The online Agenda is not the official Agenda for the EI Cajon City Council, but is posted and published four days prior to the City Council Meeting for the convenience of the public. Changes may be made up to 72 hours prior to the meeting; therefore added or deleted items may not appear on the City's website at this time. The City Council's official Agenda is prepared and posted outside City Council Chambers in the kiosk 72 hours prior to every regular meeting, and 24 hours prior to every special meeting. You may call the City Clerk's Office at (619) 441-1763 after 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting for information about any changes to this Agenda.


LIBRARY HOURS: Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Friday & Saturday 10:00 a.m.­ 5:00 p.m., and Sunday 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

1 AGENDA BINDER, INCLUDING AGENDA REPORTS, IS AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AFTER 4:00 P.M .• THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE COUNCIL MEETING, AT THE EL CAJON BRANCH OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, 201 E. DOUGLAS AVENUE, PHONE (619) 588-3718. HOURS: Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Friday & Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Sunday 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

January 27,2009

:Mar{£ewis 7(p,tni Jfenry Mayor City Manager (Bi{{We~ :Morgan Poky Mayor Pro Tern City Attorney Ji{fuzn Jfanson-Co~ 7(p,tnie CJ.@tfedge Councilmember City Clerk qary 1Vrufric~ 'RjJ6 q'umer Councilmember Director of Public Works & City Engineer CBo6 :McCfe{{an :MefissaJf.yres Councilmember Director of Community Development Upcoming Events In El Cajon City Council Meeting on January 27,2009 Please report graffiti by calling the GRAFFITI HOTLINE at (619) 441-5533 "Help Keep Our City Clean"


January 28 - Community Meeting for 2009-2014 Five-Year Consolidated Plan to discuss the needs of our community. This meeting will be held at the Community Center, 195 E. Douglas Avenue at 6:30 p.m.

January 31 Saturday Morning Neighborhood Clean-Up - 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Palm Avenue and Richfield Avenue. Sponsored by the El Cajon Community Development Corporation. Call the CDC at (619) 401-885 to register.


February 11 - Antique & Collectible Show, 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Ronald Reagan Community Center.

February 14 - Happy Valentines Day!

February 16 City & County Offices closed in observance ofPresident's Day

February 23 - El Cajon Police Community Forum, 6:00 p.m., at Bostonia Elementary at 1390 Broadway.

February 24 - E1 Cajon Police Community Forum, 6:00 p.m., at Lexington Elementary at 533 S. 1st Street.

February 25 El Cajon Police Community Forum, 5:00 p.m., at Johnson Avenue Elementary at 500 W. Madison Avenue.

February 26 - El Cajon Police Community Forum, 6:00 p.m., at Cuyamaca Elementary at 851 S. Johnson Avenue. For more information on these forums please contact Lt. Jim Redman at (619) 579-3364.

February 28 - Saturday Morning Neighborhood Clean-Up, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Comer ofWest Palm and South Sunshine Avenues. The El Cajon Community Development Corporation (CDC) invites you to help clean-up El Cajon and make a difference. For more information and to register, please call the CDC at (619) 401-8858.

...... Recycling Fun Facts From Mayor Lewis To produce each week's Sunday newspapers, 500,000 trees must be cut down. Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees

':. : January 27,2009 3:00 p.m.

The Agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be considered and most items have a RECOMMENDAnON from Staff or a Commission, which Council will consider when making a final decision.

Copies of written documentation relating to each item of business on the Agenda are on file in the City Clerk's Office and in the Agenda Book next to the podium in the Council Chambers.


• CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Mark Lewis

• ROLL CALL: City Clerk Kathie Rutledge

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE (The Courts have concluded that sectarian prayer as part of City Council Meetings is not permitted under the Constitution.)

• POSTINGS: The City Clerk posted Orders of Adjournment of the January 13, 2009, Meeting and the Agenda of the January 27, 2009, Meetings in accordance to State Law and Council/Agency Policy.


• Employee Service Awards


*Backup Information Available Redevelopment Agency Items Are Identified

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -1- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. CONSENT ITEMS: (1.1 -1.12)


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve Minutes of the January 13, 2009, Meeting of the EI Cajon City Council/Redevelopment Agency.


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve payment of Warrants as submitted by the Finance Department.


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the reading by title and waive the reading in full of all Ordinances on the Agenda.

*1.4 AGREEMENT FOR SPECIAL SERVICES (Report: Director of Human Resources)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Agreement with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore for labor relations services.

*1.5 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENTS (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE) AND FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (TSM) 647 801 Avocado Avenue, Engineering Job No. 3208 (Report: Director of Public Works)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the two Subdivision Agreements (Public and Private) and the Final Map for TSM 647 at 801 Avocado Avenue, authorizing execution of the agreements.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -2- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. s CONSENT ITEMS: (Continued)

*1.6 RESOLUTIONS - FLETCHER PARKWAY RELIEF SEWER, Bid No. 025-09, Engineering Job No. 3258 (Report: Director of Public Works)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council

1. Appropriate $700,000 of Wastewater Funds for the Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer. 2. Adopt the next RESOLUTIONS in order to approve Plans and Specifications and direct a Notice Inviting Sealed Bids to be opened on February 24, 2009.

*1.7 CHANGE ORDER FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL RED LED LIGHT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Bid No. 023-09, Engineering Job No. 3227 (Report: Director of Public Works)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve contract Change Order NO.1 that provides for the removal and replacement of an additional 495 traffic signal red LED lights. It also provides contractor with an additional 20 working days to complete the replacement.

*1.8 CHANGE ORDER AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER PIPE AND CMP LINING AND REPLACEMENT - VARIOUS LOCATIONS PROJECT ­ Bid No. 018-07, Engineering Job Nos. 3083/3084 (Report: Director of Public Works)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council

1. Approve contract Change Order No.4, which provides for extra bypass pumping and video taping to install thick wall HDPE pipe. This Change Order also includes extra work due to the pipe collapse/failure that occurred during the liner installation at the Ivanhoe Village Apartment complex. The cost of this Change Order is $54,909.34. 2. Accept the project and authorize the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion and release the bonds in accordance with the contract.


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the next RESOLUTION in order to authorize TransNet intra-fund project transfers for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2008.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -3- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. CONSENT ITEMS: (Continued)

*1.10 RETAIL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY - BUXTON COMPANY (Report: Director of Redevelopment and Housing)

RECOMMENDATION: That the Redevelopment Agency review the proposal received from Buxton Company and authorize the Executive Director to execute a professional services agreement for the purpose of creating a retail economic development strategy and appropriate $70,000 from the Redevelopment Agency Unrestricted Capital Project Fund 590 to 590110-8395.

*1.11 ACCEPTANCE OF PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS - TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (TSM) 579 - 763 Chase Avenue, Engineering Job No. 2969 (Report: Director of Public Works)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council accept the private improvements and authorize the City Clerk to release the bonds guaranteeing the private improvements in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement and require the developer to maintain insurance in force until the release of all bonds for the project.


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the next RESOLUTION in order approving revised City Council Policy B-3: Sale of Surplus Real Property.


At this time, any person may address a matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency that is not on the Agenda. Comments relating to items on today's agenda are to be taken at the time the item is heard. State law prohibits discussion or action on items not on the Agenda; however, Council and Agency Members may briefly respond to statements or questions. An item may be placed on a future Agenda. In addition to briefly responding to statements or questions from the public, Councilmembers may also address the City Council during this time.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -4- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 7 2. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS:

*2.1 Request from Tina Rogers at East County Association of Realtors to declare 4th Annual Homebuyer Fair on Saturday, March 21, 2009, a citywide event and approve signage.




RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the next RESOLUTIONS in order to rescind an existing "Loading Zone" (25 feet) and a "No Parking" Zone (20 feet) as follows in order to allow regular parking:

RESCIND LOADING ZONE Along the south curbline of Rea Avenue, beginning at a point 33 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 58 feet.

RESCIND NO PARKING ZONE Along the south curbline of Rea Avenue, beginning at a point 13 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 20 feet.



SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments); SANDAG (Chair, Public Safety Committee); SANDAG (Quality of Life Ad Hoc Steering Committee); LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission - Alternate).

*6.1 Metro Wastewater JPA Revised Agenda - January 8, 2009

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -5- January 27( 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. ACTIVITIES REPORTS OF COUNCILMEMBERS

7. MAYOR PRO TEM BILL WELLS METRO CommissionlWastewater JPA; East County Economic Development Council; Heartland Fire Training JPA - Alternate.

*7.1 Council Activities Report

8. COUNCILMEMBER JILLIAN HANSON-COX SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments - Alternate); MTS (Metropolitan Transit System Board - Alternate); League of Cities, San Diego Division; East San Diego County Gang Task Force.

*8.1 Council Activities Report

9. COUNCILMEMBER GARY KENDRICK Heartland Communications JPA; Heartland Fire Training JPA.

*9.1 Council Activities Report

10. COUNCILMEMBER BOB McCLELLAN Harry Griffen Park Joint Steering Committee; Heartland Communications JPA ­ Alternate; MTS (Metropolitan Transit System Board).

*10.1 Council Activities Report


*11.1 League of California Cities Legislative Bulletins dated January 9 and 16, 2008 - Priority Focus


Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -6- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 13. ORDINANCES: FIRST READING


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council

• Make a MOTION, and second to introduce the Ordinance • Discussion • Vote • If approved, the Mayor requests the City Clerk to recite the title

An Ordinance approving Amendment of Specific Plan 51 to remove property for commercial development located on the north side of Oakdale Avenue west of North Second Street, and addressed as 1278 Oakdale Avenue


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council

• Make a MOTION, and second to introduce the Ordinance • Discussion • Vote • If approved, the Mayor requests the City Clerk to recite the title

An Ordinance repealing Chapter 10.36 of Title 10 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code to eliminate mandatory bicycle licensing in the City of EI Cajon



ADJOURNMENT: The Adjourned Regular Joint Meeting of the EI Cajon City Council and the EI Cajon Redevelopment Agency held this 27th day of January 2009 is adjourned to Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -7- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 10 GENERAL INFORMATION:

The following items are informational and are not discussed unless the Council/Agency brings the items forward for discussion under Item No. 12 of the agenda.


• Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berry, in memory of Stephanie O'Connor on her birthday $100 • Ursula Weston $100

*8. E-mail correspondence from Wendie Wigginton resigning from the Public Safety Facility Financing Oversight Committee

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -8- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. II L I

Tuesday, January 27,2009 7:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 East Main Street EI Cajon, California

• CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Mark Lewis

• ROLL CALL: City Clerk Kathie Rutledge

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE (The Courts have concluded that sectarian prayer as part of City Council Meetings is not permitted under the Constitution.)



At this time, any person may address a matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency that is not on the Agenda. Comments relating to items on today's agenda are to be taken at the time the item is heard. State law prohibits discussion or action on items not on the Agenda; however, Council and Agency Members may briefly respond to statements or questions. An item may be placed on a future Agenda. In addition to briefly responding to statements or questions from the public, Councilmembers may also address the City Council during this time.

*Backup Information Available Redevelopment Agency Items Are Identified

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -9- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.


*100 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 66 AND TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP 650 - 1335 Greenfield Drive (Report: Director of Community Development)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council • Open the Public Hearing and receive testimony • Close the Public Hearing

PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 66 • Adopt the next RESOLUTION in order approving Planned Residential Development 66 to allow the construction of a six unit single-family development, subject to conditions.

TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP 650 • Adopt the next RESOLUTION in order approving Tentative Subdivision Map 650 for a six lot single-family subdivision, subject to conditions.

*101 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2092 - 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard (Report: Director of Community Development)

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council • Open the Public Hearing and receive testimony • Close the Public Hearing • Adopt the next RESOLUTION in order approving Conditional Use Permit 2092 to establish a motorcycle sales and repair business on a property addressed as 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard, subject to conditions.


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council conduct interviews for positions on City Commissions and Committees, and appoint applicants to serve appropriate terms.

PARKS AND RECREATION One Commissioner - One four-year term to expire January, 2013 Applicants: Rick Allen Jaimee Haraughty (Incumbent) Robert Isham

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -10- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 1'3 *102 INTERVIEWS FOR COMMISSION VACANCIES AND THE PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY FINANCING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE: (Continued)

PERSONNEL COMMISSION Two Commissioners Two four-year terms to expire January, 2013

Applicants: (No applications were received)

PLANNING COMMISSION Two Commissioners One four-year term to expire January, 2013 One two-year term to expire January, 2011 (to fill the balance of the term due to the resignation of Bill Wells)

Applicants: Kiki Allen Robert Isham Sherry Casper Richard Johnson Paul Circo Joseph LaVeque Jose Hernandez Darrin Mroz

PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY FINANCING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Three Committee Members Two four-year terms to expire January, 2013 One two-year term to expire January, 2011, for a City resident (to fill the balance of the term due to resignation of Wendie Wigginton) Applicants: Clifford Boren Robert Isham David DeBaca (Incumbent) James Kelly John Forrest (Incumbent) Dale Harrington


ADJOURNMENT: The Adjourned Regular Joint Meeting of the EI Cajon City Council and the EI Cajon Redevelopment Agency held this 27th day of January, 2009 is adjourned to Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 3:00 p.m.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council -11- January 27, 2009 and Redevelopment Agency 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES 1.1 JOINT MEETING OF THE EL CAJON CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY



JANUARY 13, 2009

A Regular Joint Meeting of the EI Cajon City Council and Redevelopment Agency of the City of EI Cajon, California held Tuesday, January 13, 2009, was called to order by Mayor/Chair Mark Lewis at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 20 st Main Street, EI Cajon, California. This meeting was adjourned from the A 'ourne Regular Joint meeting held at 7:00 p.m. on December 16, 2008.


Council/Agencymembers presen : Council/Agencymembers ab ent: Mayor Pro TemNice hair p e¥11t: Mayor/Chair pre nt: LJ Other Officers pr s t:

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG led by Mayor Lewis and MOMENT OF SILENCE. (The Courts have concluded that sectarian prayer as part of City Council Meetings is not permitted under the Constitution).

POSTINGS: The City Clerk posted Orders of Adjournment of the December 16, 2008, meetings and the Agenda of the January 13, 2009, meeting in accordance to State Law and Council/Agency Policy.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2009 And Redevelopment Agency -1- 3:00 p.m. Draft Minutes PRESENTATIONS: None


CONSENT ITEMS: (1.1 -1.14)

Councilmember KENDRICK states he must abstain from voting on Item 1.7 due to financial conflict of interest.

MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY WELLS, to approve Consent Items 1.1 to 1.14, pulling Item 1.10, as requested by Staff.



Approve Minutes of the December f the EI Cajon City Council/Redevelopment Agenc

1.2 WARR D he Finance Department.


Approve the reading by title and waive the reading in full of all Ordinances on the Agenda.

1.4 FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 ANNUAL CAFR, ENDING JUNE 30, 2008 (Report: Assistant City Manager/Director of Finance)

Accept and receive the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), ending June 30, 2008, as audited by the independent auditing firm Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott, LLP.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -2- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES

Ill:> CONSENT ITEMS: (Continued)


A. Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 1-09: 1. Authorizing the filing of an application for Smart Growth Incentive Program Funds through the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) for Downtown Photosimulations; 2. Committing local matching funds; and 3. Assuring that the City of EI Cajon will complete the project within the schedule identified in the project application.

B. Adopt RESOLUTION NO. ECRA-394, committing redevelo ent funds (up to $8,000.00) as the local match to SGIP funds for the p pose f the Downtown Photosimulations grant application.


Adopt RESOLUTION NO. Custom Manuf urin Inc.

1.7 MRN PARAMEDIC TRAINING AGREEMENT 17 hie Approve the a end ent to the current agreement between the City of EI Cajon and Southwestern unity College District for Paramedic Field Training.


1. Authorize the City Manager to accept the Children's Initiative Grant Funds in the amount of $10,000 and to execute any grant documents and agreements necessary for the receipt and use of these funds;

2. Appropriate the Children's Initiative Grant Funds in the amount of $10,000;

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -3- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES

l1 Item 1.8 (Continued)

3. Award a contract to Harmonium Inc. for supplemental juvenile diversion services for the period of January 1, 2009, through September 30,2009.


Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 3-09, titled Resolution of the City Council of the City of EI Cajon Authorizing City Manager to Execute Agreements with the State Board of Equalization for Implementation of a Local Transactions and Use Tax.


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council app ove t e re I e class specification for Animal Control Manager and re-alloca the s la to rang 7.4 - $65,770.00 ­ $80,142.00.


1.12 Chain Job No. 3218 I Bid Numbe

Accept the project and authorize the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion and release the bonds in accordance with the Contract terms.


Direct the City Manager to renew the multi-year contract for City Wide Traffic Counts and authorize the second amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services between the City of EI Cajon and Turning Point Traffic Service, LLC to extend the agreement through December 2, 2009, and increase the contract amount by $25,000 for 2009 traffic counts.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -4- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES CONSENT ITEMS: (Continued)


Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Professional Services Contract with ADS Environmental for Smoke Testing of the City's sewer system



RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approv e r vise c ass specification for Animal Control Manager and re-allocate the s ary t ra g 7.4 - $65,770.00 ­ $80,142.00.

o change th requirement of one tr I Manager to three years of

MOTIO MCCLELLAN, to Approve Item 1.10



Michael Stathorakis, business owner, voiced a complaint regarding new, higher fees for Tobacco Licenses in the City of EI Cajon.

Mayor LEWIS comments that City Manager has been instructed to look into pricing for Tobacco Licenses since there have been numerous complaints about it.

Sunshine Horton updates that yellow ribbons will be up soon and Encourages citizens to vote.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -5- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS:


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council declare the property listed on the Agenda Report as surplus, review the request for donation of the Fire Engine to Miramar College, and take appropriate action.


City Manager HENRY, provides a brief history on the request from Miramar College requesting the Fire Engine to be donated.

Martin Walsh, representing Miramar College states they woul se the donated engine to train pre-employment students.

Item 2.1 (Continued)

MOTION BY LEWI , to Appr v donation of surplus Fire Engin N~ 2.2 WRITT QU MISS EL CAJON SCHOLARSHIP ASSOCIATIO

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council consider the request from the Miss EI Cajon Scholarship Association for the use of one "City Day" at the East County Performing Arts Center.

Remainder ofpage left blank intentionally.

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -6- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES ITEM 2.2 (Continued)


Andrea Burrows, representing the Miss EI Cajon Scholarship Association, speaks to request one 'City Day at ECPAC on March 28, 2009 for the annual Miss EI Cajon Pageant.

Carli current Miss EI Cajon Teen speaks of the many volunteering events she has attended as Miss EI Cajon Teen.

MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY KENDRICK, to approve the use of East County Performing Arts Center on March 28, 2009.


Mayor LEWIS calls forward MONICA ZECH, to comp ime h r on receiving the Women in Leadership award in the Media, rts and Cure cate 0 .



5. COMMI sit EP


SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments); SANDAG (Public Safety Committee); METRO Commission (Metropolitan Sewerage System) and METRO Wastewater JPA; MTS (Metropolitan Transit System Board) - Alternate; LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission - Alternate.

6.1 SANDAG Board Actions - November 21,2008

6.2 SANDAG Public Safety Committee Agenda - December 12, 2008

6.3 SANDAG Board of Directors Agenda - December 19, 2008

6.4 SANDAG Quality of Life Ad Hoc Steering Committee - December 19, 2008

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -7- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES 6.5 Council Assignments

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council consider and approve council assignments to the various boards and commissions giving EI Cajon input on matters important to this region.


City Attorney Foley clarifies that Councilmembers cannot nominate themselves for a position that would have a material or financial affect as a public official. He suggests that nominations be made for the different commissions and any individual that would be affected financially should abstain from voting on that instance.

MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY McCLELAN, to Appoint Mayor Mark Lewis to: SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments); SANDAG (Chair, Public Safety Committee); SANDAG lity of Life Ad Hoc Steering Committee) and Councilmemb Jilli n Hanson- Cox: SANDAG (San Diego Association of Go nm nts Iternate)

MOTIO LAN, to Appoint Mayor Mark Lewis t ommission - Alternate).


MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY KENDRICK to Appoint Mayor Pro Tern Bill Wells to METRO CommissionlWastewater JPA; East County Economic Development Council.


Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -8- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES 6.5 Council Assignments (Continued)

MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY KENDRICK to Appoint Councilmember McClellan to MTS (Metropolitan Transit System Board) and Councilmember Jillian Hanson-Cox to MTS (Metropolitan Transit System Board - Alternate).


MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY McCLELLAN to Appoint Councilmember Kendrick to Heartland Fire Training JPA.


oint Mayor Pro Tern

MOTIO VL WI •E ND BY McCLELLAN to Appoint Councilmember Kendrick~· eartl ommunications JPA.


MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY KENDRICK to Appoint Councilmember McClellan to Heartland Communications JPA - Alternate.


Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -9- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES 6.5 Council Assignments (Continued)

MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY WELLS to Appoint Councilmember Hanson-Cox League of California Cities, San Diego Division; East San Diego County Gang Task Force and to Appoint Councilmember McClellan to Harry Griffen Park Joint Steering Committee.


6.6 SANDAG Board Actions - December 19, 2008



7.1 Council Activities Rep

Mayor Pro Tern WELLS r prj t at he ~t ith J el Anderson d Claire Carperter.

C UN IEB JILLIAN HANSON-COX 8. SANDAG (Sa fJi g As 0 ia io of Governments) (Alternate); MTS (Metropolitan Transit Syste a); E County Economic Development Council; League of California Citie ,Sa Diego Division; East San Diego County Gang Task Force,

8.1 Council Activities Report


9. COUNCILMEMBER GARY KENDRICK Heartland Communications JPA; Heartland Fire Training JPA.

9.1 Council Activities Report

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -10- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES ACTIVITIES REPORTS OF COUNCILMEMBERS (Continued)

10. COUNCILMEMBER BOB McCLELLAN Council Advisory Meeting Schedule, Harry Griffen Park Joint Steering Committee; Heartland Communications JPA - Alternate; MTS (Metropolitan Transit System Board).

10.1 Council Activities Report


11.1 League of California Cities Legislative Bulletin - riorit Focus - dated December 12 and 19, 2008.





15. CLOSED $~jSIONS: None

Adjournment: Mayor Lewis adjourned the Regular Joint Meeting of the City Council/ Redevelopment Agency held this 13th day of January 2009, at 3:32 p.m. to Tuesday, January 27,2009, at 3:00 p.m.

BELINDA HAWLEY Acting City Clerk/Secretary

Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council January 13, 2008 And Redevelopment Agency -11- 3:00 p.m. DRAFT MINUTES r···citY··Ci~·;i~··D~t~···St~·~p···] MEETING: January 27, 2009 i' ~~ CF ~:::i ;:::~ ,:! i·( C}\...J C;\ ITEM NO: 1.4 I zoaq JAN I b P 2: 22 i


DATE: January 15, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Director of Human Resources

SUBJECT: Agreement for Special Services

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the attached Agreement with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore for labor relations services. BACKGROUND:

As you know, we are about to enter negotiations with all bargaining units. Historically, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore has assisted the City with employee relations matters, including representation during meet and confer. Because of our long-standing relationship with the firm, it is recommended that you approve a two-year retainer agreement to be effective March 1, 2009 through February 28, 2011.


The cost ofthe Agreement is $4,900jmonth; $2,500jmonth for the first bargaining unit and $600jmonth for each additional bargaining unit, or $58,800/year. Services are to be provided for Police, Fire, and Municipal employees' units. There is no cost increase over our current agreement and the previous agreement. Adequate funds are budgeted for this expense in the General Fund.

Please advise if you have any questions or concerns.


~~'vjCM-V< K!tf:ie~*~tv1(j~4------Joan M. Ward Director of Human Resources CITY MANAGER

JMW/jag Attachment LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 6033 W. Century Boulevard, Suite 500 , California 90045 Tel; (310) 981·2000 • Fax; (310) 337-0837 Jeri Harding Accounts Receivable jh ard in [email protected] (310) 981-2077

January 13,2009

Joan Ward Director ofHuman Resources City ofEl Cajon 200 East Main Street EI Cajon, CA 92020

Re: Agreementfor Special Services

Dear Ms. Ward,

Enclosed, please find an original Agreement for Special Services between the City ofEI Cajon and Liebert Cassidy Whitmore. Please review, and ifacceptable, sign and return a fully executed copy to my attention at your earliest opportunity. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (310)981-2077.



_____ ~ "I ._~ ---' U---- " -r'! ...-----.,'-"'c--..- / ~., / //tJeri Harding ,..- Accounts Receivable



This Agreement is entered into between the law firm ofLIEBERT CASSIDY

WHITMORE, A Professional Corporation ("Attorney"), and the CITY OF EL CAJON,

A Municipal Corporation ("City").

1. Conditions

This Agreement will not take effect, and Attorney will have no obligation to provide services, until City returns a properly signed and executed copy ofthis


2. Attorney's Services

Attorney agrees to provide City with consulting, representational and legal services peliaining to employment relations matters, including representation in negotiations and in administrative and City proceedings, as requested by City or otherwise required by law.

3. Fees, Costs, Expenses

City agrees to pay Attorney the sums billed monthly for time spent by Attorney in providing the services, including reasonable travel time.

In consideration ofthe services to be provided under this Agreement, the City agrees to pay Attorney at the rate ofTwo Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) per month for one Negotiating unit and Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) for each of four additional units, not to exceed the sum of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Six

Hundred Dollars ($117,600.00) during the term ofthis Agreement. Any request for services which exceeds the maximum amount of compensation provided for herein shall

296844.1 LCWPWH-001 1 be preceded by an amendment to this Agreement executed by both parties prior to or

simultaneous with the request for such services.

The range ofhourly rates for Attorney time is from One Hundred Sixty to Two

Hundred Ninety Dollars ($160.00 - $290.00), and from One Hundred to One Hundred

Thirty Dollars ($100.00 - $130.00) for time ofparaprofessional staff Attorney reviews

its hourly rates on an annual basis and, ifappropriate, adjusts them effective July 1.

Attorneys and paraprofessional staff bill their time in minimum units ofone-tenth ofan

hour. Communications advice (telephone, voice-mail, e-mail) is billed in a minimum

increment ofthree-tenths (.30) of an hour.

City agrees to reimburse Attorney for necessary costs and expenses incurred by

Attorney on behalf ofCity. Attorney bills photocopying charges at Fifteen Cents ($.15) per page and facsimile charges at Fifty Cents ($0.50) per page. A Public Agency Fee

Schedule is attached to this Agreement.

Payment by City against monthly billings is due upon receipt of statements, and is

considered delinquent ifpayment is not received within thirty (30) days ofthe date ofthe


The California Business & Professions Code requires us to inform you whether we maintain errors and omissions insurance coverage applicable to the services to be rendered to you. We hereby confirm that the firm does maintain such insurance coverage.

4. Arbitration of Professional Liability or Other Claims

Disputes. Ifa dispute between City and Attorney arises over fees charged for services, the controversy will be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the

296844.1 LCWPWH-001 2 rules ofthe California State Bar Fee Arbitration Program, set forth in California Business and Professions Code, sections 6200 through 6206. The arbitrator or arbitration panel shall have the authority to award to the prevailing party attorneys' fees, costs and interest incurred. Any arbitration award may be served by mail upon either side and personal service shall not be required.

If a dispute arises between City and Attorney over any other aspect ofthe attorney-client relationship, including, without limitation, a claim for breach of professional duty, that dispute will also be resolved by arbitration. It is understood that any dispute as to any alleged breach ofprofessional duty (that is, as to whether any legal services rendered under this agreement were allegedly unnecessary, unauthorized, omitted entirely, or were improperly, negligently or incompetently rendered) will be determined by submission to arbitration as provided by California law, and not by a lawsuit or resort to court process except as California law provides for judicial review of arbitration proceedings. Both parties to this agreement, by entering into it, are giving up their constitutional right to have any such dispute decided in a court of law before a jury, and instead are accepting the use of arbitration. Each party is to bear its own attorney's fees and costs.

5. File Retention

After our services conclude, Attorney will, upon City's request, deliver the file for the matter to City, along with any funds or property of City's in our possession. IfCity requests the file for the matter, Attorney will retain a copy ofthe file at the City's expense. If City does not request the file for this matter, we will retain it for a period of seven (7) years after this matter is closed. IfCity does not request delivery ofthe file for

296844.1 LCWPWH-001 3 30 this matter before the end ofthe seven (7) year period, we will have no further obligation to retain the file and may, at our discretion, destroy it without further notice to City. At any point during the seven (7) year period, City may request delivery ofthe fIle.

6. Assignment

This Agreement is not assignable without the written consent of City.

7. Independent Contractor

It is understood and agreed that Attorney, while engaged in performing the terms of this Agreement, is an independent contractor and not an employee of City.

8. Authority

The signators to this Agreement represent that they hold the positions set forth below their signatures, and that they are authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf oftheir respective parties and to bind their respective parties hereto.

9. Term

The term ofthis Agreement shall be for twenty-four (24) months for the period covering March 1,2009 through February 28, 2011.

LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE, CITY OF EL CAJON, A Professional Corporation A Municipal Corporation

By _

Title ------

Date ----.!:....-_----- Date ------


Hourly Rates (As of Contract Date)

Partners $260.00 - $290.00

OfCounsel $240.00 - $260.00

Associates $160.00 - $240.00

Labor Relations Professional $170.00 - $200.00

Paraprofessionals $100.00 - $130.00


1. Photocopies $0.15 per copy

2. Facsimile Transmittal $0.50 per page

296844.1 LCWPWH-001 5 i.. ··city···Ci~;k··ri·~t·~··St~;:p····l 1 ~ r': ~:. MEETING: Jan. 27, 2009 c !,,'.-, ~-. ! ITEM NO: 1.5 In· I,d ZOOq JAN 2 ! V"Oj

: :

DATE: January 20, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Director of Public Works

SUBJECT: Subdivision Agreements (Public and Private) and Final Subdivision Map for Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM) 647 801 Avocado Avenue - Engineering Job No. 3208

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the two Subdivision Agreements (Public and Private) and the Final Map for TSM 647 at 801 Avocado Avenue, authorizing execution of the agreements.

BACKGROUND: The City Council approved TSM 647 on March 25, 2008 by Resolution No. 33-08 subject to conditions. All conditions have been met or are guaranteed by the Subdivision Agreements. All fees and securities have been paid. Therefore the Final Map is ready to be recorded.

FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact, all costs are paid by the Subdivider.



Attachments MEETING: Jan 27, 2009


DATE: January 16, 2009 TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilrnernbers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan FROM: Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer Project Engineering Job No. 3258, Bid No. 25-09 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Appropriate $700,000 of Wastewater Funds for the Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer. 2. Adopt the next RESOLUTIONS in order to approve Plans and Specifications and direct a Notice Inviting Sealed Bids to be opened on February 24, 2009. BACKGROUND: The Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer will provide additional sewer capacity along Fletcher Parkway and supplement existing sewer mains that are currently deficient and overloaded during peak flow conditions. In the current budget a generic sewer main enlargement project was included as a placeholder for projects identified in the Wastewater Master Plan. The Wastewater Master Plan was accepted in December of 2008 and identified this project to be the most critical in priority. Now that the full scope of the project has been identified it is necessary to appropriate additional funding to complete this work at this time. This project would normally be reprogrammed into next years capital improvement program, but because additional work on Fletcher Parkway is scheduled (Fletcher Parkway Repaving Project); it is recommended to complete this work now. The Fletcher Parkway Repaving Project is scheduled to begin in late summer. Plans and Specifications are available for review in the City Clerk's Office. FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost for this project is approximately $1.1 million. This project will be completed with the appropriated $700,000 and $400,000 budgeted from project WW31 75 Sewer Main Enlargements. All funding for this project is from Wastewater Funds.



WHEREAS, the City Engineer has submitted plans and specifications for the Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer project, in the City of EI Cajon; and

WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interests of the City of EI Cajon that the plans and specifications for said project be approved.


1. That the plans and specifications submitted by the City Engineer for the Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer, in the City of EI Cajon are hereby approved and adopted as the official plans and specifications for said project.

2. Said plans and specifications are directed to be filed in the office of the City Engineer of the City of EI Cajon.

1/27/09 (Item 1.6)

Fletcher Pkwy Relief Sewer apr RESOLUTION NO. -09


WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been submitted for the Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer project, in the City of EI Cajon; and

WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interests of the City that said work be ordered to be done.


1. That the City Council does hereby order that the Fletcher Parkway Relief Sewer, be ordered to be done.

2. That Tuesday, February 24,2009, at 2:00 P.M., in the office designated by the Purchasing Agent of the City of EI Cajon, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, California, is hereby fixed as the time and place for the opening of bids for said project.

3. The Purchasing Agent of the City of EI Cajon is hereby directed to cause a Notice to Bidders to be published in the newspaper, in accordance with the provisions of law.

1/27109 (Item 1.6)

Fletcher Pkwy Relief Sewer ntc 1···C~if~le;kDeteS:~PJ MEETING: Jan 27, 2009 ITEMNO: 1'-&-.7'---_ i ZOOq JAN 2 I /~ iLJ: l+ 5i Li

DATE: January 16, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Director of Public Works

SUBJECT: Change Order for Traffic Signal Red LED Light Replacement Program Engineering Job No. 3227 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve contract Change Order No. 1. This change order provides for the removal and replacement of an additional 495 traffic signal red LED lights. Change Order No,1 will also include an additional twenty (20) working days,

BACKGROUND: On November 18, 2008 by Resolution No. 114-08, the City Council approved a construction contract with Sutherlin Contracting, Inc. for removal and replacement of 12" traffic signal red LED lights, During the project design, we could only estimate the number of lights that needed to be replaced due to the unknown factor of how many old LED lights were in service. At this point, we need to expand our scope ofwork so that we can replace all the old LED lights that are currently in service. Replacing these lights through a maintenance program is much more cost effective than replacing the individual lights as they faiL The original contract amount is $17,212.50, and the proposed change order exceeds the City Manager's authority in accordance with City Policy B-4,

FISCAL IMPACT: This change order will increase the contract by $6,311.25. Funds for this work are available in the 2008-2009 CIP budget.


Attachment Jan 20 08 0118p Sutherlin Contracting 619579.1993 p.2


CO/,·./TRACT CHANGE ORDER NO: ~ DATE:__----'J:..=a=nu=ar"'-\~'"-.:16=,.=2-"-'00"-'9 ---'

PRo.JECT:-: ---'T'-'-;~·au-tfi.:.:::lc:_:,"_'5i:.::.g'_"na~1__'R'_"e""d~LE==.,~D~L:::.:[,o·g!.-'ht~R~ep~l~ac~e~n:::ze""'_n_'_"t~P~r..:o::o""'"g:.::r[~nn~,_'B~l~ dc...!N..:.-o",.:.-'O"-=2:.:::3:..--0~9~ _

Contract Resolution No:-----~--'---'''-''------'1)4-08 JOB NO.· ------'~~----3227

CHA.NGE REQUESTED BY: -e:::C..:;:it).L.,=of"'--'E=J:-:C=a""]o=n-"-- _

TO: -'S""u=t=he=r'-"li=n-'C""o=n=tr~ac=tin=g"'_',>_oI=nc="'--- , CONTRACTOR

You are hereby directed to make the herein described change from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract:


This change order is for increasing Bid Item No.1, removal and replacement of 12" LED signal module. This change order will increase Bid Item No.1 by 495 LED lights. The break dov.n on the LED lights will be; 250 each 12" Red Ball, 190 each 12" Red Arrows, and 55 each PV LED's for a total of 49S lights. This change order provides for an additional twenty (20) working days to be added to this contract.

The amount payable under the change order has been negotiated and is believed to be fair and equitable compensation for the work.

(l) not change () This change will (2) increase (X) the amount payable under the Contract by : (3) decrease ()

I (A) Approximately $ based on estimated Time and Material. ------!

(1) Agreed'lump sum -----( ) (B) _-",-$6=.J=-1"'-.:1,-".2=S,-_based on: (2) Unit prices in bid $6,311.25 eX) (3) Unit prices agreed upon ----( )


Item (or Equip.) Quantity or Unit Total Time Price l. Removal and Replacement of 12" LED Signal Module 495 Each $6,311.25 $6,311.25 2. Contract exteosion oft\vcnty (20) working days.

TOTAL $6,311.25

619 579 1993 P.02 .Jan 20 09 0118p Sutherlin Contracting 619579.1993 p3

Traffic Signal Red LED Light Replacement Program Engineering Job No. 3227 Contract Change Order No.1 Page 20f2

I, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that I wi!! include direct and indirect overhead costs, mobilization costs, provide all equipment, furnish all materials (except as may otherwise be noted above), and petfonn all services necessary for the work specified above. The unit costs and payment on the basis of time and materials as indicated in the SCHEDULE OF PRICES will be accepted as full payment for this change including any costs for delay. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the foregoing and that this Contract Change Order fully compensates SputherJin Contracting, Inc. for all above-mentioned costs: S,j)utherlin Contracting, Inc. does hereby waive any future claim for these costs arising from this Contract Change Order. '- I/) -0 Su.-the-rl;~ U~t+rCL6i-~vt6"Ivtc.... Accepted, Date / tj Contractor So~tHBflin Contracting, Inc.

NOTE: This change is oot efiective until approved by the Superintendent of Streets.



Date: _

Distribution (lfI.J:.~l(Ited Si1:!lcd o riein:t I,. ofCCO Contr3ctor. CiI)' ctetk, and En gineenng Job ~'ik.

DlHributicn ofCn,ues \lnhe S~t;:Dcd O"~cil'l.1ll~ orcen­ lnspc-ctor. PW AdImn"tral;"c AnolY'l, hnallce.

519 579 1993 P.O] r"'city'''ci~~k''D~t~''Sta~p''': MEETING: Jan 27, 2009 I I, I ITEM NO: 1.8 ,100Q "I, L\C

~ J

DATE: January 16, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilrnernbers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Director of Public Works

SUBJECT: Change Order and Acceptance for Replacing and Lining Sewer and CMP Pipes at Various Locations, Engineering Job No. 3083/3084 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1) Approve contract Change Order No.4 that provides for extra bypass pumping and video taping to install thick wall HOPE pipe. This change order also includes extra work due to the pipe collapse/ failure that occurred during the liner installation at the Ivanhoe Village Apartment complex. The cost ofthis change order is $54,909.34. 2) Accept the project and authorize the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion and release the bonds in accordance with the Contract

BACKGROUND: On February 13,2007 by Resolution No. 10-07, the City Council approved a construction contract with HydroTech, Inc. for replacing and lining sewer and eMP pipes at various locations. The City is seeking to modify this contract due to unforeseen construction problems that occurred during the installation of the liner at the Ivanhoe Village Apartment complex. Change Orders No.1, 2, and 3 in the amount of $112,086.14 have previously been approved. The original contract amount is $539,365.25, and the proposed change order exceeds the City Manager's authority in accordance with City Policy B-4. All work has been completed. HydroTech is currently negotiating final payments with sub-contractors that have filed stop notice claims with the City. The City Attorney is working with the claimant's attorneys to assure that these claims are properly handled. All quantities and pay amounts have been finalized.

FISCAL IMPACT: This change order will increase the contract by $54,909.34. Wastewater Funds for this change order are available in the current project budget. Liquidated damages were assessed against the contractor in the amount of$57,500 that will offset these additional project costs. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: 0-~T~ Rob Turner KathidH&~rrHenry - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY MANAGE Attachment 40 CITY OF EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA

CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO: --:4 DATE: ~A~u~g~us~t.....!..4,>....:2=0~0~8 _--,-

PROJECT.:...: .....:S=e::..:w.:...:e""'-r.....:a~no.:=d'_C::=:.M=P__=L~in~in""g~a'""_':nd~R~e~p~la~c~em~en~t~~Var~i~ou~s~L-'::.oc~a~ti:c:::o~n~s,.....:B=:.i:c:::d'-N~o.:... . .:::.0~18~-~0~7__

Contract Resolution No: ~10"---"-07-'-- JOB NO: ~30~8~3~/3~0~8:..!.4 _

CHANGE REQUESTED BY: ...... :C~i~ty~o~f..=EC!...l C~a~j~on~ _

TO: ~H::.z.y=dr~o~T.::::ec~h~, ~In~c,-. , CONTRACTOR

You are hereby directed to make the herein described change from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications on this contract:

DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: This change order provides for an adjustment ofcompensation to the contractor for providing extra bypass pumping and video taping the installed thick wall HDPE pipe. This change order also includes a negotiated settlement cost for extra work due to the pipe collapse/failure that occurred during the liner installation at the Ivanhoe Village Apartment.

(1) not change () This change will (2) increase (X) the amount payable under the Contract by : (3) decrease ()

(A) Approximately $ based on estimated Time and Material.

(1) Agreed lump sum $54,909.34 (X) (B) $ $54,909.34 based on: (2) Unit prices in bid ---( ) (3) Unit prices agreed upon ---( )

SCHEDULE OF PRICES Quantity or Unit Item (or Equip.) Total Time Price 1. Extra bypass pumping LS $4,384.00 $4,384.00 2. Video Taping the Pipe Burst Lining LS $644.00 $644.00 3. Ivanhoe Village Apartment Pipe Collapse LS $49,881.34 $49,881.34

TOTAL $54,909.34

H:\lnspection\Projects\3083-3084 Sewer CMP Jining\Change Order\CCO#4 IN 3083·3084 Swr and CMP Lining.doc Sewer Pipe and eMP Lining and Replacement Various Locations Engineering Job No. 3083/3084 Contract Change Order No.4 Page 2

I, the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that I will include direct and indirect overhead costs, mobilization costs, provide all equipment, furnish all materials (except as may otherwise be noted above), and perform all services necessary for the work specified above. The unit costs and payment on the basis of time and materials as indicated in the SCHEDULE OF PRICES will be accepted as full payment for this change including any costs for delay. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the foregoing and that this Contract Change Order fully compensates HydroTech, Inc. for all above-mentioned costs: HydroTech, Inc. does hereby waive any future claim for these costs arising from this Contract Change Order.

Accepted, Date 2- J .- 0 25 Contractor ----".H"'-yL:;d==r-"'-o-"""",~In"_"_c""_. _

BYP~~ Title h.l"('>c.....

NOTE: This change is not effective until approved by the Superintendent of Streets.




Distribution ofExecuted Signed Originals of CCO: Contractor, City Clerk, and Engineering Job File.

Distribution of Copies ofthe Executed Signed Originals of CCO: Inspector, PW Administrative Analyst, Finance.

H:IINSPECT\PROJECTSI3083·)084 Sewer CMP lininglChange Order1CCO#4 IN 3083·3084 Swr and CMF Lining.doc r'''city''ci~'~k''ri~t~'''St~'~i;'''l MEETING: Jan. 27, 2009

ITEM NO: 1.9 I c I

:-I ZOOq JMJ 2 I 0:It.....,'L! VL i... ..1

DATE: January 16, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Director of Public Works

SUBJECT: Annual Adjustment of TransNet Funds

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the next RESOLUTION in order to authorize TransNet intra-fund project transfers for fiscal year ending June 30,2008.

BACKGROUND: On November 4, 2004, the voters of San Diego County approved the San Diego Transportation Improvement Program (TransNet Extension Ordinance). TransNet regulations require the City Council to approve any intra-fund budget adjustments, which are normally administrative items handled by the Finance Department. Attached is the Schedule of Funds by Project that reflects City adjustments made within the TransNet fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. This Action will transfer excess funds from completed and discontinued projects into current active projects. All existing project budgets are unchanged and correspond with the City's approved Capital Improvement Budgets.

FISCAL IMPACT: This action is in compliance with the TransNet Extension Ordinance Improvement Program for Local Streets.



43 City of El Cajon TransNet Fund 503 Schedule of Status of Funds by Project For the year ended June 30, 2008

Project Project MPO Status Funds Other Interest Project City Status ID# Project Name July 1, 2007 Received Income Income Expenditures Adjustments June 30, 2008

Streets and Roads

EL03 Various Overlay Projects 1,303,018 58,467 (741,419) 256,669 876,735 EL06 Signals 630,468 28,289 (149,476) 509,282 EL 10 Jamacha Road 833,640 37,406 (1,080) (869,966) EL 11 Sidewalk 104,518 6,449 4,690 (203,235) 280,000 192,422 EL 13 Fletcher Pkwy Guardrail 54,450 2,443 (56,893) EL 14 State Route 54 Corridor Feasibility Study 35,209 1,580 (26,979) (9,810) EL 17 Pavement Management System (958) 300,000 299,042 EL 18 Street Lights (5,275) 100,000 94,725 Subtotal 2,961,303 6,449 132,875 (1,128,422) 0 1,972,205

Total $ 2,961,303 $ - $ 6,449 $ 132,875 $ (1,128,422) $ 1,972,205

Comprised of: Fund balance $ 1,972,205

Total $ 1,972,205

Note: EL 10-Jamacha Road was discontinued and excess funds moved to EL 03-Various Overlay Projects, EL 11-Sidewalk Repairs, EL 17-Pavement Management System, and EL 18-Street Lights.

Note: EL 13-Fletcher Pkwy Guardrail was completed, and the excess funds moved to EL 03-Various Overlay Projects.

Note: EL 14-State Route 54 Corridor Feasibility Study was completed, and excess funds moved to EL 03-Various Overlay Projects.

