Jabalpur and organised by Hitkarni College of Engineering and Technololgy, Jabapur, V.K.Jain. 245. The EPFL Latsis symposium – 2005 on Negative refraction: revisiting electromagnetics from microwaves to optics at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland on 28 Feb to 02 Mar 2005, presenting an invited talk entitled Designing super-lenses with negative refractive index materials S.A. Ramakrsihna. 246. International Workshop on Vortex Physics, TIFR, Mumbai, January 2005, R.C. Budhani. 247. RRNS-DAE Spintronics core group meeting at BARC, Feb. 16, 2005, R.C. Budhani. 248. Some general results for non-covariant gauges in Yang-Mills theory, Invited Plenary Talk in THEP-1 Conference at IIT Roorkee, March 16-20, 2005, S.D. Joglekar. 249. Violation in Non-local Quantum Field Theory, Invited Talk in THEP-1 Conference at IIT Roorkee, March 16-20, 2005, S.D. Joglekar. 250. DAE-BRNS, Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Variable Energy Cyclotron Center, Kolkata, March 1-5, 2005, Invited Oral Presentation, S. Bhattacharjee.

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251. Invited talk at International Conference on Complex Networks: Statphys Kokkata V, a satellite meeting of STATPHYS 22, Kolkata, June 2004, D. Chowdhury 252. Invited talk at International Conference on Pattern Formation in Nonequilibrium Systems, a satellite meeting of STATPHYS 22, Kolkata, July 2004, D. Chowdhury. 253. Contributed talk at STATPHYS 22: International Conference of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics on Statistical Physics, Bangalore, July 2004, D. Chowdhury. 254. Invited talk at Life Science Interface Workshop, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K., coordinated by the British High Commission in India, January 2005, D. Chowdhury. 255. Presented an invited talk titled Melting of heterogenous vortex matter: the vortex nanoliquid at the xth international vortex state studies workshop (IVW-X) at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, 9th – 14th Jan, 2005, S.S. Banerjee. 256. Presented an invited tutorial talk titled Magneto-optical imaging of superconductors at a satellite tutorial session arranged prior to the the xth international vortex state studies workshop (IVW-X) at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, 7th – 9th Jan, 2005, S.S. Banerjee. 257. International Conference on Optical Probe 2005, held at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore on 04-08 January, 2005, Y.N. Mohapatra. 258. To attend International Conference on Materials Research Society 2005 (MRS), Sanfransico, CA, USA, on March 28 to April 1, 2005, Y.N. Mohapatra. 259. 20th General Conference of Condensed Matter Division European Physical Society, 19-23 July, 2004, Prague, Czech Republic; Presented a poster. Z. Hossain 260. 49th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Amritsar, Dec 26-30, 2004. (Invited Talk), S. Kumar. 261. Attended International String Theory Workshop ISM04 at Khajuraho, Dec 2004. Organization, G. Sengupta. 262. Living on the Edge: The search for a Multi-dimensional world – TIFR Institute Colloquium, TIFR Bombay, March 2004, Invited talk by S. Raychaudhuri. 263. A Critique of New Physics Expectations at a TeV – DAE High Energy Physics Symposium, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, November 2004, Invited talk by S. Raychaudhuri.

293 Annual Report 2004-2005



1. Design and development of a novel vortex combustor, D.P. Mishra. 2. Estimation algorithm for parameter estimation of a projectile using radar tracked data, A K Ghosh. 3. S. Garg. A cheap method for Methyl-ester estimation in biodiesel production. Further refinement of the methodology underway. 4. J.P. Gupta, ‘Study of runaway reactions’. 5. Funded by Dr Arindam Bose, an alumnus, this project is to study runaway reactions in chemical industry so appropriate procedures can be put in place to minimize this event and also to contain the consequences if it should occur. A greatly improved version of an equipment, costing in import over Rs. 20 lacs (over $40,000), has been designed and fabricated for approx. Rs. 3 lacs ($6,000). It incorporates Labview software for operations purposes. Its design will be released so more companies can afford to conduct tests. Thorough testing of the equipment will soon start. (Jointly with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, ACMS) 6. Methodology to generate suitably substituted cyclopentenes for meaningful drug-design and drug-development, Veejendra K. Yadav. 7. Methodology to generate 2,4-6-trisubstituted tetrahydropyrans for meaningful drug-design and drug-development, Veejendra K. Yadav. 8. Methodology for the transformation of nitrles into industrially useful imidates, Veejendra K. Yadav. 9. Sanjeev K Aggarwal, Tools for Programme Quality Testing, Technology commercialized by STQC, DIT. 10. Bhaskar Raman, The 2P MAC protocol (modification for performance improvement, Implementation in open source HostAP driver), further development needed. 11. Rajat Moona, Smart Card OS for Id Applications., Ready for transfer and Deployment. 12. B M Shukla, Indian Railway Information System. It is a superset database for Indian Railway. 13. Till now it is developed as Open Domain. It needs more money for further development & data collection. 14. B M Shukla, Web based Horoscope Casting & Match Making Package (Open Domain)

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15. B M Shukla, Hindi Film Information Software (Under Continuous Data updation), (Open Domain). 16. B M Shukla, On Line Web based Hindi Film Information System (Open Domain). 17. B M Shukla, Plants of India" V 2 web based Software. Software transferred to NBRI in May 2004.


1. Numerical simulation of droplet combustion, D P Mishra. 2. Software for parameter estimation of a projectile using radar tracked data, Handed over to ARDE Pune, A. K. Ghosh. 3. Software for stability analysis of ribbon stabilized non-spinning bomblet/ ammunition, Handed over to ARDE, Pune, A. K. Ghosh. 4. S. Garg, "JACA: Java implementation of Adaptive Centroid Algorithm for gene expression Profiling". Further development to add gene pathway analysis underway. 5. Chakroborty, Partha, “A GIS based software for transit trip planning,” the software needs some slight modifications on the GUI. 6. Dr. P.M. Dixit, Wrinkling Prediction in Deep Drawn Cup. Further development needed. 7. Dr. Anupam Saxena, Software on reconstruction of 3D solids using multiple orthographic views with Amitesh Mishra 8. Dr. Anupam Saxena, Software on Automated Modular Fixture planning with Prince Malik, Srikant Bansal and N V Reddy


1. Peer Review Meeting At ARDE, Pune for “Trajectory Correction system for PINAKA” with IMI, Israel 10th April, 2004, A K Ghosh. 2. Peer Review Meeting at ARDE, Pune for “Project Enhanced of range rocket 122mm, 11th Jan, 2005, A K Ghosh. 3. G. Deo, Visit to Lehigh University, Bethlehem USA for Research on Heterogeneous Catalysis from May, 2004 to December, 2004.Patents 4. Delivered two lectures at a UGC-Refresher Course in Osmania University, Hyderabad 18-10-2004, V. Chandrasekhar, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany, Collaborative Research, June 10-July 9, 2004, Chandra A.

