Department ofEntomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, 7X, i2S.A.


Oswald, J. D., 1998. Annotated Catalogue of the Dilaridae (Insecta: Neuroptera) of the World. - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 141: 115-128. [ISSN0040-74961. Published 30 November 1998. The neuropteran family Dilaridae is catalogued. Data on the status, primary type, type locality and original place of publication are given for 67 valid species and 14 synonymous species- group names. Status, type species, etymology and gender information are given for four valid genera and seven synonymous genus-group names. Nepal is reported as a previously unrecog- nized synonym of Dilar. Dilargrandis and Dihr marmoratw are new combinations from Rex- auizrs. Berothelkz bannana is removed from the Dilaridae and transferred to the family Beroth- idae as Berotha bannana, comb. n. Dr. John D. Oswald, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, 'IX 77843-2475 USA E-mail: [email protected]. Key Words. - Dilarinae, Nallachiinae, pleasing lacewings, systematics,

The neuropteran family Dilaridae, 'pleasing lace- and genus, and it and its relatives have long been rec- wings', is a small family presently composed of 67 ognized as a distinctive group within the Neuroptera. Dilar valid recent suecies,&' with a combined distribution en- The genus was originally placed by Rambur in compassing parts of North and South America, Eu- his 'Trihu Semblides', together with several genera rope, Asia and Africa. Dilarids form a distinct clade now placed in the orders Megaloptera and Raphidio- within the order Neuroptera, and are characterized by ptera. Soon thereafter, Newman (1853), in his reclas- males with pectinate antennae, females with elongate sification of the Neuroptera sensu lato, provisionally ovipositors (a feature that they share with raphid- placed the 'Dilaridae' as a division of his group Ste- iouterans and some mantisoids),1 ,. and distinctive de- goptera, subgroup Corydalina, along with taxa now tails of the terminalia in both sexes. Dilarids are rela- attributed to the Ithonidae and Meealootera." ' New- tively rare both in the field and in collections and are man's classification was not widely adopted and his of no known economic importance. Immatures are name Dilaridae appears not to have come into gener- associated with soil or dead wood. No fossil dilarids al use. By the late 1800's Dilar was recognized as a are currently known. The purpose of the present neuropteran (planipennian) genus, and was typically work is to provide a concise bibliographic, nomen- included within a broad concept of the family He- clatural and taxonomic foundation for the family that merobiidae. During" the first two decades of the twen- can serve the twin aims of providing an entry point tieth century, the taxonomic concept of the Hemero- into the scattered dilarid literature and a stimulus for biidae was radically altered. Many genera and groups further systematics study of the group. of genera were formally aggregated or reaggregated into family-group taxa during this period, and several of these were widely accorded full family rank. History Among these groups was the Dilaridae, which was The rarity of dilarids in the field is underscored by treated as a tribe (Dilarini, e.g., Navris 1914), sub- the fact that the first known species, Dilar nevadensis, family (Dilarinae, e.g., Banks 1913) and full family does not appear in the scientific literature until 1838 (Dilaridae, e.g., Handlirsch [1906]) during this time. (Rambur 1838, illustrated), and was not formally de- Current usage accords dilarids family rank, with two scribed until four years later (Rambur 1842) - a com- subfamilies, the Dilarinae and Nallachiinae. paratively late date for a genus of that possess- Navis ([I 909a], 19 14), in the earliest revisionary es several species with an aggregate distribution studies of the group, synthesized the prior descriptive stretching broadly across southern Europe. Dilar ne- work of nineteenth century authors and his own early vadensis was treated at its inception as a new species twentieth century work on the fauna of Spain and TIJDSCHIUFTVOOR ENTOMOLOGIE,VOLtJME 141, 1998

neighbouring regions. In his 19 14 review of the fami- (ii) What monophyletic subgroups can be recog- ly for the Genera Insectorum, Navis recognized seven nized within this fauna?, based on what characters?, genera and 26 species. Of these, 21 species, but only 2 (iii) What is(are) the phylogenetic relationship(s) genera, are presently considered valid. During the between Old and New World dilarids?, Navisian era heavy emphasis was placed on venation- (iv) How old is the dilarid clade?, al traits as diagnostic characters for the identification (v) Why are there no known dilarid fossils?, and justification of new neuropteran taxa at all ranks. (vi) Why are dilarids absent from Australia? During this period, however, the full extent of vena- Any study of the higher phylogeny of the family tional variation was frequently not well known for should include representatives of New World Nal- taxa established at both the specific and generic levels. lachius, Old World Dilar and Berothellrr and the actu- Subsequent reevaluation of generic limits, based prin- al or possible Old World nallachiine taxa cipally on male terminalic traits, has lead to a reduc- krooni (southern Africa), Nallachiw ponomarenkoi tion in the number of accepted dilarid genera, and it (Vietnam) and Neonallacbius annandalei (India). is now widely recognized that considerable venational plasticity exists in many dilarid species. Characters of Biology the male terminalia have now come to reolace vena- tional traits as the characters of choice for delimiting Dilarid biology is poorly known. The larvae of only dilarid taxa, especially species. Although male termi- five species are known, only four of which have been nalic characters were figured as early as 1909 (Navis described. Thc best known of these is the Nearctic- [1909a]), the added effort and difficulties of studying, Neotropical species , whose lar- describing and figuring this complex character system vae have been reoorted from under the bark of both hindered its use and the full recognition of its value recently- and long-dead broadleaf trees, where they during the early twentieth century. As in other neu- undoubtedly feed on soft-bodied prey that ropterid groups, however, dilarid studies profited occur in the same microhabitat (Gurney 1947, from the growing realization throughout the 1930's MacLeod & Spiegler 1961). Larvae of Dilar turcicw that the male terminalia provided a significant new and Dilar septentrionalis have been collected from soil source of novel. stable and reliable soecies-level char- samples, Ghilarov (1962) and Makarkin (pers. acters. Subsequent reviews and revisions of dilarid comm., larvae not described), respectively. The larvae taxa (e.g., Carpenter 1940, 1947, Nakahara 1955b) of two additional species, Nallachius krooni and Dilar made extensive use of male terminalic traits, and pumilus, have been reared from eggs laid by captive modern descriptions and revisions (e.g., Adams 1970, females, see Minter (1992) and Monserrat (1 988b). Aspock et al. 1980, Monserrat 19881-3) rely heavily on Until recently, all known adult dilarids were fully male terminalic characters to delimit species. macropterous and presumed to be volant. However, Pantaleoni & Letardi (1996) report the capture of a brachypterous Dilar female that is probably attribut- Future Research able to Dilarpartbenopaeus. The most pressing current need in dilarid system- atics is for a comprehensive revision of Old World di- Keys larine species. The last complete revisions covering the Old World are the seriously outdated works of A key is provided below to the two subfamilies of Navis ([1909a], 1914). Since that time, the number the Dilaridae. The subfamily Nallachiinae currently of nomenclaturally valid Old World dilarid species contains only a single valid genus, Nallachius. The has approximately tripled. The European dilarid fau- three nomen~laturall~valid dilarine genera listed in na has recently been the subject of several good revi- the following catalogue are widely considered only sionary treatments (Aspock et al. 1980, Monserrat doubtfully distinct. For this reason, a key to these taxa 1988b), but the lack of a synthetic work for the Ori- has not been attempted. The construction of a reli- ental region and the adjacent parts of central and east- able key to supraspecific taxa within the Dilarinae ern Asia renders positive identification of material cannot proceed until revisionary studies that identifj from these areas extremely difficult. The size of such more rigorously diagnosable subgroups within this a project (ca. 50 species) would be quite appropriate taxon have been completed. Bibliographic references for a Ph.D.-level dissertation. Questions of interest to published species-level keys in the genera Dilarand include: Nallacbius are cited below under their respective cata- (i) How variable are male terminalic traits among logue entries. Old World dilarids?, OSWALD:Catalogue of the Dilaridae