44 15 iClij~je;kriatesta$p··i (HJ fIajJIDJ [[~~eJn~m,llru~ MEETING: January 27, 2009 ~{LllllJJJW ITEM NO:--L.lO.-- 11ooq,2i,,!Z:llbl

DATE: January 21, 2009

TO: Agency Members: Lewis, Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, McClellan, and Wells

FROM: Director of Redevelopment and Housing

SUBJECT: Retail Economic Development Strategy- Buxton Company

RECOMMENDATION: That the Redevelopment Agency review the attached proposal from the Buxton Company then authorize the Executive Director to execute a professional services agreement for the purpose of creating a retail economic development strategy and appropriate $70,000 from the Redevelopment Agency Unrestricted Capital Project Fund 590 to 590110-8395.

BACKGROUND: As staff begins the process for preparing the next fiscal year budget, considerable evaluation has been given to national economic conditions as it affects local retail markets. While the Redevelopment Agency participates in a successful business recruitment and retention program through the EI Cajon Community Development Corporation, the loss of significant sales tax revenue citywide dictates a more comprehensive strategic plan.

After meeting with representatives of Buxton on three occasions, staff is prepared to recommend moving forward with this scenario, designed to identify key retail operators expanding into markets defined by demographics similar to EI Cajon. The goal of a retail strategy is to create a framework for developing a sustainable marketing program that not only achieves short-term goals but ensures long-term economic viability. A successful marketing program will bring the following results:

• Residents' desire to shop and dine at home will be fulfilled • Retail leakage of sales tax revenue will be minimized • Increased property tax revenues through redevelopment opportunities

As shown in Section VIII. Timeline, the study period and deliverable of market research is sixty (60) days from execution of the agreement. Following receipt of the market analysis, staff will embark upon an implementation strategy that may, depending upon study results, include Parkway Plaza, existing but currently vacant retail space and new construction involving redevelopment.

Staff will report back to the City Council/Redevelopment Agency upon receipt of the Buxton report with recommendations for implementation. Moving forward with a retail economic H:\ECRA\Economic Development\Buxton staff report 012709.doc 45 development strategy at this time will coincide with completion of Specific Plan 182 later in 2009. Having a retail implementation plan in place provides staff a more comprehensive approach to discussions with prospective developers and retail operators.

FISCAL IMPACT: $70,000.00 from the Redevelopment Agency capital project Unrestricted Capital Project fund. No impact to the City General Fund for execution of a professional services agreement.



H:\ECRA\Economic Development\Buxton staff report 012709.doc r·cityci;;k:Dat;St.;;;pi MEETING: Jan 27, 2009

~: (" . ~:' !,-' ITEM No:_1__1_1_ ; 100q':lliil 2 d,s

1 1

DATE: January 16, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Director of Public Works

SUBJECT: Acceptance of Private Improvements Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM) 579 763 Chase Avenue Engineering Job No. 2969

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council accept the private improvements and authorize the City Clerk to release the bonds guaranteeing the private improvements in accordance with the subdivision agreement and require the developer to maintain insurance in force until the release of all bonds for the project.

BACKGROUND: The private improvements as a condition ofapproval ofTentative Parcel Map (TSM) 579 located at 763 Chase Avenue are now complete. The Performance Bond and Subdivision Agreement approved by the City Council on January 9, 2007, guaranteed the installation of the private improvements.

FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact as a result of this action.



41 ICitYCi~;k[i~t~.. St~;;;PI MEETING: 1/27/09 ITEM NO: 1.12

1 ..IOOq,!I. 281\~~h 1i1,~~1t

DATE: January 21, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilrnernbers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: City Manager

SUBJECT: Proposed Revision to City Council Policy B:-3: Sale of Surplus Real Property

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the next Resolution in order approving revised City Council Policy B-3: Sale of Surplus Real Property.

BACKGROUND: Because there are many ways of acquiring property by the City or the Redevelopment Agency that may eventually be declared surplus and subsequently disposed of, there needs to be flexibility in the disposal requirements to fit the applicable rules by which the property was originally acquired. The existing policy does not allow this flexibility. The recommended changes will allow property to be sold in any number ofways, including by auction, through a broker, by an offer offair market value or by negotiated competitive price.

FISCAL IMPACT: The action has no impact to the General Fund.


K~~~~~~ ~=-.----- City Manager



WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted City Council Policy B-3 (the "Policy") to address procedures for the sale of surplus property no longer needed for City use; and

WHEREAS, the Policy provides a method for the sale of surplus real property through a sealed bid, and auction, process; and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council to provide an alternative method for the sale of surplus real property where such an alternative method meets applicable state or federal requirements for the disposal of the property, and where (1) the City Council has approved the method of disposal, (2) the property was acquired by the City with other than general fund moneys, and (3) the property is being offered at a minimum price established by an appraisal; and

WHEREAS, such an alternative method for the sale of surplus real property will allow the City to properly manage and protect its assets while at the same time considering commercially acceptable alternatives to the existing method ofdisposal, all to the benefit of the City of EI Cajon.


1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are the findings of the City Council.

2. City Council Policy B-3 is hereby amended to read in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A".

3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption.

1/27/09 (Item 1.12)



REFERENCE: Effective Page

ADOPTED 10/26/71; REVISED 1/--/09 01/--/09 1 of 3


To establish a policy regarding the sale of surplus real property not needed for City use.


From time to time the City finds itself with surplus real property, which is no longer needed for City purposes, present or future. In order to put the property to a productive use and restore it to the tax rolls, the City Council has developed the following policy:


The City Manager shall be responsible for the sale of all real property declared surplus by the City Council.

When appropriate, a report shall be prepared for the City Council of property considered to be surplus and disposable. This report shall show original size and location of the parcel, date of acquisition by the City, purchase price, price and type of any improvements installed by the City, zoning on parcel, size and shape of remnant to be sold, and any other pertinent information. The City Council will establish a minimum price for such property either by reliance on a recommendation of the staff or on the opinion of a professional appraiser.

For property with minimum price of $5,000.00 or less, he following procedures will be followed:

a. Upon approval of the report, the City Manager shall prepare a listing of property for sale and notify all real estate brokers in the area that the property is on the market.

b. Prospective buyers should be notified to submit sealed offers accompanied by a cash bond or certified check for 10% of the minimum price. More than one sealed offer may be accepted before the date advertised for the opening of bids.

c. When an offer has been received, the property officer is authorized to place a legal notice in a daily newspaper of general circulation stating that the subject property is to be sold and giving time and place the sealed offer or offers are to be opened and the price announced. In the case of high equal sealed offers, the sale will become an auction between the parties submitting the equal bids. Persons submitting lower bids will not be allowed to participate.



REFERENCE: Effective Page

ADOPTED 10/26/71; REVISED 01/--109 01/--109 2 of 3

Policy (continued)

d. The City will pay a 5% commission to any licensed real estate broker handling a sealed offer for a buyer. A commission will not be paid if the property goes to auction.

For property of $5,000.00 or over, the following procedures will be followed:

a. Upon approval of the report, the City Manager shall prepare a listing of property for sale and notify all real estate brokers in the area that the property is on the market.

b. Prospective buyers will be notified of the date upon which the City Council will auction said property to the highest bidder.

c. Said property shall be sold to the highest bidder, the terms of which shall be 10% of the minimum price established by the City Council at the time ofthe sale in cash or certified check. The balance within 30 days thereafter in cash. All escrow and title expenses and fees to be paid by purchaser.

d. All bids shall be at least $200.00 over the last highest bid.

e. Should the highest bidder not consummate the purchase, then in that event the City Council may sell said property without further action to the next highest bidder on the aforementioned terms, or conduct another auction pursuant to this policy.

f. No real estate commission shall be paid in connection with a sale by auction.

g. Anyone wishing to bid upon said property, prior to time set for said auction, must deposit with the City Clerk, in cash or by certified check, a sum equal to 10% of the minimum price established for said property by the City Council.



REFERENCE: Effective Page

ADOPTED 10/26/71; REVISED 01/--109 01/--109 3 of 3

Policy (continued)


Exceptions to this policy will be granted if the property to be sold was acquired by the City with other than the City's General Funds. In such case, the City Manager will recommend to the City Council an appropriate method of disposal to ensure all requirements of the original funding are satisfied, and (in the event the property's appraised value equals or exceeds $5,000.00) that the total consideration paid to the City is not less than the appraised value of the property. In no event shall a property be sold, leased or rented without City Council Authorization. 2.1 OF

ZOOq JAN 15 A 8: 3Lt S,1n Diego County •· . .. A!ioc~1tiOIl oiREALTORS@ EAST , January 14,2009

Mayor Mark Lewis City ofEI Cajon 200 E. Main Street El Cajon, CA 92020

Attn: Kathy Rutledge

Dear Mayor Lewis,

The East San Diego County Association ofREALTORS® is holding our 4th Annual Homebuyer Fair on Saturday, March 21, 2009. We are asking to be placed on the upcoming City Council Agenda in order to request that our event be declared a Citywide Event, so that we can have signage. We are a non-profit organization and this is a free public event. This event provides an opportunity for East County residents to learn about the various government assistance programs available and the overall process ofbuying a home. EI Cajon will hopefully be represented by Jenni Ficaci ofthe Redevelopment & Housing Department and will, again, participate free ofcharge. ESDCAR is deeply appreciative ofthe Council's support for the past three years and is asking once again to be allowed to post 4 x 12 foot professionally made vinyl banners (or smaller) at the following locations: 1100 EI Cajon Blvd/Chase and the northwest corner ofMagnolia and Highway 8. We are waiting word back from the property owners, but since we have their letters ofpermission from last year, we don't foresee any problems in obtaining them again for this year. We would like to post the banners one week in advance on Saturday March 14th and we will take them down promptly at the conclusion ofthe event March 21 st. The banners will state:

The East San Diego County Association of REALTORS® Presents their Annual Free Homebuyer Fair Saturday, March 21,jrom 10:00-2:00, at the Ronald Reagan Community Center - 195 E. Douglas Street, El Cajon Emaillnfo(ri)ESDCARorg or (619) 579-0333

Please feel free to contact StaffLiaison, Sally Valdez with any questions you may have. Thank you for your consideration.


Tina Rogers Housing Opportunity Committee, Chairman East San Diego County Association ofREALTORS® StaffLiaison - Sally Valdez

53 !····City··ci~;k·i)~t~···St~~P···1 MEETING: Jan 27, 2009 I i ITEM NO: 4.1 i ZOOq, Ii 28 I ....

DATE: January 16, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Director of Public Works

SUBJECT: Request for removal of an existing Loading Zone and a portion of red curb to establish a regular Parking Zone on Rea Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the next RESOLUTIONS in order to rescind an existing Loading Zone (25 feet) and a "No Parking" Zone (20 feet) as follows in order to allow regular parking: • Rescind existing Loading Zone along the south curbline of Rea Avenue beginning at a point 33 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 58 feet, and; • Rescind existing "No Parking" Zone along the south curbline of Rea Avenue beginning at a point 13 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 20 feet. BACKGROUND: This is a request to remove an existing Loading Zone that is no longer needed since the original tenants are no longer in business at 131 N. Magnolia Avenue. The original "No Parking" Zone extended to Sophie's Art Gallery to accommodate diagonal parking. The "No Parking" Zone was subsequently shortened to accommodate the existing Loading Zone. To help better serve their business; the new tenants have requested the City remove the existing Loading Zone and a portion of the "No Parking" Zone to allow for two parking spaces adjacent to their building. This business currently does not have any on-site parking. Approximately $200.00 for removal of Loading and No Parking Zones. APPROVED BY: ~'UA4d-'rJ ~)"( Rob Turner Kathi Henry DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY MANAGER Attachments





LLJ «> I II I T 25'


Southeast Corner of Magnolia Ave. and Rea Ave. City of EI Cajon Traffic Division 1 1 l-_-~---~------_--L_------'55Sheet of May 25, 1977

To The Honorable City Council City of El Cajon El Cajon, California Council Members:

Follm~ing its meeting of May 19, 1977, the Traffic Co~~ittee submits the following recommendations to the City Council:

ITEM I DIAG9.NAL PARKING - REA AVENUE Background The Traffic Committee considered a request from Mr. C. V. Ferree, Executive Vice President, El Cajon Chamber of Co~~erce, to maintain and restripe the diagonal parking on the South side of Rea Avenue from Magnolia Avenue to the superblock. Recommendation Maintain the diagonal striping on Rea Avenue and install a modified striping plan. This modified plan provides more room for vehicles to maneuver near Magnolia and near the cul de sac, and reduces poten'tial hazards at these locations. The total number of parking spaces avail­ able will be increased by one from the existing 48 to 49. The following parking prohibitions are required: 1. Along the South curb of Rea Avenue from the prolongation of the East curb line of Magnolia Avenue, extending 89 feet East.

2. Along the South curb of Rea Avenue from a point located 330 feet East of the prolongation of the East curb line of Magnolia Avenue extending 38 feet East. 3 Along the South curb of Rea Avenue from a point located 454 feet East of the prolongation of the East curb line of Magnolia Avenue extending 10 feet East. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE MINUTES

May 19, 1977

The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Reber at 2:00 p. m., Thursday, May 19, 1977 at the Council Chambers, El Cajon City Hall, 200 East Main Street, El Cajon, California.

Those present were:


Mr. John Reber Councilman Sgt. Williams Police Department Mr. Steve Eckis Assistant City Attorney Mr. Ed Krulikowski Traffic Engineer Mr. Tom Kaiser City Engineer Mr. J. R. Kennedy Community Representative Mr. Joe Stacey Community Representative


Mr. Walter Permetti Dept. of Public Works - Traffic Div. Mrs. Priscilla Poore Intermediate Clerk-Stenographer


Charles Decker D. Morrell John McBeth Jim Pieri Linda Belden Ronald Abood Mrs. Ronald Abood Ruth Shedd Mrs. Richard Farwell Wayne Kirk Pat Wolf


Council chambers city of El Cajon 2 00 E. Ma inS t .













Mr. C. V. Ferree, Executive Vice-President, El Cajon Chamber of Commerce requests that the diagonal parking spaces on the south side of Rea Avenue from Magnolia to the Superblock be maintained and restriped. The existing stripes are badly deteriorated and fading.

Diagonal p3rking has certain disadvantages that the Committee may wish to review. Congestion is greater and accident pot­ ential higher on streets where diagonal parking is installed. Also, the effective sidewalk width is reduced by about 2 feet due to bumper overhang.

There were 10 accidents on Rea S-treet since January 1973. Seven of these accidents are directly related to the diagonal parking and involve cars backing out of the parking spaces.

Attached for consideration are two proposals, alternative #1 ­ Diagonal parking, and alternative #2 - Parallel parking.

Alternative #1 will provide 49 parking spaces and includes a proposed "no parking" zone on the south side of Rea at Magnolia. Alternative #2 will provide 41 parking spaces. (There are presently 48 marked parking spaces.)


Mr. Kennedy was concerned about the reduction of parking spaces by using parallel parking., He would not be in favor of elimi­ nating any parking spaces at this time until consideration is given to the one way street system.

Mr. Krulikowski indicated that the current diagonal parking system is not very efficient. A new study has been done on this, and one additional parking space can be obtained with a modified striping plan. Seven spaces would be lost if parallel parking were installed"

Mr. Kaiser stated -that the Committee should consider strongly Alternate II (parallel parking). There would be a better flow of traffic and a reduction in the accident rate.

In view of the low accident rate and the additional parking space to be gained, Sgt. Williams moved to accept Alternate I (modified diagonal striping plan). Mr. Kennedy seconded, motion carried. (Mr. Kaiser and Mr. Krulikowski opposed).

5'1 "'-.


TELEPHONE 440-6161

March 31, 1977 OFFICERS

PRESIDENT David G. Hafford PRESIDENT·ELECT Honorable Mayor and City Council Bob T. Parker City of El Cajon VICE·PRESIDENT 200 East Main Street Robert Webb El Cajon, California 92020

BOARD Of DiRECTORS As you know, the Chamber has moved its offices into a Donald E. Blackburn David E. Brown building located at 109 Rea Avenue. The building has been Burt D. Campanella completely remodeled and it has turned out to be very Mike Coffee Efren Cota suitable for our needs. Chris G. Demos Bob Dennis Bob Dodson We have been in the building for approximately one month Henry R. Ferriss Jake Jacobson now and have noticed that there is quite a parking problem Erv Metzgar Rod Morgan on Rea Avenue. In our opinion, the problem could be Jerry Ramey greatly relieved if the diagonal parking on the south side Pat Wolf were restriped in order that autos could be parked more efficiently. It is our estimate that 25% of the parking EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT C. V. Ferree space available is not being utilized properly because of the lack of proper striping. Therefore. the Board of Directors has voted to reque ,;t the City that the diagonal parking on the south side be Inaintained and be restriped and that the parallel parking spaces on the north side also be striped.

It is our opinion that when this is done, an additional 25 to 30 parking spaces would be made available to the general public.


'::f eJ(~ ~:- .-1 ::r- '-~ !::"'¢ (.....>u- By Order of the Board of Director s -J U.s

r- ,', r- ! ft:~,Jt.IVl:.DR MAGNOLIA AVE: 3t12 377- ~- -,- 0+/(;, ~<.D - --"- I 3+c~8.4 cc 0+00 4 I !J...± O-'S . J.i:SLfU- Y I 0+10 ~ f:.ff'. La:;i\til pc. R . I STOP ~ I 3-;-57 ~ "-

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,- . ..,-. // :;; - Z - / / 1', TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICE REQUEST

DATE: 12/10/2008 RECEIVED BY: Mario Sanchez


NAME: Kevin Nguyen PHONE: (619) 442-3204

ADDRESS Magnolia Ave/Rea Ave

EXACT LOCATION: Existing loading zone on Rea Ave adjacent to Nail Salon.

SUGGESTION OR ACTION: Request to remove existing loading zone to a regular parking zone to enable more parking near business.


INVESTIGATED BY: Mario/Serge DATE: 12/12/2008 ...:...... ;;~...:.....:..~------



REQUESTOR NOTIFIED: DATE: Traffic Commission Minutes ptembe'r,~, 1999

Commissi er Murph 'Suggested removing parking spaces # nd #3, keeping spaces #1 and #4 as de . nated p~king. Commissioner Waymire no that he thinks this item will return to the Co mission ~&~etime in the near future, t this may be a good balance given the need for '?rking. '"

"'\. \\0_ Commissioner Wahl said~t appeat\!o him that de . nating spaces #1 and spaces #2 no parking would be more beneficial t" this area. He explained the advantages to the Commissioners, staff, and flJr,Weston. They greed that if only two spaces were to be removed, no parking in #1 and #2 would, ro . e the most benefit.

Commissioner Wahl asked staff if the re oMe across from Fayette is really needed.

Mr. Krulikowski noted the no parking ne th~~ around the area across from Fayette appears to be just enough for truck~ ranee. He St~ted this area that is red curbed is the prime driveway that serves the ba f the maintenan);:e yard. He noted that appears to be the original reason that the no pring was establishe'a\

Mr. Krulikowski does agreez'ommiSSioner Wahl thatfe{T10, ving the parking at spaces #1 and 2 would provide th st benefit for sight distance. "

Mr. Weston addressed e ommission and agreed with comm~-nerWahI'S suggestion with regard to the r val of the parking. He stated h~I::;:~~ be satisfied with compromising and r ving the parking at spaces #1 and 2. ~ \~ that the manufacturing plant across the street does h~6~ night crew so they are still' eed of street parking. '""

Commissio Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Wahl, moved to establish'the"', no parking zo as follows: Along the south curbline of Vernon Way beginning at a pofn(85 feet wes f the westerly extended curbline of Fayette Street, thence east a distance of 225 fu~. ~

AY~ : Murphy, Wahl, and Waymire N¢,ES: Ferris, Herrera ! Motion passes.

ITEM II. LOADING ZONE AND DISABLED Mr. Krulikowski reported PARKING-REA STREET there are two requests combined for this item in that area. Mr. Krulikowski explained that the first portion of this item concerns establishing a loading zone for a business that has no onsite parking, and according to the owner, would benefit from a loading zone to load and unload equipment, especially for the heating/air conditioning business located in this building. He stated the second request is from St. 4 Traffic Commission Minutes September 8, 1999

Madeleine Sophie's Center who will be opening an art gallery at 109 Rea Street. Mr. Krulikowski noted that St. Madeleine's serve developmentally disabled adults who will be transported to and from this gallery. He stated they are requesting a disabled parking space adjacent to the proposed loading zone to facilitate the anticipated use by disabled persons.

Mr. Krulikowski noted that the disabled parking space requires the construction of a special ramp to allow full access as required. He reported this ramp is estimated to cost $500 and would normally be the requestor's responsibility; however, the property owner at this location is the City of EI Cajon with the requestor as a tenant. He stated because there is a cost involved, Council will determine if this is appropriate.

Debra Turner, Executive Director, St. Madeleine's Sophie's Center, addressed the Commission. Ms. Turner expressed her concern that there is not an area designatedfor the disabled vans to pull up to their building and drop people off. She noted that if they used the back access, a ramp would have to be built and would cost several thousand dollars to build, which they just can not afford.

Commissioner Murphy asked how the students attending St. Madeleine's arrive.

Ms. Turner stated that people arrive by buses and vans, and students who are mobility trained come by public transportation. Ms. Turner also mentioned this location will have a gallery and working studio and there will be people coming and going all day with a variety of disabilities.

Commissioner Waymire, seconded by Commissioner Ferris, moved to approve the two items requested as follows:

Install a loading zone described as follows; Along the south curbline of Rea Street, beginning at a point 33 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 25 feet.

Establish a Disabled Parking space described as follows: Along the south curbline of Rea Street, beginning at a point 84 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 14 feet.

Motion carried by unanimous vote of all those in attendance.



5 September 8, 1999


Attached are two requests for separate actions on Rea just east of Magnolia. The first request is for a loading zone for the business at 119 N. Magnolia. This building has no on­ site parking and according to the owner would benefit from this zone to load and unload equipment especially for the air conditioning business. The second request is from St. Madeleine Sophie's Center who will be opening an art gallery at 109 Rea. St. Madeleine's serves developmentally disabled adults who will be transported to and from this gallery. They are requesting a disabled parking space adjacent to the proposed loading zone to facilitate the anticipated use by disabled persons.

Attached is a drawing showing the two proposed changes to Rea. Currently there is angled parking along Rea and a no parking zone along the south curbline of Rea beginning at Magnolia Avenue. This proposal would replace one existing parking space with a disabled parking space and the loading zone would be installed within an existing no parking zone.

Parking studies were not conducted since no real loss of parking spaces would occur. Interviews were not conducted for the same reason and this area is entirely in front of the two requestors.

Based on the above information, the following options are presented for the Commissions' review and action:

1) Deny the request.

2) Install a loading zone described as follows; Along the south curbline of Rea Street, beginning at a point 33 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 25 feet.

3) Establish a Disabled Parking space described as follows: Along the south curbline of Rea Street, beginning at a point 84 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 14 feet.

Note: The disabled parking space requires the construction of a special ramp to allow full access as required. This ramp is estimated to cost $500 and would normally be the requestor's responsibility, however, the property owner at this location is the City of EI Cajon with the requestor as a tenant.




WHEREAS, the City Council deems it advisable to adopt the following additional traffic rules and regulations which the City is empowered to adopt by Resolution, and to modify Resolution No. 6887, the Traffic Resolution of the City of EI Cajon, to incorporate the following provisions as if set forth therein in full.


1. That the following portions of streets previously designated as a "Loading" Zone and governed by the provisions of Section 10.32.010 ofthe EI Cajon Municipal Code, are hereby rescinded:


Along the south curbline of Rea Avenue, beginning at a point 33 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 58 feet.

2. The above parking restrictions supersede any previously established restrictions within these described limits.

1/27/09 (Item 4.1)

Loading Zone on Rea rescind RESOLUTION NO. -09


WHEREAS, the City Council deems it advisable to adopt the following additional traffic rules and regulations which the City is empowered to adopt by Resolution, and to modify Resolution No. 6887, the Traffic Resolution of the City of EI Cajon, to incorporate the following provisions as if set forth therein in full.


1. That the following portions of streets previously designated as a "No Parking" Zone and governed by the provisions of Section 10.28.020 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code, are hereby rescinded:


Along the south curbline of Rea Avenue, beginning at a point 13 feet east of the easterly extended curbline of Magnolia Avenue, thence east a distance of 20 feet.

2. The above parking restrictions supersede any previously established restrictions within these described limits.

1/27/09 (Item 4.1)

No Parking Zone on Rea rescind

70 1/5/09 REVISED AGENDA - Closed Session Item 15 added 6.1


Meeting of the Metro Commission I and Metro Wastewater JPA co


Thursday, JANUARY 8, 2009 12:00 p.m.

9192 Topaz Way (MOC II) Auditorium San Diego, California

"The mission of the Metro Commission is to create an equitable partnership with the San Diego City Council on wastewater issues in the San Diego region that ensures fair rates for participating agencies, concem for the environment, and regionally balanced decisions through data analysis, collaboration among all stakeholders, and open dialogue."

Note: Any member of the Public may address the Metro Commission/Metro Wastewater JPA on any Agenda Item. Please complete a Speaker Slip and submit it to the Administrative Assistant or Chairperson prior to the start of the meeting if possible, or in advance of the specific item being called. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per individual.

Documentation Included 1. ROLL CALL

2. PUBLIC COMMENT Persons speaking during Public Comment may address the Metro Commission/ Metro Wastewater JPA on any subject matter within the jurisdiction of the Metro Commission and/or Metro Wastewater JPA that is not listed as an agenda item. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes. Please complete a Speaker Slip and submit it prior to the start of the meeting.





January 8, 2009 Metro Commission/Metro Wastewater JPA Agenda /1 1/5/09 REVISED AGENDA - Closed Session Item 15 added










Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9

(2 potential cases)


The Metro Commission and/or Metro Wastewater JPA may take action on any item listed in this Agenda whether or not it is listed "For Action."

Materials provided to the Commission and/or Metro Wastewater JPA related to any open-session item on this agenda are available for public review by contacting L. Peoples at (619) 476-2557 during normal business hours.

In compliance with the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT The Metro Commission/Metro Wastewater JPA requests individuals who require alternative agenda format or special accommodations to access, attend, and/or participate in the Metro Commission/Metro Wastewater JPA meetings, contact M. Barrett at (619) 236-6585, at least forty-eight hours in advance of the meetings.

January 8, 2009 Metro Commission/Metro Wastewater JPA Agenda City Clerk Date Stamp MEETING: 1/27/09

:. ITEM NO: 7.1

200Q I .. L~: 28

DATE: January 20,2009

TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Mayor Pro Tem Bill Wells SUBJECT: Council Activities Report


That the City Council accept and file the following report of Council/Mayor activities attended during the current agenda period.

BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 53232.3(d) requires members of a legislative body to provide brief reports on meetings attended at the expense ofthe local agency at the next regular meeting ofthe legislative body.


Since the last City Council meeting, I have attended the following events on behalf ofthe City of EI Cajon:

January 13, 2009 ­ Meeting with EI Cajon Community Development Corp. January 16, 2009 ­ Pick up materials from City Hall January 21-23, 2009 ­ New Mayors and Council Members Academy January 23, 2009 ­ Pick up materials from City Hall January 27, 2009 Agenda Meeting, City Council Meetings 3:00 and 7:00 p.m.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. SUBMITTEDtiel) BY, Bill Wells Mayor Pro Tem

13 8.1

JUlian Hanson-Cox COUNCIL ACTIVITIES (from Jan 14 to Jan 27,2009)

Fri, 01/16/09- Meeting with Tracy Morgan Hollingworth from East San Diego County Association of REALTORS to discuss ideas on how to boost sales.

Tue, 01/20/09- Pick up mail at City Hall

Fri, 01/23/09 - Economic Development Meeting at City Hall.

Tue, 01/27/09- City Council Meeting(s) City Clerk Date Stamp MEETING: 1/27/09

ITEM NO: 9.1

; ,\

DATE: January 20, 2009

TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Councilmember Kendrick SUBJECT: Council Activities Report


That the City Council accept and file the following report of Council/Mayor activities attended during the current agenda period.

BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 53232.3(d) requires members of a legislative body to provide brief reports on meetings attended at the expense of the local agency at the next regular meeting ofthe legislative body.


Since the last City Council meeting, I have attended the following events on behalf ofthe City of EI Cajon:

January 22, 2009 ­ Heartland Communications Facility Authority January 24, 2009 ­ Pick up material from City Hall January 27, 2009 - City Council Meetings - 3:00 & 7:00 p.m.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


vil' ·7L~/C!(( Gary Ke rick f!;;~~: Councilmember

1 City Clerk Date Stamp MEETING: 1/27/09

ITEM NO:__.....,;1;...;;,.0,;;...;;..1

ZOOq JAN 20 A 10: .b

DATE: January 20, 2009 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Councilmember McClellan SUBJECT: Council Activities Report


That the City Council accept and file the following report of Council/Mayor activities attended during the current agenda period.

BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 53232.3(d) requires members of a legislative body to provide brief reports on meetings attended at the expense of the local agency at the next regular meeting ofthe legislative body.


Since the last City Council meeting, I have attended the following events on behalf of the City of EI Cajon:

January 9, 2009 ­ City/MTS Taxi Permit Meeting January 15, 2009 ­ MTS Meeting January 16, 2009 ­ Pick up materials from City Hall January 23, 2009 ­ Pick up materials from City Hall January 27, 2009 - City Council Meetings - 3:00 & 7:00 p.m.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

SUBMITTED BY, I10b /JJd%lt?6'- / , Bob McClellan (UL Councilmember



An act to amend Section 1520.5 of the Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(b)(3). AS 411 Emmerson Health and Safety Code, relating to 04/10/2007 Support Assembly Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE residential care facilities. (06/01/2007 marked 2 YEAR) 2/1/2008

An act to add Chapter 12.491 Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b)(3). (commencing with Section 8879.38) to Last location was TRANS. (Refers to AS 412 Smyth 4/10/2007 Monitor Assembly Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government 4/16/2007 hearing) (12/05/2007 marked 2 Code, relatinq to transportation. YEAR) 02/01/2008 An act to amend Sections 65583.2 Vetoed by the Governor. - 10/13/2007 AS 414 Jones and 65863 of the Government Code, 8/14/2007 Oppose Assembly relating to local planning.

An act to add Section 42913 to the Consideration of Governor's veto stricken AS 548 Levine Public Resources Code, relating to 05/08/2007 Support Assembly from file. -- 01/14/2008 recycling.

An act to add Chapter 1.7 (commencing with Section 1800) to Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b)(3). AS 655 Swanson Part 1 of Division 2 of the Public 4/10/2007 Monitor Assembly Hearing canceled at the request of author. Contract Code, relating to public (06/19/2007 marked 2 YEAR) 2/1/2008 contracts. An act to add Chapter 6.5 Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b)(3). (commencing with Section 42390) to AS 820 Karnette 05/08/2007 Support Assembly Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE Part 3 of Division 30 of the Public (06/01/2007 marked 2 YEAR) 2/1/2008 Resources Code, relating to recycling. An act to add and repeal Section 97.48 of the Revenue and Taxation Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b)(3). AS 1254 Caballero Code, relating to local government 4/10/2007 Support Assembly Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE finance. (06/01/2007 marked 2 YEAR) 2/1/2008

Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b)(3). An act to amend Section 65915 of the AS 1256 Caballero 4/10/2007 Support Assembly Last location was L. GOV. (05/14/2007 Government Code, relating to housing. marked 2 YEAR) 2/1/2008

An act to amend Section 85703 of the Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter AS 1430 Garrick Government Code, relating to the 7/24/07 Monitor Assembly 708, Statutes of 2007. -10/14/2007 Political Reform Act of 1974

...,) -1 The Legislative Report tracks bills for the 2009·2010 Session of the California Legislature that the EI Cajon City Council/ Redevelopment Agency has voted to monitor, support or oppose. Page - 1 - Updated January 21, 2009 at 9:00 a.m., for the January 27, 2009 City Council Meeting COUNCIL BILL STATUSI BILL NO. SPONSOR SUBJECT POSITION COMMITTEE DATE LAST ACTION DATE

An act to amend Section 25214.10.1 of the Health and Safety Code, and to amend Sections 42463 and 42464 of Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b)(3). AB 1535 Huffman 05/08/2007 Support Assembly the Public Resources Code, relating to Last locations was E.S. & T.M. - 2/1/2008 electronic waste, and making an appropriation therefor. An act to amend and add various sections to the PUC, relating to the Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter SB 10 Kehoe 8/14/2007 Support Assembly San Diego County Regional Airport Number 287, Statutes of 2007-10/05/2007 Authority. An act to repeal and add Section 23109.2 of the Vehicle Code, relating Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to SB 266 Steinberg 4/10/2007 Support Senate to vehicles. Joint Rule 56. -2/4/2008

An act to amend Sections 8879.23 and 8879.28 of the Government Code, Lowenthall and Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter SB 286 relating to transportation bonds, and 4/10/207 Support Senate Dutton Number 373, Statutes of 2008.09/27/2008 declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately. An act to amend Sections 65301, 65582, 65583, 65583.2,and 65860 of, to add Sections 65300.1, 5583.3, Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b)(17). SB 303 Ducheny 65588.2, and 65588.3 to, and to 4/10/2007 Oppose Senate (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE repeal and add Section 65588 of, the on 08/31/2008 Government Code, relating to local government. An act to amend Sections 65080, 65400, 65583, 65584.01, 65584.02, 65584.04,65587, and 65588 of, and to add Sections 14522.1, 14522.2, and 65080.01 to, the Government Code, Chaptered by the Secretary of State, Chapter SB 375 Steinberg and to amend Section 21061.3 of, to 8/12/2008 Monitor Assembly add Section 21159.28 to, and to add Number 728, Statutes of 2008 -09/30/2008 Chapter 4.2 (commencing with Section 21155) to Division 13 of, the Public Resources Code, relating to environmental quality. An act to amend Section 1520.5 of the Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to SB 709 Dutton Health and SafetyCode, relating to 4/10/2007 Support Senate residential facilities. Joint Rule 56-2/4/2008

..J t)\ The Legislative Report tracks bills for the 2009·2010 Session of the California Legislature that the EI Cajon City Council! Redevelopment Agency has voted to monitor, support or oppose. Page - 2 - Updated January 21, 2009 at 9:00 a.m., for the January 27, 2009 City Council Meeting COUNCIL BILL STATUS/ BILL NO. SPONSOR SUBJECT POSITION COMMITTEE DATE LAST ACTION DATE

An act to amend Section 3003.5 of the Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61 (b}(11). S8 913 Hollingsworth 03/27/2007 Monitor Senate Penal Code, relating to sex offenders. Last location was SENATE-6/2/2008

An act to amend Sections 1523.1, 1566.2, and 1566.3 of, and to add Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to S8 914 Hollingsworth Section 1566.9 to, the Health and Safety 03/27/2007 Monitor Senate Joint Rule 56-2/4/2008 Code, relating to community care facilities.

An act to add Division 3commencing Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to S8 934 Lowenthal with Section 64100) to Title 6.7 of the 4/10/2007 Support Senate Joint Rule 56-2/4/2008 Government Code, relating to housing.

An act to add Section 21080.20 to the An act to amend Sections 21083.9 and S8 947 Hollingsworth Public Resources Code, relating to 03/27/2007 Monitor Senate 21092.4 of the Public Resources Code, environmental quality. relating to environmental quality. 9/30/2008

..,.j ..S> The Legislative Report tracks bills for the 2009·2010 Session of the California Legislature that the EI Cajon City Council I Redevelopment Agency has voted to monitor, support or oppose. Page - 3 - Updated January 21, 2009 at 9:00 a,m., for the January 27, 2009 City Council Meeting 11.1

IN THIS ISSUE: January 9, 2009 Issue #1-2009

Page 4: Governor's BUdget Proposal: Summary of Items of Interest or Concern to Cities Page 5: California Water Environment Association Offers Training on SSO-WDR New Mayors and Council Members Academy to Take Place this Month City Advocate Weekly Replaces Priority Focus in January Page 6: League Offices Temporarily Relocated Find a Bill, Legislators, Leg Committee, or Ask League Leg Staff


This week President-Elect Barack Obama began releasing more details for his plans to jumpstart the nation's economy. The "American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan" is expected to invest in health care, energy, infrastructure, and education, as well as save or create over 3 million jobs. It will focus on responsibility, accountability, and transparency. You can read the details of Obama's plan at agenda/. For more, see Page 2.



Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) has introduced S. 116, a bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to allocate $10,000,000,000 of Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds to local governments that have suffered significant losses due to highly-rated investments in failed financial institutions. For more, see Page 3.



A solution to the state's $41.6 billion, 18-month budget deficit seemed farther away this week, when Gov. vetoed the entire package of budget-balancing bills passed by the Legislature in December. That package of 12 majority vote-only bills aimed to cut state expenses and raise revenues to achieve about $18.1 billion current fiscal year General Fund savings, split roughly into $9.3 billion in new revenues and $8.7 billion in cuts. For more, see Page 3. 'Transportation' Continued from Page 1...

While the President-Elect has not yet publicly announced the total amount of his proposed plans, his office has indicated it will be between $675 billion and $800 billion. Early in the week, Obama met with Congressional leadership and encouraged them to act quickly to pass a plan. He also asked that no earmarks be included in the bill. Acknowledging the extraordinary amount of money needed to get the economy on track, he indicated an oversight board would be created to identify and solve problems early in the process in order to make sure the money is not misspent.

Alternative Approaches Discussed for Transportation Funding

Even before details of the plan began to be released, California began preparing for a sudden influx of money. Cities across the state have been working with the League, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and other government agencies in their regions to compile information on projects that are "shovel ready" and for which contracts can be quickly executed.

League staff is participating in meetings with state agencies and other interested parties to review current state law in order to ensure that the state is able to allocate and distribute any funds received in a timely manner. Current law sometimes requires that funds be routed through several other funds and agencies before it actually is received by the agency that will spend the funds. In some cases, a competitive process is required before funds are allocated.

An example of a situation where state law may need to be revised is in the area of transportation. In mid-December, Caltrans convened a working group to begin preparing for the implementation of a federal economic stimulus plan. The working group has been discussing the best manner to get transportation dollars to the agencies that will be putting the dollars to work. The following two proposals have emerged from the discussions.

Proposal A: A Regional Approach. The California Association of Councils of Governments (CALCOG) supports allocating the funds using the existing Surface Transportation Program (STP) formula. Under this proposal, the regional transportation agencies would receive 62.5 percent of the funds, and Caltrans would receive the remaining 37.5 percent. CALCOG maintains that the existing program works, and that is the best system to get the funds committed quickly. Some cities and counties are concerned with this approach because there would not be a direct or committed allocation to cities and counties.

Proposal B: Direct Allocation to Cities and Counties. In the second proposal, funds will be split evenly among 1) Caltrans, 2) regional agencies, and 3) cities and counties. In order to simplify the process, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) would be given the authority to distribute the funds to the regions, cities, and counties, as well as the responsibility to report to the federal Department of Transportation what projects will be funded. It has been suggested that under this plan, cities and counties could "loan" their federal economic stimulus money to Caltrans. Caltrans would use the funds immediately to backfill projects that are in jeopardy of being shut down mid-project due to the fiscal conditions in California. Cities and counties would then be paid back with other Prop. 1B funds once the state is able to sell bonds again. The funds would be an augmentation to Prop. 1B, and allocated using the same formula as Prop. 1B.

The League and California State Association of Counties (CSAC) have been discussing both proposals with public works directors, and Proposal B has some benefits for cities. First, if cities agreed to loan their economic stimulus funds to the state and receive an augmentation to their Prop. 1B dollars in return, the funds would be state dollars and would not need to meet federal requirements, including the National Environmental Quality Act (NEPA). Also, the definition of uses under Prop. 1B is broader than the definition expected in the Federal package. Second, the funds would not have to be contracted in the short timeframes required by the federal package. Third, cities would know in advance the amount of funds they will receive and can prepare for their use. Finally, Caltrans would not default on their currently contracted projects, saving the transportation community up to $350 million in penalties.


8, These proposals will continue to be developed as more specific details for the federal package become known. The working group convened by Caltrans will also continue to meet to reach a final consensus on what is best for California. If your city has any comments or questions on the proposals above, please email Jennifer Whiting at [email protected]. Updates to the negotiations will also be included in future issues of Priority FaGus.

'TARP Legislation' Continued from Page 1...

The League supports the measure, which has been referred to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

The League will provide additional information as this bill moves through the process.

'Budget' Continued from Page 1...

The Governor and budget experts agree that the deficit increases with each day that passes without a budget solution. The State Controller has cautioned that without a budget solution, the state will run out of money to pay its bills in February.

Governor Explains Veto. In a letter this week to Democratic legislative leaders and in a subsequent press conference, the Governor explained that he had vetoed the package of bills because he concluded they did not go far enough in cutting expenses, and would punish taxpayers by establishing a new withholding requirement for independent contractors. He questioned the constitutionality of legislation that would give the Department of Finance the authority to raise taxes administratively, without legislative approval, based on annual revenue projections. He also was concerned with legislation that would increase the price of gasoline 13 cents above current levels "at a time when hard-working Californians are already suffering."

The Governor also objected that the package fell short of reforms that he believes are essential to stimulate the state's sluggish economy. These include providing relief from environmental and labor laws for infrastructure projects, and granting the state greater authority to use design-build and public-private partnership agreements to build infrastructure. He also faulted the Legislature for failing to put forward bills that will help families facing foreclosure.

Administration Posts Early Release of 2009·10 Budget Proposal

Gov. Schwarzenegger's Department of Finance rolled out the Administration's own proposal to solve the state's budget deficit on New Year's Eve.

The proposal would close the deficits in the current 2008-09 fiscal year and the budget year that starts on July 1, 2009. It would achieve this, and create a $2.1 billion reserve by cutting $17.4 billion in services over the next 18 months and increasing revenues by $14.3 billion. Additionally, the proposal assumes that the state can both increase lottery revenues by $5 billion and borrow that money; and that the state will be able to ease its fiscal problems by issuing $4.6 billion in revenue anticipation warrants (RAWs), which will be repaid in the 2010-11 fiscal year. (View a copy of the budget proposal on the Department of Finance Web site. The Legislative Analyst has produced an initial review of the budget, available at

The plan includes many concepts put forward in earlier budget proposals made by the Governor or the Legislature. League staff are still studying the proposal, but there does not appear to be any significant impacts on cities, including no raids or borrowing from property taxes (including redevelopment) or transportation sales tax revenues (Prop. 42/1A). (See also "Governor's Budget Proposal: Summary of Actions of Interest or Concern to Cities" on page 4.)

The Governor followed up his veto, however, by calling together the "Big Four" (Democratic and Republican Senate and Assembly Leaders) to meet with him today in a new effort to negotiate a budget solution.

Court of Appeal Declines to Intervene in Democratic Budget Proposal. Also this week, the Court of Appeal denied a petition filed by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the 3 Republican Members of the Legislature, requesting that budget bills passed by legislative Democrats in December on a simple-majority basis be returned to the Legislature and made subject to a two-thirds vote. The court said that unless and until the bills were signed, there was no reason to intercede in the legislative process.

Budget Uncertainty Hurts Cities· and the State

In the absence of a final state budget plan, the biggest impact on cities at this time is the ongoing uncertainty as to how the state will ultimately solve its deficit problems. City officials are already struggling to make the local cuts necessary to live within their own declining revenues. The uncertainty as to whether the state will cut or borrow local funds to balance the state budget is an added burden.

Finally, the state's shaky credit worthiness has a spillover effect on cities, who find that their own ability to sell locally-approved bonds may be impacted by the concern of bond houses as to the state's credit-worthiness.

Governor's Budget Proposal: Summary of Items of Interest or Concern to Cities The following is a summary of budget actions of interest to cities that were included in the Administration's 18-month budget proposal, released on December 31, 2008. City officials have seen most of these concepts in prior budget-balancing proposals released over the past few months.

• No Borrowing Local Funds. The Governor does not propose to borrow local property taxes or Proposition 42 (sales tax on gas) revenues. • Redevelopment Funds. No additional take of redevelopment revenue is proposed. • Prop. 1B (Transportation) and Prop. 1C (Housing) Allocation. The proposal allocates $700 million in remaining Prop.1 B Local Street and Road funds, as well as an additional $487 million in Prop. 1C housing funds for infill, park and transit-oriented development projects. • Federal Funds. Allocation of $140 million in federal foreclosure assistance funds local agencies by the Department of Housing and Community Development. • Public Safety. Retention of the Governor's previously proposed cuts to local public safety programs, which include shifting funding for COPS and Booking Fees to Vehicle License Fees, and eliminating funding to several specialized public safety grant programs. • Prison Costs. No changes are made to the Governor's previous proposals designed to save state prison costs which include enhanced sentencing credit programs for state inmates and eliminating state parole supervision for specified offenders with non-violent histories. • State Mandate Reimbursements. $131 million is proposed to be allocated to reimburse current mandate claims, but the Governor proposes to defer for one year a $91 million payment for previously-owed mandate claims. • Transit. $153 million is proposed to be cut from state transit assistance funds in the 2008-09 fiscal year and $306 million in 2009-10. • Property Tax Deferrals. New tax deferrals under the existing Senior Citizens Property Tax Deferral Program are proposed to be suspended on Feb. 1, 2009. • SB 375 Implementation. An additional $682,000 is proposed to be allocated to the Air Resources Board for work in developing travel demand models associated with regional planning activities required by SB 375 (Steinberg). • Waste Tire Recycling Program. An additional $8.6 million is proposed to be allocated for the Waste Tire Recycling Management Program for various loans, local assistance grants and public outreach. • Emergency Response. $17.1 million is proposed to be allocated for state emergency response activities to be funded through a 2.8 percent surcharge on all residential and commercial insurance policies. • Public Safety Interoperability. $4.5 million in federal funds is designated for public safety interoperability grants through the California Emergency Management Agency. 4

B3 California Water Environment Association Offers Training on SSO·WDR

The California Water Environment Association (CWEA) continues to fulfill its Memo of Agreement with the State Water Resources Board, by offering training on the Sanitary Sewer Overflows­ Water Discharge Requirements (SSO-WDR). Training is planned through June 2009 on four compliance topics in 13 cities throughout the state. This training continues to be critical, especially as the State Water Board begins to move into the enforcement phase of the SSO­ WDR.

