HERTFORDSHIRE. BAR 225 .Armstrong Henry, Camden Villa, St
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[KELLY'S COURT DIREC1l0RY.] HERTFORDSHIRE. BAR 225 .Armstrong Henry, Camden villa, St. Avis Mrs. Maywood cottage, Cross- Baldoek Charles, Baldock street, Ware John's road, Watford brook street, Waltham Cross Baldwin Henry, 18 Kittsbury road, .ArmstrQng T. AbDots liouse, Abbots Avis W. J. Station rd.Waltham Cross Great Berkhamsted Langley, King's Langley R.S.O Ayres Charles, 4 Carnarvon villas, Bpldwin Henry Charles W. Abercorne .irnold Charles, Yew villa, Goff's Stratford road, High Barnet villa, Henry road, :Kew Barnet oak, Waltham Cross Ayres Charles P. Highcroft, Park Baldwin Jsph. 10 MaIden rd. Watford Arnold Frederick )Villiam, 13 Chequer road, Watford Baldwin Mrs. Hollybury hill, SarraLt. street, St. Albans Ayers Miss, London road, Ware Rickmansworth R.S.O .Arnold Mrs. 16 London rd. St. Albans Aylen William Henry B.A. Alma road, Baldwin ~Irs. Horsecroft road, Box- Arnold Mrs. 84 Sutton rd. Watford St. Albans moor, Hemel Hempstead Arnold PeTcy, Pepper hill, Great Ayling Ernest ATthur, Hunsdon, Ware Baldwin William Willis, Ketherhevs, Amwell, Ware Ayre Jsph. B. Redbourn, St. Alb::m's Langley road, Watford . .Arnold Philip, River hill, Flamstead, Ayres Daniel, 14 Loates la. Watford Balfonr R. D. Sherrards, Welwyn Dunstable Ap'es Thomas, I Cleveland villas, Ball Chas. W. 3 Percy road, Watford .Arnold R St. Peter's rd. St. Albans Somerset road, :Kew Barnet Ball James, Prospect rd. St. Albans .1rnott F. 23 Denmark st. Watford Backhouse Miss, :Korthgate eni, Ball Jas. R. Prospect rd. St. Albans Arrowsmith George Vernon, Cedar- Bishop's Stortford Ball Mrs. 10 eheshunt terrace,Eleanu:r dale, Richmond road, New Barnet Bacon Rev. Reginald Cazalet M.A. Cross road, Waltham Cross Arundell Rev. Basil RA. Montague Re'Ctory, GilstQn, Harlow Eall Mrs. O:li"ford villas, WormIer, vils. Charles st. Gt. Berkhampstead Bacon Frederick, Florence cottage, Eroxbourne 8.0 Aschwanden William Louis, 41 Alden- Eleanor Cross road, Waltham Cross Ball William, Hendon villa, Station ham road, Bushey, Watford Bacon Mr~.The Hall,MuchHadham S.O road, New Barnet Ash E. P. M.A. HaileY'bury college, Badcock Francis St. John, 6 St. John's Balston William Edward, Upper Bar· Hertford road, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead vin, Northaw, Potters Bar S.O Ash Edward Philip RA. Hailey house, Badcock Mrs. Kirton house, Park Balston W. E. Upper Barvin, Northaw, Hertford road, High Barnet Potters Bar S. O. (Middlesex) Ashall Wm. H.T.Sawbrdgwrth.R.S.O Baddeley W. R Manor rd.High Barnet Bamford Mrs. Lorne villa, Little Am. Ashby George, Abbots road, Abbots Bagley",V. Hunsdon 10. Hunsdon,Ware well, Ware Langley, King's Langley RS.O Bailey Rev. W. Colney Hth.St.Albans Bamford Thomas Charles, Cowper rd. .A.shby Mrs. 27 Langley rd. Watford Bailey E.47 Bury rd.HemelHempstead Great Berkhamsted Ashby Mrs. Liverpool rd. St. Albans Bailey Henry George, I Villiers road, namforth In. Verulam rd. St. Albans Ashby Mrs. 2 Smith street, Watford New Bushey, W:ttford Bamforth Thomas, l\Iilton road, Har. Ashby C. H. The Maples, I'loddesdon Bailey Joseph, Chambersbury, I~ever- penden 8.0 Ashdown Charle.s H., F.RG.S. Bel- stock green, Hemel Hempstead Bampfield Rev. George RA. Woocl mQnt hill, St. Albans Bailey Mrs. Elmwood house, I\ew- street, Hig-h Barnet . Ashforth Mrs. Westmill, Bunting- market road, Royston Bampfylde Hon. Coplestone RIchard ford R.S.O Bailey Mrs. Marlborough rd.St..A.lban:'l George Warwick J.P., D.L. Harts- .!shmore T. Orchard road, Stevenage Bailey Thomas, 250 High st. Watfol'd bourne manor,Bushey heath,Watfrd J..shton Edttnund, Northcotts, Hatfield Bailey Thomas Wilson, Hope villa, Banbury Thomas, 11 Herbert street. Ashton Miss, Kneesworth st. Royston Market street, Watford Hemel Hempstead Ashton William Adams, Julians road, Bailey William, Woodbank, Wood- Bancks Mrs. Yew cot. Broxbourne S.O Stervenage ville road, New Barnet I Bancr~ft Alexander, Albany cottage. '!shwell A. 32 Gladstone I'd. Watford Bain Miss, Lea brook,Broxbourne 3.0 StatlOn road, Waltham Cross Ashwell Edward, The Priory, Holy- Baines T.53 Marlowes,Hemel Hempstd Bancroft Fra:ncis James, Hopetoun well