David Glover, Associate Conductor Heather Buck, soprano Barry Banks, tenor Jason S. McKinney, baritone North Carolina Master Chorale, Alfred E. Sturgis, Music Director Capital City Girls Choir, Fran M. Page, Director


Giovanni Gabrieli Canzon septimi toni, No. 2 (1554-1612)

Ottorino Respighi Ancient Airs and Dances for the Lute, Set 1 (1879-1936) I. Balletto detto Il conte Orlando (Simone Molinaro) II. Gagliarda () III. Villanella (Ignoto) IV. Passo messo e mascherada (Ignoto) Intermission

Carl Orff Carmina burana (1895-1982) Fortuna imperatrix mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World) I. Primo vere (In Springtime) Uf dem Anger (On the Green) II. In taberna (In the Tavern) III. Cour d’amours (The Court of Love) Blanziflor et Helena (Blanziflor and Helena) Fortuna imperatrix mundi Heather Buck, soprano Barry Banks, tenor Jason S. McKinney, baritone North Carolina Master Chorale Capital City Girls Choir

Thank you to our Summerfest sponsors



Orff: Carmina burana quicquid enim florui But from my happy, felix et beatus, flower-decked paradise Fortuna imperatrix mundi Fortune, Empress nunc a summo corrui I was struck down of the World gloria privatus. and stripped of all my glory. 1. O fortuna O fortune Chorus Fortune rota volvitur: The wheel of fortune turns; descendo minoratus; dishonored I fall from grace O fortuna, O fortune! alter in altum tollitur; and another is raised on high. velut luna Like the moon nimis exaltatus Raised to over-dizzy heights statu variabilis, everchanging, of power semper crescis rising first rex sedet in vertice — the king sits in majesty — aut decrescis; then declining; caveat ruinam! but let him beware of his down fall! vita detestabilis hateful life Nam sub axe legimus For ’neath the axle of nunc obdurat treats us badly fortune’s wheel et tunc curat then with kindness, Hecubam reginam. behold Queen Hecuba. ludo mentis aciem, making sport with our desires, egestatem, causing power potestatem and poverty alike I. Primo vere In Springtime dissolvit ut glaciem. to melt like ice. 3. Veris leta facies The joyous face of spring Small Chorus Sors immanis Dread destiny Veris leta facies The joyous face of spring et inanis, and empty fate, mundo propinatur, is presented to the world; rota tu volubilis, an ever turning wheel, hiemalis acies winter’s army status malus, who make adversity victa iam fugatur, is conquered and put to flight. vana salus and fickle health in vestitu vario In colorful dress semper dissolubilis, alike turn to nothing, Flora principatur, Flora is arrayed, obumbrata in the dark nemorum dulcisono and the woods are sweet et velata and secretly que canto celebratur. with birdsong in her praise. michi quoque niteris; you work against me; nunc per ludum how through your trickery Flore fusus gremio Reclining in Flora’s lap dorsum nudum my naked back Phebus novo more Phoebus again fero tui sceleris. is turned to you unarmed. risum dat, hoc vario laughs merrily, iam stipatur flore. covered with many-colored Sors salutis Good fortune flowers. et virtutis and strength Zephyrus nectareo Zephyr breathes around michi nunc contraria, now are turned from me, spirans in odore; the scented fragrance; est affectus Affection certatim pro bravio eagerly striving for the prize, et defectus and defeat curramus in amore. let us compete in love. semper in angaria. are always on duty. Hac in hora Come now, Cytharizat cantico Trilling her song sine mora pluck the strings dulcis Philomena, sweet Philomel is heard, corde pulsum tangite; without delay; flore rident vario and smiling with flowers quod per sortem and since by fate prata iam serena; the peaceful meadows lie; sternit fortem, the strong are overthrown, salit cetus avium a flock of wild birds mecum omnes plangite! weep ye all with me. silve per amena, rises from the woods; chorus promit virginum the chorus of maidens 2. Fortune plango vulnera I lament the wounds that iam gaudia millena. brings a thousand joys. fortune deals Chorus 4. Omnia sol temperat All things are tempered Fortune plango vulnera I lament the wounds that by the sun fortune deals Baritone stillantibus ocellis, with tear-filled eyes, Omnia sol temperat All things are tempered by the sun quod sua michi munera for returning to the attack purus et subtilis, so