The next three training workshops are scheduled as follows:

Jan. 13, 2009, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Electronic Reporting Requirements & Tips City of Fresno 5607 W. Jensen Ave. (559) 621-5190

Feb. 5, 2009 - Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) Requirement 1 City of Santa Rosa Laguna Treatment Plant 4300 Llano Rd. Santa Rosa, CA 95407

Feb. 10, 2009 - SSMP 4 M's (Map, Maintain, Measure & Modify) Sacramento Regional CSD 8510 Laguna Station Rd. Elk Grove, CA 95758

For more information, including online registration, please visit the CWEA Web site at

New Mayors and Council Members Academy to Take Place this Month

Newly-elected mayors and council members will have an opportunity to learn critically important "rules of the road" when they convene Jan. 21-23 in Sacramento for the League of California Cities' New Mayors and Council Members Academy. The 2009 Academy features a range of educational sessions designed to address the priorities and requirements newly-elected officials face as they assume office. Among the topics to be covered are 'Your Legal Powers and Obligations,' 'Effective Advocacy and Key City Issues' and 'AB 1234: Ethics Training,' to name just a few.

Participants have the opportunity to network with other newly elected officials and League staff. They will be introduced to their League regional division members and staff representatives and discover how to build a local network. They will also have the opportunity to network with their own and other state legislators at a special Legislative Reception.

For more information on the Mayors and Council Members Academy, please contact Brian Sanders at [email protected], or visit the League Web site at

City Advocate Weekly Replaces Priority Focus in January

The League is pleased to announce a new name for its weekly newsletter: City Advocate Weekly. With a tag line of "Legislation and Policy Affecting California Cities," the renamed publication will also feature a redesigned masthead. Stories will continue to focus on key legislation affecting cities and other items of interest to city officials.


84 The League anticipates launching City Advocate Weekly sometime in January. Priority Focus will remain in place until the rename is official and subscribers will automatically receive City Advocate Weekly without having to re-subscribe.

League Offices Temporarily Relocated Mailing Address, Email Addresses and Phone Numbers Unchanged

City officials and others who visit the League's Sacramento offices over the next 8 - 10 months will find the League staff and most building tenants have temporarily relocated to offices at 770 L Street while some long delayed work is done to replace the obsolete HVAC, plumbing and other systems in the building. All mail should continue to go to our permanent address of 1400 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 and all phone number and email addresses are unchanged.

Find a Bill, Legislators, Leg Committee, or Ask League Leg Staff

Visit (and bookmark!) the League's Legislative Resources Web page (www.cacities.orgllegresources). You'll find a roster and contact information for the League's legislative staff; the online Bill Search program, background materials on lobbying your legislators, and more.


85' IN THIS ISSUE: January 16, 2009 Issue #2·2009

Page 2: State Running Out Of Cash - How Did We Get Here? Page 3: Bipartisan Commission to Review California's Outdated Revenue Laws Page 4: Legislative Committees Announced Page 8: High Speed Rail Scoping Meetings Coming to Bay Area This Month Page 9: City Officials to Attend League Events January 19-23 in Sacramento Page 10: Attend the 3rd Annual Green CA Summit, March 16 -18, 2009 Nominate an Outstanding Leader for the 2009 California Civic Leadership Institute Page 11: PPIC Task Force Calls on State's Leaders to Act with Unity, Urgency on Plan for Federal Dollars Page 13: Find a Bill, Legislators, Leg Committee, or Ask League Leg Staff


House Democratic leaders yesterday began unveiling an $825 billion economic stimulus package featuring $550 billion in spending and $275 billion in tax breaks. There is much in this package of great interest to local officials concerned about the effects of home foreclosures, job losses, reduced sales, property taxes and other factors having a direct impact on local communities. A summary of the release is available at For more, see Page 2.



With California a few short weeks away from running out of cash, there was little visible progress this week on a resolution to the state's $42 billion, 18-month budget deficit. The "Big Five" met to discuss options, but a budget agreement still seemed to elude the key budget players. For more, see Page 2.



League Board President Judy Mitchell, mayor of Rolling Hills Estates, was among the special guests of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday, invited to view his State of the State speech in the Assembly gallery. For more, see Page 2. 'Stimulus' Continued from Page 1...

The House Ways & Means also released a summary of the tax provisions that it will be considering as its part of the package next week. It can be viewed at htip:// 008115taxstimuIus. pdf.

League staff are just beginning to review the many proposals contained in this package. There is little detailed information available at this point. We will keep city officials informed as more information becomes available.

Please note that we have created a Federal Economic Stimulus Update &zone=locc§ion=&sub sec=&tert=&storv=2 7580 story on the League Web site. We will use this to post any documents we receive relating to the federal package.

'Budget' Continued from Page 1...

Yesterday Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered his annual State of the State speech - a full two weeks following the Administration's release of his budget proposal to correct both the current year deficit, and provide a spending plan for the 2009-10 fiscal year. It was a shorter and far more subdued speech than his presentations in past years. He described the state as "incapacitated" and facing a true emergency. He urged the senators and assembly members gathered before him in the Assembly chambers to put ideology aside for the good of the state, and to work together to find a budget solution.

'Mitchell' Continued from Page 1...

"It was a somber speech," commented Mitchell. "He was very clear about telling legislators that it was critical that they work together to resolve this terrible budget crisis quickly."

Mitchell noted that the speech contained no references to local governments, and that the Administration budget proposal released two weeks ago contained no new proposals to borrow redevelopment funds from local agencies.

"Our city officials need to remain alert and engaged," she cautioned. "We need to continue to support the efforts of state leaders to find long-term solutions to their budget problems that don't involve shifts of local funds." California State Association of Counties President Gary Wyatt and League Board President Judy Mitchell, Mayor of Rolling Hills Estates.

State Running Out Of Cash - How Did We Get Here?

While the budget stalemate between legislators and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger continues, the deficit continues to grow. Without a fix, state budget experts estimate that the California state budget deficit will reach $42 billion over the next 18 months. The State Controller has warned that cash resources will dry out as early as next month if the Legislature does not act to correct the budget imbalance, forcing the state to issue IOUs to its vendors and to delay refunds for taxpayers.

Many city officials may be asking, how could this be? How could the state of California reach such a critical condition?


81 Simply put, the state's total expenses exceed the resources it has available to spend. Whatever fix the Governor and legislators may agree upon to balance the budget, a significant factor in the state's deficit is mainly the shrinking state general fund revenues, exacerbated by deteriorating economic conditions nationally and worldwide.

The Department of Finance calculates a $31 billion discrepancy between the estimated revenues for the budget years 2007-08,2008-09,2009-10, and actual revenues received. More than $17.7 billion of that amount is attributable to declining personal income tax revenue, about half of which is associated with reduced capital gains, the other half due to changing economic conditions. About $5.9 billion results from a decline in sales and use tax revenue, caused by reduced disposable income among taxpayers and fewer auto sales, as well as reduced transfers to transportation funds due to lower forecasted gas prices. About $4.9 billion of the loss results from reduced corporation franchise and income tax receipts, due to declining corporate profits. Another $1.3 billion is due to declining property tax revenues.

Behind these cold numbers are three culprits:

• Job Losses. Between June and October 2008, the state lost 47,100 jobs -- an average of 15,700 job losses per month, and a tripling of the 5,200 monthly job losses occurring in the first five months of the year. While modest job gains were seen in health services, government, leisure and hospitality, education, and natural resources and mining, job losses occurred in major industry sectors such as trade, transportation, utilities, professional and business services, manufacturing, construction, financial activities and the information sectors. The state unemployment rate hit 8.2 percent in October, the highest since September 1994, and the largest year-over-year increase since December 1982.

• Construction Hit Hard. Residential permits were down 48 percent from October 2007 to October 2008, as the fifth consecutive month-over decline hit the industry, recording the lowest level of activity in decades. Single-family permits were down 44 percent, while multi­ family permitting was down 53 percent. Slowing office and retail construction led to nonresidential construction permits falling 36 percent in October from a year earlier, making the month the weakest since February 2004.

• Home Sales. Weakening home prices contributed to increase in the numbers of existing home sales in October -- more than twice the rate of sales posted a year earlier. However, the median price of existing, single-family homes sold was 40 percent less than last year.

Need More Information? For more information on how California got to where it is today, please view the following documents from the Department of Finance Web site:

• General Fund Workload Revenue Forecast Workload Rev.pdf • Department of Finance Bulletin, December 2008 bu lIetins/2008/December/documents/Dec-08.doc

Bipartisan Commission to Review California's Outdated Revenue Laws

On Oct. 30, 2008, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-12-08 to create the bipartisan commission on the 21 st Century Economy, tasked with reviewing California's 80 year­ old revenue-gathering laws and making recommendations on how to modernize them. The commission consists of 12 members -- six appointed by the Governor, three by the Speaker of the Assembly, and three by the Senate President pro Tem. They will meet on Jan. 22 in San Diego for the first time. The commission will deliver a report with recommendations on or before April 15, following three consecutive meetings scheduled for Feb. 12 in Los Angeles, March 10 in Berkeley, and April 9 in Davis. The meetings are open to the public. The commission will consider how to: • Establish a 21 st century tax structure that fits with state's 21 st century economy; • Stabilize state revenues and reduce volatility; 3

88 • Promote the long-term economic prosperity of the state and its citizens; • Improve California's ability to successfully compete with other states and nations for jobs and investments; • Reflect principles of sound tax policy including simplicity, competitiveness, efficiency, predictability, stability and ease of compliance and administration; and • Ensure that the tax structure is fair and equitable.

The members of the commission come from diverse backgrounds and will all serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the official who appointed them.

The Governor's appointees are: • Gerald Parsky, chair of the commission. Parsky is currently the chairman of a private investment firm and was assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department from 1974 to 1977 in charge of international affairs and capital markets. • Ruben Barrales, the president and chief executive officer for the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce since 2006. In 2001 he was appointed as Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush and served as White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. • Michael Boskin, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and T.M. Friedman professor of Economics at Stanford University. • John Cogan, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and has also been a professor in the public policy program at Stanford University since 1980. • Becky Morgan, founder of the Morgan Family Foundation in 1993, and also served as a member of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors from 1978 to 1980. • Curt Pringle, mayor of the city of Anaheim since 2002, and the president of Curt Pringle and Associates. Pringle was a California State Assembly member from 1988 to 1990 and 1992 to 1998 and served as Speaker of the Assembly in 1996.

Speaker of the Assembly Bass and Senate President pro Tem Steinberg's appointees are: • Christopher Edley, Jr., Dean of the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, has served as an advisor to former President Clinton's One America Initiative. He was a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, and chaired President Clinton's 1998 Affirmative Action Review. He was an advisor to President Elect Barack Obama during the 2008 Democratic primaries. • George Halvorson, chairman and chief executive officer of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals since 2002. • Jennifer Ito, the research, training and policy education director of SCOPE (Santa Clarita Organization for Planning the Environment) a community-based organization dedicated to reducing and eliminating structural barriers to social and economic opportunities for poor and working class communities. • Fred Keeley, a political science professor at San Jose State University, and the treasurer of Santa Cruz County since 2005. From 1996 to 2002, he served as a California State Assembly member where he also served as Speaker pro Tempore of the Assembly. • Monica Lozano, publisher and chief executive officer of La Opinion, and also served as senior vice president of its parent company, ImpreMedia. Lozano is a member of the University of California Board of Regents and serves as a trustee of the University of Southern California and SunAmerica Asset Management Corporation. She is also the director of the California Health Care Foundation. • Richard Pomp, professor of law at the University of Connecticut. Pomp also works as a consultant to cities, states, the Multistate Tax Commission, the Navajo Nation, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Treasury, the U.S. Department of Justice, Internal Revenue Service, United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and numerous foreign countries.

Please visit the Web site for the Commission on the 21 st Century Economy ( for more information on meetings schedules, agendas and minutes.

League Staff will be monitoring the commission's activities, and report to cities as their work develops.

4 Legislative Committees Announced

The Senate and Assembly this week announced the formation of legislative committees for the 2009-10 session. The Senate announced both the chairs of the committees and committee members. The Assembly only announced committee chairs and vice chairs.

City officials should review this information carefully to become familiar with the assignments of their legislators. This information will become increasingly important as the legislative session kicks into gear.

Senate Committee Appointments, 2009·10 Legislative Session Appropriations Kehoe (Chair), Cox (Vice Chair), Vee, DeSaulnier, Corbett, Leno, Oropeza, Hancock, Wolk, Runner, Wyland, Walters, Denham

Banking, Finance & Insurance Calderon (Chair), Runner (Vice Chair), Florez, Kehoe, Lowenthal, Correa, Padilla, Liu, Cox, Harman

Budget & Fiscal Review (All 39 senators, plus 1 vacancy)

Budget Subcommittees - three voting members:

Subcommittee #1: Education Romero (Chair), Huff, Liu

Subcommittee #2: Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy, &Transportation Simitian (Chair), Cogdill, Lowenthal

Subcommittee #3: Health & Human Services, Labor & Veteran's Affairs Leno (Chair), Alquist, Hollingsworth

Subcommittee #4: State Administration, General Government &Judicial DeSaulnier (Chair), Wright, Harman

Subcommittee #5: Revenues and the Economy Ducheny (Chair), Padilla, Dutton

Business, Professions & Economic Development Negrete McLeod (Chair), Wyland (Vice Chair), Correa, Florez, Corbett, Romero, Vee, Oropeza, Aanestad, Walters

Education Romero (Chair), Huff (Vice Chair), Simitian, Alquist, Padilla, Hancock, Liu, Wyland, Maldonado

Elections, Reapportionment &Constitutional Amendments Hancock (Chair), Walters (Vice Chair), DeSaulnier, Liu, Cogdill

Energy, Utilities and Communications Padilla (Chair), Benoit (Vice Chair), Calderon, Simitian, Lowenthal, Kehoe, Wright, Corbett, Cox, Strickland

Environmental Quality Simitian (Chair), Runner (Vice Chair), Hancock, Corbett, Lowenthal, Pavley, Ashburn

Food and Agriculture Florez (Chair), Maldonado (Vice Chair), Pavley, Hancock, Hollingsworth

5 Governmental Organization Wright (Chair), Harman (Vice Chair), Negrete McLeod, Oropeza, Yee, Wiggins, Florez, Romero, Calderon, Padilla, Denham, Wyland, Benoit

Health Alquist (Chair), Strickland (Vice Chair), Cedillo, Negrete McLeod, Wolk, Pavley, DeSaulnier, Lena, Cox, Maldonado, Aanestad

Human Services Liu (Chair), Maldonado (Vice Chair) Yee, Alquist, Hollingsworth

Judiciary Corbett (Chair), Harman (Vice Chair), Florez, Leno, Walters

Labor & Industrial Relations DeSaulnier (Chair), Wyland (Vice Chair), Leno, Yee, Negrete McLeod, Cogdill

Legislative Ethics Walters (Chair), Lowenthal (Vice Chair), Corbett

Local Government Wiggins (Chair), Cox (Vice Chair), Kehoe, Wolk, Aanestad

Natural Resources and Water Pavley (Chair), Hollingsworth (Vice Chair), Kehoe, Wiggins, Leno, Wolk, Simitian, Padilla, Benoit, Cogdill,Huff

Public Employment and Retirement Correa (Chair), Ashburn (Vice Chair), Negrete McLeod, Wiggins, Padilla, Liu, Benoit

Public Safety Lena (Chair), Benoit (Vice Chair), Cedillo, Wright, Steinberg, Hancock, Huff

Revenue &Taxation Wolk (Chair), Walters (Vice Chair), Alquist, Wiggins, Florez, Runner, Ashburn

Rules Steinberg (Chair), Aanestad (Vice Chair), Cedillo, Oropeza, Dutton

Transportation and Housing Lowenthal (Chair), Huff (Vice Chair), Oropeza, Pavley, Simitian, Kehoe, Wolk, DeSaulnier, Ashburn, Harman, Dutton

Veterans Affairs Denham (Chair), Correa (Vice Chair), Wiggins, Negrete McLeod, Cedillo, Wyland, Maldonado

Assembly Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs, 2009-10 Session

Accountability and Administrative Review Hector De La Torre, D-South Gate, chair Audra Strickland, R-Thousand Oaks, vice chair

Aging and Long-Term Care Bonnie Lowenthal, D-Long Beach, chair Norma Torres, D-Ontario, vice chair

Agriculture Cathleen Galgiani, D-Stockton, chair , R-Modesto, vice chair

6 Appropriations Kevin De Leon, D-Los Angeles, chair , R-Gerber, vice chair

Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media Mike Davis, D-Los Angeles, chair Jim Silva, R-Huntington Beach, vice chair

Banking and Finance Pedro Nava, D-Santa Barbara Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, vice chair

Budget Noreen Evans, D-Santa Rosa, chair Roger Niello, R-Fair Oaks, vice chair

Business and Professions Mary Hayashi, D-Hayward, chair Bill Emmerson, R-Redlands, vice chair

Education Julia Brownley, D-Santa Monica, chair Brian Nestande, R-Riverside, vice chair

Elections, Redistricting and Constitutional Amendments Warren Furutani, D-South Los Angeles, chair Anthony Adams, R-Hesperia, vice chair

Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Wesley Chesbro, D-Eurkea, chair Jeff Miller, R-Corona, vice chair

Governmental Organization Curren Price, D-Inglewood, chair Joel Anderson, R-Alpine, vice chair

Health Dave Jones, D-Sacramento, chair Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego, vice chair

Higher Education Anthony Portantino, D-La Canada Flintridge, chair Connie Conway, R-Tulare, vice chair

Housing and Community Development Tony Mendoza, D-Norwalk, chair Diane Harkey, R-Dana Point, vice chair

Human Services Jim Beall Jr., D-San Jose, chair Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, vice chair

Insurance Joe Coto, D-San Jose, chair Martin Garrick, R-Carlsbad, vice chair

Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy V. Manuel Perez, D-Coachella, chair Dan Logue, R-Linda, vice chair

7 Judiciary Mike Feuer, D-Los Angeles, chair Van Tran, R-Costa Mesa, vice chair

Labor and Employment Sandre Swanson, D-Alameda, chair Bill Berryhill, R-Ceres, vice chair

Local Government Anna Caballero, D-Salinas, chair Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, vice chair

Natural Resources Nancy Skinner. D-Berkeley, chair Danny Gilmore, R-Hanford, vice chair

Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Ed Hernandez, D-West Covina, chair Paul Fong, D-Mountainview, vice chair

Public Safety Jose Solorio, D-Anaheim, chair Curt Hagman, R-Chino Hills, vice chair

Revenue and Taxation Charles Calderon, D-Montebello, chair Chuck DeVore, R-Irvine, vice chair

Rules Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, chair Sam Blakeslee, R-San Luis Obispo, vice chair

Transportation Mike Eng, D-Monterey Park, chair Kevin Jeffries, R-Lake Elsinore, vice chair

Utilities and Commerce Felipe Fuentes, D-Sylmar, chair Mike Duvall, R-Yorba Linda, vice chair

Veterans Affairs Mary Salas, D-Chula Vista, chair Paul Cook, R-Yucca Valley, vice chair

Water, Parks and Wildlife Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael, chair Jean Fuller, R-Bakersfield, vice chair

Joint Legislative Audit Committee Bill Monning, D-Santa Cruz, chair

High Speed Rail Seoping Meetings Coming To Bay Area This Month

The California High Speed Rail Authority (Authority) will hold a series of environmental "scoping" meetings designed to give local public officials and residents a chance to comment on individual sections of the state's high-speed train system later this month.

Scoping meetings on some sections of the 800-mile high-speed train system in Southern California already have occurred. Three meetings are scheduled this month in the San Francisco 8 Bay Area. These meetings are the first scheduled in Northern California since voter approval of Prop. 1A, which will help finance the statewide network of trains operating at up to 220 miles an hour.

Last year, the Authority approved broader program-level environmental reviews. Now the work turns to project-specific technical studies, impact analyses and mitigation measures required before construction can begin. Voter approval of Prop. 1A provides $9 billion as a financial foundation for construction of the system, which will eventually link California's major population centers from San Diego to Sacramento and San Francisco through the Central Valley.

More information about the Scoping Plan and the High Speed Rail project is available at:

City Officials to Attend League Events January 19·23 in Sacramento

Hundreds of city officials will be in Sacramento next week forthe League of California Cities' New Mayors and Council Members Academy, a League-sponsored reception for city officials and legislators, and for meetings of the League's policy committees.

The New Mayors and Council Members Academy will convene Jan. 21-23 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, across from the Capitol. The 2009 Academy features a range of educational sessions designed to address the priorities and requirements newly-elected officials face as they assume office. For more information on information on the Mayors and Council Members Academy, please contact Brian Sanders at [email protected], or visit the League website at

On Jan. 21 the League will host a special reception at the Citizen Hotel for city officials to meet and visit with their legislators. The League will also recognize legislators who had shown leadership and support for local government during 2008.

League Policy Committee meetings are scheduled for Jan. 21-22 at the Doubletree Hotel in the Arden area, which is five miles from downtown Sacramento. The policy committee meeting agendas for next week are posted on the League Web site. Please visit the main policy committee webpage and select the committee of your choice for the corresponding agenda packet (

• Administrative Services§ion=about& sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy admin sel • Community Services§ion=about&zone=locc&sub sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy comm sel • Employee Relations§ion=about&zone=locc&sub sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy employ sel • Environmental Quality§ion =a bo ut&zone=locc&sub sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy enviro sel • Housing, Community and Economic Development§ion=about&zone=locc&sub sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy housing sel • Public Safety§ion=about&zone=locc&sub sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy safety sel • Revenue and Taxation§ion=about&zone=locc&sub sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy revenue sel\

9 • Transportation, Communications & Public Works Policy Committee§ion=about&zone=locc&sub sec=abo ut policy&tert=about policy trans 5el

Save-the-Date! The League's Legislative Action Days is scheduled for April 15-16 at the Sheraton Grand in Sacramento. Legislative Action Days are designed so that city officials can learn about the latest on issues such as the budget, climate change regulatory efforts and legislation, infrastructure bond implementation, land use, and other key legislation. This is a prime opportunity for visiting city officials to meet with state legislators to deliver the message of the importance of preserving local services. For more information about this event, please visit the League Web site (

Attend the 3rd Annual Green CA Summit, March 16 -18,2009

Register now to attend the 3rd Annual Green California Summit, to be held March 8 -10, at the Sacramento Convention Center. You will gain insights that can help you conserve and cut costs. The summit will provide information, training and resources that will increase understanding of current environmental pressures and challenges and will support the efforts of both government . and private sectors to respond to these pressures in an efficient and economically sustainable manner.

The summit offers six pre-conference workshops and 18 concurrent breakout sessions. The pre­ conference workshops are full-day (six-hour) sessions that will allow for in-depth exploration of topics relevant to various aspects of green government. Pre-conference topics will cover Buying Green, Green Fleets, Financing Renewable Energy Projects, LEED Project Management, Green O&M and AB 32 Tool Kit for Local Government. Concurrent sessions will be 75 minutes in length and feature ideas on transportation, energy, green building, green basics and climate change.

Discover hundreds of green products and services all in one place - talk to experts and get intensive, hands-on education that's not available anywhere else! Free registration is offered to attend the keynote speaker sessions and expo floor. Special group rates are available for teams of four or more.

For questions please contact Cindy Dangberg at (916) 838-3339 or cdangberg@green­ For more information please visit the Green Technology Summit Web site at

Nominate an Outstanding Leader for the 2009 California Civic Leadership Institute

The nomination process is open for the League's 2009 California Civic Leadership Institute (CCLI). Now in its fifth year, CCLI educates elected city officials who are interested in pursuing future state office about key state issues. We are proud of the great leaders our organization has produced, and pleased to be able to once again offer this prestigious program to interested city officials.

Program Details

Presented by the League Partner Program, CCLI exposes city officials to a variety of complex statewide priorities including transportation, housing, the impact of increasing energy demand on our growing state, and more. The program is designed to give local leaders a broad, in-depth understanding of critical issues affecting the state; highlight the tools they will need to succeed if elected to the Legislature; and prOVide a forum where lasting bonds can be created among California's rising leaders.

CCLI features informal roundtable discussions and takes participants out in the field. The program includes a tour of Big Creek, Southern California Edison's hydro-electric facility, giving

10 participants the opportunity to see first hand how electricity is generated and moved throughout the state.

This year's program is ideal for those already within leadership roles at the league or for anyone interested in becoming a statewide advocate of local government.

Nomination Process

Any mayor, council member or professional city staff member may nominate a current elected city official to participate in CCll. Nominations may also come from any of the league's caucuses or from the league Partner Program.

Nominations must successfully convey the governance skills and accomplishments of the nominee and should highlight any and all contributions toward league goals and/or the league's mission of protecting local control. Nominees will be sent an application packet. Applicants will be asked to compose an essay outlining their individual goals and interests in the program.

Nominations are due by Friday, March 6.

The nomination form can be found at www.cacities.orq/leaguepartners. Submit entries to Samantha Caygill by email at [email protected] or by fax at (916) 658-8240.

[The following press release is reprinted with the permission from the Public Policy Institute of California, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to informing and improving public policy in California through independent, objective, nonpartisan research on major economic, social, and political issues.] PPIC Task Force Calls on State's Leaders to Act with Unity, Urgency on Plan for Federal Dollars Bipartisan Group ofExperts Offers Guidance on Response to Historic Crisis

SAN FRANCISCO, California, January 6, 2009 - California has an unprecedented opportunity to take bold steps toward economic recovery but only if its elected leaders can unite to present a clear plan for using federal dollars, according to a group of state leaders assembled by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC).

The California Economic Recovery Task Force, established by the PPIC at the request of the bipartisan leadership of the state legislature, was diverse in its membership but united in its message: California faces a crisis of historic proportions that requires its elected leaders to make a cogent case for the state's needs in Washington, develop projects that support long-term growth, and balance the state budget.

"This distinguished group was made up of Republicans and Democrats, business and labor, and represented the major regions of the state," said Mark Baldassare, PPIC president and CEO, who presided at the group's one-day meeting. "Despite their differences, they reached consensus quickly and cordially. In these extraordinary times, we need our state's leaders to do the same."

PPIC began assembling the 12-member task force in November, consulted with its members in early December, and convened the meeting on December 17 with the goal of providing recommendations to legislative leaders by the end of the year. The task force reached consensus on three central principles for undertaking economic recovery:

Plan for federal dollars. Task force members warned that failure to develop a comprehensive plan for using federal funds on state infrastructure projects and budget needs would severely limit the state's economic recovery. The need is particularly pressing, they said, because other states will have their own competing plans. Members emphasized the need to stem housing foreclosures and specifically mentioned the need for federal intervention to reset mortgages for

11 homeowners who will face unaffordable interest rate increases in coming years. Members said federal action was needed to unlock credit markets for state and local governments-and for the small businesses and start-up companies that fuel growth in California's economy.

Set the stage for long-term growth. California can be a national leader in developing infrastructure projects that support environmental goals if leaders focus on long-term growth rather than stop-gap measures, task force members said. They were unified in opposing action that would hurt the state's environmental leadership role or harm the health and safety of its residents. They would not delay the regulation of diesel truck emissions, for example, despite its short-term negative economic impact. Specifically, the group felt the state should:

• Prioritize infrastructure and "green" projects. The task force recommended that the state consider infrastructure investment in two phases. The first would consist of projects, such as road repair, that are ready to begin as soon as possible, use existing funds, and would create jobs today. The second would encompass projects that take more time to plan but could raise California's long-term productivity and help the state achieve environmental goals-for example, building a smart electricity grid. • Consider ways to streamline state regulations. The group said leaders need to find ways to spend faster on infrastructure projects and develop more flexibility in the system. For instance, the state could benefit from exploring best practices for "design-build" construction contracts. Most states allow these contracts, which allow a single company to both design and build a project. • Invest in education. Task force members emphasized the need for investing in education facilities and programs at all levels in light of the growing gap between the need for college-educated workers and the likely supply of these workers.

Balance the budget. The primary mandate of the task force was to focus on economic recovery, but members were united in the view that steps to end the budget crisis should be considered part of an economic recovery program. They said the state's elected leaders must balance the budget even though measures to do so run counter to economic recovery. Specifically, they recommended that leaders:

• Choose budget-balancing actions that do the least harm. Members agreed that such actions would need to take the form of tax increases and spending cuts but, given the depth of the current downturn, specific fiscal actions should be considered in light of the overall goal of economic recovery. Tax increases should be broad and temporary, with the smallest possible negative effect on new consumer and business spending. Spending cuts should have the smallest possible negative effect on overall employment. • Pursue permanent, fundamental budget reform. The group agreed that annual state budget crises pose a serious threat to the state's long-term economic stability and emphasized the critical importance of the Commission for the 21 st Century Economy, appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Karen Bass to consider ways to restructure the tax system. • Make a stronger case to use federal funds to help close the current budget gap. A grant from the federal government would reduce the tax increases or spending cuts that the state will otherwise have to make.

PPIC set up the California Economic Recovery Task Force at the request of Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg with the active support of Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill, Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines.

PPIC selected bipartisan leaders with experience in both the private and public sectors to co­ chair the task force: Kathleen Brown, senior advisor and head of public finance for the west region at Goldman, Sachs & Co. and former California state treasurer, and Daniel Young, president of the Irvine Community Development Company and a former mayor of Santa Ana. The other members were:

12 • Alan Auerbach, director of the Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance at the University of California, Berkeley • Ruben Barrales, president and CEO of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and former deputy assistant to President George W. Bush • John Bryson, senior advisor for infrastructure initiative at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), former chairman and CEO of Edison International, and former president of the California Public Utilities Commission • Maria Contreras-Sweet, chair of Promerica Bank and former California secretary of business, transportation, and housing • Ed Grier, president of Disneyland Resort • John Harris, president and CEO of Harris Ranch • James W. Head, director of programs at The San Francisco Foundation and commissioner for the Port of Oakland • Noel Perry, founder of the nonprofit Next 10 and founder of the venture capital firm Baccharis Capital Inc. • Courtni Pugh, executive director of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California State Council • Fred Ruiz, chairman of Ruiz Foods and a regent of the University of California

Find a Bill, Legislators, Leg Committee, or Ask League Leg Staff

Visit (and bookmark!) the League's Legislative Resources Web page ( You'll find a roster and contact information for the League's legislative staff; the online Bill Search program, background materials on lobbying your legislators, and more.

13 13.1



The City Council of the City of EI Cajon does ordain as follows:

SECTION 1. On December 18, 2007, the City Council held a public hearing on a request by Thomas Paden to amend Specific Plan 51 for the purpose of removing the property located on the north side of Oakdale Avenue west of North Second Street, and addressed as 1278 Oakdale Avenue (APN: 489-310-020) (the "Property") from those regulations. The Property currently includes a motel, a restaurant, and an automotive service use. The applicant has complied with all recommended pre-ordinance conditions of approval set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 10466 and the amended mylar adjusting Specific Plan 51 has been received by the City.

SECTION 2. The City Council finds that the proposed amendment of Specific Plan 51 to remove the Property from Specific Plan 51 is consistent with and will still promote the systematic execution of the General Plan, in that future development of the Property will still be subject to applicable General Plan goals, policies and the General Retail Commercial land use designation.

SECTION 3. The City Council hereby amends Specific Plan 51 to remove Assessor Parcel Number 489-310-020 from the plan.

SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be effective thirty days following its passage and adoption.

1/27/09 (Item 13,1)

SP 51 Amendment Ord 1/27/09-First Reading 2/10109-Second Reading 13.2




SECTION 1. Chapter 10.36 of Title 10 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code, consisting of sections 10.36.010 through 10.36.120, inclusive, is hereby repealed.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days following its passage and adoption.

1/27/09 (Item 132)

1/27/09 - First Reading 2/10/09 - Second Reading

Repeal of Bicylce Licensing 012109

100 General Information CITY OF EL CAJON MEMORANDUM . .! ,.-'\ j'~ ...." t·· ; L,L·. ur' "A" F(i( (' 1\ \.~ r,\

ZOOq JAN I 5 A 8: 4I

Date: Saturday, January 03, 2009

To: Pat Sprecco Chief of Police From: Captain Debbie Setzer Subject: Donation

In accordance with City Council Policy B-2, I am writing to let you know that we have received the following donation from: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berry 7972 Deerfield San Diego, CA 92120-

In memory of Stephanie O'Connor on her birthday

~\ ,.. Monetary Donation of: $100.00 to the El Cajon Animal Shelter 1J1{)(' Non-Monetary Donation of: r:JJ


Date: Wednesday, January 07, 2009

(::{ To: Pat Sprecco Chief of Police if; From: Captain Debbie Setzer Subject: Donation

In accordance with City Council Policy B-2, I am writing to let you know that we have received the following donation from: Ursula Weston 347 Cottonpatch Way EI Cajon, CA 92020-

Monetary Donation of: $100.00 to the Animal Shelter Non-Monetary Donation of:

="-' =..0

» 9 U1 0-

Jo~ General Information "8"

»> 1/12/200911:16 PM »> OF

Nancy- lDOq JAN I 3 A II: 5l.l Thanks to everyone in your office for your patience over the last few months and your notes and prayers as well as we have worked through fighting my sons disease. The holidays and the therapies have been so stressful that I hadn't given much thought to our next meeting until I received your wonderful phone call today. Please accept my sincere apologies for not getting back to you in person, but I am currently working on a new project at work that has kept me very busy. That being said, I will not be able to attend this weeks meeting.

I have thought long and hard about resigning my position with the City of EI Cajon's Proposition 0 Oversight Committee. I think at this time, given the uncertainty of my future requirements in the care of my son, that it would be best if I do resign my position effective immediately. I hope that this will open the door for you to find someone committed to the project who can devote the time going forward.

Certainly I recognize that there will be other opportunities in the future to work with the City. In addition we have started a not-for-profit corporation to collect toys and to work with our local hospitals to make their pediatrics wards more child friendly. We were recently awarded a grant in the amount of $30,000 from the County of San Diego to do this work, and so I am ready to move on to that new phase.

Please know that your kindness and your compassion throughout all of this has been wonderful, and I really look forward to keeping in touch with both you and the other city folks including Tracy on an ongoing basis.

Best Regards, Wendie Wigginton

103 Cit~,~i:~kii~t~St~;;;;;···1 '... MEETING: January 27, 2009

ITEM No:_~l~OO_


DATE: January 16, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Community Development Director


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council

1. Open the public hearing and receive testimony; 2. Close the public hearing; 3. Move to adopt the draft resolution approving Planned Residential Development No. 66 to allow the construction of a six unit single-family development, subject to conditions; 4. Move to adopt the draft resolution approving Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 for a six lot single-family subdivision, subject to conditions.

BACKGROUND: In 2008, the City Council approved Zone Reclassification (ZR) No. 2294 to rezone the property at 1335 Greenfield Drive from R-2-R zone to PRD - Low zone. The approval included a condition requiring the demolition of the existing house prior to the first ordinance reading to officially change the zone. The existing house has not yet been demolished and the current zoning of the property remains R-2-R. The PRD rezoning application did not include a site plan showing how the property was intended to be developed. The applicant has since submitted a PRD application providing the proposed site plan and home architectural plans. These are the subject of the pending applications before the City Council.

The Planning Commission considered this item at its November 17, 2008, December 8, 2008 and January 5, 2009 meetings. On January 5, 2009, the El Cajon Planning Commission approved Resolution Nos. 10531 and Resolution No.1 0532 recommending City Council approval of Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision No. 650, respectively, subject to conditions.

If approved, the developer intends to demolish the existing older home at 1335 Greenfield Drive and construct six new one-story, single-family homes on the same property and subdivide the property into six new lots. 104 City Council Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 16, 2009

Lots: Each of the proposed six lots would contain approximately 4,990 square feet and have frontage on an alley along the east side of the property. No common areas are proposed for this project. Instead, the applicant has proposed to construct one home on each lot with each lot having its own private front courtyard and private rear yard.

Homes: Five of the six proposed homes (lots B, C, 0, and F on the preliminary site plan) would have identical 1,573-square foot floor plans, although the plans would be "flipped" from one lot to the next. The sixth new home (lot A) would have a floor area of 1,470 square feet. All of the new homes have attached two-car garages that would be accessed from the alley.

The architecture of the proposed homes includes pitched tile roofs, stucco exteriors, decorative rock wainscoting, colored window and door trim, and decorative shingle-style siding. All of these materials are included along the front (west) sides of the structures. Furthermore, the decorative enhancements proposed for the fronts of the homes are continued, to a lesser extent, on the back and side elevations. The north facing side of lot A, which faces Greenfield Drive, includes all of the proposed decorative building materials. The decorative building materials selected for the proposed homes include: beige stucco, tile roofs in dark brown or slate gray, shingle-style exterior siding in off-white or light green, fascia and window trim in dark or light brown, and gray decorative rock wainscoting with warm colors as undertones.

Landscaping: The preliminary landscape plan indicates that the private front and rear yards of the individual homes would be fenced and landscaped. The vast majority of the proposed landscaping is turf. Trees and shrubs would be planted near the corners and along the property lines. Wood bark and gravel are proposed in the yard areas between the units.

The three-foot high walls separating the front courtyards of the proposed homes from the alley are proposed to be made of beige stucco with a brown trim cap and regularly spaced columns. The walls would include a decorative trellis element along the sections adjacent to the proposed visitor parking.

Parking: In addition to the two-car garage attached to each home, parking would be allowed on the private driveways in front of the garages. There are also five additional off­ street parking spaces located along the west property line and accessed from the alley that can be used by residents and / or their guests. (see Planning Commission companion staff report dated January 5, 2009 for additional information about the project design).

Required Findings: In order for the City Council to approve the proposed PRO plan, the Council must make the following findings:

1. The proposed density of the planned residential development does not exceed the density allowed by the underlying General Plan land use designation.

2. The physical design and architecture of the proposed planned residential development meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as listed in Chapter 17.10. 2 of 4 City Council Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 16, 2009

In order for the City Council to approve the proposed tentative map, the Council must make the following findings:

1. The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan.

2. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan.

3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development.

4. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development.

5. The design of the subdivision orthe proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat.

6. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems.

7. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision.

8. The proposed subdivision provides to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities.

In recommending approval of the proposed Planned Residential Development, the Planning Commission found the project density to be consistent with the applicable General Plan designation of Low Density Residential (3 -10 dulac) and with the applicable zoning requirements for a Planned Residential Development. Furthermore, the Commission found the proposed project to be designed in a manner that would be compatible with surrounding development that consists primarily of single-family, multi­ family and other planned residential developments. In addition, the Planning Commission was able to make all 8 findings required above to approve a subdivision.

The Planning Commission is recommending approval of both the proposed PRO plan and the tentative subdivision map, subject to conditions. See Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 10531 and 10532 for a complete list. In addition to the standard types of subdivision conditions, the Commission is recommending that the landscaping facing Greenfield Drive and the alley as well as the driveways and supplementary parking spaces be owned by the individual property owners, but that they be maintained by a homeowner's association. This condition is being recommended to ensure the landscaping and pavement abutting the street and alley is well maintained.

3 of 4 City Council Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 16, 2009

Notice of this public hearing was mailed to all property owners within 300 feet ofthe project site, and to anyone who requested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090,65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, the notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the city's website under "Public Hearings/Public Notices." The notice was also mailed to the two public libraries in the City of EI Cajon, located at 201 East Douglas and 576 Garfield Avenue.




l/1~~ .k /Q:2 \ t:bJc.;.~t.At.~ Melissa Ayres 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR


1. Draft Council Resolution approving Planned Residential Development No. 66 2. Draft Council Resolution approving Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 3. PC Resolution NO.1 0531 4. PC Resolution No.10532 5. Planning Commission Companion Staff Report Dated January 5, 2009 w/attachments 6. Excerpt Planning Commission Minutes November 17, 2008 7. Excerpt Planning Commission Minutes December 8, 2008 8. Excerpt Draft Planning Commission Minutes January 5, 2009 9. Plans (Council only)

4 of 4 101 RESOLUTION NO.


WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Council held a public hearing on January 27,2009 to consider Planned Residential Development (PRO) No. 66, as submitted by Alan Austin for Mike Snyder, requesting a six-lot common interest development in the pending Planned Residential - Low (PRO-Low) zone, at 1335 Greenfield Drive located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets (APN: 484-120-19); and

WHEREAS, on January 5,2009, the EI Cajon Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 10531 and Resolution No.1 0532 recommending City Council approval of Planned Residential Development No. 66 and companion item Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650, respectively, subject to conditions.


A. The City Council finds that:

1. The proposed project is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32 of CEQA Guidelines. Class 32 provides an exemption for infill development projects provided that all of the following criteria are met:

a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.

2. The proposed project density of 8.7 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the General Plan designation of "Low Density Residential" which allows 3 to 10 dwelling units per acre.

3. The proposed project satisfies the physical design and architectural requirements ofthe Zoning Ordinance for a Planned Residential Development. 4. The proposed project is compatible with surrounding development that consists of a mixture of single-family residential, mUlti-family residential, and planned residential development.

B. The City Council hereby APPROVES Planned Residential Development No. 66, subject to the following conditions.

1. This resolution shall not take effect until the effective date of any ordinance enacting Zone Reclassification No. 2294.

2. The property shall be developed substantially as shown on Planned Residential Development No. 66 site plan received 11/26/08, except as modified by conditions listed in Planning Commission Resolution No.1 0531, as if written herein. RESOLUTION NO.


WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Council held a public hearing on January 27, 2009 to consider Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM) No. 650, as submitted by Alan Austin for Mike Snyder, requesting a six-lot residential subdivision in the pending Planned Residential - Low (PRO-Low) zone, at 1335 Greenfield Drive located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets (APN: 484-120-19); and

WHEREAS, on January 5, 2009, the EI Cajon Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 10532 and Resolution No. 10531 recommending City Council approval of Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 and companion item Planned Residential Development No. 66, subject to conditions.


A. The City Council finds that:

1. The proposed subdivision is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32 of CEQA Guidelines. Class 32 provides an exemption for infill development projects provided that all of the following criteria are met:

a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.

2. The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed project density of 8.7 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the General Plan designation of "Low Density Residential" which allows 3 to 10 dwelling units per acre.

3. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with the General Plan. The design of the project is consistent with the Low-Density Residential

lIo General Plan designation.

4. The site is physically suitable for the type of development. The site is a relatively flat bare and rectangular piece of residentially zoned property that is surrounded by other residentially zoned and developed property. Therefore, it is physically suitable for the proposed residential development.

5. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The proposed residential density is consistent with the General Plan designation for the subject site.

6. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish orwildlife or their habitat. The subject property is not environmentally sensitive and there are no fish or wildlife populations that would be harmed by the residential development of the subject property.

7. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. The proposed tentative subdivision map will not conflict with any easements.

B. The City Council hereby APPROVES Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650, subjecttothe. following conditions.

1. All conditions listed in Planning Commission Resolution No. 10532 are conditions applicable to this tentative map approval, as if written herein.



WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission duly advertised and held a public hearing on January 5, 2009, to consider Planned Residential Development (PRO) No. 66, as submitted by Alan Austin for Mike Snyder, requesting a six-lot common interest development in the pending Planned Residential - Low (PRO-Low) zone, at 1335 Greenfield Drive located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets; and

WHEREAS, the following findings of fact are hereby made in regard to PRO No. 66:

1. The proposed project is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32 of CEQA Guidelines. Class 32 provides an exemption for infill development projects provided that all of the following criteria are met: a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.

2. The proposed project density of 8.7 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the General Plan designation of "Low Density Residential" which allows 3 to 10 dwelling units per acre.

3. The proposed project satisfies the physical design and architectural requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for a Planned Residential Development.

4. The proposed project is compatible with surrounding development that consists of a mixture of single-family residential, multi-family residential, and planned residential development.

ll~ PC Resolution No.1 0531

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings offact stated above, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDS City Council approval of Planned Residential Development No. 66 for a six-unit planned residential development at 1335 Greenfield Drive in the pending PRO-Low zone, on the above described property subject to the following conditions:

1. In order for this PRO to become effective the applicant shall obtain approval of companion item, Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650. A final subdivision map shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any building permits.