hill, St. Albans Baird Miss, Hazelmere, Hatfield r(.ad, cottage, LeIcester rd. Kew Barnet. Askew G. St. Peter's rd. St. Albans St. Albans Banning Rubert J. M.D. The Hall, Askwith T. Grosvenor rd. St. Albans BaiI'd Mrs. Hazelmere, Hatfield road, Eushey, Watford Aslett William James, College school, St. Albans Bannister J. 40 Denmark st. Watford Hitchin street, Baldock Baker Alfred, The Limes, Bengeo, Bannister J. 62 Souldern st. Watford .Aslin William, 23 Lower Paddock Hertford Br.nnister Mrs. Hill Side villa, Knees. road, New Bushey, Watford Baker A. H. 44 Old Park rd. Hitchin worth road, Royston Asquith Mrs. 7 Charles street, Hemel Baker A, LDndon rd.BishQp's. Stortford Barber Edwin,log Queen's rd.WatfoI'd Hempstead Baker E. 26 Old Cross, Hertford Barber G. S. Gammons farm, Watford Aston Rev. William Gerald B.A. The Baker G. S. Broughton ho. Royston Bar~lay Rev.. Charles Wright M.A. Elms, Little Wymondley, Stevenage Baiker H. Chantry rd.Bishop's Stortford VICarage, LIttle Amwell, Ware Athill Rev. Herbert B.A. Rectory, Baker Hy. R. 21 Sutton rd. Watford Barclay Charles M.A., J.P. Manor Digswell, Welwyn Baker Herbert, 27 North rd. Hertford house, Bayford, Hertford Atkin Richard, I Cheshunt terrace, Raker J. 15 .A.lbert rd. Waltham Cross Barclay Mrs. Whitney wood,Stevenage Eleanor Cross' road, Waltham cros's Baker Jsph. 10 Tilehouse st. Hitchill Barclay R J.P. High Leigh,Hoddesdn Atkins Wm. 12 Clifford st. Watford Baker Miss, I Pelham villa, London Barclay Thomas George J.P. Lower Atkm~on Henry, Lvydene, Abbots road, Bishop's Stortford Woodside, Hatfield Langley, King's Langley R.S.O Baker Miss, 34 Woodford rd. Watfod Bardrick Henry, Cheverell',s villa, Attenborough Robert Percy, Haydon Baker Mrs. The Lindens, Upper Marl. Flamstead, Dunstable hill, Bushey, Watford borou~h r:>ad, St. Alb311S Barfield George James, Warwick villa, Atterbury Mrs. Orchard rd. Stevenage Baker Thomas, Torrington hOUS3, Leicester road, New Earnet Attfield Professor John F.RS. Ash- Cowper road, Great Berkhamsted Barford F. Milton rd.,Harpenden S.O lands, Langley road, Watford Baker William, 26 Old cross, Hertforrl Bareham T. 12 Fishpond I'd. Hitchin Attwood J oseph, 27 Cowper road, Baker William Bernard, Annandale. Barham Herbert, 33 Queen st. Hitehin Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead St. Catherine's estate, Hoddesdon, Barker Frederick, Leicester villa, Attwood Miss, Liverpool rd. St. Albans Eroxbourne S.O Leicester road, New Barnet .Ausden G. 110 Sutton rd. Watford Baker W. I. Capell I'd. East Barnet Barker John, Cold hall, Station road, Austin Francis, Lyonsdown house, Baker William Robert D.L., J.P. Bay- Waltham Cross Lyonsdown road, New Barnet fordbury, Bayford, Hertford Barker In. J.P. The Grange, Bishop's Austin G. 9 St. Andrew st. Hertford Baker Henry Clinton-, Bayfordbury, Stortford Austin J. J. HQlywell hill, St. Albans Eayford, Hertford Barker In. A. 88 Eancroft, Hitchin Austin Miss, Mortimer house, Hemel Baker William Clinton- J.P. Bayford- Barker MiEses, Briery close, Croxley Hempstead. bury, Bayford, Hertford Green, Rickmansworth R.S.O Austin Mrs. 22 Sotheron rd. Watford Balderson Henry, Corner hall, Hemel Barker The Misses, The Elms,Benslow .Austin Mrs. Woodbine hOUse, Hill Hempstead lane, Hitchin street, St. Albans Iialderson Robert, South Lea, Hemel Barker ~:lrs. Little Hadham, Ware Austin Stephen, jun. 22 Queen's road, Hempstead Barker Mrs. 4 Roughdown villas, Box- Hertford Balderston Miss, 81 High street, Great moor, Hemel Hl'mpstead Austin Vernon, Blairgowrie. Bengeo, Berkhamsted Barker Robert, Briery close, Croxley Hertford Balding Albert. Barkway, Royston Green, Rickmans-worth R.S.O Austin William }'LA. Ellern Mede, Balding DnI. R The Beeches, Royston Barker T. Hill st.Verulam rd.St.Albns Tott~ridJge, Whetstone Balding In. Johnson, ~arkway,RoystonBar}r-er William, 43 Lower Paddof'k rd. Austin W. 23 St. Albans rd. Watford Baldock Geo.R'45 SalIsbury rd.H.Brnt :New Bushey, Watford .Avis Cornelius William, 2 Gothic Baldock S. M. 14 Salisbury rd.Hi.Brut Barling Mrs. 13 Gladstone I'd. WaHor,} villas, Eleanor Cross road, Wal- Baldwin Arthur Osborne, Woodlands, Barlow Miss, Chillingley villa, Kneb. tham Cross Glo'ster road, New Ea-rnet worth, Stevenage BERTS. 15.