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FEBRUARY 24, 2020 | SHEVAT 29, 5780 ESTABLISHED 1937 $2 ‘My favourite day of the year’ More than 450 people gathered on the Jewish Community Campus to spend the morning doing good deeds on Mitzvah Day. Dana Simpson reports.

eople perform mitzvot (good deeds) all year round, but on February 2, more than 450 people of all ages, gathered together at Pthe Soloway Jewish Community Centre (SJCC) and Hillel Lodge to take part in the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s annual Mitzvah Day, a special day when good deeds are performed and celebrated. The Sunday morning proceedings began with a breakfast buffet followed HOWARD SANDLER by the opening ceremonies which saw Ottawa Redblacks mascot Big Joe shares a moment with a group of Mitzvah Day participants, Federation leaders and VIP guests – February 2, at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre. including Ottawa City Councillor and

Deputy Mayor Laura Dudas; Ottawa HOWARD SANDLER City Councillors Rawlson King and Jean Mitzvah Day Co-Chair Leslie Feldman saw Lodge residents moving and groov- was only part of the fun. Cloutier; Nepean MPP and Ontario welcomes participants to a day of performing ing with some of the youngest kids. Asked why she participates in Mitz- Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and good deeds, February 2, at the Soloway “We try to have new activities every vah Day, Hillel Lodge resident Sheila Culture Industries Lisa MacLeod; Orle- Jewish Community Centre. year,” said Federation Vice-President Bahar responded without skipping a ans MP Marie-France Lalonde; members (Community Building) Sarah Beutel. beat. of the Ottawa Redblacks Cheer and And alongside activities old and new “It’s because there’s so many kids Dance Team and mascot Big Joe – march An annual event since 2005, Mitzvah stood both first-time and returning par- here,” Bahar said. into the social hall at the SJCC in the Day 2020 saw 13 mitzvah activities at ticipants. Kids who, like four-year-old Shmuel Mitzvah Day Parade. the SJCC and Hillel Lodge. Ottawa City Councillor and Deputy Caytak, came to learn about mitzvot Also on hand were several Ottawa Among the activities – some new, Mayor Laura Dudas fondly remembered and get to the root of the more personal Police Service officers and Canadian some long-time favourites – were the taking part in challah braiding last year meanings behind a mitzvah. Armed Forces soldiers. Great Jewish Adventure Scavenger Hunt; during Mitzvah Day and said she was While patiently waiting for his herbs First time co-chairs for Mitzvah Day Can-gineering, a team activity to build happy to see the community come to grow at the Sprouting Knowledge sta- were the husband-and-wife duo of Leslie structures using cans and boxes of food together year after year for Mitzvah Day. tion, Shmuel talked about what Mitzvah Feldman and Mike Klein. which were then donated to the Ottawa “We always see so much about the Day means to him. “Giving back is a Jewish tradition,” said Kosher Food Bank; Furrever Homes, bad and it’s so great to see a community “It’s special because it’s Jewish and it Feldman. “Mitzvah Day is such an import- which recycled single socks into catnip of people who want to do better,” said makes the bad dreams go away,” he said. ant event for children in our community toys for foster cats; and the ever popular Dudas. Whatever the motivation for attend- to get to know what a mitzvah is.” Dance-a-Tonne at Hillel Lodge which For other participants, giving back See Mitzvah Day on page 8

Hillel Lodge is deeply committed Jewish women in Ottawa to celebrate Limmud Ottawa 2020 preview > p. 4 inside: to person-centred care > p. 2 International Women’s Day > p. 10 February 24, 2020 2 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN Hillel Lodge is deeply committed to person-centred care

I, and all of us at Hillel Lodge, take this responsibility GUEST COLUMN very seriously and look forward to implementing this approach to the benefit of all our residents.” TED COHEN Hillel Lodge decided to adopt the best elements HILLEL LODGE from the person-centred care models we evaluated. We are adapting them to our unique situation at Hillel Lodge. Working in partnership with the prominent and anada is facing unprecedented demands on our well-respected Research Institute for Aging, Hillel Lodge healthcare system. Nowhere are these pressures will preserve the unique features that make the Lodge felt more acutely than in seniors’ services and a valued resource to our community while evolving to long-term care. With an aging population, more respond to the changing needs of today’s residents. Cvulnerable people than ever require long-term care. Hillel Lodge is home to 121 individuals. Each has Like others in the sector, the Bess and Moe Greenberg their own history, interests, and preferences. Per- Family Hillel Lodge is experiencing these pressures, but son-centred care demands that we continually seek because of outstanding professional staff, deeply com- new ways to meet the individual needs of our resi- mitted volunteers, and generous contributors, Hillel dents. As we implement this approach, residents can Lodge is very well positioned to meet the needs of our expect new services, care options, and activities that residents, whose care and safety remain our number respond to a wider variety of interests and capabilities. one priority. Through consultations with stakeholders, it became This year, 2020, marks an exciting time for Hillel clear that the person-centred care approach is wanted Lodge. In 2019, we held extensive consultations with and will be well received in our community. While our residents, their families, and community leaders to we will implement these changes as quickly as pos- learn everything we could to ensure we are prepared Ted Cohen is CEO of the Bess and Moe Greenberg Family sible, we must acknowledge that person-centred care to meet the evolving long-term care needs of our Hillel Lodge – Ottawa Jewish Home for the Aged. is a journey of continuous incremental change that community. During the consultations, we shared how will not only impact the services we offer but also Hillel Lodge and other leading long-term care homes will begin to change how aging is viewed and how to are embracing new ways of meeting the unique and Lodge, stated recently, “Developing the person-centred honour and empower our seniors. We will implement individual needs of each resident. This care approach care approach for our residents is the main reason I these changes responsibility and as quickly as possible. is called “person-centred care.” embraced the opportunity to serve as president. It is As CEO of Hillel Lodge, it is an honour to help Person-centred care received enthusiastic endorse- an honour and enormous responsibility to be a leader those requiring long-term care live full and engaged ment from our stakeholders and has been adopted and proponent for a model for change in our long- lives. I view the adoption of person-centred care as as the cornerstone of our vision and strategy at Hillel term care community. Adopting this approach is crit- critical as we strive to remain at the forefront of long- Lodge. As Arlene Rosenbloom, president of Hillel ical because of the increasing demands on our sector. term care. Rekindling memories of special life experiences Hillel Lodge has introduced room on the second floor of the Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge looks Comfort Therapy, a new pro- like a park, complete with park benches, wall images of trees and recorded sounds of birds gram for residents with de- Achirping. mentia. reports. The room also has a cradle, a laundry basket of Louise Rachlis baby clothes, life-like baby dolls, and mechanical dogs and cats. And there are happy expressions on the faces of the residents who are rocking the dolls and petting the animals with heart-warming expressions of wonder, recollection, joy and contentment. It’s all part of a new therapeutic program, Comfort Therapy, made possible by a special $10,000 donation to Hillel Lodge. Realistic-looking baby dolls help reduce anxiety, loneliness and agitation among residents with Alzhei- mer’s and other kinds of dementia. Since residents began accessing the dolls in Novem- THE TRADITION CONTINUES ber, their family members have told social worker Rideau Bakery Bread is available at all Carrie Connell that the program has made a Farm Boy locations. Made with the same Allan Taylor big difference to their ■ group plans demeanor. LOUISE RACHLIS starter, same recipes and same Hillel Lodge residents care for dolls in the new Comfort ■ life insurance “It gives them a warm Team Members as before. Therapy program to help stimulate memories of early ■ feeling to see the content- disability insurance parenthood and foster attachment through the comforts of ■ pension and rrifs ment on their relatives’ touching and holding. 613-244-9073 faces,” said Connell. [email protected] Caring for a doll on Visit FARMBOY.CA to find a day-to-day basis helps the comforts of touching and holding. a location near you! stimulate memories of “It’s a way to engage people,” said Connell. “They early parenthood and fos- have memories of all these life experiences. We try to ters attachment through See Comfort Therapy on page 3 February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 3

Comfort Therapy brings joy Continued from page 2 make it relevant to our real world experiences.” When a recreation aide sang from the storybook Old MacDonald had a Farm, across the room, a resident named Donald began to smile. “Rhythm and rhyme are really important, and you can read Old MacDonald and other children’s books to the doll,” she said. “It contextualizes those types of activities for them and us.” The room is in the secure unit but any resident can use it. “It helps those without dementia feel purposeful as well,” said Connell. The room is open all the time. The Lodge follows the Montessori approach of leaving the dolls, books and accessories available for the residents to approach and interact for as long as they want. “Nobody has wanted to keep a doll or animal yet,” said Connell, “but we expect to be able to fill any attachment.” “Every day I’m hearing how it really is bringing joy LOUISE RACHLIS to the residents,” said Hillel Lodge CEO Ted Cohen. Residents enjoy the life-like mechanical pets in the park-like Comfort Therapy room at Hillel Lodge. “It’s the nurturing it brings out – all of sudden there’s that connection and it’s just remarkable. That is why we’re here – it makes our home special – and we’re so seniors in their respective homes. In January, art therapy students were working with grateful for the gift that made it possible.” Comfort Therapy is one of many different kinds of residents to create a polished and safe installation for Hillel Lodge’s Comfort Therapy program is thanks therapy at Hillel Lodge, said Cohen. “Some residents the main wall, bringing the last decorative elements to the generosity of Betty-Hope Gittens. At the age of may respond more to art therapy, others to music, or together. It’s based on artist Marc Chagall’s stained 80, Gittens embarked on “Betty’s Walk,” an 800-km garden therapy in the spring to help nurture a plant glass windows, in three different colours on 36 pieces trek across the Camino de Santiago in Spain. “Betty’s to life. It gives us a selection of different activities to of foam core board, multiples of chai, being created by Walk” raised over $200,000, and she has donated which they can relate.” 36 residents. $10,000 to each of Ottawa’s 13 nonprofit long-term “This has been a very collaborative project,” said And though the room decor isn’t even finished yet, care facilities for use in programming, equipment and/ Connell. “It has taken a bit longer because of that, but the benefits are obvious in the happy smiles of the or other purposes that would enrich the daily lives of people feel they’re part of it.” participants.



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EMAIL ADDRESS ______February 24, 2020 4 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN Limmud Ottawa 2020 to offer speakers from near and far

BY LOUISE RACHLIS and attorney general of Ontario. iations, age, gender, religious practice, FOR LIMMUD OTTAWA The all-day Limmud event will cover nationality, and level of Jewish knowl- ozens of fascinating speakers many vital topics of the Jewish world edge,” said Jenny Roberge, an Ottawa will provide lots to talk about and beyond, from ethical aspects of mashgiach and one of the founders of and lots of fun at Limmud Otta- the environment, the soul, and global Limmud Ottawa. wa 2020, a day of Jewish learn- antisemitism, to Jewish food – “The There will even be “Young Limmud” Ding, on Sunday, March 15. History of Bagels from Europe to North programs for kids aged six-to-12 and 13-to- Speakers are coming from nearby and America” – and kosher beer. 15 from 9 am to 3 pm. This gives families from around the world, from anthropol- Daniel Oore of Memorial University an opportunity to enjoy and participate ogist Rohee Dasgupta offering “Perspec- in Newfoundland and his mother, Irene together in the unique programming. tives on Jewishness and India Jewish Oore of Dalhousie University will pres- Limmud Ottawa is affiliated with Identity,” to environmental psychologist ent “Genocide and Improvisation: Lis- Limmud International, and has partner- Mirele B. Goldsmith on “From Moses to tener and Teller.” ships with the Max and Tessie Zelikov- Greta: Leadership lessons for facing up There is also a Montreal connec- itz Centre for Jewish Studies at Carleton to climate change.” tion for Ottawa’s Limmud 2020. Rabba University, the Vered Jewish Canadian The fun and games includes canasta, a Rachel Kohl Finegold of Congregation Studies Program at University of Otta- favourite pastime of Jewish women, many Shaar Hashomayim and her husband, wa, and is a beneficiary of the Jewish of whom have played for decades with the Rabbi Avi Finegold, interim rabbi of the Federation of Ottawa. Limmud Ottawa same people. Avid canasta players Hinda Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, are also received a grant from the Congre- Packard and Nancy Kaplan, authors of both participating, sharing their knowl- gation Beth Shalom Legacy Endowment Can(am)asta: The Official Handbook, will edge and community spirit with Lim- Fund. teach about the game’s history and tech- mud Ottawa. Limmud Ottawa 2020 takes place niques, and afterward, lead the play at a One Ottawa connection is Baruch morning and afternoon on Sunday, canasta demonstration station. Sienna who will speak on “Judaism and March 15, at the Soloway Jewish Com- Timely and topical, one of the pan- the Environment: Beyond Bal Tashkhit.” munity Centre. Adult admission is $36 els will be “Weighing in on Quebec’s Born and raised in Ottawa, he believes and includes all sessions and a light Bill C-21,” with panelists Robert Barsky, that Judaism’s ancient texts have many kosher lunch. Limmud is aiming for a Canada research chair in law and legal valuable lessons concerning “consum- day of zero waste, and so please bring Hinda Packard and Nancy Kaplan, authors of studies at Carleton University; Rich- erism, sustainability and stewardship.” your own reusable water container. Can(am)asta: The Official Handbook will ard Marceau, vice-president (external He’ll explore the natural world through Register at discuss the history of canasta and lead the affairs) and general counsel of the the lens of classical Jewish texts and Registration in advance online is highly play at a canasta demonstration station at Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs; point out what they can teach us. recommended as the event sells out. Limmud Ottawa 2020. and Yasir Naqvi, CEO of the Institute of “Limmud participants come from The full list of speakers is available on Canadian Citizenship and a former MPP very diverse backgrounds, religious affil- the website.

