Walsh, Micay 4Ind'company'
'" .:::~ " , ~; Thursday, October 25, 1973 THE JEWISH POST Page.Nine , " Page Eight THE JEWISH POST Thursday, October 25, 1973 I ' ----~~----------~----~ ~------ I! Youth Aliyah . ' I', Whaf Really Happen'ed? (Cont. from page 3) .Now Is the Time to' Get Your Fall Changeover . brew Letters from Jewish 1 . ' HART'S OATH DIFFICULTIES 1 logical . Seirunary of America Quoth: the i I , ' At a family :conference later, it posed of two more. , using them," he continued, "they'll !recei~ed a Ph.D. in History ... __ 1 , '. , By A. ;J. ARNOLD I I Columbia University. >"8"'"'0' _,', was decided that drastic measures' The familiar sound effects brought last forever. That's psychology! Exclusive to The Jewish Post and the '8.. " .u',','· 'r""'p COO'," la to" the' ,Rescue must be' taken., 'loll! chronicler's Dad int~ the kitchen: "Gatt in,him-, l'll go get 'em." I His book The French Enliglflten-I Canadian Jewish News' of Toronto I daughter, Brenlee, vetoed the idea mel! How could that happen?'" When our rehitzen visited us ment and the Jews was awarded the Maven: i, , of pap'er cups _' "How would they Mother wa~ stunned into immobility, the next day, therefore, orange juice , first Amram Award ill 1967, as the I ~y Rum W. RUBINSTEIN 1you'r,e even more 'careful than I , ',,. 1 h' II look ,on the Shabbos table,' and what and Brenlee, weak with .laugh.tel', was served inelegantly in containers Ezekiel Hart's election to the As- maimer administered to. Jews ap-' beSt work ofnon-nction in th~ Jew- " .'A tummel, caused by tumblers! am.
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