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5. Das, A., visited Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA from 10th May to 2nd July, 2004 and did collaborative research works. 6. Das, A., visited Transportation Infrastructure Division, L&T Chennai, on 5th November, 2004, gave a talk on “Chances that a bituminous mix design will meet specifications” and had a detailed discussion on possible collaborative research with IIT Kanpur, IIT Madras and L&T Chennai. 7. Lohani, B., LEOS, ISRO, Bangalore, to discuss development of a Chandrayan instrument, 25-26 February 2005 8. Rajat Moona, Mentor Graphics Hyderabad, ECIL Hyderabad, Infosys Bangalore, Free scale. 9. IIIT Hyderabad, Dheeraj Sanghi. 10. IIIT Allahabad, Dheeraj Sanghi. 11. Pant Institute of Social Sciences Allahabad, Dheeraj Sanghi. 12. AK College of Engineering Srivilliputur, TN, Dheeraj Sanghi. 13. Univ. of Texas Austin, USA, Dheeraj Sanghi. 14. CDAC Hyderabad, Dheeraj Sanghi. 15. Shoghi Communications Ltd. New Delhi, Dheeraj Sanghi. 16. Cisco Inc., San Francisco USA, Dheeraj Sanghi. 17. Microsoft Corpn. Seattle USA, Dheeraj Sanghi. 18. Hughes Software Systems Gurgaon, Dheeraj Sanghi. 19. SIFY New Delhi, Dheeraj Sanghi. 20. MCTE Mhow, Dheeraj Sanghi. 21. TRAI, New Delhi, Dheeraj Sanghi. 22. ERNET New Delhi, Dheeraj Sanghi. 23. EDCI Noida, Dheeraj Sanghi. 24. Larsen & Toubro- Management Development Center, Dr. J Chatterjee. 25. TIFAC, DST, Dr. J Chatterjee. 26. Siemens Public Communication Networks Ltd, Dr. J Chatterjee. 27. Pulsar Knowledge Center, Dr. J Chatterjee. 28. Wataniya Telecom, Kuwait, Dr. J Chatterjee. 29. Showtime, Dubai, Dr. J Chatterjee. 30. Burgen Bank, Kuwait, Dr. J Chatterjee. 31. APAC study group for Product Life Cycle Management Institute, Singapore for Product Development Management Association, New Jersey, Dr. J Chatterjee. 32. The expert group on’ IT based Applied project management’ at MHRD, Dr. J Chatterjee. 33. ITC e-Choupal and Karnataka Bhoomi Project Development Centers, Dr. J Chatterjee.

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34. Research Centre Imarat, Defence Research & Development Laboratories, Hyderabad, Dr. J Chatterjee. 35. Ghorai, S., University of Glasgow, BOYSCAST fellowship on Design of Efficient Numerical/Qualitative methods for solving differential equations, 30/01/2004-23/07/2004. 36. Rawat, R., In International workshop on Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces”, held from June 21, 04 to July 9, 04 in ISI, Bangalore and jointly organised by IIT Kanpur & ISI Calcutta. 37. Bahuguna. D., Delivering series of lectures on “Ordinary Differential Equations” and Laplace Transforms”, for Chattisgarh Universities. 38. Bahuguna, D., Participated and Chaired a session in the International Congress of Nonlinear Analysis – WCNA-2005 at Orlando, Florida, USA, June 1-8, 2004. 39. Sharma, P., “Minimising Makespan of Deteriorating Jobs: An Efficient Heuristic”, The 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming”, Technical University of Denmark Copenhagon, Denmark, Aug. 2003. 40. Sharma, P., Gupta, A., “An Efficient Local Search Scheme for Mean Absolute Deviation Problem”, 37th Annual ORSI Convention, IIM Ahmedabad, January 2005. 41. Ray, S.K., Harmonic analysis on noncompact rank one symmetric spaces”, ISI, Bangalore. 42. Rathish, B.V.K., ICMB 2004, Feb. 19-22, 2004. 43. Chandra, P. delivered two lectures on Biofluid Mechanics at Department of Mathematics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Feb. 11, 12, 2005. 44. Chandra, P., Will be delivering lectures at National Workshop on “Biomechanics” March 18-19, 2005 at Kamala Inst. Tech. and Science, Huzurabad. 45. Shalabh, Institute of Statistics, Ludwig Maximillian University, Munich., Germany in 2004. 46. Shalabh, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany in 2004. 47. Shalabh, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan in 2004. 48. Kundu, D., Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 49. Kundu, D., Editorial Board Member of the Journal Statistics and Its Applications. 50. Kundu, D., Editorial Board Member of the Journal Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods.

