Curriculum Vitae Yacan

Ph.D., Professor of Transportation Economics Chair, Annual Meeting of International Association on Transport Economics, 2022 Vice Director, Chinese Transport Economics Research Center School of Economics and Management, Jiaotong University Senior Associate Editor, International Journal of Logistics Management

Research Areas

1. Transport Economics 2. Travelling Behavioral modeling 3. Demand-based Transportation Policy and Behavioral Response 4. Sustainable Logistics Management

Professional Experience 2019, 8- 2021, 12 Invited Researcher, University of Waikato, New Zealand. 2015,12 –present Full Professor, Department of Economics, Beijing Jiaotong University 2014.9– 2015.7 Visiting scholar (research), School of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, University of Tennessee, USA 2012.1–2012.2 Visiting professor, Business School, Curtin University of Technology, Australia 2010.9– 2011.7 Visiting scholar (research), School of Economics and Business administration, Tilburg University, the Netherlands 2008.12 –2015,12 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Beijing Jiaotong University 2006. 9- 2007.2 Visiting Scholar (teaching), Business School, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA 2005.9 –2010.7 Vice Director and Research Fellow, Institute of


Value-added Logistics, Beijing Jiaotong University 2002.7 –2007.12 Lecturer, Department of Logistic Management, Beijing Jiaotong University 2000.7 –2002.12 Teaching Assistant, Department of Logistic Management, Beijing Jiaotong University 1999.7 –2000.7 Business representative, Informix Co., Ltd, Beijing,

Earned Degrees

Ph.D., Operations& Management Science (Sep. 2006–Jun. 2010) Logistics Management, Department of Logistics Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China M.S. (Sep.1997 – Jun.2000) Economics, Department of Economics, Xiangtan University, Hunan Province, China B.S. (Sep.1993–Jun.1997) Economics, Department of Economics, Xiangtan University, Hunan Province, China

International Conference Service 1. Chair, Annual Meeting of International Association on Transport Economics, 2022 2. Co-Chair of WCTR (World Transport Research Society) SIG G2 “National and Regional Transport Planning and Policy” 3. WCTR(World Transport Research Society) Covid19 Task Force Member, Researcher 4. Discipline Chair of Transport Behavior Planning, World Transportation Convention, China 5. Executive Chair, International Conference on Transport and Space-time Economics, 2018, 2019 6. Chair, Face-to-face meeting with Editors of Transport Research Journals, 2018, 2019 7. Programme chair, International Programme Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (IEEE/SOLI’2008) 8. Special session chair, International Programme Committee Member, International conference on logistics, information and service science ( LISS 2012) 9. Programme committee, International conference on Industrial Engineering Management, Busan, 2013


Articles published in refereed journals

1. Wang, Y, Wang, Y. *, Choudhury, C.(2020), Modelling Heterogeneity in Behavioral Response to Peak-avoidance Policy Utilizing Naturalistic Data of Beijing Subway Travelers, Transportation Research, Part F. In press 2. Geng, K., Wang, Y, Ettema, D., Anderson, J(2020). Exploring the Effects of Congestion Charge on Relocation Decisions under Non-Capital Functions Relieving Strategy in Beijing . Research in Transportation Business and Management. Accepted. 3. Wang, Y., Jia, S., Zhou, H., Charlton, S., & Hazen, B. (2020). Factors affecting orderly parking of dockless shared bicycles: an exploratory study. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-23. 4. Wang, Y.., Cao, Z., & Czerny, A. I. (2020). TSTE 2018-sustainable transportation: Theory and practice. Transportation research part E 5. Wang, Y. , Anderson, J., Joo, S. and Huscroft, J. (2019), "The leniency of return policy and consumers’ repurchase intention in online retailing", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 120 No. 1, pp. 21-39. 6. Sun, Z., Wang, Y.., Zhou, H., Jiao, J., & Overstreet, R. E. (2019). Travel behaviours, user characteristics, and social-economic impacts of shared transportation: a comprehensive review. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-28. 7. Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Xie, L., & Zhou, H. (2019). Impact of perceived uncertainty on public acceptability of congestion charging: an empirical study in China. Sustainability, 11(1), 129. 8. Wang, Y., Douglas, M. A., Hazen, B. T., & Dresner, M. (2018). Be green and clearly be seen: How consumer values and attitudes affect adoption of bicycle sharing. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 58, 730-742. 9. Wang, Y., Ettema, D., Zhou, H., & Sun, X. (2018). Understanding peak avoidance commuting by subway: an empirical study in Beijing. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 21(6), 597-613. 10. Wang, Y., Hazen, B. and Mollenkopf, D. (2018), "Consumer value considerations and adoption of remanufactured products in closed-loop supply chains", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118 No. 2, pp. 480-498. 11. Wang, Y., Huscroft, J. R., Hazen, B. T., & Zhang, M. (2018). Green information, green certification and consumer perceptions of remanufctured automobile parts. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 128, 187-196. 12. Hazen, B. T., Boone, C. A., Wang, Y., & Khor, K. S. (2017). Perceived quality of remanufactured products: construct and measure development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 716-726. 11(JCR1区). 13. Hazen, B. T., Mollenkopf, D. A., & Wang, Y. (2017). Remanufacturing for the


