6-10-63 Alley Vacations Block 13, Mendelssohn
/’ I m 10 DORSEY. OWEN, MARQUART. WINDHORST & WEST FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDlNG MINNEAPOLIS XCE: Vacation of AUey in Black X3, Men&lssohn TSErca GO, &!@e. Gretchen S. Alden Village of Edina 4&1 west; 50th Street ~dinrr,Minnesota 55424 Mrs, Alden: I am sending to you with th5s copy of the above letter the above mentioned Resolution Vacating alley wieh the recording data thereon. uctober 23, 1YG3 I kWREAS!, two weeks' published riotice and posted notice of P hearhg ta be had on said pe2ition OM June LO, L963, a% 7:QQ Po&, has been given and mado, and a heaving therean has been had by the Viaage f2x;raoiL: HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the V%P&a& CounGil oE the Village 0f EcUna, iiennepin County, Hinnessea that i a'AR1l of that tiorth-sjouth AUey Lying &xi Block Thirteen (L33 l-lendehssohn and Lyhg between I.la3.oney Avenue and Behom Lane and batween Blake Road and GrifEit Street", as the same $6 z?eoovdetl fa tho ar"€ice of the Register OE Deeds of Heme- pin County s Minnesota, E~E&Jbe and hereby 2s vacated. Adopted th%slOrh day of June, 2.963. ATTEST: WITHESS t4Y HAND and the seal of this Village %his 23rd day of October, 2363. A ‘\ JUNE 19, 1963 RE: VACATION OF ALLEY IN BLOCK 13, MENDELSSOHN (BETWEEN MALONEY AVENUE AND BELMORE LANE, AND BETWEEN BLAKE ROAD AND GRIFFIT STREET). TO : VILLAGE ENGINEER NEGNER You will recall that at the Regular Council Meeting of June 10, the Council vacated the above alley, with instructions to the Clerk to delay the recording of the Resolution Vacating, until such time as the proper easements are secured.
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