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51. Kundu, D., Editorial Board Member of the Journal Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. 52. Sharma, P., Co-Editor of the Special Edition of Journal of Applied Mathematics & Decision Sciences. 53. Dr. A.K. Mallik, Bose Corporation- Boston- June, 2004. Possible collaboration between Bose Corp. & IIT Kanpur. 54. Dr. P.K. Panigrahi, AIR BUS, Bremen, 15th March, 2005. 55. Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, 7th April, 2005. 56. Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Photonics Institute, Technical University of Vienna, Austria, June 2004. 57. Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, AVL Research and Development Center, Gurgaon, July 2004. 58. Dr. N.Venkata Reddy Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur, March 21-23, 2005. 59. Dr. Kamal K. Kar Avadh Rubber Limited, Lucknow and DMSRDE, Kanpur Purpose: Utilization of Instrumental facilities. 60. A.K. Majumdar – Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fur Nanotechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, May-June 2004. 61. A.K. Majumdar – Low-temperature Physics Laborator6 of Helsinki University of Technoology, Helsinki, Finland. To interact with scientists and specially the Director and to give invited talk, May 20-24, 2004. 62. S.A. Ramakrishna – Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, Collaborative research and to give a course entitled “Quantum Optis” to the struduate students, 10 May – 05 June 2004. 63. S.A. Ramakrishna – Imperial College London, Collaborative Research, 10 June – 25 July 2004. 64. R.C. Budhani – visited Superconductivity Research Centre, University of Maryland, May-June 2004. 65. R.C. Budhani – visited CRISMAT Laboratory, Caen, France, June-July 2004. 66. S. Bhattacharjee – visited Nuclear Science Center, New Delhi for Scientific Interaction, 15-17 December, 2004. 67. S. Bhattacharjee – visited Nuclear Science Center, New Delhi for Invited Presentation, 28-29 March, 2005. 68. Z. Hossain - Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, for collaborative research, June 1- July 23, 2004. 69. Z. Hossain - NPL, New Delhi, to visit low temperature facility, September 2004 (one day).

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70. Z. Hossain - Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, for collaborative research, December 1- 24, 2004. 71. S. Kumar - Samtel Technology Lab, Ghaziabad. 72. V.V. Sreedhar – Institute of Theoretical Physics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, June-August, 2004.


1. A Wind Turbine System which uses a Flexible Cable for Transmission of Torque & Mechanical Power”. Kunal Ghosh. 2. A Patent filed in collaboration with NIO Goa, NCCS Pune, AIIMS and ICGEB New Delhi. The patent has been filed to India and U.S.A. also “Novel Molecules to develop drug for the treatment of Osteoporosis”Rao, K.V.S.; Wani, M.R.; Manivel, V.; Parameswaran, P.S.; Singh, V.K.; Anand, R.V.; Mishra, G.C.; Chatterji, A. 0412NF2003, WO, 31/12/2003, PCT/IN03/00431. 3. Amitabh Mikerjee, Prakash, Manu, Gaurav Sharma, “Invention Disclosure form”, Title of Invention: Programmable Blocks. (Formal Provisional Patent Filed through Anand and Anand with Indian patent office August 04. 4. Amitabha Mukerjee and Sarala Verma, “Programmable Interface without Computer”, Initial Disclosure Filed through Media Lab Asia March 2004. 5. S. Sundar Manoharan, Magnetoresistive CrO2 – Polymer Composite Blends,) Granted US Patent 6,793,841 B2 Sept 21, 2004. 6. Dr G. C. Ray, Patent on "Anaesthesia Monitor": Provisional Patent (No. 167/DEL/2004) February, 2004. 7. Dr S. P Das, Dr. K. S. Venkatesh, Pankaj Agarwal, and Rajendu Choubisa “Design and Development of a Power Supply for Personal Computer (Built-in UPS or BUPS) in Place of a Conventional SMPS and UPS Combination” submitted on 26th July 2004. 8. Dr Animesh Biswas, “Dielectric Resonator”, Application No: 1972/DEL/2004, Co-Investigators:K.V.Srivastava and V.V.Mishra. 9. Dr. Kamal K. Kar, "A process for preparation of micron sized high molecular weight polymer", Reference # 2503/DEL/2004 (INDIA), Dated 16th December 2004. 10. Dr. Kamal K. Kar, "A method of preparing fiber reinforced plastic articles using rubber pressure moulding technique, Reference # 2078/DEL/2004 (INDIA) Dated 25th October 2004.

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11. White Light Emitting Zinc based OLED, Inventors: Y. N. Mohapatra, Samarendra P. Singh, S. S. Manoharan, and Q. Mohammad (Patent No.: 1776/DEL/2004). 12. S. Kumar - Patent granted: A process for depositing a polycrystalline carbon film resembling a diamond film on stainless steel substrate, No. 191198.


1. C. Venkatesan elected as a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering. 2. Member, Advisory Board, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, John Wiley & Sons, Sanjay Mittal. 3. Member of the Organizing Committee of the Indo-US Frontiers of Science Symposium conducted in January 2005 by the Indo-US Forum, DST, Sanjay Mittal. 4. Member of the Organizing Committee IUTAM Symposium for Laminar Turbulent Transition, Jawaharlal Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India, 2004, Sanjay Mittal. 5. Member of the Organizing Committee International Seminar on Technologies & Trends in Development of Para Recovery System (PARA INTERNATIONAL 05), Agra, India, March 15-17, 2005, Sanjay Mittal. 6. Member of the Organizing Committee Seventh National Conference on Air- breathing Engines (NCABE 2004), IIT Kanpur, November 5-7, 2004, Sanjay Mittal. 7. Certificate of Merit for 2003-2004 from Institution of Engineers (India) for paper titled, “Trajectory Modeling of an Artillery Shell Using Feed Forward Neural Networks, A K Ghosh. 8. Two of the faculty members have received the prestigious “Wellcome Trust International Senior Research Fellowship award” from United Kingdom: Balaji Prakash: “Structural Studies on GTPases and EDG Family G Protein- Coupled Receptor”, July 2004 – June 2009, Approx. Rs 266 lakhs. GTPases are Guanosine Tri-Phosphate (GTP) binding proteins that control multiple biochemical pathways in the cell. Hydrolysis of GTP by GTPases requires the crucial role of a highly conserved amino acid Glutamine. Mutation of this Glutamine in one such GTPase, called Ras, leads to cancers and search for drugs is a difficult task. Since three-dimensional structure of a protein dictates its function, drugs can be designed based on this knowledge. Although a lot is now understood about Ras and its structure, little success

