click for flip issue: volume one - issue two, february mmxx Goa Fashion! Fun! Frolic! music art love |1 Meraki - to leave a piece of yourself -your soul, creativity, or love- in whatever you do. pg. ISSUE EDITORS photo stories Ms. Jesselyn Fernandes 09 Ms. Liza Vaz Mr. Nathan Colaco WRITERS Ms. Adalin Colaco Ms. Ashwini Sequeira Ms. Rucha Prabhudesai Ms. Stacy Dias Ms. Ruchira Kasagita Ms. Rukma Kanolkar Ms. Rachel Dias Mr. Jeff D’cruz pgs.6,11,31 my life FACULTY-IN-CHARGE DesiGN & LAY-OUT established January 2020 under the aegis of the Editor WRITING FOR THE MEDIA COURSE Asst. Prof. Andrew Barreto INSIDE! DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH email me
[email protected] COURSE INSTRUCTOR published at Dept. of English ASST. PROF. ANDREW BARRETO Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science Autonomous GOA Cover Picture: Ray Gomes The Opinions/News appearing herein are those of pg.10 the Editor, Students, Contributors and cannot be attributed to the Principal/ Management/Faculty in charge. 2| a musical throwback |3 pg.18 Keeping in touch with all the ruckus going on in the world, we bring to you editorial our second edition of Meraki. But over here, we’re a bit organized, or so we would like you to think. We on planet Earth are so caught up in our lives, and the year so far has been one that have to spread a positive message. And just like kof a roller-coaster. To summarize 2020 so far, the everyone sang in the first High School Musical year started with a World War III threat, followed and I implore you to say it with us, “We’re all in by a volcanic eruption in the Philippines, multiple this together.” (What team!?) plane crashes (RIP Kobe Bryant), earthquakes in That is why in this issue is close to our hearts, Indonesia, and a massive bushfire in Australia.