pure and fine. subtrahit rebellis. she takes her gifts from me. novo mundo reserat In a new world are revealed Verum est, quod legitur It is true faciem Aprilis; the beauties of April; fronte capillata, as they say, ad amorem properat to thoughts of love sed plerumque sequitur the well-thatched pate animus herilis, the mind of man is turned, occasio calvata. may soonest lose its hair. et iocundis imperat and in pleasure’s haunts deus puerilis. the youthful God holds sway. In fortune solio Once on fortune’s throne sederam elatus, I sat exalted, Rerum tanta novitas Nature’s great renewal prosperitatis vario crowned with a wreath in solemni vere in solemn spring flore coronatus; of prosperity’s flowers. et veris auctoritas and spring’s example iubet nos gaudere; bid us rejoice; Hinc equitavit, He rode away on his horse. vias prebet solitas, they charge us keep to eia, quis me amabit? Alas, who will love me now? well-worn paths, et in tuo vere and in your springtime Floret silva undique, The forest all around is in flower, fides est et probitas there is virtue and honesty nach mime gesellen ist mir we. I long for my lover. tuum retinere. in being constant to your lover. Gruonet der walt allenthalben, The forest all around is in flower, was ist min geselle alse lange? whence is my lover gone? Ama me fideliter! Love me truly! Der ist geriten hinnen, He rode away on his horse. Fidem meam nota: Remember my constancy. owi, wer sol mich minnen? Alas, who will love me now? de corde totaliter With all my heart et ex mente tota and all my mind 8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir Salesman, give me colored paint sum presentialiter I am with you Chorus absens in remota. even when far away. Chramer, gip die varwe mir, Salesman, give me colored paint Quisquis amat taliter, Whoever knows such love die min wengel roete, to paint my cheeks so crimson red, volvitur in rota. knows the torture of the wheel. damit ich die jungen man that I may make these bold young men, 5. Ecce gratum Behold the welcome an ir dank der minnenliebe noete. whether they will or not, love me. Chorus Seht mich an, Look at me, Ecce gratum Behold the welcome, jungen man! young men all! et optatum long-awaited spring, Lat mich iu gevallen! Am I not well pleasing? ver reducit gaudia, which brings back pleasure purpuratum and with crimson flowers Minnet, tugentliche man, Love, all you right-thinking men, floret pratum, adorns the fields. minnecliche frouwen! women worthy to be loved! sol serenat omnia. The sun brings peace to all around. Minne tuot iu hoch gemuot Love shall raise your spirits high Iamiam cedant tristia! Away with sadness! unde lat iuch in hohlen and put a spring into your step. Estas redit, Summer returns, eren schouwen. nunc recedit and now departs Seht mich an, etc. Look at me, etc. Hyemis sevitia. cruel winter. Wol dir, werit, das du bist Hail to thee, O world that art Iam liquescit Melt away also freudenriche! in joy so rich and plenteous! et decrescit and disappear Ich wil dir sin undertan I will ever be in thy debt grando, nix et cetera; hail, ice and snow; durch din liebe immer sicherliche. surely for thy goodness’ sake! bruma fugit, the mists flee, Seht mich an, etc. Look at me, etc. et iam sugit and spring is fed ver estatis ubera; at summer’s breast. 9. Reie Round Dance illi mens est misera, Wretched is the man Swaz hie gat umbe They who here go dancing round qui nec vivit, who neither lives Chorus nec lascivit, nor lusts sub estatis dextera. under summer’s spell. Swaz hie gat umbe, They who here go dancing round daz sint allez megede, are young maidens all Gloriantur They taste delight die wellent an man who will go without a man et letantur and honeyed sweetness alle disen sumer gan. this whole summer long. in melle dulcedinis, who strive for qui conantur, and gain Chume, chum, geselle min Come, come, dear heart of mine ut untantur Cupid’s reward. Small Chorus premio Cupidinis; Let us submit Chume, chum, geselle min, Come, come, dear heart of mine, simus jussu Cypridis to Venus’ rule, ih enbite harte din. I so long have waited for thee. gloriantes and joyful et letantes and proud Suzer rosenvarwer munt, Sweetest rosy colored mouth, pares esse Paridis. be equal to Paris. chum un mache mich gesunt. come and make me well again.