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has come by way of drugs. The project proposed here aims to provide an alternative methodology to facilitate this goal. We wish to understand how certain atypical GTPases carry out GTP hydrolysis, despite carrying oncogenic (cancerous) mutations. These GTPases (HAS-GTPases) are atypical because the essential glutamine is substituted by a hydrophobic residue, which cannot perform the same role. Using Bioinformatics, Biochemistry and Structural biology as major methodologies, we wish to understand the novel catalytic mechanisms underlying the function of these proteins. This knowledge will provide the structural framework for anti-Ras drug design. 9. V. Shankar, INSA Medal for Young Scientist (2004) awarded by the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi for scientists under the age of 32. Award received at INSA Annual meeting held at Chennai, December 27 2004. 10. V. Shankar, Selected as an Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore for the years 2004 - 2007. A. Sharma, Professor Gopal Tripathi Memorial University Lecture, Banaras Hindu University (2005). 11. N. Verma, Humboldt Research Fellowship (2004-05). 12. Fellow of Indian Academy Sciences, Bangalore, V Chandra. 13. Member, International Advisory Committee for the SCM-2004: Second Seeheim Conference on Magnetism, Seeheim, Germany, June 27- July 01, 2004, N. S. Gajbhiye. 14. SSP-2004: 8-th International Conference on SOLID STATE PHYSICS, Almaty, Kasakhstan, August 23 – 26, 2004, N. S. Gajbhiye. 15. Member, National Advisory Committee for the NSASN – 2005: National Seminar on Applied Research on Solid State Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Annamalai University, February 25 – 26, 2005. 16. NSAMS – 2005: National Symposium on Advances in Material Science, D.D.U.Gorakhpur, March 17 – 19, 2005, N. S. Gajbhiye. 17. Chairperson, Project Advisory Committee (PAC, Organic); DST New Delhi, H. Ila. 18. Chairperson, WOS-I (Women Scientist Scheme, Chemical science), DST, New Delhi, H. Ila. 19. Member, Science and Engineering Research Cell (SERC), DST, New Delhi, H. Ila. 20. Member, Chemical Sciences and Technology Committee CSIR, New Delhi (for selection of SRF and RA), Awarded B. M. Birla Science Prize in Chemical Sciences for the year 2003 (2004), F. A. Khan.

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21. Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A, 2005, R N Mukherjee. 22. Member, Sectional Committee in Chemistry, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (2004 – ), R N Mukherjee. 23. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award, V K Singh. 24. Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), V K Singh. 25. Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc), V K Singh. 26. Das, A., INAE Young Engineer Award –2004 by Indian National Academy of Engineers. 27. Gupta, V.K., became Fellow of “Indian National Academy of Engineering” effective from January, 2005. 28. Gupta, V.K., became Foreign Member of “Russian Academy of Natural Sciences” effective from April, 2004. 29. Gupta, V.K., got Kapitsa Medal from “Russian Academy of Natural Sciences” in 2004. 30. Gupta, V.K., gave Keynote Address in the inaugural ceremony of the 3-week long training programme under the “National Programme for Capacity Building of Engineers in Earthquake Risk Management” at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani on December 13, 2004. 31. Rai, D.C., Awards and Honours Title Technical Textbook Award Awarded by All India Council of Technical Education for to Hindi translation of IAEE Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-Engineered Construction. 32. Singh, R.P., Vice President GeoRisk Commission of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. 33. Singh, R.P., Member, Editorial Board, International J. Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis, UK. 34. Sinha, Rajiv, National Mineral Award, Ministry of mines, Government of India. 35. Mainak Choudhory, Best paper award, 11th IEEE International Symposium on High- Performance Computer Architecture, February 2005. 36. R.M.K. Sinha, Member National Technical Advisory Committee of Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC). 37. Inclusion in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2004. G. Neelakantan. 38. Dr. Sanjeev Swami, 2004 AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) Career Award for Young Teachers. 39. Dr. Sanjeev Swami, 2004 DST (Department of Science and Technology), Govt. of India, Fast Track Proposal for Young Scientist Awardee. 40. Jacob Wolfowitz Award 2003 for theoretical advances in Mathematical and Management Sciences for the research paper “Simultaneous Multiple

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Comparisons with the Worst and Best”, Awarded by American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences. 41. Rathish, B.V.K. C.L. Chandna Award by Canadian World Education Foundation for excellent teaching and research in Statistics, in the year 2004. 42. Chandra, P., Member of PAC (Mathematical Sciences), DST, New Delhi. 43. Kundu, D., C.L. Chandna Award by Canadian World Education Foundation for excellent teaching and research in Statistics, in the year 2004. 44. R. Balasubramaniam: Member of Advisory Board, Materials Science Research India Journal. 45. R. Balasubramaniam: Co-Chairman, International Conference on Corrosion CORCON2004, NACE International India Section, New Delhi, December 2- 4, 2004. 46. R. Balasubramaniam: Chairman, Infinity Meeting on History of Science and Technology in India, Kanpur, January 14-17, 2005. 47. Bikramjit Basu: Indian National Science Academy medal for ‘Young Scientist’ in Engineering Sciences, 2005. 48. Bikramjit Basu: ‘Young Engineer Award’ of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), 2004. 49. Bikramjit Basu: ‘Young Metallurgist Award’ of IIM by Ministry of Steels and Mines, Govt. of India, 2004. 50. Dr. Gautam Biswas appointed as the Associate Editor to the Journal of Heat Transfer Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) with effect from January 2006. 51. Dr. A.K. Mallik elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India (Allahabad) - 2004. 52. Dr. A.K. Mallik Distinguished Teacher Award- IIT Kanpur (2004). 53. Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Career Award for Young Teachers, awarded by AICTE 2004. 54. S.A. Ramakrishna – Young Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 2004-2007. 55. R.C. Budhani – Materials Research Society of India - Medal 2005. 56. R.C. Budhani – Elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Science. 57. R.C. Budhani – Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society. 58. Anjan K. Gupta – awarded Young Associate, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India.