Rabba Rachel Kohl Finegold, director of education and spiritual enrichment at Congregation Shaar Hashomayim in Montreal, will discuss end-of-life narratives in the Torah at Limmud Ottawa 2020. February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 5

(From left) Ben Karp Soloway JCC Volunteer Service Award recipient Sabina Wasserlauf; Grossman-Klein Teen Leadership Award recipients Max Rosenberg and Sabrina Silverstone; and incoming SJCC Board Chair Allan Shefrin gather at the SJCC AGM, January 29.

ALEX SARNA Allan Shefrin becomes SJCC board chair Outstanding volunteers honoured at SJCC AGM

BY PAMELA ROSENBERG annually to a male and a female teen SOLOWAY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTRE who have shown outstanding dedication and service to the Jewish community llan Shefrin was appointed the and the community at large. new chair of the Soloway Jew- A Grade 12 student at Sir Robert ish Community Centre (SJCC) Borden High School (SRB), Sabrina Board of Directors at the SJCC has been involved in A Ripple Effect, Aannual general meeting, January 29. Kiwanis KEY Club and participated in A Winnipeg native and CHEO doctor, the DECA business competition. She is a Shefrin has served on the SJCC Board member of the SRB Link Crew, helping for nine years and succeeds Michael new students learn the ropes. She has Aronson in the position. been part of the school play, both on “When Steph and I moved back stage and behind the scenes, and was to Ottawa, we knew we wanted to get been nominated for a Cappie award. involved in the Jewish community as Since Grade 9, Sabrina has been part we looked ahead to the next chapters of of Torah High serving on the NCSY stu- our lives: meeting Jewish people, having dent board and as co-president. Follow- kids and raising them Jewishly,” said ing a trip to Israel and Poland this past Shefrin. summer, she attended Yale University’s A highlight of the event was the pre- Tikvah Institute. She served on SRB’s sentation of awards to three outstanding Holocaust Education Committee and has volunteers. been an Israel advocacy intern through Sabina Wasserlauf was the recipient Hasbara Fellowships. of the Ben Karp Soloway JCC Volunteer A Grade 11 honour-roll student at Service Award. The award recognizes a SRB, Max has spent his life on the Jew- volunteer who best exemplifies commu- ish Community Campus. He attended nal ideals and sets an ongoing example Ganon Preschool, OJCS and JCC Summer for others. Camps where he now spends his sum- Wasserlauf, a clinical social worker, mers as a counsellor. has been part of the SJCC since our At his OJCS graduation, Max was doors opened over 20 years ago. She honoured with the Michael Hill Memo- has been instrumental in the success rial Award for outstanding social con- of the SJCC’s Biathlon fundraiser and sciousness. He has been a student at has facilitated educational programs. Torah High, regularly attends Jewish She has been on the SJCC board for 11 Culture Club and participates in Kehillat years and was board chair from 2016 Beth Israel events. Max has been in the to 2018. SRB play and last year was nominated In addition to her commitment to the for a Cappie for best comedic actor. SJCC, Wasserlauf has been involved with Aside from working at the SJCC in Torah Academy of Ottawa, the Ottawa the summers, PD Day, Break Camps and Jewish Community School (OJCS), and babysitting, Max’s volunteer time at the Congregation Beth Shalom. She has centre go above and beyond his required volunteered for the Jewish Federation of hours. He also lends his time at school Ottawa’s Annual Campaign and chaper- giving tours to prospective families and oned the March of the Living in 2002. on Halloween spends the evening scar- Sabrina Silverstone and Maxwell ing kid as they make their way through Rosenberg received the Grossman-Klein the Halloween Haunted House for Teen Leadership Award, presented CHEO. February 24, 2020 6 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN

Caring services during times of need their own sections, In June 2019, Jonathan Freedman, Like all organizations, JMG has to be but that was no lon- chair of JMG since 2012, stepped down financially sustainable. The sale of flow- ger workable, so in and we became co-chairs. Brent chaired ers that we plant annually on gravesites 2008, the ownership the multi-million dollar revitalization is a major income source and families of the properties was of the Bank Street cemetery that took are encouraged to participate. Flower transferred to JMG. place five years ago, and has continued sales both help with our bottom line A Board of Directors to be hands-on in all aspects of land- and are an excellent way to beautify the runs JMG, and is made scaping, maintenance, and day-to-day cemeteries while honouring the memo- up of members from operation of the properties. John served ries of our loved ones.

FEDERATION FEDERATION REPORT each of the founding as treasurer for a decade, and had JMG also realizes that the needs of JOHN DIENER AND BRENT synagogues, as well as representatives dealt with and continues to work with the community have changed. There are TAYLOR, CO-CHAIRS, appointed by the Jewish Federation of finance, accounting, day-to-day issues, new groups within the community that JEWISH MEMORIAL GARDENS Ottawa. The Board is tasked with han- and compliance with the Bereavement will have to be accommodated, wheth- dling all aspects of day-to-day operation, Authority of Ontario. Together, we work er they be small congregations, mixed ewish Memorial Gardens (JMG) maintenance, and finance, while the in partnership with a group of dedicat- marriage couples, or unaffiliated Ottawa operates the two community-owned synagogues maintain halachic control ed volunteers and one paid employee, Jews who wish to be buried in a Jew- cemeteries, the original Bank Street over the sections that they previously Executive Director Tammy Torontow. ish cemetery. The Board is working on Jlocation, established in the 1890s, owned. As the synagogues were the Dealing with death is very painful developing both short-term and long- and on Herberts Corners Road in Greely, original owners of the properties, syn- and stressful for families, and Tammy term plans to deal with shifting needs. purchased in 1976. Combined, JMG is agogue membership is required to pur- collaborates with the synagogues, rabbis, Finally, both cemeteries are peace- where more than 5,000 members of our chase interment rights. However, mea- Chevra Kadisha, funeral homes, and our ful, beautifully landscaped places to families and friends were laid to rest. sures have been put in place to secure wonderful grounds-keeping contractor visit, reflect and remember family and Approximately 75 burials are conducted a special “time of need” membership to make the experience as easy as possi- friends. JMG’s goal is to continue to pro- annually. when necessary. We also have policies in ble. Together, they all do whatever they vide caring, compassionate services to Both cemeteries are divided into sec- place to ensure that those who do not can to get families through the ordeal in the community during times of need. tions, each one associated with either have the resources to pay for interment a dignified fashion, while respecting our Visit www.jewishmemorialgardens. a current or historic synagogue. Orig- rights and burial costs for a deceased Jewish tradition and halachah. org or call Tammy Torontow at 613-688- inally, the synagogues owned and ran family member are accommodated. We have challenges moving forward. 3530 for more information.

A culture of creating leaders Ottawa Jewish Bulletin VOLUME 84 | ISSUE 8

the Chabad movement. receive any seed money or capital fund- Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. In his opening address in 1951, he ing from Chabad headquarters. Each 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, K2A 1R9 Tel: 613 798-4696 | Fax: 613 798-4730 said in Yiddish: “Leig zich nisht arayn chapter is independent and has to devel- Email: [email protected] kein feigelach in busem,” literally, “Don’t op its own financial support from their Published 19 times per year. put birds in your bosom.” This Yiddish local communities, which ensures that © Copyright 2020 saying refers to someone who fools it establishes roots and truly becomes PUBLISHER himself by putting a bird in his pocket, part and parcel of its local community. Andrea Freedman thinking that this will make him fly. Although every chapter is directed by EDITOR Michael Regenstreif This is how the Rebbe empowered the Rebbe’s teaching and his guiding PRODUCTION CONSULTANT thousands of his followers to go out and principle of loving every human being Patti Moran FROM THE THE FROM PULPIT create Jewish communities in places unconditionally, each chapter sets its BUSINESS MANAGER RABBI MENACHEM M. BLUM where kosher food or synagogues are direction as to what to spend most of its Eddie Peltzman OTTAWA TORAH CENTRE CHABAD often non-existent. He made it clear energy on. Whether their focus should that while having a spiritual leader for be on youth programming, serving the rom the Caribbean to Mexico, guidance and inspiration is important, elderly, education or on social programs The Bulletin, established in 1937 as “a force from Florida to Europe, Ottawa in order to see real progress, we need and services. for constructive communal consciousness,” communicates the messages of the Jewish vacationers attended Chanukah to work on it on our own and achieve In describing the Rebbe’s impact on Federation of Ottawa and its agencies and, as celebrations organized by Chabad it from within. His message was, “I am world Jewry for the last 70 years, Rabbi the city’s only Jewish newspaper, welcomes a Fand some brought back regards from my here to inspire and guide you, but I Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz writes: “The diversity of opinion as it strives to inform and enrich the community. Viewpoints expressed colleagues, Chabad rabbis posted around won’t do everything for you.” His atti- Rebbe changed the direction in which in these pages do not necessarily represent the globe. Their feedback was the same tude was that his followers are required Jewish history was moving. If you told a the policies and values of the Federation. across the board, “It is so amazing to to find their power and strength on Jew after the Holocaust that his son or The Bulletin cannot vouch for the kashrut see young couples move to these far-out their own and light their fire from daughter would be more God fearing, of advertised products or establishments places away from their family and form within. Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Sacks, the that the next generation would be more unless they are certified by Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut or a rabbinic authority recognized their community and create a Jewish former chief rabbi of Great Britain, religious than the previous generation, by OVH. oasis in real deserts.” expressed it beautifully: “Other Jewish that person would react in disbelief. $36 Local Subscription | $40 Canada My mentor, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, leaders that I’ve met created followers, The crisis after the Holocaust was so $60 USA | $179 Overseas | $2 per issue Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, is the the Lubavitcher Rebbe created lead- deep that the general feeling was that Funded by the Government of Canada. inspiration that fueled the Chabad out- ers. It was he who encouraged me and religion had ended, a matter of a year reach revolution. His teachings continue ordered me to enter the rabbinate.” or 10, until Judaism became a distant ISSN: 1196-1929 Publication Mail Agreement No. 40018822 to motivate thousands of his emissaries This is the standard that the Rebbe past. The Rebbe inspired his followers around the world to dedicate their lives set for Chabad and how he built his Jew- to embark on a worldwide mission to Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Ottawa Jewish Bulletin to enhancing Jewish life wherever they ish outreach machine. The financial and travel to all corners of the earth to open 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, are. This month, I participated in the programmatic responsibility rests entire- Jewish educational and social centres Ottawa ON K2A 1R9 commemoration of the 70th anniversa- ly on the shoulders of the local Chabad and engage Jews of all ages in Jewish ry since he assumed the leadership of rabbi and rebbetzin. The couples don’t life and today we are seeing the results.” February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 7

IHRA definition of antisemitism needed courts, the educational system, and all or even how it has handled the totality before the city council, Perez with- of us. The IHRA definition does that by of relations – and reconciliation – with drew the motion when Mayor Valèrie defining both classic antisemitism and Canada’s Indigenous peoples. But it Plante said defining antisemitism was pointing out examples of how criticism would be anti-Canadian to say that Can- “far from a black and white issue” and of the State of Israel can and does cross ada has no right or legitimacy to exist suggested sending the issue of antisem- the line into antisemitism. However, the as a country because of how it has acted itism to a council committee which IHRA definition of antisemitism explic- on the protests specifically, or even on could devise a “Montreal model” to itly states that “criticism of Israel similar Indigenous relations generally. define antisemitism. to that leveled against any other country Bill 168, a private member’s bill The following week there was no

FROM THE THE FROM EDITOR cannot be regarded as antisemitic.” introduced by Ontario Conservative such hesitation when the city council MICHAEL REGENSTREIF The line is crossed, though, by MPP Will Bouma, would make Ontario of Westmount – the suburb next to “applying double standards by requir- the first province to adopt the IHRA downtown Montreal where I lived for ing of [Israel] a behaviour not expected definition. The bill passed first reading 27 years before moving to Ottawa in ast June, the federal government or demanded of any other democratic at Queen’s Park two months ago and is 2007 – unanimously adopted the IHRA adopted the International Holo- nation,” or “using the symbols and now at committee. definition of antisemitism. caust Remembrance Alliance images associated with classic antisem- At the municipal level, few cities I hope Ottawa City Council will also (IHRA) definition of antisemi- itism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus have yet taken any action on adopting soon act to adopt the IHRA definition. Ltism as a component of its anti-racism or blood libel) to characterize Israel or the IHRA definition. On January 28, strategy. At the time, Canada was the Israelis,” or “drawing comparisons of the day after International Holocaust BULLETIN WEBSITE 17th country to adopt the definition. contemporary Israeli policy to that of Remembrance Day, the city of Vaughan, I’m pleased and excited to report that The Centre for Israel and Jewish the Nazis,” or “holding Jews collectively a Toronto-area suburb became the first work on the new Ottawa Jewish Bulle- Affairs (CIJA) – the advocacy agent for responsible for actions of the state of city in Canada to adopt the definition. tin website is nearing completion and Jewish federations in Canada, includ- Israel.” On International Holocaust Remem- the site is scheduled to go live at ing the Jewish Federation of Ottawa In other words, criticism of specific brance Day, a motion was presented at on – has been encouraging provincial and Israeli government policies or Israeli pol- Montreal’s city council calling for the Wednesday, March 4. municipal governments across the iticians are as legitimate as criticism of city to adopt the IHRA definition. The The new design is a big improvement country to endorse and adopt the IHRA specific Canadian or American policies. motion was presented by Councillor on our old site, which we have not been definition as well. For example, as I write, environmental Lionel Perez, an observant Jew, who able to update since August.Since then, In an era when, sadly, antisemitism protest actions by several Indigenous told the Canadian Jewish News that we’ve been posting content to a tempo- and antisemitic hate crimes are on the nations in Canada have stopped Via Rail he “believes the city should take this rary site at rise, it is important to have a common service across the country and it is not position because of the increase in hate which we’ll continue to use until the definition of antisemitism that can anti-Canadian to criticize the govern- crimes against Jews.” new site goes live. It will be great to get guide law enforcement officials, the ment on how it has handled the protests However, when the matter came back to our real home on the internet.

