Forum 2015 Abstracts
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FORUM•2015 FROM SCIENCE TO SERVICE ° DE LA SCIENCE AU SERVICE CANADA ABSTRACTS / RÉSUMÉS The 6th annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum / Le 6e Forum annuel de Recherche sur la santé des militaires et des vétérans TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 CONTENTS 1. Mental Health and Rehabilitation ....................................................................13 Podium Presentations ...........................................................................................................................................13 1A01: Child Abuse and Suicide in Canada: A General Population and Military Personnel Comparison ..................................................13 Afifi, T.O., PhD, Taillieu, T., MA, Zamorski, M.A., MD, Turner, S., BHSc, Cheung, K., BA, Sareen, J., MD 1A02: Spouse and Family Functioning Before and After a Military Fatality: Comparing Death by Suicide, Combat, and Accident .........13 Aronson, K.R., Kyler, S.J., Morgan, N.R., Perkins, D.F., Love, L. 1A03: Spillover Effects of Parental Stress on Children: Implications for Active Duty Personnel, Veterans and Families ..........................13 Lupien, S.J., PhD, Plusquellec, P., PhD 1B01: Prevalence of Past-year Mental Disorders in Canadian Military Personnel and Civilians: The Challenge of Defining a Civilian Comparison Group ........................................................................................................................14 Rusu, C., MD, Zamorski, M.A., MD, Weeks, M., PhD, Boulos, D., MSc, Garber, B., MD 1B02: Perceived Need for Mental Health Care in Canadian Military and Civilian Populations: Implications for Workplace Mental Health ............................................................................................................................................14 Fikretoglu, D., PhD, Liu, A., PhD, Zamorski, M.A., MD, Jetly, R., Col, MD 1B03: Comparing Mental Health Service Use in Canadian Military and Civilian Populations: Implications for Healthcare Systems and Workplace Mental Health ......................................................................................................15 Fikretoglu, D., PhD, Liu, A., PhD, Zamorski, M.A., MD, Jetly, R., Col, MD 1B04: The Attitudes towards Mental Health Care Scale: Its Internal Structure and Association with Services Use .................................15 Blais, A.R., PhD, McCreary, D., PhD, Zamorski, M.A., MD, Liu, A., PhD, Fikretoglu, D., PhD 1B05: The Centrality of Protocol Adherence in the Evidence-based Treatment of PTSD .........................................................................16 Aronson, K.R., PhD, Fedotova, A., PhD, Welsh, J., PhD, Morgan, N.R., PhD, Perkins, D.R., PhD 1B06: Results of a Thirty Person Evaluation of a Brief, Non-traumatizing Treatment for PTSD ...............................................................16 Bourke, F., PhD, Gray, R., PhD 1F02: Mindsight: An Online Educatonal Resource to Promote Awareness and Reduce Sigma Associated with Mental Illness ...............16 Stanyon, W., EdD, Gamble, B., PhD 1F03: The Moderating Effect of Alexithymia on the Relationship between Pre-military Life Events and Mental Health in CAF Recruits...............................................................................................................................................................17 McCuaig Edge, H.J., PhD, Lee, J.E.C., PhD 1F04: Relationship between Lifetime Traumatic Events, Mental Disorders, and Suicidal Behaviours in Canadian Military Personnel .................................................................................................................................................................17 Taillieu, T., MSc, Afifi, T., PhD, Turner, S., BHSc, Cheung, K., BA, Sareen, J., MD 2B02: Sleep Disturbances and Suicidal Ideation in Active CAF Members ...............................................................................................18 Richardson, J.D., MD, Corbett, B.A., PhD, King, L., MA, Shnaider, P., MA, St. Cyr, K., MSc, Nelson, C., PhD, Sareen, J., MD, Elhai, J.D., PhD, Zamorski, M.A., MD 2B04: Patterns and Determinants of Alcohol use Among Canadian Military Personnel .........................................................................18 Richer, I., PhD, Lee, J.E.C., PhD 2B05: Effects of PTSD and Age on the Association between Combat and Alcohol Use among Canadian Military Members Deployed in Support of the Mission in Afghanistan .................................................................................................19 Watkins, K., MA, Silins, S., PhD, Zamorski, M.A., MD The 6th annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum • Abstracts Le 6e Forum annuel de Recherche sur la santé des militaires et des vétérans • Résumés TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 2D01: Extent and Correlates of Mental Health Problems