2. Within thirty (30) days of City Council action, the applicant shall submit a revised Planned Residential Development site plan (mylar copy) to the Planning Division including the following notes and changes: a. Replace the preliminary title block with the official City of EI Cajon PRO title block. b. Use the correct APN and legal description for the subject property. c. Indicate the correct area of Lots B through F. All the proposed lots have identical lot areas of 4,988 square feet. d. Add the word "trees" to the landscaping note listed as note number one under the heading of "Site Notes" on the preliminary site plan. The first sentence of the note should read as follows: "All landscaped areas shall contain a combination of trees, groundcover, and shrubs." e. Indicate the presence of a landscape andpavement maintenance easement over all the private front yard and driveway areas of the lots in the approved PRO. Said easement shall provide for the shared maintenance of the landscaped areas by the homeowners association and shall also include the maintenance of all sidewalks and parking areas including the 1O-foot setback required along Greenfield Drive. f. Indicate the location of individual trash container storage for each unit. Such location shall be effectively screened from view from any public right of way. g. Indicate on-site lighting sufficient to provide· security for pedestrians and vehicles in the alley. The lighting shall be directed downward and shall not cast glare on adjacent properties. h. Reduce the height of the proposed wood fence along the south side of Lot F to 42" within 10 feet of the public alley on the west side of the project area. I. Indicate the percentage of total lot coverage (50% according to staffs calculations). J. Include the following note: "This project is developed to the maximum lot coverage allowed in the PRO-Low zone. No patio covers, room additions, accessory structures, or any other additions of covered space are permitted outside of the approved building footprints shown on this plan." k. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of the required notes listed in the comments from the Public Works Department dated 11-07-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit A". I. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of

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the required notes listed in the comments from the Building Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit 1-B". m. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of the required notes listed in the comments from the Fire Safety Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit 1-C". n. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of the required notes listed in the comments from the Helix Water District dated 10-09-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit 1-0".

3. Prior to the issuance of building permits. the applicant shall complete the following: a. Submit the required copies of the recorded final subdivision map. The map shall be in conformance with the approved PRO Site Plan. b. The approved building material types and colors of all exterior elevations shall be shown on the construction drawings submitted for building permits and shall conform to the materials approved by the City Council. c. Submit one set of complete landscape and irrigation plans to the Planning Division for approval. The plan shall indicate all proposed landscaping, and shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect in accordance with the City's Landscape Policy. d. Submit and obtain approval of a site lighting plan. e. Regarding public improvements, the applicable conditions of approval indicated in the Public Works Department comments, dated 11-07-08 and labeled as "Exhibit 1-B," must be completed prior to the issuance of buildings permits. f. Submit a letter indicating ability of the trash collection company to serve the subject property. g. Comply with the comments from the Public Works Department dated 11-07-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit 1-A". h. Comply with the comments from the Building Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit 1-B". i. Comply with the comments from the Fire Safety Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit 1-C". J. Comply with the comments from the Helix Water District dated 10-09-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit 1-0".

4. Submit one electronic copy of the draft Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the condominium ownership and maintenance of the project for approval by the Planning Division and City Attorney. Prior to the sale of any units the applicant shall record the CC&Rs and submit one electronic copy (PDF format) of the recorded document to the Planning Division. The CC&Rs shall include the maintenance of the required landscape and pavement maintenance easement and shall contain the following language:

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114 PC Resolution NO.1 0531

"A. This entire project and property shall be subject to all of the conditions and restrictions contained within the resolution adopted by the City of EI Cajon which approved the tentative subdivision map for the project, as well as being subject to all the conditions and restrictions contained in any permits issued for the project which were approved by the City of EI Cajon, along with accompanying site plans, elevations and landscape plans."

"8. The City of EI Cajon is hereby given supervisory jurisdiction over the enforcement of the provisions of this Declaration dealing with maintenance, cleanliness and repair of the landscape and pavement maintenance easement and exterior appearance of the project. In the event of breach of any duty pertaining to such maintenance, cleanliness, repair or exterior appearance, the City of EI Cajon may give written notice of such breach to the Association or Owners, together with a demand upon them to remedy such breach. If they refuse to do so, or fail to take appropriate action within 30 days of the receipt of such notice, the City of EI Cajon shall have the standing and the right (but not the obligation) to both bring an action in a court of proper jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this Declaration and/or initiate abatement proceedings pursuant to the ordinances of the City of EI Cajon. Nothing contained herein shall limit any other right or remedy which the City may exercise by virtue of authority contained in ordinance or state law."

"C. The City Attorney of EI Cajon must give prior approval to any amendments to this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions which deal with any of the following topics: 1. Amendments with regard to the fundamental purpose for which the project was created (such as a change from residential use to a different use), and amendments which would affect the ability of the City of EI Cajon to approve or disapprove external modifications to the project. 2. Amendments with regard to the supervisory jurisdiction for enforcement granted to the City of EI Cajon by this Declaration. 3. Property maintenance obligations, including maintenance of landscaping, sidewalks, and driveways, and cleanliness or repair of the project."

"D. No alteration or modification shall be made to the landscape and pavement maintenance easement which is contrary to the development plan approved by and on file with the City of EI Cajon without the approval of the City."

"E. No boats, campers, motor homes or other recreational vehicles shall be parked or stored on the property."

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"F. All garages shall be used for the parking of motor vehicles and incidental storage."

5. Prior to the sale of any unit, all on site improvements shall be completed or guaranteed in accordance with the approved PRD No. 66 site plan. In addition, the following items shall be completed and/or inspected: a. Record the CC&Rs, and submit one electronic copy of the recorded document (PDF format) to the Planning Division on compact disc. b. Complete the installation of the approved landscaping and irrigation system, and the approved security lighting. c. Satisfy all requirements of the Public Works Department, Building Division, Fire Safety Division, & Helix Water District as indicated on the attached comments dated and labeled 11-07-08 (Exhibit 1-A), 10-06-08 (Exhibit 1-B), 10-06-08 (Exhibit 1-C) & 10-09-08 (Exhibit 1-C), respectively.

6. All advertising for unit sales shall comply with the City's sign ordinance.

Page 5 of 6 PC Resolution NO.1 0531

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon City Planning Commission at a regular meeting held January 5,2009, by the following vote:




HLL & Ji~r~ - 5 Z009 Melissa AYRES, Secre~ry :J AS PRESENTED

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111 RESOLUTION NO. 10532


WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission duly advertised and held a public hearing on January 5,2009, to consider Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM) No. 650, as submitted by Alan Austin for Mike Snyder, requesting a six-lot residential subdivision in the pending Planned Residential - Low (PRO-Low) zone, at 1335 Greenfield Drive located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets; and

WHEREAS, the following findings offact are hereby made in regard to said tentative subdivision map:

1. The proposed project is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32 of CEQA Guidelines. Class 32 provides and exemption for infill development projects provided that all of the following criteria are met:

a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.

2. The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed six-lot residential subdivision map is consistent with the Low-Density Residential designation of the General Plan that governs development of this property.

3. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with the General Plan. The design of the project is consistent with the Low-Density Residential General Plan designation.

4. The site is physically suitable for the type of development. The site is a relatively flat bare and rectangular piece of residentially zoned property that is surrounded by other residentially zoned and developed property. Therefore, it is physically suitable for the proposed residential development. PC Resolution No. 10532

5. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The proposed residential density is consistent with the General Plan designation for the subject site.

6. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The subject property is not environmentally sensitive and there are no fish or wildlife populations that would be harmed by the residential development of the subject property.

7. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. The proposed tentative subdivision map will not conflict with any easements.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings offact stated above, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDS that the City Council approve Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 for a six-lot subdivision in the pending Planned Residential Development - Low zone, on the above described property subject to the following conditions:

1. Prior to approval of the final map, Zone Reclassification No. 2294 shall become effective.

2. The final map shall designate a landscape and pavement maintenance easement over all the private front yard and driveway areas of the lots in the approved subdivision. Said easement shall provide for the shared maintenance of the landscaped areas by the homeowners association and shall include the maintenance of all sidewalks and parking areas including the 10 foot' setback required along Greenfield Drive.

3. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Public Works Dept. indicated in the attached comments received 11-07-08, and labeled as "Exhibit 1-A".

4. Prior to the sale of any unit, all conditions of approval for PRO No. 66 shall be met.

5. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the final map for TSM 650 shall be recorded and the appropriate number of copies returned to the City.

Page 2 of 3 PC Resolution NO.1 0532

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon City Planning Commission at a regular meeting held January 5, 2009, by the following vote:



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JAN - 5) 1009 JYI L" ~ ~ E-:, Melissa AYRES. Secretary ;Z1.S PFlESENTED

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SUBJECT: PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT NO. 66 and TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP NO. 650 (These items are jointly noticed for the City Council meeting on January 27, 2009 at 7 p.m.) This is a public hearing on a request to construct a six-unit planned residential development in a six-lot subdivision in the pending Planned Residential - Low Density (PRO-Low) zone. The subject property is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets and is addressed 1335 Greenfield Drive. APN: 484-120-19-00 General Plan: Low Density Residential (LR) Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone Restricted (R-2-R); pending Planned Residential Development - Low Zone (PRO-Low) Applicant: Alan Austin for Mike Snyder / (619) 440-3624 Project Planner: Eric Craig / (619) 441-1656/ Email: [email protected]

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RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to adopt the proposed Resolutions No. 10531, and No. 10532, recommending approval of Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650.

********** ********** ********** **********


The Planning Commission first considered this development proposal on November 17, 2008. Atthattime, staff recommended denial of the requested entitlements because the project was not consistent with the intent or the design requirements of the PRO zone. Specifically, staff did not support the proposed architecture, or the proposed orientation of the houses toward an alley. Staff's position was that the project should be redesigned to provide a pedestrian oriented common area along the east side of the property, with the houses fronting on the common area, while continuing to take vehicular access from the alley.

However, the Planning Commission indicated a willingness to support the orientation of the houses toward the alley if the applicant was willing to create courtyards with decorative

,~\ Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009 walls separating them from the alley. The Planning Commission offered the applicant a continuance to consider redesigning the project but the applicant indicated that he did not wish to continue the request until a later date, and further indicated that if the project were denied he would appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the City Council. The Planning Commission followed staff's recommendation to deny Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 (see attached minutes excerpt).

To date no appeal has been filed and the date to file an appeal has past. However, after the November 1i h Planning Commission meeting, the applicant and his representative met with staff to discuss design alternatives for the project. The applicant then modified the design of the proposed project to include the courtyards recommended by the Planning Commission, and to include architectural enhancements to the proposed new houses.

On December 8, 2008, staff presented a discussion item to the Planning Commission consisting of a request to reconsider the denial of Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650. The December 8th discussion resulted in the Planning Commission directing staff to advertise new public hearings to reconsider approving the revised development proposal (see attached minutes excerpt).

In 2008, the City Council approved Zone Reclassification (ZR) No. 2294 to rezone the property from the R-2-R zone to the PRD-Low zone. The approval of ZR No. 2294 included a condition requiring the demolition of the existing house prior to the first Ordinance Reading to officially change the zone. The existing house has not yet been demolished and the zone of the subject property remains R-2-R.

In analyzing this development proposal, it should be noted that in 2007, the City Council approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) No. 330 and Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) No. 635 for a three-unit residential PUD at the northwest corner of South Johnson and Franklin Avenues. The project consisted of three residential units on three separate lots without any common areas. A noteworthy difference between PUD No. 330 and the subject proposal is that PUD No. 330 is located on a street corner with frontage on two public streets. Unlike the subject proposal, each of the approved units in PUD No. 330 would face outward toward a public street and would have vehicular access from a public street. Also, the approved subdivision design included more than 225 sq. ft. of private yard space per unit, and a landscape maintenance easement across all private front yards.


Existing Conditions: The 29,930-square-foot subject property is rectangular and has approximately 100 feet of frontage on the south side of Greenfield Drive. The lot depth is approximately 300 feet and there is a public alley along the entire westerly property line. - 2 - Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009

The lot is relatively flat and it is developed with a 1,912-square foot single-family residence that was constructed in 1958. The existing house is located on the north end of the lot, near Greenfield Avenue. The remainder of the lot is bare.

To the north of the subject property, across Greenfield Drive, are single-family homes in the R-1-6-H zone. To the south are residential units in the PRO-Low zone. East and west of the subject property are condominiums in the R-2 zone, and R-3 zone, respectively.

Project Proposal: The applicant is proposing to subdivide the subject property into six individual lots, and to develop each lot with a new detached home. Each of the proposed lots would contain approximately 4,990 square feet. No common areas are proposed for this project. Instead, the applicant has proposed private front courtyards and private rear yards for the individual lots.

Five of the six proposed homes (lots B, C, 0, and F on the preliminary site plan) would have identical 1,573-square foot floor plans, although the plans would be "flipped" from one lot to the next. The sixth new home (lot A) would have a floor area of 1,470 square feet. All ofthe new homes would face the alley to the west of the subject property; attached two-car garages for the new homes would also be accessed from the alley.

Architecture and Building Materials: The architecture of the proposed homes includes pitched tile roofs, stucco exteriors, decorative rock wainscoting, colored window and door trim, and decorative shingle-style siding. All ofthese materials are included along the front (west) sides of the structures. Furthermore, the decorative enhancements proposed for the fronts ofthe homes are continued, to a lesser extent, on the back and side elevations. The north facing side of lot A, which faces Greenfield Drive, includes all of the proposed decorative building materials. The decorative building materials selected for the proposed homes include: beige stucco, tile roofs in dark brown or slate gray, shingle-style exterior siding in off-white or light green, facia and window trim in dark or light brown, and gray decorative rock wainscoting with warm colors as undertones.

The three-foot high walls separating the front courtyards of the proposed homes from the alley would be made of beige stucco with a brown trim cap and regularly spaced columns. The walls would include a decorative trellis element along the sections adjacent to the proposed visitor parking. Building material sample boards with full-size colored elevations will be posted along at the public hearings.

Landscaping: The applicant has submitted a preliminary landscape plan indicating that the private front and rear yards ofthe individual homes would be landscaped. The vast majority of the proposed landscaping is turf. Trees and shrubs would be planted near the corners and along the property lines. Wood bark and gravel are proposed in the yard areas between the units. - 3 - Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009

Parking: The applicant's site plan indicates that each unit will have an attached, two-car garage facing the alley to the west of the subject property. Visitor parking would be provided in the private driveways in front of the garages, and also in five visitor parking spaces located along the west property line and accessed from the alley.


General Plan: The General Plan land use designation of the subject property is "Low Oensity Residential" (LR). This category is intended to accommodate residential development in the range of three to ten dwelling units per acre. The density of the subject proposal is 8.7 dwelling units per acre and is consistent with the General Plan in terms of residential density.

Zoning: The pending zoning designation for the subject property is PRO-Low. The development standards and procedures for creating a PRO are found in Chapter 17.10 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Intent of PRO Zone: The approval ofthe PRO zone is intended to result in projects that are comprehensively planned to include imaginative designs specifically related to the topography and the natural characteristics of project sites, as well as to the scale, density, and type of surrounding developments. The PRO zone allows greater flexibility in the design of residential projects than would be permitted in other zoning designations. For example, there is no minimum size for the individual sub-lots within a PRO, and there is no minimum distance required between detached structures in a PRO other than the distance requirements ofthe California Building Code. This flexibility in design standards is intended to result in imaginatively-designed and comprehensively-planned projects.

The following table lists some of the development standards for the PRO-Low zone that are not flexible. The third column in the table indicates how the proposed project would satisfy the development standards listed in the first two columns. Other relevant development standards are discussed after the table.

- 4 - Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009

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District Requirements: - The minimum district requirement for a PRO is one acre, unless a smaller district area is expressly approved by the City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission. Although the subject property is less than one acre, it abuts another PRO-Low zoned property to the south, and the combined area of the two projects form a PRO·Low zone district that is greater than one acre. This configuration was approved by the City Council when it approved ZR No. 2294, authorizing the PRO-Low zone for the subject property. The minimum frontage for a PRO is 20 feet along a dedicated public street, and the subject property has approximately 100 feet of frontage along the south side of Greenfield Avenue. As indicated in the table above, there is a 10­ foot building setback required from the exterior boundaries of the PRO zone district.

Lot Requirements: - A tentative subdivision map must be approved which covers the exact boundaries of the PRO and indicates all sub-lots within the development. However, as previously stated, there is no minimum lot size for a PRO and there is no minimum size for the sub-lots in a PRO.

Common Open Space, Recreation Areas, and Landscaping: - Section 17.10.130 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the requirements for open space, recreation areas and landscaping in planned residential developments. It states that all planned residential developments must provide common open space and recreation areas, the amount of which is based - 5- Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009 upon the project density. Projects in the PRO-Low zone must provide at least 400 square feet of common open space or recreation areas per unit.

With approval from the Planning Commission, and with concurrence from the City Council, projects of ten units or less may satisfy 100 percent of their open space and recreation area requirements by providing private yards for individual units. The applicant has proposed private yards ranging from 785 to 1,224 square feet per unit to satisfy this requirement. In orderto ensure the continued maintenance ofthe exterior yard areas of the project, staff recommends a condition requiring the establishment of a landscape and pavement maintenance easement across all ofthe private front yards and driveways at the project including the ten-foot setback along the Greenfield Drive property line. The maintenance easement shall be maintained by the homeowners association.

Streets and Driveways: - No common streets or driveways are proposed. The applicant has proposed private driveways leading from the adjacent public alley to the private garages attached to each unit.

Pedestrian Walkways: - The Zoning Ordinance requires concrete sidewalks to connect building entrances and parking areas. The minimum width of the required sidewalks is four feet. The applicant has proposed a four-foot wide sidewalk along the alley, providing a path from the visitor spaces to the private driveways and has proposed sidewalks connecting the private driveways to the individual units.

Lighting: - The Zoning Ordinance requires that adequate lighting be provided for pedestrian and vehicular safety, and to minimize security problems. The applicant has not included security lighting in his proposal, so staff will recommend a condition requiring compliance with this regulation.

Utility Systems: - The Zoning Ordinance requires separate utility systems for each unit in a PRO. The applicant has acknowledged this requirement with a note on the preliminary site plan. Additionally, staff will recommend a condition requiring compliance with this regulation

Architecture and Design: - The Zoning Ordinance states that the architecture and design of a PRO will be considered along with the site plan. It further states that 'the architecture and design ofa planned residential development shall be compatible with the terrain and existing surrounding development and should reflect innovation and imagination; visual interest through variations in building details, form, materials and color; architectural continuation on all sides ofa structure; variation oflong, unbroken wall surfaces through the use of projections, bays, shadow lines, contrasts and surface richness; and good proportions and relationships between windows, columns, doorways, parapets, eaves and other building elements". - 6 - Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009

In 1990, the City Council adopted design guidelines intended to improve the appearance of buildings in the community, using quality and compatibility with surroundings as primary considerations. The policy provides some simple, basic principles to guide both the applicant and the staff in making design decisions. Among other things, the guidelines encourage innovative and imaginative design, and discourage monotonous architecture. Flat, unbroken, wall surfaces and rooflines are discouraged in favor of variations and projections. The design guidelines state that visual interest should be provided by means of variation in building details, forms, materials, and colors. Furthermore, the guidelines state that the architectural design of a building should normally be expressed on all exterior surfaces.

The requirement for innovative and imaginative architecture is subject to interpretation. The analysis of the proposed architecture occurs below, in the section of this report entitled "Analysis."

Subdivision Ordinance/Subdivision Map Act: TSM No. 650 proposes to subdivide the subject property into six new residential lots. The authority and procedures for the processing of a tentative subdivision map are found in the California Subdivision Map Act, and the City of EI Cajon Subdivision Ordinance (Title 16 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code).

The Planning Commission's role in analyzing and making a decision regarding a proposed subdivision map is described in Section 16.12.080 ofthe EI Cajon Municipal Code (ECMC). Section 16.12.080 requires the Planning Commission to make a report to the City Council regarding the design of the proposed subdivision and the nature and extent of the proposed improvements. In this context, "improvements" means public or private, street and/or drainage improvements.

The design of the proposed subdivision as it relates to the requirements for a PRO is discussed below in the section of this report entitled "Analysis." The Public Works Department has provided comments regarding the proposed street, grading, and drainage improvements and those comments have been included as an attachment to this staff report.

Required Findings: In order for the Planning Commission to recommend approval of the proposed planned residential development, and tentative subdivision map, the Commission must be able to make the following findings.

Findings Required for PRO No. 66:

A. In order to recommend approval of the project, Section 17.10.060 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the Planning Commission find that the proposed residential - 7 - Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009

density ofthe planned residential development does not exceed the density allowed by the underlying General Plan land use designation.

B. In order to recommend approval of the project, the Planning Commission must also find that the physical design and architecture of the proposed planned residential development meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as listed in Chapter 17.10.

Findings Required for TSM No. 650:

Section 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section of the ECMC state that the City shall deny approval of a tentative subdivision map if the city's legislative body (the City Council) makes any of the following findings:

A. That the proposed map is not consistent with the General Plan.

B. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with the General Plan.

C. That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development.

D. That the site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development.

E. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat.

F. That the design ofthe subdivision or type of improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems.

G. That the design of the subdivision or type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision.

In addition to the findings listed above, Section 66473.1 of the Subdivision Map Act requires the design of the proposed subdivision to provide for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities.

CEQA: The subject proposal is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15332 provides an exemption for "in-fill development projects" on project sites offive acres - 8 - Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009

or less. The proposed project must be consistent with applicable general plan and policies and zoning regulations, and the project site must be surrounded by urban development. Furthermore, the exemption cannot be used if approval of the project would result in significant adverse effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality. The exemption does not apply to properties that have habitat value for rare, threatened, or endangered species.

The subject proposal meets all of the criteria listed above. Therefore, Section 15332 is an appropriate exemption.

Noticing Requirements: Notice of this public hearing was published in the East County Gazette on December 22, 2008, and was mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the project site, and to anyone who requested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090, 65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, the notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the city's website under "Public Hearings/Public Notices." The notice was also mailed to the two public libraries in the City of EI Cajon, located at 201 East Douglas and 576 Garfield Avenue.


Staff believes the Commission can now make the required findings to recommend approval of the proposed project. The applicant has proposed a project that is consistent with the General Plan in terms of land use and residential density, and the proposed project site is physically suited for the type and density of the proposed development. Constructing the proposed development would not be detrimental to public health or safety, nor would it have any negative impacts upon surrounding properties.

The applicant's proposal meets all of the technical requirements for a PRD. Furthermore, the plans now include private courtyards recommended by the Planning Commission, and decorative building materials on all sides of the proposed units. Staff supports the applicant's choice of colors and decorative building materials, and believes that the proposed architecture meets the intent of the Zoning Ordinance for a PRD. Since the Planning Commission has already indicated a willingness to support the concept of residential units fronting on an alley, and since the applicant has designed a project that meets all the technical requirements for a PRD, staff believes that the Planning Commission can make the finding that the design and architecture of the proposed PRD meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.

Staff believes the Commission can make the required findings to recommend approval of the proposed tentative map. The project site is a relatively flat and rectangular piece of property. There are no physical, environmental, or cultural features present on or surrounding the subject property that would make it unsuitable for the nature and density of - 9 - Planning Commission Staff Report Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 January 5, 2009 the proposed development. As previously stated, the project site does not have any value as fish orwildlife habitat and there are no sensitive or valuable environmental resources in the project area.

The project would be constructed in compliance with all applicable fire, building, storm water, public health and safety codes. As such, there is nothing about this proposal to build six new houses in an urban setting that would result in serious public health problems. There are no easements that would be effected by approval of the proposed project. Furthermore, the proposed subdivision provides for future passive or natural heating and cooling opportunities by providing setbacks and distances between structures that allow for sunlight and air to pass through the windows of the proposed units.

In conclusion, it is staff's determination that the Planning Commission can make the required findings to recommend approval of PRO No. 66 and TSM No. 650. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of PRO No. 66 and TSM No. 650 in accordance with the findings stated above, and subject to the conditions listed in the attached resolutions.


1. Proposed Resolution No. 10531 A. Public Works Comments dated 11-07-08 B. Building Division Comments dated 10-06-08 C. Fire Safety Division Comments dated 10-06-08 D. Helix Water District Comments dated 10-09-08 2. Proposed Planning Commission Resolution NO.1 0532 A. Public Works Comments dated 11-07-08 3. P.C. minutes excerpts: 11-17-08 & 12-08-08 4. Aerial photograph of subject property 5. Public Hearing Notice 6. Application 7. Disclosure Statement 8. Applicant's Narrative 9. Reduced revised plans and elevations (not to scale) dated 11-26-08 (5 pages)

10. Full-sized revised plans & materials (Commissioner's Binders)

- 10 -

l3D PRD 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 1 Proposed Reso. No. 10531



WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission duly advertised and held a public hearing on January 5, 2009, to consider Planned Residential Development (PRO) No. 66, as submitted by Alan Austin for Mike Snyder, requesting a six-lot common interest development in the pending Planned Residential - Low (PRO-Low) zone, at 1335 Greenfield Drive located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets; and

WHEREAS, the following findings of fact are hereby made in regard to PRO No. 66:

1. The proposed project is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32 of CEQA Guidelines. Class 32 provides an exemption for infill development projects provided that all ofthe following criteria are met: a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regUlations. b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.

2. The proposed project density of 8.7 dwelling units per acre is consistent with the General Plan designation of "Low Density Residential" which allows 3 to 10 dwelling units per acre.

3. The proposed project satisfies the physical design and architectural requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for a Planned Residential Development.

4. The proposed project is compatible with surrounding development that consists of a mixture of single-family residential, multi-family residential, and planned residential development.

Lal PC Resolution #10531

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings of fact stated above, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDS City Council approval of Planned Residential Development No. 66 for a six-unit planned residential development at 1335 Greenfield Drive in the pending PRO-Low zone, on the above described property subject to the following conditions:

1. In order for this PRO to become effective the applicant shall obtain approval of companion item, Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650. A final subdivision map shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any building permits.

2. Within thirty (30) days of City Council action, the applicant shall submit a revised Planned Residential Development site plan (mylar copy) to the Planning Division including the following notes and changes: a. Replace the preliminary title block with the official City of EI Cajon PRO title block. b. Use the correct APN and legal description for the subject property. c. Indicate the correct area of Lots B through F. All the proposed lots have identical lot areas of 4,988 square feet. d. Add the word "trees" to the landscaping note listed as note number one under the heading of "Site Notes" on the preliminary site plan. The first sentence of the note should read as follows: "All landscaped areas shall contain a combination of trees, groundcover, and shrubs." e. Indicate the presence of a landscape and pavement maintenance easement over all the private front yard and driveway areas of the lots in the approved PRO. Said easement shall provide for the shared maintenance of the landscaped areas by the homeowners association and shall also include the maintenance of all sidewalks and parking areas including the 1a-foot setback required along Greenfield Drive. f. Indicate the location of individual trash container storage for each unit. Such location shall be effectively screened from view from any public right ofway. g. Indicate on-site lighting sufficient to provide security for pedestrians and vehicles in the alley. The lighting shall be directed downward and shall not cast glare on adjacent properties. h. Reduce the height of the proposed wood fence along the south side of Lot F to 42" within 10 feet of the public alley on the west side of the project area. I. Indicate the percentage of total lot coverage (50% according to staff's calculations). J. Include the following note: "This project is developed to the maximum lot coverage allowed in the PRO-Low zone. No patio covers, room additions, accessory structures, or any other additions of covered space are permitted outside of the approved building footprints shown on this plan." k. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of the required notes listed in the comments from the Public Works Department dated 11-07-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit A".

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I. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of the required notes listed in the comments from the Building Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit B". m. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of the required notes listed in the comments from the Fire Safety Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit C". n. The revised site plan shall reflect the applicable comments and include all of the required notes listed in the comments from the Helix Water District dated 10-09-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit Oil.

3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall complete the following: a. Submit the required copies of the recorded final subdivision map. The map shall be in conformance with the approved PRO Site Plan. b. The approved building material types and colors of all exterior elevations shall be shown on the construction drawings submitted for building permits and shall conform to the materials approved by the City Council. c. Submit one set of complete landscape and irrigation plans to the Planning Division for approval. The plan shall indicate all proposed landscaping, and shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect in accordance with the City's Landscape Policy. d. Submit and obtain approval of a site lighting plan. e. Regarding public improvements, the applicable conditions of approval indicated in the Public Works Department comments, dated 11-07-08, must be completed prior to the issuance of buildings permits. f. Submit a letter indicating ability of the trash collection company to serve the subject property. g. Comply with the comments from the Public Works Department dated 11-07­ 08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit A". h. Comply with the comments from the Building Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit B". I. Comply with the comments from the Fire Safety Division dated 10-06-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit C". J. Comply with the comments from the Helix Water District dated 10-09-08 and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit Oil.

4. Submit one electronic copy of the draft Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the condominium ownership and maintenance of the project for approval by the Planning Division and City Attorney. Prior to the sale of any units the applicant shall record the CC&Rs and submit one electronic copy (PDF format) of the recorded document to the Planning Division. The CC&Rs shall include the maintenance of the required landscape and pavement maintenance easement and shall contain the following language:

."A. This entire project and property shall be subject to all of the conditions and

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restrictions contained within the resolution adopted by the City of EI Cajon which approved the tentative subdivision map for the project, as well as being subject to all the conditions and restrictions contained in any permits issued for the project which were approved by the City of EI Cajon, along with accompanying site plans, elevations and landscape plans."

"B. The City of EI Cajon is hereby given supervisory jurisdiction over the enforcement of the provisions of this Declaration dealing with maintenance, cleanliness and repair of the landscape and pavement maintenance easement and exterior appearance of the project. In the event of breach of any duty pertaining to such maintenance, cleanliness, repair or exterior appearance, the City of EI Cajon may give written notice of such breach to the Association or Owners, together with a demand upon them to remedy such breach. If they refuse to do so, or fail to take appropriate action within 30 days of the receipt of such notice, the City of EI Cajon shall have the standing and the right (but not the obligation) to both bring an action in a court of proper jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this Declaration and/or initiate abatement proceedings pursuant to the ordinances of the City of EI Cajon. Nothing contained herein shall limit any other right or remedy which the City may exercise by virtue of authority contained in ordinance or state law."

"C. The City Attorney of EI Cajon must give prior approval to any amendments to this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions which deal with any of the following topics: 1. Amendments with regard to the fundamental purpose for which the project was created (such as a change from residential use to a different use), and amendments which would affect the ability of the City of EI Cajon to approve or disapprove external modifications to the project. 2. Amendments with regard to the supervisory jurisdiction for enforcement granted to the City of EI Cajon by this Declaration. 3. Property maintenance obligations, including maintenance of landscaping, sidewalks, and driveways, and cleanliness or repair of the project."

"D. No alteration or modification shall be made to the landscape and pavement maintenance easement which is contrary to the development plan approved by and on file with the City of El Cajon without the approval of the City."

"E. No boats, campers, motor homes or other recreational vehicles shall be parked or stored on the property."

"F. All garages shall be used for the parking of motor vehicles and incidental storage."

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5. Prior to the sale of any unit, all on site improvements shall be completed or guaranteed in accordance with the approved PRO No. 66 site plan. In addition, the following items shall be completed and/or inspected: a. Record the CC&Rs, and submit one electronic copy of the recorded document (PDF format) to the Planning Division on compact disc. b. Complete the installation of the approved landscaping and irrigation system, and the approved security lighting. c. Satisfy all requirements of the Public Works Department, Building Division, Fire Safety Division, & Helix Water District as indicated on the attached comments dated 11-07-08, 10-06-08, 10-06-08 & 10-09-08, respectively.

6. All advertising for unit sales shall comply with the City's sign ordinance.

Page 5 of 6 135" PC Resolution #10531

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon City Planning Commission at a regular meeting held January 5, 2009, by the following vote:


Anthony Sottile, Chair


Melissa AYRES, Secretary

Page 6 of 6 PRD 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 1A CITY OF EL CAJON Public Works Comments

l \OJ ~ ©~ 0\TI ~ Im lW NOV 1 02008 ~

By =

Date NOVEMBER 7, 2008


A Final Map must be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or a Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with Title 16 ofthe Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act. In order to complete the process of subdividing the property, the owner is responsible for having a Final Map recorded with the County Recorder within two years after approval ofthe Tentative Subdivision Map by the City Councilor within the time limits of an extension granted in accordance with Title 16 of the Municipal Code.

The following conditions must be completed prior to recording ofthe Final Map:

1. Construct street improvements on Greenfield Drive. A detailed scaled drawing showing the plan, profile, typical sections and cross-sections of the public street, curb and gutter, and drainage facilities, as required, shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer registered with the State ofCalifornia and shall be submitted to the City for approval. Improvements shall include, but not be limited to street pavement to provide 23' from face of curb to centerline; PCC curbs, gutters, sidewalks and ADA driveways; and adequate pavement transitions. Relocate existing facilities in conflict with construction as necessary. Remove the existing tree in conflict with improvements.

2. Reconstruct the existing curb returns at the southeast and southwest corner ofGreenfield Drive and Alley 27 with a 10-foot curb radius and curb ramps per current ADA standards. Replace the entire alley cross gutter. A detailed scaled drawing showing the plan and profile and typical sections ofthe new curb, gutter and curb return, conforming asphalt concrete pavement, sidewalks, ADA compliant curb ramp, transitions, and drainage facilities, as required, shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer registered with the State of California. The developer shall relocate any existing facilities in conflict with the required improvements including the relocation ofdrainage inlets, power poles, streetlights, traffic equipment, and fire hydrants.

f31 Plarming Commission November 7,2008 TSM 650 - Page 2

3. The driveway on Greenfield Drive shall be per San Diego Regional Standard Drawing G-14A, including 2:1 sidewalk transitions for ADA compliance. Edge of driveways shall be 3-feet minimum from the property line and all obstructions. The driveway shall be a minimum 12'/18' curb cut. The driveway shall be shown on the Improvement Plan.

4. Install separate gravity sewer services, water services (including meters) and other utilities to each parcel with a building unit in accordance with the Municipal code. Wet-tap fees are required. Cormections to the City sewer system and payment ofcormection fees are required with Building Permits.

5. The proposed sewer main to serve the subdivision shall be public. The public sewer main shall be located in the alley. A detailed scaled drawing showing the plan and profile ofthe sewer main, manhole locations, and laterals shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer registered with the State ofCalifornia. The sewer main shall be designed and built in accordance with the City of El Cajon Improvement Standards for Public Sewer Mains and submitted to the City for review. Maintenance ofthe public sewer main shall be the responsibility ofthe City. Maintenance of the sewer and water laterals shall be the responsibility ofthe homeowners. Cormections to the City sewer system and payment of cormection fees are required with Building Permits.

6. Repair all damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk.

7. Add the following notes to the PRD Site Plan:

"All operations must be in compliance with the City's Storm Water Ordinance (Municipal Code 13.10 and 16.60) to minimize or eliminate pollutant discharges to the storm drain system.

For Public Works requirements on this Plam1ing Action please refer to the Conditions ofApproval. This Site Plan may not clearly show existing or proposed improvements in the public right-of-way and should not be used for public improvement construction purposes."

8. Comply with the following Storm Water requirements:

a) Incorporate New Development Best Management Practices (BMPs).

b) The project design must incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs for compliance with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Diego Region) Order No. R9-2007-0001. (See Section D.l.d(4) of Order No. R9-2007­ 0001, located at: issues/programs/stormwater/sd stormwater.shtml

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-08.doc Planning Commission November 7, 2008 TSM 650 - Page 3

Low Impact Development BMPs must be included as a separate section of the SWMitP. The LID section must include a comprehensive review and consideration of LID BMPs and a determination of feasibility and practicality for all mandatory LID BMPs. The LID section must include implementation ofSource Control BMPs, Treatment Control BMPs and other LID BMPs where practical and feasible. LID implementation shall include, at least, draining all parking spaces and roofdrains to landscaped areas ofsufficient size before the runoff enters the public right-of-way. An electronic copy ofthe County ofSan Diego Low Impact Development Handbook can be found online at:

c) A Maintenance Plan per Storm Water Attachment No.3 to insure perpetual maintenance ofBMPs (Available to the public through Public Works on the fourth floor of City Hall).

d) A copy ofthe Landscaping Plan.

e) Show a detail ofany proposed and existing trash enclosures. Any and all enclosures must be designed to be secured, constructed with a grade-break or berm at the enclosure entrance, and covered with an impervious, fire-resistant roofin accordance with the requirements ofPublic Works Storm Water Attachment No. 2 (Available to the public through Public Works on the fourth floor of City Hall).

f) Prepare a Storm Water Maintenance and Operations Plan to ensure compliance with City ofEl Cajon's storm water regulations.

g) A signed and executed Storm Water Facilities Maintenance Agreement with Easement and Covenants.

h) A copy ofthe Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) for the property, per Storm Water Attachment No.3, that addresses residential compliance with City of El Cajon Municipal Code section 13.10.080 (Available to the public through Public Works on the fourth floor of City Hall).

9. Submit a current Preliminary Title Report and a Subdivision Guarantee, no older than 60 days, at the time the map is ready to record.

10. Submit a County Tax Certificate valid at the time ofmap recordation.

11. Set survey monuments and guarantee setting of any deferred monuments.

12. Submit Will-Serve letters from Water Company, SDG&E, Phone Company and Cable TV Company.

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-08.doc Planning Commission November 7, 2008 TSM 650 - Page 4

13. Submit a preliminary soils report prepared by a Civil or Geotechnical Engineer registered with the state of California, along with adequate test borings.

14. Submit a Drainage Study and a Grading and Drainage Plan along with an Erosion Control Plan prepared by a Civil Engineer, registered with the State of California. No grading or soil disturbance, including clearing of vegetative matter, shall be done until all necessary environmental clearances are secured and the Grading and Drainage Plan and Erosion Control Plan have been reviewed by the City.

These Plans shall be based on the preliminary soils report and in conformance with the City of EI Cajon Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) and Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan Ordinance (SUSMP) which require additional erosion control measures and future ongoing maintenance even after completion ofthe project to prevent, treat, or limit the amount of storm water runoff and pollution from the property.

The Erosion Control Plan shall show measures to ensure that pollutants and runoff from the development are reduced to the maximum extent practicable and will not cause or contribute to an exceedance ofreceiving water quality objectives throughout project construction.

The Drainage Study shall include all related tributary areas and adequately address the impacts to the surrounding properties and to the City drainage system. The developer shall provide any needed public and private drainage facilities, including off site drainage facilities (as determined by the study). Ifpublic drainage facilities are required, the required improvements need to be included in improvement plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, and submitted to the City for approval. Note: If the Drainage Study indicates the existing downstream drainage system is inadequate for the proposed density of the subdivision, a reduction in density and/or hard surface coverage ofthe subdivision may be required.

15. Underground all new and existing utility distribution facilities adjacent to and within the subdivi~ion boundaries, including services to all new and existing buildings, in accordance with City Municipal Code Sections 16.16.040D and 16.52.010. Evidence ofarrangements to underground utilities must be provided. This requirement is waived for the existing overhead distribution facilities along Greenfield Drive in accordance with Section 16.52.030, since the proposed undergrounding would not reduce the number ofpoles already in existence.

16. Submit signature omission letters from all public easement holders who do not have a signature block on the map.

17. Submit a letter stating if the required public improvements listed in 1 thru 5 above will be completed prior to recording the Map or deferred by a Subdivision Agreement.

18. AnEncroachment Permit or Subdivision Agreement is required prior to any work within the public right-of-way.

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-0B.doc 140 Planning Commission November 7,2008 TSM 650 - Page 5

Municipal Code Section 16.16.060 provides that in lieu ofconstructing the required improvements prior to recording ofthe Final Map, the subdivider may enter into an agreement which guarantees construction within one year. Such agreement shall be accompanied by improvement security in accordance with Municipal Code Section 16.16.080 and a certificate of insurance provided by the subdivider in accordance with City Council Policy D-3.

The school districts in the City have developer fee assessment policies. These fees are collected at the time ofissuance ofBuilding Permits.

Existing streets shall be kept free ofdirt and debris and maintained in good condition. Dust shall be controlled so that it does not become a nuisance. The developer shall be responsible for the repair of any streets or private property damaged as a result ofthe construction ofthe subdivision.

Landscaping at the entrance ofthe driveways shall be kept low to provide adequate sight distance.

NOTE: The following must be submitted to the Private Development Section of the Public Works Department when the final map is submitted for checking (An incomplete submittal will not be accepted. Please make an appointment with the Private Development Section personnel and the Storm Water Section personnel to review requirements andobtain appropriate checklists prior to the first submittal. Appropriate checklists will be sent to the Engineer ofWork. The checklists shall be completed by the Engineer ofWork and will be required with the first submittal):

• Three (3) sets ofmaps and completed map checklist. •A map checkingfee. • J'4ap closure calculations/data. • Copies ofrecord maps referenced (full size sheets only). • Cost estimate ofimprovements within public right-ofway, including the public sewer main. • Cost estimate ofon-site improvements, excluding buildings, walls, and utilities. • Improvement plan checkfee for the public street improvements andpublic sewer main. • Grading and Drainage plan checkfee. • Erosion Control plan checkfee • Four (4) sets ofImprovement Plans with Erosion Control Plans for the public street and public sewer main improvements, with signatures and seals, and completed Public Street Improvements checklist. • Four(4) sets ofGrading and Drainage Plans with Erosion Control Plans for the one-site improvements, with signatures and seals, and completed Grading and Drainage Plan checklist. • Soils Report. • Drainage Study. • Letter stating ifthe requiredPublic Improvements will be constructedprior to recording the Map or deferred by a Subdivision Agreement.

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-08.doc l4-\ Planning Commission November 7,2008 TSM 650 - Page 6

• Copy ofthe CC&R's. • When applicable: A copy afthe Operating Agreement (for an LLC); Partnership Agreement (for a Partnership); or a Resolution (for a Corporation).

b~. .~Submitted • ~ RobTumer Director ofPublic Works/City Engineer


cc: Engineer of Work Owner Alan Austin James M. Snyder Austin & Associates 1003 Rachelle Way 1622 Pioneer Way El Cajon, CA 92019 El Cajon, CA 92020

Attachments (Engineer of Work and Applicant): 1. Final Map Checklist 2. Improvement Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 3. Public Sewer Main Improvements Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 4. Private Street Improvements Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 5. Drainage and Grading Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 6. Erosion Control Standard Notes for Erosion Control Plans 7. City Unit Cost Sheet 8. City Fee Schedule 9. Subdivision Control Sheet

Storm Water Attachments (Engineer of Work and Applicant)

1. Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions 2. Storm Water ManagementlBMP Facilities Agreement

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-08.doc PRD 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 1B BUilding Division Comments

Building Comments

Property Address: 1335 Greenfield Drive Planning Ref. #: PRD 66 & TSM 6 Occupancy: Type of Application: Tenative Sub

~ Comply with Currently adopted edition of the CBC, CMC, CPC, an4CEC. ~ A Building permit is required for this project. .' ., o Project must comply with Title 24 disabled access regulations. ~ Title 24 energy efficiency compliance and documentation is required., ~ Soils report will be required for this project. \..'X....· .--- .-.. - .... ~ A licensed design professional is required for this project. ~ Separate permits are required for signs, retaining walls, pools, etc. o An automatic sprinkler system is required by CBC or local ordinance. o An approved fire alarm system is required. o Grease interceptor/trap is required. o Plans must be stamped and approved by the County Health Dept. o Plans must be approved by the County of San Diego Director of Airports. ~ A gravity flow sewer system is required. ~ A demolition permit and bond are required for structures being removed. ~ l'ndergrounding of all on-site utilities is required ~ Address will be assigned at plan check. o Private utility plan required. o Private street name must be approved before final map is recorded. Obtain standard for private street signs from the Building and Fire Safety Division. o Existing address must be changed to conform to City addressing system. o Sound transmission control is required for group R-l occupancies. ~ Separate utilities are required for granny flats, condos, townhouses, SFR's. A sewer connection fee will be charged for each dwelling unit. ~ Additional sewer connection fees will be based on fixture units added. o Modular buildings must have a state tag for the approved use and a permanent foundation. Other comments: Provide an SDG&E Meter and Service Location Sheet for the Electric and Gas Service. Observe all requirements regarding the distance to property lines from the building including the type of construction, fire rating and allowable openings. No other building comments at this time.

Page 1 of 2

143 Building Comments

Property Address: 1335 Greenfield Drive Planning Ref. #: PRD 66 & TSl\;! 6 Occupancy: Type of Application: Tenative Sub Name: Ray Behling Date: 10/6/2008

Page 2 of 2

l~ PRO 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 1C Fire Safety Division Comments

Fire Comments ------~------Property Address: 1335 Greenfield Planning Ref. #: PRD TSlVI Occupancy: R-2-R Type of Application: 66650 o All weather fire access road shall be available on the job site before start ofconst o Tents over 400 square feet in size requires a fire permit. " '. o This project requires a Fire/Building permit. o An approved automatic fire sprinkler system is required for this project. o A automatic hood suppression system is required for this project. Barricades must be easily removable. o Commercial address numbers shall be visible from the street, contrasting in color from wall surface, and minimum 8 inches in size (individual suite numbers may be o This project must comply with currently adopted edition of the CFC. o Dedicate and maintain fire apparatus access lanes by red curb or signage. Fire access lane to be min. 20 feet wide and 13'-6" in height. o Electric vehicle gates require optical device and Knox key override. Pedestrian gates require knox box. Contact Fire Department for application. o An approved automatic fire alarm system is required. o Fire extinguisher is required. One for every 3000 s.f with max. 75 ft. travel distance. Minimum size 2AIOBC with signage. o Hazardous materials management plan and knox storage box required. o Crash post protection required. Approved location to be determined at plan check. o Install fire hydrants per Fire Department requirements. o Maintain 20 ft. wide fire lane. o Residential address numbers shall be visible from the street, contrasting in color from wall surface, and minimum 5 inches in size. Water supply (hydrants) shall be available on the job site before start of constructio o Off-site monitoring for alarm system is require o Off-site monitoring for sprinkler system is requied.. o Private residential driveways shall have a min. width of 12 ft. No requirements. Other comments:

_Name: Alyssa Martin Date: 10/612008 ------Page 1 of 1

I~ PRO 66 &, TSM 650 Attachment 10 Helix Water District Comments 7811 University Avenue La Mesa, CA 91941-4927

Helix Water District (619) 466-0585 FAX (619) 466-182 Setting standards of excellence in public service www.hwd.con.

