Transgressive Oversized Radial Ooid Facies in the Late Jurassic Adriatic Platform Interior: Low-Energy Precipitates from Highly Supersaturated Hypersaline Waters
Transgressive oversized radial ooid facies in the Late Jurassic Adriatic Platform interior: Low-energy precipitates from highly supersaturated hypersaline waters Antun Husinec† Croatian Geological Survey, Sachsova 2, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia J. Fred Read† Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, 4044 Derring Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA ABSTRACT Keywords: radial ooids, low energy, plat- (Fig. 1). This huge Mesozoic, Bahamas-like form-interior parasequences, Late Jurassic, platform is characterized by a 6-km-thick pile of Dark-gray oolitic units characterized by Adriatic Platform. predominantly shallow-water carbonate depos- oversized ooids with primary radial cal- its, punctuated by periods of subaerial exposure, cite fabrics occur in the interior of the Late INTRODUCTION paleokarst and bauxites, and by several pelagic Jurassic Late Tithonian, Adriatic Platform, a (incipient drowning) episodes (e.g., Veli´c et al., large Mesozoic, Tethyan isolated platform in Distinctive oolite units on the Late Jurassic 2002; Jelaska, 2003; Vlahovi´c et al., 2005). The Croatia. They differ from open-marine, plat- (Tithonian) Adriatic Platform, Croatia (Tišljar, Lastovo Island section is ~25 km inboard from form-margin ooid grainstones in their dark 1985), are characterized by oversized ooids the platform margin (Grandi´c et al., 1999) and color, cerebroid outlines, broken and recoated with radial primary calcite fabrics. Many have grains, abundant inclusions, highly restricted cerebroid outlines, are broken and recoated, and biota, and lack of cross-stratifi cation. They are poorly sorted. The oolite units have super- have been interpreted as being of vadose ori- imposed vadose fabrics, lack marine biotas, and 10°E AUSTRIA 20°E gin (“vadoids”) at tops of upward-shallowing do not have high-energy sedimentary structures.
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