Do federal leaders need to speak French?

On the surface, I really admire the enough French-speaking voters to make speak French, he spoke it like a Que- rarest of politicians who can bury their a difference? becer. This told Quebecers, “This guy ego in an egocentric business. It is such Mulroney knew his history, and he Layton, he really gets us.” a rarity that I suspect something else is knew reading a few French lines like There will never be an NDP-like going on that has everything to do with John Diefenbaker was not going to cut orange crush moment for MacKay. It is Canada being a bilingual country. it with Quebecers. He knew the next too late to learn that much French that A lot has been said about MacKay’s stage of moderate fluency wasn’t good quickly. But when all is said and done, embarrassingly bad French. He made enough either. it really isn’t about learning French. It is grievous errors reading a few French A dictionary definition of ‘bilingual’ about feeling the French language, thus

IDEAS AND IDEAS IMPRESSIONS lines on a teleprompter when he is that a person speaks two languages, enabling you to feel and relate to Que- JASON MOSCOVITZ announced his candidacy last month. one as well as the other. In Canada, becers as Layton did. MacKay’s French sounded as bad as bilingualism has often incorrectly come As a former senior minister in Harp- former Progressive Conservative prime to mean speaking French or English er’s government, MacKay had to know wise person once told me minister John Diefenbaker’s did 60 with varying degrees of fluency in the what his linguistic target was, and he every member of Parliament years ago, and about as bad as Reform other official language. failed to meet it. The fact he is so far thinks they should be leader Party leader Preston Manning 30 years Former Conservative leaders and from it indicates extreme naiveté at of their party, and that it just ago. Maybe not quite as bad, but this is prime ministers Joe Clark and Stephen best, or a complete lack of caring at Atakes one scotch for them to say so. Wel- 2020, not 1957 or 1987. Harper were able to converse and worst. My ironclad guarantee is that come to the zany world of leadership MacKay’s fumbling efforts were met debate in French. While Quebecers Quebecers will never warm up to politics. with derision in Quebec. In English Can- respected their efforts, Clark failed MacKay and, unlike Clark and Harper, Watching the Conservatives stumble ada, a debate was launched as to whether miserably in Quebec while Harper only they won’t be able to respect his efforts. out of the gate is a sight for sore eyes. the leader of the Conservative Party won a few seats there. I recently asked a plugged-in Que- A Peter MacKay coronation is not what really needs to speak French. That debate Not being fluently bilingual is not becer, someone whose job it is to know the leadership race was cracked up to centres on whether the Conservative a sin, but it falls short of the ultimate and follow all members of Parliament, be. Apart from MacKay there is no star. Party needs Quebec to win an election. goal for an English-speaking Canadian about Rona Ambrose’s French. He I am intrigued by Rona Ambrose Numerically, it is possible to win to truly understand Quebec culture and responded by waving his hand, which saying no to running. Every political without Quebec. But as Brian Mulroney Quebecers. told me everything I needed to know. star I knew would have jumped at a asked Tories during the 1983 leadership Although it seemed like a big sur- Perhaps her French is somewhat bet- chance to be prime minister. As I write, race, why start with a 100-seat disad- prise in 2011, it was no accident that the ter than MacKay’s, but it is not nearly Ambrose is still resisting attempts to get vantage between Quebec and ridings late Jack Layton won so big in French good enough, and Ambrose may have her to change her mind. outside of Quebec where there are Quebec for the NDP. He didn’t just been smart enough to know that. February 24, 2020 8 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN

‘We are better together’ mailbag | [email protected]

Following his return SIYUM HASHAS unity pervades all of them, notwith- standing which religious grouping one from a trip to Israel, It was wonderful reading about Rabbi represents or follows. Each of the Gavriel Rudin’s impressions of the Siyum Siyumei has its own character in reach- Micah Garten HaShas at the MetLife Stadium on ing out to its participants. However, the reflects on the January 1 (“Inspirational gathering of message of Talmud Torah pervades the 90,000 celebrates Talmud study,” entire community, and is the heritage of changing relation- January 27). I had the opportunity to all Jews. attend three Siyumei HaShas in Israel, The Torah tells us at the end of ship of Israel and one sponsored by the Agudat Yisrael, the Deuteronomy that it is close to all those second by the Mizrachi Religious Zionist who seek it. In our times, with the advent the Diaspora. movement, and the third a Chassidic one of technological advancement, Daf Yomi comprising of hundreds of attendees has become accessible to all. All one has s director of Development from different sects. to do is to click a button or open a volume for the Jewish Federation While none of them compares to the of Talmud. Its treasure await all Jews. MICAH GARTEN of Ottawa and the Ottawa Chen Cotler Abrahams of the Israel extravaganza at MetLife, the message of Rabbi Howard Finkelstein Jewish Community Foun- Trauma Coalition explains how it has Adation, I had the opportunity recent- become a world leader by creating ly to visit Israel as part of a trip with innovations to help people cope with Jewish Federations of North America. trauma. In the more than 20 years since my last visit, it’s fair to say that much has changed as Israel has advanced needs for resiliency that exist in remarkably, embracing its reputation Israel. From Jewish communities in as a start-up nation. The changes I the south, under constant threat of witnessed, for me, parallel the chang- rocket attack and with cities where ing relationship that North American most children require counselling, Jewry has with our homeland. Israel’s to Bedouin communities, and peo- needs are different than they once ple with disabilities, Israel’s diverse were, and so too are our needs as a population presents vastly different Diaspora. We still yearn for a connec- needs. The ITC is a leader in iden- tion to the homeland, but what that tifying these needs and helping to means has evolved. tailor resiliency and training pro- Adapting to these changes, the grams that are customizable. Given North American Federations’ rela- the unique circumstances that Israel tionships with Israel have evolved faces, ITC has quickly become a as well. For example in Ottawa, the world leader creating innovations to majority of Federation donor dol- help people to cope with trauma. lars go to serve local Jewish needs Sadly, this reality played out very and programming in our city. The close to home on October 27, 2018 dollars donated beyond our commu- when a domestic terrorist entered nity, go to support Jews across the the Tree of Life synagogue in Pitts- world, not just in Israel. burgh on Shabbat morning and Similarly, the projects we fund in senselessly slaughtered 11 men and Israel look vastly different than those women. Within 24 hrs, ITC was on of even a decade ago. During my trip, the ground in Pittsburgh helping I had the opportunity to see firsthand provide the Jewish community with some of the projects that we fund counselling and training. HOWARD SANDLER through our partners, the American That Israel has blazed ahead and A Mitzvah Day Can-gineering team builds a structure using cans and boxes of food which were Jewish Joint Distribution Committee can now send emergency response then donated to the Ottawa Kosher Food Bank, February 2, at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre. and the Jewish Agency for Israel. I teams to help Jews in North Amer- was struck by the innovation of run- ica is emblematic of not only the ning employment training for both country’s successes, but also the haredi Jews and Israeli Arabs. Each changes in our relationship to our Mitzvah Day: Community at its finest group trains in a different program, homeland. Once a barren landscape but their learning is shared across that needed pioneers and donor dol- Continued from page 1 about the power of each of us.” both communities. In every project I lars just to survive, Israel has made ing the event, Mitzvah Day 2020 was a A power fully exercised on Mitzvah visited, this dual theme of innovation the dessert bloom and keeps reach- tremendous success. Day. and connectivity was repeated, with ing and moving forward, spreading “It brings all the community together Rabbi Reuven Bulka, co-chair of the Israel striving to find new ways to and sharing its innovation and gifts regardless of age and denomination,” Jewish Federation of Ottawa annual solve problems and connect diverse wherever possible. This success is said Jewish Federation of Ottawa Chair campaign and rabbi emeritus of Con- groups of people. our success and speaks volumes Michael Polowin. “Mitzvah Day is my gregation Machzikei Hadas, showed his Perhaps the program that made about the values of Jewish people- favourite day of the year.” pride in the Jewish community and in the greatest impact on me was on a hood. This is a two-way relationship As Mitzvah Day wound down, Feder- Mitzvah Day by describing its impor- trip to Sderot, where I heard from and just as Federations understand ation President and CEO Andrea Freed- tance in an organic way. Taly Levanon and Chen Cotler Abra- the needs and benefits of partner- man reflected on the day’s events while “It’s like planting a seed,” said Rabbi hams of the Israel Trauma Coalition ship, visiting Israel makes it clear passing out cookies with a smile. Bulka. “It’s a small little thing but it (ITC). You can imagine the diverse that we are indeed better together. “People, food and giving back,” said can make a big impact. It’s community Freedman. “What could be bad? It’s growth at its finest.” February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 9

SCREEN SHOT FROM YOUTUBE Yohanan and Shifra Lowen’s suit against the Quebec government is not seeking monetary damages but demands a declaratory judgment forcing the province to provide more oversight to ensure that children who attend private religious schools learn the provincial curriculum.

Former Hasidic couple sues Quebec for failure to make sure they were properly educated


(JTA) – A formerly Hasidic Jewish couple is suing the Quebec provincial government and its school system, Stand with Israel... claiming the government did not make sure they In Israel received a complete education. Also named in the suit are Yeshiva Oir Hachayim in Boisbriand, Quebec, and the Grand Séminaire Rab- binique Tash de Montréal and Collège Rabbinique de Montréal Oir Hachayim d’Tash in Montreal. The trial opened February 10 in Quebec Superior Court. Yohanan and Shifra Lowen filed the lawsuit five years ago, the CBC reported. They are not suing for money but are demanding a declaratory judgment to force Quebec to provide more oversight to ensure that children who attend private religious schools learn the provincial curriculum. “The plaintiffs finished their high school education without knowing about the St. Lawrence River or the theory of evolution,” the summary of their claim reads. Similar lawsuits have been filed in New York and in Israel, where some reform has been undertaken. Yohanan Lowen says in the lawsuit that when he fin- ished school at the age of 18 he could barely add or sub- tract, could not read and write in English or French, and was unprepared to find work, according to the CBC. Lawyers representing the province and the Tash [email protected] community on Monday told the court that the 514-735-0272 or [email protected] problems with the students’ education have been addressed, the Canadian Press reported. Lowen broke ties a decade ago with Tash, an insular Programs start approximately Hasidic sect based in Quebec. He and his wife, whose every 3 weeks. legal name is Clara Wasserstein, have four children and live in Montreal. February 24, 2020 10 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN Jewish women in Ottawa to celebrate International Women’s Day