Collection, Beijing, China; BMNH Natural History Museum [formerly the (after Adams 1970, New 1989) British Museum (Natural History)], London, England, United Kingdom; 1. Forewing MA branching from R basal to fork INBIO Instituto de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo Rl-Rs (i.e., as a branch from the 'radial stem'; or, de Heredia, Costa Rica; rarely, MA entirely free from R); male antenna INPA Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da with more than 3 apical flagellomeres that lack AmazGnia, Manaus, Brazil; lateral processes [Europe, northern Africa, Asia] .. ISNB Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelies de ...... Dilarinae Belgique, Brussels, Belgium; + Forewing MA branching from R distal to fork I ZAS B Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, R1-Rs (i.e., as a branch from RS); male antenna Beijing, China; never with more than 3 apical flagellomeres that MCNM Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, lack lateral processes [North and South America, Madrid, Spain; southern Africa, Asia] ...... Nallachiinae MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, MA, USA; MNHP Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; Format MONSICRRAT Victor J. Monserrat, private collection, All known family-, genus- and species-group names Madrid, Spain; that have been applied to taxa presently placed within MZB Museo Zoologia, Barcelona, Spain the family Dilaridae are treated in the catalogue be- MZUN Museo di Zoologia, Universiti di Napoli, low. Information on taxon diversitv and distribution. Napoli [=Naples], Italy; important systematics literature and biology and im- NCIP National Collection of Insects, Pretoria, mature stages is summarized for all valid family- and South Africa; genus-group taxa. Genus-group name records pro- NHMB Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Basel, vide, additionally, data on type species, etymology Switzerland; and gender, with appropriate bibliographic refer- NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien ences. Svecies citations orovide information on oriei-" [=Vienna], Austria; nal publication, distribution, type locality and prima- NSMT National Science Museum (Natural ry type kind, sex and depository (to the extent History), Tokyo, Japan; known). Type locality data is presented in a standard- NZSI Zoological Survey of India, National ized format using current political subdivision names, Zoological Collection, Calcutta, West with verbatim quotes from the literature provided Bengal, India; parenthetically where confusion might arise. Latitude PW Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale and loneitude" coordinates are wrovided for all sites University, New Haven, CT, USA; that could be rigorously located. Coordinate data are REAL P. Rial, private collection, Aix-en-Provence, shown in brackets if they were derived from secondary France; sources (e.g., maps or gazetteers), but are shown un- ZMHA Zoologisches Museum fur Hamburg, bracketed if they were cited in the original description Hamburg, Germany; of a species. Synonymical citations are given under the ZMHB Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt subheading 'Synonymy'. Under the subheading 'Sta- Universitat, Berlin, Germany; tus', a recent (where possible) authoritative work is ZMUM Zoological Museum, Moscow State cited that uses the name in the nomenclatural form in University, Moscow, Russia; which it is treated in the catalogue. The third edition ZSM Zoologische Staat~sammlun~,Munich, of the International Code of Zoological Nomencla- Germany. ture has been applied to questions of nomenclature, and relevant articles and sections of the Code are ref- Family Dilaridae Newman, 1853 erenced throughout the catalogue text. Dilaridae Newman, 1853 (as a 'division' of the Corydalina). Collection Acronyms Type genus: Dikzr Rambur, [1838]. The following collection acronyms are used in the catalogue to indicate type repositories: Species and distribution. - 67 species; Eastern ASPOCK Horst & Ulrike Aspock, private collection, United States south to Argentina, including the West Wien [=Vienna], Austria; Indies (17 spp.), Oriental and southern Palearctic re- BAU Beijing Agricultural University gions (49 spp.), southern Africa (1 sp.). No dilarids TIJD~CHRIFTVOOR ENTOMOLOGIE,VOLUME 141,1998

Notes: This species was originally described as a berothid. It are currently known from tropical Africa, Australia, was confirmed as a dilarid by MacLeod & Adams ([1968]: Oceania or extreme northerly or southerly latitudes. 256). No fossils attributable to the Dilaridae are currently known. Genus Dihr Rambur, [I8381 Reviews, revisions and keys. - Navds [1909a] Dilar Rambur, [1838]: pl. 9. Type species: Dikzr nevadenris (World, revision, keys); Navds 1914 (World, review, Rambur, 118381: pl. 9, by monotypy. Etymology: From keys); see also Dihrand Nalhchius below. Dilar, a river flowing west from the western edge of the Biology and immature stages. - See Dihrand Nal- Sierra Nevada (mountains) of southern Spain, see Navb lachim below. The larva described and figured by ([1909a]: 628). Gender: Masculine, no originally attrib- uted or implied gender, here considered masculine, Art. Takahashi (1942) as a dilarid is probably the larva of 30d. Status: Oswald &Penny 1991: 21. Known incorrect a nevrorthid of the genus Nipponeurorthus, not a di- subsequent spellings: Dilkzr, Diakzr, Didzr. larid. Tjeder (1937) compared the adult morphology Ckzdocera Hagen, 1860: 56, nomen nudum. Included spe- of dilarids and raphidiopterans. cies: Ckzdocera marmorata Hagen, 1860: 56, nomen nudum. Etymology: Unexplained, probably Clado- (< Gr. klados, branch or twig) - -cera (< Gr. kerac, horn), in Subfamily Dilarinae Newman, 1853 reference to the branched antennae, a characteristic of male dilarids. Status: Oswald & Penny 199 1: 21. Dilarinae - Banks 1913: 21 1 (as a subfamily of the Hemer- Notes: 'Ckzdocera marmorata Hoffm. Mus. Berol.' was obiidae). Type genus: Dikzr Rambur, [1838]. cited by Hagen (1860: 56) without description, defini- Dilarini - Navb, 1914: 5 (as a tribe of the Dilaridae). Type tion or indication, and is therefore unavailable, Art. 12a. genus: Dikzr Rambur, [1838]. The binomen Ckzdocera marmorataapparently originated Species and distribution. 48 species; Oriental and as a manuscript name that was recorded by Hagen from - the identification label of a specimen in the Hoffmansegg southern Palearctic regions. Collection of the Museum fiir Naturkunde, Humboldt Reviews, revisions and keys. - See Dihr below. Universitat, Berlin. Hagen subsequently (1866b: 399) Biology and immature stages. - See Dihr below. synonymized Ckzdocera with Dikzr, and C. marmorata with Dikzr nevadensis Rambur, without either name ever having been made available. Genus Berotheh Banks, 1934 Lidar Navds, 1909b: 153. Type species: Dilar meridionalis Hagen, 1866a: 295, by original designation. Etymology: Berothella Banks, 1934: 567. Type species: Berothelkzphan- toma Banks, 1934: 568, by monotypy. Etymology: Unex- An anagram of Dikzr, a dilarid genus-group name, see Navds (1 909b: 153). Gender: Masculine, inferred from plained, probably Beroth- (< Beroth[aJ, a berothid genus- the combination 'Lidar nemorosui, Art. 30d. Synonymy: group name) - -ella (< L. -ellus, a diminutive suffix), in H. Aspock et al. 1980: 187. Status: Oswald & Penny reference to the original supposed berothid affinities of 1991: 21. Known incorrect subsequent spellings: Lider. this genus. Gender: Feminine, from the gender appropri- Fuentenw Navis, 1909b: 154. Type species: Dilar campestrir ate to the suffix -ella, Art. 30b. Status: Oswald & Penny 1991: 12. Navh, 1903a: 380 (=Dilar saldubensis Navds in Laguna, 1902), by original designation. Etymology: From the sur- Notes: Berothella was originally in the family name of Reverend D. Jost Maria de la Fuente, Spanish Berothidae; it was transferred to the family Dilaridae by MacLeod and Adams ([1968]: 256). priest and entomologist, see Navk (1909b: 155; [1909a]: 657). Gender: Masculine, no originally attributed or im- Species and distribution. - 2 species; China and plied gender, here considered