October 9, 2008

Barbara Ramirez Director of Community Development City of EI Cajon 200 E. Main St. EI Cajon, CA 92020

Subject: TM 650 & PRD 66 - APN 484-120-19 1335 Greenfield Drive - Mike Snyder

Dear Ms. Ramirez;

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the subject property. Helix Water District has one ~ inch water service that currently serves this property, one fire hydrant within 60ft, and one fire hydrant within 270ft in the vicinity of the property. Existing facilities may be required to be abandoned at the OwnerlDeveloper's expense. A water main extension with an 8 inch main will be required in the alley adjacent to the property. Each new lot will be required to have its own separate water service.

We request a review of any street improvement plans and signature of Helix Water District if such plans are required by the City of EI Cajon. We may require the location of the existing water service(s) and or fire hydrants be brought up to current district standards which is behind the existing/proposed sidewalk. Owner/Developer will be required to relocate any facilities that conflicts with proposed improvements at his/her cost per WAS standards.

Per Helix Water District policy, the Owner/Developer is required to install only water efficient appliances, use only high efficiency technologies, and landscape using low water use plants. Owner/Developer shall coordinate the design and installation of water efficient appliances, technologies, and landscaping with District representative, as outline in the attached "Procedure For Water Efficiency - Summary".

The EI Cajon Fire Dept. may require fire protection facilities for this property. All costs for fire protection facilities shall be at the OwnerlDeveloper's cost.

If you have any questions, please call me at (619) 667-6277.

Sincerely, ~1Yl . Chris Magill ~ Senior Engineering Technician

c: Smith, Magill, Perdomo - Helix Water District

Elected Board Richard K. Smith Staff: Legal Counsel: of Directors: Vice President Mark S. Weston Donna Bartlett-May Scott C. Smith Charles W. Muse John B. linden General Manager Board Secretary President DeAna R. Verbeke Kathleen Coates Hedberg 14(, .;/"t v I"v i t'- L:J ! N ~ 210-3281 190-3925 ------~ L[) -;::: .., !. ..,. :'....•. -, cry ill _ :/-: '." .;,: '.' 1e50'~1 6~(0 O)u~ 190-3510 or- ....- (\J ~ '. "'j-//~ , 22 23 i, I 190-393


,,')I FH ! 190-3300 I 190-4125 3/4 C140'E 3/4 C33'E wi 2/2 2/1 ~I I :J_ jr------I > 190-4150 190-1233 I o 1C40'N 3/4 C35'N I 190-4100 190-4103 uJ 7/2 3/4C 12"-N j r: :1';""1' u:: 7/1 190-3400 I ,'-h 0 3/2 Zr------2 C79'E I WI 190-4155 190-436 ~ I 1C40'N :2/4 C4:3'S 811 15193 190-1236 SM I C? 1 8/2

~~~ ~N °1~ c __/c__ I I -1 -I i I 190-4160 I 1C40'N -Ir-. '. , 9/2 190-1243 1 j :>-J 2 3/4 C26'N I rLl II 1 I I I--~S~M~9~8~02~-~B~O~STO-I\I-IA-VJL-L-A-GCL--_---, r--.-. 5/1 II H HI I I ~ . ! I ----'-~~-1 I ------l 190-4169 3/4 eNEe I~ 190-1247 I I i~ 3/4C10'8 I I I~ 1/1 I I Ii ! I~ I-----.J I I 1IJ 190-4358 r'~--I --1-----'190'-4300----1 3/4 C21'N i 7 I I 8 i 3/4 C34'8 I 190-1254 1 i I 5/2 L_ I J I 190-4356 1P42'N/FH I :1 (2'3:, I 9 r--190-=430S---'-----! I 6 I L ~ ~hC22'N I 190-1256 i I 190-435

TM 650 PRO 66 APN 484-120-19 Ofeet 50feel l00feel 150feel 2001eei 250feel 1335 GREENFIELD DR. • MIKE SNYDER Printed: 10/9/2008 Scale: 1":100' '------J/41 () o "'0 <0 <0 o 0:::: 0... 06 o l() <0 2 ({) I­ m .,- oI N .,- I ~ co ~ Z 0...



The District hereby establishes a comprehensive water conservation and water efficiency program for new development or redevelopment within the District.

The District finds that water conservation and water efficiency in all new domestic or commercial development or redevelopment is essential to the District's continued ability to provide water to new and redeveloped areas and to avoid or minimize the effects of any future shortage.


All new commercial and domestic developments or redevelopments shall install only high­ efficiency appliances, use only high-efficiency watering technologies, and landscape using low-water-use plants as follows:

(1) Install the following indoorfixtures in all residential (houses, condominiums, apartments) and commercial/industrial areas: (a) High-efficiency toilets (1.28 gallons or less per flush) (b) High-efficiency dishwashers (Energy Star, WaterSense or equivalent) (c) High-efficiency clothes washers (5.0 water factor or lower) (d) Low-flow shower heads (2.5 gallons per minute or less);

(2) Utilize California-Friendly (low water use) plant materials in all parks, common areas, and residential landscapes;

(3) Install dedicated irrigation meters: (a) In residences with one or more acre(s) of irrigated landscape (b) In all parks and common areas (c) In commercial/industrial sites with 5,000 square feet or more of irrigated landscape;

(4) Enroll all new irrigation meters in the Helix Water Budget Program and provide documentation of irrigated landscape area at the time of meter purchase;

(5) Install "smart" or weather-based irrigation controllers at all homes (residential areas), common areas, parks, and commercial/industriallandscapes;

(6) Install high-efficiency, matched-precipitation rate sprinkler nozzles at all homes (residential landscapes), common areas, parks, and commercial/industrial landscapes

Compliance and Monitoring

(1) Ensure that Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) pertaining to the proposed subdivision/development do not prohibit the use and maintenance of low­ water-use plant materials, and/or the use of artificial turf;


(2) Certify that all units, common areas, and parks comply with all of the above requirements;

(3) Schedule inspection for compliance with water efficiency requirements;

(4) Provide water-use efficiency data upon request to the Helix Water District for six years following installation/development.


Development of a regional model ordinance is in progress. The model ordinance will be adopted when complete and when approved by resolution will be incorporated by reference herein.

OS/21/08 PRO 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 2 proposed PC Reso. NO.1 0532



WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission duly advertised and held a public hearing on January 5,2009, to consider Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM) No. 650, as submitted by Alan Austin for Mike Snyder, requesting a six-lot residential subdivision in the pending Planned Residential - Low (PRO-Low) zone, at 1335 Greenfield Drive located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets; and

WHEREAS, the following findings offact are hereby made in regard to said tentative subdivision map:

1. The proposed project is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32 of CEQA Guidelines. Class 32 provides and exemption for infill development projects provided that all of the following criteria are met:

a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.

2. The proposed map is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed six-lot residential subdivision map is consistent with the Low-Density Residential designation of the General Plan that governs development of this property.

3. The design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with the General Plan. The design of the project is consistent with the Low-Density Residential General Plan designation.

4. The site is physically suitable for the type of development. The site is a relatively flat bare and rectangular piece of residentially zoned property that is surrounded by

'5\ PC Resolution #10532

other residentially zoned and developed property. Therefore, it is physically suitable for the proposed residential development.

5. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The proposed residential density is consistent with the General Plan designation for the subject site.

6. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The subject property is not environmentally sensitive and there are no fish or wildlife populations that would be harmed by the residential development of the subject property.

7. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. The proposed tentative subdivision map will not conflict with any easements.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings offact stated above, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDS that the City Council approve Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 for a six-lot subdivision in the pending Planned Residential Development - Low zone, on the above described property subject to the following conditions:

1. Prior to approval of the final map, Zone Reclassification No. 2294 shall become effective.

2. The final map shall designate a landscape and pavement maintenance easement over all the private front yard and driveway areas of the lots in the approved subdivision. Said easement shall provide for the shared maintenance of the landscaped areas by the homeowners association and shall include the maintenance of all sidewalks and parking areas including the 10 foot setback required along Greenfield Drive.

3. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Public Works Dept. indicated in the attached comments received 11-07-08, and labeled as "Exhibit A".

4. Prior to the sale of any unit, all conditions of approval for PRO No. 650 shall be met.

5. Prior to the sale of any unit, the final map for TSM 650 shall be recorded and the appropriate number of copies returned to the City.

Page 2 of 3 PC Resolution #10532

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon City Planning Commission at a regular meeting held January 5, 2009, by the following vote:


Anthony Sottile, Chair


Melissa AYRES, Secretary

Page 3 of 3 IS3 PRO 66 & T5M 650 Attachment 2A CITY OF EL CAJON Building Division Comments

ru~©~D\IJ~~l llliJ NOV 101008 ill \By =

Date NOVEMBER 7,2008


A Final Map must be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or a Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with Title 16 ofthe Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act. In order to complete the process of subdividing the property, the owner is responsible for having a Final Map recorded with the County Recorder within two years after approval ofthe Tentative Subdivision Map by the City Councilor within the time limits of an extension granted in accordance with Title 16 of the Municipal Code.

The following conditions must be completed prior to recording ofthe Final Map:

1. Construct street improvements on Greenfield Drive. A detailed scaled drawing showing the plan, profile, typical sections and cross-sections of the public street, curb and gutter, and drainage facilities, as required, shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer registered with the State ofCalifornia and shall be submitted to the City for approval. Improvements shall include, but not be limited to street pavement to provide 23' from face of curb to centerline; PCC curbs, gutters, sidewalks and ADA driveways; and adequate pavement transitions. Relocate existing facilities in conflict with construction as necessary. Remove the existing tree in conflict with improvements.

2. Reconstruct the existing curb returns at the southeast and southwest comer ofGreenfield Drive and Alley 27 with a 1O-foot curb radius andcurb ramps per current ADA standards. Replace the entire alley cross gutter. A detailed scaled drawing showing the plan and profile and typical sections ofthe new curb, gutter and curb return, conforming asphalt concrete pavement, sidewalks, ADA compliant curb ramp, transitions, and drainage facilities, as required, shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer registered with the State of California. The developer shall relocate any existing facilities in conflict with the required improvements including the relocation of drainage inlets, power poles, streetlights, traffic equipment, and fire hydrants. Planning Commission November 7, 2008 TSM 650 - Page 2

3. The driveway on Greenfield Drive shall be per San Diego Regional Standard Drawing G-14A, including 2: 1 sidewalk transitions for ADA compliance. Edge of driveways shall be 3-feet minimum from the property line and all obstructions. The driveway shall be a minimum 12'/18' curb cut. The driveway shall be shown on the Improvement Plan.

4. Install separate gravity sewer services, water services (including meters) and other utilities to each parcel with a building unit in accordance with the Municipal code. Wet-tap fees are required. Connections to the City sewer system and payment ofcOill1ection fees are required with Building Permits.

5. The proposed sewer main to serve the subdivision shall be public. The public sewer main shall be located in the alley. A detailed scaled drawing showing the plan and profile ofthe sewer main, manhole locations, and laterals shall be prepared by a CiviI Engineer registered with the State ofCalifornia. The sewer main shall be designed and built in accordance with the City of EI Cajon Improvement Standards for Public Sewer Mains and submitted to the City for review. Maintenance ofthe public sewer main shall be the responsibility ofthe City. Maintenance of the sewer and water laterals shall be the responsibility ofthe homeowners. Connections to the City sewer system and payment ofconnection fees are required with Building Permits.

6. Repair all damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk.

7. Add the following notes to the PRD Site Plan:

"All operations must be in compliance with the City's Storm Water Ordinance (Municipal Code 13.10 and 16.60) to minimize or eliminate pollutant discharges to the storm drain system.

For Public Works requirements on this Planning Action please refer to the Conditions ofApproval. This Site Plan may not clearly show existing or proposed improvements in the public right-of-way and should not be used for public improvement construction purposes."

8. Comply with the following Storm Water requirements:

a) Incorporate New Development Best Management Practices (BMPs).

b) The project design must incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs for compliance with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Diego Region) Order No. R9-2007-000 1. (See Section D.1.d(4) of Order No. R9-2007­ 000 I, located at:

htip:// issues/programs/sto rmwater/sd stormwater.shtml

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-08.doc Planning Commission November 7, 2008 TSM 650 - Page 3

Low Impact Development BMPs must be included as a separate section of the SWMitP. The LID section must include a comprehensivereview and consideration of LID BMPs and a determination of feasibility and practicality for all mandatory LID BMPs. The LID section must include implementation ofSource Control BMPs, Treatment Control BMPs and other LID BMPs where practical and feasible. LID implementation shall include, at least, draining all parking spaces and roofdrains to landscaped areas of sufficient size before the runoff enters the public right-of-way. An electronic copy ofthe County ofSan Diego Low Impact Development Handbook can be found online at:

c) A Maintenance Plan per Storm Water Attachment No.3 to insure perpetual maintenance ofBMPs (Available to the public through Public Works on the fourth floor ofCity Hall).

d) A copy ofthe Landscaping Plan.

e) Show a detail ofany proposed and existing trash enclosures. Any and all enclosures must be designed to be secured, constructed with a grade-break or berm at the enclosure entrance, and covered with an impervious, fire-resistant roofin accordance with the requirements ofPublic Works Storm Water Attachment NO.2 (Available to the public through Public Works on the fourth floor of City Hall).

f) Prepare a Storm Water Maintenance and Operations Plan to ensure compliance with City ofEI Cajon's stonn water regulations.

g) A signed and executed Storm Water Facilities Maintenance Agreement with Easement and Covenants.

h) A copy ofthe Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) for the property, per Storm Water Attachment No.3, that addresses residential compliance with City of EI Cajon Municipal Code section 13.10.080 (Available to the public through Public Works on the fourth floor of City Hall).

9. Submit a current Preliminary Title Report and a Subdivision Guarantee, no older than 60 days, at the time the map is ready to record.

10. Submit a County Tax Certificate valid at the time ofmap recordation.

11. Set survey monuments and guarantee setting ofany deferred monuments.

12. Submit Will-Serve letters from Water Company, SDG&E, Phone Company and Cable TV Company.

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 6S0-11-04-08.doc IS¥- Planning Commission November 7, 2008 TSM 650 - Page 4

13. Submit a preliminary soils report prepared by a Civil or Geotechnical Engineer registered with the state of California, along with adequate test borings.

14. Submit a Drainage Study and a Grading and Drainage Plan along with an Erosion Control Plan prepared by a Civil Engineer, registered with the State of California. No grading or soil disturbance, including clearing of vegetative matter, shall be done until all necessary environmental clearances are secured and the Grading and Drainage Plan and Erosion Control Plan have been reviewed by the City.

These Plans shall be based on the preliminary soils report and in conformance with the City of El Cajon Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) and Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan Ordinance (SUSMP) which require additional erosion control measures and future ongoing maintenance even after completion ofthe project to prevent, treat, or limit the amount of storm water runoff and pollution from the property.

The Erosion Control Plan shall show measures to ensure that pollutants and runoff from the development are reduced to the maximum extent practicable and will not cause or contribute to an exceedance ofreceiving water quality objectives throughout project construction.

The Drainage Study shall include all related tributary areas and adequately address the impacts to the surrounding properties and to the City drainage system. The developer shall provide any needed public and private drainage facilities, including off site drainage facilities (as determined by the study). Ifpublic drainage facilities are required, the required improvements need to be included in improvement plans, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, and submitted to the City for approval. Note: If the Drainage Study indicates the existing downstream drainage system is inadequate for the proposed density of the subdivision, a reduction in density and/or hard surface coverage ofthe subdivision may be required.

15. Underground all new and existing utility distribution facilities adj acent to and within the subdivision boundaries, including services to all new and existing buildings, in accordance with City Municipal Code Sections 16.16.040D and 16.52.010. Evidence ofarrangements to underground utilities must be provided. This requirement is waived for the existing overhead distribution facilities along Greenfield Drive in accordance with Section 16.52.030, since the proposed undergrounding would not reduce the number ofpoles already in existence.

16. Submit signature omission letters from all public easement holders who do not have a signature block on the map.

17. Submit a letter stating if the required public improvements listed in 1 thru 5 above will be completed prior to recording the Map or deferred by a Subdivision Agreement.

18. An Encroachment Permit or Subdivision Agreement is required prior to any work within the public right-of-way.

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-0B.doc IS1 Planning Commission November 7,2008 TSM 650 - Page 5

Municipal Code Section 16.16.060 provides that in lieu ofconstructing the required improvements prior to recording ofthe Final Map, the subdivider may enter into an agreement which guarantees construction within one year. Such agreement shall be accompanied by improvement security in accordance with Municipal Code Section 16.16.080 and a certificate ofinsurance provided by the subdivider in accordance with City Council Policy D-3.

The school districts in the City have developer fee assessment policies. These fees are collected at the time of issuance ofBuilding Permits.

Existing streets shall be kept free ofdirt and debris and maintained in good condition. Dust shall be controlled so that it does not become a nuisance. The developer shall be responsible for the repair of any streets or private property damaged as a result ofthe construction ofthe subdivision.

Landscaping at the entrance ofthe driveways shall be kept low to provide adequate sight distance.

NOTE: The following must be submitted to the Private Development Section of the Public Works Department when the final map is submitted for checking (An incomplete submittal will not be accepted. Please make an appointment with the Private Development Section personnel and the Storm Water Section personnel to review requirements andobtain appropriate checklists prior to the first submittal. Appropriate checklists will be sentto the Engineer ofWork. The checklists shall be completed by the Engineer ofWork and will be required with the first submittal):

• Three (3) sets ofmaps and completed map checklist. •A map checkingfee. • Map closure calculations/data. • Copies ofrecord maps referenced (fidl size sheets only). • Cost estimate ofimprovements within public right-ofway, including the public sewer main. • Cost estimate ofon-site improvements, excluding buildings, walls, and utilities. • Improvement plan checkfee for the public street improvements andpublic sewer main. • Grading and Drainage plan checkfee. • Erosion Control plan checkfee • Four (4) sets ofImprovement Plans with Erosion Control Plans for the public street and public sewer main improvements, with signatures and seals, and completed Public Street Improvements checklist. • Four (4) sets ofGrading and Drainage Plans with Erosion Control Plans for the one-site improvements, with signatures and seals, and completed Grading and Drainage Plan checklist. • Soils Report. • Drainage Study. • Letter stating ifthe requiredPublic Improvements will be constructedprior to recording the Map or deferred by a Subdivision Agreement.

H:\PRIVATE DEV\TSM TPM COMMENTS\TSM 650-11-04-08.doc IS!> Planning Commission November 7,2008 ISM 650 - Page 6

• Copy ofthe CC&R's. • When applicable: A copy ofthe OperatingAgreement (for an LIC); Partnership Agreement (for a Partnership); or a Resolution (for a Corporation).

Submitted bY~ .~ ~ RobIurner Director ofPublic Works/City Engineer


cc: Engineer of Work Owner Alan Austin James M. Snyder Austin & Associates 1003 Rachelle Way 1622 Pioneer Way El Cajon, CA 92019 El Cajon, CA 92020

Attachments (Engineer of Work and Applicant): 1. Final Map Checklist 2. Improvement Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 3. Public Sewer Main Improvements Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 4. Private Street Improvements Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 5. Drainage and Grading Plan Checklist and Standard Notes 6. Erosion Control Standard Notes for Erosion Control Plans 7. City Unit Cost Sheet 8. City Fee Schedule 9. Subdivision Control Sheet

Storm Water Attachments (Engineer of Work and Applicant)

I. Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions 2. Storm Water ManagementIBMP Facilities Agreement



This was a public hearing on a request to construct a six-unit planned residential development in a six-lot subdivision in the pending Planned Residential Development - Low Density (PRO-Low) zone. The subject property is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets and is addressed 1335 Greenfield Drive. APN: 484.,120-19 General Plan: Low Density Residential (LR) Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone Restrict (R-2-R); pending Planned Residential Development - Low Zone (PRD­ Low) Applicant: Allan Austin for Mike Snyder 1(619) 440-3624 Project Planner: Eric Craig I (619) 441-1656

CRAIG summarized the staff report, and emphasized that the proposed design of PRO No. 66 does not include any common areas as the applicant has proposed private yards for each of the individuals units. Furthermore, five of the six homes will face a public alley that runs along the west side of the property. The homes would not only take vehicular access from the public alley, their front entrances would face the alley, and their private front yards would also be located along the alley. CRAIG noted that staff's determination is that innovation and imagination are lacking in both the design, and architecture of the proposed project. Rather than designing a project that incorporates common open space to create a sense of community among homeowners in a common-interest residential project, the applicant has proposed to create a row of fenced-in, isolated single-family homes on individual lots facing an alley. Having single-family homes front on an alley rather than a street or common open space is not consistent with good planning principles, nor is it conducive to creating a quality living environment. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission deny PRO No. 66 and TSM No. 650.

CRAIG concluded that staff recommended a design alternative that it believed would improve the project. Specifically, staff recommended that the applicant re­ design the proposal to provide a common area along with east side of the property that would act as a common yard for the project. Staffs alternative also suggested that the fronts of the units be oriented toward the common area, rather than the alley. Vehicles would still access the garages and parking areas from

Planning Commission 1 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes I~o DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 2008

the alley to the west, but guests would walk along paved pathways and enter the homes from the east side. The applicant chose not to redesign the project, therefore, staff has recommended denial.

WOODS opened the public hearing and invited any speakers in the audience to approach the podium.

Mr. Alan AUSTIN, 1622 Pioneer Way, EI Cajon, CA 92020, is the architect for the project and represented the applicant. [He requested additional time due to the two projects and 10 minutes was granted by the Chairman.]

AUSTIN suggested that they could provide over 400 square feet of a common area space, off the alley. He disagreed with staff's assessment that the project is not innovative and imaginative. Additionally, he does not support staff's recommendation for the 10-foot wide, 300-foot long hallway with the six-foot block wall on one side and a nine-foot house wall on the other, as it will increase vandalism and graffiti in that area. He also emphasized that the property owner's goal is to create large yards for the owners, as there are too many developments with a "cookie-cutter" design and small yards. He believed that this project's design will provide a quality living environment.

In response to a question from SOTTILE, AUSTIN replied that there would be no hazard to children because of yards fronting the alley.

AMBROSE offered that the design does not have "front yard appeal," and stated that he does not support houses fronting a parking lot and an alley. He recommended some alterations to make the project more attractive.

AUSTIN noted that they have done a similar project with a common area off Naranca Avenue. He stressed that as the trees mature on this new project, the alley visibility will be limited. They are trying to build economical homes and give people space and some breathing room, and not just push them all out into a common area.

WELLS commended the applicant for trying to build new homes in EI Cajon. He asked if the preference is for the Planning Commission to make its decision tonight -- and possibly deny it which would allow the applicant to take it to the City Council on an appeal -- or if the applicant would prefer to have more time to work out the details with staff through a continuance.

Planning Commission 2 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 2008

AUSTIN noted that there are major differences between the applicant and staff's position, and preferred that a decision be made tonight. He stressed that they have a great project and the six detached homes [as presented] will provide more space to the owners.

RAMIREZ explained that, even though staff's recommendation is for denial, the Commission could recommend a continuance that is not supported by the applicant. If the Commission denies both items, that means the applicant could file an appeal, in order to be heard at the City Council. If the Council agrees with the Commission, then the applicant would have to start all over again by filing new applications with new filing fees and being placed on the Planning Commission's agenda in 2009.

WOODS noted that the Commission's option is for denial as there are no conditions of approval. RAMIREZ agreed that if the Commissioners support the proposal, one drawback is that the staff report and attached resolution do not have conditions of approval.

CRAIG acknowledged the differences between the applicant and staff; he noted, however, that the applicant's suggestion of creating a common lot on the west side of the property was a new one tonight, whereas staffs exhibit proposed a common area to the east. He noted that the new proposal would need some discussion regarding floor plans, and fence or wall height limitations and traffic safety concerns.

AUSTIN noted that the suggestion of the common lot on the west side was made to the Director of Community Development last week. He doesn't like a denial of the project as they are trying to keep other businesses going. He advocated for an approval and noted that most conditions of approval are "boiler plate" from engineering, traffic, fire department and building.

AMBROSE told AUSTIN that the Planning Commission cannot approve the project tonight because there are no conditions of approval available. He noted that, with a denial, the applicant could appeal his case before the City Council. He mentioned that if the applicant made some design changes, he could support the project. He recommended a common lot along the alley that would reinforce that landscaping, at least the fronts of the buildings, and some kind of wall or fence, for a courtyard effect that could screen some of that parking element away from the front of these houses. He stressed that the City Council would probably have concerns over the roof materials at its meeting.

Planning Commission 3 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 2008

AUSTIN asked if the Commission could give approval, pending conditions from the other departments. WOODS noted that that is not the procedure of the Commission. AUSTIN objected to a possible denial of the project as his clients would need to pay more money and wait more time. RAMIREZ explained that the proposed common lot would have potential implications in several areas, including Public Works Department comments on sewer service to the units. Another concern would be the distance of the roof overhangs from the proposed common lot. Staff supported the Chair's statement that it is not the Commission's policy to approve the projects without conditions included as part of the record.

AUSTIN asked if he withdrew the suggestion of the common lot, then would he not have to deal with new issues? WOODS reaffirmed that the Commission could not recommend approval without written conditions. He noted that the Commission could continue this hearing to a later date; the other option would be to withdraw the project for approximately six months. The Commission could still vote for denial, and the applicant could appeal to the City Council.

AUSTIN asked if staff would have conditions of approval ready by the time of the City Council hearing. RAMIREZ replied that assuming that an appeal would go to the same City Council meeting, which was pre-advertised for a December 16, 2008 public hearing, staff would not have sufficient time to review a new plan from the applicant. Additionally, she noted that the Council might refer the project back to the Planning Commission for review of the new information.

AUSTIN asked when would be the hearing date if they requested a continuance. RAMIREZ recommended a possible continuance date to January 26, 2009. AUSTIN noted that they will appeal to the City Council.

Mr. James SNYDER, 1003 Rachelle Way, EI Cajon, CA, is the applicant. He explained that he has built quite a few projects, and one of the biggest complaints is that people don't like the two-story home residents looking onto their single-story home. He noted that the surrounding properties are different zones (PRO-Low, and an R-3-zoned property that is being converted to condos). He requested the PRO-Low zone for this project because he wanted to construct six, single-story, single-family residences. He acknowledged the problem of the property fronting an alley; however, he does not support staff's recommendations.

Planning Commission 4 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17,2008

H believed that the only problem with putting a common driveway is then the alleyway would become a back yard, which would then have a six-foot masonry fence that would attract graffiti. He suggested the common area in the front, and possibly having some picnic tables in a courtyard setting.

RAMIREZ explained possible scenarios. The applicant could appeal to Council and go to their meeting of December 16, 2008. If the Council agrees with the Planning Commission that some other variation of the plan, deserves their consideration, but don't have the plan and they are stuck without a list of conditions of approval. Then it may get continued at the council level and end up at the Planning Commission in January.

No one else came forward.

Motion was made by WELLS, seconded by SOTTILE to close the public hearing; carried 5-0.

WOODS mentioned that his primary concern is that this project looks like more of a straight subdivision, rather than a common interest subdivision. He supported staffs goal of keeping all the front yards looking good and having a good environment, where there's a sense of community being created.

Motion was made by WELLS, to adopt the proposed Resolution NO.1 0525 and 10526, denying Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650, subject to conditions.

LUCK informed WELLS that there should be two separate motions. The motion was withd rawn.

Motion was made by WELLS, seconded by AMBROSE to adopt the proposed Resolution NO.1 0525, denying Planned Residential Development No. 66, subject to conditions.

Motion was made by WELLS, seconded by SOTTILE to adopt the proposed Resolution No. 10526, denying Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650, subject to conditions.

These items were jointly noticed for a City Council meeting on December 16, 2008 at 7 p.m. The applicant must file an appeal by 5 p.m., Monday, December 1, 2008, in order to be heard on December 16, 2008.

Planning Commission 5 November 17,2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING December 8, 2008


This is a discussion on a request for Planning Commission reconsideration of a proposed six-unit residential development and six-lot subdivision in the pending Planned Residential - Low Density (PRO-Low) zone. The subject property is addressed as 1335 Greenfield Drive, which is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets. APN: 484-120-19 General Plan: Low Density, Residential (L-R) Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone Restricted (R-2-R), pending Planned Residential Development - Low (PRO-Low) Applicant: Alan Austin I (619) 440-3624 Project Planner: Barbara Ramirez 1(619) 441-1771

RAMIREZ summarized the staff report and reminded the Commissioners that at the last Planning Commission meeting on November 22, 2008, the Commission denied the two applications for PUD 66 and TSM 650. No appeal was filed by the appeal deadline; however, the applicant and representative met with staff and informed them that they were uncertain of the options available to them at the meeting. Additionally, they presented new information to staff and requested that the Planning Commission reconsider their applications during a new public hearing.

She informed that with the Commission's concurrence, the PUD 66 and TSM would schedule and advertise a new public hearing on January 5,2009 at 7 p.m., and jointly noticed for a continued City Council hearing on January 27, 2009 at 7 p.m.

SOTTILE invited any speakers to the podium.

Mr. Alan AUSTIN, 1622 Pioneer Way, EI Cajon, CA 92020, is the applicant's representative and the architect for the project. He was available for any questions.

SOTTILE asked if he understood the options and AUSTIN replied affirmatively.

Motion was made by AMBROSE, seconded by BALES to accept this report and take no further action; carried 3-0 (WELLS - Absent; Fifth Seat - Vacant).

Planning Commission 1 May 19,2008 Draft Excerpts of Minutes PRO 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 4 Aerial Photo

c: :::J I .~ (j) I , PRO 66 & TSM 650 ,..- ...... j ...... l.ill...:...... I\ !\. I'I II--- L. Attachment 5 - All property owners within this line,-·-·..··--L__.-----L-../'-'--,,\ I .-.-rJ Public Hearing Notice 0P - shall receive no... tification . ..!~-FLA.~~.I9- "'T.·----,,· __.. -/jl.:=--~~.·o:: ..•.. r.-~.'1•.•.. _.~... _.1 I ! . -'-r ...: I I I ! T . j ~ r I : 'I' 'rr 1 R-1-6 I' I R-1-6 I I L / I' R-l' -6-H :---.-c.:.. ..J:-~ I J! o·p I 1---·- ~ • Iuj : "--r--·':---..L --_._--~--- J:~ '-'~I. !..JI : ;: H. ILJ'". II I l I CLI I . - Z • I',t Subject site II : I Sr---·- !_n;--1"--1 Cj. :'--":.-.-L" '._'._ l tr1 C)~ I I, . • i 1--7-"--+...-..!r----- z 1 I I ." • ~i 1 C-1 T.-- ~I:::i. ---"-1. I I .' ./ 1.-.'.\:>-~'--r:...,.. . .__ ...•.••... J-.j'-.-; ".'~!G '•.•...• !._ i J I I I r' L: ....---_... _. .__./ ,,----.--L_.l_._.__,__ '.-_.' __ I , 1 ;.->' : GREENFIELD DR --.-.--- ,,----.--,--,---.,,--~.--- :: ..,---t----f------j _~"" ~ j/ -_---.------T-.. --[-.··-1 1_'''_-+',,-.,=-=, 1 :ti ~ R-3 I R-1-61 .~ () W .------(J) ~. ~ ------~ R·2 ,- ---j il- f--- .__ : z I r---~ ;g! ~ /..--,----1 Z

...--.-...... -t---,....,---, C-2 r...._; _·.. ,·1·_·· ·_, / : PRO·LOW I II~/..J_ ,_----'-R.__ -,,1__.6----.-< ~-.".--t---..------I l=~~--=~=-; Q,..... ] /1-----.".,--,1 ~- I .. --1 L ! / I ~-r;---H--""'i~Fi"i""TTTATI'V'Fm--j - .."" ------, '--_, , . ".------...... -. 1,. .,-1 .' Fff: ·I-l.llNY P . I PERSIMMON AV ~------·1 LJ _L_J._J_.~

I\-j.,-...:=--=1-0-0='~~-=t·~=-OO ...3P~;;i-~-----11! '.r... ------" 1,. -" '-:A'~ --.-- L_ I . i I NOTICE OF PROPOSED PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the EI Cajon City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., Monday, January 5, 2009, and the City Council will hold a continued public hearing at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 27, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA, to consider: Planned Residential Development 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map 650, as submitted by Alan Austin, requesting to construct a six-unit residential development in a six·lot common interest subdivision. The subject property is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets, and is addressed 1335 Greenfield Drive. (These items are continuedfrom the City Council meeting of December 16,2008.)

Any person interested in the above items may appear and speak before the Planning Commission and City Council. If you challenge these matters in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearings and described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Commission or Council at, or prior to, the public hearings,

If you have any questions, or wish any additional information, please contact ERIC CRAIG at (619) 441-1782 or via email at [email protected] and reference "PRO 66 & TSM 650" in the Subject line. ,"', ~ PRD 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 6 Application

CITY OF EL CAJON. PLANNING DIVISION. (619) 441·1741 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION NO. fab *Applicant's Name: I~ L'A~ /A\..J.s;r-\ F~ bQ\?, 1:\ \~: S\YrJf32-

Address: \&'2 z... ·?LC.9t\\~2':(2- 'vV'A'( . E:L cJ~~M i l./~ cl:::z..c)20 Street # City St~te Zip Phone: (CelC() 440- 3&Z4 FaxNo.: (CA<\) 447- 5""50'2--

*Property Owner's Name: ~h e-S \"l \. SA::-C_D~\<- ~ Address: I C:::t:J":::S . /. c, < CA. C\'2.. 0" Street # City Zip Phone: (G\?j ) Sa2- Pdt P..?'2- .~//f~~-~ .: (l- _ +-~M.z.:.t:L...'/1/ /:1>' / x;. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE:.,-:"/ ---;?/t...... - _

Subject property is located on the ~~side:1 ~'" J¥l\ll? ~ NWd Sb'~C NV1C 13oS~.~'7 and addressed as 13~,S- G>-f2-6E.t-\FIELO ~~\V£

Assessor's Parcel No.: 4&4=- l-:ZO·- \ "';\ -00 Existing Zoning: _\,\Jz" fL: LyE},flvl i~, b' r~l-==:~()_'-I-'L~lm=\I;':.L.J ....;.-} _

General Plan Designation: _ ~ LLGW -Pl1JGI~1 '04ft1-Ai1 1.. REQUES~·j1! 0~,,\01 ~f,'", UlJ, k I Vl\ilr t?ll?lfUil·k0 ,WWElifrrV(t=}{r eNllfR.,~ ,'-- 'I 1t·, ,-. J" \ J ', it; / jC2tf7ip , .' c: ,vrtv\ t?N.~ ltj\N V~}J'S erf '1-0, ' " . *Architect or Engine~: /~ LA\;--\ ~ ).:'::s.\\\-\ i L~( )::.;T11~ 1: A ~':::cLli~~~·S (or other representative) . i if...,e-Z'-z.... Pi C'(/~£C'2-, ~"A,...>(

Address: EL _ LA,,'),c.::;x:::" ,LI--"- c~·Z02U Street # City IState Zip Phone: (v{C\) 440"-:;.G?:2..4' Fax No.: ( ), _

'These individuals will receive a copy of the staff report if their complete address is given.


City Use Only: l'~ Dat e FIe:'I d c~ , l"]. - Q;:!,? Agenda Date: , I - 1'7- 0 Received by: --=~-e~w~{--:-- __-::-___ Within SP 182? 0 Yes.(KtNo Accompanying Tentative Map: IiIV\ 0"'i() Within RDA? 0 Yes~No PRO 66 & 1::iM boU Attachment "1 Disclosure Statement DISCLOSURE STATEMENT


The following information must be disclosed:

1. List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application.

, \ .t::..M t:::S M, C)l--A-:(DC·\C..­ hI el S J,.,'C-O£:.--\2.-

List the names and address of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved.

JA't=1 E~::>t1, ~t\'f6?­ bl 1':\ S±\i~TZ.- 2. If i:Iny person identified pursuant to (1) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names and address~s of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnershipillterest in the partnership.

3. If any persQn identified pursuant to (1) above is a trust, list the name and address of any person serving as trustee orb~neficiary or trustor of the trust. -..--....,.

4. Have you or your agents transacted more than $250.00 worth of business with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and 96uncil within the past 12 months or $500.00 with the spouse of any such person? Yes__ No _t/__

If yes, please indicate person(s), dates, and amounts of such transactions or gifts.


"Person" is defined ~?"~(i'~i.dual, propr~etorship, firm, partnership, join~ venture, syndicate, busines~ trust, company, c rpora.tlof)~ association, committee, and any other organization or group of persons acting In concert." .' ov.'t}20d/'§82047. /" / ,/ / '''', / S}~/,/ f ~ plicant / date Print or type name of applicant

,,}rOTE: Attach appropriate names on additional pages as necessary. ./ .

Planned Residential Development Application - Page 5 of 6 - Updated 04/01/2008 PRO 66 & TSM 650 Attachment 8 Applicant's Narrative




TSM 650 PRD 66 110 -,---_._,...- --, .. _- ,- --,'-'"~

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l.EFTSlOE El.EVATION BACK El.EVATION ...... ,,~ .,.,., ......

9---_.• T~C'il ~ Pi:q 6HE.n: t CITY OF EL CAJON .~ """ I .____freNe ~ "'=. APPLICANT: ""KE SNYQ~~'-- _ ~'''t=:M 'T~., ASSESSOR f'ARCEL NO. (5): _ "'''....,,~;~~,:' r...c..__-t-~:' REQUE5T: . .4 tl'1"'I.1l.Cl",_1 rLlt....,Il>l. ----_._-_..•-

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AP,N. • "'~"';16~""~ ADD~66, 1~3~ GREEl"f'oI!:.LO O~Y!:, a c.AJe:lN. cA "!l2111'1

"'I-lE 6OJ"l14 ONE·HALF 0:: LOT" OF ~TE'r"El-l& 04ARTLE'T"e DlS'TIHO lUu;lWG: I 1 . eue.c>M&l~ Of' LOTS .. TO 1 lHClU6!V1:::, eLOCK 1 a" eueoM~Ia-( OF ~rs. E AND F OF ~ EL CAJON. ~-- "'_M"~ ~N r : I IN TI4E Cln- a EL CAJa-i, c.o..t-:TY Of Ola:.o, &T Are Of c.ALIFOl'"NIA. ACCORD!l'«:.j TO MAP THI!:R!CJF NO, 1166, FIU::D 11'01 n-lE Cff'lCE Of TI-IE CCllNl'r' RE~E'fi Cf' eNA I DIEGO c.c:;::Nl.JTY. F€'8!=iIJA.Rl b, l~


MIKE~ER CONSn;aJC:T!C'N~~I-IAe.;:;.e:va.~ llZ>6!2 ~F"CCT AY'ENJE SITE REQUIREMENTS, eANrEE, CA ~2D11 Fl-!.... 6~·!>b'-el~ L n.e~$.l.o6U..tlEU&e.Pf'GIfIlne~Gf'l"'~'TlJ'::)YI!!I·/lc:l..n...., N~I!&l~»IO~~...v~"O!'t"'",,*-k)Al.I.LL u .... .AHOTl-l),THO~~<:t&IIIU.&E~R'1't'T£t).'f\M,1i.l.U.....uoee P!!.~ t4 n.E CC'I'iOrTlOI-l&.~ANT&,AI'C) 1'E&~fQ.e.

,.Ibc(.)/HP.IWII»lCUlllll6llAJ.BGllI'Ce'""""''l'HAt....,... ~"C"~""""".&I-C>~"'j~'" , • ..t.I..L~.llA.LWA.""AIll'Q"'l...neDOefll~ ""'. ~AOO'fIlI96PU1!!JflN...uu.I!IE'<1~eLl!P\IlIl:2'1M!.Tl'lIm!r. CIN OF El CAJON ~lHca...oJtM::lH54U..aJIlIF,6Cl!!,.»OHf.I!tU"'I.1NCl-e6 Halm. !C. n.e ~ ~ uu ~~Ml"'NtAT'I!! llTUTY 6Y1lll!M& ilk.Dol"6 PRIV. RESIDENT. DEVELOPMENT PLAN: IL4reJ1'.&a.E!'I,El...J!CTlII!IC,~A/oC~~61&Oll:1!.AOll.HTtIH> MT.AU te'~'T1! W4'TVt ~!'Clflt!,.f,O.l te:l"tY'CL

•• "~O'TWI&r"IlIOJI!ICt('lTI.~II1.EYA~c;:GU';ft~ APPlICANT: ..!M1!!!KEUS!ffi!E!!m!!;!t _ ~~.LJI.O~!lCJM.A.'(}oIO'fee~oU'THOlJT... ~~~D'T"TJ.iI~~.ANDCITTc;.cu.lClL. ASSESSOR PARCEl NO. (S): _-_'l

~~~ ~ _...... uc~~_~~lJIMl_'Jf;' J( .... &711. ;_fiiiitiPiZt.~. ~ i~ I\. NO ec..ALe 'T.e. II, cal, ll'O~ ~ft.1 ccwu".,. ~ 1M' fl"IIIlCMOIO N-C e1~ ~ J., ,. D!.&lo::;NJ..'fUl~l...OC.47'1a-1 r) ~~~.t::!:.~~~.- ",,(t1.~ _ DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 2008


This was a public hearing on a request to construct a six-unit planned residential development in a six-lot subdivision in the pending Planned Residential Development - Low Density (PRO-Low) zone. The subject property is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets and is addressed 1335 Greenfield Drive. APN: 484-120-19 General Plan: Low Density Residential (LR) Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone Restrict (R-2-R); pending Planned Residential Development - Low Zone (PRD­ Low) Applicant: Allan Austin for Mike Snyder / (619) 440-3624 Project Planner: Eric Craig / (619) 441-1656

CRAIG summarized the staff report, and emphasized that the proposed design of PRO No. 66 does not include any common areas as the applicant has proposed private yards for each of the individuals units. Furthermore, five of the six homes will face a public alley that runs along the west side of the property. The homes would not only take vehicular access from the public alley, their front entrances would face the alley, and their private front yards would also be located along the alley. CRAIG noted that staff's determination is that innovation and imagination are lacking in both the design, and architecture of the proposed project. Rather than designing a project that incorporates common open space to create a sense of community among homeowners in a common-interest residential project, the applicant has proposed to create a row of fenced-in, isolated single-family homes on individual lots facing an alley. Having single-family homes front on an alley rather than a street or common open space is not consistent with good planning principles, nor is it conducive to creating a quality living environment. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission deny PRO No. 66 and TSM No. 650.

CRAIG concluded that staff recommended a design alternative that it believed would improve the project. Specifically, staff recommended that the applicant re­ design the proposal to provide a common area along with east side of the property that would act as a common yard for the project. Staff's alternative also suggested that the fronts of the units be oriented toward the common area, rather than the alley. Vehicles would still access the garages and parking areas from

Planning Commission 1 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 2008

the alley to the west, but guests would walk along paved pathways and enter the homes from the east side. The applicant chose not to redesign the project, therefore, staff has recommended denial.

WOODS opened the public hearing and invited any speakers in the audience to approach the podium.

Mr. Alan AUSTIN, 1622 Pioneer Way, EI Cajon, CA 92020, is the architect for the project and represented the applicant. [He requested additional time due to the two projects and 10 minutes was granted by the Chairman.]

AUSTIN suggested that they could provide over 400 square feet of a common area space, off the alley. He disagreed with staff's assessment that the project is not innovative and imaginative. Additionally, he does not support staff's recommendation for the 10-foot wide, 300-foot long hallway with the six-foot block wall on one side and a nine-foot house wall on the other, as it will increase vandalism and graffiti in that area. He also emphasized that the property owner's goal is to create large yards for the owners, as there are too many developments with a "cookie-cutter" design and small yards. He believed that this project's design will provide a quality living environment.

In response to a question from SOTTILE, AUSTIN replied that there would be no hazard to children because of yards fronting the alley.

AMBROSE offered that the design does not have "front yard appeal," and stated that he does not support houses fronting a parking lot and an alley. He recommended some alterations to make the project more attractive.

AUSTIN noted that they have done a similar project with a common area off Naranca Avenue. He stressed that as the trees mature on this new project, the alley visibility will be limited. They are trying to build economical homes and give people space and some breathing room, and not just push them all out into a common area.

WELLS commended the applicant for trying to build new homes in EI Cajon. He asked if the preference is for the Planning Commission to make its decision tonight -- and possibly deny it which would allow the applicant to take it to the City Council on an appeal -- or if the applicant would prefer to have more time to work out the details with staff through a continuance.