Uf dem Anger On the Green Swaz hie gat umbe They who here go dancing round 6. Tanz Dance Chorus Swaz hie gat umbe, etc. They who here go dancing round, etc. 7. Floret silva The noble forest 10. Were diu werlt alle min If the whole world were but mine Chorus and Small Chorus Chorus Floret silva nobilis The noble forest floribus et foliis. Is decked with flowers Were diu werlt alle min If the whole world were but mine and leaves. von deme mere unze an den Rin, from the sea right to the Rhine, Ubi est antiquus Where is my old, des wolt ih mih darben, gladly I’d pass it by meus amicus? my long-lost lover? daz diu chünegin von Engellant if the Queen of England fair lege an minen armen. in my arms did lie. II. In taberna In the Tavern dentes frendentes video. gnashing teeth confront me. 11. Estuans interius Seething inside Miser, miser! etc. Alas, poor me! etc. Baritone 13. Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis I am the abbot of Cucany Estuans interius Seething inside Baritone and Male Chorus ira vehementi with boiling rage, in amaritudine in bitterness Ego sum abbas Cucaniensis, I am the abbot of Cucany, loquor mee menti: I talk to myself. et consilium meum est cum bibulis, and I like to drink with my friends. factus de materia, Made of matter, et in secta Decii voluntas mea est, I belong from choice to the sect of cinis elementi, risen from dust, Decius, similis sum folio, I am like a leaf et qui mane me quesierit in taberna, and whoever meets me in the de quo ludunt venti. tossed in play by the winds. morning at the tavern post vesperam nudus egredietur, by evening has lost his clothes, Cum sit enim proprium But whereas it befits et sic denudatus veste clamabit: and thus stripped of his clothes viro sapienti a wise man cries out: supra petram ponere to build his house Wafna, wafna! Wafna, wafna! sedem fundamenti, on a rock, Quid fecisti sors turpissima? What hast thou done, oh, stultus ego comparor I, poor fool, wicked fate? fluvio labenti, am like a meandering river, Nostre vite gaudia All the pleasures of this life sub eodem tramite never keeping abstulisti omnia! thus to take away! nunquam permanenti. to the same path. Wafna, wafna! Wafna, wafna! Feror ego veluti I drift along Ha, ha! Ha, ha! sine nauta navis, like a pilotless ship ut per vias aeris or like an aimless bird, 14. In taberna quando sumus When we are in the tavern vaga fertur avis; carried at random through the air. Male Chorus non me tenent vincula, No chains hold me captive, In taberna quando sumus, When we are in the tavern non me tenet clavis, no lock holds me fast; non curamus quid sit humus, we spare no thought for the grave, quero mihi similes, I am looking for those like me, sed ad ludum properamus, but rush to the gaming tables et adiungor pravis. and I joined the depraved. cui semper insudamus. where we always sweat and strain. Quid agatur in taberna, What goes on in the tavern, Mihi cordis gravitas The burdens of the heart ubi nummus est pincerna, where a coin gets you a drink — res videtur gravis; seem to weigh me down; hoc est opus ut queratur, if this is what you would know, iocus est amabilis jesting is pleasant si quid loquar, audiatur. then listen to what I say. dulciorque favis; and sweeter than the honeycomb. quicquid Venus imperat, Whatever Venus commands Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt, Some men gamble, some labor est suavis, is pleasant toil; men drink, que nunquam in cordibus she never dwells quidam indiscrete vivunt. some indulge in indiscretions. habitat ignavis. in craven hearts. Sed in ludo qui morantur, But of those who stay to gamble, ex his quidam denudantur, some lose their clothes, Via lata gradior On the broad path I wend my way quidam ibi vestiuntur, some win new clothes, more iuventutis, as is youth’s wont, quidam saccis induuntur. while others put on sack cloth. inplicor et vitiis, I am caught up in vice Ibi nullus timet mortem, There no one is afraid of death, immemor virtutis, and forgetful of virtue, sed pro Bacho mittunt sortem. but for Bacchus plays at games voluptatis avidus caring more for voluptuous of chance. pleasure magis quam salutis, than for my health; Primo pro nummata vini; First the dice are thrown for