masculine, Art. 30d. Syn- onvmv: H. Asoock et al. 1980: 187. Status: Oswald & continental Malaysia. A third species described in this ~ehn; 1991: 2i. genus, Berothella bannana, belongs to the Berothidae, Rexaviw Navds, 11909al: 664. Tv~esoecies: Dilar nietneri ,. A see 'Taxa removed from the Dilaridae' below. Hagen, 18586: 482, by subsequent designation by Navh Reviews, revisions and keys. - None. 1914: 10. Etymology: An anagram of Xaverius, from the Biology and immature stages. -Unknown. Latinized surname of Saint Francisco Javier, Spanish mis- sionary to India and Japan, see Navb ([1909a]: 664). Gender: Masculine, inferred from the combination 'Rex- Berothelkz phantoma Banks, 1934 [Malaysia] aviw japonicw', Art. 30d. Synonymy: Kuwayama 1962: Berothelh- phantoma Banks, 1934: 568. Holotype, male, 376. Status: Oswald & Penny 1991: 21. BMNH.Type locality: Malaysia: Selangor: Bukit Kutu Notes: Rexaviw was synonymized with Dih-rwithout ex- (hill) [3"33'N 10 1043'EI. Status: MacLeod & Adams (119681: 256). plicit comment by Kuwayama (1962: 376). Kuwayama's synonymy was presumably based on his placement of the Notes: Type citation by MacLeod & Adams (119681: species japonicusin the genus Dikzr, rather than in Rmav- 256). This species was originally described as a berothid. iw, where it had been placed by Navds (1909a: 665) as It was confirmed as a dilarid by Kimmins in MacLeod & one of the two species originally included in Rexaviw. Adams ([1968]: 256). The type species of Rexavius has also been transferred Berothelkzpretiosa Banks, 1939 [China] back to Dih-r from Rexavius by H. Aspock & U. Aspock Berothella pretiosa Banks, 1939: 469. Holotype, male, ~cz. (1968: 3). Two additional species, grandis and marmora- Tylocality: China: Kwangtung: Hainan (island), 'Ta- tw, also nominally exist in the genus Rexavius. Both are han . Status: MacLeod & Adams ([1968]: 256). here transferred to Dikzr. I have examined syntypical ma- OSWALD:Catalogue of the Dilaridae

terial of both grandis and marmoratus from the MCZ,and Dilar caesarulus H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1967: 57. Holo- both species clearly fall within the broad concept of Dilar type, male, ASPOCK.Type locality: Afghanistan: 125 krn adopted in this catalogue. SW of Ghazni [G = 33O33'N 68028'EI. Status: H. As- NepalNavbs, [1909a]: 661. syn. n. Type species: Nepalhar- pock & U. Aspock 1967: 57. mandiNavBs, [1909a]: 661, by original designation. Ety- mology: From Nepal, a region (later country) of the Indi- Dilar corsicus Navk, 1909 [France] an subcontinent that contains, or lies near, the type Dilar corsicus Navb, [1909a]: 636. Holotype: female, localities of the two species originally included in this BMNH.Type locality: France: Corsica, 'La Foca [=?Face, genus, see NavL ([1909a]: 661). Gender: Masculine, no 41038'N 9004'El. Status: Monserrat 1988a: 17. originally attributed or implied gender, here considered Notes: Type citation by Navas (1925: 188). masculine, Art. 30d. Dilar budtziEsben-Petersen, 1913: 27. Syntypes, male & fe- Notes: All four species that have at one time or another male, repository unknown. Type locality: France: Corsica been placed in this genus have subsequently been re- (island). Synonymy: H. Aspock et al. 1980: 188. moved to Dilar, fornosanus and kanoi by Nakahara (1955b) and horneiand harmandiby H. Aspock & U. As- Dihr dissimih Navis, 1903 [Spain] pock (1968). Thus, although it has not previously been Dilar dissimilis Navbs, 1903a: 374. Lectotype, male, MNHP, listed as such, Nppal is currently a junior subjective syn- designated by Monserrat (1988b: 192). Type locality: onym of Dilar. Spain: Zaragoza: Monasterio Santa Maria de Veruela [41048'N 1042'W], near Moncayo (mountain) (as: 'Veruela (Zaragoza) al pie del Moncayo'). Status: Mon- Species and distribution. - 45 species; Oriental and serrat 1988b: 189. southern Palearctic regions. Notes: See Legrand 81 Lachaise (1994: 88) for a detailed Reviews, revisions and keys. - Navis 1903a (Spain, account of the lectotype. review); Kuwayama 1921 (Japan, review, key); Naka- Dilar neposNavL, 1909b: 151. Lectotype, male, MNHP, des- ignated by Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 90). Type locality: hara 195513 (Japan & Taiwan, revision); Kuwayama Spain: Zaragoza: Muel [41028'N 1004'W]. Synonymy: 1962 (Japan, review, key); Aspock et al. 1980 (Europe, H. Aspock et al. 1980: 188. Status: Monserrat 1988: 189. review, key); Minter 1986 (Africa, review); Dorokho- Notes: Earlier type citations by NavL (1925: 188) and va 1987 (European USSR, key); Monserrat 1988a Monserrat (1988b: 192). (Navis species, revision); Monserrat 198% (Iberian Dilar kolbei NavL, [1909a]: 635. Lectotype, male, MNHP, Peninsula, revision, keys); Zakharenko 1988 (USSR, designated by Navh (1925: 188). Type locality: Spain: Andalucia (region). Synonymy: H. Aspock et al. 1980: review); Makarkin 1995 (Far Eastern Russia, key). 188. Status: Monserrat 1988: 189. Biology and immature stages. - Ghilarov 1962 Notes: The type series of kolbei consisted of two male syn- (turcicus: biology, larva, figs); Popov 1973 (turcicus: types, both ofwhich were originally contained in the ZMHB egg, larva); Gepp 1984 (turcicus: larva, fig); Monser- (NavL [1909a]: 635). One syntype, however, was appar- rat 1988b (purnilus: larva, figs); Gepp 1990 (turcicus: ently retained by NavL in his personal collection, and ulti- egg, fig). The larva of Dilar septentrionalis is known mately came to be deposited in the MNHP.NavL (1925: 188) dearly states that the specimen in the MNHP is the (Makarkin, pers. comm.), but undescribed. 'Type'. This statement constitutes a valid lectotype desig- nation under Art. 74(b) of the Code, and fmes the MNHP Dilar algerincs Navis, 1909 [Algeria] Nomen specimen as the lectotype of kolbei. The subsequent desig- dubium nation of the ZMHB specimen as the lectotype by Legrand Dihr algericw Navjs, [1909a]: 638. Holotype, male, MNHP. and Lachaise (1994: 89) is therefore invalid, Art. 74a(i). Type locality: Algeria: Alger [3G050'N 3O00E, =Algiers, NavL' ([1909a]: 635) statement: 'El tipo se halla en el mu- =Argel (Spanish)] (as: 'Argel'). Status: Monserrat 1988a: 19. seo de Berlin', is not a valid lectotype designation because it Notes: See Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 87) for a detailed does not identify a single specimen as the type - Navis hav- account of the holotype; earlier type citations by Navbs ing earlier clearly referred to two specimens in this collec- (1925: 188) and Monserrat (1988b: 199). tion ('He vista dos ejemplares que del museo de Berlin ...'). It might be argued that Navk' 'tipo' statement referred to Dihr aspersus C. Yang in Huang et al., 1988 the single specimen remaining in the ZMHB after he re- [China] moved the second specimen of the type series to his own Dibr mpersus C. Yang in Huang et al., 1988: 197. Holo- personal collection. Under this interpretation, NavL' state- type, male, BAU.Type locality: China: Tibet: Nyingchi ment would constitute a holotype designation (which County (as: 'Xizang: Nyingchi County'). Status: C. Yang would then also invalidate the lectotype desigtiation of Le- in Huang et al. 1988: 197. grand & Lachaise). However, as NavL gives no indication that only one specimen remained in the ZMHB at the time Dihr bolivari Navk, 1903 [Algeria, Tunisia] of his writing, there is no concrete support for this interpre- Dilar bolivari Navia 1903b: 116. Lectotype, male, MCNM, tation. See also the discussion by Monserrat (1988b: 192), designated by Monserrat (1988a: 16). Type locality: Al- who treated the MNHP and ZMHB specimens as syntypes. geria: Oran 135045'N 0038'W]. Status: Monserrat Dilar distinctus Nakahara, 1955 [Taiwan] 1988a: 16. Dilar distinctus Nakahara, 1955b: 139. Holotype, male, Dilar caesarulus H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1967 NSMT.Type locality: Taiwan: Nantou: Sungkang (as: 'Tattaka'). Status: Stange & Wang 1997: 49. [Afghanistanl TIJDSCHRIFTVOOR ENTOMOLOGIE,VOLUME 141, 1998