BY LOUISE RACHLIS hree Ottawa women, originally from Israel, have organized an event for Jewish women in Otta- wa to celebrate International TWomen’s Day. The International Women’s Day Cel- ebration Party was organized by Hen Amiel Tomer, Shlomit Jacobson and Shira Alon Musafi and will take place on the evening of Saturday, March 7 at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre. Organizers say the event is dedicated to all the Jewish women in Ottawa, and is (From left) Organizers Shlomit Jacobson, Hen an opportunity for women “to celebrate Amiel Tomer, Shira Alon Musafi are working to and be celebrated.” connect Israeli women in Ottawa with the The three organizers are part of an wider Jewish community and have organized informal group of Israeli women who an International Women’s Day celebration first got together in an Ottawa café. taking place at the SJCC on March 7. Among themselves, they’ve run cooking classes, parenting classes, and all kinds of activities welcoming Israeli gap between the newcomers and the newcomers to Ottawa. After several established community. Interestingly, events within the Israeli community, since the issue was brought up in the they decided to create this wider cele- survey, we initiated conversation with bration for the larger community of Jew- many women from the established Jew- ish women in Ottawa. ish community that expressed the same “We strongly believe that by empow- need. That made us realize that there ering women you empower and is an appetite for both communities to strengthen the whole community,” said become one,” explained Tomer. Tomer. “International Women’s Day is a They feel their project is unique great opportunity to bring together the because most initiatives today are affil- amazing Jewish women in Ottawa to cel- iated with a specific group within the ebrate, empower, connect and engage.” larger Jewish community, “while the The evening includes a buffet dinner majority of the Israeli community in and drinks, a live show, and an energetic Ottawa are not affiliated with a certain dance party. congregation, leading to feelings of iso- The theme for 2020 International lation and even seclusion.” Women’s Day is “Each for Equal,” said For this event, “women are invited Tomer, “a great fit for what we are and encouraged to have fun… to con- trying to accomplish here, to foster an nect, form new friendships and develop all-inclusive community where each one a sense of belonging.” feels at home, all the time.” Lynne Oreck-Wener, founder of the The goals for the event are to connect Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation’s the well-established Jewish community Women’s Collective Philanthropy Pro- with the relatively new Israeli communi- gram, was impressed by the desire of the ty “through celebrating our social (wom- Israeli women “to become a part of and anhood) and cultural (Judaism) common engaged in the ‘established’ – as we have grounds as a way to start building shared loosely named it for lack of another identity”; to continue to provide a sense term – Ottawa Jewish community. of belonging to the growing community “These wise women sought the route of Israeli women in Ottawa; to celebrate of connecting with women, building the achievements of women in general trust and relationships as the conduit,” and of Jewish women in particular; and Oreck-Wener said. “It is profound that “to create shared memories through a they feel their children are Canadian wonderful evening with like-minded and want to enable them to engage in women from all walks of life.” the community. To choose to hold the They note that in a previous post-event event in celebration of International survey, it became apparent that Israeli Women’s Day is a perfect fit.” women in Ottawa crave a deeper connec- The doors open at 7 pm (after the tion with the larger Jewish community. conclusion of Shabbat) and the party “The decision to have a larger event goes until midnight. Tickets were sold that includes all the women in Ottawa out at press time. Send an email to stems from our wish to cater to this [email protected] for very real need to narrow the perceived inquiries. February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 11 February 24, 2020 12 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN


Where Learning is: nuirsed ndsn ierenied indiidulied Mitzvah Day volunteers make hamantaschen at Hillel Lodge for Ottawa Kosher Food Bank udicllcenred clients, February 2. nspirinl un eein r eceedin nri inisr sndrds The beauty of Purim: Uniting through tzedakah

BY VALERIE MICHAILOVICH Food Bank for basic needs like canned FOR OTTAWA KOSHER FOOD BANK goods, kosher meat, fresh produce, and household items. n the evening of March 9, Jew- Established in 1997, the Ottawa ish communities around the Kosher Food Bank – based at Kehillat world will begin celebrating Beth Israel – supports people of all ages Purim. The holiday tells a story living in Ottawa. Over the past year, Oof real courage and bravery that saved 23 per cent of its clients were children the Jewish people from their evil perse- under age 18. Not only do these fami- cutor, Haman. lies get access to healthy and nutritious Many celebrate Purim with some food, they also become part of a greater of the happiest traditions: the reading community. of Megillat Esther; the exchange of This Purim, we have a perfect oppor- Mishloach Manot between family and tunity to give back and fulfill the com- friends; and the consumption of a deli- mandment of Matanot La’evyonim. cious holiday feast. Although the mitzvah is fulfilled by However, hidden within the playful- giving charity to at least two individuals ness of the holiday lies an important in need on Purim, here are some ways commandment associated with Purim: one can support the Ottawa Kosher Matanot La’evyonim (giving tzedakah to Food Bank this Purim and throughout the poor). This commandment is based the year: on a verse that can be found in Megillat • Donate online or by phone and have Esther: “And one must give gifts to the tribute cards sent out to friends and poor during the day of Purim; and no family to celebrate the holiday; less than two poor people, one gift to • Participate in a community-wide each of them to anyone who holds out food drive by bringing non-perish- their hand, you shall give it to them.” able food and household items to the In Judaism, the act of giving charity Megillah reading at your synagogue; is not time bound; one is encouraged to • Sponsor a Stock-the-Freezer event give charity at any time of the year. And to prepare and freeze soups, baked yet, it is an essential part of observing goods, and other items for our cli- Purim. ents. While there are many explanations as to why one is commanded to give to Your donation is more than just a charity during Purim, the foremost is donation. It is an act of courage and r re inrin r ur prie ur this: Jews were oppressed and suffered promotion of Jewish unity, the pillars of cll collectively as a people. Therefore, the the story of Purim. Let’s make sure that main theme of Purim is Jewish unity. everyone in our community can unite We celebrate our freedom and many and enjoy the holiday festivities. blessings together, as one community. Visit or follow us on rd Sree Unfortunately, there are those in our Instagram or Facebook or contact Otta- inrdc community who are less fortunate than wa Kosher Food Bank Manager Dahlia r re inrin isi ur esie rdc others. Each month about 80 to 90 Jew- Milech at 613-728-3501, ext. 235 for more ish families rely on the Ottawa Kosher information. February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 13 February 24, 2020 14 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN THANK YOU! to everyone who participated on February 2!

Photos: Howard Sandler, Connor Roach

Thank you, Friends of Mitzvah Day! Anonymous Roger Greenberg & Cindy Feingold Tom Sargent Leila & Stuart Ages and family Vera & Leslie Klein Jessica Shabinsky Sharon & David Appo� ve and family Rhonda & Danny Levine and family Allan, Stephanie, Livia and Frances Shefrin Andrew Fainer & Bonnie Boretsky Linda & Warren Melamed and family Ian & Randi Sherman and family Boyden Execu� ve Search Merovitz Potechin LLP Jenny & Jason Shinder and family Heidi Du� on and Jonathan Huber Minto Founda� on Sol & Zelaine Shinder Barbara & Michael Feldman The Minzberg family Jules & Barbara Sigler and family Andrea Freedman Naomi & Jonathan Mitchell and family Nathan & Cindy Smith and family Michael Geist & Allison Geff en and family Steven & Sarah Morgan and family Serena, Aurelia & Jeremy Stobo Leanne & Jeff Greenberg and family Michael & Melanie Polowin and family Armon Vaziri Robert Greenberg Shelley Rothman and family Joelle Zagury and family

Escape Manor Junior Corporate Breakfast Special Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park Partners Sponsor Thanks O� awa 67’s Hockey Club Smith Induspac Customized Industrial Packaging February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 15 THANK YOU! to everyone who participated on February 2!

Photos: Howard Sandler, Connor Roach

Thank you, Friends of Mitzvah Day! Anonymous Roger Greenberg & Cindy Feingold Tom Sargent Leila & Stuart Ages and family Vera & Leslie Klein Jessica Shabinsky Sharon & David Appo� ve and family Rhonda & Danny Levine and family Allan, Stephanie, Livia and Frances Shefrin Andrew Fainer & Bonnie Boretsky Linda & Warren Melamed and family Ian & Randi Sherman and family Boyden Execu� ve Search Merovitz Potechin LLP Jenny & Jason Shinder and family Heidi Du� on and Jonathan Huber Minto Founda� on Sol & Zelaine Shinder Barbara & Michael Feldman The Minzberg family Jules & Barbara Sigler and family Andrea Freedman Naomi & Jonathan Mitchell and family Nathan & Cindy Smith and family Michael Geist & Allison Geff en and family Steven & Sarah Morgan and family Serena, Aurelia & Jeremy Stobo Leanne & Jeff Greenberg and family Michael & Melanie Polowin and family Armon Vaziri Robert Greenberg Shelley Rothman and family Joelle Zagury and family

Escape Manor Junior Corporate Breakfast Special Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park Partners Sponsor Thanks O� awa 67’s Hockey Club Smith Induspac Customized Industrial Packaging February 24, 2020 HEALTH & WELLNESS 16 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN Israeli nephrologist says kidneys can be rejuvenated Will dialysis become a thing of the past?


groundbreaking study has shown that it is possible to rejuvenate damaged kidneys and improve their function, Aa procedure that could reverse chronic kidney disease, offsetting the need for dialysis. This is the first breakthrough in decades to combat this disease, often pre- cipitated by hypertension and diabetes, and which affects 10 per cent of the pop- ulation worldwide. The study was conducted by Dr. Ben- jamin Dekel, head of Pediatric Nephrol- ogy and the Pediatric Stem Cell Research Institute in the Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s hospital at Sheba Medical Center, and published last month in the Cell Reports medical journal. In past studies, researchers discov- ered that the adult kidney constantly renews itself over time through the activity of colonies of cells that replace lost and degenerated cells in the kidney. Dekel and his team have now developed an innovative technology that involves the extraction of such healthy kidney cells from diseased kidneys. These cells by the KidneyCure Bio firm, which com- are then expanded into large numbers “The ability to generate new kidney tissue – to replace the mercialized this technology. within a laboratory environment. By “The breakthrough in this technol- generation of three-dimensional cultures damaged tissue – could help millions of patients worldwide ogy, which was developed at the Sheba called “kidney spheres,” the cells show who suffer from kidney disease,” says Dr. Benjamin Dekel. Medical Center, is not only in the abil- improved function to generate new ity to maintain the kidney-renewing kidney tissue and replace lost cells. The cells outside the body, but also in the new cells are then reintroduced into for immunosuppression as well as prob- mice displayed improved renal function. ability to multiply them and generate the kidney where they rebuild it, posi- lems associated with immune rejection. By focusing on improving and stabi- large numbers of cells and make them tively influencing neighboring cells and Thus far, the method has been tested lizing renal function, this treatment has function properly using the 3-D cul- improving its function (see diagram). on mice, where the cells have shown the potential to help millions of patients tures,” said Dekel. “This is important One of the most significant aspects their ability to generate new renal struc- with chronic kidney disease and who news for patients with chronic kidney of the discovery is that the newly devel- tures, associated with an ability to be have yet to require dialysis treatment. disease, who hopefully will benefit oped technology uses the patient’s own retained for a long time once adminis- These results will be studied in clin- from these discoveries in the coming cells, thereby circumventing the need tered into the host kidney. The treated ical trials on patients with renal failure years. The ability to generate new kid- ney tissue – to replace the damaged tissue – Physiotherapy, could help millions of patients worldwide who Massage Therapy, suffer from kidney dis- Custom Orthotics, ease.” The research was Braces & carried out by senior researchers Dr. Orit Hara- TCM Acupuncture, ri-Steinberg, Dr. Dorit *MVA *Direct Billing Omer, and Yehudit Gnatek from the Pediatric Stem Cell Research Institute, $50 off with ad under Dekel’s leadership. at all 4 locations Collaborators include: (conditions apply) Dr. Zohar Dotan, head of Uro-Oncology Service 289 Greenbank Rd. from the urology depart- 1400 Carling Ave. ment at Sheba Medical 6130 Hazeldean Rd, Center; Dr. Tomer Kalisky 5035 Innovation Dr. and co-workers from Bar Ilan University; and Professor Yaron Fuchs [email protected] and co-workers from The Technion. HEALTH & WELLNESS February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 17 Is your attempt at wellness more of a ‘wellmess’? JIVE. BOP. SWING. fad diet based on high fat and very low carb consumption – ranked as one GLORIA of the worst diets at number 34. The SCHWARTZ THIS IS JAZZ trendy Paleo Diet – eating like a pre-ag- FOCUS ON ricultural caveman so no dairy, grains or legumes and high in protein – ranked FITNESS low at number 29. It was considered too AT AMICA restrictive to be healthy or sustainable. What were the highest ranked diets? It was recently doing a post-workout didn’t surprise me that the most sensible stretch when I looked down and diets – the Mediterranean Diet and the noticed the word “Wellness” print- DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop ed on the mat. As I looked at that Hypertension) were in the top two posi- Iword, I imagined “wellmess” – a word tions respectively. Those diets are prov- that doesn’t exist but probably should, to en to be healthy and sustainable. They reflect the feelings of confusion we some- include a variety of healthy foods such as times experience as a result of all of the fruits, nuts, vegetables, fish and olive oil, misinformation about diets and exercise. and eating less meat, sugar and saturated For example, we’ve heard for sev- fat. The DASH Diet also includes reduced eral years that we should be walking sodium intake. Benefits of these diets, 10,000 steps (about five miles) each coupled with an active lifestyle, include day for optimal health. Where did this heart and brain health, cancer prevention recommendation come and the prevention and from? It turns out that So many people management of diabetes. a Japanese company swear by this diet or Visit selling pedometers in that diet, but most y55a5anv to see the diet the 1960s created the rankings and read about 10,000-steps guideline of the successes each type of diet. to sell pedometers. If attributed to any There’s also confu- you use a step-tracking given diet are sion and misinformation device, you needn’t around the types of feel anxious or guilty if anecdotal rather exercise that are the best you don’t walk 10,000 than scientifically for overall health and steps. A four-year study supported. weight management. of 16,000 older women Should you do cardio found that they achieved a decrease in exercise or strength-building exercise or Our senior lifestyles residence is hosting mortality rates with just 4,400 steps per a combination? Doing a variety of types day. Compared to less active women who of exercise is your best bet for improv- a jazz concert at our Duke of Richmond pub. walked an average of 2,700 steps daily, ing longevity and health. It doesn’t Dress in your best black & gold apparel and the mortality rate of the more active matter what activities you choose. If you enjoy a live performance by the Night Life Duo, plus group dropped until the women reached despise aerobics classes, find something 7,500 steps per day. After that, there was else you can do for your cardiorespirato- refreshments prepared by our Red Seal Chefs. no added benefit of walking more steps. ry system such as brisk walking, riding a It may be unrealistic and intimidating bicycle or swimming. If you don’t want for someone who has been sedentary for to lift weights, find other activities to JOIN US AT THE EVENT many years to suddenly get in 10,000 per strengthen your bones and muscles, Saturday, March 7 ~ 3:00pm day. Rather, starting with more modest such as chores or exercises that require goals and building up over time can be lifting, pushing and pulling. Keep chal- 491 Richmond Road, Ottawa more achievable and may result in sig- lenging yourself, don’t be afraid to break nificant health benefits. https://tinyurl. a sweat or get your hair messy. Engage com/y4monad9 in physical activities that give you pos- Diets are always a hot topic and itive physical and emotional results, so RSVP BY MARCH 3 there’s so much conflicting information you’ll stay motivated in the long term. about them. So many people swear by There’s no quick fix. JULIA AT 613-728-9274 this diet or that diet, but most of the One way to sift through information successes attributed to any given diet is to ask yourself whether something are anecdotal rather than scientifically sounds too good to be true. Some truths: supported. If you put individual results There are healthy foods but no miracle and personal feelings aside, the truth foods, “superfoods” are just foods high is that most diets are similar in that in nutrients; Yoga or dietary cleanses do they’re some form of caloric reduction not detox your body, your organs nat- based on restricting or increasing fat, urally detox your body; You can’t spot carbohydrates or protein. To help clear reduce fat, your belly fat will not go away up some confusion, a panel of experts with crunches, no matter how many you reviewed the top 35 most popular diets do. Gullible or misinformed people who PRIVATE TOURS AVAILABLE AMICA.CA/WESTBOROPARK in terms of sustainability, nutritional jump on the bandwagon with fads and soundness, weight loss and long-term ignore facts waste their time and money health implications. The Keto Diet – a and may risk their health.