wine; mortuus in anima dead in spirit, ex hac bibunt libertini, this the libertines drink. curam gero cutis. I think only of my skin. semel bibunt pro captivis, Once they drink to prisoners, post hec bibunt ter pro vivis, then three times to the living, 12. Olim lacus colueram Once in lakes I made my home quater pro Christianis cunctis, four times to all Christians, Tenor and Male Chorus quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis, five to the faithful departed, Olim lacus colueram, Once in lakes I made my home, sexies pro sororibus vanis, six times to the dissolute sisters, olim pulcher extiteram — once I dwelt in beauty — septies pro militibus silvanis. seven to the bush-rangers. dum cignus ego fueram. that was when I was a swan. Miser, miser! Alas, poor me! Octies pro fratribus perversis, Eight times to the delinquent Modo niger Now I am black brothers, et ustus fortiter! and roasted to a turn! nonies pro monachis dispersis, nine to the dispersed monks, decies pro navigantibus, ten times to the navigators, Girat, regirat garcifer; On the spit I turn and turn, undecies pro discordantibus, eleven to those at war, me rogus urit fortiter: the fire roasts me through; duodecies pro penitentibus, twelve to the penitent, propinat me nunc dapifer. now I am presented at the feast. tredecies pro iter angentibus. thirteen to travelers. Miser, miser! etc. Alas, poor me! etc. Tam pro papa quam pro rege They drink to the Pope and king alike, Nunc in scutella iaceo, Now in a serving dish I lie bibunt omnes sine lege. all drink without restraint. et volitare nequeo, and can no longer fly; Bibit hera, bibit herus, The mistress drinks, the per voster honur. for the sake of your honor. master drinks, bibit miles, bibit clerus, the soldier drinks, the man of God, Tua pulchra facies, Your lovely face bibit ille, bibit illa, this man drinks, this woman drinks, me fey planszer milies, makes me weep a thousand tears bibit servus cum ancilla, the manservant with the pectus habet glacies, because your heart is of ice, serving maid, a remender but I would be restored bibit velox, bibit piger, the quick man drinks, the statim vivus fierem at once to life sluggard drinks, per un baser. by one single kiss. bibit albus, bibit niger, the white man and the black man drinks, 17. Stetit puella There stood a young girl bibit constans, bibit vagus, the steady man drinks, the Soprano wanderer drinks, Stetit puella There stood a young girl bibit rudus, bibit magus. the simpleton drinks, the rufa tunica; in a red tunic; wiseman drinks. si quis eam tetigit, if anyone touched her, tunica crepuit. the tunic rustled. Bibit pauper et egrotus, The poor man drinks, the sick Eia, eia. Heigho, heigho. man drinks, bibit exul et ignotus, the exile drinks and the unknown, Stetit puella, There stood a girl bibit puer, bibit canus, the boy drinks, the old man drinks, tamquam rosula; fair as a rose; bibit presul et decanus, the bishop drinks and the deacon, facie splenduit, her face was radiant, bibit soror, bibit frater, sister drinks and brother drinks, os eius floruit. her mouth like a flower. bibit anus, bibit mater; the old crone drinks, the Eia, eia. Heigho, heigho. mother drinks, bibit ista, bibit ille, this one drinks, that one drinks, 18. Circa mea pectora My breast bibunt centum, bibunt mille. a hundred drink, a thousand drink. Baritone and Chorus Parum sexcente nummate Six hundred coins are not enough Circa mea pectora My breast durant, cum immoderate when all these drink too much, multa sunt suspiria is filled with sighing bibunt omnes sine meta. and without restraint. de tua pulchritudine, for your loveliness, Quamvis bibant mente leta, Although they drink cheerfully, que me ledunt misere. and I suffer grievously. sic nos rodunt omnes gentes, many people censure us, Manda liet, Manda liet, et sic erimus egentes. and we shall always be short manda liet, manda liet, of money. min geselle my sweetheart Qui nos rodunt confundantur May our cries be confounded chumet niet. comes not. et cum iustis non scribantur. and never be numbered among the just. Tui lucent oculi Your eyes shine sicut solis radii, like sunlight, III. Cour d’amours The Court of Love sicut splendor fulguris like the splendor of lightning lucem donat tenebris. in the night. 