circular economy: An examination of consumer switching behavior. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(4), 451-464. 14. Zhu, Q., Krikke, H., Caniëls, M. C., & Wang, Y.. (2017). Twin-objective supply chain collaboration to cope with rare but high impact disruptions whilst improving performance. The International Journal of Logistics Management. 15. Per Hilletofth, Olli-Pekka Hilmola and Yacan Wang, support systems in the supply chain context, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116 Iss: 2,2016 16. Wang, Y., & Hazen, B. T. (2016). Consumer product knowledge and intention to purchase remanufactured products. International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 460-469. 17. Hazen, B. T., Overstreet, R. E., & Wang, Y. (2015). Predicting public bicycle adoption using the technology acceptance model. Sustainability, 7(11), 14558-14573. 18. Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, C., & Jeeva, A. S. (2015). Drivers and Obstacles of the remanufacturing industry in China: an empirical study. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 22(1). 19. Wang, Y. *, Wiegerinck, V., Krikke, H., & Zhang, H. (2013). Understanding the purchase intention towards remanufactured product in closed-loop supply chains: An empirical study in China. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 43(10),866-888. 20. Krikke, H., Hofenk, D., & Wang, Y*. (2013). Revealing an invisible giant: A comprehensive survey into return practices within original (closed-loop) supply chains. Resources,Conservation and Recycling, 73, 239-250. 21. Wang, Y., Ru, Y.H., Veenstra, A., Wang, R.J.(2010),Recent Developments in Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment Legislation in China,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Volume 47, Issue 5 (2010), Page 437-448. 22. Veenstra, A*., Fan. W.J., & Ru, Y.H.( 2009), An analysis of E-waste flows in China, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,Volume 47, Issue 5 (2010), Page 449 - 459, 23. Wang, Y.*, Yu, J.J.(2013),Current Reverse Logistics Practices and The Value-added Effect: A Survey in Electronic Industry in China, advances in information sciences and service sciences, P130-138,Volume5, Number9, May 2013. 24. Wang, Y.*, Zhu, X.X., Lu, T., Jeeva, A. (2013), Eco-efficient based logistics network design in hybrid manufacturing/ remanufacturing system in low-carbon economy, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol 6, No 1 ,200-214 25. Wang, Y.*, Lu, T., Zhang, C.H.(2012),Integrated Logistics Network Design in Hybrid Manufacturing/remanufacturing System under Low-carbon Restriction, advances in information sciences and service sciences , volume 4, No. 23, pp:79-88, 26. Wang, Y.*, Ru, Y.H., Veenstra, A., Wang, R.J.(2010),Recent Developments in 4

Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment Legislation in China,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Volume 47, Issue 5 (2010), Page 437-448. 27. Veenstra, A*., Wang, Y., Fan. W.J., & Ru, Y.H.( 2009), An analysis of E-waste flows in China, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,Volume 47, Issue 5 (2010), Page 449 - 459, 28. Wang, Y.*, Zhu, X.X., Lu, T., Jeeva, A. (2013), Eco-efficient based logistics network design in hybrid manufacturing/ remanufacturing system in low-carbon economy, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol 6, No 1 ,200-214 29. Wang, Y.*, Lu, T., Zhang, C.H.(2012),Integrated Logistics Network Design in Hybrid Manufacturing/remanufacturing System under Low-carbon Restriction, advances in information sciences and service sciences , volume 4, No. 23, pp:79-88,

Working Papers 30. Su, D., Wang, Y*., Yang N. & Wang X., Promoting Considerate Parking Behavior in Dock-less Bike Sharing: An Experimental Study. Submitted to Transportation Research Part A. 31. Wang, Y., Wang, Y*., & Choudhury, C. Modelling the Heterogeneity in Behavioral Response to Peak-avoidance Policy Utilizing Naturalistic Data of Beijing Subway Commuters. Submitted to Transportation Research Part F. 32. Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhou, H.*, & Ettema, D. Commuter Value Perceptions in Peak Avoidance Behavior: An Empirical Study in the Beijing Subway System. Submitted to Transportation Research Part A. 33. Wang, Y,* Douglous, M, Hazen, B, Diffusion of public bicycle systems: Investigating influences of users’ perceived risk and switching intention, submitted to Transportation Research Part A. 34. Wang, Y., Geng, K., May, A & Zhou, H*. The Impact of Traffic Demand Management Policy Mix on Commuter Travel Choices. Submitted to : Transport Policy. 35. Wang Y., Geng, K., Cherchi, E., & Guarda, P. Commuter Departure Time Choice Behavior under Congestion Charge: Analysis based on Cumulative Prospect Theory. Target: Transportation Research Part: A. 36. Zhan, Z., Wang, Y., & Choudhury, C. Estimating the value of travel time reliability in Beijing combining large-scale GPS and small-scale survey data. Target: Transportation Research Part C. 37. Wang, Y., Zhan, Z., Jiao, J. & Song, S. How does bike sharing affect travel mode choice of commuters: An empirical study in Beijing. Target: Transportation Research Part D. 38. Zhan, Z., Wang, Y., & Zhou, H. Spatial-temporal characteristics and the influential factors of dockless bike-sharing – metro integration patterns in Beijing. Target: Transportation Research Part D. 5

39. Su, D., Wang, Y., Lien, L. & Wang, J. Promoting Parking Behavior of Shared Bicycles with Social Information: a Field Experiment. Target: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 40. Su, D., Wang, Y., Lien, L. & Wang, J. How do social norms influence people parking shared bicycles? Target: Transportation Research Part F. 41. Zhan, Z., Wang, Y., & Zhou, H. Analyzing impact factors for Sharing-bicycle demand using random forest -- Based on Mobike data. Target: Transportation Research Part D. 42. Geng, K., Wang, Y., Brands, D., & Verhoef, E. Battling canteen queues: a field experiment with tradable rush hour permits among students. Target: Transport Policy. 43. Wang, Y., Zhan, Z., Jiao, J. & Song, S. How does bike sharing affect travel mode choice of commuters: An empirical study in Beijing. Target: Transportation Research Part D. 44. Zhan, Z., Wang, Y., & Zhou, H. Spatial-temporal characteristics and the influential factors of dockless bike-sharing – metro integration patterns in Beijing. Target: Transportation Research Part D.