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1. Organized a QIP short term course “Applied Combustion”, 14-18th February 2005, IIT, Kanpur, D. P. Mishra. 2. CEP Course On “Ballistics in Armaments” from 30th Aug,2004 – 3rd Sep, 2004 at ARDE, Pune, A K Ghosh. 3. CEP Course on “Flight Dynamics, Stability and Control” from 16th – 20th Aug, 2004 at DRDL, Hyderabad, A K Ghosh. 4. J.P. Gupta organised a conference on the 20th Anniversary of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy: ‘International Conference on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy and its Effects on Process Safety’, December 1- 3, 2004, I.I.T., Kanpur. It was attended by delegates from 26 countries. An exhibition of photos of the tragedy by the famous photographer Mr. Raghu Rai was held. Videos on the Bhopal tragedy and the current situation there were screened. A group of 35 participants travelled to Bhopal to see the Union Carbide plant that caused the tragedy. They visited the hospital where most autopsies were done and viscera are kept. An international group was formed to work to alleviate the current situation in Bhopal. There was a lot of coverage in the press and visual media. Further details are available at the web page 5. S. K. Gupta, Co-Coordinator, SERC School on Modeling of Industrial Reactors, IIT Kanpur, July 12 – 17, 2004 (42 participants, including 9 from industry /R&D labs). 6. D. Kunzru, co-Coordinator, SERC School on Modelling of Industrial Reactors, July7-12, 2005, IIT Kanpur. A. Sharma, Coordinator, SERC School on Colloids and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Research Challenges, IIT Kanpur, February 7-11, 2005. A. Sharma, Coordinator, Advanced Workshop on Microfabrication, Self- assembly, MEMS and NEMS, IIT Kanpur, December 17-24, 2004. 7. Das, A., Short course at IIT Kanpur: (a) proportioning of concrete mixes, and, (b) development and utilization of special concretes Invited lectures (March, 2004). 8. Das, A., Concrete day celebrations, Indian Concrete Institute, Allahabad Chapter, Variations in concrete compressive strength – A serious concern in QC Invited lecture on Sept 26, 2004. 9. Conducted at IIT Kanpur on 28-29 November 2004, a National Workshop on Introducing Earthquake Resistant Design in Architecture Curriculum to develop a model curriculum and debate issues related to earthquake

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engineering education. About 60 persons from all over the country participated. 10. Conducted at Bhuj on 3-5 November 2004 along with Alpa R. Sheth, VMS Consulting Engineers, Bombay, a workshop in association with Babtie India Limited, Ahmedabad, on Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Issues and Scrutiny of Drawing for municipal engineers to train them on how to scrutinize the designs submitted to municipal offices for scrutiny. 11. Conducted at New Delhi on 23-25 June 2004, a workshop in association with Government of NCT of Delhi on Capacity Building in Earthquake Engineering for engineers to train them on basic concepts in earthquake resistant design of RC structures. 12. Conducted at Visakhapatnam on 7-8 June 2004, a workshop in association with the Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India), Hyderabad Chapter, Hyderabad, on Indian Seismic Code IS: 1893(Part1)-2002 to provide train practicing professionals on the new Indian seismic code. 13. Murty, C.V.R. Murty, Short Course on Architecture for Earthquake Resistance of Buildings for architecture college teachers at: A. I.I.T.Kanpur in 17-21 January 2005 (24 participants under NPEEE) B. SCET, Surat in March 2005 (38 participants under NPEEE) C. Sensitisation of Architects of Indian Institute of Architects, 14 April 2004 at Jammu, 04 September 2004 at Chandigarh D. Sensitisation of Polcity Makers of Government of NCT Delhi 13 December 2004 at New Delhi. 14. Rai, D.C., Introduction to Earthqauke Engineering Type Sponsored by IRDT, Kanpur, IIT Kanpur Dates June 14-18, 2004 Number attended 22. 15. Sinha, Rajiv, Tectonic Geomorphology, Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, 3-7 May, 2004, 25 participants from Academia. 16. Conducted a self-sponsored workshop on “Recycling and other Pavement Rehabilitation Methods”, during February 8-10, 2005 at IIT Kanpur. A total of 38 persons from various parts of the country (from both Industry and academia) attended the workshop. 17. Lohani, B. PWD Assam Engineers Course: Delivered lectures on Geoinformatics. Completed half of the video lecture series under NPTEL on BasicSurveying. 18. R.K Ghosh, Workshop on wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, Kanpur August 14, 2004. 19. Deepak Gupta organized a workshop titled 2nd Annual IIT Kanpur Hackers Workshop (IIT Hack 2005), March 2005.

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20. T V Prabhakar, Software Architecture: Do and Describe, Bangalore, May 2005. 21. T V Prabhakar, Topics in Software Architecture, New Delhi, November 2005. 22. T V Prabhakar, Software Architecture, Infosys, Bangalore, June 2005. 23. Nandini Gupta, Theoretical and Experimental Investigation into an Artificial Tree Channel in High Voltage Polymeric Insulation, sponsored by DST under DST-SERC Fast Track program for Young Scientists. 24. Nandini Gupta, Experimental Investigation into the Mechanisms of Electrical Treeing in High Voltage Cable Insulation, sponsored by MHRD under R&D scheme. 25. Nandini Gupta, Modeling of the Gaseous Discharge in Stationary Plasma Thruster, sponsored by DIT, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, New Delhi. 26. P.K. Kalra, Development of Independent Component Analysis Based Blind Source Separation Algorithms for Audio / Image Separation, sponsored by BESCOM, Bangalore. 27. P.K. Kalra, Development of Cost to Serve (CoS) MODEL for BESCOM, Bangalore, sponsored by CRISIL Limited Mumbai. 28. P.K. Kalra, Development of IT-enabled Trading system for NVVN and setting up of Power Exchange at National Level sponsored by CHIPS Raipur. 29. P.K. Kalra, Development of Application for Printing of MAPS, sponsored by MHRD. 30. P.K. Kalra, Modeling of Human Perception through Eye-Movement Matrices and Visual-Motor Control, sponsored by NBRC, Gurgaon. 31. P.K. Kalra, Development of Methodologies for Extracting Information from the Neuro-Informatics Data, sponsored by IISU, ISRO. 32. P.K. Kalra, Modeling, Classification and Fault Detection of Sensors using Intelligent Methods. 33. S. P. Das, A Utility Friendly Four Quadrant Induction Motor Drive System for Traction and Industrial Applications, sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, NewDelhi, 2002. 34. P. Sensarma, Custom Power and Improvement of Power Quality at Critical Load Centers in the Distribution Network, sponsored by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. 35. P. Sensarma, National Mission Project on Power Electronics Technology (a Nationwide effort of premier institutes to design, develop and deploy Power Electronics Technology), sponsored by Ministry of Communications and IT, Govt. of India.