Dilar dochaner H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1968 Dikzr japonicw McLachlan, 1883 Uapan] [Afghanistan] Dilar japonicus McLachlan, 1883: 220. Holotype, male, Dilardochaner H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1968: 5. Holotype, BMNH. Type locality: Japan: Fukushima: Honshu (is- male, ASPOCK. Type locality: Afghanistan: Kabul: Khurd- land), Fukushima [37044'N 140°28'E] (as: 'Japan Kabul [34O24'N 69024'E], SE of Kabul. Status: H. As- (Fukushima in the main Island, ...'). Status: Kuwayama pock & U. Aspock 1968: 5. 1962: 376. Dilar nohirae Nakahara, 1914: 297. Syntype(s), sex(es) un- Dikzr dongchuanus C. Yang, 1986 [China] known, possibly in the NSMT. Type locality: Japan: Nara: Dilar dongchuanus C. Yang, 1986: 155. Holotype, male, Yoshino [34021'N 13505I'E] (as: 'Yoshino, Province Ya- BAU. Type locality: China: Yunnan: Dongchuan mato'). Synonymy: Nakahara 1955b: 134. Status: Ku- [26024'N 103008'E; =Tung-ch'uan, =Tungchwan, wayama 1962: 376. =Hweitseh, =Tangdan]. Status: C. Yang 1986: 155. Dilar japonicus vat. gracilis Kuwayama, 1921: 71. Syntype(s), male, Okamoto collection (current repository Dikzr duelliU. Aspock & H. Aspock, 1995 [France] unknown). Type locality: Not fixed, see Notes. Syn- Dilar duelli U. Aspock & H. Aspock, 1995: 50. Holotype, onymy: Nakahara 1955b: 134. Status: Kuwayama 1962: male, NHMW. Type locality: France: Var: Massif de I'Es- 376. ttrel, Col du Mistral, ENE of Frtjus, ca. 43026'N Go44'E. Notes: Kuwayama (1921: 80) mentions three specimens Status: U. Aspock & H. Aspock 1995: 50. from southern Honshu (island). Japan, in the type series, all in the Okamoto collection. Dikzrfornosanus (Okamoto & Kuwayama, 1920) [Taiwan] Lidarformosanus Okamoto & Kuwayama, 1920: 34 1. Holo- Dikzrjuniperi Monserrat, 1988 [Spain] type, female, repository unknown. Type locality: Taiwan: Dilar juniperi Monserrat, 1988b: 198. Holotype, male, 'Arisan' [=?Chiayi Prefecture: Alishan or A-li-shan, MONSERRAT. Type locality: Spain: Jatn: Collado de los 23O30'N 12O049'E]. Status: Stange & Wang 1997: 49. Jardines [38020'N 3030'w. Status: Monserrat 1988b: 198. Dikzr Reometroides H. Aspock & U.Aspock, 1968 Nepal1 Dikzr kanoi (Nakahara, 1955) [Taiwan] Dilargeomehoides H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1968: 3. Holo- Nepal kanoi Nakahara, 1955a: 6. Holotype, male, NSMT. type, male, ZSM. Type locality: Nepal: 'Prov. Nr. 3 East, Type locality: Taiwan: Nantou: Sungkang (as: 'Tattaka'). Sete'. Status: H. Aspock & U. Aspock 1968: 3. Status: Stange & Wang 1997: 49. Dikzr g-randis (Banks, 1931) [Malaysia (Sabah)] Dilar kirgisw H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1967 comb. n. [Kirgizia] Rexavius grandis Banks, 1931a: 413. Syntypes, male, MCZ. Dilar kirgisus H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1967: 59. Holotype, Type locality: Malaysia: Sabah: Borneo, Mt. Kinabalu, male, ASPOCK. Type locality: Kirgizia: Issyk-Kul (lake). Kamborangah. Status: Zakharenko 1988: 764. Notes: See discussion under Rexaviw above. Dikzr lineokztus Navh, 1909 [Turkey] Nomen Dikzr hamzandi (Navlis, 1909) [India] dubium Nepal harmandi NavL, [1909a]: 661. Holotype, male, Dilar lineolam Navis, [1909a]: 645. Syntype(s), female, MNHP. Type locality: India: West Bengal: Darjeeling ZMHB. Type locality: Turkey: Tekke [40008'N 29O41'EI [as [27002'N 88°20'E] (as: 'Darjeeling en el Himalaya'). Sta- 'Tekke en la Turcomania']. Status: Monserrat 1988a: 20. tus: H. Aspock & U. Aspock 1968: 3. Notes: Earlier type citation by H. Aspock & U. Aspock Notes: See Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 88) for a detailed (1968: 3). account of the holotype; earlier rype citation by H. As- pock & U. Aspock (1968: 3). Dikzr marnoratus (Banks, 1931) [Thailand] comb. n. Rexaviw marmoratus Banks, 1931b: 385. Syntypes, male & Dikzr hikosanus Nakahara, 1955 Uapan] female, MCZ. Type locality: Thailand: Nakhon Si Tham- Dilar hikosanus Nakahara, 1955b: 137. Holotype, male, marat [8024'N 99058'E], Khao Luang (mountain) (as: probably in the NSMT. Type locality: Japan: Fukuoka 1 [8031'N 99047'El 'Peninsular Siam: Nakon Sri Oita: Kwshu (island), Hiko-san (mountain) 133O29'N Tamarat, Khao Luang'). 130"58'~](as: 'Hikosan, Kyushu' ). Status: ~"wa~ama Notes: See discussion under Rexavius above. 1962: 376. Dikzr megaloptem C. Yang, 1986 [China] Dikzr hornei McLachlan, 1869 [India] Dilar megalopterus C. Yang, 1986: 154. Holotype, male, Dilar hornei McLachlan, 1869: 239. Syntype(s), male, BAU. Type locality: China: Yunnan: Dongchuan BMNH. Type locality: Northwestern India. Status: Ghosh [26024'N 103°08'E; =Tung-ch' uan, =Tungchwan, &Sen 1977: 281. =Hweitseh, =Tangdan]. Status: C. Yang 1986: 154. Notes: Type citation by H. Aspock & U. Aspock (1968: 3). Dikzr meridionalis Hagen, 1866 [Andorra, France, Dikzr indim Monserrat, 1989 [India] Spain] Dilar indicus Monserrat, 1989: 420. Holotype, male, NHMB. Dilar meridionalis Hagen, 1866a: 295. Holotype, sex un- Type locality: India: 'Cachemira, Rampur'. Status: Mon- known, repository unknown. Type locality: Spain: prob- serrat 1989: 420. ably from the Sierra Nevada (mountains) near Granada. OSWALD:Catalogue of the Diluridae

Status: Monserrat 1988b: 184. Aspock & U. Aspock (1968: 3). Notes: The original description does not indicate where the single specimen of the type series of meridionalis was Dilar~aLLidmNakahara, 1955 CTaiwan] collected. Hagen (1866b: 402) subsequently cited the Dilar pallidus Nakahara, 1955b: 140. HO1Oty~e, species from Spain, and McLachlan (1869: 239) states NSMT. Type locality: Taiwan: ~antou:sungkang (as: the type locality as 'the Sierra Nevada in the South of 'Tattaka'). Status: Stange 8r Wang l997: 49. Swain' Dilar pirtus Navis, 1903a: 377. Holotype, female, MCNM. Dilarparthenopaem A. Costa, 1855 [Italy] locality: 'pain: Madrid: near Madrid [M = 40025'N DihY parthenopaeusA, Costa, 1855: 19, Lectovpe, male, 3043'W]. Navds '9Oya: 652 (as a variety of MZUN, Type locality: Italy: Campania: Salerno: Cava de' mertdionalis).Status: Monserrat 1988b: 185. Tirreni [40042'N 14°42'E]. Status: H. Aspock et al. Notes: Subsequently incorrectly cited as a new name by 1980: 190, NavL ([1909a]: 652). Notes: Type locality information and lectotype designa- Lidar nemorosusNavis, 1909b: 153. Syntype(s), male, repos- tion from Pantaleoni (pas. comm.; data from manuscript Huesca: itory unknown (see Notes), Type locality: in preparation on Costa types). Sierra de Guara (mountains) near the Santuario de San Cosme [SdSC = 42015'~0016'WI (as: 'Sierra de Guara (Huesca), cerca del santuario de San Cosme'). Synonymy: Dilarpumilm Navhs, 1903 [Spain] NavL [1924]: 229. Status: Monserrat 1988b: 185. Dilarpumilw NavL, 1903a: 380. Holotype, male, MNHP. Notes: Types presumed lost or destroyed. Probably for- Type locality: Spain: Murcia: near Cartagena [C = merly in the Navas collection. Types not listed by Mon- 37"36'N Oo59'W]. Status: Monserrat 1988b: 195. serrat (1985) as being in the remnants of the Navds col- Notes: See Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 90) for a detailed lection in the MZB. account of the holotype; earlier type citations by Navds Dilar mateui Rkal, 1968: 111. Holotype, male, REAL. Type (1925: 188) and Monserrat (1988b: 195). locality: France: PyrCnCes-Orientales: 'Vallte de Nohkdes' [Nohkdes (town) = ca. 11 km W of Prades, P=42O38'N Dilarpmilh C. Yang in Huang et al., 1992 2025'El. Synonymy: H. Aspock et al. 1980: 189. Status: [China] Monserrat 1988b: 185. Dilarpumilus C. Yang in Huang et al., 1988: 197. Holo- type, male, probably in the BAU or IZASB. Type locality: China: Tibet [=Xizang]: Medoge County, Beibeng. Sta- Dilar montanm C.Yang, 1992 [China] tus: C. Yang 1992a: 379. Dilar montanus C. Yang, 199213: 441. Holotype, male, Notes: A junior primary homonym of Dilar pumilus IZASB.Type locality: China: Szechwan [=Sichuan]:Zhon- Navis, 1903. The objective replacement name is Dilar grewu, Xiangcheng [X = 28054'N 99040'E; = Hsiang- pusillus C. Yang, 1992. ch'eng, = Hsiangchengl. Status: C. Yang 1992b: 441. Dilarpusillus C. Yang, 1992a: 379. Status: C. Yang 1992a: Dilar nevadensis Rambur, 1838 [Spain] 379. Dilar nevadensis Rambur, [1838]: pl. 9. Syntype(s), sex(es) Notes: An objective replacement name for Dilarpumilus unknown, ISNB. Type locality: Spain: Granada: Sierra C. Yang in Huang et al., 1988, nec Navh, 1903. Nevada (mountains), near Granada [G = 37"10'N 3035'WI (as: 'aux environs de Grenade, dans les petits bois des parties tlevke de la Sierra-Nevada'). Status: Mon- Dilar saldubensis NavAs in Laguna, 1902 [Portugal, serrat 1988b: 182. Spain] Notes: Type locality from Rambur (1842: 446). At least Dilar saldubewis Navds in Laguna, 1902: 134. Neotype, two syntypes are stated by Navds ([1909a]: 632) to be in male, MNHP,designated by Monserrat 198815: 188. Type the ISNB.NavL ([1909a]: 629) cites his earlier use of the locality: Spain: Zaragoza: Zaragoza [41°39'N 0°54'W]. name 'nivatensii as an error for Dilar nevadensis Rambur. Status: Monserrat 1988b: 187. Cladocera marmoratus Hagen, 1860: 56, nomen nudum. Notes: The original type series was formerly in the Navh Status: Hagen 1866b: 399. collection. The specinlens of this series are not present in Notes: 'Cladocera marmorata Hoffm. Mus. Berol.' was the remnants of the Navds collection in the MZB (Mon- cited by Hagen (1860: 56) without description, defini- serrat 1985), and are