in CAF Regular Force and Deployed Reserve Force Veterans: The 2013 Life After Service Survey ........................................................................................................................................................19 Thompson, J., MD, VanTil, L., MSc (Epi), Sweet, J., MSc, Zamorski, M.A., MD, Garber, B., MD, Dursun, S., PhD, Richardson, D., MD, Fikretoglu, D., PhD, Sareen, J., MD, Courchesne, I., Capt (N) (Ret’d), MD, Pedlar, D., PhD 2D03: Mental Health of CAF Veterans – Review of Population Studies .................................................................................................20 Pedlar D., PhD, Thompson, J., MD 2F04: The Health Care Team Challenge™: A Bridge to Mutual Benefits for Learners, Educators, Clinicians and Patients ........................20 O’Riordan, A., BSc(OT), Lefebvre, M., Maj., BA, Stewart, B.E., LCdr., MD, Brander, R., PhD, Yeung, R., MSc, Shamblaw, A., BA, BSc(N), Hall, L., PhD(Cand) 3A01: National Time Trends in Suicidal Ideation and Attempts among CAF Personnel and the General Population ..............................20 Sareen, J., MD, Afifi, T.O., PhD, Taillieu, T., MSc, PhD (Cand), Cheung, K., BA, Turner, S., BA, Bolton, S-L., BA, Erickson, J., MA, PhD (Cand), Stein, M., MD, Fikretoglu, D., PhD, Zamorski, M.A., MD 3A02: Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Prevent Suicide Attempts in the Military..........................................................................21 Bryan, C.J., PsyD, Rudd, M.D., PhD 3A03: Group-based Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD in Serving Military Members at a Canadian Military Mental Health Centre ...........................................................................................................................................21 Rogers, W.L., PhD, Hymers, C.J.M., MSW 3A04: “Directly Attributable to Military Service”: Institutional Attitudes towards Suicide in the Canadian Military, 1915-2015 ...........21 Barrett, M., PhD (Cand) 3D01: A Population-based Overview of Health Services Utilization for Mental Health Reasons in a Cohort of Canadian Veterans in Ontario ............................................................................................................................................................22 Mahar, A.L., MSc, PhD (Cand), Aiken, A.B., PhD, Groome, P., PhD, Whitehead, M.,PStat, MSc, Kurdyak, P., MD, PhD 3D02: Quality of Life of Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms ...............................................................................................22 Belleville, G., PhD, Lavoie, V., PhD, Santerre M.-È., D’Astous, P. 3D03: The Moderating Effect of Gender on the Association between Combat Exposures and Post-deployment Mental Health ............23 Silins, S., PhD, Watkins, K., MA, Zamorski, M.A., MD 3D04: Results from a Pilot Study of an Online Chronic Pain Treatment for Military, RCMP and Veterans................................................23 Holens, P.L., PhD, CPsych, Buhler, J., BA, Klassen, K., PhD 3F03: 4-Session Meditation-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Psychoeducational Classes for CAF Personnel and Veterans ...........24 Wong, J.Y., MA, Sala, T., MD, Whitney, D., PhD, Sareen, J., MD 4A01: The Evidence-base of Mental Health Programs ...........................................................................................................................24 Moeller, J.D., Med, Zack, M.K., PhD, Materia, F., MA, Karre, J., PhD, Aronson, K.R., PhD, Perkins, D.F., PhD 4A02: Predictors of Mental Health Treatment Discontinuation in Canadian Military Personnel .............................................................24 Roth, M., PhD, CPsych, St. Cyr, K., MSc, Richardson, D., MD, Nelson, C., PhD, CPsych, Fikretoglu, D., PhD, Zamorski, M., MD 4A03: Predictors of PTSD, Depression and Suicidal Ideation among CAF Personnel - A Replication of the 2002 Sample using the 2013 CAF Mental Health Survey ...............................................................................................................................25 Nelson, C., PhD, CPsych, Sotskova, A.,MSc, St. Cyr, K., MSc, King, L., MSc, Corbett, B., PhD, Elhai, J.D., PhD, CPsych, Roth, M., PhD, CPsych, Richardson, J.D., MD, Arcuri, A., PhD, CPsych 4A04: Altered Brain Rhythm Synchronisation in Soldiers with Combat-related PTSD............................................................................25 Dunkley, B.T., PhD , Pang, E.W., PhD, Jetly, R., Col, MD, Sedge, P.A., MD, Doesburg, S.M., PhD , Taylor, M.J., PhD The 6th annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum • Abstracts Le 6e Forum annuel de Recherche sur la santé des militaires et des vétérans • Résumés TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 4B01: MDMA-facilitated Cognitive-behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD ............................................................................................26