Unmasking Times Square A Needs Assessment Survey with Ticket Sellers, Costumed Characters, and Others By Tia Pooler and Becca Cadoff 520 Eighth Avenue, 18th Floor New York, New York 10018 646.386.3100 fax 212.397.0985 www.courtinnovation.org Unmasking Times Square: A Needs Assessment Survey with Ticket Sellers, Costumed Characters, and Others By Tia Pooler and Becca Cadoff © December 2016 Center for Court Innovation 520 Eighth Avenue, 18th Floor New York, New York 10018 646.386.3100 fax 212.397.0985 www.courtinnovation.org i Acknowledgements We greatly appreciate the assistance of those who conducted community interviews, without whom this project would not have been possible. In particular, thanks to Desiree Simo for her invaluable assistance. In addition, thanks to Annette Avedissian, Kimberly Dalve, Elise Jensen, Natalie Meyer, Cassandra Ramdath, Diba Rouzbahani, Amanda Soled, Lauren Spiegel, and Caroline Voldstad for their help with survey collection. Kimberly Dalve, Josy Hahn, Elise Jensen, and Cassandra Ramdath provided helpful suggestions and expertise regarding community surveys. Thank you to Jack Carlos Mindich for his assistance with data entry, and to Chantey Ramsey for her assistance with survey stipends. Thank you to Dipal Shah, Adam Friedl, and Amanda Roaf for their feedback, guidance, and clinical expertise throughout this project. Thank you to Greg Berman, Amanda Cissner, Kimberly Dalve, Lenore Lebron, and Mike Rempel for their meaningful comments and edits on earlier drafts. Finally, thank you to the Times Square workers for sharing their experiences and for providing entertainment to those in Times Square, 365 days a year. For research correspondence, please contact Tia Pooler, Center for Court Innovation, 520 8th Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10018 (
[email protected]).