now presumed lost or destroyed. See tion or indication, and is therefore unavailable, Art. 12a. also Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 90) for a detailed account The binomen Cladocera marmorata apparently originated of the neotype. as a manuscript name that was recorded by Hagen from Dilar campestris Navk, 1903a: 380. Lectotype, male, MNHP, the identification label of a specimen in the Hoffmansegg designated by Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 88). Type local- Collection of the Museum fiir Naturkunde, Humboldt ity: Spain: Ciudad Real: Pozuelo de Calatrava [38055'N Universitat, Berlin. Hagen (1866b: 399) subsequently 3"50'W]. Synonymy: H. Aspocket al. 1980: 189. Status: synonymized Cladocera with Dilar, and C. mamorata Monserrat 1988b: 187. with Dilar nerjadewis Rambur, without either name ever Notes: Earlier type citations by Navds (1925: 188) and having been made available. Monserrat (1988b: 188). Fu~ntmurlusitanicus Navis, [1909a]: 660. Holotype, sex Dilar nietneri Hagen, 1858 [Sri Lanka] unknown, ZMHB.Type locality: Northern Portugal. Syn- Dilar nietneri Hagen, 1858b: 482. Syntype(s), sex(es) un- onymy: NavL 119241: 232 (as a synonym of campeswis). known, ZMFIB.Type locality: Sri Lanka: 'Rainbodde'. Status: Monserrat 1988b: 188. Status: H. Aspock & U. Aspock 1968: 3. Notes: Type in poor condition and missing its abdomen. Notes: Type citations by Navis ([1909a]: 664) and H. This species was considered to be a nomen dubium by Monserrat (1988b: 188), but he accepted Navbs' ([1924]: Dilar vartianorum H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1967: 57. 232) synonymy of lusitanicus with campestris. Holotype, male, ASPOCK.Type locality: Afghanistan: Nuristan, 25 km N of Barikot [B = 35"18'N 7l036'E]. Dihr septentrionalis NavLs, 1912 [China, Korea, Status: H. Aspock & U. Aspock 1967: 57. Russia] Dilar septentrionalis Navbs, 1912: 420. Lectotype, male, Dihr vietnamensis Zakharenko, 1991 [Vietnam] MNHP,designated by Monserrat (1988a: 20). Type local- Dilar vietnamensis Zakharenko, 1991: 142. Holotype, male, ity: Russia: Vladivosrok [43009'N 131°53'E]. Status: ZMUM. Type locality: Vietnam: 'Onang Ninh, Dongkho'. Makarkin 1990: 38. Status: Zakharenko 1991: 142. Notes: See Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 91) for a detailed account of the lectotype. Dihr wangi C.Yang, 1992 [China] Dikzr wangi C. Yang, 1992b: 441. Holotype, male, IZASB. Dihr similis Monserrat, 1989 [Pakistan] Type locality: China: Yunnan: Wengshui, Zhongdian [Z Dilar similisMonserrat, 1989: 419. Holotype, male, NHMB. = 27046'N 99045'E; &hung tien]. Status: C. Yang Type locality: Pakistan: North-West Frontier: 'Salf-ui- 1992b: 441. Maluk Sar'. Status: Monserrat 1989: 41 9. Dihr yunnanus C. Yang, I986 [China] Dihr sinicus Nakahara, 1957 [China] Dilar ~unnanusC. Yang, 1986: 154. Holotype, male, BAU. Dilar sinicus Nakahara, 1957: 3 1. Holotype, male, probably Type locality: China: Yunnan: Dehong Dai-Jingpo [=Te- in the NSMT.Type locality: China: Shansi: between hung Shan-kachin] Autonomous District: Ruili Henglingkuan [35025'N 11lo36'E; =Heng-ling-kuan, [24001'N 97052'E; =Jui-li]. Status: C. Yang 1986: 154. =Henglingguan] and Wangmaochen. Status: Nakahara 1957: 31. Genus Neonahchius Nakahara, 1963 Dihr subdolus Navh, 1932 [China] Nomen Neonallachiw Nakahara, 1963: 77. Type species: Neonal- dubium lachiw annandalei Nakahara, 1963: 77, by original desig- Dilar subdolus Navb, 1932: 921. Holotype, male, reposito- nation. Etymology: Unexplained, probably Neo- (c Gr. ry unknown (see Notes). Type locality: China: Kiangsu: neos, new) - -nallachius (< Nallachius, a dilarid genus- Chinkiang [32003'N 119026'E; &hen-chiang, &hen- group name). Gender: Masculine, no originally attrib- hang, =Zhenjiang]. Status: Monserrat 1988a: 22. uted or implied gender, here considered masculine, Art. Notes: Holotype formerly in the Navb collection, now 30d. Status: Oswald & Penny 1991: 42. presumed lost or destroyed. Type not listed by Monserrat (1985) as being in the remnants of the Navb collection in Species and distribution. - 1 species; India, Sri the MZB. Lanka; see Hynd (1992), Nakahara (1963). Reviews, revisions and keys. - None. Dihr syriacw Navh, 1909 [Syria] Nomen dubium Biology and immature stages. - Unknown. Dilar syriacus Navis, [1909a]: 644. Holotype, male, MNHP. Type locality: Lebanon: near Beirut [B = 33O52'N Neonallachim annandalei Nakahara, 1963 [India] 35030'El (as: 'Siria, Creo que es de 10s alrededores de Neonallachiw annandalei Nakahara, 1963: 77. Holotype, Beirut'). Status: Monserrat 1988a: 19. male, NZSI.Type locality: India: Orissa: Barkuda Island, Notes: See Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 91) for a detailed Chilka Lake, near Ganjam [G = 19028'N 85005'EI. Sta- account of the holotype. tus: Adams 1970: 7. Dihr taiwanensis Banks, 1937 [Taiwan] Dilar taiwanensis Banks, 1937: 276. Syntype(s), sex(es) un- Subfamily Nallachiinae Navis, 1914 known, probably in the MCZ.Type locality: Taiwan: Chi- Nallachini Navis, 1914: 11 (as a tribe of the Dilaridae). ayi [=Chis-il: Alishan [=A-li-shan, 23030'N 120049'EI Type genus: NallacbiusNavb, 1909. Notes: Name incor- (as: 'Arizan'). Status: Stange & Wang 1997: 49. rectly formed from the type genus. Dihr tibetanus C. Yang, 1987 [China] Nallachiini - Carpenter, 1947: 100 (as a tribe of the Dilari- Dilar tibetanus C. Yang, 1987: 197. Holotype, male, proba- dae). Type genus: Nallachius Navbs, 1909. bly in the BAU or IZASB.Type locality: China: Tibet: Nallachiinae - Adams, 1970: 8 (as a subfamily of the Diiar- Bomi Co., Yigang. Status: C. Yang 1987: 197. idae). Type genus: Nallachius Navis, 1909. Dihr turcicus Hagen, 1858 [Southern Europe from Species and distribution. - See Nallachius below. Yuguslavia east ;o Dagestan (Russia)] Reviews, revisions and keys. - See Nalhcbius be- Dilar turcicus Hagen, 1858a: 129. Holotype, sex unknown, low. repository unk;lown. Type locality: Turkey. Status: H. Biology and immature stages. - See Nallachius be- Aspock et al. 1980: 190. low. Dilar corcyraeus NavPs, [1309a]: 642. Holotype, female, NHMW.Type locality: Greece: Corfu (island). Synonymy: H. Aspock et al. 1980: 190. Status: Monserrat 1988a: 19. Genus NalLachius Navis, 1909 Dihr vartianorum H. Aspock & U. Aspock, 1967 Nallacbieu Navb, [I 909al: 666. Type species: Dikzrprestoni [Afghanistan] McLachlan, 1880: 39, by subsequent designation by OSWALD:Catalogue of the Dilaridae

Navh 19 14: 1 1. Etymology: An anagram of Lachlanius, Guatemala: Cerro Zunil [ 14044'N 9 1027'W]. Status: from the Latinized surname of Robert McLachlan, Eng- Penny [1978]: 30. lish entomologist, see NavL ([1909a]: 665). Gender: Masculine, inferred from the combination 'Nallachius Nalhchiw dicolor Adams, 1970 [Ar entina, Brazil] americanui, Art. 30d. Status: Oswald & Penny 1991: 39. Nallachiw dicolor Adams, 1970: 19. Hof:otyPe, male, PMY. Nulema Navh, 1914: 12. Type species: Nulema championi Type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia, Navis, 1914: 12, by monotypy. Etymology: An arbitrary 27011'S 52023'W. Status: Penny [1978]: 30. combination of letters, see Navds (1914: 12). Gender: Nallachiw hermosa (Banks, 19 13) [Colombia] Feminine, no originally attributed or implied gender, Dilar hermosa Banks, 1913: 220. Holotype, female, ~cz. here considered a natural Latin feminine, Art. 30d. Syn- Type locality: Colombia: Cundinamarca: Cordillera Ori- onymy: Adams 1970: 8. Status: Oswald & Penny 1991: ental, Pacho [5009'N 74008'W]. Status: Penny [1978]: 39. Known incorrect subsequent spellings: Nurema. 30. Notes: Type citation by Adams (1970: 25). Neodilar Carpenter, 1947: 107. Type species: Dilar hermosa Banks, 1913: 220, by original designation. Etymology: Nalhchius injkscam Penny, 1982 [Brazil] Unexplained, probably Neo- (< Gr. neos, new) - -dilar (< Nallachius infwcatus Penny, [1982]: 386. Holotype, male, Dilar, a dilarid genus-group name). Gender: Masculine, INPA.Type locality: Brazil: Amazonas: Reserva Ducke no originally attributed or implied gender, here consid- [2054'S 59057'W], 26 km N of Manaus [3007'S ered masculine, Art. 30d. Synonymy: Adams 1970: 8. 