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36. S.C. Srivastava, Strategies for Promotion of Energy Efficient and Cleaner Technologies in the Power Sector, sponsored by AIT, Thailand. 37. S.C. Srivastava, Enhancement of Power Systems’ performance using FACTS in competitive power market, sponsored by CPRI Bangalore, (MoP). 38. S.C. Srivastava, Assessment and Analysis of Electric Power Quality Problems using Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Digital Signal Processing Techniques, sponsored by DST, New Delhi. 39. G. C. Ray, A Multipurpose Talking Aid for the Blinds, sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development. 40. Animesh Biswas, Development of anisotropic ceramic dielectric resonator for miniature microwave circuit application, sponsored by DST, New Delhi. 41. P. Sensarma, Custom Power and Improvement of Power Quality at Critical Load Centers in the Distribution Network, sponsored by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. 42. P. Sensarma, National Mission Project on Power Electronics Technology (a nationwide effort of premier institutes to design, develop and deploy Power Electronics Technology), sponsored by, Ministry of Communications and IT, Govt. of India. 43. R.S. Anand, Evaluation of organo-fullerene Based material for photo sensing photovoltaic &electro luminescence properties, sponsored by DMSRDE (DRDO). 44. R.S.Anand, Integration of Silicon and Organic Semi conductors For Light Emission, sponsored by MHRD. 45. Joseph John, Design and Development of Indoor and Outdoor wireless links for high speed data communications, sponsored by MHRD project R&D project. 46. A Short-term QIP course on “Communication Skills for Engineers”, sponsored by the AICTE, was conducted between 18th and 23rd of October 2004 at IIT Kanpur. The Course Coordinators were Prof. Lilavati Krishnan and Dr. T. Ravichandran (Department of HSS). Twenty-five teachers of various engineering colleges and institutes of technology all over the country participated in the course. 47. IME Faculty, Course on Materials Management for Indian Railway Officers at IIT Kanpur, November 2004. 48. Anoop Singh, five day short-course on “Challenges and Implementation Issues post Electricity Act 2003: Regulatory, Policy & Technical Solutions”, April 10-14, 2004.

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49. Anoop Singh, "Investment Opportunities for Power Sector in the North East - Mining the Electricity Act 2003" Energy Summit IV, 23rd –24th September 2004, Guwahati. 50. Anoop Singh, “An Assessment of Power Sector Regulation in India”, SARI/Energy Regional Regulation Partnership Executive Meeting, July 19- 21, 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 51. Anoop Singh, “Economics of Energy Markets”, Workshop on PDOE Module, Bangkok, June 9 – 12, 2004. 52. Anoop Singh, “Institutional Aspects of Electricity Trade in South Asian Region”, Workshop on Energy Statistics and Analysis Requirements in Support of Regional Energy Trade Evaluation, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 31 – June 4 2004. 53. Anoop Singh, Workshop presentation at “Energy Statistics and Analysis” Workshop, January 6-7, 2005, New Delhi. 54. Veena Bansal, Evaluation, Rating ans certification of Web pages, IIITM, Tiruvananthapuram, Kerala in May 2004. 55. Dr. A.K. Mallik, Conducted a course for Engineers of Lohia Starlinger Limited, Kanpur. 56. Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, A one-week short course sponsored by Chattisgarh Government for engineering college teachers entitled" Alternative Fuels and advances in Engines" at Government Engineering College, Raipur from 16-20th October 2004. 57. Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, A one-week short course sponsored by Quality Improvement Program for engineering college teachers and industry entitled" Alternative Fuels and Emission Control" to be held of IIT Kanpur from 24th- 28th November 2004. 58. Dr.V.K. Jain, QIP Sponsored short term cource on “Advanced Machining Processes”, 18th to 23rd Oct. 2005, Kanpur. (No. of Participant: 26 from Engineering Institutes & 14 from Industries. 59. Dr.V.K.Jain, Institute of Reserch & Development and training (I.R.D.T.) sponsored short term course on “Advanced Machining processes “, 11th to 15th April’2005, Kanpur, (No. of participants : 11 from different polytechnic institutes). 60. D. Mazumdar: "Modelling in metals processing: concepys, theory and application” offered to Industrial and R & D engineers (20) (February, 2005). 61. Bikramjit Basu: Materials for High Temperature Applications (HIMAT- 2005), 12-15th March, 2005.

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62. B.K. Misra: Modern Trends in Milling Practice KIOCL, Kudremukh December 13-15, 2004 Discrete Element Method for Particulate Systems, I.I.T. Kanpur 22-24 April, 2005. 63. V. Ravishankar – NPTEL, CHIPS, KV.


1. Signed a MOU between IIT K- DST and Life care Innovation (Industry Partner) on Development of PLG Polymer for sustained drug delivery in nanoencapsulated Tuberculosis drug, Sanctioned amount 49 Lakhs. 2. Indo-German Nano-technology initiatives program: member of the committee appointed by DST, New Delhi to visit various German universities and international reputed institutes during April 19th to 30th, 2004, N. S. Gajbhiye. 3. Member, International Research & Training Graduate Program (IRTG) in nanoscience and nanotechnology in collaboration with Germany and some Europian countries, 2004, N. S. Gajbhiye. 4. Participated in International Conference on Bhopal Gas Tragedy and its Effects on Process Safety held at IIT Kanpur, Dec. 1-3, 2004, P.M. Prasad. 5. Attended the appreciation course on Parliamentary Processes and Procedures held at Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training, Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi, Jan. 31-4 Feb. 2005, P.M. Prasad. 6. Participated as a resource person in the short-term course on Environmental Economics & Environmental Impact Assessment is being organized at IITK from May 18-24, 2004, P.M. Prasad. 7. Two day workshop on Methodology of Writing Reports, for secretaries of grassroots organizations working under Mahatma Gandhi Mission Scheme, August, 21 – 22, 2004, IIT Kanpur. The workshop was sponsored by Banwasi Seva Ashram, Sonabhadra, A. K. Sharma. 8. Short Term Course on “Environmental Economics & EIA”, 18-24 May, 2004, sponsored by CDTE/QIP, IIT Kanpur, Course Coordinator: B. Rath. 9. Convener, 12th International Planning History Society (IPHS- 2006) Conference to be held at New Delhi, India, December 11-14, 2006, B. Rath. 10. Consultancy support for The Ganges Radio/Educational Project: Independent Broadcasting Associates, Inc.USA, B. Rath. 11. Among the major ongoing projects Prof. B. Rath is conducting two studies: (a) SES Study for Ash Dyke Stage III of FGUTPP, NTPC Ltd., Unchahar, Raibareli, U.P., and (b) EIA of Proposed Mahanadi-Godavari River Link.