11560AMI_WB_jazz_Ad_FA.indd 1 2020-02-03 1:44 PM

pub: Ottawa Jewish Bulletin community: WB insertion: February 24

riddochcommunications #545 67 mowat ave • toronto • 416.515.7562

FILE NAME 11560AMI_WB_jazz_Ad_FA STOCK/SUBSTRATE n/a SIZE 5” x 12.4” QUANTITY n/a February 24, 2020 18 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN ‘Outfitting the world, one child at a time’ While we may have cut our teeth sending hockey equipment to Israel, Ben Sohmer, Mitch Miller and I are helping to bring hockey to as many places as possible, writes David Lisbona.

utfitting the world, one namely, skates, helmets and gauntlets, child at a time” is our motto to as many kids as possible to expose and we are now working them to our great game. with Hockey without We understand the power of hockey ‘OBorders. Their goal is to ensure that any to change lives to improve the situations child who wishes to participate in hockey of young people, not only physically, has the equipment they require. but socially as well. We want to grow the I live in Montreal – although I attend- game wherever we can and this was an ed Carleton University and recently ideal opportunity for us to do so. completed a 12-year run on the board of We are currently working to support Camp B’nai Brith of Ottawa (CBB) – and the Canadian North project associated I’m working with my brother-in-law, with the First Assist Initiative spear- Hockey without Borders helps First Nations hockey players in the Canadian North by providing Ben Sohmer, and Mitch Miller, both of headed by former Montreal Canadien some of the equipment they need. Ottawa. We believe in this motto are John Chabot. The initiative is featured now working to bring the world’s great- in “Hit the Ice,” a TV series on APTN est game to aboriginal youth. (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, equipment alone is prohibitive. With in goaltender Carey Price, the Montreal We are not strangers to bringing which chronicles the journey of First the donation of their gently used equip- Canadiens boast the highest profile NHL hockey to far-flung regions. We have Nations players across Canada. ment, kids from Yukon, the Northwest star with an aboriginal background. long supported the Israeli ice hockey “Without the help of people like Territories, Nunavut and Nunavik will Chabot’s home is not far from CBB program at the Canada Centre in Metul- David, Ben and Mitch and organiza- be able to participate in a sport that will in Quyon, Quebec and CBB allowed us la (in the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s tions like Hockey without Borders, the help them lead a healthy and productive to piggyback off the empty leg of their Partnership 2Gether region). But their opportunity to play hockey for the kids lifestyle.” luggage trucks from Ottawa to Quyon needs have changed and we want to in the North would be greatly dimin- While it has been a challenge for First to deliver equipment to him. Call it our bring the basic equipment we collect, ished,” Chabot explained. “The cost of Nations youth to make it to the NHL, “first assist.” , iconic movie star who reconnected to Judaism later in life, dies at 103

BY TOM TUGEND ed to his wife. husband in “The Strange Love of Mar- (JTA) – Kirk Douglas, the “Most stars of his stature are shaped tha Ivers.” Douglas received favourable legendary actor who portrayed legions out of mythic clay,” the director Steven reviews, but his career wouldn’t really of and embraced his Jewish Spielberg said in presenting Douglas take off until three years and six films heritage later in life, died at his home in with the lifetime achievement Oscar in later, when he portrayed Midge Kelly, a Beverly Hills on February 5. He was 103. 1996. “Kirk Douglas never chose that. ferocious and amoral boxer in “Cham- Over a career that spanned 87 films He doesn’t have a single character that pion.” The performance earned him an – including 73 big screen features and makes him unique. Instead he has a sin- Academy Award nomination for best 14 on television – the blond, blue-eyed gular honesty, a drive to be inimitable.” actor. Douglas, dimpled chin thrust forward, Douglas was born Issur Danielovitch During the 1950s and ’60s, Douglas was often cast as the toughest guy in 1916 in the upstate New York town of ranked consistently as one of Hol- around, vanquishing hordes of Romans, Amsterdam, the son of an illiterate Rus- lywood’s top male stars for his sin- Vikings and assorted bad guys. sian-Jewish immigrant who supported gle-minded focus on his craft, while also Thrice nominated for an Academy his six daughters and one son as a rag squeezing in Broadway and television Award and a recipient of an Oscar for picker and junk man. appearances. He was also known for lifetime achievement and a U.S. Pres- A chance to escape came shortly after egocentricity in a town with no shortage idential Medal of Freedom, Douglas his bar mitzvah, when the Sons of Israel of oversize egos. evolved from an egocentric and promis- Synagogue offered to underwrite his rab- In the 1950s, he starred in 23 movies. cuous young man into a multi-talented binical studies. Douglas firmly declined, He earned best actor Oscar nominations actor, director, author, philanthropist declaring that he would become an for “The Bad and the Beautiful” and and student of Torah who left a deep actor. He held fast to that ambition “Lust for Life.” And in 1953, he starred imprint on both Hollywood and the Jew- while attending Saint Lawrence Uni- as a Holocaust survivor in “The Juggler,” ish people. versity on a wrestling scholarship and the first Hollywood feature to be filmed

Douglas also was the author of 11 during Second World War service in the in Israel. JOHN MATHEW SMITH books, ranging from personal memoirs U.S. Navy. He opened the decade of the 1960s Kirk Douglas in 2002 with his book My Stroke and a Holocaust-themed novel for young His first movie role came in 1946, with “Spartacus,” perhaps his most of Luck. readers to a collection of poetry dedicat- when he played Barbara Stanwyck’s See Douglas on page 20 February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 19

foundation donations | Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation

The Board of Directors of the Ottawa AL AND LISA GARMAN to Noah by Rhoda and Jeff Miller PATRICIA SMOLKIN Jewish Community Foundation FAMILY FUND Micah and Jessica Garten on the birth of MEMORIAL FUND their son, Issie by Rhoda and Jeff Miller acknowledges with thanks contributions In Memory of: In Memory of: Lisa Garman by Peggy Kleinplatz; by Jozef and Vera Straus on the birth of to the following funds as of January 23 Walter Spilg by Nikki, Michael, Jordan Melzer; and by Lee Shapiro their new granddaughter by Rhoda and to February 5, 2020. Jeff Miller Neilah and Ben Shapiro In Memory of: Bernard Waldman by Nikki, Michael, JOIN US IN BUILDING OUR GILBOA/MAOZ/STEINER FAMILY FUND Irwin Hinberg by Rhoda and Jeff Miller Neilah and Ben Shapiro COMMUNITY BY SUPPORTING THESE LOCAL FUNDS Mazel Tov to: GERALD AND MARY-BELLE Syd Baum on his special birthday by PULVERMACHER FAMILY SOLOWAY JEWISH COMMUNITY MARY AND ISRAEL (AL) ALLICE Tal Gilboa and Rob Steiner ENDOWMENT FUND CENTRE ENDOWMENT FUND MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Mazel Tov to: Mazel Tov to: STAN AND LIBBY GLUBE Brenda Green by Mary-Belle and Allan Shefrin on becoming Chairman FAMILY FUND Max Rosenberg for winning the Gerald Pulvermacher of the Board of the JCC by Steven and Grossman Klein Teen Leadership Award Mazel Tov to: Linda Kerzner by Beverly and Irving Swedko Beverley and Bryan Glube on the birth ALTI AND BEREL RODAL Bernie Dolansky on his special birthday of their new granddaughter, Lily Blake by FAMILY FUND by Beverly and Irving Swedko Susan and Charles Schwartzman In Memory of: DORIS AND RICHARD STERN Donna Klaiman by Berel and Alti Rodal FAMILY FUND BRAYDEN AND COLE APPOTIVE ANN AND LEON GLUZMAN Irwin Hinberg by Berel and Alti Rodal Mazel Tov to: ENDWOMENT FUND MEMORIAL FUND Jerry White on his special birthday by BENJAMIN SHAPIRO Mazel Tov to: In Memory of: Doris and Richard Stern Beverley and Bryan Glube on the birth Manny Bernard by Ingrid Levitz BAR MITZVAH FUND of their new granddaughter, Lily Blake by Mazel Tov to: CLAIRE AND SAM TANNER Sharon and David Appotive LINDSAY AND NEIL GOTTHEIL Michael Polowin on his special Charles and Susan Schwartzman on the FAMILY FUND birthday by Nikki, Michael, Neilah and MEMORIAL FUND birth of their new granddaughter, Ashtyn Ben Shapiro In Appreciation of: Refuah Shlema to: Della by Sharon and David Appotive Dina Fellen by Lana and Stephen Tanner Kate Bigney-Wilner and Alex Wilner SOL AND ZELAINE SHINDER CAYLA AND MICHAEL BAYLIN and family for their generous Shabbat ENDOWMENT FUND ENDOWMENT FUND hospitality by Lindsay Newman and Ariel and Sadie Gottheil Mazel Tov to: Contributions may be made In Memory of: Sol and Zelaine Shinder on their joint online at or Manny Bernard by Cayla Baylin milestones by Jerry and Kinnie Gorelick HILLEL LODGE LEGACY FUND by contacting the office at JENNIE AND MORRIS BAYLIN Mazel Tov to: STELLA AND LOUIS SLACK 613-798-4696 extension ENDOWMENT FUND Sabina Wasserlauf on receiving the MEMORIAL FUND 274, Monday to Friday or by In Appreciation of: Ben Karp Volunteer Service Award by Mazel Tov to: David Smith by Betty Baylin Julie Hay Linda Mirsky on her special birthday by email at tributecards@ojcf. John Bassi by Betty Baylin Myra and Lester Aronson ca. Attractive cards are sent JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES IRVING AND CLAIRE BERCOVITCH AGENCY FUND MAX AND PEARL SMOLKIN to convey the appropriate ENDOWMENT FUND Mazel Tov to: FAMILY FUND sentiments. All donations Mazel Tov to: Jane James on her special birthday by In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: are acknowledged with a Sam Firestone on his special birthday by Sandra and Norman Slover Max Smolkin by Sheila Smolkin and Claire Bercovitch Bernie Dolansky on his special birthday family charitable receipt. by Sandra and Norman Slover CAMP B’NAI BRITH OF OTTAWA SCHOLARSHIP KRANTZBERG KRANE ENDOWMENT FUND FAMILY FUND In Memory of: The future Mazel Tov to: Tristan Yehuda Ferreira Meyer by Susan and Charles Schwartzman on Ian and Melissa Shabinsky and family; the birth of their new granddaughter, starts and by Scott Graham Ashtyn Della by Myra and Sam Krane NATHAN AND REBA DIENER ANNICE AND SYDNEY KRONICK with you. ENDOWMENT FUND FAMILY FUND Mazel Tov to: In Memory of: If we don’t take Beverly and Brian Glube on the birth Manny Bernard by Debi and Neil Zaret of their granddaughter, Lily Blake by care of our future, Barbara and Joel Diener MARCH OF THE LIVING who will? MARJORIE AND MICHAEL In Appreciation of: FELDMAN FAMILY FUND Dr. Marty and Mrs. Janice Friedlich for When you create a Jewish legacy, you take an important step toward strengthening Jewish life for generations to come. Mazel Tov to: their kindness and professionalism by Michael Feldman on his special birthday Steven and Linda Kerzner Planning your gift now will help ensure your grandchildren can enjoy the by Sol and Zelaine Shinder same rich traditions and closeness of community that have given you so RHODA AND JEFFREY MILLER much meaning and purpose. SAM AND SUSAN FIRESTONE FAMILY FUND ENDOWMENT FUND Mazel Tov to: Contact Micah Garten at 613-798-4696 ext. 27 In Memory of: Jonathan Freedman and Aviva Ben or email [email protected] Linda Oren by Susan and Sam Firestone Choreen on the engagement of Tal-Or February 24, 2020 20 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN Douglas: ‘Today I am a man,’ said actor at second bar mitzvah at age 83