15. Amor volat undique Love flies everywhere Manda liet, etc. Manda liet, etc. Children’s Chorus and Soprano Amor volat undique, Love flies everywhere Vellut deus, vellent dii May God grant, may the captus est libidine. and is seized by desire. gods permit Iuvenes, iuvencule Young men and women quod mente proposui: the plan I have in mind: coniunguntur merito. are matched together. ut eius virginea to undo the bonds Siqua sine socio, If a girl lacks a partner, reserassem vincula. of her virginity. caret omni gaudio; she misses all the fun; Manda liet, etc. Manda liet, etc. tenet noctis infirma in the depths sub intimo of her heart 19. Si puer cum puellula If a boy and a girl cordis in custodia: is darkest night: Male Chorus and Baritone fit res amarissima. it is a bitter fate. Si puer cum puellula If a boy and a girl moraretur in cellula, linger together, 16. Dies, nox et omnia Day, night and all the world felix coniunctio. happy is their union. Baritone Amore sucrescente, Increasing love Dies, nox et omnia Day, night and all the world pariter e medio leaves tedious mihi sunt contraria, are against me, avulso procul tedio, good sense far behind, virginum, colloquia the sound of maidens’ voices fit ludus ineffabilis and inexpressible pleasure fills me fay planszer, makes me weep. membris, lacertis, labiis. their limbs, their arms, their lips. oy suvenz suspirer, I often hear sighing, plu me fay temer. and it makes me more afraid. 20. Veni, veni, venias Come, come, pray come Double Chorus O sodales, ludite, O friends, be merry, Veni, veni, venias, Come, come, pray come, vos qui scitis dicite, say what you will, ne me mori facias, do not let me die, michi mesto parcite, but have mercy on me, a sad man, hyrca, hyrca, nazaza hyrca, hyrca, nazaza, grand ey dolur, for great is my sorrow, trillirivos ... trillirivos ... attamen consulite yet give me counsel Pulchra tibi facies, Lovely is your face, Mea mecum ludit My chastity oculorum acies, the glance of your eyes, virginitas, teases me, capillorum series, the braids of your hair, mea me detrudit but my innocence oh, quam clara species! oh, how beautiful you are! simplicitas. holds me back! Rosa rubicundior, Redder than the rose, Oh, oh, etc. Oh, oh, etc. lilio candidior, whiter than the lily, omnibus formosior, comelier than all the rest; Veni, domicella, Come, my darling, semper in te glorior! always I shall glory in you. cum gaudio, come with joy, veni, veni, pulchra, come, my beauty, 21. In trutina In the scales iam, pereo. for already I die! Soprano Oh, oh, etc. Oh, oh, etc. In trutina mentis dubia In the scales fluctuant contraria of my wavering indecision 23. Dulcissime Sweetest boy lascivus amor et pudicitia. physical love and chastity Soprano are weighed. Dulcissime, Sweetest boy, Sed eligo quod video, But I choose what I see, ah, totam tibi subdo me! ah, I give my all to you! collum iugo prebeo: I bow my head in submission ad iugum tamen suave transeo. and take on the yoke which is after Blanziflor et Helena Blanziflor and Helena all sweet. 24. Ave formosissima Hail to thee, most lovely Chorus 22. Tempus est iocundum Pleasant is the season Ave formosissima, Hail to thee, most lovely, Soprano, Baritone and Children’s Chorus gemma pretiosa, most precious jewel, Tempus est iocundum, Pleasant is the season, ave decus virginum, hail pride of virgins, O virgines; O maidens; virgo gloriosa, most glorious virgin! modo conguadete, now rejoice together, ave mundi luminar, Hail, light of the world, vos iuvenes. young men. ave mundi rosa, hail, rose of the world! Oh, oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh, Blanziflor et Helena, Blanziflor and Helena, totus floreo, I blossom, Venus generosa. noble Venus, hail! iam amore virginali now with pure love totus ardeo, I am on fire! Fortuna imperatrix mundi Fortune, Empress novus, novus amor This love is new, new, of the World est, quo pereo. of which I perish. 25. O fortuna O fortune Mea me confortat My love brings me comfort Chorus promissio, when she promises, O fortuna, O fortune! mea me deportat but makes me distraught velut luna, etc. Like the moon, etc. negatio. with her refusal. Oh, oh, etc. Oh, oh, etc.