Conference Papers

45 Duan Su, Yacan Wang, Nan Yang. & XianghongWang, Promoting Considerate Parking Behavior in Dock-less Bike Sharing: An Experimental Study. TRB conference, Washington D.C., 2020 46 Kexin Geng, Yacan Wang, Commuter departure time choice under congestion charge: an analysis based on cumulative prospect theory, Annual conference of International Transportation Economics Association, 2019, Paris, France 47 Kexin Geng, Yacan Wang and Huiyu Zhou, Effects of Congestion Charge on Relocation Decisions under Non-Capital Functions Relieving Strategy in Beijing, International conference on Transport Economics, 2019, Mubai, India 48 Kexin Geng, Yacan Wang and Huiyu Zhou, Effects of Congestion Charge on Relocation Decisions under Non-Capital Functions Relieving Strategy in Beijing, International conference on Transport Economics, 2018, Hongkong 49 Yacan Wang, Xiaoyu Yin, Qianqian Du, Siqi Jia, Yunhan Xie and Siyuan He, Consumers' Green Preferences for Remanufactured Products, IMIOT & ICSEE 2018 Conference 50 Kexin Geng, Yacan Wang and Lingling Xiao, Commuter Departure Time Choice Behavior under Congestion Pricing: Analysis based on Cumulative Prospect Theory, TSTE 2018 51 Yu Wang, Yacan Wang, Hang Zhao and Huiyu Zhou, The influence of Peak-hour shifting incentives on subway commuters' commuting behavior in Beijing, TSTE 2018 52 Shiyu Song, Yacan Wang and Jingjuan Jiao, How does sharing bike affect the choice of travel mode? ——base on the value of travel time saving, TSTE 2018 6

53 Ziyi Sun, Yacan Wang and Jingjuan Jiao, Definition and impacts of sharing transport: A comprehensive review to explore the future, TSTE 2018 54 Yu Wang, Yacan Wang, Dick ettema, Huiyu zhou*, Commuter Value Considerations and Peak-avoidance Behaviors: an Empirical Study in Beijing Subway System, International Conference of Hong Kong Transportation Science Society, Hong kong, 2017/12/9-12 55 Yacan Wang*, Diane Mollenkopf, Benjamin Hazen. Evolving toward a Circular Economy: The Customer’s Role, POMS annual meeting, 2015, May 8-11, Washington D.C., accepted for presentation. 56 Yacan Wang*, Benjemin T.Hazen, Consumer Intention to Purchase Remanufactured Product: An Experimental Analysis of Product Knowledge, accepted for presentation at INFORMS Annual meeting, 2014, San Francisco, Nov.9-12, 2014 57 Yacan Wang*, Benjemn T.Ben, Factors Affecting Intention to Use Public Bicycle Sharing Programs, WTCR , 2016, July 58 Yacan Wang, Ananda Jeever, Drivers and Barriers of Remanufacturing Industry in China, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, Busan, Korea, Oct, 2013 59 Hongdan Zhang,Yacan Wang etc. An Analysis of the Recycle Logistics Problems and Countermeasures in Chinese “old for new” Policy of Home Appliances 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science chengdu 2010,7 60 Yacan Wang. Determining Optimal Disposal and Recovery Strategies of Discarded Appliances under Extended Producer Responsibility IEEE Workshop on Environment, Construction and Transportation June,2010,Wuhan.P:2158 – 2163 61 Yacan Wang, Jing Yu, Lu Tao, Evaluation of the Life Cycle of the Reverse Supply Chain of the Lead Acid Batteries, International conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health,June,2010, China.P:1-6 62 Yacan Wang, Lili Yang, Xiangyang Huang, Xiaoyan Huang, Yue Wang, Logistics System Performance Evaluation of the Fresh and Live Agricultural Products with an Application of the Analytic Network Process,2010, International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management,Jan,2010,China 63 Yacan Wang, Yue Wang, Bin Chen, Ye Wang, Research on the WEEE Recycling System, International Conference on Public Administration,Oct.09,Chengdu, China 64 Yacan Wang, Yihong Ru, "Selection of China’s End-of-life Vehicles Reverse Logistics Operation Models under EPR", 2009 Conference on System Sciences, Management Sciences & System Dynamics (SSMSSD 2009), 2009.05.29-31, Shanghai, China 65 Wenji Fan, Yihong Ru, Yacan Wang, “Stochastic Inventory Control Model with Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Hybrid System”, 2008 Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI2008), Oct. 23-25, 2008, Beijing, China