Continued from page 18 enduring movie, in which he played the to Judaism. leader of a slave rebellion in ancient “Kirk has been married to two shik- Rome. The film won four Oscars, though sas and it’s about time he married a nice none for Douglas. Jewish girl,” she proclaimed. But Douglas did distinguish himself In 1996, Douglas suffered a stroke for insisting that writer Dalton Trumbo, that left him speechless. He fell into a who had been blacklisted as a com- deep depression that nearly led him to munist for a decade but continued to take his own life. write under a pseudonym, be credited A few months later, he made his first onscreen despite dire warnings that public appearance to accept the lifetime such a provocation would end his own achievement award. Hollywood career. Douglas was hon- “Whether he’s dealing with a char- oured for that stance in 2011 by the San acter on screen or with the all-too- Francisco Jewish Film Festival. real effect of a recent stroke, courage With increasing fame and fortune, remains Kirk Douglas’ personal and Douglas showed little interest in Jewish professional hallmark,” Spielberg said in practice, though there were exceptions. presenting the award. “I always fasted on Yom Kippur,” he Through rigorous speech therapy, told a reporter. “I still worked on the Douglas taught himself to speak again movie set, but I fasted. And let me tell – slowly, with a slight slur. He later you, it’s not easy making love to Lana published a book about the experience Turner on an empty stomach.” titled My Stroke of Luck. In his later years, Douglas would Among his other books are Let’s come to embrace his Jewishness, a shift Face It, which proclaimed that romance he dates to a near-fatal collision in 1991 begins at 80; I Am Spartacus!, focusing between his helicopter and a stunt plane on making the film and breaking the in which two younger men died. The blacklist; and Climbing the Mountain, crash compressed his spine by three which traced his search for spirituality inches. While lying in a hospital bed and Jewish identity. with excruciating back pain, he started In 2014, at 98, he published his first pondering the meaning of his life. book of poetry, Life Could Be Verse, in “I came to believe that I was spared which he expressed his enduring love PHOTOQUEST/GETTY IMAGES Kirk Douglas poses in 1950. because I had never come to grips with for his wife as well as his heartbreak at what it means to be Jewish,” he said. the death of his youngest son, Eric, who Douglas embarked on an intensive died of a self-induced drug overdose. regime of Torah study with a number of Along with his wife, Douglas has young rabbis and celebrated a second given over $100 million to charitable bar mitzvah at age 83, telling the Hol- causes in the United States and Israel. lywood luminaries crammed into the The couple have established nearly 400 200-seat chapel at Sinai Temple for the playgrounds in poorer sections of Los occasion: “Today, I am a man.” Angeles and Jerusalem, an Alzheimer’s Neither of his two wives – the late hospital unit, and a theatre facing the actress Diana Dill and Anne Buydens, Western Wall featuring films on the his- whom he married in 1954 – were Jew- tory of Judaism and Jerusalem. ish, and none of his children were In 1981, Douglas received the U.S. raised in the faith. But his oldest son, Presidential Medal of Freedom, the the actor-director , has country’s highest civilian award, from reconnected with Judaism and won the then-president . 2015 Genesis Prize, a $1 million award Along with his wife and son Michael, recognizing Jews of great accomplish- Douglas is survived by sons Peter and ment who exhibit Jewish values. , seven grandchildren – In 2014, at Douglas’ 60th wedding Cameron, Dylan, Carys Zeta, Kelsey, anniversary, Buydens startled the guests Jason, Tyler and Ryan – and a sister, Ida by announcing that she had converted Sahr of Schenectady, New York.

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EDDIE PELTZMAN 613-798-4696, ext. 256 [email protected] February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 21 Russian comfort food is making a comeback in Israel BY RACHEL RINGLER tive Russian meal.” When noted Haim Cohen (The Nosher) – On a recent trip to Isra- Some are dubious as to the future planned a celebratory menu for the el, my husband and I took a taxi to Bat success of Russian food in Israel. eighth anniversary of his restaurant Yam, a workingman’s town located a Janna Gur, an Israeli food writer and Yaffo-Tel Aviv, he included a kreplach stone’s throw and a world away from author of several including course – dumplings stuffed with pota- the uber-cool city that is Tel Aviv. We The Book of New Israeli Food, believes to, bathed in butter, and topped with went to eat Russian food in a communi- that cuisines that have “made it” in Isra- a selection of herring, caviar and fish ty filled with immigrants from the for- el come from in and around the Middle tartar. And at the Danon Culinary Acad- mer Soviet Union. East. emy, where Waldman teaches, the menu My goal? To learn whether the cui- “Foods that have become part of the for her students’ final dinner included sine had moved out of the home and culinary mainstream in Israel fit within white borscht, black bread and blintzes become part of the multifaceted prism the region’s geographical food vibe,” for dessert served with a compote of red that is Israeli food today. she said. “Think hummus and the Iraqi berries. The meal, which was open to Our food guide was Yan Gitcelter, sandwich sabich.” the public, sold out within a day. a chef born in Baku, Azerbaijan, who Russian food, long equated with Ash- Enav Ezagouri, chef at Tel Aviv’s Café came to Israel 30 years ago. We met at kenazi food like chicken soup, chopped Nordoy, considered one of Tel Aviv’s Yorsh, a small restaurant in which the liver and gefilte fish, has a bad name, best, recently posted an image on Ins- owner is also the chef. Gur said, because “we eat the immigrant tagram of a kreplach dish filled with Gitcelter ordered for us: home-cured RACHEL RINGLER version of it.” smoked potato and fried onions served herring served with steamed potatoes Shuba, constructed of layers of herring, beets “The flavorful goose fat and wild in a beef and horseradish consommé. and potatoes. and fresh dill; pickled cucumbers, cher- mushrooms of Eastern Europe are not Horseradish? Kreplach? Undoubtedly ry tomatoes and cabbage; creamy potato available in Israel. Ashkenazi food more Russian than Levantine. Scroll pancakes; and a classic Russian celebra- comes from a different climate with down his Instagram feed and you’ll tory dish called shuba, constructed of stream slowly,” Gitcelter said. “Young different ingredients than what we have find his take on Ukrainian vareniki – a layers of herring, beets and potatoes. A people of other backgrounds are begin- here.” dumpling that he stuffed with cheese small pine tree, a remnant of Novy God, ning to eat it. It’s an attraction. It’s dif- Gur connected me with Sabina and topped with caviar. the Russian secular New Year celebra- ferent.” Waldman, who, like Gur, was born in Our dinner at Yorsh ended with tion, twinkled on a counter nearby. Novy God is the gateway. and moved to Israel many years vareniki, which was served that night Just over three years ago, Gitcelter “In the last three years, Novy God has ago. Waldman is a chef, recipe writer, in a butter sauce and stuffed with sour and three other immigrants from the become popular in Israel,” Gitcelter said. food stylist and culinary instructor. She cherries. Perhaps one day soon we will former Soviet Union published a cook- The Israeli media cover the holiday was able to tick off in rapid succession find it on a menu of one of the hip book in Hebrew titled The Russian Jew- with growing frequency every year. examples of prominent chefs who are Israeli chefs with a Middle Eastern twist ish : Recollections and Recipes “Just as Mimouna, the post-Pass- incorporating Russian food in their – the cherries replaced with pomegran- of Immigrants from the Former Soviet over celebration of the Moroccan Jews, cuisine. ate or grapes. Union. The book contains recipes and is now celebrated by all, so too with reminisces of these immigrants before Novy God,” he said. “And shuba, along and after their arrival in Israel. More with salade Olivier, the Russian potato than 7,500 copies of the book have salad made with carrots, hard-boiled been sold. eggs, pickled cucumber and bound “Russian food is entering the main- with mayonnaise, are staples of a fes- TempleAn egalitarian Israel Reform congregation Jewish roots, contemporary values, egalitarian

Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:15 pm Torah Study Saturdays 9:00 am Saturday Shabbat Services 10:15 am Thursday morning minyanim 7:30 am Second and fourth Thursdays Happy Purim!

President: Margot Montgomery Executive Director: Heather Cohen Sr. Rabbi: Daniel Mikelberg Administrative Officer: Cathy Loves Rabbi Emeritus: Steven H. Garten Religious School Principal: Sue Potechin 1301 Prince of Wales Drive, Chabad Student Network: Community Pillars is a Chabad Student Network Ottawa Ottawa, ON K2C 1N2 program in which volunteers gather weekly on Monday nights to help feed the homeless by making sandwiches and serving soup to homeless persons on the streets of Tel: 613-224-1802 downtown Ottawa. Fax: 613-224-0707 (From right) Evening Knect (program chair), Shaked Karabelnicoff, Rotem Fellus, Adar-Ahron Yariv, Sophie Korda, Maya Lekster and Naomi Abrams. February 24, 2020 22 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN Meet Lior Schleien, Israel’s Jon Stewart BY BEN SALES and “banana republic.” (JTA) – Following the 2018 Pittsburgh Schleien especially enjoys mocking synagogue shooting, Israeli TV satirist Lapid, his former boss. He loves to show Lior Schleien had to put on a comedy an old photo of Lapid looking more like show. a sultry model than a government min- He acknowledged that there was ister, as well as a clip of the avowedly “nothing funny” about the shooting, in secular politician dancing with Ortho- which a gunman killed 11 Jews at prayer dox Jews at the Western Wall. at a Conservative synagogue in the most “They obfuscate and suck up and deadly attack ever on an American Jew- kneel down to the settlers and the ish institution. right-wing religious population and But what was funny to Schleien? the haredi Orthodox population,” he Israeli Diaspora Minister Naftali Ben- told JTA, referring to Israel’s centre-left nett’s comments outside the synagogue opposition. “The [opposition] leadership at the time. is supposed to oppose those things, “A Jew is a Jew is a Jew and we and Yair Lapid is the symbol of that embrace them all,” Bennett told an weakness and opportunism. He’s a wuss Israeli reporter in a video clip that against those forces.” Schleien ran on his show. “Every Jew in Schleien regularly savages the left the world is welcome and loved.” despite being intimately connected Schleien pointed out that Bennett is to one of its most prominent leaders. an ally to many Israeli politicians who Meirav Michaeli, a onetime columnist have built careers denigrating non-Or- for the liberal daily and for- thodox Jews. mer panelist on “Gav HaUma,” is now “Uhhh, no,” Schleien said. “‘Every a senior Labor Party lawmaker – and Jew in the world is welcome and loved’ Schleien’s longtime romantic partner. is a message I saw in a restaurant in a Schleien says he and Michaeli have fortune cookie once. But it’s not the erected a “Great Wall of China” between message of the current Israeli govern- Lior Schleien, shown here in a 2018 segment, is the host of the Israeli satirical show their personal and professional lives ment.” “Gav HaUma.” – and noted that their relationship pre- He then rattled off a stream of video dates her political career. When Michaeli clips showing Bennett’s allies saying appeared on the show in 2016 after insulting things about non-Orthodox secular liberals. among his influences. Labor’s election loss, panelists tore into Jews, calling them “fakers of Judaism,” Like Stewart, Schleien has been On his show, Schleien invariably her. She still will appear on the occa- “the toughest problem hurting the Jew- accused of promoting a liberal agenda. wears a shiny black button down shirt, sional episode of the show. ish people,” and “not a Jewish religion.” And like Stewart (who left “The Daily his red hair either close-cropped or in a “I love her, I don’t agree with every- “Except for the 11 Conservative Jews Show” in 2015 after 16 years as host), mini Jewfro. He is surrounded by four thing she believes,” Schleien said. “We in Pittsburgh,” Schleien cut in. “They Schleien has responded that his primary panelists – comedians, pundits, and have other things to talk about besides have been promoted to the rank of ‘Jew’ goal is creating good comedy – whether recently, the award-winning dramatic my show.” – posthumously.” at Netanyahu’s expense or anyone else’s. actor Lior Ashkenazi – who mostly riff Naturally, many of Schleien’s seg- A liberal white Jewish satirist plays “I have one job: to give my opinion on the issues of the day or do a group ments focus on the prime minister. He clips of right-wing politicians saying out- in the most interesting and funny and interview with a public figure. has made incessant fun of Netanyahu’s rageous things and then deadpans at the intellectual way that I can,” Schleien Each show ends with Schleien doing demonization of the press, his show- camera. Sound familiar? told JTA. “We don’t go into the staff a monologue that is especially Stew- manship, and his alleged corruption. For the past decade, Schleien has meeting and say, ‘How are we taking art-esque. One of his favourite moves is The mocking extends to Netanyahu’s been the host of the twice-weekly show Bibi down?’” to show a politician saying something wife, Sara, who is often portrayed as “Gav HaUma” (literally, the back of the Schleien, 41, was raised in the liber- foolish or hypocritical and then stare self-absorbed, materialistic and aggres- nation), the closest thing Israel has to al mecca of Tel Aviv. After earning an deadpan at the camera as the audience sive toward her husband. the American comedy program “The advanced degree in law, he got his start laughs. The show has begun posting “We don’t hate Bibi,” Schleien said Daily Show.” in comedy in 2002 as a satirist on Yair some of his monologues with English during a characteristic bit. “We don’t Schleien has become a kind of Israe- Lapid’s news program. (Lapid, a former subtitles to reach Israelis in North just criticize him, embitter his life, nee- li Jon Stewart – a thorn in the side of news anchor, is now a prominent Knes- America. dle him incessantly, give him no rest. We Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net- set member.) Schleien counts Stewart, “Our most effective tool is video clips, do all of that out of love. Just like Sara.” anyahu and a voice for the country’s Stephen Colbert and David Letterman where I show that Yair Lapid says one But while Schleien says his top priori- thing, and here Yair Lapid says the oppo- ty is comedy, he is sincerely worried that site,” Schleien said. “Benny Gantz says Israel’s secular, liberal, democratic val- something and it’s completely wrong. ues are collapsing in the face of a “mes- Hulse, Playfair Here, Bibi says something, and then look, sianic” religious right-wing. He called in English, he says the opposite and he U.S. President Donald Trump “a good & McGarry lies. So that makes the job easier.” student of Bibi” for his demonization of FUNERAL SERVICES The acrimony is mutual. In 2017, the press. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “There are no more obstacles,” he accused Schleien and other journalists said of Netanyahu. “Everything is on the Serving your community since 1925 Customer:of trying to “undemocratically overturn table. He attacks journalists personally, HULSE,the government.” PLAYFAIR But Schleien says he he calls for the boycott of TV channels. & MCGARRYis almost as frustrated by Netanyahu’s It’s getting worse and worse.” 613-233-1143 Issue:opponents JUNE 25, as2018 he is by the prime minis- He stopped himself. Colour:ter himself. B&W A recent segment mocked “As a citizen, I’d say it’s getting Click and stay connected with us Size:Gantz, 5” x 2.5” Netanyahu’s main rival, for con- worse,” he said. “But as a satirist, I’d say Prooffusing #: 4 the terms “Dominican Republic” it’s getting more ridiculous.” February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 23