60°02'W]. Status: Penny [1982]: 386. Status: Oswald & Penny 1991: 39. Nallachiw krooni Minter, 1986 [Malawi, Namibia, Species and distribution. - 19 species; Eastern Unit- South Africa] ed States south to Argentina, including the West Indies Nallachiw krooni Minter, 1986: 88. Holotype, male, NCIP. (17 spp.), southern Africa (1 sp.) and Vietnam (1 sp.); Type locality: South Africa: Transvaal: Wylliespoort, 22055's 29056'E. Status: Minter 1986: 88. see Adams (1970), Hoffman (1990), Maes & Flint (1994), Penny (119781, [1982]), Penny et al. (1997). Nallachius limai Adams, 1970 [Brazil] Reviews, revisions and keys. - Carpenter 1940 Nallachius limai Adams, 1970: 23. Holotype, male, PMY. (Nearctic, review); Carpenter 1947 (New World, re- Type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia, view); Adams 1970 (New World, revision, key); Pen- 2701 1's 5Zo23'W. Status: Penny [1978]: 30. ny (19821 (Amazon Basin, review, key). Nallachius loxanus Navbs, 191 1 [Ecuador] Biology and immature stages. - Steyskal 1944 Nallachiw laxanus Navis, 1911: 219. Holotype, male, (americanux biology); Gurney 1947 (americanm bi- MNHP.Type locality: Ecuador: Loja: Loja [3059'S 79016W] (as: 'Gquateur, Loja'). Status: Penny [1978]: 30. (ameri- ology, egg, larva, pupa, figs); Peterson 1967 Notes: See Legrand & Lachaise (1994: 89) for a detailed canus larva, fig); MacLeod & Spiegler 1961 (ameri- account of the holotype. canus: biology, egg, larva); Tauber 199 1 (americanus larva, fig); MacLeod 1964 (americanm larva, figs); Nallachius maculam Penny, 1982 [Brazil] Gepp 1984 (americanus larva, fig); Minter 1992 Nafkzchiw maculatur Penny, [1982]: 389. Holotype, male, (krooni: egg, larva, figs). INPA.Type locality: Brazil: Rondonia: 48 km E of Porto Velho [W = 8045's 63054'WI. Status: Penny [1982]: 389. Nalhchius adamsi Penny, 1982 [Brazil] Nalhchiw adamsi Penny, [1982]: 385. Holotype, male, Nallachius ovalis Adams, 1970 [Brazil] INPA.Type locality: Brazil: Amazonas: Manaus [3"06'S Nallarhiw oualis Adams, 1970: 17. Holorype, male, PMY. 60000'W]. Status: Penny [1982]: 385. Type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia, Nallachiw americanus (McLachlan, 1881) [Eastern 2701 1's 52023'W. Status: Penny [1978]: 30. USA south to Venezuela, West Indies] Nallachius parkeri Penny, 1994 [Costa Rica] Dilar americanw McLachlan, 1881 : 55. Holotype, female, Nallachius parkeri Penny, 1994: 309. Holotype, male, IN- MCZ.Type locality: USA: Kentucky: Edmonson Co.: Bee BIO. Type locality: Costa Rica: Guanacaste: 3 km SE of Spring [37017'N 86017'WI. Status: Penny et al. 1997: 63. Rio Naranjo (town) [RN = 10041'N 85006'WI. Status: Notes: Type citation by Adams (1970: 27). Penny 1994: 309. Nallachiw bruchi Navbs, 1923 [Argentina] Nallachimphantornellus Adams, 1970 [Brazil] Nallachius brucbi Navis, 1923: 195. Holotype, female, NallachiusphantomellusAdams, 1970: 12. Holotype, male, repository unknown (see Notes). Type locality: Argenti- PMY.Type locality: Brazil: Mato Grosso do Sul: Rio na: C6rdoba: Alta Gracia [31042'S 64O25'W]. Status: Caraguala, 21048'S, 52O27'W. Status: Penny [1978]: 30. Penny [1978]: 30. Notes: Holotype formerly in the Navb collection, now Nalhchius ponomarenkoi Zakharenko, 1991 presumed lost or destroyed. Type not listed by Monserrat [Vietnam] (1985) as being in the remnants ofthe Navh collection in Nallachiw ~onomarcnkoiZakharenko, 1991: 143. Holo- the MZB. type, male, ZMUM.Type localiry: Vietnam: Kien Giang: Nallachius championi (Navh, 1914) [Guatemala] 'Tho Tu'. Status: Zakharenko 1991: 143. Nukma championi Navh, 1914: 12. Lectotype, male, Nallachiwprestoni (McLachlan, 1880) [Brazil] BMNH,designated by Adams (1970: 22). Type locality: DilarprcstoniMcLachlan, 1880: 39. Holotype, male, BMNH. TIJDSCHRIPTVOOR F,~~~~~~~~~~,VOLUME 141, 1998

Type locality: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: near Rio de Janeiro Neonallachius Nakahara ...... Neonallachius [RdJ = 22053's 43O17'W]. Status: Penny [1978]: 30. Notes: Type citation by Adams (1970: 17). Nepal Navis ...... Dilar Nulema Navi ...... Nallachius Nallachiuspulchellus (Banks, 1938) [Southwestern Rexavius Nav6s ...... Dilar USA, Cuba, Costa Rica] Dilar (Nallachius)pulchelltls Banks, 1938: 289. Holotype, Species-group name valid species male, MCZ.Type locality: Cuba: Cienfuegos: Soledad, adamsi Penny ...... Nallachius aa'amsi near Cienfuegos [C = 22010'N 80027'W. Status: Penny algericus Navis ...... Dilar algericw et al. 1997: 62. Notes: Type citation by Adams (1970: 14). arnericanus McLachlan .... Nallachius americanus annandalei Nakahara ... Neonallachius annandalei Nallachius pupilltw (Navk, 1930) [Paraguay] asperrus C. Yang in Huang et al. ... Dilar aspersus NukmapupillusNavis, 1930: 62. Holotype, male, ZMHA (see bannana C. Yang ...... Berothella bannana Notes). Type locality: Paraguay: Cordillera: San Bernardi- boliuari Navk ...... Dilar boliuari no [25°16'S0 57'16W. Status: Penny [1978]: 30. bruchi Navis ...... Nallachius bruchi Notes: Type citation by Adams (1970: 29). Type pre- sumed destroyed in the Hamburg Museum during budtzi Esben-Petersen ...... Dilar corsicus MI. caesarulus H. Asoock & U. Asoock Dilar caesarulus campestris Navis ...... Dilar saldubensis Nallachius reductus Carpenter, 1947 [Paraguay] championi Navk ...... Nallachius championi Nallachiw reductur Carpenter, 1947: 104. Holotype, male, corcyraeus Navk ...... Dilar turcicus MCZ.Type locality: Paraguay: Ilalyria (as: 'Udyaia, corsicw Navis ...... Dilar corsicus Paraguay'). Status: Penny [1978]: 30. dicolor Adams ...... Nallacbius dicolor Notes: Type citation by Adams (1970: 15). dissimilis Navk ...... Dilar dissimilis distinctus Nakahara ...... Dilar distinctus dochaner H. Aspock & U. Aspock . Dilar dochaner dongchuanus C. Yang ...... Dilar dongchuanus Berotha bannana (C. Yang, 1986) [China] comb. n. duelli U.Asplick & H. Aspock ...... Dilar duelli Berothella bannana C. Yang, 1986: 156. Holotype, female, formosanus Okamoto & Kuwayama ...... BAU. Type locality: China: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna Dai ...... Dilarformomnus [=Hsi-shuang-pan-na Thai] Auronomous District, geometroides H. Aspock & U. Aspock ...... Menghai [21°59'N 100°35'E; = Meng-hail. Notes: Yang's figure clearly shows that this species be- ...... Dilar geometroides longs in the Berothidae, where it appears to he a species of gracilis Kuwayama ...... Dilar japonicus the genus Berotha (U. Aspock, pers. comm.). The species grandis Banks ...... Dzlar grandis is here transferred to the Berothidae under the new com- harmandi Navk ...... Dilar harmandi bination Berotha bannana. hermosa Banks ...... Nallachius hermosa hikosanus Nakahara ...... Dilar hikosanus hornei McLachlan ...... Dilar hornei indicus Monserrat ...... Dilar indicus I thank Ulrike Aspock, Vladimir Makarkin, Victor infuscatus Penny ...... Nallachius in&scatus Monserrat and Roberto Pantaleoni for answering my japonicus McLachlan ...... Dilar japonicus queries to a variety of questions, as attributed in the junipers Monserrat ...... Dilar juniperi text above. Horst Aspock, Ulrike Aspock, Vladimir kanoi Nakahara ...... Dilar kanoi Makarkin, Victor Monserrat and Norm Penny kind- kirgisus H. Aspock & U. Aspock ... Dilar kirgisus ly reviewed an earlier draft of the manuscript. kolbei Navis ...... Dilar dissimilis krooni Minter ...... Nallachius krooni limai Adams ...... Nallachius limai lineolatus Navis ...... Dilar lineolatus (valid names italicized) loxanw Navk ...... Nallachius loxanus lusitanicus Navk ...... Dilar saldubensis Genus-group name valid genus maculatus Penny ...... Nallachiw maculatus Berothella Banks ...... Berothella mamoratus Banks ...... Dilar marmoratus Cladocera Hagen ...... Dilar marmoratus Hagen ...... Dilar neuadensis Dilar Rambur ...... Dilar mateui RCal ...... Dilar meridionalis Fuentenus Navis ...... Dilar megalopterus C. Yang ...... Dilar megalopterus Lidar Navk ...... Dilar meridionalis Haeen" ...... Dilar meridionalis Nallachiw Navk ...... Nallachius montanw C. Yang ...... Dilar montanus Neodilar Carpenter ...... Nallacbius nemorosus ~avis...... Dilar meridionalis OSWALD:Catalogue of the Dilaridae