Planning Commission 2 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes 111 DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 2008

AUSTIN noted that there are major differences between the applicant and staff's position, and preferred that a decision be made tonight. He stressed that they have a great project and the six detached homes [as presented] will provide more space to the owners.

RAMIREZ explained that, even though staff's recommendation is for denial, the Commission could recommend a continuance that is not supported by the applicant. If the Commission denies both items, that means the applicant could file an appeal, in order to be heard at the City Council. If the Council agrees with the Commission, then the applicant would have to start all over again by filing new applications with new filing fees and being placed on the Planning Commission's agenda in 2009.

WOODS noted that the Commission's option is for denial as there are no conditions of approval. RAMIREZ agreed that if the Commissioners support the proposal, one drawback is that the staff report and attached resolution do not have conditions of approval.

CRAIG acknowledged the differences between the applicant and staff; he noted, however, that the applicant's suggestion of creating a common lot on the west side of the property was a new one tonight, whereas staff's exhibit proposed a common area to the east. He noted that the new proposal would need some discussion regarding floor plans, and fence or wall height limitations and traffic safety concerns.

AUSTIN noted that the suggestion of the common lot on the west side was made to the Director of Community Development last week. He doesn't like a denial of the project as they are trying to keep other businesses going. He advocated for an approval and noted that most conditions of approval are "boiler plate" from engineering, traffic, fire department and building.

AMBROSE told AUSTIN that the Planning Commission cannot approve the project tonight because there are no conditions of approval available. He noted that, with a denial, the applicant could appeal his case before the City Council. He mentioned that if the applicant made some design changes, he could support the project. He recommended a common lot along the alley that would reinforce that landscaping, at least the fronts of the buildings, and some kind of wall or fence, for a courtyard effect that could screen some of that parking element away from the front of these houses. He stressed that the City Council would probably have concerns over the roof materials at its meeting.

Planning Commission 3 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17,2008

AUSTIN asked if the Commission could give approval, pending conditions from the other departments. WOODS noted that that is not the procedure of the Commission. AUSTIN objected to a possible denial of the project as his clients would need to pay more money and wait more time. RAMIREZ explained that the proposed common lot would have potential implications in several areas, including Public Works Department comments on sewer service to the units. Another concern would be the distance of the roof overhangs from the proposed common lot. Staff supported the Chair's statement that it is not the Commission's policy to approve the projects without conditions included as part of the record.

AUSTIN asked if he withdrew the suggestion of the common lot, then would he not have to deal with new issues? WOODS reaffirmed that the Commission could not recommend approval without written conditions. He noted that the Commission could continue this hearing to a later date; the other option would be to withdraw the project for approximately six months. The Commission could still vote for denial, and the applicant could appeal to the City Council.

AUSTIN asked if staff would have conditions of approval ready by the time of the City Council hearing. RAMIREZ replied that assuming that an appeal would go to the same City Council meeting, which was pre-advertised for a December 16, 2008 public hearing, staff would not have sufficient time to review a new plan from the applicant. Additionally, she noted that the Council might refer the project back to the Planning Commission for review of the new information.

AUSTIN asked when would be the hearing date if they requested a continuance. RAMIREZ recommended a possible continuance date to January 26, 2009. AUSTIN noted that they will appeal to the City Council.

Mr. James SNYDER, 1003 Rachelle Way, EI Cajon, CA, is the applicant. He explained that he has built quite a few projects, and one of the biggest complaints is that people don't like the two-story home residents looking onto their single-story home. He noted that the surrounding properties are different zones (PRD-Low, and an R-3-zoned property that is being converted to condos). He requested the PRD-Low zone for this project because he wanted to construct six, single-story, single-family residences. He acknowledged the problem of the property fronting an alley; however, he does not support staff's recommendations.

Planning Commission 4 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING November 17, 2008

H believed that the only problem with putting a common driveway is then the alleyway would become a back yard, which would then have a six-foot masonry fence that would attract graffiti. He suggested the common area in the front, and possibly having some picnic tables in a courtyard setting.

RAMIREZ explained possible scenarios. The applicant could appeal to Council and go to their meeting of December 16, 2008. If the Council agrees with the Planning Commission that some other variation of the plan, deserves their consideration, but don't have the plan and they are stuck without a list of conditions of approval. Then it may get continued at the council level and end up at the Planning Commission in January.

No one else came forward.

Motion was made by WELLS, seconded by SOTTILE to close the public hearing; carried 5-0.

WOODS mentioned that his primary concern is that this project looks like more of a straight subdivision, rather than a common interest subdivision. He supported staff's goal of keeping all the front yards looking good and having a good environment, where there's a sense of community being created. .

Motion was made by WELLS, to adopt the proposed Resolution NO.1 0525 and 10526, denying Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650, subject to conditions.

LUCK informed WELLS that there should be two separate motions. The motion was withdrawn.

Motion was made by WELLS, seconded by AMBROSE to adopt the proposed Resolution NO.1 0525, denying Planned Residential Development No. 66, subject to conditions.

Motion was made by WELLS, seconded by SOTTILE to adopt the proposed Resolution No. 10526, denying Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650, subject to conditions.

These items were jointly noticed for a City Council meeting on December 16, 2008 at 7 p.m. The applicant must file an appeal by 5 p.m., Monday, December 1, 2008, in order to be heard on December 16, 2008.

Planning Commission 5 November 17, 2008 Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING December 8, 2008


This was a discussion on a request for Planning Commission reconsideration of a proposed six-unit residential development and six-lot subdivision in the pending Planned Residential - Low Density (PRO-Low) zone. The subject property is addressed as 1335 Greenfield Drive, which is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets. APN: 484-120-19 General Plan: Low Density, Residential (L-R) Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone Restricted (R-2-R), pending Planned Residential Development - Low (PRO-Low) Applicant: Alan Austin I (619) 440-3624 Project Planner: Barbara Ramirez 1(619) 441-1771

RAMIREZ summarized the staff report and reminded the Commissioners that at the last Planning Commission meeting on November 22, 2008, the Commission denied the two applications for PRO No. 66 and TSM No. 650. No appeal was filed by the appeal deadline; however, the applicant and representative met with staff and informed them that they were uncertain of the options available to them at the meeting. Additionally, they presented new information to staff and requested that the Planning Commission reconsider their applications during a new public hearing.

She informed that with the Commission's concurrence, the PRO and TSM would be scheduled and advertised as a new public hearing on January 5, 2009 at 7 p.m., and jointly noticed for a continued City Council hearing on January 27,2009 at 7 p.m.

SOTTILE invited any speakers to the podium.

Mr. Alan AUSTIN, 1622 Pioneer Way, EI Cajon, CA 92020, is the applicant's representative and the architect for the project. He was available for any questions.

SOTTILE asked if he understood the options and AUSTIN replied affirmatively.

Motion was made by AMBROSE, seconded by BALES to reschedule a new Planning Commission public hearing for Planned Residential Development No. 66 and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650 on January 5, 2009 at 7 p.m. and jointly-noticed continued City Council hearing on January 27, 2009 at 7 p.m.; carried 3-0 (WELLS - Absent; Fifth Seat - Vacant).

Planning Commission 1 May 19, 2008 Draft Excerpts of Minutes IS' DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2009

PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT NO. 66 (This was jointly noticed for a City Council meeting on January 27, 2009 at 7 p.m.) This was a public hearing on a request to construct a six-unit residential development in the pending Planned Residential - Low Density (PRD-Low) zone and is addressed as 1335 Greenfield Drive, which is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets. APN: 484-120-19 General Plan: Low Density, Residential (LR) Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone Restricted (R-2-R), pending Planned Residential Development - Low (PRD-Low) Applicant: Alan Austin / (619) 440-3624 Project Planner: Eric Craig / (619) 441-1782


TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP NO. 650 (This was jointly noticed for a City Council meeting on January 27, 2009 at 7 p.m.) This was a public hearing on a request for a six-lot common interest subdivision in the pending Planned Residential - Low Density (PRD-Low) zone and is addressed as 1335 Greenfield Drive, which is located on the south side of Greenfield Drive between North Second and Bostonia Streets. APN: 484-120-19 General Plan: Low Density, Residential (LR) Zoning: Two-Family Residential Zone Restricted (R-2-R), pending Planned Residential Development - Low (PRD-Low) Applicant: Alan Austin / (619) 440-3624 Project Planner: Eric Craig / (619) 441-1782

RAMIREZ informed that at its December 8, 2008, meeting, the Planning Commission granted this applicant the opportunity to bring his project back for reconsideration. Copies of the revised site plan and building elevations were provided to commissioners. With support from the Commission to retain the west-facing front elevations toward the alley, the applicant is now showing front courtyards surrounded by a low wall, and including a decorate trellis element along the sections that are adjacent to visitor parking. The revised site plans shows 100% of required open space in private yards, which is permitted by the ordinance.

Planning Commission 1 January 5, 2009 Draft Excerpts of Minutes 180\ DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2009

Architectural details have been extended to the side and rear elevations of the proposed single-story detached homes. The building materials have been revised to specify tile roof material, rather than composition shingles.

As a matter of information, because this subdivision does not include a commonly-owned lot for the shared amenities, staff has recommended a condition #2.e., which calls for a landscape and pavement maintenance easement over all the private front yard and driveway areas.

In its consideration of these requests, if the Commission can make the required findings, then two motions would be needed in order to adopt the proposed Resolution Nos. 10531 and 10532, recommending approval to the City Council. The Council will hear these applications at a continued public hearing on January 27,2009 at 7 p.m ..

SOTTILE opened the public hearing and invited any speakers to the podium.

Mr. Alan AUSTIN, 1622 Pioneer Way, EI Cajon, CA 92020, is the applicant's representative and the architect for the project. He was available for any questions and noted that they agree with all the conditions.

AMBROSE praised the speaker and noted that the project looks a lot better than initially presented. He noted that the applicant did a good job with the challenges presented by the property and surrounding neighborhood. He asked if there were any plans on the landscaping. AUSTIN replied that they will address the specifics with the project planner, and noted that on previous projects, there have been no issues.

AMBROSE asked the speaker to highlight some of the proposed changes in the units. AUSTIN replied that they increased the "curb appeal" of the units and enhanced architectural features, changed the front of the unit on Lot A, added a privacy wall in front of all the units to screen them from the alley, and added a decorative trellis in the parking spaces.

AMBROSE noted that the units also look different than what was presented at the November 17, 2008 Planning Commission meeting. AUSTIN emphasized that they added more architectural features such as stone, color differences, trim board, and pop-outs.

Planning Commission 2 January 5, 2009 Draft Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2009

SOTTILE noted that even though the improvements are minor, they make a significant difference, and they look nice.

Motion was made by AMBROSE, seconded by BALES to close the public hearing; carried 3-0 (Fourth & Fifth Seats - Vacant).

Motion was made by BALES, seconded by AMBROSE to adopt the proposed Resolution No. 10531 recommending approval of Planned Residential Development No. 66; carried 3-0 (Fourth & Fifth Seats - Vacant).

Motion was made by BALES, seconded by AMBROSE to adopt the proposed Resolution No. 10532 recommending approval of Tentative Subdivision Map No. 650; carried 3-0 (Fourth & Fifth Seats - Vacant).

These items are jointly-noticed for a City Council public hearing on January 27, 2009 at 7 p.m.

Planning Commission 3 January 5, 2009 Draft Excerpts of Minutes IB4 :····city··(j"i~~k·ii~·t~.. st·~~p· ..: MEETING: January 27,2009

ITEM NO:_1_O_1 _ : ;;;q ~Mj 2 : ; i 2'; , : t\llgIllJl~ IiGlIglr'lt

DATE: January 16, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Wells, Councilmembers Hanson-Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: Community Development Director


RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council

1. Open the public hearing and receive testimony; 2. Close the public hearing; 3. Move to adopt the draft resolution approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2092, subject to conditions;

BACKGROUND: On January 5,2009, the EI Cajon Planning Commission approved Resolution No. 10531 recommending City Council approval of Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2092 to establish a motorcycle sales and repair business on property located at 442 - 444 EI Cajon Boulevard in the General Commercial (G-C) Zone (APNs: 487-520-12 and -13). The property is also within General Plan Special Development Area No.1 0 and is governed by Specific Plan 462, which encourages automotive type uses along this corridor. While the Planning Commission approves most conditional use permits, conditional use permits located within Special Development Area NO.1 0 are subject to City Council approval.

The property contains an existing 2,352 square foot vacant commercial building previously used for automotive repair and a fenced in parking lot. It fronts on EI Cajon Boulevard and backs onto an alley. The applicant proposes to remodel the existing building and add a new restroom, and operate a motorcycle sales and repair business on the site. Repair services would occur in the building and the display of motorcycles would primarily occur in the paved parking lot. The proposed motorcycle sales and service business would employ three people and would be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The business would be closed on Sunday. (See companion Planning Commission staff report on this item for a more detailed project description).

IBS' City Council Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 16, 2009

In order for the City Council to approve the proposed project, the Council must be able to make the following findings:

1. The proposed motorcycle sales and repair business will be consistent with the General Plan and compatible with the surrounding properties.

2. The proposed motorcycle sales and repair business will not be detrimental to public health, safety, and welfare with respect to noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic.

3. The proposed motorcycle sales and repair business is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health or welfare.

In recommending Council approval of the proposed conditional use permit, the Planning Commission found that the proposed use was consistent with the General Commercial and Special Development Area No. 10 General Plan designations governing development of this property. Additionally, the Commission found that the proposed use will be compatible with surrounding properties and will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood, if the conditional use permit is approved, subject to conditions that require:

1. The construction of a trash enclosure that meets City design standards.

2. The installation of landscaping along the front and rear property lines.

3. The designation of motorcycle display areas separate from designated customer and employee parking areas.

4. The addition of security lighting in the parking lot.

5. The implementation of several operational standards set-forth to minimize potential noise intrusion into the residential neighborhood across the alley to the west.

Proposed operational standards include: 1) conducting all repair work inside the building with the doors and windows closed; 2) prohibiting prolonged revving or idling of motorcycle engineers in the outdoor parking lot; and 3) prohibiting test rides in the adjacent alley. Furthermore, the recommended conditions provide that the Planning Commission conduct .a six-month review of the project as a discussion item to determine if the business is operating in a manner that it compatible with surrounding uses, and if not, to determine, what additional conditions of approval should be added to increase its compatibility.

Other conditions the Commission has recommended be placed on this application required the replacement of dilapidated fencing, the removal of old concrete slabs in the parking area, the screening of rooftop equipment, and the replacement oftwo driveways that will no longer be needed to serve this property, with conforming sidewalks.

The proposed motorcycle sales and repair facility is categorically exempt from the provisions ofthe California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) according to Section 15303 (Class 3) of the CEQA Guidelines. 2 of 3 18~ City Council Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 16, 2009

Notice ofthis public hearing was mailed to all property owners within 300 feet ofthe project site, and to anyone who requested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090,65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, the notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the city's website under "Public Hearings/Public Notices." The notice was also mailed to the two public libraries in the City of EI Cajon, located at 201 East Douglas and 576 Garfield Avenue.





1. Draft Council Resolution 2. PC Resolution NO.1 0535 3. Planning Commission Companion Staff Report Dated January 5, 2009 w/attachments 4. Excerpt Draft Planning Commission Minutes - January 5, 2009 5. Site Plan



WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing on January 27, 2009 on Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2092 requesting to establish a motorcycle sales and repair business at 444 EI Cajon Boulevard in the C-2, General Commercial zone; APN 487-520-12 and -13; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission ofthe City of EI Cajon, after holding a public hearing, adopted Resolution No. 10535 recommending Council approval of CUP 2092, subject to conditions; and

WHEREAS, in order for the City Council to approve the proposed project, the Council must be able to make the following findings:

1. The proposed motorcycle sales and repair business will be consistent with the General Plan and compatible with the surrounding properties.

2. The proposed motorcycle sales and repair business will not be detrimental to public health, safety, and welfare with respect to noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic.

3. The proposed motorcycle sales and repair business is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health or welfare.


1. The City Council finds that:

A. The proposed use is exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15303 (Class 3 - conversion of small structu res) of the CEQA Guidelines.

B. The proposed use is consistent with the "General Commercial" and "Special Development Area No.1 0" designations of the General Plan, which govern the subject site, and is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, as specifically described by Policy 9-2.4. of the General Plan text.

C. The proposed use is allowed with a conditional use permit within the applicable zoning district and will comply with all applicable provisions ofthis Zoning Ordinance, if parking lot landscaping, a trash enclosure, and parking 188 lot lighting are installed and motorcycle display areas are designated separate from required parking stalls for customers and employees.

D. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use would not, under the circumstances of this particular case, be detrimental to public health, safety, and welfare with respect to noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations oftraffic, ifthe repair service is operating entirely within an enclosed, sound attenuated building, the alley is not used for test drives, and revving and idling of motorcycle engines in the outdoor parking lot is kept to a minimum.

E. The proposed motorcycle sales and repair business is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health or welfare, if it is operated in the manner prescribed in paragraph D above.

2. The City Council hereby APPROVES Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2092 to establish a motorcycle sales and repair business at 442 - 444 EI Cajon Boulevard (APNS: 487-520-12 and -13), subject to the conditions listed in Planning Commission Resolution NO.1 0535.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of EI Cajon, California at an Adjourned Regular Joint City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting held this 2ih day of January, 2009, by the following vote to wit:


MARK LEWIS Mayor of the City of EI Cajon



WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission duly advertised and held a public hearing on January 5,2009, to consider Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 2092, as submitted by Leonard Joseph Harrington, requesting to establish motorcycle sales and repair in an existing building in the C-2 zone, on property located on the northwest side of EI Cajon Boulevard between Palm and Richfield Avenues and addressed as 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard; and

WHEREAS, the following findings of fact have been made in regard to said conditional use permit:

A. The proposed use is exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15303 (conversion of small structures) of the CEQA Guidelines;

B. The proposed use is consistent with the "General Commercial" and "Special Development Area No. 10" designations of the General Plan, which govern the subject site, and is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, as specifically described by Policy 9-2.4. of the General Plan text;

C. The proposed use is allowed with a conditional use permit within the applicable zoning district and complies with all applicable provisions of this Zoning Ordinance (See Chapters 17.40 and 17.70 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code);

D. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use would not, under the circumstances of this particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use, if the proposed use is operated in compliance with the recommended conditions of approval which are designed to ensure that the use would not generate excessive amounts of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors or hazards that may negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood;

E. The proposed use, as described and conditionally approved, would not be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City, because the proposed use conforms to the standards established in the Zoning Ordinance;

F. The proposed use would be compatible with the existing and future land uses in the vicinity, in terms of aesthetic values, character and scale because the proposed motorcycle repair would be conducted inside an existing building, and the proposed motorcycle sales and repair business would occur at a site that is zoned and developed for commercial uses; and

1'\0 PC Resolution NO.1 0535

G. The proposed use is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and would not be contrary to the public health or welfare because the proposed motorcycle sales and repair business would provide a provide an opportunity for residents of the City and visitors from across the region to buy a motorcycle and have it repaired in the City of EI Cajon.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings of fact, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDI NG APPROVAL of Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 for motorcycle sales and repair in the General Commercial (C-2) zone, on the above described property subject to the following conditions:

1. Within 30 days of Planning Commission approval and prior to conducting business at the site, or obtaining building permits or certificates of occupancy, the applicant shall submit a revised, professionally prepared, one page, mylar site plan to the Planning Division that reflects the conditions of approval and the following specific notes and changes: a. Include the following note: "This use shall be operated in a manner that is compatible at all times with surrounding properties and uses." b. Include the following note: "All motorcycle repair and service work shall occur inside of the building and the doors and windows to the service area shall remain closed at all times while repair and service activities are conducted. No motorcycle repair or service activities shall be conducted outdoors at any time." c. Include the following note: "No wrecked or damaged motorcycles shall be kept outside the building." d. Include the following note: "Motorcycles shall not be left idling in the parking area for extended periods. Motorcycles being repaired or serviced at the site shall not be revved excessively or tested in the parking area." e. Include the following note: "Test rides shall not be conducted in the alley west of the subject property." f. Include the following note: "As indicated on this site plan, there shall be at least six standard parking stalls and at least five motorcycle parking stalls maintained exclusively for customer and employee parking. These parking spaces must be accessible to customers and employees at all times during the operation of the business. No for-sale motorcycles shall be parked in the 11 parking stalls designated as customer and employee parking." g. Include the following note: "The landscaping at this site shall be routinely maintained, weeded and trimmed in a neat and orderly manner, watered and fertilized to achieve a healthy appearance; kept free of dead and/or dying plant materials, replacing plant materials as needed; and the irrigation system shall be properly maintained and operated to provide appropriate watering, and to avoid inadequate and excessive watering." h. Include the following note: "The hours of operation for this motorcycle sales and repair facility are limited to 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M." I. Include the following note: "Roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from view in a manner that is architecturally compatible with the building exterior."

Page 2 of 5 PC Resolution No. 10535

J. Add the notes required by the Public Works Division in the attached comments dated 12-18-08 and labeled "Exhibit 1-A". k. Show the proposed outdoor vehicle display area. The area of outdoor display shall not exceed 385 square feet. I. Show and label irrigated landscaping in the 1O-foot setback along EI Cajon Boulevard. Show at least 110 sq. ft. of additional irrigated landscaping elsewhere on the site. m. Show the location of the required, double-binned, trash enclosure. The trash enclosure may not be located in the 10-foot setback along EI Cajon Boulevard or within five feet of the alley to the west of the site. n. Show at least six standard parking stalls and at least 5 motorcycle parking stalls. The stalls shall meet the requirements listed for parking areas in the Zoning Ordinance. o. Provide a legible vicinity map. p. Correct the orientation of the north arrow.

2. The required notes listed in conditions 1.a. through 1.i. are ongoing operational conditions that shall remain in effect for the life of this conditional use permit.

3. Signage is not a part of this conditional use permit approval. If new signs are proposed at this site, the necessary permits must first be obtained from the Planning Division staff.

4. In addition to complying with the notes and site configuration of the approved CUP No. 2092 site plan, the following conditions shall be satisfied priorto obtaining occupancy and commencing business: a. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Public Works Department as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit 1-A" dated 12-18-08. b. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Building Division as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit 1-B" dated 11-25-08. c. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Safety Division as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit 1-C" dated 12-03-08. d. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Helix Water District as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit 1-0" dated 12-04-08.

5. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of detailed architectural elevations for the existing building and new restroom addition. The elevations shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development, and shall indicate that the bathroom addition matches the exterior of the existing building. The elevations shall also indicate the removal of the roll-up door at the east end of the building, and the replacement of the door with stucco to match the rest of the building. A narrower door may be installed at the east end of the building, but it may not be located within 10 feet of the front property line in order to avoid conflicts with the required landscaping. The elevations shall also indicate that any roof-mounted equipment is architecturally screened in a manner that is complimentary to the building exterior.

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6. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of detailed landscape and irrigation plans. In accordance with City Council Landscape Policy F-6, a licensed landscape architect must prepare the plans.

7. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a lighting plan. The plan must demonstrate that adequate lighting will be provided for motorcycle and pedestrian safety and that the lighting will not cast glare on to adjacent properties.

8. Prior to the obtaining certificates of occupancy or conducting business, replace or repair all dilapidated fencing.

9. Prior to the obtaining certificates of occupancy or conducting business, remove the existing off-grade slabs in the parking area and resurface the parking area with new pavement. The parking areas must be relatively smooth and level to accommodate the orderly and effective parking and circulation of vehicles at the site.

10. If all appropriate conditions of approval have not been satisfied or if the use approved by this conditional use permit has not been established, and no request for an extension of time has been received within one year of this approval and subsequently approved, this conditional use permit plan shall be considered null and void per EI Cajon Zoning Ordinance Section 17.78.020.

11. The Planning Commission shall conduct a six-month review of this conditional use permit to determine if the approved use is being operated in a manner that is compatible with surrounding properties and uses. If staff receives citizen complaints related to the compatibility of the approved use with surrounding uses, and if staff confirms that the complaints are valid, then the Planning Commission may hold a public hearing to consider modifying / adding conditions of approval to address compatibility issues.

12. The existence of this conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder.

13. This permit may be revoked or modified at any time pursuant to EI Cajon Municipal Code, Section 17.78.010.

14. The Planning Commission may at any time during the life of this use permit, after holding a new public hearing and considering testimony as to the operation of the approved use, add additional conditions as it deems necessary, to ensure that the approved use continues to be compatible with surrounding properties and continues to be operated in a manner that is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health, safety or welfare.

15. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a lot line adjustment to consolidate the four existing lots which comprise the subject property into one legal lot.

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PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon City Planning Commission at a regular meeting held January 5, 2009, by the following vote:


ATTEST: ~ APPROVED 1Y\ 1'-j j'Q-, .JAN - 5 7.009 Melissa AYRES, Secretary p"nc;r~C~N"rEO ,-"\ii'S· ; llB....wLI .





This is a public hearing for a request to conduct motorcycle sales and repair in an existing building in the General Commercial (C-2) zone. The property is located on the northwest side of EI Cajon Boulevard, between Palm and Richfield Avenues and is addressed 442­ 444 EI Cajon Boulevard. APNs: 487-520-12 & -13 General Plan: General Commercial (GC) / Special Development Area (SDA) No. 10 . Zoning: General Commercial (C-2) Applicant: Leonard Joseph Harrington / (619) 442-2500 Project Planner: Eric Craig / (619) 441-1782 / Email: [email protected]

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RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to adopt the proposed Resolution No. 10535 granting Conditional Use Permit No. 2092, subject to conditions.

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Assessor's records and City of EI Cajon building permit records indicate that the existing structure on the subject property was constructed in 1958. At that time the property was occupied by a sporting goods store, and by 1963 the property was being used for tire sales and installation. No land use entitlements have been approved for the subject property, but the lack of entitlements is understandable considering the age of the existing structure and the fact that, in 1963, the city did not require a conditional use permit for automotive uses.

The subject property is designated as "General Commercial" (GC) and is within the Special Development Area (SDA) NO.1 0 overlay. In 1995, the City Council approved Specific Plan (SP) No. 462 to implement SDA NO.1 O. This special development area was established to encourage automobile sales and services in a corridor including EI Cajon Boulevard and a section of North Johnson Avenue. Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 5, 2009


Existing Conditions: The geographic alignment (orientation) of EI Cajon Boulevard is from the northeast to the southwest. The 10,440-square-foot subject property is a rectangular lot with a depth of 87 feet and a width of 120 feet along the northwest side of EI Cajon Boulevard. The site slopes gently to the northwest and away from EI Cajon Boulevard. There is a public alley behind the subject property that runs parallel to EI Cajon Boulevard between Millar and Palm Avenues.

The subject property is developed with a 2,352-square-foot commercial building and a paved parking area. The building is located on the EI Cajon Boulevard property line within the required building setback. There are two driveways providing access to the site from EI Cajon Boulevard, and one of the driveways is partially blocked by the existing building. There is a dilapidated chain link fence along the rear property line that separates the subject property from the alley. A wrought iron fence runs along the EI Cajon Boulevard street frontage and a portion of the north property line. The parking area contains some old off-grade concrete slabs that were the foundations of previous commercial buildings. The buildings were demolished at some time in the past (probably in the early to mid 1960's). The slabs contain old plumbing drains and steel components that appear to be the remnants of old car lifts. Near the northeast corner of the site is a large flagpole that staff estimates is between 40 and 50 feet tall.

The area surrounding the subject property is developed with a mixture of commercial and residential uses. To the northwest, across the public alley, are multi-family residences in the R-3 zone. The adjacent properties to the north and south are both located in the C-2 zone. The property to the north is used for auto sales, and the property to the south is used for tool sales. To the southeast, across EI Cajon Boulevard, are a variety of commercial uses in the C-2 zone.

Project Proposal: The applicant is proposing to establish motorcycle sales at the subject property, to conduct motorcycle repairs inside the existing commercial building, and to add a restroom to the existing commercial building. The applicant has verbally indicated to staff that he plans to remove the old slabs from the parking area and to improve the exterior appearance of the existing commercial building.

The applicant's narrative states that the proposed motorcycle sales and service business would employ three people and would be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The business would be closed on Sunday.


General Plan and Specific Plan: The General Plan land use designation of the subject property is "General Commercial" (GC) and "Special Development Area NO.1 0" (SDA

- 2 - Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 5,2009

No. 10). The GC designation is intended to accommodate a broad range of general shopping and service uses, including vehicle sales and service. SDA NO.1 0, which is implemented by Specific Plan (SP) No. 462, is intended to encourage the location and expansion of automobile dealerships. In fact, General Plan Policy 9-2.4 states: "The City will make every effort to concentrate automotive dealerships in the new EI Cajon Blvd.­ Johnson Avenue Special Development Area." Furthermore, SP No 462 contains a special parking requirement for motorcycle sales and service uses. That parking requirement is discussed below.

Zoning: The sale and service of motorcycles in the C-2 zone requires the granting of a conditional use permit. The authority for this requirement can be found in Section 17.40.030 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code (ECMC). The purpose for requiring a conditional use permit for the sale and service of motorcycles is to ensure that the proposed facility is compatible with surrounding land uses, and to prevent the proposed facility from becoming a public nuisance.

There are no special development standards in the Zoning Ordinance for the sale and service of motor motorcycles. However, there are specific development standards for projects in the C-2 zone, and there are general development standards applicable to all developments in the City of EI Cajon. Furthermore, there is a modified parking standard for motorcycle sales and service within SP No. 462. The development standards that are applicable to this project are discussed below.

Conduct of Use: - The Zoning Ordinance requires that all activities be conducted within an enclosed building. There are exceptions for uses that are traditionally conducted outdoors. Examples of such uses would include, among other things: farmer's markets, the sale of nursery products, and motorcycle sales. The applicant's narrative states that he proposes to conduct motorcycle repairs inside the existing building, and the applicant has verbally indicated to staff that he plans to display motorcycles for sale in the parking area outside the building.

Yards: - In the C-2 zone, there is a 10-foot building setback required from all exterior property lines. As noted above, the existing building is located on the EI Cajon Boulevard property line. The non-conforming status of the building setback is discussed below. There are no setbacks required from the interior property lines at this site since the subject property is separated from the residential uses to the west by an alley.

Trash Areas: - The Zoning Ordinance requires businesses in the C-2 zone to provide lighted trash areas that are accessible to the trash collector. If located outdoors, the trash area must be surrounded by an enclosure with six-foot masonry walls and view-obscuring metal gates or metal-framed gates. The inside dimensions of the trash enclosure must be at least five feet by 16 feet, and the trash enclosure must meet storm water requirements. The trash enclosure may not be located within an exterior setback or within five feet of an alley. The applicant has proposed to construct a new trash enclosure and staff has recommended conditions in the attached resolution to ensure that the trash enclosure meets Zoning Ordinance requirements.

- 3 - Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 5, 2009

Walls: - The Zoning Ordinance requires the construction of six-foot-high masonry walls to separate commercial properties from residential properties. However, the requirement is waived if a public alley separates the commercial and residential properties. The applicant has not proposed to construct a masonry wall.

Landscaping: - Landscaping is required for developments in the C-2 zone. All exterior yards are required to be landscaped to a minimum depth of 10 feet exclusive of driveways. Additionally, developments are required to provide a minimum of ten square feet of landscaping per parking space at the site. It should be noted that the installation of landscaping at this site would serve multiple purposes. Not only would it improve the aesthetics of the property, it could also be used as a cost-effective method to treat storm water run-off from the building and parking area. The applicant's preliminary site plan does not depict any landscaping. Therefore, staff recommends the provision of irrigated landscaping as a condition of approval.

Off-Street Parking: - SP No. 462 modifies the parking requirement for vehicle dealerships. The parking requirement is based upon the area dedicated to office space, the area dedicated to service activities, and the area dedicated to indoor and outdoor vehicle display. For an automobile dealership, SP No. 462 requires one parking space for every 250 square feet of office or service and repair area. The parking requirement for indoor vehicle display at an automobile dealership is one space for every 500 square feet, and the parking requirement for outdoor vehicle display is one space for every 1,000 square feet.

As previously indicated, SP No. 462 provides a modified standard for motorcycle sales and service. For motorcycle dealerships, the number of standard parking stalls may be reduced by one-half, if the other one-half of the required parking is provided as motorcycle parking. The minimum required dimensions of an automobile parking stall is 8.5 feet by 18.5 feet. The minimum required dimensions of a motorcycle parking stall is five feet by ten feet.

The applicant's site plan indicates 1,050 sq. ft. of combined office and retail space, and 1,590 sq. ft. of motorcycle repair and service area including the proposed restroom addition. It should be noted that the applicant's site plan does not distinguish any indoor or outdoor motorcycle display areas; staff understands, however, that the applicant desires outdoor display, and staff has determined that the site could accommodate a 385-sq.-ft. outdoor display area and still provide the required parking.

Based upon the information depicted on the applicant's site plan and the potential addition of an outdoor display area, the parking requirement for the proposed motorcycle dealership would be six automobile parking spaces and five motorcycle parking spaces. See the attached Staff Exhibit NO.1 for a visual reference of how the parking requirement for this project could be satisfied. Staff recommends a condition of approval requiring a minimum of 11 parking spaces at the subject site. This requirement assumes that the applicant decides to include the outdoor display area on the final CUP site plan.

- 4 - Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 5, 2009

On-site Lighting: - The applicant must provide adequate lighting to minimize security problems and provide illumination for pedestrian and vehicular safety. Therefore, staff recommends a condition of approval requiring the submittal and approval of a lighting plan.

Legal Non-Conforming Structures: - The existing building on the subject property was legitimately established, but it does not meet the current exterior yard setback requirement of the C-2 zone and, therefore, is considered a "lawful non-conforming structure". Section 17.68.020 of the Zoning Ordinance states that lawful non-conforming structures that are used for conforming purposes (like motorcycle sales in this instance) may be modified, but any modification is subject to present development standards.

As previously stated, the applicant proposed to add a restroom to the existing, lawful non­ conforming building. While the restroom addition is a modification of the existing structure, the addition conforms to all of the development standards for the C-2 zone and is permissible in accordance with Section 17.68.020.

Performance Standards: - The Zoning Ordinance includes performance standards forthe conduct of uses in the City of EI Cajon. These standards are intended to help ensure the compatibility of proximate land uses, and to protect sensitive land uses like residential units from more intensive land uses like motorcycle repair shops. Those standards address such concerns as standards for air quality, noise, and vibrations.

The applicant has proposed to conduct motorcycle repairs inside the existing building that is located 20 feet across an alley from residential development. The repair and service of motorcycles has the potential to create objectionable levels of noise, vibrations, and odors. Therefore, measures must be taken to ensure that the proposed motorcycle dealership and repair business complies with the performance standards in the Zoning Ordinance and does not become a nuisance to the residential uses to the west of the subject property. Staff has recommended conditions of approval addressing noise and vibrations in the attached resolution.

Required Findings: Section 17.70.050 of the Zoning Ordinance states the purpose of conditional use permits in the City of EI Cajon. The purpose of a CUP is to ensure compatibility between the various uses that may exist in the vicinity of the proposed project. Another purpose of a CUP is to avoid creating conditions that are hazardous to human health and safety, or conditions that constitute a public nuisance. Therefore, in granting a CUP, the Planning Commission is required to make certain findings in support of its decision.

In order for the Commission to approve the proposed project, the Commission must be able to make the following findings: First, the Planning Commission must find that the proposed motorcycle sales and repair business will be consistent with the General Plan and compatible with the surrounding properties. Second, the Planning Commission must find that the proposed motorcycle sales and repair business will not be detrimental to public

- 5 - 14~ Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 5, 2009 health, safety, and welfare with respect to noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic. Third, the Commission must find that the proposed motorcycle sales and repair business is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health or welfare.

CEQA: The proposed motorcycle sales and repair facility is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) according to Section 15303 (Class 3) of the CEQA Guidelines. As it pertains to CUP No. 2092, Section 15303 provides an exemption for the conversion of existing small privates structures from one use to another, where only minor modifications are made to the exterior of the building. There are five key considerations that are applicable in using this exemption:

1) The existing commercial facilities may not exceed a total of 10,000 sq. ft. of floor space in urbanized areas. 2) The zone of the subject property must allow the proposed use. 3) The proposed use may not use significant amounts of hazardous materials. 4) All necessary public services must be available at the project site. 5) The area must not be environmentally sensitive.

In this instance, the applicant proposes to add a 288-square-foot restroom to an existing 2,352-square-foot commercial building in an urbanized area. The addition is part of a request to establish a conditionally permitted commercial use in a commercial zone in an area that is not environmentally sensitive. The proposed use (motorcycle sales and repair) does not use significant amounts of hazardous materials, and all necessary public services are available at the project site. Therefore, Section 15303 is an appropriate exemption for this project.

Noticing Requirements: Notice of this public hearing was mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the project site, and to anyone who requested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090, 65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, the notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the city's website under "Public Hearings/Public Notices." The notice was also mailed to the two public libraries in the City of EI Cajon, located at 201 East Douglas and 576 Garfield Avenue.

Staff received one response to the public notice. Mr. Robert Shepard owns property at811­ 821 Palm Avenue, across the alley from the subject property. He has expressed concerns regarding the establishment of a motorcycle repair shop on the subject property. Mr. Shepard claims that the customers of a previous motorcycle shop located on EI Cajon Boulevard, used to ride their motorcycles irresponsibly in the alley behind his property. In a phone conversation with staff, he also expressed concerns about noise coming from repair activities at the site. Mr. Shepard indicated that some of his tenants worked at night and would be disturbed by the conduct of motorcycle repairs on the subject property during the day.

- 6 - 0100 Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 5, 2009


Staff believes the Commission can make the required findings to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 2092. Staff has recommended conditions of approval in the attached resolution requiring the installation of irrigated landscaping, the replacement of dilapidated fencing, the removal of old concrete slabs in the parking area, the provision of a new trash enclosure, and the screening of rooftop equipment. Furthermore, the Public Works Department has recommended that the applicant be required to comply with storm water regulations, and also be required to close the two existing driveways at the site and replace them with a new driveway on EI Cajon Boulevard.

As a visual reference, staff has created an exhibit (Staff Exhibit No.1) depicting what the revised site plan would look like with implementation of the recommended conditions of approval. The exhibit also demonstrates how an outdoor motorcycle display area and required parking can be accommodated at this site. Ifthe applicant agrees to complete the recommended site improvements, and to operate the business in a manner that is compatible with surrounding land uses, staff believes the Planning Commission can make the required findings to approve CUP No. 2092.

As discussed above, the proposal is consistent with the General Plan designations of GC and SDA NO.1 O. In fact, SDA NO.1 0 is specifically intended to accommodate automotive dealerships. Although the proposed business would sell motorcycles rather than automobiles, it is staff's determination that the two land uses are very similar in nature and that motorcycle sales and repairs are consistent with the provisions of SDA NO.1 O. In fact, SP No. 462 includes specific development standards for motorcycle dealerships.

Staff has observed that the conduct of motorcycle sales and repairs creates a certain amount of noise and vibration. This is especially true of high-performance motorcycles and customized motorcycles with V-twin engines that are commonly referred to as "choppers". These kinds of motorcycles often have modified exhaust systems that are much louder than a stock motorcycle exhaust.

The subject property is located 20 feet across an alley from residential property. Consequently, conditions of approval are necessary to ensure that the noise and vibration created by the motorcycles are properly attenuated. Therefore, staff recommends a condition specifically requiring all repair and service work to be conducted inside the existing building with the doors and windows closed, and specifically prohibiting the prolonged revving or idling of motorcycle engines in the outdoor parking and vehicle display areas. Staff further recommends that repair and service activities only be conducted during normal daytime business hours, and that test rides be prohibited in the alley to the west of the subject property. Staff discussed these recommendations with the applicant and the applicant agreed with staff. The applicant also agreed that, if necessary, sound-dampening material could be installed inside of the existing building to further reduce the level of noise generated by the indoor testing of motorcycle engines.

- 7 - 010 \ Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 January 5, 2009

Staff also considered recommending a condition of approval requiring the construction of a six-foot high masonry wall along the rear property line adjacent to the alley. Although the Zoning Ordinance does not require a wall between commercial and industrial properties when an alley separates the properties, such a wall could reduce the level of noise coming from any motorcycles running in the parking lot. After careful consideration, staff decided not to recommend the construction of a wall at this time. Instead, staff has recommended a condition requiring a six-month review of this project as a discussion item for the Planning Commission. If, during that time, the staff receives citizen complaints related to noise coming from the parking lot, the Planning Commission may wish to consider adding conditions to address the compatibility issue. (Such conditions could include, and are not limited to: sound-attenuating materials inside the building, and / or the construction of a masonry wall along the rear property line adjacent to the alley.) With adherence to the recommended conditions of approval, staff believes that the conduct of motorcycle sales and repairs would be compatible with surrounding properties.

The Zoning Ordinance requires that the proposed motorcycle repairs be conducted indoors. As such, the building will reduce the level of noise and vibrations associated with the proposed repair activities conducted at the site. Furthermore, the recommended conditions of approval discussed above and included in the attached resolution are intended to prevent excessive amounts of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors, hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic associated with the cond uct of the proposed business.

Finally, the proposed business would provide motorcycle repair services and would sell motorcycles to the citizens of EI Cajon and visitors from around the region. Furthermore, if this business becomes successful, it will generate sales tax revenue that would be used to fund city services. As such, it would be in the best interest of public convenience and necessity. Furthermore, the conditional use permit will include conditions of approval specifically designed to prevent the motorcycle sale and repair activities from being detrimental to the public health and welfare.

ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Resolution NO.1 0535 A. Public Works Department comments dated 12-18-08 (4 pages) B. Building Division comments dated 11-25-08 C. Fire Safety Division comments dated 12-03-08 D. Helix Water District comments dated 12-04-08 (2 pages) 2. Aerial Photograph of SUbject property 3. Public Hearing Notice 4. Application 5. Disclosure Statement 6. Applicant's Narrative 7. Reduced Site Plan (not to scale) dated received 11-18-08 8. Staff Exhibit NO.1 (not to scale) 9. Response to public notice (email)

10. Full sized site plan dated received 11-18-08 (In Commissioner's Binders)

- 8 - CUP 2092 Attachment 1 Proposed Reso. No. 10535



WHEREAS, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission duly advertised and held a public hearing on January 5,2009, to consider Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 2092, as submitted by Leonard Joseph Harrington, requesting to establish motorcycle sales and repair in an existing building in the C-2 zone, on property located on the northwest side of EI Cajon Boulevard between Palm and Richfield Avenues and addressed as 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard; and

WHEREAS, the following findings of fact have been made in regard to said conditional use permit:

A. The proposed use is exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15303 (conversion of small structures) of the CEQA Guidelines;

B. The proposed use is consistent with the "General Commercial" and "Special Development Area NO.1 0" designations of the General Plan, which govern the subject site, and is in conformance with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, as specifically described by Policy 9-2.4. of the General Plan text;

C. The proposed use is allowed with a conditional use permit within the applicable zoning district and complies with all applicable provisions of this Zoning Ordinance (See Chapters 17.40 and 17.70 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code);

D. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use would not, under the circumstances ofthis particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use, if the proposed use is operated in compliance with the recommended conditions of approval which are designed to ensure that the use would not generate excessive amounts of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors or hazards that may negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood;

E. The proposed use, as described and conditionally approved, would not be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City, because the proposed use conforms to the standards established in the Zoning Ordinance;

F. The proposed use would be compatible with the existing and future land uses in the vicinity, in terms of aesthetic values, character and scale because the proposed motorcycle repair would be conducted inside an existing building, and the proposed .motorcycle sales and repair business would occur at a site that is zoned and developed for commercial uses; and PC Resolution NO.1 0535

G. The proposed use is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and would not be contrary to the public health or welfare because the proposed motorcycle sales and repair business would provide a provide an opportunity for residents of the City and visitors from across the region to buy a motorcycle and have it repaired in the City of EI Cajon.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings of fact, the EI Cajon City Planning Commission hereby GRANTS Conditional Use Permit No. 2092 for motorcycle sales and repair in the General Commercial (C-2) zone, on the above described property subject to the following conditions:

1. Within 30 days of Planning Commission approval and prior to conducting business at the site, or obtaining building permits or certificates of occupancy, the applicant shall submit a revised, professionally prepared, one page, mylar site plan to the Planning Division that reflects the conditions of approval and the following specific notes and changes: a. Include the following note: "This use shall be operated in a manner that is compatible at all times with surrounding properties and uses." b. Include the following note: "All motorcycle repair and service work shall occur inside of the building and the doors and windows to the service area shall remain closed at all times while repair and service activities are conducted. No motorcycle repair or service activities shall be conducted outdoors at any time." c. Include the following note: "No wrecked or damaged motorcycles shall be kept outside the building." d. Include the following note: "Motorcycles shall not be left idling in the parking area for extended periods. Motorcycles being repaired or serviced at the site shall not be revved excessively or tested in the parking area." e. Include the following note: "Test rides shall not be conducted in the alley west of the subject property." f. Include the following note: "As indicated on this site plan, there shall be at least six standard parking stalls and at least five motorcycle parking stalls maintained exclusively for customer and employee parking. These parking spaces must be accessible to customers and employees at all times during the operation of the business. No for-sale motorcycles shall be parked in the 11 parking stalls designated as customer and employee parking." g. Include the following note: "The landscaping at this site shall be routinely maintained, weeded and trimmed in a neat and orderly manner, watered and fertilized to achieve a healthy appearance; kept free of dead and/or dying plant materials, replacing plant materials as needed; and the irrigation system shall be properly maintained and operated to provide appropriate watering, and to avoid inadequate and excessive watering." h. Include the following note: "The hours of operation for this motorcycle sales and repair facility are limited to 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M." I. Include the following note: "Roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from view in a manner that is architecturally compatible with the building exterior."