Tempore brumali In winter time vir patiens, the man is lazy, animo vernali in the spring he will turn lasciviens. amorous. Oh, oh, etc. Oh, oh, etc. BIOGRAPHIES

David Glover, Associate Conductor York City ’s Kolozsvar Award. She can be Bellini in Catania, Sicily, and The Theatre Carre in The Lucy Moore Ruffin Chair heard as Lulu Baines in Elmer Gantry with Amsterdam, Netherlands. Florentine Opera, recorded for the Naxos label, David Glover joins the North Carolina Symphony On the stage, Mr. McKinney has performed with which won two Grammy Awards and was voted as Associate Conductor in the 2014/15 season. numerous opera companies in the U.S. and in No. 1 by Opera News “Best of the Year.” In the Prior to his position with the North Carolina Europe. Some of his favorite roles are the title role 2014-15 season, she returns to Nashville Opera Symphony, he served as the Assistant Conductor in Porgy and Bess, Don Giovanni and Le Nozze di as Musetta in La bohème. of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO), Figaro, Colline in Puccini’s La Boheme, Olin Blitch and in that role, assisted and covered all classical in Carlisle Floyd’s Sussanah and the title character Barry Banks, tenor subscription concerts as well as conducted in the one man show “Paul Robeson” by Phillip Discovery, Family, Side-by-Side and Symphony Barry Banks’ outstanding facility in roles by Hayes Dean. This venture into theater has lead on the Prairie performances. During his time at Bellini, Donizetti and Rossini has brought him to Mr. McKinney to found the production company the ISO, he collaborated with many guest artists the attention of the world’s leading opera houses. United in Music. including Time for Three, Stefan Jackiw, Conrad With The Metropolitan Opera, he has partnered As a concert soloist, Mr. McKinney has been Tao and the band “Chicago.” He was also one of Renée Fleming in Rossini’s Armida, Natalie Dessay featured with the Eugene Symphony and has the hosts of “Words on Music,” the ISO’s pre- in La fille du régimentand La sonnambula, Olga performed to critical acclaim in Europe, Mexico, concert lecture series. He additionally served as Borodina in L’italiana in Algeri and Anna Netrebko the U.S. and Australia. When not on the stage, the Artistic Director of the Wabash Valley Youth in Don Pasquale and L’elisir d’amore. he sings as the cantor in his synagogue in Symphony for the past four seasons. Current season highlights include the Duke of Spartanburg, South Carolina, and composes Maestro Glover has led numerous other Mantua in English National Opera’s production Jewish liturgical music for Temple Emmanuel in including the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, South of Rigoletto; Iago in Otello at Théâtre des Champs- Winston-Salem. Bend Symphony, Muncie (IN) Symphony and the Elysées and again at the Salzburg Festival; and North Carolina Master Chorale North Czech Philharmonic. As a participant in performances as Flute in A Midsummer Night’s numerous competitions, he placed in the semi- Dream at the Metropolitan Opera. Concert One of the major choral organizations of the finals of the Bartok Opera Competition and was highlights include performances with the Southeast, the North Carolina Master Chorale has the youngest person to pass the preliminary round Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and the Swedish been performing choral-orchestral masterworks of the Cadeques Competition in 2008. In addition, Chamber Orchestra. Further ahead, Mr. Banks for more than 60 years. The Master Chorale boasts Mr. Glover has held positions as the Ansbacher appears at the Welsh National Opera as Arnoldo two renowned ensembles: a 170-voice symphonic Fellow to the Salzburg Festival and conductor of in Guillaume Tell and Aronne in Moses