309 Annual Report 2004-2005

12. The department introduced five-year integrated programme in M.Sc. (Economics) in which admissions will be done through JEE. This will satisfy a long felt need of industry and financial institutions to have Economists with background in science and mathematics. 13. The department encouraged all Ph.D. students to attend at least one national level conference in their discipline and also provided travel support for this from its annual budget. As a result of this almost all Ph.D. students presented papers in national level conferences.


1. A project on the Development of Sensors for Detecting Hot-boxes and Hot- wheels has been received under the Technology Mission on Railway Safety. Hot- boxes and Hot-wheels are responsible for about 90% of derailments. Fast sensing systems for detecting and raising alarms on trains traveling at speeds in excess of 200kph are being developed. Principal Investigator: Dr. Sanjay Gupta. 2. Preparation and characterization of LiNbO3 single crystal fibers by LHPG, Bansilal and K.V.Rao, CSIR, Rs.4.5 lakhs, 2003-05. 3. Development of Photonic Devices based on single crystal fibers, Bansilal and K.V.Rao, DIT, Rs.20.04 lakhs, 2004-07. 4. Development of a green laser based on single crystal fibers, Bansilal and K.V, Rao, DRDO, Rs.12.4 lakhs, 2005-07. 5. Organised one semester Certificate Program on Helicopter Technology for sponsored candidates from Industry and defence services, Venkatesan, C. 6. N.G.R.Iyengar, Coordinator, HAL Management Training Program, Aug 4, 2004-Nov. 29, 2004 at IIT Kanpur. 7. N.G.R.Iyengar, Convener, First International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Dec. 9-12, 2004 at IIT Kanpur. 8. N.G.R.Iyengar, delivered Lectures in Helicopter Technology course for HAL and Defence Scientists and engineers, at IIT Kanpur, Jan 4- April, 2005. 9. R. Bandyopadhyaya, Joint Course Coordinator and Lecturer in the short term course on Colloids and Interfaces: Fundamentals and Research Challenges, IIT Kanpur, February 2005. 10. R. Bandyopadhyaya, Technical committee member of 3-rd Asian Aerosol Conference, Bombay December 2005. 11. R. Bandyopadhyaya, Refereed papers for following journals, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Surface Science, Nanotechnology.

310 Annual Report 2004-2005

12. G. Deo, Review of manuscripts of Chemical Engineering Journal, Catalysis Today, Journal of Catalysis, Catalysis Communication, etc. 13. G. Deo, One project-proposal submitted (DST). 14. G.Deo, M.Tech Thesis – (i) P. Singh, Structure-Reactivity Relationships for Titania Supported Chromium-Phosphorous-Oxide Catalysts: ODH of Propane, 2004. (ii) R.P. Singh, Structure-Reactivity Relationships for Titania Supported Vanadium-Phosphorous-Oxide Catalysts: ODH of Propane, 2004. 15. S. Garg, Recipient of DST awarded project under SERC scheme, "Decolourization and degradation of 4-ABS containing azo-dyes under microaerophilic conditions" as co-PI (with Mrs. Leela Iyengar, Department of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur). (SR/S3/CE/C38/2004-SERC Engg). 16. A. Ghatak, Gave lecture in SERC school on Colloids and interfaces held at IIT Kanpur (Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology), February 7 to 11, 2005. 17. S. K. Gupta, Member, Editorial Board, Intl. J. Chem. Reaction Engineering (e-journal), 2005- S. K. Gupta, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Polymer Engineering (UK), 1995- . 18. A. Sharma, Council Member, Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), 2004-2007. 19. A. Sharma, Member, Research Councils of CGCRI, Kolkata and IICT, Hyderabad (2004-2006); both CSIR labs. 20. A. Sharma, Member, Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas, Government of India, and Centre for High Technology, New Delhi (2003-2006). 21. Synthesis, Characterization of Monodisperse Self-assembly of Magnetic Nanostructures (Ni, Co, Fe, Ag, Pd, FePt, FeCrPt, CoPt, CoPd, CoCrPt, Ni- Ag and Fe-Ag). (CSIR-New Delhi), 2004 – 2006, N. S. Gajbhiye. 22. Novel Materials for Nanotechnology. (MHRD – New Delhi), Thrust Area Research Project, 2004-2006 (Rs. 30 - Lacs), N. S. Gajbhiye. 23. The 6th Chemical research society of India conference in Chemistry- Feb 6-8 2004, R Gurunath. 24. Emerging trends in organic Chmeistry- October 2004, R Gurunath. 25. R Gurunath, Delivered Lectures in Chhatisgarh outreachprogram in the e- class room on biology. 26. Moorthy, J. N, coordinated a DST-PAC meeting on Organic Chemistry at IIT, Kanpur, 29th July, 2004 to 31st July, 2004. 27. Visiting Professor, Departament de Química, Universitat de Girona, Spain (September – October, 2004) (Host: Prof. A. Llobet), Mukherjee R. N.

311 Annual Report 2004-2005

28. Singapore-India Collaborative and Co-operative Chemistry Symposium – III, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur (December 16-17, 2004) (Chaired a Scientific Session), Mukherjee R. N. 29. Department representative on institute library committee 2003-2004, Veejendra K. Yadav. 30. As Convenor of NMR Facility (2003-2004 and 2004-2005), I look after the day-to-day functioning of the facility that encompasses three machines, 400 MHz, 80 MHz, and 60 MHz, Veejendra K. Yadav. 31. Das, A., Third International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia at Agra on October 18-19, 2004 (Organizing Secretary). 32. Das, A., One week QIP – Short course on Advances in Testing of Cement and Concrete, IIT Kanpur, February 2005 (Course coordinator). 33. Jain, A., Member, Technical Committee-Environmental Systems (2004- 2007), International Association of Science and Technology for Development, IASTAD. 34. Jain, A., Member, Program Committee, Second Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: IICAI2005, December 20-22, 2005, Pune, India. 35. Gupta, V.K., worked as Vice-President, Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) in the second year of this term. 36. Gupta, V.K., worked as Editor, ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology for the seventh consecutive year. 37. Gupta, V.K., continued to work as Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 38. Mohapatra, P.K., organized summer camp 2004 (June 8 to July 2). 39. Rai, D.C., Workshop organized, Workshop on Capacity Building in Earthquake Engineering Type Sponsored by Govt. of NCT Delhi Dates June 23-26, 2004 Number attended ~150 engineers and professionals. 40. Rai, D.C. Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Issues and Scrutiny of Drawings Type Sponsored by Babtie India Limited, Ahmedabad Dates 13-14 Sept., 2004 Number attended ~30 engineers. 41. Tripathi, S.N., convener (Technical) (IASTA Meeting and International Conference on Aerosols, Clouds, and Indian Monsoon, IITK 15-17 November, 2004). 42. Tripathi, S.N., Member, Technical Committee, Asian Aerosol Conference, Mumbai, December, 2005 43. Tripathi, S.N., Edited IASTA Conference Proceedings held in IITK (November 2004).