In support of the Bess and Moe Greenberg Family Hillel Lodge In the Joseph and Inez Zelikovitz Long Term Care Centre 613-728-3990 Your donation to the Lodge assists in providing high quality care for our Jewish elderly.

Boris and Dolly Blacher Family Fund Ken and Leah Miller Family Fund *************** Card Donations Feeding Program In Honour of: In Honour of: Card donations go a long way to improv- In Memory of: ing the quality of life for our residents. Irving Osterer Mazel Tov on your Bernard Breslow Happy 100th Birthday by retirement by Marilyn Adler and Neil and Ken and Leah Miller Donna Klaiman by Roz and Steve Fremeth Thank you for considering their needs Daniel Blacher Annie Breslow Wishing you all the best on Corinne Levine by Barbara Levinson and contributing to their well-being. Arnold Garber by Susan and In Memory of: your Birthday by Ken and Leah Miller Charles Schwartzman On behalf of the residents and their “Birdie” Lubert by The Blacher Family families, we extend sincere appreciation to In Honour of: Ratner/Levine Family Fund the following individuals and families who Marcia and Stephen Aronson Mazel Tov on Jenny and Murray Citron Family Fund made card donations to the Hillel Lodge In Honour of: the birth of your granddaughter by Samantha Freedman Mazel Tov and best Ruth Poplove and Carol and Laurie Pascoe Long-Term Care Foundation between In Memory of: David Shoihet by Murray Citron wishes on your Birthday by Rhonda Levine Susan and Charles Schwartzman Mazel Tov on January 22 to February 4, 2020 inclusive. Allison Geffen Mazel Tov and best wishes on the birth of your granddaughter by your Birthday by Rhonda Levine Marilyn and David Akman and Joy and Nell Gluck Memorial Fund HONOUR FUNDS In Memory of: Seymour Mender and family, Unlike a bequest or gift of life insurance, In Honour of: Walter Spilg by Danny and Rhonda Levine Bev and Bryan Glube Mazel Tov on the birth which are realized some time in the future, Richard Nesbitt Mazel Tov on your promotion Tristan Meyer by Danny and Rhonda Levine of your granddaughter Lily by Joy and by Julia Gluck and Ted Overton a named Honour Fund (i.e., endowment Seymour Mender and family *************** fund) is established during your lifetime. Sonia Rawicki Agulnik Music Facilities Program Evelyn and Isadore Hoffman By making a contribution of $1,000 or Therapy Fund In Memory of: Family Fund more, you can create a permanent remem- In Honour of: Arnold Garber by Debbie and Jim Farrow brance for a loved one, honour a family In Honour of: Adam Agulnik and Paula and Manny Agulnik *************** member, declare what the Lodge has meant Donald Whittemore Wishing you all the Mazel Tov on Eden’s Bat Mitzvah by Recreation Program best on your Birthday by Issie and Yanda and Mark Max R’Fuah Shlema: to you and/or support a cause that you Evelyn Hoffman believe in. Marty Cardash by Sandy Shaver A Hillel Lodge Honour Fund is a per- The Sternberg / Jacobsen Family Fund In Memory of: manent pool of capital that earns interest Morris and Lillian Kimmel Family Fund David Shoihet by Gad Zarecki In Memory of: ****************** or income each year. This income then In Memory of: Lisa Garman by Laya and Howard Kaplan Irwin Hinberg by Janet and Stephen Kaiman In Memory of: supports the priorities designated by you, Rose Kostiner by Anna Bilsky the donor. In Honour of: Stephen Bobkin Mazel Tov on your retirement Ethel and Irving Taylor Family Fund Manny Bernard by Bill and Jane James and Bill and Leona Adler Memorial Fund by Brenda, Nathan, Jesse and Daniel Levine In Memory of: Beverly Friedman Belinda and Brian Keshen Mazel Tov on the Manny Bernard by Brent and Risa Taylor Irwin Hinberg by the Hillel Lodge Foundation In Memory of: David Shoihet by the residents, staff and David Shoihet by Marilyn Adler birth of your grandson by Brenda, Nathan, Jesse and Daniel Levine Boards of the Lodge and LTC Foundation Theresa Yantha by Marilyn Adler and Neil and Elaine, Donald and Amanda Donna Klaiman by Peggy Kleinplatz Daniel Blacher Whittemore Family Fund In Honour of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: Norm and Gert Leyton Family Fund In Honour of: Carl and Lorna Raskin and Alec and Barbara Lillian Kimmel by Dave, Elayne (Adler), In Memory of: Donald Whittemore Wishing you a Happy Okun Many thanks for your hospitality and Jordan and Benjamin Bernice Seward by Cheryl Leyton 93rd Birthday from your friends friendship by Joni and Chummus Spunt


“GIVING IS RECEIVING” – ATTRACTIVE CARDS AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS Here’s a great opportunity to recognize an event or convey the appropriate sentiment to someone important to you and at the same time support the Lodge. Call orders may be given to Cathie at 728-3990, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. You may also go to: and click on the “Donate Now” button to make your donations. Cards may be paid for by Visa or Mastercard. Contributions are tax deductible.

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social structures and state systems. Tell me MURRAY CITRON what you accuse the Popoff’s book, besides Jews of – I’ll tell you BOOK REVIEW being a life story of what you’re guilty of.” Popoff notes that when Grossman, is a lucid a shortened version narrative of those events, of the novel was first Vasily Grossman and the and of how they published in the Soviet Soviet Century Union, in 1988, this By Alexandra Popoff informed Grossman’s chapter was cut. Yale University Press work. The work includes, Another theme in 395 pages of course, much besides Life and Fate is the similarities between arly in the Soviet era, Joseph Life and Fate. There are the totalitarian systems Stalin raised a glass to writers as a number of other novels, under fascism and “engineers of the human soul.” short stories and Bolshevism. Timothy It was up to the writers to under- reportage. Snyder, in his history, Estand the obligation to the state that Bloodlands: Europe such praise carried, especially if they Between Hitler and were Jewish and didn’t drink so much. Stalin, cites Grossman Vasily Grossman was born in 1905 in correspondent. He reported from the as an authority. Popoff Berdichev, Ukraine, the home of one of fronts during the terrible retreats of 1941 tells how the book the largest Jewish communities in east- and 1942, and from Stalingrad during was suppressed, and ern Europe. The family was assimilated the siege. His great novel, Life and Fate, the manuscript in fact and comparatively well-to-do. Grossman which is described as a “Soviet-era War arrested, by the secret became a chemical engineer and worked and Peace,” is set during the Battle of police. She also tells for some time as an engineer in the Stalingrad. Grossman died of stomach of Grossman writing Donbass, while also writing. In 1936 he cancer in 1964. to Nikita Khrushchev became a full-time writer. Alexandra Popoff, who was born and to plead for publica- He was a successful novelist by the raised in Moscow, is a former journalist tion. He was allowed a time Germany attacked Russia, in 1941. with expertise in Russian literature. She meeting with Mikhail For health reasons, he was not suited now lives in Saskatoon and has pub- Suslov, the ideologist of for military service, but became a war lished previous prize-winning books. For this biography, she was able to interview the Politburo, who told him the novel Grossman’s daughter and other relatives, could not be published in the Soviet and others who knew him, and was Union for 200 years. He was not saying allowed to use their archives, including the novel was false, but that its truth many letters, as well as Soviet-era state threatened the regime’s existence. Part archives which have become available. of the story Popoff tells is how a man- I was able to read Life and Fate, and uscript was smuggled to the west and Popoff’s biography, at the same time, so I published there. Ultimately, the book had them in counterpoint. Grossman was was published in Russia under Mikhail witness to the violence of collectivization Gorbachev, long after Grossman’s death. in the 1920s, the terror of the purges in The event that has been called “Sta- the 1930s, and the bungling and lack of lin’s last crime” came in January, 1953. preparation for war in 1941, as well as the Nine leading doctors, six of them Jewish, suffering and struggle of the people and were arrested and accused of being a ter- soldiers that enabled the Soviet state to rorist group controlled by the American win. Popoff’s book, besides being a life Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, story of Grossman, is a lucid narrative of and plotting to murder the leadership those events, and of how they informed of the Soviet Union, including Stalin. Grossman’s work. The work includes, of Bulletins appeared daily in the press course, much besides Life and Fate. There denouncing the doctors. In late January, are a number of other novels, short sto- 57 prominent Jews, including Grossman, ries and reportage. were summoned to the office of Pravda Grossman, travelling with the Sovi- and presented with a letter denouncing et forces, was among the first to see the doctors. Grossman yielded to the Treblinka. His essay, “The Hell of Tre- pressure and signed it. The letter was blinka,” is in The Black Book of Russian never published. Stalin died in March, Jewry, edited by Grossman and Ilya and in April his successors announced Ehrenburg, which was suppressed by that the “Doctors’ Plot” was false. Stalin and published years later. The Popoff writes, “Although the open Black Book contains also Grossman’s letter was never published, Grossman report on the murder of the Jews in Ber- did not forgive himself for acting against dichev, his home town, where his moth- his conscience.” She quotes the passage er was trapped when the Germans came. in Life and Fate in which Victor Shtrum, A theme in Life and Fate is antisem- the character whose life experiences are itism in the Soviet state. In an essay similar to Grossman’s, signs a similar about half-way through the novel, letter. In the novel, Grossman speculates Grossman wrote: “Antisemitism… is on how people can be made to do such a mirror for the failings of individuals, things. February 24, 2020 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN 25 Inclusion – Make the day sparkle for exceptional parents and kids