in Egypt. choir and a 22-voice professional chamber choir the Indiana University All-Campus Orchestra. that presents a diverse repertoire from the Other notable roles have included the title role Renaissance to Contemporary. Our singers, selected He holds degrees from the University of Georgia (Mitridate) and Don Narciso (Il turco in Italia) at by audition, bring a collective wealth of training and Boston University in violin performance, the Bayerische Staatsoper; Ernesto (Don Pasquale) and experience. as well as a master’s degree in instrumental at the Royal Opera House; Count Almaviva at The conducting from Indiana University, where he was Metropolitan Opera; Idreno (Semiramide) at the The Master Chorale regularly collaborates with named an Adjunct Lecturer in 2007. Mr. Glover Teatro San Carlo in Naples and in his debut at symphony orchestras, opera companies, ballet founded and served as Artistic Director of Royal Danish Opera; Don Ramiro (La Cenerentola) and touring productions. Music Director and L’Orchestra da Camera, Boston, which he led for for his debut at the Gran Teatre del Liceu; Oreste conductor, Alfred E. Sturgis, holds multiple degrees its first two seasons. (Ermione) for his debut at the Santa Fe Festival; in music and performed with Robert Shaw in the Belfiore & Libenskof Il( viaggio a Reims) for his U.S. and Europe. In addition to the Master Chorale, Heather Buck, soprano debut at Teatro Communale di Bologna and Dr. Sturgis serves as Music Director for the Heather Buck’s 2013-14 engagements include L’Astrologue (Le coq d’or) for his debut at Théâtre Carolina Ballet and the Tar River Philharmonic creating the role of Alma Beers in the world du Châtelet. During his long association with the Orchestra. Founded as the Raleigh Oratorio Society premiere of Wuorinen’s Brokeback Mountain for English National Opera, he has appeared as Tamino, in 1942, the Master Chorale has evolved into a her debut with Teatro Real (Madrid); her debut Tom Rakewell (The Rake’s Progress), Edgardo major regional performing arts group that works with Nashville Opera as Leila in Les Pêcheurs de (in David Alden’s acclaimed production of Lucia with over 250 artist-musicians each season, perles; with Pittsburgh Opera as La Princesse in di Lammermoor) and most recently, Hoffmann reaching an annual audience of over 10,000 choral Glass’ Orphée; and singing Queen of the Night in (in Richard Jones’ new production of The Tales arts enthusiasts. Die Zauberflöte with Virginia Opera. of Hoffmann). Capital City Girls Choir Recent engagements included a return to Jason S. McKinney, baritone Virginia Opera as Leila; to Opera Naples as Capital City Girls Choir is associated with the Tytania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; singing Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Jason S. School of Music at Meredith College in Raleigh, Medea in “Medeamaterial,” by Dusapin with Teatr McKinney graduated from the University of North North Carolina. Now in its 26th year of service to Wielki (Warsaw, Poland); La Princesse in Orphée Carolina School of the Arts, where he studied the communities in the Research Triangle area, in her Virginia Opera debut; Hero in Béatrice et voice with soprano Marilyn Taylor and tenor Glenn the three choirs are open to singers from ages Bénédict and Ännchen in Der Freischütz with Siebert, conducting with Maestro James Allbritten 9 through 18. The choir has appeared as the Opera Boston; soloist in Fanny Mendelssohn’s and composing with Kenneth Frazelle. While in Honor Choir in the Children in Harmony Festival Musik für die Toten der Cholera-Epidemie and school, he was the recipient of the Helen Odom at Walt Disney World and has performed under Louis Spohr’s Die letzten Dinge with American scholarship, the Music Dean’s