66 Yacan Wang, Yihong Ru and Wenji Fan, “Process Mapping and Policy Recommendations of Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment Recycling in China" 2008 Proceedings of Information Technology and Environmental System Sciences (ITESS 2008), Mat. 15-17, 2008, Jiaozuo, China 67 Wenji Fan, Yihong Ru, Yacan Wang, “Analytical Framework for the Management of Risk in Remanufacturing Recycling Logistics System”, 2008 International Conference on e-Risk Management (ICERM 2008), June.28-30, 2008, , China 68 Wenji Fan, Yihong Ru, Yacan Wang, “The Optimal Inventory Coordination in Remanufacturing Circular Logistics”, The Journal of Logistics Technology, Vol. 16, No.3, pp.56-62, March. 2008 69 Wenji Fan, Yihong Ru, Yacan Wang, “Supplier-General Contractor Model for the Bargaining Process over a long-term Replenishment Contract in Construction Circular”, proceedings of 2007 international conference on construction & real estate management (ICCREM 2007), (ICCREM 2007), Aug. 21-22, 2007, Rome, Italy 70 Kai Zhen, Yihong Ru, Yacan Wang, “Predication of the Amount and Composition of Municipal Solid Waste in Beijing During the 2008 Olympic Games”, IEEE International Conference on Service, Operations and Logisitcs, and Informatics Proceedings (SOLI 2005), Aug. 10-12, 2005, Beijing, China 71 Yu Zhu, Yihong Ru, Yacan Wang, “Countermeasures On Municipal Solid Waste In Beijing During The 2008 Olympic Games”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Material Handling (ICMH 2005), Nov. 1-3, 2005, Chongqin, China

Academic Monographs, Textbooks or Chapters

1. Erik Verhoef, Yacan Wang, Yamei Hu, Transportation Economics Theory and Application, Social Science Press of China, 2019 2. Yacan Wang, Monograph, Eco-efficient based logistics network design in hybrid manufacturing/ remanufacturing system in low-carbon economy, Beijing Jiaotong Publishing, 2015 3. Yihong Ru, Circular Logistics System, the seventh Chapter, China Railway Publishing, 2009 4. Yacan Wang, Economics, People’s Post Publishing, 2009. 5. Yacan Wang, Logistics English, Machinery Industry Publishing, 2008 6. Yacan Wang, International Logistics, 3 chapters, Machinery Industry Publishing, 2006 7. Yacan Wang, International Logistics and Supply Chain, 1 chapter, Qinghua University Publishing, 2006 8. Yacan Wang, Economics, John Sloman, Main Translator, 5 chapters, Economic


Publishing, 2001

Academic Research Grants

1. Urban Public Administration and Services innovation for Innovative Urban Mobility Management and Policy(Grant number: 71961137005), jointly funded by National Science Foundation of China and JPI UE 2. Internet-based Interventions on Private Car Usage in Beijing, funded by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commision, 2019,6-2020,12 3. Major Project of Social Science Foundation of Beijing ( Grant Number: 16JDYJA008) How the time-of-day pricing in Beijing Metro affect the travel choice behavior of Beijing commuters. 4. Major Project of National Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 71390334): sustainable urban logistics system in China,2014,1-2018,12 5. Major Project of National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 15ZDA022): Development of agricultural product logistics in China, 2015,7-2017,7 6. Major Project of National Social Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 13&ZD026): Path of Urbanlization in China. 2013,1-2016,9 7. Ministry of Education of China Project Grants, Eco-efficient based logistics network design in hybrid manufacturing/ remanufacturing system in low-carbon economy (Grant Numbers:13YJCZH186), 2013-2016, Project leader 8. Ministry of Education of China Project Grants, Consumer Perceived Value and the Competitive Advantage of Closed-loop Supply Chain(Grant Number: KBJB14015536) 2014-2017, Project leader 9. International project, Drivers and obstacles of remanufacturing industry: an empirical comparison study, with Curtin University of Technology (Grant Numbers:KBF12002531), 2013-2014, Project leader 10. Ministry of Education of China Project Grants, Purchase Intention of Remanufactured Products (Grant Numbers:2011JBM232), 2011-2013, Project leader 11. Beijing Transportation Development Research Center Grants, The Eco-eco Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design and Optimization in China’s Home Appliance Industry, 2009-2011, project leader. 12. Beijing Jiaotong University Research Grants, The Logistics Network Plan of WEEE in China, 2008-2009, (Grant Numbers:B08J0050), project leader. 13. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Grants, Assessing the potential of inland shipping on the Yangtze river to improve the Hinterland Connections of 9

