Newsom Reported on Way to Lakeland That Fall
DETROIT TIMES, MARCH 17,1942 PAGE 15 Sadness Tinges (orkfowifs Day of Hays Jimmy had to By CLAYTON HEPEEK day when they led the newsboys to victory over the old Wind- The faculty got wind of it, however, and sor Gazette team hack 1890. It was the culmination being doctor or a fighter. Bunny Carroll It’s a great day for the Jrish, St. Patrick's Day. as many around choose between a of an intense rivalry that was never renewed. this pride of a transplanted son of the old sod revels among the memories didn't have to make that choice, though, and Nor would those experiences measure up to that once* of his time. of beloved Eire here in the United States. Corktown became one of the leading lightweights his historic game between the Abbotts and the Shamrocks that SPORTS who had The old Detroit Armory was the scene of his most memor- But only a surprising few are left of those took place in 1903 out at Burns Park on the Dix road across Phila* their beginnings in that which was Ireland. able battle. That was the night he beat Kid O’Brien of By LEO MACDONELL part of Detroit from Garvey's Hotel. They had to play outside the city limits Corktown part that bold, delpnia. O’Brien w*lrt‘to the hospital afterwards and never Like itself, the men who were of because Sunday ball wasn't allowed in then. Detroit recovered. adventurous clan centering around Holy Trinity Church have The once-great Abbotts had broken up, and many of the Can Life Offer Benny Meyer Achieved among Irish who established them- passed on, some to fame, some to obscurity, some to another outstanding players had gone over to the Shamrocks, among There were others the \ Bill Byron, once head of the After You've Insulted That Distinction and world.
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