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j. Add the notes required by the Public Works Division in the attached comments dated 12-18-08 and labeled "Exhibit A". k. Show the proposed outdoor vehicle display area. The area ofoutdoor display shall not exceed 385 square feet. I. Show and label irrigated landscaping in the 1O-foot setback along EI Cajon Boulevard. Show at least 110 sq. ft. of additional irrigated landscaping elsewhere on the site. m. Show the location ofthe required, double-binned, trash enclosure. The trash enclosure may not be located in the 10-foot setback along EI Cajon Boulevard or within five feet of the alley to the west of the site. n. Show at least six standard parking stalls and at least 5 motorcycle parking stalls. The stalls shall meet the requirements listed for parking areas in the Zoning Ordinance. o. Provide a legible vicinity map. p. Correct the orientation of the north arrow.

2. The required notes listed in conditions 1.a. through 1.i. are ongoing operational conditions that shall remain in effect for the life of this conditional use permit.

3. Signage is not a part of this conditional use permit approval. If new signs are proposed at this site, the necessary permits must first be obtained from the Planning Division staff.

4. In addition to complying with the notes and site configuration of the approved CUP No. 2092 site plan, the following conditions shall be satisfied prior to obtaining occupancy and commencing business: a. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Public Works Division as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit A" dated 12-18-08. b. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Building Division as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit B" dated 11-25-08. c. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Safety Division as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit C" dated 12-03-08. d. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Helix Water District as noted in the attached comments labeled "Exhibit D" dated 12-04-08.

5. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of detailed architectural elevations for the existing building and new restroom addition. The elevations shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development, and shall indicate that the bathroom addition matches the exterior of the existing building. The elevations shall also indicate the removal ofthe roll-up door at the east end of the building, and the replacement of the door with stucco to match the rest of the building. A narrower door may be installed at the east end of the building, but it may not be located within 10 feet of the front property ,line in order to avoid conflicts with the required landscaping. The elevations shall also indicate that any roof-mounted equipment is architecturally screened in a manner that is complimentary to the building exterior.

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6. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of detailed landscape and irrigation plans. In accordance with City Council Landscape Policy F-6, a licensed landscape architect must prepare the plans.

7. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a lighting plan. The plan must demonstrate that adequate lighting will be provided for motorcycle and pedestrian safety and that the lighting will not cast glare on to adjacent properties.

8. Prior to the obtaining certificates of occupancy or conducting business, replace or repair all dilapidated fencing.

9. Priorto the obtaining certificates of occupancy or conducting business, remove the existing off-grade slabs in the parking area and resurface the parking area with new pavement. The parking areas must be relatively smooth and level to accommodate the orderly and effective parking and circulation of vehicles at the site.

10. If all appropriate conditions of approval have not been satisfied or if the use approved by this conditional use permit has not been established, and no request for an extension of time has been received within one year of this approval and subsequently approved, this conditional use permit plan shall be considered null and void per EI Cajon Zoning Ordinance Section 17.78.020.

11. The Planning Commission shall conduct a six-month review of this conditional use permit to determine if the approved use is being operated in a manner that is compatible with surrounding properties and uses. If staff receives citizen complaints related to the compatibility of the approved use with surrounding uses, and if staff confirms that the complaints are valid, then the Planning Commission may hold a public hearing to consider modifying I adding conditions of approval to address compatibility issues.

12. The existence of this conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder.

13. This permit may be revoked or modified at any time pursuant to EI Cajon Municipal Code, Section 17.78.010.

14. The Planning Commission may at any time during the life of this use permit, after holding a new public hearing and considering testimony as to the operation of the approved use, add additional conditions as it deems necessary, to ensure that the approved use continues to be compatible with surrounding properties and continues to be operated in a manner that is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health, safety or welfare.

Page 4 of 5 PC Resolution No. 10535

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon City Planning Commission at a regular meeting held January 5, 2009 by the following vote:


Anthony SOTTILE, Chairman


Melissa AYRES, Secretary

Page 5 of 5 CUP 2092 Attachment 1A APN:487-520-12&13 Public Works Comments

I Street Name Right-of-"Vay Curb Street Class General Plan Class

Exist Prop Exist Prop




RE: CUP 2092 By

LOCATION: 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard



A-I) Comply with the following Storm Water requirements:

a. In accordance with the City ofEl Cajon Municipal Code Section 16.60, this project falls into a priority project category and is subject to Standard Urban Stonn Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) requirements. To fulfill SUSMP requirements a Stonn Water Mitigation Plan (SWMitP) needs to be prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California. The SWMitP shall include the following:

1. Calculations ofpre and post-construction peak flow runoffrates (calculated to the nearest 0.1 CFS using % imperviousness) if any construction or reconstruction is proposed. The post-construction flows must not exceed the pre-construction flows (Storm Water Attachment No.4).

11. A specific volume of stonn water runoff for the entire development must be treated; the volume is calculated using either: a) the 85th percentile hourly rainfall intensity (County Hydrology Manual isopluvial map), or b) using an intensity of0.2 inches per hour ofrainfall (Storm Water Attachment No.4).

ill. Incorporation ofNew Development Best Management Practices.

IV. Incorporation of Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMPs) for compliance with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Diego Region) Order No. R9-2007-0001 (see Section D.l.d(4)). An electronic copy ofthe Order is located at:

H/PRIVATE DEV/PLANNING ACTIONS/CUP 2092 Page 1 of 4 issues/programs/stormwater/ docs/sd permit/r9 2007 000112007 OOOlfinal.pdf

LID BMPs must be included as a separate section of the SWMitP. The Report must include a comprehensive review and consideration of LID BMPs and a determination offeasibility and practicality for all mandatory LID BMPs. The LID section must include implementation ofSource Control BMPs, Treatment Control BMPs and other LID BMPs where practical and feasible. County of San Diego Low Impact Development Handbook can be found online at:

v. A Storm Water Maintenance and Operations Plan to ensure compliance with City ofEl Cajon's storm water regulations and the perpetual maintenance ofproposed BMPs (Storm Water Attachment No.3).

VI. A copy ofthe landscaping plan in compliance with SUSMP requirements.

ViI. Show a detail of any proposed and existing trash enclosures. Any and all enclosures must be designed to be secured, constructed with a grade-break or berm at the enclosure entrance, and covered with an impervious, fire-resistant roof in accordance with the requirements ofPublic Works Storm Water Attachment No. 2 (Available to the public through Public Works on the fourth floor of City Hall).

b. A signed and executed Storm Water Management/BMP Facilities Agreement.

Note: Contact the City ofEl Cajon Public Works Department to request a sample ofthe SWMitP document.

A-2) In accordance with the City's lot grading ordinance, no grading or soil disturbance, including clearing ofvegetative matter and demolition activities, shall be done until all necessary environmental clearances are secured and an Erosion Control Plan has been reviewed and approved by Public Works.

a. The Erosion Control Plan shall control sediment and pollution and be in compliance with the City's 2008 JURMP. The plan should show measures to ensure that pollutants and runoff from the development are reduced to the maximum extent practicable.

b. Any demolition activities shall be covered under a separate Erosion and Control Plan to include measures for eliminating runoff during the demolition phase.

c. The Erosion Control Plan shall be submitted to the Public Works Department, Storm Water Division, on the 4th floor of City Hall, and shall include:

1. Review fees for Erosion Control Plans. 11. 3 sets of prints

Note: Pertinent sections ofthe JURMP document are available via the City ofEl Cajon's website or by contacting the Public Works Department. The engineer shall obtain applicable notes and instructions from Public Works prior to submittal of plans. HfPRNATE DEVIPLANNING ACTIONS/CUP 2092 Page 2 of4 A-3) Add the following notes to the Conditional Use Permit Site Plan and implement the Best Management Practices as a condition of the CUP:

"All operations shall comply with the City's Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURlvlP) for compliance with Storm Water requirements including implementation of vehicle services Best Management Practices as follows:

a) Provide sufficient trash receptacles.

b) Maintain and repair parking area from trash and petroleum leaks.

c) Provide spill response kits for vehicle fluid leaks.

d) Sweep or vacuum to clean outdoor areas (trash enclosures, sidewalks and parking lots).

e) Capture, contain, and collect any wash water (including any power wash water) and dispose in the sanitary sewer.

f) Dispose ofwastes properly.

g) Only rain is permitted to enter the storm drain system. Discharges (direct or by conveyance) oftrash, debris, or car fluids (including wash water) to the stonn drain system are strictly prohibited.

h) All trash enclosures must be secured, constructed with a grade-break or berm at the enclosure entrance, and covered with an impervious, fire-resistant roof in accordance with the requirements ofthe Public Works Storm Water Program.

For Public Works requirements on this Planning Action please refer to the Conditions of Approval. This Site Plan may not clearly show existing or proposed improvements in the public right-of-way and should notbe used for public improvement construction purposes."

A-4) Storm Water personnel must conduct a final inspection of any trash enclosures and drainage and treatment mechanisms to confirm that all ofthe Conditions ofApproval have been met before the Certificate of Occupancy can be released.

Note: Applicable checklists, notes, and instructions may be obtained from Public Works Department prior to submittal of the plans. Failure to comply or implement CUP conditions is considered a violation of the City's JURMP and may result in a citation with monetary fines, criminal charges, and/or revocation of permit.


B-1) Show the correct dimensions from centerline of El Cajon Boulevard to the right-of-way line (58'), centerline to face ofcurb (48') and face of curb to right-of-way line (10') on the Site Plan.

B-2) Show the new driveway location and dimensions on the Site Plan.

HIPRIVATE DEVIPLMTNING ACTIONS/CUP 2092 Page 3 of 4 B-3) Replace the existing driveways on EI Cajon Boulevard with full height curb, gutter and sidewalk per San Diego Regional Standard Drawings. The proposed new driveway shall be located at the center of the property, will need to be 3' minimum from all obstructions per San Diego Regional Standard Drawings G-15 and G-16. Construct the new driveway to comply with current standards per SDRSD G-26, minimum 24­ fooU36-foot curb cut and constructed to comply with current ADA standards

Prior to issuance of the Building Permit and Encroachment Permit, the applicant or contractor shall prepare a detailed scaled drawing with dimensions ofthe proposed driveway, sidewalk and curb outlet installation showing the location ofthe public street right-of-way, property lines, face of curb, all physical obstructions, including but not limited to, utility poles, telephone and cable TV equipment, fencing, etc. along with any required offsets in accordance with SDRSD G -15 and G-16.


C-l) Portland Cement Concrete alley improvements will be required along the property alley frontage for the Y; width ofthe alley plus 2-feet. Improvement plans for the alley shall be prepared by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California.

The engineer shall 0 btain applicable checklists, notes and instructions from Public Warks prior to submittal ofplans.


D-l) An Encroachment Permit is required for any construction work within the public right-of­ way.

D-2) Repair all damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk.

D-3) Use the existing sewer laterals.

\2\ 10 rOB MICHAEL GRIFFI S ~~ Deputy Director of Public "Yorks

HIPRlYATE DEY/PLANNING ACTIONS/CUP 2092 Page 4 of 4 CUP 2092 m~©~om~m Attachment 1B Building Division Comments W NOV 25 Z008 W

By Property Address: 442-444 EI Cajon Blvd Planning Ref. #: CUP 2092 Occupancy: Type of Application: Conditional U

o Comply with Currently adopted edition oUhe CBC, ClVIC, CPC, and CEC. o A Building permit is required for this project. o Project must comply with Title 24 disabled access regulations. o Title 24 energy efficiency compliance and documentation is required. o Soils report will be required for this project. o A licensed design professional is required for this project. o Separate permits are required for signs, retaining walls, pools, etc. o An automatic sprinkler system is required by CBC or local ordinance. o An approved fire alarm system is required. o Grease interceptor/trap is required. o Plans must be stamped and approved by the County Health Dept. o Plans must be approved by the County of San Diego Director of Airports. o A gravity flow sewer system is required. o A demolition permit and bond are required for structures being removed. o Undergrounding of all on-site utilities is required o Address will be assigned at plan check. o Private utility plan required. o Private street name must be approved before final map is recorded. Obtain standard for private street signs from the Building and Fire Safety Division. o Existing address must be changed to conform to City addressing system. o Sound transmission control is required for group R-l occupancies. o Separate utilities are required for granny flats, condos, townhouses, SFR's. A sewer connection fee will be charged for each dwelling unit. o Additional sewer connection fees will be based on fixture units added. o Modular buildings must have a state tag for the approved use and a permanent foundation. Other comments: Any building changing the occupancy use will need to meet all current requirements of the new occupancy. Permits required for any new construction, mechanical, electrical or plumbing. No other building comments at this time.

Name: Ray Behling Date: 11/25/2008

Page 1 of 1 I,U~U; l!D ~u ~ LS III CUP 2092 U~ DEC 03 200S ~ Attachment 1C Fire Safety Division Comments

By J<' Fire Comments

Property Address: 442-444 El Cajon Blvd Planning Ref. #: 2092 Occupancy: M Type of Application: CUP ~._-~. -_..---_._------._-_..------_. -_.-.- ._-_._--_._--._---._-.<--_.--_.. _. __ ._-- .~- ... o All weather fire access road shall be available on the job site before start of const. o Tents over 400 square feet in size requires a fire permit. o This project requires a FireIBnilding permit. o An approved automatic fire sprinkler system is required for this project. o A automatic hood suppression system is required for this project. o Barricades must be easily removable. GZl Commercial address numbers shall be visible from the street, contrasting in color from wall surface, and minimum 8 inches in size (individual suite numbers may be

GZl This project must comply with currently adopted edition of the CFe. o Dedicate and maintain fire apparatus access lanes by red curb or signage. Fire access lane to be min. 20 feet wide and 13'-6" in height. o Electric vehicle gates require optical device and Knox key override. Pedestrian gates require knox box. Contact Fire Department for application. o An approved automatic fire alarm system is required. GZl Fire extinguisher is required. One for every 3000 s.f with max. 75 ft. travel distance. Minimum size 2A10BC with signage. o Hazardous materials management plan and knox storage box required. o Crash post protection required. Approved location to be determined at plan check. o Install fire hydrants per Fire Department requirements. o Maintain 20 ft. wide fire lane. o Residential address numbers shall be visible from the street, contrasting in color from wall surface, and minimum 5 inches in size. Water supply (hydrants) shall be available on the job site before start of constructio o Off-site monitoring for alarm system is require o Off-site monitoring for sprinkler system is requied.. o Private residential driveways shall have a min. width of 12 ft. o No requirements. Other comments:

N arne: Alyssa Martin Date: 12/3/2008

Page 1 of 1 GUt"' LU~L Attachment 10 Helix Water Dis!. Comments 7811 University Avenue La Mesa, CA 91941-4927 Helix Water District (619) 466-0585 FAX (619) 466-1823 Setting standards of excellence in public service

December 4, 2008

Barbra Ramirez Principal Planner City of EI Cajon 200 E. Main St. EI Cajon, CA 92020

Subject: CUP 2092 - APN 487-520-13 442 EI Cajon Blvd. - Motorcycle Sales and Repair

Dear Barbra;

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the subject property Helix Water District has four 3/4 inch water lateral that currently serves this property; however there is no meter currently installed. There is also one fire hydrant 300ft away from the property with 1-4 inch and 1-2.5 inch outlets with ~pproximately 90 psi and a six inch fire service.

We request a review of any street improvement plans and signature of Helix Water District if such plans are required by the City of EI Cajon. We will require the location of the existing water service and or fire hydrants be brought up to current district standards which is behind the existing/proposed sidewalk. All water services and fire services will be required to have backflow devices approved by Helix Water District. Owner will be required to relocate any facilities that fall within improvements at his/her cost per WAS standards.

Relocation of any existing meters or other District facilities will be decided upon after review of the street improvement plans and a site visit.

The EI Cajon Fire Dept. may require additional fire protection for this project. All costs for additional fire protection shall be paid by the owner.

If you have any questions, please call me at (619) 667-6277.


(;{~ f\1(~J2P

Chris Magill Senior Eng ineering Technician

CUP 2092 APN 487-520-13 442 EI Cajon Blvd

Elected Board Richard K, Smith Staff: Legal Counsel: of Directors: Vice President Mark S, Weston Donna Bartlett-May Scott C Smilh Charles W. Muse John B. Linden General Manager Board Secretary Pres/dent DeAna R. Verbeke Kathleen Coates Hedberg I------j----- 4873121800


150-1340 M~~oo

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1150-298 150-3000

442 EI Cajon Blvd Ofeel SOfwl 10Ofeol 1Setael 200feel 250lael Printed: 121412008 1 Scale: 1":100' ;bo CUP 2092 }>;::: (l) III 0 Motorcycle sales and repair in the C-2 Zone :::!, g. C ~3"D ~ 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard "D

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the EI Cajon City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., Monday,

January 5, 2009 1 in the City Council Chambers, 200 E. Main Street, EI Cajon, CA, to consider Conditional Use Permit 2092, as submitted by Leonard Joseph Harrington, requesting to conduct motorcycle sales and repair in the General Commercial (C-2) zone. The sUbject property is located on the northwest side of EI Cajon Boulevard, between Palm and Richfield Avenues and is addressed 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard.

Any person interested in the above item may appear and speak before the Planning Commission. If you challenge thi" matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised at the public hearing ar described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Commission at or prior to the pUblic hearing.

If you have any questions, or wish any additional information, please contact ERIC CRAIG at (619) 441-1782 or via email at [email protected] and reference "CUP 2092" in the Subject line. CUP 2092 Attachment 4 Application

CITY OF EL CAJON. PLANNING DIVISION. (619) 441-1741 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT /' ')a Y1 . APPLICATION NO. lL~rv "Applicant's Name 1-1{j!,/;:} /'2./,J JOSeP1-1 IjiJlZr'-/"-Cf 1(;-;/

Address: LlSd{) clLi:::S·hJi·Gw OrL L~ v-v'\C:SJ-\ G~ q,C(l(\ Street # 01.. 0i

"Property Owner's Name: i-j9LL;1~:J~~\ !Lvro )1/~ Lee

Address: If...jL ~ Y LfY EC C/)~.J (3-.ur!) GL. c4J.Jv C/) C; 202, o· " Street # ( ...... City State Zip Phone (b d ) 41"-1- 7':)2., . axNo. (6!~) Y'-/'-i - /65-<.

Property Owner's Signatu re --:r'i=ti:r-r----::------

"Arc.hitect Engineer or other applicant ''lepresentative: JJ../p..,- ,~ License No.

Street # City State Zip Phone ( Fax No.

Subject property is located on the NDPnt wftZL. side of a (.AX-IlYf-tj;kVD between_1'klM P\NP &\~'GL» AV€}l..;.·~u~,~~,,=- , and addressed as j7-et ~ 1=41 J2kCl\2DN 120/1) Assessor's Parcel No. 46]' 't:J2'U ·13 Existing Zoning -.L.,--'==------z.. General Plan Designation: &e// 'SPA- (D RE QUEST:_jM§~ttG SAiE%"---.1-N'-lL:.J...lL\2--1'-"k>oU.EP...\.....ML-.Ll.K.....::c-"'-----+\..l...-'N_.....-.-ulill....L::I:~, _ (~Q%-kL U01I\1MW-ulkk ( u· 2~) Z0Nb


*These individuals will receive a copy of the staffreport if their complete address is given

City Use Only: Date Filed -IUj{· 7J6 Agenda Date _1_-.....=o.S_-_D_1.L.--._ . Received by .li!kV et------Within SP 1821 0 YesyiNO

Condittonal Use Permit i'lpplication -- Page 1 of 5 - Updated 04/01/2008 ~Ur- LU~L DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Attachment 5 Disclosure Statement


The following information must be disclosed

1. List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application

List the names and address of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved

LEo fJ[)le.. () I j r) ,?J'ZIN(. /j()~ J LG.b2 ,;::;2JfS';' L)/ IfLJ iJl2. cA

2 If any person Identified pursuant to (1) above IS a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership

Ct(/jJ;J Vrj)':.£) Lj' SJ q i~ c:' +- (). '-) C h I':. l'V\rs/.~ u':> q, -.J /-\ M.E:'s X1"r.d 11-7.4 7t<'Z /YL:3 1).QCA b-~0kJt::-:L0jJy...} CAJ 9L!C 3 If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a trust, list the name and address of any person serving as trustee or beneficiary or trustor of the trust J{!rr t'

4 Have you or your agents transacted more than $25000 worth of business with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and Council within the past 12 months or $50000 with the spouse of any such person? Yes __ No 4-

If yes, please indicate person(s), dates, and amounts of such transactions or gifts

"Person" is defined as "Any indiVidual, proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate, business trust, company, corporation, association, committee, and any other organization or group of persons acting in concert." Gov't Code §82047.

~-7L~.&I V~JV1+-'.. /1-1}-()J L £.110/1 ,?/} 6117tZ/C,'-'4 7(j [/. Signature of applicant / dat; ..~. Print or type name of appli{a~t

NOTE Attach appropriate names on additional pages as necessary

Conditional Use Permit Application -- Page 4 of 5 - Updated 04/01/2008 CUP 2092 Attachment 6 Applicant's Narrative

PERFORMA.NCE CHOPPERS 691 EI Cajon Blvd (Old Address) EI Cajon Ca (619) 442-2500 Fax (619) 442-2500 E-Mail performchopper({i)

Performance Choppers is going to operate as a Motorcycle Dealership selling New and Used Motorcycles, also offer repairs on Motorcycles within the building.

Our store hours of operation are Monday thru Friday lO:OOA.M. To 6:00P.M. Saturday from lO:OOA.M to 4:00P.M. And are closed on Sundays and most Holidays. The number of people that will be employing are three people in total. The address that we will be doing this business at is 444/442 EI Cajon Blvd. EI Cajon Ca. 92020

CUP 2092 RECEIVED 11-18-2008 ou-o __. _.w.....:... . ~ _",:,.--.1--: • 4 3 -----_._-...... _--_.__._------I "'~'r .PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE CHAIN LINK FENCE i' 1:lO'-<7' .( I r I '. NORTH 'F I' ~5·T / / .~

:,.,-0' ~. AllEY WAY .

17-11" ..~ 11 . PROPERTY LIN f' ""YlCflAY ~'aL::x::tWAlL """'" ~ ~. I . USED I PArs .. CAR ····TOOL·· LOT ~:.()" . ~

. ,". . , , . ..D '.~''. '.~ .•., .....•.....'.: ' l!O\i.. CfGH1 llOH . RfT...... RCUUP .. '. WROUGHT IRON . CX)QjI . '. .' .. - PENCE .. ~~ ' .. ' .. ' 'I~ _._._~ " :., '.:.' ..a:;e-"·: - : '. ' ...•: . '21':9" .' mE..W~tX ~. IO''()" '. ' .. .. I' : .. ' '. .'. I 19'.()" PROPERTY LINE .',' . I


. 'lZ-o" I~ .

. ~ . . SITE PLAN 1"=10'


. '...... Wl'l' . '. 442--444EL CAJON BLVD CITY OF El CAJON C~LISID~~~~O'~ 'EL CAJON CA 92020 ...... ,;"""'c.. --_~_--~,.. , . GROSS LOT SQFTlO,440 """""',MCf(""I'I,'~ ~ _ . NET LOT FT 7,800 . """""".'-,--',-----'---,--~~-,--- :;0 so. CD ··.J.;t;.".~·,: ;,~" ;,:?~~;,~.:::.:'::i:":::;~"• 0. EXISTINGSQFT'2352 C () »~ .PROPOSED FT 288 CD ~ A so. W.WNJ~~ Af'f'tO~aY; _ Cl.~o PARKINGl :250 (f)::rc ~<~.. /' .'::i'-:!'";"~ -~I'~ """"""'~-'------'-'------: ~3"'D ~N ..:::.::Jo . '. I.. Q)~


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ALLEYWAY 8'-6" .' 6)~9)000000 0m0 . CONSOLIDATED 17'·11 " ·~~g~~I~~ MOTORS . r-.t32i r.·········"'"'.. 4 W

~. I 5 :RTYLINE' ROlL U. 8',<)'. SERVICE DOOR.·'PI ~ .. . 'BAY . t .~•. 't{ 3' . ,USED .T'S· CAR' 8T.:j '·IL..c..;, .:...-c.:...·_~~_LL_~-'-P1····· '. T ···.LOl ....,,' I' '. " OL···· 2'1 r.~' . " :L1 '. ". ''., \ '. ,.".. " 1NEW .L#Jl)~P'&'N.EAS .' ','. i --. ", '. I, OfFiCE ~~) )~> rl*~PROPERTYLlNE lY\c. 5: .'. MotoP'CYC!'E''DispltlyA RFA

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12'-0' CUP 2092 Attachment 9 .~=~~.cJ Response to Public Notice

From: "Robert Shepard" To: Date: 12/29/2008 1036 AM Subject: CUP2092

;:-Di/'. Eric Craig, By ..... '--' We received your e-mail Thank you

This letter is intended to elaborate on my first letter

Our property 811-821 W Palm Ave is a residential 6-plex We have 5 tenants now 4 of which work at night and sleep during the day The 6th and vacant unit is the one facing the alley Even with all of our past efforts to isolate the unit, it is still very difficult to find qualified tenants willing to live so close to the alley. The most we can afford has been a chainlink fence with a climbing fig for isolation from the alley A wood fence would Just bounce the noise The best solution would be a freeway type eight foot block noise wall but that is out of the question due to the expense The chalnlink does hold well for barbed wire essential for the alley The property is important to us because we are retired; it is our major income in retirement

Our back fence serves another purpose There is a gate but only ourselves, SDG&E, and Waste Management have keys This limits our property exposure to someone accidentally stepping into the alley in front of a speeding car, truck or motorcycle We fUlly expect that someone, maybe a child, will be killed this way some day, unfotunately We have seen close calls. You have to personally experience a raging truck or motorcycle in the close confines of the alley to appreciate the danger. There has been damage to the fence in the past causing us to replace some posts with 4 and 6 inch posts filled with concrete

After years of changing the mindset of the neighborhood, the alley currently does stay relatively clean for even weeks at a time and with the same determination that cleaned it, we intend on keeping it that way Graffiti, drug traffic, midnight undescribable traffic, thieves, illegals traffic, uncontrolled trash bins, dumping and noise all seem to be down

We have no objection to someone improving the neighborhood The last tenants in the property in question did make occasional noise so we do know what it sounds like and how it carries They did have their access to the the alley blocked off and only occasionally came back to the alley but Just to see what we had done They did nothing but look If the new business improves the property that is great We need good neighbors

We appreciate your efforts in this matter. Thank you




This was a public hearing on a request to conduct motorcycle sales and repair in an existing building in the General Commercial (C-2) zone. The subject property is located on the northwest side of EI Cajon Boulevard, between Palm and Richfield Avenues and is addressed as 442-444 EI Cajon Boulevard. APNs: 487-520-12 & -13 General Plan: General Commercial (GC) / Special Development Area (SDA) No. 10 (EI Cajon Boulevard / Johnson Avenue) Zoning: General Commercial (C-2) Applicant: Leonard Joseph Harrington / (619) 442-2500 Project Planner: Eric Craig / (619) 441-1782

RAMIREZ referred to a memo that was distributed to the Commissioners, recommending an additional condition to the resolution. However, Assistant City Attorney LUCK recommended that the suggested motion in the memo be revised. In addition, LUCK asked that the protocol for the motions be handled differently and with her guidance at that point.

RAMIREZ summarized the staff report. The subject property is occupied by a one-story commercial building that most recently has been vacant for an extended period. The applicant wishes to improve the property in order to open a motorcycle sales and service business. The applicant's site plan shows that parking spaces would be striped, and a new wrought iron fence with gates added to the front. A small building expansion would provide new restroom facilities.

In discussions with the applicant, staff has offered suggestions on how to otherwise construct improvements so that the applicant's site plan can meet ordinance requirements, and also provide an outdoor display area that is desirable for a business of this type. Staffs report to the Commission includes a Staff Exhibit No. 1 which depicts these additional improvements. RAMIREZ clarified that the staff exhibit has flexibility that would allow the applicant to move things around according to his preferences and still meet ordinance requirements.

As to the conduct of business at this location, staff received an email from a neighboring property owner, who supports the proposed improvements that the applicant plans to make to the subject property, noting that the neighborhood has been challenged for a long time to maintain properties neat and clean, and free from graffiti.

Planning Commission 1 January 5, 2009 Draft Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2009

In consideration of the neighboring owner's concern regarding noise from revving motorcycle engines, staff is suggesting that the Planning Commission review the business operation in six months to determine if it has been conducted in a manner that is compatible with the neighborhood.

Additionally, RAMIREZ added that staff identified the addition of a condition which will consolidate the subject property into one lot, and recommended the following language: "Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a lot line adjustment to consolidate the four existing lots which comprise the subject property into one legal lot."

Although it is not noted in the staff report, staff wishes to clarify that this item will be forwarded for review by the City Council, in accordance with provisions of Specific Plan No. 462 which governs all motor vehicle-related businesses along EI Cajon Boulevard.

RAMIREZ noted that two motions would be in order, subject to instructions by Assistant City Attorney LUCK.

SOTTILE asked if the applicant was advised of the proposed changes. RAMIREZ replied that the project planner notified the applicant of the added condition regarding the lot consolidation.

LUCK recommended that the Commission open the public hearing for discussion, then close the public hearing, and she would guide them through the proposed three motions.

SOTTILE opened the public hearing.

Mr. Leonard Joseph HARRINGTON, 4320 Crestview Drive, La Mesa, CA 91941, is the applicant. He agreed with the conditions and the proposed changes.

AMBROSE asked what type of motorcycles? HARRINGTON replied that they are Harley Davidson motorcycles. He added that they have been operating a business at 691 EI Cajon Boulevard (on the corner of Washington and EI Cajon Boulevard) for approximately five years. He emphasized that in that time frame, there have never been any complaints. They anticipate having no problems at

Planning Commission 2 January 5, 2009 Draft Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2009

the new business location and are willing to cooperate with the City and residents in the surrounding area.

AMBROSE appreciated the applicant's willingness to abide by the conditions. HARRINGTON added that the condition of the building was probably one of the worst on the street. He informed that he had similar issues with the 691 EI Cajon Boulevard building, but he made significant improvements. He praised the positive changes in the downtown area by the City of EI Cajon, and also noted that owners and residents need to have pride and ownership.

AMBROSE agreed and emphasized the key words of pride and ownership as espoused by the applicant. BALES commended the applicant for his project and also believes it is situated at an ideal location.

SOTTILE invited any other speakers to the podium.

Mr. Robert SHEPHARD, 4720 Pomona Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91941, informed that he sent the emails that were included in the report. He is the owner of properties at 811 and 821 West Palm Avenue. He referred to some photos that illustrate the condition of the alley, but would like the photos returned. [Commissioners did not view the photos.]

Additionally, he noted the history of MotoWorld testing its motorcycles in the alley, and cited the potential hazards in that practice. He would like a noise wall at the rear of the subject property as four of his tenants sleep during the day. He noted that the rear unit is difficult to rent because of noise in the alley.

LUCK told SHEPARD that the original photo could not be returned as they become part of the official record. She recommended that if he would like the photos to be taken into consideration, that he make copies of the photos and then submit them to the City Council during their public hearing. She emphasized that the decision tonight would not be to grant the CUP, but rather to recommend approval to the Council.

RAMIREZ also advised that the speaker could submit the copies of the photos to the City Clerk's office, or that he contact the project planner for further instructions.

Planning Commission 3 January 5, 2009 Draft Excerpts of Minutes DRAFT EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE EL CAJON PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 5, 2009

When SOTTILE asked if the speaker's primary concern was noise, SHEPARD replied that there is a lot of traffic down the alley, and is concerned about the speed of the traffic and its potential hazards.

AMBROSE mentioned that the site plan shows no direct access from the property to the alley. He believed that the applicant will have a good business operation and emphasized the applicant's previous improvements at the other property. AMBROSE told SHEPARD that the City has taken his concerns into consideration; hence, the recommendation for a six-month review of the project.

Mr. Glen TATRO, 4529 Taft Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91941, noted that he is the co-owner of the motorcycle shop. He offered that they will not test drive any motorcycles in the alley. He informed that the alley will have a gate for trash disposal access and a trash truck will drive down the alley on collection days.

No one else came forward.

Motion was made by AMBROSE, seconded by BALES to close the public hearing; carried 3-0 (Fourth & Fifth Seats - Vacant).

Motion was made by AMBROSE, seconded by BALES to amend Resolution No. 10535, adding a condition: "Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a lot line adjustment to consolidate the four existing lots which comprise the subject property into one legal lot."; carried 3-0 (Fourth & Fifth Seats - Vacant).

Motion was made by AMBROSE, seconded by BALES to amend Resolution No. 10535, to add that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 2092; carried 3-0 (Fourth & Fifth Seats - Vacant).

Motion was made by AMBROSE, seconded by BALES to adopt Resolution No. 10535 as amended; carried 3-0 (Fourth & Fifth Seats - Vacant).

AMBROSE asked for the date of the City Council hearing. RAMIREZ replied that staff would make arrangements with the City Clerk's office, so no date was available at tonight's meeting.

Planning Commission 4 January 5, 2009 Draft Excerpts of Minutes ~ _21,28

ITEMNO: m lOOq ., n. , J' '...... • j.

DATE: January 21, 2009

TO: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Wells and Councilmembers Hanson­ Cox, Kendrick, and McClellan

FROM: City Clerk

SUBJECT: Interviews for Commission Vacancies and the Public Safety Facility Financing Oversight Committee

RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council conduct interviews for positions on City Commissions and Committees, and appoint applicants to serve appropriate terms.

BACKGROUND: Each year, certain terms on City Commissions and Committees expire. The City Council established an application period for those interested in serving. Vacancies on the Commission on Parks and Recreation, Personnel Commission, Planning Commission, and Public Safety Facility Financing Oversight Committee, were also part of the recruitment process. (Note: A letter of resignation was received from Wendie Wigginton on January 13, 2009, resulting in a third vacancy on the Public Safety Facility Financing Oversight Committee).

Press releases were distributed to local media about the vacancies. Additionally, the applications were available for download on the City's website. Applications received by the deadline of January 20, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. are provided for City Council consideration. Applicants were advised of the opportunity to make a two-minute presentation during the interviews, followed by a question and answer period by Council.


One Commissioner Two Commissioners One four-year term to expire Jan. 2013 Two four-year terms to expire Jan. 2013

Applicants: Applicants: Rick Allen Jaimee Haraughty (Incumbent) (No Applications Were Received) Robert Isham PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY PLANNING COMMISSION FINANCING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Two Commissioners Three Committee Members One four-year term to expire Jan. 2013 Two four-year terms to expire Jan. 2013 One two-year term to expire Jan. 2011 (to One two-year term to expire Jan. 2011, for a fill the balance of the term due to the City resident (to fill the balance of the term resignation of Bill Wells) due to the resignation of Wendie Wigginton) Applicants: Applicants: Kiki Allen Clifford Boren Sherry Casper David DeBaca (Incumbent) Paul Circo John Forrest (Incumbent) Jose Hernandez Dale Harrington Robert Isham Robert Isham Richard Johnson James Kelly Joseph LaVeque Darrin Mroz

• In accordance with City Council Policy A-27, ifthere is not at least one more qualified applicant than the number of existing vacancies, the application period will be extended by staff until such time as that number is reached.

• The applicants for each commission are listed on the Agenda.

• Appointments to City Commissions are by the Mayor with concurrence of the City Council.

• Planning and Personnel Commissioners file a Statement of Economic Interest according to the City's Conflict of Interest Code.

FISCAL IMPACT: The El Cajon Municipal Code specifies that Commissioners be compensated for meetings attended. Recently, some commissioners have opted to return their stipends.




Rick Allen Jaimee Haraughty (Incumbent) Robert Isham CITY OF EL CAJON Page 1 of3


Commission On I.PG-£\:..s. ~ ~e..u~'CDr\..

First ..Q( 0<- Middle [LA)~0~

Residence Address I .}(t43. Lo...A:l..,cee.- G.+c e.-~.

City LElL~~D,"" StatetJ\- L...... J Zip I CJd.Qd-p

Residence Phone tk> t~ L~~) IJ..:':/ Sa, Business Phone It$I~f/9- t-::" 'i -::t- I

Mailing Address


a resident of the City of EI Cajon? How long have you lived in the City? Years

Explain your interest in this Commission: ., bel,...... \'0.<~ $<.:t:t''''(\S I "aj'~( <>-l. \cr~ I ""-'- ,,"'- I ~ :y. <. '" .5pc.. ce S [Lea... lM.~()'+~( a.Sfe..~s 1)~ 0-. lAo-..~~'::) a...~ ~e.o--l+tr.l'V\MLt.tI, "J ' (he- (Q..5~Je..Y\"i) 0.( t~ .~:tr, d.e.SUv-L .u-:>e...U- \U-.f-l: ~~\<. s --rL4 ti e.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ €-D~l.Q... ~ ~ U(U \ -f~ti ru>~l-L Sa..-<'e... a.-k' l1o..::T/..o-rDJ.. ~e..l\ui.rf:;)f/'\~ +':>~lI\~O~ -r\,.~';.(" . (e.<:'xQ..0-'i"( \,)cI'-~<:3--dl\Jt"*l-es>. Are you available for meeting in the: IDayt, l11el1 Have you been or are you a member of a Governmental Board, Commission, or Committee? I", oB If yes, please list: CITY OF EL CAJON Page 2 of3

Are you related to an employee of the City of EI Cajon? INfl;"3 If yes, please indicate name and relationship:

Are you a regist~r~d ~~t~r'? 1'(~s3Ifn~,PI~as~expl~i~:

List education, training, or special qualifications that might be relevant to this Commission: r ~~L- ~ ~e.A\~c..z..., Q.":> G.- c:~~ ~ ~: \.sLc S I"\.Q...A~ \c~ ~ "S-\Je- ~o...(. LS .

List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to this Commission?

Employment History FROM: Month I.. Q\ 3' Yearj--JooB Year Employer: I~(e.~\e.£ ... "])~:'L-C Title of Position: I C-\~~~ Duties:

FROM: Month 10 \ :3 Yearl--Jooi5J TO: Month I~~t;;;b, B Year I~Qol!J Employer: Lm"Q~•.•....£r (V\\~"\ Title of Position: --.J I S'~\~s2e..p( e s.~Sa:r~~ Duties:

Note: If you choose to provide more information, please feel free to type in this box: CITY OF EL CAJON Page 3 of3


Complete and Mail to: City of EI Cajon, City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 F;Ung DeadUne: See Dates Spec;(;ed ;n the Not;ce



SUBMIT TO: __C.::;.;i:...:.;tVL-C.::;.;I=e.:..;.rk.:...;'s:,--O.:::..ff.:.:.i:..:::c.:::;e'L..:2:..::0=0-==E~a:..:::.s~t M=ai~n-=S:..::..:tr~e.:::;et~, .=E.=-IC:::::.:a~i.:::;on:..:.J,:.....:C::.:..A..:.-9=2:..::0.=.2-=-0 _

JANUARY 20,2009 at 5:00 P.M. 1. Name J c\-urte~ V. rint Last, First, Middle Initial) Residence Address \ DDCS A Y\ 2A- ~+. (Number and Street) ~l ~60N C-..~ 0\ d-D'~O . _ (C~ty, State and Zip Code) ~{\~ ,_ . Residence Phone {(QL~34q t yU1- Bus. Phone laco4 (j~Q)s; Mailing Address _ (If different from above) 2. Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? __\.+-J~::::::=S::.._. _ How have you lived .in th~ City? ~ S~n Diego County? ,36'1rs. 3. Explam your mterest m this position: :J., wY\ (',~rve.f\~ on '±1JQ..c LCX1,\nLlSSLDo ~\l& C00"S \Jl\)~kd l")1 llJ{"~ ~tl0(~U'-to


5. Are y~~~a~~~')f~~n~int~~a~t~:WS'~~V~g~V'V<' both X 6. Have you been or are you now a member of a governmental board, commission, or committee? YES L. NO __ If YES, please list:

.yCt\ \L. C0r\d e.e.e- . CS~''iYL X'v"l l S <'::o>l v "


-1- 7. Are you related to any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES __ NO + If yes, please indicate name and relationship:

8. Are you a registered voter? YES -.:t- NO __ If no, please explain:

9. List education, training, or special qualifications which might be relevant to this position: . . . bW2-- ,-9;X0~±; -:RX~ en bb l<-r{j\'s:'l.-! l:>\-ec) : (~L. c6~,-~wiL,LiL, D\s-t 4\) fC>()L{ b~~~~f ftrrgnain LL 10. List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work which might be relevant to this position: :r \A(f~ -Y(~S\c\w±-vi= t,LAIY\gXlL~L l·Ssy d ~rs. 6Jv\d CGuyu-A-kt l0\ ~ b06.-vd":jDr S\~d ~Ol'lvtb-~~&S&· 11. Employment history: From 6'i{O?; To ()'c<,~Dl- TITLE OF POSITION ~CJL ~~ Mont IYear Mont IYear Employer CD\~~~ l1NV\clsc-~ ~ Oro\Lu-s Duties£1M~'6 ~d b~(5=

From ~l.2tq::t- To D CS(qq TITLE OF POSITION (\.%-\;, fYlO.l16\..~CJr Mon hlYear MonthlYear

Employer Can\"bY S .f-L'b\.;~~s \ Duties S~~ \~Gr\ ( Se:.-~ ~


Signature ~~%l-;Q

NOTE: Interviews will be held at the City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 200 East Main Street.





SUBMIT TO: __C~i~tYLC~I~e!.!rk~'s~O~ff~ic~e~,2~0~0~E~a!2.s~tM~ai!!.!n-.::S~tr~e~e~t,-=E:!..-I~Ca~j~on!...!.Jl~C~A~9~2~0:=.2::::..0 _

FILING DEADLINE: JANUARY 20,2009 at 5:00 P.M. 1. Name Is Hj}~VlI 1<0 hex'± K. IsCte/uA I (Print Last, First, Middle Initial) g~\ ~ Residence Address 9 s: 1 aNLEt t ( (Number and Street) Zl C3}m q~1. Stat~n~glo~) Residence Phone # Il/{/ ::;-41- 7,S-lk Bus. PhoneU1 12 ':t2 - 9,3 R2-- I Mailing Address _ (If different from above)

2. Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? _...I::::~t-J.el...--:::.5:...-' _ How long have you lived in the City? (?5: t;tf 'San Diego County? b,C1f/S' 3. Explain your interest in this position: --=- _ ,~ iv~ 'L1v\'-~ ~+ LI,t" L ')J f '\' .' ') L i /' !o7t1;! 11'1 c:l---,


5. Are you available for meetings in the: daytime £ evenings ~ both /X\ 6. Have you been or are you now a member of a governmental board, commission, or committee? YES __ NO X If YES, please list:


-1- 7. Are you related to any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES __ NO X If yes, please indicate name and relationship:

8. Are you a registered voter? YES A NO __ If no, please explain:

9. List education, training, or special qualifications which might be relevant to this position: c[ TJ. b'


Sat tLatzaN ~r vu '1-J.I--=-=?i:::...-....::::C~&...p:;.JorJ~------11. Employment history: From i') '2 to To DX!Jeu t- TITLE OF POSITION~T6::...... -.;.9:-....----.!..fJ..::-4~r.~R:...:::·~ __ M nthNear MonthNear {

l Employer _~~l.-J.L:""--...l.o;L..f..f.)..w..J.:.::1:1.!ti:...L--Ll.J::(!):::':::~~"'.J...,"-t~d~L~ -----;r- -;:-__

Duties ~C:::-·-~"--CL.L_...L.-..!?t::::...·S.L-~~----!W1~-LL.~~':::+-~~!..t...,.J,;:...-..L~~:::..:c..L.---4-...L.::..lo~~.L-

<;; (~

From (~/; ((1) ~ To Df1!uo 0 ~ ~nthNear Employer S; dtJ ,bJP4cI Harf' ce-, ~utieslk our;~ tttsCiUv wifs~I1d1f UurJWq !&c:kb.:e,S OI{Z(J/)I-0o/UJlJ<;: WJcf~ 25' ~ @~~'.....:-;~~~~o~xlr;2:-- _ IF YOU CHOOSE TO PROVIDE MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES .)~S APPYICATIO.N FORM. . Signature --dL A--- Date 01/0(, 101 U /I NOTE: Interviews will be held at the City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 200 East Main Street.