nepos Navis ...... Dilar dissimilis nal of the Federated Malay States Museums 16: 41 1-429. Banks, N., 1931b. Some neuropteroid insects from the nevadensis Rambur ...... Dilar nevadensis Malay Peninsula. -Journal of the Federated Malay States nietneri Hagen ...... Dilar nietneri Museums 16: 377-409. nohirae Nakahara ...... Dilar japonicus Banks, N., 1934. Supplementary neuropteroid insects from oualis Adarns ...... Nallachius ovalis the Malay Peninsula, and from Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo. - pallidw Nakahara ...... Dilarpallidus Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 17: 567- parkeri Penny ...... Nallachius parkeri 578. Banks, N., 1937. Neuropteroid insects from Formosa. - partbenopaeus A. Costa ...... Dilarpartbenopaew Philippine Journal of Science 62: 255-291. phantoma Banks ...... Berotbella phantoma Banks, N., 1938. New West Indian neuropteroid insects. - phantomellus Adams ..... Nallachius pbantomelltls Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro 9: 285-304. oictus Navis ...... Dilar meridzonalis Banks, N., 1939. New genera and species of neuropteroid ponomarenkoi Zakharenko Nallachius ponomarenkoi insects. - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zool- ogy 85: 439-504. prestoni McLachlan ...... Nallachius prestoni Carpenter, F. M., 1940. A revision of the Nearctic Hemero- pretiosa Banks ...... Berothella pretiosa biidae, Berothidae, Sisyridae, Polystoechotidae and Dilar- pulcbellus Banks ...... Nallacbius pulcbellus idae (Neuroptera). - Proceedings of the American Acade- purnilus C. Yang in Huang et al. ... Ililarpusillus my ofArts and Sciences 74: 193-280. pumilus Navis ...... Dilar pumilus Carpenter, F. M., 1947. Taxonomic notes on the Dilaridae pupillus Navis ...... Nallacbius pupillus (Neuroptera). - Psyche 54: 100- 109. Costa, A., 1855. Famiglia degli Emerobiidei. Pp. [I]-22. - pusillus C. Yang Dilar pusillus ...... In: O.G. Costa &A. Costa [1829-18861. Fauna del Reg- reduc&s Carpenter ...... Nallacbius reductus no di Napoli ossia enumerazione di tutti gli animali che saldubensis Navk in Laguna .... Dilar saIdubensis abitano le diverse regioni di questo regno e le acque che le septentrionalis Navk ...... Dilar septentrionalis bagnano e descrizione de' nuovi o poco esattamente similis Monserrat ...... Dilar similis conosciuti con figure ricavate da originali viventi e dip- sinicus Nakahara ...... Dilar sinicus inte al naturale. Nevrotreri. Napoli. [This work is com- posed of numerous independently paginated parts. This szibdolus Navis Dilar subdolz~s ...... part is dated 1855 from information in Sherborn, C. D., syriacus Navas ...... Dilar syriacus 1937. On the dates of publication of Costa (0. G.) and taiwanensis Banks ...... Dilar taiwanensis (A,) Fauna del Regno di Napoli, 1829-1886. -Journal of tibetanus C. Yang ...... Dilar tibetanus the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 1: 35- turcicus Hagen ...... Dilar turcicus 47. i vartianorum H. Aspock & U. Aspock ...... Dorokhova, G. I., 1987. Order Neuroptera [in Russian]. Dilar vartianorum Akademiia nauk SSSR. Zoologicheskii Institut. Opre- ...... deliteli po faune SSSR [=Keys to the fauna of the USSR] uietnamensis Zakharenko ..... Dilar vietnamensis 153: 36-96. Alternate citation: Dorokhova, G. I., 1987. wangi C. Yang ...... Dilar wangi Order Neuroptera [in Russian]. Pp. 36-96 in G.S. yunnanus C. Yang ...... Dilar yunnanus Medvedev (ed.). Opredeliteli nasekomykh evropeiskoi chasti SSSR [=Keys to the insects of the european part of the USSR]. Tom IV (Bolshekrylye, verblindki, setcha- tokryle, skorpionovye mukhi, rucheiniki). Akademiia nauk SSSR. Zoologicheskii Institut. Leningrad. 200 pp. Adams, P. A,, 1970. A review of the New World Dilaridae. Esben-Petersen, P., 1913. Addition to the knowledge of the - Postilla 148: 1-30. neuroprerous insect fauna of Corsica. 11. - Entomolo- Aspock, H. & U. Aspock, 1967. Neue Dilariden aus Asien giske Meddelelser 10: 20-28. (Neuroptera, Planipennia). - Entomologisches Nach- Gepp, J., 1984. Erforschungsstand der Neuropteren-Larven richtenblatt, Wien 14: 56-59. der Erde (mit einem Schliissel zur larvaldiagnose der Aspock, H. & U. Aspock, 1968. Zwei weitere neue Spezies Familien, einer iibersicht von 340 beschreibenen Larven des Genus Dibr Ramhur (Neuroptera, Planipennia) aus und 600 Literaturzitaten). Pp. 183-239. -In: J. Gepp, H. Asien. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung). - Ent~molo~ischesNach- Aspock & H. Holzel (eds.). Progress in World's Neu- richtenblatt, Wien 15: 3-6. ropterology. Proceedings of the 1st International Sympo- Asplick, H., U. Aspock & H. Holzel, 1980. Die Neu- sium on Neuropterology, Graz, Austria. [Symposium ropteren Europas. 2 vols. - Goecke and Evers, Krefeld. held in Graz, 1980.1 265 pp. 495 and 355 pp. [Text in volume 1, illustrations in vol- Gepp, J., 1990. An illustrated review of egg morphology in ume 21. the families of Neuroptera (Insecta: Neuropteroidea). Pp. Aspock, U. & H. kqpock, 1995. Dilar duelli n. sp. - cine 131-149 - In: M. W. Mansell & H. Aspock (eds.). Ad- neue Spezies der Familie Dilaridae aus Europa (Insecta: vances in Ne~ro~terology.Proceedings of the Third In- Neuropteroidea: Neuroptera). - Zeitschtift der Arbeits- ternational Symposium on Neuropter~log~,South gemeinschaft Osterreichischer Entomologen 47: 49-54. African Department ofAgricultural Development: Preto- Banks, N., 1913. Synopses and descriptions of exotic Neu- ria. [Symposium held in Berg en Dal, Kruger National roptera. - Transactions of the American Entomological Park, 1988.1 298 pp. Society 39: 201-242. Ghilarov, M. S., 1962. The larva of Dilar hlrcicw Hag. and Banks, N.. 1931a. Some neuropteroid insects from North the position of the family Dilaridae in the order Pla- Borneo, particularly from Mt. Kinabalu, 13,455 fi. - Jot~r- nipennia [in Russian, English summary]. - Entomo- MacLeod, E. G. & P. A. Adams, P. A. [I9681 1967. A re- logicheskoe Obozreni 41: 402-416. [English translation: view of the taxonomy and morphology of the Berothidae, 1962, Entomological Review 41: 244-253.1 with the description of a new subfamily from Chile (Neu- Ghosh, S. K. & S. Sen, 1977. Check-list of Indian Pla- roptera). -Psyche 74: 237-265. Dating: From inside cov- nipennia (Order Neuroptera). -Records of the Zoologi- er of v. 74, no. 4. cal Survey of India 73: 277-326. MacLeod, E. G. & P. E. Spiegler, 1961. Notes on the larval Gurney, A. B., 1947. Notes on Dilaridae and Berothidae, habitat and developmental peculiarities of Nullachiw with special reference to the immature stages of the americunus (McLachlan) (Neuroptera: Dilaridae). - Pro- Nearctic genera (Neuroptera). -Psyche 54: 145-169. ceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 63: Hagen, H. A,, 1858a. Russlands Neuropteren. - Stettiner 281-286. Entomologische Zeitung 19: 110-134. Maes, J. M. & 0. S. Flint, 1994. Dilaridae, Berothidae y Hagen, H. A,, 1858b. Synopsis der Neuroptera Ceylons Sis~ridae(Plani~ennia): tres familias nuevas para la fauna [Pars I]. - Vethandlungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Zo- de Nicaragua. - Revista Nicaraguense de Entomologia ologische-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 8: 471-488. 29: 3-5. Hagen, H. A,, 1860. Neuroptera Neapolitans von A. Costa, Makarkin, V. N. 1995. Order Neuroptera. Pp. 37-68 in Lehr, nebst Synopsis der Ascalaphen Europas. - Stettiner Ento- P. A. (ed.). Opredelitel' nasekomykh Dal'nego Vostoka mologische Zeitung 21: 38-56. Rossii v shesti tomakh [=Key to the insects of Far East Rus- Hagen, H. A., 1866a. [Book review] Die Neuropteren sia in six volumes]. 'Nauka', St. Petersbug. Vol. 4 (Neu- Spaniens nach Ed. Pictet's Synopsis des Neuroptkres ropteroidea, Mecoptera, Hymenoptera Part 1). 606 pp. d'Espa~ne.Genkve 1865.8. tab. 14 col. und Dr. Staudin- McLachlan, R., 1869. On a neuropterous insect from N. W. gersG~Tttheilungen.- Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung India, belonging to the genus Dilar. - Entomologist's 27: 281-302. Monthly Magazine 5: 239-240. Hagen, H. A., 1866b. Hemerobidarum Synopsis synonymi- McLachlan, R., 1880. Occurrence of the neuropterous ca. - Stettiner Ent~molo~ischeZeitung 27: 369-462. genus Dilar in South America. - Entomologist's Month- Handlirsch, A. 1906- 1908. Die fossilen Insekten und die ly Magazine 17: 39. Phylogenie der rezenten Formen. - W. Engelmann, McLachlan, R., 1881. A North American species of Dilar. - Leipzig. 1430 pp. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 18: 55. [Dating: From information on p. ix: 'Ausgegeben wurde: McLachlan, R., 1883. Dilar japonicus, n. sp. - Entomolo- 1. Lieferung Bogen 1-10, Tafel 1-9 im Mai 1906. 2. gist's Monthly Magazine 19: 220-221. [Lieferung, Bogen] 11-20, [Tafel] 10-18 [im] Juni 1906. Minter, L. R., 1986. The first record of Dilaridae (Neu- 3. [Lieferung, Bogen] 21-30, [Tafel] 19-27 [im] August roptera) from the Afrotropical Region. -Journal of the 1906. 4. [Lieferung, Bogen] 31-40, [Tafel] 28-36 [im] Entomological Society of Southern Africa 49: 87-94. Oktober 1906. 5. [Lieferung, Bogen] 41-50, [Tafel] 37- Minter, L. R., 1992. The egg and larval stages of NuNachiw 45 [im] Februar 1907. 6. [Lieferung, Bogenl 51-60, krooni Minter (Insecta: Neuroptera: Dilaridae). Pp. 261- [Tafel] 46-51 [im] Juni 1907. 7. [Lieferung, Bogen] 61- 269 - In: M. Canard, H. Aspock & M. W. Mansell 70 im November 1907. 8. [Lieferung Bogen] 71-80 [im] (eds.). Current Research in Neuropterology. Proceedings Januar 1908. 