have a confession to make. Parshiot (Torah por- Exceptionalities bring with them their own adven- tions) that reference technical details such as those tures. Living with them and parenting kids who have related to the Mishkan (Tabernacle), priestly cloth- JEN PERZOW them can be isolating and frustrating and we tend not to ing, and korbanot (Biblical sacrifice) are not usu- MODERN speak openly about our challenges and successes. How Ially among my favourites. Never mind trying to draw incredibly fortunate we are to have JOIN, the Jewish parallels to parenting! And yet, it is so appropriate that MISHPOCHA Ottawa Inclusion Network, as a resource for parents sup- Parsha Terumah concludes February’s Jewish Disability porting kids with exceptionalities and to offer consulta- Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month. tive coaching to institutions that are trying to do better. In Terumah, we receive detailed descriptions of how You know what is really going to make the day the Mishkan should be built. These are specific instruc- Parents of kids with exceptionalities sparkle for one of our fellow exceptional parents? tions intended to create a physical space for holiness. didn’t get to stay after school for When things go as they are supposed to. When they The purpose for which the Mishkan is built – to cre- can park in the accessible spot at school because other ate a space in which God can dwell amidst us – is the advanced classes in parenting. people who don’t have accessibility needs have been essence of the building. The technical specifications Neither they nor their children were mindful not to park there. When they can get in and are important but they are supporting characters to the consulted first and asked whether or out of buildings with ease. When their children can true objective of giving something ethereal and holy a participate in class because thoughtful and appropriate physical space and presence. not they were up for the task. accommodations have been made. My observation is that we may sometimes take the The millions of details that we mostly take for opposite approach when it comes to inclusion. We once from a well-meaning friend or family member. granted every day: I know these can seem like little focus on structures that may facilitate inclusion but The truth, though, is of course they would. Parents of things and sometimes we get tired of people pointing not always with a mindset of truly wanting to do what kids with exceptionalities didn’t get to stay after school them out time and time again. But they are so much it takes to be inclusive. Structures and actions can rep- for advanced classes in parenting. Neither they nor more than that. They are representations of authentic resent our faith, gratitude and spirituality. But like an their children were consulted first and asked whether inclusivity. accessible ramp that goes unplowed after a huge snow- or not they were up for the task. For the most part, When those things go right it’s like a ray of sun- fall, it takes a legitimate desire to consider other peo- they got thrown into situations without the knowledge shine. It is building something holy into our everyday ple’s lived experiences to actually make that ramp a or skills to be able to handle difficult situations. And experiences. useable tool and an authentic metaphor for inclusion. then they adapted. Like so much in life, inclusion is Have questions about JOIN? Would you like to be “I couldn’t do what you’re doing.” I’m quite sure fundamentally about attitude. As a friend so aptly said, included in their Parent Support Group? Please don’t that every parent who has had the privilege of parent- it’s about adopting a problem-solving as opposed to a be shy. Reach out via their Facebook page or send an ing a child with exceptionalities has heard this at least problem-finding mindset. email to [email protected].

Celebrate the Holidays For a limited time, get 33% off the regular price of your Passover greeting, and get colour for FREE as a bonus! Greetings will be published in our April 6, 2020 issue.

Choose from one of these options. Messages are interchangeable, or can be customized. Ads will be in colour. Cost: $40 (incl. HST) Option 1. Option 2.

Warm wishes to you and Passover your family greetings for a Happy Passover Family Names Family Names

Option 3. Option 4.

From our Best wishes family to yours, for happiness, best wishes peace and joy for a at Passover Happy Passover. Family Names Family Names

Greetings must be prepaid by VISA or MasterCard, and must be booked before March 4, 2020. Phone orders will be taken by Eddie Peltzman at 613-798-4696, ext. 256. or by e-mail at [email protected] February 24, 2020 26 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN The Trump peace plan: Deal of the century?

et us put aside any thoughts about the optics of confirmation of our worst fears. Even though both the an indicted prime minister standing for election, White House and the Israeli government walked back and an impeached president who is preparing RABBI STEVEN H. GARTEN from their annexation talk, the intent was obvious. For for an election campaign, announcing the “deal me, this ‘deal’ is not an expression of hope. In fact, it Lof the century.” If this a deal, it is hard to imagine it A VIEW FROM will be another wedge between me and my neighbours. being successful. All indications are that it was not THE BLEACHERS Support for BDS will potentially increase and leftist negotiated by both sides. Usually the word ‘deal’ sug- political parties/politicians in the United States, Cana- gests agreement by the parties involved. So let’s change da, Britain, France and elsewhere will use this ‘deal’ as the terminology and reframe this for what it is: a pos- a means of bludgeoning Israel. So I am not happy. sible starting point for negotiations. Whether it is an cousins. It may even seem as if I have sold them out If I am a student of history, I can see that the pat- actual starting point, however, is completely dependent for expediency and Trump dollars. But I am very, very tern begun in 1915 continues. The internal political on one’s perspective. happy. needs of third parties lead them to interfere in the dif- If I am an Israeli yearning for the annexation of the If I am a North American Jew worried about the ficult process of nation building for two peoples strug- West Bank and a demilitarized, neutered Palestinian ever weakening relationship between Israel and the gling to actualize their aspirations. The list of failed “homeland” that reflects my fundamentalist reading of Diaspora, this document is worrisome. A recent poll third party attempts to impose settlements is quite the Balfour Declaration, this is indeed the “deal of the conducted by the Ruderman Family Foundation found long. So this ‘deal’ is just another failed attempt by century.” No need for further negotiations. I am happy. that 25 per cent of American Jews want to see a safe, outsiders to impose solutions to the Israel/Palestinian If I am a Palestinian nationalist yearning for a state secure, democratic Israel living side by side with a issue. I am also reminded that Egypt and Israel came in which my destiny can be honed and crafted, this democratic Palestinian state. This document does not to a peace treaty without outside interference, likewise document gives me very little hope for a negotiated speak to that reality. In addition, we noted that the Jordan and Israel. settlement. The boundaries are convoluted, the access perceived mistreatment of Palestinian rights by the So, as a historian, I feel vindicated. to water and arable land is minimal. The document Israeli government reflects in our support for Israel. We The list of players goes on endlessly. As an Iranian, seems to respond to all of Israel’s legitimate security continually express our desire for both parties to be I am ecstatic about the way the document treats my needs and none of my political aspirations. This feels treated with respect and with actions that reflect the Muslim co-religionists and gives me a bully pulpit less like a deal and more like a humiliating ratification universal values that we associate with Judaism. While from which to berate the West. As a right-wing Ameri- of the status quo. I am not happy. it is true that a significant segment of religious Jews in can Christian, I am joyfully anticipating the rapture. As If I am representing the Sunni Arab states in the North America prioritize particularism over universal- a liberal Christian, I am happily outraged by the con- Middle East, the boundaries proposed for Israel might ism, they are not yet the majority. For most of us, the tinued public victimization of Palestinians. seem to marginalize the proxy armies of Shia Iran. Trump ‘deal’ relegates the Palestinians to a ghetto. It is Ultimately, most disappointed by the document are They would be surrounded by Israeli and Egyptian all too reminiscent of what was done to us. those of us yearning for an unencumbered opportunity military installations with little access to the sea or air. As a North American Jew already wary of Israeli for Israelis and Palestinians to show their united desire My public enthusiasm for the ‘deal’ may be a sad com- intentions in the West Bank, the Israeli prime min- for a lasting peace. But once again, it seems, we’ve been mentary about my relationship with my Palestinian ister’s announcement of immediate annexation was sold down the river on a barge of political expediency.

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ONGOING EVENTS from traditional to contemporary. The survey of Canada’s Jewish population, COMING EVENTS ability to read music is not essential. A followed by a panel discussion to Connecting to Hashem Meaningfully willingness to learn and participate in a consider the significance and implica- MONDAY, MARCH 9 Through Hebrew Prayers shared choral and social experience is. tions of the research generally and for the 7 - 9 pm, weekly on Mondays until April We look forward to greeting new friends. Ottawa community. Sponsor: Soloway KBI Purim on Broadway Family Matinée 27, 2020, Congregation Machzikei Hadas, Jewish Community Centre, Or 5:45 - 7:15, Kehillat Beth Israel 2310 Virginia Dr., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Haneshamah 1400 Coldrey Ave. Contact: Ilana Sultan-Benzaquen Contact: [email protected] 613-523-0279, [email protected] TOTally Shabbat FRIDAY, MARCH 6 Bring your family to enjoy dinner, a Learn the meaning behind prayers and 5:30 - 6:30 pm, monthly on the 4th Friday Megillah Experience and Broadway how to work through your connection to until June 26, 2020, Temple Israel Jbaby Oneg Shabbat at Hillel Lodge Dance Workshop. Early Bird Price $18 per Hashem. Discover the Lashon Hakodesh 1301 Prince of Wales Dr. 10:30 - 11:00 am, Hillel Lodge, 10 Nadolny adult and $60 per family (Holy Language of Hebrew) from the 613-224-3133 Sachs Pvt. KBI Purim on Broadway prism of your prayer book. [email protected] Contact: Ranit Braun, 613-400-3430 [email protected] 7 - 10 pm, Kehillat Beth Israel Judaism’s Gifts To The World – totally-shabbat/ Bring your little one for playtime and 1400 Coldrey Ave. New Course with Rabbi Blum Contact: Sue Potechin, 613-864-8156 Shabbat songs with the residents at Hillel Contact: [email protected] Join us for a Megillah Reading, New York 7 - 8:30 pm, weekly on Tuesdays until [email protected] Lodge. March 3, 2020, Ottawa Torah Centre Multigenerational program for families Style Dinner and Broadway Revue. Early SATURDAY, MARCH 7 111 Lamplighters Dr. with children under 6. Music, movement Bird Price $36 per adult and $20 for Contact: 613-843-7770 and stories with Rabbi Mikelberg and students and under 12. International Women’s Day [email protected] Morah Sue. Enjoy our many holiday and Celebration Party Teen Purim Party Cost: $90. Modern society still grapples Shabbat themes from 5:30 - 6:00 pm 7 - 11:55 pm 6:30 - 8:45 pm, Brass Monkey, with the big moral issues. Join us to followed by a pasta or pizza dinner. Contact: Hen Amiel Tomer 250 Greenbank Rd. unpack six of the world’s most cherished Families are welcome to stay for the [email protected] Contact: Rabbi Dave Rotenberg, values and how they were delivered to Kabbalat Shabbat service beginning at Cost: $50, all inclusive. First annual party 613-889-3283 humankind by the Torah. 6:30 pm. bringing together Jewish women of the [email protected] Free teen Purim party presented by JOY, Motzei Shabbat Video Torah Lecture Ottawa community. This is a grassroots WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 a partnership of Ottawa’s Jewish youth 7 - 8:30 pm, weekly on Saturdays until initiative by a small group of dedicated Israeli women in Ottawa who want to movements. Open to Grade 8 and up, April 25, 2020, 1724 Kilborn Ave. Glebe Shul Hamantash Bake celebrate the wonderful Jewish women of pool, food, mocktails, prizes, and Megilah Contact: Elie Benzaquen, 343-882-3702 7:30 - 9:30, The Glebe shul, 302 Fifth Ave. our community. An Israeli style evening reading. Win a pair of AirPods! [email protected] Contact: Pessie Gewirtzman, including dancing, delicious Israeli food, Join us every Motzei Shabbat for a video 819-744-0261 For more Purim events, please visit drinks and excellent entertainment! Torah Lecture presented by top English [email protected] speakers in the Jewish world, followed by Cost: $10. Bring a friend and join us for SUNDAY, MARCH 8 our-community/purim-2020 open Q & A. For men and women. Please the Great Hamantash Bake at the Glebe text each week to confirm attendance. Shul! We will be baking Hamantashen for JCC Purim carnival CANDLE LIGHTING BEFORE you and friends to enjoy! 10 - 12 pm FRIDAY, FEBURARY 28 5:30 PM Kol Miriam Choir New Season Contact: Gail Lieff, 613-798-9818 ext. 303 FRIDAY, MARCH 6 5:39 PM 7 - 8:30 pm, weekly on Tuesdays until The Jewish Experience in [email protected] FRIDAY, MARCH 13 6:49 PM June 9, 2020, Hillel Lodge, 10 Nadolny Canada Today Cost: $5 per child, children under 2 free. FRIDAY, MARCH 20 6:58 PM Sacks Pvt. 7:30 - 9:30 pm Come in costume, join us for some fun Contact: Katherine Moss, 613-276-6289 BULLETIN DEADLINES Contact: Maxine Miska, carnival games, face painting, crafts, [email protected] 613-798-9818 ext 263 obstacle courses and moon bounce FOR ISSUE DEADLINE A diverse group of women united by a [email protected] castles and refreshments of juice and MARCH 23 MARCH 4 love of music, singing together and being This event features a presentation of the hamentashen will be served. Children APRIL 6 MARCH 16 Jewish. Focusing on a variety of music APRIL 27 APRIL 1 research made for a landmark 2018 under 10 must be supervised by an adult.



Condolences are extended to the families of: The Condolence Column is offered as a public service Irwin Hinberg to the community. There is no May their memory Anna (Chana) Litwin charge. For listing in this column, be a blessing always. please call 613 798-4696, ext. 274. David Shoihet Voice mail is available. February 24, 2020 28 OTTAWA JEWISH BULLETIN


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