312 Annual Report 2004-2005

44. Lohani, B., Consultant: KESCO, Kanpur, Reviewer: JISRS and IJG. 45. Pankaj Jalote, “Performance analysis of software architectures”, Microsoft Corporation, $30K. 46. Pankaj Jalote, “Software checking through static and dynamic analysis”, Microsoft, $30K. 47. Dheeraj Sanghi, Development of Intrusion Detection System (Co-PI) Sponsored by Army Technology Board, Rs.20 lakhs. October, 2004. 48. Dheeraj Sanghi, Recommendations for Increasing Internet Penetration in India Consultancy Project from TRAI, New Delhi, Rs. 2 lakhs December, 2004. 49. Harish Karnick, MLA, DIT has funded the project A Poratable Model of Primary Healthcare Delivery’ for an amount of Rs.102.924 Lakhs. 50. Sanjeev K Aggarwal, Tools for Computational Grid, Sun Microsystems, US $ 40000, Dec 2004. 51. Sanjeev K Aggarwal, Equipment grant for setting up a Grid, of Sun Workstations, US $ 90000, Sun Microsystems, 2005. 52. R.K Ghosh, Program Chair for ICDCIT 2004. 53. Phalguni Gupta, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Asia Region- Kanpur Site) held at Kanpur in December 2004. 54. Ajai Jain, V Honorary, IETE Member, Editorial Board of the Journal on Science and Technology, ICFAI University. 55. Sharma, RRK, Referee for OPSEARCH, INDIA, 2004-2005. 56. Sanjeev Swami, Reviewer for Marketing Science, Management Science, Annals of Operations Research. 57. Veena Bansal, Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 58. Jayanta Chatterjee, Reviewer of IIMB Management Review, India. 59. Jayanta Chatterjee, Journal of Information and Knowledge management (JIKM), USA. 60. Jayanta Chatterjee, People, knowledge and Technology, Ed.B.Trezzini & P.Lambe, Straits Knowledge Society, Singapore. 61. Sharma, RRK, Chairman of various technical sessions at the 37 th annual convention of “Operational Research Society of India: Vision 2020: The Strategic Role of Operational Research”, held at IIM Ahmedabad, INDIA, Jan 8-11, 2005. 62. Mittal, AK, Chairman of various technical sessions at the 37 the annual convention of “Operational Research Society of India: Vision 2020: The Strategic Role of Operational Research”, held at IIM Ahmedabad, INDIA, Jan 8-11, 2005.

313 Annual Report 2004-2005

63. Mittal, AK, 37th Annual Convention of ORSI Jan 8-11, 2005 Ahemdabad (Invited Paper). 64. Mittal, AK, ICIL 2005 14-18 February 2005 Montevideo Uruguay (Contributed Paper). 65. Mittal, AK, QCFI Kanpur chapter Convention October1, 2004 Kanpur (Chief Judge). 66. Mittal, AK, National convention of Quality Circle Dec27-28 2004 Mumbai India (Judge). 67. Veena Bansal, Reviewed book on MIS for Tata McGraw Hill Ltd. 68. Veena Bansal, Reviewed book for Oxford University Press on Pattern Recognition. 69. Rahul Varman, Book Review, Examining the origins and nature of corporations. Organizing America: Wealth, power, and the origins of corporate capitalism, Charles Perrow Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2002. Indian Journal of Labour Economics, forthcoming, 2005. 70. Dr. A.K. Mallik Delivered 28 Lectures for NPTEL Project. 71. Dr. N.Venkata Reddy, Modernization of TA201N - Introduction to Manufacturing Processes Laboratory (Completed, Institute Core Laboratory, approximate expenditure: Rs 150 lakhs). 72. S. Bhattacharjee – submitted a proposal “Intense plasma sources for Terahertz radiation” to CSIR requesting Rs. 12 lacs as funds. 73. Anjan K. Gupta – attended Indian Academy of Sciences November meeting in BHU, Varanasi. 74. D. Chowdhury – Member, Physical Sciences Research Committee, CSIR, 2004-2007. 75. D. Chowdhury – Member, National Organizing Committee, STATPHYS 22: International Conference of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics on Statistical Physics, Bangalore, July 2004. 76. D. Chowdnury – Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Complex Networks: STATPHYS Kolkata V, a Satellite meeting of STATPHYS22, Kolkata, June 2004. 77. D. Chowdhury – Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Pattern Formation in Nonequilibrium Systems, a Satellite meeting of STATPHYS22, Kolkata, July 2004. 78. D. Chowdhury – Member, Advisory Committee, International Conference on Disordered, Complex and Biological Systems, a Satellite meeting of STATPHYS22, Varanasi, July 2004. 79. S. Sivaprakasam - Visiting Fellow, University of Wales, Bangor, UK, during December 2004.

314 Annual Report 2004-2005

80. R.K. Thareja, Member Advisory Committee, NLS-2004. 81. R.K. Thareja, Member, Advisory Committee, OSI 2005. 82. R.K. Thareja, Member Advisory Committee, 2nd Int Conf on Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology, Feb. 21-25, Goa. 83. R.K. Thareja – His student, Mr. A.K. Sharma, received Best PhD thesis award by Indian laser Association. 84. R.K. Thareja – Member, Program Advisory Committee (DST). 85. V.V. Sreedhar - Guest Faculty: For the course on Instanton Physics given by Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar (HRI) in the XX SERC School on Theoretical High Energy Physics, 4-24 Dec. 2004, IITK. 86. G. Sengupta - Member Organization for International String Theory Workshop ISM04 at Khajuraho, Dec 2004.