Kiki Allen Sherry Casper Paul Circo Jose Hernandez Robert Isham Richard Johnson Joseph LaVeque Darrin Mroz CITY OF EL CAJON Page 1 of3 Kiki Allen CITY OF EL CAJON PUBLIC SERVICE APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FORM 200Q j It·...... Ij~. r 2

Commission On 1?\CUs\(,\'c~

First ~ ~\. Middle IJ\·

Residence Address


Residence Phone 11e\'1 Business Phone l~~&: L53-~ I}QOo

Mailing Address

State Zip

Are you aresident of the City of EI Cajon? ItJe.sB How long have you lived in the City? I ...... • Years

Explain your interest in this Commission:

=r ~ +0 ~ tZ- ~r~ \ou..:t ~ ov- -\-0 ~ e.of'" M.\.>..V\..~~ )

~ T 0..-- -ll'\~~~ '~"'- ~\~~d Cc( lk -.rc..J"u...C~ ~\OuJ~ ~ S~+ ~~c&{)-'--O--v:::r D.c [\ G..iJts\.....-. -\--0 ~ ~S:. L-~:J Q~\o._£P-u~ ~ -\-0 u-...\~ CS l\-- J (.oMM.e<""ce-) ~ \e....S\c\~·

Are you available for meeting in the: I[)aytirT\ef] Have you been or are you a member of a Governmental Board, Commission, or Committee? l'(es 3 If yes, please list: CITY OF EL CAJON Page 2 of3

Are you related to an employee of the City of EI Cajon? L0 D '3 If yes, please indicate name and relationship: I Are you a registered voter? lxes}ll If no, please explain:

List education, training, or special qualifications that might be relevant to this Commission: tJ\ ~\ ~ ~ ~ 6v--. cq- S'G-v-- , ~a e.... V\. ,0-'<-(, W"---L-

~~., \ ~""-c:;(""~ +c v=>o--(" &. S '€-\I'- 0~ r 0 f'\ ~) (..J....-[ \.0 <>-..-- I ~ L_ :J _~"""K' \ (\ \ O-.V'-~ "'--S.. ~ G...S Q..i\ e...v--0~ r c "'- ~ ""1'" ~s ~D(' u-v (e-v--- "\" i U\ \;.e;:;lG. ~Oif\-S~a.d:r= ~ ~.,\~.o.-c .~Z-tL... ~ 9~cc~ ofL~~l~ proa~' List membership iri service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to this Commission? ~s ea- ?J cEJ lP~c...\::>C-)"j: ~ ..e..-)(:.?e.-(\~~ 1..o..,-..-tL.. c..o-o-{~~~ bj\l\.~~ ~) LvJL w",\.~ w~-t\-. -rLL 5 (c~ ~ t' O-f~ (.j(~ {vrl 'j{~. cJ

Employment Hi!"",st_o_rYJ!-'--""'f FROM: Month I Q\ B Yead-01!X)~EI TO: Month l-~,£~~Year Employer: L0~V\00\ Y'f\cc>'e.... ~~0\\~l)~~m£V\...~(\~

FROM: Month Lb TO: Month 1-- ()\ Employer: 1m. 0 t(\'"\b ..i- Title of Positt6n: \ I S'ev-l:D~ Duties:

Note: If you choose to provide more information, please feel free to type in this box: CITY OF EL CAJON Page 3 of3

Signature . ~ Ji1c- ... Date I ~ /9 ~ D Cj


SUBMIT TO: City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 FillNG DEADLlNE:~ ~__~~-""""'~~';""';;""';~~-"--'-~'---_ 1. Name---l_~~::"'::::::"..!...-f-~..::..L.:u-a.....JL-::f~ -:---:-- _


Residence Phone # ------Mailing Address ?O, BOA (a3 71) t==;( . (If different from above) 2.



5. involvement you have had with the Planning


J:\COMMISSIONS\PLfu~NING\2009\PC application 2009,doc 7. Are you relatE~d to any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES __ NO_V'<.._ If yes, please indicate name and relationship: _

8. Are you a registered voter? YES ~ NO __ If no, please explain:

9. List education, training, or special qualifications which might be relevant to t .s position: rl I . rc.J oQ '7 res} ;' ree.Pes ~-JIl . V'(j e.a.r:cJ( iJ~~eme.-J- ~«p_ ...... v:;...10000::~~..=.;:C-.e---===::::...--_------1O. List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to this position:

{; c.. c.. Dc." B0'" ,-J ot- J); I gQ,,"'- it1fLCo fh"..; It('G do1r ~ MercJl()..v'l.t-S . ~ n::> ~ H ell". eM(r) ~A I-i ~ A-&.0'so0k f3,J ) ~tf?;. 0'0 Green MUi?;;;O~f1J) C4Jo n ~t'Ol Sc:- ]fZU, s~n B~· ) rtfect OiFn++- ~~ ~ H waCk ~s~. ~\ S.P. CVYilf1i~ AOlJs,"d- Cdr,AtJra:fi~ ~rdZ oP= V I~ cJ=;;rs 11. Employment history:

From feb O~ To -.Ores~ TITLE OF POSITION B. E f1:§e..tJ- MonthfYear MonthfYear

Employer Sci+'-e-.rfJ!rNe.Jl, DW


NOTE: Interviews will be held at the City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 200 East Main Street.

J:\COMMISSIONS\PLANNING\2009\PC application 2009.doc -2- 0<43 CITY OF EL CAJON Page 1 of2



Commission On Planning ZOOq· JAN P 3: 51

Last Circo First Paul Middle

Residence Address 1233 E. Madison Ave. Apt 21

City StateCA , Zip 92021

Residence Phone Business Phone 590 1770

Mailing 1233 E.

City , State ..CA ,Zip92021

Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? Yes How long have you lived in the City? Years

I attended a meeting, and spoke with Gary Woods, who suggested that I might be interested. I would like the chance to serve community by enforcing the laws and codes on land use, and this commission would be ideal.

Are you available for meeting in the: Have you been or are you a member of a Governmental Board, Commission, or Comnnitt,ee'? No

List education, training, or special qualifications that might be relevant to this Commission: -r have a Master's Degree, but my interest is related to my love of history, especially local history. I'd like to see £1 Cajon retain the semi-rural feel which drew so many residents in the 1950's. I pick up information on history for fun, and while I don't want to see us stuck in the past, I would like to see us acknowledge our roots.

i..;stm~ml:lershipinse,.yiceorcommuiiityorganizaiioiisorvolunie~rworkihatmlghtl:l~reievant to this Commission?


Clean-up, set-up, tear-down, customer service, carpet cleaning, support of all specialist tradesmen with facilities maintenance.

FROM: Mont:h cO.cC..lcoc,b.e.r., ..,.., ..:::: :.' ::c'c :::" . TO: Month Employer: Christian Heritage College

Title of Position: ... Duties:

httn:// 12/31/2008 CITY OF EL CAJON Page 2 of2

Various positions during school years/ from Community Tutor to Computer Lab assistant, Mail room Assistant and Housekeeping.


Date ~\-_,=5_--=O_l...L...... _

Complete and Mail to: City of EI Cajon, City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 Filing Deadline: See Dates Specified in the Notice

~4S httn:// General Commission %20Application... 12/31/2008 UTY 01:' tL CAJUN nap://\...-OIlliIllSS ... Jose Hernandez CITY or ...· "" 'JON (, •."j PUBLIC SER r- "'MENT i • l.-,'. APPLII I :M EL l J

Hl Commission On Jlid 20 A 10: OCJ

Middle 'Luis ------,

Residence Address L __ , ,~cc: 'C__ ,______-'

Business Phone '619 ------~------'------,

'-- c_ . • .. _ State'California ____--' Llfl _"'''U'',,______

Are you a resident of the Cny of EI CajOn? iYes How long have you lived in the Cny? ,,2=_5 Years

seen very sectors Community. One of the most impressive projects is our downtown private and public improvements. This Redevelopment has replaced the old downtown-look with a new and vibrant atmosphere that the citizens of El Cajon are proud of. The (commercial/residential) projects, which have been well integrated to the urban fabric, add night and weekend as well as a sense of community to the area. Observing this and other successful urban planning projects in the city, the fact that I am a retired city planner, my interest to serve on the planning commission is primarily to offer my in the urban planning field to further the City's future land use and urban planning goals and objectives.

Are you available for meeting in the: c_Bc_o.. th.. _, , Have you been or are you a merrber of a Governmental Board, Comrrission, or Comrrillee? No Ifyes, please list:

Are you related to an indicate name and relationship: ------_. --,------

Are a

List education, training, or special qualifications that might be relevant to this Commission: rcal{fornTa-Stat-;~P~lyte-Ch'nic--u;IfVersI'ty-pomona" -,------,,-~~--~- ~------~,,~-~- :Urban and Regional Planning iFrom September 1976 - June 1978 'Southwestern College l!\t3__t5.?_C: ~~_~~ 1?~s~~_~,~ __ ~_I'l ~~t:J-e~ ;:I.._~ __ ~_~~c ati0[1-' ~~E~~t5 ~s ~_~ ?_E_c:.I:t~~~~_~~:c ~ _ List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to this Commission? rDUr~ing--my-28-~rs·--wfth~the--EIty~of·-ctluia~visia~--i-have--'~served-a-s--s-ta-ff·-fiaIs-ons-'~for- different -boa rds and commissIor;~~----~------(including the Planning Commission, Design Review Committee and Town Centre Design Review Board (Merged at a later date with IDesign Review Committee). I have also served as a member and president of a homeowners association.

Employment FROM: Employer. Of Chula Vista Title of posiitiio~lnn:: !~;~;,I.;~:~~'n!I;I~I~nil~gI0~n~(l~;;.·.·~.••.·•····•·•..•.•••.•...•••.••.•.•..•••.•••••••.••.•.•... =...... = ...•. ~...... _ ••....••....•....•••..•...... ~...... • Duties: Development-planning Manage-':::in charge of the Development. planning -secdon iprofessional and technical staff. The Section works on projects ranging from simple 'master plan community plans, subdivisions, re-zones, etc. As Principal Planner, prior position, I was in charge of idevelopment and implementation of several master planned communities, such as: EastLake and Rolling Hills Ranch. I retired jin December 2007 and I'm not _PF~~~:f.i~_~X~~pl?'y_ed_. ~(J_\-lE!_'Y~E.! in~~~ ~'!:~tlF~ ~_ may_~~_r~"'__ <:i_?~_~~E!~~_~_?~ ()~_~1::a~~ __ f()r:

10f2 1/18/20099:24 PM ~4\p CITY OF EL CAJON lOflllSlL.UUO_ UCllClC11_\..,vlilllll1>1>•.•

%"~'7~' dU£;~;;~~~~9-""" Signature .. .. u

~Ple~e and Mail to: City of,lcajo City Clerk's Office, ~ast Main Street, EI Cajon. CA 92020 C- Filing Deailine- See Dates Specified in the Notice /


(CitY; State and Zip Code)

Residence Phone # 6(1 l-~-.3~-114.:- Bus. Phone 611 Mailing Address . (If different from above) 2. Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? -_'1r--f/_S _

How long have you lived in the City? f/{ V';' San Diego County? 2?. I 3. Explain your interest in this position:, ~ 51J. ~w" Lf C- Iw c a ~S:~+.L.-....' ~~~~-----L..-::::::~.k:::C:L.L-~~~~tJ~ 4. Are you available for meetings in the: daytime ~ evenings -+ both X 5. Outline any contact or involvement you have had with the Planning Department. MONee

6. Have you been or are you now a m~er of a governmental board, commission, or committee? YES NO If YES, please list:

J:\COMMISSIONS\PLANNING\2009\PC application 2009.doc 7. Are you relat~}o any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES __ NO -lS=- If yes, please indicate name and relationship: _

8. Are you a registered voter? YES F NO __ If no, please explain:


10. List membership in service or community organizations orvolunteer work that might be relevant to this position:

~Utl ~1im-l . £( Cry aN

11. Employment history: j

From if ztXJb To D]esM TITLE OF POSITION --I-12"::=:"::"?;.:::...jq~(_t-M-.::.Lr!...;..v.£...f:<:_.__ onthNear MonthNear ! Employer S4vp bvZC:&Mu} YOrp"fJ ~-t ~1drry Duties Cd1£ AP, c '£ Ofj k'dO&- ; r ! p £{(~?WI' ~ Caft- c-

~:~ar ToiI{tfJ?r~r TITLE OF POSITION -f.::::.::'-"''---L.:.~~~-P4.W-o.H'"-

Employer <:2V b!RCJU y6ff~[cP::::..:. _ , ! Duties C C· f- ~ if 6'01 - 12M\' /2iJ @ IF YOU CHOOSE TO PROVIDE MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ATTACH ADDITIONAL PA HIS PPLICATION FORM Signature 0 (J DC) Date

NOTE: Interviews will be held at the City Council me ting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 200 East Main Street.

J:\COMMISSIONS\PLANNING\2009\PC application 2009.doc -2- CITY OF EL CAJON Page I 01'2 Richard Johnson


200B DEC Commission On Planning

Last Johnson First Richard Middle Gary

Residence Address

City State

,.--~-~.'---'~ Residence Phone [619 1442 12881 Business Phone 1619 10826

Mailing Address

City State

Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? Yes How long have you lived in the City? 49 Years

Explain your interest in this Commission: I'm interested in the proper development of my city and now have the time to be involved.

Are you available for meeting in the: Both Have you been or are you a member of a Governmental Board, Commission, or Committee? No If yes, please list:

Are you related to an employee of the City of EI Cajon? No If yes, please indicate name and relationship:

Are you a registered voter? Yes If no, please explain:

list education, training, or special qualifications that might be relevant to this Commission: High school diplomal two years of college, Plbg. Htg. Ale contractor, currently working as a sales rep ..

list membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to this Commission? Coached youth sports at the Boy'S club and little league. Long time member of El Cajon weslyan Church.

Employment History FROM: Month July Year 1970 TO: Month August Year 1986 Employer: Howell Plbg. & Htg. Title of Position: Started as an apprentice and ended as the owner Duties: From the basic to the responsable head.

FROM: Month August Year 1986 TO: Month" Year 2005 Employer: Gary Johnson Sales Title of Position: Pres. Duties:

httD:// General_Commission_%20Application... 12120/2008 CITY OF EL CAJON Page '2 ot '2

Selling manufactured item into the wholesale plunbing and heating industrie

Note: If you choose to provide more information, please feel free to type in this box:

e and Mail to: City of EI Cajon, City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 Filing Deadline: See Dates Specified in the Notice General Commission %20Application... 12/20/2008 AS" \ :ITY OF EL CAJON Joseph LaVeque CITY or~- "\JON OF PUBLIC SER i ~TMENT APPLII i :M I

Commission On

Last LaVeque First Middle William

Residence Address

City State Zip 92020

Residence Phone Business Phone

Mailing Address •...... He.. rbe..rt S•..t .

City ...... State •...... ' Zip 92020

Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? How long have you lived in the City?

Explain your interest in this Commission: d-~;};'th~~e-an-a-~ie~d~;'J~st--~-burning -d~-sI~~--t~-~;e'~y~ experiences in hopes of supporting of El Cajon. I have in the Granite Hills and Flynn Springs area for several years back in the 1970's. I then moved to the San Carlos al.-ea until the year 2000 in which I returned to El Cajon proper. In 1987 I audited the San Diego bUdget and found some very items that needed addressing during some difficult financial times. I worked with the city manager's of fiee to a means to keep the parks and rees open that were slated for closure.

me, and listen to the citizens needs,

Are you available for meeting in the: Have you been or are you a member of a Governmental Board, Commission, or Committee? No If yes, please list:

Are you related to an indicate name and rel'3tic'nslhip:

Are you a registered

Listeducation,trainin9,orspecialgualificationsthatrniQhtberelevanltolhisC()rnmission Western Schools: Economics, business law, property management, real estate law, contract law, and appraisal. 'S.D.S.U.: Financial planning, risk management, real estate principals. Denver College: Financial planning, investment management, insurance. V.C.S.D. Real estate law & practices l:eE~_~_f.,~_~__ci .i__T"l __:_. l:J':l_~.~_~.~_~.~, .~._~~._~_ .. ,_C::.?~_~_E~.~ .t::... _.~__ ~,~._~ .. ~,t?~~.?~~.g.?.'._ .. ,_~P'P.~.~.,~ s.,~_~. __ .~.0,~_. _~ .~_.Cl,.l. e 5 tate _~__(l_~_'. ...'3.0?_.,_,~_g_,._?.~~~E __ ,~.<:l~ __a._~_~?_._!?t~l.lcl~_E!_~_.·_ List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to lhis Commission? ...... •...... •...... Corvette Owners a year to the Wesc Coast Corvette Expo: My annual event for raising thousands of dollars for battered woman and

Employment History FROM: Month Employer: FirssltiA\rm~'eefnl·;c'~al~n R€'~I;y& ~,~.~J~gl~'(3r~~p·.··.­ Title of Position: CE,OIO,,'ner Duties: trans3ctions. Assist investors risk. I have a partner

FROM: tv'Mloonnllhh ~~f:,e.ww '!ear.~9Io~...... ,-TO():: rvl'DnttlL2~t()~'"r. ,)'ear .~C'9? . Employer: Saxon Title of Positionl:: A('~~~~~.E~~~(;tiv,~········· . Dulies: R;"P;';"S;"11t;"dthis Wall ·s·t·~'_··_·"fi·rm····by i·~v-es'tr~ia'tTn·g·~····~~d·i·-tIn·g·;······~·~'d···-pu·r~l~·a-s-i'~·g·.. _go~d equitable loans from the brokerage communi ty in San Diego county. These loans were then securitized and placed on Wall St.

~~ 1 of? 1/19/20093:53 PM ~ITY OF ELCAJON,.,

Note: If

Ji '£1< .. /'::A .. . / / " Je;' <1 .1' ~ \ ~,-/~....,. '-1 . "J ...- ,,/'1..(".'- ':~,/. /-.- , 1 / ,/ / .» Signature'' ,./'p"';;6:3 '" )O.'l,j/. !e·)«,.{,@'gate I / /Ic.Z (7'". ~. ," .' J < t.' Z '=::::::" / 00mplete and Mail to: City otEl Cajon, City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 Filing Deadline: See Dates Specified in the Notice

~5'3 20f2 1/19120093:53 PM City ofEI Cajon City Council ZOOq JAN 20 200 East Main Street A Cj: 45 EI Cajon, CA 92020

January 19,2009

Re: Planning Commissioner Position

Dear City Council:

It gives me great pleasure in your consideration for a position in city planning.

I have watched EI Cajon evolve from the once known "One Stop City" (one red light at Main & Magnolia) to today's blustering city ofmixed cultures.

At this time in my life I feel I want to give back to the community in which I have grown to know and love.

In accordance with Government Code Section 87202 (shall file such a statement not more than 30 days after assuming office), I have completed Form 700 and will remit if I have been selected for this position.

.' .. ' /:' T...h.a..... n..'~},k!Y.O..U.. l.a...... a./;'in..,1;\ I(:." '?'., /' , 0 . Resp'ec~ulry, Joseph&W. LaVeque

575 Hebert Street EI Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 749-5007 RESUME Joseph W. LaVeque 575 Herbert Street EI Cajon, CA 92020 Business: 858.495.3264 x400 Residence: 619-749-5007 Mobile: 619-322-3351 Email: [email protected] Experience Summary More than twelve years performing due diligence, underwriting, collateral analysis, and audits. More than twelve years in corporate sales and management ofcommercial real estate. Loan and finance specialist - Commercial Real Estate Advisor - Workout Specialist, Wholesale Account Executive. Recognized for strong analytical and managerial skills. Team player, always willing to provide support and guidance to peers at all levels. Strong motivator, with excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills.

Objective To be in a team environment where I can utilize my professional experiences and people skills while knowing I am a great asset in assisting in the company's growth.

Work History First American Realty & Mortgage Group (lO!OS-Present) CEO - Own and operate 2 real estate offices with 26 agents. Personally, specializing in investment property while hiring and training agents specializing in 1st time home buyers. Saxon Mortgage Wholesale Account Executive (6/02-10/05) Building relationships with new and existing brokers. Fourth in sales on the west coast within 90 days ofemployment. New AE trainer - President's Club Member - West Coast AE's look to me for marketing assistance Known in the field for loan officer training presentations. Universal Funding National Wholesale Account Executive (8/99-6/02) Specializing in sub-prime mortgages. Market and procure, pre-qualify, and prepare complete loan packages from mortgage brokers throughout the U.S. for submission to 3'd party conduits. IndyMac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. Senior Underwriter (6/97-8/99) Multifaceted position involving customer service, sales support, and loan underwriting. Assessed loan submissions, provided quotes, and followed through on closings. Provided scenarios and training assistance to new customer brokerage firms. Key Accomplishments 1. Developed numerous contacts and generated valuable leads for new mortgage conduits. 2. Provided immediate assistance to a 400+ customer base. 3. Created several alternative in-house means ofloan analysis creating a larger market share, while decreasing economic risks. 4. Recognized as a strong problem solver and mediator, often called upon to resolve disputes and neutralize problematic situations.

Finance Contractor Services Provided: Due Diligence/Underwriting/Audits/ residential and commercial loan portfolios. (1991-1997) Provided expert commercial and residential loan due diligence, audits, and underwriting for some ofthe nations largest financial institutions. Key Accomplishments 1. Organize teams to perform special order financial functions throughout the U. S. 2. Performed audits for bank mergers, acquisitions and receiverships. 3. Provided expert financial analysis on an 18 month Arms audit on 436 banks. Special tasks' "Venus Project" purpose was to provide accurate auditing on commercial loans enabling Bank ofAmerica to acquire loan portfolios from F.D.I.C. Real Estate Advisor Services Provided: Due Diligence/Underwriting/Audits/Advisor; residential and commercial real estate and loan portfolios. (1985-1991 ) 1. Noted as a national real estate workout specialist. 2. Successfully removed 18 real estate syndications from court appointed receiverships. Financial advisor involving Chapter II bankrupt real estate partnerships throughout the U.S. Formed investor committees, reorganized real estate portfolios by providing budgets, alternative financing and workout solutions. J." Audited income and expense statements, and made recommendations to better the performance and management ofreal estate holdings for real estate partnerships throughout the U.S. Lindsay Enterprises / Investment Management Associates (1976-1985) Sales Manager Train and manage NASD sales staff. Top producer 5 consecutive years and sales manager for commercial real estate and securities. Top producer in financial planning - raised $12,000,000 within 3 years. Guest speaker at seminars ranging from 20 to 400 people. Asset Manager Created and maintained budgets, financing and management operations of$200,000,000 in real estate assets; 68 Ltd. partnerships. Negotiated and/or reviewed contracts, letters of intent, purchase agreement contracts, title reports, escrow documents, loan docs, environmental impact reports, recorded liens, reconveyances and other resources to secure valid and sound acquisition or disposition ofreal estate. Director ofProperty Management Created and managed a start up property management and maintenance company for parent holding company. Within 4 years had 21 offices and managed over 6,200 apartment units, over 100,000 sq. ft. office space and strip-centers. Created and implemented procedures, guidelines, training manuals, classroom training for resident managers, and budgets. Created 5 year forecast analysis on all acquisitions and potential acquisitions. Management and maintenance company consisting of248 employees from San Diego, CA to Ocalla, FL. Education Western Schools Economics, Business Law, Property Management, Real Estate Law, Contract Law, and Appraisal. S.D.S.U. Financial Planning, Risk Management, Real Estate Principals. Denver College Financial Planning, Investment Management, Insurance. U.C.S.D. Real Estate Law & Practices Certifications: Business law, contract law, economics, appraisal, real estate law, 10 other related studies U.S.N. A-C Schools BSEE equivalent - specializing in automatic flight controls Personal Interest Promoting fundraising events through various automobile organizations for underprivileged children. CITY OF EL CAJON PUBLIC SERVICE APPOINTMENT



SUBMIT TO: City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020

FILING DEAQL)NE: .' January 20, 2009. at 5:00 p.m. 1. Name~{)1.) DARR'N·=r . . (pdnt Last, First, Middle Initial)

Residence Address 14-28 I2EJ<...L::::~...l..!::\u~c~lc(~.·---!.J.!-n~. _ CC' Nuc~~an~~tJ~) (City, State and Zip Code)

Residence Phone # to \q. 0\2-1, 5()LO Bus. Phone LRICJ· OJ 28'-l5?zl[

Mailing Address (If different from above) 2. ~ San Diego CountY?_./_L.J..--'<:': __

3. Explain your interest in this position:

::L it?o4/d /1:<:..Jb ~"erve (/PJ ~111/i1f 0/1?tf,:Jf,(},?, Z /#~ j1 . 7 /k )::CtZ,['I'/~ JIi",.U~~ /IU:lu/rl/' :T :/),"1- f {ij""fd j~ 4 ~d T . -Tif 4. Are you available for meetings in the: daytime __ evenings __ bot~ ,

5. Outline any contact or involvement you have had with the Planning Department. /!t?'/le

6. Have you been or are you now a member of a governmental board, commission, or committee? YES __ NO '~ If YES, please list:

J:\COMMISSIONS\PLANNING\2009\PC application 2009.doc 7. Are you relate{i to any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES __ NO_~_' If yes, please indicate name and relationship: _

8. Are you a registered voter? YES ><.-' NO __ If no, please explain:

9. List education, training, or special qualifications which might be relevant to this position: '(j,J ",..;.' , Zt I ;' v7A ~'~ ,'2/1 a DU/' ~ 44 ":/1e~1ftteltJ //!./pr,c-,:7'" '1'7~ / (J /, VZ I /491 J:;/reJ~/!1 C::;/!1/J1~C/AJI ~f ,/tpk/' Dr At,fk/'Jt?/f/y 10. List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to this position: -2 '''~J G,~/4:J4 Ibejtlc ~ .4;2, ~ /r, £( C4JPrl 7",Leu<;el?hJ ~v Q.ft//'c{ a~ ' ~ dt/c:/m ) h:#£ ~I! AI 2-1& Cod~ 1Mbl 11. Employment history: 1..::;..~_}e. _.:;1;7'_4_~-"-'I1~f-, From tf'{- PIq To 12:/- r2/5 TITLE OF POSITION ...::::k,--e.=/1.:..I-:' _ R __ MonthlYear MonthlYear

EmPloyerHLtn1eR /a5{tKf}IV{~ C5 PiZU){tf!.1 ;1~0 Duties ,,£11 ,() t./} }'P"ecdblnf /';j &/ltAkf}/J tdd I 7 ,c//ti!1ce: /3r;'l1i)1' f /q" <:: ' tr" .>72r 1r=c1 /Yli tJ'U--n From /-/- ! q To pQt:"4 TITLE OF POSITION Ctvdcd'.. MonthlYear I MonthlYear --I..o<~-t:..!- _

Employer __fc_···~...!._:..;r_---L::.~:::...l:'~,It6~·~.JG...&)f!-V~~.'?.:.-I_' _


Signature Date

NOTE: Interviews will be held at the City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 in the Council Chambers, 200 East Main Street.


Clifford Boren David De Baca (Incumbent) John Forrest (Incumbent) Dale Harrington Robert Isham James Kelly CITY OF EL CAJON Clifford A. Boren PUBLIC SERVICE APPOINTMENT APPLICATION FORM PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY FINA.~~.JIJ~~f1p OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE .

ORDINANCE NO.4.791 outlines the Powers and duties of the Committee, as well as . . -. . . - .. Membership, Residency and Appointment requirements. SUBMIT TO: City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 FILING DEADLINE: JANUARY 20, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. CHECK AREA OF EXPERTISE BELOW:

UP TO 2 MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE MAY RESIDE OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS, I ORDER TO HAVE BROAD REPRESENTATION IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: o California Licensed Architect with experience designing and building commercial, industrial and governmental buildings. o California Licensed General Contractor with experience constructing commercial, industrial and governmental buildings. o California licensed civil engineerw.ith· experience in the designing and bUilding of commercial, industrial and governmental buildings. o Building/property manager "'lith experience in the management of commercial property. o Construction estimator with experience in estimating the construction of large-scale projects. o California certified public accountant with experience in professional accounting.

- MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE THAT RESIDE IN THE CITY MUST HAVE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUPATIONS OR CATEGORIES: o Business Owner from the EI Cajon Business Community. o .Member of a bona fide tax payers' association or organization. o Public Safety Employee (i.e. either police or fire personnel) either retired from service or not employed by the City. o A resident elector of the City of EI Cajon.

g·\rOMMTSSTONS\PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES FIN.~CING OVERSIGHT\2009\Application 2009.doc 1. Name__2.:...t~("w·Zw....=S:::...t-/~°-;t-l",(_P~("":';";/-;;:::-=-.L/;:::-~O-i1<-.:::::..l::0::"'----i:::.d~. --:--:--:-:-- _ 7 (Print Last, First, Middle Initial)

Residence Address y;cr:7 N;-l'«?d J:)e(Vr:- (Number and Street)

o dO. / (City, State and Zip Code) -b~cf1:",) Residence Phone # &c9--&&O 0 Bus. Phone _.....------__. _. _ Mailing Address: --:- _ (If different from above) 2. Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? -...;..-L.iMwo""""::..- _

How long have you lived in the City? San Diego County? if~J 3. Explain your interest in this position:

L{~z.: !:c'IIJ c. (' /u-r''SrL c: s::c ,,10 /4zh) SYr:::=() rcc' "7 Iyt-~



9. list membership in service or community organizations or vol~~eer work, which might be relevant to this position: &12lJ) .J-Y;:z-tt1---- V eaJ C'->/\J P-"---"O~.--.!..../.:::z.--::;yz....~~~:.:::../if{..!zZ.. _

H:\COMMISSIONS\PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES FIN.~CING OVERSIGHT\2009\Application 2009.doc -'?- 10. Employment history: From syf,f To ,J4,...-' ..?ooqITLE OF POSITION ~Ax::::tr:.rt/ 'T

Duties ~eyiritffCj.p?'U,e;w;6Yq:~~ (/de/oc.:.r x.:4'"".zj,c

~ r Uf<- 7lJ7 $'r!JJO ,q;,{~ •

From _ To TITLE OF POSITION _ Month/Year Month/Year Employer _


If you choose to provide more information, please feel free to attach additional pages to this application form.

Signature {3.~~c-=-:



CIT)' OF EL CA.rol'{ David A. DeBaca


Commission On Public Safety Facilitlos Fin'Hlcili\.j Overslglll CO(llfliitlee

Last IDeUacii ______. J First 'D<'WI~__ "~_._ _. ._ . ! MidJIf': IAClrt8~'

kesidc:nce Address

City (Chula V_ist':l_ .._~ ... "_.__._. . .._._. , StiJto Igf\ ..__ ..__J Zip 1~1.~].!? __ "_."",,_

IQ~.§l__ [23~rj ,'+:.-" ,().. Residence Phon(-; j h(:j?______177G:~__

A.If} yOl) a resident of the City of EI Cajon? INo j§J ~.· ~."._,,_,",~, ~ Years If\lIA_.w __ .• n '.' ••• 1

Fxplain your interest in this CommiE,sion: 1 'h.:i,re bc(;:Lt ~1. public 8f2J~'i.,--:J_Tt::.:. fc)r 2.0 )redLs I1C'\\: t:'1nd '.:;xperti,,12' I have in my field of ','ork.

f\re yOLi

1>11,,· /!U'\li'-~' ('1 ('1-I~Flinncaus/colll'cnl:1forms/2008 GcncfJI Com;ni:,:~ion t\·(,:~O/\ I'plledion\ __ . (TIY OF E1. CAJON

1m _m __ .- nn - __ - •• U_u - §~ Are you (J registered voter? g If no, please explain:

Li~;t education, training, or special qualifications that mighl t)e rekVJlit to tl·d~:. CO!Jlrnl'.:.sion:

l:n 6.dd Li.0TI. tc th.('~ numerOll~ ~lrchit:cctUL'f-~ dtt.d r"::,~L-L tC-,;;.:,[-.j.t-,::: '".:i.:;j r ~,"; .• , ; Ur:i'-.:~: !;,~~!':/.-'::l. ~i,J>I( Tn.:;b~cc":iorl~ 1\100, a:.:: a :Real ~~~d:.2i_te l\pr~rf~i:er '-t~:j_t_-h_ ton,:::' :'.! "i Ii, Lii'":>:)'_-, ("-.'i_i""y ;·d.~:·:\'.';.·:l;r i~.:: Ct'l,ilj't-:d COlL:.-se~; a.nd attend t.llC: "S':Jcjf~t'i ()L CI1_rt.·L-~ iJ~n i_;~;r:""·-tl l:t:,:n ~_! .. r-:,r-.-; c,p ·1 !'i~\: (1.:,

List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer WOII< thal mighl be relcvc.llll to this Commission? l'ub.lic Safety Facility Fin'Olnci!"lg Oversight committe,;; ['[('n,c,!'r international Community Foundation - Advi~;o.LY BU,:iXd ,,,!'uw[,,;c'

Employment History f'HOM: Month IJanuary,,__91 Ye3r [~§l.~~.L3 TCJ: Montl\ IJillllJ.Jly.:J Yuar 1:. Fm;.>loyer S;-JlI_IJIOH()~()l:l!'ty.p\~sesso~~_0f!~e _ _ Title o[ I)o::,.ition: ;Jiser~~~I~al~Y_[")iy!~_~~_ IAPPI _, . u- ______. _ Dutic~:

~L d.!H L,~;e;.pc;rn~~_1.ble for tIll:: appra.i5al c

F!{OM: Month I TO: Mon~h 1-- Employ'or:

'----______.u_~_uu_ .. · u_ 1 itle of Posilion:

Dulles: I

Note: II you choose to provide more infor-rn8tion, please fed IIL'u \0 type irl 1I11~; hox: GT'{ Of E1, CAfO:.J !'a:cl' .~ 01 .:;

I lL,~lVC becn a meTnber of the Public 53-fetx" F&cili.;:y" ~jr]I-111Cin9 1,.\\·-C~(l::j.qh,l C()(tuIlit t/':(! [en ",cjmbers corue from varying ba.ckgrounds and we \,;()J.k we: 11 LI)~cJ,·th':::.

~;g:~t~,c~k---~-=- •. -~_ DatvJbblOq Complete and Mail to: City of El Caion, City Clerk'$ Office, 200 East Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020 Filing Deadline: See Dates Specified in the Notice CITY 0 F EL CAJ0 N John A. Forrest PUBLIC SERVICE APPOINTMENT


ORDINANCE NO. 4791 outlines the Powers and duties of the Committee, as well as Membership, Residency and Appointment requirements. SUBMIT TO: City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 FILING DEADLINE: JANUARY 20, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. CHECK AREA OF EXPERTISE BELOW:


MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE THAT RESIDE INTHE CITY MUST HAVE ONE OF THE fOLLOWING OCCUPATIONS OR CATEGORIES: o Business Owner from the EI Cajon Business Community. o Member ofa bona fide tax payers' association or organization. o Public Safety Employee (i.e. either police or fire personnel) either retired from service or not employed by the City. o A resident elector of the City of EI Cajon.

H:\COMMISSIONS\PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES FINANCING OVERSIGHT\2009\Application 2009.doc 1 1. Name f-o'e-. "'-6$ r, J 0 ti t-JL..-.JAU-:., _ t (Print Last, First, Middle Initial)

Residence Address G '2S?2 L t\ I< e D~O::L.C:B.~A~..L.:.lxL_V.L...L..6~.---::- _ (Number and Street)

s:.lLf::L121 -ecrO I CA q nitq (City, State and Zip Code)

Residence Phone # cc 10/4(p 4 ' S ~ 0 0 Bus. PhoneCoI¥S88- 0<05 (

Mailing Address: --'- ~~_:__--___:__-_:__------'---- (If different from above)

2. Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? ...l.1:4;eO=:- _

How long have you lived in the City? Nits. San Diego County? 35 Y1<.£ 3. Explain your interest in this position:

IN 110k V'EJD tz'N r 11'1 C/T:1 XK}-\IIcChY"!\\, t ''0J,ect5 S, N=.Ge-=---_ 1119

...... /J! Available for meetings in the: daytime _evenings _both X 5. Have you been or are you now a member of a governmental board, commission, or committee? YES x: NO If YES, please list: f C/ T 1Z,t-'N S' 6V cl'~'G tTT C[)MMrTTt1:: ~-U6W Eli C MJ..lL8 5AtEJ~ -EAC.I \.;1 TJ' A'N.:t2. OttflS~~ce~)~TS-:!-- __ 6. Are you related to any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES NO +- If yes, please indicate name and relationship: _ 1. Are you a registered voter? YES X~__ NO __ If no, please explain:

8. List education, training, or special qualifications which might be relevant to this position: L-lCGN$'t;P A-PGttlU3Gl( t>h nNTtlWj'<0kt¥?t(-J.. _

9. List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work, which might be relevant to this position:

H:\COMMISSIONS\PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES FINANCING OVERSIGHT\2009\Application 2009.doc -2- 10. Employment history:

From rz. / of To PE::ES"E'N=t TITLE OF POSITION cmN51J::JJcj1(j'N Month/Year Month/Year r ~~ MA'NA6~ Employer CArl 0 H \l,ldA.&Y (9 b}IQN scBrx:> L i? t<;~ n= Duties DVE~S"'Ee Abl:P-fl.lAH SeM0L- Cbb\'5",j:.UC!"(oN -\LtOcJ E"Cu . . _

From I /q 6 To -z. Ie 1 TITLE OF POSITION Ak 1\ l}"Get: ~nth/Year Month/Year

Employer .....$';l-t>....<'--- _

Duties .f L "N ~ {N9< "!2pV 1SLOf Attl=:Cl:t; dDt) ~1E= lk"t(D1Ld>oCQM£ hct~

~StP=UC:t(Q NAt? b&\N {>ttAT~'t;l

{6 fry;)rcm_'_

If you choose to provide more information, please feel free to attach additional pages to this application form. Si9natur&~)~



Commission On Public Safety l=acilities Financing Oversight Committee lGO~

.ast Harrington First Dale Middle Robert

~esidence Address 1605 Bartram Way

;ity EI Cajon State CA Zip 92019

~esidence Phone 619 401 8658 Business Phone 619 757 4643

Aailing Address 1605 Bartram Way

;ity EI Cajon State CA Zip 92019

\re you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? No How long have you lived in the City? 10+ unincorporated are. Years

:xplain your interest in this Commission: Sharing knowledge is one of the greatest assets a person can have. I believe my experience and knowledge in Safety and Facilities would be helpful on this committee. My self proclaimed success in personal common sense finance is also a benifit I am willing to share.

l.,re you available for meeting in the: Both -lave you been or are you a member of a Governmental Board, Commission, or Committee? No f yes, please list:

!\,fe you related to an employee of the City of EI Cajon? No If yes, please indicate name and relationship:

!:I,.re you a registered voter? Yes If no, please explain: education, training, or special qualifications that might be relevant to this Commission: Hazardous Waste training; National University, Kahl Environmental Services, & Dangerous Goods Consultants. Forklift operator & Safety; San Diego Safety Councel. Safety Training; Included in all of the above and on the job experience.

List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work that might be relevant to this Commission? I have been a member of the American Welding Society fot 36 years, Chairman San Diego section 1983-84. Currently Vice Chairman for 2008-09.

Employment History FROM: Month February Year 1997 TO: Month January Year -- Employer: Hi-Tech Welding & Forming, Inc. Title of Position: Materials Joining Engineer Duties: Weld Engineering, Hazardous waste oversite and control, Safety monitoring, and Facilities Maintenance.

~Cd1 mhtml:file://C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\CITY OF EL CAJON.mht 12/27/2008 CITY OF EL CAJON Page 2 of2

FROM: Month June Year 1995 TO: Month February Year 1997 Employer: Premier Turbines Title of Position: Facilities Manager I Electron Beam Welder. Duties: Managed all Facilities infrastructure and equipment, Performed Safety training.

Note: If you choose to provide more information, please feel free to type in this box: I have worked with corporate insurance representatives and maintained Safety training, documentation records, and job site safety training. I work with all Branches of government offices involving Safety, Waste water run off, HAZMAT storage and disposal. I understand building codes and all aspects of the trades though my years of experience in the bussiness field as well as maintaining my personal property. -2C:?' t/ .-/' Signature 1/ i£;0 " P hZL

o?lO mhtml:file://C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\CITY OF EL CAJON.mht 12/27/2008 CITY 0 F EL CAJ0 N Robert R. Isham PUBLIC SERVICE APPOINTMENT APPLI CAT ION FOR M u-, ,; C,\ PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY FIti~~~C~~:0 \ OVERSIGHT COMMITT~E

ORDINANCE NO. 4791 outlines the Powers and duties of the Committee, as well as Membership, Residency and Appointment requirements. SUBMIT TO: City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 FILING DEADLINE: JANUARY 20, 2009 at5:00 p.m. CHECK AREA OF EXPERTISE BELOW:


o California Licensed Architect with experience designing and building commercial, industrial and governmental bUildings. o California Licensed General Contractor with experience constructing commercial, industrial and governmental buildings. o California licensed civil engineer with experience in the designing and building of commercial, industrial and governmental buildings. o Building/property manager with experience in the management of commercial property. o Construction estimator with experience in estimating the construction of large-scale projects. o California certified public accountant with experience in professional accounting.


D Business Owner from the EI Cajon Business Community. o Member of a bona fide tax payers' association or organization.

D Public Safety Employee (i.e. either police or fire personnel) either retired from service or not employed by the City. K A resident elector of the City of EI Cajon.

ol1( H:\COMMISSIONS\PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES FINANCING OVERSIGHT\2009\Application 2009.doc 1. Na me_::r:._:S'..;.....:.h...1o.:.-:.lfh~h1+-/---L-B~o~)bw~T....l.....---:..R---.:..I_-:-:-:-:----:---:--:--:-:- _ (Print Last, First, Middle Initial) Residence Address 8'S3 ~'~~N2~a----:.;~=--...~--:..-.~ _ (Number and Street) ~L g~o~o Cc {\(»J I CIt J tCity, State and Zip Code) Residence Phone # 6ft :t-13-srq---4 Bus. Phone W1 Mailing Address: __:_--:--:------~-__:_------(If different from above) 2. Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? _~&j~e=----$:...------How long have you lived in the City? ?., Vf San Diego County? 6 f:xtJ 3. Explain y?ur .interest in this position: :£ ~~ -tv · Iiil~ f!w f1t of 'i( C~J,~ 1Lf­ tv f:c¥ 1t4te;j, wwchJ W :liB! g,Q rr ~+ ?CcorirN4n th tAd 1- wdr'5 4. Available for meetings in the: daytime ~evenings~both yJ .5. Have you been or are you now a member of a governmental board, commission, or committee? YE~ NO K If YES, please list:

6. Are you related to any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES NO ~ If yes, please indicate name and relationship: _ 7. Are you a registered voter? YES L_ NO If no, please explain:

8. list education, training, or special qualifications which might be relevant ~iS ~Si~i~ , (J ({ U1;7trJ~1eJ~ O~, _ IN Mif CcY/£ ~ ~~1>U

9. list membership in service or community organizations or v unteer wo k, which might be relevant to this position: 0IWl.. ~ , '


')- Date:



ORDINANCE NO. 4791 outlines the Powers and duties of the Committee, as well as Membership, Residency and Appointment requirements. SUBMIT TO: City Clerk's Office, 200 East Main Street, EI Cajon, CA 92020 FILING DEADLINE: JANUARY 20, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. CHECK AREA OF EXPERTISE BELOW:


] California Licensed Architect with experience designing and building commercial, industrial and governmental buildings.

] California Licensed General Contractor with experience constructing commercial, industrial and governmental buildings.

] California licensed civil engineer with experience in the designing and building of commercial, industrial and governmental buildings.

] Building/property manager with experience in the management of commercial property.

] Construction estimator with experience in estimating the construction of large-scale projects. .

] California certified public accountant with experience in professional accounting.


] Business Owner from the EI Cajon Business Community.

] Member of a bona fide tax payers' association or organization.

] Public Safety Employee (i.e. either police or fire personnel) either retired from service or not employed by the City.

~ A resident elector of the City of EI Cajon.

{·\rOMMTSSTONS\PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES FINANCING OVERSIGHT\2009\Application 2009.doc if r (City, State and Zip Code)

Residence Phone # 6/ q- Q05 - 82/6 Bus. Phone 6/ C/ .~ 562-' 1/11

Mailing Address: ------:------(If different from above) 2. Are you a resident of the City of EI Cajon? --'-"~...... 5 _

How long have you lived in the City? lefs Vtt-vSan Diego County? 25 yeti,s than Ir / 3. Explain your interest in this position: 5/rnf /y f 0 Ix In vo/ved (A/1) hetf:J however I Can.

4. Available for meetings in the: daytime _evenings _both...... Xw...... o._ 5. Have you been or are you now a member of a governmental board, commission, or committee? YES NO X If YES, please list:

6. Are you related to any employee of the City of EI Cajon? YES NO ~ If yes, please indicate name and relationship: _

7. Are you a registered voter? YES -,-X_-_ NO __ If no, please explain:

8. List education, training, or special qualifications which might be releva'1t 0 this position: Lie-en 'eel /- or /i1f(;!II(.f.vrCe. A en·j I_

9. List membership in service or community organizations or volunteer work, which might be relevant to this position:


-')- 1'0. Employment history: From Ott 200i To LUi/rent TITLE OF POSITION Ol6'rc /1411 , Month/Year Month/Year

Employer &/1\1 lJ1sq YtlWtX- 5tit'v/'ctJ 7 fn¥/ole~ Duties 11tlbafjtfi4t!it t I 5a Ie! I (45 tomt'y 5c:yv Ice

From To TITLE OF POSITION _ Month/Year Month/Year Employer _


If you choose to provide more information, please feel free to attach additional pages to this application form.


Date: ...... I..-;~2~o..-.~·..=;..O-..:.·q _