the Port of Shanghai, 2007–2008, (Grant Numbers:B07F0060), project leader. 14. Korea Maritime Institute, New Trends of Global Logistics and Its Strategic Implications---the Asian-pacific region, 2006-2007 (Grant Numbers :B06F0020), project leader. 15. Social Science Foundation of China, Key Project Grants, New Trends of Urbanization in China, 2013-2016, (Grant Numbers :B13N100030) 16. Ministry of Commerce of China Grants, Constructing the Reverse Logistics System of Recoverable Resources in China, 2008, (Grant Numbers:B08I0230). 17. Beijing Jiaotong University Research Grants, Research on the Global Logistics System under globalization, 2006-2007 (Grant Numbers :B06J0510), project leader. 18. Beijing Jiaotong University Research Grants, Research on the 3PL in China’s Medicine Logistics, 2006 (Grant Numbers:B06J0380), project leader. 19. 973 Project of Ministry of Tech and Science of China Grant (Grant Numbers: B09B100030 ), the Information Share of Regional Ecological Supply Chain. 20. Ministry of Education of China Key Project Grants, Research on Integrated Transportation System in China, 2007-2011 21. Transportation Bureau of Liuzhou City Grant, the Transportation and Logistics Design in Liuzhou City (Grant number: B09I00070). 2009, 22. China Natural Sciences Foundations, IEEE International Conference on Service Operation, Logistics and Informatics (SOLI2008), (Grant Numbers: B09A700010), principal participator. 23. RSM Erasmus University, the Netherlands, WEEE secondhand markets an company case study on WEEE flows in China, 2008, (Grant Numbers: B08L0260) 24. Dutch TRANSUMO Project Grants, Efficient Closed-loop Optimization (ECO), 2008-2009, (Grant Numbers:B07F0040) 25. Ministry of Tech and Science of China Grant. International Cooperative Project between China and Finland, Construction of Internet of Things Based on EPC in Food and Medicine Industry 2005-2007 26. General Administration of Press and Publication of PRC, Constructing the Circular Supply Chain of Book Industry in China, 2006-2007, (Grant Numbers: B06I5000) 27. Beijing Jiaotong University Research Grants, Process Optimization of Food Cold Supply Chain Based on Food Security ,2008-2009 (Grant Numbers:B08J0070) 28. Korea Maritime Institute, Logistics Security Cooperation Program between China and Korea , 2007 (Grant Numbers:B08L0270) 10

29. News and Publication Bureau of China, The Research on Overall Logistic Standard of Publication in China, 2005 (Grant Numbers:JG2005I0532) 30. Beijing Municipal Administration Committee, Countermeasures On Municipal Solid Waste In Beijing During The 2008 Olympic Games,2005-2006, (Grant Numbers:JG2005I0070) 31. Lappeenranta University of Technology Grants, Proposal of Solutions for a Finnish PSP in China, 2006–2007, (Grant Numbers:B06F0030), 32. Korea Maritime Institute Grants, A Study on Global Supply Chain Security,2006–2007, (Grant Numbers:B06F0010)