Talent scholarship such noted conductors as John Rutter, Grant Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall; title role and the Chancellor’s Grant for Excellence. Llewellyn, Jean Ashworth Bartle, David Brunner, William Henry Curry, Joan Gregoryk, Barbara in the American premiere of Wolfgang Rihm’s Mr. McKinney has had the opportunity to Tagg, Z. Randall Stroope, Lynn Gackle and Proserpina with Spoleto Festival USA; Angel in premiere new works by Kenneth Frazelle, Shelley Henry Leck. They have performed to appreciative Dusapin’s Faustus: The Last Night at the Olson, Daniel Sonnenberg, Chandler Carter and audiences throughout North Carolina as well as Concertgebouw, also at Spoleto Festival, USA; Lawrence Dillon, and has gone on to perform at in British Columbia, Italy, England and France. and Queen of the Night with Santa Fe Opera such prestigious venues as The Kennedy Center, and English National Opera. The White House, The Semper Opera House in Ms. Buck made her New York City Opera debut Dresden, Germany, The Hamburgische Staatsoper, creating the title role in Wuorinen’s Haroun and The Festspielhaus in Baden-Baden, Germany, Opera the Sea of Stories, for which she received New Kommische in Berlin, Germany, Teatro Massimo NORTH CAROLINA MASTER CHORALE

SOPRANOS ALTOS Emily Arbour Pam Alachi Debi Radisch Megan Tirpak Kristina Bailey Alison Anderson Virginia Reed Jocelyn Van Vliet Brooke Baker Nanci Atkeson Jean Renze-Eilers Beth Vandergriff Meredith Canington Kay Birdwhistell Melissa Shaheen Kathy Wall Amanda Carnes Johanna Blake Kathy Sturgis Betts Willman Megan Crosson Cameron Bolin Kay Taylor Kate Woomer-Deters Toiya Dunbar Cathy Brawner June Tirpak Carol Yeargin Margaret Escobar Ruth Bromer Kathryn Ferro Michelle Brunk Mary Kay Flick Julie Burruss TENORS BASSES Sara Fontes Ann Burts Alan Brown Ken Ahlstrom Jennifer Gibbons Ginger Calloway Matthew Cox Chris Anderson Jennifer Hall Kari Campbell Mike Everette Angus Bowers Kathleen Hassell Jenna Chambers Ian Finley Rick Burts Robin Hesselink Gina Difino Dan Gaugert Tim Champion Donna Hopkins Joy Downes Anil Gehi David Covington Alicia Kirwan Jane Dunbar Brian Goldsworthy Mason Deming Kazu Kojima Nancy Elder David Herring Ralph Everett Lisa Leonard Pat Faellaci Carlos Jackson Michael Hanbury Genevieve Lipp Katherine Fisher Ken Jones Dan Harrell Liz Marks Nadine Gershman Kenichi Kojima Bill Isler IV Toni Mascherin Sarah Gerula Howard Koslow Dave Kesterson Lana Mungalov Megan Gray Kyle Miller Frank Laney Glenna Musante Sue Guenther Jack Neely Bradley Layton Abby Nardo Betsy Gurney Randy Neighbarger Andrew Leager Johanna O’Dell Rebekah Haithcock Misha Nikitine Hans Linnartz Stacey Ohl Kerry Hall Logan Price Willis Lumpkin Karen Parrish Kim Harrer Brian McFeaters Kay Pellack Leslie Heavey Phil Menzies Angela Santucci Brie Howard Dustin Powers Melissa Skiver Elizabeth Kahn Andrew Pyun Annette Stowe Karen Kletter Austin Reid Leona Taylor Carol Lancaster Matt Sawchak Cyn Thomas Olga Lobastova Jim Smith Fran Tracy-Walls Judith Lyon-Mitchell Peter Sowerwine Christina Twele Stacey Massengill Jamie Taylor Melissa Verdery Evelyn McCauley Stan Taylor Amy Walker Anne Morgan Joel Walls Yuri Yamamoto Ely Neely Curt Weispfenning Merranie Zellweger Vanessa Patrick

The North Carolina Master Chorale will hold auditions for new members in August. For more information, please visit the North Carolina Master Chorale website,


Rachel Fredette Lisa Spivey Rachel Oglesby Lauren-Taylor Carillo Hannah Bryan Sofia McCarthy Leah Gall Olivia Haley Rachel Madden Kelly Hruska Abby Meyer Payton King Abby Schiller Claireice Matthai Andrea Cornell Rebecca Tillman Catherine Phillips Kristen Worley Emily Igboekwe Lexi Batchelor

To learn more about auditions for the Capital City Girls Choir, call 919.760.2242.