9. [Lieferung, Bogen] 81-90 [im] Juli of the Fourth International Symposium on Neuropterol- 1908.' ogy. Toulouse. [Symposium held in Bagntres-de-Lu- Hoffman, K. M., 1990. Distributional notes on North and chon, France, 1991.1 414 pp. Central American Dilaridae (Neuroptera). - Entomolog- Monserrat, V. J., 1985. Lista de 10s tipos de Mecoptera y ical News, Philadelphia 10 1: 155-157. Neuroptera (Insecta) de la colecci6n L. Navh, deposita- Hynd, W. R. B., 1992. New items in neuropteran distribu- dos en el Museo de Zoologia de Barcelona. - Miscellania tion (Insecta: Neuroptera: Berothidae, Dilaridae, As- Zoolbgica 9: 233-243. calaphidae, Myrmeleontidae). Pp. 189-192 - In: M. Ca- Monserrat, V. J., 1988a. Revision de la obra de L. Navh, I: nard, H. Aspock & M. W. Mansell (eds.). Current El genero Dilar Rambur, 1842 (Neuropteroidea, Pla- Research in Neuropterology. - Proceedings of the Fourth nipennia: Dilaridae). - Neuroptera International 5: 13-23. International Symposium on Neuropter~log~,Toulouse. Monserrat, V. J., 1988b. Revision de 10s diliridos ibCricos [Symposium held in Bagnkres-de-Luchon, France, (Neuropteroidea, Planipennia: Dilaridae). - EOS: Re- 1991.1 414 pp. vista Espanola de Entomologia 64: 175-205. Kuwayama, S., 1921. Studies on the Dilaridae of Japan [in Monserrat, V. J., 1989. Algunos Neuropteros del Museo de Japanese, English summary]. - Transactions of the Sap- Basilea (Insecta, Neuropteroidea, Planipennia). - Ento- poro Natural History Society 8: 51-83. mologica Brasiliensia 13: 417-428. Kuwayama, S., 1962. A revisional synopsis of the Neu- Nakahara, W., 1914. A new Dilarspecies from Japan (Neur. roptera in Japan. - Pacific Insects 4: 325-412. Plan.). - Entomological News, Philadelphia 25: 297-298. Laguna, M. A,, 1902. Excursiones 6 Santa Fe y Cadrete Nakahara, W., 1955a. Formosan Neuroptera collected by (Zaragoza). - Boletin de la Sociedad Atagonesa de Cien- the late Dr. T. Kano. - KontyG 23: 6-12. cias Naturdes 1: 84-86, 133-136. Nakahara, W., 19556. The Dilaridae of Japan and Formosa Legrand, J. & M. Lachaise 1994. Les Dilaridae de Navls (Neuroptera). - Kontyfi 23: 133-142. conserv.4~dans les collections nationales (MNHN, Paris) Nakahara, W., 1957. A new species of Dilar from north [Neuroptera]. - Revue Franqaise d'Entomologie China (Neuroptera: Dilaridae). - Mushi 30: 31-33. (N.S.)16: 87-92. Nakahara, W., 1963. A remarkable new dilarid from India MacLeod, E. G., 1964. A comparative morphological study (Neuroptera). - KontyG 3 1: 77-78. of the head capsule and cervix of latval Neuroptera (In- Navis, L., 1903a. Dillridos de Espafia. - Memorias de la sects). - Ph.D. dissertation. Harvard University, Cam- Real Academia de Ciencias y Attes de Barcelona (3)4: bridge, Massachussetts, U.S.A. [iii] - 528 pp. 373-381 (separate: (3)4(28): [I]-1 1). OSWALD:Catalogue of the Dilaridae

NavL, L., 1903b. Notas entomol6gicas. XI1 [a]. Algunos in- catalog of the Neuroptera, Megaloptera, and Raphid- sectos nuevos 6 poco conocidos. - Boletin de la [Real] So- ioptera ofAmerica North ofMexico. -Proceedings of the ciedad Espaiiola de Historia Natural 3: 114-1 18 (sepa- California Academy of Sciences 50: 39-1 14. rate: 4-8). Peterson, A,, 1967. Neuroptera. Pp. 352-361 -In: A. Peter- Navis, L.. [1909a] 1908-1909. Monogafia de la familia de son. Larvae of Insects. 6th ed. Vol. 2 (Coleoptera, 10s Diliridos (Ins. Neur.). - Memorias de la Real Acade- Diptera, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera, Mecoptera, Tri- mia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona (3)7: 619-671 (sep- choptera). - Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Michigan. arate: (3)7(17): [I]-[55]). [Dating: From wrapper and ti- 416 pp. Editions: 1st 1948; 2nd 1951; 3rd 1956; 4th tle page of v. 7, no. 17: 'Puhlicada en junio de 1909'.] 1962; 5th 1965; 6th 1967. Navb, I,., 1909b. Neur6pteros nuevos de la fauna ibkrica. Popov, A. 1973. Uber die praimaginalen Stadien palaarktis- Pp. 143-158 in Actas y Memorias del Primer Congreso cher Vertreter der Ordnung Neuroptera und Versuch de Naturalistas Espaiioles (held in Zaragoza,- October einer neuen systematischen Gruppierung der Familien 1908), Zaragoza. mit Riicksicht auf ihre morphologischen und okologis- Navis, L., 191 1. Dilaride (Ins. Nkvr.) nouveau. - Annales chen Besonderheiten. - Bulletin de 1'Institut de Zoologic de la SociCtC Scientifique de Bruxelles 35(pt 1): 219-221 et MusCe, Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Section de Bi- (separate: [I]-3). ology [=Izvestiya na Zoologicheskiya Institut s Muzei, Navis, L., 1912. Quelques Nevroptkres de la Siberie merid- Bulgarska Akademiya na Naukite (later: Acta Zoologica ionale-orientale. - Revue Russe d'Entomologie 12: 414- Bulgarica)] 37: 79-101. 422 (separate: [l j-9). Rambur, M. P. [I8381 1837-1840. Faune entomologique Navis, L., 1914. Family Dilaridae. Neuroptera. - Genera de l'hdalousie. Vol. 2. - Paris. lnsectorum 156: 1-14. Dating: From information in Higgins, L. G. 1958. A pre- Navis, L., 1923. Estudis sobre Neurbpters (Insectes). -Am- cise collation of Ramhur, M. P., Faune Entomologique ius [Atxivs] de I'Institute [d'Estudis Catalans, Seccio] de de L'Andalusie (1837-40). -Journal of the Society for the Ciencias, Barcelona 7: 179-203. Bibliography of Natural History 3: 31 1-318. Plate 9 is Navis, L. [I9241 1923. Fauna de Catalunya. Entornologia dated 31 December 1838 (seep. 315). The Neuroptera de Catalunya. Neurbpters. Fascicle I. Neurbpters Propis. letterpress for this work was never published. - Puhlicacions de I'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, seccio de Rambur, M. P., 1842. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes, Cikncies, Barcelona. 270 pp. [The date of printing of this NCvroptkres. Librairie encyclopCdique de Roret. Fain et work is given as 5 February 1924 in a footline on page Thunot, Paris. [xviii] t534 pp. 7--. > 7 1ilIJ.J RCal, P., 1968. Un Dihr(Planipennes, Dilaridae) en France NavL, L., 1925. Les Dilarides (Ins. Nevroptbres) du continentale: Dihr mateui, n. sp. Note preliminaire. - MusCum National de Paris. - Bulletin du MusCum Na- Bulletin Mensuel de la SociCtC Linntenne de Lyon 37: tional &Histoire Naturelle, Paris 31: 188-189. 11 1-1 13. Navis, L., 1930. Insectos neotropicos. 6.a serie. - Revista Stange, L. A. & H.-Y. Wang, 1997. Checklist of the Neu- Chilena de Historia Natural 34: 62-75. roptera of Taiwan. -Journal of the Taiwan Museum 50: Navh, L., 1932. Insecta orientalia. X series. - Memorie 47-56. dell'Accademia Pontifica dei Nuovi Lincei, Rome (2) 16: Steyskal, G. C., 1944. Notes on Nalhchius americanw 921-949 (separate: [I]-29). (McL.) (Dilaridae, Neuroptera). - Psyche 5 1: 183-1 84. New, T. R., 1989. Planipennia, Lacewings. - Handbuch der Takahashi, R., 1942. Uncommon neuropterous larva [in Zoologie, Vol. 4 (Arthropoda: Insecta), Part 30. 132 pp. Japanese]. - Dobutsugakkai Zasshi [=Zoological,Maga- Newman, E., 1853. Proposed division of Neuroptera into zine, Tokyo] 54: 439-441. two classes. - Zoologist 1 1(Appendix): clxxxi-cciv. Tauber, C. A., 1991. Order Neuroptera. Pp. 126-143. -In: Okamoto, H. & S. Kuwavama, 1920. Lihr formosanus sp. F. W. Stehr (ed.). Immature insects. Vol. 2. KendalllHunt no\,., rhz tint species to the extreme Oriental t'auna of the Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa. xvi - 975 pp. genus [in lar>ancseand Er~glishl.- Dobutsurakkai Zasshi Tjeder, B., 1937. A contribution to the phylogeny of the Di- ~=~oolo~ic~lMagazine, ~okyo]32: 341-3415. laridae and the Raphidiidae (Neuroptera). - Opuscula Oswald, J. D. & N. D. Penny, 1991. Genus-group names of Entomologica 2: 138-148. the Neuroptera, Megaloptera and Raphidioptera of the Yang, C.-K., 1986. Thirty new species and four new genera world. - Occasional Papers of the California Academy of of Neuroptera from Yunnan, and the family Nemopteri- Sciences 147: 1-94. dae new to China [in Chinese, English summary]. - Acta Pantaleoni, R. A. & A. Letardi, 1996. A remarkable Agriculturae Universitatis Pekinensis [=Peiching Nung brachypterous female of Dilaridae (Dilar parthenopaeus Yeh Ta Hsueh Pao] 12: 153-166,423-434. Costa ?) (Neuroptera). - Abstract from the Program of Yang, C.-K., 1987. Neuroptera [in Chinese, English sum- the XX International Congress of Entomology (held in mary]. Pp. 191-219 - In: S. Zhang (ed.). Agricultural in- Firenze, 25-3 1 August 1996). sects, spiders, plant diseases and weeds of Xizang. Vol. 1. Penny, N. D. [I9781 1977. Lista de Megaloptera, Neu- Xizang Renmin Press House, Xizang, China. 463 pp. roptera e Raphidioptera do MCxico. AmCrica Central, il- (separate: 19 1-220). has Caraihas e America do Sul. - Acta Amazonica Yang, C.-K., 1988. 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Bibliography of the Neuropterida Reference number (r#): 9236

Reference Citation: Oswald, J. D. 1998 [1998.??.??]. Annotated catalogue of the Dilaridae (Insecta: Neuroptera) of the World. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 141:115-128.

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