Major Business Projects

1. Reverse logistics development: Global Perspective, supported by the Reverse Logistics Association (RLA), 2012-2013, Project leader 2. Reverse Logistics Management Consultation in Coal Transportation Company in Inner Mongolia( Jinmin Company),April, 2007– March, 2008, project leader. 3. The Construction and Implementation of Reverse Logistic Management System in Hospitals, 2009. 4. Technology Commercialization of Nanofiber separator for LIPB in China( Institute of Chemistry and Physics, Science Academy of China), July, 2011-Jan, 2012, project leader. 5. Reverse Logistic Management System and Inventory Management of CNC (China Network Corporation), Mar. 2005 – Oct. 2006 6. Procurement Management System of CNC (China Network Corporation), Mar. 2005 – Oct. 2006 7. Reverse Logistics Management Consultation to Heavy Truck Development(Foton Co. Ltd), Dec. 2007–June, 2008, 8. Application Feasibility of RFID in China’s Tobacco Industry and Its Social and Economic Benefits (Shenzhen Yuanwang Gu Corporation), Jan, 2009–July, 2009 9. The Design of Port Logistic System in Lian Yungang of China, (Lian Yungang Port Authorities), Aug. 2006–Oct.2006; 10. Current Situation on the Electrical Coal in China and Proposal on Its Logistics Network Planning (China Power Petrochemical Cooperation), June. 2008 – May. 2009 11. Procurement and Logistics Management Planning (China Railway First Group Co., Ltd), Nov. 2007– March. 2008,


Editorial board and Services 1. Senior Associate Editor, International Journal of Logistics Management 2. Guest Editor, Transportation Research; Part E 3. Guest Editor, Transportation Research; part F 4. Guest Editor, Transportation Research; part D 5. Guest Editor, Transport Policy 6. Guest Editor, Sustainability, 7. Guest Editor, International Journal of Logistics Research and Application; 8. Guest Editor, Industrial Management& Data System; 9. Associate editor “International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice” 10. Editorial board, Business Strategy and the Environment 11. Editorial board, Transportation Research; Part F

Reviewers 1. Transport Policy 2. Transportation Research: part A 3. Transportation Research: part D 4. Transportation Research: part E 5. Transportation Research: part F 6. Journal of Supply Chain Management; 7. Journal of Cleaner Production; 8. International journal of Production Economics; 9. International journal of Production Research; 10. International journal of environmental management; 11. Decision System Support; 12. International Journal of Manufacturing Research; 13. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; 14. International journal of cleaner production; 15. International journal of physical distribution & logistics management 16. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 17. International journal of industrial engineering and management 12

Honors and Awards

2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, Excellent Faculty Award, Beijing Jiaotong University 2013, Excellent research award, from School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University 2013, Teaching award from Beijing Jiaotong Unniversity 2013, Lecturing Contest, the third place, Beijing level, Organized by Education Administration Committee, Beijing 2012, Lecturing Contest, the first place, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2012, Lecturing Contest, the first place, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2012, Excellent Teaching Award, the Second Price, Beijing Jiaotong University 2012, Excellent Teaching Award, School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University 2012, Excellent Research Paper Award, The Second Price, Logistic Promotion Association of China, 2009, Watch Award for Excellent Young Teacher, Beijing Jiaotong University 2009, Excellent Teaching Program, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2009, Excellent textbook Award (Nominated), Beijing City level, 2008, Teaching Award, the Second Price, Beijing Jiaotong University,

Ph.D Supervision:

Ph.D under supervision: ⚫ Yu Wang ⚫ Kexin Geng ⚫ Duan SU ⚫ Zilin Zhan ⚫ Zhiyuan Liang Ph.D external examiners(In part): ⚫ Ph.D. Thesis: “Nudging theory on fit-keeping exercise behaviour”, Renming University, China, Aixian Song ⚫ Ph.D. Thesis: “Public-private partnership investments in dry ports-Russian logistics markets and risks” Ph.D. Candidate: Yulia Panova, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland ⚫ Ph.D. Candidate:Aixian Song 13

Thesis: “The Impact of Fertility Decision on Family Utility and Economic Behavior- Enlightenment of "Two Children Policy", Renmin University, China, 2020 ⚫ Ph.D Candidate: Xinyu Wang, Xiamen University, China Ph.D. Thesis: “the effect of manufacture agglomeration on urbanization” ⚫ Ph.D Candidate: Zizhen Chen, Beijing Jiaotong University, China Ph.D. Thesis: “Regional development with high speed railway based on knowledge spillover ⚫ Ph.D Candidate: Shen Luo, Beijing Jiaotong University, China